In the morning dizziness and loss of coordination. Great dizziness in the morning after sleeping. Why do you feel dizzy after sleep

It appears in the morning after sleeping or getting out of bed. Even if the symptoms appear very rarely, they are the same and are often accompanied by flies in the eyes and other unpleasant symptoms, often nausea and vomiting. Why is dizziness in the morning and how to get rid of dizziness? Here is what they write modern doctors on this occasion.

Dizziness in the morning can occur accidentally, with malfunctions vestibular apparatus, and also due to pathological processes in the body. Many diseases may not appear immediately, but from time to time signal themselves with short dizziness. Therefore, if you feel dizzy after sleep, try to understand how often this happens and how you feel. Many consider vertigo commonplace the body's response to weather changes.

The main causes of dizziness in the morning, doctors believe:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical region;
  • diseases of the vestibular apparatus and lesions inner ear person;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • orthostatic hypertension;
  • BPH (benign paroxysmal vertigo);
  • intracranial hypertension;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • pregnancy.

These causes of dizziness are worth considering in detail.

It causes vertigo in the morning. Diseases are most susceptible to the elderly, as well as those who lead sedentary image life, spends a lot of time in a sitting position. An uncomfortable position of the body during sleep becomes a provocateur of seizures. This makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the brain, the blood vessels constrict, and slight morning dizziness may appear.

If you suffer from osteochondrosis of the spine, you need to do exercise therapy exercises, do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck, be outdoors more often, use a quality pillow for sleeping. And, most importantly, when getting out of bed, do not make sudden movements.

A condition in which blood sugar drops. This condition often occurs in patients with diabetes mellitus if they violate the correct diet. A lack of blood sugar is also observed in a healthy person during mental or physical exertion, as well as if he limits sugar intake during a diet. For diabetics and healthy people There are different ways to increase blood sugar levels. Therefore, when you feel dizzy in the morning, you should eat a candy, a piece of sugar or a chocolate bar.

Another cause of morning dizziness can be anemia or a large loss of blood. Limiting physical activity and eating foods that increase hemoglobin in the blood will help improve the patient's condition: apples, cherries or cherries.

This is the name of a sudden and sharp decrease in intracranial pressure. This condition can lead to temporary loss of consciousness, but doctors do not classify it as a disease. A decrease in intracranial pressure is often caused by vasospasm, an uncomfortable posture during sleep, and is observed in adolescents and adults who are sick vegetovascular dystonia. This state is characterized by short duration.

Symptoms of this disease often develop during the day, but since the vestibular apparatus experiences the main load in the morning after sleep, when a person begins to get out of bed, he develops dizziness, weakness, headache and nausea. To check whether there is DPG or not, a simple test will help. Man sits down with outstretched legs and turns his head to the left. After that, you need to lie down sharply and turn your head to the right and slowly get up. If there is DPH, then it will be difficult for a person to perform this test. Also, discomfort can occur when squatting, running, physical exercises. This disease often appears in older people and significantly limits their activity.

This disease cannot be completely cured. Thankfully it doesn't always show up. Alleviate nausea, relieve pallor and palpitations will help special tablets prescribed by a doctor.

So in medicine is called increased intracranial pressure. The causes are head injuries, strokes and brain tumors of various origins, CNS infections, hydrocephalus, and pathological vasodilation. The patient begins to have a headache after sleep, especially when coughing and sneezing. Pain can be accompanied by dizziness, nausea, and even the urge to vomit. If you find yourself in such a state, you need to go through medical examination followed by a course of treatment. It is impossible to ignore severe dizziness, headaches, nausea caused by increased intracranial pressure, since the disease can even lead to the death of the patient.

This condition is often found in adolescence, during the restructuring of the body. Blood vessels cannot quickly respond to impulses from nervous system, so they either expand or contract. At this time, a person may experience hot flashes, sweating, nausea and vomiting, as well as cold extremities, palpitations. Some people may experience headache, nausea, vomiting. Almost every attack ends with a large branch clear urine and usually goes away on its own. VSD is exacerbated by smoking, drinking spicy foods, sauces, smoked meats, dark chocolate and cola. Walking in the fresh air, regular ventilation of the room, getting rid of bad habits as well as dietary changes. An increase in water in the diet, vegetables and fruits will help improve the condition of blood vessels.

Substances that poison the body during the use of low-quality products continue to spoil the blood at night. Therefore, the next morning after poisoning, a person begins to feel weakness, nausea and headache until he goes to the toilet. A similar situation develops during the first trimester of pregnancy.

If you want to get rid of a headache caused by poisoning, you need to drink as much as possible per day. clean water without additives and gases, do not eat with loss of appetite, limiting the diet to fruits and monitor bowel movements. Drink if necessary Activated carbon with clean water, to observe bed rest if the poisoning was severe, and to be in the fresh air more often. Headache or dizziness after sleeping with poisoning can last for several days until the body is completely cleansed of poisons. Therefore, poor health may not immediately go away. Similar Symptoms can also be observed in diseases of the stomach, gallbladder and intestines. In this situation, you need to follow the recommendations of the doctor who prescribed the treatment, avoid foods that are poorly digested.

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No one is surprised if the head is spinning in the evening. The cause of discomfort is overwork, significant physical exertion. But dizziness in the morning is alarming. The person slept, rested, why do unpleasant sensations appear? Experts identify several causes of morning vertigo, natural and pathological.

Morning dizziness makes it difficult to concentrate, often accompanied by a feeling of fatigue and weakness. Even if “the floor goes out from under your feet” for just a couple of minutes, during the day a person will carefully listen to himself, trying to catch the slightest sign discomfort and prevent falling.

To establish what leads to discomfort, it is necessary to pay attention to other symptoms associated with dizziness.

It is believed that the development of this disease is not correct image human life: rejection physical activity or excessive lifting of weights, working in an uncomfortable static position, gaining excess weight. But it has already been proven that viral, infectious diseases can also lead to loss of elasticity of the vertebrae and their abrasion.

Usually, dizziness in the morning is inherent in cervical osteochondrosis. The reason for the discomfort is that at night a person takes a not quite physiological position in a dream. As a result, the cervical vertebrae are compressed vertebral artery. The brain experiences oxygen starvation.

