What is dyspeptic syndrome. What is dyspepsia? Symptoms of different types of dyspepsia

- This is a violation of digestion, due to reasons of an organic and functional nature. Symptoms are pain in the upper abdomen of unclear localization, nausea, heartburn, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, rapid satiety after eating, etc. The diagnosis is established only if another pathology of the gastrointestinal tract is excluded, and it is of fundamental importance endoscopic examination upper divisions digestive tract. Symptomatic treatment: enzyme preparations, means to improve gastrointestinal motility, etc. Psychotherapy is of great importance - after classes with a psychologist, most patients note a decrease in the intensity of complaints.



General information

Dyspepsia is one of the main problems of modern gastroenterology, since up to 40% of the population of developed countries makes vague complaints of digestive discomfort, while only one in five visits doctors. Digestive disorders may have an organic or functional basis.

Organic dyspepsia occurs against the background various pathologies digestive organs (gastritis, peptic ulcer, inflammatory diseases hepatobiliary system, pancreas and various parts of the intestine, tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.). Functional dyspepsia is said to be in the case when, in the presence of symptoms of a violation of the activity of the stomach, no organic pathology is detected that could cause these complaints. Women suffer from functional dyspepsia 1.5 times more often than men; The main age group in which this disease is detected is 17-35 years old.

Causes of dyspepsia

Pathology is considered to be a psychosocial disease in which, as a result of various stress factors, the regulation of the functions of the stomach and primary departments intestines. In addition to emotional overstrain, the causes of functional dyspepsia may be malnutrition, taking certain medicines, increased secretion of hydrochloric acid, Helicobacter pylori contamination of the gastric mucosa, dyskinesia of the initial sections of the digestive tract, impaired digestion of complex sugars, etc. It is known that hypovitaminosis (deficiency of vitamins C and group B) can also contribute to the development of dyspepsia.

As a result of the impact of these factors on the wall of the stomach, the sensitivity of visceral receptors increases, there is a discoordination of gastric motility and small intestine disrupts the normal secretion of digestive juices. The manifestations of these disorders are gastroparesis (accompanied by heaviness in the epigastrium, nausea and vomiting), increased visceral susceptibility to stretching (a feeling of fullness in the stomach, hungry pains in epigastric region), incomplete relaxation of the muscle layer of the organ (feeling of early satiety), slowing down the movement of food masses from the stomach to the intestines.

Diseases such as food allergy, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and diaphragmatic hernia with displacement also occur with dyspeptic syndrome. abdominal region esophagus in chest cavity, gastritis, achlorhydria , peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, condition after cholecystectomy, pancreatitis, pyloric stenosis, tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, various infections digestive tract.

Most common cause dyspepsia in children are food toxic infections, in this case, along with dyspeptic syndrome, toxic-exicosis syndrome comes to the fore. Since the signs of organic dyspepsia are discussed in the sections on the corresponding diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in this article we will talk mainly about functional dyspepsia.


As a result of the impact of these factors on the wall of the stomach, the sensitivity of visceral receptors increases, there is a discoordination of the motility of the stomach and small intestine, and the normal secretion of digestive juices is disturbed. The manifestations of these disorders are gastroparesis (accompanied by heaviness in the epigastrium, nausea and vomiting), increased visceral susceptibility to stretching (feeling of fullness in the stomach, hungry pain in the epigastric region), incomplete relaxation of the muscle layer of the organ (feeling of early satiety), slowing down the movement of food masses from the stomach into the intestines.

Classification of dyspepsia

Based on the pathogenetic principle, functional and organic dyspepsia are distinguished. Organic pathology accompanies various diseases digestive tract, and functional proceeds against the background of the absence organic damage GIT. By causal factor distinguish the following variants of dyspepsia:

  • Alimentary- usually associated with a violation of the ratio of the main nutrients in the diet. Fermentative dyspepsia develops with the predominance of carbohydrates in the menu, putrefactive - with proteins and stale meat, soapy - with an excess of refractory fats.
  • Enzymatic- associated with underproduction digestive enzymes. Depending on the organ in which enzyme deficiency has developed, gastrogenous, pancreatogenic, hepatogenic and enterogenic dyspepsia is distinguished.
  • Dyspepsia in malabsorption syndrome- associated with impaired absorption of nutrients in the intestines.
  • infectious- develops with various intestinal infections, most often with dysentery and salmonellosis.
  • Intoxication- occurs when acute poisoning, heavy common infections, major injuries.

