How to cleanse blood with nettles. The collection is useful to everyone and is used in almost all diseases. Nettle for blood purification - recipes for decoctions and infusions

In order for the infusion, tea or nettle decoction to cleanse the blood to work, you need to properly prepare the plant. We recommend harvesting it in the spring, preferably in May. It turns green and accumulates the maximum concentration in it. nutritional components. Young nettle herb is best suited for blood purification.

Try to cut off light green leaves that do not burn the skin much yet, but it is better to do this with gloves. The tops of the plant are most useful - they are torn off before they have time to grow old. It is forbidden for a long time store the leaves in a cool place - apply it while it is still fresh.

To stock nettles for blood purification in advance, dry them. We wash the leaves thoroughly and leave them on the table in the shade. After drying, the plant can be preserved for a year without losing its healing properties, so you can cleanse the blood at any time you wish.

How to prepare a healthy decoction?

Let's figure out how to brew nettle to purify the blood in order to get useful decoction. To prepare a drink, rinse some fresh leaves and pour two liters of water, boil and hold on low heat for about 5-7 minutes, and then leave for several hours in a warm place.

You will get a decoction of nettle for purifying the blood, suitable for drinking warm or cold. It is better to start cleaning from dinner, drinking two liters of drink until night.

Sometimes women are interested, can a nettle decoction cleanse the blood during lactation? This period is important in the life of every woman, so it is better to consult a doctor. Read about the benefits and harms of nettle decoction during lactation here.

Cooking infusion

Nettle infusion cleanses the blood just as well, and to prepare it, you need to pour 10 tablespoons of fresh chopped nettle with a glass of vodka and leave to infuse in a cool place in a glass container. After 10 days, the product will be ready - strain it through several layers of gauze.

Take the prepared infusion of nettle for blood according to the prescription twice a day for 30 drops, diluting them with 50 ml of water. The duration of the course is two weeks, after which you need a break for several weeks.

When you can not clean the blood with nettles?

Nettle recipes for blood purification have some contraindications. The plant not only normalizes bio chemical composition blood, but also positively affects the metabolic processes in the body, removes drowsiness and regulates cardiac activity. Healing remedies based on nettle contraindicated in high blood clotting, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and hypertension.

Sometimes people have nettles allergic reactions therefore, they are not recommended to clean the blood with plant-based products. Before starting a healing or restorative course, it is better for you to consult a doctor.

Devices for alternative medicine

Purification of blood and lymph.

The importance of blood for the human body is difficult to overestimate. The lymphatic system is usually mentioned less often, however, it also performs the most important functions, one of which is the removal of metabolic products (i.e., their waste products) from the tissues of the body. That is why I want to give recipes for drainage (purification) of blood and lymph today.

For any option true cure, both circulatory and lymphatic system bear additional load on the disposal of homotoxins (see "Hering's law, the theory of homotoxicosis and the chimney principle - three angles of view on holistic medicine"). Given this, it is important both at the beginning and in the course of any treatment course(zepping, bioresonance therapy, etc.) drainage of both systems. Below are folk recipes for such drainage:

One of the best means dandelion is a blood and lymph cleanser:

Juice from leaves, flowers, roots is prepared in summer. Turn through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Add a glass of vodka to 1 liter of juice. In winter, dilute 1 tbsp. l. juice with a glass of water, add honey and lemon juice if desired.

Grind dry dandelion roots into a powder. 1 st. l. pour 1/2 liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos. Drink 200 g 2-5 times a day 30 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals - 7 days.

Cleansing with garlic tincture:

Thoroughly peel and rinse 350 g of garlic, finely chop and rub in a vessel with a wooden or porcelain spoon. Weigh 200 g of this mass, taking from below, where there is more juice, put in a glass vessel, add 200 ml of 96% alcohol. Close the vessel tightly and store in a dark, cool place for 10 days. Then strain the mixture through dense fabric, squeeze. Start treatment after 2 days. Drink drops from 1/4 cup of cold milk (in case of intolerance to milk - with water) strictly according to the scheme below.

Take minutes before meals.

Repeated course of treatment not earlier than after six years.

Cleansing the blood with nettle gives nice results in the treatment of many diseases, in the spring it relieves fatigue and drowsiness. This course stimulates the kidneys, bladder, improves, activity digestive organs supplies the body large quantity vitamins and minerals.

Nettle tea: 2 tbsp. l. topped with 2 liters of boiling water. Drink these 2 liters of tea between 3 and 7 pm daily for 14 days. Then a break for 14 days, and repeat on the waning moon. It is enough for a healthy person to conduct a course 2 times for 14 days, for a sick person until improvement occurs.

Use only young leaves; in the spring, prefer fresh nettles. Full course nettle blood cleansing in winter is not worth it, but it is very useful to drink nettle tea sometimes, after a heavy meal.

You can clean the lymphatic system with burdock:

3-4 st. l. burdock roots insist overnight in 1 liter. boiling water. Drink 2/3-1 cup warm 3-5 times a day before meals. Powder from dry burdock root take 1 tsp. per glass warm milk, tea or boiling water.

2 tbsp. l. burdock seeds pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave overnight in a thermos. Drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day, minutes after meals.

