What is dyspepsia of the stomach, its symptoms and methods of treatment. Manifestations, causes and treatment of chronic dyspepsia

An integral part of any disease of the gastrointestinal tract is intestinal dyspepsia. The syndrome is characterized by disorders of the digestive process and provokes the occurrence of dysbacteriosis and intoxication, as well as pathological conditions of the digestive tract. Dyspepsia responds well to treatment - the main thing is to monitor your diet and not be nervous.

Description of pathology

Dyspepsia is a malfunction of the digestive system, which occurs due to a lack of enzymes for digesting food or due to malnutrition (overeating, "fast food", etc.). Because of this problem, people most often turn to gastroenterologists. In the people, dyspepsia is called "indigestion." Pathology was discovered at the beginning of the last century. Doctors note that this syndrome especially worries people in the spring. Its presence is not life-threatening, but is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. The manifestation of the disease for a long time indicates chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. According to statistics, dyspepsia is observed in 40% of the population of economically developed countries.

Risk group

Constant overeating leads to malfunctions of the digestive system.

Dyspepsia can occur in any person, but doctors identify the so-called "risk group". This includes those people who are most likely to get the disease:

  • teenagers 13-17 years old;
  • smokers;
  • people leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • persons who frequently drink alcohol;
  • violators of the rules of nutrition, lovers of large portions;
  • people suffering from chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

Classification of dyspepsia

In children under one year old, a physiological type of dyspepsia occurs, which occurs due to the high sensitivity of a fragile organism to dietary errors.

Dyspepsia is conditionally divided into such types as:

  • functional (alimentary);
  • fermentation (caused by a lack of enzymes).

Functional dyspepsia is:

  • putrid;
  • fermentation;
  • fatty (soapy).

Fermentation type includes:

  • gastrogenic;
  • pancreatogenic;
  • enterogenic;
  • hepatogenic;
  • cholecystogenic dyspepsia.

Causes of intestinal dyspepsia

Nutritional dyspepsia occurs due to the lack of diversity in the diet. The use of the same products provokes one or another type of pathology:

The causes of the fermentation type of the disease differ depending on which enzyme is missing:

  • with gastrogenic dyspepsia, there is a lack of gastric enzymes;
  • pancreatogenic - insufficient secretion of enzymes by the pancreas;
  • enterogenic - little intestinal juice is secreted;
  • hepatogenic - lack of bile (produced by the liver);
  • cholecystogene - a failure in the secretion of bile (indicates the pathology of the gallbladder);
  • mixed dyspepsia combines several types.

Enzymatic dyspepsia in adolescents occurs against the background of unstable hormone levels.

Main symptoms

Dispersion is a common cause of intestinal discomfort.

Allocate symptoms of intestinal dyspepsia, characteristic of each type of disease. In the case of a regular manifestation of one or more of them, you should go to the hospital. These include:

  • discomfort, feeling of heaviness at the top of the abdomen;
  • nausea without vomiting;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • heartburn;
  • bloating.

Each type of pathology has its own symptoms:

  • Enzymatic dyspepsia is manifested by diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, discomfort in the stomach, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  • The fermentative form of the disease is accompanied by frequent bowel movements, severe flatulence with characteristic sounds in the abdomen and pain due to the accumulation of gases.
  • With putrefactive dyspepsia, intoxication is observed. There is a loss of strength, nausea, headache. Loose stools have an abnormal smell of putrefaction.
  • The fatty type of the disease is manifested by diarrhea, while the feces are covered with a whitish coating - undigested fat. 0.5-1 hour after eating, pain or discomfort in the abdomen appears.
  • For fermentation dyspepsia is characterized by weakness in the muscles, headache, sleep disturbances, loss of strength.

Features of children's dyspepsia

In adolescence, you need to control the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dyspepsia is detected even in young children. The disease occurs due to mistakes made by parents while feeding the baby. A common cause is eating disorders. Pathology develops if the child suddenly began to be fed large portions of food still unknown to him. In addition, the mother's diet and the medications she takes affect the baby's condition.

In adolescents, this pathology occurs due to hormonal imbalance. At this time, it is especially necessary to monitor the condition of the child's gastrointestinal tract using diagnostic methods. In the absence of serious gastrointestinal diseases, dyspepsia manifests itself in children as well as in adults. In babies, the onset of the development of the disease is difficult to establish. Parents should monitor the well-being of the child after eating, appetite, and control stool.


Since dyspepsia is a collective syndrome affecting all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the entire digestive system is subjected to diagnosis.

To determine the organ in which a failure has occurred, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Collection of anamnesis. Existing symptoms, the presence of concomitant diseases are analyzed.
  2. Laboratory tests. Do a general analysis of blood and urine. Sometimes the doctor prescribes "biochemistry". To determine the type of disease, a fecal analysis is performed.
  3. Endoscopy (esophagus - intestines). With this procedure, the disease is detected even at an early stage of development. The presence of Helicobacter bacteria is determined.
  4. Collection and analysis of gastric juice to determine acidity.
  5. With the help of ultrasound, the presence of tumors, cysts is excluded or confirmed.
  6. The presence/absence of tumors in the large intestine is determined by colonoscopy.
  7. X-rays are only done if cancer is suspected.
  8. Manometric studies indicate the level of peristalsis of the digestive tract.

Treatment of dyspepsia

The method of treatment depends on the diagnosis.

