How do children get sick? Children's infectious diseases: a list of diseases, their characteristics and prevention

Children with normal breathing can be treated at home under the supervision of a pediatrician. The body of babies and children early age does not hold heat well. Therefore, when coughing or catching a cold, children should be warmly dressed, but not overheated, fed well and given plenty of water. Medicines should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

A high temperature may indicate a serious threat to his health, so the patient should immediately be shown to the doctor. Before the arrival of the doctor to reduce the high temperature of the child, you can wipe it with a damp sponge.

When coughing or having a cold, the child's nose should be cleaned (blowed) more often, especially before eating or sleeping.

If you have a cough or cold, it may be difficult to breastfeed your baby. However, breastfeeding must be continued, as it helps to strengthen. During the period of illness, feeding should be more frequent, but shorter. If the baby can't suck breast milk express into a clean cup and feed the baby from it.

Oral Rehydration Salt Solution (ORS)

What are SPRs?

Oral rehydration salts are a special combination of dry salts that, when properly prepared, aqueous solution can contribute to recovery water balance in the body if fluid loss due to diarrhea is small.

Where can I get a SPR?

Packets of salt for oral rehydration are sold in pharmacies, available in medical institutions.

How to prepare a solution of SPR?

Place the contents of the SPR package in a clean container. Read the instructions for use on the package and add to the container required amount pure water. If there is not enough water, diarrhea may worsen.

Add only water. Do not dilute salts with milk, soup, fruit juice, or soft drinks. There is no need to add sugar to the solution.

Shake the solution well and give it to your child from a clean cup. The use of a bottle is not allowed.

How much SPR solution should be given to the child?

Let the child drink the solution as much as possible.

A child under two years old should be given a quarter to a half of a large cup of solution (50-100 ml) after each watery stool.

Child two years of age and older, half to a full large cup of solution (100-200 ml) after each watery stool.

Special edition "Facts for Life", developed and published by
with the assistance of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF),

When a child is sick, you think it would be better if he got sick himself. Rushing to help your children, do not self-medicate. Some diseases have the peculiarity of “masking” as completely different diseases, and here you can’t do without the help of a specialist.

What are childhood diseases

One of the main places is occupied by the most common childhood diseases. Immediately after the birth of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, it begins to work in a “new mode”, and the first problems begin with the well-known crying from “gas in the tummy”. Pediatricians recommend laying the baby on the stomach more often, dry heat, dill drops, feeding by the hour. By three months, the pain usually disappears and is safely forgotten.

If at the beginning of life we ​​accustom children to the regime, then over time, often, everything changes. Irregular meals, an abundance of poor quality products stuffed with all sorts of "E", are reflected in the child's gastrointestinal tract with emerging gastritis.


When a child complains of abdominal pain, suffers from belching with an unpleasant odor, reflux, inflammation in the esophagus, can be suspected. The reason is the throwing of the contents of the stomach back into the esophagus, the entry of bile into the stomach.

Constipation and diarrhea

Constipation and bowel disorders associated with not proper nutrition and stress. There is even such a concept - nervous stomach". It can also be the result of an infectious disease. The main thing is to find the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment. If the cause is an infection, you will need to take antimicrobials.

Autoimmune diseases occur due to a malfunction in immune system child. The body is fighting with itself. Need advice and help from an immunologist.

Obesity in children

Childhood obesity can truly be called the disease of the century. Unfortunately, side effect computerization has become, spending more time in front of the monitor screen than on the street. Flaw outdoor games, an abundance of fatty and junk food, consisting of many preservatives, is a provoking factor. fraught with diabetes, liver disease, coronary artery disease and even early heart attack and stroke.

Digestive organs such as the stomach, colon, and small intestine, as well as duodenum have a number of interrelated diseases - gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer.

These diseases have common symptoms and causes.

Infectious diseases in children

Quite diverse and contagious. With the spread of vaccination, the risk of getting some diseases is practically reduced to zero. But, despite this, it is necessary to know about these diseases.

Viral parotitis (mumps), scarlet fever, poliomyelitis, diphtheria. Pretty impressive list. The source of disease is a virus transmitted from a sick person. All diseases have a certain incubation period - the time the disease develops in the body. Infectious diseases are not at all harmless, dangerous complications. Treatment is carried out strictly under medical supervision! All of these diseases are vaccinated and should not be neglected.


