What can you give a hamster to eat. What is often asked. Feeding at home

Now we want to present you with a list that is simply necessary for every hamster breeder in order to know what to feed a hamster do's and don'ts, compiled on the basis of many years of observations, the experience of cattery owners and confirmed by specialists of the veterinary service.


Diet basis:

1. Dry ready-made food for hamsters

2. Sprouts of wheat, oats, alfalfa, bamboo

3. Nuts (cr. almonds): walnut, cashew, hazelnuts, sesame seeds, peanuts, chickpeas, carob

4. Cereals: barley, wheat, oats, buckwheat, hercules, lentils, peas, beans, beans

5. Seeds: sunflower, pumpkin, melon

6. Berries: strawberries, currants, gooseberries, blueberries, cherries (pitted!)

7. Boiled vegetables: carrots, beets, pumpkin, peas (without salt and cook for a short time)

8. Fruit vegetables: pumpkin (raw), apples, carrots, bell peppers, cucumber, tomato (not winter), radish, radish, zucchini, zucchini, beetroot, pear, apricot, peach, melon, squash, turnip, eggplant ( except for overripe!), grapes and raisins, banana and banana chips, cauliflower (raw and boiled, but rarely), fresh and dried corn, green beans (you can defrost frozen), Chinese salad (aka Chinese cabbage), broccoli, frozen mixed vegetables, plums (little), fresh peas, chickpeas (mutton peas, soaked overnight), baby peas in pods, wild rose (peeled and in small quantities), celery (little, rare), Jerusalem artichoke

9. Dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, dried apples and pears, banana chips

10. Greens: parsley, dill, lettuce /and iceberg lettuce/, dandelion and plantain leaves, clover, nettle

11. All deciduous trees: beech, ash, willow, maple, oak, poplar, walnut, birch, fruit trees such as cherry, pear, apple.

12. Popcorn without salt, sugar and fat (cooked at home) - as a treat

13. Rose petals

14. Carob

15. Drying type "Drying simple" without sugar and additives - like a treat.

As a protein component of the diet (2-3 times a week, one thing):

14. Yogurt without sugar and additives, not more than 1% fat, bifilin

16. Kefir 0-1% fat

17. Cottage cheese 0-1% fat

18. Boiled chicken without salt and seasonings

19. Boiled chicken egg, boiled quail egg

20. Lean boiled fish

21. Shrimp, peeled (rare)

22. Butterflies, mealworm, grasshoppers, earthworms (only purchased from pet stores!)

23. Dried Gammarus (only purchased from pet stores!)

For feeding young animals and sick animals:

24. Vegetable oil (a little, for constipation)

25. Porridge on the water, dairy-free baby porridge without salt, soy and gluten, or just cereals soaked in water

26. Vegetable and meat baby food (without salt, sugar, soy)

27. Sticky rice (for diarrhea)

NOT RECOMMENDED, since products from this list can cause irreparable damage to the health of the animal:

1. Ready food for budgerigars, bird food, food for other rodents
2. Potato

4. Persimmon (only very sweet and absolutely non-astringent, rare)

5. White bread

6. Bread (you can only give mild ones, which do not contain salt, sugar and seasonings)

8. Drops for rodents

9. Red beans (kidni beans) and their sprouts

10. Brazil nut



2. Sour cream, cream

3. Butter

4. Cow, goat milk in its pure form, as well as in the form of a base for cereals

5. Onion, leek

6. Garlic

7. Almond

8. Raw potato eyes, potato peel

9. Cherry, apricot kernels

10. Sausage, sausages

11. Citrus

12. Dry breakfasts, muesli

13. Exotic fruits (and kiwi, pomegranate, avocado, pineapple too)

14. Dry pasta

15. Everything fried and fatty

17. Tulip

18. Sorrel

19. Kozinaki

20. Honey (pure)

22. Branches of coniferous trees (pines, larches, spruces, false trees), as they emit resin harmful to hamsters.

23. Black bread

24. Fruit juices

25. Any herbs and plants grown in the city

27. White cabbage, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts

28. Bloodworm, wild-caught insects

29. Cookies, chocolate, ice cream.

Here is a basic list of what you can and cannot feed hamsters. However, as with any rule, there are exceptions here: if you gave your pet something from the prohibited list, then you should not immediately panic, the main thing here is not to repeat the mistakes! And from a once-eaten forbidden product with a hamster, nothing terrible will happen, unless you begin to risk his health and life more!

Feed me right!

We are sure you already know how cute hamsters are and how important what we tell you is. Therefore, we will do without the "classic" useless introduction, let's get straight to the point.

Let's start with what to feed the hamster at home and, without taking up time, let's move on to the list of prohibited items.

What foods can you feed hamsters?

