A story about healthy food for children. The story of healthy eating

The boy Fedya Yegorov became stubborn at the table:
- I don’t want to eat soup and I won’t eat porridge. I don't like bread!
Soup, porridge and bread took offense at him, disappeared from the table and ended up in the forest. And at this time, an evil hungry wolf roamed the forest and said:
- I love soup, porridge and bread! Oh how I wish I could eat them!
The food heard this and flew straight into the wolf's mouth. The wolf has eaten, sits contentedly, licks its lips. And Fedya, without having eaten, left the table. For dinner, my mother served potato pancakes with jelly, and Fedya again became stubborn:
- Mom, I don’t want pancakes, I want pancakes with sour cream!
Before Fedya had time to finish this, the pancakes disappeared from the plate. We found ourselves in a forest where an evil hungry wolf lived, and again the wolf ate everything. The same thing happened at breakfast. Fedya hadn't even had time to finish saying that he didn't like a bun with butter, the bun disappeared. Only a mug of cocoa remained on the table. And so it always became, as soon as Fedya spoke badly about food, she disappeared and immediately ended up in the mouth of a wolf. Fedya stopped growing from malnutrition and even began to weaken. In the yard, the guys considered him the smallest and weakest. The wolf, on the contrary, began to grow and get stronger. Now he did not have to work, he began to be conceited and began to offend the little ones. When he got stronger, the wolf declared himself the owner of the forest and forbade hares, squirrels, hedgehogs, mice, frogs to pick mushrooms, berries and nuts in the forest. Only the wolf was a little afraid of the bear, but he was friends with the fox.
Once the boys from the yard where Fedya lived were going to go hiking in the forest, but they did not want to take Fedya with them. “You,” they say, “weak. Stay away more." But Fedya so wanted to go with them, he asked them so much that the guys took pity on him and took him with them. The guys went into the forest together, cheerfully, with cheerful songs. But Fedya quickly got tired and began to lag behind the detachment. Then he decided to sit on a stump, rest, gain strength and catch up with the guys with renewed vigor. As soon as Fedya sat down, he heard someone crying in the bushes. I took a closer look, and this is a gray bunny crying, wiping its muzzle with its paws.
- Bunny, why are you crying? Fedya asked the bunny. And the bunny answers him:
- How can I not cry, I had a cabbage garden, I looked after it so much, I tried so hard, and the wolf came, trampled and pulled out all the cabbage. She will not grow now, I will not have a harvest.
- So you would not allow this, would ask this wolf properly! Fedya said, shaking his fist.
- What are you, - the bunny answers, - how can I ask him. The wolf is so big, so strong. He finds fault with everyone, offends everyone. He declared himself the owner of the forest and does not allow us to pick mushrooms and berries in the forest.
- The wolf offends everyone! - Fedya was indignant, - where is he, I'll deal with him now!
- What are you, what are you, boy, - the bunny got worried. “You can’t handle him, you are so small, so weak, and the wolf is strong and big. Some bad boy does not eat its own food, and the wolf eats all of it. The wolf now does not know labor at all, he always walks well-fed, grows stronger day by day and becomes angrier and bolder. You, boy, get out of here quickly, otherwise he will see you and ask you.
“It’s true,” Fedya thinks, I’m so weak, I’ve even lagged behind the guys. Fedya realized that the bad boy the bunny was talking about was him. He became ashamed.
- Do not be upset, bunny, - he said to the bunny, - there are a lot of berries and mushrooms in the forest, you will not be lost, but we will deal with the wolf.
Fedya ran to catch up with the guys, and when they saw that he had fallen behind, they were already returning to him. Misha gave him his stick, with a stick it is more convenient to walk through the forest, Kolya took his backpack, and the guys went on.
Returning home from a hike, Fedya quickly washed his hands and waited for his mother to start setting the table. As soon as my mother began to cover, Fedya began to help her. Together they quickly laid the table, sat down with the whole family to eat. Fedya ate everything that was served, and even asked for more. And the wolf was hungry. The next time, Fedya also ate everything himself, and the wolf again remained hungry. The wolf has lost the habit of working, he sits hungry and angry and waits for Fedya to refuse food, and Fedya began to eat everything himself. Moreover, Fedya began to do exercises every day, began to grow stronger day by day, and the wolf, on the contrary, began to weaken.
When in again the guys were going to go to the forest, everyone unanimously chose Fedya as commander. The guys came to the forest, and Fedya asked the animals:
- Where is the evil wolf that offends you?
And the animals answer:
- Our wolf has already improved, he no longer offends us.
And it is true that there is no time for the wolf to chase the guys, he needs to work, he needs to get food.

Extracurricular activities within the framework of GEF

"Ethics: the ABC of Goodness"

Teacher: Kazakova E.S.

Theme: A fairy tale in our life. For HLS. Good story about health.

Purpose: formation of needs for a healthy lifestyle, through role play.

develop ideas junior schoolchildren about proper nutrition, its significance for health;

develop motivation healthy lifestyle life;

develop communication skills, promote the development of interaction between adult family members and children.

Equipment: TV, computer, poster with vegetables, a full meal (fruit, loaf, oatmeal cookies, milk, porridge)

Today we will talk about healthy eating and its implications for our health. 1 slide, 2 slide, “Man is what he eats,” said the ancient sage. And this truth has successfully lived up to our time. And if an adult body can cope with the lack of some vitamins for some time, then such a “hunger” is contraindicated for a child. After all, in a child, all organs and systems have not yet been fully formed, they need an uninterrupted "supply" of useful substances for proper development. Especially in school years when the brain is in serious need of daily bread.