In order for the treatment to give a result, it is necessary to first determine the type of disease and eliminate the cause that led to indigestion. For this, the doctor prescribes medications or complex therapy. Intermittent fasting is also required. Adults refuse food for 1.5 days, and children - for half a day. At the same time, you need to drink a lot of clean water without gas. After that, food is taken carefully, in fractional portions. Children are fed according to their age. To eliminate pain, stroking the abdomen in a clockwise direction is recommended. Babies should not be put down after feeding to facilitate regurgitation.

With fermentation indigestion, it is forbidden to consume carbohydrates for 3-4 days. After hunger, it is recommended to eat low-fat foods rich in proteins (fish, cottage cheese, meat). Over time, lean cereals can be introduced into the diet, and after 2-3 weeks, vegetables and fruits. If the stool does not return to normal, the doctor prescribes drugs to relieve inflammation and normalize peristalsis (Loperamide, Furazolidone).

The putrid appearance of the disease is also treated with hunger. Then a diet rich in carbohydrates and fiber is prescribed. Poultry meat and fish are allowed to eat no earlier than a week after the start of therapy. Of the medicines, antibiotics are prescribed to suppress putrefactive microflora ("Levomycetin") and enzymes of the stomach and pancreas ("Pancreatin", "Acidin-pepsin").

Fatty indigestion is eliminated by exclusion from the diet of fats. Be sure to eat low-fat foods rich in proteins (cottage cheese, fish). Carbohydrates can be consumed, but not much. The diet is accompanied by the use of drugs "Calcium carbonate", "Bismuth subcitrate". In addition, ascorbic and nicotinic acid are prescribed.

In Greek, dyspepsia means indigestion. This is a constant companion of various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). 40% of patients are diagnosed with functional dyspepsia by a gastroenterologist. In this case, indigestion is not associated with an organic lesion of the gastrointestinal tract. The symptoms of dyspepsia are varied. Its manifestations depend on whether digestion is disturbed in the esophagus, stomach or intestines. Before prescribing treatment, you should understand what dyspepsia is - a separate disease or a symptom of various pathologies.

What is dyspepsia

Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, belching, and so on are all symptoms of dyspepsia.

Dyspepsia is a symptom complex that indicates various diseases. First of all, when a patient comes to a gastroenterologist with complaints of, or other manifestations of digestive disorders, the clinician recommends an examination. Often during the study, an organic lesion is detected. Dyspepsia indicates such diseases:

  • reflux esophagitis;

The main clinical manifestations of dyspepsia are observed not only with lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. Digestive disorders occur as a result of pathologies of other organs and systems. For example, when:

  • hypo-, ;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • diseases of the biliary system;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • violation of water and electrolyte balance.

In ¾ of patients, after undergoing a full examination, gastrointestinal pathologies or other diseases accompanied by dyspepsia are not detected. Although the clinical manifestations of indigestion torment the patient for at least 6 months. In this case, the clinician makes the diagnosis of functional dyspepsia. Factors favoring the appearance of this disease are:

  1. Smoking and alcohol abuse. Nicotine addiction increases the risk of developing functional dyspepsia by 2 times. If this bad habit is abandoned, the motor function of the stomach is restored in patients. Alcohol is a poison that not only contributes to the development of dyspepsia. It destroys nerve cells. Because of it, the liver suffers, as it must remove all kinds of toxins, and when it fails, other organs fall under attack.
  2. Alimentary errors. The appearance of dyspepsia contributes to excessive consumption of strong tea, coffee. Patients with dyspepsia try not to eat red peppers, onions, nuts, citrus fruits, mayonnaise, chocolate, nuts, carbonated drinks, as they cause deterioration.
  3. Long-term use of drugs. The occurrence of digestive disorders is facilitated by: aspirin, antibiotics, theophylline, potassium and iron preparations.
  4. Neuro-psychic factors. An acute stressful situation inhibits the motility of the stomach and duodenum, and this leads to the appearance of typical symptoms of indigestion. Patients with functional dyspepsia have an increased level of anxiety, a tendency to depression, pronounced hypochondriacal and neurotic reactions.
  5. H. pylori. Some researchers believe that these bacteria play a significant role in the development of functional dyspepsia. In patients, this infection is detected in 60-65% of cases, so this factor is not the main factor in the development of the disease.

In most patients, the cause of functional dyspepsia is a violation of the evacuation capacity of the stomach and duodenum.

To determine whether dyspepsia is a sign or an independent disease, only a doctor can conduct a study. To establish an accurate diagnosis, first of all, you need to pay attention to the main symptoms.

How does dyspepsia manifest itself?

In case of indigestion, patients present various complaints, which are united by the general term "dyspepsia". It:

  • dysphagia (difficulty swallowing);
  • pain, discomfort in the epigastric region;
  • belching;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • diarrhea, constipation.

Esophageal dyspepsia is manifested by dysphagia. Patients complain of difficulty swallowing, inability to swallow liquid (with spasm of the esophagus) or solid food. There is a sensation of a lump in the throat, pain when swallowing, food getting into other organs. Dysphagia occurs with all diseases of the esophagus, for example:

  • esophagitis;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • esophageal ulcer;
  • benign tumors of the esophagus;
  • periesophagitis;

In addition, dysphagia may indicate other diseases not associated with an organic lesion of the esophagus:

  1. Diseases of the central, peripheral nervous and muscular systems. Patients with esophagospasm, atony of the esophagus and achalasia of the cardia complain of esophageal dyspepsia.
  2. Pathologies of neighboring organs. Dysphagia occurs when narrowing of the esophagus caused by a tumor or cysts of the mediastinum, central lung cancer, mitral valve disease, vascular anomalies, thyroid hyperplasia, etc.

