What foods are eaten in fasting by day. Lent: meals by day with recipes and a complete list of lean foods. What you can and cannot eat: a sample menu

We have all wondered what to eat in great post and how to diversify the table so as not to harm the body. After all, it is known that Great Lent will help to cleanse only if you follow the rules of eating and provide yourself with good nutrition.

If you decide to stick - it does not mean that you have to starve. Be prudent and try not to harm your body by earnest "mortification" of the flesh. Even during fasting, you can provide yourself with a complete, healthier diet.

Great Lent: Allowed Foods

In order for you to feel the joy and holiness of eating in your soul and body, your food should be varied, but simple.

Vegetables and fruits: boiled, stewed, baked - should be the basis of your diet. Let there be carrots, potatoes, beets on your table, sauerkraut and cucumbers. Don't forget corn, peas, lettuce, apples, pomegranates, bananas, and citrus fruits. The more varied, the better.

In fasting, spices, salt, sugar and fried foods should not be abused. Give preference to food cooked in steam bath or on the grill.

Useful advice: when boiling vegetables, drop them into already boiling water and do not let it boil too much. So it will be possible to keep in them large quantity useful substances.

Kashi: cereals should be another important part of your diet. Do not forget that they should be cooked only on water and you will have to do without adding oil. But you will have an additional reason for culinary experiments.

Useful advice: add nuts, carrots, mushrooms and onions to your cereals, dried fruits and raisins are suitable for sweet cereals.

Instead of meat, milk and eggs: if you include vegetable protein in your diet, then your body will hardly suffer from the lack of meat. Vegetable protein is found in eggplant, peanuts, lentils, soybeans, and all legumes. Now “soy meat” is available for sale, which, subject to the manufacturing technology, may well replace the real one.

By the way, nutritionists confirm that soy protein in its composition can compensate for the protein contained in meat and fish.

Great Lent: Forbidden Foods

Pa throughout the post, you should abandon the following products:

  • Meat and meat products
  • fish and fish products(except non-strict days).
  • Bird
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Sweets
  • Fast food
  • Alcohol

Strict and non-strict days of fasting

The first 4 days, as well as the last week before Easter, are considered the strictest days of fasting. On Clean Monday (the first day of Lent) and good friday(the last Friday before Easter) are among the strictest days of fasting, when you can’t eat at all. But on the first Friday of Lent, boiled wheat sweetened with honey or sugar is allowed.

On other days, meals are held according to a specific schedule:

  • Monday Wednesday Friday: bread, water, vegetables, fruits, compotes
  • Tuesday Thursday: hot food without oil
  • Saturday and Sunday: food with vegetable oil and the whole variety of fish products.

The weakening of fasting is allowed for pregnant women, the sick and the elderly, as well as travelers.

The Orthodox Church associates the tradition of fasting with Great Feasts, Sacred historical events and the Sacrament of Communion. Fasting is an ascetic practice that involves abstaining from eating animal food, moderation in fasting food, and refusing other carnal pleasures.

During the days of fasting, not only the body passes the path of purification, but also the soul, freed during this period from bad thoughts, words and unkind desires. So, the main goal of bodily and spiritual abstinence is the acquisition of harmony between the two principles.

Main Posts according to the Orthodox calendar

Life is arranged in such a way that a person in it does not get anything without effort, therefore, before the start of any Great Holiday, it is important to find out: what are the main posts that will take place this year according to the Orthodox calendar, how long they will last, what is their history and what lifestyle and nutrition is necessary stick to these special days.

Russian Orthodox Church includes four main posts:

NameDurationDescriptionGeneral provisions on the lenten menu
great postFebruary 19 to April 7, 2018Guided by the spirit, the Savior was sent into the wilderness, where he was tempted by the devil for forty days. It is in honor of Jesus Christ and in the name of his suffering that Great Lent is held.Refusal of food of animal origin and vegetable oil, the practice of dry eating.
Petrov or Apostolic LentFrom June 4 to July 11, 2018Summer fast, established before the onset of the feast of Peter and Paul. Starts on Holy Monday.After a period of dry eating, lean food without oil, cereal dishes, fish and mushrooms are allowed.
Assumption postFrom 14 to 28 August 2018The fast is dedicated to the Mother of God, who was before her ascension to heaven in prayers and abstinence from food.Strict dry eating in the first three days of fasting, eating food without adding oil, allowing fish dishes if the Dormition fell on Wednesday or Friday this year.
Advent or Philip's FastNovember 28, 2018 to January 6, 2019The winter fast begins after Philip's day and lasts until the Christmas holidays. Observing this fast, people offer a sacrifice of gratitude to the Lord for the blessings that were given to them from Above during the year.Allowed fish meals on special days when a particular Orthodox holiday coincides with certain dates. It is customary to feast on juicy - honey wheat grains or rice with the addition of raisins.

Central (main) in Orthodox church calendar Lent is considered to be preparatory stage for the Easter holiday. Each Orthodox Christian should know how to behave correctly during this special period, what can and cannot be eaten, as well as what other obligatory rules Great Lent imposes.

