After vaccination with DTP and. DTP vaccination - what is it, is it necessary to put it, contraindications and reviews

The DTP vaccine protects against 3 infectious diseases, namely diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. ADS and ADS-M are forms of the same vaccine, but without the pertussis component.

Diphtheria- an acute infectious disease caused by bacteria, characterized by the formation of a fibrinous film at the site of the pathogen, general intoxication, severe complications such as infectious-toxic shock, myocarditis, polyneuritis, nephrosis, etc. Diphtheria is a serious infection in which respiratory blockage can occur ways.

Tetanus- an acute infectious disease with a contact mechanism of pathogen transmission through damaged skin and mucous membranes, characterized by damage to the nervous system with the occurrence of generalized tetanic convulsions.

Whooping cough- an acute infectious disease with an airborne transmission mechanism caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis, the leading clinical symptom of which is a paroxysmal spasmodic cough, during which a state of severe hypoxia often occurs with the development of convulsive syndrome and hypoxic encephalopathy. In children of the first year of life, the disease is characterized by a severe course and even death due to the development of apnea (respiratory arrest). Whooping cough affects children of all ages, including newborns and adults. The greatest incidence is observed at the age from 1 year to 5-7 years.

So, we got acquainted with all the components of the combined vaccine, which is designed to save a person from three diseases at once. The main advantages of the Russian-made DPT vaccine are easy availability, efficiency and safety. The vaccination course consists of 3 vaccinations with an interval of 30-45 days and 1 revaccination 12 months after the last vaccination.

The DTP vaccination course can be carried out simultaneously with vaccinations against polio, hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type b (ACT-Hib), provided that they are administered in different parts of the body. DPT revaccination can be combined with the same vaccines, as well as with the measles, rubella and mumps vaccine (Priorix, MMR-II).

Contraindications almost no vaccine. Children who have had acute respiratory infections (ARI) can be vaccinated immediately after recovery. In mild forms of respiratory diseases (runny nose, slight reddening of the pharynx, etc.), vaccination is allowed against the background of residual acute respiratory infections. Children with neurological conditions are vaccinated after exclusion of the progression of the process.

The introduction of the DTP vaccine is temporarily or absolutely contraindicated only if the child has:

  • - progressive diseases of the nervous system
  • - seizures of convulsions were previously noted not against the background of high temperature.

In both of these cases, children are vaccinated with vaccines without a pertussis component (APS).

Vaccinations are also carried out after the end of an exacerbation of allergic diseases, while stable manifestations of the disease (localized skin phenomena, latent bronchospasm, etc.) are not contraindications to vaccination, which can be carried out against the background of appropriate therapy.

Children suffering from various chronic diseases (bronchial asthma, polycystic disease, congenital cardiovascular disease, persistent neurological conditions, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, etc.) should be vaccinated in the first place, since all these conditions and diseases increase the risk of severe disease outcomes prevented by the DTP vaccine.

Note to parents

If you are worried about your baby's possible reaction to a vaccine, take the necessary measures to prevent it:

  1. Antipyretics can be given 2 hours after vaccination.
  2. Feed at will.
  3. Drink more mineral water, dried fruit compote, green, fruit, berry tea.
  4. Do not introduce complementary foods or do not change the mother's diet if the baby is breastfeeding.
  5. Limit contact with other people
  6. Ventilate the room more often
  7. More time outdoors

Vaccine reactions

Do not panic if your baby develops redness and swelling at the injection site. This is considered a normal reaction to the vaccine. At the same time, the child may be restless, whiny, and also “take care of the leg” into which the injection was made. These phenomena will disappear in 2-3 days against the background of the appointment of antihistamines (tavegil, claritin, etc.)

It is believed that most adverse reactions to the administration of the DPT vaccine are due to the pertussis component. Strong reactions include an increase in temperature up to 40 C and above, swelling at the injection site with a diameter of 5 cm or more, a sharp reddening of the skin of 8 cm or more. An increase in temperature in children may be accompanied by convulsions, usually mild and short-lived. In these cases, you need to call a doctor.

In conclusion, it should be said that vaccination is the most effective and safe means of protection against many infectious diseases. Adverse reactions to vaccines, in particular to DPT, are extremely rare and reversible. used in all countries of the world. The exclusion of vaccination from the vaccination calendar inevitably leads to an increase in morbidity and mortality among children. By refusing to vaccinate your child, you put him at an increased risk of infection. On the other hand, you can prevent any reactions by following the simplest preventive measures.

Vaccination of children is aimed at combating diseases that pose a danger to humans. Among the vaccinations given to children in the first year of life, DPT is also present. Let us examine in more detail the features of such a vaccine, as well as possible adverse reactions to its administration.

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What is it and what diseases are vaccinated against?

The DPT vaccine is aimed at preventing the occurrence of several diseases at once:

  1. Diphtheria;
  2. Tetanus;
  3. Whooping cough.

All these infections are classified as serious and very dangerous diseases with a high percentage of death or disability. The letters K, D and C in the name of the vaccine indicate these infections, and the letter A means "adsorbed".

The DTP vaccine protects against several diseases with a high mortality rate.


  • Such a vaccine will protect the child from three serious diseases. Even if the baby becomes infected, the disease will end quickly and without complications.
  • The use of such a combined vaccine avoids the need for three injections.
  • DTP vaccination has a rather low complication rate.
  • Domestic vaccine is available and very effective.


  • This vaccine is one of the most reactogenic, so many babies develop side effects on its administration (especially on the second or third vaccination).
  • The injection is quite painful and many babies cry for a long time because of it.
  • Parents have to pay for imported vaccines separately.

Possible adverse reactions

A reaction to the introduction of DTP appears in every third child, but is not a pathology, since in most cases it disappears without a trace. Most often, side effects are caused by the second and third vaccinations.

There are such adverse reactions to DTP:

  1. Local. This is a change in the skin at the injection site (redness, induration or swelling), as well as impaired walking due to pain at the injection site.
  2. General. DPT can cause hyperthermia, diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, moody mood, prolonged sleep.

Carry out a particularly careful examination of the baby's condition before vaccination, since negative reactions are especially common after DTP

Increased body temperature, as well as local changes, are observed in 25% of babies. Vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness and poor appetite are typical for the first day after DTP vaccination in 10% of children.

All these side effects are found on the first day after vaccination. If several days have already passed, and they do not pass, the child probably developed an infection (very often, children become infected in the clinic while they are waiting for manipulation).

It is also imperative to contact a pediatrician if the reaction to vaccination is very pronounced - the injection site is very swollen (more than 8 cm), the child has been crying for more than 3 hours, his body temperature is more than 39 degrees.

Serious side effects and statistics on them

The complications that the DTP vaccine causes can be caused by ignoring contraindications to vaccination, using a spoiled drug, or improperly administering the vaccine. The incidence of complications during DTP vaccination is 1-3 per 100 thousand.

After vaccination are possible:

  • Quincke's edema;
  • Symptoms of encephalopathy;
  • Convulsions (while the temperature is not elevated);

Seizures develop in one child in 14,500 vaccinated babies. The incidence of a serious allergy to DPT is 1 in a million.