The ideal solution is dry food from the store. It already contains the required amount of micro and macro elements, useful substances (often even pressed herbs are included in the composition). It is easy to mix it yourself (watch the video).

Benefits of the finished product:

  • No need to select a diet (everything is already balanced)
  • Convenient to dose (to feed in moderation)
  • Dry food will not spoil the animal in the "pantry"

If in your eyes the benefits outweigh the price tag, this is definitely your choice.

Do not try to give your pet food for other rodents and, especially, birds. At best, this will end in digestive problems.

What can be given to hamsters besides food? More on this later.

We feed seeds, cereals and nuts

Such a diet is close to what hamsters eat in their natural environment. They can eat:

  • Pumpkin, melon, sunflower seeds (we feed infrequently and carefully - too much fat)
  • Groats (barley, wheat, oats)
  • Legumes (green peas, lentils)
  • Nuts (walnuts, pine nuts, peanuts, hazelnuts)
  • Corn (not recommended for Campbell's hamsters)

Nuts are very popular with hamsters. And very helpful.

Hamsters should not be fed:

  • Almonds (can poison a rodent)
  • Brazil nuts (too "heavy" for digestion)
  • Bones from fruits (contain toxins and hydrocyanic acid).

Do you want to know in detail about the effect of nuts on the fragile body of a hamster? Then you are here.

Greens for the hamster

Periodically, hamsters need to be fed with fresh herbs (include in the daily diet).

Desirable "fresh food":

  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Salad
  • Sprouts of wheat or oats
  • young bamboo

Fresh herbs are a great choice!

What Grass Hamsters Shouldn't Eat:

  • simple street grass
  • Sorrel
  • Other spicy herbs

It's time to move on to the next section of healthy food - vegetables.

List of healthy vegetables

The diet of a hamster at home should include fresh vegetables. It is advisable to give them even when you use ready-made feeds, at least in season.

You can eat:

  • pumpkin
  • Zucchini
  • Bell pepper (this is the one that is not hot)
  • tomatoes
  • cucumbers
  • Carrot
  • beets
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower (do not feed white cabbage!)
  • eggplant

It is forbidden to feed the animal:

  • Potatoes (too much starch)
  • White cabbage (there will be stomach problems, of which gases are the most harmless)
  • Canned vegetables (there is a lot of salt in canned food, and it is harmful to the animal, like other strong spices)

Do not give a lot of vegetables at a time: they will drag them to the “pantry”, and there they will deteriorate.

Do hamsters need fruits?

Vitamins have not interfered with anyone yet, and they will not interfere with your animal. As food for hamsters, you can use almost the entire "range" of fruit trees, so we will focus only on what you should not give a hamster.

You can’t feed fruits that grow far from the hamster’s natural habitats, i.e. those that we used to call "exotic". It:

I love apples!

  • Citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines)
  • pineapples
  • Avocado

Avoid other fruits with a high sugar content: bananas, apricots, melons. Feed them very infrequently. Hamsters are prone to diabetes (especially dwarf ones), such a “diet” will simply kill them. (We know that banana and melon are berries, but it just so happened ...)

What berries can a hamster eat?

  • Strawberries, wild strawberries
  • Cherries, sweet cherries (in small quantities)
  • gooseberry
  • Currant
  • blueberries

The best strawberries are straight from the garden.

Why does a hamster need protein?

The hamster is a vicious and bloodthirsty predator, and not a cute fluffy, as it is used to be considered. Joke. Not so vicious, but it is necessary to feed it with animal protein (2-3 times a week).

As a protein food for hamsters, use:

  • Boiled fish (lean)
  • Egg white (preferably quail egg)
  • Chicken (lean, cooked)
  • Dairy products low in fat
  • Insects (often sold in pet stores)

Do not feed your pet fatty dairy products and sausages.

What can be given to hamsters "from the table"?

What do rodents eat at home in addition to the above? If the life and health of a hamster is dear to you, limit yourself to what we have already named.

How much do hamsters eat?

Many people take hamsters as pets due to the fact that they are cute "stuffing cheeks". The problem is that they quickly gain fat and this shortens the life of the rodent. So read the feeding recommendations below carefully.

Measure portions correctly!

The hamster is a nocturnal animal. In the evening he has "breakfast", and he should become the main meal. Many feed the pet only in the evening, and there is no mistake in this, but it can be divided into 2 times (give a smaller part in the morning).

How much food a hamster needs every day is hard to say, it depends on:

  • Hamster breeds
  • Sizes
  • health conditions
  • Amounts of physical activity

What absolutely can not feed hamsters?

In general, you already know what you can not feed a hamster. In addition to the above, avoid the following foods:

  • Spices
  • Sweet (in any form)
  • All fatty, fried

Has your hamster said "thank you" yet?

