Why do old people have insanity. Pills, injections, drugs for moderate dementia: a list, how to take? How to deal with depression in loved ones

With age, many changes occur in the human body that affect not only organs and systems, but also the psychological state.

Senile insanity occurs in most cases due to diseases vascular system, including hypertension. For the male half of the population, the provoking factor is also excess weight Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the state of your body.

Long-term ones can also disrupt brain function, which can lead to irreversible consequences not only in the elderly, but also at a young age.

Let's understand the concepts and terms

Marasmus (degradation-disintegration of personality or) is a disease that gradually progresses and leads to irreversible disorders.

provokes given state atrophy of all processes occurring in the brain, which occur due to diseases and changes in circulatory system. Heredity and stressful situation can weigh down.

It is impossible to notice oddities in the patient's behavior immediately, the person becomes gradually absent-minded, forgetful, self-centered.

signs senile dementia become more pronounced and noticeable as they progress. Eventually the patient will stop to recognize his relatives and friends, will lose all skills, will demand constant control and help.

Senile dementia is acquired over time and leads to decay mental functions. Marasmus can be diagnosed not only in the elderly, but also quite young, even in infancy.

Dementia in youth is a rare disease. This state is not served self therapy, but requires a specific and careful approach, especially on the part of relatives.

In modern medicine, the following types of insanity are distinguished:

  1. Alimentary insanity ( alimentary dystrophy). This type pathology occurs due to protein-energy deficiency. This condition is diagnosed in children under the age of twelve months (which is why it is often called "infantile insanity").
  2. Senile insanity (senile dementia, sclerosis) - the disintegration of the personality, which is considered negative disorder. In this condition, the patient may lose real contact with the outside world and people.
  3. Also there is also physical insanity, but this condition is diagnosed quite rarely. In a patient, this condition is equated with cachexia, and manifests itself in the form of wilting. Very often, experts call this deviation dementia.

Why do old people fall into insanity?

Marasmus can arise and progress as a result of many precipitating factors, ranging from prolonged fever to atrophic changes brain. Also very often given pathological deviation suffer people who had relatives with this diagnosis. However, one should not exclude the influence external factors such as infectious and internal diseases.

Manifested senility and with such diseases and pathologies of the central nervous system:

If insomnia provoked a mental disorder or depression, you can prescribe a drug. With pronounced fussiness and mental disorder it is better for the patient to take.

Patient support - what should relatives do?

Relatives, in order to maintain the condition of a patient who has senile insanity, must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • create a favorable homely atmosphere;
  • it is necessary to conduct a conversation in a calm atmosphere;
  • address the patient by name;
  • when talking, you should not use abstruse phrases or words, if necessary, repeat what the patient did not understand;
  • constantly remember the old days;
  • help in everyday affairs, support him.

How long to live is a painful but important question

As mentioned earlier, senile insanity can lead to memory impairment, speech function and other pathologies.

As for the duration of life, it will depend on concomitant diseases, the general condition of the patient, the progression of the disease, social activity, heredity, the relationship of relatives to the patient, nutrition, lifestyle and other factors.

life expectancy will be no more than 10-15 years, everything will depend on the condition of the patient and comorbidities.

In any situation, the prognosis is unfavorable and the disease sooner or later leads to lethal outcome. With senile insanity, the patient becomes disabled, insane, incompetent.

To prevent senile sclerosis and dementia, it is necessary to eat right, supply the body with vitamins and minerals.

It is worth observing the daily regimen and conducting timely examination, treatment of provoking diseases.

When a person is advanced or old age completely loses his character, the ability to think clearly and respond adequately, then many relatives begin to see him as a senile or feeble-minded person. Few will answer the question of what senile insanity really is. In the people it is customary to consider insanity a common manifestation of old age. Meanwhile, it is a disease that can be prevented and treated.

Description of the disease

Insanity does not occur in a vacuum. It is preceded by gradual changes in the functioning of the brain, lasting throughout adulthood person. Atrophy of some functions of the brain, the decay of its cells lead to various types cyanide dementia, that is, acquired dementia. Without treatment, dementia progresses rapidly and passes into the final stage - senile insanity.

