Dogwood color. We study the beneficial properties and contraindications for the use of dogwood berries. Delicious dogwood blanks for the winter

Previously, dogwood grew exclusively in warm regions. But thanks to breeders today useful berry can be found in the northern parts with regards to territorial affiliation. The plant has long been used in the fields of folk healing in the treatment preventive purposes. It is also used in cosmetology and, of course, cooking. But the reception and treatment must be carried out correctly. Therefore, consider the valuable qualities and potential contraindications.

The benefits of dogwood

berry renders positive impact to all human systems and organs. Consider beneficial features detail:

  • kills bacteria, relieves fever, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • used for diarrhea because it has astringent properties;
  • raises arterial pressure, therefore, is a real salvation for hypotensive patients;
  • amplifies everything metabolic processes due to which natural weight loss occurs;
  • reduces intracranial pressure fighting headaches and frequent migraines;
  • used to treat varicose veins veins;
  • removes excess fluid, struggling with heavy legs syndrome and swelling;
  • tones, gives strength, eliminates fatigue chronic type;
  • has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional environment, suppresses insomnia;
  • normalizes the work of the pancreas by increasing the activity of enzymes;
  • increases metabolism, accelerates the absorption of food, reduces the risk of its fermentation in the digestive organs;
  • increases cravings for food, therefore it is often used in the nutrition of people after illness or surgery;
  • accumulates only natural saccharides, presented in the form of fructose and glucose;
  • raises hemoglobin by increasing iron, improves blood composition;
  • used in the treatment of gout, hemorrhoids;
  • reduces toxicity in the body food products or poisonous substances;
  • cleanses the esophagus from congestion;
  • applied by an external technique to eliminate eczema, psoriasis, lichen;
  • applied in the form sedative for the treatment of nerves;
  • cleans the stomach (only overripe dogwood);
  • responsible for the transformation of carbohydrates into energy reserves;
  • eliminates heartburn and pain in the stomach;
  • boosts the immune system between seasons, keeps you from getting sick when the flu spreads.

dogwood treatment

  1. Diarrhea in children. The child should not be given medical preparations from diarrhea, it is better to prepare jelly based on dogwood. To do this, several fruits, fresh or dry, must be sent to a saucepan with 0.6 liters. water and boil until thickened. Berries should be completely boiled. This composition is taken in 40 ml. three times a day for a third of an hour before the main meal. Vitamin deficiency and other diseases caused by low immunity are treated in a similar way.
  2. Edema. Heavy legs syndrome appears for one of the reasons, which lies in the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. Since dogwood has diuretic properties, it is often used to remove water from the body. To prepare the product, you need to take dried raw materials (leaves or branches), pour 50 gr. 350 ml. boiling water and leave for an hour. After this time, the composition is re-boiled in a water bath, cooled, taken three times a day, 50 ml each.
  3. Anemia, slow metabolism. In case of metabolic disorders, poor digestibility of food, as well as a lack of iron in the blood, a decoction of dogwood will come to the rescue. Measure out a teaspoon of dry branches and the same amount of bark, brew raw materials 280-300 ml. boiling water. Insist under the lid for about an hour, filter. Take 60 ml. three times a day before a meal or half an hour after it.
  4. Diarrhea in adults. Everyone knows such a delicate and unpleasant phenomenon like diarrhea. But few people know that when the stool is upset, the body loses most useful substances. If diarrhea is not prevented in time, the condition of all internal organs worsens. Since dogwood has an astringent effect, it is useful to use it in the form of a decoction. The remedy is prepared from fresh or dried fruits with the addition of twigs and bark (optional). For 0.5 l. hot water, you need to measure 1 handful of berries and half a press of bark. Boil the contents in a saucepan for about 35 minutes, then insist all night. Take after straining half a glass 2-3 times a day.
  5. Rheumatism. Such a disease is treated with a decoction based on dogwood roots. Grind 30 gr., brew in half a liter of boiling water and leave for a third of an hour. Then boil the contents for another 15 minutes, turn off the stove, wait 2 hours. After straining, this remedy is taken in 30 ml. three times a day. Harvesting roots is best done in the cool season or early spring. To give a decoction additional vitamins you can add half of the harvest of berries before boiling.
  6. Avitaminosis, fatigue. With chronic fatigue, insomnia, beriberi in the offseason, low immunity, general depression, you need to take the remedy according to the above recipe. Mix 0.5 l. hot water with a handful of dogwood, cook for half an hour at low power. Then cool, filter, add a little water that has evaporated. Drink a fortified cocktail 3 times a day, 75-80 ml.

  1. It was previously mentioned that only natural saccharides, which are represented by fructose and glucose, accumulate in the composition of berries. Dogwood is useful for people with diabetes.
  2. The value lies in improving the processes of digestion, increasing the absorption of nutrients by the walls of the esophagus, accelerating all metabolic processes.
  3. Dogwood increases motility and improves intestinal microflora, promotes increased production of pancreatic enzymes, cleanses internal organs of toxic substances.
  4. Against the background of the above useful qualities excess sugar is removed from the blood, glucose levels are reduced. The body begins to produce its own insulin and is more susceptible to it, so the overall course of the disease is facilitated.
  5. For diabetics, it is most useful to use freshly squeezed juice from dogwood fruits. Such a drink is consumed three times a day before meals for a whole glass (200-250 ml.). But you should not drink such an amount at once, start with 60 ml., Gradually increasing the dosage.
  6. Treatment of diabetes folk remedy continues for 10 days. After the allotted time, a break of the same duration will be required. If the disease worsens again, you can repeat the therapy.

