Proper nutrition in autumn. Follow the established diet. Are diets good in autumn?

Nutritionists believe that seasonal products not only replenish the supply of vitamins and add variety to the menu of our table, but also cheer up. After all, we have time to miss the food that we haven’t eaten for a whole year!

Do you want to know what foods you should definitely include in your diet in the fall?

1. Pumpkin

This is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, as well as a wonderful natural energy drink. Pumpkin contains 4 times more carotene than carrots. BUT a large number of iron improves the functioning of the circulatory system.

This autumn vegetable will become the main assistant for those who have cold feet and hands all the time or a breakdown. Pumpkin also contains vitamin T, so its use helps to lose weight. excess weight and normalizes metabolism.

2. Tomatoes

Scientists recommend eating at least one tomato a day. They contain a strong antioxidant lycopene, a plant pigment that gives the red color to the tomato. It reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease, lowers cholesterol, and also stimulates the brain.

And a lot of tomatoes useful fiber, carotene, potassium and vitamin C, which will come in handy in the season of viral diseases.

3. Cabbage

Ordinary cabbage from the garden in terms of usefulness can surpass more than one product. For example, it has more vitamin C than oranges, and more calcium than dairy products. AT white cabbage contains vitamins A, B, B1, K, PP and U, as well as riboflavin, pantothenic and nicotinic acids, useful minerals.

This vegetable protects us from many types of cancer and heart disease, and also stimulates the intestines and kidneys. because of high content iron, normal hematopoiesis and maintenance of brain functions become possible.

4. Apples

This fruit is a real vitamin bomb! Vitamins of group B, C, E, H, PP, as well as many useful trace elements make apples one of the most valuable autumn products.

Eating apples normalizes digestion, lowers cholesterol and strengthens the immune system.

Particularly noteworthy great content iron in apples, without which our body weakens very quickly. Anemia, fast fatiguability, diseases thyroid gland and painful menstruation- all these are the consequences of a lack of iron in the body.

5. Eggplant

Eggplant is wonderful dietary product! It absorbs excess water and then removes it from the body. It can quickly lower cholesterol levels, while protecting the cardiovascular system.

Ripe fruits are rich in vitamins A, B, C, P, pectins, fiber, tannins and natural sugars. And for those who quit smoking, eggplant is a real find, because they contain a large amount of nicotinic acid(vitamin PP).

6. Sweet pepper

This vegetable contains vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B9, PP and carotene, so it is recommended for people suffering from diabetes, depression, loss of strength, memory impairment and insomnia. Peppers contain more vitamin C than lemons and black currants.

The combination of ascorbic acid and vitamin PP helps to strengthen blood vessels and reduces the permeability of their walls.

And thanks to the content of many mineral salts Bell pepper provides normal growth hair, the work of the pancreas and stomach, strengthening the immune system, and also fights against osteoporosis and anemia.

7. Mushrooms

Autumn is the mushroom season, so it's time to feast on the fresh gifts of the forest. It's pure protein and a great alternative. meat products, as they are easier to digest by the body and less caloric. Mushrooms are also used to prevent cancer.

8. Rosehip

These red berries are incredibly healthy, they are rich in vitamins B, P, K, pectins, carotene, tannins and organic acids. And the content of vitamin C in rose hips is about the same as in lemon and black currant.

from fresh and dried berries cook healing decoctions, infusions and juices. Rosehip tea normalizes work gastrointestinal tract, liver and of cardio-vascular system, speeds up metabolism, and also strengthens nervous system and the body as a whole.

9. Blueberries

Blueberries contain phytonutrients - substances that neutralize the effect free radicals, that is, they protect us from age-related diseases and prolong youth. Among the diseases from which this berry saves are stroke, heart attack, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, senile dementia and others.

Blueberries are rich in vitamins A, B and C, calcium and magnesium. But most of all, it is valued for its content of anthocyanin, a natural dye that prevents eye and heart diseases.

10. Beets

Beet - natural source folic and others beneficial acids. It is rich in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, magnesium, copper, iron and phosphorus.

The use of this vegetable helps with anemia, and also prevents the development of thrombophlebitis, asthma and cardiovascular diseases. And since beetroot contains few calories, it is recommended for dietary nutrition.

Now you know what foods to include on your fall menu. Stock up on vitamins and be healthy!