Knowledge without practice is useless ballast. Right now, tell the family to stop stuffing food into the poor animal all day long. And if your hamster learns to talk, the first thing he will say to you is, “Thank you very much!”

Come back! I will miss you 🙁

Want to add something to the information in the article and know what else you can feed a rodent? Leave comments and join us on social networks. Constructive criticism is always welcome!

With the advent of beloved pets in the house, many worries arise. Nutrition is one of the main issues in the care of animals. Hamsters are small rodents, but just like any pet, they need quality nutrition.

What do hamsters eat at home, what do hamsters eat in their natural habitat?

Small pets are very popular with families with kids. Fluffy hamsters are often bought because adults and children like them. The activity and health of small rodents will depend on their nutrition and care. Properly formulated diet affects the development of any pet.

Today in all pet stores you can buy a wide variety of foods for many types of pets. They are specially designed, taking into account the needs of pets. Despite this, many owners feed their animals incorrectly, which affects their health and life expectancy.

To understand how to properly feed a hamster, you need to know what is included in their natural diet. It is known that steppes and fields are the natural habitat for hamsters. In such an area, they dig holes for habitation. They not only live in them, but also stock up on food. The main food for these cute fluffy rodents is cereal plants. The basis of their diet is:

  • wheat;
  • oats;
  • corn;
  • millet and other cereals.

During the period of winter cold, these reserves are gradually eaten up and in the spring, rodents are forced to switch to protein food of animal origin. It includes:

  • Beetles.
  • Worms.
  • Butterflies and other insects.

Rodents of larger sizes sometimes prey on small animals. Animals need different vitamins, so they eat vegetables and fruits- beets, apples, pears, carrots and other common species.

Judging by the diet in the natural environment, hamsters are omnivores. They can be fed different foods, but in small portions.

Biological mechanisms are also relevant at home. The diet in the natural environment must be considered when compiling a menu for your hamster.

In ready-made feed from pet stores includes all necessary ingredients- millet and oats, sunflower seeds and peas, nuts and corn. By pouring such food into the feeder, you can immediately determine what the pet loves the most.

The mixture also often includes granular greens, fortified mixtures and compound feed. They can be purchased separately at the pet store if they are not found in the main hamster food. Experts recommend feeding your hamster one kind of food to which he is accustomed and loves.

The upper and lower jaws of these rodents have structural features. They have large incisors without roots. They grow throughout the life of the animal. Because of this feature of large incisors, the hamster must eat solid food. Due to this, the teeth will not be able to grow too large. Too large incisors will interfere with him while eating.

Hamsters have cheek pouches in which they store their food. During the meal, the animal deposits about 20% of food in the natural pantry and then eats it up in a secluded place.

Diet: what can hamsters eat

Hamsters are easy to keep at home. However, bringing home this cute creature, you need to know what is better and more useful to feed it. Homemade food should not be very different from natural food.

The basis of the diet should be cereals buckwheat, oats, wheat, barley. And also in the mixture you need to add legumes - peas, beans, lentils, beans. Very often, pumpkin, melon and sunflower seeds are added to ready-made feeds. It is good to add nuts to homemade food - cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, chickpeas and others.

fresh greens- a must-have in your daily diet. Mostly parsley, lettuce, dill, clover, dandelion, nettle are used.

Little rodents eat with pleasure vegetables and fruits. They are necessary for the full development and growth of the pet. Fruits and vegetables in the diet will help strengthen the immune system. In winter, it is more difficult to provide him with these types of products, but they can be given in dried form. And also for food hamsters use frozen berries, fruits and some types of vegetables.

From the home table, you can not give food to a rodent. What do hamsters like, what treats? If you want to pamper him with something tasty, then it is best to give your hamster the following products:

  1. Bamboo and wheat sprouts.
  2. Branches of deciduous and fruit trees in spring time.

Hamsters love to gnaw on tree branches, which clean their teeth, and also saturate the animal's body with all vital vitamins and minerals.

For the normal development of a domestic rodent need protein food. The best option is boiled chicken meat, but without salt and spices. You can offer earthworms, shrimp meat. A good source of protein is eggs (quail or chicken). They should not be given more than twice a week.

A good option fermented milk products- homemade yogurt or kefir up to 1% fat. More fatty foods will provoke a problem with the digestive organs. If they occur due to such products, you can give the hamster rice water to restore the digestive tract.

These cute animals almost always sleep during the daytime and are active closer to the night. In this regard, the main meal takes place in the evening. Desirable give food at the same time to get your hamster accustomed to his feeding schedule. Cooked food in the feeder should always be fresh and balanced. In the evening, it is recommended to give him porridge and a mixture of cereals. In the evening, you can also give a treat.

In the morning, it is better to offer lighter food, for example, greens and vegetables. The quality of the products is of great importance, so that they are fresh and natural.

