Pain in the lower abdomen in women during. Pain in the lower central part of the abdomen. Video: Causes of pain in the lower abdomen. Inadmissibility of self-treatment

Eliso Jobava

obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, member of the Quantum Medicine Association, member of the Russian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

If we talk about the causes of abdominal pain, then most often we are dealing with something from this list:

  1. Pain during ovulation- occur in the middle of the cycle, quickly pass (the stomach hurts for a maximum of one day). If we are talking about ovulationaccompanied by a large amount of fluid in the abdomen, the so-called. apoplexy, then the pain remains longer, it is poorly stopped by antispasmodics and analgesics. In this case, you have to consult a doctor.
  2. Pain with appendicitis- has nothing to do with the menstrual cycle and in general with anything else. It doesn't go away during the day. Dull, increasing progressively, poorly removed or not removed at all with drugs. May be accompanied by nausea, diarrhea, mild fever.
  3. Intestinal spasm. As a rule, the cause of such pain can be malnutrition the day before. Often, but not necessarily, this pain is accompanied by diarrhea and stool changes. Such pain is successfully removed by antispasmodics and quickly passes. However, antispasmodics cannot relieve bloating; for this, drugs of a separate series are intended. That is, therapy requires a combination of drugs for flatulence and antispasmodics: some remove gases, others relieve spasms. The dosage of any drugs should be calculated depending on body weight.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy. Suspicion of it may arise against the background of a delay in menstruation. To make an accurate diagnosis in this case, you need to see a doctor, donate blood for hCG and undergo an examination.
  5. Inflammation of the appendages. May be associated with hypothermia (for example, after a flight from a warm country to a cold one), as well as infection (for example, when changing sexual partners). In this case, painkillers will not help, you must consult a doctor and carry out antibiotic therapy.
  6. Cystitis. You are unlikely to confuse it with something: a very specific symptom - dull and slightly cutting pains in the very lower abdomen, but they are associated with urination, that is, it can be pain at the beginning, middle or end of urination. Before contacting a doctor, antispasmodics and warm baths may temporarily help. Other self-help won't work. Because all drugs that are prescribed by a doctor as basic therapy (uroseptics, antibiotics, diuretics) give a delayed effect (within 2-3 days).
  7. PMS. Pain before menstruation or on the first day of the menstrual cycle is associated mainly with spasm of the uterus itself and the tension of its ligamentous apparatus, which allows the organ to remain mobile. Normally, uterine spasm is associated with the physiological process of the release of menstrual blood. But even in this case, it is necessary to be examined by a gynecologist. If the doctor does not reveal pathologies, then this is an individual physiological norm. Often this is inherited: if the mother had painful periods, the daughter is more likely to have painful periods too. If menstruation was not painful, but became so, this is definitely not the norm and it is necessary to be examined.

Dangerous reasons

Obviously, even among the listed (frequent) reasons, there are those that can pose a real threat to health and even life. How to respond to them? Can I take painkillers before seeing the doctor?


Since ancient times, it was believed that taking painkillers hides the symptoms of appendicitis and makes it difficult to recognize it. This is not true. There are a number of tests that the surgeon performs to make sure that it is an appendicitis. In addition, the effect of the painkiller in such cases does not last very long, so there is no point in torturing yourself. However, the doctor must be warned which painkillers you have taken so that he knows that the symptoms are leveled. Appendicitis can turn into peritonitis, so the pain on the right in the lower abdomen cannot be tolerated for longer than a day.


Pain with adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries) - cutting, shooting through the urethra, uterus (in the center). Pain usually begins on both sides, since adnexitis is usually bilateral. Only a doctor can determine the cause of the pain. There is nothing that distinguishes appendicitis from adnexitis. You can take medications, but be sure to tell your doctor about taking painkillers.

uterine fibroids

Fibroids themselves do not hurt, but give non-specific pain syndromes, as they can provoke pain and disturbances in the work of those organs that are under pressure. If it presses on the appendages, for example, on the side wall of the pelvis, then the pain will be there. Fibroids can cause constipation (if it presses on the rectum), urination disorders (if it grows forward). If it grows inside the uterus, there will be no symptoms. Also, pain can occur when there is a malnutrition in the node - they are similar to pain during menstruation and are treated only in a hospital.