Dogwood for weight loss

  1. The fruits are used for weight loss. For 100 gr. raw materials account for about 40 kcal. There is no clear diet, but you should not consume more than 200 grams. berries daily. Again, it is worth considering individual characteristics organism. daily rate can be installed by yourself.
  2. To lose weight, you need to eat fresh berries, it is in them that the minimum calorie content is concentrated. Excess weight leaves through interaction active components and human tissues. Improves metabolism and more metabolic processes.
  3. Special enzymes activate secretory functions pancreas. Occurs in the body accelerated exchange fats. They simply do not have time to postpone.
  4. Frequent intake of fruits is accompanied by increased blood pressure and narrowing blood vessels. People who are on diets suffer from hypotension. Do not forget that dogwood provokes a feeling of hunger.
  5. At any time, you can break loose and eat unhealthy high-calorie foods. It is recommended to consume dogwood in the morning.

dogwood for pregnant women

  1. There are a lot of opinions about whether it is worth eating dogwood during gestation. From some sources, we can conclude that berries provoke increased excitability. This increases the tone of the uterus.
  2. If you drop deeper, you can see that the plant has a tonic effect. If you eat fruits immensely, then the chances of miscarriage increase significantly. In other cases, moderate eating will be beneficial.
  3. Regular consumption of berries improves the condition of mother and child. Dogwood has a beneficial effect on digestive organs. abundance ascorbic acid raises protective functions. Reduces the risk of developing colds and infectious diseases.
  4. Cornelian cherry contains a high concentration of potassium. The enzyme is needed for normal activities heart muscle. Therefore, the mineral cannot adversely affect the development of the fetus. In addition, potassium prevents swelling, removing excess moisture.
  5. The fruits are rich in tocopherol and iron. Together, the components will not allow you to dial overweight. Enzymes increase metabolism and break down fatty tissues. Tocopherol breaks down fats and increases hemoglobin levels.
  6. A sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals allows the fetus and placenta to develop normally. Special enzymes stabilize tissue respiration. The consumption of dogwood normalizes blood pressure. Blood vessels become stronger and more elastic.

  1. If you eat enough berries every day when diagnosing hemorrhoids, special enzymes will prevent bleeding. The active substances are removed pain, reduce hemorrhoids, in some cases, the sacs are completely resorbed.
  2. Long-term use of the product eliminates even large nodes, there is a noticeable strengthening of blood vessels. To deal with unpleasant illness, you need to regularly eat the prescribed amount fresh berries. Take 6 fruits with a bone 45 minutes before a meal 4 times a day.
  3. The remedy is especially helpful during an exacerbation of the disease. Keep in mind that the bones do not need to be chewed, they will dissolve on their own in the stomach. An important feature is that the kernels, unlike the pulp, have a sedative effect.
  4. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase fresh berries during an exacerbation, do it differently. You can suppress the activity of the disease through dried fruits and seeds. Kernels can come up even from boiled dogwood.
  5. To carry out the procedure through the bones, 400 gr. raw materials. Distribute the product into 6 doses, 3 times a day, for 2 days. The bones should be swallowed whole and washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid. It is not necessary to eat a lot of raw materials at a time.
  6. You can take one bone at a time, but for the reception you need to swallow the prescribed one-time rate. If it is difficult for you to cope with the task, it is allowed to stretch the course up to 3 days. In folk medicine, this method is considered very effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  7. If you decide to eat dried fruits, they will have to be taken in the same analogy. It is enough to eat about 7 fruits 40 minutes before meals. The procedure is carried out three times a day. To achieve maximum results, you need to follow a diet.
  8. AT without fail Eliminate meat, alcohol, and spicy dishes. During the treatment period, you can help the patient with herbal anti-inflammatory enemas. Best suited infusions of chamomile or St. John's wort.

Dogwood contraindications

  1. Dogwood is contraindicated in hyperacidity in the stomach.
  2. It is not recommended to eat fruits with a tendency to constipation and in evening time. Berries can disrupt sleep.
  3. Overripe fruits in large quantities provoke fermentation in the intestines. This reaction can lead to diarrhea.

Dogwood boasts other useful properties, but it all depends on the state of health of a particular person. Even if you have no problems, you should enter the berry into daily diet for preventive purposes from many troubles.

Video: the benefits of dogwood in clinical nutrition

Ripe dark red oblong berries of this plant will not leave any housewife indifferent. From them you can cook a lot of goodies that households and guests will always be happy with. And imagine how much benefit each fruit and dish has, because the composition of dogwood is incredibly rich.

