How to determine the intervertebral hernia. Signs of an intervertebral hernia. Is it possible to speak a hernia

Intervertebral hernia- a fairly common disease of the musculoskeletal system, resulting from rupture of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc and displacement of its nucleus in the anteroposterior direction, which leads to the development of a typical clinical picture and symptoms of the disease.

Spinal hernia is a serious pathological condition that requires mandatory timely correction, otherwise this disease can lead to serious complications associated with pinching and atrophy of the nerve fibers of the spinal roots. To prevent progression pathological condition and the development of complications, it is necessary to know the typical Clinical signs and how a hernia manifests itself.

Medical tactics

In order to determine the presence or absence of a disease, it is necessary to know the signs of a spinal hernia. To do this, the specialist who treats the patient collects data on the anamnesis of life and the present disease, finds out the patient's complaints and determines the symptoms, and then forms provisional diagnosis, which allows you to more accurately prescribe additional instrumental diagnostic studies. Only a competently conducted questioning and determination of pathological symptoms and syndromes allow us to understand the cause of complaints, as well as quickly and correctly establish a diagnosis.


Already at the stage of collecting anamnestic data, the attending physician may suspect an intervertebral hernia. So quite often the disease is provoked by excessive physical exertion on musculoskeletal system, in particular axial loads on the spinal column. There is a clear correlation between the occurrence of an intervertebral hernia and work associated with difficult working conditions. This disease is much more common in men of middle and older age groups employed in manufacturing, road or loading operations. Even a long-standing injury to the vertebrae can provoke the development of protrusion and hernia in the future.

Help in the diagnosis and family history, as in some cases there is a hereditary predisposition to degenerative diseases connective tissue, and when an intervertebral hernia occurs, a violation occurs in the composition of the connective tissue of the body.


Patients suffering from a herniated disc can either show active complaints or say that nothing bothers them at all.

In most cases, patients complain of pain of varying intensity of aching nature approximately in that department. spinal column where the hernial protrusion is located. In some cases, the patient does not associate complaints with pain in the spine at all, which may lead to wrong treatment resulting in a false diagnosis.

Quite often, patients resort to self-treatment. For a long time they do not seek advice and qualified medical care, which leads to blurring of the clinical picture and the development of complications, for example radicular syndrome.

In addition to severe pain, patients may experience parasthesia - a feeling of goosebumps on the skin and a decrease in tactile sensitivity on the distal parts of the upper and lower extremities. In the most severe cases the passage of electrical impulses along the fibers of the spinal roots is so difficult that the patient begins to experience constant muscle weakness - paresis. Signs of a spinal hernia can develop over a long period of time, in some people a hernia may appear years after the rupture of the annulus of the intervertebral disc.


Let's take a closer look at how an intervertebral hernia manifests itself, so that already on early stages formation to suspect the disease. Depending on the location of the hernia in the human spinal column, the symptoms of this pathological condition will change.

Intervertebral hernia can be in three anatomical regions of the spinal column:

  • In the cervical region. Such hernias are quite rare due to the anatomical features of the structure of the cervical vertebrae and ligamentous apparatus, as well as due to the absence of high loads on this section of the spinal column. However, under certain circumstances, an intervertebral hernia can still form in the cervical region.
  • In the chest. Intervertebral hernia thoracic occupies a middle position in the structure of morbidity between hernias of the cervical and lumbosacral regions. The load on this section of the spinal column is higher than on the cervical one, however, a feature of its structure is rigid fixation due to the formation chest.
  • In the lumbosacral region. The most common type of intervertebral hernia, since this department accounts for almost the entire volume axial load. It is in the lumbar intervertebral discs that most often develop dystrophic processes resulting in displacement of the central nucleus of the intervertebral disc.

radicular syndrome

One of the most common complications of a herniated disc, associated with prolonged compression of the nerve fibers leaving or entering the spinal canal. The radicular syndrome is manifested by severe pain syndrome with different localization pain sensations.

