Cats love to be stroked. Why do cats love to be stroked. Proper assessment of your pet's behavior

Petting a cat may not be as easy as it seems at first glance, especially if she is very tense. A nervous, aggressive, or shy cat may not know how to respond to your petting actions, mistaking them as aggression. You should overcome in yourself a sudden desire to stroke, caress and cuddle your pet; consider the nature of the animal and act in accordance with it, gradually achieving the location of the cat.


Creating comfortable conditions for the cat

    Create secluded places for a nervous cat where she would feel completely safe. Sometimes it may be tempting to convince a frightened cat to come out of hiding, but this will not improve your relationship with the animal. By luring the animal out of hiding, you kind of give the ball to his half of the field, and now he should decide on communication with you. In shelter, the cat feels protected, experiencing less stress; it is better that she decides to come out of hiding on her own, being ready to communicate with you.

    Give your cat a certain amount of freedom. Do not annoy a shy cat with excessive attention. Of course, it is not very pleasant if the cat does not trust you and shuns you, but set a goal for yourself to achieve a good relationship with the animal in the long term. Forcing a cat to do something unpleasant for her will not lead to success and will scare her away from you even more.

    Encourage your pet to be physically active and provide food for his mind. Purchase cat toys and accessories (such as a cat tower) that will keep your cat occupied and entertained. Even though your cat may be a little wary of you, she will be able to play with inanimate objects, gradually getting used to you. A satisfied animal will more easily overcome its shyness and get used to your presence.

    Be aware that a nervous cat may feel tense in your presence. Some cats have grown up outdoors or experienced trauma that has made them skittish. It is important to create comfortable and calm conditions for the animal, however, this does not guarantee overcoming all neuroses. Do your best to socialize your pet, but don't blame yourself if your cat doesn't constantly fawn over you.

    Make it so that the animal can see what you are feeding him. Food is a strong motivator for cats, so if your pet sees that you are a source of food, he will feel good. about more affection for you. If your cat is very shy, eating may be the only time she will let you get close to her. Approach the cat bowl without getting too close so as not to interfere with the animal, but at the same time so that it feels your presence.

    Understanding cat body language

    1. Look for signs that your cat is scared. You should not annoy an already alarmed animal. If the cat's fur is bristling and he is hissing at you, it means that he does not want to make contact with you. In this case, you can act in two ways: just step aside and let the cat calm down, or try to calm her down by offering some kind of treat and also stepping aside. However, you should not try to caress the animal against its will. By doing this, you will only shake the cat's trust in you, and it may scratch or bite you.

      Keep in mind that a cat's mood can change at any time. Stop petting her at the first sign of displeasure. Usually a cat shows its excessive excitement with a light bite or growl. If these signs appear, immediately stop petting the animal and give it free space.

      Look for signs that your cat is enjoying your petting. The most obvious sign of this is a contented rumbling. The cat's body should be relaxed, it can press against your hand, increasing the pressure.

      • The animal can also let you know where to pet and scratch it. This is a sure sign that your cat likes your petting, but would like you to pet her elsewhere.
    2. Remember that when a cat rubs against you, this does not always mean that he is ready for caresses. The animal may even purr, but then change its mind. When petting a nervous cat, be prepared for the fact that she can change her mind abruptly and even scratch or bite you - such is the price of communicating with an overly shy cat.

    How to pet a cat

      Draw the animal towards you. When you find a cat, sit close to (but not in close proximity to) it on the sofa or on the floor. Try to be at the same level with the animal, without hanging over it from above. You can look at the cat, but avoid direct eye contact. Call her by name. She will respond by looking at you, turning her ear in your direction, distracted from the current occupation, or slowly getting up, stretching and leaving the room; the animal may not respond to your call.

      Let the cat sniff and rub against you without petting it yet. It will take a nervous cat some time to get used to your smell. If an animal comes up and rubs against you, it has recognized you as its territory. While rubbing against your legs doesn't necessarily mean your cat loves you, it does indicate that she feels comfortable around you.

