Antibiotic for streptococcal infection in children. Streptococcus. Streptococcus found in the nose, throat, pharynx, on the skin, what should I do? Streptococcus in infants. How to identify and treat an infection? What diseases does

Streptococcal infection in children is extremely common and varies in severity from mild sore throat to pneumonia and meningitis.

A common cause of skin diseases are streptococci. Of the four small patients with a sore throat, at least one should be "thankful" for this streptococcus.

They are transmitted by droplet-liquid by sneezing and coughing, as well as by contact. In children's groups, these infections spread extremely quickly.



Streptococcal conjunctivitis is characterized by redness of the eyes, whitish or purulent discharge, itching and burning, swelling of the eyelids. After sleep, the child often cannot open his eyes due to glued eyelashes. Most often, both eyes become inflamed, although this may not happen at the same time.


If a child younger than 3 years of age becomes infected with strep throat, the symptoms are usually less pronounced than in the case of older children. Babies may have a slight fever and nasal discharge. In children 1-3 years old, fever is common, the child is naughty, refuses to eat, sometimes the cervical lymph nodes are enlarged.

From the moment of infection to the onset of the first symptoms, it usually takes from 2 to 5 days. Children older than 3 years often show more severe and severe symptoms:

  • redness and sore throat;
  • high fever (often above 38.9°C)
  • difficult to swallow;
  • inflamed, red, enlarged tonsils, sometimes with a white or purulent coating;
  • small red dots on the soft and hard palate (the area in the back of the mouth);
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the neck;
  • fever;
  • headache;
  • rash;
  • abdominal pain, vomiting (especially in young children);
  • weakness.


Purulent, greenish, thick discharge from the nose are the main symptom of infection in the nasopharynx. They may be accompanied by cough, elevated temperature, weakness, migraine, pain in the nose. Nasal congestion is felt, the ability to distinguish between taste and smell disappears.


Streptococci cause inflammation of both the superficial layers of the skin (impetigo) and deeper ones ( erysipelas). Impetigo is characterized by the appearance of blisters around the nose, mouth, arms, legs, torso. Later, purulent crusts or skin erosions form.

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In the case of erysipelas, chills, severe headache, weakness, temperature up to 40 ° C, vomiting are initially observed). Later, swelling of the skin, redness is formed, severe itching is felt.

A reddened, painful roller of skin is formed, hot to the touch. Small hemorrhages or bubbles with transparent contents may form. Subsequently, they are replaced by ulcers and erosions of the skin.


Staphylococcal blood infections (toxic shock syndrome) often pose a serious threat to life. Symptoms of infection appear in the first 12 hours after birth:

  • the child is lethargic, passive, demonstrates weak external reaction, or, conversely, irritable and capricious;
  • eats badly;
  • wheezing when breathing;
  • the temperature is raised or lowered;
  • breathing is slow or rapid;
  • too fast or slow heartbeat.

Symptoms of toxic shock include a life-threatening drop in blood pressure, high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, internal organs.


Signs of chronic staphylococcal infection depend on the pathogen and the localization of the inflammatory process. Common symptoms are lethargy, malaise, rapid fatigue of the child, frequent headaches, fever.

There may be pain in the joints (rheumatism), nose bridge, shortness of breath, palpitations, purulent discharge from the nose (chronic ethmoiditis and sinusitis), etc.

The doctor must examine the child in the following cases:

  • sore throat accompanied by an increase in cervical lymph nodes;
  • sore throat does not go away within 48 hours;
  • a temperature above 38.3°C, or a temperature that does not decrease after 48 hours;
  • sore throat, accompanied by a rash;
  • difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing.

If the infection has already been diagnosed, antibiotics have been started and improvement does not occur within 24-48 hours, this is also a reason for an urgent consultation with a pediatrician.



Streptococcus is diagnosed by taking a swab from the throat or affected areas of the skin for sowing on a nutrient medium. There are express diagnostic methods that allow you to determine the pathogen within half an hour.

They also tested the susceptibility of isolated bacteria to various antibiotics to appoint the most effective treatment. A blood test with specific antibodies can confirm the presence of streptococci in the body in the later stages of the disease.



Treatment of infections in children includes the use of penicillin and its derivatives in the form of tablets or injectable solutions. Sometimes amoxicillin or cephalosporin are also used.

If the child is allergic to penicillin, treatment is with erythromycin. To reduce the temperature, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, paracetamol are used. Treatment for conjunctivitis includes antibiotic ointments and eye drops.

Treatment streptococcal infection in newborns is carried out using intravenous administration antibiotics either to the expectant mother during childbirth, or to children immediately after birth.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies include the use of vitamin teas to stimulate immunity, gargling and washing the nose with decoctions. medicinal herbs(chamomile, sage). healing properties has propolis (you need to chew it all day, swallowing saliva, and put it under the tongue at night).


A sick child should receive a complete, vitamin-rich food. Food should not be hot or spicy. If it is difficult for the baby to swallow, use mashed, semi-liquid food.


The main preventive measure is to avoid contact with the patient. Children with sore throats or skin inflammations should not attend children's groups until they have been treated with antibiotics.


Vaccination is an effective way to prevent pneumonia. A modern and safe vaccine Pneumo-23 (23 - the number of streptococcus species against which the vaccine protects).

It is not included in the list of mandatory vaccinations and is suitable for babies over 2 years old who are constantly in contact with people who have a weakened immune system or serious diseases. chronic diseases(bronchitis, asthma, diabetes). Children with kidney disease, a removed spleen, anemia should also be vaccinated against streptococci.


If the child is treated on time, he will fully recover. Left untreated, the infection can lead to serious complications. Quite often, otitis or sinusitis is diagnosed. Severe consequences of angina are acute rheumatism, affecting the joints and heart, and glomerulonephritis.

If a child who has had a streptococcal infection (even a few weeks ago) has a fever and swelling of the joints, difficulty breathing or a rash, you need to urgently see a doctor and get treatment. These symptoms may indicate acute rheumatism.

If urine becomes dark color(like coca-cola) more than a week after infection, this may indicate inflammation of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis). Treatment in the hospital is mandatory in this case.

Streptococcus is an anaerobic gram-positive bacterium, the reproduction of which leads to the development of many diseases: tonsillitis, pneumonia, laryngotracheitis, pharyngitis, scarlet fever, etc. The pathogen poisons the child's body and provokes purulent inflammation of the tissues at the site of the pathogenic flora.

