The dog has a cold sneezes how to treat. A common disease is a cold in dogs: how to identify, treat and avoid. Is the common cold contagious to humans?

The common cold in dogs refers to an acute respiratory viral disease that can be diagnosed in an animal of any age. At first glance, it seems that this disease does not pose a danger to the dog, but this is not entirely true. The common cold can cause serious complications, so it is important to detect symptoms in time and start treatment, and if necessary, take your pet to the veterinarian for professional help.

The risk group with the most frequent colds usually includes older animals, representatives of ornamental breeds and individuals with weakened immune systems. Among the most common provoking factors are:

Many owners have a question about the possibility of infecting a dog with a cold from a person. At the moment, veterinarians do not have a definitive answer. On the one hand, viruses that cause acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza in humans and animals are of a different nature. On the other hand, viruses sometimes mutate and adapt to new, unusual conditions for themselves. For example, cases of infection of dogs from humans with the H1N1 swine flu virus were recorded.

Symptoms of the disease

Colds in dogs are not asymptomatic. There are a number of signs by which the owner can determine the presence of a malaise:

  • Dry and hot nose is the primary symptom that signals an increase in body temperature, provided that the animal is not in a hot room.
  • Increase in body temperature. Here it should be remembered that the normal temperature for dogs is slightly higher than human indicators and, depending on the breed, can vary between 37-39 ° C.
  • Wool fading.
  • Changes in behavior: the dog becomes lethargic, refuses active games and gets tired very quickly.
  • Discharge from nose and eyes. It is important to know that with a cold, they should be clean and transparent, and the appearance of pus, blood or other impurities can be a symptom of more serious diseases.
  • Tremor, fever: observed with a sharp increase in body temperature, when the pet begins to chill and he tries to find any source of heat. It may indicate an acute course of the disease, which requires the supervision of a veterinarian.
  • Deterioration of appetite or a complete refusal to eat, but at the same time the dog drinks water very often and eagerly.
  • Coughing and sneezing: appear when the animal needs to clear its airways, but the onset of coughing is a more serious symptom that may indicate the spread of the virus to the bronchi or lungs.

On a note! coughing, sneezing and snot against the background of normal body temperature may not be a symptom of a cold, but an allergic reaction.

With a cold, the appearance of all of the listed symptoms is not necessary, but even the appearance of 2-3 of them is a good reason for more careful monitoring of the pet's condition. If the dog only gets worse with time, and the symptoms appear more pronounced, then this is not a cold at all. The appearance of wheezing, severe coughing and vomiting are characteristic symptoms of the pulmonary form of distemper. In such cases, you should immediately contact the veterinarian, otherwise the pet will die.

Cold treatment

Dog owners should understand that home treatment is only suitable for mild colds. In some cases, to improve the condition and a quick recovery, general strengthening methods aimed at stimulating the immune system are enough. For this you need:

  • Ensure comfort and peace: eliminate possible drafts, ensure normal temperature and humidity in the room.
  • Organize high-quality balanced meals and warm drinks.
  • Cover the pet's place with a warm cloth, sometimes you may need a blanket and heating pads. As the latter, you can use plastic bottles with moderately hot water.
  • Wipe the nose and eyes (when discharge appears) with a sponge dipped in warm water, and if the mucous membranes dry out, use additional moisturizing drops.
  • Brush your dog with a soft brush or rub the skin with your palms to stimulate blood circulation.
  • Limit walks.

Medication use

Drug treatment at home should be carried out after consultation with a veterinarian and only in the initial stages of a cold, provided that the dog remains active and does not refuse water. The most common medications include:

  • Gamavit: 2 ml subcutaneously 1 time per day for 5 days.
  • Cycloferon (125 mg / ml): 1 ml intramuscularly with an interval of 1 day for 5-7 days.
  • Analgin with diphenhydramine (proportion 1: 1): 1 ml of drugs intramuscularly up to 2 times a day in the presence of high temperature.