Everyone who decides to fast is not pursuing a dietary diet as their first goal, but striving to achieve spiritual purification in order to meet the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ “renewed”.

The entire period of Lent is traditionally divided into four stages.

  1. Forty days, lasts the first forty days.
  2. Lazarus Saturday falls on the sixth Saturday of Lent.
  3. The Christian holiday, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem or Palm Sunday, is celebrated on the sixth Sunday of Great Lent.
  4. Holy Week or Holy Week.

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What traditions are observed during Great Lent?

Total duration Great Lent is forty-eight days. The last week, the time of Holy Week, is dedicated to careful preparation to Easter.

  • With the beginning of Holy Monday, it is important to start cleaning and ordering the house.
  • On Tuesday - take time to wash and iron clothes.
  • The environment is designed for business activities.
  • Thursday - to get rid of garbage. Also on this day, according to tradition, they bake Easter cakes, which are not just a symbol of festive bread, but the body of Christ himself.
  • Friday is a special day of abstaining from any food, household chores and fun.
  • On Saturday, all the housewives again start household chores - they are busy in the kitchen, they paint eggs.

People spend the entire period of Great Lent in prayers, read spiritual books and go to confession, refrain from drinking lean foods.

What Foods Can You Eat While Fasting?

The time of abstinence from non-fasting food does not cancel the variety of dishes, on the contrary, the special purpose of fasting is to gain a person's understanding of the true joy and holiness of the process of eating simple food. Products are steamed, boiled, baked in the oven or grilled without the addition of oil and spices. The basis of everything should be: vegetables, fruits and berries, root crops, cereals, legumes, nuts, mushrooms.

This list of products does not mean only their strict use. You can deliciously diversify the menu without violating the canons of fasting: bake bread from cereals, make jam, cook bean stew and much more.

What kind of food can you eat

Category of dishesNameIngredientsRecipe
FirstPotato soup with buckwheat

  • 2 large potatoes;

  • 2 carrots;

  • Parsley;

  • Parsnip;

  • ½ garlic;

  • 3 onions;

  • 200 g of buckwheat.

Vegetables are boiled. As the potatoes are cooked, grits are added, and the buckwheat continues to cook until fully cooked.
Chowder of lentils

  • 500 g lentils;

  • 200 g grated carrots;

  • 2 cloves of garlic;

  • salt, spices - to taste;

  • Bay leaf and green onion to decorate the dish.

Lentils are boiled together with carrots for 3 hours, stirred regularly. Add salt, pepper and bay leaf. Garlic is crushed 5 minutes before the dish is ready. To dilute the density of the stew, you can add a little water.
Cabbage Tomato Soup

  • 2 potatoes;

  • 1 large onion;

  • 1 carrot;

  • ½ head of cabbage (400 g);

  • Tomato paste;

  • Bay leaf;

Diced potatoes are sent to boil until half cooked, then finely chopped onions, cabbage and carrots (can be sliced) are added and seasoned with tomato paste (2 tablespoons), bay leaf is added 5 minutes before the soup is completely cooked. Parsley and dill are used for decoration.
Lenten cabbage soup

  • 2 potatoes;

  • 100g cabbage; 1 carrot; 2 onions;

  • Greens - parsley, dill (you can add celery root);

  • Allspice;

  • dry garlic;

  • Bay leaf.

Potatoes are cut into 2 parts, onions - into 4. cabbage leaves separated from the stalk, cut and thrown to boil in a broth with herbs, pepper and bay leaf are added. If celery root is used, it is cut into large strips or rubbed on a coarse grater. Finely chopped carrots are mixed with garlic seasoning and added to cabbage soup. For spiciness, you can season with red pepper.
SecondBoiled potatoes with nuts

  • 500 g potatoes;

  • 1 onion;

  • 100 g of walnuts;

  • 1 clove of garlic;

  • Wine vinegar (1 tablespoon);

  • cilantro, parsley, dill - for decoration;

  • Spices - salt, red pepper.

Washed potatoes are boiled in their skins, cooled, peeled and cut into cubes. Mix ground walnuts with garlic gruel, red pepper and salt. Mix the spicy mixture with potatoes, season wine vinegar with chopped onions, the finished dish is decorated with fresh herbs.
Lean potato meatballs

  • 500 g potatoes;

  • 1 onion;

  • 100 g of walnuts;

  • 1 clove of garlic;

  • 250 ml of pure water;

  • Wine vinegar;

  • Greens - cilantro, saffron.

  • A mixture of peppers;

  • Salt.

Potatoes are boiled, mashed. Squeeze nut oil into a mixture of spices and herbs (to crush the nuts until the “juice” is released, a high-power blender is used), poured into separate dishes. Water with vinegar diluted in it is poured into a mixture of nuts and spices, finely chopped onions and herbs are added. Combine with potato mass. Small meatballs are molded from the resulting “dough”, laid out on a plate, making a small depression in each ball, into which nut butter is poured.
Bean puree

  • 200 g of red beans;

  • Onion - to taste;

  • 40 g walnuts;

  • Wine vinegar;

  • Salt;

  • Greens of dill, cilantro, parsley.

