Dream interpretation interpretation of dreams why a dolphin is dreaming. Interaction with dolphins. Sea dweller as a good sign

Far from always people manage to unravel the secret meaning of their night visions on their own. In this case, you can always turn to the dream book for help. Dolphins in real life cause extremely positive emotions. However, their appearance in a dream can predict both good and bad events. So, what interpretation do guidebooks to the world of dreams offer?

Seeing dolphins in a dream: Miller's dream book

What does an American psychologist think about all this? What interpretation does Miller's dream book offer? A dolphin can be seen in his dreams by one who in reality is inclined to quickly fall under the influence of others. The dreamer's life is controlled by other people. He does not make independent decisions, but only follows someone else's will. This must be fought, otherwise a person’s dreams will never come true.

Dolphins in the sea - a symbol that promises misfortune, trouble. A person is in trouble on a personal front. He runs the risk of quarreling and parting with his other half. Also, such a dream may warn that in the near future it is better to refrain from boat trips. This warning applies not only to the sleeper himself, but also to his loved ones.

Girls, women

Why is the dolphin dreaming? The dream book also contains an interpretation that applies only to the fair sex. Often the appearance of this animal in night dreams prophesies women replenishment in the family. A child can be born not only to the dreamer, but also to her relatives.

Young girls dream of a dolphin for joyful and bright events. The life of the sleeping woman will soon change for the better. It is possible that a worthy contender for her hand and heart will appear on the horizon. However, the dreamer should still be careful in communicating with new acquaintances, as there may be scammers among them.

Why do married ladies dream of a dolphin? The dream interpretation connects this with sexual dissatisfaction. For pregnant women, such a symbol promises a calm and successful birth, the birth of a strong and healthy baby.


What does the appearance of a dolphin in night dreams mean for the stronger sex? For men, such dreams promise a reliable and strong relationship. It is not at all necessary that this prediction is connected with personal life. For example, an entrepreneur can acquire a partner with whom he will cooperate for a long time and fruitfully.

river, sea

The interpretation directly depends on the water in which these animals swim in night dreams. What options are considered by the dream book? Dolphins in the water, if it is clear and clean, promise a change for the better. Soon a person will be promoted up the career ladder. He will be able to take a higher position thanks to the patronage of his superiors or the help of friends.

If dolphins are splashing in river water, such a plot indicates that a person is faced with the need to make a difficult choice. He must make an important decision on his own. You should not seek advice from others, try to shift all responsibility on them.

Why else can dolphins dream in the water? The dream interpretation is also considering such an option as their games in the sea. Such dreams testify to the importance of the role that friends and relatives play in a person’s life. If a person misses loved ones, then the time has come to meet them.

catch him

In his nightly dreams, a person may try to catch a dolphin. If he succeeds, what does such a plot mean?

If the dreamer simply grabbed the dolphin with his hands, in reality luck will accompany all his undertakings. You can also be sure that he is surrounded by true friends. In a difficult moment, the sleeper can safely count on their help and support.

If a person catches a dolphin and releases it in his dreams, in real life he will not be able to defend his position. The debate will be won by his opponent, who has much more experience in such matters.

Hook - the desire for unjustified risk. The sleeper is preparing to take a decisive step, but it is difficult to predict the outcome of the business he has conceived. Do not make hasty decisions, it is better to think it over well.

Swim, swim with him

What does it mean to swim with dolphins? The dream interpretation offers various answers to this question:

  • In the near future, the dreamer may change the situation. There is a high probability that a person will go on a trip or a business trip.
  • The sleeper can change jobs. Unfortunately, it will take him a long time to get used to the new team.
  • Swimming with dolphins sometimes promises the appearance of rivals. The dreamer will suffer from jealousy, and this will lead to the fact that his relationship with his soulmate will deteriorate. If a person does not want this, he should learn restraint.

Lots of dolphins

What else can a dream book tell about dolphins? The interpretation of night dreams, in which there are many of these animals, is also of interest. Such a plot indicates that the sexual activity of the sleeping person can only be envied. A person needs to be careful when choosing partners.

A lot of dolphins is a symbol that can mean that new projects will be successfully implemented. Luck turned to the sleeping face, you should definitely take advantage of this. The main thing is not to turn off the chosen path, not to waste energy on trifles.

ride it

In his dreams, a person can perform amazing actions, including riding a dolphin. What does such a dream warn about? Awakening should be careful. You should not trust your partner if the romantic relationship has recently begun. Most likely, this person will not be able to appreciate the love that the dreamer has for him.

Dolphin riding is a symbol that can also predict the cycle of events. Most of them will be negative. A person will have to get out of one dangerous situation after another. Stress tolerance, which must be developed in oneself, will help him cope with all problems.

iron it

What other information about dolphins can a dream book provide? Why, for example, dream of stroking this animal:

  • Moving, repair, new job - big changes await the sleeper. It will not be easy for him to adapt to new conditions, he should prepare for difficulties, tune in to fight them.
  • Some dream books make negative predictions. A person will spend a lot of money and energy in order to make his dream come true. However, his plans, unfortunately, were not destined to come true.

In a swimming pool

What else interesting will the dream book help to learn about dolphins? The interpretation of night dreams in which a person sees these animals in the pool also deserves attention. What to expect?

The dolphin in the pool is a symbol that can warn the sleeper that he is surrounded by insincere people. They try to pretend to be true friends, but in reality they do not like the dreamer, they envy him.

In the near future, you should not listen to other people's advice. Even if the one who gives them is guided by good intentions. The person himself knows best the answer to the question of how he should act. You just need to learn to trust your own intuition.

People who actively impose their opinions on the sleeper should be avoided. Otherwise, he will have to follow other people's instructions all his life.

Wounded, dead

What can warn the appearance of wounded dolphins in night dreams? The dream interpretation in this case does not bode well for the sleeper. In reality, a person will face major troubles, or he will have to deal with the problems of his loved ones. Also, the dreamer may be struck by a serious illness, with which he will be forced to fight for a long time. First of all, you should beware of sexually transmitted diseases, diseases of the genital organs.

What else could be the interpretation of dreams about dolphins? The dream interpretation gives a negative assessment of night dreams in which dead animals appear. In reality, a person is waiting for changes that will make him plunge into a stressful state. Due to constant tension, his relationship with the second half will deteriorate, problems will begin in the sexual sphere.

Although in life we ​​associate the dolphin with exceptional romance, the sunset of the fiery sun on the coast of the blue sea, beautiful and dynamic circus performances - in a dream it is a symbol of a different plan. According to the dream book, it is either a harbinger of the fact that a change of leadership should be expected in the near future, or your emotions simply do not find an outlet in real life. But these are far from the only interpretations of such a dream.

