What an Orthodox Christian should never do: is it possible for Orthodox Christians to enter Catholic churches, mosques? Can Orthodox Christians enter the mosque?

Our world is multifaceted. In the soul of every person there is a real cosmos in miniature, which is reflected in a large number of religious beliefs that exist on the planet. The most common religions are the following:

  • Christianity;
  • Buddhism;
  • Islam.

They are the main ones and have long been called global. Moreover, Buddhism is one of the most ancient, and Islam - the youngest. Residents of one country do not always adhere to a single faith, so representatives of different faiths can live in the same city and religious buildings belonging to different cults can be built. In this regard, more and more often the question arises of whether it is permissible for people to enter the temples of the Gentiles. There are endless debates on this topic. Today we have chosen Islam as the topic of our conversation and decided to look for answers to several questions that concern Christians and Muslims. Can Muslims enter the church? Is it a sin?

Islam and Christianity: the point of view of theologians

Unfortunately, in today's society, Christians are often contrasted with Muslims. The society has a clear idea of ​​the difference between these religious beliefs and their dissimilarity. If you conduct a social survey on the street with the participation of young people of both religions, then for sure they will talk with confidence about how impossible it is for people with such a dissimilar worldview to coexist.

But both Christian priests and Muslim imams claim that there is not such a big difference between our religions, and even give examples that are reflected in hadiths and the Koran.

First of all, young people who unequivocally give a negative answer to the question of whether Muslims can enter an Orthodox church should turn to the Koran. In it, more than once, Christians are called "People of the Book" and speak of them with great respect.

For those who do not have enough information, we can recommend finding a line in the Koran that says that Christians of all religions are closest to Muslims. After all, they preach humility and humility before God. And such should be the devout Muslim.

In addition, it is known that the Prophet Muhammad sent his followers to Ethiopia in order to be protected from the pagans by Christians. They hid the Muslims in their house for quite a long time, which saved their lives. And then they set off in peace.

So don't get too hung up on how different our religious beliefs are. It is better to live with the feeling that we all believe in one God, who expects us to fulfill certain rules. Now we have come close to the question of whether Muslims can enter the church. Let's try to deal with this rather difficult to understand issue, considering it from all sides.

The ban on church attendance in the Quran: does it exist?

Many of those who are looking for an answer to the question "is it possible for Muslims to enter the church" refer to the words of the Prophet Muhammad, set forth in one of the hadiths, where he forbids the faithful to perform rituals in pagan temples. For some reason, modern people automatically include Christian churches here. But is this true?

If we refer to the above facts, then in the eyes of the Prophet Muhammad, Christians stood on a different level than the pagans. Therefore, it is simply impossible to compare temples and temples. What else can be found in the Qur'an on this issue?

Interestingly, you will not see direct bans on entering a Christian church anywhere. The Prophet Muhammad never spoke about this, that is, the Muslims were not left with instructions on this matter. How to be? What should be the focus of the faithful?

There is a lot of evidence that the Prophet himself, traveling around different countries with his followers, prayed in religious buildings of other faiths. At the same time, when asked about the nature of this act, he answered that he did not see any sin in this act.

In addition, both religions in some countries are so closely related that they have had a profound influence on each other. For example, in Azerbaijan there are mosques where you can put candles at the exit. And if the fire burns evenly, then this speaks of a pure soul. But when the flame fluctuates and quickly fades, it means that a sinful person with unkind thoughts put the candle. Such beliefs confirm that God is one for all people and is equally disposed towards kind and pure souls.

So can a Muslim enter a church? How can you be sure that you are not committing a sin? If we draw a conclusion from everything written above, then we can say that the house of God is always His receptacle, regardless of denomination. After all, it is important with what intentions a person enters under the vaults of the temple. This is a topic that needs a closer look.

Sightseeing: Can a Muslim visit a church?

