Helpful tips for summer. Summer rest. Tips from pediatricians

So many in summer fresh vegetables and fruit, that it is not at all difficult to spend one day a week without meat products.

2. Wash off sweat immediately after your workout.

In the summer, this is especially important, because our body releases toxins with sweat. If you can't shower right away, wipe your body with wet wipes to help cleanse your skin.

3. Walk in the woods.

The forest air contains over 200 biologically volatile active substances. They encourage work of cardio-vascular system, normalize the pulse, increase resistance to toxins and infections, improve pulmonary ventilation, promote efficiency.

4. If you are often bitten by mosquitoes, take vitamin B12.

Under the influence of this element, the skin acquires a smell that repels insects. And don't worry - humans don't smell it.

5. Make exercise part of your daily routine.

Walk, swim, bike, rollerblade or learn nordic walking. Do a little bit every day, and during the 3 warm months, regular activity will become a good habit for you.

Why you need to go out in the morning in the sun

6. Go out into the sun in the morning.

American scientists have proven that the bright morning sun is good for the figure. It activates metabolic processes in the body is more intense than in the second half of the day. Those who sleep longer, reduce the time of exposure to sunlight. A 20-30-minute walk under the morning sun starts metabolic processes, scientists say.

7. Are you badly sunburnt?

To relieve pain, immediately after returning from the beach, take two aspirin or ibuprofen. Then make a milk compress. Soak a bandage or any clean cloth in ice milk, apply to the burned area of ​​the skin. As soon as the compress is warm, change it.

8. To relieve irritation from insect bites,

for a few seconds, apply ordinary ice to the bite site, which acts as a " local anesthesia and relieves swelling. Other "Home Remedies" for Summer Troubles.

9. In summer, rashes often appear on the shoulders and back.

One of possible causes- you do not thoroughly rinse off the shampoo and hair balm, and irritation occurs under the influence of the sun and heat. When taking a shower, make sure to properly rinse the product not only from the hair, but also from the skin.

10. Get rid of the manifestations of herpes on the lips.

These troubles are more frequent in summer because exposure to sunlight weakens defensive forces organism. And if you already have the herpes virus, it will most likely show itself. To protect your lips, use a lipstick or balm with a UV filter.

How to protect your eyes in summer

11. Protect your eyes.

Effects of UV rays on the eyes stronger in the morning and in the afternoon when the sun is low. Choose glasses with large, tight-fitting frames. If you wear lenses, for the summer, get one that protects against UV radiation.

12. Tea tree oil will help with insect bites.

It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties, fights swelling and itching. Tea bags can help relieve swelling from bites, as the tannin in tea has astringent properties, drawing excess fluid from the bite.

13. Walk barefoot on the sand,

pebbles and any other uneven surface. Thanks to this, the arch of the foot is trained - this is an excellent prevention of flat feet. In addition, small pebbles affect energy points, stimulating the work of many internal organs.

14. Walk along the beach.

If you are on vacation by the sea, find time for morning or evening walks. Walk along the surf line to cool water washed feet and shins - this is a wonderful way to prevent varicose veins. If your legs are swollen and tired in hot weather, try pouring cool water on them before going to bed.

15. Don't give allergies a chance.

Fabric softeners form a thin protective layer on the fabric, which is why it becomes soft. But in the summer, combined with friction and sweating, it can cause allergies. If you have sensitive skin, for the period of hot weather, refuse fabric softeners.

See the distance and strengthen your bones

16. Choose your protective equipment wisely.

If you are out in the sun for the first time in a season, use a sunscreen with a protection factor of 30. For those who have very fair skin, SPF 50 products are preferable - they block 98% of the sun's rays. On sale you will also find creams with a protection factor of 60, 70 and even 100. They usually cost an order of magnitude more expensive, but their greater effectiveness (compared to SPF 50) has not been clinically proven.

17. Strengthen bones and teeth.

Calcium is much better absorbed during the season of intense sun, when our body receives enough vitamin D. Eat cottage cheese and natural yoghurts, drink milk and yogurt.