Tibetan cleansing fee:

Any disease occurs against the background of a violation acid-base balance in the blood, i.e., violations of the main biological law of body control. To restore balance in the body, there is a collection according to the principle of the ratio YIN-YANG (warm - cold) of only five herbs, in relation to our area (real Tibetan fee includes about 37 species of herbs, which are rather limited in our country).

The collection is useful to everyone and is used in almost all diseases.

  1. Hypericum perforatum herb
  2. Chamomile flowers
  3. wild strawberry leaf
  4. Birch buds
  5. Sandy immortelle flowers

Take each component 100 g, mix well. 2 tbsp. l. dry collection, pour 400 g of boiling water, insist in a thermos overnight, strain. The fee must be one year. With obesity, bad memory take in the morning instead of breakfast, 200 g of decoction, adding a spoonful of honey or 20 g of dried apricots. At cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, nephritis, cholecystitis, diabetes, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis and a number of others chronic diseases take 2 times a day 20 minutes before meals, 100 g.

Take daily, cook every time fresh decoction until the dry mixture of herbs is over (i.e., five components of 100 g each - 500 g of dry herbal collection). A second course is possible after five years.

This collection enhances the function of all excretory systems body, improves metabolism and joint flexibility, helps with obesity and hypertension, restores nervous system removes poisons and toxins from the body, excess cholesterol, prevents the formation of uric acid stones in the kidneys, urinary and gallbladder, removes the formed stones.

Other blood cleansers:

  1. Juniper berries cleanse the blood well, they need to be taken, starting with 5 pieces, adding 1 berry daily. Bringing their number to 15 pcs. per day, then take reverse order- from 15 to 5 pcs.

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Cleansing the blood with folk remedies

Healthy pure blood, in addition to supplying organs and tissues nutrients and oxygen, it also protects our body from harmful agents, bacteria and viruses. But her powers are not unlimited. High level toxins and unnecessary substances in the blood, weakens its transport and protective properties, and also reduces immunity and worsens health. Therefore, periodic blood cleansing with medical or folk remedies is simply necessary.

AT official medicine blood purification methods are called efferent methods detoxification (they used to be called methods of gravitational blood surgery).

Folk methods of blood purification

Except medical methods you can use the cleansing of blood folk remedies. Herbal medicine is most often used, and various vegetables, fruits, cereals and other foods are also used.

Cleansing the blood with herbs

The choice of herbs for cleansing the blood is quite large:

☀ celery and parsley;

☀ a mixture of yarrow and calendula;

☀ succession and many others.

The herbs used to purify the blood are usually made into a tea, decoction or infusion.

Well cleanses the blood and lymph needles of pine, cedar or fir. Coniferous decoction helps to reduce slagging of the body, improves immunity due to high content it contains vitamin C (it was previously used to treat scurvy). The decoction is prepared at the rate of 10 tbsp. tablespoons of pine needles per 1 liter of boiling water.

Blood cleansing at home can be carried out using various juices: cherry, beetroot, apple, Jerusalem artichoke juice, cranberries, etc. Clear blood vessels from cholesterol and lime deposits, strengthen cardiovascular system you can use red rowan. 5 berries are eaten every day after meals for 4 days. Then, with weekly breaks, the course is repeated 2 more times.

In addition to cleansing the blood with herbs and juices, people often used bloodletting with leeches. They were put for headaches, aching joints and lower back, pain in the liver and other health problems. Effective means blood cleansing feel strong green tea with fresh milk. In the morning, this tea is drunk with a pinch of salt, and in the afternoon, honey is added.

☕ Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice perfectly cleanses the blood. It should be drunk three times a day, one hundred milliliters, for three weeks.

☘ Blackcurrant

Take a glass of blackcurrant berries for three liters of water, boil for about 5 minutes, set aside, let it infuse, it is advisable to drink this decoction during the day without adding any sugar or honey, the course is 5-7 days.

☘ Carrot

The people are widely used to purify the blood with the help of carrot juice To purify the blood, you need to drink 50 milliliters of freshly squeezed carrot juice three times a day.

☘ Kalina and calendula

You need to take fifty grams of calendula flowers, pour them with three liters of water, boil over low heat for thirty minutes in a closed saucepan. Then you need to cool, strain and add one glass of honey and two glasses of viburnum juice, mix everything, pour into a jar. We store the mixture in the refrigerator. Take on an empty stomach every morning for half a glass.

☘ White willow

We take a spoonful of white willow bark, pour a glass of boiling water, simmer for about 10 minutes, insist for about an hour. Take 10 days, two tablespoons three times a day before meals.

☘ Curly parsley

Parsley cleanses the blood. Two tablespoons of dry parsley roots should be poured with 1.5 cups of boiling water. You need to insist three hours at room temperature, then strain. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals for two weeks. We take one teaspoon of parsley seeds, fill the floor with liters of water, which should be room temperature. It is necessary to insist 10 hours, and then we filter and take half a glass three times a day.

☕ Birch sap

Drink one liter of birch sap a day for about a week. Dog-rose fruit. Rosehip cleanses the blood, has a diuretic effect and removes toxins from the body, improves blood composition. A tablespoon of fruits in a glass of boiling water, boil for about 10 minutes in a sealed container, insist for a day, take 1-2 glasses during the day.