In the morning, a person gets up, the muscles of the neck relax, and the blood begins to flow to the brain tissues in a larger volume. This is where vertigo occurs.

Additional signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine:

  • Neck migraine.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Impaired coordination.
  • Memory impairment, decreased attention.
  • Pulsating tinnitus.

If left untreated, a person's balance is disturbed when walking, he can hit tables, not get into doorways. Working capacity gradually decreases, all day there is a feeling of fatigue that does not go away after sleep.

When a teenager is dizzy in the morning, the cause may be a low blood pressure. Also, people suffering from a lack of hemoglobin in the blood, malnourished or dieting women are also susceptible to a similar pathology. How individual disease hypotension is quite rare, and its development depends on the pathology of the vessels. Other symptoms:

  • Dyspnea.
  • "Flies" before the eyes.
  • Violation of thermoregulation - "icy" palms and feet.
  • Pain in the frontal part of the head, temples.
  • A state of drowsiness.

At arterial hypotension a person can be whiny, emotionally unstable. Vertigo, which appeared after sleep, goes away during the day if a person loads himself enough with physical exercises.

Dizziness also occurs with an increase in blood pressure. But after sleep, discomfort in this pathology in patients rarely appears. With hypertension, the head is spinning during the day, after heavy physical exertion, even sex. Unpleasant sensations increase when changing the position of the body, turning or tilting the head.

If in the morning you feel dizzy, unbearably ache at the back of your head, throbbing painfully in your ears, you should immediately consult a doctor. Similar symptoms may indicate the development of a hemorrhagic stroke.

A person may wake up in the morning and already notice that he is dizzy. He still didn't move, didn't turn his head. But the unpleasant feeling of "suspension", "weightlessness" has already appeared. It is rather difficult to accurately describe these impressions of vertigo caused not by a change in body position, but by internal processes.

Dizziness can occur in any position of the human body. The reason is the defeat of the pituitary gland, the vestibular apparatus, intracranial hypertension.

Cancer patients not only feel dizzy in the morning. If a malignant tumor grows in the brain, a constant diffuse headache joins the vertigo. But experts point out that pain syndrome at 1-2 stages cancer occurs in about half of patients.

A person feels weakness, fatigue, he does not want to move, apathy rolls over. In the later stages of cancer, the head may be constantly spinning, the tumor is squeezing blood vessels, disrupting the blood supply to tissues, provoking a significant increase in intracranial pressure.

Inflammatory diseases of the inner ear also lead to vertigo. Otolaryngologists distinguish only a few pathologies accompanied by dizziness:

  • Meniere's disease.
  • Labyrinthitis.
  • Neuronit.

With the accumulation of purulent fluid, pressing on the vestibular apparatus and nerve endings, dizzy in the morning, and also during the day - when turning, tilting. These diseases are accompanied by hearing loss, the appearance of tinnitus.

When a pregnant woman feels dizzy in the morning, the cause may be a combination of factors - low blood pressure, uncomfortable position during sleep, excess weight, lack of certain hormones. A woman can get rid of discomfort only after she gives birth to a child.

In addition, some women complain of morning dizziness during the premenstrual period. Discomfort is caused by swelling of the brain tissue, impaired fluid excretion due to increased estrogen production. Vertigo also occurs in the first days of menstruation. After a woman gets out of bed, there is a significant loss of blood, which is why she feels dizzy in the morning.

Certain medications lead to morning dizziness. antibacterial drugs, anticonvulsants medicines. Even Aspirin can cause vertigo if taken too long.

Separately, doctors single out such a pathology as paroxysmal positional vertigo. Lead to the development of the disease:

  • Head and neck injuries.
  • Operations on the brain, ear.
  • Long rehabilitation period during which the person is forced to lie down.

Doctors say that positional vertigo can develop for unknown reasons. Its main difference is the occurrence of discomfort when changing the position of the head, turning in the prone position.

If it is not possible to establish why the head is spinning in the morning, you should try to alleviate the condition yourself. Since uncontrolled vertigo leads to falls and bruises, the patient must be extremely careful to get out of bed.

Best of all, when you wake up, do not jump out of bed abruptly, turn on your back, look at the ceiling, throw your head back, look up. After that, reach as far as possible with your hands up behind your head, slowly roll over to your left side, right side.

You need to get up from a position on your side, not from your back. If the head is still spinning, even after the exercises done, when getting up, hold your hand on the bed, chair. If dizziness occurs regularly, you should keep a glass of water on your bedside table. After drinking a couple of sips, you can escape from the discomfort and restore a normal state.

Do not do it deep breaths, a sudden intake of a large volume of oxygen can lead to increased discomfort. To stop the dizziness, it is enough to breathe slowly and calmly.

If vertigo occurs regularly in the morning, does not go away during the day, is accompanied by nausea and headache, you should seek medical advice. medical care. If you feel dizzy after sleep, a neuropathologist, otolaryngologist or therapist will help solve the problem.

Treatment is prescribed after the person is fully examined:

  • Will give blood and urine tests.
  • Check the condition of the vascular bed using Doppler.
  • Will undergo MRI and CT of the brain.

If it is not established what provokes dizziness, the doctor will prescribe drugs whose action will be aimed at strengthening blood vessels, restoring their flexibility, and eliminating fragility.

It may be necessary to perform special therapeutic exercises to help restore normal functioning vestibular apparatus: 2-3 minutes are required to lie on each side, turning your head face up.

Do not put off a visit to the doctor, dizziness can be a formidable symptom of a cancerous tumor. If you often feel dizzy in the morning, it is better to undergo medical treatment without waiting for the condition to worsen.

Is your head spinning early in the morning, dark spots flash before your eyes and nausea appears? Such unpleasant symptoms, arising with enviable regularity, must necessarily alert a person.

Dizziness that occurs as a result of heavy physical exertion or due to emotional overstrain is a normal reaction of the body to severe overstrain.

But morning dizziness (the scientific name is vertigo), occurring at the moment when a person is most rested and gaining strength, can directly indicate the presence of a latent disease and cause an early visit to a specialist.

So, why is the head spinning immediately after a night's sleep, what causes most often cause this condition?

