Duckweed in brackish water. Marsh duckweed: medicinal properties. Where does the duckweed grow

Duckweed is a grass of small sizes (up to 5-7 mm), which can be found in swamps, lakes and other small reservoirs. It does not take root, although it has a single root, but floats freely in the reservoir. The plant itself is tenacious and can continue to live for a long time, even if it is removed from the water. Duckweed is a plant that is distributed throughout the world.


The plant is rich in minerals: iodine, calcium, bromine, silicon, iron, zinc, copper. It contains tannins, carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids. There is nicotinic acid, vitamins of group B, A, E. It also contains substances that have anticarcinogenic properties.

Marsh duckweed: medicinal properties

Due to the significant protein content in marsh grass, it is very nutritious. Repeatedly seen in the application of choleretic, antihelminthic, analgesic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects. Traditional medicine lovers claim the plant's anti-cancer properties and successful cases of treating allergies.

A small amount of a marsh plant is useful to add to baby food. The necessary vitamins and minerals for the child's body help to grow and develop faster. Such nutrition has a positive effect on the body of expectant mothers and the fetus. If the amount of consumption of duckweed is controlled, then it will help increase milk production and improve its quality.

The grass is small, its medicinal properties have long been known to supporters of traditional medicine, who offer more than a dozen recipes for ointments, tinctures, and decoctions. They are used to treat and prevent various diseases.

Features of the use of preparations from duckweed grass

3 most commonly used folk recipes using duckweed

  1. Tincture. It will require 0.25 ml of vodka - 1-2 tsp. dried duckweed. Insist for a week. Before use, dilute 20 drops of tincture in 1/3 cup of clean water.
  2. Decoction. In boiling water (1 glass of water) add 2 tbsp. l. duckweed and boil for 1-2 minutes. After that, it is desirable to insist a couple of hours and can be applied. It can be used both internally and as compresses.
  3. For cooking oils duckweed is thoroughly mixed with ghee (in a ratio of 1:8). Most often, this medicine is used to treat allergic rashes and other skin diseases.

In order to enhance the medicinal properties, other useful components are added (honey, for example).

How to collect and prepare raw materials

The whole part of the plant is used to make medicines. To get really useful medicinal raw materials, you need to catch grass only in clean reservoirs, where waste definitely does not flow. Duckweed is caught mainly with a net. You need to use only young green "juicy" grass. Spread the caught raw material in a shady place in a thin layer and stir occasionally. The drying area must be well ventilated. Well-dried raw materials should crumble when kneading.

After it has dried, pour it into glass jars and put it in a place where the sun's rays rarely fall. Useful properties are stored no more than 1 year.

The plant is used not only as an ingredient in medicines, but also in homeopathy, cosmetology (for the manufacture of masks and creams). In agriculture, it is used as an additive for poultry and is considered a good soil fertilizer.

Harm and contraindications

Lesser duckweed is a natural, non-toxic plant and natural medicine. If you strictly observe all proportions in the preparation of drugs and do not exceed the dosage, then side effects can be avoided.

But, using the plant as a medicine in the following situations, you should be careful. Possible side effects:

  1. Tendency to panic states during stress, frequent stressful conditions. From it in folk medicine, sedatives are made, but if the dosage is exceeded, the drug has the opposite effect.
  2. Any medicine, both conventional and traditional medicine can cause allergies. Therefore, it is better to find out this nuance in advance. If signs of a reaction appear after application, then the use of the drug should be immediately discontinued.
  3. In very rare situations, it can lead to functional disorders that can cause neurosis. Special care must be taken when using patients with vegetovascular dystonia.

Lesser duckweed is a perennial plant, one of a kind. This plant can be found in small, quiet backwaters, small lakes, swamps, it creates a large, solid green carpet. In winter, when the ice crust covers the water surface, the duckweed does not freeze into the ice, it continues to swim under it in free water. Immediately after the ice melts, duckweed rises to the surface of the water. Duckweed reproduces quite actively, with the help of mother plants, which secrete daughter plants. It would take duckweed just a couple of weeks to fill the entire planet in a dense layer, if only conditions everywhere would be suitable. Duckweed has long been considered a valuable medicinal, food and fodder plant. Fish love to eat this herb. Duckweed contains almost as much protein as bean leaves, and the nutritional properties of this herb are close to cultivated cereal grains.