Prohibited Products

Now we know what hamsters can eat, what foods they like. There are also foods that are classified as prohibited species. Every caring owner must understand that not all food products will benefit the pet.

These include fatty and salty foods, smoked and sweet dishes. It is also not recommended to give citrus and exotic fruits. Under the ban garlic, cabbage, onions, watermelon, potatoes.

Before introducing new food into the diet, it is worth considering whether the hamster eats such food in its natural habitat. The more natural the food, the more benefits it will bring to the animal and it will have fewer health problems.

The drinking regimen of hamsters

Every animal should have drinking water in its cage. As for hamsters, the basis of their nutrition is dry cereal food. As a result, they need constant access to fresh water.

If you give them fruits, vegetables and greens, rodents are not so willing to drink water. Despite this, the drinking bowl with water should be washed regularly and fill up with fresh water.

And also, it is worth making sure that in the cage the rodent has running wheel. Sometimes the hamster is let out of the house so that he runs around the room under supervision. Such walks will help to avoid obesity when he becomes an adult.

If you follow all the rules of feeding, the pet will maintain good health for a long time. He will be active, fluffy and beautiful.

A domestic hamster, compared to a wild brother, is a true gentleman. Indeed, in the steppe or on the field, no one offers a rodent "to the table" vitamin fruits and vegetables, and even vitamins in a dosage form.

And the animals have to be content with what God sends. And in the place of their natural residence, God sends mainly grains of cereals and the fruits of legumes, sunflowers and corn. That's why their diet is complete only in warm time of the year when you can enjoy fresh berries.

It is known that hamsters are very thrifty, because they do not starve even in adverse weather conditions: they exist at the expense of supplies dragged underground in their cheek pouches.

Pets, in principle, also eat the same foods with pleasure, but due to the pampered body and reduced stamina, it is better to feed them not with purely “natural” grains and seeds, but with balanced nutritious foods (which are also fortified) sold in pet stores.

What can you feed hamsters

This very food should be present in the feeder of the homa all the time. The mixture contains carefully selected and appropriately processed products that will not harm the pet.

Despite the fact that food for parrots and songbirds, as well as for rodents - guinea pigs, rats - is mostly grain, but hamsters should not eat it: the composition is completely different there.

As for the types of dry food, sometimes, literally twice a week, you can give fluffy or seeds - sunflower or pumpkin seeds - as a treat. Why is it so rare? And because these products are part of the main feed.

But what should never be done is to treat a hamster with shelled nuts or fruit stones, which is supposed to help the rodent wear down its long teeth. However, the opposite effect can be achieved here: both teeth can be broken, and the oral cavity or pouches can be injured. And besides, the nucleoli of stone fruits contain hydrocyanic acid - the strongest poison.

To abrade the teeth, a special “biting” stick is placed in the cage - a boiled and dried twig of some country (environmentally friendly!) Tree, be it a birch, a hazel or an apple tree.

vegetable set

Knowing that hamsters “sweep” everything that gets into their paws, you need to carefully monitor that something harmful like sweets does not get into them - they don’t know about their harm!

And although many people, out of ignorance, believe that these rodents are omnivorous, there is one immutable rule: they should not be given "human" food with all its set of fats, sugar, salt, and even spices. What can you give hamsters from food?

Juicy and green food must certainly be included in the hamster's menu, and the products must be fresh and thoroughly washed.

From vegetables it is most preferable:

  • carrot,
  • beet,
  • zucchini,
  • pumpkin,
  • green leaf lettuce.

In addition to lettuce, you can add parsley and dill, dandelion leaves and yellow clover to the list of necessary greens. Naturally, they should not be collected on the side of the road, but away from the highway and the city outskirts.

Green grass for hamster food can be grown in a pot on the windowsill, sowing seeds in the ground that the hamster did not scam.

  • watermelons,
  • cabbage,
  • potatoes.

fruit treat

Starting from the age of two months, the hamster can get a little apple. Let him and currants. “Laxative” pear and apricot (as we remember, without a stone) should be dispensed with in small quantities, and given very rarely - as a treat.

Useful little animals and dried fruits - apples, raisins, dried apricots. The exception is prunes.

It is forbidden

Forbidden include almost all fruits of exotic origin:

  • avocado,
  • kiwi,
  • persimmon,

And you need protein

Any living organism needs a constant replenishment of protein. Hamsters, of course, are no exception. For this they need to get a protein supplement every day. It may include the following products:

  • boiled egg,
  • low fat,
  • boiled (without salt and spices) chicken breast,
  • lean boiled fish
  • sprouts of oats or leguminous plants.

The pet should receive all this alternately twice a week.

What can not be fed is whole milk, cheese and bread.

