Osteopathy - methods of treatment. Factors controlling efferent activity. "Osteopathy is a philosophy, science and art at the same time"

Includes three main areas:

  • structural osteopathy - solves problems of the musculoskeletal system, works with muscles, ligaments, joints, normalizing their tone, position, range of motion.
  • visceral osteopathy - deals with internal organs, returns free mobility to organs, eliminates their tension, improves blood and lymph circulation, restores metabolic processes in tissues.
  • cranio-sacral osteopathy - regulates the ratio of the bone structures of the skull, pelvis and spine, and also normalizes the tension of the dura mater, the functionality of the central and autonomic nervous system(liquorodynamics, cerebral circulation, nerve conduction).

Additionally, areas of osteopathy are developing:

Posturology– restoration of body balance, formation of an optimal static-dynamic stereotype of movements.

Body-emotional osteopathy– release of psycho-emotional tensions, the consequences of stress and trauma by eliminating fixations of damage not only in the inner sphere of the conscious-unconscious, but also at the level of the body in the fascia, as well as balancing the central and autonomic nervous systems.

Biodynamics– harmonization of the fluid characteristics of the body, restoration of optimal membrane potentials of cells and tissues.

In accordance with the variety of tasks to be solved and organs of influence, the arsenal of osteopathy includes many various methods treatment.

1. Mobilization, articulation techniques. When carrying out these techniques, the osteopath performs rhythmic rocking movements in the joints of the spine or limbs within the boundaries of their physiological mobility. As it is performed, relaxation of the periarticular muscles occurs, the joint capsule, tensions go away, the joint occupies a normal position.

2. Muscle-energy techniques (in manual therapy known as post-isometric muscle relaxation techniques). Combining periods of tension and relaxation of the muscles surrounding the blocked joint, the osteopath affects the internal and segmental system of muscle regulation - this is how their relaxation is achieved, as well as, mediated through tendon tension, pulling the joints into the correct position. During the technique, the osteopath places the limb or torso in a certain position that causes tension. desired group muscles and holds it, then the patient attempts to perform a movement (raising a leg or turning the body) with a force of 10 to 30 percent of the maximum. The doctor gently resists the effort, maintaining the position of the body. After 3-5 seconds of tension, physiological muscle fatigue occurs, the patient is asked to relax. After waiting another 3 seconds, during which all muscle fibers relax, the osteopath smoothly increases the range of motion, stretching the relaxed muscles, relieving residual tension from them, returning the joint to the correct position. This is done 3 times.

3. General osteopathic techniques. They are smooth circular motions in the peripheral joints of the body, allowing to relax the periarticular transverse fascial attachments, normalize the reflex muscular-neural relationships, the functionality of the receptor fields of the body. Also common osteopathic approaches include various techniques stretching, traction, vibration impact.

Osteopathy is one of the alternative directions in medicine, which is considered as root cause any pathology is a violation of structural and functional interactions between organs and systems of the human body.

Representatives traditional approach the treatment of patients is often skeptical about this method. The reason is the lack of scientific justification for osteopathy and the inability to prove the effectiveness of appropriate therapy.

Who is an osteopath?

Osteopath is a doctor with a higher medical education, which in the treatment of patients uses non-invasive methods based on the mechanical and bioenergetic influence of the doctor on the body.

Visually, the healing process resembles manual therapy with elements of massage. Sometimes acupuncture is used to enhance the effect. The main tool of the osteopathologist is his hands. The doctor must perfectly know the anatomy and physiology of the course of all internal processes body to effectively influence the body.

The doctor, with the help of methodical strokes and tapping, "reads" information from the whole body of a sick person. Special attention is given to the cranial rhythm - a regular reduction in the natural paths along which it moves cerebrospinal fluid(liquor). Classical osteopathy claims that the appropriate influence on this process contributes to the improvement of a person's well-being.

After "reading" the information, the doctor, using smooth, measured and point effects on specific areas of the body, "tunes" the body, ensuring its adequate work. At the level of bioenergetic flows, microcirculation stabilizes, pain intensity decreases.

The method of osteopathy has no fundamental scientific support. Working with bioenergy this stage advances in medicine are sometimes not taken seriously. However, the presence of patients who feel relief after visits to osteopaths cannot be ignored.

What heals?

What does an osteopath treat? The list of diseases and pathological conditions that can be corrected using this method includes up to 5 dozen nosologies.

