Is teeth whitening safe? Safe ways to whiten teeth at the dentist and at home. Is there a safe way to lighten

A snow-white smile is a kind of visiting card of a person. Often, patients ask the dentist how to get the most effective whitening teeth. There is different techniques whitening, and we will dwell on the features of each of them in more detail.

Whitening methods

Exists great amount teeth whitening methods. They are all usually divided into professional, which are used in the dentist's office, and home, used independently at home. In both groups, there are the most harmless methods, and there are those that need to be used only in extreme cases.

In addition, there is mechanical cleaning, chemical, laser and so on, depending on the methods and devices used.

Whitening Technology

You can whiten your teeth in the doctor's office different ways. All of them are divided into the following groups:

  • Chemical bleaching, which uses gels, solutions, liquids, trays, plates, strips and pencils. In this way, the existing natural color of the teeth is changed by 3 or more tones.
  • Mechanical bleaching is a kind of cleaning. Here pastes, powders, pharmaceutical preparations(coal) and so on. The method is suitable for those whose color changes due to dark plaque after smoking, consumption strong tea and coffee, as well as after wearing braces.
  • Light, that is, photobleaching, laser and ZOOM.

The technology depends on the chosen method. In some cases, doctors offer to anesthetize the mucous membrane, but chemical bleaching is completely painless. In most cases, experts advise first to carry out mechanical cleaning and only in the absence of desired effect choose bleach. Possibly after mechanical cleaning your teeth will acquire a glossy whiteness, and the need for whitening will disappear by itself.

The procedure is for professional ways whitening. A gel containing hydrogen peroxide is applied to the surface of the enamel. Further, it is exposed to a halogen lamp, as a result of which active oxygen is released, which “expels” all the pigments from the tissues of the tooth and discolors it. If necessary, you can undergo a second procedure.

After such whitening, your teeth will shine with health, and your appearance will become more attractive due to dazzling smile.


Laser whitening carried out in almost the same way as photobleaching. The difference is that it uses not halogen, but ultraviolet light. As a result, the tooth surface acquires the desired whiteness, the degree of which the doctor selects in advance.

ZOOM whitening system

it's the same professional method teeth whitening. With the help of it, the teeth are lightened by 6-8 tones in one procedure. The whitening technology is almost the same as the two methods described above. Watch the video below to learn more about these methods.

Gels and caps

Gels are used in professional whitening. Most of them contain hydrogen peroxide. But at home, bleaching using a gel is also often carried out. First of all, these are caps. Expensive models are made individually and exactly repeat the shape of the teeth. Available caps are issued standard sizes and are selected based on the size of the jaw.

The use of caps and gel is not difficult. You only need to apply the gel into the cavity of the tray and put it on your teeth for the specified time. Gels for home use contain the active substance - hydrogen peroxide, but in a small concentration. In addition, potassium nitrate is used.

Home whitening

Among home whitening methods, chemical and mechanical are distinguished. The first are gels and caps. Also here it is necessary to include whitening pencils, strips, pastes and liquids. All of them are sold in pharmacies and whiten teeth without visiting a doctor. But remember that if the requirements are not met, a reaction to chemicals is possible: increased sensitivity of the teeth, pain, swelling of the gums.

Safe methods will be those that involve the use of tools available in the house.

Let's start with lemon juice. You can add it to your mouthwash or put a few drops on your toothbrush. A similar effect has ordinary hydrogen peroxide. lemon peel You can brush your teeth 3-4 times a week.

Strawberries will help replace it. It also creates a pearly tint to the teeth. Iodine has a good effect. It is applied to the teeth and kept for 15 minutes, after which the mouth is rinsed with clean water.

Teeth whitening is used by people who want to have beautiful smile. By her own this procedure is purely cosmetic in nature, that is, after it the condition of the teeth does not improve, but aesthetic effect noticeable immediately. However, not all whitening methods are safe. Today we will review the most modern methods used by professional dentists.

It should be remembered that safe way teeth whitening can only pick up qualified specialist, focusing on individual characteristics the patient's teeth. Usage folk methods is unsafe and can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the oral cavity as a whole.

Contraindications for teeth whitening:

  • wearing braces - leads to the formation of uneven whiteness;
  • allergy to hydrogen peroxide;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 16 years of age - the tissues of their teeth are not yet fully formed;
  • high sensitivity teeth;
  • caries and periodontal disease - treatment is required first;
  • crowns and fillings on the front teeth - whitening technologies do not affect the color of crowns and fillings, therefore, after the procedure itself, they may need to be replaced with lighter ones.