There are also four clinical forms functional dyspepsia: ulcer-like, dyskinetic, reflux-like and indeterminate.

Symptoms of dyspepsia

Diagnosis functional disorder is established in the presence of three mandatory criteria. The first of them is complaints of pain and discomfort in the upper abdomen along the midline for one week every month, or 12 weeks a year. The second is the absence of organic changes in the gastrointestinal tract during physical, endoscopic and ultrasound examination upper parts of the digestive tract. The third criterion is the absence of signs of irritable bowel syndrome (symptom relief after defecation or change in the nature and frequency of stools).

There are a number of signs in the presence of which the diagnosis is excluded: this is dysphagia, fever, the appearance of blood in the stool, inflammatory changes in clinical analyzes, causeless weight loss, anemia. In the presence of these symptoms, a deeper examination of the patient is required to make a correct diagnosis.

There are four variants of the course of functional dyspepsia, each of which has its own clinical and physical signs. The ulcer-like variant is manifested by rather strong nocturnal or hungry pains in epigastric region, often occurring after an emotional overstrain. Pain syndrome It is stopped by food intake, the introduction of antacids. characteristic feature is a feeling of fear during an attack, intrusive thoughts about the presence of an incurable disease.

The dyskinetic variant is expressed by a feeling of fullness in the stomach after eating, heaviness in the epigastrium, nausea, and bloating. Possible vomiting, which brings relief. Patients note that after eating, rapid satiety occurs. Reflux-like dyspepsia is manifested by heartburn, a feeling of burning pain behind the sternum, belching, and acid regurgitation. The last form of the disease - indefinite, or non-specific - is characterized by a polymorphism of symptoms, while it is not possible to single out one leader. Functional dyspepsia is characterized by a long course, the absence of progression of symptoms.


A consultation with a gastroenterologist will allow you to identify the leading complaints, determine the required amount of research. The diagnosis of functional dyspepsia is established only after complete examination patient and exclusion of other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The following studies are mandatory: consultation of an endoscopist for esophagogastroduodenoscopy, ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity, blood tests (general clinical and biochemical analyzes blood), a study of feces to assess digestive activity, detect hidden blood.

With functional dyspepsia during endoscopy, mucosal changes are not visualized. Abdominal ultrasound can detect chronic pancreatitis, cholelithiasis. Deviations in the analyzes with this diagnosis usually do not happen. For differential diagnosis with other gastrointestinal diseases may require additional research. An x-ray of the stomach can reveal an expansion of the cavity of the organ, a slowdown in the evacuation of food. On electrogastrography, a violation of gastric peristalsis is recorded (most often a decrease in its rhythm).

A study is being carried out to determine the acidity gastric juice, intragastric pH-metry (possible both increase and decrease in pH). To assess the degree of relaxation of the stomach, antroduodenal manometry is used, during which a special sensor is inserted into the organ cavity that transmits pressure indicators. With functional dyspepsia, manometry may indicate insufficient relaxation or, conversely, relaxation of the walls of the stomach.

In a situation where symptoms progress or do not regress enough during treatment, two different studies are required to detect Helicobacter pylori infection. The use of methods with different diagnostic mechanisms (determination of Helicobacter in feces by ELISA, PCR diagnostics of Helicobacter, determination of antibodies to Helicobacter in the blood by ELISA, breath test on Helicobacter) will avoid errors.

Forecast and prevention

Functional dyspepsia worsens the patient's life, but the prognosis this disease favorable. With absence anxiety symptoms listed above, the presence of a serious pathology of the gastrointestinal tract is unlikely. However, dyspepsia is characterized by an undulating course, therefore, after a course of therapy, high probability recurrence of symptoms. Specific measures for the prevention of dyspepsia have not been developed, but management healthy lifestyle life, rational nutrition and exclusion stressful situations significantly reduce the likelihood of developing this disease.

