Ultrasonic inhaler individual rotor. The principle of operation of an ultrasonic inhaler. Scope of the device

The use of an ultrasonic inhaler provides an effective fight against diseases of the respiratory system and their prevention for both an adult and a child. By exposure to high-frequency waves, this device converts the medicinal substance from a liquid state into an aerosol form. This configuration allows the therapeutic drug to penetrate as deep as possible into the respiratory tract for precise localization and elimination of the focus of the inflammatory process.

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    Classification of inhalation devices

    Currently, nebulizer therapy is widely used, which makes it possible to treat colds and infectious diseases of the respiratory system in a shorter period. This effect is achieved by direct exposure of the drug to the focus of the inflammatory process, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

    Delivery of the drug to the site of inflammation is provided by inhalation devices. Their classification is shown in the picture:

    Classification of inhalation devices depending on the principle of operation

    Steam inhalers provide an impact on pathological processes in the upper respiratory tract, they are also widely used in cosmetology. Ultrasonic and compressor nebulizers are designed to affect the entire respiratory system, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

    • The compressor device has a large size and weight, but allows for inhalation therapy with all types of medicines (except for oil-containing ones).
    • The ultrasonic inhaler is small in size, but high-frequency waves destroy the active ingredients of such medicines as antibiotics, hormonal compounds and immunomodulators.

    Electronic mesh nebulizers provide therapy with any drugs, but they are expensive, so they are used at home less often than other models.

    Use of ultrasonic nebulizers

    The transformation of a liquid medicinal product by high-frequency vibration makes it possible to achieve an aerosol particle size of up to 5 microns, ensuring their penetration into small bronchi and alveoli and an effective effect on the pathological process.

    The size of the total area of ​​the mucous membrane that protects the respiratory tract is from 6 to 10 square meters. To achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect in a short time, a high concentration of the drug solution is required - approximately 15 ml.

    The injection of the required concentration of the drug with an ultrasonic nebulizer is carried out for 10–15 minutes, ensuring that a sufficient amount of the active substance is introduced into the respiratory tract.

    Choosing an inhaler for children and adults - rating of the best models

    The mechanism of aerosol formation under the influence of ultrasound

    The principle of operation of an ultrasonic device is to use the vibrational energy of a high-frequency piezocrystal to change the state of a liquid medicinal substance into a fine aerosol.

    The device consists of the following elements:

    • ultrasonic transducer;
    • container for deionizing water;
    • medicine cup.

    The aerosol formation mechanism has the following form: after the crystal is deformed by a high-frequency signal, vibration is transferred from the crystal to the surface of the solution. This leads to the formation of "standing" waves. Under the influence of a sufficient frequency of the ultrasonic signal, a geyser (microfront) is formed at the crosshairs of the waves, accompanied by the release of an aerosol. Small particles fall on the damper, large particles return back to the solution, and the smallest particles are inhaled.

    Scheme of the formation of a fine aerosol under the influence of ultrasound

    Scope of the device

    Spraying the drug with an inhaler ensures its rapid action, allowing the use of ultrasonic nebulizers in the following cases:

    1. In the treatment of diseases requiring immediate intervention, such as:

    • asthma;
    • allergic cough.

    2. In chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract, when inhalation therapy is necessary:

    • bronchitis;
    • rhinitis;
    • cystic fibrosis;
    • broncho-obstructive pulmonary disease.

    3. In acute respiratory pathologies:

    • laryngitis;
    • rhinitis;
    • pharyngitis;
    • fungal infections of the upper respiratory tract and the immune system.

    4. As an aid in diseases of the upper respiratory tract:

    • angina;
    • adenoids;
    • rhinitis;
    • sinusitis.

    Inhalation procedures are used for occupational diseases in teachers, singers, chemists, miners.

    Preparations for inhalation

    For inhalation, you can use the following drugs:

    • decoctions of medicinal herbs;
    • alkaline non-carbonated mineral waters: Borjomi, Essentuki;
    • essential oils dissolved in water.

