Neurologist about vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD): what is it and how to live with it. Drugs that increase blood pressure. Other drugs for treatment

Basic rules for patients with VVD

Such a diagnosis as vegeto - vascular dystonia today put to many. At the same time, some continue to live quietly, without experiencing, in fact, discomfort, without changing the rhythm of their lives and without going to the doctor to prescribe treatment. Others, on the contrary, think how to get rid of this disease, which deprives them good sleep and generates at the same time constant drowsiness, causes problems with digestion and appetite, fear, makes you take various medicines(in such form as tablets, solutions, drops, etc.), which, moreover, may have side effects, are looking for an effective remedy for VVD.

It should be noted that VSD is not incurable disease, and such a diagnosis should not frighten. This is only a temporary (the duration depends in most cases on the person) failure in the body, which can be eliminated with the right approach.

There are several basic rules that should be followed by patients with a diagnosis of vegetative - vascular dystonia, seeking to get rid of it.

So, you should use only verified information, do not give in to panic, various suggestions. Often, a patient with VVD may have only 1-2 symptoms, for example, dizziness and increased heart rate. However, this may not interfere with normal study or work, does not cause an urgent need to immediately undergo treatment, take any medication. But one day he may begin to communicate with those who suffer from the same disease. From these people, he can learn that with vegetative - vascular dystonia there are any intestinal disorders, there is a risk of dying from heart disease, etc., so it is necessary to use glycine, validol, vitamins and other drugs. As a result, succumbing to panic and suggestion, you can find similar symptoms in yourself.

It is worth noting that the treatment of such an ailment as vegetative - vascular dystonia is carried out without the use of antibiotics. But patients with VVD are highly susceptible to suggestion, therefore they are able to "gain" various symptoms for themselves.

Also, while undergoing treatment, you should not take any vitamins, pills, especially antidepressants, without consulting your doctor. it important point, because even when taking vitamins, it is necessary, in order not to harm the body, to comply with the norm, and you should not abuse pills.

If a diagnosis of VVD is made, this does not mean that this disease cannot be cured without the use of drugs, and it is also worth considering that different antidepressants affect different nerve endings.

If you take the wrong drug, even the same glycine, validol or motherwort, this can cause a negative effect.

It can also be noted that if you play sports, work effectively, and also take vitamins, this can give tangible effect. And if you constantly feel sorry for yourself, be depressed, sad, then this will not lead to anything good.

Prescribing medicines by a doctor. Antidepressants

Any drugs (even the same validol) in such form as tablets or other forms should be prescribed by a qualified specialist (therapist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist).

Special, while not the safest, but the most effective group are antidepressants. Such drugs in the same developed countries big number receives people on a regular basis. However, antidepressants are prescribed mainly for severe forms VSD. A patient undergoing treatment experiences nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and other side effects in the first few days, which then disappear.

It should be borne in mind that such drugs are not aimed at instantly getting rid of vegetative - vascular dystonia.

Antidepressants are completely artificial drugs, so it is advisable to use them, perhaps, only in extreme cases.

To all, modern medicines(in such form as tablets and other forms), although they are deprived of many side effects, however, they often cost a lot of money.

Validol, glycine, cinnarizine

Quite well-known medications are validol, glycine and cinnarizine.

Validol can provide fast normalization heart rate. Validol is also able to relieve pain of a stabbing nature in the hypochondrium of the chest, which often occurs with vegetative - vascular dystonia.

Along with it, glycine is also a rather popular medication.

What beneficial features he has?

Like motherwort, which will be discussed below, glycine is able to quickly calm the nervous system. It can also bring blood vessels into tone (in case of regular use in accordance with the instructions).

Tablets such as glycine, having only 2 components (cellulose and magnesium), can also have a beneficial effect on vegetative department human body.

It is worth noting that this drug has no side effects, except, perhaps, allergic reactions on any of the components.

Also known drug, which can be used by patients with VVD, is cinnarizine, prescribed as a general tonic.

Cinnarizine improves blood circulation, which is important for patients in whom the cause of vegetative - vascular dystonia is any pinched nerves or osteochondrosis cervical region spine.

It can also be taken as a cure for motion sickness, in order to normalize the vestibular apparatus.

