Protein-vegetable diet. Protein-vegetable diet - lose weight "tasty 1 day protein 1 vegetables

Losing extra pounds, especially if there are a lot of them, is not easy. However, you should not despair: a unique protein-vegetable diet will allow you to do this in the shortest possible time.

You can choose its duration. A rich selection of allowed foods allows you not to starve during this entire time. What do you need to know about this technique for those who plan to lose weight with it?

Basic principles

As with any other diet, certain principles must be observed, without which the long-awaited weight loss will not come.


Since the diet involves 2 days of protein and 2 days of vegetables, the list of allowed foods automatically includes:

  1. Skimmed milk: granular cottage cheese, curdled milk (no sugar), whey, kefir
  2. Tomato juice without salt.
  3. Protein products: boiled dietary meat, poultry (chicken, skinless turkey), fish, egg white, seafood, mushrooms.
  4. Vegetables: asparagus, green peas, soybeans, lettuce, spinach, eggplant, zucchini, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, celery, tomatoes.
  5. Of the drinks, teas are recommended - green or herbal.
  6. Honey (it will replace sugar).
  7. Nuts, seeds.

Vegetables can be eaten stewed, raw, baked, boiled. You can't fry anything. Meat and fish are best steamed, in extreme cases - stew or bake. There is also a list of prohibited foods. You can not eat:

  • from vegetables and fruits - beets, carrots, potatoes, grapes, apricots, melons, bananas (they have a lot of starch);
  • porridge from cereals;
  • legumes;
  • smoked meats;
  • sausage;
  • lard, fatty meat;
  • oil;
  • semi-finished products;
  • sugar, salt;
  • coffee, black tea.

The more precisely you stick to these two lists, the more impressive the result will be in the end.

  1. Eat no more than 300 grams of food at a time.
  2. During the day, drink about 1.5 liters (at least) of clean water.
  3. There are fruits and vegetables with skins.
  4. Remove the skin from the bird.
  5. You can not break the alternation: take either two days of protein - two days of vegetables, or change the mono-diet every day - and maintain such a line to the end.
  6. Engage in light sports: cycling, swimming, aerobics, shaping, etc.
  7. Walk as much as possible in the fresh air.

Getting out of the diet

During weight loss, the body gets used to alternating protein day / vegetable day - accordingly, it needs to be properly prepared for leaving the diet. The transition to a normal diet should be gradual:

  • the next day at the end of the diet, you can begin to lightly add food;
  • it is allowed to gradually include oil in the diet: add it to salads, for example;
  • on day 2, you can eat 2 potatoes in their skins with beetroot salad;
  • you can drink 50 ml of coffee with milk in the morning, you can switch to black only after a week;
  • stay on lean meats and fish for 4-5 days - but they can be lightly fried in a small amount of oil.

It will be possible to fully return to the usual diet after protein and vegetable weight loss only after a week. In this case, portions should increase gradually. It is better to eat more often, but little by little. This will help to avoid the return of hated kilograms. Their loss, by the way, will depend on the duration of the diet.


The classic scheme of the protein-vegetable diet is designed for 18 days, although you can find menu options for 7, 14, 20 and 21 days. Nutritionists advise adhering to the following alternation (duration 21 days):

  1. Fasting days: 1-2, 7-8, 13-14, 19-20. So you can start and finish a weekly protein-vegetable diet - keep this in mind when making a menu for 7 days.
  2. Protein days: 3-4, 9-10, 15-16, 21st.
  3. Vegetable days: 5–6, 11–12, 17–18.

You can choose a different scheme: alternating protein, vegetable and fasting days after 1, and not after 2 (then it is better to make a menu for a week). The effectiveness of losing weight as a result of this will not suffer. After all, the effect of such a unique method of nutrition on the body will not change.

Action on the body

The basis of the protein-vegetable diet is the separate consumption of proteins and carbohydrates. This allows you to make an alternation of protein and vegetable days: either 2 through 2, or 1 through 1. During the entire period of weight loss, the following processes will actively take place in the body:

  • simple carbohydrates are not included in the protein-vegetable diet, as they are quickly broken down, creating an excess of energy, which leads to body fat;
  • the body should consume only complex carbohydrates: they are slowly broken down and gradually give the body energy: it is all actively used, and not stored in reserve;
  • the diet involves a reduction in the diet and the number of servings, so the body will feel a lack of energy, replenishing it from its own fat deposits in problem areas;
  • there will be enough protein so that the muscles and internal organs are not depleted;
  • it will also help to get rid of subcutaneous fat.

On the one hand, fat deposits are used by the body itself as a source of energy, on the other hand, there is no depletion due to proteins. That is, as a result, you lose the hated kilograms, while acquiring embossed, beautiful body contours. The main thing is that the protein-vegetable diet does not turn into harm to health. This is possible if contraindications are not observed.


Any protein-vegetable diets (there may be several variations) do not add carbohydrates and fats to the body. And if there are certain health problems, as a result, there may be exacerbations of existing diseases and a deterioration in the general condition.

Contraindications for this method of losing weight are:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, cardiovascular system, liver.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Lactation.

In order not to harm yourself, you should not go on a protein-vegetable diet if there are contraindications.

sample menu

We bring to your attention the menu for 21 days as part of a protein-vegetable diet.

Fasting days menu

  • Breakfast: 20 grams of bread with bran.
  • During the day, drink 200 ml of kefir.
  • Before going to bed - a glass of unsalted tomato juice.