☕ Mixture of juices

We mix the juice of carrots, beets, garlic, lemon, radish, two hundred milliliters each, honey and Cahors wine two hundred milliliters. We mix everything and store this mixture in the refrigerator. This mixture improves general state body, cleanses the vessels and blood. Take this mixture half an hour before meals, one tablespoon three times a day. This mixture of juices is enough for a month and a half.

☘ Cleansing blood with nettle

To clean the blood with nettle, you need to take 100 g of dry roots of the plant, grind them and pour vodka (0.5 l). Put in a dark place for 20 days. Shake the contents of the bottle from time to time. Ready tincture is taken drop by drop in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with water.

In addition to nettle tincture, you can make tea. For this, it is convenient to use a thermos. 2 tablespoons of grass pour two liters of boiling water and let it brew. Take in the evening for two weeks, preferably on the waning moon.

Cleansing the blood with nettles is also used for kidney diseases, Bladder, digestive organs, skin. Nettle contains a large number of vitamins and minerals that help the body cope with fatigue and drowsiness.

☘ Cleansing the blood with garlic

To clean the blood with garlic, you can use this recipe:

peeled garlic - 400 g;

freshly squeezed lemon juice- 800

Mix the ingredients and insist in a cool place. 1 tsp the mixture is stirred in a glass of water, taken 1 time per day. Garlic juice cleanses the blood well various toxins, salts heavy metals, cholesterol. But it can not be used in diseases of the liver, kidneys and urinary system, exacerbations of chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

When cleansing blood with folk remedies, it is important to consider contraindications to the use of a particular method. If necessary, it is better to consult a doctor.

☘ Folk remedy for cleansing the blood and strengthening bones - Needles

For national cleansing blood and strengthen bones, especially in old age, such a traditional medicine is effective. Five tablespoons chopped pine needles pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, wrap and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. In this case, the infusion should become crimson.

Take 2-3 sips before meals and after meals, between meals. It is very important to drink this decoction during the day. Do this every day for a week.

Blood and Liver Cleansing Blend

We pass three hundred grams of garlic, half a kilo of cranberries, two lemons with zest and two apples into a meat grinder, mix everything and add 400 grams of honey. Store the mixture in the refrigerator, take two teaspoons in the morning and evening for a month.

Blood Cleansing Recipe

We take one glass of kefir and add two tablespoons of mint blueberries, two tablespoons of beet juice and the juice of half a lemon to it. All ingredients are mixed and such a cocktail is drunk twice a day for a week.

☘ Herbal tincture. Purifies the blood, tones the body.

We take half a glass of dandelion along with leaves, buds, roots, half a glass of young nettle, a tablespoon of calamus root and a tablespoon of wormwood herb. Pass everything through a meat grinder and add half a liter of vodka. We insist ten days in a dark place. Then the tincture should be filtered and taken half an hour before meals in the morning and evening, a teaspoon of the tincture should be diluted in 50 milliliters of water.


We take 200 grams of May nettle and half a liter of vodka, these components must be mixed in glass jar, the jar needs to be tied with gauze, for the first day we put the jar on the window, and then we put it in a dark place for 8 days. Then we filter the tincture. Take half an hour before meals one teaspoon in the morning one teaspoon before bedtime. They drink the whole bottle, the composition of the blood improves, the blood is cleansed, the work of the heart improves.

☘ Regular consumption of horseradish also perfectly cleanses the blood. To do this, pass the horseradish root through a meat grinder, consume one teaspoon per day. Also this folk remedy can be dried, salted and added to dishes as a condiment.

But remember, a glut of tobacco and alcohol negatively affects the state of the blood. And also excessive consumption of fats, proteins, starches can lead to the formation of toxins in the blood. Before using traditional medicine to cleanse the blood, consult your doctor. Watch your health. Be healthy!

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In order to avoid health problems, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor before using the tips from our website.

Using herbs to purify the blood

Phytotherapy is one of the important branches of medicine. It is based on the use of biological active substances concentrated in plants to obtain therapeutic effect. The use of herbs to purify the blood, lower the temperature, eliminate pain is widely used in alternative medicine, as it is the most available method treatment.

The main functions of blood in the body are:

Circulating throughout the body, blood carries oxygen and other substances to all cells of the body, including unnecessary metabolic products, toxins to the places where they are eliminated (lungs, kidneys, sweat glands etc.) For the transfer of toxins and other substances by the blood, it is necessary that they bind to blood proteins and pass through some chemical reactions to be removed from the body. Some substances have a strong chemical bond with the protein and take longer to be eliminated.

To speed up the elimination toxic substances With blood, current medicine uses many different methods, from taking enterosorbents to hemodialysis. These methods are undeniably effective, but require time, effort and money.

For blood detoxification at home without any special cost, you can use folk methods namely phytotherapy. There are a number of plants available, the correct and regular intake of decoctions from which will cleanse internal environment organism.

Nettle cleansing

Urtica dioica (Dioecious nettle) - perennial herbaceous plant, whose distribution area is Central Europe and the whole territory of Russia. FROM medical point very useful plant. Dried leaves are used to make decoctions. The chemical composition of nettle contains a large amount ascorbic acid(vitamin C), carotene (antioxidant), B vitamins, iron, manganese. Also important is the presence of phytoncides in nettles - substances plant origin capable of slowing down the growth and reproduction of microorganisms.