If a person suffers from the diseases described above once, then the infection haunts us throughout our lives. Strengthen the immunity of the child, harden the body, write it down in the sports section, take the child to the sea once a year. Dysentery is a disease dirty hands. Do not allow children to eat unwashed vegetables and fruits, teach personal hygiene rules, do not buy products in suspicious goods.

Diseases of the urinary system

Children, like adults, are susceptible. Not infrequently, parents bring a child with complaints of pain in the kidneys, pain when urinating, bloody issues. As a rule, these are symptoms of diseases such as urethritis and others. Timely treatment will help to avoid complications, such as stones in the organs of the urinary system.

Respiratory diseases in children

Pneumonia - bacterial with signs of acute respiratory infections. Early treatment is the key Get well soon. Do not start, always seek medical attention.

It occurs due to the spread of a cold to the bronchi. May flow into mild form, and maybe in severe, with a high temperature. Accompanied by a strong dry cough with or without sputum, depending on the degree of the disease. Modern medicines perfectly cope with this disease. Traditional medicine also has effective recipes in its arsenal.

Dental diseases

Dental diseases of children are diseases of the oral mucosa. Low resistance to infections various injuries, viruses, are the cause of development, zaed. Diseases oral cavity are well treated by rinsing with traditional medicine and medicines at home.

ENT diseases in a child

ENT diseases in children can occur from the first days of life. Inflammatory diseases may occur as a complication of infection. Often , which are expressed and , are delayed due to the developing , . It is very important to treat diseases of the ears, throat and nose in a timely manner, as there is a danger of developing an inflammatory process in the brain tissue, which can be life threatening. Such diseases include inflammation and others.

We have reviewed the list of childhood illnesses, the most common ones that can occur from the first year of life and bring worries to parents.

And finally. In order for children to get sick less, you need to start taking care of this from the first day of life - do not neglect breastfeeding. Only with mother's milk the child gets everything essential vitamins, strong immunity, disease resistance.

Temper the child, let him run barefoot, do not wrap up too warmly, do not rush to give antibiotics for any disease. Children is our future. May they be healthy and beautiful!

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Children's diseases are classified in separate group diseases that first appear between the ages of birth and 14 years. Only in exceptional cases In the absence of vaccinations, the child can avoid them. However, this age threshold is not a guarantee that these infections will not overtake a person in adulthood.

In this article, we will consider the propaedeutics of childhood diseases.

List of diseases, their causes

It is customary to classify childhood diseases into two categories. The first group includes diseases that predominate exclusively in childhood:

  • measles;
  • chickenpox;
  • scarlet fever;
  • polio;
  • whooping cough;
  • rubella.

The second group includes diseases that occur at an older age:

  • hepatitis;
  • meningitis;
  • intestinal infections;
  • mononucleosis.

Childhood infection is transmitted through contact healthy person with the patient, it does not matter whether it is an adult or a child. Exceptions include the age of up to a year (infant), since the child's body is saturated with maternal antibodies that protect the baby from pathogenic infections.

The causes of diseases include factors such as:

  1. Contact healthy child with the sick. Quite often, parents are unaware of their child's illness and send him to kindergarten or school. As a result, a mass epidemic of childhood infection can be provoked.
  2. Low level of hygiene. After visiting the street or public places, the child needs to wash his hands with special care. This is especially true for visits to playgrounds. Washing hands is also necessary after contact with animals and using the toilet. In addition, vegetables and fruits should be washed well before use.

Absolutely every parent needs to know what childhood pathologies are, their symptoms, the duration of the incubation period, and the means of treating a particular disease.

Consider the symptoms of childhood diseases.


The affliction is spreading by airborne droplets through contact with an infected person.

Symptoms are manifested in the form of moderate intoxication. A small reddish rash appears on the body of the child. The rash is not prone to coalescence. There is an increase in the upper lymph nodes (including the occipital).

Development of the disease: the disease begins to develop when the body is attacked by a virus containing RNA that is unstable to environmental factors. Infection when ingested begins to affect upper section respiratory system. Further, penetration into the blood and damage to the lymph nodes occurs.

From the age of six months, children are susceptible to rubella infection. Most often, children aged 3-8 years suffer from the disease.

