Palm Sunday: the essence of the holiday. Palm Sunday - what to do with last year's willows: rituals and traditions. When they bless the willow in the church

The feast of Palm Sunday, where the willow bouquet is the symbol, always falls on Sunday, the last in Lent. But here the rite of consecration of willow twigs is performed at the night service, which takes place from Lazarus Saturday to Palm Sunday. Then the ceremony is repeated in the morning on the holiday itself.

So the end of Great Lent is nearing, but there are two more big holidays ahead - Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday, as well as Holy Week. In this material, we will talk about when a willow is consecrated on a big holiday - after all, this is done on Saturday or on Sunday.

The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is an important great feast of the Christian Church. It always falls on Great Lent, its last Sunday. But this is a holiday, as evidenced by the diet, which only on this day expands to fish and fish products. An important tradition of Palm Sunday is the consecration of willows in the church. But not everyone knows that the right day when this can already be done is Lazarus Saturday. If you are one of the people who did not know this fact, then we suggest that you sort everything out in order.

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Important! In fact, when the willow is consecrated, you can take bouquets with you already on Saturday to the evening service. After it, the first consecration of the willow takes place. But, if you couldn’t or didn’t have time to do this, then go to the morning service on Sunday, there will also be a second consecration ceremony.

Church traditions are different, but they are all beautiful and symbolic, and most importantly, they are already deeply rooted in the minds of modern man. The consecration of the willow on the day of Palm Sunday is one of these rites. This is how we, Orthodox believers, celebrate the entry of the Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem more than two thousand years ago.

Of course, the clergy in their sermons on these holidays constantly emphasize the fact that the celebration of the day of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem is not limited to the consecration of the willow. The main essence of this celebration is to remember the events that happened so long ago. Jesus Christ knew, despite how warmly and sincerely the people of the holy city greeted him, that it was here that his disciple would betray him, he would be tortured in prison, and then, on unjust charges, they would be crucified on the cross, emphasized without any respect.

When Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem, people were waiting for him there as the messiah. Many have already heard about the miracles of the Savior, and on the eve of Lazarus Saturday, he raised Lazarus from the dead, who had already died four days ago. In those days, it was customary to meet noble and respectable people in Jerusalem by throwing palm leaves under their feet. There is no need to look around to understand that there are no palm trees in Russia now and never have been. Therefore, palm trees have been replaced by the first tree that blooms already in March and early April - this is willow. And willow twigs and blossoming soft buds have become a symbol of this holiday in our territories.

Once again about when and how

Many believers think that the willow should be consecrated on the holiday itself. But in fact, if we are guided exclusively and strictly by the church charter, then this is done at the liturgy the night before, immediately after the all-night vigil. Those who go to the temple for the holidays know this for sure.

However, in the morning hours on Sunday, the willow is also consecrated - do not deprive the believers of such a great holiday. Therefore, on the morning of Palm Sunday, you can fall under this tradition in the morning after the priest reads the relevant texts of the Gospel. When reading the prayer, the priest sprinkles the bouquets that the parishioners hold in their hands with holy water, and then the festive service continues.

Important! The priests emphasize that not just for show, but for true grace in the process of consecrating the willow, you need to come to the Vespers, which takes place exactly on the night from Lazarus Saturday to Palm Sunday.

What do we do with the consecrated willow

After the temple, a bouquet must be brought home. It needs to be stored for a year, the ideal place is where the icons are in your house. If you want the branches to remain fresh for a long time, then they can be put in some water.

Important traditions and features of willow bouquets:

  • The people believed that the number of branches in the bouquet equal to the number of family members, or not clear, should be brought home.
  • You can't give your willow to anyone. If you were asked to consecrate a bunch of friends who could not go to the temple, you need to collect a separate copy for them.
  • Beat your family with a consecrated bouquet a little lightly and symbolically to improve health and give strength.
  • If you eat a couple of willow buds, then you can conceive a child (who does not succeed for a long time), recover from an illness.
  • In order for the deceased to go to heaven, several seals from a consecrated willow were placed in his coffin.

This issue is resolved at the parish individually. However, the true consecration of the willow, as in the old days, is carried out under special prayers on Saturday. In 2017, it falls on April 8th. Many do not know when the willow is illuminated on Saturday or Sunday. The question is complex, in many respects it depends on the orders in the temple. Here is what modern sources write about this.