It is not forbidden to see what a cult object is in terms of architecture, or to get acquainted with the interior decoration of the faithful. If you have Christian friends and you happen to be near a church they want to go to, then you don't have to stay outside its walls. Yes, yes, Muslims are not forbidden to enter Orthodox, Catholic or Buddhist temples.

Crossing the threshold of a religious building of the Gentiles is not considered a sin; there is not a single mention of this anywhere. The only condition is that there should not be a service in the temple. Indeed, in this case, you will become an unwitting participant in the service of another cult, and this already falls under the category of prohibitions.

Therefore, if you are very worried about the question of whether Muslims can enter the church just to inspect the building, then you don’t have to worry: visiting the temple will not be a sin.

Excursions to churches and other sacred places

Can a Muslim enter the church for a tour? In principle, the issue is closely related to that raised in the previous section. Interestingly, many believers confidently answer that a Christian cannot enter a mosque, and a Muslim cannot enter a temple. Therefore, when traveling, people often miss the opportunity to visit certain places, because they are associated with the religious cult of the Gentiles.

But in fact, there are no prohibitions in this regard. Any true believer can visit Christian holy places for the purpose of familiarization. This is perceived as gaining new experience and knowledge, and a Muslim should strive to obtain them. After all, only an educated and knowledgeable person in various spheres of life can bring the light of faith to other people. Do not forget that this is one of the most important missions of Islam.

Based on the foregoing, any true believer can go on a trip and, as part of an excursion program, visit Catholic churches in Europe and Orthodox churches in Russia. All these actions are not considered sin.

Can Muslims enter a church and light candles?

This topic is the most acute in the modern world. The fact is that even the heads of some primordially Muslim countries go to Orthodox churches and light candles. Let us recall the case with the head of Kazakhstan, Nazarbayev, six years ago. Then he visited the cathedral in Astana and lit a candle at Christmas. This caused severe condemnation from the Islamic world. However, many believers considered this act as a tribute to Christianity and a symbol of the fact that representatives of different faiths can perfectly negotiate among themselves and live in peace.

So who is right in this dispute? Is it possible to unequivocally answer the question about lighting candles in temples? Let's approach the explanation from afar. Despite the fact that there are many similarities between Christianity and Islam, there is a certain difference in religious practices. However, most rituals are invented by people, not by God, although they are based on His precepts.

Based on the foundations of Islam, it forbids performing the rites of other religious cults and singles out idolatry as a particularly grave sin. Since the Prophet Muhammad did not speak about the need to light candles, and such a tradition does not exist, then by putting candles in the temple, you are committing a sin by conducting a Christian ceremony. Ignorance can be considered the only exception, but even it cannot completely cleanse the soul from sin.

The sign of the cross in the church: is it permissible?

Can a Muslim enter a church and be baptized? This question is also quite often asked on the forums. And the answer to it is categorical: no! If a simple visit to church is not a sin, then the creation of the banner of the cross carries a completely different spiritual burden. This is considered a serious offense, because in Islam it is not customary to be baptized. So, this process is haram.

Kissing icons in the church

Can Muslims enter a church and worship icons? There can be no two opinions here. Islam perceives icons as idols, and we already know that this religion denies and condemns idolatry.

Therefore, you should not get carried away with a different faith and perform other people's rituals. No one forbids the faithful to enter Christian churches, but you should not observe traditions that are alien to you.

Namaz in the church

It is difficult for many to imagine that prayer can be performed in God's house belonging to a different religion. However, even performing namaz in a church, when there is no more suitable place (mosque) nearby, is not forbidden, but welcomed. You only need to ask permission from the clergyman for this action. As practice shows, there are no problems with this: the house of God is open to all His children.

A few words in conclusion

We hope that our article has shed light on the problem of being a Muslim in the Orthodox Church, and now you have all the necessary information.