The duration of this infectious disease is 10-25 days (more often - 14-18 days). First of all, a rash appears on the face of the patient, after which it gradually spreads to the whole body. Then the enlargement of the lymph nodes begins, the body temperature is high (38 degrees). After a few days, the rash disappears.

Possible complications are quite rare, most often provoke encephalitis or polyarthritis.

AT specific treatment rubella is not necessary. All that is required is to regularly give the sick child antipyretics at high temperatures. If complications occur, hospitalization of the child is required. After past illness the body develops immunity, so re-infection with this childhood disease tends to zero.


The disease is spread by contact, by airborne droplets.

Symptoms are manifested by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx - there is a sore throat, perspiration, runny nose. The temperature is high (39-40 degrees). 2-3 days after infection, hemorrhagic-type spots begin to appear on the body. Then under skin small, 2 to 7 mm hemorrhages begin to appear. There is bleeding from the nose, tachycardia, shortness of breath. To last symptoms decreased heart rate, vomiting, loss of consciousness. If the disease is in the active stage, the child has no more than 10-19 hours. With untimely medical care, the onset of a fatal outcome is not ruled out.

How does the disease develop? The infection enters the body through the oral mucosa. Then there is penetration into the lymph nodes, then - into circulatory system. The entire body is exposed to the virus. Meningococci actively penetrate the brain, as a result of which its inflammation occurs and meningoencephalitis develops.

Medical statistics indicate that in 87% of cases the disease affects children under the age of 6 years.

The incubation period is 2-10 days (most often 3-4 days). If medical care is not provided to the child in the first 2-3 days after the onset of symptoms, the probability of death of the sick person increases to 85%.

Meningitis can cause complications, such as inflammation of the brain (meningitis of a purulent type), death.

Therapy of meningococcal infection is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting.

Prevention of the disease involves timely vaccination against infection.

What other childhood diseases are there?


This infectious disease spreads by contact, by airborne droplets.

Symptoms of the disease are as follows: the child rises heat(up to 41 degrees Celsius), cough, runny nose and conjunctivitis develop. On the first day of the disease, sores appear in the mouth, outwardly similar to stomatitis. Further, the sores spread to the face in the area of ​​​​the mouth, cheeks. The child complains about pain in the abdomen, the appearance of diarrhea is not excluded. Decreased or completely absent appetite. This is one of the most common childhood illnesses with rashes.

Rash and sores gradually spread to the whole body.

The disease develops as follows. Measles primarily affects the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. Next, there is a transition to the conjunctiva of the eye. Subsequently, the virus enters the circulatory system, causing a specific rash throughout the body.

This infectious disease affects children and adolescents aged 3 months to 18 years. According to statistics, children aged 2-6 years are most often ill.

The incubation period of the disease is 8-14, occasionally up to 18 days. The first three days are characterized by the appearance of high fever, cold symptoms, conjunctivitis. Then the rash begins in the oral cavity, within 14 hours the rash spreads to the entire face and body. The temperature returns to normal, and the rash disappears 8 days after infection with the disease.

As a result of measles, complications such as encephalitis, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, and laryngitis can develop.

The patient is treated at home. It is necessary to take drugs that reduce the temperature, for example, "Ibuprofen" or "Paracetamol". In the event of complications, the patient is shown treatment in a hospital.

To preventive measures This includes two measles vaccinations at 1 and 6 years of age.

What other childhood illnesses are there? mumps (mumps)

The disease spreads upon contact with an infected person, by airborne droplets.

Symptoms include an enlarged parotid salivary glands the lymph nodes are also enlarged. There is redness in the throat, there is pain when chewing, the temperature rises.

The disease begins to develop after the virus enters the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and oral cavity, then the infection enters the bloodstream. Mumps causes damage to the parotid salivary glands, pancreas, and testicles.

Epidemic parotitis affects children aged 1 to 15 years. Most often, the disease is transferred at the age of 3-7 years.

Incubation period this disease is 11-23 days.

Mumps can cause a number of complications, such as orchitis, pancreatitis, encephalitis, and meningitis.

Treatment is carried out at home. The patient needs to lie down and take drugs to lower body temperature, painkillers. It is also necessary to produce medicinal irrigation of the mouth (for example, with the preparation "Tantum Verde"). If complications occur, the child should be transferred to inpatient treatment.

As a result of the disease, stable immunity develops, the likelihood of re-infection is excluded.

