What does it take to become an honorary blood donor? List of documents required for obtaining the title. The amount and procedure for calculating special payments

human blood- one of the most expensive substances, because it does not have full-fledged analogues and substitutes. That is why people who give it away for others are worthy of respect, honor and all kinds of praise. What do they get for it? Are the titles "Honorary Donor of Russia", "Veteran of Labor" related, what is needed to get them? It's easy to understand.

History of donation

Every third inhabitant of the planet sooner or later needs donated blood. And given the fact that its full and complete safe substitutes does not exist, this creates a huge demand. Even the ancients believed that blood healthy person can cure diseases, but in practice the first successful transfusion took place only in the 17th century.

At first, scientists experimented with transfusion from animals to humans, but after a series of failures, such experiments were banned. Almost a century later they were renewed. This time, the exchange took place only between people, and often such medical manipulations saved patients' lives. But still, the failure rate remained extremely high, and transfusion was considered an extremely risky procedure. At the beginning of the 20th century, blood types were discovered, and this was a real breakthrough. Now patients could be tested for compatibility, thus reducing the likelihood negative consequences to the minimum.

After that, doctors only had to learn how to conserve blood in order to have a supply for unforeseen cases. After this became a reality, it became possible to launch a large-scale campaign to attract donors. In Europe and the USA, such activities are quite popular, and therefore there is practically no shortage of blood.

Donation in Russia

In the Russian Federation, compared to the West, the indicators are not so high, but gradually people come to understand their social responsibility. According to analysts, for normal operation health system, the number of donors should be 40 for every 1000 people. In mid-2008, this figure in Russia was only 14. While we are far from the target figure, sometimes there is even a serious shortage of precious liquid, but after the federal Blood Service was opened, the situation began to improve. About 70% of the people of Russia's donor potential are those who undergo this procedure not for the first time and regularly.

Internet, TV, mass media - the popularization of the idea of ​​how easy and simple it is to save a life by donating blood, and what needs to be done for this, has achieved its goal. People began to come to the transfusion stations to help others, some of them having previously studied the list of contraindications and recommendations so as not to get into trouble. Everything today more people do a good deed regularly, and many of them eventually receive the title of an honorary donor of Russia. But the path to this award is quite long, although it begins with one step.

How to become a donor?

It is extremely simple to start donating blood - you need to come to the appropriate institution with your passport. Immediately before the procedure, you will need to undergo an examination by a doctor and pass an analysis, after which it is usually suggested to drink tea with cookies and go to a special room. You don’t have to come on an empty stomach, moreover, you must definitely eat, however, the donor’s menu is presented a day before the donation special requirements- it is necessary to exclude from the diet any products of animal origin and simply fatty foods, because this can make the blood unsuitable for transfusion. In addition, you need to give up alcohol and certain medications. There are also some contraindications in which admission to blood donation is impossible.

After all the formalities are completed, the donor goes to the hall where the sampling takes place. Using sterile disposable instruments, nurses provide access to the vein and collect 450 milliliters in a special bag whole blood. Another small part will go for a thorough analysis. In recent decades, the donation of blood components has also become popular, when only plasma or only platelets are harvested. This happens with special devices, providing separation into component parts.

After the first blood donation is completed, do not relax. If after that the person no longer appears in this medical facility, everything will be in vain. After some time, if healthy state donor will not be confirmed, the blood will be disposed of.

Donor Benefits

Those who donate their blood are entitled to some compensation. In addition to the fact that over time they can receive the title of "Honorary Donor of Russia", there are some other benefits designed to encourage people to visit transfusion stations.

According to Russian law, there are the following pleasant moments:

  • Additional holidays. The donor is entitled to 2 extra days vacation for each blood donation, one of which must fall directly on the date of the procedure.
  • Cash compensation or food stamp. Free surrender involves the receipt of a certain amount, which is supposed to be spent on recuperation.
  • Mandatory regular medical examination. In addition to the fact that before each blood donation, general analysis, which can reveal anemia or infection, the donor is required to undergo an annual medical examination. This allows you to identify any serious ailments on the initial stages when it is much easier to cure them.