It is worth noting that glycine and cinnarizine are not, in fact, drugs for vegetative - vascular dystonia, but only auxiliary drugs. They act on the body like vitamins, which are added to treatment in order to strengthen the immune system and individual systems. And the VVD itself requires that it be present A complex approach competent treatment.

Cinnarizine can also be prescribed to children who are lagging behind their peers in development.

Before using cinnarizine, you should consult a specialist who will provide advice and prescribe necessary treatment.

Actovegin, Panangin, Phezam

A fairly common medication is Actovegin, which contains a large number fatty acids, minerals and other substances useful for the human body. Actovegin, like other medicines, should be taken in accordance with the instructions.

Actovegin has a strong antioxidant effect, is able to gently and gradually cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and, similarly to cinnarizine, improve blood circulation. In the form of injections, Actovegin is prescribed for various vascular disorders, and for the prevention of skin diseases.

Actovegin and phezam (which will be discussed below), like glycine, in fact, have no side effects.

Actovegin stimulates tissue regeneration, is not contraindicated in children and pregnant women. It can be used for burns, to restore the walls of blood vessels after a stroke, for oncological diseases after radiotherapy.

Actovegin is made from the blood serum of young calves, which is rich in useful substances.

Today Actovegin can be purchased in such form as tablets, capsules, solutions for injections, Actovegin - gel, Actovegin - ointment.

One of the effective and safe modern drugs that have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle is panangin. Panangin can be recommended for use in vegetative - vascular dystonia. This is due to the fact that most patients with VVD experience problems with the work of the heart, and Panangin allows you to normalize heartbeat. Panangin should be taken after consulting with a doctor beforehand.

Panangin mainly consists of magnesium and potassium, respectively, positively affects the autonomic nervous system, which is very important for patients with VVD. It prevents the development of arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, hypertension.

Another of the medications that can be used by patients with VVD is phezam.

Phezam improves blood circulation. Phezam also has a vasodilating and nootropic effect. One of the components of such a drug as fezam is cinnarizine, an excellent blood supply regulator.

Phezam can be used for various diseases central nervous system, encephalopathy, for the prevention of migraines, headaches different nature. Phezam can also be effectively used to reduce the frequency of depression.

The composition of phezam also includes piracetam, which acts on brain cells.

It is important to note that Phezam should not be taken for more than 3 consecutive months, then it is advisable to take a 2-month break, after which you can resume taking it.


What common causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia are known today?

As you know, the causes of vegetative - vascular dystonia can be acquired or congenital injuries, constant stress, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, fatigue, constant feeling depression, lack of sleep, etc.

One of the herbal preparations that help the body successfully deal with stress is motherwort. The release form of such a drug as motherwort: tablets and drops.

Motherwort helps to strengthen the nervous system, gives calmness, helps to normalize sleep. Together with other herbs that are used when treating IRR (peppermint or hawthorn), motherwort also has an immunostimulating effect.

However, motherwort should not be taken by people with low blood pressure and pregnant women.


Another of the medications prescribed for patients with a diagnosis of vegetative - vascular dystonia is cerebrolysin. Cerebrolysin, like glycine, has a positive effect on the nervous system and brain vessels. However, cerebrolysin has a slightly different principle of action.

Cerebrolysin nootropic is derived from pig brain cells.

Cerebrolysin is effective when treating any kind of neurological disease.

Despite the fact that Cerebrolysin has a minimum of side effects and wide range actions, it should be used only as directed by a doctor.

Cerebrolysin has a positive effect on memory processes in case of cognitive impairment.

During pregnancy, Cerebrolysin should be taken with caution and under medical supervision.

Cerebrolysin is suitable for children experiencing increased physical and mental stress. Cerebrolysin is also often prescribed to patients with Alzheimer's disease.

Treatment of VVD with the help of the medications discussed above is effective, but no less important element on the way to recovery are the perseverance and desire of the person.

Real deliverance from VVD

Wouldn't you like to get rid of VSD once and for all? Not to ease the symptoms, but to really recover from vegetative-vascular dystonia? If yes, and if you understand that without effort, as they say, you can’t pull anything out of nowhere, you may be interested in a tool that has already helped more than one hundred people get rid of VVD (you can get the book from the link below).