Insanity is a disease, and any disease can and should be treated.

No need to focus on the word "senile", believing that insanity is inherent only in old people. This word characterizes not the old age of a person, but the old age of the brain. You can turn into a senile at any age, depending on how hard you try to become one.

Insanity is mental illness to which physiological and functional changes in the brain lead. The disease is diagnosed by psychiatrists, which people are so afraid of, but in vain. Timely appeal this doctor can save a life. If the disease is not treated, then the risk of sudden death is likely. The causes of insanity are extensive and understanding them can help a lot.

Insanity creeps up imperceptibly, nothing signals about it, no one notices weak “bells”, or simply does not attach any importance to them. Therefore, it is important to learn everything about the disease, to be vigilant and prevent its occurrence. Timely treatment and prevention can prolong years of life in perfect health of mind.


  • Vascular diseases. it main reason death of neurons in the brain, which leads to the gradual onset of dementia, and then insanity. People who are diagnosed with hypertension, atherosclerosis are at risk. Pressure over 140/90 contributes to vasoconstriction to the extent that cerebral circulation. If this pressure has become the norm, then there is increased risk gradual development of dementia. Obesity is also included in the same reason. high pressure.
  • Various hernia with osteochondrosis can block the normal flow of blood to the basal artery that feeds the brain. Osteochondrosis cervical spine can cause compression of the arteries that feed the brain.
  • Various infectious diseases , tumors and injuries that damage the brain, lead to the death of neurons and can trigger the development of insanity.
  • Severe intoxication of the body. Even severely endured, the herpes disease can lead to intoxication of the body to the extent that it harms the brain. Various toxic effects are also medical preparations such as beta blockers, tranquilizers, antiallergics, calcium blockers, antidepressants. They must be used with caution and should not be carried away.
  • Lack of oxygen. If a person sits indoors all day and walks a little on fresh air, then gradually his brain begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen. long oxygen starvation brain inevitably leads to hypoxia. As a result, the death of its cells occurs, and functions are impaired.
  • Stress. During stress, the body produces large doses the hormone cortisol. This hormone leads to damage to the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory and learning. Stress is any change in the emotional background. It can be an attack of joy, and sadness, and vanity. Stress disrupts the homeostasis of the whole organism, bringing it into a "combat readiness" mode.
  • Alcohol. During alcohol intake, the brain dies great amount cells. The state of intoxication, for which many drink alcohol, is a signal to the brain that its cells are dying. Regular alcohol consumption leads to regular loss of brain cells. Memory is disturbed, working capacity decreases, thought processes are inhibited. The conclusion suggests itself.

Quitting alcohol completely does not improve the situation. A person needs to relax and relieve stress. Alcohol helps with this, scientists have proven. Light wines in small doses, consumed from time to time, dilate blood vessels, relieve stress and reduce the risk of brain damage. There are safe doses. For 70 kg of weight safe dose 150 ml of wine is considered. At the same time, it is important that the wine was of high quality.

Symptoms of insanity

As with dementia, the signs of marasmus are largely similar. Human behavior is changing. Close people, and the person himself, refer to the usual change in character. But such changes do not occur in better side. The character of a person is increasingly acquiring a negative connotation, preventing him from interacting with people and orienting himself in modern world.

Senile insanity can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the nature of the person.

As insanity approaches, the symptoms become more pronounced. A person becomes sloppy in clothes, he does not care how he looks and what people around him think of him.

Memory is impaired in the same way as in dementia. He remembers what happened a long time ago, and has difficulty remembering what happened two days ago. He periodically forgets to turn off the gas, then halfway through he remembers the iron that was not turned off.

Hobbies are not interesting to him, he feels apathy for everything in his life. A person forgets what shame, tact and decency are. But he always remembers who and how to teach the mind. He does this obsessively and tactlessly, ignoring that no one needs it and his moralizing has long been outdated.

Many people have Plushkin syndrome (Wikipedia). A person drags into the house everything that seems important and necessary to him. The house turns into a warehouse of unnecessary things that "will come in handy."