Protein days menu

  • The next morning: green tea with milk, 5 ml of honey, rye bread.
  • Lunch: fish broth, boiled chicken breast.
  • For an afternoon snack: a little honey.
  • For dinner: cheese, boiled eggs, beef, kefir.
  • The next morning: herbal tea, rye bread, egg.
  • Lunch: mushroom broth, stewed vegetables.
  • For an afternoon snack: rosehip broth with honey.
  • For dinner: cheese, kefir, egg, rye bread.
  • The next morning: green tea, scrambled eggs.
  • Lunch: turkey.
  • For an afternoon snack: kefir, pomelo.
  • For dinner: chicken breast, vegetable juice.
  • The next morning: herbal tea, whole grain bread, egg.
  • Lunch: meat broth, chicken cutlets.
  • For an afternoon snack: kefir, an apple.
  • For dinner: cottage cheese, boiled meat.

Vegetable days menu

  • Breakfast: apple, orange.
  • In the afternoon: vegetable soup and salad.
  • Snack: pomelo, green tea.
  • In the evening: stewed eggplant, vegetable juice.
  • Breakfast: pepper and tomato salad, green tea, whole grain bread.
  • Afternoon: fish with rice.
  • Snack: kiwi, kefir.
  • In the evening: boiled asparagus, vegetable juice.
  • Breakfast: green tea, apple.
  • In the afternoon: stewed vegetables, vinaigrette.
  • Snack: vegetable casserole, celery juice;
  • In the evening: green tea, vegetable stew.

Such a menu for 21 days by day can be used for protein and vegetable diets of various durations: for a week, for 14 or 18 days. And at the same time, you will have to think over the preparation of dishes that would fit into this weight loss technique.


Making a menu for every day is quite painstaking work. We bring to your attention recipes for a protein-vegetable diet with a detailed description of the preparation of dishes.

Protein meals

omelette recipe


  • 30 ml of milk;
  • 5 egg whites;
  • greens.


  1. Beat egg whites until foamy.
  2. Pour milk into them.
  3. Add chopped greens.
  4. Mix.
  5. Lightly grease a skillet with butter.
  6. Pour out the protein-milk mass.
  7. Place in preheated oven for 10 minutes.

chicken cutlet recipe


  • 500 gr chicken breast;
  • 250 gr beans;
  • 150 gr onion.


  1. Boil beans.
  2. Wash the chicken breast with cold water.
  3. Pass all ingredients through a meat grinder.
  4. Form cutlets.
  5. Lay out on a baking sheet.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes.

vegetable dishes

Vinaigrette recipe


  • 1 cucumber;
  • 200 gr cabbage;
  • 200 gr green beans;
  • 1 boiled beet;
  • lemon juice.


  1. Chop all vegetables into strips.
  2. Mix.
  3. It is allowed to season with undiluted lemon juice for taste.

vegetable stew recipe


  • 250 gr zucchini;
  • 250 gr cabbage;
  • 250 gr champignons;
  • bulb;
  • greens.


  1. Cut food into cubes.
  2. Place in a container. To fill with water.
  3. Put to stew in the oven for half an hour.

By including these dishes in the menu of a protein-vegetable diet, you will not break the weight loss methodology, and you will not starve with such goodies. Just to get the results you want.


What results should you expect if you want to lose weight with a protein-vegetable diet? This will depend on adherence to the recommendations, the duration of the fast, lifestyle and desire to lose weight.

  • Diet week - reset 2-3 kg.
  • 2 weeks - getting rid of 5-6 kg.
  • 21 days - minus 10 kg.

Remember: a good protein and vegetable diet is one that does not cause discomfort, does not cause hunger, but at the same time helps to achieve the desired results in losing weight. Many women have already returned the slender outlines of their bodies with the help of this amazing technique. The queue is behind you.

For people who want to actively lose weight, but do not want to be subjected to debilitating diets, a protein-vegetable diet is perfect. Surprisingly, subject to impeccable adherence to the rules, weight loss is possible with the help of your favorite products.

Of course, like any other diet, a protein-vegetable diet has its pros and cons, as well as mandatory restrictions. What products the menu consists of and what is the essence of nutrition, we will tell further.

Description of the diet with a protein-vegetable diet

Protein-vegetable diet for weight loss involves the alternation of protein and vegetable products. Of course, this food has its own permissible maximum intake of kilocalories per day - the total amount of energy value of both types of products should not exceed 1200.

Basic Rule A protein-vegetable diet is to replace simple carbohydrates with complex ones. Recommendations at diet the following:

  • The first day is considered unloading. During this period, you can only eat black bread and fat-free kefir;
  • For the next three days, meals should consist of boiled beef, mushrooms and boiled eggs;
  • On the fifth and sixth day, eat only vegetables, boiled, stewed and raw. The exceptions are tomatoes and potatoes;
  • Then again arrange a fasting day on black bread and kefir and repeat the entire cycle above in the same sequence.

Also don't forget about main rules adherence to a protein-vegetable diet:

  • drink two liters of purified non-carbonated water daily;
  • exclude sugar-containing and starchy foods from the menu;
  • the most effective protein foods for weight loss are fish, meat and low-fat dairy products;
  • olive and flaxseed oil are allowed in moderation.

If you follow a protein-vegetable diet for weight loss, there is a strong load on the kidneys and the likelihood of severe headaches is high. This dietary restriction is categorically contraindicated in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as in renal and hepatic insufficiency, during pregnancy and lactation.

What about right exit from a protein-vegetable diet, it should be gradual and not overloaded with high-calorie foods.