    The device creates a highly dispersed emulsion from oil solutions, which makes it possible to use the inhaler for aromatherapy and air humidification.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The ultrasonic inhalation device has advantages over other types of nebulizers. However, this device has a number of disadvantages that are important to consider in order to achieve a healing effect:

    Advantages Flaws
    • The smallest particles of the drug penetrate deep into the respiratory tract, providing a therapeutic effect in both chronic and acute pathologies.
    • Silent operation allows the device to be used in the treatment of young children.
    • The device provides injection of a large amount of the drug in a short time: 5–6 ml in 35–40 seconds.
    • The device converts the medicinal substance into an aerosol while maintaining its uniformity and composition.
    • The medicine is sprayed at a large angle of inclination, which makes it possible to carry out inhalations for seriously ill patients and sleeping babies.
    • The device is not designed to convert preparations with a complex molecular composition (antibacterial agents) into small particles.
    • Suspensions are not sprayed with an ultrasonic inhaler.
    • Waves of high frequency destroy the structure of some medicinal substances.
    • Difficulty in adjusting the size of the sprayed particles


    The instrument kit includes the following components:

    • ultrasonic device;
    • special sprayer;
    • nozzles - masks and mouthpieces of different sizes.

    Instructions for use must be attached to the nebulizer.

    Instructions for use

    The use of an ultrasonic inhaler is usually not difficult. Regardless of the type of device model, the principle of use is as follows:

    1. 1. Connect the nebulizer to the mains, fill the tank with medicine, press the start button.
    2. 2. Place your face in a mask (or take a mouthpiece in your mouth) and breathe in the aerosol of the drug until it stops feeding.
    3. 3. After the end of the procedure, clean the reservoir and disinfect the mask. Which way is better to disinfect the device is usually indicated in the instructions.

    Rating of the best models

    There are a large number of models of ultrasonic nebulizers from various manufacturers on the market. Consumer preferences are given to the devices described below.

    Omron NE-U 780

    The Omron NE-U 780 ultrasonic nebulizer (Japanese) is a high-performance device with the following features:

    • LCD screen with backlight to display information about the current mode;
    • sound signal of the end of the procedure;
    • setting the duration of inhalation up to 30 minutes in increments of 60 seconds;
    • airflow adjustment from 11 levels (0–10);
    • setting the spray volume in modes from 1 to 10;
    • the operation of the apparatus in the mode of continuous spraying;
    • the possibility of using the mode of air humidification.

    Additional cleaning with a bacterial filter is provided.


    The Japanese company AND offers models UN-231 and UN-232 of the ultrasonic principle of operation.

    UN-231 is a compact and quiet device with adjustable aerosol flow.

    Continuous use time is 30 minutes. The kit includes an adapter for connecting to the car battery through the cigarette lighter. It is possible to use preparations exclusively on a water basis.

    The peculiarity of the AND UN-232 model is that it is designed to affect the nose and throat.

    Unlike portable devices, the UN-232 inhales deeper and more efficiently. It is possible to carry out the procedure with steam, which is indicated for nasal congestion, colds, swelling of the mucosa. The temperature of the steam entering the nasopharynx is 43 degrees. The device operates in 2 operating modes: high and normal intensity, switched by a button on the case.

Ultrasonic inhaler "Rotor" - a medical device for individual use is intended for the treatment of respiratory organs with fine aerosols of alcohol and water-soluble drugs (including those containing vegetable oils - eucalyptus, sea buckthorn, mint, rosehip, etc.) both at home and in medical institutions.

Application area

Bronchitis, influenza, bronchial asthma, acute respiratory infections, pharyngitis, subacute and chronic laryngotracheitis, occupational diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchi, lungs.

Specifications of the inhaler:

Supply voltage - 220 V 50 Hz;

Power consumption - 30 W;

Spraying capacity, not less than - 0.4 ml/min;

Sprayed volume of the medicinal product poured into the chamber, not less than -5 ml;

Diameter of particles of the main spectrum of aerosol, not more than - 5 microns;

Weight - 900 g;

Dimensions: 250x196x73.5 mm;

Service life - 8 years;

Working mode:

Repeated-short-term: 10 min work; 5 min break.

Tips for using the INHALATOR


You need to find a quiet place near a power outlet (if you are using a transformer model) and wash your hands before doing the following:

Fill the inhaler container with demineralized water. Do not allow direct contact of drugs that may be chemically active, and supersonic transducer. Demineralized water transmits ultrasonic energy from the transducer to the drugs in the drug container. Air alone is not able to transfer the energy that is needed for an inhaler,

Place the medicine container on conductive water, and then pour the medicine into the container.

Connect the inhaler tubes and install the necessary accessories that you usually use during treatment (nasal, mouthpiece and mask). If you are using a transformer, connect the power cord to the inhaler and turn on the power.