Vitamin composition and calorie content

There are relatively few kilocalories in raw dogwood - from 40 to 45. A lot of carbohydrates. 100 g of the product contains 10.5 g, only 1 g of proteins, and practically no fat.

In fruits, a considerable percentage of sugars is 10-17%. There are also acids of organic origin. In a greater concentration there is apple, amber and lemon.

In addition to these components, dogwood contains vitamins A, C and P. They are found in high concentrations in the pulp of berries. In some cases, vitamin C is even more than in blackcurrant.

Composition is not possible without essential oil, tannins, phytoncides, flavonoids.

From mineral salts for the most part, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium and iron are present.

The fruits of this tree are incredibly useful and can have a beneficial effect on the state of tissues, organs and their systems. Dogwood has properties:

  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • antipyretic;
  • Increasing the level of hemoglobin;
  • Increase in blood pressure;
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • Antidiarrheal;
  • Appetite improvements;
  • Improvement of metabolism;
  • Increased activity of pancreatic enzymes;
  • Saturation of the body with vitamins in case of hypovitaminosis and loss of strength;
  • Removal of toxins from the body;
  • Cholagogue;
  • Antimicrobial.

Fresh berries

The benefits of dogwood berries are necessary for the beauty of the skin. They not only improve complexion, but also fight acne and other diseases of the skin layer.

The fruits of this beautiful tree will help with diarrhea. From the berries, the pulp of a ripe pear and the dry shell of a walnut, tea is brewed, which is drunk if necessary.

In addition to these diseases, dogwood will help from:

  • eczema;
  • diabetes;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • Obesity.


Dogwood pits contain 34% healing oils, which act as a wound healing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. Due to these qualities, they are incredibly effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is enough to consume 15 per day dried berries without discarding the bones. Divide this amount into three doses before meals and the disease will recede.

Roasted and ground seeds can replace coffee.


Dogwood jam is very effective not only for strengthening immune system, and as additional funds for colds and viral diseases. Jam will help to cope with other problems:

  • Eczema and other skin ailments;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Headache;
  • Gastritis;
  • kidney and liver problems;
  • Arthritis and other joint diseases;
  • Anemia.

It is also important that dogwood jam can be consumed by people who are on a diet.


Compote is useful no less than fresh berries and jam from them. Its advantage is that it can be prepared both for the winter and as a tonic drink during the ripening season.

  • Fresh dogwood berries - 300 g;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • Water - 3 liters.

This recipe is for one 3 liter jar. Prepare the berries. Put them in a jar and sprinkle with sugar citric acid. Boil the water and immediately pour the fruit. Roll up and wrap up.


Fresh dogwood juice is considered the most useful at diabetes . In order to cure this disease, it must be drunk three times a day before meals on an empty stomach. But, it is better to start such treatment from a quarter portion and be sure to consult a doctor. The duration of such treatment is 10 days. Since dogwood has a firming and tonic effect, when using it, drink plenty of water and do not delay the last dose until late in the evening.

Dried dogwood

In dried form, the berries of this tree are no less useful than raw ones. Regular use of them can save you from:

  • dizziness;
  • Noise in the ears;
  • symptoms of kidney failure;
  • impotence;
  • Frequent urination and enuresis;
  • Uterine bleeding, whiter;
  • Profuse sweating;
  • Disorganized work digestive system;
  • Heat;
  • Flu and colds.

dried dogwood

Dried berries contain a lot pectin so it is good at removing toxins uric acid and others harmful substances from the body.

Dried dogwood fruits are effective in blood diseases, especially in the diagnosis of anemia. It increases the level of hemoglobin.

For women

On the female body dogwood affects very well. It's being used to stop uterine bleeding and combating excessive secretion of leucorrhea.

The use of dogwood increases libido in women.

For men

Dogwood is useful for healthy condition the body of a man, first of all, with an excellent strengthening effect on the heart and blood vessels. It is widely used to cure such unpleasant disease how haemorrhoids.

The use of cornel berries activates sexual function, desire and attraction.

For kids

It is better not to give dogwood too early. Add berries to compote, because the baby will benefit from this simple drink.

The fruits of this tree are enriched with vitamins and minerals, so they will help strengthen immunity, heart and blood vessels. The use of dogwood by a child also contributes favorable environment in the intestines and excretion gastric juice to digest food.

During pregnancy

The benefits of dogwood during pregnancy are obvious due to the presence of potassium salts. He helps remove puffiness, removing excess fluid from the tissues and normalizing the work of the heart. Iron reduces the risk of gaining too much weight during this period, which is also not very good. berries help increase hemoglobin and prevent preterm birth.

AT medicinal purposes not only the fruits of dogwood are used, but also leaves, twigs, bark.

Infusion of 1 tbsp. these crushed ingredients, brewed in 1 glass of water, are consumed when anemia, gout and disordered metabolism. Dose: a quarter cup three times a day.

An infusion of fruits is quite effective in carrying. 1 tbsp berries are poured into a glass of hot boiled water, leave a little for infusion and drink throughout the day.

If you are suffering from rheumatism, then it will be useful for you to take a decoction of the roots of the tree. 1 tsp boil the dry component in 400 ml of water and boil for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, wrap and soak for 2 hours. Strain and take 2 tbsp. three times a day.

