Basic rules and nuances of raising dogs. How to raise a puppy and an adult dog? Proper training How to train a dog

Many people get a dog for various purposes. But in order for the animal to bring joy, not cause problems and fulfill its purpose, it is necessary to properly educate the puppy. The principles of training depend on the breed of the pet, but there are basic points that apply to any animal.

Basic principles of education

As a rule, the breeder is engaged in the training of the dog. It is to his voice that the pet reacts the most, so it is important to establish a trusting relationship with the animal. Raising a puppy should begin with establishing close contact. For this, the following principles should be followed:

  • to study the characteristics of the character of the pet;
  • taking into account the age of the puppy, set feasible tasks for him and achieve their unquestioning fulfillment;
  • for classes to be exciting, it is necessary to provide him with toys and often walk in the fresh air;
  • resort to the help of conditioned reflexes and create conditions for their development;
  • develop clear commands, gestures and other conditional signals (it is not recommended to change them);
  • for the executed commands and exemplary behavior, reward with treats and stroking;
  • during the lesson, the owner always plays the role of the boss, whose orders must be obeyed;
  • at other times it is necessary to play the role of a friend with whom you can play.

Raising a puppy is possible only after establishing a trusting contact. If the breeder has managed to achieve this, then the animal will fully follow all the instructions of the owner.

Behavior at home

Raising a puppy is not only about following commands on request. A significant role is played by the behavior of the animal at home and its communication with other household members. Therefore, if the owner does not want the dog to sleep on the bed, jump on the sofa or run from the street to the living rooms, then this should never be allowed. Otherwise, the habit will firmly enter the mind of the dog and it will be difficult to eradicate it.

From the very beginning, the puppy should have his own place in the house, his own bowl, toys and other devices. The pet must clearly understand that all household members are the main ones in the family, including children.

Education depends on the owner

Experienced cynologists advise to start raising a puppy immediately from the first day of his appearance in the house. At first, you should show him a place to cope with natural needs. If the animal makes a mistake, then only a stern voice and indications of the mistake will lead to a positive result.

At the same time, all cynologists agree that it is impossible to shout at a puppy. Animals perfectly catch changes in the intonation of the human voice, and a loud cry will only scare them. It is also not recommended to use physical force. In this case, the pet may become embittered, and there will no longer be a trusting relationship.

If it is necessary to punish a puppy for an offense, then it should be done immediately. In the future, the animal forgets about the oversight and the punishment will not be perceived as a lesson.

Often puppies show sincere joy when meeting with the owner. It is recommended to pay attention to the dog, do not push or scold. Thus, the animal shows its affection, and the owner will be able to demonstrate the joy of meeting.

But do not spoil the puppy and allow him things that are forbidden to adults. After all, when the animal matures, it may require the same attitude, and it will be more difficult to forbid.

Home education of a puppy cannot be imagined without the use of toys. It is necessary to give the dog access to some items that can be chewed and patted. In this way, you can satisfy natural needs and secure shoes and other personal items.

The owner is an unquestioning authority

When raising a puppy, it is important to orient him to complete obedience. Dogs are pack animals and, like wolves, are looking for a leader. For a strong personality, they are ready to follow and obey commands. Therefore, one can often see that the animals unquestioningly obey only the owner, and to a lesser extent obey all other family members. Therefore, when raising a dog, it is important to fully control the process and prevent the pet from leading the children.

Education depending on the breed

Each dog is individual. Her temperament and character depend on her breed. Some are naturally affectionate and outgoing, others are aggressive or tend to be leaders. Therefore, education has its own subtleties, depending on the breed.

Service dogs

The main purpose of such animals is to help people. They serve in the police, guard objects, look for drugs, and accompany the blind. These smart animals can bring many benefits, but first you need to properly raise a puppy. It is best to take special courses where trained people will reveal all the subtleties.

Raising a German Shepherd puppy requires certain knowledge. After all, all service breeds are highly dependent on their master and attached to him. With a competent approach, the animal will follow the person anywhere, and most importantly, it will unquestioningly carry out his commands. The animal may not move and only wait for its breeder.