As you can imagine, VVD is quite serious. psychological disorder, which has a lot of very diverse roots, so psychologists and other “point” methods are powerless against it, too much material will have to be sorted out - for decades. AT this case we need a technique that allows you to deal with a large number of internal problems (with a huge number!) in a short time - just a few months. And to everyone's happiness, such a technique exists and is called Turbo-Gopher. This is a tool, with a minimum of water and explanations and simple as a shovel. It does not require any participation from the outside, any communication or special knowledge and skills. It just WORKS. And allows you to really get rid of VVD and many others psychological problems. You can get the necessary instructions and the tool itself from the link below.

While doctors shrug their shoulders, patients with VVD really live in real hell. And they're all looking for themselves miracle cure, which will win, despite the reasons that caused them.

Actogevin received good reviews among VSDshnikov. The drug, created on the basis of special components from calf blood, enters the fight against vegetovascular dystonia and, surprisingly, has good odds for success.

Action on the body

Actovegin with VVD brings tangible relief to the whole body, since our body is interconnected system that feeds on blood. When the blood supply is not enough (and this is a clear companion of dystonia), the body begins to slip, giving out symptom after symptom:

  1. Hypoxia develops.
  2. Brain neurons begin to suffer.
  3. The body becomes hostage to waste and toxins.
  4. Metabolism is disturbed, glucose is poorly absorbed.
  5. A person suffers from dizziness and apathy, the brain refuses to work adequately, and the psyche is subject to acute stress.

The drug works not only as a powerful antioxidant that diligently cleanses the body, but also as a reliable energy source and oxygen supplier. And these are the most important tasks that are often not able to solve the body of the VVDshnik.

After an adequate course of Actovegin metabolic processes improved, the vessels are repaired, the brain no longer suffers from lack of oxygen.

Energy processes in the cells finally stabilized, glucose began to be fully absorbed - as a result, the patient is full of energy and good mood. When the body starts to work like a clock, there is simply no reason to be sad and look apathetically at the monitor.

What does Actovegin look like?

The drug is rich in its forms: tablets, injection ampoules, ointments and gels. But for the VSDshnik, all four types of this medicine are not needed. Gel and ointment, for example, are aimed at improving tissue regeneration, but this does not play big role in alleviating illness. Therefore, the current type of treatment will be injections or tablets. Experts note that injections will bring the long-awaited effect faster than tablets washed down with water.

  • Ampoules are transparent containers of 5 ml each containing a yellowish liquid, in which there are almost no particles. The components of calf blood in an ampoule correspond to 40 mg of dry powder, in which more than 50% sodium chloride.
  • Tablets - round greenish shiny forms of 200 mg, convex on both sides. Contains calf blood components and auxiliary elements (povidone, cellulose, magnesium stearate, talc).

Mode of application

Actovegin in the treatment of VVD is used in the form of tablets or injections - it depends not so much on the desire of the patient, but on the doctor who prescribes this drug. Injections, although they have more quick effect, are still assigned to severe cases when much depends on the speed of treatment.

Tablets are taken half an hour before meals. 1-2 pieces should be swallowed with plenty of water without chewing. The course of treatment lasts from 4 to 6 weeks.

Injections are given intravenously or intramuscularly. If a dropper is planned, then the patient is pre-tested to avoid anaphylactic shock (2 ml of the drug is slowly injected). With VVD, injections are given in a double course. The first 2 weeks the patient receives them daily in a volume of 5 ml, then (the next 2 weeks) - 3-4 times a week in the same volume.

Is there a side effect?

Actovegin with VVD is contraindicated if the patient has:

  • Pulmonary edema;
  • Regular fluid retention in the body;
  • Organic pathologies of the heart;
  • Anuria (oliguria);
  • Individual negative reactions for the drug

Side effects are very rare and few, the drug is allowed even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Treatment with other drugs while taking Actovegin also does not predict any problems. But anaphylactic shock is a serious consequence.

Follow all the doctor's prescriptions and never prescribe or give yourself Actovegin injections on your own! Never take the drug together with alcohol - the reaction can be unpredictable.