Important! For the treatment of dogs, in no case should you use any drugs with paracetamol, since this is a very toxic substance for their body.

With the appearance of a strong cough with sputum and wheezing, antibiotics are added to the therapy. If it is not possible to consult a veterinarian in such a situation, it is recommended to use broad-spectrum drugs. The most effective among them are Volparen and Amoxiclav (2.5 mg). The latter is prescribed at the rate of 1 tablet per day for 7-14 days. When using antibiotics, preparations for the restoration of intestinal microflora (Enterol, Linex) are mandatory.

During home treatment, it is important to carefully monitor the condition of the pet. If drug therapy does not improve the condition or causes deterioration, you should not postpone the visit to the veterinarian or call the doctor at home.

The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages in pets can be caused by a variety of reasons - from hypothermia to the appearance of polyps or malignant neoplasms.

Unlike humans, dogs suffer even a slight runny nose, which is associated with the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the olfactory organ. If a pet veterinarian diagnosed rhinitis of catarrhal origin, then you can treat a sick dog at home.

Read in this article

Causes of a runny nose in dogs, incl. in small breeds

Inflammation of the nasal cavity in animals can be an independent disease or be a secondary disease against the background of an underlying pathological process, such as infection. In veterinary practice, the causes that provoke rhinitis in fluffy patients include the following:

  • Hypothermia of the body. Long walks in damp and cold weather, exposure of the animal to the rain in bad weather, keeping the dog on a cold floor, in a damp room with drafts - all this provokes a violation of heat transfer and hypothermia. Rhinitis, as a rule, is seasonal and manifests itself in the autumn-winter period.

A sharp temperature drop can lead to a runny nose in a furry pet, for example, when swimming in a cold pond in hot weather.

  • Diseases of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract. Rhinitis often accompanies such ailments as pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis. Diseases of the teeth, stomatitis can also lead to nasal discharge.
  • A more dangerous cause of rhinitis in dogs are infectious diseases - carnivores, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza. Viruses and bacteria penetrate the epithelial cells of the nasal mucosa and destroy them, causing inflammation.
  • Allergic reaction. A pet's nose can be caused by allergies to food, household chemicals, medications, insecticides and medications, dust, and pollen. An allergic reaction is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes, hyperemia, which leads to a runny nose in the animal. The cause of rhinitis can also be contact irritation of the delicate membrane of the nose with tobacco smoke, caustic vapors.
  • Foreign body in the nasal passage. Being inquisitive creatures by nature, dogs constantly sniff foreign objects. Small particles of earth, sand, pebbles, plant seeds, sawdust, wood chips can injure the nasal mucosa and lead to inflammation.
  • Congenital anomalies of the nasal septum, trauma or consequences of surgery. Deformation of the cartilaginous tissue of the nasopharynx, jaw, skull bones of various etiologies often leads to disruption of normal breathing.
  • Neoplasms. Polyps, benign and malignant tumors are similar in mechanism of action to a foreign object. Neoplasms block the nasal passages, squeeze the blood vessels, causing hyperemia, swelling and inflammation.
  • Avitaminosis. Deficiency in the diet of vitamins and mineral nutrients weakens the body's local cellular defense against pathogenic microbes. Vitamin A and ascorbic acid are especially important for the health of the epithelial tissues of the upper respiratory tract.

Owners of brachycephalic breeds should understand that the features of the anatomical structure of the pet's skull cause difficulty in normal breathing and the release of fluid from the nose. If a pug, bulldog, sharpei, bullmastiff or Pekingese lives in the house, households should distinguish between anatomically determined shortness of breath from the pathological process in rhinitis.

Symptoms not to be ignored

Runny nose in animals is recorded in acute and chronic form. Depending on the nature of the outflow from the nose, rhinitis is divided into catarrhal, fibrous, hemorrhagic and follicular.