You can start therapy. Easy, right?


Very simple. You don't have to coordinate yourself and you don't have to take deep breaths. Relax as much as possible, sit comfortably with your back straight and breathe normally. Don't speed up your breathing. If you need rest, just turn off the inhaler. The procedure is considered complete when the inhaler delivers the aerosol intermittently.

For maximum results, do not allow the meaningless use of the drug.

However, you must comply with the following provisions:

Do not tilt the inhaler too far. If you do this, the medication may spill out of the container.

To prevent leakage of the sprayed drug, the mask must fit snugly to the face.


The mouthpiece during the procedure must be kept between parted lips. Inhalation through the mouth is effective if you breathe normally, take a short break to prevent the deposition of medicines in the lungs.

The nasal pad is inserted into the nostrils and inhalation is carried out through the nose.

When using a mask, care must be taken when contacting the face, do not increase the amount of aerosol. Some medicines can irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes. When administering steroids, it is recommended to use a mouthpiece. If this is not possible, consult your doctor.

There are diseases, the maximum positive result of treatment of which directly depends on the use of special devices. These devices are of different types. Recently, the ultrasonic inhaler has become widely known. Using it at home, you can achieve amazing results in the treatment of many colds.

Operating principle

The ultrasonic inhaler was created on the basis of the remarkable property of ultrasonic waves to transform liquids of medical preparations into an aerosol state.

Microscopic particles of drug aerosol easily reach the most remote lesions of the respiratory system.

The principle of spraying a transformed aerosol cloud is the basis of the second name of the device. The words "fog" or "cloud" are translated into Latin as "nebula". Therefore, ultrasonic inhalers began to be called nebulizers. Inhalation therapy using this device is widely used in such fields of medicine as allergology and pulmonology.

The ultrasonic nebulizer inhaler effectively assists the lower respiratory tract even in cases of severe bronchial constriction. The patient is not required to coordinate inhalation and exhalation upon receipt of the medical agent. The substance is concentrated in the lesions in sufficient quantities, although it is given in small doses. Both adults and children can use an ultrasonic inhaler.


Before starting treatment, you must familiarize yourself with the rules for using the device. The ultrasonic inhaler is very easy to use.

It does not require additional installations. Procedure:

  • include in the network;
  • fill the container of the apparatus with a medical agent;
  • press the power button;
  • put on a mask.

Maintenance of the device does not require special training. The timer automatically turns off the operation of the device and ensures the safety of the patient. It is possible to set an individually acceptable aerosol movement using the air flow regulator.

For ultrasonic inhalation, drugs with water-soluble properties are used:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • specialized infusions for inhalation;
  • artificially created saline solutions"
  • mineral water "Borjomi", "Essentuki" and the like.

The presence in the kit of some models of the device of special nozzles and masks allows for medical procedures even in cases where the patient is lying or sleeping.


The ultrasonic nebulizer inhaler has a number of distinctive advantages over other similar devices:

  • the compactness of the nebulizer is ensured by the small size of the device;
  • mobility guaranteed by low weight;
  • ease of operation does not require additional skills;
  • minimum noise threshold;
  • used for air humidification in residential premises.

The device is convenient for transportation. The small size and light weight of the product make it possible to carry out preventive and therapeutic procedures both stationary at home and directly on travel and various trips.

Many models come with batteries that allow you to turn on inhalers in the absence of a stationary power supply.

The spraying method contributes to obtaining the maximum therapeutic result with minimal doses of drugs.

The rapid and direct effect of drugs on diseased areas leads to a significant reduction in the recovery period.

The development of side effects is minimized.


When purchasing an ultrasonic inhaler, you need to familiarize yourself with its disadvantages:

  1. Used medical drugs and the necessary auxiliary material tend to run out, so you always need to control their availability and replenish stocks in a timely manner.
  2. There are a number of restrictions on the use of medical devices. Under the influence of ultrasonic rays, some drugs lose their medicinal properties.

In devices of this type do not use:

  • Antibiotics and hormonal drugs, as ultrasonic waves lead to a decrease in their healing properties.
  • Solutions based on oils.
  • Various herbal infusions and herbal decoctions, as they contain suspended microparticles.
  • Solutions of "Dimedrol", "Papaverine", "Eufillin", "Platifillin" and other similar drugs, due to their lack of medicinal properties of the effect on the mucous membrane.
  • The use of "Hydrocortisone", "Dexasone", "Prednisolone" and other systemic hormones is theoretically permissible. But then there is a systemic influence on the target places, and not a local one. Therefore, it is not applied in practice.


