Carrying out the 50th anniversary of a woman. Birthday script. Scenario of the anniversary of the woman (50 years)

So that the fiftieth anniversary of a woman does not turn into another banal feast, you need to think through all the stages of the holiday to the smallest detail. Resource This holiday offers to get acquainted with the main features of the organization of the birthday.

Anniversary is a celebration associated with the years lived by the birthday girl. On this day, it is customary to express positive emotions, to inform a person that he is dear to others. Relatives, good friends gather nearby. It is important to invite and gather caring people. They come with gifts as well as ideas, a program that turns humble gatherings into fun hours.

50 years is a celebration that is important for everyone

In order for the holiday to be remembered as bright, extraordinary, special preparation is needed.

It is carried out in several ways:

  • hiring specialists;
  • by the forces of the birthday man;
  • by the strength of those gathered.

Any representative of the listed categories needs to select material, that is, create a script. According to it, a celebration is held, in it, in full or in an abbreviated version, the components of an important day are listed.

Knowing the importance of the celebration of the anniversary of 50 years for a woman, how to celebrate it, it is better to figure it out in advance. A standard banquet is a win-win, but it is perceived as quite boring. To avoid boring or negative memories, experts prepare celebrations using ready-made scenarios.

They choose the right topic for the right date. Among them is the round figure itself, anniversaries. Certain scenarios are needed for different ages. A coming-of-age celebration is not suitable for those who celebrate the “round” date of an adult character. Therefore, you should not dwell on youth and, especially, teenage, children's scenarios.

It is necessary to select suitable texts, take into account the cultural characteristics of the time, growth and development of the hero of the day. Picking them up, friends and relatives are guided by the taste of the congratulatory.

Our site offers a unique opportunity of its kind. This is where entertainment experts find suitable materials, but our resources are open to everyone. You yourself select skits, contests, scenarios and the result that suits you. If necessary, they are supplemented, combined or left in the proposed form. It is very comfortable.

If the celebration under discussion is about to come, we must meet this day not just cheerfully, but with all weapons. Our sketches, competitions, toasts will help you choose a program for the 50th anniversary: ​​we will tell literally everyone how to celebrate the anniversary. They are selected and grouped in such a way that they are easy to find on the site. Performances for various occasions are at your disposal. We have singled out a separate section, .

What is included in the 50th anniversary?

The holiday of the fiftieth anniversary is celebrated solemnly, seriously. This date is associated with personal and professional achievements that competitors will envy.

Friends and good acquaintances do not consider it convenient to confine themselves to modest, rather uninteresting, even in a sincere presentation, congratulations and toasts. They are only part of a scenario consisting of:

  • information components (with stories about the hero of the day);
  • original toasts;
  • cool and solemn congratulations;
  • speeches from different groups of guests (colleagues, friends, relatives, childhood acquaintances);
  • entertainment part (in theatrical performance);
  • artists' performances.

It is necessary to prepare the official part of the celebration. At 50, it is customary to express yourself in a moderately business style, without using teenage expressions, with correct treatment. A playful form is allowed, but within moderate limits. After the official ceremony, the entertainment part begins, with a feast and a creative section.

The sexual characteristics of the celebration stand out in particular. When choosing a script for a woman, you need to be more polite, without rude jokes. They are allowed if the script was composed by relatives who know well how to celebrate the 50th anniversary, what the reaction of the hero of the day will be.

Often, professionals prepare for the celebration by collecting data from relatives and friends. The standard humorous manner is allowed, for example, with deliberately overstated compliments. In any case, they should not concern age.

Be sure to list the merits of the hero of the day. It does not matter in which area they ended up - family or business. Regardless of who is preparing the celebration, it is necessarily emphasized, what the birthday girl is proud of is stipulated.

Do not forget about shooting and photo shoot. To do this, it is better to invite a professional to the holiday. But even in the absence of this, try to take memorable and cool pictures that will replenish the birthday girl's family album and become an occasion for pleasant memories.

Where to get ready ideas?

Preparing a holiday on your own is a good decision, usually it is preferred by relatives and relatives. They are well aware of the character traits of the hero of the day. It is easier for them to create not an impersonal, boring gathering, but a spiritual process of celebration and even a vivid performance.