It is extremely rare that an abscess appears at the injection site, associated with a violation of sterile conditions during vaccination. In the past, the incidence of abscesses was greater because DTP was injected into the buttock.

Studies have not found a direct effect of DTP on neurological disorders, therefore, it is believed that in the event of such complications, the vaccine acts as a provoking factor for the manifestation of disorders that were before, but did not manifest themselves openly.

Meanwhile, it is known that the pertussis component of the vaccine irritates the membranes of the brain, which causes short-term disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. In such cases, the child is no longer vaccinated with DTP (administered DTP).

The likelihood of complications after vaccination in healthy children is almost zero


General contraindications (in which vaccinations are not carried out) are:

  • Acute period of any disease;
  • Allergy to any component of the vaccine;
  • Immunodeficiency.

A serious obstacle to DTP vaccination is an enlarged thymus gland. If you ignore this contraindication, the vaccine can result in big health problems for the child.

It is necessary to refuse the introduction of DPT for a while with an exacerbation of diathesis until remission is achieved. After acute respiratory infections in a mild form, a child can be vaccinated 2 weeks after recovery, and after other acute illnesses - after 4 weeks.

There are also contraindications to the introduction of DTP, but allowing vaccination with ATP. These are neurological pathologies (for example, encephalopathy), the presence of seizures or allergies in the baby's relatives, as well as prematurity.

Before you get vaccinated, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. There are children who cannot do DTP

Why you need a vaccine: the statistics speak for themselves

At present, DPT is indicated for administration to children in all developed countries, since thanks to this vaccine, thousands of children's lives are being saved. In some countries, over the past 5 years, a light version of this vaccine has been used, which does not contain the pertussis component. The result was a significant increase in the incidence of whooping cough, as well as complications and deaths of this infection.

If parents decide not to vaccinate at all, then they are not interested in AKSD at all, but if they doubt the need for such a vaccine, believing that a large number of components can harm the child, their worries are in vain. Since the components of the vaccine are aimed at different infections, they are well tolerated by the baby's body. In addition, the compatibility of these components has been proven over the years.

Recall that until the 1950s, when vaccination began in Russia, diphtheria developed in 20% of children, and death was in almost 50% of cases. Tetanus is an even more dangerous infection with a mortality rate of about 85%. Well, whooping cough before the start of DTP vaccination developed in all children, proceeding with varying severity. Now, when all children are offered vaccination, the statistics of whooping cough has decreased by 20 times.

Thanks to DTP, deaths from whooping cough, dephtheria and tetanus are reduced to almost zero

Why is a vaccine better than a disease?

Many adults have the mistaken belief that immunity is stronger after illness than after vaccination. This is indeed characteristic of some infections, but diphtheria and tetanus are not among them. If a child gets sick with any of these infections, immunity to them will not develop. While the basic triple vaccination using DTP will protect the baby from these diseases for a period of 6 to 12 years. As for whooping cough, immunity appears after its transfer, but its duration is the same as with the introduction of vaccination (from 6 to 10 years). It turns out that vaccination is safer and more beneficial.

At what age do they get vaccinated?

In childhood, vaccination against tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria is done three times. The interval between administration of the DPT vaccine should be 30 to 45 days. The minimum period after which the next vaccine can be administered to the baby is 4 weeks.


The vaccination schedule notes that the first time the DTP vaccine is administered to children at 3 months of age. This is due to a decrease in the protection of the baby from infections due to the antibodies received from the mother. For the first vaccination, you can use any vaccine - both imported and domestically produced. At the same time, it is noted that Infanrix is ​​more easily tolerated by 3-month-old babies, since the pertussis component in this vaccine is acellular.

If there were reasons to cancel the vaccination at 3 months, DTP can be given at any time up to 4 years of age. If a 4-year-old child has not previously been vaccinated with the DPT vaccine, he is no longer given this vaccine, but DTP.

DTP vaccination for children is always carried out in three stages


30-45 days after the first DTP injection, the vaccination is repeated, so the average age for the second DPT is 4.5 months. The vaccination can be carried out either with the same vaccine that was used for the first vaccination, or with any other type.

The reaction to the second injection of the vaccine may be more pronounced (it is to this administration of DTP that most babies react), but this is not a pathology, but due to the fact that the baby’s body has already become acquainted with the ingredients of the vaccine and has developed a certain immune response, therefore, with the second "meeting" response will be stronger.

The missed second DPT should be given as soon as there is such an opportunity, then the vaccination will be the second and it is not necessary to start the vaccination process again. If the baby had a serious reaction to the first injection of DTP, then it is possible to replace the second vaccine with ATP, since the pertussis component is most often the cause of the side effects of this vaccine.


The third time DTP is also given 30-45 days after the second vaccination, so the age of the third vaccination is often 6 months. If the vaccine was not delivered during this period, DTP should be administered as soon as possible, then the vaccine will be considered the third.

In some children, the reaction to this vaccine administration is most pronounced, which is also not considered a pathology, as in the case of a reaction to the second vaccination.

The fourth administration of the DPT vaccine is called the first revaccination and is carried out at the age of one and a half years (one year after the previous vaccination). It, like all subsequent vaccinations, provides support for the immunity of the child and adult from these diseases. Next, the child is no longer injected with DTP, but with a version of this vaccine without pertussis toxoid - ADS-M. This vaccine is given at age 7, then at 14, and then every 10 years for the life of an adult.

By the age of 1.5 years, according to the plan, the child should already be fully vaccinated, and the next vaccination will be only at school

When is it needed?

Vaccination with the DTP vaccine begins at an early age and maintains the immunity formed after vaccination throughout a person's life. Such a vaccination is important not only for babies in the first years of life, but also for adults, since the risk of contracting tetanus exists at any age.

If the vaccination schedule is violated, it is not necessary to start introducing DTP again from the very beginning. Vaccination is continued from the stage when the next vaccination was missed.

Are vaccines from different manufacturers compatible?

DPT vaccines are currently produced by several manufacturers and may include other components. Current vaccine options:

  • Domestic DPT;
  • Infanrix;
  • Bubo - against tetanus, diphtheria and hepatitis B;
  • Pentaxim - the DTP vaccine is supplemented with components that protect against hemophilic infection and poliomyelitis;
  • Tritanrix-HB - vaccinated against whooping cough, hepatitis B, tetanus and diphtheria;
  • Tetracoccus - includes DPT and polio vaccine;
  • ADS - a vaccine in which there is no pertussis component (there is also ADS-M, which is administered from the age of 6);
  • AC - only against tetanus;
  • AD-M - only against diphtheria.

All DTP vaccines work well together

Preparing for DTP

Since reactions to DPT occur much more often than to other mandatory vaccinations, therefore, parents and medical staff should be more attentive to both the child and the vaccination itself.

  1. It is important that the child is vaccinated in a healthy state.
  2. It is best to vaccinate the baby after a stool and on an empty stomach, while it is not recommended to dress the baby too warmly.
  3. Parents should purchase antipyretic drugs of several groups in different forms of release (syrup and suppositories).
  4. Medicinal anti-allergic preparation makes sense for children who have a high risk of allergies. Such children are given antihistamines 1-2 days before vaccination and continue to receive them until the third day after vaccination.