All the symptoms of acquired dementia in senile insanity only intensify.


There are 3 stages of insanity development: initial, middle and last.

  1. At first, all the signs are invisible, especially to the patients themselves. Sometimes only he himself can notice how his intellectual abilities are declining. This stage can occur in people under 40 years of age. Therefore, it is so important to pay close attention to it. This stage is reversible.
  2. Then, in the second stage, he develops forgetfulness in everyday life (the same iron, stove, microwave). Depression, apathy, asociality appear. At this stage, the disease can still be cured, or its development can be slowed down.
  3. The last stage is the most terrible, difficult and irreversible. A person cannot serve himself, loses his personality, memory ... "loses his head."

Treatment of senile insanity

Many people think that insanity is not treated. This is not true. Only the last stage is not treated. Therefore, it is important to understand in time what to do with insanity. Find out the cause and get rid of it. A common cause is, as already mentioned, hypertension and vascular disease. So, these diseases must be treated. Then the insanity will begin to pass. If the cause is alcoholism, treat it. To find out about the causes of insanity, you need to go through a series of tests: doctor's consultations, check blood vessels, do an MRI of the brain (magnetic resonance imaging), ultrasound of the heart, and be tested for toxins.

It is necessary to treat insanity in time, until it has reached its last stage.

If insanity is diagnosed and is in a severe stage, then the treatment will be only symptomatic. The therapy program is written out only by the doctor. Self-medication can only accelerate the development of insanity.

If there are only initial signs changes in the brain, then treatment involves the normalization brain function and stopping the death of neurons:

  • taking vitamins B12 and group B, the lack of which has a devastating effect on the brain;
  • accept folic acid;
  • reception higher doses antioxidants;
  • the use of Gingo Biloba extract;
  • daily gymnastics;
  • memory training.


For prevention, try to active image outdoor life.

From this article you will learn:

    What is senile insanity

    Why does the disease senile insanity occur in pensioners

    What are the signs of senile insanity in women and men

    How to treat senile insanity

    What to do with relatives whose loved ones suffer from senile insanity

    What care is provided in a nursing home for patients with senile insanity

To date, such a disease as senile insanity is very common. Everyone is familiar with the signs of this disease, because we all remember jokes on this topic. Of course, senile insanity is a disease. And it's not very funny. The disease is serious and dangerous, and its consequences can be very sad. After reviewing the text of this article, you will learn how the disease of senile insanity manifests itself, what are its causes, what treatment is the most effective.

What is senile insanity

Senility accompanied by irreversible changes that affect the body at the cellular level. Gradually, the death of neurons occurs, which provide mental and mental activity. For this reason, a patient with senile insanity cannot control his daily actions, learn, remember anything. Most unpleasant phenomenon that accompanies illness abrupt change personalities. As a rule, the changes are negative.

Senile insanity may be primary or secondary. secondary disease is caused neurological problems, for example, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. Senile insanity more often affects women than men. medical research show that every year there are more and more patients with this diagnosis. Unfortunately, senile insanity can also appear in those who are still of working age.

According to researchers, senile insanity occurs due to a malfunction of the immune regulatory mechanism. This causes the production of special autoimmune complexes that negatively affect the brain. Senile insanity is transmitted genetically. The cause of dementia can be primary or secondary. The primary lesion is characterized by self-destruction of the cerebral cortex. The defeat characterizes the following diseases:

    Alzheimer's disease, Pick;

    Dementia with the formation of Lewy bodies.

Secondary senile insanity appears as a result of another disease:

    Chronic vascular insufficiency(atherosclerosis, severe and long-term hypertension);

    Severe intoxication, including alcohol;

    infectious diseases;

  • Neoplasms of the brain.

Sometimes senile insanity appears as a result of the following factors:

In some cases, senile insanity is the result of a combination of the above factors.