The effective effect of drugs on the lesions of the respiratory system is guaranteed by an ultrasonic inhaler.

Feedback on the operation of the device is constantly updated with new positive statements.

Users are attracted by affordable prices. Many also note the modern technologies used in the production of the nebulizer. Enough feedback on the rapid action of the device on the patient's condition.

Model selection

There is no concept of "the best ultrasonic inhaler". Each model is good in its own way, under different conditions. Therefore, when choosing a device, you must first determine the list of required benefits.

First, the intended purpose of the device, the purpose of use, if purchased independently, is determined. In the event that a nebulizer is required to be purchased for the treatment of a specific chronic disease, it is imperative to consult a qualified medical professional. And then the answer to the question will become clear: "Ultrasonic inhaler - which is better?"

The fundamental characteristic of an ultrasonic device is the size and uniformity of aerosol microparticles. Large components, up to 10 microns, remain in the nasopharynx. In bronchial asthma, attention should be paid to devices that decompose drugs to five microns. Microparticles up to two microns are able to reach the alveoli. When choosing a nebulizer model, one should proceed from the area of ​​​​impact of the device on the human body. If the device model is chosen correctly, then the ultrasonic inhaler, the use of which is determined by the patient's condition, will certainly improve his health.

Choosing an inhaler model for a child

Children, especially small ones, do not have sympathy for unfamiliar large and noisy appliances.

Therefore, they may refuse to carry out the necessary medical procedure. In order to interest the child and involve him in the proposed "game", an unusual design is invented for children's models of the device. It uses bright colors. The devices are given the appearance of toys so that the healing process turns into an exciting activity.

In order not to frighten the child, special attention should be paid to the noiselessness of the device. When choosing a children's ultrasonic inhaler, reviews must be read in order to purchase a model of the device according to the required parameters.

Mesh inhalers

The combination of the best qualities of compressor and ultrasonic nebulizers has been successfully achieved in electronic mesh inhalers. These are absolutely silent devices with an extended list of medicines used.

"Rotor" - ultrasonic inhaler

Ultrasonic apparatus for inhalation procedures "Rotor" is a nebulizer of the latest generation. An extended list of medical drugs is used, including alcohol-containing and oil preparations (rose hip, sea buckthorn, eucliptus, mint).

This device is used to treat a number of diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • flu;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • occupational diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

The operation of the ultrasonic device "Rotor" is simple and uncomplicated, it does not differ from the rules for working with a conventional nebulizer.

Rotor's unique features include:

Existing models of ultrasonic nebulizers differ in technical characteristics. Each has its own appearance, individual dimensions, color, power, spray volume of medicines and performance. But all types of ultrasonic devices are united by the principle of operation of devices based on aerosol sprays of drugs in the respiratory system of the human body.

The ROTOR ultrasonic inhaler is a medical device for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases using aerosols of medicines, including those containing alcohol, vegetable oils (sea buckthorn, dog rose, eucalyptus, mint, etc.).

In ultrasonic inhalers, an aerosol is created using high-frequency sound, and drugs are sprayed onto the desired area. The method of obtaining an aerosol using ultrasound allows you to achieve the optimal concentration and fineness, while the drug is consumed economically, and the productivity is maintained at a high level. The atomized preparation, together with the air current, penetrates deeply into the respiratory organs and is evenly distributed over the surface of the mucous membranes, having a positive effect in the lesion.

The use of an inhaler is effective for a number of diseases: bronchitis, influenza, bronchial asthma, acute respiratory infections, pharyngitis, subacute and chronic laryngotracheitis, occupational diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchi, and lungs. And erosoletherapy will greatly facilitate the course of the disease and speed up recovery.

Ease of operation makes it possible to use the device both at home and in medical institutions. The device is silent, equipped with a universal mask, so that the inhaler can be used by all family members. The compact and lightweight device is placed in a special plastic case for easy transportation.

Attention: the mode of operation of the inhaler for 6 hours is repetitive and short-term. Work - no more than 10 minutes, then a break of at least 5 minutes and again repeated work if necessary.