The VVD problem is extensive and constantly being studied, new drugs for. If you experience incomprehensible symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor to start treatment as soon as possible. The specialist can use modern means stop quickly unpleasant symptoms maintaining health for a long time. Under the guise of VVD, many complex diseases occur, it is advisable to find out the truth early.

Occurs when activities are inconsistent different parts autonomic nervous system - sympathetic, para - and metasympathetic. Normally, the sympathetic part activates the activity (“hit and run”), the parasympathetic part inhibits, and the metasympathetic part, whose receptors are located directly in the internal organs, coordinates all impulses. The frantic rhythm of modern life is partly “guilty” of the VSD, but not only. Many people have a hereditary predisposition, a congenital weakness in the course of certain nervous processes. The provoking factors are infections, a collision with which is inevitable, "bust" of alcohol, smoking, overwork, pregnancy in women.

Other names for VVD are neurocirculatory dystonia. The examination revealed no organic (irreversible) disorders. However, carry VVD attacks extremely burdensome.

Experts distinguish 5 types:

Although the examination does not find structural changes in the organs, it will not work to “give up” on the VVD. Firstly, the symptoms of VVD are painful: the heart beats, fear captures, it is difficult to breathe, everything in the stomach shrinks. It is impossible to live or work in such a state - you need to wait until everything passes. If the attacks are repeated often, then the joy of life is difficult to obtain.

Secondly, vegetative crises“tread the path” to real diseases. The vast majority of those who suffered from VVD in their youth develop with age hypertonic disease, persistent heart rhythm disturbances, diseases of the alimentary canal. There is nothing to say about the emotional component, it is difficult for such a person to keep cool and reasonably evaluate the events of the current life. In the treatment of VVD, psychotherapy is actively used, breathing exercises, methods of biological feedback and medicines.

Medicine groups

Standard, unified delivery protocol medical care not with VVD, since the manifestations of the disease are very different in different people. However, practical experience suggests that drugs of the following groups help with neurocirculatory dystonia more effectively than others:

Historically, the treatment of VVD began with sedatives, since the symptoms are always caused by the uneven processes of excitation and inhibition.

Choosing drugs for VVD on your own is like shooting sparrows from a cannon. It is impossible to recover on your own - without examination and consultation of a doctor, but to harm yourself is completely.

In a hospital with a panic attack, Diazepam, Clozapine, Pyrroxan, Atropine are used. Doing this at home is dangerous, as you can not calculate the dose and get the opposite effect.

For a course intake, the doctor may prescribe tranquilizers from the group of so-called stress protectors or daytime ones that protect a person from overload during daylight hours. These are such popular drugs as. These drugs reduce daytime emotional stress, but do not have hypnotic and hypnotic components. A person taking these drugs can go to work, go about their daily activities, and at low doses, even drive a car.

Correction of the psycho-emotional state

The most important task, which is carried out by drugs of different groups:

All of these drugs are psychotropic, the primary appointment and selection of doses are performed in a hospital, neurological or psychiatric. Only an experienced doctor can prescribe such drugs, as well as adjust the dose.

All of these drugs have miscellaneous action depending on the dose, weight of the patient, age, gender, concomitant diseases. Finding the right drug and the right dose is sometimes a difficult task for the doctor, as people react differently to drugs. Always start with daytime tranquilizers to avoid side effects. Antipsychotics are used last, if other means are ineffective.

Autonomic balance correction

It is performed with drugs that affect the sympathetic (activating) and parasympathetic (inhibiting) parts of the autonomic nervous system. The sympathetic part is regulated by Pyrroxane, which has an adrenoceptor blocking effect. The drug penetrates the blood-brain barrier or the natural defense system of the brain, where it reduces the overall tone of the sympathetic part. The drug has an anti-anxiety effect, a slight sedative, it is especially effective in the period up to 5 years from the onset of VVD.

Etimizol works well on the parasympathetic part. The drug increases the level of cortisol in the blood, in patients with hypotension it can raise the level blood pressure. Expressed action drug is marked on smooth muscle intestines, it soothes spasms, palpitations after a change in body position, improves overall well-being.

The preparations are used in combination with other means, enhancing their action with various herbal preparations.