ICD-10 code

Unpleasant sensations in the upper abdomen, sometimes radiating to the sternum, a feeling of fullness, flatulence, belching, nausea, burning, rapid liquid stool, aversion to food and a feeling of rapid satiety - all these symptoms, which speak of indigestion, doctors call general concept"dyspepsia". That this is not a disease, but rather a syndrome, has been established for a long time. Don't be scared, let's try to figure it out. If you find any in yourself, you should attend to the search for the root cause of the ailment. And by the way, you don't have to wait until you experience all of the above. Enough and a couple of symptoms.

Varieties of dyspepsia

So, dyspepsia: what is this ailment and what are the causes of its occurrence? Physicians distinguish two groups:

1. The first is dyspepsia caused by enzyme deficiency. What does it mean? And so, that some organs involved in digestion do not perform their function well enough, as a result of which the stomach and others are unable to work properly, and, accordingly, processes that are not very pleasant for our body begin to occur, associated with poor-quality digestion of food .

What organs can sabotage the overall process? It turns out that any: liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, the stomach itself and even several organs at once. Accordingly, dyspepsia can be hepatogenic, cholecystogenic, pancreatogenic, gastrogenic, enterogenic and mixed.

It is obvious that in this case one should first find out the cause and identify the rebellious organ (or organs), and then proceed to eradicate the main problem.

2. The second type of dyspepsia, which, by the way, is much more common, is What does this mean? A person is completely frivolous about his diet, and in recent times made some serious mistakes in it. Namely: unjustifiably actively leaned on any type of food, which in excessive quantities leads to an imbalance in the digestive system, that is, to the occurrence of dyspepsia. Here it is customary to distinguish three subtypes. when the search concerned carbohydrates (legumes, cabbage, fruits, honey, sweets and starchy foods), which are too in large numbers provoke fermentation in the intestines, forcing a person to experience the entire spectrum of unpleasant sensations mentioned above. Putrefactive dyspepsia: here the culprits are proteins that require a long time to digest (lamb, beef, pork, as well as sausages and other derived products). More precisely, not the proteins themselves, but their immoderate use. Fatty dyspepsia (it is also called soapy: it leads to the immoderate absorption of refractory fats, for example, lamb and pork).

You are what you eat

If dyspepsia is alimentary in nature, the patient, of course, must first of all stop using dangerous product, as well as all products from various "risk groups". Even better - immediately put yourself on a diet (it's easy to find out what a healthy diet should be now). But let us remind you that you will have to exclude everything fatty, spicy, fried, sweet, flour, etc., and, if possible, cook your own food for a couple, with a small amount of oil and spices. It will take at least a few days to keep the body on such a strict regimen.

You already know about this unpleasant illness like dyspepsia. What is it and how to deal with it, prompt experienced doctors. And self-medication is not worth it. After all, you cannot be sure of the accuracy of the diagnosis you have made yourself, which means you risk indefinitely postponing the treatment of any other disease that you mistakenly dub the term "dyspepsia". Prevention, of course, will not be superfluous in this case either, but it may not be enough, and your body, through new, more bright symptoms, will require serious treatment from you.

Even from time to time healthy man experiencing some abdominal discomfort. This is usually due to overeating or a violation of the usual diet. Where is the line between normal processes in the gastrointestinal tract and the “first bells” when to see a doctor?

Symptoms of dyspepsia

Before looking for signs of dyspeptic syndrome, you need to know what it is. Dyspepsia is a disorder normal operation stomach, manifested by pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen (translated from Greek literally means "digestion disorder"). However, it is not necessary that the cause of the problems is in the digestive tract itself. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by an error in the diet, bad habits stress, pregnancy, etc.

  • Discomfort, feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region ( top part abdomen where costal arches meet).
  • Periodic pain in the same place, not necessarily associated with food.
  • Feeling of fullness in the stomach.
  • Early satiety is a feeling of satiety that comes as soon as you start eating, even if you have only eaten a couple of tablespoons of food.
  • Feeling of bloating, fullness in the stomach (not to be confused with visible swelling lower divisions stomach - flatulence!).
  • Nausea.
  • Belching of air or stomach contents.
  • Heartburn is a burning sensation behind the sternum associated with the reflux of gastric juice and food up into the esophagus. It usually occurs if you take a horizontal position immediately after eating.
  • Sometimes vomiting followed by temporary relief.