Several are offered on our site. They can be put into the program in voiced form or guided by the situation. We are ready to provide our resources to those who are going to congratulate a woman at 50 on their own.

Choose a modest script or play with poetry. Supplement it with toasts, congratulations, or implement a ready-made script. Decide on a theme if you decide to organize a popular themed evening.

Decorate the hall in a suitable way, select serving options, having decided on the theme. Perhaps, decor elements will have to be replaced directly during the celebration. For example, in the first part to create the atmosphere of an assembly hall, and in the second - a five-star hotel on the sea.

An anniversary marked in this way will be remembered, giving positive emotions. Our materials will help with this.

March 13, 2017 .

Anniversaries are the best holiday ever. It will never compare with birthdays or calendar holidays. After all, an anniversary is a certain feature of summing up the results for several years. Therefore, on such dates it is customary to arrange big holidays with fun and noise. A new script for the anniversary of 50 years for a woman will help you organize everything. A cool scenario with competitions is positive, laughter and good mood among the guests.

Anniversary meeting.

Dear guests! You all know that we are celebrating our anniversary today. And not just an anniversary, but fifty years! But few people know that in our country there is a secret club that you can join only when you are fifty years old. And today, right now, we will solemnly accept our hero of the day in the ranks of this club. So, let's begin!

To do this, you need to prepare in advance. You need to dress three guests in the admission committee of doctors. They will take the hero of the day to the club - who is over fifty.


After this, a comic certificate is awarded:

Main holiday.

And now we can start our holiday! but first I will digress you a little more. You all have glasses poured. I propose to sign a small treaty for tonight with their help. Do you agree? The agreement is this:
The hero of the day undertakes: to pour everyone on time, to treat generously, to sing the loudest, to dance the most, and also to invite all the guests to the next anniversary without fail.
The guests undertake to: praise the hero of the day, flatter him without measure or without a drop of lies, wear them in their arms, if possible, shower them with gifts that come to hand, etc.
Do you agree? Then let's seal our contract with a ringing glass of glasses!

It's time for gifts! Each of the guests brought their own gifts. Many of them have already been donated, and someone is going to donate. I want to give our hero of the day such a check book:

Do you know what a checkbook is? She is magical! No, she does not give out money. It gives you the right to any desire! It is enough to write in it any of your desires, hand over a check and it will come true! Please take the checkbook!
(you can download the checkbook template)

This evening we all say beautiful words of the hero of the day. We give her compliments and shower her with pleasant phrases. Let's play with this a little. That is, now each of you will compliment the hero of the day on a certain letter. It is easy to determine the letter - this will be the first letter in the birthday girl's name (if the birthday girl's name is Anastasia, then this is the letter A. If her name is Elena, then this is the letter E).
All guests call compliments in turn. Whoever does not name in turn is out. After the first round, those who named the compliment remain in the game. They play on and give a compliment to the second letter of her name. Only the one who started second or third or even further in the first round already starts first.
The game is played until there is only one winner left.

A toast to the guests.
This toast will be in the form of a skit. You need to prepare one guest and dress him up as a Georgian. And he will be a Georgian photographer. He appears and starts making a toast, and the guests help him. If the guests cannot help, then the presenter helps in the text:

Each of the guests has known the hero of the day for several years. And someone knows her since childhood. In this contest, we will check how the guests actually know the hero of the day. The host asks the guests a question and each of them gives his own answer. The correct answer is then checked. Whoever guesses correctly receives a memorable prize from the hero of the day.
Question options:
- what is the height of the hero of the day in the chocolate bar Alenka?
- the weight of the hero of the day in tangerines?
- how many millimeters from the tip of the nose to the left heel of the hero of the day?

All these questions are easily verified.
Growth is measured with a real chocolate bar. We apply a chocolate bar to the heel and, turning it over, lift it to the top. We consider how many times the chocolate bar turned over, so much growth.
Weight in tangerines is also easy. You need to know the weight of the hero of the day and the weight of one tangerine. And divide the weight of the hero of the day by the weight of the tangerine. And we will get the number of tangerines, which the hero of the day weighs.
Distance is measured with a tape measure.