Elimination of internal stress

All patients with VVD have unstable activity. of cardio-vascular system, in which palpitations are frequent, a feeling of tension inside, lack of air, vague fears, a feeling of nausea. They have heartburn "out of the blue", frequent liquid stool, reaching the "bear disease".

Treatment of heart disorders is carried out together with a cardiologist. Most often, beta-blockers (Anaprilin, Trazikor) are used to correct these disorders. The best drug this group is considered to be Wisken, its action is soft.

With increased intestinal peristalsis, accompanied by diarrhea, belladonna preparations are used, as well as Spasmolitin, Maksigan and the like. The purpose of these drugs is symptomatic, they are used in short courses.

Correction of metabolic disorders

Disorders of metabolic processes always occur, especially in the brain. In addition, VVD often develops in those people who have already had damage to the central nervous system - injuries, chronic insufficiency cerebral blood flow. Most often, metabolic and residual (residual) disorders are manifested by a headache. Therefore, anesthetics are ineffective for the treatment of headache in VVD. If the condition improves when taking painkillers, then this is not for long. Instead, funds are prescribed that improve metabolic processes in nervous tissue. This is first of all vitamin complexes, including group B, without which the treatment of nervous tissue is impossible. Amino acids, especially glutamine, have an excellent effect.

Nootropics with little sedative effect almost always assigned. Encephabol, Deanol, Pyriditol and similar drugs work well on patients with VVD. They activate metabolic processes, increase the supply of glucose to the brain, reduce the formation of lactic acid, increase the resistance of brain tissue to oxygen starvation. All these substances block free radicals which is healing in itself.

Supportive care

Relief of the main symptoms takes from 2 weeks to a month. It is best to do this in a hospital, where it is possible to quickly correct all violations. In itself, turning off a person from the circle of daily worries also has a therapeutic effect, as well as a normal daily routine with an extended sleep.

After completing the main course for long-term use adaptogens are prescribed, which reduce the exhaustion of the nervous system. it herbal preparations complex action-, lemongrass, eleutherococcus. It is not worth using these tinctures in the midst of an illness, they will only cause an aggravation of the symptoms. These substances are assigned to daytime until 6 pm.

New drugs for VVD

The study of the phenomenon of vegetative instability is ongoing. AT last years a lot of good reviews received MagneB6, which regulates the transmission of nerve impulses. The drug acts directly on irritability, intestinal spasms, heartbeat, discomfort in body.

The homeopathic preparation Tonginal (drops) is used mainly for hypotonic type VSD, especially to reduce the frequency of vegetative crises.

Not so long ago, the Biotiki medical scientific and practical complex, located in Moscow, launched the production of the drug "", which needs special mention.

The drug is a mixture essential amino acids- glycine, cystine and glutamic acid. The use of Eltacin in VVD refers to pathogenetic therapy or treatment of the cause of the disease. The drug is able to regulate intracellular metabolism, optimize redox processes, protects the cell from lack of oxygen.

Initially, the drug was developed for the treatment of chronic heart failure, to prolong the life of such patients. But as is often the case, clinical application revealed that the effect of the drugs is much wider stated in the instructions.

First of all, Eltacin sharply increases the tolerance of all stresses - both physical and emotional, which is invaluable in VVD. People's working capacity is restored, their mood and understanding of life prospects improve. This is due to the fact that the main effect of the drug is antioxidant. The drug inhibits free radicals, which protects the body from a mass of negative effects.

The following effects of the drug have been noted:

  • reduces emotional stress;
  • regulates the processes of excitation-inhibition in the central nervous system, increasing the inhibitory ones;
  • reduces muscle tone;
  • regulates endocrine processes;
  • increases resistance to stress;
  • promotes tissue regeneration;
  • improves memorization;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • facilitates falling asleep;
  • reduces the pathogenic effect of alcohol;
  • improves microcirculation of the brain and internal organs.

Complex treatment of VVD with the use of Eltacin has many prospects.

The use of Mexidol - injections and tablets

Modern neuropathology has in its arsenal great amount medicines. How to choose among them the most effective medicines?

It is known that in any pathology are created in the body certain conditions free radical oxidation (FRO). This process is essential in the occurrence of diseases of the nervous system. Moreover, one of the most common diseases in this case is VVD.

