How does ulcerative colitis manifest in dogs? Pathology of the large intestine - colitis in dogs: signs, treatment

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in dogs are very common. In this regard, the question arises of correctly assessing the identified symptoms, verifying the diagnosis and prescribing adequate treatment.

The main gastroenterological syndromes include:
- anorexia - refusal to take food;
- perversion of appetite;
- vomiting, regurgitation, belching;
- acute and chronic diarrhea;
- constipation;
- tenesmus;
- flatulence;
- abdominal pain;
- salivation;
- dysphagia - difficulty swallowing;
- change in the consistency, color, smell of feces;
- progressive exhaustion.

The severity of a particular syndrome depends on the localization of the affected area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract, the time of the disease, and etiological factors.

To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to carefully collect an anamnesis, on the basis of which it is possible to conclude whether the disease is primary or secondary, to formulate primary diagnoses for further differential diagnosis. Verification of the diagnosis is carried out after a thorough clinical examination of the animal and additional diagnostic studies (X-ray, ultrasound, laboratory tests of blood, feces, urine).


Vomiting is a reflex act controlled by the vomiting center located in the medulla oblongata. This center is influenced by chemoreceptors of the trigger zone at the level of the fourth ventricle. Through the autonomic nerves, the vomiting center on the periphery is connected with the receptors of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, stomach, intestines, peritoneum, irritation of which can cause vomiting. Vomiting is a protective reflex or physiological process in nursing bitches.

There are 4 types of vomiting:
1. Vomiting of central origin (increased intracranial pressure, head trauma, emotional stress).
2. Vomiting caused by chemicals acting in the chemoreceptor zone (inhalation of irritants, administration of drugs that act on the vomiting center).
3. Peripherally induced vomiting (irritation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, stomach, peritoneum with peritonitis).
4. Mixed vomiting.

In the presence of vomiting, attention should be paid to its frequency and nature. The owner of the animal is asked about the temporal relationship between feeding and vomiting, the presence of food and the degree of its digestion, the color and consistency of the vomit.

In a healthy dog, gastric emptying usually occurs within 10-12 hours. With obstruction of the pyloric sphincter, impaired secretory and motor function of the stomach, obstruction in the caudal part of the intestine, vomiting of food mixed with bile can occur 12 or more hours after feeding. The presence of bile in the vomit indicates duodenal-gastric reflux, in which bile is thrown into the stomach. Vomiting that occurs immediately after eating may be associated with gastritis, cranial intestinal obstruction, pancreatic disease, severe colitis. The presence of blood (hematomesis) can occur when the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach, upper small intestine is damaged, and also due to a violation of blood clotting. Vomiting of swallowed blood is possible with injuries in the oral cavity and respiratory tract. Bloody vomiting indicates a violation of the permeability of the gastric mucosal barrier and severe gastritis, erosions and ulcers of the esophagus and stomach. Vomiting may be mixed with fresh blood, or vomiting of the color of "coffee grounds", which is more unfavorable prognostically and indicates severe damage to the stomach or distal intestines.

Vomiting of central origin, as a rule, is not associated with a feeding factor and the contents of the vomit may be in varying degrees of digestion.

Regurgitation (regurgitation)- expulsion of swallowed food from the esophagus into the oral and nasal cavities. With regurgitation, there are no usual vomiting movements - contraction of the abdominal muscles, salivation. Regurgitation can occur with diverticula, stenosis, inflammation, tumors of the esophagus, diaphragmatic hernia, chronic tonsillitis, thymoma and other neoplasms in the chest cavity. Regurgitation is often seen in puppies after weaning due to idiopathic dilatation of the esophagus.

Dysphagia is difficulty in taking food and water. Violation of swallowing, as a rule, indicates a disease of the oral cavity and pharynx. It is necessary to differentiate violations of swallowing and violation of the patency of the esophagus. In violation of the patency of the esophagus, a protracted, repetitive painful act of swallowing is characteristic. With dysphagia, prolonged chewing movements, salivation, head movements forward, backward, to the sides are noted. Swallowing is accompanied by raising the head, shortness of breath, groans. Swallowing disorders can be caused by damage to the medulla oblongata (rabies, bulbar paralysis), and therefore it is necessary to exclude the influence of the nervous system.

Salivation - frequent swallowing of saliva, not associated with the intake of food, or the inability to hold saliva, as a result of which it foams and flakes. Salivation always accompanies dysphagia and vomiting. This symptom indicates the localization of the pathological process in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Heavy salivation can lead to dehydration. Drooling is often a sign of intoxication.


Diarrhea - frequent or single bowel movements with the release of liquid feces. This is the most common symptom of gastroenteric disorders.