With dyspepsia caused by diseases of the stomach and duodenum, patients complain of:

  1. Pain in the epigastric region. It can be intense, or patients feel discomfort in the epigastric region.
  2. Rapid satiety, feeling full, nausea.
  3. Belching. With hypersecretion of gastric juice, patients complain of belching sour, heartburn. Belching of air and food occurs with achlorhydria.

Gastric dyspepsia occurs when:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • benign tumors;
  • stomach cancer.

Alarming symptoms accompanying gastric dyspepsia are loss of appetite, sudden, for no good reason, weight loss.

With intestinal dyspepsia, patients complain of:

  • rumbling in the lower and middle part of the abdomen;
  • flatulence (increased gas separation);
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea
  • constipation.

Digestive disorders in the intestines signal such pathologies:

  • infectious diseases of the intestine (dysentery, intestinal tuberculosis, cholera, typhoid and paratyphoid diseases);
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • enteritis;
  • colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • ischemic colitis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • intestinal tumors;
  • enzymopathies;
  • stomach diseases (dumping syndrome, gastritis, cancer);
  • pathology of the pancreas;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • metabolic pathology.

In patients with functional dyspepsia, various symptoms predominate. Depending on this, the following variants of the clinical course of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Ulcerative. Patients complain of hungry and nocturnal pain in the epigastric region. They are aggravated by nervous tension, anxiety, fear.
  2. Dyskinetic. Characterized by rapid saturation, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, bloating, rarely accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  3. Non-specific. A combination of signs of ulcer-like and dyskinetic variant of the course of the disease. Often, symptoms of gastrointestinal pathologies are added to them (abdominal pain that disappears after defecation, constipation).

Only a doctor can determine what exactly caused dyspepsia by conducting an examination. Particular attention should be paid to "anxiety symptoms":

  • night pains in the abdomen;
  • abdominal pain is the only sign of illness;
  • fever;
  • enlargement of the liver, spleen;
  • leukocytosis;
  • high ESR;
  • deviation from the norms in the biochemical analysis of blood.

For an accurate diagnosis, in addition to a thorough examination and questioning of the patient, it is necessary:

  • common and and urine;
  • general analysis of feces and test for occult blood;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • determination of the acidity of gastric juice;
  • assessment of the motor-evacuation function of the stomach (X-ray, electrogastroenterography, probe food test, etc.);
  • determination of H. Pylori infection.

Often the patient is referred for additional consultations to an endocrinologist, cardiologist, neuropathologist, psychiatrist. And only after an accurate diagnosis is established, treatment begins. It depends on the cause of the illness.

How to treat dyspepsia

A person suffering from dyspepsia should stop drinking strong tea and coffee.

Indigestion caused by organic damage disappears after successful treatment of the underlying disease. To get rid of functional dyspepsia, complex therapy is needed, including:

  1. Patient education. Psychological training is needed to help the patient reduce the level of anxiety and relieve tension.
  2. Nutrition modification and smoking cessation. Patients should not drink strong coffee, tea. Meals should be fractional, at least 6 times a day. Can't be spicy, greasy. Particularly effective is frequent food intake with a predominance of symptoms of early satiety, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.
  3. Medical therapy. Which medications the patient needs depends on the course of functional dyspepsia.
  • antisecretory drugs;
  • eradication of H. Pylori (if this group of bacteria is identified).

If the disease proceeds according to the dyskinetic variant, prokinetics are most effective.

With a nonspecific course of dyspepsia, antisecretory drugs and prokinetics are combined.

Since the groups of these medicines include various drugs, which ones to take, the doctor will prescribe, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the presence of contraindications and other diseases.

If symptomatic drug therapy does not give a positive effect, it is necessary to re-examine. If organic lesions are not detected, then the patient is prescribed:

  • neuroleptics;
  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers.

Very often, the cause of functional dyspepsia is nervous stress, depression, so patients require additional treatment. Depending on the type of disorders, various therapeutic methods are recommended:

  1. With increased anxiety, muscle relaxation techniques, art therapy, autogenic training are effective. Anxiolytics are prescribed.
  2. With a low mood, adynamia, general strengthening drugs, psychostimulants, and neurometabolites are recommended.
  3. The melancholic type is characterized by the fact that patients do not believe in a cure. Often the disease is a somatic mask of endogenous depression. Such patients also need treatment by a psychiatrist, since there is a high risk of suicide. Of the medications, antidepressants (amitriptyline), neurometabolites, and psychostimulants are prescribed.
  4. If the patient has complete indifference to treatment (usually such patients are brought to the doctor by relatives), then antidepressants are prescribed in combination with psychostimulants, short-term courses of positive psychotherapy are necessary.
  5. When denying the disease (in some patients, the protective mechanism works so that they associate their malaise with random factors, they believe that everything will pass by itself), it is necessary to describe the seriousness of the situation. Explain what studies have shown and the consequences of not taking treatment.
  6. If the disease is caused by visceral hypersensitivity, then it is advisable to prescribe new classes of drugs: kappa-opioid receptor agonists (fedotozin), 5-HTZ serotonin receptor antagonists, which are also prokinetics (alosetron, cilanosetron).

Before prescribing psychotropic drugs to a patient, it is necessary to make sure that the patient will adhere to all recommendations. Usually, the use of this group of drugs causes a negative attitude, and they must be drunk constantly, for at least 2 months. A sharp rejection of medications leads to a withdrawal syndrome, the patient's well-being deteriorates significantly.