Before each vaccination, a thorough examination by a pediatrician is necessary.

Where is the injection made?

The vaccine is injected into the muscle tissue, since it is from it that the DTP components are released at the rate necessary for the formation of immunity. If the drug is injected under the skin, it will be released for an unnecessarily long time, as a result of which the injection will become useless.

For the introduction of DTP, the thigh is usually chosen, since the muscle tissue on the legs is often well developed even in very young children. For school-age children and adults, vaccination is carried out in the shoulder, provided that it enters the muscle tissue.

It is not recommended to administer the vaccine into the buttocks, since this area has a large layer of adipose tissue. In addition, with such an introduction, there is a risk that the components of the vaccine will enter the nerve or blood vessel. Intravenous administration of the drug is unacceptable.

For children under 7 years old, DPT is more often done in the thigh, and for children from 7 years old - in the shoulder

What to do if there are negative reactions?

At home, the baby is advised to immediately give an antipyretic drug and control body temperature all day. Fever is a common reaction to DTP, but since it does not affect the development of the immune response, any hyperthermia after vaccination should be eliminated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

When redness appears, nothing needs to be done. If a seal appears at the injection site, its resorption can take up to two weeks. It is also a common reaction due to localized tissue inflammation at the site where the vaccine is absorbed. You can help the baby with the help of troxevasin ointment.

Whooping cough
  • Producer: Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPO Microgen of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Russia.

    Release form. DTP is produced in ampoules of 1.0 ml (2 vaccination doses). The package contains 10 ampoules.

    Vaccination schedule: prevention of diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus according to the National Immunization Schedule for children three times with an interval of 1.5 months (3 months - 4.5 months - 6 months).

    Instructions for use

    Vaccine pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus adsorbed liquid (DPT-vaccine) suspension for injection.

    Compound. The DTP vaccine consists of a suspension of killed pertussis microbes and purified toxoids, tetanus and diphtheria, adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide.

    Preservative - merthiolate at a concentration of 0.01%. Contains in 1 ml of the preparation 20 billion pertussis microbial cells, 30 flocculating units (LF) of diphtheria antitoxin-binding units (EC) of tetanus toxoid. One primary dose (0.5 ml) contains at least 30 international immunizing units (IMU) of diphtheria toxoid, at least 60 IU of tetanus toxoid and at least 4 international protective units of pertussis vaccine. It is a suspension of white or slightly yellowish color, which separates on standing into a clear liquid and a loose precipitate, easily broken up by shaking.

    Properties. The introduction of the DTP vaccine into the human body causes the formation of specific immunity against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus.

    Appointment. The drug is intended for routine prophylaxis of whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus in children aged 3 months and older according to a special scheme.

    Application. Vaccinations with DTP vaccine are carried out at the age of 3 months. Until reaching the age of 3 years 11 months. 29 days. (Vaccinations for children who have had whooping cough are carried out with ADS-toxoid). The DTP vaccine is administered intramuscularly, into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock at a dose of 0.5 ml (grafting single dose). The vaccination course consists of 3 vaccinations with an interval of 1.5 months (3 months, 4.5 months, 6 months.) The DTP vaccine can be administered simultaneously with the polio vaccine and other preparations of the national vaccination schedule. Revaccination is carried out once at the age of 18 months. (in case of violation of the timing of vaccinations - 12-13 months after the last vaccination with DTP vaccine).

    Note: If the child is under 3 years 11 months 29 days. did not receive revaccination with DTP vaccine, then it is carried out with ADS-anatoxin (for ages 4 years - 5 years 11 months 29 days) or ADS - M-anatoxin (6 years and older)

    Contraindications. Progressive diseases of the nervous system. History of afebrile seizures. The development of a strong general reaction to the previous administration of the DTP vaccine (an increase in temperature in the first two days to 40 and above) or complications.

    Special instructions.

    1. Children with contraindications to the use of DTP vaccine can be vaccinated with DTP - toxoid.

    2. If the child is vaccinated twice, the course of vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus is considered complete, if the child has received one vaccination, vaccination can be continued with ADS-M-toxoid, which is administered once no earlier than 3 months later. In both cases, the first revaccination is carried out with ADS-M-anatoxin after 9-12 months. After the last vaccination. If a complication developed after the third vaccination with DTP vaccine, the first revaccination is carried out with ADS-M-anatoxin after 12-18 months. Subsequent revaccinations are carried out at 7, 14 and every subsequent 10 years with ADS-M-anatoxin.

    Storage. Store in a dry, dark place at (6 ± 2)°C. Protect from freezing!

    Best before date. 1 year 6 months.

    Infanrix™ / INFANRIX™ (diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus)

    INFANRIX™ vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough acellular purified inactivated liquid (INFANRIX™ combined diphteria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine) GlaxoSmithKline J07A X (Belgium)

    Composition and form of release: suspension for injection, syringe 0.5 ml, 1 dose, No. 1

    One dose (0.5 ml) contains at least 30 International Immunizing Units (MIU) of diphtheria toxoid, at least 40 IU of tetanus toxoid and 25 micrograms of detoxified pertussis toxin, and 25 micrograms of filamentous haemagglutinin and 8 micrograms of pertactin. Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids obtained from cultures of Corynebacterium diphteriae and Clostridium tetani are inactivated and purified. The acellular pertussis vaccine components are prepared by growing a phase I culture of Bordetella pertussis from which PT, FHA and pertactin are extracted and purified.

    Indications: active primary immunization against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough in children from 3 months of age.

    Application: The primary vaccination regimen consists of three doses in the first year of life and may begin at 3 months of age, followed by a booster dose in the 2nd and 6th year of life.

    The Infanrix vaccine is intended for deep intramuscular administration. Infanrix vaccine should be given with caution to individuals with thrombocytopenia or a bleeding disorder, as these individuals may experience local bleeding when administered intramuscularly. The injection site must be firmly pressed (without rubbing) for at least 2 minutes.

    Contraindications: Do not administer Infanrix to persons with a known hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine or to persons who have shown signs of hypersensitivity after a previous administration of the diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough vaccine.

    The administration of Infanrix is ​​contraindicated in children if the child has previously had encephalopathy of unknown etiology within 7 days of a previous administration of a pertussis-containing vaccine. In this case, the vaccination course should be continued with a vaccine with diphtheria and tetanus components.

    Side effects: pain, flushing, swelling, fever, atypical crying or screaming, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite.

    Interaction with other drugs: Infanrix vaccine can be used simultaneously with other vaccines intended for immunization in children. The vaccine can be used in the same syringe with vaccines for the prevention of diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae (type B). Places of introduction of vaccines must be necessarily different. In patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy, as well as in patients with immunodeficiency, a sufficient immune response may not develop.

    Storage conditions: in a dry dark place at a temperature of 2-8 ° C, do not freeze. The vaccine should be administered immediately after opening the vial (no more than 8 hours after opening the vial).