Prolonged compression of the nerve roots in the projection of the hernia leads to their inflammation, which leads to the development of local edema, thereby closing vicious circle radicular syndrome. Ultimately, the radicular syndrome, which developed as a result of a herniated protrusion of the intervertebral disc, leads to the development muscular atrophy innervated limbs and disturbance of movements in them, since the composition of the spinal roots includes the motor fibers of the motor neurons of the spinal cord responsible for the contraction of the striated muscle tissue and our movements. Radicular syndrome localized in the cervical spine leads to pain along the inflamed nerve, thus, patients complain of pain in the neck and arm on the side of the affected root. With the formation of radicular syndrome in the thoracic region, pain can be visceral in nature and manifest itself in chest cavity in the idea of ​​cardialgia and gastralgia, which complicates preliminary diagnosis. If the syndrome develops in the lumbar or sacral region, then often patients are disturbed by severe acute pains resembling backaches. Pain is given to the lower limb on the side of the affected spinal root. In some cases, the pain is so strong character that the patient is forced to take a certain position to reduce the intensity of pain.

How to determine a hernia of the spine, depending on the location?

Cervical hernia

A vertebral hernia that has formed in the cervical region can be manifested by the formation of symptoms such as:

  • Frequent headaches resulting from impaired blood flow through the vertebral arteries and supply most cerebellum;
  • Dizziness not associated with disorders of the vestibular apparatus;
  • Raise intracranial pressure due to a violation of the drainage function of the cerebrospinal fluid in the spinal canal;
  • Noise in ears;
  • Numbness predominantly of the upper extremities.

If you managed to identify similar symptoms, then you should not postpone a visit to an orthopedic traumatologist, as only a professional medical consultation and differential diagnosis will be able to answer the question whether the patient has a hernia or not.

Thoracic hernia

For a hernia of the thoracic region in the symptoms, other symptoms come to the fore:

  • Pain syndrome. The severity of pain increases gradually, in proportion to the progression of the displacement of the intervertebral nucleus. Pain is localized in chest area, while most often the patient fails to accurately indicate sore spot thus, the pain is widespread throughout the thoracic region.

An important point in the formation of pain syndrome as a result of an intervertebral hernia in the thoracic region is the masking of symptoms under other diseases, for example ischemic disease hearts or peptic ulcer stomach. This is due to the peculiarity of the innervation and exit of sensitive nerve fibers from the spinal roots located in the thoracic spine.

It should be noted that in some cases, with trauma to the spinal column, the symptoms for a long time may be inactive due to compensatory mechanisms organism. In such cases, the victim can live up to several years without even realizing such a serious disease as a herniated disc.

Hernia of the lumbosacral region

This type of hernia is the most common and is associated with a high degree of stress on the lumbar and sacral departments along the vertical axis. The hernia forms slowly as a result degenerative changes in connective and bone tissue lumbar, which leads to thinning of the fibrous ring and displacement of the intervertebral nucleus. In most cases, patients develop pain syndrome varying intensity. Pain sensations gradually increase and are localized at the beginning of the disease in lumbar region, and then begin to radiate to the buttocks and lower limbs.


How to determine the intervertebral hernia? Diagnosis of intervertebral hernia is a mandatory step before starting treatment, since only a correctly established clinical diagnosis can help the attending physician find out and form the correct and effective treatment.

In addition to the symptoms described above, it is necessary to conduct a complete differential diagnostic study, not only for the installation clinical diagnosis, but also to establish the exact localization of the pathological process. A spinal hernia may not make itself felt for a long time and is detected in patients as a diagnostic finding, for example, during x-ray examination or an MRI for any other medical condition.

What does a hernia look like diagnostic study? For a detailed diagnosis of an intervertebral hernia, magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI for short, is used. MRI helps to understand exactly where the hernial protrusion is located and how much it has a compressive effect on nervous tissue spinal cord. Unlike radiological methods studies such as plain radiography and computed tomography, the method of magnetic resonance imaging allows you to show in detail the condition of soft tissues, which is valuable information for determining the degree of damage to the spinal roots subjected to compression from the hernia.

What does a herniated disc look like on an MRI? When conducting a tomographic study on the patient's image, specific changes characteristic of a hernia are revealed. These signs include:

  • Stretching or rupture of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc on an MRI image. If there is no rupture, then this condition is called protrusion or prolapse.
  • As a result of flattening of the intervertebral disc on the tomogram, the displacement of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc becomes visible towards the spinal canal, or into the lateral projection.
  • root compression and inflammatory edema tissues allows you to find out if there is a radicular syndrome in each case.