Song for the hero of the day from men.
It's also a small scene. You need to dress up three men as actors: a Coward, a Dunce and an experienced one. They will perform a song altered to a motive - if I were a sultan.

The fiftieth anniversary is the time to take stock. Therefore, when deciding on an independent organization of the anniversary, consider all the subtleties and nuances.

Carrying style

First, decide on the style of the holiday. How to spend the anniversary of 50 years depends, first of all, on the personality of the hero of the day. In order to take everything into account and accurately identify the individual and unique style of the holiday for a particular person, it is necessary to collect the maximum amount of information about him, his life, studies, work, zodiac sign, hobbies, hobbies, taste and musical preferences. People who are closely related to him will help you in this: relatives, colleagues, friends. The collected information will tell you what to stop at and what version of the style of the festive banquet to offer to the birthday man. What could it be?

  • Classic banquet.
  • Presentation of the award (Oscar, Nika, Nobel, etc.).
  • Fairy tale, literary or film plot.
  • Solemn meeting (pioneer, tourist, coming-of-age ball, party, coven, Woland's ball, fairies meeting).
  • Decorative, i.e. dictated by design elements (floral, marine, "ice and fire", apple, etc.).
  • Transfer in time (Stone Age, Ancient Greece, Middle Ages, etc.).

Do not try to cover everything at once, mixing styles. It is better to stop at one thing and develop it in all its splendor, from invitations, script, selection of artists and ending with the design of the hall, table, sweets.


Based on the chosen style of the holiday, decide on the venue. Evening dresses on a bare forest edge or a tourist gathering in a restaurant will look at least ridiculous. Therefore, take into account all the points: a kitchen, tables and chairs in the required volume, a dance floor, sockets, the availability of musical equipment, access roads and parking lots.


Now let's figure out who needs to be invited to the 50th anniversary.

  • Colleagues. Not only those with whom the hero of the day works to this day, but also especially close people from past jobs. Naturally, not everyone, but only those with whom the birthday boy is closely connected in work processes and communication, who made a contribution to his career growth.
  • Friends.
  • Relatives (parents, sisters, brothers). It is absolutely not necessary to gather all relatives, but it is quite possible that the birthday man wants to see someone else at his celebration.
  • Husband, children and grandchildren.

As you can see, the company is going to be motley. But these are all the people who have contributed to the life of the hero of the day, and their congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years, their kind words are very important to him.


For all guests without exception, even the husband and children, it is necessary to prepare invitation cards. Design them according to the chosen style and send them a month before the chosen date. In these postcards, it is necessary to indicate the place and time of the event, the essence of the holiday, and note the dress code conditions if a costume party is planned. At the end, make a small note with a request to inform about the possibility of attending the holiday by phone or e-mail no later than two weeks before the celebration. This will help to avoid unnecessary expenses and frustration.

Seating cards

When the situation is finally clear with the number of guests, make a seating chart for guests at the tables and individual cards that will be waiting for each guest in front of his plate. You can buy ready-made cards that suit your design, or have them made by an advertising agency. Or you can create small masterpieces with your own hands by printing out the names of the guests and drawing vignettes by hand on each card.


When forming the holiday menu, be sure to consult with the hero of the day about the preferences of the guests. Among them may be people who do not consume certain foods or have any diseases. Having taken into account all the subtleties, discuss with the chef the appearance of the dishes and their serving, fitting the festive table into the general style of the holiday. To enhance the effect, you can prepare a comic menu and place it on the tables so that guests know what kind of feast of taste awaits them. For example: "Starfall" salad, "Tourist's Breakfast" appetizer, "Love Potion" wine, etc.


A modern banquet involves the gradual arrival of guests. To keep those who have already arrived, rather than forcing them to wander around the laid tables, dying of thirst, plan a small buffet of soft drinks and small canapes.

Hall decoration

The decoration of the holiday depends solely on the chosen style and preferences of the hero of the occasion. If this is a woman who loves daisies, then she will be especially pleased with the abundance of these flowers in the design. And it doesn't matter what materials they are made of. Men's anniversary, as a rule, is more restrained, balanced and ascetic, but it also contains the same materials: fabric, flowers, balloons, cardboard. The main design points of a classic banquet are: the number "50" above the presidium and the pompous design of the table of the hero of the day, all kinds of coats of arms and crowns, arches at the entrance and the airy design of the ballroom area.