The final decision whether or not to whiten the teeth is made by the dentist who performed the examination. It is quite possible that he will advise you to start treatment first, and only then proceed to whitening, even if your case is not described in contraindications.

Modern methods of teeth whitening

1. System Air flow(air flow). Allows mechanical cleaning tooth enamel from plaque and pigmentation with water and an abrasive. This system professional cleaning effective in cases where you only need to lighten your teeth a little, it cannot radically change the color.

Air flow is not used if the patient has asthma or Chronical bronchitis, in all other cases it is a safe remedy requiring only one procedure. Another advantage of this method is the prevention of dental diseases.

2. Ultrasonic teeth cleaning. Through the use special equipment This method can lighten teeth by 2-3 tones. Ultrasonic waves remove pigments and plaque without damaging the teeth themselves. However ultrasonic cleaning has a number of contraindications, including cardiac arrhythmia, the presence of implants and other orthopedic structures, disease of the lungs and bronchi, as well as high sensitivity of the teeth.

3. Chemical bleaching. It is carried out using a special whitening gel and cap. With periodic dental check-ups this method can be used at home. But it requires a responsible attitude from the patient, since hydrogen peroxide is present in the gel. If the gel is applied incorrectly to the tray, hydrogen peroxide gets on the gums and enamel, leading to negative consequences for teeth.

Therefore, most dentists consider chemical bleaching to be only relatively safe, preferring to replace it with other methods that allow full control of the entire process in the clinic.

4. Lamp (photobleaching). According to the principle of operation, this method is similar to the previous one, but its implementation is possible only in a clinic. Before the procedure, the dentist protects the patient's gums with a special mouth guard. After it, the teeth are treated with fluoride, and then a course of remineralization is prescribed. This allows you to lighten your teeth without damaging the enamel and soft tissues.

Today, this technology has received another name - ZOOM, its third generation is used in the most modern clinics. The procedure lasts no more than 30 minutes.

5. Laser whitening. The diode beam activates the action of a special gel that penetrates deep into the enamel. Thanks to this, it is possible to cope with even the strongest pigmentation, brightening teeth by 8-12 tones.

Laser whitening is considered the most safe method with a long exposure period that does not require anesthesia. The procedure lasts no more than an hour and a half. The following video describes this technology in more detail.

Without examining the patient, it is impossible to determine which of the methods of teeth whitening will be the safest and most effective for him. Therefore, the choice of method should be made by the dentist.

It's no secret that teeth whitening is optional. This procedure belongs exclusively to the category, but most people attach great importance to their smile. Dentists warn that infatuation similar procedures harmful to enamel, as after exposure chemical substances or abrasives, it becomes thinner.

In this article, we will try to figure out whether safe whitening teeth, and which method is most preferable without harm to the enamel. We will also answer questions about whether it hurts to whiten teeth and whether it is possible to think about whitening tooth enamel for pregnant women.

Oxygen bleaching

The most common whitening is based on the action of peroxide compounds. In this case, only substances that “settle” on the surface of the teeth after excessive consumption of coffee, strong tea, red wine or as a result of smoking are included in the reaction. Most often, carbamide peroxide is used, from which hydrogen peroxide is formed as a result of a chemical reaction. In the further chain of transformations, atomic oxygen, which oxidizes substances that give a specific yellowish tint to enamel.

Is oxygen whitening harmful? This method is quite effective, but it cannot be called harmless. After the procedure, you will definitely notice increased sensitivity of the teeth and irritation of the gums. There are quite mild analogues of the professional procedure in the form of a variety of gels for home use. But even in this case, there are contraindications to teeth whitening, so you should definitely consult a doctor before using them.

Laser whitening

Relatively recently, a new service has appeared in dentistry - laser teeth whitening. Is laser teeth whitening harmful? All dentists will unanimously answer you that laser whitening is less harmful than any other kind. Therefore, if you are looking for the safest teeth whitening options, pay attention to laser procedures.

This procedure is based on the action of the gel, which is activated by directing a beam of light at it. The impact is quite gentle, so such common contraindications as thin enamel and its fragility do not work here. Depending on the original color of the teeth, the type of laser and the duration of exposure may vary.

After bleaching, another gel is applied, which helps to restore the enamel. It reduces the sensitivity of the teeth and to some extent even strengthens them. Patients claim that nothing will hurt during the procedure, but they note slight discomfort from the heating of the teeth. Many experts believe that the use of a laser is one of the better ways how to safely whiten your teeth and get great results.