AT initial stage and start a timely course of treatment are of interest to many. Hernia is a rather formidable disease that occurs in the working population. With deformation changes in the fibrous ring and ruptures, penetrating pain occurs. A disability group and painful, persistent deterioration in health can be obtained if the hernia treatment is not started in a timely manner. But how to find out about the acquisition of the disease?


Systematization is determined by the location, size of the protruding fragment and individual features. It includes an increase in the proportionality of that part of the disk that protrudes beyond the intervertebral spaces. In this regard, we can highlight:

  • Protrusion - some stretching of the disc up to 3 mm;
  • Prolapse - protrusion of the intervertebral disc up to 6 mm;
  • Developed hernia - disc outlet up to 16 mm.

The lumbar spine is more often exposed to a dangerous acquisition of the disease. This is due to weight lifting, sedentary or standing work for a long time. The hernia is localized in the departments:

  • chest;
  • Shane;
  • Lumbar.

Anatomical factors:

  • Moving - with strong overloads on the corresponding area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spine, injuries, a disc eversion is formed, fixation in a deformed position;
  • Wandering - the protruding element loses contact with the body of the disc, causing a compressive effect on the spinal cord and an inflammatory process in the spine;
  • Free - contacts with the protruding element continue to be maintained, the contents of which penetrate only through the longitudinal ligaments.

Intervertebral hernia is treated different ways. Most common non-surgical methods– physiotherapy, hirudotherapy, acupuncture, traction, etc. In most cases, patients undergo complex treatment by combining several methods at the same time.

There is a primary hernia that develops due to a damaged organ, excessive physical overload. Secondary hernia is formed with the appearance of degenerative changes in the intervertebral disc resulting from destructive processes in the disc membrane or shrinkage.

External causes contributing to the formation of a hernia

  • Traumatic changes of any nature.
  • Acquired scoliosis, stoop.
  • Physical overload, exceeding the norm.
  • Hypodynamics of a sedentary lifestyle leading to weakening muscular system back.
  • Obesity of any stage, leading to an overload on the disks.

We wrote more about it earlier and advised you to bookmark the article.

  • Infectious diseases: rheumatism, osteomyelitis and others.
  • Fall from a height onto straight legs, pelvis.
Softening of the annulus fibrosus caused by damage, the smallest load on the lumbar region, sharp bends, heavy lifting cause a hernia of the vertebrae.


Signs depend on the location of the object of the disease in the spine. So, while in the cervical region, symptoms are noted:

  • Pain radiating to the upper extremities;
  • Concomitant non-passing dizziness;
  • Changes in blood pressure readings;
  • Shooting pains in forearm;
  • Headache;

  • Feeling of numbness in the hands;
  • Weakening of the visual reflex;
  • Impaired coordination of movements;
  • Hearing loss.

Location in the thoracic region is characterized by:

  • Strong squeezing pain in the chest;

  • Aching or sharp pain radiating to the arm.

When located in the lumbar:

  • Feeling of numbness in the groin;
  • Frequent punchers pain in the lower back, legs, lower legs;
  • Temporary numbness of the toes.

If any symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment.

Diagnostics according to indications

To identify such a diagnosis, it is necessary to classify the signs and character traits diseases. Among them, there are two rather serious issues - this is the nucleus pulposus, which goes into the canal of the spinal trunk, which forms pressure on the endings of the spinal nerves.

The second aspect is chemical irritant contained in the kernel. Both indicators can cause a feeling of numbness in the lower or upper limbs. Accompanying indicators of the presence of the disease are the appearance of weakness, severe pain.

You can self-diagnose the disease. Analyze what lifestyle you adhere to - active or passive? Does your job involve physical activity, lifting weights? What is the condition of your spine, is there a stoop or scoliosis? Is there sharp piercing pain in any part of the spine? Are there tingling or spasmodic contractions in the limbs?

Pay attention to whether your posture is natural or not, how you try to sit, in which position pain is excluded, whether you can relax.

It happens that a hernia does not put pressure on the nerve endings, then aching pain is felt. There is a feeling of heaviness in the back, sometimes shooting in the lumbar region.

The pain can begin in any one limb, slightly pulsating, then intensifying.

Spreading spilling pains in inner surface hips, indicates the presence of a hernia in the upper part of the lower back. chest injury, cervical cause shoulder pain.