To write a script, you need to make 2 lists:

A detailed autobiography of the hero of the day with the obligatory inclusion of people whose presence is expected for the anniversary. 50 years of human life in events and persons. When, where and under what circumstances their paths crossed;

List of guests, where they are located in order of giving the floor at the celebration.

Combining these two documents, coloring them in the chosen style, adding a couple of performances from professional artists or guest volunteers, "peppering" with a small number of competitions, we get the scenario of our holiday.

Guests can also create a show for the anniversary on their own, if they are previously "make happy" with the text of a song or skit. But everyone wants not only to participate, but also to watch. To satisfy the audience's hunger for guests, offer them at least one large-scale show - sand, twisting, soap bubbles.

They help to create a unique atmosphere of the holiday and imperceptibly activate the audience for their own "exploits".

Props and memorable ideas

The anniversary of 50 years, as a memorable milestone, should be remembered for a long time by everyone without exception - both guests and the hero of the day. To do this, make some kind of hooks for memory - a "film strip of life" (a fabric strip designed to look like a film, where in each frame there is a photo of important moments in the life of the hero of the day), an album or tree of congratulations, an anniversary newspaper, a tantamaresque for photo shoots (a comic drawing with carved ovals for faces ). Some styles will require additional props (award figurines, ties autographed by the birthday man, a magic ball, etc.).

Gifts for guests

Particular attention should be paid to the return compliment to the guests - memorable gifts from the hero of the occasion. Usually they are taken out along with the cake to the accompaniment of the answer of the hero of the day. Classically, these are bonbonnieres filled with sweets or special cakes, but small souvenirs (magnets, toys, pens) associated with the past holiday are also possible.

Holiday finale

A small fireworks display at the end, a fire show, the launch of balloons with wishes or lanterns will help to complete the 50th anniversary in a beautiful and logical way. It will be useful to note that after the guests have left the hall, it will be much easier for you to complete the holiday to watch the final show than to disappoint them with the announcement: "Our holiday has come to an end!"

The holiday was a success!

That's all wisdom. I hope that using these tips, you can easily and naturally make an unforgettable 50th anniversary for a loved one.

The 50th anniversary is undoubtedly a very significant date, which should definitely be celebrated on a grand scale.

Most of the path of life has been passed, but there are still many years ahead and you need to set new goals and do everything possible to achieve them.

At this age, he can look back at his past years and realize his achievements, assess his social status.

How to prepare a 50th anniversary for a man

In the life of every person, an anniversary is of great importance: it makes you think about your life, sensibly evaluate and rethink your own victories and defeats. That is why the anniversary of 50 years for a man should be celebrated so that he will be remembered for a long time both by the hero of the day and his relatives, friends, colleagues.

It is worth mentioning right away that the organization of such a solemn and somewhat pretentious event will require a lot of time, effort and financial investments. As a rule, in the process of preparing a celebration, a wide variety of nuances and subtleties emerge, on which, by and large, a truly well-organized holiday depends.

Where to begin

It is best for a man to celebrate his 50th birthday with his family, close relatives, friends and work colleagues. The number of people and the composition of those invited largely determines the place where the celebration will be held. The solution to this pressing issue depends solely on the desire of the hero of the day to celebrate the holiday in an informal or solemn setting.

To create a special atmosphere of significance and solemnity of this enterprise, think over the design of the place of celebration, whether it be a chic restaurant or a picnic in nature. If it was decided to celebrate in a restaurant, then it is best to book a banquet hall in advance. Also at this stage of preparation, it is worth considering how to invite guests: it will be special invitation cards or a regular phone call.

Depending on where the solemn event will take place, it is worth considering the menu. The range and number of dishes, first of all, depend on whether the celebration will be official or informal, as well as on the number of invited guests. If we talk about alcoholic beverages, it is important that each invitee can choose something to their liking.

Anniversary scenario selection

A lot depends on the competent preparation of the celebration script, because the 50th anniversary of a man is a delicate and sensitive issue. In order to sincerely please the hero of the day, you need to carefully approach the development of the script, taking into account the character, temperament, hobbies of the hero of the occasion.