Ectopic pregnancy

Pain in the lower abdomen often occurs in pregnant women. If it is known for sure that this is a uterine pregnancy and it is proceeding normally, you can not be afraid of them: we are talking about adhesions that every woman has. The uterus changes its position and pulls the ligaments. However, until an examination has been carried out and the suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy has not been removed, any pain is a reason for an immediate (without an appointment and outside the schedule) visit to a doctor.

Oncological diseases

In this case, the pain does not have a clear localization, it is spilled and non-specific. That is, the patient cannot say where and what exactly hurts, he talks about abdominal pain in general. They do not depend on anything, they can appear and pass. But they can manifest themselves in different ways and depend on what kind of diagnosis we are talking about and at what stage of development. Pain in the abdomen can be with any oncology. But every person has pain, and it is not necessary to suspect the worst every time.

Why does a woman's lower abdomen hurt, what could be the reasons? We need not only work, communication, pleasure, but also good health.

After all, this is the key to a successful life (because a healthy person is a strong, hardy person), and to a good mood (when you are smiling and friendly, people are drawn to you).

Often we are faced with discomfort - pain in the lower part of the abdominal cavity.. Especially often women get acquainted with her. It's a terrible pain. Every woman has known that her stomach will not hurt just like that, but only when something is wrong.

Painful sensations cannot be tolerated and it is very unpleasant. Therefore, you need to immediately begin to be treated, otherwise there will be problems.

Do not delay the visit to the doctor if it hurts not for the first time, and not like it hurt before. The gynecologist will determine whether this is somehow related to menstruation or pregnancy.

First, find out the causes of such pain. They are organic and functional. The most important reasons include:

  • Diseases of the genital organs.
  • Insertion of a spiral into the uterus to avoid pregnancy.
  • Acute pathology of the urinary, gallbladder.
  • In connection with the termination of pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, with the threat of miscarriage.
  • Irregular menstruation: bleeding or painful periods.
  • Pain associated with ovulation.
  • Stagnation of blood when menstruation is bad.
  • Pain after intercourse.

What is important to pay attention to

First you need to examine yourself. Recognize the exact location of the pain. To better understand where it hurts, put your hand on the wall of the abdomen and very gently press with your fingers, trying to push deep.

Remember where this pressure caused you the most pain. To do this, you need to lie on your back, because the muscles relax and it is easier to press on the stomach.

Reveal the nature of the pain. It can be very sharp, or pulling; like a dagger cutting, or as if constricting, aching, swelling.

Take a close look at what accompanies the discomfort. Perhaps it gets worse when you move, or when you cough, walk, bend, bend over, sigh.

There may also be a state of nausea, fever, or stools. These are very important factors for making a diagnosis.

Try to remember how this pain began to appear and develop. She could appear unexpectedly, after stressful situations, heavy workload or severe cold. Remember how long ago the first pain attack occurred.

What was it like at first: light, and gradually increasing, sudden? Did the pain increase later, and how did it happen, very quickly or over time? Has the pain changed its location? All this is important to note for yourself.

1) Very often the cause is the menstrual cycle. It happens both in the middle of menstruation and during ovulation. These pains may appear along with spotting.

After menstruation, discomfort appears through increased blood circulation in the uterus near the cyst, which increases after the cycle.

2) Not the most pleasant sign may be the threat of a miscarriage. Symptoms in this case will be pain similar to uterine spasms, which are characteristic of contractions. There are also increased secretions of blood from the vagina of a dark brown color or spotting during the week.

The pains are also mild, but at the same time pulling. Often, this kind of pain complains after intercourse. They are unbearably aching, which leads to moral dissatisfaction from the process of intercourse.

3) During pregnancy, pain is possible with rupture of the uterus, untimely detachment of the placenta, premature birth or miscarriage. Such conditions are very unsafe.

