How to deal with a mentally ill person? For questions about long-term goals, answer “I don’t know.” Clear framework, rules and limits to what is expected

Medicine does not know how to deal with dementia, so more and more elderly people who lose their minds are in the care of relatives.

Life with can take the strength of both the patient and his loved ones for decades.

How to deal with people with dementia? This article has collected practical advice so that you can avoid non-obvious mistakes and make life easier for yourself and your loved ones.

With dementia, a person loses the ability to perform most daily tasks, but the need to spend some kind of free time does not disappear. It is necessary to constantly distract the patient from worries and boredom.

What to do with a weak, demented person:

How to communicate

How to talk to people with dementia:

  1. Speak clearly: use clear words, speak sounds clearly and slowly. Repeat if you are not understood.
  2. Ask simple questions: use such speech constructions so that you can answer “yes” or “no”.
  3. Do not lose your sense of humor: people with dementia are able to laugh and enjoy it.
  4. Respond with care in your voice: don't get angry if you are asked the same question, answer responsively each time.

Learn how to communicate with someone with dementia in this video:

How to help if he loses his memory

Transient memory loss indicates the transition of the disease to the next. This process cannot be slowed down, so it is worth preparing for the worsened condition of the patient.

People with dementia need to prepare comfortable and safe conditions:

  1. Provide the patient with a notepad.
  2. Buy mobile phone with a capacious battery and convenient operation.
  3. Isolate hazardous items ( gas stove, knives, medicines, cleaning products).
  4. Ensure accessibility to things so that everything you need is in sight.
  5. Take care of the doors in the house: the patient should not be able to lock himself.
  6. Buy diapers or waterproof bedding.
  7. Install smoke detectors and CCTV if possible.

Don't forget about legal issues. Solve them while close person is able to independently put his signature in order to avoid unnecessary procedures in the future.

Behavioral features

How to calm down during seizures

Do not give in to the mood of the patient, keep your composure. Find out and eliminate the source of anxiety. Grab attention with positive things. Over time, the patient will calm down.

Cunning for dementia

Having lost their belongings, a person with dementia can be sincerely sure that they were robbed by loved ones.

As a result, he will try to repay the same.

If a person with dementia has become cunning, you must be cunning: tell him a convenient place for hidden things, and the problem with the search will disappear by itself. Check the contents of the trash can.

The main thing is not to enter into an argument with the patient, it is better to show that you fell for his bait, look for the loss together, and then divert attention to another type of activity.

What to do with aggression

Do not take aggressive attacks personally, remember that the ward is out of his mind, and his words do not apply to you personally, but to the world around him as a whole.

Learn to control your reaction to unexpected displays of rudeness. Get into the patient position and demonstrate friendliness.

Distract him from the source of aggression. After the conflict is resolved, act as if nothing happened.

Consult a psychiatrist, if attacks of aggression happen too often, ask to be discharged, but keep in mind that pharmacological effects not the best solution with cognitive disorders.

Little talk

What to do if a person with dementia, for example, 85 years old, does not speak much? Silence on early stage may be a sign of depression.

In order to improve emotional condition close, you can deal with him creative activity: singing or painting.

Group sessions are effective for people with dementia: in the UK, the practice of group singing is common, and many participants experience an improvement in mood after classes.

The main thing is that the songs being performed should be well known to all participants.

sleeps a lot

Disorientation in time is common in dementia: in patients, areas of the brain responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle are affected.

On the last stage the disease of the patient does not distinguish the time of day at all.

To stabilize the wake cycle, it is recommended to regularly go for a walk before going to bed and take a warm bath. Put your loved one to bed after making sure they have gone to the bathroom.

Before use sleeping pills, consult your doctor, side effects may adversely affect health.

The recumbent twists his legs

Leg cramps in a recumbent indicate a lack of magnesium and a decrease in blood circulation. To prevent spasms, use vitamins containing magnesium.

How to relieve cramps:

  • prick the spasm with a needle or pinch;
  • rub an anesthetic or warming ointment;
  • if there is no ointment, rub the leg with a woolen scarf;
  • after the cramp has been eliminated, place your foot on a raised platform.

If spasms occur regularly, you should consult a neurologist.

How furniture rearrangement affects

Disorientation is one of the main symptoms of dementia. Unfamiliar space is scary, so changing the environment is not recommended.

The patient always has a chance to remember the old layout of the apartment and calm down, while in new environment the patient will experience stress.

Determine what the ward can do on his own, whether he is able to navigate the street, whether he needs help with cooking.

Do not do for the patient what he can do on his own!

On the initial stages patients may not need care, but the disease will progress and the need for attention will increase.