Veterinary specialists advise owners to pay attention to the following clinical signs of an inflammatory process in the nasal cavity of a pet:

  • Sluggish, depressed, apathetic state. The animal is reluctant to go for a walk, does not show interest in exploring new objects, territory.
  • Appetite is usually reduced. The dog sniffs food for a long time. Due to the decrease in the sense of smell, she is not even interested in delicacies.
  • Labored breathing. The owner observes whistling sounds at the moment of inhalation and exhalation. The pet breathes through the mouth for a long time, sniffs, snorts. Shortness of breath is noted. The animal often sneezes, licks its lips, rubs its nose with its paws, and scratches it on foreign objects.
  • Expiration from the nose can be transparent and liquid with a catarrhal form of the disease. As the pathology develops, the exudate becomes more viscous, thick, viscous. Complication of the disease by pathogenic microorganisms is accompanied by catarrhal-purulent discharge from the nose.
  • Examination of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages with a flashlight reveals its redness. With the follicular form of the disease, flat or round erosions are found.

Rhinoscopy reveals the cause of the common cold
  • Nasal discharge leads to hyperemia, cracking, ulceration of the nasal mucosa. Crusts, wounds and cracks appear.
  • Due to inflammation of the sebaceous glands, the owner often observes nodules and swelling on the wings of the nose and upper lip of the dog.
  • With severe nasal congestion, the pet's sleep is disturbed.
  • Regional lymph nodes are painful and swollen on palpation.
  • In some cases, the animal has an increase in body temperature.
  • With rhinitis, inflammation of the eyes is often observed.

In the case of catarrh, a runny nose can pass on its own in 7 to 10 days. Other forms of the disease necessarily require medical treatment. The croupous nature of the disease is characterized by a long, up to a month, course.

How to cure a runny nose at home

If rhinitis is caused by a foreign object entering the nasal passages, in no case should you try to remove it yourself. An unprofessional approach can cause irreparable harm to the pet. Polyps and neoplasms are treated surgically.

If the cause of a runny nose is hypothermia, inflammation in the nasopharynx, the owner should take the following measures:

Immunomodulatory drugs
  • If the inflammatory process is complicated by a bacterial infection, treatment will not do without the use of antimicrobial agents. A veterinarian should prescribe an antibiotic and its dosage. As a rule, broad-spectrum agents are used - penicillins, cephalosporins. In the fibrous form of rhinitis, the use of sulfonamides, such as Sulfadimethoxine, is effective.

In the event that rhinitis is of an allergic nature, antihistamines are used during an exacerbation - Suprastin, Loratadin, Tavegil, etc. If the runny nose is secondary and is caused by an infectious disease, then the veterinarian prescribes the treatment of the underlying ailment.

Drops from stuffy nose

Complex treatment of the common cold in animals is not complete without the use of nasal drops. They alleviate the pet's condition by constricting blood vessels, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. For the treatment of rhinitis in dogs, veterinary drops should be used - Anandin, Maxidin.

From the arsenal of human remedies for a fluffy patient, only Pinosol is suitable - oil-based drops. Nasal remedy is used 3-4 times a day, 2-3 drops in each nostril.

It is strictly forbidden to treat dogs with nasal drops from a human pharmacy - Naphthyzinum, Sanorin, etc. These drugs greatly dry out the mucous membrane and worsen the situation.

A runny nose in four-legged pets is a cause for concern for the owner, since the cause of the disease can be not only hypothermia, but also a dangerous infection, such as canine distemper. Treatment involves the elimination of the cause and therapeutic measures in relation to the underlying disease. It is important for the owner to follow the instructions of the veterinarian - and then the successful treatment of the pet is possible at home.

Useful video

About the causes, symptoms and treatment of a runny nose in dogs, see this video:

Colds in four-legged animals are a common and rather dangerous disease. From the pathological focus, the infection penetrates into other organs along with the blood flow. In this case, the kidneys, joints, and also the heart are affected. Treatment of a cold should be timely and carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian.

We bring down the temperature with a cold in a dog.

The common cold is an acute respiratory viral infection.