Osteopathic treatment involves traditional medicines. The healing process is based purely on the mechanical impact of the doctor on the affected areas of the body.

In adults

What do osteopaths treat in adult patients? Pathological conditions are divided depending on the affected system of the body. Patients come with the following problems:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. - a typical problem unconventional method treatment.
  • neurological disorders. Pain of various origins, discomfort in the limbs are treated without medical intervention.
  • Violations of the function of internal organs, endocrinological pathology.
  • Diseases of the nose, corresponding sinuses, ear, throat.
  • Violations reproductive system in women and men.

Osteopathy is used during pregnancy to alleviate the discomfort and minimize the risks that arise when the baby is in the wrong position in the womb.

In children

Children are a separate category of patients. On the background early treatment an osteopath sometimes manages to improve the condition of a child with cerebral palsy, torticollis. The traditional effect on the cranial rhythm normalizes the processes of microcirculation in the brain, which reduces the manifestations of hydrocephalus and dysfunction of the nervous system.

A timely visit to the doctor helps prevent the progression of flat feet, scoliosis, and kyphosis. No effect on the body of aggressive chemical compounds allows the use of osteopathy in patients from birth.

Indications and contraindications

An unconventional approach to the treatment of diseases is based on the following postulates:

  • Everything in the body is one.
  • The human body has the ability to adapt, which ensures adaptation to work in new conditions.
  • The complete relationship between function and structure of body parts.

An unconventional approach to recovery is used for a variety of pathologies.

Possible indications for osteopathy:

  • Spondylosis.
  • Hernias between vertebrae.
  • Osteochondrosis, .
  • Bronchitis.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • BPH.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Gastritis.
  • Preparation for childbirth during pregnancy and much more.

Despite the impressive list of situations in which osteopathy is used, the appropriate treatment is not always used to treat patients.


  • Infectious processes requiring the appointment of specialized antimicrobial or antiviral drugs.
  • Acute bleeding.
  • Oncological pathology. Manual therapy or osteopathy is this case a factor provoking the dissemination of atypical cells with tumor metastasis.
  • hematological diseases.
  • Violation mental health patient.
  • Heart attack, stroke, thromboembolism.

Treatment Methods

Osteopathy is a non-systematic set of techniques that are used to improve the well-being of patients with various diseases. The alternative field of medicine is called "bloodless surgery".

There is no standard treatment regimen. The doctor in each case selects an individual set of techniques to minimize the severity of symptoms.

One session takes 30 to 60 minutes. During this time, the doctor diagnoses the disease and establishes the localization of the underlying pathological site, which is then affected. It is not always possible to cure the disease. For primary stabilization osteopath requires 1 to 4 sessions. Continued treatment depends on individual characteristics clinical case.

The method of treatment depends on the respective direction.

Types of osteopathy:

  • Children's. Therapy is aimed at improving the well-being of young patients. Typical indications are scoliosis, cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus.
  • Visceral. Treatment is aimed at minimizing the dysfunction of internal organs - the stomach, intestines, prostate.
  • Structural. Complex therapeutic methods contributes to the improvement of the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Craniosacral. Osteopathy in this case is used for the rehabilitation of patients after strokes, neurological diseases.

The choice of technique depends on the symptoms of the disease.


The basics of osteopathy include the rejection of chemical exposure on the patient's body. Because of this alternative approach to treatment is popular among patients. Against the backdrop of an increase in demand, the price is formed.

The average cost per session in Moscow is 4,000-5,000 rubles. Duration of reception - 40-60 minutes. A full therapeutic course takes from 7 to 15 sessions. The total amount depends on the duration and difficulty of the treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages of treatment

Osteopathic medicine is an area that is ambiguously perceived by doctors and patients. In Russia and a number of other countries, it is legalized, but is considered as a subspecies of manual therapy.

The lack of a scientific evidence base does not allow the use of osteopathy on the same level as proven healing methods. However positive reviews and the improvement in the condition of patients after appropriate sessions confirms the effectiveness of non-traditional treatment.

Benefits of osteopathy:

  • No effect of drugs on the body.
  • Efficiency.
  • Safety for the body.
  • “Teaching” the body to work properly.

The disadvantages of osteopathy include:

  • Lack of scientific validity.
  • Pretty high price.
  • Difficulty in choosing a qualified doctor. Often, chiropractors call themselves osteopaths, who do not fully master the appropriate technique and can cause a deterioration in the patient's condition.