Feeling of a lump in the throat and lack of air, rapid pulse, jumping blood pressure, pain in the chest, in the heart and abdomen, sweating, dizziness, panic attacks or apathy, disturbances in the urine - the reproductive system and many other disorders (symptoms can be very diverse) .

It is believed that a third of the adult population of the planet suffers from one or another VVD symptoms. Undoubtedly, these factors reduce the quality of life of people and accelerate the development of certain pathologies.

A healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, playing sports and physical education (here you need to know the measure : you can’t overdo it!) - all this helps to prevent development of the VVD. It is well known that prevention is always easier than cure.
The diagnosis of VVD is difficult to diagnose, the disease itself is difficult to cure, although it is not fatal. Moreover, vegetative disorders are widespread among people who consider themselves healthy.

Vegetative-vascular abnormalities can act as independent diseases. However, most often they act against the background of somatic, mental and neurological diseases. Psycho autonomic disorders are among the most frequent pathologies VSD.
Dramatic manifestations of VVD are panic attacks (anxious and anxious-depressive states) that occur against the background of complete well-being.
A patient suffering from such pathological manifestations, loses ability to work over time and is socially isolated. Fear is what gnaws at the patient, and the panic attack itself can occur at any time and in any place. Often, in an attempt to numb fear, patients resort to alcohol abuse and / or medicines becoming dependent on them.

Tranquilizers remain the main drugs in therapy similar pathology. However tranquilizer therapy, first, gives only partial relief; secondly, it often leads to addiction to tranquilizers and, thirdly, it can give side effects.

In this regard, the drug Mexidol is of particular interest, the properties of which can be read.
Mine therapeutic effect Mexidol exhibits with daily daily rate from one hundred to one thousand two hundred mg of the drug. More detailed information about dosages of Mexidol can be obtained in the instructions for its use.

perfectly shows its nootropic properties (more effective than nootropil).

This drug helps restore memory for disorders caused by different reasons(, etc.).
Mexidol helps to increase efficiency, improve sleep, etc.
Mexidol enhances the effect of drugs such as hypnotics, antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics and anticonvulsants. This is also of no small importance, since it allows you to reduce the doses of the above medicines, at the same time reducing their side effect on the patient.
Mexidol successfully acts as a daytime (selective) tranquilizer ; and, unlike many tranquilizers, Mexidol does not cause a withdrawal syndrome after stopping its use.

Numerous studies at the Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences have proven the high therapeutic effect of Mexidol and its ability to eliminate panic attacks.

And the drug itself Mexidol has a minimum of side effects, and it can be taken for a long time.
At vegetative dystonia each patient is prescribed Mexidol strictly individually : depending on the severity and duration of the underlying disease, as well as on concomitant diseases.

How is Mexidol used in case of panic attacks?

Sudden panic attack / VSD:

Apply Mexidol in the composition complex treatment together with diazepam(or lorazepam etc.).
Enter intravenous bolus two hundred mg five percentage solution Mexidol diluted in 0.9% sodium chloride solution.
An attack can last from a few minutes to two to three hours.
Moreover, the severity of the attack can also be different. :
headache and dizziness;
high or low blood pressure;
fainting (loss of consciousness);
fever or chills, etc.
If the attack is delayed, you can enter the patient from two hundred to three hundred mg of Mexidol solution drip (also diluted in 0.9% sodium chloride solution).

To prevent relapse panic attack/ VSD:

Apply Mexidol intravenous bolus : one hundred to two hundred mg each (i.e. 2-4 ml of 5% Mexidol solution in 0.9% sodium chloride solution). Enter slowly(for an hour). Treatment lasts from ten to fifteen days.

Can do intramuscular injections (from 100 to 200 mg) Mexidol twice a day. Therapy lasts from ten to fifteen days.

It is also allowed to receive tablet form drug Mexidol :
125 mg (1t.) three times a day. Taking Mexidol tablets is less effective than Mexidol injections. The course of therapy lasts from a month to a month and a half.

After the VSD treatment comes remission period.

And during this period, therapy with Mexidol is also carried out.
Intravenous bolus - 100-200 mg of Mexidol (from two to four ml) - in a solution of sodium chloride.
Instead of intravenous, you can do intramuscular injections (100-200 mg of Mexidol).