These foods are poorly digested and can create problems with the rodent's stomach and intestines, causing indigestion, prolonged constipation, and even death.

Let's drink, homa? Where is the vodka?

If it seems to you that the hamster does not need water, because he "almost does not drink it", then this is a deep delusion.

He drinks, of course, but not in the same quantities as his owners, and his drinker may remain half empty. The water in it must be changed daily, and it should not be boiled or distilled, i.e. devoid of all "live" useful substances, but ordinary drinking. You can filter it.

Menu for jungarians

Speaking about the diet of hamsters, one must consider what species they belong to. What do dzhungars eat at home? These hamsters are indeed omnivorous, but this does not mean that this “everything” can be given to them. Ideally, their home menu should not differ much from what Mother Nature presents to him in the wild. Ready-made dry mixes are ideal, but since they differ both in composition and quality, you need to carefully monitor whether your pet likes this or that set. Dzhungarik is able to ignore what he does not like.

You can also prepare a similar mixture at home if you mix the following products in equal quantities:

  • legumes, in particular beans, peas, beans, lentils,
  • buckwheat
  • oats or hercules,
  • wheat,
  • barley.

A good addition would be sunflower or pumpkin seeds.. Every day, the jungars should receive something from nuts:

  • peanut,
  • walnut,
  • cashew nuts,
  • sesame seeds,
  • hazelnut.

As for parsley, it is worth remembering: having a laxative effect, it is contraindicated for pregnant hamsters.

Of course, the diet of jungariks should also include fresh fruits with berries, but in limited quantities, since this species of rodents has a tendency to diabetes.

Dried fruits, including banana chips, should be given in small amounts.

In general, zoologists believe that it is much more useful - vegetables, whose list is quite wide. In addition to the already mentioned root crops and pumpkin, these are:

  • eggplant,
  • - broccoli, Beijing, colored,
  • fresh corn,
  • cucumber (preferably grown in a summer cottage - without pesticides),
  • tomato (with the same caveat!),
  • string beans.

Opinions of experts differ about the use of radishes and radishes. You can experiment, but is it worth the risk: after all, even without them, your pet will not remain hungry!

And the favorite delicacy of hamsters are bamboo sprouts, sprouted grains of wheat, oats, alfalfa. And it is quite appropriate to offer rodents to gnaw cherry, maple, birch or apple twigs - any other deciduous or fruit tree. This is not only useful for the hamster's teeth, but also for his entire body.

What can't a jungarik?

Citrus fruits are harmful to crumbs, as is a dessert made from sour berries such as barberry or sea buckthorn. The stomachs of dwarf rodents are hard to digest white cabbage, sometimes this even leads to the death of babies.

Under no pretext should you give food from the table of the owners: fatty, fried, floury dishes are disastrous for pets.

And the following extensive list has a short name - you can not!

What will we feed the Syrian?

There are no big differences in the diet of these two types of hamsters. Perhaps the main feature is a great commitment to grain feed.

When compiling the menu for the Syrian hamster, one must take into account both the age and state of his health, and the taste preferences of the pet.

Balanced grain mixtures have already been discussed above. It is recommended to give such food in the mornings and evenings in the amount of one tablespoon.

Cereals and legumes, protein supplements, herbs, fresh vegetables and fruits - the set is almost the same.

It is useful for females who are expecting an addition to the family to receive cereal porridge.

And also hamsters, especially Syrians, choose live food as a treat: ants, flies, worms. However, it is better to buy this "game" in a pet store than to catch it personally.

What is good for the baby?

Hamster babies, like human babies, need to be fed little by little, but often. In the first three months of life, the hamster's diet should be special.

A bowl of dry food should always be in the cage of a small rodent, and what to eat, what to leave is at its discretion. But the owner will soon be able to determine his tastes and preferences.

Wet food for the baby can be offered only one of some kind per day, otherwise the delicate ventricle will react with frustration.

A leaf of fresh garden lettuce, sprouted peas, wheat, beans can act as green fodder. In addition to being vitamin "meals", they are tasty, nutritious and beneficial for growing hamster organisms.

But to treat kids with such goodies as watermelon or strawberries is not worth it.

Feeding rules

For all types of hamsters, two meals a day are recommended - breakfast and dinner.

Experts believe that fresh food is more appropriate in the morning, and dry food in the evenings, then, traditionally hidden, it will not deteriorate.

Serving sizes depend on the size of the rodent - it can be one or four tablespoons. However, the volume of a single portion should not be made large. Thrifty hamsters, if you put more food in the feeder than they can eat, they can simply hide it somewhere in their bins, and then it will go and spoil. A hamster would not get poisoned!

New types of food are introduced into the menu gradually, from very small pieces - as the animal gets used to it.

For dwarf species of hamsters, choose food that is “convenient” in size - so that it is easy to hide in the cheek pouches.

