Mycoplasmosis in women treatment drugs. Mycoplasmosis. Causes, symptoms, modern diagnostics, effective treatment, disease prevention. Mycoplasmosis infection in children can occur

Mycoplasmosis– inflammatory infection, which develops during the reproduction of mycoplasmas, the smallest known bacteria. They live in the most different organisms, including in humans and animals. Mycoplasmas do not have their own cell wall, only a membrane, due to which they easily attach to the cells of the genitourinary epithelium, respiratory system and to spermatozoa. They also affect the joints and mucous membranes of the eyes, can cause autoimmune reactions (allergy to the tissues of one's own body).

In total, more than 100 types of mycoplasmas are known, of which only five are dangerous to humans:

"sexual" types of mycoplasmas

  • Mycoplasmagenitalium, Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealiticum cause urogenital mycoplasmosis either;
  • Mycoplasmapneumoniae- respiratory mycoplasmosis;
  • M. fermentans and M. penetrans contribute to the development of AIDS symptoms.

Mycoplasmas considered opportunistic pathogens: they can cause diseases, but only if the body is weakened. At healthy people do not manifest themselves, being bacteria- commensals without any benefit or harm. Asymptomatic presence of mycoplasmas ( M. hominis) was found in half of women and in 1/4 of all newborn girls. In men, carriage is practically not detected; self-healing is possible when infected.

Waysinfections- through sexual contact, the infection is also transmitted to the child during pregnancy and childbirth from the mother. household way unlikely: mycoplasmas are sensitive to high temperatures and humidity, die under the action of ultraviolet and weak radiation, acidic and alkaline solutions, but are long-term resistant to cold. They can exist and multiply only inside the body, at temperatures up to 37 0 .

Manifestations of mycoplasmosis in women

Urogenital mycoplasmosis in women manifests itself in the form of bacterial vaginosis (), mycoplasma, inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, pyelonephritis. Pathogen - Mycoplasma hominis. Often mycoplasmosis is combined with ureaplasmosis.

The cause of female infertility in mycoplasmosis is chronic inflammation internal genital organs.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterialvaginosis is violation of the balance of microflora in the vagina. Normally, it is inhabited by lactobacilli, which produce lactic acid and a strong oxidizing agent - hydrogen peroxide, which prevent the development of pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria. If for some reason there are fewer lactobacilli, then the acidity of the vaginal walls decreases and the rapid reproduction of microorganisms begins. Usually associated with lactobacilli Mycoplasma hominis and Gardnerella vaginalis , with the growth of their populations and are associated clinical manifestations bacterial vaginosis.

In bacterial vaginosis, pathogenic bacteria adhere to the cells of the vagina

Reasons for the development of vaginosis:

  1. Frequent douching with antiseptics containing chlorine ( miramistin, gibitan);
  2. Condoms or contraceptive suppositories with 9-nonoxynol ( panthenox oval, nonoxynol);
  3. Uncontrolled use of oral antibiotics, suppositories or vaginal tablets with antibiotics ( terzhinan, betadine, polzhinaks);
  4. Change of sexual partners.

Symptomsvaginosis, not abundant and liquid, grayish-white in color, with an odor rotten fish. Women often associate the appearance of unpleasant amber with lack of personal hygiene and use douching. However, these actions only exacerbate inflammation and contribute to the spread of mycopalsmosis to the cervix and ascending infection up to the ovaries. Among possible complications gardnerellosis -, salpingo- and infertility, as well as problems with miscarriage and premature birth.


Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra associated with Mycoplasmagenitalium. In 30-49% of non-gonococcal urethritis, mycoplasmas are determined, and in women they are found more often and in higher titers than in men. Symptoms are typical - mucous or mixed with pus. At acute course temperature rises, general intoxication(head and muscle pain, chills, weakness). An ascending urethral infection affects the bladder, then the ureters and kidneys, causing pyelonephritis.

Impact on the reproductive organs

Inflammationuterus and its appendages begins with pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, then mucous discharges from the cervix and vagina appear, bleeding joins during menstruation and between them. women complain about constant fatigue and lack of energy, lack of appetite and sleep disturbance. This picture is typical for chronic course of genital mycoplasmosis.

At acute form disease, the temperature rises sharply, the discharge becomes abundant and purulent. The peritoneum is involved in process, the limited peritonitis develops. Perhaps the formation of ovarian abscesses and pyometra - accumulations of pus in the uterine cavity. Treatment in these cases is surgical, with drainage of the purulent focus or removal of the organ.

Mycoplasmosis and pregnancy

Atpregnancy mycoplasmosis can lead to infection of the endometrium and gestational sac , launching the production of substances that increase contractile activity myometrium (muscular layer of the uterus). As a result, there is a frozen pregnancy and spontaneous abortion on early dates. Danger - incomplete abortion, when parts of the fetus or membranes remain in the uterine cavity. The uterus first reacts to foreign bodies with contractions, and then with complete relaxation; severe bleeding begins, the woman quickly loses consciousness. Without intensive medical care death is possible.

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in men

The main manifestations after infection with Mycoplasma genitalium in men are urethritis and. Differences from female urogenital mycoplasmosis: characterized by an almost asymptomatic course; mono-infection rarely spreads to the kidneys, but often ends in infertility; among men there is no carriage of mycoplasmas.