Protein-vegetable diet for weight loss useful in that:

  • rejuvenates;
  • relieves stress;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system.

Do not forget that the last meal of the protein-vegetable diet must be no later than 19:00. In addition, for the greatest effect, proper nutrition is recommended to be combined with physical activity.

Menu for 14 days

A two-week meal is used for people with severe stages of obesity. Menu protein-vegetable diet for weight loss for 14 days as follows:

The first day

  • Breakfast: 500 ml of kefir;
  • Lunch: a slice of black bread, 250 ml of skimmed dairy product;
  • Dinner: half a liter of skimmed dairy product.


  • stewed zucchini, peppers and red onions;
  • celery and cabbage soup;
  • salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, arugula and broccoli.


  • 100 gr. chicken fillet, a sandwich of diet bread and cheese, berry compote;
  • chicken broth with peas;
  • two boiled eggs.


  • 200 g of stewed eggplants with peppers and herbs, drink a cup of green tea;
  • vinaigrette - 250 g;
  • vegetable stew and apple compote.


  • 200 g of cottage cheese with raisins;
  • beef soup with vegetables;
  • stuffed pepper.


  • cucumber and tomato salad seasoned with lemon juice;
  • onion, carrot, turnip, asparagus and pumpkin, steamed;
  • 200 grams of mushrooms stewed with tomatoes.


  • skimmed milk, black bread with butter and honey;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • 300 ml skimmed milk product.


  • steamed carrots, turnips, cauliflower and eggplant, a cup of unsweetened green tea;
  • beetroot, parsley, onion and broccoli soup;
  • citrus salad, apple compote.


  • yogurt with dried apricots and nuts;
  • vegetable soup with low-fat chicken meatballs;
  • steam omelet.


  • grated carrot, green tea;
  • soup with spinach, broccoli, onion, sorrel and beans;
  • vinaigrette, two large apples, orange.


  • two boiled eggs, processed cheese;
  • baked perch with herbs;
  • 200 g cottage cheese and an apple.


  • omelet and kefir;
  • borscht made from green beans, celery, spinach, beets and cabbage;
  • salad of apples, pears and prunes.


  • scrambled eggs with milk, dietary bread with cheese;
  • 200 cottage cheese with dried fruits, berry compote.


  • sandwich with butter, cheese, lean ham and tomato, weak coffee;
  • brussels sprouts, carrots, bell peppers and greens soup;
  • three slices of hard cheese and a glass of milk.

The two-week menu of the protein-vegetable diet includes last meal no later than three hours before bedtime.

Menu for 21 days

For those wishing to extend the dietary restriction for better weight loss results, we present menu of the protein-vegetable diet for 21 days:

The first two days of the protein-vegetable diet are unloading. During each, it is recommended to consume two kilograms of different fruits, a slice of bread and one liter of skim milk. In the evening - only tomato juice.

  • Breakfast: weak black coffee, cheese and butter sandwich;
  • Lunch: 200 g baked perch and green peas;
  • Dinner: two boiled eggs, 200 g of cheese and kefir.

Ninth and tenth

  • tea with honey and two boiled eggs;
  • stewed zucchini, peppers and eggplant;
  • 100 g cheese, steam omelet with herbs.

fifteenth and sixteenth

  • unsweetened black tea and two egg scrambled eggs;
  • 100 grams of boiled turkey meat and tea;
  • 200 grams of chicken, 100 grams of cottage cheese.

Twenty first

  • herbal tea and scrambled eggs;
  • soup with low-fat chicken cutlets, 200 ml of fat-free kefir;
  • 150 g cottage cheese, apple compote.

The days of the carbohydrate menu are arranged in the following order:

Fifth and sixth day

  • Breakfast: fruit platter of apples, strawberries and citrus fruits;
  • Lunch: onion, carrot, celery and cauliflower soup;
  • Dinner: carrot salad, bread, a spoonful of honey.

eleventh and twelfth

  • tomato and sweet pepper salad;
  • 200 gr. boiled rice, one baked perch, orange juice;
  • Beijing cabbage, a glass of kefir.

seventeenth and eighteenth

  • a mixture of onions, sweet peppers, lettuce and cherry tomatoes;
  • vinaigrette and kefir;
  • vegetable stew of broccoli, zucchini, asparagus and mushrooms), fresh celery.

Dish recipes

Most healthy recipes for a protein-vegetable diet look like this:

Borscht without meat

Borscht without meat

Ingredients: 2 pieces of onions, carrots and celery, half a head of one cabbage, one beetroot, 200 g of beans and herbal spices to taste.

  • make a broth of carrots, onions, celery and herbal spices;
  • chop the vegetables and add to the broth;
  • then cook until fully cooked.

Vegetable salad

Vegetable salad

Ingredients: one large carrot, two cucumbers, a stalk of celery, a pound of cabbage and a tablespoon of olive oil.

  • cut vegetables and mix;
  • top with olive oil.

Dessert recipe for a protein-vegetable diet:

Curd soufflé with fruit

Curd soufflé with fruit

Ingredients: 250 g of cottage cheese, one apple, banana and orange each, a tablespoon of sugar and one chicken egg, a pinch of cinnamon.

  • beat cottage cheese in a mixer;
  • then add the egg and also beat;
  • chop the fruit and add to the curd mixture;
  • mix with sugar
  • then send to the microwave, 750 W, for three minutes.


Eating only high-quality products of the menu of the protein-vegetable diet for weight loss, you can lose from 4 to 12 kg. Of course, the most effective result is possible only with impeccable observance of all the rules.