Felomen's prediction

According to Felomen's dream book, to swim on the back of a dolphin means to see the world in rose-colored glasses in real life. By the way, this may lead to disappointment in a partner, because he may turn out to be a person of somewhat different views, earthly and practical, which, to put it mildly, you may not like. Look for the golden mean, then you won't have to break everything that was built so long ago. If a flock of dolphins in a dream is not free and frolics in an artificially created fence, it means that someone is constantly holding you back in your impulses and aspirations. You fail to give free rein to true feelings. Think and take a good look at your surroundings. If in a dream dolphins perform circus numbers, you are overacting. Be yourself. And if dolphins in a dream do not want to perform tricks in any way, think about changing the existing environment. You may not be on your way.

Miller's explanation of sleep

If in a dream dolphins jump out of the water, then everything is going according to plan. Depending on the temperature of the water, a dream can be interpreted in different ways. If it is cold, the business development strategy should be reviewed. Warm water in a dream - do not interfere with the natural course of events, so as not to overshadow the existing situation. Dreamed of a friendly dolphin? Miller's dream book warns of excessive softness in real life. You don’t need to take on too much, beyond what you can do, then you won’t have to be disappointed either in yourself or in the environment that could not come to the rescue in time. Miller's dream book also gives a purely pragmatic interpretation of the dream. It is believed that in real life you can fall under the psychological pressure of the new leadership, and even the government.

Chinese interpreter

The Chinese dream book warns that if you see a dolphin in your night dreams, you may soon be promoted. Especially if you dreamed of a joyful dolphin. So don't click your beak and look out for brilliant prospects with both eyes. In fact, they are hard to miss. Have you noticed a connection - you adapt to your bosses - are you promoted? Not the most honest ways, but if you really want, you can. Dolphins can also dream because you are simply subconsciously tired of the way your life is going. Perhaps many things have long become commonplace and turned into a routine. It is also possible that the boat of love crashed on the reefs of everyday life. Add romance to everything that surrounds you in reality, and then you may not have to regret the wasted years.

Family dream book

To new friends - that's what, but rather, to whom dolphins dream according to the family interpreter. These friends will be from a completely different circle, will have a completely different occupation and will differ significantly from the previous ones. True, it is not necessary from you. Most likely, on the contrary, you will meet kindred spirits. This source also explains what dreams of riding a dolphin. Riding a dolphin means that in life you take on a difficult task, the implementation of which will require a lot of mental and physical strength. In any case, you yourself must feel what emotions you experienced when this representative of the family of mammals from the order of cetaceans dreamed and project them onto your life. The subconscious will tell you a lot, the rest is a dream book.

Various interpretations

This is what dolphins dream of, according to the Mayan people. If you dreamed that you were swimming in a pond with dolphins, then relatives and friends completely rely on you. You have earned their trust and respect, it remains only to keep it for many years. Grishina's dream book interprets this plot differently. Dream Interpretation Grishina believes that you competently use your mental abilities in the implementation of projects. A dolphin seen in a dream is the totality of your intellect, sociability, friendliness to other people. If in a dream a dolphin attacks you, reconsider your attitude towards others. Perhaps they are seriously unhappy with something. Especially if you dreamed of an angry dolphin. Why the dolphin is dreaming is also explained by Meneghetti. Seeing a dolphin in a dream is a sign that you have a reliable, faithful friend, companion, accomplice next to you, on whom you can completely rely. Dream Interpretation Meneghetti says that a dreaming dolphin is a symbol of harmonious, stable, friendly relations. In addition, it also reflects your brightest impulses of the soul.

A dolphin in a dream is a symbol of addiction. The dreamer shows weakness, and therefore unpleasant things happen to him. If a pregnant woman sees a dolphin, it can mean that the birth will be painless and the baby will be healthy.

Who dreamed of a dolphin? Where is the dolphin in a dream? Who dreamed of dolphins? What did you do in your dream with dolphins? What were you doing when you saw dolphins in your dream? How many dolphins were in a dream? In which sea did you see dolphins in a dream? Who dreamed of a dolphin? What are you doing with a dolphin in a dream? What color is a dolphin in a dream? What size is a dolphin in a dream? Did you dream about live dolphins? How many dolphins were in a dream?

Who dreamed of a dolphin?

Why does a woman dream of a dolphin

A dream in which a married woman sees a dolphin reflects the cooling of her feelings for her husband. Perhaps new sensations will give a variety in sexual life or an unusual joint hobby.

Dolphin dreams of a girl

If a young unmarried girl dreamed of a dolphin, this may not be the best sign. Such a dream portends surprises that are likely to be unpleasant. An unwanted pregnancy cannot be ruled out.

Dolphin in a pregnant dream

When a pregnant woman dreams of a dolphin, and she strokes and feeds him, this is a good omen. Such a dream promises the unborn child health, activity and a good appetite.

Where is the dolphin in a dream?

Dolphin in the sea

Who dreamed of dolphins?

A woman dreams of a dolphin in the sea

If a woman dreams of a dolphin in the sea, there is a high probability of meeting a man with whom she will have a strong spiritual connection. This person can become for the dreamer both a good friend and a lover, and a husband.

What did you do in your dream with dolphins?

I dreamed about how you swim in the sea with dolphins

Swimming in the sea with a dolphin in a dream is often a reflection of frivolity. You are in the clouds, dreams are divorced from reality and are unlikely to ever come true. It is possible that you are a creative and vulnerable person, which can complicate relations with the opposite sex.

What were you doing when you saw dolphins in your dream?

Why dream about how you swim in the sea and see a dolphin

A dream where you swim in the sea and see dolphins nearby is a warning that your current acquaintances are badly influencing you. It may be worth considering whether they are doing the right thing, deciding whether the interests of your friends are really close to you.

How many dolphins were in a dream?

I dreamed of a flock of dolphins in the sea

To dream of a flock of frolicking dolphins in the sea means that someone else will surely find your partner attractive. Try to appreciate your loved one, surround him with care, show love more often.

Many dolphins in the sea in a dream

If a lot of dolphins dreamed, perhaps the dreamer feels that he has chosen the wrong path in life, in particular, he is dissatisfied with his work. Do not waste time in vain, do what you have always been interested in, fond of, improve in this direction.

In which sea did you see dolphins in a dream?

Dolphins dream in the clear sea

When dolphins swim in a clear sea in a dream, success in work or business will surely await you. You can be promoted, as well as bonuses and salary increases are very likely.

Dolphins in the black sea in a dream

A dream where dolphins swim in a dirty, black sea symbolizes your health concerns. Most likely, it is not unreasonable: the likelihood of sexually transmitted diseases is high. It is recommended to see a doctor, especially if you experience pain and discomfort.

Dolphin in the water Dolphins in the pool

Who dreamed of a dolphin?

A woman dreams of a dolphin in a pool

A dream in which a woman sees a dolphin in the pool suggests that she cares too much about her reputation, tries too hard to keep the boundaries of decency. Surely this prevents the dreamer from liberating herself and establishing close relationships with anyone.