Senile insanity, the symptoms of which are obvious

Unfortunately, senile insanity is manifested by implicit signs. As a rule, most of its signs are attributed to senile changes. If you pay attention to the symptoms of the disease on early stage, many difficulties can be avoided. We recommend that relatives of the elderly pay attention to the following signs of senile insanity:

    Memory is broken. Organic lesions of the brain affect how information about events that happened in recent time is stored. If a person has senile insanity, then he forgets what happened to him yesterday, but remembers well all the details of the events of the distant past.

    Behavior is changing. A person diagnosed with senile insanity is sloppy and careless with regard to clothing. As a rule, he takes care of himself only if he is reminded of this. The patient is apathetic, he is not interested in his work, hobby. He becomes too edifying, stubbornly proves his case. Sometimes he is too suggestible, indifferent to everything. The patient loses his bashfulness, can speak on erotic topics, and shows promiscuity.

    A person's orientation in space is disturbed. If he is at home, then no problems arise. But if he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, he has difficulty finding his way back.

    Thinking gets worse. A person cannot deal with the usual daily tasks. It is difficult for him to find the optimal effective action.

    A person diagnosed with "senile insanity" at first becomes talkative, he retains his usual speech and facial expressions, gesticulation. As a rule, no one suspects the presence of an ailment. However, if you ask the patient about today's date, his age, etc., then this will confuse him.

Senile insanity, the signs of which become very pronounced over time, is hard not to notice. As a result of senile dementia, a person becomes more greedy, stingy. A person collects unnecessary things in his house. Signs of senile insanity in women are quite interesting. The initial stage is characterized by immoderate appetite, hypersexuality. If the disease progresses, the patient loses self-care skills. The patient forgets that she has children and grandchildren. Sometimes senile insanity makes a person too aggressive, vicious, whiny.

The late period of the disease requires constant inspection. The patient is unable to take care of himself. He may not notice that he provoked a fire, a flood, etc.

3 stages of senile insanity

Senile insanity has three stages:

    First (initial) stage dementia is characterized by a decrease in intellectual abilities. The patient is self-critical, he is able to engage in self-service.

    Second stage. The patient loses intellectual abilities. He can't use familiar things. It's about the phone electric stove, locks on doors. The patient is in a state of anxiety and depression. He has good hygiene habits.

    At the third stage the worst is happening. This stage is characterized by the insanity of the patient. Relatives fail to convey to a sick person that he needs to take care of himself, perform the usual and necessary actions. The patient forgets to use cutlery. He can pee anywhere, leave water and gas on.

The last stages of the disease are not the most pleasant sight. The person lies in the fetal position. The patient is disturbed metabolic process, so as a result of any somatic disease death may occur.

How is senile insanity diagnosed?

The diagnosis is made after a general examination and conversation with the patient and his loved ones. The doctor usually pays attention to the following criteria:

    Short-term and long-term memory are impaired;


    Abstract thinking worsens;

    The appearance of aphasia, agnosia, apraxia;

    A person becomes rude, his modesty disappears;

    Violated social status.

Senile insanity reminds severe depression, lack of folic acid, thiamine, vitamin B12. Dementia, by the way, can be triggered by a severe nervous shock. For this reason, the doctor conducts a study before making a diagnosis.

Senile insanity, the treatment of which is possible

Many of us believe that dementia cannot be cured, because drugs cannot stop the course. age-related changes. However, this is not so, senile dementia can and should be treated.

Then the question arises, how to treat senile insanity. First of all, you need to understand that not every kind of senile dementia is irreversible. Sometimes the disease goes away if the cause that caused it is eliminated. If insanity is caused incurable disease, there is still a way out. Thanks to modern drugs, it is possible to restrain the development negative manifestations dementia. First of all, you need to contact a psychiatrist. He will conduct a study, interview the patient. Only after this can we conclude that atrophic processes are taking place in the brain. Additionally, electroencephalography and CT scan brain. Remember that only a doctor can diagnose senile insanity.

You should contact a specialist when the first symptoms appear. If senile insanity passed into severe form, then on this moment effective method treatment has not yet been discovered. However, symptomatic treatment can improve the patient's condition.