Duckweed is a fairly high-calorie fodder grass for growing a large number of game animals. This miracle grass is well eaten by almost all waterfowl, as well as muskrats and nutria. Duckweed can even be fed little by little to domestic animals. For a long time, this water grass has been used as a food plant. Duckweed can be used in salads, soups and as a condiment for meat and fish dishes.

duckweed properties

Duckweed contains salts of bromine and iodine, in addition, this herb contains practically no ascorbic acid. Also, duckweed, being in the water, releases a large amount of oxygen into it, which significantly increases and improves the drinking quality of water. Duckweed can be taken as a desensitizing and antipyretic agent, which can reduce the body's sensitivity to various substances that are usually not tolerated. Not so long ago, duckweed was found to have an anticarcinogenic effect.

duckweed treatment

Alcohol infusion, namely duckweed, infused with vodka, is used as an antipyretic, antihelminthic, analgesic and choleretic agent. This infusion is able to cure allergic diseases, such as hives, edema, etc.

There are literary data cited by A.I. Schroeter is a well-known researcher of medicinal plants. These data state that duckweed was used in ancient times to treat vitiligo, carbuncles, tumors, erysipelas, and this herb can also be used for asthma, eye diseases (especially good for treating glaucoma), rhinitis, polyps, inflammation of the mucous membrane respiratory tract.

At present, it has already been proven that duckweed is extremely useful for edema of nervous origin, urticaria, and vitiligo (this disease is expressed in the form of whitish-milky spots on the skin that occur with rheumatism and gout). This herb can be used as a good diuretic and as one of the remedies for glaucoma. Infusion of duckweed is used in the form of drops for the treatment of catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract, chronic rhinitis, hepatitis, and rheumatism.

Duckweed is very effective in treating allergies, as it can significantly reduce the body's sensitivity to the action of various substances on it, which are usually intolerable to the body, and duckweed also helps with edema that is of a nervous origin. Since duckweed is an excellent diuretic and also has an anti-inflammatory effect, it can be used to treat pyelonephritis. Duckweed can be used as an analgesic poultice for joint pain, rheumatism, gout, and even hemorrhoids. It has already been proven that prepared duckweed herb extracts have good antimalarial activity.

Duckweed tincture

To prepare the tincture you need: ordinary vodka, and duckweed so much that there is 1 teaspoon of grass for every 50 grams of vodka.

How to prepare the infusion: it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the measured amount of duckweed grass with water, and then place it in a bowl made of very dark glass. After that, the grass must be poured with vodka or ordinary alcohol (only that the fortress is appropriate). Further, the tincture must be infused for at least one week, at room temperature in a place protected from light. After a week, the tincture must be carefully filtered, and the remnants soaked in vodka or alcohol must be squeezed out through a dense layer of gauze. Store the resulting infusion of duckweed, it is necessary in a cool and dark place.

Application of tincture: obtained from small duckweed infusion, you need to apply 15-20 drops per 1/4 cup of water, three times a day.

This tincture has a lot of useful properties. It is good to use it for diseases of the lungs, inflammation of the tonsils, tonsillitis, etc. Moreover, the plant from which this infusion is prepared grows everywhere, on the territory of our vast country.

Contraindications for duckweed

As you know, duckweed is a non-toxic plant, it is normally tolerated by patients, and gives a good, fairly stable result. Despite the fact that duckweed has a desensitizing effect, there are some nervous disorders in which this herb, on the contrary, can only increase causeless irritability, it can even lead to a serious nervous breakdown and hysteria. If a person has vegetative dystonia, then it is best to stop taking duckweed for a long time.

Lesser duckweed is a perennial plant, one of a kind. This plant can be found in small, quiet backwaters, small lakes, swamps, it creates a large, solid green carpet.