Why does a woman dream of a dolphin in the river

If a woman sees a dolphin in a river in a dream, she is probably used to “going with the flow” in reality. Such a plot encourages the dreamer to be more active. Start taking initiative in all areas and see how your life will change.

What are you doing with a dolphin in a dream?

Pet a dolphin Swim with dolphins

Catch a dolphin in a dream

If you dreamed that you caught a dolphin, this is a good sign. You have chosen the right path in life, make every effort, constantly improve. Continue in the same spirit, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Dreaming about how a dolphin saves

A dream in which a dolphin saves you means that a strong and strong-willed person will help you in a difficult situation. It can be both a man and a woman, as a relative or friend, as well as a colleague and even a boss.

I dreamed about riding a dolphin

Riding a dolphin in a dream - to the manifestation of talents or abilities that you had not noticed before. Perhaps development in this direction will allow you to earn money.

Feed a dolphin in a dream

When you dream that you are feeding a dolphin, most likely, someone will have a strong influence on you, which may well turn out to be fruitful. However, it is highly likely that this will not affect your fate.

Why dream that you are touching a dolphin

Touching a dolphin in a dream is a strong relationship in the family. Your loved ones love, respect and appreciate you. Communication with the family will always delight you and give you many wonderful memories.

Dreaming about kissing a dolphin

If you dreamed about how you kiss a dolphin, then you, no doubt, are grateful for the help of your loved ones, and the dream expresses this feeling. Perhaps an unpleasant event happened to you recently and your relatives supported you.

Play with a dolphin in a dream

A dream where you are playing with a dolphin portends the transition of a relationship from a platonic level to a more intimate one. For a woman, such a dream can also portend a wedding, pregnancy or childbirth.

Why dream that you hug a dolphin

Hugging a dolphin in a dream - to strengthen the emotional attachment between lovers or relatives. Such a dream is interpreted exclusively in a positive context.

What color is a dolphin in a dream?

Dreamed of a white dolphin

And the dream in which you saw a white dolphin or dolphins is especially favorable. After such a vision, you can be sure that luck and happiness will certainly knock on your house. The white dolphin is usually dreamed of before a promotion.

The dream in which you saw a white dolphin is considered especially auspicious. It portends a long period of good luck in your life and the fate of your family and friends. There are many pleasant surprises and memorable events ahead.

Dreaming of a black dolphin

If you dreamed of a black dolphin, it is possible that you trust someone too much, rely too much on him. Remember that people are not perfect and may, unwittingly, not live up to your expectations. Also, do not place high hopes on a new working project.

What size is a dolphin in a dream?

Little dolphin in a dream

Seeing a little dolphin in a dream is an upcoming acquaintance with an extraordinary personality with whom you have a lot in common. There is a high probability of friendship between you.

Did you dream about live dolphins?

dead dolphins

How many dolphins were in a dream?

Dreaming of a flock of dolphins

If you are swimming in a dream with a flock of dolphins, new acquaintances await you soon. Surely they will have a positive impact on your professional activities in the future: try to make a good impression.

What does the Dolphin mean in a dream, what is it for - a connection with your subconscious.

Jewish dream book What does Dolphin mean in a dream:

What does a Dolphin mean in a dream - Seeing a dolphin from afar or swimming next to it In the spring, this means that people will suddenly appear ready to help you; a dream seen in the summer - to a good turn of events; in the fall, - to the pretense of your friends; seen in winter, this dream means that you acted recklessly, refusing to support a person who sincerely wanted to help you.

Magic dream book In a dream, why is the Dolphin dreaming?

What does it mean to see in a dream you dreamed of a Dolphin what it is - a new temporary boss.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Dolphin mean in a dream:

What does Dolphin mean in a dream - You will have a persistent and very pleasant admirer. Imagine that you are swimming in clear sea water next to a dolphin.

British dream book What does a Dolphin mean in a dream?

Dolphin what it is - Dolphins are smart, curious, friendly animals. Relations between dolphins and people have always been friendly, and on the part of dolphins and all-forgiving, considering how many of them die because of the irresponsibility and greed of people. Why dream: Dolphin in a dream can play several roles. Was he a guide that led you through confusion and doubt to peace and deep self-awareness? Or did he help you deal with your emotions? Or did he represent the playful side of you that yearns for liberation?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What does Dolphin mean from the dream book?

Why dream What does a Dolphin mean in a dream - you dream of a dolphin frolicking in the waves - you are an overly soft person who is prone to fall under the influence of others; instead of defending - your opinion, you agree with the opinion of others; you will never be the first in any of the cases; your success will always depend on the success of others. It’s as if you are sitting astride a dolphin - the business you have undertaken is not yours, it is beyond your power.

Psychoanalytic dream book If a Dolphin is dreaming, what is it for?

Interprets the dream book: You dreamed of a Dolphin what it is for. 1. Sailors consider dolphins to be guides and saviors because these fish have specific and awareness. Rising from the depths of the unconscious, the dolphin represents a hidden part of ourselves that needs to be understood. 2. From a psychological point of view, the dolphin can draw a more playful part of our personality, but at the same time alerts us to deceit. 3. At the moment, the dolphin is responsible for spiritual sensuality and security.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious What does Dolphin mean in a dream:

What does Dolphin mean in a dream. Dolphins are commonly associated with intelligence, communication, grace and playfulness. Thus, the appearance of dolphins in a dream suggests that it is these qualities that prevail in the real life of the sleeping person at the moment.

Positive value

The appearance of a dolphin in a dream indicates that you are using your intellect, successfully solving the problems you are facing.

Negative implications

Sometimes dreams about dolphins are interpreted as a feeling of lack of happiness at the moment, the need to quickly start a new stage of life.

Dreams about dolphins are often associated with the sphere of communication or its lack: perhaps this subconscious mind is trying to "connect" with consciousness.

Jumping dolphins. A dolphin jumping out of the water represents a successful strategy in various aspects of your life. Cold water. Dolphins swimming in cold water may express a need to change the way they solve a particular problem or fulfill a duty. Warm water. Dolphins swimming in warm water can be seen as a symbol of satisfaction with their current situation.

Dolphin, Dolphins in the sea

Did you dream of Dolphins in the Sea or did you dream of a Dolphin? Dream Interpretations assure that Dolphins in a dream is a very auspicious sign, you can safely count on recognition, support and success.

Seeing a dolphin in a dream- support of a powerful patron.

Dolphin is not only the name of an animal, but also a definition, which in the Middle Ages was called the heir to power, the Young ruler (from the French "dolphin" - "prince"). A dolphin in a dream in this case is very symbolic. This image portends that in your affairs you can count on the patronage of either someone from the leadership, Or you will find a powerful patron (sponsor, Patron).

Seeing dolphins in the sea in a dream- faithful companions.