Diet and Nutrition

The patient must use the cutlery himself. If necessary, put a spoon in the hand of a loved one and remind them how to use it.

When the use of cutlery is no longer possible, cook food that is eaten with your hands. Serve food in such a way that it cannot be burned or choked!

Loss of appetite can occur for a number of reasons:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle: the feeling of hunger disappears due to the lack of normal physical activity. Take the patient out for a walk more often, take him easy physical activity. Do special exercises with dementia.
  2. Constipation: this disease common cause refusal to eat in dementia. Enter into the diet more products With high content fiber and fluids.
  3. Memory loss: a loved one may not recognize the food, refuse to eat their favorite food. Tell him about the proposed dish, describe taste qualities to whet your appetite.
  4. Problems with swallowing: With dementia, muscle dysfunction can occur that prevents the passage of food into the esophagus. Seek medical attention if the patient has difficulty swallowing.

Do you need a sitter

Nurse needed for advanced stage dementia:

  • if a loved one often stays at home alone;
  • the patient lacks care;
  • your family cannot live normally because of his whims.

It is better to choose a nurse together with the ward.

Ask the nurse to provide your passport details, write them down. Take a receipt for the employee to receive the keys to the apartment.

If a loved one refuses to accept the help of a stranger, explain that you have a lot to do and this is only for a while.

Help the nurse in the first days, so you will have the opportunity to make her friends with the patient and make sure of the professionalism of the worker.

Feel free to make surprise checks, they should not confuse a person if he is doing his job in good faith.

How to reconcile and live with those who are near

How do you deal with the fact that your beloved grandparent has dementia? If your relative suffers from dementia, then you may have thoughts that his death will bring you relief. After that, you will experience remorse.

You must understand that such thoughts can arise in every person in the current situation. Under stress, this is quite natural.

To prevent your depression from developing, communicate with people who are in the same situation, support each other. See a psychologist if you feel the need.

Remember that those around you have not experienced such trials, and they will not be able to understand you. Find a sympathetic friend to whom you can always pour out your soul.

Do not forget that you are not alone in this world. Consult with doctors, do not hesitate to ask friends and relatives for help.

It is on the principle of collective mutual assistance that this article was written, it contains advice from experienced caregivers who were able to survive all the trials that have now fallen on you.

Tips for caring for someone with dementia:

How to behave if you are sick? The answer to this question, it seems, is not a secret for anyone, but not everyone, having felt unwell, follows the necessary rules.

sharp respiratory diseases, or , name a group of diseases, the cause of which is associated with viral infection. There is an opinion that it can only be viral, and a cold should be taken as a consequence of hypothermia. Meanwhile, it becomes a powerful impetus, due to which the immune defense, and a multimillion-strong army of viruses easily penetrates the body and begins its violent activity. You can catch it at any time of the year, but it usually happens in the autumn or winter season.

When the virus enters the body

A virus can only live when it enters a cell. When there is no potential victim, the viral substance is not able to multiply. The virus usually passes through Airways- entrance gate of the body. When a virus is detected, the body immediately begins a special operation to neutralize it. Like law enforcement, begins to fight the virus, provoking inflammatory process. Appear:

  • sore throat;
  • sneezing

With the help of a similar reaction, the body tries to get rid of a foreign viral agent.

Drink more, eat less

If you still get sick, then for get well soon you need to behave properly. At the first signs of a cold, it would be good to go to bed, but you have important meeting which you can't miss. In this case, it is worth using shock methods of combating the disease. Bear in mind that feeding a sick person is tantamount to adding the forces of infection. When you have a cold, try not to overload with heavy food. digestive tract. As usual, there is no appetite for a cold or it is not very good. A sick body seems to be signaling to a person that it is not necessary to eat. If the temptations or habit are too strong, it makes sense to give up at least difficult to digest and fatty foods. AT without fail worth following drinking regimen. Drink at least eight glasses of fluid every day. Toxins accumulate in the body during a cold, and it is necessary to remove them somehow. At plentiful drink it is possible to quickly get rid of toxins, as a result of which a person recovers faster. Help with colds chicken bouillon, which will increase the outflow of mucus from the nose.

Shown warm

In order to fight the virus, you need antiviral drugs. In order to relieve inflammation - anti-inflammatory. In order to strengthen - immunomodulators. During illness, also try to stick to bed rest. Wrap yourself up warmly, so you will be able to get rid of the disease many times faster.

Non-drug treatments

When viral disease first of all, you need to see a doctor, because we all know that any SARS and flu threaten with serious complications, which are better to capture and start treating as soon as possible. But in addition to those prescribed by the doctor medicines the following non-drug treatments can be used.