This pathology is diagnosed in pets of all ages. The risk group includes dogs with reduced immunity. Often decorative breeds and animals of venerable age suffer from cold symptoms.

Older dogs are more likely to get colds.

The risk of infection from a person

The answer to the question of whether a pet can get infected from its owner is ambiguous. Many veterinarians believe that diseases such as acute respiratory infections, SARS and In their opinion, the causative agents of these pathologies in humans and tetrapods are fundamentally different in nature.

There is no clear answer to the question of whether a dog can become infected from a person.

But not so long ago, new studies were carried out. Some influenza viruses have been found to mutate. Changing, they easily adapt to new living conditions.

Under certain conditions, the H1N1 influenza virus passes from a sick person to a dog.

The main provoking factors

Dogs showing symptoms of a cold with poor heredity . And animals kept in poor conditions also often get sick. If the dog lives on the street, then her illness is more severe.

Dogs living in poor conditions are more likely to get colds.

The main factors that provoke a cold in animals include:

  1. Communication with sick animals.
  2. The presence of worms, ticks or fleas.
  3. Lack of physical activity.
  4. The presence of tumors in the breast.
  5. The presence of tumors in the respiratory tract.
  6. Heart diseases.
  7. Mechanical damage to the sternum.
  8. Metastasis in the lungs.

How to recognize a cold and its clinical picture

When a dog has a cold, it coughs.

With a cold, all the tissues and organs of the dog suffer from oxygen deficiency.

Against the backdrop of exhausting physical exertion, it becomes stronger. The pet gets tired quickly, sleeps more. Some dogs become restless. They can spin on their litter for a long time or hide from the owner.

Main symptoms

Fever is one of the symptoms of a cold.

The main features should include:

  • dry, hot nose;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • deterioration of the condition of the coat;
  • nasal discharge;
  • sneezing
  • cough;
  • fever;
  • trembling paws.

A dry, hot nose indicates that the dog does not feel well, and the body temperature is very high. The animal must be inspected and appropriate action taken.

Body temperature during a cold rises to 38-39 degrees. The coat fades, becomes disheveled, unkempt.

If the dog has a cold, then its behavior becomes lethargic.

Clear mucus flows from the nose. She must be clean.

Purulent or bloody impurities signal the development of another, more serious disease.

a rather serious symptom, indicating that the disease has given complications, is a cough. Usually this symptom signals that the virus has spread to the lungs and.

If the dog is very cold and she is diligently looking for a source of heat, she needs to be urgently shown to the veterinarian. This symptom signals an acute form of a viral infection.

When infected from a person

Strong thirst appears when infected from a person.

Signs of the "human" flu include:

  • the appearance of "respiratory" problems;
  • loss of appetite;
  • strong thirst;
  • giving up your favorite games;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the groin or neck.

How to tell if a dog has a cold

The owner is obliged to carefully monitor the dynamics of the state of the sick animal. If the dog gets worse over time, and the symptoms become more and more aggressive, then we are not talking about a cold.

You need to immediately sound the alarm when:

  • strong cough;
  • wheezing;
  • vomiting.

If vomiting occurs, then you need to urgently seek help.

This pathology requires immediate medical attention. If this does not happen, the animal will die.

Clarification of the diagnosis

The disease is diagnosed only in the vet. The doctor examines the animal, feels the lymph nodes, listens to the trachea, heart, lungs. But he also measures the temperature, conducts laboratory diagnostics. Blood is taken from a sick animal for analysis. If necessary, other diagnostic methods are carried out.

To clarify the diagnosis, they listen to the dog's heart.

General rules for treating colds in dogs

The owner of a sick animal undertakes:

  1. Make sure your pet is safe and has access to water.
  2. Introduce vitamins into the dog's diet.
  3. Set the normal temperature in the room in which the animal is located.
  4. Limit walks as much as possible.
  5. Brush your pet regularly with a soft brush.
  6. Wipe the organs of vision and the nose of a sick animal with a sponge soaked in water.
  7. Cover the sleeping area with a special fabric that retains heat.
  8. A small animal can be covered with a blanket.
  9. Place a hot water bottle or heating pad next to your pet.
  10. Regular combing helps to tone the dog's body. It can be alternated with massage manipulations.