Dolphins, as an image of sleep, carry with them only the most favorable meaning and personify close people, Ready to help. However, attention should be paid to the appearance of sea water and the nature of the current. If the Sea was calm and serene, And the Dolphins frolicked merrily in it, you don’t have to worry about anything - the circumstances will work out in the best way for you, And true friends will be there at the right moment. And vice versa - the seething Sea or the frightened Dolphins, Swimming in the muddy sea waters, A sure sign That both you and your companions will have a hard joint struggle for the implementation of their plans.

Seeing a dolphin in a dream, Dolphins- joy, luck.

Dolphins are traditionally interpreted only from the most positive side. And the dream in which you saw the white Dolphin or Dolphins is especially favorable. After such a vision, you can be sure - good luck, And happiness will certainly knock on your house.

Dolphin pool

Dream interpretation Dolphin pool had a dream, why does the Dolphin dream of a pool in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Dolphin pool in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Dream Interpretation - Pool

Swim in a dream in the pool: for an early and important meeting for you, be prepared for it.

Maybe there will be a meeting with one of the old acquaintances, to whom you were not indifferent before.

If you swam in the pool in a dream as well as you know how to do it in reality, it means that in the near future you will be made an offer that seems very profitable, and you will gladly accept it.

In fact, you need to call on all your insight: you must find out exactly whether this offer is credible.

It is possible that they want to deceive you, do not fall for the bait! Seeing one of your loved ones swimming in the pool means that a time of great change is coming in your life that will capture you so much that after this turbulent period is over, you will feel like a different person.

These changes apply to all areas of life, if in a dream you really liked swimming in the pool and you did it with great pleasure, it means that in reality you were too captured by everyday worries, you are unable to leave the daily hustle and bustle and at least get some rest.

Be careful, otherwise you will overwork yourself.

If you didn’t like being in the pool for one reason or another (the water was cold, just a bad mood, etc.): a dream indicates that you will have to part with a close friend for a while.

This may be due to his trip to another city on vacation or a business trip.

Although you will both miss each other, the separation will pass quickly and almost imperceptibly.

Jumping in the pool from a tower: you are on the verge of some very important, global decision regarding the rest of your life.

This decision will entail strong changes that will affect, first of all, your future.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Dream Interpretation - Pool

Admiring the swimming pool in a dream portends long-term erotic pleasures.

Swimming in the clear, beautiful pool water is a very good sign.

You will be recognized in society, friends will be faithful to you.

For a young girl: her dignity and decency will help her find a true friend.

If the pool is dirty, cold water, you will have minor troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Pool

Your desires will come true in an unexpected way for you - however, you will be satisfied.

Imagine that you see a pool of clean, clear water in front of you. Around imagine the landscape that you like best. Here you come to the pool, touch the water with your foot, then enter there and swim with pleasure. Then get out of the water and sit by the pool, looking at the surface of the water. At this point, you may come up with new opportunities to implement your ideas. This dream is especially necessary when you want the fulfillment of a desire, but do not see the way for its implementation.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphins

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Then discard the candles.

flock of dolphins

Dream Interpretation Flock of Dolphins dreamed of why a flock of dolphins is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a flock of dolphins in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

The dolphin is the symbol of the penis.

A frolicking dolphin symbolizes your health and sexual attractiveness.

Many dolphins symbolize your active and varied sex life.

If you are sailing on a ship, and dolphins are frolicking around you, then a lot of people are hovering around you who would like to recapture your sexual partner. Be vigilant and attentive to your partner.

If a man swims among dolphins or on a dolphin, then this symbolizes his homosexual aspirations.

If a woman swims among dolphins or on a dolphin, then this symbolizes her insatiability. One man is clearly not enough for her.

A wounded dolphin symbolizes diseases of the genital organs.

A dead dolphin symbolizes impotence or frigidity.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

For a girl, such a dream prophesies a handsome and intelligent groom from a good family. If a married lady dreamed of a dolphin, she would have a persistent and very pleasant admirer. For a man, a dream about a dolphin promises a good friend.

Imagine that you are swimming in clear sea water next to a dolphin.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphins

Dolphins dream not for good. After this dream, you should be wary of the sea: your best friend will die in the sea, the sea will bury your bright hopes and dreams of love. If you dreamed of a dolphin during your trip, it means. You are in great danger.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Friends support in difficult times. If a dolphin rushes at you, not playing, but attacking - do not expect success, you did not make enough efforts to achieve it. If the dolphin is friendly, you will avoid long doubts and worries, make a firm decision and find peace and freedom. If the dream was from Thursday to Friday - no effort is needed, everything will work out by itself. If - from Friday to Saturday you take an ill-considered and unjustified risk, you should not do this.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

A dolphin seen in a dream indicates your tendency to easily succumb to other people's influence, which has done you a disservice more than once. Riding a dolphin means that in reality you do not find an outlet for your romantic aspirations.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Dolphins dream of those who in real life lack the sharpness of sensations. You are fed up with what you have and crave something new.

We rode a dolphin in a dream - soon you will make love in the water. Before you could not decide on this, but someone's experience will inspire you.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

If in a dream you swam with dolphins, your relatives and friends completely trust you and will gladly come to your aid, no matter what happens. Drink on an empty stomach every day for a week 1 glass of warm water.

If in a dream you only watch how dolphins swim, all interesting events pass you by and you do not influence them in any way. To make this time pass faster, light 3 candles at midnight, burn your own hair in each and fill the fire with salt;

Then discard the candles.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

A serviceable machine or work behind it - you are now busy looking for a better income.

A broken machine - a stubborn and gloomy person will cause your troubles.

Working on a loom - for a man to big trouble and groundless irritation, ridiculous gossip, for a woman - a sign that she will have a wealthy muse and wonderful children.

A beautiful woman who monitors the work of a loom - complete mutual understanding in love awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Seeing a dolphin means your tendency to fall under the influence of the new government. This is not a very good dream.

Dream Interpretation - Dolphin

Dolphin - child, child; prosperity, prosperity.



I had a rather strange dream the other day. Of course, I don’t remember it in full, but only one episode was clearly deposited in my memory. I was standing in a room that looked like a temple, a bald man in a suit called me: - Holy Father!
I followed him, he invited me to swim, and here we were already on the pier. From here I saw how the fins of dolphins slipped into the sea and in a moment they were already nearby and looked at me. The last thing I remember is that I pet them. I don't know what it is, but it's a strange dream.
Alexey, 20 years old


With a friend in a dream, we went to the sea. On slippery stones, a friend slipped and went deep into the clear water, but swam out. I, too, almost fell over her a couple of times, but held on. 2 dolphins swam to the shore, and I, sitting on a stone shore, stroked them


i dreamed of a little dolphin, he was dying without water, and I saved him, and he came to life, became so alive, cheerful, jumped into my arms and fawned over me like a dog


I went to the sea, a dolphin swam up to me and began to run after me along the shore, I stroked him, I have been dreaming about this for a long time in my life. Then the little dolphin jumped into my jacket, and then to my mother. something to feel. A very good mood from such a dream


Hello! I dreamed of a very big dolphin, the size of a ship, I stood near the sea and looked. People were swimming in the sea, and the dolphin began to emerge, and swam up to me, and I tried to stroke him, and it felt like he was calling me to the sea , and I fell into the water. And he began to swim near me!