If you managed to notice that not all of the food was eaten, immediately remove the excess. Spoiled, it will lead to gastric upset in the pet.

Keep an eye on the expiration date of the purchased ready-made food, even if it looks pretty decent. Often even one of the ingredients can make the food toxic.

Useful video

The diet of all mammals, which include hamsters, requires completeness and balance. Each owner knows the age, individual characteristics of his pet, his habits, realistically assesses his physical activity, and, focusing on all these indicators, taking into account the season, he must be able to select the products necessary for the pet. If the food is organized correctly, the hamster will live in contentment and health until the deepest hamster old age.

In contact with

Is it okay to give hamsters... is the most common question for new and experienced hamster owners. This material aims to answer as much as possible large quantity similar questions. If you are planning to feed your hamster any new type of food, then you should use several sources to familiarize yourself and study it thoroughly in order to draw a safe conclusion.

When you start feeding your hamster a new food, start with small, tiny amounts of food. It is also a good rule to avoid any sugary things like candy and confectionery. When it comes to animal diets, nature knows best, and manufacturers of these products use a variety of chemicals and additives that are safe for humans but can be dangerous for animals.

Note: If you have any doubts about feeding your pet any particular foods, then you should seek professional advice. Remember that any product in excessive quantities can harm the animal's body!

Can hamsters eat apples?

Hamsters can be given apples, but too much of them can cause stomach upset or diarrhea. Dwarf hamsters prone to diabetes should be fed apples rather sparingly and only as a rare treat. Never feed apple seeds to your hamster, as they contain poison. And you should also thoroughly wash any vegetables and fruits you use as food for your pet, as they can contain harmful pesticides on their surface.

Hamsters love to save and store their food, so you can give your hamster a large piece of an apple and see how much he eats and keeps.

Can hamsters eat bananas?

Yes, hamsters can eat bananas. However, they are very sweet, so if you keep a dwarf hamster, it is not recommended to feed him bananas. Syrian hamsters, on the other hand, love bananas and can eat them more often, 2-3 times a week.

The most appropriate amount of banana for a hamster is one small slice so he doesn't store it and the banana doesn't go bad. You can also buy dried bananas, all hamsters love dried fruits, and when your pet eats a banana, you can hear its characteristic and rather cute champ.

Can Hamsters Have Carrots?

Yes, hamsters can eat carrots. What's more, carrots are a great vegetable for your hamster as they are non-acidic and fairly firm. The firm flesh of carrots will help keep your pet's teeth in good shape. Carrots are also ideal in terms of vitamins and minerals that will provide your hamster with most of the micronutrients he needs.

Some types of dwarf hamsters, such as the Dzungarian and Roborovsky hamsters, are prone to diabetes, so you should not give them too many sugary foods. Carrots contain negligible amounts of sugar (about 4.5g per 100g) so they can be safely given as a treat to diabetic dwarf hamsters. To prevent indigestion and watery stools, carrots, like other vegetables, are recommended to be used in small amounts and not every day.

Can hamsters eat bread?

Hamsters can eat bread depending on the type of bread. You should not feed white bread to hamsters because it contains little nutritional value and white flour is highly processed and quickly turns into sugar in your pet's body. Black, rye or gray bread, bran bread - these types of bread will be great treats for your hamster.

You can also buy special organic bread with seeds and cereals. Some people believe that the healthiest part of hamster bread is the crust.

Can hamsters have cookies, drying?

Hamsters should not be given biscuits as they are high in sugar and have little nutritional value for them. Ordinary dryers, on the other hand, without sugar and additives, can be used as a rare treat.

Can hamsters have chicken, cottage cheese, boiled eggs, fish, shrimp, yogurt and kefir?

Yes, hamsters can eat these foods. As a protein component, in a small amount, you can add one thing to your pet's diet, no more than 2-3 times a week:

  • Boiled chicken without salt, unseasoned
  • Boiled chicken or quail egg
  • Low fat cottage cheese 0-1%
  • Low-fat boiled fish
  • shrimp, peeled - a small amount, rarely
  • fat content kefir 0-1%
  • Yogurt without additives and sugar, fat content not more than 1%

Can hamsters have cereals: rice, barley, buckwheat, wheat, lentils, peas, oatmeal, beans?

Yes, hamsters can eat these grains, it is quite a natural food for them. Most cereals are high in complex carbohydrates and rich in vitamins and minerals, so they can be added to your pet's daily diet, either dry or boiled (without salt or spices).

Can hamsters have milk?

No, pure milk should not be given to hamsters because it contains casein and albumin, which are not absorbed by their bodies. Both cow's and goat's milk can cause indigestion and diarrhea.

Can hamsters eat potatoes?