Such morning dizziness is a fairly common occurrence due to damage to the human inner ear. If the statolith apparatus located deep in the auricle is damaged, then when the position of the body changes, unpleasant symptoms may occur, accompanied by dizziness and short-term lightheadedness.

Symptoms by which you can determine the presence of the disease:

  • dizziness (strong and sharp) occurs if you throw your head back or turn your neck in different directions, the duration of the unpleasant state is about a minute;
  • symptoms pass quickly enough, but the person feels weak for several hours;
  • restless night sleep, accompanied by bouts of dizziness, nausea and the urge to vomit that occur in the morning after sleep.

Such attacks can occur every day, not only after waking up, but also during the day. Then there may be a weakening of the symptoms, when the disease seems to have completely receded, the state of rest can last several years, and suddenly again there is dizziness after a night's sleep.

Revealed this disease during examination and diagnosed by special testing. With frequent and painful attacks, the doctor prescribes medication and a set of exercises, which can significantly alleviate the patient's condition. In extreme cases it is required surgical intervention.

Increased intracranial pressure ( intracranial hypertension) can be diagnosed in a number of diseases. The consequences of increased pressure inside the skull can be extremely severe, among the symptoms and such as: nausea, darkness before the eyes, the urge to vomit, the head may be spinning in the morning and during the day.

High intracranial pressure can occur in a number of cases:

  • in the presence of benign and malignant tumors in the brain;
  • with hydrocephalus;
  • with damage to the central nervous system (central nervous system) by various infections;
  • with an aneurysm that occurs in the vessels of the brain;
  • after a stroke;
  • with brain injuries (concussion, severe bruises).

One of the main symptoms that may indicate the presence of these diseases can be considered morning dizziness, accompanied by severe pain.

Quite often, patients are sure that this is a migraine attack. If the head is spinning and hurts during coughing or sneezing, nausea or vomiting occurs, you should immediately contact a specialist who will conduct an examination and prescribe adequate treatment.

  • Osteochondrosis.

Dizziness in the morning can occur when there is such unpleasant disease like osteochondrosis of the cervical region. In this case, the reasons are as follows: with the development of the disease, the cervical vertebrae are displaced and begin to compress the vertebral artery, respectively, blood flow is disturbed. The result is a lack of oxygen in the cerebral cortex. This leads to the fact that the head begins to spin.

People suffering from cervical osteochondrosis may feel unwell if their sleeping position was uncomfortable or if they sleep on a high pillow. Such a disease requires drug treatment during an exacerbation, it is usually prescribed by a specialist.

  • for sleep, orthopedic mattresses should be selected;
  • the pillow should not be lush and high;
  • immediately after sleep, you can’t get up abruptly, you should slowly stretch, slightly turn your head in different directions, gently start tossing and turning from side to side, only after that you can get out of bed.
  • Orthostatic hypotension.

This condition is not considered a disease, rather it can be attributed to the individual characteristics of the body. If a person, waking up in the morning, begins to rise abruptly from the bed, he may feel dizzy and even experience a short-term loss of consciousness.

The reason is instant drop blood pressure, in people with such a problem, the heart and blood vessels simply do not have time to respond quickly enough to sudden changes in body position.

Most often, this condition manifests itself:

  • in adolescents;
  • in people with a diagnosis of vegetovascular dystonia.

Everything happens because when a person lies, the blood flows more slowly in the vessels, the heart muscle also contracts at a slow pace, a sharp rise leads to an instant increase in these indicators, which causes nausea.

Symptoms that indicate this condition can be considered:

  • the occurrence of dizziness immediately after getting out of bed;
  • the appearance of nausea, weakness, darkness in the eyes;
  • short-term loss of consciousness;
  • rapid disappearance of all symptoms (within a few minutes).

To identify this condition, orthostatic test. This method makes it possible to detect a violation of the cardiovascular system and make a diagnosis to the patient.

The advice that can be given to people suffering from orthostatic hypotension is this: do not make sudden movements immediately after waking up, slowly turn on your side and slowly get out of bed to avoid lightheadedness.

If a person has such symptoms that recur with enviable regularity, there is no need to self-medicate, it is necessary to consult a specialist to diagnose the disease and fix the problem.

You should start with a trip to the therapist, who will offer to undergo an examination with the following specialist doctors:

  • otolaryngologist;
  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist.

Based on the results of examinations, samples and tests, adequate treatment will be prescribed, which may include medications and a set of specially designed exercises.

If, after passing the examination, the doctor did not reveal any diseases, you need to remember a few simple rules to help solve the problem:

  • You can not rise sharply after sleeping from the bed. Such a rise is the main provocateur of the appearance of dots before the eyes, the state of lightheadedness and dizziness;
  • to eliminate these symptoms, you need to wake up as follows: upon waking up, you need to stretch in the supine position, slowly turn to your right side, after a couple of seconds roll over to your left side, lie on your back again and stretch again. Only after that you can start lifting, first you need to take a sitting position, do a few deep breaths and only then gently stand on your feet;
  • you can drink a course of herbal infusions that help relieve nausea in the morning, among these herbs can be distinguished: mint, valerian root, lemon balm.

You need to be extremely careful about the process of awakening, because a sharp rise can lead not only to dizziness, but also to a sudden fall. The injuries that occur in such cases are often very serious and painful.

Morning dizziness can occur due to the most different reasons. Among them are many dangerous diseases that are hidden in the human body. If the head is spinning even without the presence of sudden movements, and this happens quite regularly, you just need to seek the advice of a doctor.

Feeling dizzy in the morning is always disturbing and unpleasant. Perhaps there is no reason to worry. During sleep, you could throw your head back strongly, and turn it sharply when you wake up. Or I had to rest on an unsuitable - often high - pillow. However, recurring morning dizziness can "signal" the presence of disorders in the body. It is important to identify them in time and restore health to the body.

The reasons for feeling the unsteadiness of the surrounding space in the morning can be:

  • Osteochondrosis (dystrophic disorders) of the cervical spine.

Displacement of the vertebrae or tension of the cervical muscles entails squeezing of the vertebral artery, nerve roots. As a result, blood supply and nutrition of brain structures are disrupted. Hypoxia causes an illusory feeling that the world is unstable, spinning.