    Infanrix IPV (INFANRIX™ IPV)

    Combined vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (acellular component) and poliomyelitis

    Production: GlaxoSmithKline J07C A02 (Belgium).

    Composition and form of release: suspension for injection 0.5 ml single syringe, 1 dose, No. 1

    A 0.5 ml dose of the vaccine contains at least 30 IU of diphtheria toxoid, at least 40 IU of tetanus toxoid, 25 µg of pertussis toxoid, 25 µg of filamentous hemagglutinin, 8 µg of pertactin; 40 D-antigenic units type 1, 8 D-antigenic units type 2 and 32 D-antigenic units type 3 of inactivated poliomyelitis virus.

    Pharmacological properties: Infanrix IPV is a combination vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough/acellular component/DTPa and poliomyelitis (IPV).

    Indications: Prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and poliomyelitis in children aged 2 months. Infanrix IPV vaccine is also indicated as a booster dose for children who have previously been immunized with diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and polio antigens.

    Usage: The primary vaccination regimen consists of 3 doses in the first year of life and may begin at 3 months of age. Between the introduction of subsequent doses, an interval of at least 1.5 months should be observed. Typically, the vaccine is given to a child at age 3; 4-5 and 6 months with revaccination at 18 months. After completion of the primary vaccination regimen, an interval of at least 6 months should be maintained for the introduction of a booster dose. Clinical data regarding the use of this vaccine as a booster dose have been obtained in children under 13 years of age.

    The Infanrix IPV vaccine is intended for deep intramuscular administration. For infants, the predominant injection site is the anterolateral thigh; in older children, the vaccine should be injected into the deltoid muscle. Each subsequent dose is desirably administered at alternate sites.

    Contraindications: Infanrix-IPV vaccine should not be given to persons with hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine, or to persons who show signs of hypersensitivity after previous administration of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis or inactivated polio vaccines.

    Infanrix IPV is contraindicated if the child has had encephalopathy of unknown etiology within 7 days of a previous pertussis-containing vaccine.

    Special instructions: Infanrix-IPV vaccine should not be given to persons with a known hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine, or to persons who have shown signs of hypersensitivity after previous administration of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis or inactivated polio vaccines. Infanrix IPV is contraindicated if the child has had encephalopathy of unknown etiology within 7 days of a previous pertussis-containing vaccine. Under no circumstances should Infanrix IPV be given intravenously.

    Storage conditions: Infanrix IPV vaccine should be stored at 2-8°C in the dark. Cannot be frozen; do not use if Infanrix IPV vaccine has been frozen.

    Infanrix™ HEXA / Infanrix™ HEXA

    Diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, hepatitis B, polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b.

    INFANRIX™ HEXA combined diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, hepatitis B, enhanced inactivated polio vaccine and Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (DTPa-HBV-IPV/Hib))

    Manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline J07C A09 (Belgium)

    Composition and form of release: injection suspension, disposable syringe, + lyophil. since. d / in. in fl., No. 1

    Contains diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, 3 purified pertussis antigens (pertussis toxoid (PT), filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA) and pertactin (PRN; 69 kDa outer membrane protein), purified hepatitis B virus (HBV) major surface antigen (HBsAg) and Purified polyribosyl-ribitol phosphate capsular polysaccharide (PRP) Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) covalently linked to tetanus toxoid adsorbed on aluminum salts The vaccine also contains inactivated polioviruses type 3 (IPV) (type 1: Mahoney strain; type 2 : strain MEF-1, type 3: strain Saukett).

    The drug is a suspension (DTPa-HBV-IPV) for injection in a disposable syringe and a lyophilized powder (Hib) for injection in a vial, which are mixed before use.

    Pharmacological properties: Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids are obtained by treating with formaldehyde purified toxins from Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Clostridium tetani. Acellular pertussis vaccine components are obtained by extraction and purification from phase I cultures of Bordetella pertussis, which are followed by irreversible detoxification of the pertussis toxin by treatment with glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde, and by treatment with formaldehyde FHA and PRN. Diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid and components of the acellular pertussis vaccine are adsorbed on aluminum salts. The components of DTPa-HBV-IPV are prepared in isotonic solution of sodium chloride and contain 2-phenoxyethanol.

    The HBV surface antigen is produced by a genetically engineered yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cell culture that carries the gene encoding HBsAg. This surface antigen is thoroughly purified by physicochemical methods. It spontaneously transforms into spherical particles with a diameter of 20 nm, which contain non-glycosylated antigen polypeptides and a lipid matrix consisting mainly of phospholipids that have the characteristic properties of natural HBsAg. Type 3 polioviruses are cultured on the VERO cell line, purified and inactivated with formaldehyde. Hib polysaccharide is prepared from Hib strain 20752 and combined with tetanus toxoid. After purification, the conjugate is adsorbed onto aluminum salts and lyophilized in the presence of lactose as a stabilizer. Infanrix Hexa meets WHO requirements for the production of biologicals, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and combination vaccines, vaccines for the prevention of hepatitis B obtained using recombinant DNA technology, inactivated vaccines for the prevention of polio and Hib conjugate vaccines.

    Indications: Infanrix Hexa vaccine is indicated for primary immunization to prevent diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis B, poliomyelitis and Haemophilus influenzae type b infection in infants 6 weeks of age and older and may be given to infants who have received the first dose vaccines to prevent hepatitis B at birth.

    Application: Infanrix Hexa vaccine is injected deep intramuscularly into the vastus lateralis muscle in the anterolateral region of the middle or upper thigh.

    Contraindications: Do not administer to persons with a known hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine or to persons who have experienced hypersensitivity reactions after previous administration of vaccines to prevent diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis B, polio or Hib.

    The introduction of Infanrix Hexa is contraindicated if the child has previously had encephalopathy of unknown etiology within 7 days after a previous vaccination with a vaccine containing a pertussis component. In this case, pertussis vaccination should be discontinued and the course of vaccination with diphtheria-tetanus, hepatitis B, inactivated polio and Hib vaccines should be continued.

    Side effects: in clinical studies, the most common reactions (frequency 10%) reported after primary vaccination were:

    Local: pain, hyperemia, swelling;
    - systemic: anorexia, fever, drowsiness, irritability.

    In studies involving 4083 individuals (vaccine doses documented), reactions at the injection site and irritability were reported from reactions that were regarded as due or likely due to vaccination.

    Very rarely, allergic reactions, including anaphylactoid reactions, have been reported following immunization with vaccines containing DTPa.

    For vaccines with a pertussis component, extremely rare cases of collapse or shock-like state (hypotonic hyporeactive episode) and convulsions have been reported within 2-3 days after vaccination. All vaccinated with similar reactions recovered without complications.

    Storage conditions: in a dark place at a temperature of 2-8 ° C. During transport, the recommended storage conditions must be observed. The DTPa-HB-IP suspension and the vaccine prepared for administration must not be frozen.
    Vaccine "Pentaxim"

    Pentaxim (Pentaxim)

    Vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio and Haemophilus influenzae.