Types of dyspepsia

  1. Organic: in this case, the symptoms are caused by some disease (for example, gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, oncological process).
  2. Functional: with detailed examination no signs of the disease are found, but discomfort persists.

In addition, discomfort is classified according to the factors that caused it.

  1. Nutritional dyspepsia associated with impaired rational nutrition(an excess of carbohydrates causes fermentation reactions, proteins - putrefactive, fats - saponification).
  2. lack of enzymes or active substances produced by one or another organ (gastric dyspepsia with a lack of hydrochloric acid or other components of gastric juice, pancreatogenic - with a decrease in pancreatic function, hepatogenic - insufficient production of bile in the liver).
  3. Dyspepsia in intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery, viral enteritis etc.) or other diseases (flu, acute surgical pathology, purulent infections in any part of the body, in case of poisoning with poisons, including nicotine).
  4. Dyspepsia of neurotic origin is a condition in which the cause of discomfort is a violation of the regulation of the work of the stomach by the brain. Occurs when tired prolonged stress, mental illness, use narcotic substances. This condition often takes a sluggish, chronic course.

A separate place is occupied by dyspepsia of pregnant women. On the early dates under the influence of hormones, a woman's body rebuilds all its work in order to create favorable conditions to develop a new life. The mode of the digestive tract also changes - the load on it increases, and the muscle component weakens.

In the second half of pregnancy, the uterus with the fetus reaches a significant size, oppressing the abdominal organs higher and higher. To avoid discomfort in the epigastric region, women in position should eat more often than usual and in small portions. It is better to refuse fried and fatty foods, carbonated drinks, so as not to overload the liver and pancreas.

Why be afraid?

These symptoms may be caused by different reasons. Full list diseases is extremely large - from simple overwork to neglected oncological processes. Therefore, it is important not to neglect the examination, but to consult a doctor in time.

It is necessary to consult a therapist, a gastroenterologist, an infectious disease specialist, and in some cases a psychologist and psychiatrist. The exact list of studies will be appointed by the attending specialist. He will most likely need:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • a biochemical blood test that determines the performance of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, the presence of inflammation in the body;
  • a detailed analysis of feces (coprogram) to assess the digestibility of food;
  • FEGDS (fibroesophagogastrodudoenoscopy) - examination of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum using a special optical instrument; in the course of the study, a biopsy (a small piece of tissue for examination under a microscope) of a suspicious area is necessarily taken, the acidity in different departments digestive tract, population tests are carried out Helicobacter pylori;
  • a study of feces or exhaled air for Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that causes gastritis and is involved in the formation of stomach cancer;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • in some cases, radiography, CT scan, colonoscopy, tests for helminthiases (helminthic diseases) and giardia.

Treatment of dyspeptic syndrome

  • After eating, in no case should you lie down, but it is better not to even sit for 30 to 60 minutes. Stay in vertical position and watch your posture.
  • Dinner should be 3 hours before bedtime. Sleep preferably on a high pillow, in a half-sitting position.
  • Get rid of tight belts, corsets, women need to choose a bra that does not constrain the volume of the chest.
  • Stick to a diet: during the day, preferably 3 large meals and 2 to 3 snacks. The menu should not be biased towards a particular product. Avoid carbonated drinks, citrus fruits, strong coffee and black tea, alcohol, smoked, fried foods.

Dyspepsia in children

How younger child the less mature is it digestive system. She's not ready to be processed rough or poor quality food, easier to "fail". That is why children early age often there are episodes of indigestion, manifested not only by dyspeptic syndrome, but also by diarrhea (diarrhea). Babies have:

  • simple dyspepsia,
  • toxic dyspepsia.

Simplex is more common in children artificial feeding. Healthy child can withstand minor errors in the diet for quite a long time, however, their negative effect accumulates, and the process of adaptation of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. It can be caused by improper preparation or long storage the finished mixture, systematic overfeeding or too frequent feedings, drastic changes as part of nutrition. Dyspepsia can occur secondarily against the background of overheating of the baby, colds or other diseases.

Toxic dyspepsia is associated not only with errors in the diet of the infant, but also with the ingestion bacterial infection in gastrointestinal tract. The baby's well-being suffers significantly - there may be a fever, a high risk of dehydration and poisoning with bacterial toxins.