When choosing treatment tactics, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to the symptoms. dyspepsia, which are more disturbing to patients and reduce their quality of life. Thus, the goal of treatment is to improve the objective and subjective condition of patients. Treatment of dyspepsia includes drug therapy, diet, daily routine. If possible, physical and emotional stress is limited.

Medicines for dyspepsia

Drug treatment of dyspepsia is usually aimed at eliminating its symptoms, not the cause. If the etiological role of Helicobacter Pylori is confirmed, then antibiotics are also prescribed.

The group of drugs prescribed for dyspepsia include:
  • prokinetics;
  • antibiotics;
Prokinetics are agents that normalize the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. Since dyskinesia is one of the most common risk factors for dyspepsia, these drugs are most often prescribed.

Prokinetics prescribed for dyspepsia

Treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection
Before carrying out treatment aimed at eliminating Helicobacter, this microorganism is initially identified. The gold standard for detecting H. pylori infection is the breath test. It is carried out before and after antibiotic treatment in order to confirm the success of therapy.
In this case, several treatment regimens are used.

Treatment regimens against Helicobacter pylori infection


Combination of antibiotics

Three-component scheme, option 1

The use of products that inhibit fermentation processes
There are plant crops that suppress fermentation processes. Of these, it is recommended to prepare drinks, which should be consumed 200 milliliters per day, dividing the total volume into several doses. Some plants are recommended for use in desserts, salads, and other culinary uses.

Cultures that inhibit fermentation in the intestines are:

  • mint ( can be used for making tea, salads, desserts);
  • cowberry ( used for compote, tea, stuffing in baking);
  • raspberry ( cottage cheese additive, baking stuffing);
  • dogwood ( used for tea, compote, jam).
Herbal teas can also be prepared with marigold, chamomile, sage. Reduce fermentation processes such spices as bay leaf, cloves, rosemary.

Nutrition for putrefactive dyspepsia

Excessive consumption of foods rich in protein against the background of a lack of carbohydrates is one of the main conditions for the development of putrefactive dyspepsia. Protein becomes the cause of putrefactive processes that occur with the formation of toxins. That is why putrefactive dyspepsia is characterized by general weakness, headache and other symptoms of intoxication. To stop rotting in the intestines, patients with this disease should follow a number of rules when compiling a daily diet.

The rules of nutrition for putrefactive dyspepsia are as follows:

  • limited intake of protein foods;
  • reduction in fat intake;
  • increase in carbohydrates in the diet;
  • the use of products that suppress putrefaction in the intestines.
Limited protein intake
With putrefactive dyspepsia, the norm of protein food per day is 50 grams. At the same time, it is recommended to minimize or completely abandon meat for a while. Fish should be consumed in doses, 2-3 times a week, 100-150 grams. Preference should be given to river fish species ( carp, crucian carp, pike, catfish). The daily norm of protein must be replenished with dairy products, since the cultures of bacteria contained in them normalize the composition of the microflora.
  • curdled milk - 2.8;
  • sour cream - from 2.5 to 3;
  • kefir - 3;
  • milk - 3;
  • yogurt - 5;
  • ryazhenka - 5;
  • sweet curd masses - 7;
  • glazed curds - 8;
  • cottage cheese - from 14 to 18.
The numbers indicate the amount of protein in 100 grams of the product.

Reduced fat intake
The amount of fat consumed with food for putrefactive dyspepsia should be reduced to 25-30 grams per day. At the same time, at least 70 percent of the fats consumed should be vegetable ( vegetable oil, nuts). The norm of animal fats should be replenished by using butter, eggs.

Products that should replenish the norm of fats in putrefactive dyspepsia are:

  • corn oil - 100;
  • sunflower oil - 100;
  • butter - 82;
  • pine nuts - 62;
  • hazelnuts - 67;
  • walnuts - 62;
  • eggs - 11.5.
The numbers indicate the amount of fat in 100 grams of the product.

Increasing carbohydrates in the diet
With putrefactive dyspepsia, it is recommended to consume from 400 to 450 grams of carbohydrates per day. To do this, the menu should include cereals, crackers from wheat and / or rye bread, dry cookies. Much attention in this disease should be given to vegetables and fruits. In the acute stage, only baked or boiled vegetable crops should be eaten. Subsequently, you need to gradually introduce dishes from raw vegetables and fruits. Vegetarian fasting days are useful for putrefactive dyspepsia.

The use of foods that suppress putrefaction in the intestines
In putrefactive processes, it is recommended to eat acidophilus. Acidophilus is a dairy product that is produced using an acidophilus bacillus. In stores, acidophilus can be sold as a starter or present in milk, yogurt ( the presence of acidophilus in the product is indicated on the packaging). You can prepare acidophilus on your own using acidophilus starter, which is sold at a pharmacy or grocery store. Prepare an acidophilus drink in several stages.

The steps for preparing acidophilus at home are as follows:

  • milk should be brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 30 minutes;
  • then the milk should be cooled to 40 degrees;
  • acidophilus bacteria must be added to the cooled milk;
  • mix thoroughly and leave for 10 hours, maintaining a temperature of 25 degrees ( better to use a thermos).
Some plants also contribute to the inhibition of putrefactive processes. From these cultures, decoctions, teas or compotes should be prepared. You need to drink them daily, 1 - 2 glasses a day.

Plants that suppress putrefaction in the intestines are:

  • black currant ;
  • red rowan;
  • pomegranate ( juice);
  • thyme ( can be used as seasoning);

Prevention of dyspepsia

Prevention of dyspepsia consists in observing a number of rules that ensure the normal functionality of the digestive system. Also, in order to prevent the disease, factors that contribute to the development of this disorder should be limited.