What should be treated in a child? Features of therapy depend on which pathogen provoked the development of a particular disease.

To date, at least 4 varieties of streptococcal infections have been identified by infectious disease specialists.

However, the greatest danger to the health of the child is group A streptococci, which give complications to the heart, kidneys, brain and joints.

Features of streptococci

About development bacterial infection in children may indicate: purulent discharge from the nose, lack of appetite, sore throat, high fever, swelling and soreness of the lymph nodes, white coating on the walls of the throat and tonsils. Beta-hemolytic streptococcus is one of the most dangerous infectious agents. Pathogenic microorganisms provoke inflammation, which is accompanied by the accumulation of pus in the lesions.

The infection can spread to paranasal sinuses– sphenoiditis, sinusitis, heart – endocarditis, pericarditis, brain – abscess, meningitis or ears – otitis media, Eustachitis.

Streptococcus viridans is an opportunistic pathogen that does not cause disease if normal functioning immune system. However, hypothermia, lack of vitamins and minerals can cause weakening defensive forces child's body. Subsequent active reproduction of gram-positive bacteria leads to poisoning of the body and the development of severe complications, such as endocarditis or pericarditis.

Streptococcus is transmitted by airborne droplets and through household contact through toys, towels, dishes and other household items.


How can you determine the development of streptococcus in the throat in children? It is immediately worth noting that it is impossible to identify the causative agent of infection by clinical manifestations. Symptoms such as purulent sore throat, swelling of the mucosa, nasal congestion, increased submandibular lymph nodes and severe runny nose indicate exclusively the development of a bacterial infection, but does not give any idea about the species variety of the causative agent of the ENT disease.

To accurately determine the cause of the deterioration in the child's well-being, you need to go through hardware examination at the pediatrician and hand over biomaterials () to microbiological analysis. Only in this way will a specialist be able to accurately determine the nature of the causative agent of the disease and draw up a competent treatment regimen for the disease.

The waste products of streptococci cause severe allergic reactions, which can cause swelling of the throat and even asphyxia.

The most difficult to treat is beta-hemolytic streptococcus, which quickly penetrates into the tissues of the heart, structures, kidneys, etc. To destroy pathogenic bacteria in the circuit conservative therapy include antibiotics. If the form of the disease is very severe, antimicrobials are administered intramuscularly or intravenously.

Treatment Methods

What drugs can eliminate streptococcus in the oropharynx in children? Treatment of a bacterial infection involves the use of drugs not only systemic, but also local. The simultaneous use of medicines, inhalations and rinses accelerates the child's recovery process.

To prevent drug poisoning, small patients are prescribed only those drugs that contain minimal amount toxic substances. In addition, it is very important to observe the dosage and duration of therapy, which can only be set by the attending physician. basis drug treatment are antibiotics, which must be supplemented with symptomatic drugs:

  • antipyretic;
  • antiallergic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • vasoconstrictor.

With all measures taken drug therapy after 4-5 days, the throat is completely cleared of purulent plaque, and the tonsils - from foci of inflammation.

It should be understood that streptococcal infection can recur, therefore, after the end of the antibacterial course, it is advisable to follow preventive measures for ENT diseases. Weakened immunity is not able to cope with large infectious loads, so within a month after recovery, try to limit visits to the child public places- swimming pools, sports complexes, matinees, etc.

With the development of ENT diseases Special attention should be devoted to caring for a sick child. The waste products of streptococci create a considerable burden on the heart, so it is very important that when the body temperature rises, it is strictly observed bed rest. In parallel with the passage of drug treatment, you need to monitor the implementation of the following rules:

  • sparing diet - exclusion from the diet of sour, spicy, fatty and hot food, irritating mucous membrane of the laryngopharynx;
  • drinking mode - consumption of at least 1.5 liters warm drink per day, which accelerates the elimination of toxic substances from the body;
  • throat treatment - gargling a sore throat antiseptic solutions, cleansing the mucous from pathogens.

When choosing medicines, you can not rely on your own knowledge and experience in the treatment of colds. Streptococcal infection progresses rapidly and in case of irrational treatment can cause terrible complications.

Besides, infectious diseases in children may occur in atypical form so the symptoms bacterial inflammation can be confused with manifestations of viral pharyngitis, catarrhal tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc.


It is possible to cure pharyngitis and scarlet fever in children only with the help of antibacterial drugs. They destroy pathogenic microbes and help to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. On average, the course of antibiotic therapy is 7-10 days, depending on the stage of development of the pathology and the dynamics of recovery.

For the treatment of small patients, only safe medications are used that do not have a toxic effect. In the absence of complications, streptococcal infection can be eliminated with the help of penicillins:

  • "Ampicillin";
  • "Benzylpenicillin";
  • "Oxacillin";
  • "Hikoncil".

With the development of chronic tonsillitis, the treatment regimen includes penicillins that are resistant to the effects of beta-lactamase, a special enzyme that streptococci secrete to neutralize the action of antibiotics.

Many drugs penicillin series cause allergic reactions in children, therefore, if necessary, they are replaced with cephalosporins:

  • "Cefazolin";
  • "Ceftriaxone";
  • "Suprax".

You can eliminate the symptoms of scarlet fever and mild forms of angina with the help of macrolides. Antibiotics of this group are the least toxic, so they can be used to treat children aged 1-3 years. Among the most effective macrolide drugs include:

  • "Spiramycin";
  • "Erythromycin";
  • "Midecamycin".

It is very important to follow the recommendations for the use of medicines exactly. It is undesirable to skip taking antibiotics or completely refuse to use them if the child feels better.


Eliminate local manifestations streptococcal infection - pain, purulent inflammation and swelling can be done with rinses. Sanitizing procedures allow you to clear the mucous membrane of the throat from more than 70% of pathogenic microbes. Regular irrigation of the tonsils and oropharynx with antiseptics has a beneficial effect on local immunity and accelerates tissue healing.

During rinsing, the active components of medications penetrate directly into the foci of infection, which allows you to quickly stop the development of streptococci. Reducing the intensity of inflammatory processes helps to reduce temperature, eliminate muscle weakness and drowsiness. In the treatment of bacterial sore throat in children, you can use such antiseptic preparations for rinsing:

  • "Betadine";
  • "Povidone";
  • "Chlorhexidine";
  • "Eludril";
  • "Stopangin";
  • "Elekasol";
  • "Furacilin".