The day before Saturday

It is called Lazareva, in honor of one of the most striking miracles of Jesus Christ. An event took place in it, during which Christ was able to resurrect Lazarus, who had been dead for 4 days and had already begun to decompose. According to legend, he also symbolized the Savior himself, who will rise on the 3rd day after his death on the cross. However, the resurrection of Lazarus allowed hundreds of thousands of witnesses to believe in his power and divine calling. That is why Lazarus Saturday smoothly transitions into Palm Sunday, when Christ was greeted during his entry into Jerusalem. And according to the Jewish calendar, the holidays all begin the night before. It is for this reason that the willow begins to be blessed on Saturday at the evening service. It was at this time that the priest reads special prayers for the consecration of the vayi - this is how the willow is called in Church Slavonic. If in southern countries Christians present various flowers and palm branches, as in Greece, then Russians buy young willow branches on Palm Sunday. They can be picked up in the forest belt, but it is better to buy in the market or near the temple. They are sold in the temple, like church candles. It is necessary before the service (it starts at 16 or 15 o'clock) to buy a church candle and several willow branches. A candle can be placed in the temple in front of the icon or kept from consecrating the willow. Usually such prayers are read at the end of the service in order to bless the willow. Then the priest sprinkles holy water on her, and then she can already be taken from the temple. Those who cannot bring willow can buy it at the temple. After that, you can use it to put it at home.

However, for those who cannot, for various reasons, be in the temple on Saturday evening, after sunset, they make a special consecration of the willow in the temple. The priest usually speaks about his time at the end of the service on the evening of Lazarus Saturday, but you can find out from the announcement at the temple or from the parishioners. What exactly is the consecration of the willow on Sunday, you need to find out only in the temple.

Sunday afternoon

You can find out the date of worship on Saturday or call the temple. Sometimes at the morning service, which starts at 8 o'clock, you can find out what time it will be (at the end). Then you should go to the market or near the temple to buy a few willow branches. Then come at the specified time. In it, usually consecration takes place not in the temple, but not in the street. The priest simply walks with holy water, baptizes the willow and after that you can carry it home. It is considered a good omen if you can bring the flame of a candle to your house without it burning out. After that, she carries a source of grace to the house, protecting it from troubles and witchcraft.

What is the consecration of the willow for and what does it give people

Holy willow is considered a very useful protection of the house from evil spirits. Its manifestations can be completely different. She protects some people from passions (in the church they mean suffering), the effects of witchcraft or despair due to misfortune. During Palm Sunday, it is known that the fast is slightly weakened. At this time, you can not do various agricultural work, house cleaning, laundry, major business. And it’s worth preparing a festive table and putting a few willow branches in the middle. They will remind you of spring and happiness, give hope for a better time. Here's what this table can be and what must be present.

  1. A fish dish. It replaces meat. It is best to make baked fish, for example, with garlic, various spices, dill and basil. It is best to choose carps for this purpose, gut them and bake them with spices. It can be done according to the number of people in the house. For those who have little time to cook, you can cook pike perch in tomato, salmon or soup from it, and even crayfish. The tastier the fish dish is prepared - the main one for this holiday, the better your holiday will be.
  2. Salad with mussels, shrimps and seafood. You can do them in different ways. The simplest and most delicious - mussels with crab sticks, sweet corn, lettuce and orange slices. It will be a very tasty and pleasant snack, addition to a fish dish.
  3. Wine. It is better to use red or quality white wine, but not beer, champagne or cocktails.
  4. Fruits and sweets. You can use a variety of dishes that will make dinner tasty and enjoyable. On the table you can put lemonade or juice for children. Various types of chocolate will make you feel the festive mood.

The holiday is advised to be celebrated in a family or friendly circle without wild fun and an abundance of booze. Such a holiday will be pleasant to all households. Don't forget to also select

Bright Palm Sunday is a great church holiday, which is of great importance for the entire Christian world. It was established many centuries ago in memory of a grandiose event - the entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. The Bible tells that the laity, having learned about the amazing ability of Jesus to work miracles, called him to their city and offered him the position of ruler. They hoped that Christ would solve their worldly problems, and he wanted only one thing - to give all living forgiveness and liberation from sins.

How to celebrate Palm Sunday and what to do on this significant day is quite clearly indicated by the church canon. According to his information, at the time of the holiday, one should attend a solemn service, illuminate palm branches and read prayers to the glory of the Lord. After the service, the consecrated shoots must be brought home and hidden behind the icons, as a talisman against everything bad for the next 365 days. You can part with last year's willows by letting them go downstream or setting them on fire. But what you can’t do on this day is to work, clean the house, wash, wash, do housework and burden yourself with heavy thoughts. Only positive thoughts and bright aspirations will help open the heart and fill it with God's grace.