The kit includes:


passport (manual),

nasal cannula (nose nozzle) 1 for children and 1 for adults,

silicone mask 1 child and 1 adult,

spray chamber with power cord,

spare rubber bands for the spray chamber,

two fittings for attaching the mask to the camera

Models until 2015 were equipped with the 1st universal nylon mask, all models after 2015 were formed with silicone masks (1 for children and 1 for adults), old fittings do not fit on new masks.

The Rotor inhaler is a nebulizer that converts a drug solution into an aerosol with small drops (up to 5 microns) with ultrasonic waves. It is used to treat diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract (rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis), sore throat (pharyngitis), tonsils (tonsillitis). The device is suitable for the whole family, the set includes a mask of a universal size, nozzles for the nose and throat (mouthpiece).

Its advantages: compact, easy to use, silent, can be filled with decoctions of herbs and essential oils can be added to the solution. The disadvantages include the inability to spray hormones and antibiotics, users also note a short cord and fitting. The average cost of an inhaler is about 2500 rubles.

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The main characteristics of the Rotor inhaler

The Rotor ultrasonic inhaler was developed by the Altai Instrument-Making Plant in 3 modifications - Rotor, Rotor 1 and Rotor 2. The first two devices have already been discontinued and the plant is currently producing one model - Rotor 2.

The differences between them are only in the configuration - the previous models had two masks (children's and adult). In the new inhaler, the mask size is universal, it is suitable for all patients. The main technical characteristics of the nebulizer are shown in the table.

sign Properties Rotor 2
Instrument type Ultrasonic nebulizer for individual use
Food Electrical network 220 v
Power consumption 30 W
Dimensions in cm 25x19.6x73.5
The weight 900 g
Spray volume 2-5 ml
Work speed 0.4 ml in 1 minute
Working mode Intermittent - 10 minutes spray and 5 minutes pause
Aerosol droplet size 3-5 µm
Guarantee 1 year
Term of the work 8 years

How the ultrasonic Rotor inhaler works, diagram

Schematically, the principle of operation of an ultrasonic inhaler Rotor looks like this:

  1. An ultrasonic wave generator sends a high frequency signal to a piezoelectric element (a solid body with a crystalline structure).
  2. There is a change in the structure of the crystal, and it begins to vibrate.
  3. The vibration is transmitted to the surface of the solution poured into the spray chamber.
  4. Waves are formed, like a geyser (fountain) with droplets of different sizes.
  5. The primary aerosol is sifted through a damper - large particles are returned back to the solution, and small particles enter the respiratory tract through nozzles.


When purchasing a Rotor-2 inhaler, you need to check its completeness, the package should contain:

  • the main element (a block with a generator and a cover);
  • spray chamber;
  • universal size mask;
  • two nozzles for the nose (adult and child);
  • two mouthpieces;
  • two gaskets for a tight fit of the spray chamber (replaceable);
  • union;
  • instruction;
  • warranty card;
  • sales receipt.

Pros and cons of a nebulizer

The main advantages of the Rotor 2 ultrasonic nebulizer are ease of use and reliability. It forms a high-quality aerosol of a homogeneous structure with a constant size. Users note the absence of noise during operation and portability, ease of storage (closed box for parts).

Of the negative qualities of this model are noted:

  • short cord and fitting (inhalations should be carried out only near the outlet and the edge of the table);
  • the mask is quite rigid, does not fit snugly to the face;
  • antibiotics and hormones cannot be used, therefore it is not suitable for the treatment of infections and bronchial asthma.

Instructions for use of the ultrasonic inhaler Rotor

According to the instructions for use, to use the Rotor ultrasonic inhaler, you need:

  1. Rinse the glass of the spray chamber, the cap, the fitting and the desired nozzle (mask, mouthpiece, nasal cannula) with warm water.
  2. Wipe the surface of the crystal with a swab moistened with alcohol or boiled water.
  3. Place the device near a power outlet.
  4. Pour the required amount of the prepared solution into a glass.
  5. Align the notch on the lid of the nebulizer kit with the hole on the beaker.
  6. Connect the fitting to the top connector of the atomizer.
  7. Put on the selected nozzle or mask on the fitting.
  8. Connect the camera and the electronic unit.
  9. Insert the plug into the socket.
  10. Put on a mask or install cannulas in the nasal passages (not deep), clasp the mouthpiece with your lips.
  11. Press the power button (the indicator should light up).
  12. Start session.