    Manufacturer: SanofiAventis Pasteur, France

    Presentation: 1 syringe containing 1 dose of vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough, poliomyelitis, Haemophilus influenzae type B

    Instructions for using the vaccine

    Vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria and tetanus adsorbed, pertussis acellular, inactivated poliomyelitis, infection caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugated.

    Dosage form: Lyophilizate for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular injection 1 dose, complete with a suspension for intramuscular injection 0.5 ml.

    Composition and dosage: 1. Vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria and tetanus adsorbed; pertussis acellular; poliomyelitis inactivated (suspension for intramuscular injection). One dose of the vaccine (0.5 ml) contains:

    Active substances:

    Diphtheria anatoxin...? 30 IU;
    - Tetanus toxoid...? 40 IU;
    - Anatoxin pertussis ... 25 mcg;
    - Hemagglutinin filamentous ... 25 mcg;
    - Poliomyelitis virus type 1 inactivated……….40 units of D antigen;
    - Polio virus type 2 inactivated ... 8 units of D antigen;
    - Poliomyelitis virus type 3 inactivated ... 32 units of D antigen;


    Aluminum hydroxide 0.3 mg;
    - Hank's medium 199* 0.05 ml;
    - formaldehyde 12.5 mcg;
    - phenoxyethanol 2.5 µl;
    - water for injection up to 0.5 ml;
    - acetic acid or sodium hydroxide - up to pH 6.8 - 7.3.
    *: does not contain phenol red

    2. Vaccine for the prevention of infection caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b, conjugated (lyophilisate for suspension for intramuscular injection)

    One dose of lyophilisate contains:

    Active ingredient: Haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide,
    conjugated with tetanus toxoid ... 10 mcg.

    Excipients: sucrose 42.5 mg; trometamol 0.6 mg;

    Description. Vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria and tetanus adsorbed; pertussis acellular; poliomyelitis inactivated (suspension for intramuscular injection): Whitish cloudy suspension.

    Vaccine for the prevention of infection caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b, conjugated (lyophilisate for suspension for intramuscular injection):

    White homogeneous lyophilisate.

    Purpose: Prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, poliomyelitis and invasive infection caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b (meningitis, septicemia, etc.) in children from 3 months of age.

    Contraindications: Progressive encephalopathy with or without seizures. Encephalopathy occurring within 7 days of any vaccine containing Bordetella pertussis antigens. A severe reaction that developed within 48 hours after the previous vaccination with a vaccine containing a pertussis component: an increase in body temperature up to 40 ° C and above, a syndrome of prolonged unusual crying, febrile or afebrile convulsions, hypotonic-hyporeactive syndrome. Allergic reaction following previous exposure to diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio vaccine and Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine. Confirmed systemic hypersensitivity reaction to any vaccine ingredient, as well as glutaraldehyde, neomycin, streptomycin and polymyxin B. Diseases accompanied by fever, acute manifestations of an infectious disease or exacerbation of a chronic disease. In these cases, vaccination should be delayed until recovery.

    Dosage and administration: The vaccine is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 0.5 ml, the recommended injection site is the middle third of the anterior-lateral surface of the thigh. Do not administer intradermally or intravenously. Before insertion, it is necessary to make sure that the needle has not penetrated into the blood vessel. For the packaging option with two separate needles, before preparing the vaccine, the needle should be firmly fixed by rotating it a quarter of a turn relative to the syringe.

    The PENTAXIM vaccination course consists of 3 injections of one dose of the vaccine (0.5 ml) with an interval of 1-2 months, starting from the age of 3 months. Revaccination is carried out with the introduction of 1 dose of PENTAXIM at the age of 18 months. life. In accordance with the National Immunization Schedule of the Russian Federation, the vaccination course for the prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and poliomyelitis consists of 3 injections of the drug with an interval of 1.5 months, at the age of 3, 4.5 and 6 months, respectively; revaccination is carried out once at the age of 18 months. If the vaccination schedule is violated, the subsequent intervals between the administration of the next dose of the vaccine do not change, including the interval before the 4th (revaccinating) dose - 12 months.

    If the first dose of Pentaxim was administered at the age of 6-12 months, then the second dose is administered after 1.5 months. after the first, and as the 3rd dose, administered after 1.5 months. after the second, a vaccine should be used to prevent diphtheria, tetanus; pertussis and poliomyelitis, initially presented in a syringe (i.e. without dilution of the lyophilisate in a vial (HIb)). As a booster dose (4th dose), the usual dose of Pentaxim (with dilution of lyophilisate (HIb)) is used.

    If the first dose of Pentaxim is administered after the age of 1 year, then for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th (booster) doses, a vaccine should be used to prevent diphtheria, tetanus; whooping cough and poliomyelitis, initially presented in a syringe, without dilution of the lyophilisate in a vial (HIb).

    Storage conditions. Store in the refrigerator (at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C). Do not freeze.

    Keep out of the reach of children.


    Adsorbed vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and poliomyelitis.

    Composition: Each dose of the vaccine (0.5 ml) contains:
    - Purified diphtheria toxoid .................1 vaccine dose*
    - Purified tetanus toxoid .............1 vaccine dose**
    - Bordetella least 4 IU
    - Inactivated vaccine for the prevention of poliomyelitis caused by virus type 1................................1 vaccine dose***
    - Inactivated vaccine for the prevention of poliomyelitis caused by type 2 virus .................... 1 vaccine dose ***
    - Inactivated vaccine for the prevention of poliomyelitis caused by type 3 virus .................... 1 vaccine dose ***
    - Aluminum hydroxide, expressed in Al..................maximum 1.25 mg
    - Formaldehyde..................maximum 0.1 mg
    - 2-phenolethanol..............max. 0.005 ml

    *One vaccine dose of diphtheria toxoid corresponds to at least 30 international units (IU), when measuring protective activity in parallel with the WHO standard or with another standard titrated according to the international standard.
    **One vaccine dose of tetanus toxoid corresponds to at least 60 international units (IU), when measuring protective activity in parallel with the WHO standard or with another standard titrated according to the international standard.
    ***One dose of inactivated vaccine for the prevention of poliomyelitis caused by virus types 1, 2 and 3 corresponds to the number of antigens that meet the standards of the antigenic activity test described in the French and European Pharmacopoeias.

    The owner of the license to sell the drug:
    Pasteur Mérieux Sir & Waxin, Lyon, France.

    Properties. The vaccine is made from formalin-inactivated and purified diphtheria and tetanus toxins, heat-inactivated pertussis, and 3 types of polio virus prepared in Vero cell culture and inactivated with formaldehyde. Immunity is acquired after the 2nd injection of the vaccine and persists for at least 5 years after the first revaccination.

    Indications. Combined prophylaxis of diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and poliomyelitis.

    - Progressive encephalopathy with or without seizures.
    - A pronounced reaction to the previous administration of a vaccine containing a pertussis component: an increase in body temperature to 40 ° C and above, prolonged crying syndrome, convulsions, shock (if it occurs within 48 hours after the administration of the drug).

    Caveats: Use with caution in case of documented allergy to streptomycin.

    Dosage and scheme of application:
    Subcutaneous or intramuscular injections.
    The drug must be thoroughly shaken before use.
    If the vaccine is delivered in a syringe, it should be destroyed after use.
    In mass vaccination campaigns, the vaccine can be administered using a needleless injector such as Imojet.