  • Linden with viburnum. Prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of a mixture of equal parts linden flowers and fruits of viburnum pour 2 cups of boiling water. Boil on low heat for 5-10 minutes, strain. Drink hot before bed for 1-2 cups.
  • Rosehip drink. To prepare 5 tablespoons of dry crushed rose hips, pour 1 liter cold water. Put on low heat, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Insist, wrapped, for 8-10 hours, then strain. Drink 1 glass every 2-3 hours during the day. You can add honey, jam or sugar. It is advisable to drink a rosehip decoction during the week, gradually reducing the number of doses.
  • Linden with raspberries. Prepare a mixture of an equal ratio of raspberries and linden flowers. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, then strain. Drink a glass of hot infusion before going to bed as a diaphoretic.

  • Raspberry ordinary. It is used both in various collections and separately. Raspberry juice with sugar is perfect as a refreshing drink. high temperature. An infusion of dry fruits is also used. To prepare this remedy, 1 tablespoon of raspberries should be brewed with a glass of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes. Drink a glass of hot infusion 2 times a day.
  • A mixture of berries and honey is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of wild rose, 1 tablespoon of raspberries, 1 tablespoon of currants pour 100 milliliters of boiling water. Insist for 15 minutes. Drink 3 times a day, 1/2 cup before meals.
  • Propolis (bee glue) . A piece of propolis the size of 1-2 peas should be kept in the mouth, occasionally tossing the tongue from one side to the other, put on the cheek at night. You can use ordinary lump sugar by soaking it with an alcohol extract of propolis.
  • Garlic with honey. getting ready With minced garlic mixture natural honey in a ratio of 1:1 and is taken one tablespoon of the mixture at bedtime, washed down with boiled water.
  • Fir oil. With influenza, SARS, pneumonia, bronchitis and others colds(especially in children) fir oil is used, combining rubbing with inhalations. During the day, 4-5 times with an interval of 5-6 hours, the oil is rubbed into collar zone back, chest. After each procedure, the patient is wrapped in paper for compresses, woolen socks are put on him, covered warm blanket and give to drink diaphoretic infusion from herbal collection. For inhalation, add 3-4 drops of oil to an enamel pot with boiling water and inhale the healing vapors, covering your head with a towel. If you have a cold, you can put one drop of oil in each nostril. Fir oil relieves seizures severe cough. Pure oil is instilled from a pipette onto the root of the tongue, 3-5 drops in the morning and evening.
  • Radish is often used for coughs. To do this, raw radish should be cut into very thin slices and sprinkled with sugar. Appeared sweet juice, take one tablespoon every hour. You can also grate the radish and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Mix 1 liter of juice with liquid honey and drink 2 tablespoons before meals and in the evening before going to bed.

You can ask your questions using the service

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1. Tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Lying to a patient is not only humiliating, but completely useless. The patient needs 15-20 minutes and Mobile Internet to convict the doctor of an elementary lie. It is somewhat easier to deceive an elderly person, but also difficult: these people have their own community where they exchange information and get to the bottom of the truth. Realizing the deception, the patient can extrapolate the situation to all doctors without exception and completely stop trusting them - in some cases this subsequently costs him his life.

2. Give full information about the diagnosis, the upcoming operation, outcome and prognosis of the disease, risks and complications. This is not only legally necessary, but also elementary simple. The patient must understand what is happening to him, what is planned to be done and why, what to expect from it. You need to speak in cold blood, without pathos and wringing hands, in plain language, if possible - with humor. Tragic intonations should be avoided with cancer patients. Compassion is not a tear in the voice, but understandable actions. When a patient sees that the surgical team, for example, is aware of the risks of surgery and knows how to deal with these risks, he sleeps much more peacefully.

3. Never hide from difficult conversations. This is a very difficult task, because the doctor gradually burns out himself from difficult dialogues. Nevertheless, the patient cannot be “fed with breakfast” about the fact that permanently paralyzed hands move in or an ultra-malignant, totally unremovable tumor is actually a cyst (as some people like to say, a “polyp”). To take away a person's right to objective knowledge of one's own problem is absolute bestiality; this is his body, his fate, his life and death, and we are admitted to this knowledge only by virtue of the profession we have received (that is, we get money for this, and then we buy food and gasoline with them).

4. At the first conversation, avoid stop words. Such words include, for example, the word "cancer". Personally, at the first communication, I avoid this term, replace it with synonyms - it seems to me that the patient can immediately be so shocked that he will stop cooperating on for a long time, closes in captivity terrible word. This is a purely human thing associated with speech turns: after all, the diagnosis of "diabetes" is sometimes worse than the diagnosis"cancer", but no one jumps out the window from diabetes. When a person recovers from the first shock, you can call a spade a spade.