Diarrhea can be primary or secondary in origin.. The causes of primary diarrhea can be specific intestinal diseases (enteritis, colitis, parvovirus and bacterial infections, pancreatic insufficiency) and functional disorders (feed change, stress). Secondary diarrhea develops as a result of a systemic disease (pathology of the endocrine, excretory system).

Any diarrhea is a violation of the absorption of water and electrolytes in the intestine. Of the total amount of fluid entering the body, only about 2% are excreted in the feces, the rest of the water is absorbed in the intestines. The pathogenesis of diarrhea of ​​various etiologies has much in common.

Type of diarrhea

Pathogenetic mechanisms

Feature chair

1. Secretory

Increased secretion of water and electrolytes into the intestinal lumen

passive secretion

Increase hydrostatic pressure due to damage to the lymphatic vessels of the intestine ( lymphangiectasia);

increase hydrostatic pressure due to insufficiency of the right ventricle of the heart.

active secretion

System activation adenylate cyclase and cAMP

Bile acids

Bacterial enterotoxins


Copious, watery

2. Hyperosmolar

Reduced absorption of water and electrolytes

Digestion and absorption disorders

Malabsorption (gluten enteropathy, small bowel ischemia, birth defects)

Membrane digestion disorders

Enzymatic failure

Digestive disorders

deficit pancreatic enzymes,

Deficiency of bile salts (obstructive jaundice, diseases and iliac resection intestines),

Resection of the small intestine

Polyfecalia, steato rhea

3. Hyper- and hypokenetic

Increased or slow rate of transit of intestinal contents

Increased chyme transit rate

Neurogenic stimulation (irritable bowel syndrome, diabetic enteropathy) Hormonal stimulation (serotonin, prostaglandins, pancreozymin) Laxatives anthroquinone row Slow transit speed Chyme Scleroderma Syndrome blind loop

Liquid or mushy, not abundant

4. Exudative

“dumping” of water and electrolytes into the intestinal lumen

Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis) Intestinal infections with cytotoxic action (salmonellosis) Protein-losing enteropathies

Fluid, sparse, mucus, blood

Table 1

4 main mechanisms are involved in the pathogenesis of diarrhea: intestinal hypersecretion, increased osmotic pressure in the intestinal cavity, impaired transit of intestinal contents, and intestinal hyperexudation (Table 1).

secretory diarrhea characterized by copious watery stools that are not accompanied by pain, and occurs when the secretion of water into the intestinal lumen prevails over absorption. Secretion activators are bacterial toxins, enteropathogenic viruses, pharmacological agents containing antroglycosides (senna leaf, buckthorn bark, etc.) and biologically active substances (secretin, calcitonin, prostaglandins). Secretory diarrhea occurs when there is a violation of the absorption of bile acids, poor contractile function of the gallbladder. Cal in this case acquires a yellow or green color.

Hyperosmolar diarrhea develops due to an increase in the osmotic pressure of the chyme. This occurs with the syndrome of impaired absorption, under the influence of saline laxatives containing magnesium ions, phosphorus, antacids. Cal with hyperosmolar diarrhea is unformed, plentiful, contains undigested food residues, defecation is painless.

Hyper- and hypokenetic diarrhea develops in violation of the transit of chyme under the influence of laxatives, antacids, hormones, as well as enteroanastomoses. The stool with this diarrhea is frequent, liquid, the total amount is insignificant. Before defecation, the animal experiences anxiety due to cramping pains.

Exudative diarrhea occurs due to the release of water into the lumen of the intestine through the damaged mucous membrane and is accompanied by exudation of the protein into the lumen of the intestine. This type of diarrhea is observed in inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, intestinal tuberculosis, and acute intestinal infections. The chair is frequent, liquid with an admixture of blood and pus, painful.

Acute diarrhea lasts up to 10-15 days, then the process becomes chronic. Diarrhea during fasting indicates secretory disorders, absence during fasting - about osmotic diarrhea.


Tenesmus and tenderness during bowel movements usually indicate disease of the colon, rectum, and anal region.

Appearance time. Unexpected urges are characteristic of diseases of the thick section.

Appearance of faeces. Bulky and "fatty" stools indicate a violation of digestion and absorption, pancreatitis. Abundant mucus, blood - for diseases of the large intestine.

Frequency of defecation. Rare defecation (1-3 times a day) indicates damage to the small intestine, frequent (4-7 times) - to the large intestine.

With any diarrhea, it is necessary to carry out helmintho-ovoscopy, bacteriological examination, examination for dysbacteriosis, determination of feed digestibility, biochemical blood analysis, and, if possible, endoscopy and colonoscopy.


Acute enteritis. The cause of acute enteritis is mainly bacterial enterotoxins. Acute enteritis can be exudative and secretory. Bacterial enterotoxins damage the intestinal villi and intestinal walls. This disrupts the absorption of sodium and water ions. The most severe lesions occur in the jejunum and ileum.