Preschool children tend to allergic reactions therefore, for their treatment, it is necessary to select drugs with a minimum content of synthetic components. It is recommended to use herbal remedies based on medicinal herbs for gargling - Elekasol, Tantum Verde, Rotokan, etc.

Local antibiotics

Topical antibiotics are antimicrobial drugs that are available in the form of sprays, rinses and inhalations. They quickly penetrate into the lesions and destroy streptococci, thereby improving the patient's well-being. It is important to understand that the role of topical drugs is secondary, so they cannot be used instead of systemic antibiotics.

Eliminate the manifestations of streptococcal infection allows taking the following medications:

  • "Fusafungin" - a medicinal solution for inhalation, which inhibits the reproduction of gram-positive bacteria;
  • "Hexetidine" - a low-toxic solution for rinsing the oropharynx, which destroys up to 80% of pathogens in the foci of inflammation;
  • Octenisept is a bacteriostatic aerosol preparation that is added to saline solutions for gargling.

To speed up recovery, physiotherapy procedures should be performed daily 3-4 times a week. Systematic cleansing of the mucosa from bacterial plaque will accelerate tissue regeneration, which will help eliminate discomfort when swallowing.


Fever, high temperature and pain syndrome - typical manifestations bacterial infection. Along with taking antibiotics, one should not refuse to use symptomatic drugs. Streptococcal tonsillitis and pharyngitis are often accompanied by high temperature, sweating, chills, muscle weakness etc.

Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs can alleviate the child's condition and quickly eliminate the symptoms of intoxication:

  • "Nurofen";
  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Ibuprofen".

Not recommended for children under 12 pharmaceutical products, which include acetylsalicylic acid, as this can cause the development of Reye's syndrome.

Antipyretics (fever-reducing medicines) should only be given to children when the temperature is above 38°C. The presence of subfebrile fever indicates that the body is trying to independently suppress the development of streptococci, the cellular structures of which are destroyed when the temperature rises. If you bring down the temperature, this will only contribute to the spread of infection and, accordingly, the deterioration of health.

Throat Lozenges

The advantage of lozenges and lozenges for resorption is the uniform distribution of the active components of the drug along the throat mucosa.

Their composition usually includes anti-inflammatory, analgesic and disinfecting substances that quickly cleanse the laryngopharynx from purulent foci of inflammation.

It is undesirable to give lozenges to children under 3 years old, they may swallow them or choke.

If you suck the lozenges every 2-3 hours, the pain, swelling and discomfort in the throat will go away within 3-4 days. For the treatment of streptococcal tonsillitis and pharyngitis, they usually use:

  • "Faringosept";
  • "Septolete";
  • "Flurbiprofen";
  • "Stopangin";
  • Strepsils;
  • "Grammidin".

The composition of most lozenges includes phenol, which destroys microbes and accelerates the epithelization of the mucosa. Components such as hexetidine, ambazon and benzalkonium chloride have a similar effect. To enhance the effect of drugs, it is recommended to pre-gargle saline solutions. This will clear the laryngopharynx of mucus that prevents the absorption of active ingredients.

Inhalation with saline

Inhalations can soften the throat and eliminate inflammation, which has a beneficial effect on the patient's well-being. To prevent mucosal burns, it is recommended to perform the procedure using a nebulizer. The compact device converts medicinal solutions into an aerosol, which is quickly absorbed by the affected mucosa. In addition, nebulizer therapy is indicated for the treatment of even infants, since it does not call adverse reactions and fluid aspiration.

A strep throat infection can be treated with nebulizer medications such as:

  • "Interferon";
  • "Tonsilgon";
  • "Lazolvan";
  • "Ambrobene";
  • "Furacilin";
  • "Ingalipt";
  • "Chlorophyllipt".

In most cases, drugs are pre-diluted with mineral water("Borjomi", "Essentuki") or saline in a ratio of 1:1. This allows you to slightly reduce the concentration of active ingredients in the drug, thereby reducing the likelihood of allergic reactions.

To achieve the desired results, during inhalation with a nebulizer, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  • the therapy session should be carried out only in a sitting position;
  • the duration of one procedure can vary from 7 to 15 minutes;
  • only room temperature solutions can be poured into the nebulizer chamber;
  • in case of sore throat for inhalation, use a special mask or mouthpiece;
  • on average, the course of nebulizer therapy is 10-15 days (at least 3-4 procedures should be performed per day).

Medicines must not be diluted with herbal decoctions, as they contain sediment that can clog the filter or spray screen, causing damage to the device.

Folk remedies

Too many parents are skeptical about the use of drugs, because they consider them pure "chemistry". Methods alternative medicine seem to be more effective and safer. In fact, folk remedies can be used in the treatment of ENT diseases, but only in combination with antibiotics.

The most effective is gargling with solutions based on natural remedies. Such folk remedies have a pronounced antibacterial and wound-healing effect:

  • infusion of kombucha;
  • decoction of medicinal chamomile;
  • infusion of oak bark;
  • saline solution;
  • propolis tincture (diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10).

Too much concentrated solutions for rinsing, they dehydrate the mucous membrane and cause allergic reactions.

Do not forget that alternative medicine is only an addition to the main therapy. At complete failure from traditional medicine, the disease can go into chronic form and cause complications.


Beta-hemolytic streptococcus is a rheumatogenic strain of bacteria that can cause disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal and of cardio-vascular system. Within 2-3 weeks after the complete disappearance of the symptoms of bacterial inflammation, the risk of developing rheumatism remains - a serious disease characterized by damage to the joints and heart muscle. How can complications be prevented?

Within 10 days after the end of the course of pharmacotherapy, children with a tendency to develop rheumatoid fever are prescribed benzylpenicillins and immunostimulating agents. The former prevent the re-proliferation of streptococci, and the latter increase the activity of immune cells that protect the body from the penetration of pathogenic viruses and microbes.

Some patients are prescribed medicines, which normalize the biocenosis, i.e. qualitative composition of the microflora in the oral cavity. If all recommendations are followed, the risk of complications is reduced to almost zero. To convince you that there are no side diseases, it is advisable to undergo an examination by a specialist at least twice within 2-3 weeks after the elimination of the streptococcal infection.