Osteopathy is widespread all over the world. The method is ambiguous, but worthy of attention. If there is an effect of appropriate therapy, it is worth continuing until complete cure. If the result is negative, there is no time to waste on alternative medicine, you need to contact your doctor immediately.

Doctor relying on his medical practice exclusively on hand technique - this is the osteopath doctor. Its activities include individual approach to each patient, since it is precisely because of the uniqueness of each organism that the effectiveness of treatment varies. Osteopathy, unlike medical and invasive methods treatment, is more soft method, with practically no unwanted effects and side effects. This is because it is focused on activating and restoring the body's resources.

Principles and foundations of osteopathy

Today, this science is actively developing. Osteopathy has main principle, which says that one organ cannot hurt. If one thing hurts, it indicates a disease of the body as a whole. Therefore, in order to find and eliminate the root cause, it is necessary to fully diagnose it. At the same time, the doctor osteopath does not use any tools and devices, and he also does not write out prescriptions. His method is to act with his hands on certain points located on the body, and in this way he heals the affected organ.

Highly important feature osteopath is a complete knowledge of anatomy human body. And thanks to sensitive hands, he can recognize the damaged organ and make the correct diagnosis.

What kind of doctor is an osteopath?

Osteopaths - who are they? Most patients think about this issue, deciding to go to an appointment with this doctor.

First of all, this is a specialist who, with the help of palpation, can determine both the state of the whole organism and its individual organ, as well as muscles and bone structure. By pressing on certain points of the body, he cures diseases. But before embarking on this activity, the doctor must undergo special training.

With the help of his hands, he helps the body, adjusting the work of all systems to the right way, can relieve any, including muscle, pain, relieve stress and tension. His work is not like that of other doctors. It is connected, first of all, with knowledge of physiology and anatomy. After all, without them it is impossible to eliminate all the problems that interfere with the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, those osteopaths are considered qualified, who skillfully own this technique. These are advanced specialists in the field of the nervous system of the body and the functions of the spine.

Osteopath's field of activity

The manual techniques of this doctor can help with tachycardia, stress and related body disorders. With the help of the hands of an osteopath, the recovery processes of the body are significantly accelerated. Osteopathy is very popular in women after childbirth. After all, it can be used to normalize hormonal background and functioning of the body as a whole.

Also, the osteopath is subject to emotional and mental disorders. People with metabolic and sleep disorders are advised to visit this particular specialist, since an ordinary therapist is not able to cope with such problems.

Who is osteopathic for?

So, having dealt with the question “Osteopaths - who are they?”, It is necessary to find out what their duties are and what they should do.

With the help of a doctor, absolutely safe diagnostics and treatment. A visit to a specialist is recommended for people experiencing back pain, having problems with the spine, suffering from arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis, and scoliosis.

In the event that you suffer from frequent dizziness, high or low arterial pressure, headaches, nausea, you are also shown a visit to this specialist.

Another question "Osteopaths - who are they?" should be of interest to people who overweight body. This doctor can normalize the metabolism in the body, thereby improving the functioning of all organs and contributing to weight loss.

When is an osteopath needed?

There are cases when an appeal to a specialist who conducts diagnostics with the help of hands, that is, chiropractor is simply necessary. If your baby was injured at birth or has colic, various kinds deformations that occurred during childbirth, delay or damage to the central nervous system, diseases gastrointestinal tract, scoliosis, problems with the spine, he needs a pediatric osteopath.

For adult patients, treatment in this specialist just a must for those who have serious problems with musculoskeletal system. No less effective would be his assistance in gynecological problems, unintended consequences operations and various injuries, frequent colds and sinusitis, migraines and headaches, bronchitis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Women who are expecting a baby and have a threat of miscarriage, increased swelling and severe toxicosis, back pain, should also visit an osteopath. It will also be useful in preparing for childbirth and fetal correction. It is also necessary to visit this specialist after childbirth.

Necessary tests when contacting an osteopath

Gathered for a reception this doctor, you need to keep in mind that he will prescribe certain tests. With their help, a specialist can create complete picture the state of the body, the problems of its functioning and correctly eliminate the existing problems. The types of analyzes depend on the problems with which you turned to a doctor such as an osteopath.

