What have we done to keep fit for summer? Quickly lose weight for the summer: the perfect figure in three weeks

Do you know what distinguishes the regular customers of the fitness club from the "snowdrops", every year from varying degrees success losing weight by the summer? Of course, the attitude to training. And also the fact that regular customers, as a rule, are not afraid to throw off their T-shirt and trousers right now, and they buy a last-minute tour without obsessive thoughts about the folds on their stomachs. Do you know how the snowdrop mindset differs from the mindset of a regular customer? The first, in fact, simply does not understand why physical education is needed, except for “drive fats for the summer”, therefore ... and drives fats for the summer, all his life with interruptions for pregnancy and periods of apathy. So, the conclusion suggests itself - you have to think like a regular customer in order to stop "snowing". Let's try together.

Why can't I run 5 km in 17 minutes?

The headline was, don't laugh for a minute, my fitness goal a while back. Of course, I ran with varying degrees of intensity, on a flat road and uphill, in snow, rain, wind and heat. And she never ran 5 km in 17 minutes. But I began to run for 19.32, which is not bad, considering that these training sessions began with a very modest time at 25.34. Do you think I estimated the result at 19 minutes? Yes, I appreciated - but after a little mental work.

Yes, yes, I had to convince myself that running slower is not so bad at all, especially considering how it all began. So do you - set yourself the goal of losing, say, 10 kg and 4 sizes, and throw off 5? Not a reason to be discouraged - 5 kg still expands your "wardrobe capabilities", as well as 19 minutes expand my sports. By at least, I can run with the running club without complexes, and spend even less time on training.

In general, whether to set super-ambitious goals or not depends on nature. Personally, it’s closer to me to first tighten the screws to the limit, then be able to do what you can, and learn to appreciate what happens. The important link in this chain is the last link.

Even if you didn't achieve your super ambitious goal, evaluate what happened. If you ignore, or even worse, fall into despondency and soul-searching, you will lose. No person who is not satisfied with his result can continue indefinitely. That is why, in general, people who have successfully started quit. Catch yourself thinking, so to speak.

"I want to be the princess of the sea"

By nature, I am very inflexible. As a child, I could not do the bridge, sit on the splits and demonstrate the other “girly flexible minimum”. In my first fitness session, I couldn't...bend my leg in a quadriceps stretch. What do you think, it stopped me? Yes, nothing like that.

I am still “frozen out” by the fact that I personally need 15 minutes of stretching after each “strength”, and not 5-7 as “everyone normal people". Perhaps you have something similar - well, you know, genetically massive ankles, or a wide waist, in general, you name it.

If you continue, like a 13-year-old teenager, “poking around” in your own shortcomings, you will still dream of “being a princess of the sea”, sitting at nothing. In general, the path is simple - look for anything that will help you accept your features. I, on the other hand, are not threatened with forced splits in a split, and almost do not threaten to “sink” under the weight of the barbell to the floor. Inflexible leg bonuses, you know.

It is especially helpful in the process of wanting the unrealizable to compare oneself with an unattainable ideal. So if you want to quit gym as soon as possible, be sure to look up to someone like Ava T. or Rachel Cosgrove. Naturally you will feel bad, of course you will quit.

"Multi-armed Kali-Killer" or how to do everything in 10 minutes

Well, the last “finishing mental lump” is setting unrealistic deadlines for yourself. You know, I'm generally against the exact timing in fitness. Of course have certain rules periodization, training duration, their composition. But there are no rules according to which Masha Ivanova would lose 10 kg strictly in 6 months, and not in, for example, 6 months and 2 weeks in nature and fitness.

Naturally, you will constantly "screw up" if you set yourself goals that are unrealistic in time. Epic examples - start going to the gym 2 weeks before the holidays, and want to eliminate everything in these 2 weeks that you have eaten with overwork for 2 years. Less epic - to put in at 1 o'clock and training, and reading with singing and other cleaning. In general, get rid of multi-armedness so as not to kill your own success.

exception exception

And the "snowdrops" are all on diets - and those from which the most seasoned competitive bodybuilders' ears curl into a tube. Eat alone for a week chicken breasts? Please, we will also sit on cucumbers later, and have a bite of kefir. And a seagull for weight loss, but more. And let's not forget to spread the pepper cream on ourselves. Regular customers rarely resort to such "tricks". And they simply don’t need it, because only their own experience of successful weight loss with regular physical education and a healthy lifestyle helps to understand how money is made on all sorts of different fashion gadgets and miracle diets. Well, extreme sports only help to hate this whole sport, don't you understand.