To date, streptococcal infection in a child is a fairly common and common disease, but not all adults understand what it is connected with and how to deal with it. In this article, we will consider the causes, symptoms, and methods of treating this pathology in children of different age categories.

in a child: what is the disease?

In fact, there are many ailments belonging to this category, and they are all caused by streptococci, but at the same time, microorganisms have different types (strains). Consider the most common of them:

  • Diseases caused by group A streptococci include diseases of the throat, skin, and pneumonia. Such diseases give the body serious complications as autoimmune pathology(rheumatism, glomerulonephritis, etc.);
  • Diseases caused by group B streptococci occur in both newborns and adults. Meningitis and sepsis occur in children, but in the adult category of the population, ailments of the genitourinary system, diabetic ulcers, and arthritis.

Streptococcal infection in a child is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as through dirty unwashed hands and through damaged skin. In newborns, bacteria can be transmitted through an unhealed umbilical wound.

Symptoms of the disease

It is very important to navigate the symptoms that occur when streptococci multiply in the body, because such infections are very common in babies. Incubation period lasts about three or four days. The first symptoms occur 72-96 hours after infection. It becomes very difficult for the child to swallow, while the body temperature rises. Tonsils increase in size, and a purulent plaque may form on them. Lymph nodes become inflamed and become sharply painful.

It is very important to identify the causative agent of the disease in time, because if untimely or improper treatment very serious complications can develop.

Usually the disease makes itself felt by such symptoms:

  1. The first thing that will bother the baby is weakness throughout the body, a headache.
  2. Then the body temperature rises.
  3. A rash may be noticed a few hours after the onset of the fever. Rashes first appear on the arms and legs, and then move to other parts of the body.
  4. Usually the maximum amount of rash appears on the third day of illness. The rashes will decrease only after a week. This is how a streptococcal infection makes itself felt.

The child may have immunity against streptococcus. In this case, scarlet fever does not develop, and the baby endures the usual

With the defeat of streptococci of the skin, edema and hyperemia occur. In some cases, blisters appear on the skin and hemorrhage occurs.

Manifestations of infection in newborns

Bacteria can attack the body even so small child. In this case, the disease often occurs in the first hours of a baby's life. Usually the disease begins to progress according to the principle acute sepsis. There are foci of hemorrhage on the skin and mucous membranes. Body temperature rises sharply, breathing becomes difficult, possible sleep apnea. The spleen and liver increase in size.

Types of streptococci

Streptococcal infection in children, the photo of which can be seen in this article, is a disease caused by gram-positive bacteria streptococci. Bacteria reach a diameter of up to 1 micron. Usually they have the shape of an oval or a ball, arranged in pairs and chains. To date, the group of streptococci includes 21 representatives. They are designated by the letters of the English alphabet. Most often, bacteria of group A are found in an adult, while in a newborn baby - groups D, C, B.

Having settled in the human body, bacteria begin to produce various toxic substances. The most dangerous of them is exotoxin. It leads to significant tissue damage throughout the body and dramatically reduces immunity.

Streptococci can retain their properties even at low and high temperatures. But they can be destroyed through the use of special antibiotics. Bacteria exist in environment long time, being on different subjects, as well as in pus and sputum.

Diagnostic methods

Streptococcal infection in children on the skin as well as in the throat must be confirmed special methods and only then can treatment begin. Thanks to bacteriological research specialists will be able to identify the pathogen and determine which group it belongs to. It is very important to do an antibiotic susceptibility test. Today, there are a huge number of bacteria that are resistant to certain types of antibiotics.

Streptococcal infection in children on the skin is very easily determined if it is caused by group A bacteria. Express diagnostics can be done in just twenty minutes. However, even if the tests showed that streptococci are present in the child's body, this will not be evidence that they caused the disease. In fact, the baby can be a carrier, and at the same time, the disease can be triggered by other bacteria or viruses.

Streptococcal throat infection in children: symptoms and causes of development

As is known, a small amount of streptococci is found in the oral cavity of every healthy person. However, for some reason, their number begins to increase, and this leads to the development of serious diseases.

If streptococci affect the throat, then this can be seen by the following symptoms:

Causes of streptococcal infection in the body

Streptococcal infection in children, the symptoms and treatment of which you can read in this article, most often occurs due to a weakening of the local or general immunity of the baby's body. However, in addition to this, there are other factors that provoke the development of such a pathology:

  • sometimes streptococci begin their vigorous activity after severe hypothermia;
  • immunity can be weakened in the presence of other viral diseases in the body;
  • another reason is the presence of stomatitis and other infections in the oral cavity;
  • the disease can occur against the background of dental diseases;
  • streptococcal infections begin to progress in the presence of various diseases nasal cavity.

However, there are a huge number of other reasons that can contribute to the development of a streptococcal infection in a child's body. The doctor will be able to identify probable risk factors after examining a small patient.

Streptococcal infection of the skin

Streptococcal infection in children on the skin (photo can be seen in this article) most often manifests itself in the form of erysipelas. Usually, the infection is acute in nature, while blood and skin lymphatic vessels are involved in the process. Children are most often affected by this disease. early age. Often, the infection appears on the skin of the face. Not surprising, because this part of the body is closest to the respiratory tract, in which accumulates the largest number harmful microorganisms. Erysipelatous inflammation of the skin can also occur as a result of infection of surgical wounds or against the background of fungal skin lesions on absolutely any part of the body.

Streptococcal skin infection in children, the treatment of which will be described below, develops very quickly. Initially, the affected area begins to itch and itch. Then the child develops weakness, headaches are noted. After that, an inflammatory process occurs on the skin. The affected area of ​​the skin becomes very hot to the touch and acquires a red tint. At the same time, the boundaries of the inflamed skin are fuzzy. Bubbles may form on the affected area, which over time will burst and become covered with a crust.

It should be borne in mind that the symptoms of a streptococcal infection in a child are very bright, and it is quite difficult not to notice the disease. The rash is often accompanied by fever and general malaise. For maximum quick release From an illness, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

How to treat?

Streptococcal throat infection in children is treated in outpatient and stationary conditions. In this case, the method of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, as well as on the degree of neglect of the disease. The main method of therapy is the use of antibiotics that are effective against streptococcus. With the help of such therapy, it is possible to eliminate the bacteria that attack the throat, as well as to eliminate inflammatory processes.