In winter, when the ice crust covers the water surface, the duckweed does not freeze into the ice, it continues to swim under it in free water. Immediately after the ice melts, duckweed rises to the surface of the water.

Duckweed reproduces quite actively, with the help of mother plants, which secrete daughter plants. It would take duckweed just a couple of weeks to fill the entire planet in a dense layer, if only conditions everywhere would be suitable. Duckweed has long been considered a valuable medicinal, food and fodder plant. Fish love to eat this herb. Duckweed contains almost as much protein as bean leaves, and the nutritional properties of this herb are close to cultivated cereal grains.

Duckweed is a fairly high-calorie fodder grass for growing a large number of game animals. This miracle grass is well eaten by almost all waterfowl, as well as muskrats and nutria. Duckweed can even be fed little by little to domestic animals. For a long time, this water grass has been used as a food plant. Duckweed can be used in salads, soups and as a condiment for meat and fish dishes.

duckweed properties

Duckweed contains salts of bromine and iodine, in addition, this herb contains practically no ascorbic acid. Also, duckweed, being in the water, releases a large amount of oxygen into it, which significantly increases and improves the drinking quality of water. Duckweed can be taken as a desensitizing and antipyretic agent, which can reduce the body's sensitivity to various substances that are usually not tolerated. Not so long ago, duckweed was found to have an anticarcinogenic effect.

duckweed treatment

Alcohol infusion, namely duckweed, infused with vodka, is used as an antipyretic, antihelminthic, analgesic and choleretic agent. This infusion is able to cure allergic diseases, such as hives, edema, etc.

There are literary data cited by A.I. Schroeter is a well-known researcher of medicinal plants. These data state that duckweed was used in ancient times to treat vitiligo, carbuncles, tumors, erysipelas, and this herb can also be used for asthma, eye diseases (especially good for treating glaucoma), rhinitis, polyps, inflammation of the mucous membrane respiratory tract.

At present, it has already been proven that duckweed is extremely useful for edema of nervous origin, urticaria, and vitiligo (this disease is expressed in the form of whitish-milky spots on the skin that occur with rheumatism and gout). This herb can be used as a good diuretic and as one of the remedies for glaucoma. Infusion of duckweed is used in the form of drops for the treatment of catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract, chronic rhinitis, hepatitis, and rheumatism.

Duckweed is very effective in treating allergies, as it can significantly reduce the body's sensitivity to the action of various substances on it, which are usually intolerable to the body, and duckweed also helps with edema that is of a nervous origin. Since duckweed is an excellent diuretic and also has an anti-inflammatory effect, it can be used to treat pyelonephritis. Duckweed can be used as an analgesic poultice for joint pain, rheumatism, gout, and even hemorrhoids. It has already been proven that prepared duckweed herb extracts have good antimalarial activity.

Marsh duckweed: treatment

Duckweed tinctures perfectly lower the temperature, prevent the formation of cancer, serve as an antihistamine. With the help of it, swelling is removed, rheumatism is treated. It has a diuretic effect. Considering how useful marsh duckweed is, it is treated with upper respiratory tract treatment. It is great for colds and nasal congestion.

Vitiligo treatment with duckweed

A disease in which white spots begin to appear on the skin, gradually covering the entire surface of the body, is called vitiligo. To date, doctors do not know the exact causes of its origin, and accordingly, no single recipe for healing has been found. At the same time, traditional medicine recommends treating vitiligo with duckweed. Its beneficial properties together increase immunity and help get rid of uncontrolled skin pigmentation.

For treatment, use from this plant, which is prepared according to the following recipe:

For 3 days in a well-lit place we insist dried duckweed and vodka. We use the same amount of both, for example, 1 glass each.

Then we move the tincture to a place protected from sunlight. And leave for 1 month.

Take orally 3 times a day, diluted in 50g of water: in the first 7 days, 20 drops at a time, from the next week we increase the dose to 30 drops, then to 40, and from the fourth week we drink 50 drops.