18. Exercise outdoors only in the morning or evening.

Badminton or playing volleyball on the beach may be tempting, but it's dangerous not only for sunburn, but also for heatstroke. Drink to stay hydrated mineral water without gas.

If your work involves a computer, your eyes get used to focusing on close objects. To avoid myopia, do exercises for the eyes: select an object in the distance (mountains, forest, house on a hill) and alternately focus your vision on it and on something close.

20. Increase Your Antioxidants

in the diet, they help the skin resist harmful effects UV rays. Eat berries, vegetables, fruits and greens. And if you're sunburned, apply an antioxidant cream within 6 hours of getting burned.

The hot ones are coming summer days. And high temperatures environment do not always have a favorable effect on general condition organism and can even contribute to the occurrence and exacerbation various diseases. The body perceives heat as excessive load, and in some cases simply can't handle it. As statistics show, there are a number of ailments that are diagnosed more often than others in the summer. But doctors are confident that most of them can be successfully prevented.

Probably, each of us has heard about the danger of overheating, but, nevertheless, every year doctors have to see many patients with the corresponding symptoms. And in some cases, solar and heatstroke even contribute to lethal outcome. So we can conclude that most people do not take the possible aggression of the sun too seriously. After all, these violations of well-being can be prevented.

Heat stroke occurs in intense heat or when exposed to elevated temperatures and is the result of overheating.

Sunstroke is considered as a type of heatstroke. This condition occurs when directly exposed to the direct rays of the sun.

The emergence of solar heat stroke accompanied severe violation well-being. The person becomes drowsy, he is worried about severe weakness and, often, shortness of breath, clouding of consciousness is observed. Body temperature can rise to forty degrees, there is a feeling of nausea and pain in the abdomen, vomiting may develop. Overheating leads to urinary retention, redness skin(but at the same time the skin becomes cool to the touch) and unsteadiness of gait. Sometimes seizures and loss of consciousness may develop.

The only one effective method prevention of overheating - rejection of high physical activity or passive exposure to the sun during special hours solar activity(from 11.00 to 16.00). If there is a need to go out into the sun, you need to wear a light-colored hat or use an umbrella, it is also advisable to give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics of light color. Doctors also advise adhering to the correct drinking regimen, refraining from overeating and drinking alcohol and trying to periodically cool down in a cool room, etc.

If heat stroke still develops, you need to quickly provide first aid to the victim and call the doctors.

Doctors warn: risk of sunburn

Sunburn is a very common summer problem. Even considering the prevalence modern means local UV protection, many people refuse to use such creams or sprays for some personal reasons. As a result, the skin can burn, which becomes noticeable far from immediately. The peak of symptoms of burning is observed only after twelve to twenty-four hours after exposure to the sun. The skin becomes red and swollen, especially severe cases blisters appear on it, filled with yellowish transparent contents. General well-being deteriorates significantly, the affected areas respond with severe soreness. With severe sunburn, you can not do without medical care.

It should be borne in mind that sunburn increases the likelihood of developing various problems with health in the future, starting from premature aging skin and ending with oncopathologies. Therefore, it is imperative to take measures to prevent sunburn: refuse to be in the sun in the very heat and use sun protection(sprays or creams with an SPF filter) in accordance with the instructions.

For people with disorders of the heart and blood vessels, summer heat can be very dangerous. And with age, the likelihood of health problems only increases. Therefore, in the heat, many patients with characteristic symptoms heart attack or stroke, and often these conditions end in death.

So, in the hot season, it’s better not to test the body for strength: you don’t need to work for wear in the country or exhaust yourself with walks and other activities. physical activity. It is extremely important to protect yourself from the sun during its peak hours, wear a hat and light clothing. In addition, doctors strongly recommend that you adhere to simple diet in the heat: there is only light food and drink enough ordinary water. Don't get carried away yet water procedures, since pouring cold water can cause severe vasospasm. Of course, patients with disorders of the heart and blood vessels need to take medications that the attending physician prescribed for them.