Air flow method

This is the now popular method of professional teeth cleaning, which many people mistake for whitening. In fact, due to deep and high-quality cleaning, the natural color of the enamel only returns. But if you have naturally white teeth, then this may be enough.

For cleaning, a mixture of water and the smallest abrasive is used, which are supplied under pressure from a sandblaster. Due to this, all impurities are removed: tartar, plaque from the interdental spaces. Cleaning Teeth Air Flow is carried out very quickly and does not leave any unpleasant sensations, except hypersensitivity teeth and gums, which passes quickly enough.


As an alternative to the methods described in dentistry, you may be offered photobleaching. A special preparation is applied to the enamel, and halogen light is directed at it. The reaction starts, and oxygen is released from the composition, which easily copes with dark spots and brightens the tooth enamel of patients.

The peculiarity of the method is that contraindications are minimized. It can be used with increased sensitivity of the teeth, in the presence of cracks and chips, loose fillings. As a result, the teeth do not hurt after whitening, the sensitivity of the teeth does not increase, so the procedure can be put almost on the same level as the laser exposure.

Whitening folk remedies

When answering the question of which teeth whitening is the safest, many people will tell you which is the best to use. natural remedies and folk recipes. Some sincerely believe that home methods are much safer, but this misconception !

As a rule, all substances that are used to restore a snow-white smile are quite aggressive. Lemon acid, activated carbon, hydrogen peroxide, soda - all this leads to a gradual thinning of the enamel, after which various problems with the teeth inevitably arise. Incorrect teeth whitening can be harmful, especially when we are talking about independent use folk recipes.

The conclusion is simple: whitening is still best done in dentistry. An in-office procedure done by a specialist is much safer than any home method. Moreover, the dentist will conduct a preliminary examination and tell you if there are any contraindications and problems with your teeth for you.

Whitening during pregnancy

Whichever safe or gentle method you choose, teeth whitening during pregnancy is highly undesirable. There will be no particular harm to the mother and the unborn baby, but there are a lot of little things that, in general, make this procedure not the most successful solution.

If you ask your doctor if it is possible to whiten a woman's teeth during pregnancy, the answer may be yes, but with some reservations. because of abrupt change hormonal background Expectant mothers very often develop gingivitis. This is a disease in which the gums become loose, swollen and very sensitive.

If aggressive substances get in, the situation can only worsen. Often there is a lack of calcium, which leads to softening of the enamel and its active erasure. Therefore, bleaching during pregnancy is best avoided. In any case, before whitening your teeth, be sure to consult a doctor; in no case do not use homemade recipes without agreement.

In this article, we have described the most popular ones and tried to figure out which one is the safest. In conclusion, we bring to your attention a video in which the dentist will tell you about another harmless way. It is this technique that many professionals consider the safest in modern dentistry, which will help everyone to whiten their teeth without harm.

When asked how to whiten teeth safely and quickly, each dentist will answer: “Only under the supervision of a specialist!” But most people will always have plenty of excuses not to go to the doctor. Scary. Expensive. There is no time ... But I really want to lighten my teeth! Can this be done at home? And what kind of bleaching is the safest? To make teeth whiter without damaging the enamel, let's try to figure it out.

Modern means

Daily hygiene oral cavity is main prevention plaque development. Helps to deal with it Toothbrush and dental floss. Why not pasta? - you ask. But because the paste has nothing to do with removing plaque. Therefore, in the choice between an expensive paste and a high-quality brush, the latter should be preferred.

At regular cleaning teeth, the intensity of plaque formation will be extremely low, so the question of how to whiten your teeth at home without harming the enamel will not bother you for a very long time. If you notice that your smile has changed color, take the next test.

  1. Run your tongue across inner surface teeth. Do you feel roughness? So, it's time for you to remove plaque with more intensive methods.
  2. Place a piece of white paper over your teeth. Are your teeth looking yellow? Then you can do home teeth whitening, the harm and benefit in this case will balance each other. But if the teeth seem gray, no independence can be shown! This suggests that plaque develops from inside painters and you should definitely visit a doctor.

Manufacturers of oral care products have long offered good solutions on how to whiten teeth at home without harm to health. These tools include the following.

  • Abrasive toothpastes - polishing and enzymatic substances are included in their composition. The former intensively remove plaque from the surface of the enamel, the latter penetrate inside. The degree of penetration of enzymes is low, so they cannot brighten the teeth from the inside. But to remove the stubborn plaque from cigarettes and black tea is completely.
  • Rinsers - they contain hydrogen peroxide in a small concentration. It brightens teeth by 1-2 tones.
  • Whitening tooth powders - more aggressive than toothpaste Therefore, it cannot be considered the safest teeth whitening. Suitable for occasional use.