3 slide. Today we will tell Good fairy tale about health" based on the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". But we will refer to our time.

Who knows the story of Little Red Riding Hood? (Charles Perrault)

Why does she have unusual name?

There lived a girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood and her mother lived in the city among car noise, factory smoke and eternal bustle. Mom worked late and the girl most day was alone. After school, she had a quick snack. The first she did not want to warm, and rescued sandwiches in a dry bag.

Day by day time went by. Little Red Riding Hood is 10 years old. Mom looks at her daughter and does not know whether she should rejoice, or shed tears. My daughter was emaciated, pale, often began to get sick. I thought, thought my mother and decided - on summer vacation send my daughter to the village to her grandmother. She will definitely help her.

ended academic year and Little Red Riding Hood went to her grandmother in the village of Pokhlebkino. “How beautiful it was all around,” the girl thought, standing on a country road. On one side of the road there were endless fields, and on the other, a forest. There was a lake in the distance. And what a smell it was! It smelled of blooming May herbs and flowers, Birds sang around, bugs buzzed overhead, I wanted to sing and laugh.

This is Grandma's house. Marfa Vasilievna hurried to meet the guest.

My granddaughter, - said the grandmother and, kissing her beloved granddaughter, handed her bread and salt on a beautiful towel.

Granny, why is that? - asked Little Red Riding Hood.

According to an old Russian custom, dear guests are greeted with bread and salt. Especially since I baked it myself. And I have the most bread useful - bran. Taste, granddaughter, and let's go to the house.

The hut was bright and comfortable. And it also smelled great.

Grandma, where is this from? nice smell?

This is all my assistant the stove conjures.

Indeed, a delicious smell came from the oven.

Grandma, can you give me a try?” Granddaughter clapped her hands.

Not only try, but you will eat at my place and Tasty food and useful.

Grandma, it's not like that. My mother often advises me to eat something healthy - but it's not tasty, - the girl frowned.

It's not tasty there: with dyes and preservatives. And I have everything natural that mother nature-nature will spoil, we are preparing from that. I will treat you every day, and you note and remember. And in a month, another illness of yours and the trace will get cold. You will return home healthy and strong.

Grandmother, how is your Burenka?

Well, dear, now you will taste her milk. And for milk oatmeal cookies. Only wash hands before eating Do not forget.

Granny, do children really need milk?

And how . Milk is a source of protein and calcium. For children's growth the body needs proteins. Therefore, in order to grow up healthy, you need to drink milk, eat meat, fish, buckwheat, nuts.

Children need calcium to grow their teeth. I will cook for you breakfast milk porridge with fruits.

Grandma, you know everything in the world!

Yet children's body needed vitamins. And my vitamins grow in the beds.

There you have a lot of grass!

This is a granddaughter, not grass, but your health grows in the beds. Dill, parsley, lettuce, sorrel, onion- there is a lot of greenery in this vitamins and minerals .

Let's go to the table, try my food.

At Marfa Andreevna, as always, the table is bursting with dishes: vegetable salad with herbs, green cabbage soup, baked chicken and boiled potatoes with dill.

Granny, why so many, I'll burst.

What are you, baby. This is my choice. Eat a little of everything and you will be full, and you will taste the treat. Remember you can't overeat!

Working with students Q: What should I do before eating?

Who loves milk? Why is it useful? What is calcium for? Protein? What should you eat for breakfast? And what do you eat for breakfast? Summary of Protein and Calcium Benefits (Pictures on the Chalkboard)

What did grandma give her granddaughter for lunch? Why do you need to eat salad and a lot of greens? What vitamins do you know? What do you need to eat for lunch? Why? How did grandma cook? Baked in the oven. Who will go to your grandmother in the village on vacation?

I hope that we did not travel in vain, that each of you learned a lot of interesting things, that all of you will strive to become healthy, strong and beautiful,

. Summary of the lesson.

What do you know about nutrition?

What are the nutritional benefits of fruits and vegetables?

Do you want to be healthy?

Security Question : - Put me in the cart only healthy foods.

The boy Fedya Yegorov became stubborn at the table:

I don’t want to eat soup and I won’t have porridge. I don't like bread!

Soup, porridge and bread took offense at him, disappeared from the table and ended up in the forest. And at this time, an evil hungry wolf roamed the forest and said:

I love soup, porridge and bread! Oh how I wish I could eat them!

The food heard this and flew straight into the wolf's mouth. The wolf has eaten, sits contentedly, licks its lips. And Fedya, without having eaten, left the table. For dinner, my mother served potato pancakes with jelly, and Fedya again became stubborn:

- Mom, I don’t want pancakes, I want pancakes with sour cream!

Before Fedya had time to finish this, the pancakes disappeared from the plate. We found ourselves in a forest where an evil hungry wolf lived, and again the wolf ate everything. The same thing happened at breakfast. Fedya hadn't even had time to finish saying that he didn't like a bun with butter, the bun disappeared. Only a mug of cocoa remained on the table. And so it always became, as soon as Fedya spoke badly about food, she disappeared and immediately ended up in the mouth of a wolf. Fedya stopped growing from malnutrition and even began to weaken. In the yard, the guys considered him the smallest and weakest. The wolf, on the contrary, began to grow and get stronger. Now he did not have to work, he began to be conceited and began to offend the little ones. When he got stronger, the wolf declared himself the owner of the forest and forbade hares, squirrels, hedgehogs, mice, frogs to pick mushrooms, berries and nuts in the forest. Only the wolf was a little afraid of the bear, but he was friends with the fox.