Of course, this is not all that distinguishes a regular customer from a snowdrop. By the way, the latter spend a lot of time completely wasted. Just imagine - every year to re-examine the offers of fitness clubs, look for the newest effective workouts, constantly monitor what they write about losing weight on the Internet ... And the selection of outfits, and thoughts about “how I will look for the first time in my life among these pieces of iron”, and other things ... It’s easier to go to the gym 3 times a week for life, and try to sit less on the weekend. Yes, even the rather stringent ACSM requirements do not provide for more than 300 minutes physical activity per week for weight loss.

And yes, if you have not lost weight again by the summer, take this, finally, as a chance to gain right attitude to physical education. As for sleep, food, personal hygiene, well, you get the idea.

Elena Selivanova

We have good and bad news for you. Let's start with the bad: losing weight by summer in a limited number of weeks is unrealistic. Will not work. No way. Those kilograms that you have eaten with pleasure and enjoyment for years cannot be magically destroyed in two weeks. The good news is that if you start preparing for the summer in advance, then it is quite possible to achieve serious results. Do not be what the regulars of the halls contemptuously call "snowdrops". Become the regulars of the halls!

Step 1: How to motivate yourself

To answer the question for yourself, the only thing that will help is - desire or incentive. You must realize - from now on you do not want to be fat. Do not want not only by the summer - in general. Weight loss and transition to healthy lifestyle lives don't work in the short term. You can't just "diet" a little. Do not comfort yourself in your limitations with the fact that in the fall you will be full of both cakes and salads, and what you especially want there. If you decide to start - then it's forever.

At this stage, it is very important to take your "BEFORE" photo. It helps a lot with weight loss.

Step 2. Food

The golden rule for weight loss is to spend more calories than you consume. You will be surprised, but pills, massages, creams, wraps, clays and bracelets are ineffective - only this rule of calories in / calories out is effective. How to calculate the base required amount calories? Do it from this link:

If you stick to calories and eat less than you spend, then you can eat at any time and any food. The main thing is to count calories. Only the number of calories consumed per day matters (although there are studies according to which the number of calories consumed per week is significant). It has been proven that no manipulations with the frequency of meals, their quantity, their composition do not affect weight loss / gain - only total calories. And if someone convinces you that they lost weight only due to such manipulations, most likely, the most powerful placebo effect played a role. It's unrealistic that it will work for you too. So there is no point in manically drinking 2 glasses. warm water with lemon or flaxseed oil every morning, or drinking l-carnitine during workouts - these are nothing more than myths. Do you believe in them? Then they can act. But without the strongest faith - hardly.

But this is not an indulgence to start eating junk food- only in limited quantities. In one two-hundred-gram bun - 514 calories. The same amount - in a full-fledged lunch of a piece of chicken, rice and vegetables. And if a bun is one harm and zero of any benefit, then a full meal has all the necessary macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Why, then, offend yourself?

There is another disadvantage of eating sweets - it causes a jump in blood glucose. Very soon you will feel hungry again - whereas when you eat whole food, especially protein, the feeling of hunger will not return soon.

There will be no benefit from following products: packaged juices, sweet soda, canned food, dairy products with high content fat and sugar, semi-finished products (ready-made pizzas, pancakes, dumplings, dumplings), sausages, instant cereals, chocolate, sweets, flour products, ready-made sauces and alcohol.

All these delicacies will have to be abandoned. They should be replaced by fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, meat, fish, poultry and seafood. It will not work to save: healthy food is more expensive than unhealthy food.

The ideal diet? Act on the basis this plan:

Breakfast: omelet with cheese and herbs / natural yogurt with fresh berries / scrambled eggs with mushrooms / asparagus with curd cream + tea, coffee, kefir without sugar.