Raising a German Shepherd puppy is not an easy task. It is recommended to take special courses in service dog breeding. After all, the approach is very different from the training of other breeds. It is important to develop the complete trust of the pet, the implementation of all commands and obedience.

Features of raising a shepherd dog at a very early age

The upbringing of a shepherd dog (puppy) must be started from the first days and done in the form of a game. Here are the main steps:

  • It is necessary to accustom him to the nickname. To do this, during feeding, you should call the name of the animal several times and stroke the pet.
  • From two months the puppy is taught the team "Come to me". To do this, use a delicacy.
  • It is necessary to accustom to one's own place. To do this, the litter is located in a quiet and peaceful corner. The puppy is brought, stroked and said "Place".
  • Raising a German puppy is unthinkable without the commands "No" and "Fu". As soon as the dog begins to commit an unacceptable act, it must be pulled up and lightly slapped. But you can’t hit hard, the animal can become embittered or become cowardly.

German Shepherds are naturally eager to please their owner. It is important to conduct training sessions daily and play regularly with the dog. Temporary difficulties may arise, but they are fixable.

The subtleties of raising a Labrador

Raising a Labrador puppy begins from the first day of his appearance in the house. After all, at first the puppy looks like a fluffy lump, but soon it will grow into a big dog. Therefore, all transgressions should not go unpunished.

First of all, the puppy must clearly understand the boundaries of what is permitted, know where his place, bowl and toys are. In the matter of upbringing, the regime is important, so it is necessary to feed by the hour.

The main command for the Labrador is the word "Fu". This should mean the cessation of any prohibited action - from "attacking" slippers to growling at loved ones. The command will become especially relevant at the age of 4-6 months, when the dog begins the stage of replacing teeth and he can start biting.

Praise is important in raising a Labrador. The puppy loves very much when he is stroked, spoken in a gentle voice and played with him. In this case, a friendly dog ​​grows up who loves to interact with a person.

The nuances of raising likes

Raising a husky puppy implies its obedience. If mistakes are made, then more drastic measures will be required to ensure order. It must be understood that animals have an innate hunting instinct, so raising a husky puppy involves a lot of time for walking and playing.

Animals must be collar and leash trained. As soon as the puppy gets comfortable, you can teach him to follow commands. It must be remembered that hunting skills will not go anywhere, and when meeting with another animal, a husky can be aggressive. Therefore, when raising her, pay attention to the relationship between other pets. Dogs are freedom-loving, so freedom of action should be limited only by commands and less often by a strict leash.

Raising small breed dogs

Raising a terrier puppy should begin immediately after its birth. Despite the small stature, the animal can bring a lot of trouble if you do not deal with it. You can often hear bad reviews about this breed. They all have to do with bad parenting.

Therefore, it is important to clearly prioritize and not allow the puppy all the actions that should not be done by a large animal. All family members should be the main ones in the house, and the puppy should obey their commands. Despite his small stature, it is better to determine his place for him and not give him access to the bed. Otherwise, you can get a "sofa" animal that you can't drive out of there.

Raising a dog is a difficult task, but it is quite doable. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of training so that the owner always remains the indisputable leader for the dog. Today we will consider the probable mistakes of training and find out why animals grow up naughty.

In order to raise a pet correctly, it is important to understand the peculiarities of canine psychology: every dog ​​sees a pack in his family, therefore the owner’s duty is to prove himself a strong and confident leader from the first day of the puppy’s presence in the house, otherwise your pet will take this place (at least in his presentation). The consequence of this position of the animal is disobedience and excessive aggression.

The dog must be trained in basic skills and natural needs (regular walks, toilet, sleep). However, this cannot be achieved without mastering the simplest commands. To raise the perfect pet is possible, you will have to show firmness of character and not back down until you achieve unquestioning obedience.