Urethritis begins with a slight burning sensation when urinating, after a couple of days the symptoms disappear. Inflammation prostate flows hidden, appears weak dull pains in the lower back and gradually increasing problems with erection. The symptoms of mycoplasmosis are more pronounced in the presence of combinedinfections and in combination with urogenital ureaplasmosis and chlamydia. Ureaplasmas, together with mycoplasmas, are found in 30-45% of patients with prostatitis, chlamydia - in 40% of men with non-gonococcal urethritis. In such cases, symptoms are more likely arthritis- joint pain, local swelling and redness of the skin; ascending infection with kidney damage; local inflammation of the genital organs - (testicles), (epididymis), (inflamed seminal vesicles).

Male infertility in mycoplasmosis develops not only due to inflammation, but also in violation of spermatogenesis.

Mycoplasmosis in children

Atchildren mycoplasmosis is observed after infection in utero, in normal delivery either after caesarean section. The upper respiratory tract is most often affected - rhinitis and pharyngitis, then tracheitis and bronchitis develop, and then pneumonia. The causative agent of respiratory mycoplasmosis is Mycoplasmapneumoniae- using flagella attached to epithelial cells respiratory tract and destroy their walls.

Further, mycoplasmas penetrate into the alveoli of the lungs, where gas exchange occurs - deoxygenated blood gets rid of carbon dioxide, receives oxygen in return and turns into arterial. The walls of the alveolar cells are very thin, easily destroyed by the action of mycoplasmas. The septa between the alveoli thicken connective tissue becomes inflamed. As a result, it develops interstitialneonatal pneumonia characteristic of congenital mycoplasmosis.

In those infected with mycoplasmas prematurechildren possible respiratory disorders, development scleromas newborns (thickening of the skin and subcutaneous tissue), hemorrhages in the parietal and occipital regions ( cephalohematomas), increased bilirubin and jaundice, the development of inflammation of the brain and its membranes (meningoencephalitis). Atterm babies- pneumonia, subcutaneous hemorrhages, late symptoms meningoencephalitis.

Respiratory mycoplasmosis

Pathogen - Mycoplasmapneumoniae. Bacteria are isolated from the respiratory tract a week and a half after the onset of the disease, transmitted by airborne droplets or through objects. Respiratory mycoplasmosis has a seasonal trend, is more common in autumn-winter period. 2-4 year rises in incidence are characteristic. Immunity persists for 5-10 years or more, the course of the disease depends on immune status. In general, respiratory mycoplasmosis in humans is 5-6% of all acute respiratory infections and 6-22% of diagnosed pneumonia, during epidemic outbreaks - up to 50%.

a consequence of respiratory mycoplasmosis - pneumonia

Mycoplasma respiratory infection more common in children and young adults. Children 5-14 years old are infected M. pneumoniae in 20-35% of cases of all acute respiratory infections, adolescents and people aged 19-23 years - in 15-20% of cases. There is a combination of mycoplasmas with viral infections (influenza and parainfluenza, adenovirus,). Complications - pneumonia, sepsis, meningoencephalitis, hemolytic anemia, inflammation of the joints.

Incubationperiod- up to 1 month, then symptoms of a common cold appear, turning into a painful dry cough. With a mild form of the disease, the temperature rises slightly, the patient complains of aching pain in the muscles and general malaise. On examination - dilated vessels of the sclera, petechial hemorrhages under the mucous membranes, "loose" throat. Neck and submandibular lymph nodes increased. Dry rales are heard in the lungs, general state the patient is satisfactory. The disease lasts 1-2 weeks, ends without complications.

Acutemycoplasma pneumonia begins suddenly, against the background of acute respiratory infections or SARS. Characterized by a rapid rise in temperature to 39-40, severe chills and muscle pain; dry cough gradually turns into a wet one. Examination: the skin is pale, sclera with dilated vessels, a rash is possible around the joints. On auscultation - scattered dry and moist rales, in the picture - foci of compaction (focal, segmental or interstitial, more often near the roots of the lungs). Consequences: bronchiectasis - bronchial dilatation, pneumosclerosis - replacement of active lung tissue to the connecting.


Diagnosis of urogenital mycoplasmosis is based on the method ( polymerase chain reaction ), which determines the DNA of mycoplasmas. They also use the classic one, with sowing the material on a liquid medium and subsequent re-seeding on a solid one. Mycoplasmas are identified by colony fluorescence after the addition of specific anti-sera. Serological methods for the detection of mycoplasmas are the complement fixation reaction (CFR) and the indirect agglutination reaction (IRGA).

cultural method - bacteriological seeding

As material for laboratory research, men take a swab from the urethra and discharge from the prostate gland, a smear from the rectum, semen, morning urine (first portion). In women - a smear from the cervix, the vestibule of the vagina, the urethra and anus, the first morning urine. For the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis ( gardnerellosis) it is not the presence of mycoplasmas that is critical, but their number, therefore, sowing is done and the number of bacterial colonies of pathogens is estimated.