If you decide to use this plant as a medicine, then remember that you need to collect it only in those places in which you are sure of the ecological cleanliness. Like any organism, this grass absorbs all the harmful components found in the water and the surrounding soil. For convenience and absolute certainty, you can grow duckweed at home.

In German folk medicine, alcoholic tincture of duckweed in the form of drops is used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, chronic persistent rhinitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, jaundice and rheumatism.

In Chinese folk medicine, duckweed is used as an antipyretic. It is also used for gout, rheumatism, glaucoma and as a diuretic and especially for urticaria and vitiligo (white spots on the skin).

Outwardly, duckweed infusion is used for washing and wetting hyoid wounds, ulcers and boils.

Mode of application.

1) 1 tablespoon of cleanly washed and chopped duckweed insist 3-4 days in 1 glass of vodka, strain. Take 15-20 drops with 2-3 tablespoons of water 2-3 times a day.

2) Mix the washed and crushed duckweed with honey. Take 1 g 2 times a day

Most often, duckweed is recommended for the treatment of vitiligo - a violation of skin pigmentation in the form of milky whitish spots on the body. Treatment is required for a long time, often without the expected success. But duckweed is indeed effective in allergic diseases - urticaria, neurodermatitis, pruritus, chronic persistent rhinitis. With a tincture of duckweed, I managed to remove the strongest Quincke's edema within a day, when no other means helped the child in a hospital.

In recent years, I have become convinced of the need for duckweed tincture in the treatment of throat and lung cancer. Duckweed, even if it grows in the purest mountain lake, must be thoroughly washed (in lakes and ponds, especially where ducks and geese splash, you can’t take it). Spread out in the shade, in the air, without access to sunlight, it dries quickly. This is for when you need herb powder. But I use most of it for tincture: I fill a little more than half of a jar of freshly washed duckweed to the top with vodka and insist for at least a month (sometimes jars stand unstrained for two or three months). The usual dose is 20 drops 3 times a day.

Duckweed sometimes manifests itself from a completely unexpected side.

IMPOTENCE. An excellent remedy in the treatment of impotence is a mixture of duckweed powder with honey - 1 teaspoon of both - eat in the morning on an empty stomach or in the morning. The results will not be slow to tell about themselves.

URETHRITIS. In case of difficult painful urination, take duckweed powder 1 tablespoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals with water. Already in the first days there will be relief, but the treatment must be continued until complete recovery.

GLAUCOMA. Take 15-20 drops of duckweed tincture with 2-3 tablespoons of water 2-3 times a day before meals until the symptoms of intraocular pressure disappear.

PSORIASIS. Brew 1 teaspoon of dried duckweed in a glass of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes and drink warm. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day.

* * *

Small duckweed is very rarely mentioned in medical books. And there are no hints about contraindications. What contraindications are there if a tourist is able to eat a whole plate of salad in one sitting! Really like a snack. Nevertheless, duckweed, although it has a desensitizing effect, in some nervous disorders, on the contrary, increases causeless irritability, sometimes to a nervous breakdown and hysteria. To refrain from its long-term use, I would advise with vegetodystonia.

Duckweed is used as an antipyretic and as a means of reducing the body's sensitivity to the effects of various harmful substances. Duckweed is used for urticaria, edema of nervous origin, vitiligo (spotted skin), gout, rheumatism, jaundice, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Duckweed has a pronounced anti-allergic, tonic, antimicrobial effect. Apply duckweed in diseases of the thyroid gland. You can use duckweed for people with low weight, dystrophy to increase body weight. Outwardly, an aqueous infusion of duckweed is used to wash purulent wounds, ulcers and boils.

Harvest duckweed in the summer. Store in glassware. Well-dried duckweed has a dark green color, very light in weight, free-flowing.


Vodka tincture: (it can be prepared from fresh or dry duckweed) 3 tbsp. spoons for 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 7-10 days in a dark place, filter. Take 15-20 drops, diluted in a glass of water, 2-3 times a day.

Water infusion: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of duckweed per 1 glass of water, insist 3-4 days in a dark place, filter, wring out, take in the same way as vodka infusion.