Boil the beans until half cooked, add finely chopped onion, salt. When the dishes are ready, the puree is filtered, the broth is left to dilute the bean mass. Everything is seasoned with walnut crumbs, vinegar and garnished with herbs.
Vegetable Barley

  • 1 carrot;

  • 1 onion;

  • Spices and salt - to taste;

  • Bay leaf.

The washed barley is poured with water, brought to a boil and boiled over medium heat for 2 hours. In the process of cooking, grated carrots, finely chopped onions and spices, bay leaf are added - 5 minutes before the dish is ready.
Salads without oilSalad with prunes

  • 100 g cabbage;

  • 8-10 pcs. prunes;

  • ½ lemon;

  • 1 carrot;

  • Salt, sugar - to taste.

Finely chopped cabbage is rubbed with sugar and salt, the juice is squeezed out. Prunes are pitted and soaked for 2 hours in hot water. Grate carrots with lemon. All ingredients are mixed in a large bowl.
Salad with carrots and pickles

  • 800 g carrots;

  • 5 gherkin cucumbers;

  • 200 ml tomato juice;

  • Pepper.

Finely chop the cucumbers, pour over with tomato juice, season with pepper and set aside for 20 minutes. Finely chop the carrots, combine with the cucumber mixture and serve.
Carrot salad with apples

  • 2 carrots;

  • 1 apple;

  • Sugar and salt - to taste;

  • Table vinegar.

The apple is peeled, cut into strips, mixed with grated carrots. Add sugar, salt, season with vinegar.
Pumpkin and apple salad

  • 200 g pumpkin;

  • 1 apple;

  • Zest of 1 lemon;

  • 1 st. l. liquid honey;

  • Any nuts.

Pumpkin with apples is rubbed into shavings, “seasoned” lemon zest and sprinkle with lemon juice. The mixture is sweetened with honey, nuts are crumbled on top.
dessertsCranberry mousse

  • 750 ml of pure water;

  • 150 g cranberries;

  • 150 g semolina;

  • 100 g sugar.

Juice is squeezed from cranberries, boiled and filtered. Cranberry pomace is boiled, sugar and semolina are added. Stir regularly while cooking. The finished gruel is cooled, cranberry nectar is added, whipped with a kitchen whisk or mixer. Mousse is laid out in bowls. Decorate with whole cranberries.
Lemon jelly with rice

  • 100 g white rice;

  • 100 g of sugar;

  • Agar-agar - for jelly (1 tablespoon);

  • 4 lemons;

  • 100 g lemon - for syrup.

Rice is boiled with added sugar. Agar is poured with water, heated until completely dissolved (do not boil!), Sugar, juice of 2 lemons are added. Heat again, avoiding boiling. Warm rice is poured with a jelly mixture, cooled and placed in the refrigerator. The frozen portions of rice jelly are poured with sugar-lemon syrup.

  • Dried fruits and nuts are suitable as a nutritional basis for a lean diet. They can be combined with honey. A delicious dessert snack will saturate the body with energy for for a long time and also act as a source of vitamins.
  • It is a mistake to think that the post menu is poorer than usual. From one root crops you can cook various dishes. Using the bow cauliflower or broccoli, you can diversify your diet with health benefits.
  • Greens and beans will help your digestion get the job done.
  • A hearty breakfast of cereals, prepared without the addition of milk, can be combined with vegetables. And for lovers of sweet breakfasts, jam is suitable as an addition to the dish.
  • Pasta dishes - scope for the manifestation of culinary fantasies. Noodle recipes will diversify dinner table adding vegetable sauces and mushrooms.
  • An alternative to vegetable oil for salad dressing is a marinade or lemon juice. For eggs, there are also substitutes - for example, tofu, flax seeds, sunflower or pumpkin.

Video tips

What foods are strictly prohibited in Lent

By observing the post under strict prohibition is the use of products:

  • Animal origin: meat, eggs, milk. However, in certain days fish dishes - on the Annunciation (April 7) and on Palm Sunday, are acceptable. Caviar can be eaten on Lazarus Saturday.
  • Vegetable oil is not allowed to be added to food throughout the fast, but you can season cereals or salads in Good Thursday and holidays in honor of the saints - the Martyrs of Sebaste and St. Gregory the Dialogist.
  • Any sweets, including pastries.
  • Fast food and alcoholic drinks.
  • Day Clean Monday and the Great Heel are usually held without food.

Many consider the tradition of fasting to be ascetic, but conscious abstinence turns out to be a useful practice for human body. All diseases come from ignorance of the measure. Exclusion for a while from the menu of fried, fatty, spiced dishes helps to establish normal digestion.

Great Lent 2019 is very close and it’s worth it now to figure out what you can eat by day. Great Lent is considered the strictest of all Orthodox calendar. In order to keep it properly, one should not only impose restrictions on food, but also give up fun and comfort. It is held in honor of the fact that Jesus fasted in the desert for forty days, in memory of the life of Christ, his crucifixion and resurrection.