      • After your pet rubs against you a few times, reach out your hand to him so that he sniffs it. The cat may rub its cheek against your palm, after which you can gently try to stroke it.
    1. Before you try to pet your cat, try to let her see you approach her. Do not approach a shy cat unnoticed, otherwise you will not be able to build a trusting relationship with her. Try to let the animal see you coming. At the same time, if the cat does not elude you, you will make sure that she is not against affection.

      Stroke the cat in specific places on her body. Start by stroking along the back or under the chin. Try also lightly scratching her between the shoulder blades and behind the scruff. These places are difficult for cats to reach, so they usually like to be stroked there.

      • Gently run your palm along the coat: many cats do not like being stroked against the coat.
    2. Do not stroke the animal in particularly sensitive areas. For example, try not to touch the belly of a nervous cat. Although some cats like to have their belly rubbed, it is likely that a shy animal will instinctively try to defend itself. What's more, some cats will take this as an invitation to a playful fight and scratch your arm.

      • Many cats also dislike having their claws touched.
      • Some cats will bite you without any warning if you pet them for too long. In such cases, it is safer to limit yourself to stroking the head, neck and area under the chin.
    3. Be patient. If you've recently got a pet, pet him gently and try to figure out which areas he enjoys most petting and scratching. If the cat has left, pretend that you are busy with other important business.

      Gradually increase the time you spend with your pet. Don't expect a shy cat to immediately fawn over you. First, lightly stroke her on the back and let her move away from you unhindered. So you do not violate the trust of the animal, and this will begin a rather long process of getting used to you.

    • Do not be afraid of your cat, otherwise she will also feel scared.
    • Cats like to be petted on the top of their head, under the chin, on the back and on the neck (especially if they are wearing a harness). Stick to these cherished places if you want to win over your cat. Do not touch their paws, tail, lower back and especially the tummy.
    • When your cat starts waking up, she is usually calmer and more likely to let you touch her. Similarly, a tired animal is also less likely to reject petting.


    • It is possible that the cat becomes overly excited when stroked due to the hypersensitivity syndrome that occurs in cats. If this is the root of the problem, petting and scratching cause only pain instead of pleasure. There are various ways to overcome this problem, including (but not limited to) clicker training, more time to play, and medication.
    • Don't try to pet your cat while she is eating or in her litter box, as she may take it as an invasion of her privacy and scratch you.
    • Sometimes cats may playfully nibble or lightly scratch your hand and wrist. Remaining calm, firmly say "Stop!". Your cat will most likely stop and look at you. Take this moment to remove your hand and pet the animal elsewhere, continuing to build a bond between you.
    • If an animal catches your hand with its claws, do not pull your hand back, otherwise you will have one or more long, jagged scratches on your skin. Let the cat pull your hand towards him. In such cases, cats usually lightly bite the hand and release it, pulling it close enough.

    How and where to stroke a cat or a cat so that they like it: in what places, is it possible to stroke against the wool and why they do not allow you to stroke your stomach, how to find an approach to an unfamiliar cat.

    Even those people who do not have pets have stroked a cat at least once in their lives. And, most likely, they didn’t do it quite the way she liked it.

    It is best to stroke the cat in the places where he has concentrated odorous glands. When a person touches these areas of wool, the skin under them secretes a secret that remains on the hands. Thus, the cat marks its owner, which makes him happier and more confident.

    Best Places

    All cats are different, but they have one thing in common - they love when they scratching the muzzle in different places, are indifferent to the fact that their back is stroked and do not like it when their stomach is touched.

    - Most cats like to be scratched. under the chin, especially where the jaw meets the skull.

    - It is pleasant for them and when they are stroked on the sides of the muzzle and preferably with both hands at the same time.

    - There are cats who love when they massage the cheeks and a triangle between them and the nose (but very gently).

    Some cats enjoy being stroked at the base of the ears, where the odorous glands are also located.

    - There are animals that love to be touched bottom of tail.