Once the boys from the yard where Fedya lived were going to go hiking in the forest, but they did not want to take Fedya with them. “You,” they say, “weak. Stay away more." But Fedya so wanted to go with them, he asked them so much that the guys took pity on him and took him with them. The guys went into the forest together, cheerfully, with cheerful songs. But Fedya quickly got tired and began to lag behind the detachment. Then he decided to sit on a stump, rest, gain strength and catch up with the guys with renewed vigor. As soon as Fedya sat down, he heard someone crying in the bushes. I took a closer look, and this is a gray bunny crying, wiping its muzzle with its paws.

- Bunny, why are you crying? Fedya asked the bunny. And the bunny answers him:

- How can I not cry, I had a garden with cabbage, I looked after it so much, I tried so hard, and the wolf came, trampled and pulled out all the cabbage. She will not grow now, I will not have a harvest.

- So you would not allow this, you would have asked this wolf properly! Fedya said, shaking his fist.

- What are you, - the bunny answers, - how can I ask him. The wolf is so big, so strong. He finds fault with everyone, offends everyone. He declared himself the owner of the forest and does not allow us to pick mushrooms and berries in the forest.

- The wolf offends everyone! - Fedya was indignant, - where is he, I'll deal with him now!

“What are you, what are you, boy,” the bunny got worried. “You can’t handle him, you are so small, so weak, and the wolf is strong and big. Some bad boy doesn't eat his food, and the wolf eats all of it. The wolf now does not know labor at all, he always walks well-fed, grows stronger day by day and becomes angrier and bolder. You, boy, get out of here quickly, otherwise he will see you and ask you.
“It’s true,” Fedya thinks, I’m so weak, I’ve even lagged behind the guys. Fedya realized that the bad boy the bunny was talking about was him. He became ashamed.

“Don’t be upset, bunny,” he said to the bunny, “there are a lot of berries and mushrooms in the forest, you won’t get lost, but we’ll deal with the wolf.”

Fedya ran to catch up with the guys, and when they saw that he had fallen behind, they were already returning to him. Misha gave him his stick, with a stick it is more convenient to walk through the forest, Kolya took his backpack, and the guys went on.

Returning home from a hike, Fedya quickly washed his hands and waited for his mother to start setting the table. As soon as my mother began to cover, Fedya began to help her. Together they quickly laid the table, sat down with the whole family to eat. Fedya ate everything that was served, and even asked for more. And the wolf was hungry. The next time, Fedya also ate everything himself, and the wolf again remained hungry. The wolf has lost the habit of working, he sits hungry and angry and waits for Fedya to refuse food, and Fedya began to eat everything himself. Moreover, Fedya began to do exercises every day, began to grow stronger day by day, and the wolf, on the contrary, began to weaken.

When once again the guys were going to go to the forest, everyone unanimously chose Fedya as the commander. The guys came to the forest, and Fedya asked the animals:

- Where is the evil wolf that offends you?

And the animals answer:

- Our wolf has already corrected himself, he no longer offends us.

And it is true that there is no time for the wolf to chase the guys, he needs to work, he needs to get food.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Beryozka"



for kids preschool age(N. Yu. Chuprina)

Completed by: Zolotareva S.V.

Igrim 2017

Spring at the cottage.

In early May, when the warm spring sun had already warmed the earth a little, grandfather Vasya and his grandson Sanka went to the dacha. The house in the country, although old, is very warm and cozy. It has a stove and a fireplace. Sanka always liked to sit by the fireplace in the evenings, and look at the fire and listen to the logs crackling. The house also has an attic. There are stored Different things: old toys, sewing machine, antique oil lamp. On the summer cottage there is an orchard, where apple trees, plums, pears and various shrubs grow. And there is also a garden. On it, grandfather and grandmother grow various vegetables. Grandfather Vasya just took Sanka with him to dig the beds together and sow various seeds.

They set to work early in the morning. Grandfather dug up and fertilized the soil. Sanka made grooves in the beds and spilled them with water. “The earth should be soft as fluff. Seeds love it,” grandfather used to say.

They sowed seeds of carrots, beets, radishes, parsley and dill. Planted tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, onions. “That will be the harvest!” - grandfather Vasya rejoiced.

Grandpa, will we harvest the harvest only in the fall? Sanka asked when he and his grandfather were sitting on a bench in the yard.

No. Greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, onions, we will collect all summer. We will make vitamin salads from them.

Vitamin? Why are they called that?

We eat these vegetables fresh in the summer, and they contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D, and if we make a salad out of them, then we add vegetable oil with vitamin E. So it turns out - vitamin salad.

Great! Grandpa, what about carrots, what about cabbage? - the grandson did not calm down.

cabbage ripens in different time: early - in summer, late - in autumn. Cabbage must be eaten, as it contains a lot of beneficial vitamins, and especially many ascorbic acid. Carrots are harvested in late summer, but some varieties ripen earlier and are eaten in early summer.

I love to chew on carrots. Mom says it's very good for teeth. And also, if you eat carrots or drink carrot juice, then you will grow up big and strong, - Sanka said knowingly.

Your mother is absolutely right, - the grandfather confirmed. - And now let's go, our grandmother is waiting for us, she has already set the table.

They went to the house. Boiled potatoes were already smoking on the table, pickled cucumbers and crispy potatoes were on the plates. sauerkraut, reddened tomatoes in their own juice. Grandmother put boiled potatoes for Sanka and sprinkled her with fresh herbs - parsley and dill.

Granny, where did you get the dill and parsley, because they haven’t grown in the garden yet? Sanka was surprised.

I raised them on the windowsill, Grandma answered.

To be honest, I don’t really like dill and parsley, ”the grandson said quietly.