Dinner: appetizer of eggplant with tomatoes and low-fat cheese / salad from fresh vegetables/greens and bean salad/chicken breast with garnish - buckwheat, brown rice, quinoa, durum wheat pasta. Serving sizes: meat - with a palm, side dish - the size of 1 fist, vegetables or salad - with 2 clenched fists.

Snack: apple slices (1 yellow apple) / carrot sticks / chopped red pepper / tangerine and a handful of nuts / salad of tomatoes, mozzarella and basil.

Dinner: vegetable stew/arugula and shrimp salad/garnished fish with asparagus/tacos with lettuce and chopped fresh vegetables. In general, dinner can be exactly the same as lunch, only with a reduced portion of the side dish and an increased portion of vegetables.

Snack before bed: 3 slices of dark chocolate / chopped apple, sprinkled with a spoonful of honey / fresh berries / a handful of nuts and a handful of berries / 2 tangerines.

The general meaning of such a diet: reduce the amount of fat and carbohydrates in the diet, increase the amount of protein. You must adhere to the ratio: 40% -20% -40%, where 20% is fat. Women's calorie intake per day is 1600-1800 kcal, men's - 2000-2200. But of course, everyone is very individual, so calculate your required number of calories before going on a diet. Never starve - and drink as much as possible. All trendy starvation diets and mono-diets always lead to a subsequent set of all the lost weight. You should not go on a diet, but stick to a healthy diet. Plus, you must make an effort to make your healthy eating habits convenient for you.

Choose a low-calorie dressing for vegetables - lemon juice, a drop olive oil, a drop of balsamic vinegar. Until the summer, it is necessary to exclude pork and lamb, bread and bread, even whole grains, potatoes from the diet. Alcohol - no more than 1 glass of dry wine per week. Then, after achieving the desired results, the strict rules can be relaxed a little, but there is a very high chance that you will finally wean yourself from harmful products.

Step 3: Gym Membership

So, you are determined to get down to business. A sports uniform has been bought, a fitness club has been chosen, there is motivation and a desire to change. How can you not quit now?

1) Choose a gym close to home

This is very important - even the most iron motivation will suffer if you have to walk to the gym for half an hour at a fast pace. You may not quit, but such trips to the gym will not lift your spirits. Most likely, you will come tired, irritated, and doing it in such a state is harmful. So - as close to home as possible!

2) Don't be shy

You have already arrived - half the job is done. Yes, there are many beautiful, pumped-up people in the hall, but there are also many beginners like you. Most likely, these jocks were once middle managers with beer bellies. But they began to walk and overcame themselves. Now it's your turn.

3) Playlist

The music we like increases stamina. It improves performance nervous system, which means the right hormones, especially growth hormone, will begin to be produced better. Cardio workouts with music help you cover a greater distance and do it at a faster pace. Hard rock, by the way, according to studies, increases testosterone levels and lowers the pain threshold.

4) Set a realistic goal

The goal should be specific and clear, without it there will be hack work. Set yourself a goal of the weight you want to take, the distance you want to run.

5) Look in the mirror more

The pleasure of the process can only be obtained when the result is visible. Therefore, look in the mirror more often and take measurements so as not to miss the wonderful moment of the beginning of the transformation. at the beginning of classes - and after six months. We are sure that the figure will change pleasantly.

6) Install apps

For starters - FatSecret, it is necessary for accurate calorie counting.

In addition to being able to record all foods consumed and all physical exercises performed, the application also allows you to find recipes.

Fitness Point Pro

If you don't know where to start, the application will create your training program for you with precise sets and reps, as well as diagrams of how to perform a particular exercise.

Remember that it is necessary to influence the process of losing weight from two sides at once - consume less and spend more. For beginners with excess fat, there is an opportunity to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. If you just cut calories, the effect will not take long - you will turn into skinny fat (fat skinny). Loose skin, cellulite, weak muscle tone, deplorable appearance without clothes - these are the signs of this type of physique.

In order not to go down such a pre-dead end path, you need to acquire a certain amount of muscle - the more the better. The body burns more calories to maintain muscle. Another option is to do a lot of cardio to burn regularly. excess fat. But in order to spend the required number of calories in this case, you will have to spend a lot of time on the treadmill - from an hour or more. It is much less difficult to part with fat with the help of strength exercises.