The dog's place in the household hierarchy

And yet, it is important to make the animal respect the owner from the very beginning. If this is not done, you will never be able to influence the behavior of the pet. There are several important rules that must be observed in the process of education:

  • feed the dog only after the whole family has had lunch: in pack conditions, the leader is always sated first, and only after that weaker members of the pack are allowed to eat;
  • immediately stop the dog's attempts to be the first to go through the door - the leader always and everywhere goes first, and the rest of the pack meekly let him through. Confidently and firmly stop the animal by giving a strict “No!” command, and enter first. At the same time, it is categorically not recommended to beat the dog - a firm hold is enough;
  • remember your unconditional leadership even during games - the victory always remains with the stronger member of the pack, that is, with you;
  • if we are talking about an adult dog, try not to succumb to the pet’s suggestions to start the game: such an initiative should come purely from you;
  • educate the animal in such a way that it fulfills the received commands the first time;
  • accustom your pet to the fact that he has his own place in the house, and stop all attempts to occupy the master's furniture, especially if the dog stubbornly refuses to leave it.

Basic principles

  • The dog needs a constant daily routine. Subject to a strict schedule, over time, the pet will get used to walking and eating at about the same time, and will patiently wait for the set hour;
  • the animal must feel the authority of not only the owner, but also all family members;
  • regularly devote time to training - the success of mastering the basic commands will depend on their frequency;
  • start work on education immediately after the appearance of the puppy in the house. Animals are receptive to learning up to 2 years of age. When your pet grows up, it will become much more difficult to re-educate him. The question of how to raise an adult dog requires a different, more comprehensive and professional approach;
  • to the question whether it is possible to beat your dog during the training process, the answer is unequivocal - it is impossible. Even in natural conditions, leaders and mothers of wolf cubs only lightly bite the puppies at the withers, or simply fill them up on their backs with their noses.

Be that as it may, it is quite possible to re-educate a dog, it’s just that the process will take more time and require maximum efforts, because the already established character of an adult animal has to be changed.

Common mistakes

Many inexperienced dog breeders are prone to common mistakes in acquiring and raising dogs:

  • do not buy an animal spontaneously - the decision to have a pet should be conscious and balanced;
  • training should not be neglected - the basic habits of a puppy are formed early, and if time is lost, it will be more difficult for you to achieve obedience;
  • be united in prohibitions and encouragement with all family members: for example, if one person forbade the dog to sleep in the master's bed, the rest should in no case violate this prohibition;
  • do not abuse rewards - a treat should always act as a pleasant bonus for completing a command or other merit;
  • pay due attention to the physical activity of the pet;
  • do not leave the dog alone for a long time - animals do not like this.

If a puppy has settled in the house, then you now have to teach him everything necessary that an adult dog should be able to do. In this case, it does not matter at all whether it is a thoroughbred or a mongrel. Probably, you have already read a huge number of articles where you got acquainted with the basics of raising puppies for dummies. But it happens that the baby came to you quite by accident, and you have no experience in keeping a dog. So what is the right way to raise a puppy?

First steps in training

Training is a kind of science, studying which you will find the answer to the question "How to raise an ideal dog?". Remember that without it, the puppy will not be able to become a worthy member of society. There are many ways of training, some are convenient to see in the video. But you won’t teach a tiny puppy to commands that are still difficult for him. So where do you start?

Getting to know your puppy

Raising a puppy begins from the first days of his appearance in the house. Now you are both a parent and a teacher for him. The dog baby still does not know anything and is not familiar with your household.

As soon as you get home, put the baby on the floor, let him sniff the new territory. He will be scared, but natural curiosity usually wins fear and causes the puppy to start exploring everything around. At this time, you should be with him, talking in a calm voice.

Once your puppy is familiar with his surroundings, squat down to appear smaller and call him. He does not yet know his name, but he will respond to your voice. When the puppy runs up, praise him. If the baby is frightened and does not want to approach, then you can lure him with a treat.

After the baby is comfortable with you, introduce him to your household. At the same time, ask them not to make noise - loud sounds will scare the puppy.

But it is advisable to get acquainted with other pets on neutral territory or not from the first day the puppy moves into the house. First, accustom the animals to each other's smell: let an adult dog, a cat sniff the baby's thing and vice versa. After some time, arrange a meeting for them under your control. Remember, even if an old-timer animal treats a newly-made resident with caution, you can’t beat him! This will develop a bad relationship between them.