What are you, they must be eaten, because they excite the appetite and improve digestion, - explained grandfather Vasya.

Sanka, grandparents sat at the table, ate everything that granny cooked and were glad that all the vegetables were from the garden.

And let them be canned, it will take quite a bit of time and appear on the table fresh tomatoes, young cucumbers, onions, carrots and green peas.


The guests will be coming soon. "It's time to put treats on the table," Mom said.

Sanka ran to the kitchen and began to help put salads, appetizers on the table, various juices and bread. But then came the long-awaited call.

Hooray! These are my guests! Sanka shouted and ran to open the door.

Sanka's smartly dressed friends stood on the threshold. The guys went to the apartment and congratulated their friend on his birthday. Sanka was happy! No wonder, because Petya gave him a racing car with a control panel, Igorek and his brother Yura - a video cassette, which he dreamed of, and a designer, and a neighbor girl Lenochka presented an encyclopedia about airplanes. Sanka thanked everyone for the gifts and invited the guests to the table.

The guys ate salads first, then soup, then meat with a vegetable side dish. After that, the light was turned off in the room, and my mother brought in a very beautiful cake with six candles. Sanka guessed the most cherished desire and extinguished the candles. The guys ate cake, drank tea and talked.

It would be great to eat only cake instead of salads and a ball! Sanka said dreamily.

No, Sasha, my mother objected. - Lunch should consist of four courses. Appetizers and salads prepare our body for the process of digestion. Soup and main course provide us necessary quantity nutrients. Juices, compotes or tea support right amount fluids in our body. A cake is a dessert. It has a lot of sugar, and sugar in such quantities is not always good for us. Therefore, cakes can be eaten, but little by little and occasionally.

After the feast, the guys played different Interesting games, and those who won - received different prizes. Everyone was happy. Birthday was a success!

Interesting conversation

One hot July day, Sanka and his friends Petya, Igor and Yura were playing football in the yard. The game was very interesting! If Sanka had stood at the gate, then, of course, he would not have missed a single ball. But they put Yura, Igor's younger brother, in the goal, who, sometimes gaping, missed the balls. But still, the match turned out great!

The guys ran up, got tired and went to Sanka's house to drink water. Everyone's mouth was dry and thirsty.

Now open the faucet cold water and let's get drunk! Sanka dreamed.

What are you, - Petya objected to him. - Don't you know that you can only drink boiled water?

And why? - asked little Yura.

There are a lot of microbes in raw water. If they get into your body, then you will get sick, - older brother Igorek explained to Yura.

Having come to Sasha's house, the guys drank boiled water and sat down to rest. At this time, Sasha's mother came home from work.

Guys, would you like some juice? Mom suggested.

No, we have already drunk a whole glass of water, - friends answered in unison.

Do you know how much liquid a person should drink per day? Mom asked.


Two whole liters! But it's not just water or juices. All foods and dishes contain liquid. But there is especially a lot of liquid in vegetables and fruits, - my mother explained.

I wonder if a person can live without water? Yura asked a question.

A person can live without water for only a few days, and without food - for several weeks, - Sanka's mother explained.

And I love cranberry juice. He quenches thirst. And if you have a temperature, then fruit drink reduces it, - said Petya.

And I like to drink juices, especially apple and orange, - said Igorek.

And I, for one, really, really like milk. I can drink it in the morning, afternoon and evening.

During the conversation, the friends rested and again went outside to play volleyball. Still, this is a wonderful time of the year - summer!

magic chocolate

Day was clear - clear, and the kitten Peach is gloomy-gloomy. He got lost yesterday and could not find his way home. Peach hasn't eaten anything since yesterday. Something in his stomach rumbled, overflowed and gurgled. At this time, the Wise Owl flew up to Peach. While still high in the sky, she noticed that little kitty somehow behaves strangely.

What happened to you, - asked the Owl, landing on a branch of an old dry tree.

Aunt Wise Owl, I'm lost, - the kitten meowed plaintively, - Yesterday I played with a dry leaf that flew low above the ground and rustled. I ran too far away from my Cat Mom. All evening and all night I tried to find my way home, but nothing came of it.

Do not be sad, Kitten, - the Wise Owl took pity on him. I will help you, I will fly through the sky, and you will run on the ground.

Thank you Owl! But from hunger I have no strength at all. How can I run after you? whimpered Kitten.

Yes, bad luck! Owl agreed, shaking her head. There is no food nearby.

But then she remembered that she had a small piece of dark chocolate hidden between her feathers. The Owl handed some treats to the tired Kitten:

Here, eat this piece of chocolate! It will help you satisfy your hunger and give you the strength to get home.

The kitten ate the treat with great pleasure. After a while, his stomach stopped growling, and the kitten felt the strength to run home along the road that the Wise Owl would indicate.

Very soon Peach was in the arms of his mother. He thanked Owl for a long time for helping him out of trouble.

You know, Mom, Wise Owl treated me to magic chocolate. Thanks to him, I was able to get home.

Uh, uh, uh! Owl laughed. – This is not magic chocolate at all, but the most ordinary one. Just chocolate is very quickly absorbed by the body, satisfies the feeling of hunger and gives strength. If I had nuts, honey or ice cream with me, they would help you just like chocolate.

For a long time the Wise Owl circled in the sky, for a long time she listened to the happy purring of Mother Cat and Peach.

Piglet Donut.

One morning the little pig Donut was walking through the forest edge. He saw a stump, sat on it and began to yawn. Nearby stood a sprawling tree with a large hollow. The Wise Owl lived in this hollow. She saw a yawning piglet and said:

Donut, what are you yawning? What, you didn't sleep last night?