To make sure that the results of the diet are really effective, check out the evidence, in the form of photos "before" and "after":

A protein-vegetable diet is one of the healthiest. Protein-rich foods are essential for our muscles, and vegetables are the best source of energy, fiber and vitamins. Compliance with this diet will contribute not only to weight loss, but also to improve appearance and health.

For the duration of this diet, all harmful, starchy, sweet, sausage, starchy foods should be excluded from the diet. Roughly speaking, these are all fast carbohydrates - food with a high glycemic index. It is digested quickly, assimilated poorly, excellently deposited in adipose tissue. Therefore, their absence in the daily menu will definitely benefit those who are losing weight and just those who monitor their health.

It is allowed to eat protein foods: meat, fish, seafood, cottage cheese, eggs, mushrooms, legumes and vegetables without starch in the composition, apples and citrus fruits. The former are digested for a long time and provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety. It takes a lot of calories to process them, respectively, they are lost and a person loses weight. But this is not the easiest food for the body, so all experts recommend supplementing protein intake with vegetables and fruits. They favorably affect digestion and general condition, while they do not carry a lot of calories or dangerous components of the composition.

There are two interpretations of such a diet: some prefer to alternate protein days with vegetables, others mix them in each meal. The second option is more gentle for the stomach and intestines, so we will talk about it below.

  1. For the effectiveness of the diet, you need to take lean meat: chicken, turkey, beef, offal.
  2. You can buy any fish: river and sea, lean and oily. Seafood for this food system is also suitable for everything.
  3. Choose dairy products with a minimum fat content.
  4. Do not use frying in the cooking process, give preference to boiled, baked, steam and grilled foods.
  5. All spices are allowed, but only natural ones.
  6. Greens can be used in unlimited quantities
  7. It is necessary to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of plain clean water per day. From other drinks, any kind of tea, coffee in moderation, low-fat kefir, yogurt, milk, compotes from fruits and dried fruits in moderation are allowed.
  8. It is allowed to use extra virgin olive oil for dressing salads.
  9. Alcohol is excluded.
  10. Sugar is forbidden, it can be replaced with organic sweeteners or a small amount of honey.
  11. Help to lose weight physical activity.
  12. Do not eat before bed, ideally - 3-4 hours before.
  13. Portions can be kept as usual.
  14. The use of vitamins, especially those containing fatty acids, is welcome.

Four-day protein-vegetable diet

A protein-vegetable diet is suitable for long-term and short-term compliance. The four-day diet will help you get rid of 1.5 to 3 kg and is ideal for people with a busy schedule and an urgent need to part with excess weight. The menu is simple and easy to prepare: for breakfast, eat proteins with allowed fruits, for lunch, proteins with vegetables, for dinner, only protein products. You can combine in different ways, the choice depends on the taste preferences and individual characteristics of losing weight.

Classic protein-vegetable diet

The classic version of such a diet involves the use of the above products for three weeks. During this time, you can lose weight up to 10 kg. A very important point is that, unlike most diets, this does not lose muscle tissue, but fat. Therefore, the results will remain for a long time. Such a long period is absolutely not dangerous to health, because the food is completely healthy. Psychologically, it is also not difficult, as with stress diets, because the range of products is wide and all of them are nutritious.

Before starting the journey, it is recommended to carefully consider the menu for each of the weeks, this will allow you to diversify the diet and avoid disruptions. Products, ideally, should be purchased only according to the list, avoid storing sweets and harmful things “just in case” in the house.

It is interesting! Psychologists have proven that a person needs 21 days to form a habit. Exactly how long the classic protein-vegetable diet lasts. During this period, you can get used to a "clean" diet and effortlessly make it a faithful life partner.

You need to complete the diet correctly, the basic rules for getting out of it will be listed below.

Protein-vegetable diet for four days

We offer a detailed menu for four days

Day Menu
1 Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with berries and orange

Dinner: stewed vegetables and 200 g of boiled chicken meat

Dinner: baked fish cakes and fresh cucumbers

Snacks: green apple, kefir

2 Breakfast: omelet from 2 eggs and 100 ml of milk 0.5-1.5% fat

Dinner: stew with turkey

Dinner: roast beef and coleslaw

Snacks: cottage cheese and grapefruit

3 Breakfast: cheesecakes cooked without butter

Dinner: vegetable puree soup

Dinner: red fish steak cooked on a non-stick coating, green salad

Snacks: green apple and yogurt

4 Breakfast: omelette with bell pepper and herbs

Dinner: chicken hearts stewed with carrots and onions

Dinner: steamed turkey cutlets, Caprese salad

Snacks: apple and orange

Protein-vegetable diet for seven days

Day Menu
1 Breakfast: 2 hard-boiled eggs, a slice of whole grain bread with a slice of low-fat cheese

Dinner: vegetable soup with chicken meatballs

Dinner: baked fish

Snacks: green apples

2 Breakfast: cottage cheese with berries

Dinner: salad of low-fat cheese, boiled brisket, tomatoes and eggs

Dinner: steamed turkey cutlets

Snacks: grapefruit

3 Breakfast: omelet with low-fat cheese and herbs

Dinner: tomato vegetable soup

Dinner: boiled fish, cucumber

Snacks: kefir

4 Breakfast: syrniki

Dinner: okroshka from low-fat kefir, cucumbers, herbs and eggs

Dinner: stew with chicken meat

Snacks: orange, a teaspoon of honey

5 Breakfast: a piece of whole grain bread, cottage cheese

Dinner: vegetable puree soup

Dinner: salad of boiled quail eggs, tomatoes and Chinese cabbage

Snacks: 2 green apples

6 Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs, orange

Dinner: 200 g boiled chicken breast, coleslaw

Dinner: 200 g boiled fish

Snacks: low-fat cottage cheese, 150 g

7 Unloading protein day. In the morning it is allowed to eat a piece of whole grain bread, during the day to drink 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir no more than 250 ml at a time

Protein and vegetable diet for 21 days

Having decided on a three-week protein-vegetable alternation, you need to approach the menu responsibly and with imagination. We offer the scheme "6 days of diet + the last protein / vegetable / fruit fasting day." It must be carried out before the first day of the diet. Below is an approximate balanced diet for a week, which can be repeated 3 times.