To the question Is it possible for an Orthodox Christian to enter the mosque and how to behave there? given by the author chevron the best answer is Any person who has come in peace can go to the mosque.
Only if you are not going to take part in collective prayer, it is advisable to choose a time to visit not during prayer, but in the intervals between them, so as not to distract believers from prayer. Moreover, on Friday, at lunchtime, the mosques are overcrowded.
Dress appropriately, close and modest. In general, if you fully follow the rules, a headscarf is obligatory, which hides the hair with sweat, and the clothes must also completely hide the body, only the hands and face can be open. Also, clothes should not be too tight and transparent, that is, they should not cause sexual thoughts in men, so as not to distract them from prayer. Otherwise it is a sin tantamount to fornication.
Show respect for the faith of other people, miniskirts, necklines, blouses with an open navel are best reserved for other occasions.
You must take off your shoes before entering the mosque.
And one more important point, Women are not allowed to go to the mosque during menstruation.. The same goes for church.

Answer from pre-soviet[expert]
Yes, you certainly may. dress appropriately, cover your hair.

Answer from User deleted[active]
a person has built and has the right to disintegrate with it as he wants

Answer from viewed[newbie]
women are allowed into the mosque. everyone can go to the mosque in order to learn about Islam!))

Answer from Boxing[guru]
like what!? tell them that they are unfaithful, and try to persuade them to Christianity.

Answer from LIS[guru]
Perhaps you can, but why? After all, this is a prayer house, what should an Orthodox person do there?

Answer from User deleted[guru]
During the life of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), the mosque was the center of worship, as well as cultural, educational and political activities of members of the Muslim community. It was not just a place for men, as has become the practice in many places these days. Both men and women attended mosques.
For women, we note that visiting the mosque was normal, and from the point of view of Islamic dogma, it had specific goals.
The first two are prayer and Itikaf, the order of which involves staying in the mosque for 10 days in the month of Ramadan and performing all obligatory prayers during this period.
The third purpose for which the women visited the house of prayer was to hear everything they could learn there. The need to study made it necessary to visit the mosque, both men and women. Fatima (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “I went to the mosque and joined the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in prayer. When he finished his prayer, he sat down on the dais smiling.” (Muslim)
In another version, narrated by Al-Dari, it is said that Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with her) transmitted the story of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), which he began with the words: “A certain number of nomads were in the room when it collapsed. Some could hold on to the edge of the ruins...” Obviously, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cited a story with an instructive purpose as an example. Women were present at this story, as well as men.
Women may come to the mosque for the purpose of visiting those who are there during the Itikaf period. Safiyya, the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), visited him during Itikaf, the last ten days of the month of Ramadan. She spoke to him before going back home. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) went with her to bring her home. When she stood at the door of the mosque, two men from the Ansar passed by and greeted the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). He told them, "This is my wife Safiyya." They replied: “Messenger of God! All glory to him” and felt very embarrassed. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) understood that this was because a woman was next to him and said to the men: “Satan can be as close to a person as blood is to vessels” (Bukhari, Muslim).
Ibn Hajar and Ibn Daqiq Al-Eid comment that a woman can visit a man during Itikaf.
Spending time with other Muslim women is also a good goal for visiting the mosque. Muawiya (may Allah be pleased with him) reports: “On the morning of the tenth day of the month of Muharram, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sent messengers to convey that those who began the day in fasting, let them continue it. And those who did not fast, let them fast the rest of the day. We demand that our children also observe the fast. If the child asks for food, you can give him a toy. This will help him until the end of the fast.”
“In the early years of the reign of Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), we women went to the mosque. We took knives with us to cut dry palm leaves. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "I must stop you (in the intention to work)." We continued our joint prayer (in the mosque) at the appointed time,” - this is how Al-Kubra, the daughter of Qays, narrated the story of Howli.
Answering the call to attend a public meeting is also the reason why women came to the mosque during the lifetime of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Fatimah, the daughter of Qais, narrated: “After my waiting period was over, I heard the loud voice of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) calling everyone to come out and follow to the place of the general meeting. I went out with other people, following the call. I stood in the first line of praying women."
Women can and should visit the mosque to join

Answer from Panther@-do not iron against wool[guru]
God is One! Religions differ from each other only in decorations. It seems to me that if you really want to go there, then go in ... the sky will not fall on you for this! And how to behave ... well, at least respectfully!