But the best way is to make duckweed balls with honey. Dried duckweed is well ground into powder, it is mixed with good honey and pea-sized balls are made (you can roll them in the same duckweed). Take 1-2 peas 3 times a day (long time). It is very good to give to weakened sick children. Honey interrupts the smell that is present in this algae.

Outwardly, duckweed is used in the form of poultices for rheumatism, gout. To do this, it is poured into a gauze bag, dipped in boiling water for 3-5 seconds, allowed to cool slightly and applied to the diseased joint for 1-2 hours (fixed with a bandage).

From May to September, stagnant ponds are covered with a green carpet of a perennial medicinal duckweed plant. On the territory of Ukraine, 3-4 types of duckweed grow, which are approximately the same in their healing power. The only leaf of the plant does not exceed 1.5 cm in diameter, and its roots in the form of brushes hang down into the water. Blooms rarely. In recent years, duckweed has attracted great interest due to its powerful anti-allergic and immune effects. This plant effectively relieves fever, has a detrimental effect on microbes and viruses, enhances the separation of bile and urine, and restores male potency. Duckweed must be present in the treatment of rheumatism and gout (externally and internally), as it reduces swelling of inflamed joints, binds urate salts and removes them from the body. It has been established that the plant is a necessary component (preferably in the form of juice) in the treatment of a disease such as vitiligo. There are examples of her successful treatment of iodine deficiency conditions with thyroid disease and diabetes mellitus. Duckweed contains trace elements, iodine and zinc. And now in more detail about the treatment of duckweed. Along with string, celandine, yarrow and other similar herbs, duckweed is a reliable and proven remedy used in the treatment of various types of allergies, urticaria, Quincke's edema, hay fever, neurodermatitis and eczema. A patient with one of these ailments should take 1 des.l. for 7-10 days. 3-4 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals duckweed juice. This requires strict adherence to the diet and the exclusion of the factor that caused the disease. In parallel with the intake of juice, it is necessary to take calcium supplements in normal doses and the Enterosgel pharmacy preparation in accordance with the instructions attached to it. In difficult cases, combined treatment is required. It includes a collection of herbs with duckweed, up to 15 types of anti-allergic potions, tinctures and ointments, which must necessarily include duckweed juice, tincture from it and ointment. "Enterosgel" and other cleansing agents (baths, decoction of oats, wet wraps) are prescribed as needed. In the composition of duckweed, flavonoids and anthocyanins important for the human body were found, as well as a larger amount of macroelements compared to other plants. The rich mineral composition explains the powerful immune and anti-allergic effect of duckweed, as well as its effective use in the treatment of vitiligo. It has long been known that this plant helps with jaundice, hepatitis of various origins. In a word, the plant is very promising. In my opinion duckweed should be fed to poultry. This will increase the resistance of birds to bird flu. The hepatitis treatment regimen is designed for several courses of 1.5-2 months, during which the patient takes a collection of herbs from hepatitis, a mixture of juices, which includes duckweed juice (40%), and a liver mixture of tinctures (39 items). As an auxiliary treatment, I recommend taking duckweed juice for glaucoma. Drink it should be 2 tsp. 2-3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 3-5 months. After that, take a break for a month, be examined by a doctor, and then repeat the course. A positive result can be achieved after 2-3 courses of duckweed juice therapy. Often there is such a disease as a chronic runny nose with a persistent course. So, if the patient is treated with duckweed, giving it in the form of an infusion (1 tablespoon per 0.5 l of water, bring to a boil and leave for 5 minutes), then in 3-4 weeks you can get rid of this disease forever. The best effect can be achieved by taking 2 tsp 3 times a day before meals for two weeks. juice of this plant. And in general, people who are prone to colds, on the eve of the autumn-winter period, it is necessary to carry out a preventive course of treatment with duckweed juice. Take it 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day, holding for 2-3 minutes in the mouth. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. This is a simple and effective method of strengthening immunity, proven by many years of healing practice. With bronchial asthma, the dose of juice should be changed. Take it in 2 tsp. 4 times a day half an hour before meals. For 1-1.5 months, the patient's health improves so much that he returns to normal working and social life. Duckweed juice will also help if children often get sick or lag behind their peers in growth and development. They are recommended to take 10 drops of juice daily for each year of life, dividing the dose into 3-4 doses. Add juice to room temperature water. Let the child drink this medicine before meals. Patients with gout experience incredible pain caused by a violation of the metabolism of purine bases and the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints, kidneys and soft tissues. It will be easy for them to cope with the disease if they take 1 tbsp. 2-3 times a day before meals in parallel with urate herbs and the same mixture of duckweed juice. It is enough to carry out 2-3 courses of treatment for 1.5-2 months a year to restore normal metabolism. And in conclusion, I will tell you in more detail about the treatment of vitiligo. Grind and mix 2 parts of herbs St. John's wort, sage, rosehip and dandelion roots, 1.5 parts of plantain and nettle, 2.5 parts of burdock and duckweed, and 1 part of calendula, oregano, chamomile and cocklebur. 1 tbsp collection, pour 400 g of water, bring to a boil and boil for 5-7 minutes. Let it brew for 1-1.5 hours, then strain and add 1 tbsp to the infusion. mixtures of juices of St. John's wort, elderberry, plantain, bird cherry, nettle (taken in equal parts) and duckweed (40% of the total volume). The course is designed for 2 months. In parallel with the patient, apply St. John's wort oil on white spots and expose them to solar or ultraviolet radiation. St. John's wort oil, in addition, take 1 tsp. 2 times a day inside. It helps well with vitiligo and is taken 2-3 times a day, 1 tsp. flower pollen and 2 times a day, 100 ml of royal jelly. For 2-3 courses, you can stop the appearance of new spots and restore normal skin color. Method for preparing duckweed juice. To collect the plant, find a clean body of standing water, away from industrial sites and other sources of pollution, and collect the plant with a net. Rinse thoroughly and allow to dry slightly in the breeze. After that, the grass should be crushed, passing through a meat grinder, and squeezed out the juice. Mix it with sugar or honey in a ratio of 1:1 by weight and can be stored for no more than a year in a loosely closed container at a temperature of 0 to +40C. Use plant juices. Many diseases can be cured only by them, without the use of foreign and artificial substances.