During the treatment period, the dog must be kept calm.

For severely dry mucous membranes, the use of moisturizing drops is recommended.

Medical therapy

A sick animal is prescribed the use of:

  1. Amoxiclav.
  2. Cycloferon.
  3. Analgin.
  4. Dimedrol.

For the treatment of a dog, the drug Amoxiclav is prescribed.

Gamavit administered subcutaneously. The duration of the therapeutic course is 5 days. Amoxiclav is used 1 tablet / 24 hours. You need to drink the medicine for 1-2 weeks.

Cycloferon administered intramuscularly, every other day. The duration of the therapeutic course is 5-7 days.

If the high temperature is observed for a very long time, then intramuscular injections are prescribed twice a day. Diphenhydramine or Analgin .

Do not give an animal medicines that contain paracetamol.

This drug is a poison for the dog's body.

Prescription of antibiotics

If the pet coughs heavily, which is accompanied by thick sputum and wheezing, he is prescribed antibiotic drugs. Broad-spectrum drugs are usually prescribed.

Mastiet forte - effective nose drops.

The most effective antibiotics are Doreen and Volparen . Of all the drops in the nose should be preferred Mastieto forte .

What else can you give

It is allowed to give the pet expectorant drugs. Licorice root has a wonderful effect. If a virus has become a provocateur of the disease, then the veterinarian prescribes an antiviral serum to his four-legged pet. Most often prescribed "Vitafel-S".

Gamavit is an immunomodulating agent.

What can not be done!

You should not, without extreme need, resort to specific folk methods. One of the most popular "grandmother's" ways to fight a cold is to pour vodka mixed with honey into the animal's mouth. The purpose of this controversial method is thought to be blood thinning.

You can not use vodka with honey to treat a dog!

This method is only allowed when the dog's life is in serious danger. After that, the animal will need detoxification. It is impossible to carry it out on your own.

Preventive actions

During the cold season, it is advisable to wear a winter suit for a small dog.

Given that a cold can be fatal, it is very important to prevent the occurrence of this pathology.

  1. With the onset of cold weather, you need to put on special suits for a small dog. Shoes must be worn on the paws. Large animals should not be walked for very long. On the street, the pet should move as much as possible.
  2. If the dog lives in a booth, then with the onset of frost it is advisable to transfer him to the house . If this is not possible, then it is necessary to insulate his home.
  3. If the family already has a patient, then you need to limit the dog's communication with him. . You can't let her sleep in the same room with him.
  4. Having found signs of a cold, it is necessary seek help from a veterinarian as soon as possible

    The dog does not need to be fed.

    It is very important to constantly monitor the nutrition of the animal and its drinking regimen. You can not abruptly switch from food to "natural" and vice versa. The diet of a sick animal must be balanced.

    The calorie content of food should increase gradually. It is impossible to overfeed an animal or give it food by force.

    Video about runny nose in dogs

Just like humans, dogs can also get cold and cold. Do you know what to do if your dog has a cold? Dogs are more susceptible to attack by germs and microorganisms than we are. They may catch a cold during cold, wet weather, or pick up the virus from other infected members of the tribe. Inflammatory processes can spread to the respiratory system, so it is important to understand the difference between the common cold and other respiratory problems.