As a preventive measure, vaccination is indicated at the age of 12 months and again at 6 years.

Scarlet fever

This disease is spreading childhood by contact, by airborne droplets.

The symptoms are the appearance severe pain in the throat, fever up to 38-40 degrees, enlargement of the tonsils. Emergence of vomiting and small rash all over the body. There is a blanching of the nasolabial triangle.

The development of the disease occurs following scheme- in the first days, the upper respiratory system is affected, then the infection penetrates into the blood, resulting in general malaise and a rash on the body that begins to disappear after 5-7 days.

Scarlet fever most often affects children aged 1-10 years.

The incubation period takes 5-7 days. The disease begins acutely, symptomatically similar to a sore throat.

Scarlet fever can provoke complications such as otitis media, pneumonia, sinusitis, lymphadenitis, myocarditis, inflammation of the joints.

Therapy of the disease is carried out at home and involves taking antibiotics based on ceftriaxone. You should use painkillers and antibacterial sprays, drugs that reduce the temperature. children infancy, as well as in the event of complications, the patient must be transferred to inpatient treatment.

After the disease, the body acquires a stable immunity to scarlet fever.

Conclusions are made on the basis of children's case histories.

Chicken pox

The disease spreads as a result direct contact with the diseased, airborne droplets.

The main symptoms of chickenpox are: fever up to 38 degrees, the appearance of spots all over the body Pink colour. Within 4-7 hours, the rash transforms into small blisters, after one to two days the blisters become covered with a crust. Characterized by itching of the affected skin surface.

The disease develops as a result of damage to the upper respiratory tract herpes virus. The virus then enters lymphatic system and into the blood. Over time, it occurs in the form of a rash on the skin and mucous membranes. The rise in temperature occurs in waves.

Chickenpox most often affects children aged 3-6 years.

The incubation period of this childhood disease (characteristic dimples-pockmarks may remain on the skin after it) is 11-27 days, mostly 13-21 days.

Among the complications of this disease, stomatitis, croup, meningitis, encephalitis, pneumonia can be observed.

The therapy involves rinsing the mouth with antiseptics, spot treatment of the rash with a solution of diamond green, taking drugs that lower the temperature, the use of antiviral ointments.

As a result of the disease, the body acquires a strong immunity, the likelihood reinfection practically excluded.

In the propaedeutics of childhood diseases, another dangerous pathology.


Poliomyelitis is spread by airborne droplets, as well as fecal-oral.

Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in the form of high fever, signs of a cold, problems with stools, lethargy, weakness, bodily irritability, muscle weakness, sweating, irregular breathing, convulsions.

When infected, immediately affected nervous system, it penetrates into spinal cord. In the first 3 days, the temperature is high, up to 40 degrees, there are painful sensations in the joints. Then, after 2-4 days, the child has pronounced problems with facial expressions, speech is disturbed. During a period of severe exacerbation, there may be cases of loss of consciousness. All symptoms of childhood illness gradually subside after 2 weeks.

Poliomyelitis affects children aged 1-6 years.

Period polio incubation- 1-3 weeks.

This disease can cause quite serious complications: curvature of the joints and bones, disability, meningitis.

Medicine does not know a cure for polio, but timely vaccination contributes to effective strengthening immunity. The recovery period after an illness includes active use therapeutic gymnastics. When primary symptoms polio, the child must be urgently hospitalized.

After illness, immunity is stable. The possibility of re-infection is excluded. Vaccination works effectively, eliminating infection by 99%.

We continue to consider children's infectious diseases.

Whooping cough

Whooping cough is spread by close contact with an infected person, the type of transmission is airborne.

When infected, there are the following symptoms: the child is worried for 1-2 weeks low temperature and the usual cough, which eventually becomes paroxysmal. During a coughing fit, the child may begin to turn blue, capillaries burst in the eyes.

The disease develops when the infection enters the upper respiratory system. The virus is present there quite long term- up to 1-2 months. Almost immediately, receptors in the cough zone are provoked, persistent cough sometimes causing gag reflexes. Cough can persist up to 3 months after the disease is cured.

Whooping cough affects children between the ages of six months and 14 years.

The incubation period lasts from 3 to 15 days. The disease remains dangerous to others whole month after infection.

As a complication, pneumonia may occur.

Therapy is carried out at home, it is necessary to use cough suppressants, sometimes antibiotics.