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

At the end of autumn, not only nature is preparing for the coming cold weather - our body is also being rebuilt. It is at this time that it is very important to organize proper nutrition, because before the cold season overweight which will then be difficult to get rid of.

How to help the body and at the same time not suffer from overweight? The answer is simple: right now, in the harvest season, both fruits and vegetables are especially rich in vitamins, so the autumn diet should consist more of plant foods.

Fasting days

It will be useful to arrange vegetable or fruit meals twice a week. fasting days. Such unloading will not only strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and will not allow you to gain extra pounds, but will also help improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Diets can be very different - mono or mixed diet, it all depends on your choice. But these days are definitely contraindicated: meat, fish, dairy products, eggs and, of course, flour products and sweets.

Rules for healthy eating in autumn

The breakfast menu should include vegetable or fruit salads combined with rice. And for lunch, vegetarian soups are also perfect with the addition of rice.

For dinner, it is best to cook seafood and fish with cereal side dishes.

Include more unrefined vegetable oils in your diet in the fall season.

Autumn depression and nutrition

In autumn, many suffer from the so-called autumn depression. Moreover, it is people who are prone to fullness that "seize" a bad mood and despondency with sweets, fast food and other products that are far from the most useful for the figure. How to protect yourself from the autumn blues?

And here it will help you correct compilation your diet. On days when you do not have a load, allow yourself foods rich in a substance that uplifts the mood. According to nutritionists, these include: salmon and mackerel, chocolate and bananas, muesli and cereals, as well as potatoes, beans and milk.

But chips and pastries, tea and coffee, meat and smoked meats are just the products that provoke autumn depression.

The right dinner for a slim figure

The first thing to clarify is what time should you have dinner? All of the “no eating after 6 p.m.” recommendations are for a very small circle of people, including housewives. The majority of women simply cannot afford it, as they are either at work or on their way home. But dinner still needs to be cooked!

In addition, it is reasonable to advise “do not eat after 6” to those who go to bed no later than 9 o’clock, and these are also units. Therefore, it is worth organizing your dinner at any time, but no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.

If you have to fight the feeling of hunger before going to bed, do not torture yourself, you won’t fall asleep anyway - you will break into the kitchen and be sure to eat something that is not at all included in your diet. diet menu. Drink a glass of kefir without sugar. If this is not enough, you can add a spoon to kefir wheat bran. You do not like dairy products: Then cook vegetable salad, but do not overdo it with dressing - a little vegetable oil will be enough.

What is the best menu for healthy dinner, which will not damage your figure and will not deprive the body of vitamins and the substances it needs to ensure health? For dinner, you can steam, boil or stew meat (except pork) or fish. Vegetables are suitable as a side dish, except for potatoes, carrots, beets, zucchini. Also by the way there will be low-fat dairy products without added sugar.

But from porridge, pasta, sweets and fruits for dinner will have to be abandoned. In general, it is recommended to consume all carbohydrates in the first half of the day, and in the evening it is better - proteins, dairy products and vegetables.

Well, now there's another one. important question Q: What should be the serving size? In general, overeating is bad, and overeating at dinner is doubly bad. That's why optimal size portions - about 250g. At the same time, 150g is allocated for meat or fish, and 100g for vegetables.

With the onset of autumn human body, following the laws of nature, begins to accumulate fat reserves. And almost everyone notes that with the onset of cold weather, appetite also increases. What is the reason for this and how to eat right in autumn in order not to get fat and at the same time not harm your health by refusing high-calorie foods?

In autumn, a person really unconsciously prefers more nutritious and high-calorie food, thereby preparing the body for cold weather. And, despite the fact that we, of course, are not going to hibernate, the body's energy needs change. By accumulating a supply of fat, the human body is thus prepared for action. low temperatures, and replenishing the reserves of the missing energy, we are more willing to fortify ourselves with high-calorie food.

Are diets good in the fall?

Many mistakenly believe that autumn is the most right time years to go on a diet. It turns out that this cannot be done, because the body just in the fall accumulates the necessary nutrients which he lacks. But at the same time, no one wants to gain extra pounds. Therefore, it is important to know that for each person energy metabolism is an individual process. Someone can eat without denying themselves anything and burn the calories they have gained, while others have to limit themselves in order to maintain a constant weight. It is also interesting that those who constantly resort to strict diets and in everything they limit themselves, they set up their organisms precisely for the accumulation of energy, which they lack, and not for its expenditure.