Day Menu
1 Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole

Dinner: chicken soup with vegetables

Dinner: boiled fish, cucumber

Snacks: green apple

2 Breakfast: a cocktail of kefir and berries whipped in a blender

Dinner: salad of cucumber, boiled egg, boiled chicken breast and greens

Dinner: vegetable stew and a couple of steamed turkey cutlets

Snacks: grapefruit

3 Breakfast: omelette of 2 eggs, milk 0.5-1.5% fat and a piece of whole grain bread

Dinner: vegetable puree soup

Dinner: baked fish with lemon juice

Snacks: low-fat cottage cheese

4 Breakfast: syrniki

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, coleslaw

Dinner: chicken hearts stewed with onions and carrots

Snacks: kefir

5 Breakfast: whole grain bread sandwich with low-fat cottage cheese and greens pasta

Dinner: steamed vegetables + boiled beef tongue

Dinner: seafood salad, boiled egg and cucumber

Snacks: grapefruit

6 Breakfast: cottage cheese with berries

Dinner: okroshka from kefir, boiled egg, cucumber and greens

Dinner: tomatoes stuffed with low-fat cottage cheese, a piece of low-fat cheese

Snacks: teaspoon honey, green apple

Fasting days Before diet: a slice of whole grain bread and one and a half liters of low-fat kefir.

For the first week: tomato day - during the day you can drink a liter of tomato juice and eat tomatoes up to 1 kg, you can add greens and a small amount of low-fat cheese.

For the second week: fermented milk day - per day you can eat 0.5 kg of low-fat cottage cheese and drink one liter of kefir

For the third week: green apple day

How to get out of the protein-vegetable diet

It is necessary to leave the diet slowly and eventually go to proper nutrition.

  • In the first week, introduce rice and oatmeal for breakfast.
  • In the second - add the rest of the cereals and products from oatmeal, rice and whole grain flour. Ideally, if these are homemade sugar-free desserts. They should be consumed in the morning.
  • Thirdly, diversify the assortment of fruits with pears, peaches, plums, watermelons, as well as dried fruits.
  • In the fourth, you need to introduce starchy vegetables, including potatoes, pasta, cheeses, nuts, olive and butter.
  • Last but not least, smoked meats, sausages and confectionery should be included in the diet. Ideally, abandon them forever, and if you use them, then in very rare cases and in small portions.
  • During the exit, continue to drink enough water and refrain from alcohol.
  • If possible, continue to eat dishes cooked without roasting.

Diet is prohibited for people with such diseases:

  • Organs of the digestive system
  • Kidney
  • Liver
  • Of cardio-vascular system
  • benign or malignant tumors

Especially dangerous is weight loss in this way during the acute phase of the listed diseases.

It is impossible to observe a similar diet for pregnant and lactating women in a pure protein-vegetable form. But if you supplement the proposed diet with cereals and dried fruits, you get a complete diet for these periods.


The protein-vegetable nutrition system has few drawbacks. At first glance, it may seem that the set of allowed products is too limited. But if you connect your imagination and study forums on diets and proper nutrition, it turns out that there are a lot of options to diversify the menu.

Such a diet can overload the work of the kidneys and liver due to the high protein content.

If the drinking regimen is not followed, constipation may occur.

For people who are used to eating salty, fried, fatty, sweet and starchy foods in large quantities, this diet can be very difficult physically and mentally. As a result, there can be breakdowns and disappointments.

The mechanism, principles and rules of the protein-vegetable diet

The chicken breast and vegetable diet is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the healthiest and safest. And this is not surprising, because vegetables, which are considered the main components of such a nutrition system, contain all the micro and macro elements necessary for the body. If you add several protein products (meat and fish) to them, you can notice positive results not only in the buttocks, thighs and abdomen, but also on the face (no black spots, rashes and inflamed areas).

The mechanism of action of the diet on meat and vegetables is as follows:

  • Sitting on proteins and vegetables, the body gets rid of excess fluid, metabolic end products that rot and ferment in the large intestine, causing increased flatulence, diarrhea, bloating, and constipation.
  • Thanks to the fish and vegetable diet, the amount of sugar in the blood decreases, so that the risk of developing diabetes, atherosclerosis (the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels) is reduced.
  • with the help of a chicken and vegetable diet, weight loss occurs due to a general decrease in the calorie content of the menu. At the same time, a person practically does not feel hunger (chicken breast and vegetables perfectly pacify the appetite, supplying the body with all the nutrients).
  • A fish diet enriched with vegetables improves brain function and the condition of the musculoskeletal system. In this case, the results are stored for at least a month.

For a protein-vegetable diet for weight loss to be effective, giving up confectionery and switching to meat and vegetable protein is not enough. The approach must be comprehensive, otherwise the rate of getting rid of extra pounds will be low, and the end result will be unsatisfactory.