Whooping cough prevention involves vaccinating children up to six months.


The spread of this childhood infectious disease is airborne and contact-household.

Among the symptoms are fever up to 38 degrees Celsius, swelling of the nasopharynx, sore throat, reddening of the tonsils. The next day, plaque forms in the throat, a film appears on the tonsils, swelling develops subcutaneous tissue on the neck.

The causative agent of the disease is the bacterium diphtheria, penetrating into the upper respiratory tract and affecting the throat and lymph nodes. Distinctive feature diphtheria is the appearance in the mouth of a diphtheria film. The disease subsides 6-10 days after infection. acute form the disease provokes the appearance of many films in the child's mouth, the throat swells strongly. A fatal outcome is not ruled out if timely assistance is not provided.

The disease affects children aged 1-13 years.

The incubation period is 2-11 days, in most cases - 3-5 days.

Among the complications - the likelihood of developing infectious-toxic shock, croup.

Therapy involves urgent hospitalization, self-medication at home is excluded.


There are also a lot of diseases in pediatric surgery.

All pathologies can be divided into several groups:

  • congenital diseases, that is, these are ailments of internal organs that have arisen due to failures in intrauterine development;
  • birth trauma;
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases;
  • orthopedic diseases.

Here are a few pathologies that can be found most often:

  • congenital intestinal obstruction.
  • Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis.
  • Dropsy of the genitals.
  • Pyloric stenosis.
  • Embryonic hernia.

What other diseases are found in pediatric surgery?

  • Congenital dislocation of the hip.
  • Phlegmon of newborns is purulent inflammation skin and subcutaneous fat in children during the first weeks of life.

People often wonder what is the childhood disease of leftism in communism? We will talk about this at the end of the article.

Intestinal infections

Quite often, children suffer from intestinal infections, occurring mainly at the age of 1-16 years. The most common are:

  1. dysentery characterized by general intoxication and acute diarrhea. Symptoms of the disease are classic: vomiting, diarrhea, feces with mucus, abdominal pain. Treatment is carried out antimicrobial agents.
  2. Rotavirus infection. It develops when hygiene rules are violated. The spectrum of rotavirus infections is extensive. Symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and fever. Home or inpatient treatment.

What to do to make the child kindergarten didn't get sick?


Prevention of childhood diseases involves a number of next steps:

  1. isolation from infected children.
  2. Tempering a child.
  3. Daily airing of rooms.
  4. Careful hygiene.
  5. Providing the child with personal hygiene products, utensils, bed linen.
  6. Use exclusively boiled water.
  7. Thorough washing of fruits, berries, vegetables offered for food to the child.
  8. Use of disposable handkerchiefs.
  9. Carrying out regular wet cleaning in the room where the child lives.
  10. Timely vaccination.

The disease of "leftism"

"Children's disease of "leftism" in communism” is the work of V. I. Lenin, which contains sharp criticism of those who opposed Bolshevism. It has nothing to do with children's illnesses.

Childhood infectious diseases always appear unexpectedly. The most important thing in such cases is to correctly diagnose the disease and promptly provide the child with medical care. Most childhood infections provoke serious complications, which is why therapy must be carried out under the guidance of a specialist. Most diseases can be avoided if the necessary vaccinations are made in time.

Infectious diseases are quite diverse, they can be acute and chronic, harmless and dangerous, and there are those that are ill only in childhood. The causative agents of diseases are viruses or bacteria, getting into favorable environment begin their "subversive activities". And here it is important to identify the disease in a timely manner and begin treatment. Having been ill in childhood with certain infections, immunity to them remains for life.

What kind of infectious diseases are children's.


Measles is very contagious disease, the virus of which, moving with the air flow, spreads rapidly. Incubation period can last from a week to 20 days. at first they look like colds. Temperature, dry cough, runny nose, severe headache, redness of the eyes. Approximately on the 4th day of the disease, the child becomes covered with a rash, which, starting behind the ears, instantly spreads throughout the body.

There are small gray dots even in the oral cavity. The temperature will be kept until the rash stops. With a decrease in temperature, the rash loses color, the child gets better. This disease gives a "gap" in the immunity of the child, increasing the risk of other infections, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, stomatitis, otitis media.