But you should not despair, because even in the fall you can lose weight, just do not rush too much and count on an instant result. A simple mathematical calculation will help, which is based on the fact that the most reliable way to lose weight and maintain the reduced weight is to lose weight slowly. Let's say that during the previous three months you managed to lose 5 kg, so you need to keep this weight for at least six months. That is, the time for which it was possible to lose weight must be multiplied by two, and that is how much time it takes to maintain a reduced weight so that the body gets used to it and prepares for a new “dump” extra pounds. So autumn is the time when you should not go on a diet, but just control your weight.

What to do with appetite?

In the cold season, it is recommended to move more, dress warmer and take hot bath or shower. But since the body still requires food, it must be fed, but not with too fatty and high-calorie foods, in the fall it is especially useful to include milk and, of course, vegetables in the diet, among which onion and garlic should come first. It is these vegetables that will not only give strength, but also cheer you up, and will also become an important source of vitamins and microelements for the body. But if your body persistently requires more substantial food and it is impossible to get rid of the feeling of hunger, then treat yourself and do not give up fatty foods. The ideal option, of course, would be fish or dishes cooked in vegetable oil, since these fats are the most suitable for the metabolic process.

How to come to terms with the feeling of hunger?

First you need to figure out what exactly it is - hunger? It turns out that we experience a feeling of hunger precisely at the moment when the body, losing calories, begins to expend its own resources, which means losing weight. From which we can conclude that the feeling of hunger, everyone who wants to lose weight should please. If the joy is still overshadowed by an unbearable desire to swallow something, then soups will come to the rescue. But even here there are rules, soups should not be seasoned with sour cream or flour frying, they will also be absorbed by the body more slowly if they are warm, not hot. The body will spend significantly more energy (and lose weight) on the digestion of a warm dish than a hot one. Also, do not add too much salt to the soup, as salt helps to retain fluid in the body, but seasonings and spices, on the contrary, are welcome. And, of course, autumn preferred vegetable soups, so to speak, soups of the new crop.

What can you eat in the fall without fear for the waist?

Interestingly, nutritionists recommend potatoes, believing that they get fat not from the vegetable itself, but from what is served with it: cutlets, fatty sauces, sauces or oils. In fact, there is a lot of vitamin C and potassium in the potato, and when cooked “in uniform”, it generally turns into diet dish. It is useful to add cottage cheese and greens to such potatoes to get low-calorie food. Cabbage is also very useful, both fresh and sauerkraut, which contains many vitamins and a minimum of calories. And if the habit of snacking does not leave, then you need to switch to fresh vegetables and fruits, especially those that grow in your area.

Is it possible to avoid autumn depression with the help of proper nutrition?

According to the generally accepted opinion, autumn is the time of the blues, when the rains seem to pour for an eternity and so you want to wrap yourself in a blanket, sit comfortably in front of the TV with a bar of chocolate or a couple of cakes. With this approach to overcoming despondency, one should not be surprised that by spring the wardrobe will dry out and it will be impossible to fit into light things.

It turns out that the desire to consume sweets in the fall is scientifically explainable. It is with the onset of this time of year that many of us have a decrease in the content of serotonin in our bodies. And we are subconsciously drawn to sweets, which contain a substance that increases the level of serotonin - sugar. Having experienced a temporary upsurge in mood, we inexorably put on weight, and after a while the body again gives a signal that it is time to refresh ourselves with sweets. tear it up vicious circle is possible only by an effort of will, so you need to consciously limit yourself in sweets, replacing them with fruits. And to improve your mood, you need to regularly perform gymnastics or just take a walk on fresh air. No matter how banal these tips look, they have always been and will be the most effective, which means that by adhering to them you can save not only good spirits, but also the desired body weight.

Romanchukevich Tatiana
for women's magazine website

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Vegetables, fruits, various products. This is the short answer to the question of what to eat in the fall.

The autumn diet should be extremely rich in various vitamin-containing dishes. Firstly, because it is much easier to find them on the shelves at this time of the year. Secondly, because we must prepare our body for a long and exhausting winter. Thirdly, autumn is a traditional time of depression and blues. The days are much shorter, and the few hours of light are most often replete with gray tones. Finally, special antidepressant products help not to fall into despondency, which both deliver pleasure from consumption and supply our body with the elements necessary for the production of the hormone of happiness - endorphin. We will probably start with them.