The principles of weight loss are:

  • every day you need to eat mainly lean meat and vegetables in any form (stewed, baked, boiled, cheese);
  • The minimum diet period is 4 days. It is permissible, of course, to limit yourself to one day, making it unloading, but then you should not count on a long-term effect. However, the benefits of such a day will still be noticeable - the gastrointestinal tract will reboot and begin to work more smoothly;
  • per day you need to eat no more than 40-50 g of fat (meaning the total fat content in the diet, and not the atomic mass of an individual dish). In this case, fats should be unsaturated. It is better if they come from nuts, vegetable oil, seeds and vegetables, and not from fatty meats;
  • The effect of the diet is achieved not only through the diet, but also through the drinking regimen. At least 2 liters of non-carbonated water should be drunk per day (her body processes it more easily than carbonated water). At the same time, tea, juices, coffee and other drinks are not taken into account.

Doctor's comment. No matter how effective the diet is, before resorting to it, you need to undergo a complete medical examination, and even better, make up a diet with the help of a specialist. You don't have to cut out fats to lose weight. On the contrary, they must be in the diet, since the state of the endocrine system and sexual function depend on them. To understand whether, say, a diet of broccoli and chicken is suitable, it is better to limit yourself to 3-4 days for a start. If the body reacts normally (without loss of strength, dizziness, indigestion), a diet is applied for 10 days. If it ends successfully, after two weeks (make sure to take a break), you can switch to diet food for a month or more.

The result of a protein-vegetable diet

The result of any diet depends on the state of the body, the presence of any diseases, lifestyle, load regimen, the initial parameters of the figure, the duration of following a particular diet. For a practically healthy person, the norm is a loss of 1-1.2 kg per week, that is, up to 4-5 kg ​​per month. If you add physical activity (walking, cycling, swimming) to your diet, you can increase energy expenditure and intensify weight loss.

List of allowed and prohibited products

Such a diet involves the rejection of fatty foods, confectionery, sugar, preserves and jams, starchy vegetables, sauces, mayonnaise, pickles, fatty meats.

The basis of the diet is vegetables, in which there is a lot of water and fiber. Among them:

  • green peas, zucchini, cucumber;
  • all types of cabbage (except cauliflower), spinach;
  • asparagus, onion (bulb, leek, shallot);
  • garlic, sweet pepper;
  • lettuce, celery greens.


  • Cereals (especially fast food), radishes, beets, eggplants, carrots, turnips, corn, potatoes, pumpkin. These foods are high in calories (despite being healthy). They also increase blood sugar levels.
  • Fatty meats. Even with chicken, you need to be careful, as there is a lot of fat in the skin. Ideally, meat products should be lean, without skins and tendons.
  • Semi-finished products. No one knows exactly what they are made of and how much sugar they actually contain.
  • Fruits and berries with a lot of sugar (watermelon, cherries, cherries, currants, strawberries, bananas, grapes). The same fate awaits dried fruits.

Of the drinks, you will have to abandon all coffee options (late, cappuccino, cocoa, instant, espresso). If tea, then no sugar. And better fruit drinks and compotes from dried fruits with a minimum amount of sugar, still water with lemon.

Options for a protein-vegetable diet with a menu

There are several options for such a diet:

  • Option 1. Protein and vegetable days alternate. The rules regarding the drinking regimen and the amount of fat are preserved.

Allowed products: lean beef, chicken, pork (without skin, fat) boiled, baked, stewed. Seafood is allowed almost indefinitely.

From vegetables, focus on greens. It is used as a salad, side dish and soup. In order for vitamins to be better absorbed, salads are seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil (no more than 2 tablespoons per day).

You can alternate the days of the diet one at a time if it lasts more than 10 days. For shorter periods, you can do 2 vegetable and 2 protein days.

  • Option 2. Protein foods and vegetables are consumed together within one day.

The rules for choosing products are similar. For breakfast, it is better to eat proteins (low-fat cottage cheese, boiled eggs, scrambled eggs). For lunch - vegetables in any form (except fried). Dinner - vegetable and protein (fish baked with vegetables or boiled meat). With intense loads in the afternoon, it is better to make lunch and dinner with protein, and tomorrow with vegetables.

  • Option 3. Protein products are consumed separately from vegetables.

This is a modification of the previous version. It is better to resort to this option for owners of a capricious gastrointestinal tract, who react to a change in diet with bloating or constipation.

A sample menu for 4 days might look like this:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Protein Steam omelet from 2 eggs, green tea with orange Steamed chicken meatballs, Adyghe cheese 2 pieces Fish baked in foil with asparagus, green tea
Vegetable Pancakes from zucchini, green peas and onions, juice Greek salad, dried fruit compote Broccoli casserole, onion, green peas, hard cheese, black tea
Protein Cottage cheese with nuts, orange tea Soup with chicken meatballs, hard cheese 40 g Stewed fish with spinach, black tea
Vegetable Salad of cucumbers, herbs, onions and sweet peppers with olives, tea Vegetable soup, fruit drink, hard cheese 40 g Steam cutlets from broccoli and greens, tea

Pros and cons of the diet

The main advantage of the diet is the absence of drastic restrictions. Thanks to this, the body smoothly transitions from a normal diet to a wellness one. The results of such nutrition last longer than with extreme mono-diets.

You can change the rules of the diet in accordance with individual preferences and lifestyle. For example, vegetarians can resort to a dairy-vegetable diet. Instead of lean meat, it uses plant-based protein products, including legumes and nuts.