In case of indigestion and intestines, use dogwood berries, grated with yolk chicken egg and honey.

Dogwood juice, an infusion of dried fruits or inflorescences is even effective for malaria.

A decoction of dogwood berries is also used externally in the form of compresses and lotions to relieve headaches, abscesses and boils in combination with barley flour.

Dogwood harm to the body and contraindications

It is impossible to underestimate the benefits of dogwood, but in some cases it should still be abandoned:

  • Increased acidity of the stomach;
  • Constipation, because the berries have an astringent effect;
  • In case of insomnia, restless sleep and nervous irritability.
Dogwood (common dogwood) - medicinal properties, application

Berrygoji and dogwood this is oneandtoo

Dogwood- this is in most cases a shrub 5-7 meters high, sometimes a small tree. Initially, in Ukraine, it was grown in the Crimea, but now it is grown in other areas, both by amateur gardeners and at experimental stations.

Now he is widely known in European countries: in France, Italy, Poland, Czechoslovakia. In Bulgaria it is considered garden plant and grows in almost every yard. In the wild, dogwood grows in the Crimea, Moldova, the Caucasus, Transcarpathia. It blooms very early, from mid-March, abundantly, with bright yellow flowers, the leaves have characteristic pronounced longitudinal veins.

Dogwood has long been known as fruit plant with valuable medicinal properties. It is highly valued for its richness in vitamin C (they have more of it than lemons). Dogwood fruits have antiscorbutic properties. Currently, dogwood berries are used to prepare paste, jelly for feeding astronauts and sailors on long journeys.

Due to tannins, dogwood helps to stop loosening of the stool, i.e. acts like astringent. Also dogwood berries are very useful.patients with diabetesand people with a penchant for it, tk. lower blood sugar levels and increase enzymatic activity pancreas to aid in the digestion of food.

For medicinal purposes, fruits, leaves, roots and bark are used. The leaves are harvested in June - July, the bark - during the period of sap flow, the fruits - when ripe, the roots - in early spring or in autumn. Leaves, bark and roots are dried under a canopy, spreading thin layer. The fruits are in the dryer. Store in the usual way.
Shelf life - 3 years.

The plant has anti-inflammatory, astringent, choleretic, diuretic, bactericidal actions. A decoction of fruits and bark is used as a tonic, stimulant and tonic.

Dogwood berries are used as an appetizing remedy that improves digestion, as a choleretic gastrointestinal diseases as an astringent for diarrhea, dysentery. Children with diarrhea are recommended dogwood jelly with the addition of dry pears.

Biologically active substances that are part of the dogwood fruits normalize blood pressure, pressure of cerebral vessels, eliminate headaches, and prevent sclerosis.

Dogwood, like wild rose, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevents the fragility of capillaries, is used for venous insufficiency, swelling of the legs, inflammation of the veins.

Dogwood improves metabolic processes in the body, is used for joint diseases, gout, it is used for skin diseases as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory acute inflammation Bladder, cystitis.

Infusion of flowers and leavesin folk medicine, it is used as an antipyretic, bactericidal agent for colds, pulmonary tuberculosis, typhoid. From a decoction of the root, mixed with rye flour and honey, make compresses for abscesses, boils for their faster maturation.

root decoctiontaken orally, infusion of leaves is used to rinse the mouth with malaria. Dogwood jam is a high-vitamin product and is recommended for colds, flu, and acute respiratory diseases.

dogwood juiceused as a good antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Dogwood lavash.In the Caucasus, the main use of dogwood has long been the preparation of lavash - thin dark red cakes from sun-dried gruel, into which the pulp of ripe fruits is first turned. In this form, it is stored for a long time without losing vitamins.

Cornel ground with sugar.Rinse the fruits in running water and rub them through a sieve. Add sugar to the resulting mass (2 kg of sugar per 1 kg of mass), mix well, place in clean, dry jars and roll them up.
Keep cold.

Fruit decoction:1 st. a spoonful of dried berries in 1 cup of water, boil for 1 minute, leave for 2 hours, strain before drinking, take 0.25 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Also, for a long time, dogwood wood has been highly valued for its beautiful texture and extraordinary hardness and strength. In ancient times, back in the Bronze Age, it was called - hard as a horn and was used to make spears, sword handles, sticks, canes, etc.

dogwood contraindications . Dogwood should not be taken with increased acidity of the stomach, with nervous excitement and overexcitation, especially at night, individual intolerance.

Dogwood: medicinal properties

● For medicinal purposes, in addition to fruits, bark, leaves and even roots of the plant are used. The active substances of the fruit have a tonic, tonic, analgesic and astringent properties. And the bark exhibits an exciting and tonic effect.

● The peoples of the Caucasus use dogwood in the form of decoctions and infusions of fruits for diarrhea. It is well known that Potentilla erectus and Burnet treat diarrhea well, but decoctions from these plants are very tasteless. Whereas the sweetened dogwood decoction is enjoyed with pleasure not only by adults, but also by children.