In order to purify the blood, nettle is used due to the presence of antioxidants (carotene) in it - the unsaturated structure of the carotene molecule allows it to attach to itself free radicals and reactive oxygen species, thereby protecting the cells of the body from their negative effects.

by the most simple recipe cooking nettle to purify the blood is brewing tea. To prepare the drink, you need 2 tablespoons of dry nettle leaves. The leaves must be poured into a heat-resistant vessel and pour two liters boiled water, leaving to infuse for 4 hours. It is recommended to drink the prepared liquid during the period from twelve o'clock in the morning to eight in the evening. It is advisable to drink 2 liters per day. The course of purification lasts 14 days. Then follows a two-week break and repeat the procedure.

Oat cleanse

Avena (Oats) is an annual or perennial agricultural or wild crop of the grass family. medical significance has Oats (Avena Sativa), namely its fruits - grain in the husk. Oat grains contain B vitamins, zinc, iron, manganese, flavonoids (food antioxidants).

Oat decoction has an enveloping activity that protects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and to some extent prevents the absorption of toxins. In addition, the dietary antioxidants found in oats help rid the blood of free radicals.

For cooking medicinal decoction it is necessary to rinse a glass of unrefined grain and pour two glasses of water. Then boil under a lid over low heat until half of the water boils away. The drink is consumed hot, 2-3 glasses a day for 10 days. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure after a month.

Bay leaf treatment

Laurus nobilis (Noble Laurel) is a subtropical tree or shrub of the laurel family. The harvested dried leaves are of medical interest. Bay leaves contain terpinoids antibacterial action, vitamin A - fat soluble vitamin with high antioxidant activity, folates, which stimulate the reproduction and maturation of cells, vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system, as well as important trace elements: calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

For detoxification purposes, bay leaf is used due to the presence of antioxidants in it. In addition, the infusion of bay leaves has a diuretic effect, which contributes to rapid withdrawal metabolic products and toxins from the body.

To prepare a decoction of bay leaf it is necessary to pour 30 bay leaves with boiling water in a volume of 300 ml and insist on three hours. The infusion is drunk in the evening. The procedure is repeated for four days. If necessary, the course can be repeated no earlier than ten days later.

Contraindications to cleansing blood with lavrushka are diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcers, pregnancy.

horse chestnut treatment

Aésculus (Horse chestnut) is a deciduous tree of the Sapindaceae family. In medicine, chestnut fruits (seeds), its flowers, leaves and bark are widely used. AT biochemical composition Chestnut raw materials include esculin, saponin, escin, flavonoids. Saponin exhibits a diuretic, expectorant and sedative effect. Escin is a natural angioprotector that has a positive effect on microcirculation. Esculin strengthens vascular wall stimulates microcirculation, improves metabolic processes in the body.

To prepare a decoction of chestnut seeds, it is necessary to pour a crushed suspension of fruits in the amount of 2 glasses into a liter jar and pour vodka to the top. insist throughout three weeks in a dark place. Ready tincture drink one tablespoon before meals for a month.

Due to the fact that alcohol is present in the recipe, there are great restrictions on the use of tincture.

Rosehip treatment

Rōsa (Rosehip) is a plant of the Rosaceae family. great value in traditional medicine represent the fruits, petals and leaves of wild rose. They contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, tannins (tannins), flavonoids, essential oils, organic acids, catechins. Catechins and flavonoids are strong antioxidants. Vitamin C increases the body's resistance, strengthens the vascular wall.

To prepare a rosehip broth, you need one tablespoon of suspension dried fruits and boil the petals in a glass of water. Refrigerate and insist overnight. Ready broth is taken two glasses a day for a week.

Exists huge amount recipes for blood purification through the use of medicinal plants. They are not all equally useful. Do not forget: before using any folk recipe, you should consult a doctor, because many plants contain phytoantibiotics, cardiotropic substances, chemical compounds that affect the properties of blood, and there are strict indications and contraindications for the use of such substances.

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The material is published for informational purposes only and under no circumstances can be considered a substitute for medical advice from a specialist in medical institution. The site administration is not responsible for the results of using the posted information. For diagnostics and treatment, as well as prescribing medical preparations and determine the scheme of their reception, we recommend that you consult a doctor.

Nettle for blood purification - recipes for decoctions and infusions

Often, various deviations in work are vital important systems human body occur due to contamination of the bloodstream. This is not surprising, because all harmful substances penetrate into the blood and distort its composition. From here comes bad feeling caused by impaired circulation and slow production of red blood cells. To remedy the situation, a person resorts to various tricks to purify the blood. One of these is nettle, or rather decoctions and infusions based on it.

