Pain burning in left side. Disease of the urinary system. Pain in the left hypochondrium behind: causes and pathologies

In other cases, there are pathological processes affecting the female reproductive system.

It is not easy for the average person to understand the causes of discomfort: they are too numerous.

The harder it is to distinguish harmless states from pathologies that threaten life and health.

To determine in time dangerous manifestations different states and not get confused when the question concerns further action, you need to arm yourself with some knowledge.

The left side hurts under the ribs in front: causes

Pain in the left side is an informative symptom. However, it can be due to a huge number of reasons. In the vast majority of cases we are talking about problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In women, the situation is more complicated: pathologies of the reproductive system cannot be ruled out. What reasons can be discussed:

Diseases of the stomach. First of all, we are talking about the notorious gastritis. Gastritis is an inflammatory lesion of the gastric mucosa. The pain syndrome during gastritis is intense, the discomfort is localized in the epigastric region (in the center, just below the chest) and the left side. Similar manifestations have stomach ulcers. They can only be distinguished by endoscopic examination.

Diseases of the large intestine. First of all, it is a "fashionable" irritable bowel syndrome. Strictly speaking, IBS is not an organic lesion of the intestine. It is due to psychosomatic causes, but is accompanied by a mass of uncomfortable sensations. Often the pain is localized in the sigmoid colon (on the left under the ribs). Intense pain is accompanied by inflammation of the sigmoid colon (sigmoiditis), colitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine), neoplasms of the organ (not always malignant), colic, etc.

Pancreatitis. Inflammation of the pancreas. It is not always easy to distinguish pancreatitis from gastritis, however, pain in inflammatory lesions of the gland is much stronger.

Pathology of the kidneys. The left kidney is located in anatomical proximity to the organs gastrointestinal tract, so it is not always possible to accurately determine the localization of pain. Pathologies of the kidneys can "give" reflected pain. Among them: glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, etc.

Pneumonia. It may seem strange, but pneumonia (especially the lower lobe) is accompanied by pain in the left side.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Dull or burning pains in the left side and behind the sternum may indicate a heart attack, an attack of angina, the development of coronary heart disease.

As you can see, the list is impressive. In women, there are even more reasons why the left side hurts under the ribs in front. Many problems with the reproductive system are characterized by pain:

Ovarian lesions. Inflammation, ovarian rupture, torsion. All lesions of the ovaries are accompanied by pulling intense pain (if the left ovary is damaged, the pain radiates to the left side).

Endometriosis. It is the growth of tissues of the endometrial layer of the uterus outside the organ. It occurs predominantly in older people.

For obvious reasons, it is impossible to figure out the sources of the problem on your own. You need to have special medical knowledge. However, it is necessary to know how certain diseases and serious conditions manifest themselves in order to respond in time.

The left side hurts under the ribs in front: concomitant symptoms

You need to carefully listen to your own body so as not to miss important signals. Fortunately, pain never remains without companions. This facilitates diagnosis and gives the patient the opportunity to determine that something is wrong with the body.

Diseases of the stomach are almost always accompanied by dyspeptic symptoms: heaviness in the stomach, indigestion, also heartburn, belching. Pain in diseases of the stomach is pressing, arching. Stool disorders are rare. However, it is not easy to distinguish a stomach ulcer from gastritis, as already mentioned.

Intestinal pathologies. Accompanied characteristic manifestations. The leading manifestation is stool disorders. In this case, there can be both diarrhea and constipation (and sometimes their alternation). The stool is streaked with blood, white ribbon-like mucus, or pus. Flatulence proceeds without stool disturbances, but with intense gas discharge. Unfortunately, the only thing that can be done, having found such symptoms, is to ascertain malfunctions in the work of the intestines. It is possible to determine a specific disease only with the help of endoscopic examination.

Kidney diseases. It is difficult to determine them, since renal pathologies in the early stages can be disguised as other diseases. Accompanied by urinary disorders.

Pain radiating to the jaw, left arm is a reason to be wary. This is how heart disease (including a heart attack) manifests itself.

The left side hurts under the ribs in front: diagnosis

The first thing a patient should do when he finds discomfort in his left side is to consult a doctor. On your own, you can only drown out the symptoms, but not cope with the root cause. With pain of high intensity, if the pain is of a “dagger” nature, you should not hesitate to call an ambulance: it can be a heart attack, a perforated ulcer, acute pancreatitis, etc. Many conditions pose a direct threat to life and are fraught with death. In all other cases, there is no urgency, but it is recommended to see a doctor as soon as possible. Who to contact:

Therapist (the first one to contact).

The diagnostic strategy is developed by the doctor based on the symptomatic complex.

In general, the diagnosis includes:

Collection of anamnesis (questioning of the patient). The doctor asks standard questions regarding the patient's well-being, his complaints, etc. It is especially important to collect an anamnesis in the diagnosis of gynecological diseases, so you should not hide anything: this is not the case when you can be shy, embarrassed, etc. The doctor must be aware of the patient's condition all.

Palpation. The doctor "probes" potentially problematic areas to identify pain reactions, determine the size and structure of organs.

Contrast radiography of the stomach, intestines.

Endoscopic studies. FGDS to assess the condition of the gastric mucosa (allows you to accurately exclude gastric neoplasms, determine the degree and nature of damage to the mucous membrane of the organ). Colonoscopy is the only possible and most informative method diagnosis of intestinal pathologies (from colitis to tumors). Laparoscopy - is prescribed for suspected ectopic pregnancy (only if indicated).

Ultrasound procedure. It is used to assess the state of organs in all probable diseases.

Laboratory research. A general blood test makes it possible to identify the presence of a focus of inflammation: leukocytosis and increase in ESR characteristic of almost any inflammation, eosinophilia accompanies autoimmune (including allergic processes). In children allergic reactions can be manifested by intestinal disorders, so a complete blood count is especially important in examining young patients. Also, a general blood test makes it possible to distinguish an ectopic pregnancy from pathological processes of a different kind: an increase in the level of leukocytes, ESR is not characteristic of pregnancy. Urinalysis, blood biochemistry are necessary to assess the condition of the kidneys, liver and pancreas.

Cardiogram, ECHO KG.

The left side hurts under the ribs in front: treatment

If the left side hurts under the ribs in front, it is not the pain that should be treated, but its cause. It is in the hands of the patient to help himself, but it is important not to overdo it: pain can be removed with antispasmodics (No-shpa, Drotaverin, Duspatalin, etc.). In exceptional cases (if the pain persists), you can take an analgesic. But that won't solve the problem. Treatment should be carried out by a specialized specialist.

Depending on the specific disease, treatment can be either conservative or surgical.

Conservative treatment is reduced to taking several groups of medicines:

Antispasmodics. They are used to relieve spasm (muscle contraction) of the smooth muscles of the organ. Among them: Maksigan, Baralgin, Spazgan, No-shpa, Duspatalin, etc. Let's take an independent reception (within reasonable limits).

Analgesics. Designed to relieve pain: Maxicold, Kolfarit, Novalgin, etc. You can’t take it uncontrollably.

Anti-inflammatory drugs. Prescribed for inflammatory lesions internal organs: Ketorolac, Nise, etc.

Antibacterial drugs. They are used if the disease is caused by an infectious lesion. Specific names are selected by a specialist.

Antacids. The task of antacid drugs is to reduce the acidity of gastric juice in gastritis. Some names: Gastrofarm, Gastal, Rutacid, etc.

Windmill tools. Designed to combat increased production of intestinal gases. The problem of flatulence is especially relevant for children and people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. Appointed: Almagel, Espumizan and others.

Diuretics. Otherwise known as diuretics. They are prescribed for confirmed pathologies of the kidneys. Self-administration of diuretics is unacceptable: side effects develop frequently and are dangerous.

Surgical treatment is prescribed in a limited number of cases:

With tumors (benign, malignant).

If the cause of the pain is a hernia (for example, a hernia of the diaphragm).

With most gynecological pathologies (ovarian torsion, ectopic pregnancy). In addition to traditional abdominal operations, in recent years, endoscopic, minimally invasive interventions have been increasingly practiced.

In case of violation of the anatomical integrity of a particular organ (with rupture of the spleen, stomach, perforated ulcer, etc.).

Pain in the left side under the ribs in front in children

The causes of pain in children are the same as in adults. There are no major differences in diagnosis or treatment strategy. However, according to medical statistics, pain in children is due to three leading causes:

The development of appendicitis (oddly enough, in children, pain often radiates to the left side).

Other causes are less common, but cannot be ruled out. Fortunately, many gastrointestinal diseases in patients younger age are easier and more often treated on an outpatient basis.

There are many diseases that provoke pain in the left side. Many are life threatening. Without special medical knowledge, there is no chance to understand such a variety of pathologies, so you cannot do without the help of a doctor. A timely appeal to a specialist is the key to a favorable outcome of any, even the most serious disease.

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Portal Editor-in-Chief: Ekaterina Danilova


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Burning left side under the ribs

Pain from the left side can have a different character and be located in the lower abdomen or in the hypochondrium. A specialist will help to find out the cause of the outbreak, since the symptom is inherent in numerous diseases. Pain and burning on the left side of the body can signal heart, gynecological and digestive problems.

Character pain syndrome

By determining the nature of the pain, an accurate diagnosis can be made. Distinguish symptoms by nature:

  • Peritoneal - has a clear focus of localization. When moving or pressing sore spot the syndrome is exacerbated. Accompanies stomach ulcer
  • Visceral - pain of a general nature, dull. It runs rough. Occurs in diseases of the intestines and stomach
  • Wandering or reflected - a person cannot accurately indicate the place where it hurts. The focus is located in the left side, and from above or below, the patient finds it difficult to answer. The syndrome comes and goes. Accompanies malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to the localization of the source of trouble in the left side, areas can be distinguished:

Specialists can determine the disease: gastroenterologist, surgeon, therapist.

Causes of burning in the left side

On the left side of a person are: the spleen, stomach, heart, pancreas. Deviations in the work of any organ can cause pain and burning. Each organ is important for life, but it is most dangerous when a symptom signals heart disease.

Burning in the left hypochondrium due to heart disease

In the human body, the load on the heart is carried out constantly. The organ cannot be stopped, as it is constantly pumping blood. When working properly, the heart saturates all organs with oxygen and essential elements. A small malfunction can result in death.

Burning on the left side may be a signal the following diseases hearts:

With heart disease, pain in the left hypochondrium is accompanied by symptoms:

  • At ischemic disease there is heaviness in the chest, breathing becomes difficult, the pulse, on the contrary, quickens
  • In the pre-infarction state, the pain is visceral, spread to the entire left side of the body
  • With cardiopathy, the pulse is lost and there is a burning sensation in the hypochondrium, general malaise, weakness.

If a burning sensation in the hypochondrium is accompanied by any of the listed symptoms, you need to call an ambulance.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

A burning symptom on the left side is characteristic of gastritis. At the same time, there appear additional signs: heartburn, belching, nausea. The focus has a peritoneal character. Burning appears in the hypochondrium after a short fast, and disappears immediately after eating. You can alleviate the condition by following a strict diet. Salty, smoked, fried foods should be excluded from food. Do not drink coffee, carbonated and alcoholic drinks. If gastritis is not diagnosed on time, the disease will turn into a stomach ulcer.

A stomach ulcer is also accompanied by pain in the hypochondrium. Accompanying the disease symptoms: cramps, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, migraine. The symptom is not relieved by painkillers, or after taking them, there is a short relief. An ulcer can be diagnosed with a colonoscopy. Under general or local anesthesia, a hose with a micro-chamber is inserted into the anus. There is an alternative research method - to swallow a nano-pill. The chamber is arranged in a capsule, which exits the body naturally. Capsule price starts neg.

The cause of the disease can be inflammation of the pancreas. The body produces food juice, and with inflammation, the digestion process is disturbed. The focus has a wandering character, encircles the entire body. Inflammation is accompanied by the following symptoms: nausea, heartburn, fever. It is treated with a course of antibiotics, food enzymes, and a strict diet.

The spleen is involved in the process of filtering the blood. When it is damaged, there is a sharp pain in the left hypochondrium. The pain is visceral in nature and radiates to the back. It is difficult for a person to move, antispasmodics do not bring relief. Damage to the spleen is accompanied by additional symptoms: fever, general malaise, nausea. An endocrinologist can diagnose the disease. You can alleviate the patient's condition by applying ice to the left side.

The focus may appear when an abscess of the spleen occurs. The organ increases in size and becomes inflamed.

The disease is characterized by severe pain and burning. The symptoms are dangerous, because if an organ ruptures, the patient is in danger of fatal outcome. It is treated only surgically.