How not to sleep, slept. Yes, that's just bad: all night spinning, spinning, I saw bad dreams.

So, everything is clear, - answered the owl.

What is clear to you, - Peach did not understand.

And the fact that probably yesterday before going to bed you had a very, very tight dinner. Right?

That's right, - admitted Donut. I ate a lot, a lot of vegetables, acorns, sweets. I also ate a cake, but it was quite small.

Do you know, my dear piggy, that dinner is the last meal before going to bed. It should be light. The body needs to rest at night. And your stomach digests the food instead. Remember, Donut, you should eat only light food for dinner.

And easy - what is it? asked the piglet.

These are casseroles, cottage cheese, curdled milk, scrambled eggs, kefir, fruits.

Now everything is clear to me. Thank you, Wise Owl! Piglet was about to move on, but the owl stopped him.

Almost forgot, Donut! Remember one more rule: you need to have dinner two hours before bedtime. You remembered?

Yes! Thank you again and goodbye!

Milk, Yoghurt and Kefir.

In a dairy store on the neighboring shelves stood different products: milk, kefir, curdled milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, sour cream. People bought these dairy products with great pleasure, put them in bags, brought them home and put them in the refrigerator. And they were put in the refrigerator because they did not like heat and heat as a passion. They felt bad from the warm air, and they turned sour. And in the cold they were good, even very good.

Once Milk, Kefir and Yoghurt got into one refrigerator. They stand in the refrigerator, cool.

Suddenly Milk stirred, fussed and spoke:

Come on, Kefir and Yoghurt, move over! It is no good for me, the King of all dairy products, to stand in cramped quarters. I need space.

What are you proud of milk? Explain to us! - asked Kefir.

And what to explain - then! Not only that, my composition includes a hundred different substances necessary for every person, so I am still easily absorbed by the body.

Guess it's easy to digest! Yogurt objected. - I am also very easy to digest. But special bacteria live in me, which, getting into the human body, fight the causative agents of all diseases! Here!

What do you think, Yoghurt, one such fighter against pathogens? I am also very helpful and medicinal product nutrition. Children love me very much! - did not calm down Kefir.

And I happen to be cherry, and blueberry, and apricot. You can drink me, but you can eat with a spoon! Yoghurt said proudly. Yoghurt and Kefir argued for a long time. But here again intervened


Whatever it was, anyway, I, milk, is the basis for you, yogurt, and for you, kefir, and for fermented baked milk, and for cottage cheese. Even butter is obtained by churning sour cream, and sour cream is obtained from milk.

Yes, there's no doubt about it! really you, milk - the King of all dairy products, - said Yoghurt and Kefir.

After hearing all this, Milk became kinder and said:

Okay, brother Yogurt and brother Kefir, and now you really are like brothers to me, let's stand side by side on the same shelf. We don't have to fight!

And so they stood side by side: Milk, Yoghurt and Kefir, until the hostess came and took them out of the refrigerator.

two mice

It happened at noon, when all the forest animals hid from the heat: some climbed into the cold mink, some buried themselves in the thick bushes. And the heat caught two mice-girlfriends just at the time when they fled through the village garden. They hid under a cucumber leaf, caught their breath and began to look around: thirsty, hungry. They look, a young cucumber is hanging, green with pimples. The mice began to gnaw at him. The cucumber crunches, and the mice rejoice.

What a wonderful pickle! said the first Mouse.

Yes, - the second one confirmed, - they ate and quenched their thirst. Cucumber contains a lot of liquid.

In general, I love all vegetables: cabbage, potatoes, and especially carrots, because they are sweet, tasty and healthy. My mother told me that if you eat carrots and drink carrot juice, you will grow faster and be strong and healthy.

I also love all vegetables, agreed the second Mouse. I just don't like onions and garlic. Look at those beds over there. My nose even from here feels that they grow there.

Yes, these vegetables have an unusual smell. But they are very useful. They contain so many useful, I would even say healing substances. If you eat a little bit of garlic or onion every day, you will never get sick.

And if this happens, then these vegetables will help you again. They need to be finely chopped and breathe in the fumes that come from them. Through the nose, substances that will help to cure a runny nose will enter your body. And if you eat garlic or onions, then harmful microbes will die and the disease will recede, - the first Mouse explained to the second.

Great! “Now I will eat onions and garlic to get sick,” said the second Mouse.

The sun has already ceased to bake so much and our girlfriends, rested and satisfied, set off on their journey.


One day, a sugar bowl standing on the table heard strange sounds coming from the stove on which the pans stood:

Drink - puff! - said one pan.

Puff-puff-puff, - answered her another.

Sugar Bowl listened. And this is what she heard:

I am the cutest and healthy porridge, - buckwheat porridge puffed.

No no! The tastiest and healthiest me, - objected to her oatmeal.

I can be boiled in water and milk. And if you add sugar, then I will become even tastier, - the buckwheat did not calm down.

Just think, - answered oatmeal. - But if you add not only sugar to me, but also jam or raisins, then I will become even more useful and tasty!

But I am the most useful porridge, - buckwheat did not calm down. - I have the most useful substances needed for the health of every person.

I also have useful material and many vitamins that help children grow up healthy and strong, answered oatmeal.

And if you add to me butter, then I become many times tastier!

So what! I, too, become tastier from butter. But I have two names: Oatmeal and Hercules, - Oatmeal boasted.

This dispute would have continued for a long time if the Kettle, the head of all the dishes, had not intervened.