Answer from Joanna[guru]
most likely they won't let you in. especially since women are not allowed into the mosque.

Answer from Ivan Ivanov[guru]
You can go, but it is better with a familiar Muslim who will tell you the rules of conduct.

Answer from Neutron[guru]
Watching for a loan you went! If you want to learn about Islam, then of course you can!

Question: Non-Muslims, both men and women, often enter our mosque. They come in to see how the mosque is built from the inside, how we pray. They are surprised at many things, the same carpet on the floor and that you need to take off your shoes before entering. And yet, the question that never ceases to bother me is, are non-Muslims allowed to enter the mosque?


Imam ar-Ramli in his book Nihayat al-Muhtaj states:

أما الكافر فله دخوله إن أذن له فيه مسلم ... ودعت حاجة إلى دخوله سواء أكان جنبا أم لا

“Non-Muslims have the right to enter the mosque, even if they are in a state of janabat (a state when it is necessary to make obligatory bathing); if any Muslim permits them; if they have a need to go to the mosque.”

... أما الكافرة إذا كانت حائضا وأمنت التلويث ... والأقرب حمل المنع على عدم حاجتها الشرعية وعدمه على وجود حاجتها الشرعية .

“As for a non-Muslim woman who is in a state of menstruation, she can also enter the mosque if there is no fear of dirtying the room; if she has a Sharia-related need (for example, to get an answer to a Sharia question, etc.). If she does not have Sharia needs, then it is forbidden to enter the mosque.

Commenting on the above, Imam ash-Shabramallisi writes:

( قوله : ودعت حاجة) أي تتعلق بمصلحتنا كبناء المسجد ولو تيسر غيره ، أو تتعلق به لكن حصولها من جهتنا كاستفتائه أو دعواه عند قاض .

“The word “need” means a need that we (Muslims) need, for example, the construction of a mosque (renovation, etc.), even if it is possible to hire a Muslim for this. Or if a non-believer has a need to satisfy his interest, for example, he wants to receive an answer to a question from the imam, etc., or if he wants to file a complaint with Qadi. (See: Nihayat al-Muhtaj, vol. 1, p. 219).

Imam an-Nawawi in the book "Ravzat at-Talibin" notes:

ولا يؤذن له في دخولها لأكل ولا نوم، لكن يؤذن لسماع القرآن أو الحديث والعلم، قال الروياني: وكذا لحاجته إلى مسلم، أو حاجة مسلم إليه .

“You cannot allow a non-Muslim to enter the mosque to eat, sleep, but you can allow him to listen to the reading of the Koran, hadith, Sharia sciences. Imam Ar-Rav'yani adds: "And you can also allow him to enter the mosque if he needs something from a Muslim who is in the mosque, or a Muslim who is in the mosque needs something from him." (See: Ravzat at-Talibin, v. 9, p. 499).

Similarly, Imam al-Nawawi in the book Al-Majmoo’ writes:

قال أصحابنا: لا يمكن كافر من دخول حرم مكة .

“The scholars of our (Shafi’i) madhhab say that non-Muslims should not be allowed to enter the territory of Haram (the city of Mecca and a certain area around it).” (See: Al-Majmu', vol. 2, p. 201).

The well-known scholar of the Hanafi madhhab, ibn "Abidin, in his comments on "Radd al-Mukhtar", conveys the words of Imam al-Sarhasi:

فأما عندنا لا يمنعون كما لا يمنعون عن دخول سائر المساجد .

“According to our (Hanafi) madhhab, non-believers should not be prohibited from entering the Masjid-ul-Haram (the mosque in Mecca), as well as other mosques.” (See: Radd al-Mukhtar, vol. 4, p. 209).