    To determine what exactly the cat likes, wait until the cat comes to you, take it on your knees, run your hand from head to tail. If she turns to you in the process and pokes her head under your arm, then this is a clear signal that you need to pay more attention to the muzzle, and not the body. Look at which part of the muzzle she touched you - sideways, forehead, cheeks, or threw back her head, exposing her neck. This is where you need to focus this time. If you iron the wrong, what is required of you, and what you want, then the cat will simply jump off your lap and go looking for more understanding hands.

    pay attention and on the tail of a cat - the stronger and sharper she waves it, the less she is pleased with you. Try to scratch her in another part of the muzzle, but rather stop and if she wants to leave, do not hold. If she suddenly stopped purring and turned to look at you or changed the position of her ears, then this is a signal that you started doing something wrong or she was tired.

    Like any massage, stroking a cat in the end bored and she leaves. However, if she lingered on your lap, and, especially, if she also purred at the same time, then this means that you did everything right. Do not worry if after purring she tried to bite you and then left - this is a normal reaction to excessive stimulation.

    Is it possible to iron cats against wool

    Some veterinarians advise combing cats against the coat to better remove loose hair. However, the animals definitely don't like it, because it's easy for them. unpleasant.

    Small children are very fond of stroking cats against their fur and doing other actions that are unpleasant for them “for the experiment”. Therefore, never leave your cat alone with a visiting child, and explain to your children the rules of behavior with animals.

    Also never suddenly do not block the cat's view, because she will take it as a threat, get scared and run away.

    Should I touch my belly?

    A situation is considered completely normal when a cat or a cat won't let you stroke your belly. An animal, even if it feels completely safe at home, never forgets that it can become someone's prey. Turning over on its stomach, it protects its vital organs, which are not protected by anything from below. And if a cat bites you when you try to stroke his beautiful soft tummy, this does not mean at all that he does not trust you - it's just that the instinct is stronger.

    How to approach someone else's cat

    If you came to visit, and the cat living there has never seen you, do not rush to take it in your arms, stroke it and throw it into the air. Don't touch her let her sniff you. Although most cats show interest in a new person who appears on their doorstep, only a few do not mind that he immediately began to stroke and squeeze them.

    Cats are as unique as we are and each has their own preferences when it comes to petting. Some require attention 24 hours a day, others show very little interest in human affection. It is up to us whether we can read a cat's body language and determine its own comfort level.

    First of all, you need to come to you, and not vice versa. As soon as you sit on the sofa, it will take quite a bit of time before yours, or even several, will join you.

    - When the cat is comfortably on your lap, try to slowly and gently run your hand along her back. Just slide your hand along the spine, and watch the cat's reaction. Does the cat seem to be showing boredom and discomfort?

    - Most often, cats like to be stroked in the head and muzzle. Scratch lightly under the cat's chin with your fingers. Has the cat stretched out its head and taken such a position that it would be more convenient for you to pet it there and then? For sure. Another sensitive spot for petting is between and behind the ears. Gently scratch your fingers behind the cat's ear and observe the reaction.

    - A cat has glands on its cheeks and lips that produce an odorous secret. That is why you may notice how the cat rubs these places on the door jambs and various objects. She marks the territory, it gives her a sense of confidence and comfort. If you are petting your cat and she starts rubbing her cheeks and lips against your hand, this is a good sign.

    “Many cats love to be patted where the spine meets the tail. The same place is often prone to, so you need to be careful. If you notice a negative reaction from the cat to touching the base of its tail, contact your veterinarian.

    - Belly. Some cats love to be petted on the stomach, others hate it. Try it and see for yourself. If the cat does not like it, she will push your hand away with her hind legs, like a kangaroo.

    Signs your cat is unhappy

    • she looks with an expression of boredom or discomfort on her face. She can look around. This is a sign that you should not bother your cat with your attention, otherwise it may eventually get to the point that he will scratch you.
    • cat's tail moves nervously from side to side

    Signs that the cat is happy

    • she purrs
    • she squints her eyes
    • she claws at your knees
    • the cat may drool. This is normal, although not all cats behave this way.
    • the cat itself pokes its head into your palm, as if demanding to stroke itself

    Petting is a great way to build and strengthen your relationship with your cat. But they can also help you identify certain health problems in your cat. When you pet a cat, you may feel tangles in the fur, or swelling and bumps on her body, with your hand. Feel the chest of the cat, if its weight is normal, the ribs should be palpable, but they should not be noticeable. Pay attention to how the cat's coat feels to the touch, dry or oily.