Place and toilet training

The key to the successful coexistence of a dog and a person in the same apartment is the absence of problems with the toilet. Naturally, at first the puppy will write where he wants to - it is difficult for him to control this process. Therefore, it is very important to correctly explain to the baby where to go to the toilet. Use the following method.

Choose a place for WC for the first time next to the puppy's bed. Also place a few "toilets" in other places of the apartment. For these purposes, absorbent diapers are best suited. They can be moistened with the urine of the baby - the smell will help identify the toilet.

In the following video, you can learn more about toilet training a puppy.

The key to success in teaching is your attentiveness and reaction. Watch your puppy after sleeping, feeding or playing. As soon as he starts sniffing everything around, then you need to take him and take him to a place prepared for the toilet. When he recovers, praise him. Be patient: some dogs grasp this science on the fly, others will have to be taken to the diaper many times - you can’t beat them for mistakes.

Gradually reduce the number of toilet diapers to one, which you move to the corridor to the exit. When the baby learns to endure for a long time, they throw it away, but up to 5-6 months there should be a “duty” diaper in the apartment.

Another team that they begin to study right away is "Place". It's easy to learn how to do it right. When the puppy has played enough and is tired, take him to the bed, saying “Place”, put him on the bed and stroke him. This is one of the best ways.

And in order for your puppy to grow up healthy and strong, teach him to hygiene and veterinary procedures from an early age. such as bathing, ear cleaning, nail trimming, etc.

We teach to come to the call

One of the most important commands for a dog is "Come to me". It is easy to teach her while the baby is small. To do this, name the puppy and when he runs up to you, say "Come to me." Be sure to praise him and treat him with treats. Repeat for a few minutes daily, and turning your workouts into a game is a great way to solidify everything.

This video will tell you what a teapot in the world of dog breeding needs to know about training.

night crying

At the very beginning of a life together, a puppy taken from its mother will cry at night. Many of the dog breeders are not ready for whining and, in order to calm the dog, they take it to bed with them. If you don't want your dog to sleep with you all the time, then don't! The best way is to move the baby's bedding to the bed and lower your hand to him. So he will feel your warmth, and he will not be lonely.

By the way, in no video you will find a demonstration of accustoming a puppy to sleep alone.

How to correctly limit the scope of what is permitted

Any crime entails punishment - the great Fyodor Mikhailovich wrote about this. However, in relation to the dog, everything is not so simple. Remember that animals have their own society, rules and orders, they perceive the world differently - a lot of videos and films have been shot about this. Our task is to teach them to distinguish between what is good and what is bad. The main thing is to do without the verb "beat", because there are many other ways of education.

Learning to Prohibit

Raising a puppy is impossible without prohibitions, but remember that scolding a baby is possible only during the commission of a crime. If you come home from work, and everything in the apartment is upside down, it is useless to make a fuss and beat the puppy. He will associate punishment with your arrival, but not with a torn pillow.

The most common owner mistakes

Now you know how to raise a dog, but there are always flaws and aspects that you do not know. Unfortunately, no matter how much literature dog owners study, they continue to make mistakes when training a puppy. Let's look at them in more detail.

  • Few incentives. When the dog does everything right, do not be greedy for kind words, you can give treats and stroke. Prove that she is the best in the world.
  • Muzzle poke into excrement. The kid should not be beaten for what he did on the floor. This will only scare him. So just calmly clean up after him and watch carefully next time to have time to take him to the diaper.
  • Lack of games Yes, puppies can ruin things in the apartment. Therefore, it is important for a child to learn how to play. He must distinguish his things from the things of the owner. Never let him play with shoes, the dog will not distinguish between old sneakers and new ones, which can become his next toy.
  • Lack of communication. It is also important not only to communicate with the puppy yourself, but also to allow him to contact other four-legged animals, as well as people. It is necessary for socialization.
  • Delicious morsels from the table. A drooling dog at the table is not a pleasant sight. You can wean the animal to be in the dining room using the "Kitchen" command. The method is quite simple: when you sit down at the table, take the puppy out into the corridor and say the command at the same time.