Treatment with antibacterial drugs is carried out both in adults and in children of different ages. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics for small patients. a wide range actions. These drugs include penicillins and cephalosporins. Such substances are contained in such preparations as Fromilid, Penicillin, Augmentin, Macropen, Sumamed and many others. In this case, antibiotics can have different forms of release. These can be suspensions for children, ampoules for injections, or capsules and tablets for internal use. The choice of a specific drug will depend on the identified causative agent of the disease, drug resistance, the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant pathology. It is forbidden to use antibiotics without consulting a doctor! This threatens the development of unwanted reactions and serious complications.

A strep throat infection in children treated with antibiotics can lead to other health problems. For example, taking antibiotic drugs will always be accompanied by a violation of the intestinal microflora. Doctors strongly recommend taking probiotics during the course of treatment, which will protect and restore the intestinal microflora. This should be especially taken into account when treating young children who have intestinal microflora not yet fully formed. Quite often, for this, doctors recommend taking drugs such as Linex, Laktovit, Bifiform, and many others.

Skin treatment

The severity of rashes in a child and an adult may be different, and the choice of method of therapy is primarily determined by the severity of the patient's condition. Don't hope that the disease will pass by itself and skin won't get hurt. No, this will not happen. Be sure to consult a doctor when the first symptoms appear. Once the diagnosis is made, treatment should begin immediately.

In order for the inflamed skin to itch less, you need to sprinkle it with talc or powder containing zinc oxide. Lubrication of the affected areas with white clay is practiced. But maximum therapeutic effect can only be achieved using special ointments. All of them contain antibacterial components. It is important to remember that the skin of babies should not be treated with products containing alcohol. For children, special ointments have been developed that simultaneously relieve inflammation, eliminate itching, and also have an antibacterial effect.

Preventive measures

Streptococcal vaccination for children is the most effective tool prevent the development of the disease. Streptococcus vaccination is not included in the vaccination schedule. However, such a vaccination is recommended for children with immunodeficiency who have reached two years of age. Babies suffering from diseases of the kidneys and spleen should also be vaccinated.

A very important preventive method is to increase the immunity of the child. How to do it?

  1. Be sure to control your diet.
  2. Don't forget about hardening.
  3. Make time for sports and outdoor activities.
  4. Keep your child away from contact with already infected children. Streptococcal infections are transmitted by airborne droplets and household contact.
  5. Always dress your child for the weather. It is very important not to overcool, since it is this condition that can lead to the development of a streptococcal infection.
  6. Be sure to treat other diseases present in the baby's body. It doesn't really matter what nature they are. Any chronic pathology reduces immunity.

Be healthy and take care of yourself. Remember: a streptococcal infection that has settled in the body is not a sentence. At timely diagnosis and treatment can get rid of the disease and avoid the development of complications.

Streptococcus bacteria, both harmful and quite safe for themselves human body are all around us. And often cause serious illness - and in children much more often than in adults. How can you tell if a child is developing a streptococcal infection? And how to treat it correctly?

Most often we are talking about streptococci and their harmful effects for children's health
comes when the baby complains of a sore throat ...

Who are streptococci?

Streptococcus is a very large and numerous genus of bacteria that usually affects the respiratory and digestive tract, especially the throat, nose and large intestine.

Streptococci cause many diseases that are common in children of all ages. And most parents are well acquainted with these "sores": tonsillitis, scarlet fever, pharyngitis, pneumonia, periodontitis, erysipelas, lymphadenitis, streptoderma, meningitis and others ... Moreover, streptococci can cause both purulent diseases(tonsillitis, pneumonia, erysipelas, adenoids, etc.), and not purulent (for example, rheumatism).

However, in fairness it should be said that in the streptococcus family, along with harmful species, there are also useful ones. For example, some types of lactic acid streptococci help milk turn into kefir or fermented baked milk.

In addition, some types of streptococci live quite peacefully in the gastrointestinal tract and in the throat, without causing any harm to the health of the child.

Reproducing in the human body (and thus marking the development of infection)
streptococci are usually arranged in pairs, or
groups of pairs, or forming a kind of chain. Symptomatic growth
the number of streptococci is expressed by a strong increase
child's body temperature.

If the throat hurts - does it mean streptococcus?

And yet, most often, both doctors and parents recall the activity of streptococci precisely in connection with the development of a particular disease. In most cases - due to diseases of the throat. However, contrary to popular belief, especially common among parents, not all inflammation in the child's nasopharynx is the result of the activity of streptococci.

Only about 30% of all acute diseases in the nasopharyngeal region are caused precisely by the activity of streptococcus. The remaining 70% is accounted for by the activity of various viruses that cause acute respiratory infections(ARVI). In this regard, parents should understand that drugs in one and the other case are radically different - drugs that effectively kill bacteria are completely powerless against viruses, and vice versa.

Thus, the first task that parents of children face when a child develops an ailment (especially with regard to problems that arise in the respiratory tract) is to clearly determine: the baby viral infection or strep?

Parents can help in this in any modern medical institution, which uses the so-called rapid test for the direct detection of streptococcal antigen in a child: the doctor literally for seconds applies a special strip of paper to the tonsil (sometimes just to back wall pharynx) of the child and by the changed (or not) color of the test gets a clear picture of the presence (or absence) of streptococci in the baby's throat.

Treatment of streptococcal infection

Streptococcus bacteria have two distinctive features:

  • streptococci can cause a considerable number of deadly diseases in children;
  • unlike staphylococci, streptococci are extremely inefficient in developing resistance to antibiotics (which means that it is relatively easy to find a drug to treat strep infections, and the same drug can be used years later).

Dosage forms of antibiotics in the treatment of streptococcal infections
may be different - and not always there is a need for injections. Often
drugs (after they are prescribed by a qualified doctor!) can be given
and in tablets, and in syrup, etc. The most important thing is that the medicine reaches
focus of inflammation and had the necessary effect
for streptococcus bacteria.

On average, the treatment of streptococcal infections lasts about 10 days - this is the course of taking antibiotics. The drugs, of course, should be prescribed by a doctor (and not mom, dad or neighbor on the floor!), However, in most cases, for effective treatment of streptococcal inflammation the best way such simple and affordable antibiotics as penicillin or erythromycin are suitable.

Penicillin and erythromycin effectively cope with the activity of harmful streptococci - moreover, only one day of administration is enough for a streptococcal patient to become not contagious to others. However, it is very important, even with a clear improvement in the child's well-being (which correct reception antibiotics comes in a few hours), withstand strictly and obediently full course taking the drug.