  • Syndrome of neurocirculatory dystonia.

A painful feeling in the morning, which staggers a lot when moving, feels sick, dizzy and foggy in the head, may occur due to a common cause - vasospasm. Often, with VVD, the expansion of the veins of the brain of the head and the narrowing of the most important arteries occur simultaneously. Brain cells "starve", there are difficulties with the withdrawal of spent components from them.

  • Advanced age.

Unfortunately, after 55-60 years, many people complain that in the morning there is a “veil” before their eyes, the neck becomes numb, the head shakes strongly, spins and makes noise. Why does suffering arise? Likely Causes- thinning, fragility of the walls of blood vessels, age-related changes vestibular apparatus.

In the morning, overshadow the joy of awakening with a ringing (hum) in the head and a feeling that it is spinning strongly, spinning own body(objects around) may be the accumulation of endolymph (fluid) in the cavity of the inner ear. The pathology is called Meniere's syndrome.

During attacks, the temperature drops, pain in the head occurs, pressure drops, and nausea. The reasons why it is more nauseous and the sense of reality is lost in the morning (rather than daytime sleep) are not fully established. At chronic form ailment, the head is spinning for a longer time, balance disorders (the patient often cannot walk, stand) are aggravated.

Why else does vertigo occur in the morning? The causes of anomalies in the body can be:

  • Benign sudden (paroxysmal) positional vertigo. The nature of the violation is mechanical. It is associated with a sharp turn (raising) of the head.
  • infectious disorders. So, with an intestinal infection, the head is spinning with vomiting, bending over, trying to rise.
  • depression states, panic attacks, phobias. With such deviations for no apparent reason, you feel sick, your consciousness is clouded. There is a feeling that your own body is spinning, disorientation sets in.
  • Various diets. In this case, the causes of vertigo are provoked by an insufficient supply of glucose to the brain cells.
  • Pregnancy. “Intoxication” in expectant mothers is due to insufficient blood supply brain tissues. Vertigo increases in stuffy room, in case of overheating, physical (mental) overstrain. May begin to stagger strongly during bouts of hypotension, with allergic reactions.

Why is vertigo in early time is an important reason for seeking medical attention? The fact is that the head can be very foggy, spinning and whining when serious pathologies in the body:

  • First, problems with the head at an early time can be a messenger cerebral stroke. When you wake up and quickly change position - in a sitting or vertical - there is a decrease in blood flow in the brain tissue, which gives rise to a bad feeling.
  • Secondly, malaise is often associated with a hypertensive crisis - a sudden jump in blood pressure. The causes of anomalies in the body are different, including sudden changes in meteorological conditions, cancellation antihypertensive drugs, increased salt intake.
  • Thirdly, some pathologies may be accompanied by the occurrence blood clots, blood clots. They are able to break away from their places of origin, move with the flow of blood to other organs.

Whether or not the cause of vertigo is known, medical attention should be sought urgently if:

  1. The cephalalgia sharply amplifies.
  2. Weakness overcomes - it is difficult to make the slightest movements with arms and legs.
  3. Fever and dizziness are accompanied by nausea, increased sweating.
  4. When protruding the tongue, it falls to the side.
  5. Limbs become numb, their sensitivity is disturbed.

It also requires immediate medical advice when the head twitches, does not perceive sunlight (bright) light, a feeling of unreasonable panic and anxiety, and impaired visual function.

To find out the causes of the abnormal condition, you should be examined by a cardioneurologist or an ordinary neurologist. Specialists may prescribe:

  • radiography of the cervical spine;
  • doppleography (Doppler ultrasound) of the main vessels of the neck;
  • CT ( computed tomography) brain.

It will help to cope with the frequency and intensity of dizziness, reduce tinnitus, improve the capillary permeability of the inner ear, histamine analogue Betahistine (Betahistine). Relief of vestibular disorders occurs within a few minutes. Several months of use allows you to achieve a stable clinical effect.

Help to alleviate the condition herbal infusions on herbs: lemongrass, lemon balm, mint, motherwort, valerian root. Pay attention to the diet. Avoid excessive consumption (more than 2 cups) of coffee.

Good and cheerful morning to you!

When performing the test with the head turned to the right, positional nystagmus and dizziness did not occur. Nausea and dizziness are common when exercising, running or squatting.

Dizziness after heavy physical or mental work is common and does not cause concern, as it is a physiological reaction of the body to fatigue. This is the most frequent view true dizziness. This explains the occurrence of attacks of dizziness when the position of the body and head changes, which happens in the morning after sleep, when a person wakes up and begins to move. AT severe cases resort to surgical treatment.

Thus, the brain does not receive the necessary portion of oxygen and nutrients, which leads to hypoxia and dizziness. Therefore, during the first minutes after getting up, a person is spinning in his head. The main symptoms of this pathology are headache, which appears in the morning after sleep, as well as in a horizontal position, when coughing, sneezing, straining.

This variant of dizziness and headache is dangerous and should alert a person. Therefore, if such a person rises sharply from bed after sleep, he develops a temporary deficiency. cerebral circulation and related symptoms.

Dizziness in the morning and after sleep: causes of the disease

If the changes go beyond these limits and the patient feels dizzy when changing position, then we can talk about orthostatic hypotension. This can happen during motion sickness and will be quite understandable.

Benign positional vertigo

The jump causes a break small vessels or convulsions, as a result, the supply of oxygen to the brain tissues is interrupted, and the patient gets out of bed "broken", with inhibited reactions and dizziness. Often, it is BPPV or benign paroxysmal positional vertigo that causes malaise in the elderly, who make up a third of the patients who complained.

However, these are not the only causes of this condition, which determine the nature of care for such patients. But still the most common causes dizziness, which occurs in almost 80% of cases, is benign paroxysmal dizziness and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Attacks of paroxysmal morning benign dizziness most often occur in elderly patients. The head begins to spin immediately after rising from the bed and when it turns sharply. After waking up and going to vertical position the blood flow in the brain tissue decreases somewhat, which provokes the appearance of this symptom.