Measures to prevent dyspepsia are as follows:

  • adherence to the rules of a healthy diet;
  • control of bad habits;
  • adequate response to stress;
  • control of one's own state.

Compliance with the rules of a healthy diet

Healthy nutrition is the main requirement for the prevention of dyspepsia of any type. A healthy diet is based on several rules related to the quality, quantity and culture of food consumption.

The healthy eating guidelines are as follows:

  • refusal of rigid diets;
  • compliance with the proportions between proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • limited consumption of fast food, semi-finished products;
  • sufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits;
  • salt intake in accordance with the recommended norm.
Refusal of rigid diets
In order to prevent dyspepsia, it is recommended to abandon any diet that involves a strong reduction in calories. The daily calorie intake for an adult in the absence of systematic physical activity is approximately 2200 ( for women) and 2800 ( for men). In the case of hard physical work or regular sports, the daily rate should not be less than 2700 ( for women) and 3200 ( for men) calories. If you need to lose weight, the daily intake can be reduced by 400 - 600 calories. More severe restrictions are stressful for the digestive system and can lead to various diseases.

Protein diets are another type of weight loss diets that are common today. The predominance of protein foods against the background of a lack of carbohydrates is one of the main causes of putrefactive dyspepsia. Therefore, such diets should also be abandoned.
The only type of diet that should be followed is a diet prescribed by a doctor for medical reasons.

Compliance with the proportions between proteins, fats and carbohydrates
A healthy diet should consist of one part protein, one part fat and 4 parts carbohydrates. Since these elements can be of different types, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations for the consumption of protein, fat and carbohydrate-containing foods.

The rules for the consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are as follows:

  • Squirrels. To replenish the norm of proteins, which varies from 80 to 120 grams, it is necessary to include meat, fish, and dairy products in the diet. In this case, preference should be given to natural, rather than canned products.
  • Fats. The norm of fat is 80 - 120 grams per day. Among fats, 70 percent should be of vegetable origin ( vegetable oil, nuts). The rest must be represented by natural animals ( not modified) fats ( meat, fish and dairy products).
  • Carbohydrates. The norm of carbohydrates varies from 350 to 500 grams per day. From carbohydrates, preference should be given to those that are slowly digested ( cereals, vegetables). The amount of these products should be 65 - 70 percent of the total amount of carbohydrates consumed. The rest should be represented by fast carbohydrates, namely fruits that are rich in glucose. Dietary sugar and foods that contain it should account for no more than 5 percent of your total carbohydrate intake.
Limited consumption of fast food, convenience foods
A healthy diet implies the rejection or maximum restriction of fast food products, which include fast food ( hamburgers, hot dogs, shawarma) and semi-finished products.

Factors that indicate the harmfulness of these products are:

  • Increased calories. Fast food and convenience foods use modified and saturated fats, sauces, fatty meats, wheat flour, and other high-calorie ingredients. All this provides a high calorie content of the finished product.
  • Minimum nutritional value. Mostly fast food and convenience foods consist of fast carbohydrates, therefore, despite the high calorie content, they do not provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety. The value of such food is also low, since it contains a minimum amount of vitamins, fiber and other elements necessary for the body.
  • Binge eating. Fast food and semi-finished products contain a large number of additives to improve consumer properties ( aroma, taste, appearance) product. Under the influence of these components, a person does not distinguish satiety signals, resulting in overeating.
  • preservatives. To increase the shelf life, a large amount of preservatives is added to the components from which fast food is prepared. Many preservatives are also found in semi-finished products. Getting into the body along with the food product, preservatives have a complex negative effect. So, some of them destroy vitamins, others disturb the balance of beneficial intestinal microflora.
Sufficient intake of vegetables and fruits
Plant products are the main source of such elements necessary for the body as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Therefore, a healthy diet involves eating at least 400 grams of vegetables and 300 grams of fruits per day. In order to maximize the benefits of vegetables and fruits, a number of rules must be observed when choosing and preparing them.
  • When buying, you should choose local products grown in the open field. Imported vegetables and fruits are treated with preservatives and other harmful substances to increase their shelf life.
  • The best choice is seasonal vegetables and fruits that are grown outdoors. Greenhouse products contain a lot of nitrates.
  • Exotic products should be included in the diet in limited quantities. Before use, the peel of vegetables and fruits should be poured over with boiling water.
  • Products that do not require heat treatment should preferably be consumed raw.
  • Potatoes and other crops that require cooking should be baked or boiled. During frying, many valuable elements are destroyed, and the benefits of vegetables become minimal.
Salt intake according to the recommended amount
The recommended amount of table salt per day is 6 grams ( a teaspoon without a slide). According to studies, the average person exceeds the recommended amount of salt by 50 percent. Excess salt in the body leads to numerous health problems. For example, this product irritates the stomach lining and can cause indigestion, gastritis, and ulcers. Therefore, given that the daily menu includes many ready-made food products that already contain salt, adding salt to food should be minimal.

Bad habit control

Bad habits negatively affect both the digestive system and human health in general. Smoking, which is one of the most common bad habits, provokes vasospasm. As a result, the organs of the digestive system are worse supplied with blood, they begin to secrete insufficient enzymes, as a result of which their functionality decreases. Nicotine, getting into the blood, has a negative effect on the nervous system and specifically on the area that controls the processes of saturation. Therefore, many smokers with experience have problems with appetite.
Bad habits, along with smoking, include other human habits that must be abandoned in order to ensure the health of the digestive system.