Disease of the urinary system

Burning and pain in the lower abdomen on the left can signal urolithiasis. The pain has a cramping character. Accompanied by pain when urinating. A small stone can come out naturally, but it does not hurt to consult a urologist surgeon.

It can cause pain and burning sensation both on the right and on the left pyelonephritis. Accompanied by pain when urinating. The patient has general malaise, swelling of the legs and arms. The disease is treated with a course of antibiotics, diuretics and painkillers.

Malfunctions in the reproductive system

In women, pain in the lower abdomen can signal serious gynecological ailments.

A pain symptom of a different nature can cause endometriosis. The nature of the burning sensation may be different. The symptom worsens during menstrual cycle. Endometriosis is accompanied by other signs: discharge from the vagina is brown or yellow, with an unpleasant odor, the temperature rises in the evening. Treated with a course of antibiotics.

The second female disease, one of the signs of which is burning - rupture or inflammation of the fallopian tubes. The symptom is acute and radiates to the groin. The victim develops weakness, the skin turns pale. The temperature may rise. It's hard to bend and move.

Rupture of the tubes requires immediate surgical intervention.

Burning on the side of the lower abdomen in a woman can cause an ectopic pregnancy. Symptoms may resemble a normal pregnancy: lack of menstruation, irritability, pain and burning in the lower abdomen. To avoid rupture of the pipes, it is necessary, if any of the symptoms occur, to immediately contact a gynecologist. Specialists will perform an emergency operation. If an ectopic pregnancy is not diagnosed in time, the woman may die from internal bleeding.

When a burning sensation appears in the side, which is accompanied by pain in the hypochondrium, nausea, fever and other signs, you should consult a specialist. An early diagnosis can help the patient avoid surgery and, in some cases, death.

Severe pain in the left hypochondrium - its appearance is a symptom a large number various diseases and pathological conditions. Since the left subcostal region of the abdomen corresponds to a part of the stomach, the left side of the diaphragm, intestinal loops, the pole of the left kidney, the pancreas and the most obvious organ - the spleen, therefore, most often the causes of such pain may be a violation of the functioning of these organs.

The nature of the pain on the side under the ribs

First, it is worth deciding what the hypochondrium area means - this is the upper left quadrant, located under the ribs (see fig.). Depending on the nature of the pain, when it appears, after what events, it is possible to determine what caused it and which doctor should be contacted for an accurate diagnosis and treatment:

Stitching pains in the left hypochondrium during exercise

If they occur only during intense physical activity, such as running, brisk walking (on a treadmill), jumping, during fitness training and other physical activities, this is not scary and happens to practically healthy people. Such pain passes quickly and speaks only of insufficient warm-up before exercise and too sharp or excessive movement.

Without a thorough warm-up (20 minutes), the body does not have time to adapt to a sharp increase in blood circulation. If the pain occurs only during exercise, there is no particular danger in this, if the person does not suffer from heart disease (cardiomyopathy, etc.). Even if you are absolutely healthy, you should not test the body - stop, relax your arms, shoulders, take a deep breath or, during a sharp exhalation, press your palm on the place where the pain is located, while sharply leaning forward with your body, so repeat 2-3 times and you can run further.

You should also ensure that breathing during exercise is deep enough, since shallow and frequent breathing is accompanied by small excursions of the diaphragm. Usually acute stabbing pains on the left and even on the right when running, they occur if the workout starts abruptly without a warm-up and after eating. After eating, at least 1-1.5 hours should pass, since the gastrointestinal tract is loaded with work, the body has not warmed up and rebuilt, hence the double load and double pain.

Dagger cutting acute pain syndrome

It is a completely different matter if there is a dagger cutting, sharp pain in the left side under the ribs, when it is not associated with a load and appears suddenly - this is a reason for urgent medical care. Sudden severe pain in the left hypochondrium may indicate a rupture of the renal pelvis, spleen, be the result of perforation of the loops small intestine or stomach wall. And also as an abdominal variant of myocardial infarction or acute pancreatitis.

acute, strong pain after injury

If pain occurs when you inhale after a fall, injury or car accident, this may be a sign, a symptom of serious damage to the internal organs that threaten life.

Dull pain in the left hypochondrium

Diffuse, dull pain under the ribs on the left, if it periodically occurs for a long time, is a cause for concern, as it can be a symptom of a sluggish chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often it is cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis and others. To confirm or exclude these pathologies, you should contact a gastroenterologist, do a series of laboratory tests, instrumental research, ultrasound and other procedures, tests.

Splenomegaly in various blood pathologies, autoimmune or systemic diseases, sepsis, bacterial infections - this is a reason for dull or aching chronic pain on the left in the hypochondrium.

Constant pulling, aching pain on the left under the ribs is a symptom, a sign of sluggish colitis or duodenitis, if this symptom is accompanied by nausea, vomiting - this may be a manifestation of a stomach ulcer. Unrelated to the gastrointestinal tract, such pain may be a sign of a pre-infarction condition, coronary heart disease, or angina pectoris.

So, the pain that occurs in the left upper abdomen can be caused by the following causes, pathologies and diseases:

  • Cardiomyopathy, heart attack, heart muscle damage
  • Most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastric ulcer, colitis, duodenitis
  • Intercostal neuralgia (symptoms)
  • Spleen rupture (trauma) or enlargement of the spleen due to infection
  • Spleen infarction due to arterial thrombosis
  • Tumors of internal organs
  • Diaphragmatic hernia or diaphragmatic injury
  • Rheumatic manifestations
  • Left-sided pneumonia, left-sided pleurisy, which occur in the lower part of the left lung

Pain in the hypochondrium should be distinguished according to the mechanism of occurrence

All possible pains in the left side under the ribs are also divided according to the mechanism of occurrence, this can serve as an additional diagnostic sign to help in determining the pathology of a particular organ or system.

Reflected pains - these pain sensations appear as radiating from fairly distant organs, such as in case of a heart attack, left-sided pneumonia, pleurisy or other diseases.

Visceral pain - with spasms of the intestines or impaired motility of the stomach, as well as sprains of their muscle fibers. With flatulence, aching and dull pains may occur, or cramping pains - with intestinal colic, which often radiate to nearby parts of the body.

Peritoneal pain is a persistent and well-localized pain that is caused by irritation of the peritoneum, such as with a perforated stomach ulcer. Such pain increases with breathing, movement, it is cutting, sharp.

When pain in the left hypochondrium in front

If such pain is localized under the ribs in front, this rather indicates diseases of the spleen or damage to the tissues of the stomach. In these cases, the differential diagnosis is carried out with myocardial infarction, colitis of the upper intestinal loops, myositis. If the pain shifts more to the center, a combination of stomach disease with diseases of the gallbladder and duodenum.

When pain is behind

Most often, when the left kidney is damaged, the pain is localized in the left hypochondrium at the back, it is strong enough, constant, to diagnose kidney diseases, an ultrasound should be done, and a general urine and blood test should be taken. In addition to the pathology of the left kidney, such pain can occur with thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis, palpation of the paravertebral processes can give this pain syndrome.

Girdle pain combined with pain on the left

If girdle pain appears in the area under the left ribs, passing from behind to the anterior abdominal wall, this may be a sign of inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis. With an attack of pancreatitis, a symptom of the onset of inflammation is an unbearable burning girdle pain, which subsides a little when a person leans forward in a sitting position.

Diaphragm pathologies

Constant pain in this area can occur with pathologies of the diaphragm, diaphragmatic hernia. A hole in the diaphragm, necessary for the esophagus, which connects to the stomach, separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. And with the weakening of the muscle tissue that regulates this hole, the lumen expands, so the upper part of the stomach can go beyond the abdominal cavity into the chest.

In this case, the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus, causing constant dull, aching pain on the left, with nausea, heartburn. Pregnancy, obesity, excessive physical activity can contribute to the development of a diaphragmatic hernia, and this pathology often occurs in older people with a general weakening of the entire muscular apparatus. Sometimes this condition is aggravated by a pinched stomach, then there are sharp, cutting, sharp pains in the left hypochondrium.

Cause - intercostal neuralgia

Various neurological diseases can cause compression or irritation of the intercostal nerves. Pain in intercostal neuralgia is wide range manifestations:

  • In the region of the ribs, under the ribs - shooting, piercing, sharp or aching, burning or dull pain (see also pain in the region of the heart).
  • The pain may increase with sudden movements, sneezing, inhaling, coughing, even with a change in body position.
  • Attacks of intercostal neuralgia are accompanied by stabbing pain in the chest, left side, manifested by muscle twitches, pallor or redness of the skin, increased sweating.
  • When pressing on some points on the back, chest, between the ribs or along the spine, pain also appears.

With neuralgia, pain can be localized not only in the left side, but also in the lower back, under the scapula (as in heart disease). They can be at night, and in the morning, and during the day, for quite a long time, sometimes a feeling of numbness appears in places of damage to the nerve pathways.

Cardiac pathologies

Aching pain in the left side in combination with shortness of breath during exertion and even at rest, nausea, palpitations, burning and heaviness in the chest occur with heart diseases, such as coronary heart disease. With the defeat of the coronary arteries, the blood supply to the heart muscle is disrupted, causing such a pathological condition as ischemia.

Also, similar pains under the ribs can occur with cardiomyopathy - these are several different diseases that lead to dysfunction of the heart muscle, while there is no pathology of the valvular apparatus, arterial hypertension, and diseases of the heart vessels. In cardiomyopathy, the heart muscle changes structurally. This is manifested by rapid fatigue, pain in the left side during physical exertion. Learn more about the symptoms and treatment of cardiomyopathy.

Pathological conditions of the spleen

The spleen is a fragile, easily torn organ, so any of its pathological conditions is reflected in pain. Its slight increase is difficult to recognize, especially in fat people, because it lies deep in the left hypochondrium. Enlargement of the spleen or splenomegaly occurs with some infectious diseases such as infectious mononucleosis. However, in addition to pain in the spleen area, pronounced symptoms are inherent in this disease, such as fever, muscle pain, headache, swollen lymph nodes, general intoxication, tonsillitis, liver enlargement. The spleen performs several important functions in the body:

  • This is the thinnest blood filter
  • It is the largest lymph node
  • It is the largest conglomerate of reticuloendothelial tissue

With spleen hypertrophy, when it performs an immune, phagocytic and filtering function in an enhanced mode, that is, against the background of immune complex diseases, hemolytic anemia, acute severe infections- it increases in size and can cause pain on the left. Other causes of pain and enlargement of the spleen include trauma, infiltration, tumors, or defects in its development. Especially acute sharp pain in the area under the ribs occurs upon impact, trauma, leading to rupture of the spleen. In addition to pain, a sign of a rupture is the cyanosis of the skin around the navel, since a large amount of blood accumulates there, and pain radiates from the left hypochondrium to the back, if such symptoms appear, you should call an ambulance.

Diseases of the stomach, pancreas

  • Gastritis

This disease affects the majority of the population, since the current state of the food industry, aimed at creating chemicalized products, contributes to the development of functional disorders of the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal tract. The gastric mucosa is quite sensitive to any irritants, which are more than enough in our daily diet. Gastritis is most often manifested by belching, aching pain in the hypochondrium, nausea, pain in the epigastric region, vomiting, heartburn, heaviness, and a feeling of pressure. These symptoms appear shortly after eating, and may also occur general disorders- pallor, weakness, irritability, dry mouth, burning sensation, impaired sensitivity of the lower and upper extremities, signs of dyspepsia - diarrhea, constipation.

She has similar symptoms with gastritis and depends on the duration and severity of the disease, in contrast to duodenal ulcers, when pain occurs during hunger, an empty stomach, stomach ulcer pain occurs after eating. Also, this causes heartburn, nausea, vomiting, belching sour, loss of appetite and body weight. With a perforated ulcer, the main striking symptom is dagger, sudden pain, loss of consciousness, pallor, general weakness.

by the most typical symptoms acute pancreatitis is a severe pain under the left hypochondrium, in the left side, and in the epigastric region, of a girdle character, accompanied by vomiting with bile, nausea,

An increase in body temperature, it is also possible to stain the urine in a dark color and lighten the feces. The pain is so severe that the person is forced to sit bent over. At chronic pancreatitis patients complain of dull aching pain, especially after a lavish feast. With oncological lesions of the pancreas, it is very difficult to establish a diagnosis, this is a very small, inaccessible organ that is difficult to diagnose and treat, and the symptoms of cancer are practically not noticeable at the onset of the disease.