I will say this, - said the Teapot, - any porridge is healthy food which will help a person become healthy and strong. There are a lot of vitamins and various substances in cereals that are necessary for all people, especially children. If you add berries, jam, raisins or nuts to the porridge, then it will become even tastier and healthier. There are many different cereals in the world: rice, barley ...

Semolina and corn, - Sugar bowl picked up.

Right, right! All of them are useful products, Kettle said.

Kashi calmed down and stopped arguing. Soon the hostess came and turned off the fire under the pots.

Cat visiting the Pig

Once the Pig invited her neighbor Cat for lunch. She set the table, laid a beautiful tablecloth, put all kinds of food: here and ice cream, here and cake, and all sorts of sweets: Mars with Snickers, chips and Coca-Cola soda. The Pig is sitting at the table, waiting for the Cat.

The Cat came, said hello, looked at the table and said:

Dear Pig! Are you going to eat it all?

Yes, oink-oink. And what? Pig didn't understand.

Like what? The cat was surprised. “After all, these are products that are harmful to the body. If you eat them, your stomach will hurt. Not only that, your teeth will hurt and you will have to treat them. They may even have to be torn out. And also your body may get pimples. This very often happens in those who eat a lot and often candy.

But what to do? asked the frightened Pig. We will remain hungry, and these products will spoil. I don't want to throw them away.

Don't worry, Pig! Put these products in the refrigerator. There they can be stored for a long time. You will eat them only occasionally and a little bit. And now I will bring you something that you can and should eat.

The cat ran to her home and after a while returned with a basket. From it she laid out carrots, cabbage, beets, apples, pears for the Pig, and milk, sour cream and cottage cheese for herself.

Here, Pig, eat!

The pig ate the vegetables with great pleasure.

Thank you, Cat! Very tasty, and most importantly useful! From now on, I will always choose the most useful products for myself. And I will eat sweets, ice cream and cake only occasionally.

And you kids, what other healthy foods do you know?


Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests, far, far from where we live, there is a city of fruits. Only fruits live in it: juicy apples and pears, delicate velvety peaches and apricots, bright yellow bananas and lemons, round oranges, grapefruits, tangerines. All fruits are friends with each other, help each other. But sometimes bad things happen.

Once a little Lemon was walking down the street and humming a cheerful song.

He had good mood. It was an early summer morning, birds were chirping, a bright warm sun shone in the sky. Suddenly, two friends rolled out towards Limonchik - Mandarin and Orange.

Ha ha ha! they laughed. - Look who's coming! Sour Lemon, brrr! Tasteless! Ugly!

Hearing this, Limonchik was very upset. He burst into tears and ran to his mother.

Do not be offended by them, son, - said my mother. - They are wrong. You are very beautiful to me. Yellow, like the sun. Juicy, very useful. You have a lot of vitamins. And the fact that you are sour is not a problem! If a lemon slice is sprinkled with sugar, it becomes sweet and sour.

The lemon has calmed down a bit. His mood improved.

You must forgive Orange and Mandarin, - advised my mother, - because they are your relatives. We all belong to the same family - the citrus family. We are all juicy, tasty and very healthy. We have a lot of vitamins and other substances necessary for health. We can't fight!

Lemonchik, after listening to his mother, ran into the street. He met Orange and Mandarin and explained to them why they shouldn't quarrel. After that, the friends ran to play football and never quarreled again.

Masha and the orchard

Once upon a time there was a girl Masha. Every morning she came to her orchard. It grew various trees and shrubs. Apples, cherries, plums, chokeberry, sea buckthorn, rose hips, gooseberries, red and black currants greeted the little hostess with a rustle of leaves. Masha looked after the garden, watered and fertilized the trees and shrubs. She liked walking in the garden. In hot summer days it was light and cool.

One day Masha fell ill. She had a fever, her throat became red and it hurt to swallow. The trees and bushes got worried, tilted their branches to the ground, thought about how to help Mashenka. A breeze blew here and whispered to them that a rosehip drink could save Masha. It will help bring down the temperature. The fruits of black and red currants will also reduce body temperature and enrich the body with vitamins. And the breeze whispered about the benefits of raspberry jam, tasty and fragrant. If you drink tea with raspberry, then sore throats will decrease. And, of course, you need to cook different compotes: apple-cherry, apple-pear, plum. They will quench thirst, which often torments the sick and improve appetite. The trees were glad that they could help Masha. They straightened their branches, rustling leaves. Mom understood what the trees and bushes wanted to tell her. She gave her daughter tea raspberry jam, infusion of wild rose. The girl ate red and black currant berries, drank a healthy compote.

The next day Masha felt much better. She went out to her favorite orchard and thanked the trees and bushes for their help. The garden rustled the green foliage for a long time, rejoicing speedy recovery girls.

Spice State

In a certain kingdom called the State of Spice, there lived a king. His name was Lavr. His wife, Princess Gvozdika, affectionately called the king "Bay leaf".

I am the king, I am the chief among spices, - Laurus spoke to his subordinates. - They make wreaths from my leaves and put them on the heads of the winners sports, poets and heroes.

Of course, of course, dear Bay leaf, - Carnation agreed with her husband, - but I appreciate you not only for this, but also for the fact that if your leaves are added to different dishes they acquire an unusual smell and taste.

After these words, Laurus proudly tossed his head and looked around his devoted servants: Mint, Cumin, Horseradish and Vanilla.

Oh, if you only knew how I like your smell, dear Carnation! Laurus said dreamily. Essential oils emitted by you have not only a pleasant smell, but also special


And what are these properties? asked old man Tmin.

O’ My grandmother also told me, - Carnation continued, - that in ancient times people wore carnation beads around their necks, put them in their mouths and chewed them when visiting the sick. It was believed that by doing all this, a person would not get infected.