Importantproperly prepare for the analysis to be reliable. Women are advised to give urine and smears before menstruation or 2-3 days after it ends. Men should not urinate for 3 hours before giving urine and urogenital smear. In parallel with PCR for mycoplasmosis, a reaction is carried out for chlamydia and ureaplasmosis. If respiratory mycoplasmosis is suspected, a throat swab and sputum are taken.


Treatment of mycoplasmosis begins with antibiotics to which chlamydia and ureaplasmas are also sensitive. For the treatment of urogenital and respiratory forms, drugs of the macrolide group are chosen - erythromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin. Azithromycin take only on an empty stomach, one hour before meals or 2 hours after meals, once a day. Dosage for adults with acute urogenital mycoplasmosis - 1 g once, with respiratory - 500 mg on the first day, then 250 mg, a course of three days. Pregnant and lactating azithromycin is not prescribed.

Antibiotics of the reserve scheme - tetracyclines ( doxycycline), but about 10% of cases of mycoplasmosis develop resistance to them. For bacterial vaginosis, tablets are added metronidazole(Trichopol) at a dosage of 500 mg x 2, a course of 7 days or 2 g once. Trichopol is not prescribed for pregnant women before the second trimester and breastfeeding. Supplement the treatment with creams ( clindamycin 2% x 1, overnight, course 7 days) and gels ( metronidazole 0.75% x 2, course 5 days), which are inserted into the vagina.

Prescribed immunomodulators ( echinacea, aloe, cycloferon), with accompanying viral infections- interferon, probiotics ( linex, lactobacterin) and prebiotics (fiber). Hepatoprotectors will be needed to protect the liver during antibiotic therapy ( carsil, essentiale), to reduce the level of allergies - claritin, suprastin. Vitamin-mineral complexes are taken as general tonic.

Preventionmycoplasmosis to stabilize the immune system good nutrition, regular exercise, a minimum level of stress, and a reasonable choice of sexual partners. With respiratory mycoplasmosis, patients are isolated for 5-7 days (with acute respiratory infections) or for 2-3 weeks (with mycoplasmal pneumonia). Specific prevention does not exist.

Mycoplasmosis in cats and dogs

In cats and dogs, several types of mycoplasmas have been isolated that cause diseases when the immune system is weakened: Mycoplasmafelis, Mycoplasma gatae(in cats) and Mycoplasmacynos(in dogs). Bacteria are found in perfectly healthy animals and in diseases associated with chlamydia and. Dogs have a look Mycoplasmacynos are sown from the respiratory tract, but only puppies or adult allergic dogs suffer from respiratory mycoplasmosis. Mycoplasmas quickly die outside the body of animals.

For healthy people, these pathogens are not dangerous and there are no confirmed facts of transmission of mycoplasmas from animals to humans.

Symptomsmycoplasmosis in cats and dogs- these are conjunctivitis with lacrimation, hyperemia of the mucous membrane of one or both eyes, discharge of pus or mucus, edema and spasm of the eyelids. Of the respiratory forms, rhinitis prevails, with the development of a urogenital infection, urethritis and cystitis, vaginitis and endometritis, as well as inflammation of the prostate gland and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the skin of the head of the penis and the inner leaflet) are diagnosed. foreskin). The spread of mycoplasmas causes arthritis with destruction of intra-articular cartilage. Perhaps the formation of subcutaneous abscesses.

Mycoplasmas in pregnant cats and dogs can provoke premature birth, with infection before pregnancy, it is possible to develop congenital deformities in kittens and puppies.

Diagnostics mycoplasmosis is carried out PCR method, as a material, sputum and swabs from the trachea (bronchi), smears from the conjunctiva and genitals are used. Mycoplasmosis is treated with doxycycline, but it is contraindicated in puppies and kittens under 6 months of age. With conjunctivitis, ointments with levomycetin or tetracycline, drops with novocaine and hydrocortisone are used topically. With prolonged use of hormonal drugs, ulceration of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye is possible. Reserve antibiotics - erythromycin, gentamicin, fotriquinolones ( ofloxacin). There is no vaccine against mycoplasmosis, the main prevention is proper nutrition and adequate physical activity animals.

Video: mycoplasmosis in the program "Live Healthy!"

If mycoplasmosis was detected during the tests, the doctor will definitely offer the patient treatment together with a sexual partner. With mycoplasmosis, drugs are prescribed to both partners, even if one of them has previously encountered this problem. This state of affairs is due to the fact that with mycoplasmosis, drug treatment helps to overcome the pathogenic microflora, but does not allow the immune system to develop immunity to the pathogen, that is, the human body continues to be susceptible to infection with mycoplasmas throughout its life, and cannot give an independent rebuff. For the same reason, while both partners who have been diagnosed with mycoplasma are treated with drugs prescribed by a doctor, they should refrain from sexual intercourse for the entire period of therapy.

How to treat mycoplasmosis in each case, the attending physician, and not the patient, should decide. Otherwise, self-medication can turn into serious consequences for the patient.

Medicines for mycoplasmosis

The main drugs for mycoplasma used in modern medical practice are classified as antibiotics, but in addition, immunostimulants and antifungal drugs are used. From mycoplasma drugs are available both in the form of tablets and ampoules for injection, and in the form of suppositories and topical ointments.