Yes, hamsters can eat potatoes, but they are not recommended because they are acidic and high in water, starch, and phosphorus. You should avoid this product, although some owners practice feeding boiled and stewed potatoes to hamsters.

Can hamsters have cheese?

Yes, cheese can be given to hamsters as a rare adult treat. You also need to be careful and always check if you are feeding your hamster a safe type of cheese. Many cheeses are high in fat, salt, and flavorings, so if you're going to use cheese as a treat, you'll want to pick the best quality, natural cheese.

The best cheese for hamsters is low fat and free of impurities. The ideal amount of cheese for a hamster is a teaspoon. Leftovers left uneaten should be removed within a few hours of feeding to avoid clogging the cage.

Cheese can be an excellent source of protein and calcium for pregnant and lactating female hamsters, and for young hamsters up to 6 months of age when they stop growing. These pets can be given a small amount of cheese as a supplement every few days. Avoid exotic and especially blue cheeses, as well as unnatural and heavily flavored ones.

Can hamsters eat cucumbers and peppers?

Yes, hamsters can eat cucumbers. Cucumbers are perfectly safe, but they are very watery, which can lead to watery stools in your pet if fed too much or too little. A small slice of cucumber twice a week is the most suitable and sufficient amount of cucumber for your pet.

Cucumbers are a great food for growing hamsters as they are very soft and contain water. This also applies to bell peppers.

Can hamsters eat dandelions, parsley and dill?

Yes, hamsters can eat dandelion leaves and stems. This is their natural food, but should be thoroughly washed before serving. Hamsters also like to eat parsley and dill.

Can hamsters eat grapes?

Hamsters can eat grapes, and they love this healthy fruit very much. Grapes are berries, but not citrus fruits, so they are perfectly safe for hamsters. However, if you keep Dwarf Djungarian Hamsters that are prone to diabetes, then this product is not suitable for regular feeding.

To make sure grapes are safe for hamsters, you can crush them and see if they have seeds, or, in a pinch, remove them yourself. Grape seeds can pose a strangulation hazard to hamsters and should always be removed first. And as previously mentioned, dwarf hamsters should not be fed a lot of sugary foods, and grapes are high in sugar.

What grapes do hamsters prefer? There is no evidence that hamsters prefer green or red grapes, so it all comes down to personal preference. You can feed your hamster grapes every few days, and they certainly shouldn't be his staple food. Too many fruits and vegetables, which contain fiber, can cause indigestion and diarrhea.

Also be careful - hamsters love to store food and store it. So use fresh food sparingly and check every few days that your hamster has eaten all of his food.

Can hamsters eat strawberries?

Yes, hamsters can eat strawberries. Strawberries are another healthy enough sweet treat for hamsters to occasionally give your pets cut or whole. Dwarf hamsters that are prone to diabetes should be fed strawberries very infrequently and in small, tiny amounts. Alternatively, you can also use dried fruits, which all hamsters love!

Before feeding strawberries to hamsters, you should remove the leaves and green parts from them, as there is evidence that they can be toxic to them. Better be careful and just delete them.

Can hamsters eat blueberries?

Yes, hamsters love and can safely eat blueberries. Blueberries are a fairly healthy food for hamsters and can be used as a treat in moderation. Dwarf hamsters such as the dwarf hamster and the Roborovski hamster, which are prone to developing diabetes, should be fed blueberries in small or even tiny amounts.

Blueberries contain a lot of vitamin C, which is never too much in your hamster's diet to keep him and his coat healthy and beautiful.

Can hamsters eat celery?

Yes, hamsters can eat celery. There are many dubious reports that celery can cause choking in hamsters. To avoid such cases, you can give your hamster very thin slices of celery so that its fibers are short enough.

Celery contains many beneficial substances and minerals such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, manganese and many others that will help your pet stay in good shape. Celery also contains coarse fiber, to which the hamster's digestive system is well adapted. As with other vegetables, feed your pet celery in reasonable small amounts and not every day to avoid upset stomach.

Can Hamsters Have Salad?

Yes, lettuce is safe for hamsters, but it is often discouraged due to its low nutritional value. There are many nutrient-dense vegetables that are much more suitable for hamsters than lettuce. For example, spinach is a great alternative.

Can hamsters eat tomatoes?

Yes, hamsters can eat tomatoes. However, they are very acidic and watery, which can be dangerous for hamsters in the form of diarrhea and indigestion. In this regard, feeding hamsters with tomatoes is not recommended.

Can hamsters have watermelon or melon?

Can hamsters eat pineapple?

No, hamsters should not be given pineapple because it is acidic and can cause stomach upset and sickness.

Can hamsters eat broccoli?

Yes, broccoli is an excellent food for hamsters. Broccoli is high in fiber as well as vitamins A, B, C, D, and K. Don't underestimate the nutritional value of the stems and shanks, as hamsters love all parts of this kale. So, broccoli is a special favorite vegetable among hamsters.