    Primary vaccination:
    2 or 3 injections of 0.5 ml at least 1 month apart.

    Revaccination: Once 1 year after the last injection of primary vaccination.

    Adverse reactions
    - Possible erythema and/or induration at the injection site.
    - Increased body temperature (up to 38°C–39°C).
    As a rule, adverse reactions are mild and transient, especially if salicylates, barbiturates or antihistamines are prescribed preventively. In very rare cases, the pertussis component can cause neurological reactions (convulsions, encephalitis, encephalopathy). At the same time, these post-vaccination complications are observed 100-1000 times less often than complications as a result of pertussis disease.

    At temperatures from + 2°C to + 8°C.
    Do not freeze

    Vaccine Bubo-Kok

    It is a combination of recombinant yeast surface antigen of hepatitis B virus (HBsAg) and a mixture of pertussis microbes killed by formalin and diphtheria and tetanus toxoids (DTP) ballast proteins purified from ballast proteins adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide gel.

    The drug contains in one vaccination dose (0.5 ml) 5 mg HBsAg, 10 optical units (OE) of pertussis microbes, 15 flocculating units (Lf) of diphtheria and 5 binding units (EC) of tetanus toxoids. Preservative - merthiolate at a concentration of 0.01%.

    The drug is a homogeneous yellowish suspension, which separates on standing into a colorless transparent liquid and a loose yellowish-white precipitate, easily broken up by shaking.

    Immunobiological properties: The introduction of the drug in accordance with the approved scheme causes the formation of specific immunity against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and hepatitis B. Studies have shown that the Bubo-Kok vaccine is characterized by safety and high immunological activity.

    Purpose: Prevention of whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and hepatitis B in children.

    Method of application and dosage: Vaccinations with the Bubo-Kok vaccine are carried out from the age of 3 months to the age of 4 years. The drug is administered intramuscularly into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock or into the anterolateral thigh at a dose of 0.5 ml (single dose) three times according to the DTP vaccination schedule.

    The vaccination course consists of 3 vaccinations (3 months, 4 months, 5 months).

    Bubo-Kok revaccination is carried out once at 12-18 months. An exception should be made for children born to HBsAg-positive mothers. Such children should be vaccinated in the first days of life with a recombinant hepatitis B monovaccine.

    Reactions to the introduction: Some of those vaccinated in the first two days may develop short-term general (fever, malaise) and local (soreness, hyperemia, swelling) reactions. In rare cases, complications may develop due to the content of the DTP component in the preparation: convulsions (usually associated with fever), episodes of a piercing cry, allergic manifestations (Quincke's edema, urticaria, polymorphic rash), exacerbations of diseases.

    Contraindications: Contraindications to the use of the Bubo-Kok vaccine are the same as for the DTP vaccine.

    Release form: In 0.5 ml ampoules (grafting dose). The package contains 10 ampoules.

    Storage conditions: The drug is stored in a dry dark place at a temperature of 62C. A vaccine that has undergone freezing should not be used.

    Transportation is carried out by all types of covered transport under the same temperature conditions.

    Shelf life: 1 year 6 months.

    Varieties of toxoids

    For vaccination only against diphtheria, AD or AD-M toxoid is used, and separately against tetanus - AC toxoid.

    For immunization against diphtheria and tetanus in children under 6 years of age, if they have had whooping cough and they no longer need to be vaccinated against this disease, or they have permanent contraindications to the use of the pertussis component of the vaccine (febrile convulsions, a progressive disease of the nervous system), about which will be discussed later, use ADS toxoid. During primary immunization, this vaccine is administered twice with an interval of 1.5 months. 12 months after the second injection, a single revaccination is necessary. Starting from the age of 7, only ADS-M toxoid is administered to children and adults. This drug is used for planned revaccinations in accordance with the vaccination schedule (at 7, 14 and then every 10 years). If for some reason a child under 6 years of age has not been vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus, then after this age he is vaccinated with ADS-M toxoid twice with an interval of 1.5 months and revaccination after 6-9 months, and then revaccinated according to the vaccination schedule. DTP-M toxoid is also used to continue immunization against diphtheria and tetanus in children under 6 years of age who have had complications from DTP vaccination.

    Vaccinations against various diseases play an important role in the formation of human immunity. Today we are going to learn about DTP. What is this vaccine for? What side effects does it have? Is it good for the child or harmful? What do doctors and parents think about this vaccine? Maybe it is mandatory for everyone to do DTP? Or to completely abandon it so as not to bring trouble to the baby in the form of strong negative side effects? All this will have to be dealt with.

    It should be noted right away that there is no consensus on vaccination. Everyone thinks differently. Someone without fail decides to do DPT, some categorically refuse it at any age. But the final decision is up to you only after you are aware of the side effects of this drug.


    DPT - what is the vaccine for? Every vaccine is designed for something. And it is not so difficult to figure out what this or that medication is for. The so-called DTP complex plays a huge role for a modern person. It causes a lot of controversy and disagreement among doctors and citizens. There are reasons for that.

    DPT - what is the vaccine for? It's no secret to anyone that this vaccine is designed to develop immunity against tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough. These are very dangerous diseases that have to be constantly prevented. They are related to infectious diseases. The consequences of past illnesses often give terrible negative consequences. Therefore, it is generally accepted that DPT (from which this vaccine is, we already understood) is a useful thing. It is able to develop immunity to the above diseases for 10 years. Or so. A kind of guarantee that the child will not get whooping cough, diphtheria or tetanus.


    Further, it is worth considering one more small point before talking about the consequences and side effects of the vaccine. Namely, we are talking about when exactly they are vaccinated. It is because of this that many parents refuse it in relation to their own children. Especially after clarifying the various consequences and results.

    DPT is done, one might say, to a newborn baby. More precisely, quite small. The first vaccination should be done at 3 months. After a break of approximately 40-45 days is taken, and it is repeated. It turns out that the second vaccination will be given to the baby at 4-5 months. Then at six months, and then at 1.5 months.

    In principle, we can say that after such a dense repetition of the same vaccination, the torment will be over. But in reality this is not so. (Komarovsky and other doctors assure that it is completely safe and has no significant contraindications) is done to all children before school (at 6-7 years old), as well as at 14.

    Please note - all vaccinations are carried out only intramuscularly. Moreover, older children are usually given an injection either in the shoulder or under the shoulder blade (an extremely rare case). But for babies, DTP is usually injected directly into the soft tissues of the thigh. In principle, nothing surprising. Now that the vaccination schedule is known, as well as what it is for, we should think about the issue that worries many modern parents. DTP for a child, and a small one? What are the consequences of using it? Is she really safe? Parents and doctors constantly talk about all this, but so far they can’t come to a consensus.


    First, let's hear the opinion of professionals. After all, they are responsible for carrying out certain procedures. Often, medical staff literally forces (forces) parents to do any, not necessarily DTP. This is wrong, everyone has the right to refuse.