Great experience from the doctor requires an answer to the question: how to treat mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis? The fact is that mycoplasmosis can be caused by more than 100 varieties of mycoplasmas, each of which can be more sensitive to certain drugs, and vice versa, be completely immune to other drugs. It is the resistance of microbes to the type of medication chosen for treatment that is the main reason for the detection of mycoplasmas in the re-analysis performed at the end of the course of therapy.

The reason that the mycoplasma bacterium occurs in the majority of healthy people without any symptoms of the disease, and the disease manifests itself only in a few, is obligatory condition- Decreased carrier immunity. Therefore, one of the drugs that is used as additional drug to the main treatment are immunostimulants.

Mycoplasma treatment with antibiotics

Antibiotics for mycoplasmosis are the main medicines. However, not all modern antibiotics are able to effectively fight this microorganism. As in the treatment of ureaplasmosis, antibiotics should not be used thoughtlessly, many factors must be taken into account: gender, age, type of bacteria, concomitant diseases, the presence of an allergy to a particular drug, and pregnancy.

The duration of the course, as well as the form of taking antibiotics (tablets or injections), is determined by the doctor. Children are trying to prescribe such drugs for mycoplasma that have least amount side effects for the digestive system. During pregnancy, antibiotics may not be prescribed at all, if possible Negative consequences from the disease do not exceed the harm from the side effects of treatment for the fetus.

Antibiotics for mycoplasma should suppress the reproduction of bacteria and slow down their growth. Most often, doctors prefer to treat with antibiotics such as sumamed, azithromycin, doxycycline, unidox solutab, vilprafen, amoxiclav and tetracycline.


Sumamed with mycoplasmosis is used in the form of tablets, which is associated with a high degree of absorption. this drug from the intestines and its resistance to acidic environments. Its maximum concentration in the blood can be observed already 2.5-3 hours after taking the medicine, which makes it very effective tool. However, if gram-positive bacteria are resistant to erythromycin, sumamed is a completely useless drug.

A feature of sumamed is its ability to accumulate in cells and tissues, where its concentration is several times higher than the content of the drug in plasma, which is especially important in the fight against intracellular pathogens that are inaccessible to the body's immune system and many other antibiotics. At the same time, the concentration of sumamed in inflamed tissues is a quarter higher than in healthy tissues. Since after taking this drug it remains in the focus of inflammation for an average of 5 days, the courses of treatment are usually 3 and 5 days.

A contraindication to treatment with this medicine is damage to the kidneys and liver. During pregnancy and lactation, the drug is used only if absolutely necessary.


Azithromycin in mycoplasmosis has a bactericidal effect, accumulating in the area of ​​the inflammatory process. However, if mycoplasmosis was caused by an erythromycin-resistant type of pathogen, then treatment with this drug will be ineffective. Therefore, before azithromycin is prescribed to a patient, the sensitivity of the microflora to this drug should be determined.

If the causative agent of mycoplasmosis is sensitive to this drug, it is prescribed to take 1 tablet daily one hour before or two hours after meals. The dosage is prescribed taking into account the age and body weight of the patient.

This medicine is recommended for the treatment of many inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system associated with pathogenic microflora, since it penetrates well into the tissues of the urogenital tract and accumulates there in inflamed areas to a concentration exceeding the value in the blood by 50 times. The same feature allows us to recommend this drug for the treatment of most STDs caused by intracellular pathogens. Such microorganisms, having got into the genitourinary system, become unattainable for most antibiotics and the body's own immunity, and as a result, it becomes quite difficult to cure with other drugs.


As well as the previous two antibiotics, doxycycline showed good efficacy. Doxycycline for mycoplasmosis is prescribed for adults and children over 9 years old, pregnant women, nursing mothers. Children under 9 years of age the drug is contraindicated.

This drug is produced in capsules, and it is taken before or after meals, washed down large quantity water, thereby minimizing the negative side effects on the digestive tract. Sometimes administered intravenously. If mycoplasma is detected, the standard course of treatment is to take doxycycline for 14 days, 1 time per day. The standard dosage for an adult is to take capsules containing 100-200 mg. medicinal product: for a child weighing more than 50 kg (with a smaller weight, the drug is prescribed only for adolescents), the dosage will be 4 mg / kg once, and then 2 mg / kg for the remainder of the course of treatment.

If during the treatment of mycoplasmosis the patient experiences such side effects of the drug as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, anorexia, itching, swelling and skin rash, then the drug, if possible, is replaced with another antibiotic.

Unidox Solutab

Main active substance unidox solutab is doxycycline, which inhibits protein synthesis and disrupts their metabolism in cell membrane microorganism pathogens. Most effective drug is against cells in the stage of division and growth, but the pathogen, which is at rest, will practically not fall under the influence of the drug. Unidox Solutab for mycoplasmosis is intended for oral administration. The composition of the drug allows it to be rapidly absorbed from gastrointestinal tract regardless of when the meal occurs and what the patient consumed.

The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is reached 2 hours after taking the tablets, then its concentration rapidly decreases, which is associated with the active penetration of the drug into tissues and organs. Treatment with Unidox Solutab is not recommended for nursing mothers, since during lactation a small amount of it will be excreted from the patient's body, entering the child's body. You can feed your baby without risk 24 hours after the last dose of the medicine.