Few thought, but in fact Great Lent does not consist of 40 days, but it is customary to fast 48. In 2019, it begins on March 11 and will continue until April 27.

The days of Great Lent have their own name and meaning:

1. Lent - this is how all the first 40 days are called.
2. Lazarus Saturday - this is the name of the Saturday that comes before Palm Sunday.
3. The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is the day that comes a week before Easter and is also called Palm Sunday.
4. Holy Week - the last six days of fasting, which always take place before Easter.
Many people who are only going to fast for the first time believe that Great Lent is a kind of Orthodox diet, but in fact it is considered the main goal of cleansing the soul.

  • Who is forbidden to fast
  • Lenten menu

Who is forbidden to fast

1. There is a category of people who are allowed not to fast, these are those who have chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, oncology and others. Therefore, before fasting, you should consult a doctor. A direct contraindication is pregnancy, anemia and underweight.
2. If children in your family also fast, then you should not observe complete failure from dairy products. On the contrary, it is desirable that the child does not eat sweets, from restrictions in meat dishes there is nothing wrong either.
3. If you are a traveler or work for heavy industries, then you can not adhere to fasting in all its canons, weakening in the use of milk and even broths on meat is allowed. But for a blessing, you should turn to the clergyman.

Rules of Conduct for Great Lent

In addition to the rules for abstinence from food, easter post you need to behave properly. The recommendations sound like this:

1. Before you start fasting, you should visit the church and take communion, as well as receive a blessing from the priest.
2. For the entire period while Great Lent is going on, a person should not use foul language and one should definitely refrain from loud conversations.
3. Do not refuse to help people, even strangers before.
4. Refuse to attend mass events and in no case arrange festivities that are accompanied by noise.
5. Smoking and drinking drinks that contain alcohol, as well as carnal pleasures are prohibited.
6. Set aside time to attend the liturgy.

Before you begin to adhere to the food restrictions that Great Lent implies, you should definitely consult with your doctor, as well as after receiving permission from him and the priest to fast. Start physically and mentally preparing your body in advance so that it does not receive severe stress while you are fasting.

Meal Rules for Great Lent

If we talk about strict monastic observance of Great Lent in 2019, that is, not much can be done during the day, and food should be taken only once a day, after bedtime in the evening. The exception is only on weekends, in addition to the evening meal, it is also allowed to eat after waking up in the morning.

Some restrictions, in addition to when to eat, are also imposed on eating hot food. Only on Tuesday and Thursday you can eat not cold food. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday the opposite is true. For the laity, the rules and recommendations are slightly different, they are allowed to eat in small portions several times a day.

Only two weeks of the entire Great Lent are considered the most stringent, these are the first and last 7 days.

Allowed foods in Lent

In order for the nutrition during Lent to be balanced and not to constantly feel hungry, you should draw up a meal plan in advance and stick to it. So you can cook a variety of food and eat with pleasure.

Bread, you can eat both black and cereal;
all types of cereals;
vegetables in any form, they can be fresh, pickled, salted and salted;
jam from berries and fruits;
dried fruits, honey and nuts;
fish is allowed only twice during the entire period of fasting, these days are the feast of the Annunciation and Palm Sunday.

Meal plan for dry days

Basically, the days of Great Lent are a dry diet. During this period, you should eat food that has not been cooked on fire. It is allowed to eat on such days:

Lean bread;
vegetables and fruits in fresh;
dried fruits;
it is allowed to use cereals that are cooked in a cold way, that is, cereals are infused with water.

Menu for raw food days:

1. Vegetable or fruit salads with nuts, honey or lemon juice without oil (sunflower oil is allowed to be eaten on certain days).
2. Cold porridge.
3. Bars of ground nuts, dried fruits, honey and bran.
4. Gazpacho or okroshka without eggs, meat and sour cream.
5. Kissel from ground mixture flax seeds and sesame, which are not cooked on fire, but are poured with boiling water or cold water.
6. Tea and instant coffee.

Meal plan for the first and last week of Lent

As already described above, the first and last weeks are considered the most stringent in Great Lent. These days in the meal plan are subject to adjustments from Church Charter with the utmost care.

1 week post:

Monday, you should completely refrain from eating. It is allowed to drink water;
Tuesday, in addition to water, the use of bread is not forbidden;
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - days of dry eating;
Sunday is the lightest day during Lent. It is allowed to eat hot lean food and add vegetable oil to it. It is also allowed to drink some real red wine that does not contain alcohol.

Holy Week:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - dry food;
Friday - complete abstinence from food, only water;
Saturday - dry food after the 1st star.

Lenten menu

Options meatless dishes great multitude on the Internet, so the question of what you can eat on the days of Great Lent 2019 should not arise. The easiest way to make salads is to mix the vegetables you like with lemon juice or soy sauce.

It is also possible to cook porridge, it is enough to pour the cereal with boiling water or cold water and let it brew. Diversify these dishes with fruits.

From soups, give preference to those that are quickly prepared and not subjected to heat treatment, such as tomato soups and vegetable okroshka.

Be sure to drink plenty of water, you can add tea to your diet, only which does not require boiling.