In our time of oncological tension, any manifestations of ailments, weakness, lack of appetite, anemia, aversion to a certain food, for example, meat, rapid satiety, periodic pain in the stomach, intestines, a series of constipation with diarrhea, should alert a person, especially with age. Oncology is dangerous for its low-symptomatic course in the early stages. For any persistent pain, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause and conduct timely therapy.

Image from

Often people have to deal with a situation where, under certain circumstances, there is pain in the left side, and many tend to believe that the left side hurts under the rib, signaling pain in the heart. However, such pain can be a symptom of diseases of various organs and systems of the body.

1. Spleen. This organ is located very close to the surface of the body in the upper left part of the abdominal cavity. A number of diseases enlarge the spleen, which causes pain under the left rib. The enlarged size of the spleen can lead to its rupture, in which case such pains are accompanied by blue skin around the navel, as blood accumulates in the abdominal cavity.

The following diseases can lead to rupture of the spleen:

  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • abdominal trauma;
  • inflammation of the spleen;
  • splenic infarction.

An attack of acute cutting pain indicates a rupture of the spleen, in which case you need to immediately call an ambulance, and apply on the left side before it arrives. cold compress. Rupture of the spleen very often leads to its removal.

2. Stomach. Pain under the left rib of a different nature, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, can be caused by diseases of the stomach:

  • gastritis - dull dull pain, depending on the level of acidity that occurs after eating (low) or in the morning on an empty stomach (increased);
  • functional dyspepsia, which occurs with increased sensitivity of the stomach wall to stretching, pain can take on a different character;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach - the pain is aching in nature;
  • neoplasm.

In diseases of the stomach, antacids soften the pain a little.

3. Pancreas. The organ is located in the upper abdomen on the posterior abdominal wall, going to the left side. In chronic diseases of the pancreas, dull girdle pain is characteristic, including on the left side. Basically, cutting girdle pain occurs during attacks of acute pancreatitis, may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever. Aching pains under the left rib without recoil to the back indicate the beginning of the inflammatory process in that part of the pancreas that goes sharply to the left, this part is called the "tail".

4. Aperture, or rather, its left part. This muscle is located at the top of the abdominal cavity, separating it from the chest. The diaphragm has an opening through which the esophagus passes. Pain in the left hypochondrium can be caused by a weakening of the diaphragm, as a result of which the esophagus expands and abdominal part the esophagus and part of the stomach are in the chest cavity, causing pain under the left rib, - there is diaphragmatic hernia. The weakening of the diaphragm can be under conditions that increase intra-abdominal pressure:

  • heavy physical labor;
  • obesity;
  • in some cases - age-related changes organism;
  • in rare cases - pregnancy.

5. Heart. Burning pain in left side, radiating to left shoulder blade, left arm and back and accompanied by shortness of breath, speaks of myocardial infarction.

6. Nervous system. Defeats nervous system may manifest unexpected symptoms, the left side hurts under the ribs and in the middle of the abdomen, mainly when a rather rare disorder of the nervous system occurs - abdominal migraine, which occurs mostly in children and adolescents, less often in adults under 40 years old. The pain is paroxysmal in nature, may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, blanching of the skin, muscle cramps of the abdominal wall. Also, such pain can be a sign of a special form of epilepsy.

7. Endocrine system. Pain on the left appears with vegetative crises occurring most often in women.

If there is even a barely noticeable pain under the left rib, especially if they are accompanied by other symptoms (vomiting, pain on the left side, pricks on the left side, burning), you need to see a doctor. The specialist will find out what hurts the ribs on the left side, prescribe an examination to identify the causes of pain (whether it is sharp, dull or burning) and refer to the appropriate specialist. Mandatory consultation should be held with the following specialists:

1Anatomical arrangement of organs

What is on the left side? The organs of the digestive tract are located in the region of the left side, and therefore the pain most often occurs due to a violation of the digestive system.

Discomfort may be associated with malfunctions of the following organs:

  1. Stomach.
  2. Liver.
  3. Pancreas.
  4. Small or large intestine.
  5. The gallbladder, located closer to the left side.

To make a correct diagnosis, the site of damage and the onset of pain is initially determined. The anterior part of the abdominal wall can be conditionally divided into 9 sections and 3 floors:

  1. The first floor - it is called the upper section, here are the epigastric, and two areas of the hypochondrium.
  2. The second floor is the middle one, the navel area is located here, as well as two lateral sections.
  3. The third floor is the department located below all the others, there are two iliac regions - the right and left, and the pubic part.

2Pain in the hypochondrium after eating

The explanation of the pain on the left under the ribs after eating can be covered in the following simple reasons:

  1. Wrong nutrition. Often people who prefer fast food complain of such pain after eating. This is due to the fact that during cooking, for example, french fries, vegetable oil changes very rarely. Gradually, the oil turns into poison, releasing harmful carcinogens. So it turns out that lovers of snacks "on the go" are most at risk of getting a peptic ulcer.
  2. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. A person who daily consumes alcohol before and after meals is not immune from many diseases. Of course, in moderate doses, alcoholic beverages are even useful, but the excessive use of alcohol, no doubt, destroys the entire biorhythm of the body, taking away vital resources.
  3. Binge eating. Delicious food in large quantities can lead not only to the appearance of extra pounds. From excessive consumption of food, the stomach is stretched, which leads to pain. You need to eat healthy food and control your weight.
  4. Injury. Often pain after eating can be caused by injuries of a different nature. The result of brute physical force can be hematomas, cracks, micro-tears.

3Possible diseases

  1. Disease of the spleen. When the spleen is enlarged, its capsule is stretched, in this case there is also pain in the left side under the ribs. This state of affairs is dangerous not only for health, but also for life, since with a slight impact, the organ can burst. And this leads to internal hemorrhage. The first symptom of this condition may be a bluish rim around the navel, since blood accumulates in this particular section. The first thing the patient should do in this case is to call a doctor.
  2. Stomach problems. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, ulcers, neoplasms also cause discomfort in the left side under the ribs. With peptic ulcer or gastritis, after each meal, the pain becomes stronger. If so, visit a gastroenterologist. And if the discomfort is not associated with food - be examined additionally in order to exclude the tumor process. If the pain is associated with the stomach, then it will be accompanied by additional signs in the form of nausea, vomiting, heartburn.
  3. Diaphragm hernia. This disease is common and is characterized by severe pain in the hypochondrium. In this case, part of the stomach goes into the chest cavity, where the esophagus is located. If nausea occurs along with aching pain, then most likely the suspicions are correct. Diaphragmatic hernia often occurs in older people.
  4. Pancreas. Violations in the gallbladder and the development of diabetic disease can appear with a passion for alcohol. If the pancreas is affected, then there is significant pain on the left side of the abdomen, below the ribs, which spreads over the back area.
  5. Heart disease. If pain in the left abdomen is accompanied by shortness of breath, and the pain syndrome spreads to the left arm and shoulder blade, this indicates a heart attack. Call a doctor immediately.
  6. Intercostal neuralgia. Severe pains in the left side under the ribs are sharp and burning.

There are several causes of intercostal neuralgia:

  1. Nerve injury in osteochondrosis.
  2. Lumbar hernia.
  3. Scoliosis.
  4. Ankylosing spondylitis, spondylitis.
  5. Infringement of the intercostal nerves, muscle spasms.

In addition, predisposing factors for the onset of pain can be hypothermia, weight lifting, and nervous tension.

urinary and reproductive systems.

If the pain is associated with problems of the urinary system, then along with this, the person will experience discomfort when urinating. In some cases, the body temperature rises significantly. In diseases of the reproductive system, the menstrual cycle may be disturbed.

4Occurrence of symptoms in women

Women also often suffer from pain in the side on the left side. For example, diseases of the ovaries or pelvic organs can contribute to this. The most common causes of this condition include the following diseases:

  1. Adnexitis. This is an inflammation of the uterine appendages. Occurs on the left side cutting pain, pulls the lower abdomen, fever sets in. Urination is disturbed, the woman is shivering, the muscles in the lower abdomen are tense.
  2. Rupture of cysts. The cyst is benign tumor which may appear in the left ovary. Strong and sharp pain appears when the cyst ruptures.
  3. Oncology. With cancerous tumors, there are pulling pains in the left side, which become more intense as the neoplasms grow. If detected in time similar condition, you can avoid many problems in the future.

5 Manifestations in men

Often such pain can be associated with an inflammatory process in the prostate. The first sign of prostate disease may be a decrease in sexual activity, after some time there is pain in the lower abdomen of a cutting nature, which increases with urination.

Other diseases that can manifest as pain in the side include the following:

  • stones in the prostate;
  • problems with the genitourinary system and urinary tract;
  • cystitis, urethritis;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • hernias formed in the groin area;
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

6Pain during pregnancy

The greatest danger is the first trimester of pregnancy, then such pain may indicate a possible miscarriage. To avoid a miscarriage or detect an ectopic pregnancy in time, if it pulls in the lower abdomen, dizziness, nausea, weakness appear, if the pain is intense, immediately seek help from a doctor.

Also, discomfort in the left side may appear for the following reasons:

  1. If there are intense contractions of the uterus, from the fact that there is not enough progesterone.
  2. With the rapid growth of the uterus.
  3. With the pressure of the embryo on the intestines, from which the food does not pass well, and, as a result, constipation and pain occur in the left side.

7 types of pain

  1. Sharp pain, it is also characterized as penetrating. In this condition, you should not hesitate, but it is best to call an ambulance, as severe pain may indicate a ruptured spleen. With these manifestations, an irreversible disruption of the internal organs may occur.
  2. Dull pain in the region of the left hypochondrium occurs when chronic diseases GIT. Pancreatitis, cholecystitis or other diseases associated with the stomach can provoke such pain.
  3. Aching pain may signal that you have an inflammatory process (duodenitis and colitis). With pain in the hypochondrium on the left side and vomiting, one can talk about stomach ulcers. Aching pain indicates a malfunction in the cardiovascular system (for example, a pre-infarction state, coronary disease, angina pectoris).

Here is a list of areas in medicine that deal with the elimination of pain in the side and diseases associated with them:

The main causes of pain in the left side under the ribs were listed above. Do not guess and look for the cause yourself, only a specialist will help you understand the situation. Remember that some diseases with a similar symptom can be life-threatening. Therefore, your main task is to identify the cause of the pain as early as possible and begin treatment. Having stopped the pain yourself, you will delay the treatment.

  • 1Provoking factors
  • 2Types of pathologies
  • 3 Pain in the upper abdomen
  • 4Diagnosis
  • 5 Kidney disease
  • 6Treatment

1Provoking factors

The left side of the abdomen includes 3 areas:

  • left hypochondrium;
  • left side section;
  • left iliac.

emergence discomfort in one of these areas and would be considered pain in the left side. If the left side hurts, then this symptom can be triggered by:

  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreas, stomach, liver, gallbladder, large and small intestines);
  • kidney pathology, Bladder and ureters, spleen, uterine appendages;
  • hernia;
  • heart disease;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • pathology of the left lung;
  • blood diseases.

Acute pain in the left side of the lower abdomen may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system or intestinal infection. Cutting pain in this area in women is inherent in such pathologies as ectopic pregnancy or tumor neoplasms.

After an injury, the pain syndrome may not develop immediately, but after 2-3 hours. With mild bruises, discomfort disappears quickly, within 1-2 days, but if the injury was serious, then the feeling of pain in the injured area can only intensify. In this situation, it is recommended to seek help from a specialized medical institution for further diagnosis of such symptoms.

Intestinal diseases or other disorders in the work of the digestive organs are often triggered by the presence of gastritis or peptic ulcer. Their appearance may be preceded by malnutrition or non-compliance elementary rules hygiene. But there are other factors leading to an ulcer:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • stress;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • bad habits.

The causes of pain in the left side can be caused not only by a violation of the functionality of internal organs, but also by external factors. So, pain in the left side can provoke severe hypothermia resulting in inflammation of muscle tissues or organs. Neuralgic syndrome also refers to the causes that cause unpleasant pain in the left side of the abdomen.

It is possible to determine exactly why the left side hurts only after a qualified diagnosis. Independent attempts to determine the cause of the pain that has arisen, based on symptoms present are often unsuccessful and fraught with serious consequences.

2Types of pathologies

Pain on the left side under the ribs can be a signal of pathologies such as:

  • diseases of the stomach;
  • enlargement or rupture of the spleen;
  • heart attack or damage to the heart muscle;
  • hernia of the diaphragm;
  • inflammation of the lungs (left-sided);
  • rheumatic injury.

A sharp pain in the left side or hypochondrium may signal a loss of integrity of the spleen, the mucous membranes of the stomach, or the loops of the large intestine.