Bad habits that impair the digestive process include:

  • frequent use of alcohol;
  • binge eating;
  • snacks on the go
  • dry food;
  • abuse of caffeine;
  • plentiful food at night;
  • lack of proper breakfasts.

Appropriate response to stress

During stress, hormones are synthesized in the body, which negatively affect the functioning of the digestive organs. Also, when stressed, a person, eating food, swallows a lot of air, which provokes gas formation and can lead to dyspepsia. Therefore, the prevention of this disease requires the development of resistance to stressful circumstances.

Measures that help to adequately respond to stress are:

  • case planning;
  • work with negative emotions;
  • doing what you love;
  • soothing techniques;
  • physical activity;
  • complete rest.
Case Planning
Planning work and household affairs allows you to minimize unforeseen situations that are a frequent source of stress. Often a person experiences negative emotions from the need to keep a large number of tasks in memory. The problem of choosing the highest priority case at the moment is also among the frequent causes of stress. If you first fix the things that need to be done on paper ( or other media), there is no need to remember all the tasks and choose the most important ones. Also, planning allows you to foresee many problems ( e.g. being late) that cause stress. In order for planning to be effective, it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules.

The planning rules are as follows:

  • when planning things, it is necessary to determine the priority of each task;
  • time should be allocated for the implementation of each task, taking into account the fact that unforeseen circumstances may arise;
  • if possible, the most important cases should be scheduled for the first half of the day;
  • Among tasks, you should always leave time for rest.
Plans can be made for the next day, week. It is also recommended to plan individual events - a trip, shopping, repairs.

Dealing with negative emotions
Negative emotions that have been suppressed sooner or later manifest themselves in the form of stress. Therefore, experts recommend working with feelings of discontent, anger, or other negative emotions. So, if a negative situation occurs, after a while ( not right away) should be analyzed. This will make it possible to objectively assess the factors that provoked it, and to foresee the development of a similar situation in the future.
A person should not be silent in cases where relatives, friends or colleagues neglect his interests or infringe on rights. Talking about your own negative emotions due to the incorrect behavior of others should be done without getting personal, in compliance with all the rules of politeness. In some cases, especially in intra-family conflicts, it is advisable to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Doing what you love
According to scientific research, people who have hobbies endure the consequences of stressful circumstances much easier. Doing what you love allows you to escape from experiences and brings positive emotions. In addition, doing dancing, embroidery or other hobbies and achieving certain results, a person experiences joy, which allows him to more effectively cope with stress.

Calming Techniques
Meditation, breathing exercises and other calming techniques have a positive effect on the nervous system. Useful for relaxation and classical music, listening to which can be combined with soothing baths. Since physical and mental processes are interconnected in the human body, it is also recommended to practice yoga or do exercises to eliminate muscle tension to relax the nervous system.

Physical activity
Physical activity normalizes the level of hormones that provoke and increase the negative effects of stress. According to the recommendations of experts, if a person experiences negative emotions, he needs to take a quick walk in the fresh air, run or swim. Daily exercises in the morning, systematic sports, dancing or other active activities are also useful.

Complete rest
In order for the body to fully recover from the stresses experienced, it needs to provide high-quality timely rest. Night sleep should last at least 7 - 8 hours. At the same time, it should begin no later than 23.00 hours, since it is during this period that sleep is most beneficial. It is also necessary to arrange breaks during the day to rest from work or household chores.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Dyspepsia is understood as a set of symptoms that appear with disorders of the digestive tract. Often, such a syndrome makes itself felt when the process of digestion of food in the stomach is disturbed and the bowel movement is slowed down. The impetus for the development of pathological signs can be various factors, which include various diseases of the internal organs. If dyspepsia is diagnosed, treatment should begin immediately.

Gastroenterologist Mikhail Vasilyevich:

"It is known that for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis, etc.) there are special drugs that are prescribed by doctors. But we will not talk about them, but about those medicines that you can use yourself and at home ..."


Dyspepsia is divided into two main forms:

  1. Functional. Functional dyspepsia is characterized by the absence of damage to the digestive organs of the organic type. Only functional dyspepsia is present.
  2. Organic. In this case, dyspepsia is accompanied by structural changes in the cellular and tissue systems of the digestive organs. With an organic form of pathology, the signs are characterized by greater severity.

In accordance with the causes that caused the pathological syndrome, dyspepsia is:

1. Alimentary

In this form, there is a direct relationship between the onset of symptoms and malnutrition. It is divided into the following types:

  • fermentation. It takes place with the abuse of products enriched with carbohydrate components, as well as drinks, the preparation of which was carried out by the fermentation method;
  • putrid. It often develops when consumed in large quantities of protein foods and meat;
  • soapy. It occurs when an excess amount of fat enters the body, which is most often observed when eating pork and lamb meat.

2. Occurring due to deficient secretion of food enzymes

This process greatly complicates the digestion of food in the stomach. In turn, this type of dyspepsia is divided into:

  • enterogenic, when there is an insufficient amount of gastric juice;
  • gastrogenous, in which there is a deficiency of gastric enzymes;
  • hepatogenic, characterized by a violation of the production of bile by the liver;
  • pancreatogenic, when the pancreas releases a deficient amount of its own enzymes.

3. Associated with impaired intestinal absorption

This type of dyspepsia develops against the background of malabsorption syndrome, which is understood as a congenital disease, accompanied by impaired absorption of nutrients into the blood.