Fasting in Orthodoxy is a temporary restriction in nutrition, the main objective which is the rejection of worldly, bodily pleasures in favor of the soul. Great Lent is the longest: total days is at least 40, because according to tradition, Christ fasted in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights.

In fact, the duration may vary depending on the rules in a particular denomination: for example, in Orthodoxy, the total number of days is 48: 6 weeks and also Holy Week - the last week before Easter (in fact, it is 6 days, since bright resurrection is not included). The whole period is divided into 4 key stages:

  1. Lent is the first 40 days, the main stage of Great Lent.
  2. Lazarus Saturday is the day before Palm Sunday, when, according to legend, Christ raised his friend Lazarus from the dead.
  3. Palm Sunday is the day the Lord entered Jerusalem. The holiday is celebrated exactly one week before Happy Easter.
  4. Holy Week - recent times the life of Christ on earth, the week before Easter. During this period, the most severe dietary restrictions are expected - mainly dry eating (consumption of herbal products without heat treatment and any fat).

Fasting = diet?

There is a rather simplistic opinion that fasting can be considered a kind of Orthodox diet. The similarity here is only external: indeed, in both cases, people deliberately go to significant restrictions on food. However, the meaning of such decisions is different. The diet is aimed at improving the body, improving appearance, the formation of attractive body contours. Fasting also helps believers to get in touch with the sufferings of Christ and thereby give the Savior a well-deserved tribute of respect.

How to eat during Lent: step by step instructions for the day

General nutrition rules for all 7 weeks (6 weeks and Passion Week) are described in the table.



total food ban

bread and water


cooked foods with butter


cooked foods without oil


cooked foods without oil


cooked foods with butter

cooked foods with butter

cooked foods without oil

boiled products with butter, caviar


cooked foods with butter

total food ban

cooked foods without oil

What is dry eating

Dry eating (or dry eating) is a diet in which all foods plant origin shall not pass heat treatment(boiling, frying, stewing, baking). That is vegetable dishes they are used raw or soaked, pickled, pickled, etc. Reception of vegetable oil of any origin, as a rule, is also excluded. Of the sweets, only honey is allowed. Any hot drinks are also excluded. Bread (but not sweet pastries) is allowed.

Approved Products

Permitted products include only food of plant origin. Sometimes vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, corn, etc.) can be added to it, but not on all days (see table):

  • any kind of bread;
  • any kind of cereals;
  • vegetables in any form;
  • mushrooms in any form;
  • legumes (good substitute meat protein);
  • dried fruits, nuts, honey;
  • jam (not used during Holy Week);
  • fruit in any form.

Prohibited Products

Any products of animal origin are prohibited, including:

  • meat in any form;
  • fish in any form (with the exception of Palm Sunday);
  • caviar in any form (with the exception of Lazarus Saturday);
  • all dairy products;
  • eggs of any birds;
  • offal (liver, kidneys, hearts, etc.);
  • animal fats (butter, ghee, lard, etc.).

Who is eligible for dietary concessions?

  1. Pregnant and lactating women.
  2. Small children.
  3. Men working hard physical labor and therefore need a constant supply of protein.
  4. Elderly people.
  5. People with poor health (chronic diseases) digestive system, after surgery, etc.).

What kind of indulgences are allowed, you need to check with your doctor, as well as with the priest. In any case, you cannot torture your body: it is unacceptable to undermine your health for the sake of fasting.

Didn't have time - so it's too late?

Even if a person has not started fasting from the very beginning, he can join it from any moment. Priests themselves often talk about this. For example, you can keep at least holy week(last 6 days before Easter).

How to behave during Lent: 7 useful tips

During the entire period of restrictions, it is necessary to remember for what purposes it is carried out. A person deliberately denies himself food and other natural pleasures because he decided to express his respect and gratitude to the Savior, who gave his life, but rose again on the third day after death. That is, you need to fast consciously, this is a mature, thoughtful decision of a person. You also need to remember these rules:

  1. First of all, before the start of Lent, it is better for a person to go to church and receive a blessing from the priest. This is especially important for people who objective reasons cannot unconditionally comply with all restrictions (pregnant women, people with poor health, etc.).
  2. Also, for this entire period, it is better to allocate time to attend the liturgy, try to visit the church as often as possible. This makes the task easier, because psychologically it is important for a person to receive support in the temple, where the atmosphere itself tunes in to a certain spiritual wave.
  3. The consumption of alcoholic beverages should be excluded on all days, except for Palm Sunday and Easter, when you can drink a little red wine (preferably Cahors).
  4. Fasting is not only food restrictions, but also a certain spiritual humility, which is achieved by giving up all carnal pleasures (if possible): intimacy, attending noisy events and, in general, any activities that clearly distract from the spiritual mood.
  5. These days, it is especially important to help your loved ones and, in general, any people who ask for it (of course, help should be given to the person in need and within reasonable limits).
  6. During the entire fast, a person is forbidden to use foul language. You should also refrain to the maximum from clarifying the relationship, which almost always runs the risk of escalating into a scandal. It is quite possible to postpone such conversations for any other days.
  7. Finally, the most important rule: of course, every person has questions, doubts, psychological problems, because any restriction is not easy. Therefore, at any time you can go to church and talk with the priest to dispel unnecessary thoughts. You can also talk with an experienced believer whom you unconditionally trust.