If, in the event of a fall or other emergency, an injury to the abdomen was received, and the victim feels an acute pain in the left side when inhaling dagger pain, then this is a sign of a serious injury to the internal organs that are in this area. Dull pain in the left hypochondrium, which does not subside for several days or even weeks, characterizes one of the many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of a chronic form. These diseases include: cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, etc.

The inflammatory process in the lower lobes of the left lung also has pains of an unexpressed nature, which is replaced by stabbing when coughing. A symptom of pleurisy is pain on the left side at the time of torso tilt. In addition to the pain syndrome, in a sick person, the body temperature rises, breathing becomes superficial and rapid. To reduce chest pain when breathing, the patient chooses the optimal position - lies on the affected side.

Aching pain that has arisen on the left side in the hypochondrium, accompanied by bouts of nausea or vomiting, indicates a stomach ulcer. Also, often the causes of aching pain are coronary heart disease, pre-infarction condition, angina pectoris, duodenitis or colitis.

Some pathological processes are dangerous because, as a result of prolonged ignoring of the symptom, they can lead to death. For example, gastric ulcer as it progresses is fraught with the occurrence of internal bleeding. In addition to the above possible factors, constipation and overeating can cause pain in the left hypochondrium.

3 Pain in the upper abdomen

Pain that occurs in the left half of the peritoneum is often a sign of pancreatitis or the presence of a neoplasm (tumor) in the pancreas. The pancreas, which is located in the left hypochondrium, can hurt after eating fatty and fried foods. In most cases, severe pain in the side gradually begins to spread to the entire anterior wall of the peritoneum, and sometimes to the back. Severe pain in upper lobe the peritoneum on the left side is typical feature pancreatitis. A sick person has a feeling of discomfort, which in a short period of time develops into severe and constant pain, accompanied by vomiting. In the vomit, one can notice impurities of bile, the discharge of which briefly brings relief to a sick person.

Yellowing of the skin, lightening of feces and dark color of urine are characteristic of obstructive jaundice, which occurs as a result of pathology of the pancreatic head.

Aching pain in the left side under the ribs, which increases when eating foods high in fat, is characteristic of the chronic form of pancreatitis. After such a meal, the patient, in addition to pain, may experience an increase in body temperature, nausea, followed by vomiting, and an unpleasant taste of bitterness in the mouth.

Malignant neoplastic diseases often do not have pronounced symptoms and for this reason this disease is often diagnosed when it is already on final stages development. The tumor of the pancreas, which is on the left, can manifest itself intense and prolonged pain. In addition to the left hypochondrium, pain can spread to the center of the abdomen.


Most often, on the left side in the lower abdomen, the pain syndrome is provoked by such aspects:

  • adnexitis;
  • torsion or rupture of an ovarian cyst;
  • intestinal pathologies;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

Symptoms such as aching pain, accompanied by bloating, urge to defecate or diarrhea, indicate the presence of an intestinal infection. Inflammation of the large intestine caused by infections is called colitis. With nonspecific ulcerative colitis, the patient develops loose stools with an admixture of pus and mucus. Such discharge occurs due to manifestations of the mucous membrane of the large intestine.

Frequent urge to defecate leads to dehydration of the human body. The temperature index of the body deviates from the norm. The onset of fever is accompanied by pain in the joints. Intestinal obstruction is manifested by acute cramping pains. Symptoms occur regardless of the time of day or food intake. The pain effect is caused by peristalsis (contraction) of the intestine. If the disease progresses, then the pain subsides after 2-3 days due to the fact that the intestine stops contracting. The patient has bloating, stool retention, and sudden bouts of nausea and vomiting.

Intestinal volvulus can be diagnosed in both children and adults, but this disease is still more common in children aged 4 to 9 months after birth. The first symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in the form of a sharp pain in the abdomen.

The child becomes restless and pulls the legs to the chest. After a while, the baby calms down, but a second wave of pain caused by intestinal motility again makes him cry and writhe. The baby's stool is changing. There may be blood in the feces. Further advancement of the intestine and its volvulus leads to the fact that the child's feces begin to change color and become crimson.

Colon cancer, like other oncological diseases, does not begin to manifest itself immediately. Weak cramps in the abdomen, constipation, copious discharge of gases are provoked by the narrowing of the intestinal lumen by the tumor.

In gynecological diseases, it can occur as nagging pain in the left side, and sharp. Everything will depend on the pathology. Characteristic signs of violations of the female reproductive organs, in addition to pain, is a change in the menstrual cycle.

If the pain is localized in the lower part of the peritoneum in the left side of men over 40 years old, then these may be symptoms of such a male disease as prostatitis.

5 Kidney disease

Pain from the back in the left side to the left under the ribs is a sign of diseases such as:

  • aortic aneurysm;
  • angina;
  • pericardium;
  • myocardial infarction.

Additional symptoms may include dizziness, difficulty breathing, nausea, and loss of consciousness.

Pain in the left side when moving in the lumbar region is characterized by kidney disease. The reason for this may be bacterial infections or urolithiasis. A pregnant woman may experience pain in lumbar region due to fetal pressure on the pelvic organs.


When asked what to do if the left side hurts, the answer is unequivocal - seek help from a doctor. After identifying the pathological process that causes pain in the side, treatment will be prescribed. It can be either medical or surgical.

As a rule, patients go to the hospital when the left side is already very sore and ways conservative treatment don't make sense. Therefore, if the pain that has arisen does not subside within 30-40 minutes, increases or other additional symptoms are observed, then it is recommended to take immediate action. It is worth remembering that in some situations, delay in action can cost a person life.

Pain from the left side can have a different character and be located in the lower abdomen or in the hypochondrium. A specialist will help to find out the cause of the outbreak, since the symptom is inherent in numerous diseases. Pain and burning on the left side of the body can signal heart, gynecological and digestive problems.

The nature of the pain syndrome

By determining the nature of the pain, an accurate diagnosis can be made. Distinguish symptoms by nature:

  • Peritoneal - has a clear focus of localization. When moving or pressing on a sore spot, the syndrome intensifies. Accompanies stomach ulcer
  • Visceral - pain of a general nature, dull. It runs rough. Occurs in diseases of the intestines and stomach
  • Wandering or reflected - a person cannot accurately indicate the place where it hurts. The focus is located in the left side, and from above or below, the patient finds it difficult to answer. The syndrome comes and goes. Accompanies malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to the localization of the source of trouble in the left side, areas can be distinguished:

  • lower abdomen
  • Left under ribs.

Specialists can determine the disease: gastroenterologist, surgeon, therapist.

Causes of burning in the left side

On the left side of a person are: the spleen, stomach, heart, pancreas. Deviations in the work of any organ can cause pain and burning. Each organ is important for life, but it is most dangerous when a symptom signals heart disease.

Burning in the left hypochondrium due to heart disease

In the human body, the load on the heart is carried out constantly. The organ cannot be stopped, as it is constantly pumping blood. When working properly, the heart saturates all organs with oxygen and essential elements. A small malfunction can result in death.

Burning on the left side can be a signal of the following heart diseases:

  • Ischemic disease
  • myocardial infarction
  • Cardiomyopathy.

With heart disease, pain in the left hypochondrium is accompanied by symptoms:

  • With ischemic disease, heaviness appears in the chest, breathing becomes difficult, the pulse, on the contrary, quickens
  • In the pre-infarction state, the pain is visceral, spread to the entire left side of the body
  • With cardiopathy, the pulse is lost and there is a burning sensation in the hypochondrium, general malaise, weakness.

If a burning sensation in the hypochondrium is accompanied by any of the listed symptoms, you need to call an ambulance.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

A burning symptom on the left side is characteristic of gastritis. In this case, additional symptoms appear: heartburn, belching, nausea. The focus has a peritoneal character. Burning appears in the hypochondrium after a short fast, and disappears immediately after eating. You can alleviate the condition by following a strict diet. Salty, smoked, fried foods should be excluded from food. Do not drink coffee, carbonated and alcoholic drinks. If gastritis is not diagnosed on time, the disease will turn into a stomach ulcer.

A stomach ulcer is also accompanied by pain in the hypochondrium. Accompanying the disease symptoms: cramps, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, migraine. The symptom is not relieved by painkillers, or after taking them, there is a short relief. An ulcer can be diagnosed with a colonoscopy. Under general or local anesthesia, a hose with a micro-chamber is inserted into the anus. There is an alternative research method - to swallow a nano-pill. The chamber is arranged in a capsule, which exits the body naturally. The price of a capsule starts from 4,500 rubles.

The cause of the disease can be inflammation of the pancreas. The body produces food juice, and with inflammation, the digestion process is disturbed. The focus has a wandering character, encircles the entire body. Inflammation is accompanied by the following symptoms: nausea, heartburn, fever. It is treated with a course of antibiotics, food enzymes, and a strict diet.

Spleen injury

The spleen is involved in the process of filtering the blood. When it is damaged, there is a sharp pain in the left hypochondrium. The pain is visceral in nature and radiates to the back. It is difficult for a person to move, antispasmodics do not bring relief. Damage to the spleen is accompanied by additional symptoms: fever, general malaise, nausea. An endocrinologist can diagnose the disease. You can alleviate the patient's condition by applying ice to the left side.

The focus may appear when an abscess of the spleen occurs. The organ increases in size and becomes inflamed.

The disease is characterized by severe pain and burning. Symptoms are dangerous, because if the organ breaks, the patient is threatened with death. It is treated only surgically.

Disease of the urinary system

Burning and pain in the lower abdomen on the left can signal urolithiasis. The pain has a cramping character. Accompanied by pain when urinating. A small stone can come out naturally, but it does not hurt to consult a urologist surgeon.

It can cause pain and burning sensation both on the right and on the left pyelonephritis. Accompanied by pain when urinating. The patient has general malaise, swelling of the legs and arms. The disease is treated with a course of antibiotics, diuretics and painkillers.

Malfunctions in the reproductive system

In women, pain in the lower abdomen can signal serious gynecological ailments.

A pain symptom of a different nature can cause endometriosis. The nature of the burning sensation may be different. The symptom intensifies during the menstrual cycle. Endometriosis is accompanied by other signs: discharge from the vagina is brown or yellow, with an unpleasant odor, the temperature rises in the evening. Treated with a course of antibiotics.

The second female disease, one of the signs of which is burning - rupture or inflammation of the fallopian tubes. The symptom is acute and radiates to the groin. The victim develops weakness, the skin turns pale. The temperature may rise. It's hard to bend and move.

Rupture of the tubes requires immediate surgical intervention.

Burning on the side of the lower abdomen in a woman can cause an ectopic pregnancy. Symptoms may resemble a normal pregnancy: lack of menstruation, irritability, pain and burning in the lower abdomen. To avoid rupture of the pipes, it is necessary, if any of the symptoms occur, to immediately contact a gynecologist. Specialists will perform an emergency operation. If an ectopic pregnancy is not diagnosed in time, the woman may die from internal bleeding.

When a burning sensation appears in the side, which is accompanied by pain in the hypochondrium, nausea, fever and other signs, you should consult a specialist. An early diagnosis can help the patient avoid surgery and, in some cases, death.

Pain in the abdomen indicates various diseases of the organs. The stomach itself is not an organ, it is an anatomical formation, which doctors divide into departments. So, if the left side hurts, doctors distinguish three departments of pain localization and many diseases and pathologies that occur in this area in men and women.

Types and characteristics of pain in the left side

The abdomen is divided into 9 sections, 3 upper, from right to left called:

Middle, from right to left called:

  • right flank (side);
  • umbilical region;
  • left flank (side).

Lower, from right to left called:

  • right iliac region;
  • suprapubic;
  • left iliac.

The left side is represented by three departments:

  • left hypochondrium from above;
  • proper left side in the middle;
  • left iliac region.

In these departments there are organs of the gastrointestinal tract, most of which are hollow, as well as pain in these departments may indicate other diseases.

All pathologies, an unpleasant pain syndrome in which is localized on the left, can be divided into:

  • diseases of the digestive system:
  • stomach;
  • pancreas;
  • liver;
  • small intestine;
  • gallbladder;
  • large intestine.

Pathologies of the respiratory system:

  • diaphragms;
  • lungs;
  • pleura.

Diseases of the heart, blood system;

  • diseases of the renal system;
  • pathology of the uterine appendages;
  • pathologies, injuries of the spleen;
  • abdominal hernia;
  • diseases of the PNS (nervous system);
  • diseases of the blood, connective tissue;
  • pathology of the endocrine system.

Types of pain syndrome of the left side are divided according to the mechanism of their occurrence.