Remember that dogs are smart - if something doesn’t work right away, then learn to contact her, just as she learns to understand you. Proper upbringing of a puppy is the key to a successful life together with an adult dog.

An obedient dog is the dream of all pet owners. But in order for the pet to be docile and well-mannered, it is necessary to make efforts on the part of the owners. Whether an animal came into the family as a puppy or as an adult, it is always possible to correct its behavior. How to raise a dog correctly, what methods of reward and punishment should be adopted, and what line of behavior should be followed?

It will not be possible to influence the behavior of a pet (this applies not only to puppies, but also to adult animals) if the owner cannot become an authority for him - the leader of the pack. How to show a dog who is the boss in the house? There are a few simple rules:

  • The owner is always the first to start the meal, this is exactly what happens in a flock of animals - the leader is saturated, then everyone else in turn. The dog should be fed only after the whole family has eaten. If in the morning there is no such possibility, then you can feed the pet first, but on the weekend do everything as it should be.
  • The leader enters the gates, doors, gates first, the rest of the pack members will definitely let him through. You should teach your pet to this order. All attempts to climb through, squeeze in, pushing the rest, must be stopped. To do this, you need to give the command “No!” in a strict voice, and holding the dog by the chest, enter first. Shouting while constantly pulling the animal by the leash is not recommended.
  • Leadership of the owner should be shown even in the game. In any fun of a competitive nature, a person must win. Both puppies and adult dogs love to drag objects, in this case, the prey should be in the hands of the owner. If the pet is superior in physical strength, or there are no strengths left during the game, you can use the “Give” command and pick up the item.
  • Ideally, the game should start with the submission of the owner. Of course, when it comes to puppies and young animals, it is very difficult to follow this rule. Sometimes you can succumb to a provocation from a pet. But the dog must finish the game exclusively at the suggestion of the owner. One command is enough for a pet - “No!”, But if this does not work, it is necessary to command “Sit!” and maintain this position for 30-40 seconds. This pause will allow the dog to calm down.
  • A well-bred dog must carry out all assignments and commands the first time. Of course, it is not easy to achieve such unquestioning obedience, but subsequently it will be much easier to control the animal, which means that the time is well spent.
  • A pet in the house should have its own corner - a place. Not all owners agree that a dog cannot sleep on sofa beds, but only on his own. But when an animal growls when trying to kick it out of the owner's furniture, serious measures must be taken, as the animal began to forget about its status in the house.
  • The rank of a pet will be significantly lowered if all its attempts to lie down on a sofa or bed are stopped for some time. You can block furniture, close doors, put the animal out of the room before going to bed - all means are good, except for physical impact.
  • It is necessary to accustom the pet to the “Place!” command. Of course, if the goal is for the animal to always sleep there, you need to be firm and send the animal back to the place again and again, even if the dog just sprawled on the floor. It is easier with puppies in this matter - the main thing is not to give slack to the owners themselves, you will have to work hard with an adult.
  • If the dog went too far, stopped obeying, you can apply another method - to drive the dog out of the place where it lies for no reason. Even if it's his bedding. This should not be the norm, but should be used only for educational purposes, since such an attitude will remind the pet who is in charge in the house. You can also restrict access to certain rooms by putting the puppy out the door.

Outdoor toilet training

An important issue of education, concerning not only puppies. Sometimes a family gets an animal accustomed to street life, or people move from their home to an apartment. In the latter situation, you should not give up your pet, because in most cases you can accustom the animal to new conditions.

Appropriate punishment for a dog

Use physical force - in no case should you beat or kick a pet. An example of such an attitude is yard dogs, which everyone strives to offend, which leads to the embitterment of the animal.

In addition, the owner's hand for the dog should evoke exceptionally pleasant emotions. Her pet caress, give food, treat damage. If the hand is used to beat, then the dog's trust will disappear, after which it will be difficult to earn it back. The dog will be aggressive even if the owner takes it by the leash.