    DPT vaccination (Komarovsky and other doctors do not see anything dangerous in vaccination), according to professionals, 100% protects the child from infectious diseases such as whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria. Moreover, a fully performed procedure contributes to the development of immunity for many years.

    It turns out that doctors assure parents of the complete safety of vaccination. Moreover, many argue that all children, without exception, tolerate it well. A child after DTP vaccination will feel no worse than after any other injection. This is the opinion of many doctors. Is that really the only way? Is it worth it to trust them implicitly? After all, if the vaccine is so safe, then why is it that so many ambiguous opinions and various disputes flare up around it? So there are some real consequences.

    And indeed it is. But most doctors don't talk about them. And all this is because most parents, having learned that they can expect a newborn baby who has only recovered from the quarantine in the house, will write a refusal or shift this procedure. This is not beneficial for modern clinics. So how dangerous is the DPT vaccine? Can it be done without any fear?

    Crying and tantrums

    To be honest, it is impossible to say with certainty about the dangers of DTP. Many parents say that diphtheria and the same whooping cough are not so harmful to the baby, rather than endure the consequences that may await after the vaccination. Therefore, everyone decides for himself whether to trust this vaccine or not.

    In any case, DTP is not so easy to do. Vaccination side effects can give a varied nature. The safest and most common case (all layouts can be combined with each other) is the appearance of crying and

    Many doctors say that this is normal. This reaction happens to almost every baby. With such a development of events, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician. And if he allows, then give the child an anesthetic.

    Such a reaction is due to the fact that the DPT vaccination site will hurt for some time. And hence the tantrums with crying happen. Otherwise, the child is not yet able to express their emotions and feelings. You should not be afraid, but you will have to take this feature into account. In principle, this is not yet a reason for refusing an injection.


    Has your child been vaccinated with DTP? Another side effect that often scares parents is the appearance of lameness in the baby. At such moments, they begin to talk about the unprofessionalism of doctors, the dangers of vaccination and its danger to health. Indeed, it is scary when, after an ordinary injection, the baby begins to limp. Moreover, this effect continues for a long time.

    To all this, doctors say that there is no reason to panic. Lameness, swelling of the injection site and the surrounding area on the body, redness and even itching are all normal. You don't have to do anything, just live in the moment. To be honest, the very fact that such a reaction appears after a particular vaccination is repulsive. Nevertheless, everyone around says that this is the norm. There is no reason to panic.

    Vomiting and nausea

    DTP (vaccination) has different side effects. Among them, there are also cases when the child experiences constant nausea and vomiting. This also, as a result, includes loss of appetite or simply refusal to eat.

    Doctors, again, assure that such reactions are acceptable. However, not all parents are willing to put up with nausea, vomiting, and refusal to eat. Especially when it comes to a very young child. All this is actually not the best way affects the body of the baby. So it is worth considering the relevance of the vaccination done. On the one hand, it really helps to develop immunity from certain diseases. On the other hand, you are waiting for a variety of consequences that do not always end well. No, this does not mean at all that you should refuse the injection. But you have to weigh the pros and cons. Otherwise, the result will surprise you, most likely unpleasantly.


    Should I get vaccinated with DTP? This is up to each parent to decide. You can't just assess the situation - you need to know the consequences that may appear. After all, then you can avoid them or just be prepared for them.

    Very often in children after DTP, a certain inhibition in the reaction is visible. And sleepiness. Again, doctors assure that this is normal. After all, all the forces of the body will be directed to the development of immunity to certain diseases.

    In principle, this phenomenon is not too dangerous, although it is unpleasant. Lethargy, drowsiness and inhibited reactions are the norm for DTP. This can be seen in many children, but parents are still alarmed by such consequences. What to do after DPT vaccination, so as not to encounter such scenarios? Nothing. All you can do is give painkillers to your child if he is constantly crying or hysterical. No more.


    What else can be noted among the not-so-best consequences of this process? DTP vaccination has a variety of side effects. Some of them are not so dangerous and do not arouse suspicion, but some, according to parents, can bring a lot of problems in the future.

    Quite often in children after vaccination (namely DPT) there is an increase in temperature. And significant. Sometimes it reaches 39-40 degrees. Of course, all this is accompanied by tantrums, panic, crying and malaise. What can doctors say about this? Modern medical staff notes such a reaction as the norm. It is hard to imagine: how is such a high temperature, and even a maximum of a one and a half year old child, a normal phenomenon?

    What is most interesting is that you will simply be given the go-ahead for the baby to take an antipyretic. And nothing more. In Russia, as parents note, if you call an ambulance when the baby's temperature rises to 39-40 degrees, they will not help you. The maximum will give all the same antipyretic and mark a similar reaction of the body as the norm. Just such an attitude is scary. After all, even an adult at an elevated temperature can get a lot of negative consequences, not to mention a very small child! This phenomenon repels many, although it is considered to be the norm.


    As you can see, DTP vaccination is not so harmless. You will have to put up with a lot of problems and side effects after it. Nobody is safe from them. And all this despite the fact that you will be assured that children tolerate vaccination perfectly.

    In fact, strong side effects also occur. But if you believe the statistics, then they occur only in 3 out of 1000 babies. But judging by the reviews of parents, such phenomena often happen. Especially in children 3-6 months.

    Allergic reactions can be attributed to serious consequences. They are manifested in allergy sufferers, and in children who, in principle, are not prone to allergies. And how exactly this alignment will affect you, it will not be possible to predict. Maybe it will just be a rash or itching. Or maybe swelling (for example, Quincke) or something more serious. So, think carefully before giving your child DTP. Be aware that doctors are unlikely to help you. In any case, in Russia, medical personnel most often pay almost no attention to the consequences of this vaccination. Parents panic, try to get help, but all in vain.


    An amazing phenomenon - a child after DTP vaccination can get sick. This is also the effect of vaccination. The baby's immunity will be weakened, as a result of which any infection can cling to it. So this shouldn't be surprising. In practice, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory infections are most common.

    But there are also cases in which the baby will get sick with what DPT is intended for - whooping cough or diphtheria. Worst of all, tetanus may appear. The last alignment is extremely rare, but it should not be overlooked. It turns out that vaccination in some cases is not only useful and helps to develop immunity, but can also infect with diseases, worsen the condition of an already unformed child's body.

    This is another reason why parents think about the topic "DTP vaccination: can I do it or not?" Yes, doctors talk about its complete safety and benefits. But after all, parents themselves often share their impressions about vaccination with each other in different cities, as well as on forums. And often after the first vaccination, the second is postponed. Or they completely refuse this process until the child goes to school and his immunity is not fully formed.

    Convulsions and shock

    Further we go, worse it becomes. If you believe the doctors, then too dangerous consequences of DTP rarely occur. But parents share completely different impressions. Can I get the DPT vaccine? And is it worth agreeing to it? It's up to you to decide. But try to learn - there is a chance that the child will have shock, as well as convulsions. And quite serious.

    Many parents say that the domestic vaccine, despite the words of doctors, gives a similar result. Children are taken to hospitals after DTP, where they undergo treatment. Someone copes with this task, and some children then remain for life with regularly manifested convulsions. A rare but very annoying occurrence.