Diet contraindications: breastfeeding, problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer), pregnancy.

Of the shortcomings - perhaps the lack of extra-urgent results. However, this can also be considered a plus. With rapid weight loss, the body gets rid of excess water. In this case, weight loss is associated with a decrease in the caloric content of the diet and scooping energy from one's own fat reserves.

Getting out of the diet

If the body is not accustomed to such a diet, it must be prepared 2 days before the start of the diet. During this period, it is worth limiting the amount of fried, salty and sweet foods, switching to light vegetable dishes.

After the end of the diet, you need to return to the usual diet according to the same principle.

Expert opinion

Certified Dietitian. Work experience 5 years.

Nutritionist advice. A vegetable-protein diet is widely used in reduction diet therapy. It can normalize the metabolism in the body, promote weight loss and get rid of diseases in some people, but can exacerbate diseases in others. A high protein diet can help people who have a tendency to alkalinize their blood. If the acid-base balance is disturbed, such nutrition can normalize the metabolism. But with excessive acidification of the blood, on the contrary, you should choose a diet with a predominance of alkalizing foods.

Vegetable days can be practiced only if a person normally absorbs plant foods. If most of the daily diet of a person is bread, pasta, fats, but alkaline foods (fruits, milk) are rarely consumed, vegetable fasting days improve metabolism, normalize the balance in the body.

To consolidate success, one day a week should be done unloading. You can eat vegetable broths in unlimited quantities, leafy greens, fresh apples and cucumbers.

Unloading can also be on proteins - 600-700 g of boiled beef or chicken divided into 5-6 meals. You can drink unsweetened dried fruit compote.

More information about the diet can be found in the video below.

The fight against excess weight, as a rule, seems to people to be a difficult task, associated with severe dietary restrictions, and great efforts.

At the same time, most people dream of getting rid of extra pounds forever, without resorting to strict diets. Therefore, sparing diets are becoming more and more popular, the essence of which is the gradual weight loss without stress and harm to the body. One of these is a protein-vegetable diet.

Protein and vegetable days are the main components of many popular diets. This system aims at slow and steady weight loss. Protein and vegetable days eliminate starvation and contain many healthy foods, unlike other diets.

Essence and features

The menu of the protein-vegetable diet consists in alternating protein and vegetable dishes. The body receives carbohydrates not in the form of fast, but in the form of slow carbohydrates contained in vegetables. The calorie content of the diet is reduced, which leads to the burning of excess weight. The diet does not involve a significant reduction in the amount of food taken.

Attention! Portions should be reduced only if they were too large (visually, the portion should fit in two palms). In this case, you will need a smooth entry into the diet (at least 2 weeks in advance) - daily rates should be reduced gradually.

The number of meals during the diet is 4-5 during the day. The last - no later than 2 hours before bedtime. Plentiful drinking is welcome. Water should be purified, non-carbonated and in no case sweet. Recommended physical activity.

When forming the menu, you should follow a few basic rules:

  • during the diet it is not allowed to eat fats, flour, products containing starch;
  • sugar and salt are excluded; you should not eat beets, carrots, grapes, peaches, bananas;
  • bakery and confectionery products are not allowed;
  • it is necessary to avoid the consumption of potatoes, corn, legumes;
  • fast food, chips, crackers, nuts, sweets, etc. are completely excluded;
  • alcohol and sugary drinks are prohibited;
  • boiled, stewed, steamed or baked foods should be preferred over fried foods;
  • any varieties of fish and meat, seafood are allowed;
  • you can eat vegetables in any form, fruits;
  • dairy and sour-milk products are recommended.

This diet is low in calories. It contains enough nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, the body does not tolerate weight loss as stress and does not seek to stock up on energy, creating body fat.

Interesting! The high fiber content in plant foods has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.

Protein-vegetable diet for weight loss is approved by doctors and nutritionists. It does not harm health, and the lost kilograms do not return after the end of the course.

Menu Options

Depending on the duration of the diet, you can throw off from two to six kilograms. The menu for weight loss on a protein-vegetable diet is for 4, 14 and 20 days.

The shorter the diet time, the stricter the requirements. A short-term version of the protein-vegetable diet contributes to a quick result. For those who want to get rid of extra pounds for a long time, the long-term method will be the best choice.


This option is strict, allows you to get rid of extra pounds in a fairly short time.

First day:

  • Breakfast consists of a glass of fat-free yogurt or kefir.
  • A snack will be a serving of cottage cheese (100 grams) and the same amount of kefir. You can mix in a blender and add a few dried apricots.
  • For lunch, you can cook vegetable soup and a salad of eggs, tomatoes and herbs.
  • For dinner, it is recommended to stew beef with vegetables. A cup of green tea without sugar is allowed.

Second day:

  • For breakfast, low-fat natural yogurt or kefir (200 ml) is the best choice.
  • You can have a snack with an apple baked in the oven. Add curd if desired.
  • For lunch, it is recommended to cook chicken broth and a salad of poultry meat, cucumbers, herbs and basil.
  • Dinner consists of a serving and cauliflower or broccoli.

Third day:

  • Eat breakfast again with the same low-fat dairy products.
  • Instead of a snack, drink a cocktail of yogurt (150 grams), cottage cheese (50 grams) and milk (50 grams). You can add fruit.
  • Dine on roasted pork with vegetables. Serve with a serving of brown rice.
  • Have dinner with a salad of boiled rabbit meat, eggs, cucumbers and greens.