1. Gentiles have the right to enter any mosque, except for mosques in the territory of Haram (Mecca and a certain area around it), if any adult Muslim or Muslim woman gives them permission to do so; if they have a need to go to the mosque, for example, to learn something about Islam, etc.

2. According to the madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifa, non-Muslims have the right to enter any mosque without any conditions.

Department of Fatwas of the Muftiyat of the Republic of Dagestan

Telegram channel of fatwa department: t.me/fatawadag

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Andrei, the editors of Pravoslavnaya Zhizn regularly receive various questions from readers. We have selected the most frequently repeated ones and would like to discuss them with you. Let's start with this question: is it possible for Orthodox Christians to enter Catholic churches and mosques? How to behave there?

In one of his Epistles, the holy Apostle Paul says: “Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial” (1 Cor. 6:12). Therefore, in order to more correctly answer this question, it is first necessary to determine the very purpose of visiting a heterodox or non-Orthodox religious building. If we go to a church or a mosque to look, so to speak, to expand our cultural horizons, then, in principle, there is nothing reprehensible in this. If we visit non-Orthodox churches in order to pray, we should remember the 65th Apostolic Canon: “If anyone from the clergy or a layman enters a Jewish or heretical assembly to pray: let him be cast out of the sacred order and excommunicated from church fellowship” . But there are exceptions: in many Roman Catholic churches, as well as in churches belonging to the jurisdiction of the so-called Kyiv Patriarchate, there are shrines revered by the Orthodox. The above Apostolic Canon refers to the prohibition to participate in PUBLIC worship together with non-Orthodox. Therefore, there is nothing reprehensible if an Orthodox Christian prayerfully honors one or another shrine located in a church of another confession.

As for how one should behave in non-Orthodox churches, only one factor can be the rule for leadership: good manners. An Orthodox Christian, wherever he is, must behave in a civilized and restrained manner. Despite our personal convictions, we have no right to offend the religious feelings of other people in any way, because the main criterion that distinguishes a Christian is, first of all, love. And this criterion was determined by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself: “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).

- Is it possible to turn to alternative medicine, such as Chinese?

The Orthodox Church has never considered advances in medicine to be a spiritual obstacle. But before resorting to the help of one or another “non-traditional doctor”, a person must understand for himself: what sources he uses, otherwise you can bring considerable harm to both your body and your soul.

One of the researchers of alternative methods of treatment once noted: the Chinese, for example, treat their medicine as a religion. Such an attitude towards medicine should alert an Orthodox person, because nothing can be higher and more sacred than religion. In addition, German scientists, exploring the practice of acupuncture, conducted the following experiment: some patients were given needles, so to speak, according to all the "canons" of Chinese medicine, while others, roughly speaking, at random, just so as not to hurt important organs and do no harm. As a result, the effectiveness of the first acupuncture was 52%, and the second - 49%! That is, there was practically no difference between "smart" and "free" acupuncture.

However, the question of the use of some spiritual practice in medicine is more acute. So, for example, some "healers" in order to cure this or that ailment, offer their patients to try to get out of the physical world into the supersensory, extrasensory world. But we must remember that our physical body is a kind of barrier that separates us from direct communication with the spiritual world and, in particular, the world of fallen spirits. Some Eastern cults use a whole range of exercises to facilitate such an exit into the "spiritual world", and this practice weakens our defense against demons. Saint Ignatius of Caucasus warns: “If we were in sensual communion with demons, they would in the shortest possible time completely corrupt people, incessantly inspiring them with evil, clearly and incessantly promoting evil, infecting them with examples of their constant criminal and hostile to God activity.”

That is why any "alternative medicine", practicing some kind of communication with the spiritual world, even if it promises its patients a physical recovery, eventually becomes dangerous for their spiritual health.

- What does it mean not to go to the council of the wicked?