Bacteria dormant: intestinal disorders

This is one of the most common summer disorders of well-being. It is very easy to get poisoned in the heat, because when high temperature environment, bacteria begin to multiply very actively. It is worth leaving a cut watermelon for a day, and by the evening it can already become hazardous to health. In addition, you can suffer from intestinal disorders with insufficient personal hygiene and when swimming in various water bodies.

Therefore, in the summer you need to pay special attention to the diet: do not buy food for the future, wash thoroughly fresh fruits and vegetables before consumption, and do not try to store already cooked food. In addition, it is extremely important to monitor personal hygiene, not to swim in dangerous water bodies and to prevent the ingress of poor-quality water into the body.

Summer sore throat

Surprisingly, in summer heat significantly increases the number of patients with angina. Moreover, this disease is diagnosed not only in children, but also in adults. Most often, the development of such an ailment contributes to sharp drops temperature: consumption of ice-cold drinks, too active use air conditioner, etc. In such a situation, the body's defenses fail, and the aggressive bacteria that cause angina begin vigorous activity. As a result, a person's body temperature rises sharply, headache and aches, as well as severe soreness in the throat (tonsils). The danger of summer sore throat is that many people try to carry it on their feet, and this is fraught with various complications. In addition, a patient with such a diagnosis is dangerous to others, as it is contagious. Therefore, all doctors, without exception, are advised to stay at home when signs of a sore throat appear, call a doctor at home and undergo the prescribed treatment.

Inflammation of the lungs is also quite common illness that occurs during the summer heat. Hypothermia (as with angina), as well as significant stress or intoxication and other factors that reduce the body's resistance, can contribute to its development. Pneumonia can be suspected by great weakness, elevated temperature, shortness of breath and soreness in the region of the lungs. If you experience the appropriate symptoms, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor.


In the hot season, many girls, girls and women experience inflammation Bladder. Quite often, the development of such an ailment is explained by a violation of the rules of personal hygiene and / or hypothermia. Cystitis causes pronounced violation well-being: severe pain when urinating and in the lower abdomen, fever, weakness and weakness. This discomfort is due to the activity pathogenic bacteria Therefore, the treatment of cystitis in most cases involves the use of antibiotics. pick up suitable means therapy should only be a doctor, self-medication can cause serious harm health. To prevent cystitis in the summer, you should adhere to the rules of feminine personal hygiene, do not use water bodies as a toilet, and do not be in a wet swimsuit or swimming trunks.

Skin diseases

Human skin can be severely damaged in the hot season. Even ordinary sweating, so natural during the summer heat, contributes to the emergence of various rashes, acne and even painful boils. After all, together with water through sweat glands decomposition products of substances are released, which become a wonderful breeding ground for aggressive microorganisms. Therefore, in the summer heat it is worth taking a shower several times a day.

Also, in the hot season, the risk of catching a variety of diseases increases by an order of magnitude. skin infections. Dermatologists strongly recommend taking a closer look at your health in order to avoid fungal diseases, scabies and lichen. On the beach, in the shower and changing room you need to walk only in special rubber slippers (slates), they should be systematically thoroughly washed with soap. In addition, you need to use only your personal belongings (the same slippers, towel, comb, etc.) and not share them with anyone.

Most summer diseases can be completely prevented, you just need to take a closer look at your body and take care of it.

Ever since school, summer has been associated with a period of rest, but at this time you need to be especially attentive to your health. It is during three months of holidays and vacations that the number of poisonings and various injuries associated with active pastime increases significantly. In addition, the sweltering heat and constant dust are far from in the best way affects the condition of our skin and hair. In order for the body to easily endure the heat and prepare for the cold season, you need to follow some simple recommendations.

Summer Tips

With age, our skin becomes wrinkled, but not only lived years affect this process. Quite often, brown spots, and wrinkles are not caused by the number of years, but negative influence solar radiation. Ultraviolet, affecting the epidermis, causes irreversible skin aging processes. In order to slightly slow down the destructive processes, you can use special cosmetics with SPF.