What do you do on Palm Sunday in church?

Despite the popularity of Palm Sunday, not everyone knows what they do in church on this day. Even fewer people know that the celebration begins the day before on Saturday evening. At this time, the most zealous believers come to churches for the All-Night Vigil and bring willow and willow twigs with them. Priests read ritual prayers from the Gospel, then say the 50th psalm and sprinkle fresh, tender shoots with holy water. After the action, the plants are handed over to the parishioners, and they stand with willow and lit candles until the end of the service.

The sprinkling ceremony is repeated directly on Palm Sunday itself. This happens at the time of the festive morning service. The holy fathers, dressed in elegant, solemn clothes of all shades of green, serve the beautiful Liturgy of John Chrysostom and consecrate the twigs to ritual chants. Then the parishioners take the vegetation home and store it responsibly until the next Easter. According to legend, willow protects the family from malice, troubles and misfortunes.

What not to do on Palm Sunday and why

Palm Sunday is included in the list of the twelve church holidays and symbolizes the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, due to which it is highly revered in the Christian world and has its own strict canons. There is a whole list of what cannot be done on this bright day, and first of all, the sacred charter forbids believers from doing any work, both at home and on earth. Strict taboo extends even to cooking. It is believed that Christians should prepare the necessary dishes in advance, and on a holiday, the hostess only has to put them on the table and offer them to her family, relatives, friends and relatives.

As for the menu, it is planned taking into account the requirements of Great Lent, during which a significant date falls. You won’t be able to afford any special luxuries, since meat and dairy, fatty, smoked and high-calorie sweet foods are still banned. The only thing that is permissible to diversify the diet is fish and seafood.

It is not necessary to clean the house, wash and wash the dishes on Palm Sunday. It is likely that a lot of dirty dishes will accumulate and they will occupy almost the entire sink, but it is better to deal with them the next day, in extreme cases, as late as possible in the evening.

The ban also applies to the removal of garbage, household chores and cleaning of premises where livestock is kept. Pets are only fed on Palm Sunday, but the hay beds are not changed, the litter is not taken out, and the pens are not cleaned.

It is not recommended to cut and dye hair and nails, bathe in the bath and do cosmetic procedures on the day of the bright holiday. Simply wash your face and hands with cool water and pat dry with a towel or linen napkin. No other hygienic actions should be performed, unless, of course, this is required by the elementary rules of daily personal hygiene.

Palm Sunday - what to do with willow after worship: signs and customs

On Palm Sunday, willow shoots must be taken to church, consecrated and held in hands for the entire period of solemn service. According to legend, after this ritual, the plant acquires completely unique properties and becomes a kind of amulet, sewn up and a remedy.

What to do with willow consecrated in the church - folk traditions

  • To gain health for the next year, knock on the body with a branch of consecrated willow and say: “Be as strong as a willow, as healthy as its roots and as rich as the earth.”
  • For patients who want to get rid of illnesses and ailments, move a willow twig along those points on the body that are most disturbing and read such a conspiracy: “Holy Spirit, enter through the willow - take away the disease. Willow will come - the disease will take away.
  • So that insomnia does not torment, put willow shoots at the head of the bed, look at it and say: “Holy angels, take care of my sleep, holy willow, drive away the undead.”
  • To protect against fever, remove 9 earrings from the consecrated branch and swallow them.
  • Women who have been trying to get pregnant for a long time should eat willow cones daily. The long-awaited conception will soon take place.
  • In order for an important matter to definitely be crowned with success, before negotiations, tear off three cones from the consecrated willow and eat them. The old people say that this ritual is very strong and should be resorted to only as a last resort.
  • To attract wealth on Palm Sunday, plant an indoor flower or a plant with fleshy, succulent leaves in a pot.
  • At the time of a thunderstorm, put willow branches by the window. This will protect the house from lightning strikes.
  • To find harmony in the heart and peace of mind, stick a branch of consecrated willow into the roof of the house (in an ordinary city apartment, just attach it in the upper corner of the ceiling).

Palm Sunday - what to do with last year's willows: rituals and traditions

On the eve of the next Palm Sunday, the faithful begin to wonder what to do with last year's willows. Church texts state that in no case should you throw away old shoots, because they are sprinkled with holy water and carry a charge of divine energy. It is best to get rid of them in the following ways:

  • let it go downstream in the body of water closest to the house;
  • burn, and scatter the ashes over water or simply pour it out in some deserted place;
  • plant in the ground near a river or in a forest if the branches have taken root;
  • put a deceased relative or friend in the coffin;
  • light it like a candle and bless the whole house, while simultaneously reading one of the Christian prayers;
  • before Palm Sunday, cover the whole house with last year's branches, including the most secluded corners, and then burn it in the fresh air, saying thanksgiving for protecting the home from adversity.