There are many diseases that have similar symptoms but are caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. These infections can be contagious and can be passed from one animal to another. Most often found parainfluenza, pneumonia, plague, etc. These respiratory diseases can be very severe if not treated promptly. Therefore, you must know what to do if your dog becomes cold and help the pet as soon as possible. The symptoms of a cold in dogs are very similar to the symptoms of a cold in humans, the only difference is that people can talk about the discomforts they experience, while dogs can't. Therefore, this responsibility falls on the owner, it is necessary to recognize the symptoms of a cold by changing the behavior of the animal. The following are some common cold symptoms seen in dogs:

  • runny nose
  • cough
  • wheezing
  • sneeze
  • yellow-green nasal discharge
  • watery eyes


Colds can get worse after a few days without treatment, but this is entirely up to the owner. You can help the animal both by using medicines and by increasing the immune resistance so that the pet's body fights in a natural way. Below are some treatment options that are suitable for most dogs.

Strengthening immunity

You can boost your dog's immune system by feeding him an appropriate nutritious diet. Healthy eating can really do wonders. Do not experiment with new foods at this time, as this can interfere with your health. Try to give her food that is either recommended by the veterinarian or that is right for your pet. Increase your intake of foods rich in vitamins A, C and E.

Keep your dog warm

The best place for a dog in winter is your warm home. It is not necessary to let the animal out unnecessarily when it is cold and damp, because this can be very dangerous for health. Insulate his sleeping place with old sweaters or blankets, make sure there are no drafts.

Make sure your pet is drinking enough fluids. Water is the best option, but you can also add herbal tea to the water to give it strength. Check the water you give, if it is very cold, you need to warm it up a little. This will make the water more comfortable to drink and will also help prevent the spread of respiratory infections.

Bath procedures

Steaming is considered very effective in fighting colds. This procedure helps to remove congestion and set up proper breathing. Simply fill your bathroom with warm steam and leave your dog there for 15 minutes. Repeat this 2-3 times a day and you will see your dog get better.

These are a few examples of what you can do to help your dog recover from a cold. Try to keep him away from other dogs to save him from any other serious infections.
If after all the attempts to help the animal you have not seen any improvement in health, contact your veterinarian.

Unfortunately, our four-legged pets, although less often, still get sick, and they endure some ailments more severely than humans. For example, a common cold in a dog can lead to sad consequences, since the infection spreads through the body of the animal at lightning speed, leaving the focus of inflammation and affecting vital organs and systems. This is a good reason to treat your dog in a timely manner at the first alarming symptoms. How can you recognize an illness and help your pet not cope with it?

If the dog has a strong immune system, then no colds threaten it. The disease can only make the pet boring for a couple of days, and after two or three days it returns to normal.

Among the main global causes of colds in dogs are the following:

  • hereditary predisposition. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in representatives of ornamental breeds and breeds amenable to mass breeding, since their gene pool is in most cases weakened. This is the cause of various pathologies and a tendency to colds.
  • Poor maintenance and irresponsible attitude of the owners. Some dog owners do not attach much importance to the living conditions of the pet, especially for animals for outdoor keeping - on a chain or in an aviary. Violation of these norms - an insufficient diet with low nutritional value, a sunbed in a drafty place, the absence of a good booth, leaving a pet on the street in severe frosts - can lead to a dog's illness. Unvaccinated animals are also more likely to get sick.
  • The advanced age of dogs. In older animals, natural changes occur in the body, and they lead to a decrease in protective functions. Therefore, such pets need careful care, as well as a complete diet that is suitable for this particular category of dogs.
  • Confluence of factors provoking the disease. The animal can get supercooled after swimming in the rain, as in such conditions it loses the ability to normal thermoregulation. Often dogs catch a cold while outside in cold weather, or for a long time in a draft.

Owners of pets of a decorative breed should be aware that their pets have a higher normal than medium and large dogs, which increases the risk of complications due to colds.

Most dogs are contact animals that enjoy walking with their relatives. But such group pastime increases the risks of contracting infectious diseases and other ailments. If a dog without vaccinations participates, or is already sick, then it is best for the owner to leave the site with the pet. If this was not possible, then it is better to take your pet away to get rid of contact with a sick dog.

And if a puppy or an adult dog got into the house from the street, then you should visit a veterinary clinic with him and pass a series of tests.