Regardless of the diagnosis, mandatory are general analyzes urine, blood from a vein, feces. They enable the specialist to identify possible hidden problems that caused the occurrence of a particular disease. There are cases when in clinics or medical centers the doctor has the opportunity to independently take the necessary tests. Thanks to this, the process of obtaining information about the functioning of the patient's body is significantly accelerated.

used by the osteopath

Osteopathy is a rather interesting science, because the treatment here is carried out with the help of palpation, with hands.

Absolutely every good osteopath has the skill of working with his hands. This method allows you to determine the anomalies and disturbances in the functioning of the body already at the first examination, and most importantly, to eliminate these problems in a timely manner by prescribing the right decision. This is facilitated by special signal points located on the body.

Also mandatory is magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound examination.

When treating a patient with problems associated with the spine or bones of the skull, craniosacral osteopathy and hardware reflexology are used.

In people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, joints, feeling pain in the back, the diagnosis is carried out using the method of structural osteopathy.

The method of visceral osteopathy will help to identify problems associated with internal organs.

How to avoid health problems

To maintain health, it is necessary to follow the advice of a doctor such as an osteopath. What he treats - we know. This is a lot of diseases. A large number of problems with internal organs associated with wrong position spine. Therefore, the back must always be kept straight.

The key to the normal functioning of the whole organism is balanced diet and healthy sleep. If you always get enough sleep, eat right, then you will not experience stress, frustration and nervous exhaustion.

It is necessary to visit a specialist annually for timely detection problems and their cure. This allows you to maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system and the body as a whole, as well as quickly recover from various kinds of injuries. Following such simple advice, you can live long years and not have serious problems with health.

Now you can answer the question: "Osteopaths - who are they?" Knowledge and power are in the hands of a specialist such as an osteopath. Prices for its services can be found in any medical institution.

Popularity alternative methods treatment is growing every day. Among them special place takes osteopathy. Literally, osteopathy is the science of bone pathology. But the scope of this method is much wider, it is a branch of non-traditional restorative medicine based on painless, manual diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs.

It originated in ancient times and was widely used in the East, then came to Europe and North America, and now continues to actively develop and improve.

Fundamentals of osteopathy.

Its principles were formulated by the American doctor Andrew Still. He believed that our body is a self-regulating system, adapting to changes in environment through the connection of all organs and systems. Life is movement, without it life is not possible. The body is in constant motion (the heart beats, pushing the blood, the muscles contract, the blood moves through the vessels, the nerves conduct electrical impulses) due to which the regulated interaction occurs. When there is a violation in one system (for example, a broken leg), others suffer as well.

3 types of osteopathy:

  1. Structural osteopathy - is engaged in the restoration of the functioning of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the body. After all, not only breaches in spinal column have an impact on internal organs, but also internal organs, affect the condition of the spine.
  2. Craneosacral osteopathy. Observing many patients, osteopaths came to the conclusion that the state of the brain, skull bones and meninges also affects the diseases of the human body.
  3. Visceral is the softest technique. Influence at skeletal system occurs due to deep relaxation of muscles and tendons. It promotes deep relaxation of the patient and restoration of energy balance.

Osteopathy is a combined technique that considers the entire body as a single interacting whole. She proposes to treat not the consequences, but the causes of the pathology.

Osteopathic techniques:

  1. Myofascial release - relieves tension, stiffness in muscles, tendons. When injured, the body tries to protect itself by muscle spasm, which often leads to more negative consequences in the form of pain, swelling, impaired function and acceptance forced position. Using twisting, pressing and pulling the muscles in a certain sequence, the osteopath achieves relaxation and neutralization of the spasm.
  2. Muscle-energy techniques. It is partly used in manual therapy, but the techniques go deeper. The result should be the restoration of the correct position of the bone structures. The doctor fixes the bone or vertebra in medical direction by twisting, pressing and stretching a specific muscle group with alternating tension and relaxation. This technique is not accompanied by a crunch, as in manual therapy, and almost does not require the participation of the patient.
  3. Craniosacral therapy. In the 40s of the 20th century, V. Sutherland proved that the sutures in the skull of an adult do not completely overgrow, as a result, micromotion is preserved. CSF pulsation and microshifts in the sutures bad influence, this conclusion was made by adherents of craneosacral therapy. Soft micro-influence helps with many problems: lag in psycho-motor development, headache, pathology of ENT organs, neck problems, depression, emotional lability etc. There are 2 subsections in this technique:

- bone disorder brain department skulls. Restoring them correct setting helps to reduce residual effects after craniocerebral, postpartum injuries, many neurological disorders, especially in recovery period after suffering a stroke.