4. Developing on the background of intestinal infections

In this case, dyspepsia gets its secondary development. May occur in the background:

  • dysentery, which is a pathology in which the large intestine is affected. The most characteristic sign is the presence of blood and mucous impurities in the feces;
  • salmonellosis, when there is a combination of gag reflex, diarrhea, dizziness.

5. Intoxication

It occurs as a result of poisoning during the development of various pathological processes in the form of infections of a purulent nature, poisoning with toxic substances.

Therapy Methods

The choice of how to treat dyspepsia is largely determined by the symptoms present. In dyspepsia, treatment also involves adjusting the factors that contribute to the development of pathology. An integrated approach is important, which should consist of:

Medical treatment

Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating the clinical manifestations of dyspepsia. In this case, the following groups of medicines are used:

  1. Prokinetics. They are means that contribute to the normalization of the motor function of the digestive tract. Such drugs are prescribed primarily for indigestion, since dyskinesia is the main and most common risk factor for dyspepsia.
  2. Antibiotics. They become relevant when Helicobacter pylori is detected. However, the diagnosis of such a pathogenic microorganism sometimes becomes quite difficult, as a result of which a breath test is used, the results of which determine the choice of specific groups of antibacterial drugs.
  3. Antacids. This group of medicines shows high therapeutic efficacy in the ulcerative form of dyspeptic disorders. Medications help neutralize increased stomach acid, thereby stopping soreness.

It should be noted that dyspepsia has various forms and can develop as a result of numerous chronic diseases. As predisposing factors to the occurrence of dyspepsia are weakened immunity and instability of mental health. For this reason, a medical consultation is advisable. Self-treatment is undesirable, since it can aggravate the course of the pathological condition. Sometimes it is allowed to take medications containing active enzyme components. It is important to know that the regular intake of such drugs is undesirable, which is caused by a decrease in the synthesis of enzymes in the body, subject to prolonged use of the described drugs. It is useful to take:

  • pepsin;
  • pancreatin;
  • pancrelipase;
  • panzinorm.

In the presence of profuse diarrhea, it is important to restore the lost fluid. For this purpose, it is necessary to take rehydron, a powdered agent, a sachet of which is dissolved in a liter of water.

Diet correction

Changing eating habits is one of the main conditions for the successful treatment of dyspepsia. When the first signs of such a disorder appear, you should adhere to a hunger strike for a couple of days. In cases where fasting becomes impossible, evening meals should be abandoned, and all dishes should be consumed in a pureed form. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the drinking regime, in which 2.5 liters of water are drunk during the day. Such a measure is necessary in order to prevent intoxication and dehydration of the body, which develop as a result of diarrhea.

After a couple of days, a therapeutic diet is prescribed. The type of diet corresponds to the form of the existing disorder. For example, a copious amount of loose stools that do not have a pronounced odor and are accompanied by increased gas formation are signs of a fermentative form of dyspepsia. In this case, the diet consists in limiting or completely eliminating foods containing carbohydrates. In the presence of a stool with a fetid odor and the absence of flatulence, one should speak of putrefactive dyspepsia. In this case, it makes sense to abandon protein foods, giving preference to carbohydrates.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine also offers a variety of remedies to help fight dyspeptic disorders. One of these are medicinal plants. The most effective for dyspepsia are:

1. Dandelion

For therapeutic purposes, the roots, leaves and flowers of the plant are used. Dandelion tea is very useful, which must be drunk at the end of a course of antibiotic therapy used to restore bowel function. It is also possible to use juice obtained from fresh leaves, as well as decoctions from dried roots. An excellent home remedy for dandelion-based indigestion is a salad made from the fresh leaves of the plant, which contain teraxacin. The action of this substance is aimed at stimulating the digestive system. Its beneficial properties contribute to the production of bile and gastric juice.

Treatment of toxic dyspepsia in adults and children is treated with dandelion leaves and roots, which are pre-mixed with carrot or apple juice. In order to suppress the disease, it is necessary to give such a mixture throughout the day in the amount of half a glass. In the presence of a toxic form of dyspeptic disorder, dandelion tea will be effective. For its preparation, it is necessary to use parts of the plant in dried form. A tablespoon of raw materials is carefully crushed and poured with a glass of boiling water. You can add a little honey to the finished drink.

2. Cumin

It is useful to use cumin for fermentative and putrefactive forms of dyspepsia, as well as in the presence of increased gas formation. To do this, half a teaspoon of fruit is poured with a glass of boiling water. Use the medicinal composition should be in the form of heat three times during the day.


Mint is rich:

  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotene.

An infusion prepared from the leaves of the plant is excellent for gastritis and enteritis, accompanied by flatulence and dyspepsia. Mint tea improves digestion, which is why it is advisable to drink the drink after taking heavy meals.

In the case of the development of an acute form of dyspeptic disorder, an alcohol tincture of mint is attached, which can be purchased at pharmacies or prepared independently. To do this, you need fresh and pre-chopped grass in the amount of 100 grams, pour 250 ml of alcohol, and then insist for a week. The intake of such a remedy relaxes the muscular structures of the intestine, alleviating the pain syndrome. The dosage is 20-30 drops with a small amount of water.

Click on the image to enlarge it


From dyspeptic disorders, therapeutic exercises are excellent. One of these is an activity that helps to improve intestinal perilstatics. Starting position - lying on your back. Next you need:

  • bend the legs at the knee joints and press to the chest;
  • straighten your legs and take your feet with your hands;
  • with slow movements, pull the feet towards you, and then away from you.