Why is the condition of the blood getting worse

Surely every person is aware that blood does everything important features. With its help, cells and tissues are saturated with oxygen, nutrients, and other essential enzymes. The bloodstream cleans the cells from toxic substances and other connections. With a negative change in the composition of the blood, the work of important organs slows down. This happens for the following reasons:

  • frequent exposure to allergic reactions;
  • the presence of addictions to alcoholic beverages and tobacco;
  • naturally low immunity, as a result of which a person constantly “picks up” the infection;
  • long-term treatment strong antibiotics and other medicines;
  • living in an unfavorable zone in terms of ecology;
  • work at a polluted enterprise;
  • eating junk food(fried, sweet, peppery, etc.);
  • heredity;
  • poorly balanced everyday menu;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • use of low quality household chemicals, perfumery, cosmetics;
  • difficulties in the work of the esophagus;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys or liver.

This is not the whole list, in each specific situation it is necessary to proceed from the state of human health and individual characteristics his body. It won't be redundant medical examination and expert advice.

Useful qualities of nettle

  • In addition to the obvious benefit to circulatory system, the plant also has a favorable effect on the walls of blood vessels, compacting them and making them elastic.
  • The following decoction and infusion will be useful for people who suffer chronic fatigue and are constantly exposed stressful situations. Nettle replenishes the reserve of strength and normalizes the psycho-emotional environment.
  • The main value of the plant lies in effective cleansing blood flow, respectively. In addition, nettle accumulates many substances, including mineral compounds, carotenoids, vitamins. All of them fill the gap.
  • Nettle concentrates a lot of iron, so that when correct collection raw materials, its harvesting, cooking decoctions, you will increase the level of hemoglobin and prevent anemia (anemia).
  • In sufficient volume, nettle accumulates chlorophyll, which has a tonic and relaxing effect. The plant owes its antioxidant qualities to tocopherol, retinol, B-group vitamins.
  • An infusion or decoction is effective for people who, along with blood purification, also want to strengthen their immunity. Any of the drinks will help you recover faster after an illness or surgery.
  • Proper preparation of nettle

    1. Proper procurement of raw materials directly affects the quality of the final product. Healing properties teas, infusions or decoctions are achieved through proper preparation of the plant. Raw materials will purify the blood well if the collection is carried out in the spring. Give preference to the middle or end of May.
    2. During this period, the nettle is saturated with nutrients and useful components. For the procedure, it is recommended to collect only young bushes. The plant has shown itself well in cleansing the blood. It is also worth cutting off light young leaves that do not burn the skin much. Still, the collection is best done with rubber gloves.
    3. When harvesting, give preference to the tops of nettles. Such parts of the plant are the youngest. Try to use raw materials immediately after collection. Store nettles in fresh for the future is not recommended. To do this, the leaves are enough to dry and place in a glass container. The raw materials are preserved healing qualities over the course of one year.

    Preparation of a healing decoction

  • To obtain maximum benefit, it is important to properly brew the plant. To prepare a decoction, rinse with 100 gr. fresh leaves and pour them with 2 liters of purified water. Send the components to the stove, wait for the boil. Reduce the heat to a minimum, simmer the composition for 7 minutes.
  • Put the product aside, leave to infuse for several hours. Finished product May be taken warm or cold. Blood purification is recommended from lunch time. Before going to bed, you need to drink 2 liters of the drug.
  • The drink must be prepared daily for 10 days. After that in without fail followed by a month break. If necessary, repeat the course. When lactating, you should consult a doctor before proceeding with the procedure.
  • Preparation of healing infusion

    1. Such a tool in terms of effectiveness is in no way inferior to the above composition. To prepare the infusion, you need 150 gr. fresh chopped nettle, 250 ml. vodka. Connect the components and leave in a cool place. The product must be infused in glass.
    2. Wait about 10 days. Strain the tincture with a gauze cloth. Take 30 drops 2 times a day. The composition is recommended to be diluted with 50 ml. clean water. The course is 15 days. After 1 month, you can repeat the procedure.

    Cleansing the bloodstream with nettle is a great solution. But this issue must be approached correctly. Collect in late spring, pick fresh young leaves. When cooking medicinal products follow the instructions. Explore possible reasons deterioration of the composition of the blood and exclude them.

    nettle and her medicinal properties beyond all praise. Nettle treatment, body cleansing and fortification at home in the form of tea is very popular.

    The healing properties of nettle

    Nettle is used in the treatment of many diseases. AT spring period, saturating the weakened body with vitamins and microelements, nettle relieves winter drowsiness and accumulated fatigue. Nettle is able to cleanse the body of toxins, various toxins, while activating the activity of the kidneys, which facilitates their elimination. Often, nettle treatment is prescribed for diseases such as allergies, dermatitis ( skin rashes), gout, rheumatic diseases. For the treatment of nettles, it is better to use the youngest leaves; in spring, it is better to use only freshly picked nettles. Therefore, it is recommended that the nettle treatment itself be carried out in the spring - summer. AT winter time can be used as a simple vitamin tea.