Can hamsters eat almonds?

No, almonds should not be given to hamsters, as some of these nuts contain potassium cyanide, which is poisonous and can even be fatal to hamsters. Some types of almonds are safe, but it's best not to use them to feed your pet. There are many other safe nuts such as cashews, walnuts and peanuts that your hamster will happily eat.

Can hamsters eat tangerines and oranges?

No, you shouldn't give hamsters tangerines or oranges because, like all citrus fruits, they are highly acidic and will harm your pet.

Can Hamsters Have Chocolate?

No, chocolate is poisonous and even in relatively small amounts can be fatal to hamsters. In addition to being high in sugar and fat, chocolate also contains theobromine, which is safe for humans but poisonous to most small animals and rodents. Hamsters are simply unable to metabolize this substance, and it remains in their bodies for more than 24 hours, which can easily poison them.

Can hamsters eat raisins?

Yes, hamsters can eat raisins. Dried grapes make a great sweet treat for hamsters, but they should eat them in small, limited amounts. Dwarf and Syrian hamsters can be given one raisin at a time. The smell of raisins makes hamsters very excited and happy.

Raisins are far from the only dried fruit that hamsters can eat as a treat. They can also be given dry figs, apples, pears, dried apricots, papaya, raspberries, melons, strawberries, blackberries, gooseberries, and pitted cherries.

Can hamsters eat spinach?

Yes, spinach is an excellent food for hamsters. Spinach leaves are rich in minerals and vitamins, which are ideal for the needs of the hamster. Like other greens, give hamsters spinach every few days and make sure they don't get diarrhea.

While spinach is a great snack food for hamsters, some hamsters can develop gas. If you suspect your pet is bloated, you should stop using spinach and pick up other vegetables. Like other fruits and vegetables, be sure to wash them in water before giving them to your hamster.

Can hamsters eat beets?

Yes, hamsters can be given boiled beets in small amounts. Beets should be cooked without salt and seasonings. Sugar beets are not recommended for hamsters because they contain pure sugar.

Can hamsters eat peanuts?

Yes, hamsters love peanuts as a treat, but only if they are unsalted and unseasoned. Peanuts are a great source of protein that also contains saturated fat and no cholesterol. Therefore, it is an excellent snack for hamsters.

However, you should not feed large amounts of peanuts to your hamsters, too much of one even good food can have adverse effects. Peanuts contain aflatoxin, which can be harmful to hamsters in large amounts.

Can hamsters eat popcorn and corn?

Yes, hamsters can be given popcorn as long as it's regular popcorn with no added sugar or salt. One piece of popcorn can be a great and healthy treat for your hamster, just like corn because popcorn inherits all of its nutrients. Be careful not to give your pet hot popcorn or corn as it can burn itself.

Can hamsters eat cabbage?

Yes, hamsters can eat cabbage in small amounts. As with other vegetables, too much cabbage can cause diarrhea and indigestion. Cabbage is high in vitamins C and K, as well as other vitamins and minerals that will help keep your hamster's coat healthy and looking great.

Can hamsters eat grass?

Yes, hamsters can eat regular grass. This is one of the most natural foods for them in the wild, but it's important to be aware of harmful substances that may be in your garden or backyard.

It is important to thoroughly wash any herb you are going to give your hamster. Avoid feeding too much grass as it can cause stomach upset in your pet.

Can hamsters have sunflower, pumpkin, wheat, flax seeds?

Yes, hamsters can eat sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. In the wild, hamsters are notorious seed gatherers and eaters, so it makes sense to make sure they have some seed in their diet. Pumpkin seeds have a tough shell and large kernels and contain many nutrients that your pet hamster will benefit from.

Dwarf hamsters may have a problem with such large seeds. Feed your pet pumpkin or sunflower seeds every few days as a treat to prevent them from becoming overweight. Dwarf hamsters can also develop diabetes if they are obese. Other seeds that hamsters love are flax, wheat, and sesame seeds.

Can hamsters have walnuts, hazelnuts?

Yes, hamsters can be given walnuts and they love them. However, be careful as they are high in fat and should be given on rare occasions and only as a treat. Walnuts are also high in protein and are highly nutritious for pregnant and young hamsters. It is interesting to note that hamsters often close their eyes when eating a nut, which shows that it is very pleasant and hamsters love the taste of it.

You can offer your pet a little challenge by giving them an in-shell nut. Depending on your hamster's strength, he probably won't be able to crack it open, so a half-open walnut shell is preferable. Other types of nuts that hamsters can eat include cashews, peanuts, pistachios, and hazelnuts. Almonds, as mentioned above, contain potassium cyanide, which can lead to the death of the animal.

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