Very similar to measles. The incubation period is two to three weeks. The same red rashes, temperature up to 38 degrees, cough, stuffy nose. But with rubella, the lymph nodes in the neck and neck become inflamed and enlarged. The child tolerates rubella more easily than measles. After three days, the rash disappears without a trace. There are no complications after rubella.

Viral parotitis (mumps)

The infection enters through the respiratory tract. The incubation period is from a week to 20 days. Signs - temperature 38-39 degrees and headache. Places of "attack" mumps - the central nervous system, salivary glands, pancreas, and in boys, testicles also suffer (in severe cases may lead to infertility).

The child has difficulty chewing reflexes. Serious complication mumps can become meningitis. It is important not to refuse vaccination against viral mumps.

Scarlet fever

scarlet fever - strep infection. Infectious from the first day of illness. The incubation period is short, up to one week. Vomiting, sore throat, fever - occur suddenly. A rash appears, with localization on the cheeks, abdomen and in inguinal region, armpits. Possible complications - otitis media, lymphadenitis, nephritis.


The cause of the disease is infection with a diphtheria bacillus, which penetrates through the tonsils. From infection to the onset of symptoms of the disease takes up to 10 days. It differs from tonsillitis in the appearance of the tonsils: in diphtheria, they are covered with a gray film.

The initial stage of the disease is characterized by a temperature of 40 degrees. The child suffers from pain in the throat, head, and abdomen. The disease is very dangerous, with a threat to the life of the child! Combined DTP vaccination listed the disease as a rare disease.


A viral infection transmitted through dirt and air. The incubation period can last a whole month, but mostly 10-12 days. Symptoms are similar to any other infectious disease, but the main symptom is pain in the limbs. There may be paralysis of the legs or arms, and even the trunk. To prevent this serious illness children are vaccinated.

Chicken pox

The first manifestation of the disease is a rash that looks like small bubbles. It is easy to get infected, as well as to treat. There is practically no person who did not get sick with her. The incubation period is two to three weeks. The course of the disease is mild, without complications.

Infectious diseases also include acute intestinal infections, such as dysentery, salmonellosis, caused by pathogenic microflora. Big Picture disease looks like this: high fever, pain in the intestines, frothy stools.

Intestinal infections

Viral intestinal infections are diseases of early age. These include rotavirus, with signs of inflammation of the respiratory tract and enterovirus (meningitis, myocarditis) infections. Treatment intestinal infections primarily involves the restoration of microflora.

Respiratory diseases

Acute respiratory viral infections( , ) strike respiratory system child, contributing to the intoxication of the body with the possible addition of complications bacterial etiology. Children get sick with ARVI often; there is no stable immunity to such diseases. But with age respiratory diseases become less frequent. Against the background of ARVI, any chronic disease the child has.

Infectious diseases in children can occur against the background of weakened immunity. Therefore, it is recommended to support the child's body useful vitamins and proper nutrition. If one of the symptoms of any disease is detected, treatment should be started.

Scarlet fever - acute bacterial disease, which is characteristic of the appearance only among people. The course of the disease is extremely severe, infectious pathology requires timely treatment. The causative agent of scarlet fever - β - hemolytic streptococcus group A, Streptococcus pyogenes....

Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease manifested by a small cell rash. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets; in children, this pathology is also transmitted by contact-household means through contamination of household items. Signs of scarlet fever in children

In fact, there is no vaccine against scarlet fever. After the transfer of the disease, the victim develops immunity to the disease, however, there is a possibility of relapse. The vaccination against scarlet fever is carried out even in the maternity hospital, it is not specifically against this pathology, but a vaccine that ...

Scarlet fever is a contagious disease that is rapidly transmitted by household contact and airborne droplets. Infectious pathology strikes quickly a large number of people who show signs of intoxication, and other symptoms characteristic of this disease. Previously...

windmill - dermatological disease manifested as a small rash on the skin. Every child suffers from this disease once in a lifetime. Chickenpox goes away without complications if the pimples are not combed. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. Besides pimples, maybe...

Chickenpox is safely tolerated only by children, it is undesirable to get sick in adulthood with such a disease, it can lead to lethal outcome. Pimples on the body appear on everyone, but if there are a lot of them, you should take care of your health and hand over all the necessary ...

A common childhood infection brings a lot of trouble to babies, in order to alleviate the suffering of crumbs, various external agents are used. Poksklin gained its popularity with chickenpox. Recent times it is often prescribed, the gel is modern...