● The effectiveness of dogwood decoction for diarrhea increases many times over if you use a mixture of plant extracts and wild pear. This mixture cures even the most stubborn diarrhoea. Unlike others medicinal plants used to treat diarrhea, dogwood is unique because scientific research its bactericidal action has been proven: it kills bacteria of the typhoid-paratyphoid group, including salmonella.

● Residents of Karachay-Cherkessia use a decoction of dogwood roots for rheumatism, and a decoction of its bones - for diarrhea. In the literature of Chinese medicine there is a description of the use of cornelian cherry as a tonic and tonic for frequent urination, pain in lumbar region, tinnitus. And the American natives, in addition to all this, went even further: they use dogwood roots for malaria.

● Decoctions from dogwood bark act favorably in various inflammatory diseases, especially those that are accompanied by a feverish state of the body. Like raspberry, dogwood jam perfectly cures colds, accompanied by high temperature body.

● Traditional medicine recommends the use of dogwood fruits, primarily as a tonic in the form of infusions and decoctions. Since these remedies are rather sour in taste, they can easily be sweetened with honey. But you don’t need to dissolve honey in hot water, and at a temperature not higher than 40 degrees, since otherwise they are destroyed beneficial enzymes honey.

● It is enough to combine the fruits of dogwood with St. John's wort in an infusion, and we will get an excellent antidepressant. In the beginning, you need to prepare a decoction of dogwood fruits (this will be discussed a little later), then an infusion of St. Combine the infusion and decoction and drink half a glass (100 ml.) 3-4 times a day before meals.

● In the form of lotions, dogwood is used externally for headaches, and a decoction of the bark mixed with barley flour contributes to the rapid maturation of abscesses. In folk medicine in the form eye drops freshly squeezed juice from dogwood leaves is used.

● Finally, mention should be made of the hemostatic ability of dogwood, which is also used for uterine and gastric (internal) bleeding.

Dogwood: recipes traditional medicine

● Grind dry dogwood fruits into powder with a coffee grinder, add it to the dough when baking pancakes and master it. To improve the taste of cooking, you can add honey or sugar. This recipe is a good tonic.

● As an antidepressant and tonic, use next decoction dried cornelian fruit. Mix two tablespoons of raw materials with one tablespoon of rose hips, put on fire and cook on low heat for half an hour in half a liter of water. Insist 45 minutes and strain. Use 3-4 times a day for 100 ml. decoction, adding honey to taste.

● And this remedy is effective for various pains. Release the fruits of dogwood from the seeds, wrap the resulting pulp in gauze and apply to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdiseased areas with arthritis and other diseases.

● If you have rheumatism, use this prescription. Boil 2 teaspoons of dogwood roots in a glass of water for half an hour and strain. Drink two tablespoons three times a day before meals.

● Here is another tonic and tonic. Boil for 20 minutes in 200 ml. boiling water two tablespoons of fresh or dried dogwood, leave for 8 hours (one night). Then mash the fruit well. Drink 100-200 ml. in a day.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids with dogwood, you should adhere to simple recommendations: half an hour before meals (2-3 times a day) eat 15 dogwood berries with seeds. You should also temporarily exclude meat and spicy dishes from the diet.

The benefits and harms of dogwood have long been known and used in folk medicine to treat digestive system disorders, as well as to combat colds. Despite the fact that this plant has been cultivated in our latitudes for more than one hundred years, its popularity is not too high. And this is to some extent unfair, since the beneficial properties of the plant more than overlap Negative consequences its application.

What does dogwood look like and where does it grow

Translated from the Turkic name of the plant means "red". Ripe fruits have a pronounced rich red color, which is reflected in its name.

This culture is a tall (up to 5 m) shrub with several large stems and a fibrous root system. The leaves of the plant are oval in shape and slightly pointed at the ends. Their size reaches 8 cm. The shape and size of the berries are very diverse. Average weight berries is in the range of 6-8 g. It is a drupe with juicy pulp and an elongated bone.

In the wild, the plant grows in the Caucasus and Asia Minor, and its cultivated forms occupy vast territories from Germany to the Urals. It can be found on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, and near St. Petersburg.

The composition and calorie content of dogwood

The composition of 100 g of dogwood includes vitamins C in the amount of 25-150 mg (depending on the variety) and PP - 166 mcg. The list of vitamins is small, however, it more than pays off with their total mass.

The mineral composition of 100 g of berries is represented by the following trace elements:

  • potassium - 363 mg;
  • calcium - 58 mg;
  • phosphorus - 34 mg;
  • sodium - 32 mg;
  • magnesium - 26 mg;
  • iron - 4 mg.

The berries contain about 17% of sugars represented by glucose and fructose. The latter is a little more, because glycemic index dogwood is relatively small. Its value is 25, which is a relatively low value among sugar-containing plants.

Also, the berries contain a total of about 2 g of acids:

  • amber;
  • apple;
  • lemon.

Cornel is rich in flavonoids, tannins and phytoncides.

The calorie content of 100 g of berries is 40.4 kcal. Wherein the energy value product looks like this:

  • proteins - 1%
  • fats - 0%;
  • carbohydrates - 9.8%.