In dogs, non-inflammatory diarrhea is often recorded due to malnutrition. Diarrhea of ​​non-inflammatory etiology is mainly due to the fact that poor-quality food causes an excess of osmotically active substances to form in the intestine, causing the accumulation of fluid that cannot be reabsorbed. This can be caused by a large amount of feed, excess carbohydrates, lactose, contaminated, cold or hot food. Diarrhea can occur with increased peristalsis due to toxins, as well as in mobile dogs after exercise.

celiac disease. Disease of the small intestine, characterized by the development of atrophy of the intestinal mucosa in response to the introduction of gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, barley). Mucosal atrophy leads to malabsorption of nutrients, diarrhea, steatorrhea, and weight loss. The pathological immune response of the intestinal mucosa to gluten lies at the heart of the pathogenesis of this disease. There is a lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the mucosa and an increase in the content of MEL. among which 80% are T-cells. Young dogs get sick more often, it is proved that the disease has a hereditary cause

Lymphangiectasia. A disease characterized by increased loss of protein through ectatic lymphatic vessels in the small intestinal mucosa. Described as a hereditary disease. A secondary disease can develop with tumors of the intestine and mesentery, pericarditis, thrombosis of the superior vena cava, chronic inflammation of the intestine. It is characterized by progressive exhaustion, subcutaneous edema, ascites and hydrothorax may develop. In the study of blood, hypoproteinemia is characteristic (the content of albumins is especially sharply reduced), lymphopenia, microcytic anemia.

Diseases associated with malabsorption syndrome. Diseases associated with malabsorption of nutrients. This syndrome is typical for diseases caused by one or another defect in the immune system of an autoimmune nature: eosinophilic gastroenteritis, lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis, granulomatous enteritis, etc. Malabsorption can also be observed in other intestinal diseases, diseases, as a rule, proceed chronically, are characterized by progressive exhaustion even with normal food intake. In the study of feces, undigested muscle fibers, drops of fat, starch are found. The content of protein, cholesterol, lipids is lowered in the blood.

Crohn's disease . Chronic nonspecific granulomatous inflammation of the digestive tract of unknown etiology with a predominant lesion of the terminal ileum. It is characterized by stenosis of the affected areas of the intestine, the formation of fistulas and extraintestinal manifestations - arthritis, skin lesions and is manifested by severe pain in the abdominal cavity, diarrhea with blood, often accompanied by the development of pyoderma or erythema nodosum.


irritable bowel syndrome
. Chronic functional disorder of the large intestine, characterized by abdominal pain, tenesmus, flatulence, sudden bouts of diarrhea. Past intestinal infections, food allergens, hormonal disorders, exposure to stress factors, etc. can lead to the development of this syndrome. Laboratory studies do not reveal any characteristic changes in feces, blood counts. A biopsy taken from the toast does not reveal signs of inflammation.

Chronic colitis. It can develop as a continuation of acute, or as an independent disease. The disease is based on the following mechanisms: violation of intestinal permeability; motor disorders, increased secretion of mucus, changes in the composition of the microflora. Histiocytic ulcerative colitis can develop as an autoimmune disease. To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a study of feces for the presence of helminths, proctoscopy and biopsy of the colon mucosa.

Idiopathic colitis. It is one of the most common causes of chronic diarrhea in dogs. The general condition of the animal is good, but attacks of profuse watery diarrhea with blood suddenly appear. Animals often take a position for defecation, feces are not always excreted, in small portions.


Treatment for diarrhea of ​​various origins should be comprehensive. On the first day, a starvation diet lasting 8-12 hours is prescribed to unload the gastrointestinal tract.

If the animal does not vomit, then fluid loss can be compensated by oral administration of glucose-salt solutions (rehydron, enterodesis, and others). Drinking decoctions of medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory and astringent effects (chamomile, yarrow, burnet, serpentine, St. John's wort) give a good effect. With severe vomiting, the loss of fluid and electrolytes should be corrected by drip infusion. Potassium ions must be added to the composition of the solutions to prevent cardiogenic shock.

Antibacterial therapy is prescribed to restore intestinal eubiosis. In acute diarrhea of ​​bacterial etiology, antimicrobial agents from the group of quinolones, fluoroquinolones, sulfanilamide preparations and nitrofuran derivatives are recommended. Antibiotics for diarrhea are best used parenterally, as in bacterial enteritis, bacteria can penetrate the intestinal wall and oral administration is not always effective. The drugs of choice for this pathology are chloramphenicol, gentamicin, tetracycline, specter, enroflokcasin, forticline (local reaction is possible). When administered orally, preference is given to drugs that do not disturb the balance of the microbial flora. This is "Intetrix", which is effective against most gram-positive and gram-negative pathogenic intestinal bacteria, fungi of the genus Candida. Assign 2 capsules per day, the course of treatment is 10 days. And "Ersefuril" - the active substance - nifuroxazide, is prescribed 1 capsule 3 times a day. The course of treatment is not more than 7 days. Or "Enterosedive", which contains streptomycin, bacitracin, pectin, kaolin, sodium citrate. Assign 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, the course of treatment is 7 days.