After a few seconds, the exercise is repeated. It is also useful to perform normal flexion and extension of the raised lower limbs. Such gymnastics can be supplemented with a massage of the abdomen, for which use stroking movements in a clockwise direction. This tactic is especially effective in treating a lazy stomach.

Tired of pain in your stomach, stomach...?

  • I have a stomachache;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • heartburn;

Have you forgotten when you were in a good mood, and even more so when you were feeling well?
Yes, digestive problems can seriously ruin your life!

But there is a solution: a gastroenterologist, head of the gastroenterology department Arkhipov Mikhail Vasilyevich

Dyspepsia of the stomach is characterized by a symptom complex that manifests itself with impaired digestive function. A common cause of deviations are various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Pathological condition in one form or another is recorded in 30% of the population. Depending on the type of syndrome, a different approach to treatment is required. With untimely elimination, dangerous consequences are likely, up to the development of oncological diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Etiology and pathogenesis

The syndrome of biliary and gastric dyspepsia is associated with the impact of various negative factors. The following causes of the pathological condition are distinguished:

  • fast food intake;
  • eating a large amount of food at one time;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • too spicy and fatty foods in the daily diet;
  • excess caffeine;
  • stressful situations;
  • smoking.

Pathology is often diagnosed in the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

Epigastric dyspepsia syndrome is typical for patients with the following pathologies:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • gastraesophageal reflux;
  • hernial protrusion in the esophagus;
  • the formation of stones in the gallbladder;
  • signs of esophagitis;
  • gastritis;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • infectious foci in the digestive tract;
  • food poisoning;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • disturbed emptying of the stomach, which is often observed against the background of diabetes mellitus;
  • allergic reaction to food;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • prolonged depression;
  • oncology;
  • heart disease.

Dyspepsia may occur in patients who have been treated for a long time with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, steroids, or take oral contraceptives.

What types are there?

The deviation may be caused by food poisoning.

Gastrointestinal dyspepsia is divided into several types, each of which is characterized by a special mechanism of development. It is customary to divide the deviation of the stomach into functional and organic. The first form of dyspeptic syndrome is characterized by the absence of any organic disorders in the digestive system, the patient has only functional problems. Organic dispersion manifests itself in structural changes in cells or tissues of internal organs. The table shows other types of stomach pathology, taking into account the etiology and pathogenesis.

Alimentary Develops against the background of excessive consumption of carbohydrates and drinks, leading to fermentation in the stomach
PutrefactiveProgresses after taking products that are not the first freshness or bad meat
SoapyManifested by the abuse of fatty foods
More often develops in lovers of pork or lamb
Dyspepsia associated with a lack of food enzymesEnterogenicLack of gastric juice production
GastrogenicLack of stomach enzymes
HepatogenicImpaired liver production of bile
pancreatogenicSmall amount of enzymes produced by the pancreas
intestinaldysenteryAssociated with shigellosis
Damages the large intestine
SalmonellaCaused by bacteria

How to recognize: symptoms

The constant feeling of nausea and discomfort reduces appetite.

The syndrome of gastric dyspepsia can occur in 3 forms, accompanied by various pathological signs. The dyskinetic type is accompanied by impaired motor ability of the gastrointestinal tract. With an ulcer-like appearance, the patient is often worried about the pain syndrome that occurs when there is a desire to eat. Against the background of a nonspecific disease, several pathological manifestations are noted at once. Dyspepsia is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • appetite problems;
  • discomfort in the epigastric part;
  • soreness in the epigastrium, aggravated after eating;
  • stagnant processes in the stomach and intestines, manifested by heartburn and a feeling of fullness;
  • bloating and flatulence;
  • impaired movement of food through the intestines;
  • frequent belching;
  • bouts of nausea causing vomiting;
  • feeling of rapid satiety;
  • weight loss.

With advanced dyspepsia, the functioning of the liver and other internal organs is disrupted, which negatively affects the general condition of the patient.

Does it pose a danger?

The process of swallowing food brings acute pain.

If or gastric dyspepsia can threaten complications with the progression of the underlying disease. Deviation is provoked by the following consequences:

  • a sharp weight loss up to the development of anorexia;
  • complete loss of appetite;
  • impaired integrity of the esophageal mucosa in the area of ​​​​its junction with the stomach;
  • the occurrence of internal bleeding;
  • pain when moving food through the esophagus.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

In adults and children, an experienced gastroenterologist can confirm the diagnosis. If there are symptoms of intestinal dyspepsia, then a comprehensive examination is required, after which the doctor will select the best treatment option. To begin with, it turns out what symptoms are bothering the patient and how long the stomach disorder has manifested itself. After that, a complex diagnosis is prescribed, in which biliary dyspepsia is confirmed. The survey includes the following procedures:

The study will help establish the extent of the lesion.
  • laboratory study of feces and blood to determine latent anemia;
  • biochemistry;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy, revealing ulceration of the gastric mucosa and 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of the digestive organs;
  • radiography using a contrast agent;
  • colonoscopy, which reveals inflammation and bleeding in the lower intestine;
  • CT and MRI;
  • manometry and electrogastroenterography, which determines gastric peristalsis and intestinal motility.

How to treat?

Effective drugs

Intestinal dyspepsia is accompanied by various clinical signs that help eliminate pharmacy drugs. Any drug is prescribed by a doctor in order to avoid negative consequences. Often used such tablets for stomach dyspepsia, presented in the table:

If a dyspeptic disorder in the stomach is associated with the activity of Helicobacter pylori, then the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs.

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