Pain felt in the heart area or digestive system also confirms the presence of the disease.


One of the direct ailments is sciatica. It is characterized by inflammatory processes affecting nerve fibers causes pain when walking sharp turns, lifting objects.

The back area with radiculitis feels strong backache, in which a person freezes in a completely unnatural position, breathing is constrained by pain.

Another serious complication is the weakening of the muscles, reaching the immobility of the lower extremities.

A disability group is often assigned if the nerve fibers leading to the innervation of a part of the body are affected.

Principles of hernia treatment

The beginning of treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. For this, drug therapy is due to painkillers. This is followed by an immune support course that improves health. Another principle is to return the patient to normal rhythm life.

How to treat?

Drug therapy is the main link in the course of treatment. Withdrawal inflammatory process, pain, improvement of blood supply to the cartilage and muscles of the spine, lower and upper extremities. Any appointment can only be made by a doctor. Self-medication should be completely excluded.

Are used nonsteroidal drugs like diclofenac. Quickly relieve inflammation, pain, normalize temperature. The only problem is that the drug can not be taken for a long time, so as not to complicate the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Modern medicines, like alflutop, will stimulate the regeneration of the bone and cartilage system. With severe pain, analgesics are prescribed by injection. To take off muscle spasms muscle relaxants are used. Vitamins of group B are prescribed to strengthen the body.

Massage, manual therapy are prescribed carefully so as not to harm the spine and prevent the possibility of infringement nerve endings. The only thing recommended during the period of remission is to strengthen the muscles with a massage.

With the displacement of the vertebrae, it is necessary to introduce a course of manual therapy. A specialist in manual therapy, which will greatly alleviate the suffering of the patient. Along with the weakening of muscle spasm, the pain will go away.

Therapeutic exercise is prescribed after removal acute period. It will help to strengthen the muscular corset therapeutic gymnastics during the period of remission. All classes are held in a specialized institution under the strict supervision of medical professionals.

Swimming in the pool and exercising in the water helps a lot. The main thing is not to give a big load on the spine.

Physiotherapy in certain period assigned in the form of an amplipulse. The method is able to actively influence the spine with the help of pulsed current. The frequency of the current action alternates with pauses of rest. Thus, stimulus alternates with relaxation.

The use of an orthopedic corset is quite common. Special elastic device equipped with rigid inserts. The corset provides a semi-rigid fixed position. The main purpose of the corset is to support the muscles of the back. The size of the belt is selected individually.

The appearance of the first signs of a dangerous disease can not always be noticed immediately. The pain will increase, without treatment intervertebral disc will continue to deform, so a hernia of the lumbar spine - the symptoms of the disease - requires a careful approach to the study. Until recently, a healthy able-bodied person is suddenly limited in movement, forced to endure pain and discomfort. What other symptoms lumbar hernia can indicate the development of the disease?

What is a hernia of the lumbar spine

Pain can occur in a strictly defined place - lower section spine, which is considered a feature of the disease. Pain in the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine is not the only symptoms, they are often accompanied by stiffness. When it breaks under the influence of an uneven load, a hernia of the lumbar spine appears: a part of the nucleus pulposus protrudes (jelly-like substance). The resulting deformity presses on the nerve root, which causes sharp pain, and lifting the body is given with great difficulty.

How to determine the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar

A neurologist will help to understand the nature of the pathology. The patient's complaints about back pain after physical exertion, being in an uncomfortable position is the first factor that is taken into account when diagnosing an intervertebral hernia. Pain manifests itself varying degrees intensity, while it is accompanied by symptoms similar to osteochondrosis, such as muscle weakness, numbness, "goosebumps". The progression of the pathological process leads to compression of the spinal canal, and then the violation can cause severe complication- paralysis of the legs.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor must conduct an external examination. Since the protrusion of the nucleus pulposus can be located in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spine (between 4-5 lumbar or 5 lumbar and 1 sacral vertebrae), then the curvature of the spine will be noticeable. If you take a photo, you will see a stoop, a change in posture, a person begins to stoop. Loss of sensation, appearance of a row local signs intervertebral hernia - all this helps to establish a preliminary diagnosis, and then additional diagnostic measures.