What percentage of body fat to achieve? Here everyone decides for himself. The optimal figure for a sports figure is 13-15% for men and 20-22% for women.

Girls, of course, are afraid to immediately go to pull iron, but we strongly advise you to overcome this fear. Group classes, yoga, Pilates, even functional training will not be as effective as weight training.

Step 4: Strength Training

A plus strength training in that they start the process accelerated metabolism, the effect of which lasts for 24-48 hours. So it doesn't matter how many calories you burn. If you increase your muscles, you can generally not limit yourself to food and not sit on any diets - you will need much large quantity calories just for life support.

Also, cardio training is bad because with prolonged cardio loads, the body "gets used" to them and begins to use fat as fuel - but it begins to accumulate fat with tripled energy. This means that cardio loads make the human body more susceptible to the accumulation of excess. So if you are a beginner, do not settle for a long time in the cardio room - go to free weights and weight machines. And it is best to combine simulators and. Don't cut cardio out of your routine altogether - it's incredibly good for your cardiovascular system.

Girls: For God's sake, don't be afraid to pump yourself up. female body designed in such a way that visible and almost masculine muscles can be pumped up only with the help of anabolic steroids and special training aimed at muscle hypertrophy. Even if you devote a significant amount of time to the hall, you still will not look like a "man".

When you come to the gym for the first time, be sure to contact the trainer for an introductory lesson. A one-time lesson will cost from 500 rubles, but this is a justified waste of money: the trainer will show you correct technique work on simulators and this will save you from fear, embarrassment and injury.

Of course, you can also practice at home: you will need a certain number of dumbbells (or stacked pancakes), a rug, a jump rope, an expander, weights and a horizontal bar. All this can be purchased at major sports goods stores such as "Sportmaster". But remember - to study at home you need remarkable willpower. If you are fine with that, then we have a whole section on the site dedicated exclusively to home workouts.

And remember: . In girls, first of all, the chest loses weight, then the face and back, and then the legs, buttocks and hips. In men, the stomach is the last to leave. Training will only work in conjunction with a diet. Cherished cubes on the stomach will appear only with a very low percentage of body fat.

You should not take all the advice indiscriminately - you should listen to yourself, your coach, your body type, body type. But anyway. proper nutrition+ sport is a recipe for success. And remember: you will succeed.

More interesting

Spring, and your favorite jeans still won't fit. And spinning in my head obsessive thought: "It's time to go on a diet to get yourself in order for the summer." Everyone wants to be attractive, but in the pursuit of beauty, we often make sacrifices and rash risks. strict diets and rapid weight loss can be detrimental to your health. Job disruption gastrointestinal tract, gastritis and ulcer, bad condition hair, nails, skin and even teeth, headache and dizziness, insomnia, failure menstrual cycle, "dietary depression" and abnormal liver and kidney function are just a few of the problems that diet can cause.

Slimness at any cost - unfortunately, this motto sits in the minds of many women who want to part with overweight. Now I will cut myself in food, deprive myself, I will keep it strict, and the result will not be long in coming. It happens, kilograms melt due to restrictions, but disappear with them good mood and, most importantly, your health. But we think about it when it's already too late.

Kilograms are melting due to strict restrictions, and with them good mood and health disappear.

The most common mistake occurs when we begin to substitute the concepts of "diet" and "starvation". And it's scary! Fasting for 5-7 days daily intake calories is minimized and replaced by juices or water, can significantly worsen the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, provoke gastritis and ulcers, reduce immunity and lead to a depressed mental state. More prolonged fasting can lead to serious illnesses internal organs and eating disorders.

At first, of course, you will feel emotional uplift and vivacity, as you cleanse the body of toxins, but after a while difficult period apathy. This is where shaky health will give out the whole range of troubles: from indigestion to tremors of the limbs and insomnia. The failure of the menstrual cycle will not keep you waiting, because after the metabolic disorder provoked by the diet, hormonal problems will come - and this is exactly the case when the sequence is exactly this, and not the reverse.