Thus, Lent is more than just food restrictions. It turns out that this is a specific technique that allows a person to tune in to the spiritual and get a little distracted from the usual fuss. And, of course, the benefits will be tangible for both the soul and the body.

The pacification of the body is considered the first step to the humility of the spirit, according to Christian beliefs. When you start fasting, you must also abstain spiritually. Thus, a Christian is cleansed of bad emotions, learns to restrain the negative. Without observing the spiritual rules of conduct, fasting becomes a normal diet.

What to eat in Lent from cereals

Kashi is one of the most important components of the Lenten table. Of course, cereals should be boiled in water without adding butter. However, such a restriction does not mean at all that the porridge will be tasteless. First, there are many different cereal crops that can diversify the menu. Take a closer look at the supermarket: on the shelves with cereals you will find where more options than the usual buckwheat, rice, pearl barley.

Secondly, in fasting, it is allowed to eat many foods that can improve the taste of any porridge. For example, you can add raisins, dried apricots, nuts, carrots, mushrooms. In this matter, you can safely rely on your imagination and experiment with tastes.

Also, don't forget prosers. So called germinated grains of wheat, oats, corn. These products contain over 30 percent vegetable protein, as well as many macro- and microelements. Regular use of prozers, not even in fasting, will provide the body necessary quantity vitamins and nutrients, prevent the development a large number diseases.

Based on cereals, you can cook great amount delicious meals:

  • Barley vegetable porridge. You will need pearl barley, carrots, onions, salt, spices to taste. We wash the cereal, fill it with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and cook until soft. In the process, add chopped carrots, onions, salt, seasonings.
  • Fruit pilaf with nuts. We take two glasses of steamed rice, a bunch of raisins, dried apricots, dates, prunes, some walnuts, a couple of tablespoons of honey, salt. Cook rice in lightly salted water. In the middle of cooking, add scalded raisins, chopped dried fruits and roasted nuts to the porridge. Cook the porridge and after cooling add honey.
  • Semolina porridge with cranberry juice. We take a glass of cranberries and pour 6 glasses of water, bring to a boil and add half a glass of semolina and the same amount of sugar. Cook the porridge until cooked, cool and serve with honey.
  • Smolensk porridge with fruit drink. We prepare fruit drinks by analogy with the above recipe. Add half a cup to the finished broth rice groats and the same amount of sugar. Cook until tender and serve chilled.
  • Pilaf with dried mushrooms. For cooking, you will need several large dried mushrooms (preferably forest mushrooms), one glass of rice, three onions, one carrot, three tablespoons sunflower oil, one and a half cups of mushroom broth, tomato paste, salt. We sort the mushrooms and soak for three hours in water. In it, we cook them until cooked. We cut the boiled mushrooms into strips, fry together with carrots and onions, add tomato paste and a little “mushroom water”. Add the rice to the mixture and cook over low heat until tender.
  • mash porridge. We mix two types of cereals, for example, millet and barley, rice and wheat, corn and rice, and so on. In this case, one of the cereals should be crushed, and the other - whole. We rub on a grater a couple of types of any vegetables. For a glass of cereal mixture, take a glass of vegetable mixture. We put 1/3 of the vegetables at the bottom of the pan, a layer of cereals on top, then vegetables again, and so all the products in layers. Pour hot brackish water so as to cover the entire mixture. We put in the oven for 10 minutes.

What can you eat in Lent from vegetables

In Great Lent, it is allowed to eat various vegetables and root crops. They can be either raw or cooked. Do not get carried away with heat treatment: the less vegetables are boiled, stewed, fried, the more useful substances are stored in them.

A worthy place in your Lenten table should take various varieties cabbage (white, Beijing, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts), potatoes, celery, pumpkin, bell pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs (parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, sorrel).

You can make salads fresh vegetables, as well as eat pickled and pickled foods.

Consider a few popular lean vegetable dishes:

  1. Cabbage salad with prunes. We take a quarter of a small head of cabbage, a handful of prunes and half a lemon, one carrot and salt, sugar to taste. We chop vegetables and pour lemon juice, season with salt and spices to taste.
  2. Salad with carrots and pickled cucumber. It will take 800 grams of carrots, a couple of pickled cucumbers and 200 grams of tomato juice. Cucumber cut into small cubes, pour juice, black pepper can be added to taste. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the cucumber mass. Mix and serve.
  3. Potato salad with pomegranate and walnut . A couple of potatoes boiled in the skin. Clean and cut into cubes. We prepare the dressing: crush the chopped walnut kernels together with garlic in a mortar, add salt, pomegranate juice. Pour the resulting mixture of potatoes and sprinkle with herbs.
  4. Vinaigrette with champignons. We take about 300 grams of mushrooms, 4 tomatoes, one apple, a few tablespoons of vegetable oil, a tablespoon of mushroom broth, lemon juice from half the fruit, a tablespoon apple juice, onion, mustard seeds, salt, sugar, spices, herbs. Mushrooms cut, stew in oil until tender. Cut tomatoes and apples and mix with mushrooms. In the broth remaining after cooking the mushrooms, add grated carrots, onions. Pour the finished vinaigrette with this dressing and sprinkle with herbs.
  5. Lenten cabbage soup. To prepare this dish, we need 50 grams white cabbage, three onions, one carrot, a couple of potatoes, parsley and celery roots, spices, herbs, garlic. Finely chop potatoes and roots. Shred the cabbage with herbs. Pour vegetables with water, add spices. We cook for about 15 minutes. We rub the carrots on a grater, mix with chopped garlic, add to the semi-finished cabbage soup. We bring it to readiness.
  6. Vegetable soup. We prepare about a dozen green bean pods, a couple of green onion stalks, a clove of garlic, a couple of carrots, parsley, spices, salt, a couple of drops of vinegar. Pour about five glasses into the container hot water by adding vinegar. We put the beans, chopped carrots, greens. Cook for about ten minutes over high heat, then reduce it and cook for another half hour.
    Sprinkle the soup with herbs before serving.

What can you eat in Lent 2017 from fruits

Lent is the time when you can indulge yourself with various fruits at least every day. Until the first spring harvests are ripe, you can eat preparations - preserves, jams, dried fruits. You can also eat exotic fruits.

You can eat both raw and thermally processed fruits, add them to salads and prepare desserts from them. Fruit pairs well with a variety of nuts.

You can cook such quick fruit dishes:

  • Apple salad with pumpkin. We take three sour apples, two hundred grams of pumpkin and half a glass of berry jelly. We peel apples and pumpkin and rub on a coarse grater, add jelly and mix.
  • cranberry salad. Rub two or three cups of cranberries with sugar. Add a couple of grated carrots and the same amount of chopped turnips. Finely chop one celery root and mix with salad.
  • lingonberry salad. Rub a couple of glasses of lingonberries with sugar, add two peeled and chopped carrots and a piece of swede. Mix thoroughly.
  • Salad with dried fruits. Wash thoroughly in warm water 250 grams of prunes, cut into strips, mixed with 50 grams of sugar, add a pinch of cinnamon, cloves and pour lemon juice. In the same way, a salad with dried apricots is prepared. Only vanilla is added instead of cinnamon.
  • Baked apples. For cooking, we take four large apples, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, a little thick jam, cinnamon and nuts to taste. We wash the fruits, take out the core and stuff the fruits with a mixture of nuts, spices, sugar and jam. Bake in the oven for about twenty minutes.

What can you eat in Lent 2017 from sweets

In general, sweets in fasting should be limited. In addition, the use of fatty confectionery products, in the preparation of which oil, fats, dairy products and other prohibited categories were used, is not allowed.

It is allowed to eat marmalade, lenten marshmallows, halva (on certain days) during Lent, oatmeal cookies, dark chocolate, cranberries in sugar, honey, Turkish delight, lollipops. These products are classified as lean, however, before you buy them, carefully read the label.

You can cook a lean sweet dish for dessert yourself. Choose the right recipe:

  1. Rice with lemon jelly. For cooking, you will need one hundred grams of rice, three sugars, one tablespoon of agar, a couple of glasses of water, six lemons. Cook rice until tender with 1.5 cups of sugar. Pour agar with two glasses of water, heat until dissolved, pour in a glass of sugar, pour in the juice of three lemons. We put the rice in a deep container and fill it with hot jelly, put it in the refrigerator. You can use oranges instead of lemons.
  2. Cranberry mousse. We take three glasses of water, half a glass of cranberries, half a glass of semolina, half a glass of sugar. We wash the berries, squeeze the juice out of them. “Dry” berries are boiled, filtered. Add sugar, semolina to the liquid and cook until tender. Cool the porridge, add the juice and beat with a mixer. Arrange in bowls and decorate with cranberries.
  3. Orangeade. This sweet drink will be a great addition to dessert. It will take eight oranges, a couple of lemons, half a kilogram of sugar, 2.5 liters of water. Wash the citruses and remove the skin. Put the zest in a container with water and add sugar. We put on a small fire and cook, stirring and pressing on the zest so that the oil comes out. Cover the broth with a lid and cool. Cut oranges and lemons in half and squeeze out the juice. Drain it into a decoction of zest. Cool the drink before serving.

What to eat in Lent by day from seafood

According to Orthodox canons, you can eat fish during Lent for only two days. For this there is the Annunciation and Palm Sunday. But on the Saturday before Palm Sunday, it is allowed to eat fish caviar.

As for the rest of the seafood, opinions differ about their intake during fasting. Some believers claim that Marine life akin to fish and you can eat them only on strictly allotted days. Others believe that fish cannot be compared with shrimp or squid, so you can eat the latter on other days of Lent.

Even if it became possible to eat fish, it is better to cook it not by frying. best method heat treatment will be stewing, boiling, baking.