    Nettle tea. Cooking:

    2st. brew nettle spoons with top in 2 liters of boiling water. Nettle tea should be drunk daily for 2 liters from 15 to 19 hours. ( best time on Lunar calendar) within 14 days. After that, you need a break for 14 days, then you can repeat the treatment procedure on the waning moon. It is quite enough for a healthy person to take a course of treatment with nettle twice for 14 days, for a sick person - until improvement occurs. If there is a predisposition to stone formation, it is recommended to drink nettle tea more often. It can be taken up to 3-4 cups daily. about six months.

    nettle leaves for treating stomach ulcers

    It may seem, of course, that eating nettles raw is risky. But this is not so, it should only be kneaded well before use. When taking raw nettle, there have been cases of curing stomach ulcers over the summer. We collect nettles, 10-15 upper leaves, the younger the leaves, the better. As a rule, young leaves do not burn, stems burn. You can work with gloves although, with some experience, there will be no burns. Next, knead them with your fingers and roll them between your palms, until dark, until the leaves become wet. Then the resulting mass is finely chopped with a knife and consumed raw before meals.


    Nettle treatment for stone formation can only be carried out if this procedure does not cause swelling! Sometimes, nettle treatment on initial stage creating perestroika shifts in the body causes a feeling of discomfort, which should pass fairly quickly. If trouble continues, treatment with nettle should be discontinued.

    nettle decoction for hair

    Helps with hair loss or weakness next decoction nettles. To do this, it must be collected, not earlier than the nettle had seeds. You should take 100 gr. herbs with seeds, half a liter of water, boil for half an hour, let cool, and add the same amount of vinegar. Rinse your hair with this decoction daily before going to bed. Literally in a week you will see a noticeable result, and in a month you will have healthy hair.

    Often, various deviations in the functioning of the vital systems of the human body occur due to blood flow pollution. This is not surprising, because all harmful substances penetrate the blood and distort its composition. From here comes poor health, caused by impaired circulation and slow production of red blood cells. To remedy the situation, a person resorts to various tricks to purify the blood. One of these is nettle, or rather decoctions and infusions based on it.

    Why is the condition of the blood getting worse

    Surely every person is aware that blood performs all important functions. With its help, cells and tissues are saturated with oxygen, nutrients, and other essential enzymes. The bloodstream cleanses cells of toxic substances and other compounds. With a negative change in the composition of the blood, the work of important organs slows down. This happens for the following reasons:

    • frequent exposure to allergic reactions;
    • the presence of addictions to alcoholic beverages and tobacco;
    • naturally low immunity, as a result of which a person constantly “picks up” the infection;
    • long-term treatment with strong antibiotics and other drugs;
    • living in an unfavorable zone in terms of ecology;
    • work at a polluted enterprise;
    • eating junk food (fried, sweet, peppery, etc.);
    • heredity;
    • poorly balanced everyday menu;
    • lack of fluid in the body;
    • the use of low-quality household chemicals, perfumes, cosmetics;
    • difficulties in the work of the esophagus;
    • dysfunction of the kidneys or liver.

    This is not the whole list, in each specific situation it is necessary to proceed from the state of human health and the individual characteristics of his body. A medical examination and consultation with a specialist will not be superfluous.

    Useful qualities of nettle

    1. In addition to the obvious benefits for the circulatory system, the plant also has a favorable effect on the walls of blood vessels, compacting them and making them elastic.
    2. The following decoction and infusion will be useful for people who suffer from chronic fatigue and are constantly exposed to stressful situations. Nettle replenishes the reserve of strength and normalizes the psycho-emotional environment.
    3. The main value of the plant lies in the effective purification of the bloodstream, respectively. In addition, nettle accumulates many substances, including mineral compounds, carotenoids, vitamins. All of them fill the gap.
    4. Nettle concentrates a lot of iron, due to which, with the correct collection of raw materials, its harvesting, boiling decoctions, you will increase the level of hemoglobin and prevent anemia (anemia).
    5. In sufficient volume, nettle accumulates chlorophyll, which has a tonic and relaxing effect. The plant owes its antioxidant qualities to tocopherol, retinol, B-group vitamins.
    6. An infusion or decoction is effective for people who, along with blood purification, also want to strengthen their immunity. Any of the drinks will help you recover faster after an illness or surgery.

    1. Proper procurement of raw materials directly affects the quality of the final product. The healing properties of tea, infusion or decoction are achieved through proper preparation of the plant. Raw materials will purify the blood well if the collection is carried out in the spring. Give preference to the middle or end of May.
    2. During this period, the nettle is saturated with nutritious and useful components. For the procedure, it is recommended to collect only young bushes. The plant has shown itself well in cleansing the blood. It is also worth cutting off light young leaves that do not burn the skin much. Still, the collection is best done with rubber gloves.
    3. When harvesting, give preference to the tops of nettles. Such parts of the plant are the youngest. Try to use raw materials immediately after collection. Keeping nettle fresh for future use is not recommended. To do this, the leaves are enough to dry and place in a glass container. The raw material retains healing qualities for one year.

    Preparation of a healing decoction

    1. To get the maximum benefit, it is important to properly brew the plant. To prepare a decoction, rinse with 100 gr. fresh leaves and pour them with 2 liters of purified water. Send the components to the stove, wait for the boil. Reduce the heat to a minimum, simmer the composition for 7 minutes.
    2. Put the product aside, leave to infuse for several hours. The finished product can be taken in a warm or cool form. Blood purification is recommended from lunch time. Before going to bed, you need to drink 2 liters of the drug.
    3. The drink must be prepared daily for 10 days. This is followed by a monthly break. If necessary, repeat the course. When lactating, you should consult a doctor before proceeding with the procedure.