The same mechanism works in the case of trendy mono-diets (when all the abundance of your usual diet is replaced by one or two products: it can be kefir, rice, grapefruit, and so on). If such a diet is delayed in your life for more than a week, then the consequences can be much tougher and more unpredictable. With the introduction of restrictions into your diet, you not only deprive yourself of hated calories, but also vitamins, macro- and microelements that enter the body with food.

The consequences of a mono-diet are so numerous that it is simply impossible to list them all. The most common and revealing horror story is calcium deficiency. It is manifested by dry skin, brittle hair and nails. If a macronutrient deficiency is observed for a long period, it affects the teeth and bones, which also lose their strength. And this threatens us with completely different consequences than the loss of hair shine and beauty of nails.

Hair loss and hair loss are just a few of the problems calcium deficiency can cause.

Another type of trendy diet is protein. It became popular due to the fact that it is very simple to observe it: you exclude from your familiar menu fats and carbohydrates, saturating it with protein-rich foods (dietary meat, cottage cheese, egg white, fish, soy products, nuts). Hearty, tasty - you will not say anything. But! If during the diet you do not regulate your water balance in other words drink enough water, you risk getting kidney problems. And if you have already been diagnosed with such problems, then such a diet is generally contraindicated for you.

Usually protein diet calculated for 2-3 weeks. It is not worth exceeding this period, because with the diligent consumption of protein, the body at some point may not be able to cope with its amount and misfire. Most common complication- "stones" in the kidneys, and this is only the first bell, the most harmless.

Long-term protein diet can cause kidney problems

How you behave after the end of the diet is also important. And this point is overlooked by many. Simply stopping eating "diet" food and switching to your usual diet is fraught with many problems. First of all, the gastrointestinal tract will suffer, which has already managed to reorganize itself into a more harmless, sparing diet. And then again fried potatoes and chicken leg. A riot on the ship with all the troubles due (bloating, heartburn, colic, a “stand up” stomach) cannot be avoided. The second “fell off” the liver, which will be signaled by the bitterness in the mouth that has appeared. After a long period of abstinence fatty foods even a couple of grams butter, which fell upon the poor organ, like snow on their heads, are capable of provoking its incorrect work.

How to lose weight without a strict diet and stress? You will find the answer to this question in the preparation. It contains insoluble and soluble alimentary fiber, which, getting into the stomach, adsorb water and turn into a gel, causing a feeling of fullness. Thus, you can eat the usual food, but at the same time its portion will become smaller. It also helps to quickly cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, reduces the absorption of fats and carbohydrates. natural formulacreated on the basis of psyllium psyllium seed husks. You can find out more about the drug.

Therefore, it is not enough just to carry out a diet correctly, without exceeding the established period, you need to correctly bring your body out of this state. That is why I am against diets as such. If, being “on a diet”, you live with thoughts, when will all this end, and I can again eat my favorite pizza, mom’s pies and french fries, then this is a disastrous business. That kind of weight loss isn't worth it. Dieting for a period of time is not a solution. If you really want to improve the quality of your life, say goodbye to extra pounds You should start by loving yourself. And give yourself - the most beloved and the best - what you really deserve. It can be a healthy diet, exercise, walks on fresh air, restoring order in the house, doing what you love.

After all, if your heaviness is not associated with metabolic disorders and diseases (which only doctors should treat), then you need to look for the cause in yourself, moreover, by digging deeper. Often behind the veil excess weight hidden internal problems (family, personal or professional), which urge us to ensure that we do not solve them, but "jam". And this Right way going nowhere. If you really want to lose weight, get in touch with yourself first, and then think about healthy eating and active way life. And for us, summer residents, the last point is the easiest to complete. After all, cleaning the garden after the winter, planting seedlings, weeding beds and harvesting - this is the same fitness, only country, moreover, free.

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Even experienced overweight fighters sometimes wonder when the last meal should be, how and in what quantity fruits are useful, etc. What can we say about beginners who have just embarked on the thorny path of weight correction. Most topical issues we decided to ask Stanislav Zainilov, Honored Master of Sports in bodybuilding and fitness, master of sports in sambo and hand-to-hand combat, manager of the Olimp fitness club in St. Petersburg and a fitness expert of the Siberian Health Corporation.

Can you lose weight without exercising?

Being only on balanced diet, can. But it should be remembered that the body will definitely lose part muscle mass, and these are sagging cheeks, skin and deep wrinkles.