It would seem that there are not so many benefits. But over time, you can also get a Russian donor, "and then, subject to certain conditions, you can have much more significant advantages.

However, it cannot be said that people who donate their blood regularly suffer and lose their health. Statistics show the opposite - firstly, the body "learns" to make up for losses, that is, if the donor suffers from an accident, he will be more likely to survive than ordinary person. And secondly, regular "updating" of blood also gives its advantages.

Honorary Donor of Russia

This title is not given just like that - it must be earned by regularly giving one's blood to the suffering. But it also provides significant benefits. The predecessor of this title was the "Honorary Donor of the USSR", introduced in 1944. Until 1991, more than 170 thousand people were awarded this badge. So, what is needed to receive the title of an honorary donor of Russia? Just donate a lot of blood.

How to get a?

Currently, there is only a quantitative criterion, established back in 1983. In order to earn the title of an honorary donor of Russia, you need to carry out 40 blood donations or 60 donations of plasma. In 2013, amendments to the law clarified certain calculation rules. Now those who have 25 whole blood donations can continue to donate plasma. And they are on the badge when the total number reaches 40. Otherwise, 60 donations will have to be made before the award.

It should be noted, however, that in any case we are talking only about gratuitous donation, when it is supposed only to receive measures social support without payment of monetary compensation.


It is not enough to earn the "Honorary Donor of Russia" certificate. The right to this proud title must be proved again and again, continuing to donate blood for free at least 3 times a year. Only in this case, the measures will continue to operate.

If you do not confirm your usefulness for society, unfortunately, you can lose a special relationship with yourself. So, what benefits does the state provide to honorary donors of Russia? Are they worth coming to the transfusion station regularly for 10-15 years?


After the number of blood donations exceeds the level established by federal law No. 125-FZ, the donor has the right to receive a special title. This one has been awarded since 1995 and is accompanied by some other quite nice special rights. Among them are:

  • annual payment;
  • the right to claim another vacation in convenient time if it is declared before the schedule is drawn up;
  • the possibility of applying to state medical institutions out of the general queue;
  • priority right to grant preferential vouchers to sanatoriums.

Receipt of any of these benefits requires documented proof of status in the form of an honorary donor of Russia certificate and a passport. Sometimes it takes some time to process the necessary papers, so it is not always possible to take advantage of preferences immediately. In addition to those features of the status that are prescribed in the federal law, there are those that operate at the regional level. A little later, this will be considered on the example of Moscow.

Among other things, there is something else that the honorary donor of Russia is entitled to. Veteran of labor - a title (with all the benefits attached to it), which can be assigned to a person who regularly donates blood, if there is an appropriate length of service.


For his undeniable contribution to the health of the nation, every person who has donated his blood for many years is entitled to an annual monetary reward. At the same time, the benefits of the honorary donor of Russia in 2014 do not differ from the preferences of those who received this title earlier or later - the amount is the same for everyone and is often indexed. In addition, more recently, it is paid regardless of which month the order for awarding the rank is higher, and falls on the period until April 1 of each year. In 2015, it amounted to 12,373 rubles. Obviously, the payments to the honorary donors of Russia and the USSR are not so great, but they are a pleasant addition to the awareness of one's own usefulness. And this feeling is, perhaps, defining.

Honorary Donor of Moscow

The capital of the Russian Federation provides people who regularly donate blood with additional preferences. At the same time, the title can be obtained by donating blood 20 times or plasma 30. Moscow government gives honorary donors the following benefits:

  • issuance of a social card with the right to free travel to public transport;
  • 50% discount on some utility bills;
  • benefits for the purchase of a number of medicines;
  • discount for the removal and disposal of solid waste;
  • free production or excluding those made of precious metals.

All these benefits are valid for those who donate their blood while living in the capital. Other constituent entities of the Russian Federation may have their own preferences established by local legislation.





Honorary donor of Russia - how to become?