    Preparation of healing infusion

    1. Such a tool in terms of effectiveness is in no way inferior to the above composition. To prepare the infusion, you need 150 gr. fresh chopped nettle, 250 ml. vodka. Connect the components and leave in a cool place. The product must be infused in glass.
    2. Wait about 10 days. Strain the tincture with a gauze cloth. Take 30 drops 2 times a day. The composition is recommended to be diluted with 50 ml. pure water. The course is 15 days. After 1 month, you can repeat the procedure.

    Cleansing the bloodstream with nettle is a great solution. But this issue must be approached correctly. Collect in late spring, pick fresh young leaves. When preparing medicinal products, follow the instructions. Examine the possible causes of the deterioration of the blood composition and exclude them.

    Video: the benefits of nettle

    The blood contains many harmful products metabolism - for example, urea, creatinine, bilirubin. If failures occur in the body, their content rises and the general condition worsens.

    Of course, first of all, it is necessary to treat diseased organs, but periodic cleansing of the blood also does not hurt, as well as cleansing the body as a whole. If only because due to lipid imbalance and high content cholesterol, the blood becomes too thick, cannot penetrate into tiny capillaries and supply cells with oxygen and nutrients. Almost everyone who has crossed the forty-year milestone is subject to this danger.

    There is an opinion that blood purification is carried out only in a hospital, since such a procedure requires special equipment. However, you can purify the blood at home - you only need desire and patience.

    We offer two simple recipes

    • 2 cups natural honey, a cup of crushed dill seeds, 2 tablespoons ground root valerian pour 2 liters of boiling water and leave for a day in a thermos. Strain and take a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals for a month.
    • Put a teaspoon of chopped nettle in a glass dish, pour a glass of boiling water, cover, leave for 45 minutes, strain. Take a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals in the morning and evening for a month. The infusion not only cleanses the blood, but also helps to restore impaired metabolism.

    According to American doctor Joey Gardner, the so-called red foods - cherries, blackberries, red grapes, cranberries, beets, red cabbage - are very effective in purifying the blood. Try to include them in your daily diet.

    It is recommended to conduct a 3-week course of admission 1-2 times a year cranberry juice with the addition of honey: in the first week, 3 times a day, drink 1/2 cup, in the second week - 2 times a day, 1/2 cup, in the third - 1 time a day, 1/2 cup.

    And the last. Any disease is cured faster if blood purification is carried out at the same time. Therefore, in the composition of any phytocollection, try to introduce a cleansing blood medicinal plant: red clover, elderflower, nettle (the dosage is the same as in special cleansing collections).

    One of the best blood cleansers is dandelion:

    Juice from leaves, flowers, roots is prepared in summer. Turn through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Add a glass of vodka to 1 liter of juice. In winter, dilute 1 tbsp. l. juice with a glass of water, add honey and lemon juice if desired.

    Grind dry dandelion roots into a powder. 1 st. l. pour 1/2 liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos. Drink 200 g 2-5 times a day 30 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals - 7 days.

    Cleansing with garlic tincture:

    Thoroughly peel and rinse 350 g of garlic, finely chop and rub in a vessel with a wooden or porcelain spoon. Weigh 200 g of this mass, taking from below, where there is more juice, put in a glass vessel, add 200 ml of 96% alcohol. Close the vessel tightly and store in a dark, cool place for 10 days. Then strain the mass through a dense cloth, squeeze. Start treatment after 2 days. Drink drops from 1/4 cup of cold milk (in case of intolerance to milk - with water) strictly according to the scheme below.

    • Take 15-20 minutes before meals.
    • Repeated course of treatment not earlier than after six years.
    • Reception day Breakfast Lunch Dinner
    • 1 day 2 drops 2 drops 3 drops
    • Day 2 4 drops 5 drops 6 drops
    • Day 3 7 drops 8 drops 9 drops
    • Day 4 10 drops 11 drops 12 drops
    • Day 5 13 drops 14 drops 15 drops
    • Day 6 15 drops 14 drops 13 drops
    • Day 7 12 drops 11 drops 10 drops
    • Day 8 9 drops 8 drops 7 drops
    • Day 9 6 drops 5 drops 4 drops
    • Day 10 3 drops 2 drops 1 drop
    • Day 11 25 drops 25 drops 25 drops

    Cleansing the blood with nettle:

    Cleansing the blood with nettle gives good results in the treatment of many diseases, relieves fatigue and drowsiness in the spring. This course stimulates the kidneys, bladder, improves the activity of the digestive organs, supplies the body with a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

    Nettle tea: 2 tbsp. l. topped with 2 liters of boiling water. Drink these 2 liters of tea between 3 and 7 pm daily for 14 days. Then a break for 14 days, and repeat on the waning moon. It is enough for a healthy person to conduct a course 2 times for 14 days, for a sick person until improvement occurs.

    Use only young leaves; in the spring, prefer fresh nettles. A full course of nettle blood cleansing in winter is not worth it, but it is very useful to drink nettle tea sometimes, after a heavy meal.

    Tibetan cleansing fee:

    Any disease occurs against the background of a violation of the acid-base balance in the blood, that is, a violation of the main biological law of body control. To restore balance in the body, there is a collection according to the principle of the YIN-YANG (warm - cold) ratio of only five herbs, in relation to our area (a real Tibetan collection includes about 37 types of herbs, which are rather limited in our country).