Pregnant women need special attention. When they even have a little stomach ache and this all accompanies blood deposits, they need perfect rest, silence and sleep.

4)With an ectopic pregnancy the egg cannot reach the uterus through the narrowed tubes. At the same time, all other signs of pregnancy are present.

After 2-3 weeks, such a pregnancy is violated. After that, on the right or left in the lower abdomen, a sharp pain is felt. Pain, localized in the lower abdomen, increases moderately, and is a harbinger of a state of nausea.

5)Pain also occurs when feeding a newborn in the first days. When the nipples are irritated, oxytocin is released into the blood.

This hormone stimulates the uterus and also makes it contract. Such pain subsides over time and disappears altogether.

6) If a woman is infertile, pain may also occur. They have an expression in the form of liquid white discharge in the pelvic area.

Scientists call this process endometritis when endometrial-like cells spread outside the uterus. Pain begins before the cycle and increases after it. The course of menstruation is completely disrupted.

7) - painful urination, is also the cause of pain. After urination, there may be severe sharp cutting pains along with bloody discharge.

There are no such symptoms - these are diseases with the intestines, etc. When the bladder and kidneys become inflamed, the temperature rises, there is a problem with urination and poor urine tests.

8) Don't forget that oncological diseases affect abdominal pain.

9) Often, the reasons are abortions. After them, women begin to experience pain with contractions of varying duration and heavy bleeding. Also, pain occurs a second time after the fetus has not been completely removed. Symptoms are: pain, bleeding, fever.

10) When pains in the lower abdomen are accompanied on the right side, especially sharply coming and going - this is most likely appendicitis.

If the pain is severe, then there may be internal bleeding. In addition, there may be an unwillingness to eat and nausea, vomiting, bad stools, and fever. In the case when the sensations are periodic, the disease passes into the chronic phase.

11) Intestinal acute obstruction may show signs such as strong contractions, constipation, bloating and vomiting.

You can determine the type of disease by looking at the nature of the symptoms.

1)Cholecystitis. If the pain is in the right hypochondrium, they will give to the right lower back, shoulder, under the shoulder blade, half of the right chest. A sharp character and, as it were, squeezing - this is about them.

There is bitterness in the mouth, bilious vomiting, after which it becomes easier and the temperature rises. This is due to the fact that a strong shaking in vehicles was experienced or a person abused spicy and fatty foods. Check for gallstones.

2) Pain around the abdomen - acute pancreatitis. They happen after the abuse of alcohol, spicy or fatty foods has happened.

They give to the lower back and are accompanied by dry mouth, bad taste, repeated vomiting, after which it only gets worse and the pressure rises. If you do not urgently consult a doctor, you will suffer from necrosis of the pancreas.

3) Pain near the navel - intestinal colic. They appear suddenly, intensified, sharp and with contractions. A person has visible weakness and freezes him.

This happens as a result of eating foods that are rich in fiber - strong coffee, chocolate, and overeating.

4) Pain on one side in the center of the abdomen. There are so strong that it is impossible to lie down and not moan at the same time. They are felt in the perineum and lower back. In this case, a person has repeated urination.

These symptoms appear due to the large consumption of mineral water or watermelon. A kidney stone may pass. Treat it with a heating pad or a hot bath with painkillers.

5) Pain on the right side of the abdomen. They pass into the area under the pit of the stomach, then over time they become stronger. They are able to give into the rectum, intensify in the process of walking.

6) When pain is all over the abdomen- peritonitis may occur, with a possible fatal outcome. It hurts non-stop and is accompanied by nausea, weakness, fever, dryness throughout the oral region.

7) Pain above the pubis on both sides or in the middle. May feel drawn and come on intermittently. Give to the perineum or sides of the abdomen. Occur as a result of hypothermia, the use of acute, great stress.

8) Above the pubis on the left or right side. Occur abruptly, suddenly and strongly manifest. Give in the anus and lead to dizziness or weakness, even fainting is possible.