And what to do if the child has streptococcus, but the disease does not

Often there are reverse situations - during an analysis or test, the presence of dangerous streptococci is found in the child's throat, but at the same time, the baby does not show any symptoms of a streptococcal infection. How to behave in this case?

Usually, domestic doctors persuade parents to the so-called preventive treatment of a child with antibiotics. In other countries, in our time, the approach to streptococcus is already more delicate - it is believed that if these bacteria, although present in the body of a child, do not cause illness in him, then such a child does not need any treatment at all.

According to statistics, among the adult population, about 15-18% of people are permanent carriers of harmful streptococci. In the children's audience, this figure is slightly higher - about 30%. However, as long as the child is healthy on his own, he is not at all contagious to others. And it doesn't require any treatment.

How can you get streptococci?

Harmful streptococci can only be "picked up" from a person with a streptococcal infection. We repeat: just a carrier of streptococci is deprived of the opportunity to share them with others.

Streptococci in children are transmitted in the following ways:

  • contact;
  • Airborne;
  • With food.

There are more than enough ways!

What happens if a streptococcal infection in a child is not treated at all

Perhaps, in some parental heads, the question has arisen: if it is possible not to treat the very presence of streptococci in the child’s body (when an analysis or test shows their presence, but there are no signs of infection), then is it possible to ignore the treatment of streptococcal infection as well? No, definitely not.

And the reason for this is very weighty - in the absence of proper and timely treatment, any streptococcal infection will come around with severe complications, and it is likely that it will negatively affect the general health of the child.

So, untreated streptococcal infections can “reward” a child with the following diseases and complications:

  • Severe forms of allergies;
  • Purulent otitis media;
  • Chronic lymphadenitis;
  • Inflammation of the heart membranes and others.

Among the most dangerous complications is the development autoimmune lesions organs and systems (diseases in which the child's immunity "accepts" healthy cells of body tissues, modified by bacteria for the bacteria themselves, and begins to attack them), as well as the occurrence of toxic and septic lesions of organs and systems.

In other words, without treating a streptococcal infection in a child’s throat (for example, a common sore throat), you risk in the future “acquainting” this child with such terrible diseases as sepsis, rheumatoid arthritis (an incurable disease that dehydrates the body over time and leads to death from suffocation), glomerulonephritis (an autoimmune inflammation of the kidneys) and others.

Streptococcus and newborn babies

Harmful streptococci pose the greatest danger to newborn babies.
If during childbirth a streptococcal infection occurs in the fetus (which is very likely, for example, if streptococci penetrate into birth canal expectant mother), then there is a high risk of the birth of a child with severe symptoms: high fever, skin lesions, inability to breathe on their own. Sometimes these children have inflammation of the membranes of the brain. All these symptoms are caused by a special streptococcal infection of the baby's blood. Alas, not all babies born with streptococcal infection survive.

Let us clarify that not all streptococci that can potentially infect his mother pose a threat to an unborn child - for example, those bacteria that are found in a pregnant woman in her nose or throat are practically not dangerous. Another thing is a special type of vaginal streptococci, which the child risks becoming infected with during childbirth.

As a rule, in order to dispel the worries of the expectant mother, doctors take a streptococcus test from her at about 35-37 weeks of pregnancy.

If a dangerous streptococcus is found in a future mother, then the risk of streptococcal blood infection in a newborn is 1:200. If, right during childbirth, a woman is injected special antibiotic, then the risk of developing terrible infection in an infant it decreases to 1:4000.

Streptococcus in a child: about the most important thing

So, streptococci (like staphylococci) from time immemorial live with us in the closest invisible neighborhood - around each of us, even in this moment surely there are people who are constant carriers of potentially dangerous streptococci.

And yet, any carrier can carry his streptococci with him all his life, but never get sick with a streptococcal infection. And accordingly - without infecting anyone, since it is impossible to "catch" the infection from the carrier (and perhaps only from a sick person).

Streptococcal diseases - a great variety, and almost all of them are very common in children. The lion's share of these diseases is high risk severe complications, if you do not treat them, and practically "in no time" disappear without a trace - if you treat them correctly and in a timely manner.

The vast majority of streptococcal infections are treated with simple (and mind you - very affordable for any wallet) antibiotics - like penicillin and erythromycin.

And about how to properly care for a child who has undergone a course of treatment with antibiotics (and it doesn’t matter if he was treated for a streptococcal infection or for some other disease) - we will tell separately.

The content of the article

Entitled " strep infection» combine diseases caused by hemolytic streptococcus. They are very diverse, starting with scarlet fever, erysipelas, with mild localized inflammatory processes in the throat, nose, nasopharynx, ears, skin, and ending with the most severe forwarding pneumonia, sepsis, septicopyemia. All of them are closely related by a common etiology, have epidemiological links, common pathogenetic, morphological, clinical manifestations and are directly related to infectious pathology. Description of scarlet fever, erysipelas is given in special chapters, this chapter provides a brief description of the main general patterns inherent in the entire group of streptococcal infections.

Etiology of streptococcal infection in children

The causative agent is hemolytic streptococcus (streptococcus haemolyticus). This microbe is spherical or oval in shape, forms chains of various lengths in smears, stains according to Gram; from the entire group of streptococci, it is distinguished by the nature of hemolysis on dense media with the addition of blood. Streptococci on this basis are divided into α-green - their colonies are surrounded by a greenish zone of hemolysis, β-hemolytic, forming a zone of hemolysis around the colony, and non-hemolytic.

Among β-hemolytic streptococci, 17 groups are distinguished according to the precipitation reaction, indicated by letters of the alphabet from A to S fLancefild, 1933: Griffits, 1935). Diseases in humans are caused by streptococci predominantly of group A. However, in recent years there have been indications of the importance of group B streptococci in pathology, especially in newborns and debilitated, as well as in premature babies. Among group A streptococci, about 60 different serological types have been identified, which are determined by the agglutination reaction with the corresponding sera of immunized animals.

Attempts to link different manifestations streptococcal infections with certain types of streptococci have not been successful. It is considered established that different serological types of streptococcus can cause the same clinical forms streptococcal infection. On the other hand, the same type causes both carriage and various streptococcal diseases, including scarlet fever and erysipelas.
The pattern is that with a variety of streptococcal diseases, big number types, which increases with milder forms and especially with streptococcus carriage, while at the same time, with scarlet fever, the number of serotypes is more limited.