Therefore, after an attack of dizziness, it is imperative to investigate the coagulation activity of the blood. If it is elevated, then appropriate treatment is required. If after sleep, against the background of dizziness, there is at least one of the listed symptoms, then the body is in serious danger. However, with a symptomatic purpose in all types pathological dizziness a drug such as Betagestin is successfully used.

Severe dizziness - causes

The presence of morning dizziness is a reason for a serious examination and clarification possible cause. However, when for some reason it does not work properly, then a person develops nausea and dizziness, as well as some other symptoms. This condition can appear during motion sickness, and in this case there are no questions, however, it can be triggered by certain diseases.

Why do you feel dizzy after sleep

After that, he must quickly accept horizontal position and turn your head to right side and then slowly stand up. However, after a while in the morning, symptoms such as swelling and pain in the neck and nausea begin to appear, which signal problems in the body. Dizziness is one of the most common complaints in medical practice. Patients often call dizziness feelings of dizziness, fainting, instability, which further complicates the diagnosis.

Such dizziness, as a rule, occurs due to the pathology of the structures of the peripheral vestibular apparatus. Despite the many causes leading to dizziness, one of the most common diagnoses in such patients is vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Patient M., aged 39, complained of dizziness that occurs when the head is tilted back and the head is turned to the left, palpitations.

Severe dizziness and nausea

During the treatment, there was no positive dynamics in the patient's condition, and at the time of treatment, dizziness persisted to the same extent as at the beginning of the disease.

Vertigo stopped spontaneously with the end of positional nystagmus. On the basis of the examination, the diagnosis was made - otolithiasis of the posterior semicircular canal of the left ear. After the rehabilitation maneuver, the dizziness completely stopped. Further pathomorphological studies have shown that basophilic substance is deposited on the dome of the semicircular canal in patients suffering from benign positional vertigo.

morning dizziness

For this reason, dizziness is worse in the morning. The attack usually passes quickly and rarely lasts more than a minute. However, after an attack for several hours or even days, patients often note non-systemic dizziness, weakness, or a feeling of unsteadiness. Sometimes severe dizziness occurs at night, during sleep, causing the patient to wake up. It is believed that benign positional vertigo may occur after a traumatic brain injury or as a result of a viral infection.

Diagnosis of dizziness is relatively simple and is based primarily on the characteristic complaints of the patient. To confirm the diagnosis, a Hallpike positional test is used. The treatment of benign positional vertigo is to conduct a rehabilitation maneuver.

Thus, the causes of dizziness in the morning can be both primary and secondary. In the morning after sleep, dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis develops if during sleep a person takes an uncomfortable position for the neck and head, for example, a pillow that is too high. Dizziness sometimes appears along with other symptoms. Treatment of dizziness after sleep is based on the elimination of this unpleasant symptom, as well as the elimination of the causative factor.

Dizziness in the morning (vertigo) is a complaint with which patients of all age generations, regardless of gender, often visit a doctor.

In this article, we will figure out what provokes a similar symptom and how you can get rid of it.

Feeling dizzy after sleep may be due to a row various reasons: starting from banal overwork and lack of sleep and ending with serious disturbances in the functioning of the body.

The main provoking factors are:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • paroxysmal positional vertigo;
  • anemia.

Problems with the spine

The simplest and most common causes of vertigo in spinal problems are the following factors: a high pillow or uncomfortable position during a night's sleep, rising too sharply when getting out of bed.

In addition, a fairly common pathology that provokes a state of dizziness in the morning after waking up is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. It is characterized by a displacement of the cervical vertebrae, which for a long time compress the vertebral artery that feeds the brain. Every morning, when you tilt or turn your head, the blood supply is disrupted and a state of temporary ischemia occurs, which causes impaired coordination.

And also vertigo can cause an anomaly of Kimmerley, in which an additional arch is determined at the first cervical vertebra. It compresses the vertebral artery, as a result of which there is a violation of the supply of oxygen and blood to the brain, which causes dizziness in the morning.

Hypoglycemic conditions

Morning dizziness after waking up can also be caused by a drop in blood glucose levels. This condition often occurs in patients with diabetes mellitus who violate the diet, insulin regimen, and oral antihyperglycemic drugs. From the sharp onset of hypoglycemia, you can faint.

Another risk factor for the development of a hypoglycemic state is exhausting low-carbohydrate diets for weight loss, abnormal physical and mental stress.

Vegetovascular dystonia

The state of vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) is characterized by an abnormal response of blood vessels to signals and impulses of the central nervous system. When the vessels need to narrow due to a smaller volume of incoming blood, they expand, and when they need to expand, they, on the contrary, narrow.

Because of this, a headache occurs, in the morning the head is spinning and staggers, blackouts in the eyes, nausea, and even vomiting occur. Symptoms can develop up to loss of consciousness.

Positional vertigo

The manifestation of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is associated with a violation normal operation vestibular apparatus.

The reasons for its development are:

  • TBI (traumatic brain injury);
  • viral damage to the vestibular apparatus;
  • operations on the inner ear;
  • taking antibiotics that are ototoxic to the body;
  • spasm of the labyrinthine artery.

Symptoms of the disease are most often manifested in men and the peak of their clinical manifestations reach during the day. Upon awakening, when a person gets out of bed, a strong feeling of dizziness suddenly arises, the space around him sways and begins to storm, weakness rolls in, nystagmus appears. Symptoms develop to the point that it begins to feel sick and vomiting occurs. The patient can often clearly identify the affected side, since dizziness is possible only when the head is turned in a certain direction.

Attacks are not accompanied by hearing or visual impairment and can be repeated several times during the day, while lasting no more than 30 seconds.

Orthostatic hypotension and low blood pressure

orthostatic hypotension- this is sharp drop blood pressure with a change in body position. This state may even cause loss of consciousness.

When lying down, the heart rate and pressure in the vessels decrease, and when lifting, they increase. The main symptoms of hypotension are - severe dizziness, feeling of weakness, staggering, blurred vision. Typically, symptoms occur when getting out of bed, are short-lived, and resolve within a few minutes. Patients suffering from VVD, especially adolescents, are predisposed to the occurrence of orthostatic hypotension.