This drug belongs to macrolides. Vilprafen in mycoplasma is used to counteract protein synthesis in bacteria. Absorption of the drug occurs from the gastrointestinal tract, from where it enters the blood, where its maximum concentration can be detected already 2 hours after taking vilprafen.

To maintain the maximum effective concentration of the drug in the blood for the treatment of mycoplasma, it must be taken twice a day with an interval of 12 hours. With the maintenance of such tactics of treatment for 4 days, its concentration in the blood becomes constant.

This antibiotic is taken between meals, washed down with a small amount of water, without chewing. The duration of treatment of mycoplasmosis with filprafen should not be less than 10 days.

Adults take medicine in the form of tablets, but children from infancy and up to 14 years, prescribe a suspension.

Starting the treatment of mycoplasmosis with vilprafen, special attention should be paid to such side effects of the drug as heartburn, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, urticaria or candidiasis.

With liver damage, this medicine is not used.


Amoxiclav is a combination drug. The drug consists of both penicillin and clavulanic acid, which is an inhibitor of mycoplasma beta-lactamase.

Due to the good absorption of each of the substances that make up amoxiclav, the drug is quickly and easily absorbed in the patient's body, accumulating in the blood to the highest concentration by the end of the first hour after ingestion.

Amoxiclav is most often used to treat mycoplasmosis in women, which is associated with the properties of its constituent components to quickly penetrate and accumulate in the uterus and ovaries, providing an antibacterial effect. However, this advantage may also be a disadvantage that does not allow the use of this drug in certain conditions such as pregnancy. During pregnancy and lactation, amoxiclav is prescribed strictly on an individual basis, since it easily penetrates the placental barrier to the fetus. Another route of transmission from mother to child is breastfeeding. Exception allowing admission this medicine breastfeeding mother is the infection of the child at birth, but in this case it is necessary to take into account not only the amount of the drug taken by the child, but also the fact that he assimilates it with mother's milk.

The dosage of tablets prescribed by the doctor is divided into several hours and taken at regular intervals.


Tetracycline for mycoplasmosis can be prescribed in two forms of administration: tablets or syrup for internal reception, as well as ointment - for external use. Since mycoplasmosis can be caused by any of the 100 known types of mycoplasmas, it would be reasonable to check the sensitivity of the microflora to the selected drug before prescribing therapy. Otherwise, the course of treatment may be unsuccessful if the causative agent of the disease is resistant to tetracycline.

Tablets-capsules are prescribed for children school age and adults - 1 per day throughout the course. The syrup is used 4 times a day. A syrup is made from 2 granules of the drug, diluted in 4 tablespoons of water.

Although usually side effects of the drug do not appear, children under 7 years of age and pregnant women are almost never prescribed it. During pregnancy, the drug can be prescribed in the form of a urogenital ointment.

If the patient has such side effects such as nausea, loss of appetite, bowel dysfunction, vomiting, gastritis, proctitis or inflammation of the rectum, the treatment is temporarily stopped and, if necessary, replaced by another.

Tablets from mycoplasma

If bacteria are found, in addition to antibiotics, other mycoplasma tablets are also used. The course of treatment with tablets is usually quite long, which is associated with the duration of the growth period of the pathogen itself. In addition to antibiotics, treatment may be prescribed antifungal drugs, the use of which may be more effective if the cause of the decrease in local immunity is pathogenic fungal microflora.

One more thing should be taken into account: while antibiotics or other tablets will treat mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis, they, in addition to pathogenic microflora, will destroy and beneficial microflora genitourinary system, which is desirable to restore after. For this purpose, women can be prescribed urogenital suppositories, and men are prescribed drugs in tablets and capsules that are resistant to acid environment but well absorbed from the intestines.

In addition to the above, various immunomodulators are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at partially protecting the body from side effects from other drugs taken from ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis, and partially at enhancing their main action.


Ofloxacin in mycoplasmosis is used because of its high antibacterial action. The advantage of taking tablets is their ability to be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, which normally exceeds 95%. The absorption rate allows the drug to reach its maximum concentration in the blood by the end of the first hour after taking the drug.

Ofloxacin should be taken before or after a meal, without chewing, with a small amount of water. It is necessary to treat with this medicine until all the symptoms of the disease disappear, after which the therapy continues for several more days. However, it should be borne in mind that this representative of fluoroquinolones should not be taken for longer than a month.

When choosing a highly effective remedy for mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis, ofloxacin should be discarded if the patient:

  • Pregnant woman
  • breastfeeding mother
  • A child with an unformed skeleton (up to 15 years.)

In other cases, this medicine can be an ideal choice for combating the fungal microflora of the genitourinary system of women and men.


Another a good option treatment of mycoplasmosis - terzhinan. This remedy is a complex antifungal and antibacterial drug, which treat various gynecological diseases.

Terzhinan is intended for the treatment of women. Tablets this tool do not drink, but are injected deep into the vagina, it is best to do this before going to bed, while in horizontal position. Before inserting the tablet into the vagina, it is slightly softened by putting it in water for half a minute. If the treatment is carried out not in the evening, but in daytime, then the patient needs to lie down for 15 minutes. The standard course of treatment with terzhinan for mycoplasmosis is from 10 to 20 procedures daily, without taking a break even during menstruation.