Recently, all kinds of thematic anniversaries have been very popular: in the style of a fisherman, a hunter, in a marine or royal style.

If the celebration of the anniversary will be held in a respectable restaurant, then the royal style will be very appropriate, including the appropriate design of the banquet hall, music, and even waiters dressed as pages.

If the hero of the day prefers a less official style, then it is best to choose the theme of hunting or fishing. In this case, the hall is decorated with animal skins, an imitation of a hearth, and weapons.

When the general style of holding the anniversary of the 50th anniversary of a man is chosen, you should also choose a scenario suitable for it. It is best if this is done by a professional holiday organizer or host who has extensive experience in organizing anniversaries, holidays, weddings and birthdays. At the same time, it is very important to write it in such a way that it would be of interest to both the older generation and the invited youth. All competitions, jokes, songs and competitions should harmoniously fit not only into the festive scenario, but also into the general atmosphere.

But you can do without a host at all, if in the close circle of the hero of the day there is a cheerful and sociable person who is ready to take on this role. He must know well not only the hero of the day, but also the majority of those invited, be able to speak beautifully and have an excellent sense of humor. In order not to get confused at the right moment, you can think over and write down the words of the host in advance: a short story about the hero of the occasion, the most important milestones in his life, funny stories from his childhood and youth, jokes, toasts, wishes. Let him learn a few toasts and congratulations, with which he will begin the celebration, and the invitees will say the rest.

Don't forget the little things

In order to be able to refresh the memory of the anniversary spent some time later, it is worth taking care of photo and video shooting. In addition, such a solemn event as the anniversary of the 50th anniversary of a man must necessarily remain captured for the descendants of the hero of the day.

Also, one should not lose sight of such seemingly mundane technical issues as lighting, acoustics, ventilation, and a more important issue - transport, so that after the end of the banquet all the guests are separated.

The result is a very impressive list of things without which the holiday is simply impossible. It doesn't matter how you decide to carry out the process of preparing the anniversary - entrust it to professionals or organize it yourself - the main thing is that the result is worthy of all the efforts spent.

Magnificent celebration - anniversary of 50 years for a man

The anniversary of 50 years for a man is a kind of result of the most part of his life, which is why he must pass at the highest level. It does not matter where it will take place - in the country, at home or in a pompous banquet hall - it must be organized in an interesting, light, fun and incendiary way. At the same time, it is important to remember that the anniversary demonstrates the respectability and social status of the hero of the day, and therefore does not tolerate negligence in preparation.

An excellent scenario for the anniversary of 50 years for a woman is twenty-five again 3.20 /5 | Voted: 20

The scenario of the anniversary of 50 years for a woman should be thought out carefully, because the beautiful half of humanity is very worried about her age, and gets too upset when she is remembered. And if this is the script for the 50th anniversary of your mother, then your task increases significantly. In such a celebration, it is worth recalling that when the first half of the century is behind us, life is just beginning, and you should not even think about such trifles as the date in the passport. The main thing is to remain young in soul, and everything else will follow.

So, this one is designed for holding a celebration in a banquet hall. While the guests are gathering, the hero of the day meets them at the entrance, and then quietly hides in the next room to leave after greeting the host.

Introductory remarks by the Moderator:

I am glad to welcome everyone who has gathered in our hall today. This evening cannot but be wonderful, because today a kind, pleasant and simply wonderful person is celebrating his holiday. Congratulations can be personal, or they can come from the whole team. Let's now take turns calling 18 adjectives that refer specifically to our hero of the day.

The guests name the words, and the presenter writes them on the card. Further, he invites the hero of the occasion into the hall and says:


Today we celebrate the birthday of "name". She has only virtues in her character, and her guests have just listed them. But maybe she doesn’t know much about herself, so let’s read what others think about her.

He reads the words from the postcard. After that, music begins to play, and the birthday girl enters the hall. Everyone applauds her, and the host sits her at the head of the table and hands her a card.

Then the host says:

Here she is, our today's heroine. Like all spectacular women, she had to appear bright. She has a holiday today. And, although it’s ugly to talk about age, this is not the case. After all, she has absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Therefore, let's say this figure for all to hear. She is twenty-five again today!