As for blood pressure, its decrease leads to the fact that the tissues and cells of the human body are not saturated with oxygen and important nutrients. As a result, when it falls, the main sign of reduced pressure appears - dizziness. Patients may suddenly feel dizzy and experience severe headache, up to fainting. They may also suddenly become nauseous, which subsequently leads to vomiting. In addition, patients begin to sweat their palms and feet, it gets dark in the eyes, there is a feeling of weakness and looming fatigue.

Blood pressure can also drop due to the misuse of drugs, in particular diuretics and hypertensive drugs. Abnormal medication leads to a deterioration in kidney function and the onset of progression of hypotension.


Dizziness in the morning with anemia occurs due to low content hemoglobin in the blood and malnutrition of the tissues of the vestibular apparatus.

Common symptoms of anemia are mild dizziness, nausea, and unsteady gait.

Such patients often complain that when they get out of bed, they suddenly darkened in their eyes and had a feeling of weakness.

Other reasons

Dizziness is not always caused by the pathology of the central nervous system. It can also occur with food poisoning. When toxic substances enter bloodstream, then the immune system organism is activated and its protective functions. Thus, in order to remove foreign toxic substances, the patient develops increased sweating, cold sweat breaks through him, chills shake, nausea and vomiting appear. Against the background of these symptoms, a lot of fluid leaves the body, which disrupts the water and electrolyte balances. This violation is manifested by dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, adynamism, and a staggering gait may appear.

Similar symptoms occur with SARS. The head may be spinning due to inflammation of the middle or inner ear, which affects the vestibular apparatus. If otological diseases join the symptoms of SARS, then later this can lead to complete deafness. Flow intoxication syndrome the child often manifests itself with complications of a more severe degree than in adults.

Also, dizziness in the morning can occur as one of the signs of heart rhythm disturbance (tachycardia, bradycardia, weakness syndrome sinus node). In such cases, it manifests itself due to insufficient movement of blood to the brain, which causes hypoxia and death of neurons.

Elderly patients, starting from 60 years of age and older, are prone to atherosclerosis and dyscirculatory encephalopathy. Dizziness often develops as an indicator of a dyscirculatory process. During it, the elastic functions of the vessels and the volume of circulating blood flow decrease in the presence of stenosis.

Meniere's disease is a disorder that provokes not only the occurrence of constant dizziness, but also periodic hearing loss. Also, the disease is manifested by nausea, hyperhidrosis, ringing and noise in the ears. The patient often cannot understand where he is, what he is doing, the space around him is floating.

In women, dizziness is often caused by heavy menstruation, resulting in anemic syndrome. It can also be a risk factor premenstrual syndrome, during which the appearance of irritability, nausea and lack of appetite is noted.

Dizziness often occurs as a result of taking certain medicines. These include - anticonvulsants, sleeping pills, antihistamines, diuretics, blockers, fluoroquinolones and some tranquilizers.

Diagnostic methods

If severe dizziness in the morning continues regularly, then you should consult a doctor and go comprehensive examination. From laboratory diagnostic methods, general and biochemical analysis blood, urinalysis.

Also modern diagnostic methods include:

  • Radiography of the cervical spine.
  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and head.
  • MRI, CT of the brain and neck.
  • Rotational test using the Barani chair.
  • Nystagmography.
  • vestibular tests.

How is the treatment carried out?

According to the results diagnostic measures, depending on the provoking factor, the doctor will prescribe rational methods of treatment, which may include taking medications and sometimes - a set of specific exercises.

Of the medicines, the following drugs are most often prescribed:

  • Betahistine and Vestibo.
  • Metoclopramide and Cerucal.
  • Vinpocetine and Piracetam.

Remember that you can not appoint them yourself in any case.

For dizziness caused by problems with the spine, it is important to know that during sleep, the neck should be in comfortable position and you can not use too high a pillow. There is also a set of exercises that can be performed at home. It helps to get rid of the manifestations of osteochondrosis. The attending physician appoints him again, so you can only find out more from him.

Hypoxia is well helped by walking in the fresh air in the evening before going to bed.

With hypoglycemia, dizziness goes away if you eat or drink something sweet. It should be remembered that you need to monitor your diet and not overload your body with a late dinner.

With vegetovascular dystonia, first of all, you need to give up bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, as they negatively affect the state of blood vessels and lead to brain hypoxia.

For positional vertigo, the main treatment is physiotherapy to be done regularly and every day.

If you are anemic, you should include red meat, fish, legumes, and iron-rich vegetables and fruits in your diet. For drug therapy using oral iron supplements.

With arterial hypo and hypertension, first of all, you need to correctly draw up a regimen for taking drugs that correct pressure. It is important to know that improper use of medications leads to dizziness not only after waking up, but also after eating.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the right way of life should be made the norm.

And be sure to give up extreme weight loss methods if you use them, because you can lose weight simply by giving up bad life and food habits.

Maintain a moderate diet throughout the day. physical activity. And then, in most cases, it will be possible to forget about dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms.

The occurrence of dizziness in the morning is a common complaint of patients different ages. Similar symptom accompanies many pathological conditions, ranging from simple overwork and ending with violations of the cerebral structures. To determine the effective treatment tactics, it is recommended to seek medical help. The doctor will conduct the necessary examinations and prescribe therapy, taking into account all individual characteristics patient.

Unpleasant symptoms are the result of circulatory disorders in various departments brain. Such changes are accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the tissues. Neurons are sensitive to such differences, so weakness and disorientation develop. In some cases, dizziness in the morning is associated with a malfunction of the vestibular apparatus, for example, due to damage to the inner ear. A decrease or, conversely, a sharp increase in pressure in the body is also accompanied by similar symptoms. In medicine, it is customary to single out several main causes of malaise after sleep, as well as with a sharp change in body position. They are associated both directly with a malfunction in the brain, and with general metabolic disorders.