Much has been written about its positive properties. Real chocolate, which differs from milk tiles in the presence of a large amount of grated cocoa beans and cocoa butter, is rich in calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. These substances not only improve mood, but also help fight seasonal fatigue, increase the body's resistance to colds, and even (!) long term prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.


Nutritionists warn that excessive consumption of bananas contributes to weight gain. Note! No one says that these products should be excluded from the diet completely. Not at all. Just Golden Rule no one canceled moderation. One banana a day will not only not harm you, but will also bring tangible benefits to the body. Banana - best dessert. Its sweetness is due to the presence of healthy glucose, fructose and sucrose in the composition. But the main advantages of this product are potassium, B vitamins and tryptophan. All this the best means fight depression and autumn blues. Tryptophan, for example, in the body turns into serotonin, the lack of which, according to scientists, is the cause bad mood and depressed self-esteem.


In autumn, our body especially needs high-calorie foods, because it needs energy to prepare for winter. But in no case should you "spoil" him with the so-called fast carbohydrates- no fast food. The best solution in this sense are nuts. "But what about the figure?" someone will ask. Again, the key is moderation. If you do not eat nuts in kilograms, you can maintain beauty and harmony. A handful of nuts a day never hurt anyone.

We will not talk about the benefits of nuts, because this product is different, and each type has its own properties. Let's just say that they are all rich fatty acids Omega-3, beneficial effect on the work of the heart. So any edible nut in moderation is good for the body.

Dried fruits

It would seem, why eat dried fruits in the fall when there is their fresh "original source"? We explain - quality dried fruits prepared immediately after the fruit has been plucked from the tree. Thus, it is possible to preserve all the vitamins and minerals contained in it. Now ask yourself, how far did the grape, plum, or apricot make it to the store? What processing has been done to keep it fresh? So it turns out that in the fall it is better to buy dried apricots, raisins and prunes than their fresh "analogues", for which, moreover, it is no longer the season.


More pears - good and different! This fruit is rich in pectin, which, in turn, helps to cleanse the body. In addition, it contains fructose, known for its anti-stress effect.


This traditional Russian fruit is extremely beneficial for human health. Most known fact- an apple contains a large amount of iron, which regulates blood formation. In addition, apples contain a lot of vitamin C, which, as you know, increases the body's resistance to colds, which is very important in autumn. Again, do not forget about the pectin contained in apples - the best natural body cleanser of toxins.


There is one common misconception regarding this berry. It is believed that its main benefit is in the richness of vitamin C. In fact, it is, of course, present in cranberries, but not in such quantities as, say, in sauerkraut or lemon. What can I say - there is 13 times more vitamin C in blackcurrant than in cranberries. So what is its uniqueness then? We answer - in a rare vitamin PP, which is precisely responsible for the absorption of vitamin C by our body.

In addition, cranberries are rich in other minerals and natural antioxidants, making it an excellent "fighter" with colds. AT pure form cranberries are, of course, difficult. In compotes she was subjected heat treatment, because of which it lost some of its useful properties. Perfect option- fruit drinks and fresh berry, ground with sugar.


This product has recently been subjected to undeserved ostracism. They say that it causes fermentation in the intestines, and contributes to an increase in body weight. Everything is so, but only if we are talking about baking or wheat yeast bread, the harm from which is indeed more than good. But these types this product is not limited. There are also crispbread, yeast-free tortillas, whole grain bread. All of them are not only not harmful, but also extremely useful, thanks to the vitamin B they contain. The treatment of any depression involves the appointment of this drug. Here it is in its purest form. More vitamin B in different products, magnesium and potassium, and autumn blues you are not threatened.

Red and orange vegetables and fruits

Pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, nectarines, peppers, beets - according to scientists, these vegetables and fruits can increase endorphins in our body. What is "endorphin"? That's right - the hormone of joy. In autumn it is so lacking. And the bright color of these products indicates that they contain keratin, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on human health. True, with one caveat - it is absorbed only in the presence of fats. Preferably useful. So eat these vegetables along with olive oil and you will be happy. Moreover, in literally this word.