Bacterial Components determine invasiveness, aggressive properties hemolytic streptococcus, they are type-specific. In accordance with this responses are type-specific antibodies:
precipitins, agglutinins, bacteriotropins, complement-fixing and protective. Thus, antibacterial immunity is predominantly type-specific, that is, directed against one specific type of streptococcus. In addition, it is fragile, which, with a wide variety of types of hemolytic streptococcus, determines the frequency, recurrence of streptococcal infection in the same child in the form of tonsillitis, rhinitis, otitis and other forms.

Exotoxins cause general intoxication, they are heterogeneous and consist of several components. The main one is erythrogenic Dick's toxin, it is also called toxin general action, or rash toxin. In addition to it, streptococci secrete toxins of “private application” (V.I. Ioffe) - streptolysin (O and S), leukocidin, enterotoxin and enzymes - hyaluronidase, streptokinase, amylase, proteinase, etc. Dick's erythrogenic toxin causes general intoxication and the development of the syndrome scarlet fever, and other toxins and enzymes facilitate its penetration into tissues. Different serological types of streptococci secrete a qualitatively homogeneous toxin, to which a homogeneous antitoxin is produced in the patient's body. Therefore, antitoxic immunity does not have type specificity, and subsequent infection with other types of streptococcus, even with high toxigenicity, causes local inflammatory processes, but not scarlet fever.
A feature of antitoxic immunity is its stability, it persists for life.

Streptococcus resistance to the physical and chemical attack pretty high. When heated in a humid environment to 70 ° C, some strains remain viable for up to 1 hour, and at 65 ° C - up to 2 hours. But as a rule, they die after 30 minutes at a temperature of 60 ° C. and after 15 minutes under the action of chemical disinfectants. Streptococci tolerate freezing well; in dried pus or blood they remain for weeks and months; quickly die under the action of disinfectants. They are very sensitive to the action of penicillin, erythromycin, oleandomycin and other antibiotics, more moderately sensitive to streptomycin.

Epidemiology of streptococcal infection in children

The source of streptococcal infection is the patient and streptococcus carrier; the value of healthy carriers is small. Patients can be sources of infection in any form of the disease, but the most dangerous are patients with lesions of the upper respiratory tract and yawn. Streptococci are sprayed with droplets of saliva during a conversation, coughing, sneezing. Drying, they can mix with dust and circulate in the air. With purulent lesions on the hands, streptococcus can be introduced into food products(milk, jelly, cream, etc.), where its reproduction can occur. As a result of eating contaminated food, food poisoning can occur. Infection with streptococcal infection through objects and through a “third person” is possible, but this path is of little importance in the spread of infection.
Susceptibility to streptococcus, apparently universal, it is highest in childhood and young age and decreases after 40-50 years.
Incidence different forms of streptococcal infection is very high. Due to the lack of registration and accounting of all diseases caused by hemolytic streptococcus, there is no data that fully characterizes its distribution. Among adults working in enterprises, the incidence is only streptococcal tonsillitis reaches 10-20%, the incidence of children is much higher. Streptococcal infections are more common in autumn and winter. Carriage can reach significant proportions, however, among children, when streptococcus is isolated, as a rule, mild or erased forms of infection are determined.

Pathogenesis of streptococcal infection in children

The place of introduction of streptococcus is most often the tonsils and lymphoid tissue of the upper respiratory tract, less often - damaged skin(diaper rash, burns, wounds), where the primary inflammatory focus occurs with the multiplication of streptococci, the accumulation of toxins and decay products of tissues and microbial bodies. From the local inflammatory focus, streptococci spread, the absorption of toxins, protein decay products, and the body develops pathological process, in which three syndromes or three lines of pathogenesis are distinguished: infectious(or septic), toxic and allergic.

infectious syndrome includes changes directly related to the reproduction and vital activity of streptococci. At the site of the introduction of the microbe, catarrhal inflammation occurs, it can turn into purulent, necrotic (primary focus).
Hemolytic streptococcus has aggressiveness, which is expressed and its rapid spread from primary focus in the surrounding tissues, in the regional lymph nodes, the formation of a primary complex (V. D. Zinserling), periadenitis, phlegmon may develop. With the most frequent damage to the pharynx, streptococcus can spread intracanalicularly through the Eustachian tube, into the middle ear and cause otitis media, mastoiditis, etc.; spread into the nasopharynx can contribute to the development of sinusitis, ethmoiditis. Of all the foci of inflammation, hematogenous dissemination and the development of metastatic purulent foci in any organ (septicopyemia) are possible. With a good adaptive ability of the body, the rapid development of immune reactions, especially with etiotropic treatment, the process can stop at any stage.

toxic syndrome develops due to the absorption of hemolytic streptococcus toxin and its distribution in the body. The main manifestations of intoxication are fever, tachycardia, impaired health. sometimes vomiting. The degree of their severity is different, it depends on the state of the patient's antitoxic immunity and on the properties of the pathogen. Availability toxic action even with mild forms of streptococcal infection, it is confirmed by the development of antitoxic immunity. detected by increasing titers of immunological reactions.

allergic syndrome due to the allergenic effect of streptococcal protein, which, being absorbed during the course of the disease, causes an allergic mood and creates prerequisites for the development of nephritis, rheumatism, collagenosis.
The clinical diversity of the forms of streptococcal infection depends on the localization of the process, various ratios between the homogenity and virulence of the pathogen and the state of the macroorganism, the degree of its antibacterial and antitoxic immunity, allergic mood, nonspecific resistance.

Clinic of streptococcal infection in children

Clinical manifestations of streptococcal infection are very diverse - from the mildest forms to severe septic diseases.
Despite the huge variety clinical manifestations, the entire group of streptococcal infections has common clinical features due to specific properties hemolytic streptococcus. At serious illnesses these features are very pronounced and can be diagnosed, as the severity decreases, they are erased and more difficult to detect.