    The collection is useful to everyone and is used in almost all diseases.

    • Hypericum perforatum herb
    • Chamomile flowers
    • wild strawberry leaf
    • Birch buds
    • Sandy immortelle flowers

    Take each component 100 g, mix well. 2 tbsp. l. dry collection, pour 400 g of boiling water, insist in a thermos overnight, strain. The fee must be one year. For obesity, poor memory, take 200 g in the morning instead of breakfast, adding a spoonful of honey or 20 g of dried apricots.

    For cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, nephritis, cholecystitis, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis and a number of other chronic diseases, take 100 g 2 times a day 20 minutes before meals. This collection enhances the function of all excretory systems of the body, improves metabolism and joint flexibility, helps with obesity and hypertension, restores the nervous system, removes poisons and toxins from the body, excess cholesterol, prevents the formation of uric acid stones in the kidneys, urinary and gallbladder, removes formed stones.

    Other blood cleansers:

    • Juniper berries cleanse the blood well, they need to be taken, starting with 5 pieces, adding 1 berry daily. Bringing their number to 15 pcs. per day, then take in the reverse order - from 15 to 5 pcs.
    • Yarrow cleanses the blood. 3 art. l. dry grass, pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos or in a water bath for 40 minutes. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals. You can prepare an infusion of yarrow: 1 tsp. herbs pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, take from 1 tbsp. l. up to 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.
    • Cranberry juice is an excellent blood purifier. For getting positive result you need to drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day for a week, for next week drink 1/2 cup 2 times a day, during the third week drink 1/2 cup 1 time a day.
    • Brew 6 cups boiling water 2 tsp. burdock root and 2 tsp. echinacea root. Warm the collection over low heat for 10 minutes, then add 2 tsp. dry nettle. Heat again on low heat for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat and add 2 tsp. red clover, 2 tsp elderberry flowers, 2 tsp. peppermint. Insist in a sealed container for 5 minutes, strain, add honey to taste. Drink in the same quantities as cranberry juice.
    • Mix a glass of dill seed, 2 tbsp. l. dry ground valerian root and 2 glasses natural honey. Pour the mixture with 2 liters of boiling water and insist in a thermos for a day, then cool and take 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals. Keep refrigerated.
    • The prickly tartar has a good blood-purifying effect. Boil 1/2 liter of boiling water for 5-6 baskets of the plant, leave for 5 hours, then heat to 60 degrees, strain. Drink 10 ml 5 times a day between meals.
    • Marsh cinquefoil has excellent cleansing and healing properties. Fill a 1/3 liter jar with crushed roots and marsh cinquefoil grass, pour boiling water to the top, close the lid, leave for 14 days. Take 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day before meals. With advanced forms of the disease, take 1 tbsp. l. every 2 hours. When the infusion is drunk, the rest of the herb can again be filled with water to the top, boiled over low heat for 20 minutes and drunk like tea. It is necessary to conduct 3 courses, i.e. drink 3 liter jars, then take a break for 20-30 days. Repeat if necessary.

    Well cleanses the blood salad of raw grated beets, lightly salted and seasoned vegetable oil. Handles it well and freshly squeezed grapefruit juice(100-150 g after breakfast). In addition, it is useful from time to time to conduct a course of herbal medicine Aescusan (drug horse chestnut) in dragee. It thins the blood, dissolves microclots in small vessels, restores the walls of blood vessels. Take one tablet 2 times a day in the morning and evening after meals. Course - 21 days.

    Nettle is a wonderful plant that has unique hematopoietic properties.

    And as you know, bad blood is the beginning of many of our diseases.

    How to determine - good blood or bad? From my own experience and observations I know that one of the signs bad blood is, for example, the roughness of the skin on various parts of the body - on the elbows, knees, back and other places.

    For example, twice a year I cleanse the blood not with beer, as some advise, but with nettles, I assure you that this procedure gives good results in the treatment of many diseases. Cleansing the blood is useful for healthy people. It gives vigor, relieves fatigue, insomnia.

    Cleansing the blood with nettle has a positive effect on the work of all digestive organs, helps the kidneys, bladder, gives the body a nutrient medium - minerals and vitamins.

    To cleanse the blood, I drink about two liters of nettle tea daily.

    Some people do this: they take two tablespoons of leaves, place them in an enamel bowl, pour one glass of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 10 minutes, filter and drink one tablespoon three times a day. Healthy people it is enough to conduct a course twice for 14 days.

    I collect young, juicy nettle leaves in spring for daily use and at the same time harvesting the leaves and stalks of nettles for the winter. For drying, I place nettle leaves in the shade on paper, periodically turning them over.

    I store the leaves and stalks of nettle prepared in this way in a box in a dark place. Term them useful action no more than one year. I make sure that the blanks always remain dry. When exposed to moisture, they lose their flavor and healing substances. I don't recommend keeping fresh leaves and nettle stalks tied in bunches. They quickly get moldy.

    I want to remind you that it is not recommended to collect nettles in the city, near the roads, as they are saturated with harmful substances.

    Be healthy!

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