This collection is intended for a wide range of readers. It tells about the most common acute infectious diseases in children. Along with such childhood infections as measles, scarlet fever, chickenpox, etc., diseases are also included that are equally common in adults, but for children they represent great danger. These are influenza and epidemic hepatitis (Botkin's disease), diseases that have attracted particular attention in recent years.

What causes all these diseases, how they are infected and what measures can be taken to prevent them - this is the main content of this section.

The section is intended for a wide range of readers. It provides basic information about common infectious diseases in children. Special attention devoted to the care of sick children at home and the prevention of infectious diseases.

Infectious diseases in children

Other diseases and injuries occurring in children

The fight against childhood contagious (infectious) diseases has been and remains one of the main tasks of public health.

Especially great importance this struggle is now gaining in connection with the ordinance providing for a sharp decline incidence of infectious diseases and the complete elimination of some of them.

Numerous personnel are engaged in resolving this problem. medical workers, starting with major scientists of all specialties (microbiologists, infectious disease specialists, pediatricians) and ending with nurses. However, in order for this struggle to be more successful, parents must take an active part in it. without conscious and active assistance many of the general population preventive actions, i.e., measures that contribute to the prevention of the disease become much less effective. But in order to provide this assistance, you need to know the main signs of these diseases, ways of spreading and measures to prevent them.

This section is written to familiarize the general public with the most common childhood infectious diseases and modern methods their prevention and treatment. The so-called childhood infections include: diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles, whooping cough, chicken pox, rubella, mumps, poliomyelitis. The name "children's infections" is widely used, however, these diseases can also occur in adults, but most often they affect children aged 1 to 8 years. The predominant incidence of these infections in childhood is explained by the ease and speed of their spread with a high possibility of contact (especially in childcare facilities, kindergartens, nurseries, schools).

Many parents believe that every child must inevitably endure childhood infectious diseases, and the sooner he gets sick, the easier it is to endure the disease. This, of course, is not true. It should be remembered that almost every disease can be prevented and that every disease, including infectious, weakens the child's body and inhibits its development, sometimes by for a long time. The younger the child, the more harm brings him illness. Therefore, the joint efforts of parents and medical workers should be aimed at preventing the occurrence of infectious diseases, especially in the first years of a child's life.

The socio-economic significance of childhood infectious diseases is also very high: they disrupt the normal life of children's institutions, quarantines take mothers away from production, sometimes for a long time, which interferes with the work of production, creates difficulties in family life and leads to large expenditures of public funds.

Propaedeutics of childhood diseases

In the third edition of "Propaedeutics of Childhood Diseases", all the main sections of the doctrine of a healthy child, his nutrition and care for him were re-examined and subjected to some processing from the standpoint of the basic ideas of the physiological teachings of IP Pavlov. Additions and changes have also been made to all chapters in accordance with new data from the literature and our own experience.

We tried to give the student a short textbook that would allow him not only to learn the basics of the doctrine of a healthy child from the standpoint of creative Soviet Darwinism and the physiological teachings of I.P. Pavlov, but which would interest him and help him fall in love with his future specialty - pediatrics. We wanted the student - the future pediatrician - to understand the enormous significance of knowledge age features a healthy child and a decisive influence on the development of children and the resistance of their body to any negative effects of the correct organization of environmental factors, care for them, their nutrition and upbringing.

In practical classes on the course of propaedeutics of childhood diseases, the student must acquire the right skills objective research child, in order to be able to catch even minor deviations from the norm, noted in his future activities. initial phases diseases. To help the student in this is also one of the tasks of the textbook.

Children's doctor in daily work should focus on the prevention of childhood diseases and already on the student bench "acquire a taste" for this work. This is one of the main tasks right upbringing student of pediatric faculty; The textbook on propaedeutics of childhood diseases should help teachers in this work.

In presenting the methodology for studying children and the general semiotics of childhood diseases, we considered it necessary to dwell only on the features of using the main clinical methods children's health assessments different ages. The theoretical substantiations of these methods are presented additionally in practical classes and are described in detail in the textbooks of diagnostics and propaedeutics of internal diseases. We sincerely thank all the comrades who sent us their critical comments, and are especially grateful to the members of the Academic Council of the Leningrad State Pediatric medical institute for all their valuable comments and suggestions made by them during the discussion of the second edition of our textbook.