In most animals, the effect occurs on days 2-3, but treatment must be continued for at least 5-7 days.

As an alternative therapy, it is possible to use bactisubtil bacterial preparations. linex, bifiform, enterol. Effective use of probiotics - biosporin, lactobacterin, bifidumbacterin, bificol, acinol and others.

Of the symptomatic agents, adsorbents and enveloping preparations are used:
- "Smecta" - has pronounced adsorbing properties and a protective effect on the intestinal mucosa. It is a mucosal barrier stabilizer and, having enveloping properties, protects the mucosa from toxins and microorganisms. It is prescribed 1.5-3 g in the form of a talker 15-20 minutes before meals;
- "Neointestopan" - natural colloidal aluminum-magnesium silicate. It has a high adsorption capacity, is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Can be used for acute diarrhea of ​​various origins. Duration of treatment - 2 days. The drug disrupts the absorption of simultaneously prescribed antibiotics and antispasmodics, so the interval between taking the drugs should be at least 3-4 hours:
- "Tannacomp" - a combined drug that has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. Assign 1-2 tablets 4 times a day. The course of treatment ends with the cessation of diarrhea;
- "Cholestyramine" - used in the treatment of diarrhea caused by bile acids. Assign 0.5 teaspoon 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days.

To regulate motility, you can use imodium (loperamide), which reduces the tone and motility of the intestine and has an antisecretory effect. When a normal stool appears, treatment with this drug is stopped. Synthetic opiates (dalargin, reasek), as well as anticholinergics (buscopan, metacin, platifilin) ​​can be used to reduce propulsive function and the urge to defecate.

In order to improve intestinal digestion, it is recommended to use preparations containing pancreatic enzymes, hydrochloric acid with pepsin, and bile. Enzyme preparations (creon, pancreatin, festal. degistal, mezim-for-te and others) are prescribed during meals.

The success of treatment largely depends on well-chosen diet therapy. After a starvation diet, the animal can be assigned a diet with a specially selected protein composition. This diet lacks mono- and disaccharides, lactose and gluten, which can enhance fermentation processes and intestinal motility. This diet is well combined with a low fat dietary food, which is characterized by high digestibility of all components. The dietary ration should be prescribed for 7-14 days, then the animal can be gradually transferred to a normal diet.

Inflammation of the large intestine has a pronounced seasonality. The acute form of colitis occurs from July to September and from the 20th of December to mid-January. Chronic colitis is registered at any time of the year.

Colitis is inflammation of the large intestine. The disease is considered one of the most common. The most common colitis sufferers are:

  • dogs;
  • cats;
  • rabbits;
  • birds.

Dog breeds most susceptible to disease are:

  • boxer;
  • sharpei;
  • English bulldog;
  • French Bulldog.

Feeding disorders are considered the main cause of colitis.

Colitis does not pass without a trace. Often, animals are prescribed a diet for life. If your pet begins to lose weight, suffers from diarrhea or constipation, contact your veterinarian immediately. Only a specialist can prescribe the right treatment.

The main signs of colitis in animals

The first symptom of colitis is diarrhea mixed with mucus and blood. The feces are pasty, with a pungent odor. The animal is emaciated. Diarrhea is replaced by constipation and after 1 - 2 days resumes. During defecation, the animal strains unnecessarily, the process obviously worries him. There are frequent urges to defecate, some of which remain ineffectual. The animal can squeeze out mucus or a clot.

Causes and course of colitis in animals

Colitis is based on a combination of several causes. The main ones are:

  • feeding disorders;
  • foreign bodies;
  • pica;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • autoimmune disorders and allergies;
  • sluggish infections caused by microbes and fungi;
  • infections caused by protozoa.

Feeding disorders are considered the main cause of colitis. Food that is too cold cannot be properly digested in the stomach. And getting into the intestines, it injures it. Non-animal foods (such as potatoes or pasta for dogs and cats) change digestion in the intestines. Some processes slow down, others speed up. As a result, the intestines are filled with traumatic contents.

Foreign bodies, especially small ones, can injure the large intestine. Small fragments of bones pass through the intestines like sandpaper. Egg shells have similar properties. Cats often play with Christmas tree rain and swallow it. The rain sticks to the intestinal wall and causes inflammation.

Pica occurs as a result of disorders of the digestive or nervous systems. In the case of nervous disorders, animals swallow foreign objects. With digestive disorders, animals look for rotten meat, food waste. Rotten meat and household waste contain a huge range of substances that damage the intestines and cause colitis. Along the way, the animal swallows pathogenic microbes.