When using these tools, it is important to remember that they are not completely safe. The harm of teeth whitening will definitely manifest itself as an increase in the sensitivity of the enamel if you use them for a long time. It is enough to use the paste in combination with a rinse for two weeks to lighten the teeth by 1-3 tones, and then move on to pastes with high content fluorine.

Folk ways

When figuring out how to whiten teeth safely at home, many turn to folk remedies, while forgetting that folk is not always harmless. by the most popular ways home whitening are baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. The first works as an abrasive substance, roughly removing plaque from fabrics. The second activates chemical reaction with the release of oxygen, which is able to remove pigmentation from the deep layers of enamel.

You can't call these methods safe! And soda, and activated carbon, and wood ash - they all scratch the enamel, leave invisible cracks on them. Over time, they become larger, discomfort and sensitivity of the teeth occur. Therefore, if you urgently need to brighten your teeth, and only soda is at hand, apply it on a wet finger and lightly massage the surface of your teeth. But do it only once, don't use it all the time!

Hydrogen peroxide doesn't count either. safe means teeth whitening. According to reviews, the harm that it brings with uncontrolled use far exceeds the most aggressive professional techniques.

If you choose how to whiten your teeth without harming the enamel at home, it is better to focus on the following remedies:

  • oil tea tree - has a bactericidal and light whitening effect. Apply it to your teeth after each brushing in the morning and evening, with light massage movements;
  • lemon peel - contains fruit acid and oil, which are gentle on the enamel. For 10 days, wipe the teeth with fresh zest after evening brushing.

What is important to know

  • Do not experiment to find a way to safely whiten your teeth at home.

One of the components of beauty and image is snow-white smile. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of the whiteness of the enamel of their teeth.

Dentistry offers various ways professional in-office whitening, but often patients resort to home procedure. To do this, there are many ways that differ in effectiveness and degree of impact on the enamel.

When there is a need for a procedure

The shade and color of tooth enamel can change for a variety of reasons. In most cases, an additional important factor is plaque formation, based on the surface and eventually transforming into tartar.

  • Smoking. Up in the smoke tobacco products in different amount contains resins - substances that easily settle on the surface and contribute to darkening. In addition, in smoking patients, a hard plaque of a rather dark color is formed faster.
  • Regular use of tea or coffee. Both of these drinks are classified as "coloring" - they contain a large number of tannins that contribute to the darkening of the surface.
  • Poor oral hygiene. Due to the lack of hygiene measures, soft plaque accumulates on the surface of the teeth, starting from the cervical region. Subsequently, under the influence of bacteria, it turns into a stone that is difficult to remove.
  • Some diseases, for example, fluorosis contribute to discoloration of the teeth.
  • Age. Inevitably with age outer layer, covering the teeth, begins to thin, and the dentin has enough dark color, which affects the overall tone.
  • Medicines. Taking antibiotics of the tetracycline series during the formation dental system the child often causes a yellow, brown or gray tint.
  • Injuries. Especially it concerns childhood when injuries can lead to disruption of the process of formation of hard tissues of the tooth.


There are situations when whitening procedures are not only undesirable, but also dangerous for the integrity of the enamel:

  • Hypersensitivity which may get worse.
  • allergic reactions substances used, such as hydrogen peroxide.
  • Availability restorations composite materials or fillings on exposed areas of the teeth - these areas will remain darker in color.
  • Multiple caries.
  • Breastfeeding and pregnancy.
  • Acceptance of certain medicines.
  • Childhood until the final formation of enamel.


Home whitening can be carried out in various ways, among which there are both special professional methods for independent application, and folk remedies:

  • Soda. Almost every home has this simple ingredient. Soda is a fine powder with a pronounced abrasiveness. This substance is capable destroy and effectively remove even durable tartar.

    However, it should be used with extreme caution, as there is a possibility of damage to the enamel and mucous membranes.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. This is a tool that can affordable price purchase at every pharmacy is excellent oxidizing agent.

    Under its influence, the pigmented elements in the enamel structure become discolored and become more light shade which allows you to restore whiteness to your teeth. Peroxide is used not only independently, but also in combination with other means.

  • Tea tree oil. This technique is based on the properties of the plant. It contains complex active substances and has strong antifungal, antiseptic and antiviral effects.

    This contributes to timely bacteria removal, provoking the formation of plaque and calculus.