The amount of water in the berries is from 85 to 87%.

What is dogwood useful for the body

The benefits of dogwood for the human body lie in its chemical composition. The first thing that immediately catches your eye is high concentration in vitamin C berries. The role of ascorbic acid for human body hard to overestimate.

Its main role is to provide normal operation connective tissue as well as bone tissue. In addition, this acid acts as a regulator of some metabolic processes and is an antioxidant. Important positive property dogwood is that 100 grams of it contains daily dose ascorbic acid.

The presence of this substance immediately implies the use of dogwood in any form for the treatment and prevention of colds.

Dogwood berries are used as adjuvant therapy with gastritis. They are also used in the prevention of this disease.

AT different form dogwood is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal intestinal disorders. Phytoncides contained in the pulp of berries and seeds have a strong antibacterial action and apply when infectious diseases GIT.

The benefits of dried dogwood for the body lies in its help in the fight against anemia. This use of berries is due to the high content of iron in them.

The fruits of the plant help to get rid of joint pain. There is a positive effect of a decoction of berries for rheumatism and arthritis. This is largely due to the property of berries to bind and remove oxalic acid from the body.

The plant has a moderate choleretic and diuretic effect, as well as anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it possible to use it in case of kidney and liver diseases.

The antioxidant properties of the plant determine its use as a prophylaxis of oncological diseases.

For women

The benefits of dogwood for a woman's body lies primarily in its positive effect on circulatory system. The use of dogwood stimulates the production of red blood cells and helps a woman cope with the effects of menstruation.

Another useful property of the plant is its stimulating activity, which helps with depression, which women are more prone to than men.

For men

Dogwood will be useful for men, as it tones the nervous and muscular system body, which helps to recover from various loads and stresses.

For those working in production related to harmful conditions, the berry will be useful, as it allows you to remove various harmful substances and toxins from the body.

In addition, the use of berries normalizes the work genitourinary system and increases potency.

Is it possible dogwood during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The benefits of dogwood for the health of pregnant women are not only in supplying the body of the mother and child with vitamin C and iron. One of the important properties of the plant is the inhibition of the process of miscarriage. Therefore, it is recommended during pregnancy to always have on hand a supply of berries of this plant in raw or dried form.

At breastfeeding the main beneficial properties of berries are manifested in the removal from the mother's body excess fluid and also in the fight against anemia.

The only thing that should not be done is to consume berries before bed because of their strong tonic effect.

At what age can dogwood be given to children

Dogwood helps fight childhood diarrhea and normalizes metabolic processes in the child's body. best form for children there will be jelly made from berries.

Important! Dogwood should not be given to children with their tendency to constipation. The astringent properties of the plant can only worsen the situation.

Dogwood contains many active substances, so its use by children should be combined with constant control their condition and be carried out only after consultation with a pediatrician or doctor.

Useful properties of dogwood leaves and root

Dogwood leaves and roots contain a higher concentration of vitamins E and C, as well as tannins, than its berries. Therefore, their use will be especially useful in the treatment and prevention of colds, as well as solving problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

A decoction of the leaves is mainly used as a choleretic and diuretic. It is also used for headaches, making lotions that are placed on the forehead.

A decoction of the root of the plant is used in the prevention of rheumatism.

Are dogwood bones good?

Dogwood bones contain the same substances as berries, only in a lower concentration. Therefore, they are used in cases where "shock" doses of certain components of the plant are undesirable.

But in the application of recipes, you must always adhere to common sense.

What is useful dogwood juice

The benefits of dogwood juice are high content it contains vitamin C. Due to this, it is used as an anti-cold and immunostimulating agent.

The drink has a strong tonic and invigorating effect.

The use of dogwood for medicinal purposes

The beneficial properties of dogwood have become known thanks to traditional medicine. There are many recipes for using the plant for medicinal purposes. Consider the most popular folk ways dogwood applications.

For diarrhea

A decoction is used. Take 2 tbsp. l. dried fruits and pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil for another half hour. Then filter and top up to 200 ml. Take the drug should be 3 times a day in equal portions before meals.

An alternative is to use a decoction of the leaves, the beneficial properties of which are no worse than those of the berry remedy. For this, 5 tbsp. l. fresh leaves in 1 liter of water is brought to a boil and boiled for 10 minutes. Then the broth is insisted for 8 hours. Apply 100 ml three times a day before meals.

For diarrhea in children

Cornel jelly is used. To prepare it, take 6 tbsp. l. fruits and 2 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of starch. Take similarly to adults - three times a day before meals. A single dose is 50-70 ml.

With hemorrhoids

Dogwood bones are used, both fresh and heat-treated (for example, jam bones). It is believed that for full course 2-3 cups of seeds are required, which is equivalent to 4-6 half-liter jars of jam. Also, fresh or dried berries can be used instead of jam.

The required amount of berries is stretched for 1-2 months, and the product is consumed with food, once or twice in the morning. In this case, you need to eat a few berries at each meal.

For rheumatism

A decoction of the roots, bark and leaves is used. For this, 5 tbsp. l. wood pulp is boiled in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes, and then infused for 2 hours. You should take 2 tbsp. l. three times a day.