Try to indulge yourself in fasting with such fish dishes:

  1. bay pike perch. For cooking, you will need a pike perch about one kilogram in weight, a couple of onions, two carrots, black pepper, bay leaf, salt, agar (instead of gelatin), a couple of lemons, pickles, green pea, bell pepper, parsley. We remove the scales from the fish, take out the insides, remove the fins, bones, head. We put the latter in a container and fill it with water (one and a half liters). Add peeled onions, carrots. Bring to a boil, remove the foam and add pepper and bay leaf. Boil the broth for an hour. At the same time, pour agar-agar with cold water. Let it brew for an hour and filter. We introduce the liquid into the broth, salt. We put the pre-boiled pike perch fillet on a large dish, pour a small amount agar mixture and refrigerate. Once cooled, garnish with lemon and pepper slices on top. Pour again and cool the dish until it completely hardens.
  2. Okroshka fish. Fry any fish vegetable oil, take out the bones, cut into pieces and put in a deep plate, add pickles, green onions, dill, tarragon and pour in kvass. You can salt the dish if you wish.
  3. . We take half a kilogram of any fish, three potatoes, one carrot, one onion, parsley root, half a glass of green peas, four tomatoes, a little vegetable oil, herbs, salt, spices. Boil the fish until done. We put chopped potatoes, pre-fried vegetables, roots into the hot broth. Five minutes before full readiness, add tomatoes and peas. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.
  4. Fish pie. For the filling you will need pink salmon fillet, pike perch, onion, a little sunflower oil, salt, spices. We take ready puff pastry and roll it into a pie. We put the pink salmon fillet, salt, pepper, put the fried onions on top. We place pike perch on top of pink salmon, salt it. Top with another layer of dough and form a "fish". You can draw a scale pattern with a knife. We bake the cake in a hot oven.

What can you eat in Lent by day from fat

In general, eating vegetable and animal fats during Lent is not recommended. You can not fry food on them, as well as add them to pastries, salads and other dishes. However, there are certain days of the so-called "relaxation". At this time, you can eat fish, which is also prohibited on the rest of the fasting days, drink some red wine and add vegetable oil to dishes.

Of the oils these days, you can eat any: sunflower, linseed, olive, sesame. It is advisable not to fry food on them, but to add them to salads and ready meals.

Palm Sunday and the Annunciation are considered days of relaxation.

But animal fats (lard, lard, butter) cannot be eaten during Great Lent on any days. Moreover, they are prohibited even as part of various dishes and products. For example, even bread should be cooked without them.

What can you eat during Lent from flour products

Eating bread and pastries during the days of Great Lent is not prohibited. The main condition is that they do not include prohibited foods, such as eggs, milk, oils, fats. Bread can be flavored with vegetable oil only on days of relief.

Of course, all kinds of muffins that are cooked on the dough cannot be eaten during Lent.

To flour products can be attributed to various pasta. You can eat spaghetti, vermicelli, pasta, noodles.

For example, in many Italian recipes you can find lean dressings for pasta. Vegetable sauces and spices will help diversify dishes.

You can experiment with such lean dishes:

  • Pasta with vegetables. We take half a kilogram of pasta, a couple of carrots, 50 grams of parsley root, three onions, a glass of canned peas, a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste, one hundred grams of sunflower oil, greens. Finely chop onions, carrots and greens and fry in tomato paste in vegetable oil. Add peas to vegetables and mix them. Boil pasta, drain the water and combine them with vegetables. Serve the dish hot, sprinkled with herbs.
  • Noodle soup. For cooking, you will need one onion and carrot, parsley root, a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil, spices, salt, a glass of flour, a little water. Saute onions with carrots and parsley with the addition of salt and spices. For noodles, prepare the dough in water. Roll it out thinly and cut into thin strips. Boil the noodles until cooked and add the prepared vegetables to the water. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

What not to eat in Lent

First of all, in fasting, you should abandon products that are of animal origin. These include:
  1. Meat, poultry, and products based on it. These are sausages, sausages, broths and more.
  2. Dairy. This category also includes dairy products, as well as butter, ice cream.
  3. Eggs. You can not eat both raw and thermally processed eggs, and foods that contain them. For example, muffins, confectionery, mayonnaise and more.
  4. Gelatin. It is produced from cartilage tissue which means it cannot be eaten. Agar-agar can replace it on a fasting table; jelly is also made from it. It is worth remembering that many sweets, marmalade, chewing gums are prepared from gelatin.
  5. Alcohol. Hard liquor is especially prohibited. On relaxation days, you can drink red wine, for example, Cahors in small quantities.
The strictest are the first and last weeks of Lent. Also, you can not overeat in the post. Otherwise, the whole tradition loses its meaning. Noisy festivities are not recommended during this period.

According to strict rules, on weekdays it is allowed to eat only once a day. Weekends twice a day.

What you can eat in Lent - look at the video:

Nutrition in Great Lent is not just a diet, but a conscious restriction of oneself in food and habitual entertainment. Remember that you need to leave the post carefully, without immediately leaning on animal protein. Let the body adapt after plant foods.
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