All critical comments that will be made to us about the third edition of "Propaedeutics of Children's Diseases" will be accepted with sincere gratitude.

The published textbook - "Propaedeutics of childhood diseases" - is intended for students of pediatric faculties of medical institutes. When compiling the textbook, the experience of teaching propaedeutics of childhood diseases to students of the Leningrad State Pediatric Medical Institute was used and the criticisms made regarding the chapters written for the “Guide to Pediatrics” by M. S. Maslov, A. F. Tur and M. G. were taken into account. Danilevich (vol. I, 1938). These chapters, largely revised, form the basis of this textbook.

It is possible that there will be defects in our work, so we will accept with gratitude all the instructions and comments that will be made by the heads of departments, practical doctors and the students themselves.

The fourth edition, the appearance of which became necessary already two months after the publication of the third edition, is published without any significant changes and additions, and only accidentally crept in errors and typos have been corrected.

The content and objectives of the course of propaedeutics of childhood diseases

The original content of pediatrics as one of the medical disciplines has expanded significantly. Pediatrics has long ceased to be a science only about the treatment of sick children and is now regarded as a study of a healthy and sick child. This teaching covers the physiology, dietetics, hygiene, pathology and treatment of the child from birth to puberty. Modern pediatrics pays special attention to great attention prevention of diseases in children. Every pediatrician in his daily practical work should be not only a full-fledged attending physician, able to deliver accurate diagnosis and properly treat a sick child, but he must also be a good preventive doctor, who knows the child’s diet perfectly, knows how to organize the right care and install rational mode both for an individual healthy child of any age, and for the whole children's team. A pediatrician should not be aloof from the issues of raising children. All these various aspects of the activity of a pediatrician should be learned and studied by the student mainly during the course. clinical pediatrics. Propaedeutics of childhood diseases is an introduction to the pediatric clinic.

The course of propaedeutics of childhood diseases includes the following four main sections: 1) anatomical and physiological characteristics of children, including the laws of physical and neuropsychic development child; 2) the method of objective examination of children, including the features of collecting an anamnesis; 3) general semiotics of childhood diseases; 4) dietetics of a healthy child with the main elements of children's food technology.

Without a clear knowledge of these sections, the preventive and curative work of a pediatrician is completely unthinkable. Correct assessment data from conventional physical, laboratory and other methods of clinical examination of the child and understanding the uniqueness of the pathology of children are possible only if there is a sufficiently deep knowledge of the age-related anatomical and physiological characteristics of the growing organism of the child. Without knowledge of the laws of physical and neuropsychic development of children, it is impossible to carry out proper organization public and individual protection, childhood, it is impossible, therefore, to ensure the prevention of childhood diseases. This knowledge should underlie the rationally set physical education of children.

The clinical study of children requires a significant originality of medical technique, the study of which should also be included in the course of propaedeutics of childhood diseases.

Brief information on general semiotics major diseases children's age should provide the student with the correct orientation in the course of faculty and hospital pediatrics.

In the activities of a pediatrician, as mentioned above, preventive and medical work closely and inextricably linked. That is why in the course of propaedeutics of childhood diseases, much attention should be paid to the diet of a healthy child and the basics personal hygiene children as the main elements in everyday preventive work every practicing pediatrician. The preventive side of the activities of pediatricians has acquired special meaning in the Soviet Union, since the vast majority of our children, starting from a very early age, are served by preventive and curative children's institutions, from correct setting affairs in which their life and health largely depend.

It would be a big mistake to think that one can become a good pediatrician without a thorough knowledge of general theoretical disciplines (anatomy, histology, physiology, pathophysiology, etc.) studied in junior years, and clinical disciplines in various sections of adult pathology studied in senior courses. A pediatrician only then correctly and confidently orients himself in all the theoretical and practical issues of his specialty, if he has a good general medical training in all disciplines included in the program of a higher medical school. Only under this condition will he clearly understand all the features of the physiology and pathology of children in different age periods.

It should be especially emphasized that every pediatrician must know the infectious diseases of childhood very well and must be well versed in matters of general and particular epidemiology.

The need for such versatile knowledge undoubtedly makes pediatrics a difficult specialty, but on the other hand, this path of study provides a good pediatrician with a broad outlook and exceptionally interesting and fruitful opportunities for practical and scientific activity in the future.

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