Watch the video on how to use the Rotor inhaler:

Features of using the nebulizer Rotor

If the aerosol flow is too powerful (more often in a child), then the chamber cover is combined with a hole of a smaller diameter. In order for the entire volume of the drug to enter the respiratory system, it is necessary to close the free opening of the sprayer with each exhalation and open it only when inhaling. This helps to significantly reduce the consumption of medication.

The temperature of the liquid that is poured into the glass should be in the range of 25-40 degrees. It can also be heated in the device itself. To do this, after filling the cup, the holes are blocked by aligning the cutout of the lid and the “0” mark on the chamber, then the fitting is closed with gauze. Then turn on the device for 2 minutes. After that, the lid is set in the desired position and the obstacle is removed, the mask is attached and the procedure is carried out.

When inhaling the drug, efforts should not be made, since a strong flow causes irritation of the throat and reflex bronchospasm. This is manifested by a cough and it becomes necessary to stop the procedure. If the flow of the drug has sharply decreased, but there is still liquid in the cup, then you need to turn off the inhaler and add the solution with a pipette through the hole to the bottom mark.

How to take care of the device

All removable parts (nozzles, mask, cup, lid, fitting) are washed in warm soapy water after each session and rinsed thoroughly. The piezoelectric element (crystal in the spray chamber) is wiped with boiled water or alcohol (without additives), and the electronic unit is wiped with a dry, clean cloth.

At the end of the evening procedure, plastic parts (except for the sprayer) are immersed in 3% hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes or a solution of vinegar (a tablespoon per 100 ml of water). In the treatment of infectious diseases after each 3 sessions, it is recommended to disinfect them by boiling for 15 minutes. To do this, you need to allocate special dishes.

Precautions for inhalation

The Rotor inhaler must not be left plugged in after the end of spraying and during cleaning and disinfection. Before starting work, you should always check the amount of liquid in the chamber cup; it is forbidden to turn it on if the medicine level is below the control mark.

There is a piezoelectric element in the spray chamber, it is very sensitive to external influences, so the part cannot be washed with running water (due to the chlorine content) or treated with chemical solutions. It should be protected from bumps and scratches. For purification, 70 degrees alcohol or warm boiled water is used.

If the cup is filled with a viscous liquid (such as a suspension, syrup or oil solution), the spray will stop. These products are also very harmful to the respiratory tract, as they form dense films that disrupt the cleansing process. Oil is the cause of inflammation in the lungs (oil pneumonia).

Should I choose for a child

Who needs an individual inhaler Rotor

Individual inhaler Rotor is convenient for patients in need of treatment:

  • acute viral infection;
  • colds;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases of the nasopharynx (, nasopharyngitis, tonsillitis), trachea (tracheitis), bronchi ();
  • overvoltage of the vocal cords in lecturers, singers;
  • occupational diseases of the respiratory tract when working in the cold or in conditions of increased dust;
  • inflammation of the larynx (acute, subacute, chronic);
  • smoker's cough;
  • age-related atrophy (thinning and overdrying) of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • consequences of operations on the chest;
  • bronchiectasis.

The Rotor nebulizer is also used for preventive purposes to prevent the development of an infection or exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes, and to cleanse the airways of allergens.


Inhalations are prohibited to patients in case of detection:

  • increased pressure;
  • from 37.5 degrees;
  • active phase of tuberculosis;
  • chest trauma;
  • recent heart attack, stroke;
  • increased airiness of the lungs (emphysema);
  • severe heart failure;
  • streaks or traces of blood in sputum;
  • intolerance to medicines or herbal remedies during inhalation.

Possible Complications

When using inhalation therapy, it is important to remember that this method is not harmless and must be prescribed by a doctor, since improperly selected products can cause:

  • spasm of the bronchi with attacks of suffocation, coughing;
  • allergic reaction - skin itching, rashes;
  • spread of infection to the deeper parts of the respiratory tract;
  • transition from acute to chronic inflammation.

The price of an ultrasonic inhaler Rotor

The Russian-made Rotor ultrasonic inhaler differs from similar models at an affordable price - 2300-2700 rubles. It can be purchased at medical equipment stores, pharmacies and through websites on the Internet.

The Rotor inhaler atomizes the drug solution using ultrasonic waves. It can be used for the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, but the device is not intended for inhalation with antibiotics and hormones.

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