Muscles are the main consumer of energy. Their reduction reduces the rate of metabolic processes, which means that extra pounds begin to go away more slowly. Balanced diet must be combined with moderate physical activity. Only an integrated approach is the key rapid achievement and securing the desired result for many years.

At integrated approach for weight loss, I recommend taking "L-carnitine" from the sports line of "Siberian Health", natural natural component which is involved in fat metabolism, increases the body's endurance during aerobic sports (running, swimming), reduces the risk of muscle damage during exercise and helps optimize recovery processes muscle tissue. According to the instructions "L-carnitine" should be taken 2 tablets per day 30 minutes before training or with meals with water. When visiting a fitness club, you can use up to 4 tablets per day.

Is it possible to eat after 18:00?

This statement arose due to the fact that most of us lead a standard lifestyle: they go to bed at 22-23:00 and get up at 6-7 in the morning. AT evening time metabolic processes slow down, and the body simply cannot use the energy received during the night. It is she who settles on the waist, hips, stomach in the form of extra centimeters.

For those who have an active evening life (a lot of work, training), it is quite appropriate to eat in the evening. universal rule for everyone: the last meal should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. Food should be light: lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, kefir, vegetables. These products are quickly absorbed and do not strain the digestive system.

How to overcome sugar cravings? What can replace sweets?

It is impossible to completely deny yourself sweets during a diet, since sugar is the main source of glucose. While eating sweets, the body produces the hormone serotonin, which directly affects our mood. You can replace the usual cakes, sweets, cookies with jelly, dried fruits, marmalade, marshmallows. If you have a strong craving for sweets, eat a piece of dark chocolate or 6 pieces of dried fruits or nuts (dried apricots, a small handful of raisins or almonds). But do it before 12-13 pm, preferably before lunch.

How many liters of water a day is best to drink?

The importance of drinking water for weight loss has been proven by nutritionists. Many people confuse thirst with hunger, so the first time you want to have a snack, drink water or herbal tea. The liquid should be drunk 20-60 minutes before meals. The total volume per day should be from 2 liters. But, for example, professional athletes in preparation for competitions take up to 6 liters of water per day, provided that there are no problems with the kidneys and swelling in the morning. It is recommended to drink water between all meals, before going to bed and in the morning after waking up on an empty stomach in order to start the body and prepare it for the first meal.

Is fasting effective for weight loss?

Fasting is recognized as the fastest way to lose weight, but it entails serious problems- poisoning with ketones, which are products of the breakdown of fat, the development of dystrophy of the gastrointestinal tract and a lack of minerals and various substances. Fasting while losing weight is possible, but only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Do you recommend fasting days and what is better to eat on these days?

Fasting days provide for calorie restriction to 1000 kcal and intake only light food. At the same time, the processes of self-purification of the body are launched. There are many options for fasting days, but you should stick to the standard rules. The last meal before the planned day and the first day after the unloading should not be overloaded.

Eat cereals on the water (with the addition of olive or linseed oil) or vegetable soup. AT fasting days you can combine dishes by choosing products that are similar in composition. It can be kefir-curd, apple-kefir, apple-rice days. And don't forget about exercise.

How to choose the optimal diet?

There are several rules that will help you choose the optimal composition of products and their quantity. Divide your three usual meals into six.

The intervals between meals should be 2-3 hours and should be light snacks. Food must be distributed so that each time you eat the same amount of food. It is very important that the intake of carbohydrates ends before 13-14 hours of the day (there should be a maximum of two carbohydrate intakes per day and strictly in the first half of the day).

Eat mostly in the afternoon protein food combined with fresh vegetables. You can finish the last meal with 1% kefir.

As a snack during the day, you can eat some fruit (apples or citrus before lunch). Of the vegetables in the diet, I recommend pumpkin - its tender pulp helps very well with diseases of the pancreas.

The last meal can be replaced with high-quality protein ( sports nutrition), diluted with water or milk. It is healthy and tasty and does not harm health and figure.

If you train in the gym, go to fitness, the protein provides the fastest absorption of amino acids for instant and most complete muscle support during long strength training.