  • Whitening paste. Whitening pastes are effective for those patients in whom the surface of the teeth has become darker due to the formation of characteristic plaque. Pastes contain abrasive substances that help to effectively remove even a fairly dense hard coating.

    However, this remedy should be used with great care, as long-term use can damage the enamel.

  • Special gels. Whitening gel is most often based on hydrogen peroxide. In most cases, it is not used independently, but with the help of caps - thin transparent structures, overlays on the dentition.

    The gel is placed in a cap, which is worn at night or several hours a day. Capa also performs a protective function, preventing the drug from getting on the mucous membrane.

  • Whitening pencils. The pencil is, in fact, a case in which a bleaching compound based on hydrogen peroxide is placed. Depending on the model and variety, the methods of application, the type and shape of the pencil may differ.

    In order not to harm the enamel, peroxide has enough low concentration– from 5 to 12%. Pencils are convenient, you can carry them with you and use them even outside the home.

  • Whitening strips. A special whitening composition is applied to the surface of the strips, which begins to act on the surface of the enamel. They are glued to the teeth for a very a short time- half an hour every day throughout the course.

    With the help of strips, in just a month of their use, you can make your teeth lighter by several tones - from 2 to 6.

  • Lemons contain natural acid, which is not harmful to our body. It is under its influence that the enamel is clarified.

    Both juice and lemon pulp are used in combination with other products that help to achieve maximum results without damaging the enamel.

  • Activated carbon. Since ancient times, wood ash has been used to clean teeth. Activated charcoal, which is commonly sold in pharmacy chains, has the same properties.

    Used in bleaching abrasive properties of coal and its absorbency- absorb not only water, but also all the substances in it.

Protection from negative consequences

In order not only to whiten the enamel, but also to maintain the health of your teeth, you need to follow certain safety measures before carrying out the home whitening procedure.

First of all, you need to make sure that there is no excessive sensitivity. This may indicate that the enamel is too thin, which is easy to damage.

You also need to make sure that there are no carious lesions. Getting whitening products into the affected areas can cause faster tooth decay. In addition, before using any product, you need to check if there are any allergic reactions to it.


A careless attitude to the home whitening procedure and non-compliance with safety rules during its implementation can cause various undesirable consequences.

Minor complications include the impression darkening of restorations, fillings or artificial crowns that have been bleached. This is due to the fact that artificial materials are not lightened in this way. If this happens, replacement of such sections or elements will be required.

Mention should also be made of possible allergic reactions for the funds used. This cannot happen during an office procedure, as doctors first check for allergies.


First of all, these are various damages to the enamel with strong abrasive agents. On the surface may appear many small scratches and chips which are not visible from the outside.

Because of them upper layer teeth cannot perform their full protective functions, and carious processes start moving faster.

If the procedure is abused, the enamel gradually thins out leading to severe tooth sensitivity. In this case, the patient will experience not only discomfort, but also pain from cold and hot, which can make it difficult to eat and generally change the nutrition system.

Prevention after the procedure

After any procedure aimed at brightening the enamel of the teeth, it is necessary to carry out a complex preventive measures. This is due to the fact that bleaching substances and methods can adversely affect the hard layers of the tooth, contributing to their destruction.

A prerequisite is the use of strengthening agents. These can be special toothpastes, gels or rinses.

After the procedure, it is advisable not to consume for some time foods and drinks that have coloring properties - wine, coffee, tea, beets, etc., and also not to eat for the first thirty minutes. It is highly desirable to be examined by a professional in the clinic in order to exclude possible complications and diseases.

Repeat sessions

Home whitening is enough slow way, which the does not guarantee long-term and sustainable results. After all, our teeth are constantly exposed to the external environment, temperature, various substances and other factors.

Each method used to lighten enamel at home requires quite long-term use with a certain frequency.

Sometimes you have to repeat courses, because, regardless of the method used, the enamel is subjected to the same external factors that provoke reverse process- its darkening.

Good oral hygiene is very important, as it helps prevent the formation of plaque and calculus. In its absence or insufficiency, the need for bleaching will occur much more often.

Opinion of experts about efficiency

Dental hygienists not always well treated to home exposure to enamel due to the possibility of damage, however, they recognize the presence positive effect from many folk methods.

The fact is that, according to experts, home methods of clarification with their insecurity cannot give the bright expected effect. Also, at home, it is impossible to whiten when darkening or changing the color of the tooth, after injuries, the death of the pulp, the use of some coloring pastes during filling, and so on.

On the dead teeth home methods do not work at all, since they are mainly aimed at superficial cleansing of dark deposits.

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