Dysbacteriosis characterized by indigestion in the large intestine. So, feeding dogs and cats pasta or potatoes leads to increased fermentation in the intestines. The digestive system of dogs and cats does not have enzymes that allow them to digest flour and muffins. These enzymes are present in putrefactive microorganisms. The waste products of these microbes disrupt digestion and inhibit the work of beneficial bacteria that inhabit the intestines. The products of putrefaction cause inflammation of the intestines.

Autoimmune disorders characterized by the destruction of healthy cells, in this case the intestines, by the body's defense system. The reason for this failure is severe forms of infections, mostly viral. To start the disease, the virus is embedded in a healthy cell and begins to multiply. Protecting the body, the immune system focuses on fighting infection. However, after serious illnesses, there is a situation: the virus has already been destroyed, but the body is still fighting. A significant proportion of autoimmune disorders in animals are caused by the use of drugs without a prescription from a veterinarian. Allergies in some species lead to the impossibility of the intestines. As with autoimmune disorders, the lining of the intestine is damaged.

Sluggish infections, caused by microbes and fungi, are often deprived of the opportunity to turn into a real disease. So, in vaccinated adult dogs, viral enteritis (inflammation of the intestines) turns into colitis. The immune system quickly recognizes the infection and destroys the virus, but the intestines are already damaged.

Some infections are characterized by slow development. For example, colitis is a stage of candidomycosis (the development of pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida in the body).

These reasons lead to damage to the inner lining of the intestine. Destroyed cells and lymph remain in damaged areas, serving as a breeding ground for microbes. Microbes multiply. The aggressive environment of the intestines further damages the intestines, opening up a “canteen” for microbes. The waste products of microbes disrupt digestion.

The intestines are protected: an increased amount of mucus is produced near the damaged areas. Macrophages rush to fight microbes. The intestinal mucosa tends to close the damage, grows. But the intestines are still damaged, healing fails.

The absorption of a number of vitamins, water, minerals and some fats is impaired. The substances left in the stool are excreted from the body. For further protection, the body speeds up and intensifies bowel movements. The food is digested and absorbed even worse. Some of the fat remains around the anus. The skin around the anus is irritated. What causes a reflex acceleration of the movement of food and feces through the intestines.

Over time, a dependence is created: the worse the food is digested, the stronger the diarrhea. The stronger the diarrhea, the worse the food is digested.

The death of the animal comes from exhaustion. Even with timely assistance, mortality from colitis reaches 5% and is increasing. The main reason for the onset of incurable colitis is the violation of the prescriptions of the veterinarian by the owners of the animals and the refusal of the prescribed diet.

Restoration of the full functioning of the intestine in most cases is carried out along with the elimination of the causes of colitis.

Treatment requires establishing the cause of colitis in each case. As a rule, manipulations are aimed at:

  • creating an optimal environment in the intestines;
  • restoration of full bowel function;
  • suppression of microbes, protozoa or fungi.

Creating an optimal environment in the intestines is achieved by a strict diet. It is ideal to switch your pet to dry or canned foods designed specifically to support bowel disease. For example, dry food of the brand Royal Canine of the Sensitive series, or Gastro-Intestinal is used.

Restoration of the full functioning of the intestine in most cases is carried out along with the elimination of the causes of colitis. To establish the stage of the disease and clarify the actions of the doctor, a study of feces is carried out. Perverted appetite and infectious diseases require separate treatment. In most cases, surgery is required to remove foreign bodies.

For dysbacteriosis and at the end of the treatment of infections, preparations containing normal intestinal bacteria (probiotics) are used. In the case of autoimmune disorders, drugs based on adrenal hormones (hydrocortisone, etc.) are used.

Suppression of microbes, protozoa and fungi is achieved using antibiotics (tylosin) or sulfonamides (metronidazole, trichopolum). Sulfonamides are effective against protozoa. As a rule, the medicine is prescribed based on the results of a stool test. In urgent cases, antibiotics are prescribed depending on the symptoms and the most common microbial susceptibility in a particular area.

Additionally, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins A and E can be used to help the intestines recover.


In birds, colitis is mainly caused by protozoa, timely administration of the correct treatment is crucial.

For cats, aspirin is poison. Medicines containing aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) are not prescribed to cats.

Inflammatory phenomena in the large intestine in dogs are a frequent reason for contacting a veterinary specialist. The causes of pathology are diverse - from a violation of a balanced diet to the development of neoplasms in the colon. Treatment of the disease is based on a strict diet, feeding regimen and the use of drugs.