One of the smallest plants can be called duckweed. This marsh grass is also called frog's foot. It grows green carpets all over the water surface. Surely, every angler in the summer season came across whole colonies of small leaves densely covering ponds.

Sometimes there is too much of it, which becomes an obstacle to catching fish. An unpretentious perennial plant that prefers environmentally friendly stagnant or slow-flowing waters, it multiplies very quickly, especially in favorable climatic conditions. Differs from other duckweed in the absence of a stem. It consists of one continuous plate with one single shoot, which then grows from the edge of the plate. It should be noted that the plant blooms extremely rarely. It has long been used for fishing. This valuable feed is enjoyed by various (geese, ducks), as well as livestock (pigs, chickens, cows). The composition of duckweed is close to the composition of cereal crops, and the content of proteins in the grass exceeds the amount in some types of legumes.

This is a fairly useful plant that a person uses in cooking for cooking first courses and salads. It is also dried and made into savory seasonings for meat and fish. The swamp duckweed is valued by folk healers due to the rich content of trace elements.

Biochemical composition

Relatively recently, they began to write about medicinal properties. Although the anti-allergic herb has long deserved close attention, since it contains many trace elements vital for the human body, such as calcium, bromine, iodine, iron, protein, copper, vanadium, cobalt and radium.

Scientifically proven to contain fiber and fat. Laboratory experiments confirm the presence of flavonoids and triterpene compounds, which have an anticarcinogenic effect. In the plant, the predominant amount of amino acids, glutamic and aspartic acids, as well as vitamins of groups A, B, E.

Pharmacological properties

Scientists have found that marsh duckweed (the photo is available in the article) exhibits not only an antiallergic effect, but also has choleretic, carminative, expectorant, diaphoretic, diuretic and antitumor properties. Official medicine uses plant-based preparations as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antihelminthic medicine.