Home environment contributes to the success of treatment. It is important to provide maximum activity for the patient, involve him in doing household chores. This will slow down the course of the disease. If the patient is worried about insomnia or hallucinations, the doctor may prescribe several psychotropic drugs. As a rule, the early stage requires the appointment of nootropics, and then they resort to the use of tranquilizers.

Senile insanity: what to do for relatives

So your close person diagnosed with senile dementia. What to do in such a situation? We suggest not to panic and take advantage of our tips:

Try to get involved in "games", even if they annoy you. “I don’t have a single cracker in my house!” an elderly woman complained to her neighbors. And the granddaughter was very upset, because she knew that her grandmother had everything she needed. Indeed, there were no crackers at home, but the old woman has no teeth and cannot chew them. And she likes to drink tea with sweets. Granddaughter bought several packs of crackers. And now he shows them to his grandmother, if she “wails” again.

If a person with a diagnosis of senile insanity requires that all the windows be closed, since “someone can climb into them,” then we recommend that you do not argue and just do what he asks.

Try to share with the sick breaking news . Tell your grandmother all kinds of "gossip" about someone who got divorced, bought new apartment etc. Impressed by the next trick of the neighbor, the grandmother will become somewhat calmer, and her attention will switch from you to other people for a while.

Give gifts for the holidays memorable dates . Even if it seems to you that the patient does not need anything, and he has everything. Buy your grandmother a handbag, something tasty, a handkerchief. Believe me, the elderly will be pleased.

So, you have learned what senile insanity is, as well as about the symptoms and treatment of this disease.

Care of patients in a nursing home with a diagnosis of senile insanity

Private nursing home accepts elderly people suffering from various problems with health. Private boarding house "Autumn of Life" offers excellent conditions for patients diagnosed with senile insanity. Here they will be provided qualified help, constant supervision and care. The institution has everything necessary to ensure their safety. By the way, the boarding house is located in one of the most picturesque places in the Moscow region.

Dementia is an age-related disease, which is accompanied by a decrease and further loss of intellectual abilities, household skills, etc. It is very difficult to care for such a patient. Many children and grandchildren try to use the services of a specialized institution in case of illness of a relative.

The stage of the disease determines what kind of help the patient needs. At an early stage, one simply becomes more distracted. He may forget to turn off the gas or water. But in the future, the patient loses the ability to self-service. In addition, senile insanity is often accompanied aggressive behavior patient. The nursing home employs staff who know how to care for such patients and how to act in emergency situations. They are ready to take responsibility for providing comfort and safety for patients.

Pension "Autumn of Life" offers the following services for its guests (including for patients diagnosed with senile insanity):

    Separate room, necessary equipment that meets safety requirements;

    Round the clock surveillance;

    Round-the-clock qualified care;

    Health monitoring;

    Monitoring the implementation of doctor's orders;

    Accommodation at an affordable cost;

    Six meals a day;

    Providing moral support.

Unfortunately, curing senile insanity completely at the moment is not possible. though modern medicine has the capacity to symptomatic treatment dementia. Such therapy can significantly alleviate the fate of the patient. By the way, psychosocial rehabilitation is also considered effective.

A private nursing home guarantees patients with a diagnosis of senile insanity:

    Calm and favorable atmosphere;

    Staff attentiveness. The patient will be helped to eat, wash, etc.;

    Safety. Due to the non-slip floor covering, the presence of handrails, the absence of unnecessary furniture, the boarding house is a safe place for a patient with a diagnosis of senile insanity;

    Moral support, respect.

To book a place for your elderly relative in a boarding house " Autumn of life» call the number 8-495-003-19-56 or use online callback form.

Senile insanity - preventive measures

1) Take Vitamin B12. Its deficiency is the most common cause brain dysfunction. According to research, 20% of people over 60 and 40% of people over 80 are likely to develop "pseudomasmus". This condition is due to the fact that the body is poorly produced gastric juice. Because of this, the food is poorly digested, the body is low in vitamin B 12 and other B vitamins.

2) Take vitamin B6 and folic acid. Due to the lack of folic acid, depressive states and senile insanity appear.