Particular attention should be paid to protecting children's skin from harmful sunlight. Babies generally cannot be taken out into the open sun, and older children are better off playing in shady places. sunburn received in early age increase the risk of developing skin cancer by an order of magnitude. The scientists came to the conclusion that one severe injury of this type, received before the age of twenty, increases the likelihood of developing malignant melanoma twice. Doctors are aware of twenty-five ailments that arise directly from solar radiation or are aggravated by ultraviolet radiation.

If on summer period If you are left without a vacation and are forced to stay in the city, then you need to make sure that the hot season is not in vain, and even more so does not harm you.

Each of us knows exactly what set mode of the day helps to do all the planned things on time, and also sets the right priorities. But besides that, following a strict schedule is a key component in the battle for great health.

Determine optimal time morning rise. In the summer it is best to wake up between seven and seven thirty in the morning. At this time, it is still not so hot. Go to bed at the same time no later than ten or eleven hours. If you wake up tired, this indicates a certain lack of sleep, so recalculate and increase the hours of rest, in addition, eliminate all annoying factors.

In the hot season, you need to especially carefully monitor your drinking regimen. In summer, the body needs additional, and the epidermis needs moisture. Do not focus on any clear framework For example, drink two liters of water every day. Calculate your individual fluid intake by multiplying your weight by thirty. As a result, you will get the amount of milliliters that you should consume every day. For example, if you weigh 50 kg, then you should drink 1500 ml of water per day. This amount of liquid will ensure full operation excretory systems and support cell activity at the proper level.

If bags appear under your eyes, there is increased swelling on the eyelids - this indicates lipid imbalances and improper functioning of the kidneys. Summer is the optimal period for cleansing the body with gentle fruit and vegetable diets. Such fasting days allow you to effectively remove toxins and salts.

An excellent option for such a diet would be a cucumber, peach, apple or watermelon day. During the day, eat only one product of your choice and drink plenty of pure water and green tea. If you arrange at least one such fasting day a week, your body will be grateful to you.

Your diet should contain a sufficient amount of B vitamins, they are found in cereals - cereals, bread with bran. They will avoid acne, skin laxity, early gray hair, brittle nails and hair loss.

Try to move more and spend enough time outdoors. At this time of the year, you can not only walk, but also do it for the benefit of your health. For example, a walk through a pine forest will be an excellent prevention of ailments. respiratory system besides, the smell of pine needles is an excellent aromatherapy session.

Don't neglect hiking Try to stay indoors as little as possible. The reward for such labors will be a healthy the cardiovascular system and great complexion.

In hot weather, it is better to refuse shoes on high heels. Choose ballerinas or sandals and your feet will thank you.

If you are the proud owner of a bicycle, use it as a great alternative to public transport. Ride it at least on the weekend, and you will pump up your legs, strengthen your torso and train vestibular apparatus.

Get out on the weekends to the reservoirs. Even if you do not plan to swim in the nearby lake, then in the shade of trees or an umbrella near it, you will endure the heat much easier than in a dusty city. In addition, high humidity will protect you from sun or heat stroke. But be careful, you should not be in the sun during the hours of greatest heat - from eleven to three or four hours.

If you stayed in the city, and all your friends went to the resorts, don't be discouraged. Even in a dusty metropolis, you can find a time and place for a great summer vacation.

For children, summer is a long-awaited freedom, and for parents, it is an opportunity to improve their health. For nine months kindergarten or school, the child absorbs a sea of ​​knowledge, but usually moves little, often gets sick, breathes city air and disappears at the computer. Parents want to use the warm summer days to the maximum so that the child's body rests and gains strength. Doctors have their own opinion about summer children's vacation, to which they urge parents to listen.