- when working with bones facial skull partially solved aesthetic problems patients (reduction in the number of wrinkles, puffiness of the face, edema, color improvement) and problems with ENT organs (the duration of tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis is reduced).

General osteopathic methods of articulations. Aticulations allow you to quickly and painlessly reduce restrictions in joint mobility. Some exercises are similar to exercise therapy, but their essence is much deeper, and their effectiveness is higher. Articulation is constantly being improved, there are complexes of individual exercises for each joint.


Formulated by Dr. Still.

First principle: Man is made to function.

Second principle: Everything that provides and maintains him in a state of health is in himself.

Third principle: For its harmonious functioning, the structure needs to maintain its mobility. Each part of the body depends on other parts of the same body.

The simplicity and common sense of the principles of osteopathy, proposed by its founder, allowed them to pass through all the tests. They are based on trust in the body, functioning as a whole, on its ability to respond and on the coherence in the work of its various systems. Osteopathic clinic and practice developed on their basis.

I invite you to reflect on the following statements, which carry great meaning.

Claude Bernard: "The soil is everything, the microbe is nothing."

Dr. Still: "The cause of evil may be far from its consequences."

“Any action from the outside is always followed by a reaction internal environment organism."

All this makes us think that our body is a smart machine. He has a perfect and complex system of self-regulation, which most often allows him to normalize the failure in his functions, restore their lost balance, and therefore find a relative functional balance, called homeostasis in medicine. When needed, the body is capable of producing its own therapeutic substances.

It is impossible for Dr. Still to break the integrity between structure and movement. Good mobility healthy body and harmonious functioning is its natural immunity.

Osteopathy is given to help such a body, still without pathology, but already with an imbalance. Osteopathy is designed to help him replenish his energy reserves and the ability to self-regulate.

Osteopathy is a manual medicine designed to maintain health.

This is her attraction. Maybe that's the reason it attracts so many patients. different ages. All these patients complain about various problems that cloud them everyday life, considering medical point vision is relatively healthy.

You begin to understand Dr. Webster's speech at the centenary of Still's birth. He said: "Humanity will enjoy the fruits of his discoveries as long as it lives."

I have nothing to add, except: "Thank you, Dr. Still!".


"Osteopathy is a philosophy, science and art at the same time."

Philosophy, because osteopathy is interested in the whole person. It does not focus on a single symptom, lesion, or disease as indicative of a functional impairment.

First of all, it worries the individual in his suffering, in disequilibrium. It is not the symptom that dominates the osteopathic concept, but the cause that caused the appearance given symptom. Osteopathy knows that the cause very often lies far from the symptom. For example, headache may be a consequence cervical spine. Osteopathy deals with the person as a whole, global man in unity of body and spirit.

Dr Still said: "I treat patients, not their diseases."

Osteopathy relies on the many abilities of the body. Osteopathic impact awakens all the internal forces of the body to make it respond to different kind aggressive influences, stimulates work various systems self-regulation and protection. To achieve this goal, osteopathy works on different levels: structures: fascial, visceral, tissue, fluid and endocrine.

Thus, the hands of the osteopath communicate with all functional levels organism. They operate under strict guidelines. Their action has strictly defined boundaries, like any practical work in the field of health.

The science, because osteopathic reasoning is based on anatomy, biomechanics and physiology. Dr. Still liked to say that osteopathy is also "anatomy, more anatomy, more anatomy."

Osteopath is a "mechanic" human body. He is tasked with overseeing normal functioning a healthy body in order to notice and prevent disorder, dysfunction, disease in time.

Art, product of the smart hand.

Prolonged and careful training of the hand in contact with the body, its anatomy and physiology is the way to master the art of therapeutic touch.

The osteopath's hands are able to feel, see, think, and detect dysfunction in tissues or fascia, a joint, or an organ that has lost its mobility. She performs a palpation audition.

Palpation sensitivity is based on harmony, good balance and correct movement of the bones of the human skeleton, its tissues and organs.

Osteopathy is not orthopedic medicine, not medicine dealing with bone disease. Conceptually, osteopathy is based on maintaining health.

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