The resurrection of Lazarus is celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church on the sixth Saturday of Great Lent, on the eve of Palm Sunday, when Christ entered Jerusalem. This is the last great miracle performed by Jesus before the beginning of the Passion, and only the Evangelist John tells about it. Many believed then in Christ. Having heard about the miracle, people came to the house of Lazarus, and, seeing the resurrected one, they were ready to carry the Savior into Jerusalem in their arms. And a couple of days later, with the same fanatical faith in His guilt, they personally observe the crucifixion before them.

The news of the miracle instantly spread throughout Judea, so that it was after that that the chief priests and Pharisees made the final decision to kill Jesus, promulgating the command to take Him as soon as He was seen. Moreover, this event so embittered the scribes and high priests that they decided to kill not only the Resurrector, but also the resurrected one. Lazar was forced to flee and settled on the island of Cyprus, where, later, he was appointed by the apostles the first bishop of Keaton, and the Mother of God gave him a hand-woven omophorion. Thanks to Jesus, Lazarus lived another 30 years.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem

When the relics of the bishop were found, they lay in a marble reliquary, on which was written: "Lazarus of the Four Days, friend of Christ." In 898, the Byzantine emperor Leo the Wise (886 - 911) ordered the relics of Lazarus to be transferred to Constantinople and placed in the temple in the name of the Righteous Lazarus, from where they were subsequently kidnapped by the Frankish crusaders and taken to Marseilles. But in 1970, under the Church of St. Lazarus in Larnaca (where the saint was originally buried), a sarcophagus was discovered, and in it was a human skull. The Cypriots gilded it and put it in one of the shrines installed in the temple, firmly believing that it was the skull of St. Lazarus. Whether they are right, no one can say now.

The resurrection of Lazarus by Jesus became a prototype of the general resurrection of mankind, therefore Lazarus Saturday is the only day in the year when Sunday worship is performed on Saturday. Evangelist John portrays this event as an eyewitness, with amazing, almost tangible authenticity. He who soon himself will have to go through death on the cross, on this day appears as its winner. And in the evening of the next day, Christ descends from the Mount of Olives, heading for the walls of Jerusalem. Beneath Him is a white donkey, a symbol of peace. Christ rides as a King bringing reconciliation, and the Galilean pilgrims confirm this by shouting: “Hosanna to the Son of David! Glory in the highest!” They wave palm branches - this is how it is customary to greet the winner. They hope that the Prophet-Messiah will give them liberation from the power of the pagan Romans.

With pain in his heart, Jesus turns to Jerusalem: “Oh, if you, even in this day of yours, knew what serves your peace! But now it is hidden from your eyes…” For the first time, he does not reject the enthusiasm of the crowd. He waits, testing human hearts, because he knows that it is not too late to believe in Him until the last moment. But He brings the Good News, and people dream of a signal for revolution. Even His disciples are infected with a general hysteria - they argue among themselves, dividing future places at the throne. An abyss forms between them and Christ.

Palm Sunday - a tragic holiday?

Holidays are different. According to the metropolitan, the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) is "one of the most tragic holidays of the church year." It will take place on the eve of the “passionate days of the Lord, at a time when darkness has thickened and when the dawn of a new light rises, the dawn of eternity, comprehensible only to those who, together with Christ, enter this darkness. This is darkness and twilight, twilight, where truth and untruth are mixed up, where everything that can be mixed is mixed up: The Lord's Entry into Jerusalem, so solemn, full of such glory, is at the same time all built on a terrible misunderstanding.

It would seem that here it is, the triumph of Christianity - the Holy City submits to Christ, where He is met by jubilant crowds of people. Only after a few moments it becomes clear that they do not need the One whom they were waiting for, because He is not the one. The people are waiting for the arrival of a political leader, ready to lead them to victory over the enemy. Earthly enemy. The occupier of their land. Roman. They may think about defeating a much more terrible enemy - the devil. But later, and not at all at the moment when Christ suggests thinking about the inevitability of spiritual death. Therefore, the triumph and jubilation of the crowds evoke a sense of loss, the bitterness of a misunderstanding. Because we, unfortunately, already know that the crowd that today shouts “Hosanna to the Son of David!” - in a few days, he will turn to Him with a hating face and demand His crucifixion, and his disciples will betray Him more than once, they will pass Him by without recognizing Him, without following Him.