Lately, you've been thinking more and more: ""? Do you want to do something that would be really useful for the society? But don't know where to start? Then learn more about donation from this article.

What is blood donation?

Donation of blood, as well as its components, is an exclusively voluntary donation of blood by a person. In addition, we are talking about various activities aimed at organizing and ensuring the safety of harvesting the material that was taken from the donor. This practice was actively used during the war years.

How can people become honorary donors to Russia?

How to get an honorary donor of Russia? What do you need to become a blood donor in Russia? Nowadays, there is a special legal act that regulates legal relations in the field of management, implementation and organization of blood donation in Russia.

To become a merited donor to Russia, one of the following points must be met:

1) donate blood plasma free of charge at least 60 times;

2) donate blood or its components free of charge at least 40 times;

3) donate blood or its components at least 25 times, as well as plasma, free of charge. Total these two procedures should be at least 40;

4) donate blood components or blood itself at least 25 times and plasma (the total number of these two procedures must be at least 60).

Here is what you need to do to become a blood donor.

To obtain the desired title of an honorary donor, a person must go through a specific procedure consisting of certain stages.

So, how to get the title of honorary donor?

What documents are needed to receive an honorary donor?to the territorial authorities social protection the population is served:

- documentation confirming the identity (passport for citizens of the Russian Federation, residence permit for foreigners, as well as persons without citizenship);

- certificates provided by blood transfusion stations (indicating the type and amount of blood donated);

- application for the award of the title " Honorary Donor».

Within 95 days, you need to receive a notification of refusal or granting the status of "Honorary Donor".

Getting federal payments and benefits

A citizen who has the badge "Honorary Donor of Russia" can be provided with the following payments and benefits:

1) annual leave paid by the state in a season convenient for a person in accordance with labor legislation;

2) extraordinary medical care in a medical organization of a municipal or state healthcare system;

3) priority purchase at the place of study or work of a preferential voucher providing for sanatorium treatment;

4) an annual cash payment that is not taxable (in 2019, the payment is 13,041 rubles).

About regional benefits and payments

In addition to those described above, others may also be provided that have been awarded the badge "Honorary Donor of Russia". To do this, citizens must reside in the territory of certain subjects of the Russian Federation.

For example, honorary donors of Russia who were registered in Moscow can travel free of charge in urban passenger transport (except for fixed-route taxis and ordinary taxis). The basis for this is the social card of the Muscovite. Honorary donors can also enjoy free production and repair of dentures, a fifty percent discount on medicines and housing and communal services.

In addition to the above benefits, blood donors who registered in the city of Moscow, if they have a certain insurance period, can receive the title of "Veteran of Labor".

From July 1, 2017, honorary donors of Russia living in Moscow receive a cash payment in the amount of 1,162 rubles (provided that these people have retired and no longer work).

Now you know how to become a well-deserved donor to Russia, and what benefits this can bring to you.


Almost every healthy citizen of Russia who has reached the age of majority can become a blood donor, if his weight exceeds 50 kg and he has no contraindications to donation.
Contraindications are absolute and temporary.

Absolute contraindications for donation, with which you will never become a donor - this is serious illnesses such as syphilis, HIV infection, tuberculosis, oncological diseases, blood diseases, viral hepatitis etc.

The term of temporary contraindications directly depends on the cause. The main temporary prohibitions for surrender are

  • tooth extraction,
  • tattoos and piercings,
  • menstruation (surrender is prohibited directly at this time),
  • abortion,
  • pregnancy,
  • vaccinations,
  • SARS,
  • flu.

Before the first delivery, you will definitely be examined by a therapist and make preliminary laboratory research, your heart rate, blood pressure, temperature and your weight will be measured.

Arriving at the donor center, the first thing you need to do is fill out a questionnaire about your state of health, and your great way donor.

The next step- donating blood from a finger in the laboratory to determine the level of hemoglobin.

If the analysis is normal, you are sent to the examination room for an appointment with a doctor. He will study your profile, learn about your lifestyle, and may ask additional questions about your health. Some questions may be sexy character is important for safety.