Sometimes the use of this drug for mycoplasmosis can lead to local allergic reactions, irritation and burning sensation. Usually, such side effects occur only in the first days of treatment, and then quickly disappear.

The contraindication to the use of terzhinan is the first trimester of pregnancy, the restriction is the second and third trimester, as well as the entire period of lactation.

Candles for mycoplasma

The use of suppositories for mycoplasmosis is a fairly effective way to combat pathogenic microflora, which act precisely at the site of the lesion of the genitourinary system, causing minimal harm other organs and systems of the body with its side effects.

Candles from mycoplasma and ureaplasmosis differ from each other by the time of action, composition and therapeutic direction and duration of use.

Often, ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis are found in a patient during pregnancy, which greatly complicates the treatment, making it impossible to use many drugs, especially a number of antibiotics. a wide range. It is in this case that indispensable therapeutic agent are vaginal suppositories. Of course, not all suppositories during pregnancy can treat mycoplasmosis, so self-medication can harm the unborn child.

Doctors, upon detection of mycoplasma in pregnant women, usually prescribe treatment with pimafucin and hexicon, geneferon is prescribed only for a period of 12 weeks and above. These drugs can also be used for breastfeeding, because they have a local effect and low absorption into the blood.

Ointments for mycoplasma

In addition to the listed drugs for mycoplasmosis, there is one more effective remedy- ointments. When choosing ointments for mycoplasmosis, one of three drugs is usually prescribed: viferon, gepon, geneferon or other tetracycline and erythromycin ointments.

It is not recommended to independently prescribe and use these means of local control of mycoplasmas. The choice of remedy is up to the attending physician, since usually urinary infections occur against the background of weakened immunity, which allows several diseases to develop simultaneously various etiologies. And there are only more than 100 types of mycoplasmas, each of which is more susceptible to a certain type of drug and resistant to others. To treat ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis and other diseases of the genitourinary system of women with ointments, it is necessary as follows: 1-3% of the drug is applied to a tampon, then the tampon is placed in the vagina for 15-20 minutes. Such healing procedures are carried out twice a day throughout the course, the average duration of which is usually from 10 to 15 procedures.

In order for the procedures to be beneficial, it is better to start them immediately after the detection of mycoplasmosis, however, it should be borne in mind that ointment therapy is auxiliary and cannot replace antibiotic treatment.

Mycoplasma immune

As already mentioned, mycoplasma is often found in the body of healthy people without causing any signs of disease. All problems, as in the case of ureaplasmosis, begin at the moment when the immune system the person starts to falter. Therefore, as additional treatment to the main course of antibiotics, immunomodulators are often prescribed, such as mycoplasma immune.

Mycoplasma immune is intended for intramuscular injection. Do not administer it intravenously to avoid damaging blood vessels. If you look at the capsule with the medicine, it looks like a colorless or slightly yellowish liquid, which explains the content of human protein in it.

Immediately after administration, the drug increases specific immunity, but before prescribing it, the patient must be checked for the presence of allergic reactions by entering for this animal protein into the body. Also, the drug immuno, unless absolutely necessary, is not prescribed to pregnant women, since studies on harmlessness to the fetus have not been conducted. However, experience with this drug shows almost complete absence side effects, not counting allergic reactions in allergy-prone individuals.

One course of treatment usually consists of 7 injections, which are given every third day.

Mycoplasma - treatment with folk remedies

AT last years, influenced by fashion trends more people they enthusiastically tell how traditional medicine is better than traditional medicine, and how much better and longer people lived when all these medicines did not exist. In view of this, the question arises: is it really possible to overcome mycoplasmosis with folk remedies?

Difficulty in treatment this disease is the penetration of the pathogen into cell membrane human body, which means that it is not possible to recover from mycoplasmosis without exterminating the inflamed cells. ethnoscience is essentially a maintenance therapy that reduces or removes unpleasant symptoms diseases, without causing the body the harm inherent in broad-spectrum antibiotics. Decoctions of herbs and roots are not able to destroy the affected cells of the mucous membranes of the urinary tract, which means that mycoplasmosis when choosing this method treatment as the only one, will lead to an asymptomatic and chronic form, but will not disappear in any way.

Mycoplasmas are unicellular non-nuclear microorganisms that live most often on the mucous membranes, on a nutrient medium favorable for them. Three types of mycoplasma pose a health hazard:

  • Mycoplasma hominis;
  • Mycoplasma genitalium;
  • Mycoplasma pneumonia.

Forms of the disease:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

The main causes of mycoplasmosis:

  • unprotected sexual contact with carriers of infection or patients with mycoplasmosis;
  • contacts with patients with the respiratory form of mycoplasmosis;
  • infection of the fetus from the mother through the placenta;
  • infection of the child when passing through the infected birth canal.
  • debilitating dry cough, sputum is rare, scanty;
  • temperature in very rare cases exceeds 38 ° C, more often normal or subfebrile;
  • nasal congestion;
  • redness of mucous membranes oral cavity and throats;
  • sore throat.