  1. Visceral, which is characteristic of a violation of the motor functions of the digestive organs in spastic conditions. The nature of the pain syndrome is cramping, or dull radiating.
  2. Peritoneal syndrome is always a symptom of dangerous conditions that require immediate surgical care. Occurs by irritation of the peritoneum with broken biological substrates from the hollow organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Reflected pain characterizes other pathologies that radiate to the left lateral region. For example, lower lobe left-sided pneumonia, pleurisy.

Pain in the left hypochondrium: characteristics, pathology, clinic

The pain syndrome that appears near the left hypochondrium in front is a sign of various pathologies:

  • stomach diseases;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • splenomegaly or rupture of the spleen;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • heart diseases;
  • rheumatic pathologies;
  • diseases of the left lung: pleurisy, pneumonia.

Pain syndrome in pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

Gastritis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach, caused by various negative effects on it. Pain syndrome with gastritis, aching in nature, may be accompanied by manifestations:

  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting.

In addition, gastritis adds local and general symptoms to its picture.

Local manifestations:

  • feeling of internal pressure, heaviness near the epigastric region after every lunch or dinner;
  • belching, burning in the epigastric region, bad taste in the mouth;
  • pelvic dysfunction (constipation, diarrhea).

General symptoms:

  • development of weakness, irritable reaction;
  • violations of the heart, its system;
  • after eating a person wants to sleep, sweats;
  • burning on the tongue, in the mouth.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach has a characteristic depending on the duration of its course, features. It starts to hurt after eating, as a rule, if the position of the ulcer falls on the left hypochondrium.

Another clinic of an ulcer is manifested by symptoms:

  • heartburn, belching with sour contents;
  • weight loss;
  • a person can feel sick, vomit after eating.

Perforation of a stomach ulcer is a complication that occurs when a small hole appears in its wall. In this condition, irritation of the peritoneum occurs, peritonitis develops. The main symptom of this process is acute pain, patients say "as if stabbed with a knife, dagger" from the side of the ulcer.

Tumors of the stomach are manifested by the appearance of pain of a constant nature not associated with the use of food, liquids. cancer first clinical stages, is not marked in any way. The onset of abdominal cancer is characterized by:

  • loss of appetite;
  • sometimes incomprehensible vomiting, nausea;
  • emergence sharp decline body weight;
  • a person may stop liking meat;
  • there is a feeling of rapid satiety with small portions.

Soreness with splenomegaly (spleen swelling), characteristic of infectious mononucleosis. Pain is due to strong stretching its capsules.

Rupture of the spleen typically occurs after a traumatic impact on the abdominal cavity. There is a sharp pain after a blow, in the left hypochondrium. A cyanotic tint of the skin of the left half or near the navel appears, this is due to the release of blood from the ruptured spleen, which is a hematopoietic organ, a depot of blood cells.

The pathologies of the diaphragm include a hernia that develops in this place. It occurs if the muscles of the esophagus become weaker, part of the stomach protrudes into the chest cavity. There is pain in the left hypochondrium, accompanied by a symptom of heartburn. The provocation for the occurrence of this pathology is:

  • increased nutrition, obesity;
  • the course of pregnancy;
  • old age, due to senile weakening of the diaphragm.
  • Complication: pinching of the stomach, up to a violation of its blood supply.

    Pain in the left hypochondrium in pathologies of the cardiovascular system

    With cardiomyopathies, accompanied by structural changes in the heart muscle and a violation of its function, there is an acute pain in the left side under the ribs during exercise. Characterized by rapid onset of fatigue, increased heart rate.

    Ischemic heart disease is characterized by malnutrition by the blood of the heart, the cause of this is the pathology of the coronary arteries. First, the left side will ache, later heaviness with a burning sensation inside the chest joins, shortness of breath and an increase in pulse are characteristic.

    Pain syndrome in lung diseases

    The occurrence of pain in left-sided pneumonia is characterized by inflammation lung tissue lower lobes of the lung. The pain syndrome is dull in nature, not very pronounced. Cough causes a strong tingling of the left side. Pneumonia begins with symptoms:

    • dry cough;
    • pain: headache, muscle;
    • weakness, general malaise.

    Left-sided pleurisy is caused by inflammation of the lung membrane, characterized by:

    • dry form with fibrin deposition;
    • exudative form, with accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity.

    Pain syndrome in the area of ​​the left side occurs when breathing, sneezing, coughing, bending over, walking.

    Other symptoms are characterized by:

    • rise in temperature;
    • sweating;
    • rapid, shallow breathing
    • the patient predominantly takes a position on the sore side to reduce pain;
    • exudative form is characterized by the appearance of lagging of the diseased part of the chest during breathing;
    • the cervical veins swell, and the intercostal spaces protrude.

    Pain syndrome in neuralgia

    Intercostal neuralgia is caused by a syndrome of compression of the intercostal nerves. There are sharp, strong, aching, dull burning pains in the left side and ribs.

    Attacks are accompanied by muscle twitches. Increased with inhalation, coughing, sudden movements, changes in body position. The pain may radiate to the shoulder blade. The place of pathological damage to the nerve pathways is characterized by a feeling of numbness.

    Pain in rheumatism

    The pain syndrome in rheumatic lesions is due to the pathology of the connective articular tissue. Pain is caused comorbidities spine:

    • osteochondrosis;
    • radiculitis.

    Pain syndrome in pathologies of the pancreas

    Pancreatitis is characterized by girdle pain, capturing the right hypochondrium, accompanied by nausea, vomiting.

    Pancreatitis is characterized by the loss of normal enzymatic, secretory function pancreas. There are problems with the metabolism of glucose, the breakdown of nutrients.

    Ignoring the prescriptions of doctors, untimely seeking medical help will lead to the development of pancreatic necrosis, death.

    Pain in pancreatic cancer

    The occurrence of pathological neoplasms of the pancreas is characterized by a constant pain syndrome localized in the left hypochondrium, sometimes in the center of the abdomen. There is an increase in pain when the person is on his back.

    Very often, pain occurs only in the later stages of the tumor process near the pancreas. Because of this, the diagnosis of such cancer presents significant difficulties.

    Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen

    Pain syndrome, spasms of this part of the abdomen are caused by various diseases, pathologies. Pain varies with:

    • intestinal pathologies;
    • adnexitis;
    • torsion or rupture of a cyst of the left ovary;
    • ectopic pregnancy.

    Pain syndrome in diseases of the intestine

    Most often it occurs with various intestinal infections, which also manifest themselves:

    • false urge to defecate;
    • bloating;
    • diarrhea
    • feeling of rumbling in the stomach;
    • sometimes there are mucous, blood clots in the feces.

    In ulcerative colitis, an ulcerative component is attached to the inflammation of the intestinal wall.

    For infections and colitis:

    • the temperature rises;
    • the general condition suffers;
    • due to vomiting and diarrhea, an acid-base imbalance occurs;
    • dehydration sets in.

    Intestinal obstruction is initially manifested by pain in the abdomen of a cramping nature, this is due to wave-like contractions of the intestine. Pain has no connection with food. Attacks are repeated every 10-15 minutes. When the pain subsides, this is a bad sign that indicates the cessation of intestinal motility. other signs intestinal obstruction are:

    • prolonged stool retention;
    • bloating;
    • vomiting of intestinal and gastric contents.

    Diverticulitis, or volvulus, occurs in children infancy by inserting one part of the intestine into another. The beginning is unexpected, the child is restless, cries, draws his legs. The attack ends suddenly, the child calms down, after a while the pain returns. There is vomiting. Feces with an admixture of blood of the color of "crimson jelly".

    With neoplasms inside the intestine, the pain is weak, but constant, not associated with food. Noticeable signs of irregular stools. There are constipations that are not treatable. An admixture of blood appears with feces. Later, chronic intestinal obstruction occurs.

    Pain in the left iliac region with gynecological pathologies

    Many women's diseases are characterized by pain in the lower abdomen of varying intensity and localization. What can hurt in the left side of the female part?

    Adnexitis is manifested by inflammation of the uterine appendages. During the acute form, pain occurs in the lower abdomen, on the left or right. There are symptoms of general intoxication, urination disorders.

    When the left side pulls in the left iliac region, this may indicate torsion of the pedicle of the ovarian cyst. The general condition of the body is disturbed, the pressure drops, the temperature rises, sometimes vomiting occurs. This pathology requires urgent surgical intervention.

    In ectopic pregnancy, sharp unbearable pain appear on the left or right. This may indicate a rupture of the fallopian tube during an ectopic pregnancy. Pathology is typical for 6-10 weeks of pregnancy.

    Pathology with ruptures can be complicated by bleeding into the abdominal cavity, which will increase the pain syndrome, with pressure, symptoms of peritoneal irritation will join. With this disease, you need to consult a doctor with a follow-up urgent hospitalization the need for surgery.

    Very rarely, pain in the left iliac region occurs during menstruation. Usually with them, the pain syndrome occurs in the lower abdomen, in the groin and lower back. Stopped by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Pain in the back left side

    Such localization of pain indicates a symptom of heart disease. Similar symptoms are typical for:

    • angina attack;
    • aortic aneurysms;
    • pericarditis;
    • myocardial infarction.

    With a heart attack, very often there is an irradiation of heart pain of the type of pain on the left in the shoulder blade, arm, side, neck.

    Also, pain in the lumbar region on the left indicates kidney pathology. There is an infectious lesion - pyelonephritis. The pain is aching, stabbing and paroxysmal. It is joined by urination disorders, intoxication and general weakness. An attack of renal colic may appear, which is manifested by unbearable pain that does not pass. Requires hospitalization and assistance.

    Sometimes pain on the left rear or side occurs due to the pathology of the lumbar vertebrae. Sometimes she can give in the leg.

    Characterized by shooting pain with osteochondrosis, cold back and injuries lumbar. It can occur both at rest and during physical activity, such as running. With a systematic pain syndrome of this nature, contact an orthopedist.

    Principles of diagnosis and treatment for pain in the left side

    Pain is always a response to a pathology, it does not just happen, so together with general symptoms, it should be a reason to visit a doctor and emergency medical services.

    The treatment of each disease offers an individual integrated approach, often with emergency care and the involvement of several specialists in order to effectively treat the disease.

    Knowing the symptoms of pathologies, you can independently differentiate the pain syndrome and make the right decision to call a doctor at home, or drink painkillers to relieve discomfort. Do not hesitate to develop severe symptoms, this can be fatal.

    • umbilical region;
    • right lateral section;
    • left side section.

    3. The lower "floor" is divided into the following areas:

    Determining the exact localization of pain in many cases allows you to immediately assume the presence of a pathological process in a particular organ.

    1. Left hypochondrium.

    2. Left side section.

    3. Left iliac.

    The pathology of any of these organs can be manifested by the occurrence of pain in the left side of the abdomen. In addition, it must be remembered that the cause of such pain can be not only diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This symptom can also occur with the following pathologies:

    • diseases of the kidneys, spleen, bladder and ureter, uterine appendages;
    • pathology of the respiratory organs (diaphragm, lungs and pleura);
    • diseases of the heart and circulatory system;
    • diseases of the abdominal wall (hernia);
    • pathology of the peripheral nervous system;
    • diseases of the blood and connective tissue;
    • endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus).

    Types of pain in the left side

    Pain in the left side under the ribs

    • stomach diseases;
    • heart attack, enlargement or rupture of the spleen;
    • diaphragmatic hernia;
    • damage to the heart muscle;
    • pleurisy and left-sided pneumonia, which is localized in the lower lobe of the left lung;
    • rheumatic lesions.

    Characteristics of pain in the left side under the ribs

    Dagger sharp pain in the left side under the ribs, which appeared suddenly - a reason for an urgent call for an ambulance. Most often, such a sudden cutting pain in the left side indicates perforation of the stomach wall or loops of the small intestine, rupture of the spleen or renal pelvis. Sharp pain in the left side under the ribs when inhaling is a sign of serious damage to internal organs during falls or car accidents. All of these conditions are life threatening.

    Dull diffuse pain in the left hypochondrium for a long period of time is a sign of a chronic sluggish disease of the gastrointestinal tract. A preliminary conclusion can be drawn about the presence of pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis and other pathologies in a chronic form. In the future, the diagnosis must be clarified with the help of laboratory tests and other research methods.

    A tedious constant pain in the left side under the ribs also indicates a sluggish inflammatory process. It is caused by duodenitis and colitis. In addition, aching, exhausting pain accompanied by vomiting is a sign of a stomach ulcer. Quite often, aching pains in the left hypochondrium are a symptom of angina pectoris, coronary heart disease and a pre-infarction condition.