The main symptom of a hernia of the lumbar spine is pain. At the same time, the direction of protrusion of the nucleus pulposus, which can be lateral or posterior, affects the localization and intensity of pain sensations. The size of the hernia itself also contributes to the appearance accompanying symptoms, among which are the following:

  • stiffness of the lumbar;
  • lumbago (lower back, buttocks, legs, feet);
  • limitation motor functions(difficulty turning the body, tilting, lifting the hip);
  • numbness, tingling in the legs;
  • burning sensations on the skin;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • bowel dysfunction, Bladder;
  • atrophy of the muscles of the lower extremities.


Any stage of a dangerous disease - from the initial to the advanced stage - will be accompanied by the presence of the main symptom. Pain will only change the nature, place of occurrence, intensity, manifesting itself or in combination with other signs of an intervertebral hernia. At first, it is a dull, slight pain in the lumbar region, which is a projection of a damaged disc. The initial stage responds well to treatment, but if the disease progresses, then there is a sharp, shooting, aching pain when moving or even when sneezing, coughing.

Symptoms in women

The pathological process can form and develop not only due to weight lifting. Sedentary image life - this is another factor that provokes the appearance of the disease, while the main signs of a hernia of the lumbar spine in women are no different from the manifestation of symptoms in men. The only difference is that the pathology affects the state of reproductive function and exacerbation gynecological diseases.

Symptoms in men

According to statistics, the representatives of the stronger sex are more likely to encounter dangerous disease. The symptoms of an intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine in men are clearly expressed, in the absence of treatment, dysfunction is added to pain, stiffness, restrictions hip joints, attenuation muscle corset leads to a change in the posture of the patient, inflamed nerves can cause frequent urges to urination. Decreased potency in men also serves additional sign intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine.

Signs of an intervertebral hernia

Bother pathological changes will not start immediately, acute pain syndrome will appear after a while. Although on initial stage when the volume of the protrusion of the jelly-like nucleus is still small, and the risk of complications is minimal, the lumbar hernia serves as a source of discomfort. Evidence of the presence of pathology are signs such as numbness, weakness of the muscles of the legs, a feeling of tingling. Cases when patients have an alternation of internal and external signs of a dangerous disease are not uncommon.

First signs

If for late stage If an intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine is characterized by the appearance of a radicular syndrome, then at the initial stage, the clinical signs of the disease may be absent or mildly pronounced. The pathology of the pulpous cartilaginous ring is preceded by a long process provoked by insufficient nutrition of the disc, which loses its cushioning properties. The first unpleasant "call" indicating a hernia is sharp pain, limiting freedom of movement, when you can’t get up from a supine position or get up from a chair on your own.


To choose the right technique treatment, choose a rehabilitation program, help restore the health and mobility of the patient with the help of a special set of exercises, the doctor must make a correct diagnosis that is beyond doubt. The symptoms of a hernia of the lumbar spine are similar to some other diseases, such as pelvic organs or ankylosing spondylitis, so results may be required before starting therapy following methods diagnostics:


The course of therapy is prescribed by a neuropathologist on an individual basis! When choosing right direction gender, age, diagnostic indicators, external examination will be taken into account. At the disposal of the attending physician may be the main methods of treatment (conservative, surgical) and a number of additional procedures (massage, resonant wave therapy, acupuncture, hirudotherapy). The duration of treatment for advanced stages illness is three to six weeks.

Operational treatment (surgical intervention) is rarely used, provided that the lumbar hernia could not be cured with medication. The surgeon's manipulations are carried out under the influence of general anesthesia to remove the protrusion, reduce the risk of complications on the muscle, bone of the inflamed area are applied modern techniques(laminectomy, microdiscectomy). After removing the inflammation for a week, it is necessary to follow the instructions of specialists, and then follow the preventive measures.

Conservative (drug) treatment is considered the main one, while the use of one or another type of drug depends on the stage, signs and accompanying symptoms. For the treatment of a hernia of the lumbar are used:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Baralgin);
  • novocaine blockade with the addition of corticosteroids (done topically to quickly relieve pain);
  • chondroprotectors for recovery cartilage tissue(Chondroxide, Alflutop, Structum);
  • muscle relaxants general action(Mydocalm, Sirdalud);
  • vitamin complexes With high content group B to restore nerve tissue (Neurovitan, Milgamma, Neurobeks).