Mycoplasmosis, which affects the genitourinary system, is transmitted sexually. Symptoms of urogenital mycoplasmosis depend on the causative agent of the infection. If the disease is caused by mycoplasma genitalium, burning and pain in the urethra. This is due to inflammation in the tissues adjacent to the urethra. Women experience during intercourse sharp pain. If the cause of the disease is Mycoplasma hominis, then pain during urination is possible. Women experience discharge with an unpleasant pungent odor from the vagina, discomfort and soreness during intercourse.

Male symptoms: slight clear (sometimes yellowish) discharge from the urethra, drawing pains in the groin, if the disease is not detected in time, there may be swelling of the scrotum (with damage to the tissues of the testicles), an increase lymph nodes in the groin, pain in the perineum, anus etc. In men, mycoplasmosis is capable of for a long time not manifest itself, it is detected when the disease is severely neglected and it is difficult to treat it.

Complications of mycoplasmosis

Mycoplasma causes severe diseases in newborns:

  • pneumonia;
  • meningitis;
  • kidney dysfunction.

Infants without proper treatment likely to be fatal.

In children, mycoplasmosis affects the respiratory or urogenital system. With respiratory mycoplasmosis, there are bouts of dry cough (reminiscent of whooping cough). This condition can last up to several months. With the development of mycoplasmal pneumonia in a child, severe headaches, bouts of vomiting are possible, lethargy and lack of appetite are observed. Signs uncharacteristic of pneumonia may also appear: joint pain, skin rashes, flatulence, damage to the nervous system.

In adults with respiratory mycoplasmosis, there are complications in the heart and nervous system.

Mycoplasmosis causes numerous female diseases. Complications include endometritis and salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes). Pregnant women experience miscarriages and premature births, and the placenta does not develop properly. Due to disturbances in the process of ovulation in women with mycoplasmosis, infertility may develop.

In men, mycoplasmosis is less common, but causes chronic prostatitis, prostate abscess, inflammation of the testicles, seminal tubercle, seminal vesicles, urethritis, pyelonephritis, arthritis, even sepsis. Due to a violation of the process of spermatogenesis, infertility can develop.

Diagnosis of mycoplasmosis

To begin the treatment of mycoplasmosis, you must undergo a complete examination:

  • examination by a doctor;
  • laboratory tests;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

Upon careful examination, the doctor will determine whether the vaginal mucosa is inflamed and cervical canal, whether there is a characteristic discharge from the vagina. In men, there are often no external symptoms, but if the disease is neglected, then hyperemia can be observed. skin genital organs, rashes on the skin of the genital organs, swelling of the scrotum, etc. When detected characteristic features disease, the doctor will prescribe further examination.

Take bacteriological or cytological smear. It is impossible to identify mycoplasmas with it, since they are not visible under a microscope. A smear allows you to detect concomitant diseases, including chlamydia, gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted infections.

If there are problems, signs of inflammation are noticeable, you should not delay a visit to the doctor. The earlier mycoplasmosis is detected, the sooner treatment will begin and the greater the chance of success. Before visiting the doctor, you should wash and put on clean linen, women - buy at the pharmacy gynecological set. You should not douche before taking, as the doctor must see the nature of the discharge from the vagina. It is necessary to answer the questions of a specialist with the utmost honesty: this is necessary for the accuracy of the diagnosis of mycoplasmosis, the appointment of treatment, and the choice of drugs.

After identifying the problem, the doctor decides how to cure mycoplasmosis. Antibiotics are required. But they often cause numerous negative consequences and addictive microorganisms. Often this happens with uncontrolled intake. antibacterial agents. Therefore, you should not self-medicate mycoplasmosis, you must strictly adhere to the doctor's prescriptions - only he can decide how to treat this insidious disease.

How to treat mycoplasmosis? A complex approach

Doctors apply A complex approach for the treatment of mycoplasmosis. It involves the use of:

  • antibiotics;
  • multivitamins and immunomodulators for recovery protective functions organism;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • probiotics;
  • if necessary - antifungal drugs.

In the chronic form, a physiotherapy course is prescribed.

If the patient has urogenital mycoplasmosis, the treatment will be beneficially affected by the refusal to bad habits and diet (fat, fried, spicy must be excluded from the menu).

Alternative methods can only eliminate external symptoms, but they will not solve the problem, since they will not affect the activity of mycoplasma and its presence in the body.

Immunity to mycoplasmosis is not developed, so both sexual partners must undergo a therapeutic course, because even with a positive result Maybe reinfection. Do not forget about the possibility of relapse. At the end of the course of treatment, a cultural analysis (sowing) is done again, then (about a month later) - PCR.

Prevention of mycoplasmosis is simple:

  • permanent sexual partner (partner);
  • protected sex;
  • healthy lifestyle;
  • regular screening for sexually transmitted infections.

- This is one of the most common diseases, preferably sexually transmitted. This disease after infection of a person for a long time may not manifest itself. However, the treatment of mycoplasmosis is an important matter. In particular, it is necessary to pay attention to this infection for people planning a pregnancy, with a weakened immune system, with any autoimmune diseases. It should be noted that not all persons in whom the presence of mycoplasma is detected are sick. The fact is that an infectious agent is considered conditionally pathogenic - in other words infected person can live all his life and be a carrier of mycoplasma, which will not manifest itself in any way. But there are cases when, immediately after infection, clinical symptoms of an infectious disease are detected.