With a cold

It is used in any form - from raw berries and a decoction of leaves to jam and compote from dried berries. If the berries were exposed heat treatment may be used in the evening. Otherwise, the intake of drugs should be limited to the first half of the day.

Features of the use of dogwood in diabetes mellitus

With diabetes, the use of plant juice can be regular. Usually, the reception is started with small doses, about 50 g once half an hour before a meal. The dose is increased daily by 5-10 g and gradually increased to 100 g. If the drink is well tolerated, you can gradually increase its amount to 200 g.

The benefits of dogwood for weight loss

Dogwood is used as part of some diets focused on the consumption of large amounts of fiber. Sample Diet with the use of dogwood looks like this:

  1. Breakfast: cottage cheese with dogwood, tea.
  2. Snack: dried fruits.
  3. Lunch: soup, salad, 200 g dogwood berries.
  4. Lunch: vegetable salad.
  5. Dinner: fish with vegetables, kefir.

Given that dogwood increases the metabolic rate, it can even be used haphazardly without involving any diet. It is easy enough to calculate required amount calories and in parallel with meals in the morning, use dogwood in one form or another.

The benefits of dogwood jam and compote

The content of substances that affect the nervous system in these dishes is significantly lower than in fresh dogwood, so they can be used without any special restrictions on the amount and time of consumption. The only limiting factor will be their high calorie content.

At the same time, jam and compote still contain useful material helping to fight colds and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefit of dogwood jam with seeds also lies in the fact that hemorrhoids are treated with the help of this remedy in folk medicine.

The benefits of dried (dried) dogwood

The benefits of dried and dried dogwood for the body are similar to the benefits of fresh berries, since with this method of storage, almost all vitamins and microelements are preserved.

It is believed that the time at which the properties of the plant are fully preserved is from 6 to 9 months.

Dogwood harm and contraindications

Dogwood is a plant containing many active substances, so it should be used with caution. Their highest concentration is in berries. The use of seeds or a decoction of the leaves carries a significantly lower risk.

The active substances of the plant tone and stimulate nervous system therefore, it is not recommended to use any dogwood products before bedtime.

It is also undesirable to use remedies from a plant when

  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • high blood pressure;
  • cases of allergies and individual intolerance.

We should not forget that dogwood contains a lot of sugar, so the use of overripe berries can cause fermentation processes and provoke a serious intestinal upset.

Collection and storage of dogwood

The harvest of the plant is carried out depending on the climatic zone in August or September. When the dogwood is fully ripe, it is unsuitable for transportation, therefore, if it is planned to be transported, collection should begin at the stage of technical ripeness (the berries are red, they required size, but still solid).

The best way to store berries for them medical use is drying. In addition, due to the evaporation of moisture, the concentration of substances in the dogwood becomes even higher. Drying is carried out in a well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight. constant temperature about 20-22 °C.

It is allowed to dry the berries in the oven, but in order to preserve all the beneficial properties of the plant, the temperature should not exceed +35°C. Drying is carried out on baking sheets with regular mixing of the berries. On average, it takes about 6 hours to dry 1 kg of berries.


The benefits and harms of dogwood are contained in its composition. The berry is a kind of "champion" in the content of vitamin C. Dogwood is used in the treatment of many diseases - from intestinal disorders to diseases of the immune system. Its berries and leaves are used in folk and traditional medicine. The benefits and harms of dogwood berries can be multifaceted. Therefore, the use of the plant in various types should take into account possible harmful effects and contraindications.

Russia is an immense country, and in every corner of it there are unusual fruits and berries, with their unique benefit. And even with this calculation, dogwood is not the most popular berry today: rich dogwood groves did not sing of the classics, and in an average Russian house it is unlikely that a jar or two of sour jam is hidden away (although for some reason my Azerbaijani neighbors have dogwood jam). But dogwood is not so simple - the beneficial properties and contraindications of this plant have been known since antiquity. And can any other fruit boast that sailors and astronauts take jelly from it with them on a dangerous journey? Not always. But dogwood - maybe.

Kizil: mysteries of the past

It is difficult to find a plant with which so many religious traditions would be associated, sometimes fateful for mankind.

The history of the bush began with Ancient Rome: the founder of the eternal city, Romulus, outlined the place for the capital of the empire with a dogwood spear. Over the centuries, wooden weapons have changed dramatically, but have become truly deadly.

Its authenticity is unknown, but according to legend, it was from the strong wood of dogwood that a cross was built, on which, according to Christians, Christ was crucified. At that time, the plant had a different appearance - fruit trees were the largest and strongest near Jerusalem, but appearance dogwood has changed. Since then, only a few details have reminded of the crucifixion - the cruciform flower of the bush, sharp thorns, like nails, and bright red fruits - the blood of Jesus.

In the East, dogwood is called a shaitan berry, although what relation can this berry have to a shaitan?

How to choose the best dogwood variety?

Looking ahead, let's say - no way. All varieties of dogwood are good in their own way, the main thing is to decide what you need a berry for and know where the healing shrub grows.