Read in this article

Causes of Colitis in Dogs

Based on many years of practice, veterinarians identify the following causes of inflammation in the colon in dogs:

  • Violation of the principles of rational nutrition. food from the table, the presence of fatty, spicy, pickled foods in the pet's diet are common causes of colitis. An excess of raw vegetables and fruits in the diet, as well as excessive eating of green grass by the dog, can cause irritation of the intestines. Non-compliance with the diet, overfeeding the pet also adversely affects the functional state of the organ.
  • Eating inedible objects, as well as bones. Feathers, pieces of wood, plastic bags, plastic products, tubular bones cause microtrauma and damage in the intestines, in severe cases - blockage of the intestine.


Chronically current colitis is characterized by frequent stool disorders. The animal has a progressive loss of body weight, signs of dehydration are observed. Rise in body temperature, as a rule, is not observed. The animal becomes lethargic, appetite disappears.


A severe form of diffuse inflammation of the colon mucosa is ulcerative colitis. The disease is accompanied by bloody, copious secretions of mucus and blood with tenesmus, rapid exhaustion of the pet. The disease is characterized by periodic vomiting. The animal develops extraintestinal symptoms: anemia of visible mucous membranes develops, electrolyte balance in the body is disturbed.

A complication of the ulcerative form of the disease is often intestinal bleeding, intestinal perforation, which requires immediate surgical intervention.

The causes of ulcerative colitis veterinarians include autoimmune disorders. Boxers and German Shepherds are genetically predisposed to what is known as histiocytic ulcerative colitis. The disease affects young animals under the age of 2 years. The clinical picture is similar to ulcerative inflammation. The animal experiences pain during defecation. Often, the pathology is accompanied by vomiting.

Diagnostic methods

First of all, the veterinarian will take a history and conduct a general clinical examination of the pet, with a thorough palpation of the abdominal cavity. Rectal examination will reveal pathological thickening of the rectum. Soreness during the study also indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the thick section of the digestive tube.

In order to exclude foreign objects and malignant neoplasms in the intestine, an x-ray examination is prescribed to the animal. As an additional method, an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs is performed to exclude intestinal intussusception, prostatitis in males.

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs

Specialized veterinary clinics have modern endoscopic equipment for colonoscopy. Manipulation is usually performed under general anesthesia. Visual examination of the large intestine using a fiber-optic probe allows you to detect abnormalities in the structure of the mucous membrane, ulcerative lesions, pseudopolyps, erosion, tumors.

During a colonoscopy, a tissue biopsy is performed for subsequent histological examination. Microscopic methods of studying tissue samples obtained from biopsy can reveal histiocytic ulcerative colitis.

For diagnosing colitis in dogs (colonoscopy), see this video:


Therapeutic methods of treating the disease depend on its severity, the type of lesion, the presence of extraintestinal symptoms, and the duration of the pathology. With a mild and moderate course of the disease, the sick animal receives treatment at home. In the case of a severe form of ulcerative colitis, therapy is carried out in a veterinary clinic.

Diet and food

In the acute phase of the disease, the animal is prescribed a 24-48 hour fasting diet until the diarrhea stops. Subsequently, the dog is transferred to medical nutrition. The diet should contain the maximum amount of fiber. Fatty foods are completely excluded. It is strictly forbidden to feed a pet suffering from colitis with dry food.

The basis of the diet for the duration of the treatment of the dog should be chicken, rice and buckwheat porridge. Diet food includes boiled vegetables: carrots, turnips. Useful low-fat dairy products. Whole milk is excluded from the diet to avoid flatulence.

With ulcerative colitis, accompanied by the phenomena of iron deficiency anemia, pay attention to the content of iron in the diet. It is useful to add bran to the food of a sick dog as a source of fiber. The therapeutic diet is observed, as a rule, for at least 2 months.

Therapy with medicines

In acute and ulcerative colitis, a sick dog is prescribed painkillers, antispasmodic drugs: No-shpu, Papaverine, Spazgan. Do not use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as aspirin.

The use of antidiarrheal drugs, for example, Loperamide, Imodium, should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. In some cases, their use can cause a complication in the animal in the form of acute expansion of the colon.

In case of ulcerative inflammation, in order to prevent complications of the process with a bacterial infection, a sick dog is prescribed antibacterial drugs, for example, Enrofloxacin, Sinulox, Cobactan, Kanamycin. In some cases, the use of Norsulfazol, Furazolidone, Sulfadimetoksin, Biseptol, Metronidazole gives a good effect.

With ulcerative colitis, accompanied by anemia, a sick dog is prescribed iron-containing drugs and vitamins that accelerate hematopoiesis. Ferran, Ferroglucin contribute to the elimination of iron deficiency in the body. Injections of vitamin B12, ascorbic acid prevent the oxidation of iron in the body and activate the processes of erythropoiesis.

If histiocytic ulcerative colitis is found in a four-legged friend, immunosuppressants that affect the immune system are also included in complex therapy. Its suppression reduces inflammation caused by autoimmune damage. Treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a veterinarian.