I saw dolphins swimming in my yard in clear blue water and a white whale, dolphins swam up to me and I stroked them and I was very pleased, and then I started a conversation with their trainer and wanted to make friends with him.


Hello, Tatyana! In a dream, I was walking with someone I knew along the shore of something (I don’t remember exactly) and saw a dolphin in the water, and then he swam out of the water to us and I stroked him .. a very friendly dolphin was in a dream)))


I swam in the sea, there were other people there. Closer to the beach, the water was emerald clear, and when you swim further, there were 4 palm trees right in the water, 2 on the left and 2 on the right, forming a square. And after the palm trees, the water was not clear and deep. Suddenly dolphins appeared, they jumped high from the water and were so happy! All people were delighted. Dolphins began to swim near the palm trees and I managed to pet one dolphin passing by.


I dreamed of a beautiful and bright sunset at the sea and a flock of dolphins in the distance, I was knee-deep in water and suddenly a dolphin swims up to me and I stroked him and he began to play with me in response, splashing water on me.


There was a sea around and I saw dolphins with my friends and watched how they swam and frolicked in the water, they swam right close to me, I stroked them, it was a pleasant experience .. Like something joyful in the middle of a boring


I dreamed that at first I watched the performance of dolphins, then I stroked them and even kissed them. greatly admired them


a large pool ... the water is clear, clean, blue .... I keep my child and a kitten in my arms ... and I really want to stroke the dolphin .. and there are a lot of them in the pool .. and they are very small .... and I managed to stroke the dolphin .... it is slippery and very hard head ... very pleasant sensations were


I had a dream that I was swimming in the sea. The sea was of the usual color, not stormy. Immediately I swam myself, then I saw a dolphin. swam next to me and I was able to stroke them. it was my dream to pet a dolphin.


everything was very incomprehensible, but I clearly remember that I was on the beach, I saw a dolphin, somehow he swam up to me, looked with some very familiar eyes and I stroked him (the dolphin was dark blue, almost black)


At first, the dream was unfavorable, I experienced discomfort. Then a childhood friend called me for a walk, and I agreed. We walked down an unfamiliar road, after which we came to a quiet sea. By that time it was evening. Very warm tones prevailed (sunset yellow). A little later, I saw dolphins diving one after another, which swam up to the very shore. Shouting in delight, I ran up to them and reached out my hand to pet them. At that moment, I was frightened, because I did not know what to expect from them. I was afraid that they would bite. But nevertheless, she stroked the smooth head, first one, then the other .. After that, she was about to leave. I walked towards the house along the sandy shore, and they jumped out of the water after me, as if not wanting to let go. My friend said: they want you to stroke them, so I walked, periodically stopping to stroke them again, experiencing an incomprehensible feeling of fear at the same time. They continued to follow me. At the end of the dream, I counted the dolphins. I can’t remember what the number was, but I can definitely say that it was from 10 to 20, odd. How to understand this dream?


Hello, I had such a dream at first that I was going to the sea, then the sea was dreaming of water, because I was swimming in the pool with a dolphin, he played with a doubt, I stroked him and the water in the pool is clean ..


Sea, rocks, mountains - all in vegetation. I see how a girl dives from a cliff, emerges and her stomach and back begin to hurt very much. Suddenly I find myself on a coastal zone, not even a coast, but rather a rocky slop. Two dolphins swim up to me, and one of them is very close, and starts to coo, as if he is telling me something. I pet him, and it’s not very pleasant, despite the cold water and the wet dolphin, another dolphin swims in the distance, but he doesn’t swim up. Suddenly, on the shore, I see a little penguin... The dream ends...


At the beginning of my dream, I saw a white dolphin in the distance and got a little scared, but then my daughter came up to him and began to play with him. then I also decided to approach them and entered the water, he immediately swam up to me and began to caress, I stroked his back and head, for some reason I felt sorry for him and I asked my friends for fish to feed him, the dream was interrupted.


Hello! I had a dream on the afternoon of 12/28/2014. I’m sitting on the side of the pool and a dolphin is jumping on my knees, I’m stroking it, then the coach saw and started swearing, the dolphin jumped off, then a sharp transition of sleep to the fact that I start painting my nails with two colors yellow and blue at the same time, the whole dream ends.


I dreamed of a green pond, they said that it was magical and fulfills wishes, and a dolphin leaned out of it and I stroked it


I entered the water. this is the sea and right almost near the shore I saw a dolphin underwater. the water is clear. my granddaughter is standing in front of me in the water, I don’t see her, but I know this and I call her to look and stroke the dolphin. I touch the water with my hand, the dolphin touches my hand with its mouth, as it kisses and smiles at me. It's more like a whale in shape, but I know it's a dolphin.


I was in the water. Apparently in an open reservoir, but near the shore. stood on his feet. A dolphin swam up and attacked me like a dog. He started flirting with me, climbing on me. He acted like a loyal dog. And I stroked him and said - well, enough already, stop smiling and wondering at such a dolphin. The dolphin was the usual color for a dolphin a little longer than myself. It seemed to make a sound. But I don't remember exactly.


i dreamed that I stroked a lot of dolphins, and then they began to slowly turn into small fish, and then turned into dogs and began to chase all the people in the area.




walked along the road on a summer day and had to go through the bridge, but it was located low above the water in the water there were a lot of fish that their heads were visible, protruding from the water and there were a lot of bubbles. and then a dolphin swam up, a beautiful big one, I stroked him, then they began to take pictures with him, he jumped halfway onto the bridge, I hugged him ... ... .. then I woke up


I dreamed of dolphins in the clear sea, then one of them swam up to me, I stroked him and he kissed me


I am on the seashore watching people swimming. Suddenly I see a dolphin swimming near the shore. I went into the water for a generation. he swam up and, like a kitten, began to caress his hand. I saw a penguin near him. I tickled him several times and laughed at how he laughed.


a dolphin, but as if the head was round like a person's and a little blood was coming out of it. I washed off the blood and released it into very clean and clear water.


I walked along the shore, the sea was clear and small dolphins were born in it, some were nimble and some I helped so that they would not be carried away by the current, I stroked them, there were a lot of them, they moved beautifully, jumped ..


I dreamed of the sea (calm). 2 dolphins swam along it, they swam very close to the shore, one might say on land, I went up to one and began to stroke it, it was very smooth and pleasant to the touch. I had such joy. Then they sailed away, but I did not see how.