The incubation period is short - from several hours to 4-5 days. Characterized by an acute onset of the disease, fast development local inflammation and general intoxication. A clinical feature is the severity of signs of inflammation (soreness, hyperemia and tissue infiltration in the local inflammatory focus). The same inflammatory response, accompanied by soreness and a tendency to suppuration, also occurs in regional lymph nodes. Characterized by the appearance of leukocytosis, neutrophilia, often with a shift to the left, increased ESR.
In the classification of streptococcal infections, mainly local infectious processes and generalized forms, differing in the severity and nature of the course of the disease. Scarlet fever, which differs from other forms by the pronounced action of erythrogenic streptococcus toxin, and erysipelas are described in the relevant sections. Mostly local streptococcal diseases are distinguished by localization. Cutaneous and subcutaneous streptococcal processes include streptoderma, phlegmon, abscesses, lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, inflammation of wounds and burns. Bone and joint lesions are manifested in the form of arthritis, osteomyelitis.
Lesions of the pharynx, nasopharynx and adnexal cavities- this is rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, adenoiditis, otitis media, mastoiditis, sinusitis.
Respiratory damage
develop in the form laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, abscesses, empyema.
At damage to the cardiovascular system arise endocarditis, pericarditis.
AT digestive organs streptococcus may cause abscess, peritonitis, cholecystitis, food poisoning.
Streptococcal urinary tract infection may manifest nephritis, cystitis, pyelitis, postpartum infections.
At defeat nervous system arise purulent meningitis, brain abscesses.
In essence, a person does not have a single organ that could not be affected by streptococcus.

The main generalized form of streptococcal infection is septicopyemia with metastases in any tissues and organs. Currently, it does not occur with antibiotic treatment.
The severity of streptococcal processes is determined by intoxication, the degree of which is usually directly dependent on the nature of the local inflammatory focus. Widespread are subclinical, mild forms, occurring at normal or subfebrile temperature, mainly with catarrhal changes in the local focus (catarrhal tonsillitis, rhinitis, etc.). There may be inapparent forms that are detected only on the basis of immunological changes. Moderate forms occur with moderately severe intoxication at a temperature of 38-39 ° C with severe symptoms of impaired health (headache, loss of appetite, weakness, vomiting may be present) and are accompanied by tachycardia. These are localized, predominantly purulent processes, for example, follicular, lacunar tonsillitis, with pronounced inflammatory changes, with a reaction in the regional lymph nodes.

Severe forms are characterized by high temperature, changes in the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, deafness of heart tones, falling blood pressure), disturbance of consciousness, vomiting, etc. are noted. Such intoxication occurs mainly with purulent lesions of the lungs, empyema, septicopyemia, etc. Mild streptococcal processes in the form of catarrhal tonsillitis, rhinitis can take a protracted, chronic course; the duration of the disease especially contributes to the allergization of the body. The diagnosis in the most pronounced forms can be based on clinical changes, but, as a rule, must be confirmed bacteriologically - by isolating hemolytic streptococcus from pus or from the mucus of the throat, nose. In diagnostics, immunological reactions may be important, but they are difficult and almost inaccessible for wide practice.

Features of streptococcal infection in modern conditions

Until the 1950s, before the advent of etiotropic drugs, streptococcal infection caused a large number of rapidly occurring severe diseases with high mortality: abscessing pneumonia, empyema, septicopyemia, meningitis, etc. This infection was common as nosocomial cross-infection in maternity hospitals, surgical departments, infectious children's hospitals, as a secondary infection with measles, whooping cough, diphtheria, was a common cause of severe complications and deaths. After the introduction of penicillin, which has a rapid effect on streptococcus, severe forms with damage to internal organs and bones began to disappear; hospital-acquired streptococcal infection has practically disappeared among the causes of deaths, but its significance in the pathology of children is still very high. Moderate, mild, subclinical forms are widespread. Currently, there are mainly local processes with localization in the pharynx, on the skin. The most common are pyoderma, rhinitis, tonsillitis, nasopharyngitis, otitis, lymphadenitis, which are one of the causes of the spread of scarlet fever, allergization in children, the occurrence of kidney diseases, rheumatism, heart damage, chronic tonsillitis and etc.

Treatment of streptococcal infection in children

Treatment for streptococcal infection should be etiotropic. In the first place among the etiotropic agents is penicillin, to which streptococci, as a rule, remain sensitive, despite its use for more than 30 years. The introduction of penicillin, as a rule, interrupts the streptococcal process at any stage of development. To obtain a bactericidal effect, the dose and course of treatment with penicillin should be sufficient. At severe forms penicillin is administered at the rate of 50,000-100,000 units / (kg day), with streptococcal infection moderate and other forms, this dose can be reduced to 30,000-40,000 U/(kg day). in the best way administration of penicillin is intramuscular with an interval between injections of 3-4 hours, with mild forms, 2-time injections or 4-5 oral administrations of phenoxymethylpenicillin are sufficient. The duration of the course is 5-7 days.
With streptococcal infection in children older than 3 years, durant penicillin preparations - bicillin-3 can also be used.
Bitsillin-3 is absorbed quickly and appears in the blood within an hour, it lasts 7-8 days in bacteriostatic concentration, therefore it is especially convenient for the treatment of acute forms of streptococcal infection. The drug is administered once at a dose of 20,000 IU / (kg-day), but not more than 800,000 IU. Preliminary to determine the sensitivity to penicillin do skin test. A 0.1% solution of penicillin is injected intradermally at a dilution of 1:10,000 (on the inner surface of the forearm). The reaction is checked after 20 hours. In case of intolerance to penicillin, its semi-synthetic preparations (oxacillin) are used. Sulfanilamide preparations ineffective.

Symptomatic therapy in the past, with tonsillitis, nasopharyngitis almost always included rinsing, irrigation of the pharynx. Currently, they are resorted to less frequently, but they certainly have hygienic significance (usually furatsilin is used at a dilution of 1: 5000).
In all forms of streptococcal infection, vitamins are widely used, especially vitamin C and B vitamins.
With otitis, lymphadenitis, phlegmon, physiotherapeutic procedures are used, mainly UHF; in acute suppurative processes, early surgical intervention is necessary.
With moderate to severe streptococcal infections, bed rest is prescribed. The diet can be general with the exception of salty, smoked foods and spices, with an increased content of vitamins.

Prevention of streptococcal infection in children

All forms of streptococcal infection are contagious, highly contagious; there are close epidemiological links between different forms. Prevention is very difficult due to the wide distribution of mild, obliterated, subclinical forms. Main preventive measure is the isolation and rehabilitation of patients (penicillin therapy).
Sanitation is carried out by carrying out common events aimed at strengthening the body.
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