The leader in the content of sodium and selenium. These substances are considered great helpers in the fight against nervous diseases, and therefore increase stress resistance. It is also impossible not to mention that celery has a beneficial effect on thyroid gland and helps fight obesity. It is noteworthy that both the leaves with stems and the root of the plant are suitable for food. There are also many cooking options for this root vegetable. It can be eaten raw, boiled, stewed and fried.

Summer is over, and in the period of moves that follows, colds and infections become frequent illnesses in the offseason with a weakened immune system. Properly balanced autumn nutrition will help to strengthen it, and at the same time protect yourself from colds. Help your body adjust to the new biological rhythms such essential vitamins like C, A, E, D and group B.

Let's take a closer look at why data is so important useful material with the onset of autumn, in which products to find them and what rate of consumption per day is necessary for a person.

Vitamin C

It is no coincidence that we put this vitamin in the first place, it is he who is the main defender of our immune system, as it prevents the penetration various infections. That is why the role of this vitamin is great in proper nutrition autumn. Without ascorbic acid, as vitamin C is also called, not a single leak is possible. metabolic process in the human body. By latest research scientists deficiency of ascorbic acid is the impetus for the development neoplastic diseases and in particular breast cancer.

Daily rate: 70 - 100 mg.

Where to look: first of all, all citrus fruits, especially rich in lemons, as well as fruits such as kiwi, pineapple, apples, mangoes. Among vegetables, it can be noted that they are rich in content. this vitamin- cabbage, pepper, garlic, wild garlic, parsley, sorrel. Rosehip decoction perfectly fills the deficiency of vitamin C. For more details on how to prepare it, as well as about useful properties this berry, you can read.

It is important to remember that maximum content vitamin C in vegetables and fruits is observed in just harvested, in raw fruits. Vitamin C easily destroyed during heat treatment, do not forget about this when cooking, do not overcook vegetables, add them at the very end of cooking. Freezing and preservation also have a destructive effect on vitamin C, and only sauerkraut is an exception. Prepare this healthy snack for the winter, eat it separately and add it to cooked dishes and salads.

Vitamin A

This is one of important vitamins for the body it is responsible for the condition of the skin and vision, protects the mucous membranes, and normalizes the hormonal background.

Daily rate: 10 mg.

Where to look: most of all, retinol contains and, it is also found in the liver, egg yolk, sour-milk products and in red vegetables: radishes, tomatoes, peppers.

Vitamin A is well preserved during preservation, so it is useful, for example, to eat salted tomatoes, but of course in moderation.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is also called the vitamin of youth. it protects the cells of the body from premature aging maintains the elasticity of the skin and improves its structure.

Highly important role this vitamin plays hormonal metabolism substances, in violation of which there are failures in sexual function in women.

Daily rate: 6 mg.

Where to look: all vegetable oils contain vitamin E: olive, sunflower, linseed, soy, corn, pumpkin. You can put in second place, and in third - buckwheat, liver, asparagus.

It is enough to include the listed products in your diet and many women get a significant relief of the symptoms associated with menopause and it has also been found that women's sexual desire increases.

Vitamin D

Without vitamin D, there is no absorption of calcium, which is necessary for the health of teeth and bones, which becomes especially important during pregnancy in women, as well as after 40 years due to the likelihood of development. In addition, this vitamin is important for normal operation thyroid gland, blood vessels and heart.

Daily rate: 6 mg.

Where to look: sea fish fatty varieties(sturgeon, salmon, chum, etc.), tuna and cod liver. But most of all vitamin D is produced under the influence of sunlight.

Since northerners have problems with the sun in autumn and winter, and seafood is not always on our table every day, experts advise drinking this vitamin in courses, or fish fat. The latter, by the way, contains omega-3 fatty acids, which preserve the lipid layer of the skin, thereby preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

B vitamins

Vitamins of this group B6, B12, B9 perform different tasks in our body to maintain health:

B6 - responsible for memory, stimulates immune system and intellect;

B12 - plays an important role in hematopoiesis;
B9 - very necessary for expectant mothers who are expecting a baby, protects the nervous system.

Daily rate: B6 - 4 mg, B12 - 10 mg, B9 - 1 mg.

Where to look: B6 can be obtained by eating beans and nuts, and pomegranates, sea buckthorn and sea ​​fish. B9 is found in leafy greens. B12 is found in buckwheat, eggs, beef liver and meat.

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