Only a doctor can distinguish between these conditions. Without proper treatment intestinal infection threatens the life of the child!

Thus, dyspeptic syndrome may be a manifestation different states from completely harmless to life threatening. Its manifestations require the attention of the patient and the alertness of the doctor.

A functional disorder or dyspepsia is a symptom complex that includes a sensation of pain or discomfort (heaviness, fullness, early satiety) localized in the epigastric region closer to the midline. When the symptoms of dyspepsia are due to diseases such as ulcers, malignant tumors, cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis and gastroesophageal reflux disease, it is customary to talk about organic dyspepsia syndrome. Treatment of dyspepsia is carried out only after a valid diagnosis has been established.


It is characterized by persistent or recurring symptoms for more than 12 weeks (not necessarily consecutive) over the past 12 months, the absence of organic pathology, irritable bowel syndrome. Together with aerophagia and functional vomiting, the complex of symptoms is included in the group of functional gastroduodenal disorders.


  • ulcerative,
  • dyskinetic
  • and nonspecific dyspepsia.

Diagnosis of dyspepsia

The first two variants of the disease suggest that the patient has a complex of certain complaints.

Thus, the symptoms of dyspepsia of the ulcer-like variant are characterized primarily by complaints of predominantly hungry and nocturnal periodic pains localized in the epigastric region, passing after taking antacids.

The dyskinetic variant is more characterized by early satiety, a feeling of fullness in the epigastrium after eating, nausea, a feeling of bloating in the upper abdomen and a feeling of discomfort that increases after eating.

Nonspecific dyspepsia is diagnosed when it is difficult to clearly attribute the patient's complaints to one of the listed options.


Therapy of the disease is complex and depends on the clinical variant of the disease.

Treatment and symptoms of dyspepsia in patients with a functional form. Therapy includes antacids and antisecretory drugs (H2-blockers and proton pump), eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection.

With symptoms of dyspepsia of the dyskinetic type, the main place is given to the appointment of prokinetics - drugs that normalize motor function Gastrointestinal tract, - Metoclopramide (Reglan, Cerucal), Motilium (Dompiridone) and Coordinax.

When nonspecific dyspepsia is treated with antacids or symptomatic therapy.

Physiotherapy treatment

Significant variability of violations of regulatory systems in diseases of the gastroduodenal zone determines the need to include both drugs and drugs in the treatment regimens. physical methods, potentiating basic therapy and acting on the main syndromes.

Therapeutic physical factors in the diagnosis of dyspepsia should be aimed at restoring the secretory (secret-stimulating methods) and motor-evacuation (vegetative-correcting) functions of the stomach and stopping the astheno-depressive state of patients (sedative methods), activating the mechanisms of formation of a nonspecific immune response (immunomodulatory methods).

Secretion-stimulating treatment of dyspepsia: at the diagnosis of dyspepsia: drinking bicarbonate-chloride and sodium-calcium waters.

Vegetative-correcting methods: transcranial electroanalgesia, electrosleep therapy.

Sedative methods for symptoms of dyspepsia: galvanization of the collar area, nitrogen and coniferous baths.

Immunomodulatory methods: low-frequency SMW-therapy of the umbilical region, high-frequency magnetotherapy of the thymus.



treatment of dyspepsia is contraindicated in exacerbation of chronic hepatitis,

erosive gastritis with bleeding,

anacid gastritis,

callous ulcers of the stomach,

benign and malignant neoplasms,

suspected symptoms of a perforated stomach ulcer,

pyloric stenosis,

gastroptosis II-III degree,

general contraindications to physiotherapy.

Spa treatment

Patients with ulcer-like and dyskinetic variants of the disease are referred for the treatment of dyspepsia to balneotherapy and climate-balneotherapy resorts:

  • Anapa,
  • Gagra,
  • Sestroretsk,
  • Liepaja,
  • Sukhumi,
  • The south coast of Crimea,
  • Hot key,
  • Jermuk,
  • Zheleznovodsk,
  • Mirgorod,
  • Morshyn,
  • Nalchik,
  • Feodosia,
  • Karlovy Vary,
  • Vichy.