Most often occur after sexual contact or after 7-14 days with a delay in menstruation. Call 911 because these symptoms show you have a ruptured ovarian cyst.

9) If the pain appeared under the spoon, in the center from above- may appear. Not always, but prickly, sharp, cutting pain, can radiate to the chest area. The stomach seems to be distended.

Nerves can also be the cause, because there is a constant release of hydrochloric acids in the stomach.

10)Pain in the right rear at the level of the belt - renal colic. Accompanied by cutting pain, and gives to the lower abdomen and the side of the genitals. Such pain is like a wave - it accelerates and hurts a lot, then it subsides. The reason is our desire to lose weight.

When a woman who has not given birth yet has excess thinness, then the kidneys descend. Through this, the body lacks abdominal fat, which helps the organs to always be in their places.

In case of pain, first of all lie down on the bed for 20-30 minutes. If the pain has not subsided, then it is serious, and there may be a chronic disease. In any case, do not make sudden movements.

Do useful exercises for the stomach: inhale and exhale, lying on the left side and slightly pressing your knees to your stomach, holding it with your hand.

Girls who are on a zinc diet never know about the painful premenstrual period at all. These are products that contain all the vitamins needed by the body: fish, cabbage, vegetables and fruits, cereals without additives.

Even too cold or hot food can lead to such pain. If the body is used to a certain regimen, gradually move to another, but never do it abruptly.

At a sedentary job, you definitely need to do physical discharges every hour so that there is no stagnation in the blood.

Do not be nervous about trifles - at the same time, our brain also reacts badly to the state of all health. Remember that eternal well-being and health depends on nutrition and a wise approach to difficult situations.

Never make long-term conclusions, and if you don’t understand anything about treatment, consult a doctor. Self-medication can also worsen the situation. One disease may resemble another. Each of them needs individual treatment.

Appreciate your health, because everything that happens to us depends not on a neighbor or a passer-by, but only on us!

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen is a common symptom that worries many people, both men and women. And if you have such a symptom all the time, and you cannot explain the nature of its origin, then it is better to visit a doctor to determine the causes of the pain. Since self-medication can drown out the pain, but also hide the disease, which will continue to develop on the sly.

What pain is called pulling?

The pain can be localized in the lower abdomen, above the pubis, lower on the right side or on the left. Drawing pain is usually aching, lasts at least half an hour, moderately strong, but not sharp and not cramping. It brings tangible discomfort to a person, if you take a comfortable position, then the pain may subside, but there will still be sipping sensations. This pain usually lasts for a while, then subsides and comes back again.

Pulling sensations are more likely to bother women than men. This is due to the fact that in addition to the common causes of pulling pains, in women, these sensations occur for a number of physiological reasons associated with gynecology.

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The reasons

The reasons that the lower abdomen hurts in men may be:

Aching unpleasant pain in women in the lower abdomen can be for the following reasons.

Physiological state

With an increase in pressure on the bladder in a pregnant woman, frequent urination is different. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the intestines and therefore there may be pain in the right side, or the left side may be affected, depending on which has more pressure.

Previously, the muscles of the abdominal cavity felt freer, but now, because of the "interesting position" of the woman, they feel constant tension. Sometimes the cause of pulling pain can be constipation, because the fetus interferes with the active promotion of fecal masses, compressing the intestinal walls.

Pathological conditions

In women, judging by the above points, there can be much more reasons for concern. But in them, abdominal pain can also be caused by a physiological state, while in men it is always a sign of pathology. So a man, feeling a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, should immediately consult a doctor to establish the cause of this phenomenon.

A woman may initially think if this symptom is normal, and if so, then there is no reason to visit a doctor. But if none of the physiological conditions of the woman is noted, or other symptoms are added to the pain in the abdomen (bloody discharge from the vagina, severe weakness, headaches, nausea), then it is better to consult a doctor about this.

Women should know that with menopause, pain in the lower abdomen can only appear in the first and third periods, and a pulling sensation in the second period is a reason to see a doctor.


To find out why there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, you need:

If you still went to the doctor, then be prepared to undergo an examination, for women this is a mandatory gynecological examination, men can be examined by a proctologist or urologist, if necessary.