Therapy with Mexidol in a patient with VVD helps to reduce his anxiety and aggressiveness. Irritable patients diagnosed with VVD become calmer, and apathetic patients, on the contrary, become more active. Pulse and venous outflow are normalized; special studies the brain ascertain changes in its condition for the better.

Improving the course of the underlying disease : whether it be somatic or neurological or mental illness.

The symptomatology of VVD is extremely diverse, it can cover many organs and systems of the body. This disease is called the plague of the 21st century.

It should be noted, however, that in International classification no illnessesdiseases "VSD«.
It is usually put by specialists from the countries of the former Soviet Union and a lot of things are attributed here. : and when the patient complains about headache(although there may be many reasons for this) or dizziness, and when the patient is worried about a constant feeling of fear, and when a person has heart arrhythmia, and much more.
Most often, VVD is understood as neurotic disorders.
Therefore our advice : do not hesitate and contact a psychotherapist directly. In our opinion, this is the most the right decision, and most importantly start treatment on time.

It must be taken into account that vegetative disorders can begin as early as childhood. Therefore, if you or your child feel unwell, contact immediately experienced specialist: It is known that with timely treatment, the chances of a cure are much greater.

You may be interested in the reviews of our readers about and him, Mexidol.
You can also look video(under the article) how to properly make an intramuscular injection.

Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) is a pathological disorder nervous system, this is a very insidious disease, in a neglected state it can lead to disorganization of the functioning of many systems and organs.

VVD is very widespread: about a third of adults and up to 25% of children suffer from this pathology.

The representatives of the weaker sex are most predisposed to the appearance of the disease, since they are more emotional and receptive. Schoolchildren, pregnant women, and people in adulthood are also susceptible to the occurrence of pathology.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

There are only conditions that precede the onset of the disease:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • injuries and diseases of the nervous system;
  • infectious diseases of any organ provoke its weakness in the future and susceptibility to vegetovascular dystonia;
  • allergies;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • work in hazardous production;
  • ailments of the internal organs (stomach ulcer and duodenum, pancreatitis, atherosclerosis);
  • pathologies accompanied by weakness of the cardiovascular system;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • individual psycho-emotional characteristics of a person (suspiciousness, anxiety);
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • constant stay in an unfavorable psycho-emotional environment (stress, protracted conflicts at home and at work, constant mental and emotional overstrain).

Signs of vegetovascular dystonia are:

  • asthma attacks;
  • frequent;
  • systematically or;
  • torment, causeless anxiety and frequent mood swings.

Such symptoms are serious reason to seek medical attention. Often doctors do not give special significance VSD and tell patients that great danger not for health.

Patients continue to live a painful life, until completely exhausted they decide to turn to qualified specialist and undergo treatment.

The causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia are diverse and currently not fully understood.

The effectiveness of taking Actovegin with VVD

Actovegin with VVD is a popular drug. It consists of minerals, fatty acids and other constituents. Actovegin is made from the blood serum of young calves, which has unique composition and renders beneficial action on the human body.

In pharmacies, actovegin is sold in the form of a gel, ointment, tablets, injections. It is characterized by a powerful antioxidant effect, which, when taken regularly, causes a gradual cleansing of the body of toxins and toxins, normalization of the circulatory system.

Actovegin is one of the best means contributing rapid healing wounds, elimination of metabolic and vascular disorders brain, elimination of hypoxia of tissues and organs. Also, its reception has a beneficial effect on energy processes in cells, resulting in increased blood supply.

Treatment vascular pathologies and prevention of skin diseases is carried out with actovegin in the form of injections, injections are also indicated as a means of restoring the walls of blood vessels after strokes and radiation therapy in patients with oncological diseases.

The form (injections or tablets), the dosage of the drug and the duration of the course of treatment depend on the severity of the course of the disease, and is prescribed by the doctor based on individual characteristics patient, as well as the results of the examination.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of actovegin are:

  • pulmonary edema;
  • fluid retention in the body;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • oliguria or anuria;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

A side effect of the drug is manifested in the appearance of urticaria on the skin, possibly an increase in body temperature, anaphylactic shock. There is a possibility of developing an energy attachment to the drug.

Taking actovegin does not affect the change in concentration.