Do not be afraid to answer the truth, the information will remain only between you. The doctor is obliged to observe the rules of medical ethics.

The next step is the delivery process itself. You will be seated in a comfortable chair and a tourniquet will be applied. You will need to clench and unclench your fist for better blood circulation. To do this, you can ask for a special toy. Usually there are special lights on the machine itself that tell you when to start and when to stop clenching your fist.

In the process, you can ask for water, sweets (to increase sugar levels), a blanket if you are cold, various magazines, books. After completion, a bandage is applied, which is preferably removed after at least 4 hours.

AT given time prefer to transfuse not the blood itself, but its components. Modern new equipment allows you to separate the blood during its donation. It takes longer, 30 minutes or more. After delivery, you will receive compensation and some benefits.

After delivery, any physical activity. It is important to drink plenty of fluids (water, tea, juices) and eat well to full recovery for several days. Try not to smoke for at least an hour after the procedure.

The staff always uses new sterile disposable instruments.

Donor Tips for Preparing to Donate Blood:

  • necessarily good dream(8 hours) as a pledge good results and well-being;
  • at least 14 hours in advance, you must follow a diet. Eliminate fatty, fried, spicy food, smoked products, dairy products with a high percentage fat, eggs, butter, nuts, chocolate;
  • do not drink alcohol for at least 48 hours;
  • be sure to drink enough liquids 1 - 1.5 liters;
  • do not smoke for at least an hour.

In no case should you fast before donating blood! Light in the morning no greasy breakfast, no greasy lunch. From my personal experience I advise you to eat fruit and drink 200 ml of water before the selection itself, so it is much easier for the body to tolerate.

How to become an honorary donor of Russia

With regular blood donations, citizens of the Russian Federation who donated blood forty or more times (without plasma) for free, plasma more than sixty times, are awarded, in accordance with Law No. 125-ФЗ “On donation of blood and its components”, a badge. A prerequisite is free delivery.

The honorary donor receives a number of more rights. This is for example:

  • emergency treatment,
  • priority purchase preferential vouchers,
  • paid vacation at a time convenient for you,
  • free pass in public transport,
  • drug discount,
  • annual cash payments.

Donor annual payment indexed periodically. Since 2014, it has been about 11,728 rubles, the amount is paid every year on April 1. In order to receive this payment, an honorary donor must contact the social security authorities and provide their passport, honorary donor badge and application. Honorary donors of the USSR are also entitled to this payment. The amount is not taxed, it can be received immediately, or every month in equal installments.

How to become an honorary donor of Russia under the new law

New law RF "on donation" cancels the cash fee for donating blood, but all the benefits remain. This can directly lead to a decrease in the number of donors. I would like to believe that there will be those who want to do it for free. What could be more important than giving life to another person.

According to the new law, foreigners and stateless persons can donate blood, previously only adult citizens of the Russian Federation. The main thing is to legally reside in Russia for more than one year.

Donation is a voluntary act of donating blood for medical purposes. And those people who are wondering how to become an honorary donor to Russia deserve all respect.

The need for blood for medical purposes is quite large, and therefore the state supports and encourages those who would like to donate it.

special sign The difference is the badge "Honorary Donor" of Russia or Moscow: it was created back in the Soviet Union and, in addition to the badge itself, gives the owner some advantages and benefits that made receiving it more meaningful.

In contact with

Who can apply

The "Honorary Donor" badge is a small badge that is awarded to people who have made a significant contribution to the development of blood donation and regularly take part in blood donation free of charge. They also issue a certificate with a badge.

The Donor Badge is awarded to people who regularly donate blood or plasma free of charge.

Important point: Today, volunteers receive a certain amount of money for donating blood, but at the same time they lose the right to claim the title of honorary donor.

There are signs of honorary donation from Moscow and Russia: all citizens of the country, no matter what city they live in, as well as foreigners who have lived in Russia for more than a year, can apply for them.

Many are interested in the question: how many times do you need to donate blood.