3) Eat tomatoes and watermelons. An elderly person who has enough lycopene in the blood, retains the ability to self-service longer.

4) Ginkgo extract. This substance helps to stimulate blood circulation, improve memory, mental abilities.

5) Garlic. Thanks to the substances in its composition, it helps to restore mental functions, including memory.

6) Gymnastics. If you practice regularly physical activity, then you can slow down the course of such a disease as senile insanity.

To prevent senile insanity, follow our advice:

    Take care to eat wholesome food which strengthens your cardiovascular system;

    Eliminate bad habits especially smoking and drinking alcohol;

    Try to walk more and be in the fresh air;

    Take care to ensure constant mental activity. Learn, practice mind games etc.

Senile insanity is complex disease which requires patience. Of course, the relatives of such a patient have a hard time. You don't have to exhaust yourself. Take advantage of the services offered by a private boarding house. Both the sick person and you yourself will feel relief. Before the diagnosis of senile insanity, was your grandmother completely different? Now her behavior brings you nothing but suffering? Seek help from experts. In the boarding house, the patient will be looked after by highly qualified staff. And it will become easier for you, and old man will get the opportunity to spend his old age in decent conditions, without annoying anyone.

In our boarding houses we are ready to offer only the best:

    Round-the-clock care for the elderly by professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).

    5 meals a day full and diet.

    1-2-3-seater placement (for recumbent specialized comfortable beds).

    Daily leisure (games, books, crossword puzzles, walks).

    individual work psychologists: art therapy, music classes, modeling.

    Weekly examination by specialized doctors.

    Comfortable and safe conditions(comfortable country houses, beautiful nature, clean air).

At any time of the day or night, the elderly will always come to the rescue, no matter what problem worries them. In this house, all relatives and friends. An atmosphere of love and friendship reigns here.

At birth, a person is endowed with the ability to think sensibly. Over time, gradually accumulates a huge mass of various information and memories. The only thing that is not thought out by nature is the aging of the individual. This stage is marked various diseases and, as a result of many of them, senile insanity. It is impossible to prevent it. It is recommended to know the approaching age problem in order to pay maximum attention to a loved one.

Insanity - destructive process in the cerebral cortex. He provokes irreversible consequences leading to total loss and skills of the individual.

The disease is caused by a previous type of ailment called senile dementia. Consequences Arising Due to Progression of Deterioration brain activity, lead to the complete destruction of the nucleus of the brain.

For relatives suffering from a disease, the condition of an elderly person is a difficult test and a great burden. Such old people cannot:

  • Respect loved ones
  • Share acquired wisdom
  • To give advice
  • Understand that their grandson or great-grandson is standing in front of them
  • Everyone skips possible events in your life or your family

These people need more care and attention. Every day and a certain action is associated with great difficulties for such. To help cope with the approaching ailment, knowledge should be guided. The latter make it possible to distinguish the natural involution of the organism's aging from pathological changes occurring in the brain.

During involution, deterioration in a person’s condition is revealed insignificant, not exerting great influence on the general well-being. While in senile insanity, the changes are spontaneous, completely turning the mind of an elderly person.

  • Up to 45 years old - mature years
  • After 45 - presenile period, presenile
  • After 60 years - senile

Exactly 60 years are Starting point personality degradation. Before this age threshold, the cause of the deterioration in brain activity that has occurred should be sought elsewhere (trauma, specific).

Video about what is senile insanity, symptoms and manifestations of the disease.

Types of disease and stage

There are several types of insanity:

  1. Alimentary (infant) - its appearance is due to a deficiency of protein-energy needs, the absence of minerals in the body and those necessary for normal development newborn. Usually affects infants under 12 months of age.
  2. Senile
  3. Physical insanity - can manifest itself not only in old age, but also in young years. It is extremely rare. It manifests itself in the form of the withering of man, depression and loss of activity. A person needs constant supervision and care. is not subject to

Thus, one must treat the senile with understanding. When found, even minor symptoms indicating the onset of the disease, an elderly person should be urgently referred to. When detected on early stages therapy has more options than late stages progression.

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