    Petting not only soothes your cat, it has a positive effect on your own health. Petting a cat has been shown to lower blood pressure, which reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks.



    Fluffy pets are affectionate, kind and gentle creatures. They themselves can give the owner warmth, but they also love when they are stroked. Why do they like such manipulations so much? What is the secret of stroking a cat as a way of showing attention to it? Let's look into the issue.

    Why do cats like to be petted?

    First of all, we note that there are the most sensitive areas on the body of cats. Vibris are located there. These are hairs, similar in structure to a mustache, but smaller and thinner; they serve as organs of touch for a cat. If the pet is stroked in the direction of whisker growth, she becomes very pleased, she is very pleased with such attention. But when you hold your hand against the wool, the cat experiences discomfort. And if we are talking about representatives of short-haired breeds with hard hair, then they even experience pain if they are stroked incorrectly. In this case, pets can simply stand up abruptly and run away, offended.

    There is another reason why pets love gentle strokes. In those areas of the body that they enjoy touching, there are specific glands that exude a secret. Cats use it to mark territory and household items, even owners. And when the owner strokes the pet, he accidentally “marks” himself with his secret. A cat or cat perceives this as a sign of attention and trust, so they experience great pleasure from this and relax.

    About the sensitive areas of the body of cats

    There are many such areas in an animal:

    1. The area between the ear and the eye. It is usually lightly furred in kittens and adults. Most of the odorous glands are localized there, precisely those with which the cat marks its territory.
    2. The middle of the forehead, the area between the ears.
    3. The area of ​​the muzzle between the nose and lips. These are the areas where the mustache grows. With such areas, cats and cats always rub against the owner's legs, marking him, as well as objects in the house, furniture.
    4. Lips, chin. When the owner gently scratches the lower part of the chin, the cat simply touches and lifts up his neck, purring contentedly.
    5. Lower back - base of the tail. It is difficult for a cat to scratch such a place on its own. He will be grateful to the owner for a massage.
    6. Stomach. Although animals do not have specific glands in this part of the body, the sensitivity of the zone is high. A cat can entrust stroking its belly only to the closest person - the owner. A pregnant cat becomes calmer and more sensitive to touch. However, in recent weeks, she should not be stroked on her stomach - this is unpleasant for her.
    7. About stroking cats by strangers

      These pets clearly know who is in their house and who is a stranger. And although many people, for example, relatives, colleagues of the owner can often visit the apartment, they remain strangers for the animal, from whom you can expect anything. Therefore, guests of the house should not immediately unceremoniously stroke the cat that came out to them. First, you just need to stretch out your hand to him so that he sniffs it. From the reaction and mood of the animal, it will not be difficult to guess whether he wants to be stroked. If, having sniffed his hand, he turns away, then you should not impose yourself. Cats subtly smell tobacco, so they can immediately run away, smelling it. The same goes for strong perfumes.

      If the cat, sniffing his hand, begins to rub against the guest, then he is not against stroking and showing affection. It is better to start them from the head, namely from the forehead area. If the cat closes its eyes at the same time, then you can continue to stroke it, moving towards the neck, chin, and base of the tail. But what you should not do is to wag your ears and scratch them.

      The cat shows his satisfaction by arching his back, purring contentedly. Even when the cat is happy, does not show aggression, you should not try to touch her stomach. She can bite, because this is a secret place. You can stroke your stomach only when the cat will set it up for you, lounging on its back. Otherwise, the pet may even bite you.

      Each owner knows exactly which parts of his pet's body are the most sensitive. But even they need to be stroked delicately and carefully, taking into account the mood of the animal, its state of health.

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