The meaning of this verse, which is the first verse of the first psalm of the Book of Psalms, is very profound and ambiguous. So, St. Athanasius the Great says: "the council of the wicked" is a collection of crafty people who seek to deviate the righteous from following the path of God. And St. Basil the Great clarifies: “the advice of the wicked” is all sorts of wicked thoughts that, like invisible enemies, overcome a person.

In addition, it is very interesting that in the above psalm about the opposition of the righteous to the "council of the wicked" it is said "in three dimensions" - walking, standing and graying: the seats of the destroyers are not gray.” According to St. Theophan the Recluse, the purpose of such a threefold indication is a warning against the three main degrees of deviation into evil: in the form of an internal attraction to evil (the march to sin), in the form of affirmation in evil (standing in sin) and in the form of a fight against good and propaganda evil (coexistence with the destroyer, that is, the devil).

Thus, going to the council of the wicked is all kinds of participation in evil, whether by thought, word or deed. According to St. John Cassian the Roman, in order to be saved, a person must constantly control himself, exercising himself in spiritual work: without the latter, there will be no spiritual life.

- Is it possible to go on vacation, for example, to a ski resort on Christmas Day?

According to St. Ephraim the Syrian, the purpose of fasting is to enable a person to overcome lusts, vices and sins in himself. If fasting does not help us overcome sin, we should think: how do we fast, what are we doing wrong?

Unfortunately, it has historically turned out that in the life of a modern person, most of the holidays fall on the time of the Nativity Fast - during the New Year holidays. The purpose of the Nativity Fast is to prepare a person for the acceptance of the Divine Infant Christ, Who comes into this world and becomes a man in order to save each of us from the power of sin and death. And therefore, the main thing that an Orthodox Christian should think about on the eve of Christmas is how best, most correctly, to prepare himself for the meeting of the Savior.

Active recreation, such as skiing, is very beneficial for health if it is combined with the spiritual growth of a person. Otherwise, there will be no benefit from such a “recovery”. Therefore, if our rest does not allow us to make our heart a worthy receptacle of the Living God, it is better to refuse such rest.

- Can a woman get a tattoo, for example, for cosmetic purposes?

In order to answer this question, one should decide: why is such a tattoo needed at all, what are the reasons that encourage a person to make certain images on his body?

Even in the Old Testament it was said: “For the sake of the deceased, do not make cuts on your body and do not prick writing on yourself” (Lev. 19:28). This prohibition in the Pentateuch of Moses is repeated twice more: in the same Book of Leviticus (21:5), and also in the Book of Deuteronomy (14:1). Moses forbids mutilating the human body, since such an action is an insult to the Creator, who gave man beautiful flesh. Historically, a tattoo is a sign of belonging to a pagan cult: with the help of a tattoo, people hoped to gain special favor from one or another deity. That is why, since ancient times, tattoos have been "an abomination before the Lord."

According to Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, the body is the visible part of the soul, so any external change is primarily a sign of internal, spiritual changes taking place in a person. The main characteristics of a Christian are modesty, meekness and humility. A tattoo is, according to one modern author, an escape from modesty, an attempt to present oneself more elegantly and, perhaps, with the aim of some seduction of others. Based on this, we can draw a confident conclusion: even the most seemingly harmless tattoos can cause irreparable spiritual harm to a person.

- Is it possible to listen to the prayer rule in headphones on the way to work or using a disk in the car?

Prayer is first and foremost a conversation with God. And therefore, the statement that it is possible to pray under an audio recording seems very doubtful.

Unfortunately, modern man, who has simplified his life so much with the help of various technologies, is less and less ready to devote less and less time to God and communion with Him. That is why we try to pray with audio recordings, listen to evening and morning prayers in the car or on the way home. But, if you think about it: how carefully can we listen to such recordings? How focused can we pray to them?

The Holy Fathers have always said: it is better to sincerely say a few words to God than, without thinking about Him, to say long prayers. The Lord does not need our words, but our heart. And He sees its contents: striving for His Creator and Savior, or an attempt to brush Him off by hiding behind a half-hour audio recording.