Cold symptoms in dogs

Colds are not asymptomatic, so it is important to pay attention to the condition of your pet. Common symptoms of a cold in dogs include:

  • in a sick animal, the appetite decreases, or the dog may completely;
  • and hot, which signals an increase in temperature;
  • lymph nodes become inflamed;
  • may develop;
  • the dog appears;
  • after exercise, breathing becomes quite frequent, dogs often experience shortness of breath;
  • the animal drinks frequently and greedily;
  • may show anxiety;
  • often in pets with a cold, a run from the nose causes the dog to often lick the discharge;
  • the animal's voice becomes coarse, barking turns into a cough with expectoration.

Of course, not all symptoms may be present in a dog, but even two or three of them are a good reason to visit a veterinarian, diagnose the disease with the help of certain examinations and tests.

Possible complications from a cold

In case of illness, the body exhibits a compensatory reaction, which is its natural resistance. This manifests itself in the form of a sharp expansion of blood vessels, an increase in blood flow to supercooled areas, and an increase in temperature.

But with prolonged exposure to low temperatures, the body weakens and it becomes difficult for it to fight. As a result, the pet gets even stronger cooling, there is a violation of thermoregulation and the activity of internal organs and systems is disrupted.

Without timely therapy, the malaise turns into a serious disease, it can be inflammation of the lungs, kidneys, connective tissues.

If the animal is often sick with colds, then this leads to a decrease in immunity. This condition makes the pet vulnerable to infectious diseases - any, even a weak microorganism, can significantly undermine his health.

Diagnosing a cold

Having found a pet in poor condition, owners in most cases seek the advice of a specialist. In this case, the owner must clearly describe the picture of the disease, but words alone are clearly not enough. The veterinarian needs to examine a sick animal, listen to the internal organs - trachea, heart muscle, lungs. There will also be a mandatory delivery of biomaterial for a general blood and urine test, a smear. Another study conducted in such cases is an analysis for C-reactive protein.

Comprehensive diagnostics allows you to exclude the possibility of other diseases that have similar symptoms, which means that a suitable treatment will be prescribed. How long the pet will be cured and whether he will have any complications depends on the promptness of the measures.

How to treat a dog for a cold

If it is not possible to show the dog to the doctors, then you can try to cure the cold yourself. Of course, in this case, there is a high risk of misdiagnosis of the disease and the development of complications.

Among the common actions, the most commonly used are the following:

  • First of all, the factors that provoked the disease should be eliminated. If the matter is in the wrong location of the sunbed, it must be placed away from the draft. If the whole point is insufficient insulation of the booth, then this can be corrected.
  • At elevated body temperature, you can give your pet Paracetamol tablets, calculating the rate based on the size of the dog. (1 - for a large dog, 1/2 - for a medium-sized pet, 1/4 - for representatives of dwarf breeds).
  • For the time of a cold, it is better to change the pet's dry diet to wet food or natural, but wiped, food. It must be added to the diet. It is best if the food is high-calorie, give it warm.
  • To eliminate cough, you can use natural remedies - tincture of licorice root, decoction of coltsfoot, plantain.

Of course, this may not help, since most often the owners discover the disease in later stages. But in any case, you should not use medicines intended for humans to treat an animal without recommendations.

Preventive measures

Naturally, treating a dog is much more difficult than trying to avoid a cold. Therefore, in this case, prevention is extremely important:

  • It is recommended to avoid situations that can lead to hypothermia of the pet - you should not walk with your pet for a long time in bad weather, if the dog has a poor coat, then you need to take care of special clothes and shoes.
  • Street dogs should be provided with an insulated kennel, the flooring of the aviary should not be made of concrete, and they should not be bathed in winter.
  • You should give your pet vitamins in winter and spring.
  • It is necessary, if possible, to avoid contact of the animal with sick dogs.
  • The dog must be without fail, according to the vaccination schedule.

And one more important advice from veterinarians is that a dog that lives in affection and care practically does not get sick.

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