The amount depends on what the donor donates:
1. Blood - more than 40 times;
2. Blood plasma - more than 60 times;
3. Total blood and plasma more than 40 times, if the blood was donated more than 25 times;
4. Total blood and plasma more than 60 times, if the blood was donated less than 25 times.
It is important to note that one of the conditions must be met, and not all at once.
For the title of "Honorary Donor of Moscow", the applicant must submit:

  • blood - more than 20 times;
  • plasma - more than 30 times;
  • total blood and plasma more than 20 times, if the blood was donated more than 13 times;
  • total blood and plasma more than 30 times, if the blood was donated less than 13 times.

After reaching the specified norm, the “Moscow” donor can claim the title of “Russian”, increasing the number.


In the Soviet Union, for many donors, the mere insignia was enough to show their active life position and desire to help people. Today, one badge is not enough, and the state has developed certain incentives for those who are already donating blood and attracting “newcomers”.

At the same time, the merits of those who already have the badge "Honorary Donor of the USSR" are not forgotten: they can enjoy all the benefits on an equal basis with "young" donors.

Donor of Moscow can apply for:

  1. The right to free travel on public transport in Moscow.
  2. Discount on payment and purchase of medicines prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Free production of dentures and their subsequent repair - you only have to pay for the materials. However, this is only possible in public dentistry.

It is worth noting: under the new law, free travel and discounts were monetized and today are practically not used in life.

A Russian donor can count on:

  1. Possibility to choose any time for annual vacation.
  2. Receipt free vouchers when issued at work or at the place of study.
  3. Receipt medical care out of turn - this applies only to public medical institutions.
  4. Registration of the title of "Veteran of Labor" and apply for some benefits upon retirement: additional payments and discounts on utility bills.
  5. Getting an annual cash payment- in 2016 it amounted to 12 thousand rubles.

Each individual region provides additional privileges, which are better to find out about in person at the local Social Security authority.

Note: in order to receive payments, the donor must annually apply to the Social Security authority and write an application for the payment of money, presenting a passport and certificate.

Required documents

First of all, you need to prepare some documents in advance:

  • a completed application for an annual cash payment: an example can be found on the website or downloaded;
  • the passport;
  • certificate of the amount of donated blood or plasma.

Note: both the donor himself and his representative can submit documents to Social Security: in the second case, it is necessary to draw up a power of attorney in advance and fix it with a notary.

The term for consideration of the application can stretch up to 95 days - this includes the time from the moment the state receives the documents to the issuance of the certificate.

In some cases, the donor may be refused: usually this is due to an incorrectly completed application, a lack of submitted documents, or the applicant's residence in another region.

Donation has always been considered noble and important matter and encouraged not only by the state, but also by others. By saving the lives of people in need, donors can earn not only their gratitude, but also certain privileges and cash benefits. They will be especially useful to low-income families.

Watch the video in which the specialist talks about what benefits and compensations are provided to donor workers:

In Russia, donation for last years rose to new level in practical and legislative aspects, receiving various legal and social incentives. How to become an honorary donor, is this status perpetual, what benefits are provided to such persons?

Donation activity has great importance all over the world and is considered noble and honorable, since it is associated with helping those in need not just with monetary or material resources, but with a selfless transfer own blood.

Citizens of Russia who wish to donate biological material organizations accepting this material, employers of citizens, as well as those in need of assistance.

Main legal sources:

  • 125 the federal law, adopted in 2012 on July 20, on donation;
  • Labor Code of Russia.

It is also necessary to take into account regulatory framework other levels of government. Of course, all acts are based on the Russian Constitution and international law.

Donor: conditions

Information about the requirements for individuals wishing to donate blood or blood components can be found in the above law and on the blood service portal. The blood service is a network of organizations, institutions and bodies executive power, accountable to the Ministry of Health of Russia.