Katya (14 years old):

I’m sleeping .. at first I didn’t dream anything, then my mother and I ended up on the seashore, we saw a dolphin not large in size, only it was some kind of oval, and my mother said that I could stroke him if I wanted, I stroked him for a long time and calmed down, he did not want to swim away from me, but I woke up ..
It is very important for me to know what this dream means! Help me please! Thanks in advance!


It was as if they lived in the north and in the house they opened it, shifted ice on the floor, lowered their hands into the water, dolphins swam and I stroked them, and my husband showed me that dolphins live in the house


The water is dark artificial reservoir (like a pool) I look at the water on the side and suddenly a dark shiny head appears from the water, either a whale or a dolphin, I stroked it and it dived, in a moment another appeared, only some strange I did not see such animals , like a dolphin and one eye on the forehead, but I was not afraid, but on the contrary I wanted to hug him, I touched him and immediately woke up,


Hello! I dreamed that I was by the sea and then a dolphin swam up to the shore and drowned me in the sea, we swam with him, I stroked him, rejoiced and then I kissed him, he didn’t let me go anywhere !!


I dreamed that I was standing together with my young man, then a dolphin swam up to us. I sit down, start stroking him, and he is so playful. And he, as if playing with me, pushes me in the belly, I'll flop on my ass
My boyfriend raises a fine and we laugh, have fun, giggle.
Here is such a dream. Please tell me what it is)


I dreamed that my mother and I were standing on the seashore, it was getting dark. Mom goes to swim in the sea, dives and I don’t see her anymore. I start screaming, calling her, crying, when suddenly a dolphin jumps out of the sea onto the shore and jumps past me behind the building.


i dreamed of our five-story house .... and behind it is not the earth, but a large pool .... the water is blue, clear. And a dolphin swam there, then I stroked his nose.


I saw a little dolphin at first on the floor full of water, admired him, stroked him, he played, then the water disappeared and he too. And in the moment I found him on a chair in a grid suffocating and let the bath with water


In a dream I saw a strange pool with a dolphin in it, he jumped out of the water onto land, I stroked him and he went back into the water, the water was dark.


I dream of a dolphin in the water, and I am on the scaffold, he swam up to me, I rejoice, I stroke him, I hug him, I feed him, he is male in a dream, I understand this for sure, and, aside, the female dolphin is blue or purple


I had a dream in which I was walking on the seashore and saw a dolphin mother who (as it seemed to me) asked to help her. I went to the water and saw how she gives birth to a baby dolphin! I petted her and calmed her down! After that, a father dolphin swam up to me (as I understood later) and thanked me for my help and that I did not harm his family) We played a little with him, I stroked him and they swam away with the baby.


A small platform with a few steps, around the sea! A large light gray dolphin swims out of the sea! I stroke him, kiss him! Then we find ourselves together in the water, but I will soon be returning back to the site!


I jumped and began to sink, and suddenly I felt the face of a dolphin under me and hugged him like a lifeline


Cheerful, warm dolphin, swimming by the pool. I stood by the pool, like a wine, and having put my mouth on my back, I didn’t want to drag me into the pool, I stroked it and watered it. Sleep in blue colors.


A lone little dolphin washed up in the sea with me. I helped him rise to the surface and breathe so that he would not choke and also played with him and stroked him. The dolphin also fawned over me and did not want to swim away, completely trusting me.

The image of a dolphin has in most cases an exceptionally good interpretation. It is a symbol of friendship, good luck and luck. A person who dreamed of this animal can be sure of his friends. In difficult times, people from your environment will definitely help you, and they will do it completely disinterestedly. If for some reason true friendship is not familiar to you and you find it difficult to find a common language with people, not considering them friends, then it may portend the imminent appearance of people next to you whom you can trust even the most secret secrets.

A dolphin dreaming on the night of Thursday to Friday is the most positive sign. Fate will decide everything for you. To achieve success, you absolutely do not have to make serious efforts.

The sea with playing dolphins is a sign of a change in life for the better. A similar interpretation has a dream in which you swim with dolphins. The main thing is that the animals are friendly and do not show aggression towards you.

For girls, dolphins portend a warm and affectionate relationship. For single women, the animal hints at the upcoming meeting with the long-awaited soulmate. These relationships will be sure to be sincere and will make you truly happy.

Several dolphins in a dream

If in a dream you saw not one, but several dolphins, expect dizzying success. Playing and frolicking animals symbolize promotions, salary increases and lucrative financial offers.

A dolphin in very dirty water symbolizes promiscuity or the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Pay attention to your lifestyle.

Alert but not aggressive dolphins are a sign that you are going the wrong way. It is likely that you are not doing your job or have chosen the wrong course of action to achieve your goal. Try to assess the current situation in life and radically change it.

If dolphins save you from danger in a dream, then the same thing will happen in real life. Only in the place of the animals will be your friends who will definitely help you solve any problem.

Negative dreams with dolphins

If a dolphin in a dream shows obvious aggression towards you, then this should be regarded as a hint of misbehavior. An animal that lunges at you or tries to bite you is a clear confirmation that you are waiting for good luck, but are making absolutely no effort to achieve your goal. You need to think and change your attitude towards people, yourself and the whole world around you.

A dolphin, dreamed on the night from Friday to Saturday, portends an upcoming mistake. Try to abandon plans, do not make deals and in no case take risks.

A dead lonely dolphin dreaming portends changes in his personal life. Unfortunately, this is a very bad sign that symbolizes tragedy and loneliness. Most likely, you are in love with the wrong person, and soon there will be a separation. There is no need to worry too much in this case. Maybe fate simply delivers you from traitors or even enemies.

Sick or dying dolphins indicate problems in family life. Probably, your spouse or spouse will soon cheat on you or leave for a rival (rival).

If a young man has a dolphin in a raging sea, then this indicates unrequited love, excessive shyness in communicating with the opposite sex, or the presence of numerous complexes.

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The dolphin is a symbol of the beauty of the spirit and its crystal purity, boundless joy and playfulness. By itself, a dream involving this amazing creature is considered happy, since many people associate a dolphin with salvation and independence. There is a belief that the dolphin prefers to visit the dreams of only bright-hearted and wise people. However, in order to find out exactly what dolphins dream of, you need to remember some details. For example, in what form did the dolphin dream and what did he do in your dream.

In order to interpret the dream correctly, it is important to turn to reliable popular dream books. In most cases, seeing a dolphin in a dream is good luck, which you risk missing if you act indecisively and show weakness.

In a dream, a dolphin can talk to you, attack, or appear in an extraordinary way. The Chinese dream book, for example, promises an appointment if you were visited by a white dolphin in a dream.