- What should the Orthodox never do?

The Orthodox must first of all be afraid to sin, but not because of the fear of God's punishment. The Monk Abba Dorotheos says: the fear of God is not at all the fear of God as some kind of avenger for sins; the fear of God is the fear of offending the love of God manifested in Christ. Therefore, every Orthodox Christian should try to control himself, stopping even the very thoughts of committing a sin, because with our sins, according to the word of the holy Apostle Paul, we again crucify our Lord Jesus Christ. With sins, we destroy everything that God has done for our own salvation. And that is what we should fear and avoid in our lives.

The word "mosque" comes from the Arabic word "masjid", which means "to prostrate". That is, the mosque is a place of worship and prayer. Mosques serve Muslims for the general performance of prayers, and also, sometimes, as places for people to gather and teach the basics of the Muslim faith.

In accordance with this, there is a strict etiquette of behavior in the mosque. Not only followers of Islam, but also representatives of other faiths can visit these religious buildings, but, of course, only if people behave appropriately. So, what should never be done in a mosque?

1. It is necessary to enter the mosque with the right foot.

At the same time, a Muslim is obliged to say: “O Almighty, open the gates of your mercy.” In addition, upon entering the premises, a Muslim should greet everyone by saying “As-salamu alaikum”. At the same time, you need to say hello, even if there is no one in the mosque, since it is believed that angels are always present in the temple.

2. It is forbidden to enter the mosque with shoes on. This applies to both men and women, and Muslims and Gentiles. Therefore, when going to a mosque, for example, on an excursion, you should make sure that your socks are clean and not full of holes. Shoes are left at the entrance in special lockers, but if you wish, you can take them with you in a bag.

3. You should also think about clothes. It must be clean and beautiful. Both men and women should cover their knees and shoulders, and women should cover their heads with a scarf so that their hair is not visible. Muslim women dress in such a way that only the hands, feet and face are visible (however, in some countries they also hide the face), while the clothes should not be too bright and tight. Representatives of other religions should also be guided by this, if they do not want to arouse indignation among Muslims.

4. In no case should you visit the mosque for those who have recently eaten garlic and onions. The Prophet Muhammad said this: "Whoever eats onions, garlic or leeks, let him not approach our mosque, because the angels are annoyed by what annoys the sons of Adam." In other words, no stench is allowed in the mosque. It is even permissible for men to use incense in moderation. But women, on the contrary, should not use perfumes. It is believed that the fragrance emanating from a woman can interfere with the prayerful concentration of men. This is probably why women pray in mosques in special rooms, separated from those where men gather.

5. In addition, women are forbidden to visit the mosque on "special days".

6. It is forbidden to pass in front of a person performing prayer. In a hadith (a hadith is a legend about the words and actions of the prophet Muhammad, which affects the features of the life of the Muslim community) it is said: “If the one passing directly in front of the prayer knew what he was doing, then standing for forty years would be better for him than passing directly in front of him ".

7. You can sit on the floor in the mosque, but in no case should you sit with your legs pointing towards the Kaaba. The Kaaba is the main shrine of Islam, the Kaaba temple is located in Saudi Arabia, in the city of Mecca. The direction to Mecca in each mosque is indicated by an empty niche in the wall, called the mihrab. It is to the mihrab that the faces of the worshipers are turned.

8. It is forbidden to make noise in the mosque.

9. Men and women visiting the mosque as part of a tour should not hold hands, hug and kiss, even if they are husband and wife.

10. The mosque must not be visited while intoxicated. In addition, the mentally ill will not be allowed into the mosque. If someone wishes to take a small child on an excursion, he must remember that his behavior may disturb other people. If the child is naughty, you need to leave the mosque with him.

11. Usually, guests are allowed to take pictures in the mosque. But it should be remembered that believers cannot be photographed during prayer.

12. You need to leave the mosque with your left foot. At the same time, Muslims say: "Allah, forgive my sins."

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