Colitis in dogs is a serious pathology of the large intestine, accompanied by indigestion, pain syndrome. With the development of the ulcerative form in the animal, extraintestinal symptoms are observed. The disease is dangerous for the development of complications in the form of bleeding, perforation of the intestinal tube. Treatment is complex and includes not only medications, but also strict adherence to a therapeutic diet.

Useful video

About the causes, symptoms and treatment of colitis in dogs, see this video:

Our four-legged friends sometimes suffer from digestive disorders, and often this condition does not go away “by itself”, requiring the attention of the owner and revision of the dog’s diet. These pathologies include inflammation of the colon. Almost all breeds are susceptible to this disease, but there is also a risk group: bulldogs, boxers and sharpei.

If in the small intestine food is digested almost completely, then in the large intestine it is presented in the form of hard-to-digest fibers. Here, water is absorbed from food, feces are formed, and the final digestion of nutrients occurs. Bacteria that break down dietary fiber and produce B vitamins play a key role in this process. There are several times more bacteria in the large intestine than in the small intestine, and a healthy microflora is largely responsible for good digestion in a dog. Therefore, inflammation of the large intestine is quite clearly manifested by many signs. Colitis, its symptoms and treatment is important to know, as it is a very common disease that occurs in almost every dog's life.

Colitis in dogs: symptoms

Diarrhea- most visible symptom this disease.

    There is features specific to diarrhea that occurs with colitis:
  • The dog has frequent tenesmus, that is, a false urge to defecate. This is due to the fact that the inflamed mucosa gives signals that are perceived as a command to “recover”. Often dogs make an attempt to relieve themselves even in the house, despite their good upbringing. At the same time, they clearly feel pain, grunt and writhe. Naturally, the number of acts of defecation increases.
  • There is blood and mucus in the stool, and the blood is scarlet in color.
  • Feces have an unpleasant odor, a thick and sticky texture, sometimes a shade of green.
  • The dog has general weakness, vomiting, loss of appetite.
  • If the colitis is chronic, then the dog loses weight.

In its course, colitis in dogs can be acute, chronic, recurrent. Accordingly, the symptoms may differ somewhat and there are quite a few reasons for its occurrence, although the main factor in the development of colitis is errors in the dog's diet.

Causes of Inflammation – Colitis in Dogs


Colitis requires a differentiated diagnosis, as it can be confused with other pathologies: constipation, prostate adenoma. A veterinarian, based on an examination of the dog and a study of the anamnesis (patient history), can easily do this, applying, if necessary, methods of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. A sign of colitis is a severe pain reaction during a rectal examination. An X-ray is also used to review the state of the internal organs and intestines. Objective and accurate results are needed when a confirmed diagnosis is required, and for this purpose, endoscopy of the large intestine and taking fragments of mucosal tissue for analysis are used.

Ultrasound will help confirm or exclude intestinal volvulus, foreign objects in the intestines, prostatitis, neoplasms.

If there is a suspicion of problems with the pancreas, the doctor will recommend testing for trypsin levels.

A biochemical blood test determines disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs, but with colitis, its indicators remain normal.

Blood TCA detects an elevated level of white blood cells, which is indicative of inflammation, and is also needed to determine the degree of anemia if the dog has a lot of blood in the stool.

Usually improvement occurs as early as 2-3 days from the start of treatment colitis in dogs, but adherence to a special diet provides reliable and long-term results. Such a requirement can be the most difficult for owners, since they do not consider it as important as the use of drugs. These are hypoallergenic diets for dogs, diets high in fiber or with a type of protein that has not been consumed by the dog before. There are ready-made hypoallergenic foods that provide a gentle effect on the intestines. At home, you can cook hypoallergenic lamb meat, poultry, rice and vegetable oil for your dog. The diet is maintained for at least a month.

Of the drugs in the treatment of colitis, loperamide and sulfasalazine are widely used. Loperamide relieves excessive irritation of the receptors of the colon, soothes it. It is traditionally used for 5-7 days. Sulfasalazine fights inflammation of the intestinal mucosa well and is given throughout the course of treatment (3-4 weeks).

If it is not possible to treat colitis effectively with these drugs, additional studies are needed - endoscopy and laboratory tests. Only according to the results of the tests, hormone therapy drugs, corticosteroids and drugs that suppress the immune response (with the eosinophilic type of inflammation) can be prescribed.

If colitis is caused by the presence of worms or protozoa, anthelmintic and antiprotozoal drugs are used.

Bacterial colitis will require antibiotics (metronidazole, tylosin).

Dogs diagnosed with colitis, as a rule, quickly recover if the cause that caused the disease is found. Infections and invasions that provoked inflammation of the colon mucosa, for the most part, can be cured. The most "capricious" is inflammatory colitis, prone to relapse, it requires constant contact with the attending veterinarian in order to monitor the condition of the dog and change appointments in time.