Dear guests, I hope that all of you have glasses filled to the brim, because now, Our Birthday Girl will say the first toast tonight!

Look at this hall and you will see that everyone came to congratulate our beautiful birthday girl: family, friends, colleagues. And they prepared great gifts and kind words. So you, a wonderful girl, have to hear a lot of new things about yourself. So your first toast

Our dear birthday girl! Many wonderful friends gathered at your holiday. They want to congratulate you on this event! Each of them will congratulate you personally, but for the moment I suggest that they go to the middle of the hall and sing her favorite song together.

Husband's 50th Anniversary Wishes for Wife:


Dear ones, I have known this beautiful woman for a long time. But the years that have passed next to her only allow me to admire her more. To this date, I have specifically written down as many as 50 qualities that she possesses. And, although I will tire you, you will listen to them to the end.

Then comes the flight of fancy. He begins to list the qualities that his wife possesses. There should be exactly 50 of them. Then, the husband continues to speak


Many will envy, but only I got such an ideal wife. I do not know for what merit I was awarded such a treasure. I raise this glass to you, my dear.

The husband gives a gift and kisses the birthday girl. The host thanks him for such sincere words. The children start talking.

Congratulations to children on the anniversary of 50 years to mom:


Surprise flooded all of us,
It's hard to take your eyes off her.
Who said that half a century has passed for her?
Who thought she was fifty?
She's twenty-five today, guys!
Just twice twenty-five!
She'll be fifty someday!
And today she is twenty-five!
Our dear mother!
Accept you, in the color of years
Our hot rainbow hello
And without hiding our feelings,
We will raise our bowls for you!
They hug the hero of the day and give her gifts. The host invites everyone to drink.

Congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years to a woman from colleagues:

The host needs to agree in advance with three employees so that they play a small skit.

First colleague:

Well, the birthday of our beloved "name" has come. What will we give her? We thought for a long time, but did not decide in advance. Let's think about this now. But, keep in mind that the surprise should be remembered for a long time.

Colleague #2:

I came up with! And let's buy her a ticket to a distant country. Mexico is fine.

A Latin American tune plays and a man dressed in Mexican style comes out. He has a microphone in his hands, and, kneeling in front of the birthday girl, he pretends to sing especially for her.

Colleague #3:

No girls. This will be very costly. We don't make that much in a year. Are there other options?

Colleague #1:

And let's call the most expensive fortune teller. She will tell the hero of the day about her future.

Gypsy music plays and a woman comes out dressed in gypsy clothes. She takes the birthday girl by the hand and pretends to tell her fortune.


Oh, I see untold riches, oh, a lot of happiness, oh, all your seven children will carry you in their arms. Why not seven? There will be so many! Just gild the pen!

Colleague #3:

Oh no! All these fortune-tellers are charlatans. We have to come up with something else.

Colleague #2:

Ltd! I had a great idea - let's pay for a male striptease! Right now!

A half-naked guy comes out and performs several dance elements of a striptease.

Colleague #3:

"Oh no, girls! Our beauty is married. Imagine that her betrothed will suit us!

Colleague #1 addresses the guests:

So we thought and thought, and could not come up with anything. Let's all sing together!

The presenter suggests recalling famous songs where the name of the hero of the day appears. The best and most suitable one is sung together.

Before that, colleagues say:

Happy anniversary to you, dear. May your life source never run out, with which you charge us all.


Many thanks to colleagues of our birthday girl for such congratulations. You can't help but raise a glass to that. Also, let's wish her health, because it is in this case that the soul and body will be in complete harmony. Also, girls, now you are one team. I will give you twenty sheets. In the first half, you will write all the bad things that you would like to protect the hero of the day from. And on the remaining 10 you will tell about the best that you would wish the birthday girl.

Colleagues perform the task, and the leader says:

“Now we will try to make sure that bad things don’t happen to her. We lay out the sheets on the floor, and collectively trample them with our feet. Try to tear the paper so that no one even understands what is written there!

Rhythmic music turns on, and colleagues try to tear paper under it with their feet. After that, the leader's words come.