It will be necessary to pass the following tests and undergo examinations:

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A gynecologist, proctologist, urologist, traumatologist, surgeon, rheumatologist can examine the patient. The choice of a specialist will depend on what disease will be assumed.


If you have established the physiological nature of abdominal pain, then here you can take an antispasmodic or painkiller, try to relax or sleep. The pulling feeling in this case passes after a few hours and becomes less and less noticeable with every moment. But if you do not know what it is, then it is better not to self-medicate, so as not to stop the symptoms of an incipient disease, but to identify it in the early stages.

In this case, the doctor will diagnose and prescribe treatment depending on the diagnosis. It may be appropriate to use antiseptics for inflammation, antibiotics for bacterial infection, radiation and chemotherapy for malignant neoplasms, surgery for a hernia, or any other therapy selected individually.

Therefore, if you notice pulling pains in your lower abdomen, try to see a doctor as soon as possible, especially if they bother you for a long time, are chronic or occur along with other symptoms. A good doctor will choose a treatment for your disease, not a symptom, and this is much more effective than spending your whole life on painkillers without treating the cause. Having been treated once in this way, it will be possible to forget about pain in the abdomen, if not forever, then certainly for a long time.

Pain in women in the lower abdomen is a rather non-specific symptom that can be present in a variety of diseases of the pelvic organs.

Most often, women associate this with diseases of the female genital area and seek advice from.

As a rule, the occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen is associated with inflammatory and infectious processes occurring in the small pelvis.

Diseases can be different in severity and manifestation, so it is very important not to delay the visit to the doctor.

Of course, these pains can also be associated with surgical pathology, but it is important to make a diagnosis and start treatment in a timely manner.

In our clinic, we accept patients with acute pain without an appointment to provide emergency care, make a diagnosis, conduct laboratory and diagnostic tests, and, if necessary, hospitalize or prescribe treatment. Also in our clinic we can carry out treatment in a day hospital.

Possible causes of pain in the lower abdomen associated with gynecological diseases

The factors that provoke the appearance of pain can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  • organic - inflammatory diseases, neoplasms of the pelvic organs of a benign and malignant nature, obstetric problems, etc.;
  • functional - various, painful.

Varieties of pain

Important characteristics of pain include its intensity, localization, concomitant clinical symptoms. First of all, it is worth determining what exactly the pain is associated with (pregnancy, menstruation, etc.). Pain localized in the lower abdomen of a woman can be divided into several types:

  • sharp and sharp pain;
  • paroxysmal;
  • pulsating;
  • constant;
  • stupid.

Depending on the accompanying symptoms, one or another pathological condition can be suspected, in which the occurrence of pain is characteristic:

  • dull pain in the lower abdomen, combined with bleeding that is not associated with menstruation, most often occurs with inflammatory processes in the female reproductive system;
  • if the pain is accompanied by fever - most likely, we are talking about infectious diseases of the small pelvis. The presence of infection is also indicated by pathological discharge from the genital tract;
  • on the pathology of the urinary tract indicates pain in the lower abdomen along with urination disorders;
  • pain in combination with nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite speaks about the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen on the right, the intensity of which either subsides or increases, is a typical symptom of appendicitis.

The frequency and duration of pain episodes indicate the acute or chronic nature of the existing disease. So, the occurrence of attacks of acute pain, which lasts for several hours, may indicate an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Common diseases accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen

As already mentioned, in women, pain in the lower abdomen can appear for many reasons, but most often a similar symptom indicates the presence of a gynecological or. The most common pathologies of the female genitourinary system include:

Inflammation of the uterus and appendages

It almost always begins acutely and is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, pain and signs of general intoxication of the body.

  • If there is adnexitis, then the pain is localized in the lower abdomen on the side.
  • When the pain is localized in the middle.
  • At chronic salpingoophoritis pains are constant, aching in nature.

A benign disease characterized by the formation of a tumor, which, when it reaches a large size, can put pressure on nearby organs, causing pain.