Application in medicine

Alcohol tinctures are widely used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, as well as chronic rhinitis, hepatitis and rheumatism. Duckweed is effective for edema, glaucoma, polyps, vitiligo, asthma, gout, hemorrhoids, benign and malignant tumors.

Infusions and decoctions have a tonic and hemostatic effect. Removes snake and mosquito bites marsh duckweed. The use of the herb gives a positive result in purulent wounds and psoriasis. Doctors and traditional healers recommend the plant for protracted and chronic inflammatory processes. Practice has proven that the herb helps to get rid of bronchial asthma (in combination with medications).


It would seem that a harmless and small marsh duckweed cannot cause damage to the body and provoke undesirable consequences. But this is deeply misleading. Like all medicinal plants, she also has some contraindications. Its use is undesirable for vegetovascular dystonia and some nervous disorders, since the herb increases irritability. No side effects have been reported with its use.

Preparing home remedies

If you decide to collect the plant yourself, we recommend that you do this only in clean water, then rinse and dry thoroughly. Then you can start the process of preparing the medicine. Although you can not bother and buy ready-made tincture or dry leaves in a pharmacy.

Alcohol tincture

Mix half a liter of vodka and marsh duckweed (10 large spoons). The liquid must be infused for seven days in a place protected from sunlight, then strain and consume 30-50 drops two hours after a meal, drinking plenty of water. If the taste seems too nasty, then you can eat honey or jam.

Healing decoction

Dry grass leaves (10 g) and water (a glass) are combined. Boil the solution, let it stand for an hour. Take three times a day, 100 ml (before meals).

Water tincture

A spoonful of a dry plant is added to 250 ml of water. It should be boiled, insisted for an hour and drunk in a filtered state 3-4 times a day for ½ cup. Inflamed eyes, purulent wounds, ulcers and various tumors are rubbed with the same solution.


Combine 9 parts of dry grass leaves and part of butter. It is necessary to mix until a homogeneous mass, store in a glass container. Lubricate the nasal passages. Relieves inflammation in the ears.

The first positive results will appear after 30 days. These are the unique medicinal properties of marsh duckweed. Treatment is carried out strictly according to the indicated recipes and preferably after consulting a specialist.

In the warm season, from May to September, the surface of reservoirs with stagnant water, and with stagnant water, is covered with floating green plants - this is small duckweed, a plant from the duckweed family. It is a tiny leaf with a diameter of not more than 1 cm, which is attached to a long stalk-root, going to the very bottom.

The plant is perennial, it survives a cold winter at the bottom of a reservoir, but in a season for 4 months it reproduces at an increased rate, especially in polluted places. Distributed in the territories of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Central Asia.
Many consider the plant a weed, but they are mistaken. Firstly, duckweed is an excellent food for waterfowl, it is not for nothing that it is also called duck grass. In addition, in some areas people also use it, adding it to salads. But, according to experts, it is not recommended to do this, because. duckweed indicates that the reservoir is heavily polluted.

Its second meaning is that it is an excellent water purifier, and where there is a lot of it, it will sooner or later be purified, saturated with oxygen. Botanists consider the small duckweed to be a natural filter-purifier created by nature.

Thirdly, duckweed is a valuable medicinal plant that has been used by folk herbalists for a very long time. In official medicine, the drug Vitilem + is produced from it, which is prescribed in the treatment of vitiligo. The use of duck grass in folk medicine is very widespread.

What is valuable in duckweed

Duckweed is rich in micro and macro elements that are very important for the body, its chemical composition includes salts and compounds of calcium, bromine, phosphorus, silicon, vanadium, copper, iron, bromine, etc. There are vitamins A, E, group B, as well as vitamin C, but in small amounts.

But there are more important amino acids such as arginine and lysine in this plant than in corn.

Here is such a seemingly useless herb, which few people pay attention to, has a rich composition that provides its healing properties.