“What do I believe? Who are you ready to follow?

According to Metropolitan Anthony, “today, remembering the Lord’s entry into Jerusalem, how terrible it is to see that a whole nation met the Living God, who came only with the news of love to the end - and turned away from Him, because there was no time for love, because there was no love they searched because it was terrible to love as Christ had commanded, to the point of being ready to live for love and die for love.” This is the day of the most terrible misunderstanding, the day of the triumph of mass hysteria, the triumph of unbelief and dislike. The symbolic concentration of those qualities that prevail at the moment when the crowd is offered a freebie - “bread and circuses”. This is the moment when everyone begins to choose their place in the crowd, a few days later shouting “Crucify, crucify Him” with the same enthusiasm that today “Glory, Hosanna!”

And so it was, alas, not only in the time of Christ. “Under Palm Sunday, they walked along the road with harmonies and scolded God and the Mother of God and faith - that's all! I asked, “Who are these people? - Their own people, the most Orthodox, now they scold God, and when a child is born, they go to the priest and bow: baptize! - Writer Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin wrote bitterly in his diary.

Meanwhile, Palm Sunday, or - this is by no means another day of Lent, when you can eat fish and drink wine, as is commonly believed. This is the very moment when you should ask yourself questions: “In what, in whom do I believe? Who are you ready to follow? What is the moment of truth for me?”

Services in the temple on Palm Sunday 2018 will be held on April 1, on the current date of the holiday. These are solemn liturgies, after which the rite of consecration of bunches of willow takes place. On a holiday, a believer must definitely go to the temple to pray, take part in the solemn liturgy and simply enjoy the beauty of this wonderful day.

Palm Sunday - this is how the holiday has long been called in Russia, although in southern countries or, for example, in the Catholic Church, it is called Palm Sunday. An event has been established in honor of the solemn entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, where he was met as a king after the events of Saturday - the resurrection of the righteous Lazarus from the dead.

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In honor of the reception of such an important and long-awaited person, the inhabitants of Jerusalem came out to meet him pompously - in palm branches, which were placed on both sides under the feet of the donkey on which Jesus rode. This is how the day got its name Palm Sunday, but in Russia palm leaves are not found either in summer or in spring, so people collect willow and other branches of early trees in festive joyful bouquets, which have become a symbol of this solemn day.

So, the main material symbol of the holiday is a bouquet of willow, as for the symbolism of Palm Sunday, they talk about it during the sermon after the service. Each priest prepares his sermon for this holiday, but in general they say that you need to meet the Lord and let him into your life not only on major church holidays, but every day.

Sprigs of willow, sprinkled with holy water in the service in the temple, have healing power. It is customary to store bouquets at home all year round; without water, they retain their original appearance. About what healing properties the willow, brought from the service in the temple on Palm Sunday, has, is written in the final part of this material, but for now I want to talk about when to consecrate the willow.

In fact, in the evening on Lazarus Saturday, willows are consecrated in churches, but this can also be done after the morning service directly on Palm Sunday. So, here each believer decides when it is more convenient to calmly go to the temple to celebrate these wonderful events of the festive Saturday and Sunday on the eve of Lent before the onset.

Important! The first consecration of the willow takes place precisely after the evening service in. It is believed that when the service at night was over and the priest blessed the willows, Palm Sunday began. The entire service must stand with lit candles.

Palm Sunday is celebrated quietly and peacefully at home in the family circle. All the same, Great Lent is underway, when entertainment and large gatherings are still banned. In addition to lenten dishes, fish can be put on the table on this holiday.

What to do at home with consecrated willow:

  • If you lightly beat the bouquet on different parts of the body, this will ensure health for the whole next year. People have long believed that a person will become as strong as a willow.
  • To finally find the right solution for an important matter, you need to eat a willow bud.
  • You need to store the consecrated bouquet next to the icons of the house throughout the year. If someone gets sick, then it will be necessary to tear off the kidney from the branch and give the patient to eat.
  • If on this festive day you think about a young man, then in Russia there was a superstition that he would definitely come.
  • On the day of the holiday, you can plant a houseplant to secure wealth and attract money into life. But there is one caveat: if the flower withers in a week, then a person will live in a modest financial condition all his life, so devote some care to your plant during this period.

All these, of course, are folk signs and superstitions, but here's what you definitely need to do

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