After the operation, the patient should put his mobile phone in his hand and give the opportunity to call relatives. I don't know how it works, but sometimes it works just as well as intensive care.

5. Directly answer direct questions. If a person openly asks "When will I die?" or “Will it hurt me?”, one should just as openly tell the truth. The patient may have a lot of unresolved life issues, including a loan, a mistress wife, idiot children, and he must understand the scope of work. When answering such questions, one should operate with clinically evidence-based information, expressed as percentages, terms five-year survival, life quality scales; so that you do not accidentally lie, you must constantly read science articles and have up-to-date information.

6. Never blame. Some patients before coming to us behave so destructively that they really want to be beaten, or it is reasonable to ask: “And you, my dear, what do you want from me now?” Nevertheless, blaming a person for his own stupidity or failure is inhumane and non-constructive: now what's the point when he has already come to you? Yes, he is fat, stupid, he grew a huge tumor, spent all his money on a shaman and a fortune teller, his former doctor is an idiot, and his wife is a litigious hysteric. Well, nothing, then it is necessary to treat the one who was sent.

7. Prescribe antidepressants and, if necessary, immediately invite a psychiatrist. Seriously ill patients almost without exception have depression. And in what, in fact, should a suffering person be in a state - to jump like Gummi bears?

8. If the patient is an adult, conscious and sane, it is necessary to find out whether it is possible to discuss the diagnosis with relatives, and if possible, with whom exactly (for some reason, this item is almost always ignored). Serious illness is a problem of several people, sometimes several tens of people. They must understand the reality, prepare for time, organizational and financial costs. It is necessary to understand which of the relatives is the “treatment organizer” - sometimes it is not a son / husband / mother at all, but some kind of great-uncle, first wife or distant friend. At the same time, it is necessary to understand with whom the diagnosis cannot be discussed, referring to the legal concept of medical secrecy. Careless words can lead to suicide of a relative or the patient himself (such cases are widely known). Telling the truth to the wrong person is burdensome for karma: your patient may have died a long time ago, and family members will curse you to the seventh knee.

9. Explain the main organizational arrangements: For example, if the disease is accompanied chronic pain, the patient must understand that it is necessary to register with an oncologist at the place of residence in order to receive narcotic painkillers. The patient, faced with a cruel and inhuman system of rendering (not rendering) care at the post-hospital stage, is completely defenseless and confused: he needs to be instilled with at least basic ideas about what to do.

10. And in the end, one more personal observation (for the judgment of colleagues): do not ban heavy smokers immediately after oncological operations smoke.

Hello Lila.
Mental problems must be treated necessarily and consciously, but it is not you who will cure him with your presence.

And his own steps to cure the disease.
It may be much deeper than you think.
Sudden seizures from the subconscious "roll" for a reason.

It is necessary to "fish out" the problem, but this can only be achieved if he works on it.

Reflect, Analyze what exactly "brings" him out of himself, what is the reason?

It may not even be related to this life...
Therefore, until he is cured, it is dangerous with him.
All in your hands.
No one will force you to live with him
You are responsible for yourself.
Take care of your life.
All the best.

Online consultation How to behave with a patient

Lily, hello!

From love for such patients, one should flee to the other side of the world.

Reflections on this score are inappropriate and life-threatening.

Diseases of this kind cannot be cured, unfortunately.

You can only wait for exacerbations, unpredictable behavior and threats to your life.

The illness of MCH should be dealt with by people close to him, and not by you. And only from relatives /according to our rules/ will they accept an application to the medical institution. If your marriage was formalized, then your statements would be legally competent.

And native MCH do not leave you alone for several reasons:

1. The aggression of such a patient focuses on the person closest to him, in this case, on you. The rest of the family is so. remain in /relative, of course/ safety.

2. Psychologically, the presence of a woman in such a patient reduces his aggressiveness and the frequency of exacerbations. That, apparently, is well known to members of the patient's family. That is, you are being used.

3. Perhaps close MCH hope to persuade you to marry. Then you will have to deal with statements, and ambulances from mental hospitals, and treatment. Because the healthy people work hard similar procedures, the family may want to shift these worries to someone else's hands.

I have discussed the possible versions. There may be one or more valid reasons, from this list or from another.

The best option for you would be to leave "in an unknown direction".

And please, now you don’t need to think or talk about sacrifice, love, etc.

Because in the absence of a “beating girl”, relatives will sooner begin to treat their son. And in this way you will actually help a person suffering from such a serious illness.

All the best to you.

Sincerely, Svetlana

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