Tips from pediatricians on how to strike a balance between pleasant and useful, so that the summer months will benefit the child:

  1. Take a breather in your studies, your brain needs a rest too. Pay attention to those things that you did not have time for during your studies. Ask your child what he would like to do, what to try, what to learn new things. He might want to go fishing, camping, learn how to grow flowers, or even grow his own vegetable garden.
  2. It would be nice to change the situation and definitely spend more time outdoors: rest by the sea, camp, village, cottage. But it should be remembered that it is undesirable for children under 4 years old to change the climatic zone, and the optimal period of adaptation to a different climate is a month. It is better to plan a stay in the open sun in the morning before 11.00 or in the evening after 17.00. Sunbathe for no more than 15 minutes and be sure to use sunscreen with an SPF index of at least 50. When traveling, do not radically change the child's diet, give preference to fresh and familiar food.
  3. Move as much as possible and spend less time in the walls of the apartment.
  4. Fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs must be present in the child's diet. Homemade soups with meat, cereals with a side dish of vegetables are also useful. It is better to give up sausages, sweets (at least limit the amount for inveterate sweet tooth), chips. Replace juices and sodas with plain water, compotes, fruit drinks. Don't force yourself to eat, feed according to your appetite.
  5. Walk barefoot more often, for example, at the sea or in the country. So the child's foot will be massaged naturally that normalizes the work of internal organs.
  • the child must take a break from contact with a lot of people, from city air, from chlorinated water and household chemicals. In the vast majority of cases, rest "on the seas" has nothing to do with the recovery of an often ill child, since most harmful factors remains, plus public catering is added and, as a rule, worse living conditions than at home;
  • the ideal vacation for an often ill child looks like this (every word is important):

summer in the village;

inflatable pool with well water, next to a pile of sand;

dress code - shorts, barefoot;

restriction on the use of soap;

feed only when she screams: "Mom, I'll eat you!";

  • dirty naked child jumping from water to sand, begging for food, breathing fresh air and does not contact with many people in 3-4 weeks restores immunity, damaged by city life.

In summer, all the conditions for strengthening health, raising the mood and good spirits. Only doctors know that everything is actually not quite right.

How to protect yourself and your children from the most pleasant time of the year - the advice of experts will help you figure it out.

Angina, otitis, tonsillitis and other diseases of the ENT profile seem to you more characteristic of autumn and winter?

All these unpleasant and even dangerous diseases very often hit people in the summer. Air conditioners at home, in the office and in the car, ice-cold drinks, ice cream - and as a result: temperature, body aches, painful swallowing, inflamed tonsils. Angina in summer is even more severe than in winter.

With all manifestations of the "cold" it is better to immediately consult a doctor. Angina must be treated with antibiotics, and it is dangerous to prescribe them to yourself. If you have a runny nose, then most likely it is not a sore throat, but another acute respiratory disease that needs to be properly diagnosed.

No less painful can be otitis - inflammation of the ear. Treatment often requires antibiotic therapy, especially if the disease is advanced.

Of the methods of prevention, we can advise you to follow the elementary and well-known rules:

Do not drink cold, even if you really want to. it is better to use room temperature;

Do not get under a direct stream of cold air from the air conditioner and in general, avoid temperature changes (if you have no choice, for example, when going to a store where the air conditioner works very hard, take a jacket or sweater with you). Direct blowing to the ears is especially dangerous, sometimes just a few minutes are enough. Pay attention that in the car the conditioner was not directed to the face and ears;

It is contraindicated for people prone to otitis to dive. But even those who have not encountered these diseases need to be careful: after warming up in the sun, dive into cold water Not recommended.

And the main thing to remember: if you are already sick, you should not use the recommendations of friends and folk methods. Complications from tonsillitis and otitis media can be very, very dangerous.

Ophthalmologists argue that the eyes are exposed to bright sunlight in the summer and require special protection. Experts in this profile strongly recommend wearing Sunglasses, and not any, but with a degree of protection of 2 or 3 - that is, from 43 to 8 percent of light transmission (depending on the intensity of the sun's rays). Goggles should protect your eyes from both UV-A and UV-B sun rays. It is not recommended to buy glasses in the markets and collapses - Great chance get on a fake that does not protect from the sun.

therapists declare with confidence that everyone who goes on vacation to a country with a different climate or hygienic traditions is in danger. But even in a familiar environment, the risks of many diseases increase. The number of intestinal and other types of infections, water-related injuries, insect and snake bites, and so on is on the rise.