Of course, education without punishment is impossible, it is necessary to wean the dog from picking up garbage while walking, not taking treats from strangers, etc. It is necessary to choose other, more suitable methods:

  • Word. A command uttered in a hard, confident voice in most cases works better than physical assault. In this case, the “Fu!” command will help, and it will become an indicator that the owner is not satisfied with the behavior of his pet.
  • The use of force. This is an extreme measure, most often applied to puppies who do not want to obey. In case of disobedience, they get a spanking by the scruff of the neck from their parents. Since the owner assumes the duties of a guardian and educator, he must do the same. It is enough to shake the baby by the withers, while raising his voice, and then stand, looking menacingly down. The puppy tucked his tail, ears and looks guiltily? It means that the meaning of punishment has reached him.

Sometimes a similar effect is required for adults. Most often, dogs of fighting breeds are distinguished by special stubbornness, especially if they are already adults in the family. In a flock of a recalcitrant leader, he presses down to the ground, baring his teeth menacingly, and the owner should do something similar.

Initially, the pet, taking the collar and croup, should be raised above the ground. Having lost the feeling of the ground under his feet, the dog will become worried and his self-confidence will be shaken. Then you need to lower it to the ground, laying it down and slightly pressing it to the ground. This attitude will remind you that a person is a leader and requires respect and submission.

Video on how to raise the perfect dog

Basic rules of education

Of course, having no experience in dealing with dogs, it is difficult to immediately understand all the subtleties of education. If you don’t have time to delve into it yourself, entrust this matter to a professional. If this is not possible, you will have to work hard and not let everything go by itself. An animal of any age needs education, but a number of tips will help you find an approach to a pet of any age:

  • The owner must learn. Without knowledge, you should not take on the upbringing of the dog, as wrong actions can do harm. Today there are many films and books made and written by professional cynologists and veterinarians that help in this difficult task. You should allocate time for gaining new knowledge - 40-60 minutes a day will be enough.
  • You can't use the word "later". You should not think that the wrong behavior of the dog will correct itself, or it can be corrected later, when there is a desire, free time, etc. Having missed the moment, you can forever lose the authority of the animal, and the dog handlers will have to carry out the correction.
  • Self-control is important. Being a teacher and educator is difficult in any field, whether it is working with children, an adult audience, or animals. Before training, you need to tune in a positive way, but if any events have pissed you off, you should not start classes until the nervous system returns to normal. In no case should you scream, break loose, spank the dog, not everything works out right away, so it is important to be patient.

A well-bred dog is not only pride for any owner, but also a reliable support and protection.

Making a puppy obedient and docile is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing, when raising a dog, is to get acquainted with the important points that beginner dog lovers must study. Observing the rules, a person will remain a leader for a dog for life, and the word of the owner will remain law.

The basis of raising dogs is that the dog sees a pack in the family, if a person does not show himself as a strong and confident leader, the dog will take on the indicated mission, turning into a tutor and leader. Hence the roots of disobedience and aggression of the pet. It is better to spend time eliminating the rebellion at the root than to spend a lot of time unsuccessfully correcting the situation later.

It is necessary to educate dogs from the first puppy squeak: to accustom them to the toilet, to the place, to commands and requirements. Unfortunately, most people, bringing a puppy into the house, are interested in what to feed, what vaccinations to do, forgetting that the importance of education is extremely relevant.

At the head of education is the accustoming to basic needs and skills (sleep, toilet, walk), but without learning the simple commands of a well-mannered dog, it will not work. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the special literature on dog training, dealing with your pet daily, in order to avoid trouble later and not pose a danger to others. Until you achieve the unquestioning execution of commands, do not stop training.

Let's try to raise the perfect dog. You will need to gather willpower into a fist and be patient. You will have to spend a lot of time, ensuring that the dog grows up obedient, faithful and healthy. It is worth realizing the fact that there is no dog that is stupid or untrainable by nature (or breed), but lazy, not too zealous owners are found everywhere.