What are the indications for the treatment of mycoplasmosis?

Most important criterion The need for treatment of mycoplasma infection is the presence of diseases caused by this parasite:
  • Vaginosis - this condition is characterized by itching in the genital area, soreness during genital intercourse, constant purulent or mucous discharge from the vagina.
  • infectious inflammatory process in the pelvic organs - this condition is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by genital intercourse. Possible development general symptoms: increased body temperature, leukocytosis, intoxication.
  • Spontaneous abortion ( miscarriage) - in the early stages of pregnancy, there may be an increase in uterine tone and spontaneous abortion.
  • Urethritis in women and men - inflammation of the urethra. It is characterized by itching, discomfort, burning or cutting in urethra. The symptoms are aggravated by urination.
  • cervicitis - inflammation of the cervical canal. This condition may be characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, painful intercourse, mucosal purulent secretions from the genital tract.
In the presence of any of the manifestations of infection, treatment must be carried out necessarily.
From the foregoing, it is clear that in order to diagnose diseases caused by mycoplasma, it is necessary to conduct comprehensive survey. Women need clinical gynecological examination, Ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs, bacteriological research smears from the mucous membranes of the genital organs and urethra, a biochemical blood test to detect sexually transmitted infections.
For the diagnosis of mycoplasmosis among the male population, a personal consultation of a urologist, a venereologist, a clinical and bacteriological examination is necessary.

Should mycoplasmosis be treated?

This question can be answered by looking at possible consequences long-term persistent progressive and untreated disease.

The issue of combating mycoplasmosis can be difficult, since this disease often does not give any severe symptoms until complications arise. Therefore, the diagnosis of mycoplasmosis is often delayed and the disease can be recognized when it has already passed into the chronic stage. How to treat mycoplasmosis? Antibiotics for mycoplasmosis, unfortunately, are the standard of modern treatment for this disease.

How to treat mycoplasmosis: antibiotics for mycoplasmosis

The main treatment for mycoplasmosis is a course of antibiotics.

Since the growth period of mycoplasma is long, the course of antibiotics? to treat mycoplasmosis, must be long enough. Mycoplasmas are highly resistant, so repeated courses may be necessary. antibacterial treatment.

In case of uronenal mocoplasmosis, such means as anti-inflammatory suppositories, ointments or baths are also widely used.

How to treat mycoplasmosis in order to restore the microflora?

Since antibiotics, ridding the body of mycoplasmosis, simultaneously destroy its natural microflora, after a course of antibacterial treatment, it is necessary to take measures to restore the microflora. To do this, treat mycoplasmosis appoint Bifidum-bactrin, Atsilakt. In case of urogenital mycoplasmosis, a doctor will prescribe suppositories with Lactobactrin or Vaginorm (Lactogin) tablets to restore the vaginal flora.

Sometimes immunomodulatory drugs, such as Viferon or Kipferon, are included in the treatment regimen for mycoplasmosis. They may also prescribe to treat mycoplasmosis Wobenzym - a drug that increases the overall immunity of the body. It will also reduce the harm that antibiotics can cause and increase their effectiveness.

Treat only under medical supervision. Mycoplasmosis is not cured by any "grandmother's" means, but self application antibiotics can end badly.

Even if your sexual partner does not show any signs of illness, do not forget that mycoplasmosis is often asymptomatic. Both partners must be treated at the same time.

Antibiotics are the main factor in the treatment of this disease.

What antibiotics are used for mycoplasmosis?

According to the results of studies, mycoplasmas are sensitive to tetracycline antibiotics, as well as to oleandomycin, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, lincomycin, gentamicin, kanamycin.

Tetracycline antibiotics are considered very effective in the treatment of mycoplasmosis, but their use does not always guarantee complete cure. It may happen that after full course antibiotic therapy with the use of tetracyclines, the patient's body will still be infected with mycoplasmas, which can lead to a relapse of the disease.

High efficiency in the fight against mycoplasmas, antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone group were also shown.

If a we are talking about urogenital mycoplasmosis, the most effective are minocycline, tobromycin and vibramycin. The least effective showed canalimin and streptomycin.

Since antibiotics destroy the natural microflora of the body, after a course of treatment, it is necessary to restore the microflora.

Of the urogenital mycoplasmas, of course pathogen is Mycoplasma genitalium. Mycoplasma hominis, as well as Ureaplasma urealyticum, belongs to conditionally pathogenic and mandatory treatment is not subject to. Therefore, antibiotic treatment of mycoplasmosis and complications associated with it should only be started if mycoplasmas have been proven to be significant.

antibiotics for mycoplasmosis - contraindications for use

Doxylicin, the most commonly used antibiotic for mycoplasmosis of the tetracycline group, is contraindicated in children under eight years of age, as well as in pregnant women, because it is a teratogen.

First-generation macrolides, such as josamycin, can treat mycoplasmosis even in women in the first trimester of pregnancy, while second-generation macrolides are contraindicated in pregnant women.

Antibiotics from the fluoroquinolone group are undesirable for the treatment of pregnant women for the same reasons as tetracyclines.

It should also be noted the need laboratory research pathogens in each specific case of mycoplasmosis, since over time resistant to different groups mycoplasma antibiotics.

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