Additional methods (physical and manual therapy, acupuncture, exercise therapy, hirudotherapy) are used in subacute or recovery period, it helps to restore the body's mobility. Required condition in order not to damage problem disks by your actions: alternative methods treatment is necessary under the supervision of a specialist.


Any disease of the spine, especially intervertebral hernia, is characterized by one very bright symptom- pain. But how to determine a hernia of the spine, if the signs of back diseases are almost the same? Suspicions are caused by constant severe pain, which intensifies after sleep, physical activity, sudden movements - those symptoms that people prefer to attribute to overwork and other factors that delay the diagnosis of diseases. And in the meantime , pain occurs due to a hernia of the spine.

Early diagnosis of intervertebral hernia - milestone on which human health depends. After all, a hernia is a serious disease associated with curvature and tearing of the fibrous ring of the spine. In this case, a lunge of a part of the gelatinous nucleus occurs. The disease affects people of various age category excluding children and teenagers.

The causes of hernia are sedentary image life, injuries, twisted spine, specific infection, and impaired metabolism.

In the treatment of such serious illnesses every detail matters. Determining the cause of a hernia is necessary to exclude this factor from the patient's life. In this way, the chances of recovery can be increased. To determine the hernia of the spine, it is not enough to have knowledge about the external symptoms of the disease. It is possible to confirm the diagnosis based on the patient's complaints and elementary palpation only by conducting hardware diagnostics.


The symptoms of a spinal hernia vary depending on what type of disease is present and what department is affected. And the intensity and nature of pain depends on the degree of destruction of the spinal disc.

In the cervical region

Worth paying attention to the following symptoms, arranged in chronological order from the onset of the disease:

  • There is a sharp pain in the neck and back of the head: periodically gives to the shoulder and arm. Pain becomes stronger when moving, but stops, one has only to sit down;
  • The sensitivity of the fingers decreases, sometimes complete numbness occurs;
  • Increases blood pressure;
  • Periodically there is a loss of consciousness, circles appear under the eyes, and coordination is disturbed. There is ringing in the ears and slight dizziness. Since the symptoms are caused by a lack of oxygen for brain activity, treatment with analgesics has no effect;
  • The feeling of nausea becomes more frequent, vomiting appears;
  • The skin changes color from white to bright red, despite the fact that there is no apparent reason for such changes;
  • On the last stage hearing is reduced, there is a partial loss of vision.

As can be seen from the symptoms, it is difficult to independently understand that the development of a hernia of the spine is difficult. Fans of self-treatment are using local treatment for a headache or pressure that either relieves symptoms for a short time or does not help at all.

In the chest

Recognizing an intervertebral hernia of the thoracic region is even more difficult. Symptoms are blurred and often appear late. The main signs by which doctors diagnose the disease:

  • There is weakness in the legs, a feeling of cottoniness and constant tension;
  • There are specific pains in the chest area. The symptoms are similar to heart disease. After taking pills designed to improve cardiological functions, relief does not come;
  • There is discomfort in the intestines and bladder. Examination of these organs revealed no pathology.

In the lumbar

It is easier to diagnose a disease in the lumbar region. The localization of pain corresponds to the place where the hernia appeared and is manifested by a bright bouquet of symptoms:

  • When moving and exercise sharp pain appears. Over time, she turns into aching and does not leave the patient;
  • Over time, the pain moves to the area of ​​the buttocks and legs. Feet begin to hurt, toes become numb
  • Appear accompanying illnesses: kyphosis and scoliosis;
  • A hernia formed between the fourth and fifth vertebrae contributes to the appearance of goosebumps on thumbs legs;
  • A hernia between the fifth lumbar and first sacral vertebrae causes pain in the ankle and knees;
  • The advanced stage of a hernia of the lumbar region inevitably ends with disability: partial or complete paralysis of the body occurs, the processes of urination and defecation are disturbed.

  • Be sure to read:


A hernia of the spine has several stages, during which it is possible to detect the disease and prevent progression:

  • The first stage: the disc is displaced by a distance of 2 mm. The patient experiences aching pain, which runs in calm state. The disc does not protrude, so it is not always possible to detect a hernia at this stage;
  • From the second to the fourth stage, a gradual rupture of the fibrous ring occurs, the nucleus pulposus flows out, contributing to the death of the nerve roots. Due to past processes, it develops, which is characterized muscle weakness in the legs and buttocks. The asymmetry of the figure is noted.