Complications of an ovarian cyst: if there is a cystic mass on the ovary, acute pain may indicate its rupture or torsion. In this case, emergency treatment is required.

Inflammation of the bladder, in which there are cutting pains in the area above the pubis, while urination becomes painful.

Ectopic pregnancy- another pathological condition of a woman, in which paroxysmal pain occurs in the lower abdomen, which may be accompanied by bleeding. If a rupture of the fallopian tube occurs, the pain will become very sharp and sharp. This condition requires immediate surgical treatment.

Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women also notice the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen. Slight, pulling pains are considered normal for any period of pregnancy. They should be reported to the doctor, but, as a rule, there are no serious reasons for concern. If the pain becomes severe, sharp or cramping, you should immediately seek medical help.

Almost every woman knows what pain in the lower abdomen is. Pain may be intermittent or episodic, severe or mild, or combined with other symptoms. The source of pain is irritation of nerve endings, which are located in the internal organs and surrounding tissues. Such structures in the lower part of the abdominal cavity (pelvic area) are sufficient. These are the internal genital organs, the bladder with the urethra, parts of the large intestine, and the peritoneum. Therefore, various pathological processes that can affect these organs, in most cases, occur with pain.

How to differentiate pain in various diseases

The same inflammatory or somatic process, in which nerve endings are irritated, is perceived differently by the body of different women. It depends not only on its intensity or the area of ​​damage to healthy tissues, but also on the pain threshold of the patient. As a result, pain during menstruation, for example, may be perceived by one woman as minor and well tolerated. Another patient cannot stand it and is forced to use painkillers.

Therefore, it is very important for the diagnosis of diseases of the pelvic organs in women is the division of the pain syndrome into:

  • functional;
  • pathological.

It is the first type that includes characteristic pains, aching and periodic, sometimes spastic, which accompany the monthly renewal of the mucous layer of the uterus in women of reproductive age. On the other hand, their increase or very high intensity may no longer be considered functional or physiological. In these cases, it is possible to detect pathologies or anatomically incorrect location of the uterus and appendages. For example, when changing the angle between the cervix and the fundus of the uterus.

Pathological pain syndrome is referred to as a variety of diseases or conditions that affect the organs of the lower abdomen. In order to conduct its differential diagnosis, that is, to determine what pathology it accompanies, it is very important to take into account all the additional characteristics of pain and the symptoms with which it is combined.

Depending on what kind of pathological process takes place, the pain syndrome can be noted by the patient as acute or aching, dull or pronounced, constant or periodic, clearly localized or widespread (radiating). In addition, additional signs of diseases are of great importance for diagnosis. They may be as follows:

  • nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, heartburn, diarrhea or constipation;
  • bleeding from the genital tract;
  • phenomena of intoxication (fever, weakness, lethargy);
  • the phenomena of dysuria (frequent or painful urination, changes in the properties of urine);
  • drop in blood pressure up to fainting.

If dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting) or stool changes, which can become frequent and liquid with impurities or, on the contrary, rare, join the pains in the lower abdomen, the doctor will suspect an intestinal pathology, small or large. Further examination will help to identify either an infectious process (enteritis, colitis, diverticulitis), or an ulcer, or a neoplasm.

Bleeding from the vagina, accompanied by pain, especially during pregnancy, is considered quite dangerous and requires urgent diagnosis and therapy. They may indicate a miscarriage or placental abruption. If pain and bleeding are combined with an intoxication syndrome, then an infectious lesion of the organs of the reproductive sphere is possible.

Pain in the abdomen, occurring with fever, severe malaise, headache and loss of appetite, may indicate an infectious process that has developed in any pelvic organ. For example, if the pain has a characteristic localization in the right zone of the lower abdominal cavity and is combined with fever, then the doctor will first of all suspect appendicitis. Further urgent examination (clinical blood test) will help to make an accurate diagnosis and timely surgical intervention.