    Pain in the left hypochondrium with diseases of the stomach

    Any effects that irritate the gastric mucosa cause inflammation or functional disorders, one of the symptoms of which is pain. More often, such pain in the left side is aching, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and sometimes heartburn.

    • feeling of pressure, heaviness and fullness in the epigastric region, which appear or increase during or shortly after eating;
    • belching, nausea, the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, burning in the epigastrium;
    • often heartburn, indicating a violation of the removal of food from the stomach, and the reflux of its contents into the esophagus;
    • sometimes - defecation disorders in the form of constipation or diarrhea.

    General disorders are manifested by the following symptoms:

    • irritability and weakness;
    • violations of cardio-vascular system(pain in the heart and cardiac arrhythmias);
    • pallor, drowsiness and sweating that occur shortly after eating;
    • development of B 12 deficiency anemia;
    • burning and pain in the mouth and tongue;
    • symmetrical sensory disturbances in the upper and lower extremities.

    Stomach ulcer

    The symptoms of peptic ulcer depend on its severity and duration. When the ulcer is located in the stomach, pain in the left side, as a rule, occurs after eating, which distinguishes it from a duodenal ulcer, which is characterized by the so-called "hunger pains" that occur on an empty stomach and disappear when eating.

    • heartburn and belching of sour contents;
    • weight loss;
    • nausea and vomiting after eating.

    Perforation of stomach ulcer

    A perforated stomach ulcer occurs when a hole forms in the stomach wall. This is a serious condition life threatening patient. The main symptom of this pathology is a sudden, acute, dagger pain, as well as a sharp blanching, general weakness, and sometimes loss of consciousness. In the event of such a complication, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

    If the pain in the left side is permanent, and is not related to meals, then it is necessary to exclude the presence of tumor diseases. Gastric cancer at an early stage, as a rule, does not have pronounced clinical manifestations. Characterized mainly nonspecific symptoms, or the so-called "small signs":

    • loss of appetite;
    • dyspeptic phenomena;
    • asthenia of the body and weight loss;
    • aversion to meat food;
    • anemic manifestations;
    • rapid satiety and a feeling of fullness in the stomach after taking small amounts of food.

    In the later stages of the disease, pain, vomiting of "coffee grounds" and the appearance of black feces (melena) are added due to the occurrence of bleeding during ulceration and decay of the tumor.

    Pain in the left side under the ribs with pathologies of the spleen

    Pain in the left side under the ribs may be associated with an increase in the spleen and, as a result, with overstretching of its capsule. This symptom is especially often observed in infectious mononucleosis. In addition, for this disease the following symptoms are typical:

    • general weakness;
    • frequent headaches, dizziness, migraine;
    • joint and muscle pain;
    • increase in body temperature;
    • increased sweating;
    • sore throat when swallowing, tonsillitis;
    • enlargement and inflammation of the lymph nodes;
    • liver enlargement;
    • increased sensitivity to SARS and other respiratory diseases;
    • frequent infection of the skin with a virus herpes simplex, usually in the region of the lower or upper lip.

    The most common cause of ruptured spleen is physical influences on her. The main symptom of this pathology is a sharp pain in the left side under the ribs with an injury from a blow. Also a characteristic sign of a rupture is the cyanosis of the skin around the navel, which is due to the accumulation of a large amount of blood in this area.

    Pain in the left hypochondrium with pathologies of the diaphragm

    Pain in the left side under the ribs with heart disease

    This is a whole group of diseases of the heart muscle, in which it changes structurally, there is a violation of its function. However, this has nothing to do with the pathology of the heart vessels, valvular apparatus and arterial hypertension. Pain in the left hypochondrium often occurs during physical activity on the body. In addition to pain, cardiomyopathy is characterized by increased heart rate and fatigue.

    Ischemic heart disease is a pathological condition, which is based on impaired blood supply to the heart muscle due to damage to the coronary arteries. In addition to aching pain in the left side, there may be a feeling of heaviness and burning in the chest, shortness of breath and an increase in heart rate, sometimes accompanied by nausea.

    Pain in the left hypochondrium in diseases of the lungs and pleura

    Pain in the upper left side can occur with the development of inflammation of the lung tissue in the lower lobes of the left lung. Usually such pain is dull and unexpressed, but when coughing, patients may complain of severe "stabbing" pains in the left side and chest.

    Pleurisy is an inflammation of the lining of the lungs, with the loss of fibrin on its surface (dry form) or the accumulation of various fluids in the pleural cavity (exudative form). Pain in the left side, chest and hypochondrium with pleurisy is usually associated with breathing, coughing, bending in the opposite direction.

    • fever (mainly in the evening);
    • sweating;
    • rapid, shallow breathing;
    • forced position of the patient (he lies on his sore side in order to reduce pain from chest movements during breathing).

    Exudative pleurisy, in addition to pain, is also accompanied by:

    • feeling of heaviness in the left half of the chest;
    • dry or containing a small amount of sputum cough;
    • shortness of breath;
    • forced position of the body;
    • pallor or cyanosis of the face and limbs;
    • swelling of the neck veins;
    • lag of the affected half of the chest during respiratory movements;
    • protrusion of the intercostal spaces.

    Pain in the left side of the chest with neuralgia

    • muscle twitches;
    • increased sweating;
    • stitching pain in left side and chest;
    • redness or blanching of the skin.

    Pain in the left side under the ribs increases with inhalation, coughing, sneezing, sudden movements, changes in body position. In addition, pain can be observed with pressure on certain points that are located on the back, along the spine, on the chest, in the intercostal spaces.

    Numbness is observed directly at the site of damage to the nerve pathways, and chest pain persists day and night for a long period.

    Pain in the left side under the ribs in rheumatic diseases and pathologies of the spine

    Pain in the left hypochondrium with injuries

    Abdominal pain in diseases of the pancreas


    Tumors of the pancreas

    Generally symptoms cancerous tumor pancreas often do not have a vivid expression. In this regard, in many cases, such tumors are found only in the later stages of the process.

    Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen

    Bowel disease

    Colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine, the most common cause of which is an intestinal infection. It is manifested by aching pain in the lower abdomen, as well as the following symptoms:

    • false urge to defecate;
    • rumbling and bloating;
    • diarrhea, sometimes with mucous or blood impurities.

    non-specific ulcerative colitis - this is a pathology in which ulceration of its mucous membrane joins the inflammation of the wall of the large intestine. This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

    • frequent mushy stools or diarrhea mixed with blood, mucus and pus;
    • false urge to defecate;
    • obligatory (mandatory) urge to defecate;
    • aching pain in the left side of the lower abdomen;
    • an increase in body temperature up to o C, depending on the severity of the disease;
    • general weakness;
    • loss of appetite;
    • in severe and prolonged course - weight loss;
    • violation of water and electrolyte balance in the body;
    • joint pain.

    Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen with intestinal obstruction

    • stool retention and accumulation of gases in the intestines;
    • asymmetry and bloating;
    • preceded by nausea or sudden repeated vomiting.

    Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen with intestinal torsion

    Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen with bowel cancer

    Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen with gynecological pathologies

    Adnexitis, or salpingoophoritis, is an inflammation of the appendages of the fallopian tubes. acute form This pathology is accompanied by the appearance of a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, in the groin and in the lower back.

    • an increase in body temperature to 38-38.5 o C;
    • chills;
    • sweating;
    • general malaise;
    • tension in the abdominal wall lower sections;
    • pain when feeling the abdomen;
    • general intoxication, manifested in the form of headache or muscle pain;
    • urination disorders may occur.

    A gradual decrease in the severity of pain indicates the transition of the disease to a subacute, and then to a chronic form.

    • dull, aching pain in the left side of the lower abdomen, in the groin, sometimes in the vagina;
    • reflected pain that occurs along the pelvic nerves;
    • menstrual disorders associated with changes in ovarian function resulting from inflammation;
    • too long and irregular menstruation;
    • profuse, painful periods, discharge with clots is often possible;
    • sometimes the opposite is true: meager discharge and shortening the duration of menstruation;
    • sexual dysfunction, decreased sexual desire.

    Torsion and rupture of an ovarian cyst

    Left-sided pain, which is localized in the lower abdomen, in women may indicate torsion of the legs of the ovarian cyst. This pathological condition is accompanied by severe pain, disturbances in the general condition of the body, a fall blood pressure, fever, sometimes vomiting. When the pedicle of an ovarian cyst is twisted, emergency medical intervention is necessary.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    At the earliest stage, an ectopic pregnancy does not clinically differ from a normal one, that is, a uterine one. Phenomena such as:

    Warning symptoms usually appear for a period of 5-8 weeks from the day of the last menstruation:

    It can have the character of aching, cutting or cramping. It occurs in the lower abdomen on the side of the lesion, and when it enters the abdominal cavity, blood can be given to the shoulders, epigastric region and back passage. Bowel movements and urination can also be accompanied by painful sensations.

    With the development of an ectopic pregnancy, hemorrhages from damaged vessels occur mainly in the abdominal cavity. But also at the same time, uterine bleeding is also observed, which is associated with a decrease in progesterone levels. Such bleeding can resemble menstrual bleeding, but more often spotting is scanty and lasts quite a long time. Abundant uterine bleeding is rare.

    With large blood loss, there may be:

    • pale skin;
    • loss of consciousness;
    • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
    • weak fast pulse.

    The patient's condition is progressively deteriorating and she needs immediate medical attention. If prolonged and severe pain in the left side is cramping in nature, and is also accompanied by fever, vomiting and sharp deterioration feeling, then you need to immediately call an ambulance, as the patient may need an emergency surgical operation.

    Pain in the back left side

    Pain in the left side from the back with myocardial infarction

    • profuse sweating with cold clammy sweat;
    • nausea;
    • dyspnea;
    • dizziness;
    • pre-fainting state.

    When such symptoms occur, it is necessary to short time call an ambulance to rule out the development of myocardial infarction.

    Pain in the left side in the lumbar region with kidney pathologies

    it inflammatory pathology kidneys, which occurs mainly with bacterial infections. Pain in the lumbar region on the left is usually dull, aching in nature, may be unexpressed or have a high intensity, taking on a paroxysmal appearance. The latter is observed with blockage of the ureter by a stone and the development of urolithic pyelonephritis.

    • development of intoxication syndrome;
    • general weakness;
    • chills;
    • increase in body temperature to o C;
    • nausea, sometimes vomiting.

    Chronic left-sided pyelonephritis constantly worries the patient with dull aching pain in the lower back. This pain syndrome becomes especially pronounced in wet and cold weather. In addition, the patient has an increased painful urination, since in this disease the lesion often affects the bladder.

    Urolithiasis is a disease that is manifested by the formation of stones in the organs of the urinary system. outside acute attack this pathology is not pronounced, with dull pain in the left side in the lumbar region, which is aggravated after a bumpy ride, long walking and physical exertion.

    Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen during pregnancy

    • a sharp pain in the side arose suddenly against the background of the general well-being of the body;
    • pain lasts for more than a minute;
    • their intensity is growing rapidly;
    • they are joined by pallor of the skin, weakness, vaginal bleeding, loss of consciousness.

    Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen, accompanied by similar symptoms, may indicate a threat of premature termination of pregnancy - miscarriage. Therefore, her appearance requires urgent medical intervention in order to save both the life of the mother and her child.

    Burning in the left hypochondrium

    Physicians never consider the symptoms one by one, only their totality will help to put correct diagnosis. A symptom such as pain in the side cannot specifically indicate the disease. But if it is considered in combination with other signs (chills, fever, upset stool, vomiting, weakness, and others), then a certain syndrome is visible, which more accurately indicates the disease.

    Affairs of the Heart

    On the left side of the human body are the heart, stomach, pancreas, spleen. And the disease of each of them is characterized by pain in the left side. And although the importance of all organs cannot be underestimated, the heart is still considered the most important. This perfect motor pumps blood around our body, delivering it to cells and tissues. Violations in the activity of the heart muscle lead to deviations in the work of the whole organism, up to and including death. The heart signals about “malfunctions” in the work in different ways, including pain in the left side. This symptom may indicate:

    Burning in the left hypochondrium during ischemia is accompanied by heaviness and pain in the chest, increased heart rate, difficulty breathing. Pain during a heart attack is difficult to bear: it spreads to the entire left side of the body (shoulder blade, arm, neck). Chills are characteristic of a heart attack, excessive sweating and darkening of the eyes. With cardiomyopathy, the pulse “goes off”, general fatigue is felt. With these symptoms, hospitalization and treatment under the supervision of a doctor are urgently needed.