A specific dog requires an individual approach. In the article, we consider only the basic principles for the formation of the rules of education.

The main rules for raising dogs

First, focus on shaping your daily routine. A four-legged friend needs a routine no less than a person. The dog does not know how to talk, ask for food or say that he wants to walk or play. A well-observed daily regimen will help the dog feel confident, saving the owners from plaintive incomprehensible whining. The following items are prescribed in the regime: sleep and food, training and communication with relatives, play and walk, etc. Training, for example, takes up to 20 minutes daily and consistently.

Secondly, roles are immediately distributed in the family. It is impossible for a dog to take the place of a leader. Even in grown-up children, the dog must feel a strong will, so that it does not happen that the dog is raising a child and does not obey on a walk. The chief leader is the chief. The rest of the family members must obey, otherwise the care of the four-legged will fall entirely on the head of the family. Such a thing is unacceptable.

The remaining roles are not so important at the beginning of the educational process, they will gradually be automatically remembered by the dog (enemy or friend, etc.).

Thirdly, the accuracy and speed of assimilation by the dog of commands (“sit”, “lie down”, “next”, “face”) depends on the regularity of the training. If you spare no time and effort, the pet will soon please the owners and others with excellent behavior and perfect obedience. The opinion that the ability to train each dog breed is different is not entirely true. It depends only on the owner how to raise a shepherd or poodle dog: with enthusiasm or hoping for a chance. Breed doesn't really matter. The information is provided for negligent owners who are accustomed to attribute direct responsibility for an inconvenient result to other factors. If you do not know how to teach a dog simple commands, refer to thematic Internet forums, buy a training CD with the rules of training. Not everyone is able to afford to seek help from a special dog instructor. If you have money, raising a dog to be angry and naughty is definitely not threatened. A professional has the right not to train a dog, but he will point out obvious errors in training and education, help correct the dog's behavior and show how to act and talk with the animal.

If time is lost, the dog is already an adult (more than 2 years old), you will have to apply twice the amount of strength and patience, coordinate the methods of education with the cynologists. In an adult dog, it is difficult to break the character and already formed habits, which does not mean the impossibility of re-educating - it will just take longer and much more difficult.

Exhausting long workouts are strictly prohibited - this is animal abuse, which is punishable by law. Classes are held in moderation, but constantly. If you notice that the pet's condition is deteriorating, contact your nearest veterinarian urgently to immediately find out the reasons for the unhealthy condition.

Each dog has its own place

  1. Sit down at the table and eat first, in the pack the leader starts eating food first, later the rest of the animals join. The main mistake of dog owners is to give up leadership to a dog from a small one. According to the rules of the pack - after the meal, feed the dog. Complaining glances are ignored.
  2. The fatal mistake of most owners is to let the dog go home from the street first. This is absolutely impossible to do! A person, as a full-fledged leader, goes forward into the house, apartment, elevator, then, according to the rules of the wolf pack, the subordinate “wolf” enters. When trying to stubbornly climb forward with the appropriate and previously learned command, demand courtesy and obedience from the dog.
  3. Try to win over the dog, even in a simple game of competition. A person is required to start and end games.
  4. Dog commands are executed instantly, the first time.
  5. The dog must keep its own place. Solid host teams will help.
  6. Sometimes you have to punish the dog, beating the dog is inappropriate, which has the opposite effect: the animal becomes naughty and aggressive.

What is acceptable when raising a dog

It is forbidden, if you wish, to properly raise your beloved dog:

  • Can't be hit. Occasionally, light cotton on the pope is recommended.
  • You can not constantly lock the dog in a cage, avoiding paying the price of the upset psyche of the dog, which will become an insoluble and serious difficulty.
  • You can not shout for a long time, the use of an authoritative tone in your voice is highly desirable.
  • You can not punish the dog by depriving him of food or water.
  • You can not leave the dog alone for a long time, the dog is a pack animal, loneliness is detrimental to the psyche of a four-legged friend.

Remember, a kind and loving heart is not capable of raising an evil dog. Therefore, the statement is alive: "what kind of owner is such a dog."

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