All subjects after these words bowed their heads, as a sign of respect, before their queen.

One day Sol came to visit the State of Spice. Laurus called all the inhabitants to the palace to introduce Sol to various spices.

Dear subjects! Please love and respect -. Salt!

The most important flavor! Man cannot live without salt. per year for normal nutrition one adult needs seven kilograms of salt.

Can't be! Hren couldn't resist. It's just amazing!

And now, dear Salt, let me introduce you to the inhabitants of my state: Cumin is a wild plant. Its fruits are used for salting vegetables, they are added to soups, sauces

and bread,” Laurus said proudly.

And yet, I excite the appetite and improve digestion, - modestly added the old man Cumin.

He bowed and stepped aside.

Please love and favor - Fuck, in all its glory. Horseradish was never very modest and began to praise himself:

Look at me: I have both tops and roots. My leaves are indispensable for pickling cucumbers and tomatoes. And dishes from my root are the most spicy seasoning for meat, fish and vegetable dishes. I am the most useful, because I have a lot of vitamins C and B.

Not the best at all, - objected the old man Cumin. - Don't be ashamed. Fuck, praise yourself? You stand here all white and do not blush!

From what, if they add beets to me, then I even become very red.

Well, with Horseradish, everything is clear to me, ”Sol said. And what is this gentle beauty standing aside

Oh-oh! This is irresistible Vanilla, - Lavr declared with undisguised pride. Vanilla approached the guest.

What a wonderful smell! Sol said, inhaling the aroma.

You haven't tasted it yet," said Carnation.

Our Vanilla is used to flavor cookies, biscuits, marshmallows and many other confectionery products.

If you'll allow me, I'll add, - the beautiful Vanilla said modestly.

Of course of course! - allowed Lavr.

I am also used in the preparation of medicines, to give them a pleasant taste and smell. Vanilla bowed and left for the same place.

Something I do not see our Mint - asked the king.

I'm here! Sorry for being late. I brewed my leaves to get mint tea so that those who are very anxious, after drinking my tea, calm down, and those who suffer from insomnia, after tasting this drink, fall asleep sound sleep.

This is very good quality! Sol agreed.

Mint also gives food a refreshing taste and pleasant aroma- added Gvozdika.

What kind useful inhabitants live in your State! Sol said with delight. -. I will definitely tell all my friends about the spices that give food and dishes a unique taste and beneficial features. After that there was a feast for the whole spicy world.

Waiting for guests

Sanka was looking forward to this day. Today is his birthday. He turns six years old and friends will come to him: Petya, Igorek with younger brother Yura and the neighbor girl Lenochka. The children will bring different gifts. “I wonder what friends will give? Maybe a car or a plane, or maybe interesting book? Sanka dreamed. His thoughts were interrupted by his mother.

Son, help me set the table!

Mom took out a snow-white tablecloth, porcelain plates with a gold border, crystal glasses and other beautiful dishes.

Mom, why did you take this dish? Maybe put the dishes that we use every day? Sanka asked.

No son. When you are waiting for guests for a festive dinner, you need to cover the table with a beautiful tablecloth and place appliances according to the number of guests: plates, forks, spoons, knives, glasses for drinks. Dishes, of course, should be beautiful. Guests will be pleased to sit at such a table, - explained my mother.

Sanka began to gladly help his mother set the table.

“You know, son,” said my mother, “in the past, in the palaces of Moscow sovereigns, plates, forks and spoons were served only to honored guests, while the owners themselves took pre-cut food with their hands. But the great Russian Tsar Peter decided to restore order - to train the Russian nobles good manners. He ordered to study the book, which told about how to behave in society and how to behave at the table. From that time on, food was no longer taken with hands, but forks, knives and spoons began to be used.

How interesting! Sanka exclaimed. I will definitely tell the guys about it.

Mom and son arranged all the dishes. To top it off, Mom skillfully twisted cones from napkins and put them on empty plates.

The table turned out great!

Julia has no appetite?

I just see that she

Certainly not sick.

And I'll tell you, girl

Everyone eats both the beast and the bird,

From rabbits to kittens.

Everyone in the world wants to eat.

With a crunch, the horse chews oats,

A yard dog gnaws a bone.

Sparrows peck at the grain

Wherever they get it.

Elephant has breakfast in the morning

He loves fruits.

Brown bear licks honey.

A mole has breakfast in a mink.

The monkey is eating a banana.

Looking for acorns boar.

A clever swift catches a midge.

The mouse loves cheese and butter.

The doctor said goodbye to Yulia -

Gleb Sergeevich Pugach,

And Julia said loudly:

Feed me mom!

Once upon a time there was an Apple tree. She lived in harmony with Man, gave a rich harvest of her fruits - apples. The man looked after the Apple tree, and she fed him. But one day the Man got lazy. He stopped growing apples, stopped taking care of the apple tree. The Apple Tree was offended, upset and decided to leave the Man. I decided to decide, but I was very kind and could not leave him. I thought, guessed what to do, and decided to hide.

The Man saw that the Apple Tree was gone, but did not attach any importance to this. “I can live without her,” he thought. Lives - does not grieve Man, lies, basks in the sun.

But trouble came. The health began to let the Man down. That heart tingles, then the tummy aches. The face turned pale, haggard. Wrinkles ran in different directions.

A man sits, grieves, but cannot understand anything. The apple tree saw this and took pity on him. She came out of her shelter, gave him her apples and began to teach:

Oh, you stupid head! He became lazy, languid, stopped paying attention to me. And my apples are not simple, magical. They contain many vitamins: vitamin A, and vitamin C, and vitamin B. Many useful substances: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium. And organic acids, and iron. There is also pectin, fiber. Everything for your health: for the tummy, heart, head, skin, body and face.