    Digestive organs

    If the burning sensation in the hypochondrium is accompanied by a feeling of fullness, then one can judge gastritis. For him, the characters are also belching, nausea, vomiting. For the treatment of gastritis, it is necessary to adhere to a diet that excludes spicy, smoked, sour, alcohol. It is advisable to limit the use of carbonated drinks, strong coffee. Subject to the regimen and diet, the treatment ends with a complete recovery in days.

    If the pain in the hypochondrium does not stop even after taking painkillers, supplemented by heartburn and belching, then a stomach ulcer can be diagnosed. It is also successfully treated if there is no perforation. Until recently, surgery was considered the only way to get rid of an ulcer. The discovery, which brought the authors the Nobel Prize, proved that stomach ulcers are caused by bacteria. And for successful treatment enough to take a course of antibiotics.

    The formation of a special secret - gastric juice - is "assigned" to the pancreas. Its inflammation is characterized by girdle pain and burning in the left hypochondrium. Fatty foods, alcohol, excessive sweets in the diet negatively affect the pancreas. With her illness, a strict diet is necessary, and festal or panzinorm tablets will help speed up recovery.


    Pain in the left side, directed to the back, allows you to diagnose a disease of the spleen. it important organ involved in the formation and filtration of blood. Sharp pain can be a sign of injury or rupture of the spleen. Therefore, treatment should be carried out by an endocrinologist. For relax acute pain ice can be applied to the area of ​​the left hypochondrium.

    Whatever caused the pain in the left hypochondrium, do not show miracles of patience. It is better to consult a doctor without delay.

    Aching pain in left side. Why does the left side hurt?

    Aching pain in the left side is a rather serious symptom. And it is necessary to treat discomfort responsibly. After all, the sources of pain can be malfunctions in the pancreas, spleen, liver, stomach, gallbladder and many other internal organs. Therefore, it is necessary to find out exactly what caused the aching pain in the left side.

    Causes of the phenomenon

    It is quite obvious that the aching pain in the left side is provoked by certain disorders of the internal organs. Unfortunately, too many different factors can cause such discomfort. Only a doctor can determine the true cause of pain. Therefore, one should not self-diagnose and attribute non-existent diseases to oneself. Go to the doctor's office to sort out the unpleasant situation.

    Most often, aching pain in the left side is caused by diseases of the stomach, spleen, pancreas, diaphragm or intestines. And, therefore, in a patient experiencing excruciating discomfort, pathologies can be detected:

    Stomach problems

    With gastritis or functional dyspepsia, any mucosal irritant will definitely cause pain. Discomfort can be caused by:

    • poor quality food;
    • alcohol;
    • excessive use of the drug "Aspirin".

    In diseases of the stomach, the patient feels aching pain in the left side of the abdomen, in upper area. Sometimes discomfort is not the only symptom that bothers the patient. The person may suffer from nausea and vomiting.

    If gastritis has become the culprit of the pain, then the patient experiences significant relief after taking antacids that can reduce the acidity of the gastric environment.

    But if the pain does not stop, then in without fail go to the doctor to rule out serious enough pathologies, such as an ulcer or cancer.

    Spleen disease

    Very often, aching pain in the left side under the ribs is provoked by this particular organ. After all, the spleen is located in the upper region of the peritoneum and is localized very close to the surface.

    The pain may be caused by an enlarged spleen. In addition, after trauma to the peritoneum or some infectious pathologies the organ may be ruptured. The spleen is extremely vulnerable because it is located very close to the surface of the body. Sometimes, as a result of infectious pathologies (for example, mononucleosis), the organ greatly increases in size, softens in consistency. In this case, the risk of its rupture increases even without external influence.

    Symptoms that characterize the pathology:

    • severe pain in the abdomen;
    • high sensitivity in this area;
    • blue area around the navel due to large cluster blood.

    diaphragmatic hernia

    The resulting pain in the left side, in front, in the upper abdomen may indicate enough unpleasant phenomenon. The diaphragm is a muscle that separates the abdominal cavity from the chest cavity. Its structure implies a kind of opening through which the esophagus is connected to the stomach. In case of weakening of muscle tissues, the hole may increase. As a result, the upper part of the stomach begins to protrude from the peritoneum into the chest cavity. This pathology is called diaphragmatic hernia.

    The dull pain that occurs with this pathology is often perceived as discomfort in the region of the heart, since the patient may experience discomfort high in the chest.

    It is quite easy to distinguish between these pathologies. The pain provoked by a herniated diaphragm during flexion or in the supine position increases significantly. Cardiac discomfort "does not respond" to any movement of the body.

    However, do not forget that only an experienced specialist can make a true diagnosis.

    Intestinal pathologies

    Discomfort in the left side can be triggered by inflammatory processes in the lower sections of the large intestine. Most often, patients experience more than just pain. The disease is accompanied by other symptoms:

    If intestinal inflammation is suspected, then the patient should refuse for several days:

    As a rule, after a few days the patient's condition improves significantly. But if health has not improved, even despite the full adherence to the recommended diet, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

    You may need to undergo a course of medical therapy.


    Quite often, pain in the left abdomen provokes pancreatitis. This is inflammation of the pancreas. This organ can give discomfort to the central region, the right side. The reasons for this prevalence of painful symptoms lie in the very structure of the gland. The pancreas is extended throughout upper section belly.

    This organ is very often exposed to various inflammatory processes (pancreatitis). In addition, pancreatic cancer is common.

    You can suspect a pathology in this organ by the nature of the pain:

    • left side stabs;
    • with pancreatitis, the discomfort is extremely sharp;
    • it can be shingles and even give to the back.

    Often, the pathology is accompanied by hyperthermia, nausea, and vomiting.

    Patients suffering from:

    People need to follow a strict diet for several days to relieve pain. But in any case, in order to exclude repeated attacks, it is important to consult a doctor about the course of treatment.

    Discomfort in the back

    Pain in the left side can spread to various parts of the body. Sometimes discomfort occurs in the back. In this case, discomfort may appear in the morning or disturb for quite a long time. But there are times when the pain in the left side from the back becomes simply unbearable. Such discomfort makes it impossible to work, rest.

    So, why does the left side hurt from the back? Sources of discomfort can be:

    1. Pathologies respiratory system(pneumonia, pleurisy, lung or bronchial cancer, pneumothorax).
    2. Heart disease (angina pectoris, aortic aneurysm, myocardial infarction, pericarditis).
    3. Diseases of the urinary system (retroperitoneal hematoma, renal colic, arterial thrombosis).
    4. Pathology of the nervous system and spinal cord.

    It is possible to determine the true cause of the pain only after the examination.

    Types of pain

    In addition, pay attention to the characteristics of discomfort:

    1. Prolonged pain under the ribs may indicate damage to the kidney structures.
    2. The pulsating nature of discomfort, aggravated by inhalation, is a symptom of the affected lung tissue.
    3. Dull pain can signal an inflammatory process in the kidneys or spleen.
    4. Intense girdle discomfort in the epigastric zone, radiating to the scapula, heart or lower part of the sternum, is a symptom of pancreatitis.
    5. Acute pain, which increases significantly during exhalation, most often signals osteochondrosis or intercostal neuralgia.
    6. Constant burning sensations in the sternum, periodic "lumbago" may indicate an aortic aneurysm.
    7. Shooting, projection pain is often a sign of damage to the spinal cord and nervous system.

    Men's diseases

    Quite often, the representatives of the stronger sex experience excruciating pain. The left side, in the lower abdomen in men, is an area in which quite unpleasant diseases can occur. There can be many reasons for this discomfort. It is quite difficult to independently determine the source that provokes aching discomfort in the left side, so you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

    Consider what causes unpleasant pain. The left side, lower abdomen in men can be disturbed as a result of a number of factors. Sufficiently serious causes of discomfort are a hernia, inflammation of the testicles, a cyst, roughage, or inflammation of the pancreas.

    Reinforced sports can also cause unpleasant discomfort in the left side. In this case, you shouldn't worry too much. Such pain indicates an unusual shaking for the internal organs. As a rule, the discomfort is tingling, pulling. You need to stop and take a breather. Better yet, skip one session.

    A very common cause of pain in men is inflammation of the testicles. This pathology is caused by colds, sitting on cold benches or infection.

    Causes of pain in women

    Pregnant women often experience this discomfort. At the same time, aching pain in the left side of women appears from the 8th week. Peculiar sensations are associated with the growth of the fetus. At the same time, ligaments increase. Such reasons can provoke discomfort in the abdomen.

    So, pain in women is most often caused by the following factors:

    1. Stretching ligaments cause discomfort. This phenomenon is quite natural. The woman experiences pain of a aching nature. As a rule, discomfort after a certain time passes on its own. No pain medication should be used.
    2. Left-sided pain discomfort may signal impaired functioning of the stomach. Very often, pregnant women become extremely selective in their taste preferences. Expectant mothers eat a lot of food and quite often. At the same time, they manage to combine completely incompatible products. Of course, it is better to try to be more selective in your diet.
    3. Sometimes pain during pregnancy is provoked by a malfunction of the pancreas. This is typical of women who do not follow a diet, are overly addicted to fatty, meat food smoke or drink alcohol. In such a situation, you must immediately rush to the doctors. These violations can adversely affect the health of the baby.
    4. The source of pain in the left side can be very serious. Such discomfort is one of the symptoms of placental abruption. Only timely diagnosis allows you to save the baby. In this case, miscarriages often occur.

    If a pregnant woman has pain, you should immediately contact your gynecologist, carefully describing all the painful symptoms. The best solution would be an ultrasound. This will make sure that the baby is not in danger.


    If there is pain in the left abdomen in an adult or a child, it is imperative to consult a doctor. After all, any pathology, even appendicitis, can become a source of discomfort. Do not delay your visit to the doctor. Remember: a negligent attitude towards your health and the condition of your loved ones has never led to good things. Therefore, when pain occurs, do not rush to take analgesics or antispasmodics. Go to the doctor to find out the true reason that causes such discomfort.

    Burning in left side

    Pain from the left side can have a different character and be located in the lower abdomen or in the hypochondrium. A specialist will help to find out the cause of the outbreak, since the symptom is inherent in numerous diseases. Pain and burning on the left side of the body can signal heart, gynecological and digestive problems.

    The nature of the pain syndrome

    By determining the nature of the pain, an accurate diagnosis can be made. Distinguish symptoms by nature:

    • Peritoneal - has a clear focus of localization. When moving or pressing on a sore spot, the syndrome intensifies. Accompanies stomach ulcer
    • Visceral - pain of a general nature, dull. It runs rough. Occurs in diseases of the intestines and stomach
    • Wandering or reflected - a person cannot accurately indicate the place where it hurts. The focus is located in the left side, and from above or below, the patient finds it difficult to answer. The syndrome comes and goes. Accompanies malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

    According to the localization of the source of trouble in the left side, areas can be distinguished:

    • lower abdomen
    • Left under ribs.

    Specialists can determine the disease: gastroenterologist, surgeon, therapist.

    Causes of burning in the left side

    On the left side of a person are: the spleen, stomach, heart, pancreas. Deviations in the work of any organ can cause pain and burning. Each organ is important for life, but it is most dangerous when a symptom signals heart disease.

    Burning in the left hypochondrium due to heart disease

    In the human body, the load on the heart is carried out constantly. The organ cannot be stopped, as it is constantly pumping blood. When working properly, the heart saturates all organs with oxygen and essential elements. A small malfunction can result in death.

    Burning on the left side can be a signal of the following heart diseases:

    • Ischemic disease
    • myocardial infarction
    • Cardiomyopathy.

    With heart disease, pain in the left hypochondrium is accompanied by symptoms:

    • With ischemic disease, heaviness appears in the chest, breathing becomes difficult, the pulse, on the contrary, quickens
    • In the pre-infarction state, the pain is visceral, spread to the entire left side of the body
    • With cardiopathy, the pulse is lost and there is a burning sensation in the hypochondrium, general malaise, weakness.

    If a burning sensation in the hypochondrium is accompanied by any of the listed symptoms, you need to call an ambulance.

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    A burning symptom on the left side is characteristic of gastritis. In this case, additional symptoms appear: heartburn, belching, nausea. The focus has a peritoneal character. Burning appears in the hypochondrium after a short fast, and disappears immediately after eating. You can alleviate the condition by following a strict diet. Salty, smoked, fried foods should be excluded from food. Do not drink coffee, carbonated and alcoholic drinks. If gastritis is not diagnosed on time, the disease will turn into a stomach ulcer.

    A stomach ulcer is also accompanied by pain in the hypochondrium. Accompanying the disease symptoms: cramps, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, migraine. The symptom is not relieved by painkillers, or after taking them, there is a short relief. An ulcer can be diagnosed with a colonoscopy. Under general or local anesthesia, a hose with a micro-chamber is inserted into the anus. There is an alternative research method - to swallow a nano-pill. The chamber is arranged in a capsule, which exits the body naturally. Capsule price starts neg.