    Another interesting point is that often after DPT, the child's immunity does not improve, but worsens. That is, vaccination can both have a beneficial effect on the baby, and spoil his health for the rest of his life. And it’s good if you don’t have any other consequences. For example, in the form of convulsions or extremely high temperature.

    Immunodeficiency is a normal phenomenon for our today's disease. But it is advisable to avoid it. The child's body forms immunity for life. And if it is not fully formed at a young age, then in adulthood a person will turn out to be painful.

    If you are afraid of subequal immunity, which has not yet formed at 3 months of the baby’s life, it is recommended to postpone the DTP vaccination. There are doctors who suggest not to be vaccinated until six months, or even until the first year of a child's life. And precisely because it does not have the best effect on the immune system. Thus, vaccination is not always safe or beneficial. Sometimes it is better to refuse it at all. But it is up to each parent to decide.


    Does the baby have any health problems? Chronic or pathological? It is worth noting that a child after DPT vaccination is able to experience not only weakness, but also face the development / excitation of any pathologies. This is also not the most common occurrence, but it does occur. So you have to think carefully about what vaccination can lead to in a small child.

    What pathologies are manifested? Everything that only takes place. They can relate to chronic diseases, just some abnormalities and diseases, as well as heart problems. It will not be possible to accurately predict the alignment of events. After all, the reaction to any vaccination in humans is a huge mystery for both doctors and patients. And this factor will have to be taken into account.


    After DTP vaccination, how long should it take for all the consequences and negative effects to be eliminated? It's hard to answer here. For some, a week is enough; for others, a month is not enough. Some are generally able to find problems for the rest of their lives. But on average, after one and a half to two weeks, the side effects of vaccination are eliminated.

    Should I get this vaccine? As already mentioned, each parent decides for himself. Although it is recommended not to completely abandon DPT vaccination, but to postpone it. Approximately up to 1 year of a child's life. Maybe even later. Some make the decision to take the vaccine just before school.

    Remember: diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough are not common diseases. But they carry a certain danger. Therefore, it is not necessary to completely abandon DTP. Only if you are too afraid for the immunity and health of the child, considering the transfer of these ailments much less dangerous than the experiences associated with vaccination. Sometimes it really is. In any case, now you know the negative consequences that await after DTP vaccination. One can only hope for the best. But there are no guarantees for this. In the same way, there is no evidence that the child will not tolerate the vaccination in the best way!

    Health ecology: An explosive mixture of diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus cells. And this miracle vaccine is injected into the body of the baby as many as four times, starting from the age of three months. This is a very painful inoculation, and some children react to it with a long continuous cry. From DTP, the greatest number of complications and a greater percentage of the risk of allergic reactions in the child's body.

    An explosive mixture of diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus cells. And this miracle vaccine is injected into the body of the baby as many as four times, starting from the age of three months. This is a very painful inoculation, and some children react to it with a long continuous cry.

    From DTP, the greatest number of complications and a greater percentage of the risk of allergic reactions in the child's body. On the conscience of this vaccine - numerous childhood deaths, lawsuits, many times it was banned in European countries, but not in Russia.

    Japan and Europe have abandoned DTP

    By the early 1970s, 37 children had died from DPT vaccination in Japan. The Japanese stopped giving this vaccine to their children, then transferred it from infancy to 2 years of age. As a result, Japan jumped from 17th place in the world in terms of child mortality to the last place. In the 1980s, they began to vaccinate against whooping cough with a new cell-free vaccine, which led to a fourfold increase in sudden infant death syndrome in the next 10-12 years.

    A similar situation occurred in England, Germany, Holland. Whooping cough vaccinations killed and disabled dozens of children, after which the population began to refuse this vaccination. With the decrease in vaccination coverage, the number of visits to hospitals dropped sharply, and where vaccination was still not refused, an increase in the number of diseases was observed, that is, the vaccination did not save from the epidemic.

    What does it say? The fact that the DTP vaccine is deadly, and at best, simply useless, and remains on the vaccination calendar for some reason that is beneficial only to him, and not in the interests of people.

    This vaccine is poisonous

    DTP is not even called a vaccine, but a chemical and biological conglomerate that contains many chemical components that are harmful to human health, causing irreversible changes in the nervous system, affecting kidney and brain cells, causing cancer when they enter the stomach. All these components make the DTP vaccine the most dangerous vaccine that leads to autism and paralysis in children. Not many people know about this, and they do not realize the danger until they themselves face trouble.

    In addition to whole cells of whooping cough, this drug is made terribly dangerous by an organomercury pesticide called merthiolate or thiomersal, which is used as a preservative, and formaldehyde - all these poisons are present in a vaccine dose in an amount sufficient to poison the body of a little man!

    Merthiolate is not considered a drug in our country, it has not really been tested, and its use in the vaccine was allowed, based only on the results of testing on five guinea pigs, which were administered one dose each.

    During vaccinations, a child is given a dose five times more! Merthiolate is not excreted from the body, accumulates in the nervous tissue, and in combination with aluminum hydroxide, its toxicity increases tenfold! It is not difficult to guess that aluminum hydroxide is also contained in a dose of DTP.

    Merthiolate is a technical pesticide that Europe not only does not consider a drug, but even refused to produce this poison on its territory. And in our country, it is successfully used in the vaccine, and our Ministry of Health is not even going to conduct research on the dangers of this drug!

    Benefit or risk?

    According to data recognized by the World Health Organization, DPT vaccination causes persistent brain damage, various neurological seizures, up to death (5 deaths per million population).

    In the 70s, Swedish scientists proved a direct link with the introduction of the whole cell DTP vaccine and encephalopathies (convulsions). Scientists have decided that the benefits of vaccination are not worth the risk. Despite being banned in many countries, the United States continues to manufacture and sell DTP containing whole cell pertussis to third world countries, while Americans have abandoned this form of vaccine domestically.

    And the trouble is that no one can ever say in advance whether this vaccination will cause some kind of complication in this particular child, or everything will go well. Doctors reassure - this is a safe vaccination, complications are extremely rare, and most often all this is not discussed either before vaccination or after, only if an accident happens to the child. But even in this case, you will be told that vaccination has nothing to do with it, and it will be difficult to prove that the manifested diseases are related to the vaccination.

    Pay attention to what complications this vaccine can cause: huge purulent tumors on the skin that have to be opened, damage to the central nervous system, joints, gastrointestinal tract, heart, various allergic reactions, asthma, diabetes, awakening of hidden diseases - tuberculosis, hepatitis; anaphylactic shock, sudden death. Vaccination during an epidemic of other diseases can be fatal!

    This will be of interest to you:

    So is it worth it, fearing an epidemic of whooping cough in advance, to agree to the introduction of such a dangerous dose of disease-causing cells and toxic substances into the child's body, thereby greatly increasing the risk that the child will then become disabled or, even worse, die?

    Or maybe it is worth finding alternative ways to preserve the health of the child and strengthen his immunity? Parents have the right to refuse vaccination or agree, but in any case, it is worth first getting full information from reliable sources, which, fortunately, are already available to everyone today. published

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