With the manifestation of any symptoms of a hernia of the spine, you can not self-medicate. Incorrectly prescribed drugs or increased physical activity lead to a deterioration in health.

Do not try to self-diagnose the intervertebral hernia and prescribe treatment for yourself. The result of such a negligent attitude to one's health can be total loss working capacity.

How to recognize the typical symptoms of the disease know such specialists as a neurologist, therapist and orthopedist. It is necessary to contact them for correct setting diagnosis of a herniated disc. Hardware diagnostics will be carried out immediately after processing the patient's complaints.

To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor must learn about all the patient's complaints and collect an anamnesis. To do this, the specialist will clarify the details of a person’s personal life in order to understand where this disease originates. Realizing that the orally voiced symptoms fit the description of a hernia disease, the doctor performs:

  1. Palpation and visual inspection spinal zone: reflex contraction of the back muscles allows you to understand which part of the spinal column has undergone destruction;
  2. Diagnosis of reflexes in the knees, Achilles tendon: a decrease in reflex activity indicates advanced stages of a hernia;
  3. Assessing spinal root injury: This should be checked by activities that look for muscle weakness in the lower body.

How to determine the presence of a spinal hernia with a high degree of probability? Not the usual exacerbation, which has already happened before; not the consequences of the old, which periodically worries, namely. Experienced doctor will be able to answer this question after a standard examination and an additional examination.

Clarification of complaints and questioning

From the understanding of what worries the patient, depend further actions doctors to find a problem or possible illness. Complaints for a hernia of the spine, which will be voiced by a sick person:

  • varied in intensity of pain that can occur in the lumbar region, chest, neck;
  • changes in the arms and legs that appear or stabbing pains, or unusual muscle weakness;
  • the inability to move the body in the volume that was before the onset of the disease. The doctor will be able to see these manifestations in the form of an unnatural posture and smooth movements, as if the patient is afraid to move;
  • unpleasant violations in the administration of natural needs, which do not always occur, but greatly interfere with the life of a sick person.

It is very important to clearly and in detail find out how the disease began and what preceded the appearance of the first symptoms, how quickly the process began to progress and worsen the life of the patient, whether any treatment was carried out and whether it gave results. An experienced doctor will briefly and clearly outline the range of questions that he wants to get clear answers to. If the patient can answer them in detail and truthfully, then this will be the first step towards identifying a vertebral hernia.

Inspection and examination

At this stage, a specialist neurologist performs a routine examination using routine techniques, which include:

  • visual and palpation examination of the area where the pain syndrome is most pronounced and where the doctor can see the reflex muscle contraction, leading to a forced posture;
  • study of reflexes in typical places ( Achilles tendon, knee-joint), which will demonstrate significant reduction reflex activity in these zones;
  • sensitivity determination and evaluation muscle strength in lower limbs, which will allow you to understand how involved in pathological process spinal nerves.

Upon completion of the usual examination methods, the doctor can already make a preliminary diagnosis and recognize the intervertebral hernia. To find out the exact location of the hernial defect of the spine, find out how pronounced the lesion of the spinal disc is and determine possible complications, the neurologist uses additional diagnostic methods.

Additional Research

You can call them optional, but they are always required.

X-rays of the spine

Defined poorly. In remote areas where there is no modern methods surveys, this outdated technique is still in use today. It gives little information, but it may well show the presence of bone defects, fractures or intervertebral articular problems.

Layered tomographic images

The method is also based on x-rays. CT scan may give more information to the doctor, but will not show the pathology of the soft tissues in the spine.

Magnetic resonance imaging

The optimal method for detecting any pathology, because it allows you to see both the bone structures of the spinal column and assess the condition intervertebral discs, spinal nerves and surrounding soft tissues.

Electroneuromyographic study

An additional technique that makes it possible to evaluate the quality and speed of impulse conduction spinal nerves. If the indicators deviate from the norm, we can confidently talk about damage to the nervous structures by hernial protrusion.

When does strong pain in the lower back, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner. An examination by a doctor and an MRI diagnostic will allow you to accurately determine the hernia of the spine and immediately begin treatment.

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