    The cause of the disease can be inflammation of the pancreas. The body produces food juice, and with inflammation, the digestion process is disturbed. The focus has a wandering character, encircles the entire body. Inflammation is accompanied by the following symptoms: nausea, heartburn, fever. It is treated with a course of antibiotics, food enzymes, and a strict diet.

    Spleen injury

    The spleen is involved in the process of filtering the blood. When it is damaged, there is a sharp pain in the left hypochondrium. The pain is visceral in nature and radiates to the back. It is difficult for a person to move, antispasmodics do not bring relief. Damage to the spleen is accompanied by additional symptoms: fever, general malaise, nausea. An endocrinologist can diagnose the disease. You can alleviate the patient's condition by applying ice to the left side.

    The focus may appear when an abscess of the spleen occurs. The organ increases in size and becomes inflamed.

    The disease is characterized by severe pain and burning. Symptoms are dangerous, because if the organ breaks, the patient is threatened with death. It is treated only surgically.

    Disease of the urinary system

    Burning and pain in the lower abdomen on the left can signal urolithiasis. The pain has a cramping character. Accompanied by pain when urinating. A small stone can come out naturally, but it does not hurt to consult a urologist surgeon.

    It can cause pain and burning sensation both on the right and on the left pyelonephritis. Accompanied by pain when urinating. The patient has general malaise, swelling of the legs and arms. The disease is treated with a course of antibiotics, diuretics and painkillers.

    Malfunctions in the reproductive system

    In women, pain in the lower abdomen can signal serious gynecological ailments.

    A pain symptom of a different nature can cause endometriosis. The nature of the burning sensation may be different. The symptom intensifies during the menstrual cycle. Endometriosis is accompanied by other signs: discharge from the vagina is brown or yellow, with an unpleasant odor, the temperature rises in the evening. Treated with a course of antibiotics.

    The second female disease, one of the signs of which is burning - rupture or inflammation of the fallopian tubes. The symptom is acute and radiates to the groin. The victim develops weakness, the skin turns pale. The temperature may rise. It's hard to bend and move.

    Rupture of the tubes requires immediate surgical intervention.

    Burning on the side of the lower abdomen in a woman can cause an ectopic pregnancy. Symptoms may resemble a normal pregnancy: lack of menstruation, irritability, pain and burning in the lower abdomen. To avoid rupture of the pipes, it is necessary, if any of the symptoms occur, to immediately contact a gynecologist. Specialists will perform an emergency operation. If an ectopic pregnancy is not diagnosed in time, the woman may die from internal bleeding.

    When a burning sensation appears in the side, which is accompanied by pain in the hypochondrium, nausea, fever and other signs, you should consult a specialist. An early diagnosis can help the patient avoid surgery and, in some cases, death.

    Painful burning in the left side can be explained large quantity pathologies. As a rule, burning sensations are caused by disturbances in the work of those intraorganic structures that are located in the left hypochondrium.

    This includes the diaphragm and spleen, stomach and intestinal loops, left kidney and pancreas. If for some reason the functionality of these organs is disturbed, then spasms and cramps, painful symptoms and burning sensation appear.

    Types of pain

    What is the left side, what area does it occupy? The boundaries of this area extend to the left side of the hypochondrium to the pelvic bone.


    A painful burning sensation of a stabbing nature quite often worries patients while running. It is not at all necessary that such soreness speaks of pathology, quite often it also worries healthy people.

    If tingling and burning bother you only occasionally during periods of activity, then such a condition can be taken as the norm.

    • Such symptoms quickly disappear and indicate insufficient warming up of the muscles before training and too sudden movements during it.
    • In order not to encounter such a stabbing burning sensation, it is necessary to fully warm up before classes so that the body reacts more calmly to increased blood circulation.
    • If it is stabbed in the left side when walking too fast, then to eliminate discomfort, you just need to slow down the pace.
    • If a stabbing burning sensation in the left hypochondrium worries a healthy person who does not have heart problems, and only with increased stress, then the condition should not cause concern.
    • But even healthy person if such sensations arise against the background of strong tension, it is necessary to stop training, take a few deep and calm breaths, and relax.
    • At the moment of inhalation, it is recommended to press on the source of painful burning and make a sharp lean forward. Soon the stabbing soreness will recede.

    Watch your breathing during training, it should be deep. It can also be stabbed in the side if the patient ate tightly, and then began classes.

    After eating before training, it should take at least one and a half hours to digestive processes managed to process the incoming food.


    A painful burning sensation of a dagger character requires intervention by qualified doctors, especially if such sensations occur suddenly and are not related to stress.

    An unexpected burning sensation in the lower abdomen and in the left side may indicate a rupture of the pelvis of the left kidney, perforation of the intestinal loop or gastric wall, damage to the splenic tissues. It is impossible to exclude such dangerous pathological conditions as abdominal myocardial infarction or pancreatitis.


    If the patient has recently suffered some kind of traumatic injury (fall, accident, etc.) and after that, when inhaling, he has an acute burning sensation in the left hypochondrium, then such a reaction may well indicate serious damage to intraorganic structures.

    You should immediately consult a doctor, because such a condition is fraught with serious complications and can pose a threat to the patient's life.


    If the patient is often and for a long time worried about diffuse, dull pain in the region of the left hypochondrium, then such a symptom may indicate the development of chronic gastrointestinal pathologies.

    • It can be cholecystitis, pancreatitis or a chronic form of gastritis.
    • Sometimes a pulling and dull painful burning sensation occurs against the background of systemic or hematopoietic pathologies, sepsis and infections of bacterial origin.


    If the left hypochondrium constantly exudes a aching painful burning sensation, then such a symptom may indicate the development of duodenitis, in which inflammation of the mucous membranes of the duodenum occurs.

    A similar symptom may be accompanied by sluggish colitis, which is an inflammation of the mucous tissues of the large intestine.

    If such a burning sensation is accompanied by nausea-vomiting reactions, then, most likely, the patient develops a stomach ulcer.

    If we talk about other possible causes of aching burning sensation in the left side, which have no connection with the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, then they can be caused by angina pectoris or pre-infarction conditions or myocardial ischemia.

    Causes of burning in the left side

    Burning in the left side can be for various reasons, which include:

    1. Gastrointestinal pathologies such as peptic ulcer and cholecystitis, pancreatitis and gastritis, colitis and duodenitis;
    2. Intraorganic tumors;
    3. Neuralgia of intercostal localization;
    4. Cardiac lesions, cardiomyopathies, heart attacks;
    5. Rupture of the tissues of the spleen or an increase in the size of the organ, infarction of the spleen against the background of arterial thrombosis;
    6. Diaphragmatic hernia or traumatic injury;
    7. Rheumatism;
    8. Pneumonia or pleurisy of a left-sided nature.

    When making a diagnosis, the doctor must take into account the nature and exact location of the painful burning sensation, as well as the provoking factors of such a symptom.

    Under the ribs in front

    Burning and painful discomfort in the left hypochondrium in front may indicate traumatic injury, while the nature of the pain will be sharp, diffuse or dull. In this case, an urgent medical consultation is necessary.

    A similar burning sensation can also be observed in heavily pregnant patients, as a rule, it radiates to the back of the hypochondrium. A similar condition occurs due to the pronounced pressure of the enlarged uterine body on neighboring intraorganic structures. Also, mothers often complain of stabbing pains in the side.

    In cases where the pain seems to shift upward and radiate to the center of the abdomen, the causes are most likely associated with the involvement of lesions of the gallbladder and duodenum in the pathology of the stomach.


    If the burning sensation in the left side is localized on the back and is permanent, then the causes are associated with damage to the left kidney. In such a clinical situation, pain is pronounced, strong and acute. At renal pathologies pain usually disturbs patients constantly.

    The tactics of treatment is determined by a specialist, he also directs to ultrasound diagnostics, laboratory tests of urine and blood. Painful burning sensation can also be explained by osteochondrosis or muscle lesions.

    Pain in the abdomen with pathologies of the pancreas

    As mentioned above, the causes of burning and pain in the left hypochondrium can be caused by pancreatic diseases.

    Sources similar discomfort may become cystic formations in the gland, pancreatitis or tumors of various origins.

    A distinctive feature of pain of pancreatic origin is the lack of connection of this symptom with food. Such pain tends to increase with the development of inflammatory lesions, the addition of necrotic and edematous processes, and complications.

    lower abdomen

    In this area, the sigmoid colon, the left ureter, and the appendage in women are located, therefore, the painful symptoms localized in this zone are primarily associated with lesions of these intraorganic structures.

    • If the source of pain is the sigmoid colon, then the pain tends to increase before emptying the intestines and after a long walk, while patients constantly experience defecation urges, loose stools. At the same time, the feces look like meat slops, exude a fetid odor and contain pathological purulent, mucous and blood inclusions.
    • Painful burning in the lower abdomen on the left can also be caused by dysentery or dysentery-like infections. shigella, coli allocate toxic substances, provoking ulcerative processes in the intestines. As a result, sigmoiditis occurs, accompanied by false defecation urges, frequent liquid stools, cramping left-sided abdominal pain. In the feces there is pus and bloody impurities, mucous components.
    • With non-ulcer sigmoiditis, there is also a burning sensation in the left hypochondrium in the lower abdomen. Painful sensations are bursting in nature, radiate to the perineum, intensify with movement and physical activity, but are blurred or mild. Accompanied by constipation alternately with diarrhea.
    • In women, such localization of a painful burning sensation may indicate an ectopic location of the fetal egg, inflammation of the left appendage, ovarian apoplexy, tumor neoplasms of the uterine appendages, etc. operations.
    • Burning pain in the lower part of the left hypochondrium occurs when renal colic. In this case, the pain syndrome is acute and cramping in nature, does not go away in a calm state, although the general condition of the patient can be considered satisfactory.
    • Also, such pains accompany pathologies such as intestinal obstruction or intestinal volvulus.

    From the back

    The cause of pain and burning sensation from the back in the left side are often:

    • Pathologies of the spine and musculoskeletal structures (osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, muscle inflammation, intercostal neuralgia);
    • Cardiovascular pathologies (ischemia, heart attack, angina pectoris);
    • Pathologies of the respiratory system (diaphragmatic hernia, left-sided pneumonia, bronchitis or pleurisy);
    • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcerative processes in the intestines and stomach, gastritis, inflammation of the pancreas);
    • Kidney diseases (inflammation, stone-forming processes, etc.).

    Also, painful symptoms can occur against the background of physical overload, overeating, abuse of fatty foods and alcohol.

    In the region of the heart

    Burning pain in the left hypochondrium can also be caused by cardiac pathologies, especially in the presence of such accompanying symptoms like nausea, shortness of breath, palpitations regardless of the activity of the patient.

    With heart problems, patients complain of burning and heaviness in the chest. Usually painful burning is caused by coronary lesions, ischemia or cardiomyopathy.

    After meal

    Causes of painful burning after meals are often factors such as alcohol abuse, overeating and unhealthy habits food, trauma.

    Also, pain after eating occurs in the right hypochondrium against the background of pancreatitis, gastritis or ulcer pathology gastrointestinal tract, functional disorders diaphragm.

    Examination methods

    To establish accurate diagnosis and determining the cause of the pathology, an examination will be required, including:

    The specialist will definitely conduct a differential diagnosis with a pre-infarction or infarction condition.


    Painful sensations are not a pathology, but only perform symptomatic functions, therefore, the elimination of the pain syndrome will not save the patient from the problem, but will only briefly alleviate his well-being.

    Therefore, with a painful burning sensation in the left hypochondrium, a thorough diagnosis is necessary, aimed at identifying the cause of the pathology.

    • If the reasons are associated with overeating, then you need to adjust the diet and go on a diet;
    • With intoxication, enterosorbent preparations and a plentiful drinking regimen will help;
    • At stressful conditions and psycho-emotional overload, the use of sedatives, glycine, vitamin complexes is indicated.

    If the causes of painful burning sensation in the hypochondrium on the left are of a pathological origin, then a consultation of a highly specialized specialist is necessary, who will select the appropriate therapy.

    Self-treatment is unacceptable, because the symptoms of many pathologies are very similar. As long as you self-treat for one pathology that you do not have, the true cause of the burning sensation will only get worse.

    Which doctor should I contact?

    Depending on the cause of the burning sensation, the intervention of a gastroenterologist or a urologist, a gynecologist or a proctologist, an infectious disease specialist, a urologist or a surgeon, etc. may be necessary.

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