The use of duck grass in folk medicine

Since duckweed is an effective "orderly" of water bodies, it would be strange if it were not useful to people. Indeed, folk healers many years ago discovered its beneficial properties and the ability to cure many diseases. Moreover, this is one of the few plants in which no contraindications have been identified.

Dosage forms are varied, these are the usual decoctions, water and alcohol tinctures, powders and juice, as well as home-made tablets. This is when dried duckweed, ground into powder, is mixed with honey and rolled into small balls, which are stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

Duckweed has antipyretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and is used for colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, rhinitis and other inflammations of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Tincture treats chronic and advanced colds, severe cough.

Lotions and poultices are made for erysipelas, tumors, snake bites, gout, rheumatism, aching joints, among other things, they also have analgesic properties. Duckweed is very effective for allergies, urticaria, vitiligo and angioedema, pruritus and psoriasis. Baths help with hemorrhoids.

Duckweed also has choleretic and diuretic properties and reliably expels worms. Her decoctions and tinctures treat poorly healing and festering wounds, ulcers, eczema, abscesses and boils. Folk healers claim that duckweed tablets help in the treatment of impotence, and also strengthen the immune system well.

Traditional medicine - recipes

Universal tincture of duckweed

2 table. pour spoons of dry grass in a glass dish with a glass of vodka and leave for three weeks, shaking occasionally. Then strain and take 15-20 drops three times a day, which are diluted with water. If there is a desire to be healed of vitiligo, alcohol tincture should be taken for at least six months. The course of treatment is a month with 2-week breaks.

With impotence and for raising immunity

Dried duck grass is mixed with honey in a ratio of 1 to 1, and rolled into small balls dia. 1 cm. Let them dry and store in a dark bottle under a lid. Take 1-2 tablets three times a day.

With nervous breakdowns, allergic rashes and swelling

Grind dry grass in a coffee grinder and drink it? teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

For sciatica, rheumatism and joint diseases

The crushed plant is poured into a fabric bag and tied. If necessary, lower the bag for a few minutes in boiling water, allow to cool slightly and apply to sore spots.

With jade

Mix equal parts duckweed powder and burdock seeds. Drink a teaspoon half an hour before meals for a month.

For early graying of hair

1 st. l. brew duck grass with a glass of boiling water, let stand, filter and drink the whole glass. You need to do this three times a day, you can also rub steam into the hair roots.

In the treatment of allergies and for its prevention

1 st. l. pour duckweed with a glass of high-quality vodka and leave for two weeks. Strain and take 15 drops three times a day, diluted with water.

For children, you need to prepare a water infusion. Brew a teaspoon of duck grass with a cup of boiling water and let it brew for 20-30 minutes. Drink in two doses. With the same infusion, you can wipe purulent wounds, ulcers, abscesses.

For warts and condylomas

Lubricate warts three times a day with fresh duckweed juice. Soon they will disappear painlessly.

With tonsillitis and diseases of the upper respiratory tract

1 tsp pour 100 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour and rinse the throat with infusion. For the same purpose, you can use any of the alcohol infusions, 15 drops in half a glass of warm water.

Rinsing with diluted alcohol infusion helps a lot with damage to the vocal cords and is recommended for hard work for teachers, artists, lecturers.

Procurement and storage

Harvesting of duckweed is carried out in ecologically clean reservoirs, where there are no effluents from industrial enterprises or livestock farms. The plant is caught with a net or a small net.

Then the duckweed is sorted out, separating rotten plants and all living creatures like insects and leeches, and laying it out in a thin layer to dry in the shade so that the direct rays of the sun do not fall, stirring occasionally.

Readiness is determined by the fact that the raw material begins to crumble. Dry raw materials are transferred to glass jars or paper bags, which are stored in cool rooms.

Duckweed retains its healing properties for no more than a year.

What contraindications does duckweed have?

This plant is so harmless that there is no evidence yet that it has harmed anyone. Perhaps you should not use it for pregnant women, nursing mothers and small children, just to beware. Nevertheless, doctors recommend infants in the treatment of diathesis and scrofula baths with the addition of decoction of duckweed.

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