You can meet dogwood in the sunny Caucasus, in the warmest corners of Europe, in Japan and China, as well as in the fertile land of Crimea. The latter is encouraging - now for Russians access to fresh dogwood and all kinds of blanks from it has become even easier. In nature, there are 4 subgenera (Kizil, Svidina, Deren and Bentamidia) and about 30 species of dogwood berries - Wikipedia names them all in detail.

Common dogwood, or male dogwood, is famous for its healing properties - it is its fruits and other parts of the bush that are usually used in folk medicine. If you are interested in dessert properties, choose amber dogwood - photos of this variety will show completely unusual fruits. If the classic dogwood is large pear-shaped berries (5-7 cm) of various shades of red, then amber is sunny yellow, the fruits are almost round, look like a small one, and are very sweet. For processing - drying, candied fruits and jams - the Semyon variety (the most popular in the Crimea) is ideal, and fresh berries are tastiest in the dogwood variety Elena.

My own doctor

Dogwood is a southern treasury of useful properties. , vitamins C, P and A, iron, potassium, magnesium and many other important and healing - all this is a small red berry.

There is more dogwood than appetizing - decoctions and jams from shaitan berries will allow in the cold season to cope with an already “ready” ailment. At the beginning of the 20th century, the famous Caucasian antiscorbutic lavash helped soldiers survive the First World War - and dogwood would be ideal for everyday colds.

Pectins in the composition of dogwood pulp remove heavy and dangerous substances from the body - in case of mercury poisoning and work on hazardous industries dogwood desserts are irreplaceable.

The dogwood berry is extremely versatile - diabetics will also appreciate its healing properties: the shaitan berry is able to lower blood sugar levels and regulate the functioning of the pancreas. It is no coincidence that back in the 19th century, the researcher of the Crimea, Vasily Kondaraki, having studied the experience of traditional medicine, agreed: where dogwood grows, doctors are not needed.

A handful of juicy berries will also help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: it will relieve inflammation, have a fixing effect on diarrhea, and increase appetite after suffering poisoning.

Instead of a cup of coffee

Fans of experimenting with drinks can be safely recommended in the morning for a change, dogwood infusion instead of the usual coffee. The tonic effect of the shaitan berry has long been known: dogwood tea invigorates, improves mood and successfully fights the signs of seasonal blues.

The recipe is simple: pour 2 large spoons of dogwood berries (fresh or dried) in the evening with a glass of water, cook for 20 minutes and leave to ripen for 7-8 hours. In the morning, you need to stretch the berries and drink the decoction in one or two doses.

Dogwood seeds for delicate problems

A shrub with a rich history has become famous not only bright berrieshealing power dogwood seeds, and leaves, and flowers, and even bark with roots possess.

Dogwood seeds are traditionally used in the treatment of hemorrhoids - to relieve symptoms, it is advised to eat a whole glass of seeds a year - better whole, without chewing: the bones are perfectly digested. A decoction of dogwood leaves is a universal recipe for diseases of the liver and intestines, a good diuretic, and a flower infusion is usually drunk for fever.

The roots of the dogwood bush will also help relieve the heat, and also relieve the pain of rheumatism, aching in the lower back, and remove tinnitus. With the same symptoms, dogwood bark is also used, with a decoction of it you can rinse your mouth with stomatitis and bleeding gums - it will help guaranteed.

What about contraindications?

Unlike many other fruits and berries, dogwood almost never causes allergies, but there are a number of other indications for which you should beware of the southern delicacy.

Dogwood berries contain many beneficial acids, and with increased acidity of the stomach, it is better to sharply limit their use. Try to eat dogwood desserts before dinner - and it's not about calories (there are almost none in berries), but in an invigorating effect: it will be difficult to fall asleep later.

Due to the astringent and fixing properties, dogwood is not recommended for those who regularly suffer from constipation, only occasionally can a few spoons of jam or a handful be allowed. fresh fruit.

Dry or marinate?

Dogwood has interesting feature: if it is processed correctly, not only will all the vitamins be preserved - the berry will become even tastier. You can store the harvested crop in the refrigerator for up to 10 days, but if you still haven’t eaten your berry dessert, the situation can always be corrected.

In regions where shaitan's berry grows in almost every garden, dried dogwood is very popular - its beneficial properties are in no way inferior to ordinary fruits. Let's say more - such berries are much sweeter than fresh ones and can easily replace sweets.

Why is dried dogwood useful and why are both adults and children so fond of it? Dogwood dried fruits preserve everything unique properties freshly picked fruits: they strengthen the immune system, help fight colds, soothe the stomach. A couple of dried berries for breakfast will invariably fill you with energy and set you in a victorious mood both before a hard day at work and before an important test.

The calorie content of such a dessert is no more than 50 kcal per 100 g, therefore, even in the most strict diet a berry or two of dogwood will help you find joyful moments.

But drying is not all: dogwood berries can be withered and turned into candied fruits, frozen and even pickled - such sweet and sour berries look great in salads.

But there is also the famous dogwood jam, jams, marshmallows, compote, juice ... If you are in warm countries or abroad, be sure to try them, and then the mysterious shaitan berry will open before you in all its southern splendor.

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