Contraindications to the spa treatment of dyspepsia are hyperplastic changes in the gastric mucosa (if it is impossible to exclude malignant degeneration).

How to treat dyspepsia with folk remedies?

4 teaspoons of marshmallow roots pour 0.5 l boiled water. Insist in a closed vessel for 8 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4-5 times a day to treat very severe gastrointestinal diseases as an enveloping and soothing agent. It is used for diarrhea, dysentery, colitis.

5 g of birch buds in a glass of boiling water: boil for 10-15 minutes, insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain. Take children one at a time. spoon, adults - 1/2 cup 4 times a day for dysentery and dyspepsia in children.

For small children, give a quarter cup of brine from sauerkraut. The people believe that the brine is good prophylactic against scurvy and chronic dyspepsia.

10 g of plantain seeds per 1 cup of boiling water: insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain. Take one tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day for pain in the stomach, colitis, constipation.

1 teaspoon of cumin per 1 cup of boiling water: insist, wrapped, 2 hours, strain. Give children one tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals with dyspepsia.

1 teaspoon of crushed dill seeds per 1 cup of boiling water: insist, wrapped, 2 hours, strain. Children take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals for pain in the stomach and intestines, adults - 1/4 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Principles of diet therapy in the diagnosis of dyspepsia

Diet therapy is the most successful treatment method. With all types of dyspepsia, hunger is successfully prescribed for 1-2 days. After fasting, the diet is gradually expanded.

During therapy, vitamins C, PP, B1 and B2 are necessarily administered, and drugs with anti-inflammatory and adsorbing properties. These recommendations are simple and somewhat banal, but if they are strictly observed, the result of drug treatment depends.

Basic rules for dietary treatment

Eating a symptomatic patient every 4-5 hours, but portions at each meal should be made small (fractional).

Eating should be in calm conditions while eating, do not watch TV, read, do not read.

People with dyspepsia need to quit smoking

If for some reason there is little time for eating, you should refuse food altogether and drink a glass of kefir.

It is imperative to eat first courses (soups in low-fat broth or water), drink other liquids.

Patients with symptoms of dyspepsia should not eat very hot or very cold food.

Physioprophylaxis of the disease

Physioprophylaxis is aimed at preventing the progression of dyspepsia by correcting the systems of regulation of the secretory (secret-correcting methods of treatment) and motor-evacuation functions of the stomach (vegetative-correcting methods).

Prevention of the disease is the observance of the rules healthy eating and prevention of those diseases that can cause dyspepsia.

Causes of dyspepsia

In the pathogenesis of the functional form of the disease, a certain (but not the main) value is adverse effect social and economic factors, hydrochloric acid hypersecretion, serum pepsinogen level, somatostatin concentration in the gastric mucosa and Helicobacter pylori infection. The latter is not main reason formation of dyspepsia, although in patients with an ulcer-like variant, FD may be of some importance. Eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection causes symptoms of dyspepsia in patients with an ulcer-like variant of the disease and is ineffective in patients with a dyskinetic variant.

A significant place in the pathogenesis is occupied by a violation of the motility of the upper gastrointestinal tract against the background of a change in their myoelectric activity and the associated delay in gastric emptying, as well as a violation of the valve mechanism of the pylorus and antrum, leading to the occurrence duodenogastric reflux. Some researchers point to the role of asthenoneurotic syndrome in the formation of various dyspeptic manifestations. Patients diagnosed with dyspepsia are much more likely to be depressed, have a negative perception of major life events; they have identified high level anxiety, neurotic and hypochondriacal reactions. In patients, local regulatory systems are first activated, then systemic mechanisms, and finally, reactions are activated at the level of the whole organism.

Provoking factors

violations of gastric emptying, as a consequence of irregular nutrition, exposure to stress or any other factors (non-ulcer dyspepsia);

acute gastritis

chronic gastritis

malignant and benign tumors cause dyspepsia,

peptic ulcer

diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract:

diseases of the pancreas: pancreatitis

pathology endocrine system: thyroid gland, diabetes;

long-term use medicines that damage the lining of the stomach and duodenum

chronic renal or liver failure,;


other rare conditions and diseases.

Video: Treatment and symptoms of dyspepsia

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