Care must be taken as one of the main causes of illness in the summer is intestinal infections. Cholera, enterovirus, hepatitis, dysentery, salmonellosis - they are all dangerous to human life.

And it is very easy to get infected and often the infection goes unnoticed. Somewhere the conditions of transportation were not met, somewhere storage or preparation, bacteria multiplied, a person ate the product - as a result, the infection got inside.

Poisoning requires medical attention, gastric lavage, the use of enterosorbents, and in more severe cases, hospitalization. If you suspect intestinal infection hospitalization and isolation are strictly required to avoid spread.

Rules for the prevention of poisoning and intestinal infections:

Maintain hygiene - wash food and hands;

Do not buy anything in dubious conditions - in spontaneous markets, in some kind of tents;

Do not store perishable foods;

Do not swallow water when swimming;

In general, it is better to use bottled or boiled water.

Water bodies are another risk factor. Overestimating your strengths can lead to the most deplorable results. Jumping into the water also causes fractures, bruises and other injuries.

Of course, all injuries, cases of allergies, especially those accompanied by edema, fainting, intestinal disorders and so on - all these cases require immediate medical attention.

It is especially important to take care of yourself for people who have chronic diseases.

To advice from a cardiologist include the following: the load on the heart and blood vessels in hot weather increases. If you are at risk for cardiovascular diseases, be especially careful.

Increased fluid loss leads to thickening of the blood, it becomes less saturated with oxygen. And at healthy person possible fainting if stuffy and hot. This often happens in public transport. Thickened blood is a direct path to the formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels.

As a preventive measure for heart patients and hypertensive patients, it is recommended to monitor the drinking regimen especially carefully. Limit salt intake, drink simple clean water- it is very important to compensate for the loss of fluid, but not to allow it to be retained in the body. Always carry medication prescribed by your doctor with you. Try not to go out into the heat, stay in a cool room, do not overwork.

In addition, long-distance trips are more often made in summer. It is recommended to do warm-ups every forty minutes - an hour, not to allow blood to stagnate. Flights are a particular risk factor.

Very useful in summer vegetable juices, or freshly squeezed fruit juices with pulp. They will become a source of not only liquid, but also potassium, magnesium, and fiber.

In the heat, you should refrain from drinking alcohol, while remembering that this is a huge burden on the heart.

As for the health of children, much depends both on the parents, on their attentiveness, and on the immunity of the child, on his everyday habits.

Wash your hands more often, fruits, vegetables - you also need to thoroughly wash and process;

Watch the expiration date of products, especially dairy products. Avoid cream cakes, pastries, mayonnaise dressings - this is all and at other times children are not shown, but in the summer also due to the growth of bacteria;

Avoid both hypothermia in water bodies and overheating in the sun. A child should always have a headgear. Be sure to use, with a protection factor of 50 to 30 SPF - children's skin is more prone to sunburn. Signs of overheating - weakness and lethargy, fever, vomiting, headache. It is necessary to immediately take the child to the shade, give plenty of water, give an antipyretic. And take it to the doctor as soon as possible. Sunburns, if they are nevertheless obtained, should be treated with panthenol products, and in serious cases consult a doctor;

Always have with you antihistamine, first aid kit - bandage, peroxide. Children very often manage to get hurt on an empty, it would seem, place. And an allergy can be caused by anything at all - from some first tasted fruit to an insect bite;

Parents should pay attention to the behavior of teenagers, because it is customary to pay more attention to young children, as it has historically developed. Teenagers often walk alone. And due to their age, they still cannot assess the dangers and risks on their own. To impress friends, they can do, to put it mildly, imprudent acts. Great amount injuries get grown up children left without parental care. Including, in a state of alcoholic or even drug intoxication. Parents are responsible for this.

Doctors' advice comes down to simple rules:

Observe hygiene;

Do not overheat and do not overcool;

Avoid unfamiliar and untested food;

Observe the drinking regime;

Watch your children;

Seek immediate medical attention.

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