“And now, when only good things remain, we invite you to sing this! After all, if you sincerely wished what you wrote, then it will certainly come true. You, dear birthday girl, have truly excellent friends. You can go on reconnaissance with them, therefore, I propose to encourage them with chocolates.


“If you remember, we talked about the soul and the body. And our birthday girl is fine with both, but how is her financial well-being? Even if everything is fine, then, undoubtedly, each of you will wish her even more. Therefore, I want to present another gift that will be prepared by the guests present here. I have a homemade tree, and I give it to the birthday girl. But it's not finished yet. After all, in order for it to become profitable, it needs to be “dressed” with improvised currency. Candy wrappers will act as money. But before you hang the wrapper, you have to eat the candy!

Guests fill the tree with bright candy wrappers.


“And we will raise the next glass so that such sincere words as today, the birthday girl hears more often. Also, I would like to sincerely hope that all wishes come true. Now comes, perhaps, the most touching moment of the whole celebration. And not because the birthday girl can be touched, but because her parents will say the word. Indeed, in life there is often not enough time for tenderness. Especially if people live far from each other.

After congratulations, the presenter proposes a toast to the family of the hero of the day, and to the health of all her relatives. Next, a break and dancing, after which we propose to hold several competitions.

"Sex Change"

At stake is a bottle of champagne, or even two. The host invites everyone to the dance floor and tells everyone to pair up. When the music stops, it is necessary to exchange some of the things that the participants are wearing. Those who do it last are eliminated from the competition. The dance continues on. Those who remain last win. They are praised for an interesting outfit and are awarded prizes.


Throughout the hall where the celebration takes place, carved letters of congratulations are hidden. Also, you can cut into pieces and a photo of the hero of the day. Guests are required to find them all and put them together. Whoever finds the last fragment wins a prize.
After the competition, the presenter continues his speech.


Take your seats and let's continue our action. While you were away from the tables, several messages of very strange content came to our beauty's mobile phone. With her consent, I will announce them to all of you:

- we wish you a storm and a flurry of positive emotions. Sincerely, Hydrometeorological Center.

— In your honor, our bank opened a special account. You can use it at any time. But, only after the next fifty years. Swiss bank.

- you sent us a resume. We reviewed it and invite you for an interview. Modeling agency "Yagodka again".

- your application to join our club "who for ..." cannot be considered. You look very young. Directorate.

- No cosmetics will spoil me. Your beauty.

- Well, are you on fire? Then we go to you. Fire brigade.

What the senders had in mind, I have no idea. But I think that the birthday girl understood everything. Now let's play one game. If I were the hero of the occasion, I would tense up, because the competition concerns her.


Prepare cards in advance with different letters of the alphabet (one card - one letter). The leader randomly takes a card and shows it to those present. The task of each guest is to say a compliment to the hero of the day - a word that begins with the indicated letter.

For example, "K" - beautiful, creative, sociable, etc.

The one who is the most original wins the prize. The leader continues his speech.


“Everyone heard how many wonderful words were said in honor of the birthday girl. And I think she has the answers to them."

The hero of the day is given the floor.


“Many thanks to the birthday girl for such excellent words. And a special thanks to her for this evening. Although the gifts have already been presented, we have a few more little things that will definitely come in handy for her. So, our hero of the day is a real woman, so

- here's a box of matches for you, because you keep the hearth;

- here are rubber gloves for you, since you have golden hands that should remain beautiful in any case;

- here is a mirror for you so that you always see your unearthly beauty;

- here's a toy bow and arrow for you, because you are a real woman, and they always strike men's hearts;

and the last souvenir will be the crown. You, our dear, are a queen in life, and tonight, this is especially noticeable.

From now on we have our own queen. Let your life, dear hero of the day, be like a royal life. And I also have souvenirs for everyone in the audience.”

Balloons of three colors are carried out into the hall. Guests choose one they like. But, after everyone has sorted out the props, the host announces that these were parts of the competition. The owners of the red balloon are obliged to kiss the hero of the day. Those who chose blue should dance with her, and the yellow ones will sing a song to her.


“Let this great holiday continue. Dance, sing and don't forget to raise your glasses to our hero of the day."

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