At weekends, you can treat yourself to whole grain bread with a slice of cheese for breakfast.

Drink a glass of water between each meal.

Completely eliminate cookies, crackers and other foods from your diet. bread products. In this case, let's say one reception of durum pasta a couple of times a week.

Half of your portion should be vegetables, meat or fish. Bread should only be coarsely ground. And forget about the brisket. Eat boiled potatoes instead of fried potatoes white rice- dark.

You can pamper yourself in the middle labor day. Eat, for example, a few pieces of dark chocolate, low-calorie ice cream. Replace juices with whole fruits - the body digests them longer, so it spends more energy.

How many kilograms can you lose in a week without harm to health?

In order not to bring the body into stressful condition, it is normal to lose 0.8-1 kg of weight per week - in this case internal systems and organs continue to function normally.

In a month, the optimal rate of weight loss should be 3-4 kg. But everything is very individual, so it is better to consult your fitness trainer or nutritionist.

Is it possible to eat fruit while losing weight?

Fruits are a source of fiber and vitamins, so they should not be discarded. But they contain sugar, which easily turns into fat. In order not to harm the figure, take 2-3 fruits a day. The most useful are those containing organic acids (citrus fruits and berries). But apples, bananas, cherries and grapes should be limited.

Are sweets eaten on an empty stomach stored as excess fat?

It is important not only to replace sweets with the “right desserts”, but also to take them in right time. In the morning on an empty stomach is strictly prohibited. At this time, the stomach should “wake up” with cottage cheese, porridge, salad and other healthy food. For sweet optimal time– 15-16 hours, when the secretion of insulin is at its peak. The body can easily process glucose, and your waist will not increase in size.

How good/bad is vegetarianism?

The vegetarian menu should be well-organized so that the food contains a sufficient amount of vegetable protein, vitamins and microelements. Reducing animal fats and calories leads not only to weight loss, but also to the improvement of the body.

But the body needs even a small amount of fats of animal origin. It is a source of cholesterol, which in moderate doses is necessary for the production of sex hormones.

What do you think about low fat foods?

You can eat fat-free foods, but this is not a panacea. Alternate them with foods up to 2.5% fat with a sparing diet. Some meals can be replaced with good-tasting protein shakes (for example, in " Siberian health» there are blueberry and strawberry flavored cocktails).

Very soon, boots and jackets will go on a well-deserved rest, and the city will bloom with bright floral prints of summer dresses. Don't frown even if your favorite summer outfit doesn't fit right because of a few extra pounds, "stuck" from the winter. The answer to the question of how to quickly lose weight by the summer still exists. And, what is remarkable, it does not contain the words “kefir”, “hunger strike”, “fat-burning soup” and other frightening speech turns.

Beautifully lose weight by the summer without diets will help the system developed by Canadian certified fitness trainer Dan Guo. He took the most effective trends - the natural frequency of meals, sustainable nutrition and intense, but short in time and in essence simple exercise, so that you can lose weight for the holidays, even if it is planned in June.

How to lose weight fast for summer at home

System 21 "encrypted" in its name the period in days, after which you can see the result. Yes, it only takes 21 days. And you risk only one thing - your old habits and love of baking. Maybe, new look you will enjoy life so much that you will continue to eat and exercise like that.

Before you start to put the figure in order for the holidays, throw out:

  • From the head - the thought that you will not succeed, diets are contraindicated for you, you like to eat. Love and eat to health, from the list of system 21 you can choose products to your personal taste.
  • From the kitchen - glutamate condiments, "stone deposits" of sweets and cookies in the cabinet, all sorts of sweeteners, meal replacements, and other weight loss products that you bought to lose weight for the holidays last year, but never ate.
  • From the regime of the day - night vigils in in social networks, parties with alcohol, permissiveness breakfasts according to the “everything is possible until 12 o’clock” scheme. You need 8 hours of sleep, and 20 minutes of light exercise, that's all.

We lose weight by the summer without a diet: satiety and beauty

You may feel like you are being lied to. But you can quickly lose weight by summer in only one way - to exclude all foods containing empty calories, dyes, allergens. Unfortunately, many people have latent allergies to dairy and gluten-containing cereals, so for the sake of weight loss, these groups will have to be temporarily excluded. What are we going to eat?