Fourth day:

  • The usual 200 ml of fermented milk products is the best breakfast.
  • A snack will be a rice casserole with apples (no more than 200 grams).
  • For lunch, a salad of eggs, mushrooms and boiled vegetables is also recommended.
  • For dinner, raw vegetables are suitable as a side dish. They should boil a portion of beef.


The two-week diet option is suitable for those who want to lose about five kilograms. The basic rules are the same - 4-5 meals daily, in small portions. Do not use salt, avoid sugar.

First day:

  • Breakfast includes a vegetable salad of fresh cucumbers, bell peppers and spinach and a cup of unsweetened tea.
  • For lunch, you can cook mushroom soup with cauliflower (without potatoes).
  • A glass of tomato juice is enough for an afternoon snack (do not add salt).
  • For dinner, it is recommended to bake eggplant with carrots. A glass of juice is allowed.

Second day:

  • Breakfast will be a serving of cottage cheese and a cup of unsweetened tea or coffee.
  • For lunch - or beef.
  • In the afternoon, you should do with fermented milk products, for example, a glass of kefir (as options - sour milk, natural yogurt).
  • For dinner, a portion of boiled chicken fillet with greens and kefir (200 ml).

Third day:

  • Breakfast - bran bread toast and a few pieces of fillet
    turkey (boiled), a glass of tea.
  • For lunch - .
  • An afternoon snack will be baked apples.
  • For dinner, go with tomato sauce.

Fourth day:

  • In the morning, a vegetable salad is recommended - steamed carrots and cauliflower.
  • For lunch - stewed cabbage with prunes.
  • An afternoon snack will also include fresh celery.
  • For dinner, you can cook zucchini pancakes in the oven and drink a glass of unsalted tomato juice.

Fifth day:

  • A great breakfast option is a steamed omelet with a slice of bread (preferably whole grain) and unsweetened tea or coffee.
  • Lunch will be a cottage cheese casserole and a glass of low-fat milk.
  • For an afternoon snack, a glass of yogurt and a handful of walnuts will be enough.
  • For dinner, it is recommended to bake carp with lemon juice and herbs.

Sixth day:

  • For breakfast - a couple of sandwiches with cheese, fruit (pear or apple), tea.
  • For dinner, you can cook the ear.
  • It is recommended to have an afternoon snack with a salad of fresh vegetables (a little vegetable oil for dressing).
  • For dinner, boil the turkey fillet. As a side dish - lentils.

Seventh day:

  • For breakfast, steam carrot pancakes and eat with salad (spinach with tomatoes).
  • Vegetarian stew is suitable for dinner.
  • The afternoon snack consists of pears or fresh apples.
  • Grilled vegetables for dinner.

Attention! In the second week, the menu of the first is repeated.

20 day classic

The classic version of the diet is a 20-day diet. Depending on the physiology, you can expect a loss of up to 10 kilograms in these incomplete 3 weeks.

First day:

For breakfast, you can eat toast (it is better to use whole grain or rye bread) with cheese, and drink 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir during the day.

Second day:

For breakfast, toast with cheese and during the day 1.5 liters of kefir, which, if desired, can be replaced with yogurt.

Third day:

  • For breakfast, two boiled eggs and tea are enough.
  • Have a good snack with vegetable salad with boiled poultry meat (turkey).
  • The best option for lunch is vegetable soup.
  • One apple is enough for an afternoon snack.
  • For dinner, baked fish with vegetables is suitable.

Fourth day:

  • For breakfast, a portion of boiled meat (preferably beef) and a fresh cucumber.
  • You can have a snack with a baked apple.
  • A hearty lunch should be mushroom soup, cooked beef broth.
  • Snack - a fresh apple.
  • For dinner - a portion of boiled turkey and vegetables (steam or bake).

Fifth and sixth day characterized by the consumption of vegetables in any form and in large quantities. Suitable for a variety of salads (fill only with vegetable oil), all kinds of stews, baked boiled and stewed vegetables.

Seventh day. The diet is 1.5 liters of kefir and toast with cheese (2 pcs). Divide into 4 meals.

Eighth day:

  • You can have breakfast with boiled chicken fillet and steamed cauliflower.
  • You should have a snack with a salad (radish, fresh cucumbers, green onion feathers).
  • For lunch, it is recommended to bake fish. As a side dish - buckwheat porridge.
  • For an afternoon snack, a salad of bell peppers and arugula with tomatoes
  • For dinner, a portion of stewed veal with vegetables is suitable.

Ninth day:

  • Excellent breakfast - boiled eggs (2 pcs.) And tea.
  • Snack - a serving of vegetable stew.
  • For lunch, mushroom cream soup, the second - boiled fish and rice.
  • For an afternoon snack, an ideal choice is a vegetable salad, as an option - fresh cabbage with green bell peppers and leafy greens.
  • For dinner, boil the turkey with vegetables.

On the tenth and eleventh day the diet includes only vegetables (except tomatoes and potatoes). Dishes are cooked to taste - a variety of soups, stews, casseroles.

Starting from the 12th day the diet of previous days is repeated.

Among the disadvantages of the diet, it is especially necessary to note the increased load on the liver and kidneys. Sometimes a headache may occur.

Do not get carried away with this method of losing weight:

  • pregnant women;
  • breastfeeding;
  • people with diseases of the urinary system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • patients with oncology;
  • in the postoperative period.

The correct way out of the diet is in fractional meals, divided into small portions. Be sure to observe the drinking regimen, limit fatty and fried foods. It is better not to eat late, if you feel hungry, you should drink a glass of kefir.

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