So the requirements are:

  • coming of age; it is not allowed to take blood for donation from citizens under the age of 18 (except in cases of emancipation); promotion and dissemination of information about donation for such persons is allowed and actively carried out;
  • more than 50 kilograms of body weight; the motive of the demand - with a lower weight, the likelihood of a threat to the health and current well-being of a citizen increases, threats are both a decrease in blood pressure and a drop in glucose levels, as well as anemia, fainting, etc.;
  • stay within the last 30 days on the territory of Russia; when traveling abroad, a citizen can become infected with an infection or virus without any symptoms; the first symptoms of the disease will appear just in a month, a citizen will be able to be a donor if there are no signs of infection and even if he returned from Africa or Latin America;
  • the absence of diseases affecting the content and quality of blood, plasma and blood cells; structures of the Blood Service examines each donor in terms of weight, pressure, pulse, general research blood, also a diffuser examines the applicant, in addition, from time to time, donors present the studies - X-ray, fluorogram, etc. diseases will be detected;
  • for female donors - you can participate in donation only 5 days after menstruation and 1 year after childbirth; the requirement is due to hormonal changes, changes in the composition of the blood and common risk deterioration in the woman's well-being ( low level glucose, hemoglobin).

It is not allowed to donate material for any illness in the current acute phase.

To check the candidate for compliance with the specified criteria, he goes through several major stages of control:

  • registration and questioning;
  • donation of blood from a finger to determine the level of hemoglobin, blood type, glucose, etc., the analysis is carried out on the same day to make a decision - whether the candidate is admitted to donation or denied admission;
  • an appointment with a diffuser who, based on the results of an oral interview, makes the final decision on admitting a person or refusing admission.

Become an Honorary Donor

Law No. 125 divides donors into reserve donors - donating blood or its components less than 3 times a year, and personnel - donating material 3 or more times a year.

Persons become honorary donors regardless of the frequency of presentation of blood components and the blood itself. The number of fences in general is important here:

  • 40 whole blood samplings;
  • 60 plasma samplings;
  • 40 samplings, of which 25 or more - whole blood, and the rest - from plasma; for example, 29 blood donations and 11 plasma donations were made, the citizen receives the status of an honorary donor;
  • 60 samplings, of which 25 or less - whole blood, and the rest - from plasma.

A person needs to achieve any of the 4 options. The collection of blood cells - granulocytes, platelets and erythrocytes - is identical to the collection of whole blood.

An important condition is the gratuitous delivery of the material, i.e., the refusal of payments provided to donors under the usual procedure.

Persons who have passed all the requirements are given a sign of an honorary donor.

What is an honorary donor?

Ordinary donors have pleasant "rewards" for their charitable activities - a day off at the expense of the employer, free meals, cash payments.

Donors who have the title of honorary, of course, have more awards and benefits.

List of donor benefits upon receipt of an honorary badge in 2019:

  • paid days off for the days of examination and delivery of the material itself, and if a citizen worked on that day, he has the right to receive a day off in any other working period;
  • the same rule applies if the delivery or inspection fell on a holiday, vacation or work day off; sick leave is not included in the rule;
  • free meals on the day of material donation at the Blood Service institution - before and after the procedure, after the procedure, you can refuse food and receive monetary compensation;
  • personnel donors receive vouchers for a sanatorium and resort vacation at the place labor activity or study - at reduced prices;
  • extraordinary reception in state medical health organizations;
  • extraordinary receipt resort vouchers at work or school;
  • additional paid leave per year;
  • additional payment every year, which is added to the basic income.

These are just federal benefits. Each region and municipality can provide its honorary donors with other awards. To learn about them, you need to visit the territorial office of the Social Security Administration.

If we talk about specific amounts and terms of payments, then the size of the annual remuneration is related to the subsistence minimum in the region and ranges from 8 to 45% of its amount. From the latest news about indexation, it is known that for the current year, the reward after an increase of 1.054 points is 13,041 rubles.

A citizen will be able to receive this amount only after 40 blood donations. Men are allowed to donate no more than 5 times a year, women - no more than 4. Thus, a man needs to regularly donate blood for free for 8 years, a woman - 10 years to receive a badge and certificate of an honorary donor.

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