The man understood that he had acted badly. Don't do that with friends. He asked for forgiveness from Yablonka. And they began to live together again in harmony, as before, to take care of each other.

It's just a pity that Yablonka's resentment didn't go away just like that. She hid, crawled like a snake into the very heart of the apple. And since then, in every seed of an apple, a bitter resentment, dangerous for a Human, has lurked. Remember: eat the magic apple, but don’t touch the seeds, throw them away.

Here the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened - well done!

Shamaeva Irina, 2 "B" class

inseparable friends

In one far, far fruit and vegetable country, there lived two brothers - Orange and Lemon. Orange was kind and cheerful, and Lemon was sour and did not know how to laugh at all. Orange did everything to cheer up his brother: he sang funny ditties to him, and told jokes, and even showed cartoons about Smesharikov. No, nothing helped!

One day they went for a walk. They are walking along Vegetable Street and suddenly they see a girl sitting on a bench and crying bitterly. Orange went up to her and asked: “What are you, girl, crying so bitterly? Who hurt you?". And the girl replies: “Yes, how can I not cry! Grandpa Luk asked to help take off his fur coat, so I helped, and now I’m shedding tears! Orange tells her: "Here, take my sweet slice, eat it - and everything will pass." The girl took a slice, ate it and immediately stopped crying. "Well, that's what I said!" exclaimed the good Orange.

Suddenly, the girl turned to Lemon and said: “You are so beautiful and, probably, also very tasty?”. Lemon, although he was embarrassed by such a compliment, immediately broke off a slice and handed it to the girl. Putting a slice in her mouth, the girl suddenly began to make such faces that you won’t see even in the funniest cartoon! She wrinkled her nose so that she looked like a hippo, then a hedgehog, then a piglet, or even some kind of Miracle Yudo. And our Lemon, looking at her, burst out laughing so much that, clutching his stomach with laughter, he fell on the grass and let's ride on it! ..

That's how our Lemon learned to laugh. True, he remained the same sour, but he became very cheerful and even useful. After all, laughter is the best medicine! And the girl liked her new acquaintances very much. Now the three of them are inseparable friends.

Mishkina Mila, 2 "B" class


Met fruits and vegetables
And they began to find out
Who are the best products.
And, in order to resolve the dispute, they decided to play the game.
Started playing volleyball
To score each other a goal.
But in the end, friendship won
Since everyone needs to take vitamins,
Because all the vitamins the body needs
And equally important.

Graditsky Nikita, 2 "B" class.

citrus family

Once a tree grew in a clearing, and no one knew what kind of tree it was. So, after one year, an orange grew, one. Strange, right?
He slept soundly. But suddenly a twig crackled, the orange woke up and crashed to the ground. It hurt him a lot. Orange still got up, looked around, looked at the tree and realized that he was alone on the tree, and indeed, in the whole clearing. He decided to travel. Walked, walked, climbed the mountain. I saw an orange at home.
They looked small from this distance. But poor Orange lost his balance and rolled down the mountain towards the city. He rolled across the road and suddenly stopped. Orange heard a noise. He saw a supermarket, went there. There were many people in it. Orange saw the box and climbed onto it. He looked into the box. There were a lot of tangerines there. The other box contained large strong grapefruits.
- Hey you! Are you sleeping? asked Orange.
All the tangerines woke up and murmured. And the grapefruits began to snore, but woke up from the noise of tangerines.
- What are you doing here? asked Orange.
"We live here," said the Mandarin.
And we are being sold! added Mandarin.
Orange sadly says:
- And I'm looking for a family, wandering around the world. I feel lonely.
- Can I go with you? Grapefruit asked.
- What about us? asked Mandarin and Mandarin.
- Of course! Orange rejoiced.
Grapefruit, Mandarin, Mandarin and Orange ran to the exit.
- I have relatives in the garden. Lemon and lime are two brothers, said Grapefruit.
- How good! I have many relatives! Orange said.
Everyone followed Grapefruit. They climbed over the fence and saw a tree with lemons. There was another tree nearby, only the lemons were green, and they were called limes. Citrus fruits did not have time to meet, they were grabbed by the girl Yulia. She squeezed the juice out of them, drank and did not get sick all year!

Pyatlina Ekaterina, 3 "B" class


Once Vanya and Nastya went to the dacha. It was hot and the children were thirsty. Mom suggested that they collect berries for compote. The children went to pick berries.

The children started picking cherries. Vanya climbed a tree, and Nastya was gathering at the bottom. Vanya asked his mother: "What is the use of cherries?" Mom said that cherries contain various acids, microelements, macroelements, pectin substances, sugar, different vitamins, folic acid. Cherry well removes thirst, has antiseptic properties.

Then the children began to pick apples. Nastya asked her mother: "What is the use of apples?" Mom said that they contain many vitamins and minerals, are useful for headaches, anemia, arthritis, rheumatism.

Then Vanya saw strawberries and began to pick them together with Nastya. The children were picking strawberries and asked their mother: "What is the use of strawberries?" Mom said that strawberries contain sugar, carotene, essential oil, various acids. Used for colds, anemia. It is very tasty and low in calories.

Then mother sent the children to pick pears. Mom explained that the pear contains vitamins, potassium, iron, copper, pectin, fiber and tannins. Pear strengthens the immune system, relieves inflammation, fights infections.

The children collected a lot of berries and gave them to their mother, and the mother made compote. It was tasty and healthy.

Student work

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