Drawing, aching or sharp pains in the middle part of the lower abdomen indicate inflammation of the bladder, or cystitis. If the disease manifests itself for the first time, then, as a rule, the pain is acute and is combined with frequent and very painful urination. At the same time, less urine is released, it can become cloudy due to the admixture of pus and mucus, or pinkish due to blood entering it. In the chronic course of cystitis, the pain syndrome is less pronounced and manifests itself during periods of exacerbations.

There are also emergencies that require urgent medical attention. So, if there is a cystic formation on the ovaries of a woman and either its rupture or torsion of the base has occurred, then the pain is characterized by suddenness, clear localization to the right or left of the lower abdomen and extreme strength. Pain shock causes a sharp decrease in blood pressure, which leads to fainting or collapse. The causes of this condition are irritation of the peritoneum and internal bleeding.

What diseases in women occur with pain in the lower abdomen

There are many such pathologies, they have an infectious or somatic, sometimes traumatic origin and are characterized by certain symptom complexes. Of the most common in clinical practice, the following diseases can be noted:

  • gynecological;
  • urological;
  • colono- and proctological.

Gynecological pathologies include inflammation of the uterus and appendages, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy. At adnexitis, or inflammation of the uterine appendages, the localization of pain depends on whether the left or right ovary is infected or both appendages. The intensity of pain is determined by the severity of the process. So, in acute right-sided adnexitis, the pain is severe, sometimes spastic, localized in the right zone of the lower or middle part of the abdomen and accompanied by intoxication syndrome. If adnexitis enters the chronic phase, then the pain becomes dull or aching.

endometriosis, or the growth of the endometrium of the uterus outside it and spreading it to other internal organs, is also characterized by pain. Its typical symptom is sharpness and appearance during menstruation, which at the same time become longer and more plentiful. In addition, the pain may radiate to the lumbar or sacral region.

At ectopic pregnancy, often found in gynecological practice and considered a critical condition, the localization of pain also depends on where the fertilized egg stops and begins its development. In most cases, this occurs in the left or right fallopian tube, which leads to its inevitable rupture and the release of all contents into the abdominal cavity. At the same time, the pains are unbearable, localized in the lower or middle zone of the abdomen and often leading to shock and the formation of peritonitis in the future.

Urological diseases that occur with pain in the lower abdomen include cystitis, often combined with urethritis(inflammation of the urethra). These pathologies can be caused by both nonspecific microflora (enterococci, staphylococci, E. coli) and specific microorganisms (trichomonas, gonococci, mycoplasmas). In the latter case, the signs of cystitis and urethritis will be combined with the characteristic symptoms of genital infections, that is, the pain syndrome will be supplemented by vaginal discharge, as well as manifestations of intoxication.

Pathologies of the sigmoid or rectum can also become a source of acute or dull pain in the lower abdomen in women. Inflammatory processes, acute or chronic, benign or malignant tumors, ulcers, polyps or diverticula - all these conditions at certain stages can be manifested by pain of varying intensity.

What to do if you experience pain in the lower abdomen

The formation of a sharp and sudden pain syndrome, which is characterized as an "acute abdomen", requires an urgent call for an ambulance and immediate treatment. In the emergency room of the hospital, the patient is examined by a surgeon, gynecologist, urologist, passes the necessary tests and undergoes additional diagnostic procedures. Depending on the final diagnosis, she is operated on or undergoes conservative therapy.

If the pain is dull, aching, not strong, then in any case it should not be endured. A woman should go to the clinic and be examined. After exclusion of functional pain, the doctor should refer the patient to blood and urine tests, a smear from the vagina, ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs, and, if necessary, laparoscopy. When an accurate diagnosis is made, appropriate therapy begins.

It is possible that the patient will be prescribed surgical treatment in combination with conservative methods (for neoplasms, for example). If an inflammatory process is diagnosed, then a course of antibacterial drugs, painkillers, and tonics is necessary. In some cases, hormone therapy is required, combined with laparoscopy (for endometriosis).

It should be noted that no self-treatment for pain in the abdomen is allowed. Unauthorized use of various pills or thermal procedures can greatly complicate a woman's condition and threaten her life.

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