Actovegin promotes improved absorption of oxygen and glucose by cells, activates the production of ATP.

Actovegin analogues:

  • Sibazon;
  • Perindopril;
  • Aspirin cardio;
  • Sylt;
  • Ginkgo biloba;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Mexicor;
  • Aggregal;
  • Memoplant;
  • Laminin;
  • Perindopril;
  • Vobilon.



I have VSD. At the end of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan showed the baby was underweight, oligohydramnios, and hypoxia. I was sent to the hospital, where the attending physician prescribed ten drops of actovegin in a glucose solution.

Actovegin was an addition to the main treatment. After a course of droppers, an ultrasound scan confirmed that the child's hypoxia had been eliminated, oligohydramnios was not so pronounced, and VSD receded.

Subsequently, the daughter was born at term and with normal weight. Ten capsules of actovegin for droppers cost 900 rubles.

Valentina Alexandrovna

My mother (81 years old) was in the hospital with VVD. Appointed droppers with actovegin. They helped my mom a lot. After discharge, improvements were evident.


I was prescribed Actovegin in combination with other drugs for the treatment of VVD. The cost of the complex is up to 18 thousand rubles per month.

But nothing remains, the disease is serious and thoroughly poisons life. After injections of Actovegin, my leg hurt. But this is most likely an individual intolerance.


The husband was in a car accident. As a result, he broke his leg and received a craniocerebral injury, which turned into a VSD.

The attending physician prescribed Actovegin, first in injections, and then in tablets. The leg grew together much longer than my husband's head came in order.


I have VVD and Actovegin were prescribed to me as a drug that improves brain activity. The effect of the treatment was excellent. In the hospital, I noticed that it is prescribed to many, regardless of age.

The only thing that confuses is its cost. For 5 bottles you need to pay about 500 rubles. Therefore, I want to give advice: do not buy Actovegin in the first pharmacy you come across, in different places the price can vary up to 100 rubles.

Other drugs for treatment

Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia can be successful only if it is prescribed by a highly qualified doctor after examination.

Reducing anxiety and relieving anxiety attacks
  • grandaxin will help with VVD;
  • long-term use of tranquilizers makes the patient inactive and lethargic, for this reason, during treatment, the control of the doctor is very important.
If the course of VVD is complicated by depression
  • the doctor individually selects antidepressants, such as amitriptyline, sertraline, impramine;
  • they will eliminate causeless anxiety and many other unpleasant manifestations of the disease;
  • it is not advisable to treat the disease only with antidepressants for the simple reason that they do not solve the main problems, they only exclude some symptoms.
To calm the nervous system
  • assign , and ;
  • with VVD, they allow you to get rid of panic, worries and anxiety;
  • mexidol normalizes blood circulation and saturates the blood with oxygen;
  • actovegin in VVD is recommended as a metabolic drug that promotes rapid tissue regeneration, improving their blood supply.

With a long and difficult treatment, a complex of medicines using psychotherapeutic techniques helps.

Patients with VVD are very suggestible, therefore, patients suffering from asthma attacks are told that they have no pathologies. respiratory system, which could cause such attacks.

They also explain how to properly control panic attacks with breathing.

Only the right treatment and strict observance all the recommendations of the doctor will allow you to cope with such a dangerous and serious illness like vegetative dystonia

Efficiency of therapy

VSD is a curable disease, these are only temporary malfunctions in the body, which can be completely eliminated if you approach the treatment process responsibly.

Principles, the observance of which should be mandatory in the fight against vegetovascular dystonia:

One of the accompanying manifestations of the disease is the patient's mild suggestibility.
  • thanks to her, the patient can “add” to himself several far-fetched symptoms that are absent in reality;
  • for this reason, the patient is advised to attach importance only to well-verified information and in no case to succumb to anxiety and various suggestions.
Without the approval of the attending physician, it is unacceptable to take any vitamins, let alone antidepressants.
  • even harmless, at first glance, vitamins can harm the body;
  • different antidepressants act on different nerve endings, so the wrong choice medicine can cause significant damage to health.
Most effective tool in the fight against VVD will healthy lifestyle life, systematic exercise, rational nutrition Constant depression, sadness and depression, as well as bad habits, will make the path to healing thorny.
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