Colitis in dogs - home treatment

In the framework of modern busy life, this is very useful, as it saves your time and nerve cells. At home, you can provide full-fledged veterinary care "I-VET" in compliance with the conditions of sterility and antiseptics, with all the necessary equipment and preparations. Needless to say, houses and walls help, a sick pet will be calmer and recover faster in a familiar environment. For difficult patients in the center "I-VET" there is a hospital, as sometimes the animal requires careful monitoring and intensive care. Call us and we will help keep your beloved dog healthy!

Colitis in dogs is a fairly common disease. This pathological condition is accompanied by a pronounced lesion of the large intestine. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, an acute disease can quickly turn into a chronic form.

It is worth noting that some dog owners confuse the manifestations of this pathological condition with other disorders, starting to self-medicate. However, if measures are not taken in time to eliminate this disease, it can cause a rapid weakening of the animal and even death. Thus, it is important for dog owners to know what signs colitis has. Only timely treatment will avoid the transition of pathology into a chronic form and get rid of it.

Currently, there are many reasons for the development of this condition. Most often, colitis in a dog is diagnosed in the spring and summer. The reason lies in the fact that people are thoughtlessly taken to feed the animal with food of plant origin. In fact, the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines in dogs is only capable of producing substances in small doses for the digestion of vegetables, berries and herbs. At the same time, many plant products are simply not able to process the digestive tract of this animal. Thus, a dog eating raw carrots, cabbage, pears, citrus fruits, and melons may well develop colitis later on.

Cereals containing gluten, which can lead to irritation and then to an inflammatory process, can also negatively affect the condition of the intestines. In addition, her addiction to green grass becomes fatal for the dog. Many pet owners believe that this is nothing to worry about and in some way it is even beneficial for the pet. However, this is not true. When eating green mass, the stomach and intestines of the dog are not able to produce enough enzymes necessary for its digestion. In such cases, ulcerative colitis can even develop in dogs. The green mass stagnates in the intestine, provoking the appearance of an inflammatory process. Further, ulcers form at the points of contact of the decaying elements with the mucous membranes.

Inedible objects swallowed by a dog can provoke the appearance of this disease. Thus, it is very important to choose the right toys for the animal so that they can withstand the bites of the pet.

It is not uncommon for dog owners to give their pets bones that cannot be fully digested by the intestines. Splinters damage the mucous membranes, and can also accumulate, narrowing the intestinal lumen. In the future, due to this process, an inflammatory lesion of the digestive tract develops and characteristic symptoms are observed.

It is believed that colitis in a dog can develop against the background of allergic reactions, especially if irritants are ingested with food. In rare cases, this pathological condition appears after taking antibiotics. These drugs contribute to the violation of the natural intestinal microflora. In addition, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including gastroenteritis, pancreatitis, colon cancer, etc., can become a springboard for the development of a negative process.

Colitis Symptoms in Dogs

The manifestations of this disease are sometimes blurred, but an attentive owner of the animal can easily notice that not everything is in order with his pet. It must be borne in mind that the symptoms and treatment of colitis in dogs are largely interconnected, so the sooner signs of this disease are detected, the higher the chances of a quick cure for it. If the colon is damaged by such a pathological process, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • severe diarrhea;
  • frequent urination;
  • gases;
  • refusal of the usual food;
  • the use of grass;
  • vomit.

If acute colitis develops in a dog, the animal becomes restless. Even light pressure on the belly causes a nervous twitch in the pet, and sometimes a grin. This is due to pain in this area. In the future, impurities of mucus and blood may appear in the feces. This pathological condition leads to rapid weight loss in the pet. This causes the animal to become weak. If targeted measures are not taken, the disease becomes chronic, which is manifested by severe bleeding during defecation and severe pain. In an unfavorable variant, the disease causes the death of the animal.

Methods for diagnosing and treating pathology

If there are signs of such intestinal damage in a pet, you should definitely consult a veterinarian. Only a specialist is able to examine the animal and determine how to treat colitis in a particular case. If an acute variant of the disease has been identified, then therapy can be carried out at home.

  • The first 2 days the animal is prescribed fasting.
  • At this time, the pet should have constant access to water. This is necessary to unload the intestines and give it the opportunity to get rid of undigested foods.
  • After the diarrhea completely disappears, broths, boiled grated vegetables, and light cereals should be gradually introduced into the animal's diet.
  • On about 4-6 days, you can gradually begin to give white chicken meat, carefully ground in a blender.

After completing the course of treatment, the dog must be provided with high-quality dry food, if it is accustomed to consume it. As part of the prevention of colitis, it is necessary to take a very responsible approach to providing the animal with food, as well as to carry out deworming in a timely manner. In addition, it is very important to closely monitor the dog during walks. Do not allow eating a lot of green grass. Proper care of the animal can reduce the risk of developing colitis in the dog.

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