Many dream books explain why one dreams of swimming with a dolphin - usually this is always a good omen. Dreams in which you happened to hug a dolphin in a dream, play with a dolphin, mean that relatives and friends trust you and are always ready to help.

Why do dolphins dream according to Miller's dream book

Sleeping with a dolphin, unfortunately, can have a negative meaning and speak of your tendency to quickly fall under the influence of new leadership, which is not very good.

Why do dolphins dream in the sea - in the English dream book, all dreams associated with them predict trouble. Those who saw them should be wary of the sea, as it threatens to take away their best friend, in the worst case, portends his death. In addition, all hopes and love dreams can collapse.

Dolphin according to Vanga's dream book

According to the predictions of the prophetess, dolphins are a symbol of spiritual insight. People who dream of these strong animals are very persistent and are able to stay “afloat” in any life situations.

I dreamed of a dolphin according to Freud's dream book

Dolphin: Freud's dream book correlates it with the genitals. Seeing a wounded animal is a disease of the genital organs. A dream where a dead dolphin is present can portend frigidity for a woman, and impotence for men.

If you dreamed of a dolphin, then most likely there is not enough thrill in the sphere of intimate life. Perhaps subconsciously you are in search of something unusual. If you ride on the back of a dolphin, then it is likely that you will soon have to make love with your partner in the water. And someone's example will inspire this feat. A frolicking mammal symbolizes sexual attractiveness and excellent health.

Why dream of swimming with dolphins? A dream can have a different interpretation for people.

A man who dreams of swimming with dolphins, especially if he sees himself swimming among them, the dream speaks of a possible tendency to be gay. A woman - on the contrary: about her insatiability and lack of male attention.

Feed dolphins in a dream and be friendly to them - to happy events, perhaps even to the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

Seeing a dolphin in a dream according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Due to the fact that the intelligence of the dolphin is considered high compared to other animals, it is often associated with intelligence, sociability, playfulness and grace. The positive meaning of sleeping with a dolphin is that you are cheerful and successfully use your mental abilities in solving any problems.

Dreaming with a dolphin may indicate that you are lacking in communication. In the negative version, dreams with a dolphin are interpreted as a feeling that there is no happiness in your life - there is a need to start all over again.

Why do dolphins dream in the water - a resurfacing, soaring animal is considered a good sign. Dolphin embodies your successful strategy in various aspects of life, getting rid of prolonged depression. If the water is clean, but cool - the action plan for solving a certain problem should be changed, warm - symbolizes satisfaction with the current situation and stability.

Why do dolphins dream in the sea according to Meneghetti's dream book

Swimming with dolphins in a dream - a dream is interpreted as the love of loved ones and the trust of friends in relation to you. The Italian dream book deciphers this sign as the dominance of positive emotions and instincts, portends good companions.

In the event that in a dream dolphins frolic to the side, then perhaps you are passing by something interesting and should pay attention to it.

Why dream of swimming with dolphins according to Prozorov's dream book

To find out why a girl dreams of a dolphin, one should look into the book of dreams of Simeon Prozorov, which says that such a vision prophesies a handsome groom from a respectable family. And for an adult woman - a pleasant and persistent boyfriend. For a man, a dream with a dolphin promises to find a devoted friend or like-minded person.

Sleep with a dead dolphin according to Hasse's dream book

A dead dolphin in a dream warns of possible betrayal or betrayal by a spouse or lover. It can also mean the collapse of hopes, loss of orientation in life, a dead end.

As can be seen from the examples, the decoding depends on what situation is associated with this good-natured animal.

Those who are interested in why they dream of stroking a dolphin will be pleased to know that in popular dream books this is interpreted as inner harmony with oneself and the outside world. Seeing a flock of dolphins passing by means making new acquaintances and business relationships at work. The little dolphin represents the support of a friend.

Why do dolphins dream in the pool: according to Medea's dream book, they are a symbol of prosperity and profit, so a dream can mean that your income is under reliable control.

But for a pregnant woman, dolphins promise a successful birth and the birth of a smart, healthy baby.

Dolphins are considered one of the most mysterious representatives of the fauna, meeting with which gives an unforgettable experience and joy. But if the dolphin had a dream, then what does it mean? In order to accurately answer this question, you need to remember all the smallest details of the dream and look into the dream book.

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    Key values

    Dreams of dolphins are a favorable sign, symbolizing the release from what has weighed on the dreamer for a long time. It can be a serious illness, unrequited love, tense relationships with superiors at work, a depressive state.

    Why do dolphins dream in the sea? Such dreams indicate that soon a person will need the help of relatives or close friends. Another interpretation of such dreams portends a job change.

      If you dreamed that dolphins were playing with each other, then this promises a fun pastime with old friends. If animals frolic in the water at a distance from the dreamer, you should think about a more active lifestyle, as interesting events pass by a person. You need to take the initiative.

      Why does a woman dream of a dolphin? If a lady had a dream about a dolphin, then this symbolizes the lack of sharp and fresh sensations in an intimate relationship with a man. The only way out in this situation is a frank conversation on this topic with your soulmate or a break in relations in order to find a new partner.

      Seeing a flock of dolphins in a pool in a dream symbolizes that something is holding back the dreamer in reality, preventing him from developing at full strength. If you dreamed of dolphins in the sea, then soon a person will meet new people.

      Swimming with dolphins and kissing them in a dream portends some kind of difficult life situation in which friends will help a person.

      Why dream of stroking a dolphin? This dream portends a person success in all endeavors, especially in material terms.

      Did you see an animal on land? This is a symbol that the dreamer has chosen the wrong path and is doing the wrong thing. He should stop and think about what else can be changed.

      Why do dolphins dream in the pool? Such a dream characterizes the dreamer as a person for whom the opinion of others is important. You should learn to defend your own point of view.

      Seeing an animal on the shore means that the dreamer should abandon his cunning plans, as they will not bring anything good. Seeing a dolphin in the clouds is a sign that a person devotes too much time to dreams, and not to real actions and deeds. Thus, it will not be possible to achieve the set goals.

      If you saw a dolphin jumping over the ring, then you are under psychological pressure from the second half. You should be bolder and openly express your feelings and emotions. This will help avoid scandals and misunderstandings in the future.

      Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

      What does swimming with dolphins mean?

      Watching animals is one thing, but a completely different situation if you were lucky enough to touch a dolphin, and even more so swim with him.

      If a girl or a woman dreamed that she was swimming with dolphins, then this promises a new romantic acquaintance and passionate love, and a man - love success, a married couple - a wonderful and unforgettable vacation away from home.

      According to the esoteric dream book, swimming with aggressive dolphins means that the dreamer does not make enough efforts to achieve the goals. If animals behave calmly, then this portends a measured family life to a person.

      Swimming with small dolphins - to good news from afar, with a pregnant female - to improve the financial situation. What does it mean to dream of swimming with dolphins in stormy weather? The meaning of this dream is favorable. A person will soon have a financial patron.