Without hesitation, we fill the refrigerator with vegetables, nuts, fruits, meat and fish. The requirements are simple - these products must be fresh, of high quality and from the list of your personal "favorites". Attention! If you have been struggling with extra pounds for a long time, discard the stereotype that there should be no fat in the diet of a losing weight girl. Eat salmon, avocado, any nuts and seeds, fortunately, scientists have long rehabilitated healthy fats and condemned simple carbohydrates.

You need to start eating according to system 21 with a simple trick - we forget about fractional and obligatory meals for 1 day. We got up in the morning, if there is no hunger - water with a slice of lemon, and pleasant things. As soon as we want to eat, we eat, but not fruits, as you might think, but something containing protein and some fat at the same time. Choose for breakfast:

  • a couple of eggs cooked in any way with any vegetables and herbs;
  • a handful of nuts and some vegetables;
  • a piece of salmon, mackerel, or even "oil fish" with any vegetables.

The best drink for fast weight loss to summer - pure water or mineral water with iodine. Slightly "lag behind" herbal teas, especially hibiscus and kudin, but classic mate, tea, coffee should be limited so as not to get too much caffeine. We also exclude industrial juices - after all, the manufacturer does not always indicate on the packaging all the additional spoons of sugar and the stages of the juice “distillation” process, which deprive it of vitamins. Agree, than drinking "homogenized and fortified", it is better to eat an apple and drink water.

Breakfast is the whole power of this method. Rich in fats and proteins, the first meal perfectly balances blood sugar levels and provides energy. The absence of carbohydrate restrictions (yes, you can eat fruits and berries) allows you to overcome the feeling of weakness and lethargy. As a result, in 21 days you will only become more cheerful and “independent” of the vagaries of appetite.

In this version of home weight loss by the summer, only breakfast matters. All other meals can be as you wish - listen to your appetite, and use common sense, but don't try to "eat as little as possible". The program works by keeping your metabolic rate high – for that you have to eat. Try to eat 1-2 servings (150 g each) of meat or fish per day, and do not "eat" more than 3 kg of fruits and vegetables, but this is an extreme threshold, you do not need to strive for it. Well, in caring for the liver, nuts should be limited to a maximum of 30 grams. Use natural spices without flavor enhancers, and eat your fill. That's the whole "diet".

Why is it so possible to lose weight by the summer

It's simple - fiber and protein "remove" the unnecessary feeling of hunger. And the absence of the option “to eat a chocolate bar, a bun, drink coffee with milk and sugar” is a possibility of temptation. Following such a diet is much easier than, say, buckwheat or kefir diet, it affects the body softer, and the effect gives a comparable. By the way, grains, milk and bread with sugar are "taken away" just so that you can get quick effect. All these products contribute to fluid retention in adipose tissue, and their exclusion - quick loss volumes.

Important: the system is contraindicated for those who need low-protein diets - people with kidney and liver diseases. The rest should remember that vegetables and fruits should occupy a larger volume in the diet than meat and fish.

Lose Weight for Summer: Just 20 Minutes of Exercise

With this diet, you can lose up to 800 g per week without additional load. However, for a beach outing, you need toned muscles. So use "fat burning cycles":

  1. First, remember what exercises without weight you know in principle. It will be better if you remember squats for weight loss, lunges, push-ups from the floor, simple twisting on the press and forward bends. Not bad if you have a jump rope and you know how to jump. And it's great if you have the opportunity to train outdoors.
  2. Take a timer and set it so that the first signal will sound after 5 minutes, and then - 5 signals at an interval of a minute, and repeat this whole cycle again.
  3. In five-minute intervals, lightly run, jump rope, or just brisk walking. Then repeat without pause:
  • 1 minute - squat;
  • 2 minutes - push-ups from the floor;
  • 3 minutes - lunges, alternating legs;
  • 4 minutes - body tilts forward;
  • 5 minutes - any exercise on the press.
  1. Repeat the 10-minute circle again without stopping to rest. It is this intense training that will be the most effective.

3 such workouts in the morning before breakfast are enough per week, as an option, do them every other day. On all other days - active dancing, walking, cycling or any other activity that you like.

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