Morning dizziness can be triggered by a decrease in blood sugar concentration. A similar problem is more likely to cause symptoms in a child, because in childhood functions digestive organs imperfect. In patients suffering from diabetes, discomfort after getting out of bed is one of the most common complaints. This is due to the inability to maintain glucose at a constant level. Dizziness goes away if you eat a piece of sweet. However, you should be careful not to provoke a sharp increase in the concentration of carbohydrate in the blood. If a similar clinical picture appears in the morning, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

intracranial hypertension

A change in pressure in the vessels of the head is always accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Often, such a cascade of reactions provokes intense pain. However, in some cases, a change in body position is accompanied by only minor disorientation. At the same time, high intracranial pressure is rarely diagnosed in the morning. Similar state more often observed in the evening, as it is associated with overwork and stress. hallmark also is the occurrence of nausea and vomiting due to the activation of the corresponding centers of the brain.

orthostatic hypotension

Dizziness after sleep also occurs against the background of hypotension. A sharp decrease in pressure is associated both with a slowdown in metabolism during rest, and with a change in body position. Such a condition in some cases leads to a complete inability to move. Orthostatic hypotension is most often diagnosed during adolescence, in people with lesions vascular structures, as well as in women during menstruation.

Intestinal disorders, poisoning

Dizziness in the morning is not always associated with pathologies of the central nervous system. A similar disorder is also diagnosed with dysfunctions of the digestive system. Toxins accumulating in the body can lead to reflex irritation of the vomiting center, as well as dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus. With a significant loss of fluid due to dyspeptic phenomena, the head may also be spinning due to dehydration, blood clotting and lowering blood pressure.

Toxicosis during pregnancy

Carrying a baby is a crucial period in a woman's life. Despite all the joy of the upcoming birth of a child, expectant mothers face many problems. In the first trimester of pregnancy, most of the fair sex suffer from toxicosis varying degrees expressiveness. Symptoms of this condition include general weakness, dyspepsia, sharp drops moods. This restructuring of the body's work may also be the reason that in the morning a woman feels dizzy, which is why future mother nauseated. Toxicosis is considered a variant of the norm and, as the fetus develops, goes away on its own. Doctors recommend balanced nutrition, eliminating foods that can lead to indigestion and the development of unpleasant symptoms.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Pathologies of the blood supply to cerebral structures occur against the background of many diseases. In this case, the cause of the development of the disorder in some cases is outside the skull. Osteochondrosis of the neck often leads to compression of the arteries that feed the brain. Since during sleep a person moves very little, and also often takes a non-physiological posture, after waking up there is a pressure drop, and the head is spinning. This is due to a sharp increase in vascular tone due to the onset of movement. In such cases, rapid changes in position should be avoided.

Benign paroxysmal vertigo

This pathology is often diagnosed in older people. Symptoms of the disorder can occur throughout the day, although the greatest intensity clinical picture reaches in the morning. This is due to a significant load on the vestibular apparatus after waking up, when a person begins to actively move.


If your head is spinning regularly in the morning, you will need to see a doctor. To find out the cause of the malaise, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination. It includes neurological examination, blood and urine tests. Such thoroughness of diagnosis is associated with the lack of specificity of this symptom. For exclusion dangerous reasons development of vertigo, visual techniques are also used, such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

Methods for getting rid of nausea

Treatment of the problem begins only after the identification of the etiology. This is because the principles of therapy various diseases vary. To combat dizziness and the nausea that occurs against it, they are used as pharmacological agents, and folk recipes. All of them are aimed at restoring the normal functioning of cerebral structures and improving the patient's condition. Before using medications, you should consult your doctor.

First aid

When you feel dizzy in the morning, it is important to take action in time. This is especially necessary when the intensity of the symptoms is high, as the patient may lose consciousness, fall and injure himself. First aid methods include:

  1. Neck massage. It can be done on your own, but it is recommended to ask a loved one. This technique helps to improve microcirculation and restore normal blood flow.
  2. If dizziness occurs immediately after waking up, it is important not to rush. It is recommended to carefully take a sitting position and drink a glass of water.
  3. Works well for some patients cold and hot shower. However, this method can be used only after consulting a doctor, since temperature changes provoke a sharp change in the tone of the arteries and veins. Water procedures normalize blood circulation and help to improve well-being.
  4. During an attack of dizziness, it is important to provide access fresh air into the room. A sufficient concentration of oxygen prevents the development of fainting.

Medical treatment

To correct the condition of patients, drugs of various groups are used:

  1. Antipsychotics restore the natural functioning of the central nervous system. They help patients whose dizziness is associated with emotional and psychological stress. These funds include "Diazepam" and "Aminazin".
  2. Antiemetic drugs are used to combat nausea. "Cerukal" enhances intestinal motility, which contributes not only to the elimination of symptoms, but also to the acceleration of the elimination of toxins.
  3. The use of sorbents helps with poisoning. Such drugs as "Smecta" and "Enterosgel" are used. They are also suitable for expectant mothers suffering from toxicosis.
  1. If dizziness is associated with a decrease in glucose levels, it is useful to drink sweet water. 2 teaspoons of sugar in a glass of liquid will help you feel better.
  2. Lemon juice has a tonic effect. You will need to squeeze a quarter of a citrus into a glass of water. You need to drink such a remedy in small sips so as not to irritate the stomach.
  3. Potato juice also has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients. The grated vegetable is squeezed through gauze. The resulting liquid is consumed in an amount of 15 ml.
  4. It is important to give up cigarettes, alcohol and heavy food at night. It is recommended to move more and walk in the fresh air.

In many cases, dizziness also occurs against the background of errors in nutrition, bad eating habits. A similar problem is solved by observing several rules:

  1. It is recommended to refuse coffee for breakfast. The drink leads to aggravation of dehydration, which is noted in many people in the morning. A sharp rise in pressure against the background of the use of the product also provokes dizziness.
  2. Ginger has a tonic effect no worse than coffee. Tea based on this plant will help to cope with dizziness, as well as give a boost of energy for the whole day.
  3. Fruit is an alternative to sugar. They can be eaten at any time of the day, including at night. Eating apples, peaches or bananas before bed prevents morning hypoglycemia, which is considered a common cause of malaise.
  4. Proper breakfast also plays important role in the fight against dizziness. Nutritionists advise using eggs for the first meal of the day. The protein contained in this product contributes to good health.
  5. Salty foods should be avoided in the morning, as sodium chloride retains fluid and provokes an increase in pressure. Therefore, it is worth limiting the use of sausages and cheese for breakfast.

The inner feeling of satisfaction is directly related to the absence of problems in well-being.