      Swimming with dolphins and stroking them means helping loved ones in a difficult situation. Riding on the back of an animal is a new romantic acquaintance that will give rise to a serious and passionate relationship. Do not be afraid to take a step towards hot feelings.

      If in a dream dolphins accepted a person into their flock and he began to live among these marine animals, then this promises communication with intelligent and highly moral people. Such meetings will bring positive emotions to the dreamer.

      If in a dream an animal bit a person, then this suggests that in order to achieve his goal, the owner of night vision should still work a lot. Otherwise, success should not be expected.

      If the dreamer dreamed that he was feeding animals, then this portends great happiness and the fulfillment of cherished desires.

      Had a dream in which a dolphin got something from the bottom of the sea? In the near future we should expect monetary profit and the solution of all financial issues.

      If a person saw himself in the form of a dolphin among other animals, then this promises a great family celebration. Another interpretation of sleep portends a new job in a friendly team.

      Swimming with dolphins in dark water - to unexpected troubles, in muddy - to ailments and slander about the dreamer. Did you dream that the animals swam forward, and the person was a little behind them? Such a dream promises loneliness, problems with creating a family.

      Swimming with a wounded animal is a big family scandal or even parting. Another interpretation of sleep is dismissal from work or demotion.

      If a person dreamed that he was drowning, but the dreamer was saved by a dolphin, strangers will come to the rescue in difficult times.

      Different interpretations of famous personalities

      For many prominent people, especially for psychoanalysts, soothsayers, healers and esotericists, the issue of the presence of animals in human night visions is relevant. However, each of them has its own interpretation of such dreams.

      Sigmund Freud associated the interpretation of each dream with the characteristics of the human sexual sphere. Night visions about dolphins are also no exception. He claims that dreams about these marine animals symbolize an acute lack of extreme sensations in intimate relationships with a partner, so the owner of the vision begins to look for them with someone else. The dreamer has a great desire to experiment in bed, but this is not mutual. It is necessary to bring something new and original to sexual relations. Riding an animal in a dream means making love in the pool or the sea. If a girl dreamed that she was swimming next to a dolphin, then this promises her a successful marriage and the birth of a child. A flock of dolphins seen around the ship warns of a possible betrayal. You should be more attentive to your partner. A wounded animal promises a disease of the genital organs. A dead dolphin symbolizes the possible development of erectile dysfunction. If a man dreamed that he was riding a dolphin, then this speaks of homosexual inclinations, if a woman - then this symbolizes her desire to have many sexual partners.

      According to the English dream book, dolphins in a dream portend disappointment in their dreams and unfulfilled hopes. Also, animals in the sea can warn the dreamer that one of his friends may drown. Such dreams are dangerous for those people who plan to go on a long journey in the near future. It makes sense to postpone the trip for some time, as there is a threat to the health and life of the dreamer.

      Miller's dream interpreter says that dolphins are a symbol of meeting interesting, spiritually developed people. The conversation will bring only pleasant impressions. Watching animals in the pool is an unfavorable sign that ill-wishers are trying to influence the dreamer's decision.

      According to the 21st century dream book, night vision, in which dolphins splash merrily in the sea, portends rapid career growth or an increase in wages, a bonus.

      The Apostle Simon the Zealot claims that dolphins dream of replenishment in the family.

      The Bulgarian seer Vanga considers dreams of dolphins to be a very good sign that promises financial prosperity and financial stability. Also, such night visions may indicate that the dreamer will soon come up with a successful idea that will bring profit and promotion. You can safely begin to implement your plans in life.

      According to Loff's dream interpreter, dolphins warn a person that he should take a vacation as soon as possible and have a good rest. Otherwise, he will not avoid diseases of the nervous system. To see how a sea animal got entangled in fishing nets - an unforeseen situation will soon occur, for the solution of which a person will be forced to ask close friends or relatives for help. If the animal swims through a turbulent stream, then this dream tells the owner of the vision that he sets overwhelming tasks for himself.

      Felomen claims that swimming on the back of a sea animal warns the dreamer of a love disorder. A person should take a closer look at his soulmate in order to avoid disappointment. A couple may have different outlooks on life. It is necessary to learn to find compromises and a golden mean in relationships. This will prevent a possible rupture of the union.

      According to the Chinese dream book, a dolphin in the sea portends an increase in the career ladder. Also, such dreams may indicate that a person is tired of the monotony of life. It is necessary to try to bring a little romance and novelty into the ordinary course of affairs.

      The family dream book suggests that sea animals can promise acquaintance with very good people with whom the dreamer will have many common interests. If in a dream you ride a sea animal, then in reality you should correctly calculate your strength and not set yourself impossible tasks. Otherwise, disappointment cannot be avoided.

      According to Juno's dream interpreter, a dreaming dolphin portends the birth of a child who is destined to save more than one human life in the future. Seeing several dead marine animals is an unforeseen event.

      According to the interpretations of the Mayan people, swimming in the same pond with dolphins speaks of the dreamer's reliability. You can rely on a person in difficult times and be sure of his devotion.

      Dream Interpretation Grishina warns that if a fight with an aggressive animal was seen in a night vision, then the person is dissatisfied with something. Perhaps he should not make high demands on other people.

      Meneghetti claims that sea animals promise a strong and tender family union. Thanks to their sincere feelings, the couple will be able to overcome any life hardships.

      Why dream of dead dolphins? A dream portends a difficult situation that will lead a person to a dead end. All hopes and risks will not justify themselves. However, it is necessary to take advantage of the current situation.

      Dolphins in the role of circus performers in a dream suggest that in reality a person often overacts, behaves unnaturally. In order to change your life in a positive way, you should become more honest and frank. If the animal refuses to perform tricks, then this indicates that the person is in an unpleasant company. It is necessary to change the circle of communication.

      To dream about how an animal jumps into the sea is a favorable sign that tells a person that he is doing everything right and should not deviate from intentional goals. Treating dolphins in a dream is a symbol of the need to take extra care of one of your relatives. If a dolphin washed ashore, then this suggests that soon the dreamer will need the help of friends.

      Did you dream about how sharks attacked a flock of dolphins? This promises a serious fight with competitors. Watching an animal joyfully jump out of the water is good news from afar.

      Often to see in your dreams how animals swim in a closed body of water - symbolizes that a person is subjected to psychological pressure, which prevents him from revealing himself as a creative person. If dolphins who can talk are seen in a dream, then this portends good news from afar.

      Feeding animals in a dream means helping loved ones in difficult times. If there was not enough food for all the animals, then this symbolizes excessive dedication. At the same time, a person forgets about his problems.


      Interpretations of dreams about dolphins are varied and contradictory. But if we see some kind of warning sign in a dream, we should be grateful for it. In order to accurately know the meaning of sleep, you need to carefully listen to what your intuition tells you after waking up from sleep.

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