Unexpected dizziness in the morning makes you think about its cause.

Waking up, a person gets out of bed and loses orientation in space. When you get up abruptly, you can even get injured if you feel very dizzy, there is weakness, and you feel sick.

It is necessary to understand the situation and find out the causes of dizziness in the morning. In order to start treatment in a timely manner, a visit to the doctor is necessary. Without understanding the reason why the head is spinning, self-medication is dangerous.

Nausea and dizziness in the morning are especially dangerous for the elderly. Many, because of poor health, endure unpleasant symptoms most difficult.

The root cause why in the morning may be:

  • pathology of the neurovascular system;
  • inflammatory diseases and infections;
  • poisoning;
  • hypotension;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • nervous tension;
  • tumors;
  • head injury.

A conversation with a doctor, passing the necessary tests will help determine the causes of the problem. Vertigo is accompanied by a violation of orientation in space. Morning dizziness is fraught with fainting, concussion.

Reducing the lumen of arteries, veins and capillaries is a fairly common phenomenon. Often morning dizziness is the result of sharp narrowing vessels. Additionally, there may be darkening in the eyes, sweating, trembling of the hands.

Causes of angiospasm:

  • mental reaction;
  • post-traumatic reaction to reduce blood loss;
  • aneurysm in the spasmodic area;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • migraine;
  • hangover syndrome;
  • nicotine poisoning;
  • food poisoning;
  • starvation;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • exhaustion due to infectious disease;
  • weather sensitivity.

Vasoconstriction can be accompanied not only by bouts of weakness. fluctuations in blood pressure, headache, excessive sweating, visual impairment are additional signs of alarming signals about pathology in the body. If you feel dizzy and nauseous, a person may experience an attack of vomiting.

Depending on the history and characteristics of the disease, complex treatment is prescribed, including:

  • medications, including those designed to relax smooth muscles, adrenoblockers;
  • if necessary, restore normal blood pressure, relieve agitation, anxiety;
  • physiotherapy;
  • body detoxification;
  • psychological correction.

Additionally, if necessary, an examination is prescribed using a special apparatus - an angiograph. Quite often, only high-precision equipment can detect pathology in the cardiovascular system.

Thrombosis is dangerous, the disease is acute. A detached plaque from the wall of the vessel clogs the blood flow to the vital important bodies, resulting in a threat to life.

Motor activity contributes to the removal muscle tension, renders positive impact on the mental condition. Passion for what you love, coupled with getting new experiences, will prolong life and improve its quality.

Heart diseases

Discomfort and pain behind the sternum, accompanied by loss of orientation in space, may be signs of angina pectoris, myocardial ischemia and other cardiac pathologies. The most common causes of the disease are:

  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • overwork due to heavy physical exertion;
  • hypertension;
  • obesity.

Help must be provided immediately. Often dangerous situation accompanied by cardiac arrest. For problems with cardiovascular system requires constant supervision by a specialist.

Getting rid of bad habits, restoring psychological balance contribute to a long and happy life.

Inflammatory processes are always accompanied by a general feeling unwell. They may be the result of infection with viral and bacterial infections. Are amazed Airways, gastrointestinal tract.

Dizziness in the morning may be accompanied by fever, headache, diarrhea, cough, mucous secretions. Vomiting occurs when the body is intoxicated with substances released as a result of inflammatory process. Colds, bowel infections and food poisoning require plenty of fluids and urgent medical attention.

Treatment includes the appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs, washing the gastrointestinal tract. Measures are being taken to restore water-salt balance in the body. A special diet is prescribed.

In any case, severe dizziness in the morning after sleep is a reason to consult a specialist. Self-medication can lead to the loss of precious time.

Head injury and spinal deformity

All kinds of head injuries can happen to anyone. After a fall, dizziness is often observed. This alarm indicates the need for urgent hospitalization.

Traumatic brain injuries are dangerous consequences and may be accompanied by:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pains;
  • intracranial hematoma;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • slow heart rate;
  • neurological manifestations;
  • memory loss.

This is far from complete list clinical symptoms. Hospitalization and proper treatment will help to avoid the appearance of chronic painful manifestations over time.

Unpleasant sensations are squeezing of blood vessels due to cervical osteochondrosis. Muscle tissue shrinks, blocking the lumen in the vessels. Due to hypoxia, brain tissues suffer, which leads to headache, visual impairment and mental activity.

Treatment includes taking medications, possible surgery, and performing the necessary physical procedures for a speedy recovery. According to statistics, children have a greater chance of a full recovery.

Factors related to emotional state

The rapid rhythm of life negatively affects the state of health. Depression is the result of extreme stress. Few people manage not to focus on negative emotions.

Often the reason that a person feels dizzy in the morning is everyday stress. experiences, a sleepless night, poor appetite lead to general weakness. I want to quickly hide under the covers, close from the world. It is difficult for a person to wake up, he is dizzy after sleep.

Perestroika in endocrine system also affect the work of the vestibular apparatus. In women, dizziness after sleep may be related to the menstrual cycle, menopause. Violations of the functioning of blood vessels affect the work of all organs.

A set of measures aimed at correcting the situation includes:

  • Getting advice from a doctor. Symptoms of stress such as lethargy, weakness, tearfulness require treatment.
  • Necessary medicines are prescribed by a doctor.
  • Fresh air. Lack of desire to move should not interfere with walks. Cases of severe dizziness after waking up will become less frequent.
  • Complete nutrition. Not just high-calorie food, but optimally balanced. Loss of appetite due to stress leads to weakness, so dizziness. Additional vitamins will help.
  • Insufficient nutrition, especially in the elderly, can lead to dizziness and staggering in the morning, especially after a quick awakening or a hot bath.

With the permission of the doctor, decoctions and infusions of herbs are included in the diet. Means will help to give vivacity, restore the tone of the body.


Anxiety symptoms require a mandatory examination, since their causes are diverse. This is especially important when nausea and dizziness haunt you in the morning.

In this situation, you need to contact a specialist. After a detailed clarification of the reasons, he will put correct diagnosis and will prescribe treatment that will help restore a normal state.

To cope with the disease, the patient should review the diet, give up bad habits and develop a positive psychological attitude.

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