Methodological development (group) on the topic: The use of multimedia presentations in working with preschoolers. Multimedia presentation in work with preschoolers in additional education

The use of computer presentations in educational activities with preschool children.
Defining rules for creating presentations.

The workshop is aimed at novice preschool teachers, inexperienced users. In practical activities, teachers generalize knowledge about the use of ICT technologies in organizing directly educational activities with preschool children. They analyze the main points of creating presentations aimed at kindergarten students.
“Without striving for something new, there is no life, no development, no progress”
V.G. Belinsky

Target: creating conditions for improving the professional skills of teachers in mastering ICT competencies.
1. summarizing the knowledge of teachers about the use of presentations in practical activities with preschoolers;
2. acquaintance with a new form of presentation - Prezi - presentation;
3. defining the rules for creating a presentation focused on a preschool child;
4. development of teachers' interest in the use of ICT in educational activities with participants in educational relations.
The workshop is aimed at novice preschool teachers, inexperienced users.
Conduct form: round table.
Preliminary work: Preparation of Prezi - presentations for the speech “The use of computer technologies in the educational activities of a preschool institution. Analysis of typical mistakes when creating presentations for preschoolers.

1. projector, laptop (for demonstrating a presentation on the content of the speech);
2. laptop for each teacher (or one for two);
3. presentations of teachers on which they will work during the workshop;
4. camomile with questions for the exercise "Camomile of questions";
5. bell.
senior caregiver(invites teachers to stand in a circle and conducts a psychological mood for joint activities. Teachers speak about how they master ICT, whether they use presentations in their work):
I take the bell
I'll tell you what I KNOW.
And I'll give you a smile.
Exercise "Chamomile questions"
Senior teacher: Dear colleagues, look, a miracle flower has grown on our Fairy Meadow - chamomile. Let's answer together the questions that blossomed on chamomile petals (There is a brief discussion on each issue. The senior educator makes a generalization on each issue. In the course of the workshop, the definition of the rule, the conditions that must be taken into account when creating the presentation are signed on the poster).
- What is a presentation?
Generalization: Today, ever higher demands are placed on the work of preschool institutions. After all, the level and nature of the child's achievements depend, first of all, on the professional competence of the teacher, his ability to work on himself, to constantly improve professionally.
The possession of ICT is currently the most relevant, due to the fact that a modern child is a progressively developing personality, and this development occurs not only through education and socialization in an educational institution under the patronage of a teacher and parents, but also through various gadgets that have access to Internet.
The Professional Standard "Teacher" states that a teacher must have such labor activities as the formation of skills related to information and communication technologies.
Possess ICT competencies:
general user ICT competence;
general pedagogical ICT competence;
subject-pedagogical competence.
A presentation is a brief and visual presentation of information that helps the speaker to reveal the essence of his work in more detail.
A computer presentation is a set of slides (electronic pages), the sequence of which may change during the presentation.
The presentation is a multimedia document, each slide can include various forms of information presentation (text, tables, diagrams, images, sound, video), as well as include animation of the appearance of objects on the slide and slide transition animation.
A multimedia presentation is an interactive way of presenting information on the principle of "Tell and show".

- What are the presentations?

- Where can presentations be used in the practice of a teacher?
Generalization: To improve the professional skills of teachers on this topic in kindergarten, the following consultations were held: "Using PowerPoint presentations in the work of a preschool teacher"; master class "Creating PowerPoint presentations"; competition of multimedia presentations "Kaleidoscope of presentations"; consultation "Prezi presentations as a new tool for the work of a teacher". This allowed teachers to actively use presentations when conducting:
consultations, round tables, psychological drawing rooms, parent meetings, pedagogical councils. Particularly interesting are the presentations of teachers at the final teachers' council, compiled as reports on self-education or the results of the past academic year;

for children's morning performances and entertainment, the presentation serves as a demonstration material. It replaces many pictures, posters and audio recordings;
when organizing activities with children.
Thanks to this, kindergarten teachers are introducing new approaches that contribute not to replacing traditional methods, but to expanding their capabilities.
To bring some static objects to life, educators use various forms of animation. This helps to influence the minds of children not only through hearing, but also visually. Thus, children not only see and perceive images, they experience emotions. If the information caused emotions, then it will be better deposited in the memory of the child. This should be taken into account when developing a presentation.

Using the power of the PowerPoint program, our kindergarten teachers have developed presentations on many topics. I will give just a few of them: "Rules of the road", "Zarinsk City", "Birds of the Altai Territory", "World of Professions", "A walk through the autumn forest", "Horses", "Pets and their cubs", "Mysteries of Lukomorye ”, “From what tree is the leaf” and others.
The completed presentations replenish the multimedia library of each teacher, group and preschool educational institution as a whole.

- Do you know how to create a presentation, how often do you use a presentation in your practice?
Generalization: They determine the level of proficiency of teachers in creating presentations and their application in their professional activities. The need to provide assistance to teachers on issues of interest is determined.

- What should be considered when developing a presentation?
Generalization: event, presentation recipients, age, show time, number of slides.
If we talk about the age of preschoolers, it is important to remember the pedagogical expediency of information. The presentation can be used as a backdrop for a holiday, a surprise moment - the appearance of a hero in the NOD, as an illustrative material (if there is no necessary picture, for example).
The timing of the demonstration is based on the logic of the GCD, taking into account the change in activities during the lesson. If a video fragment is used in the presentation, then the time of continuous viewing should be 3-4 minutes at the younger preschool age, no more than 6-7 minutes at the senior preschool age. At the eighth minute, the fatigue of children begins. After that, a transition is made to another practical activity, a demonstration of another material.
The volume of illustrative material comes from the age characteristics of the child. At younger preschool age, 3-5 pictures can be shown sequentially, continuously. In the older age - 5-8.
Senior teacher: In order for our chamomile to bloom successfully, it is necessary to create special conditions.
Moving on to the practical part of the workshop. Each teacher, in the course of discussing problems, analyzes his presentation for advantages or disadvantages. Together they discuss ways to eliminate errors, determine the rule for creating presentations for preschool children.
Senior teacher: Next, we will talk about defining the rules that must be followed when creating a presentation.
I will continue my speech with a presentation made in the Prezi-presentation program, you can compare, see the difference, take note of this information.
A little about Prezi - presentations. is a web service that allows you to create interactive multimedia presentations with a non-linear structure.

The entire presentation can be collapsed into one picture, and vice versa, each element of the presentation can be enlarged (accentuated) for more detailed study and attracting attention.

You can easily find all the information on creating such a presentation on the Internet, devote some time to the formation of new skills and improve your professional work.
Today, the main thing for us is to determine the basic rules for creating a presentation. Open your presentation. Let's move on to the first mistake that is often found in the work of educators. (Teachers work in laptops on their presentations. Draw conclusions. Determine the rule for creating a presentation).
Exercise 1: Determine if there is a title page. The necessary information on it: who performed, for what age the presentation is intended, the date of development.
Rule #1: It is always necessary to indicate: topic, age of children, information about the author, where to use, date of development.

Task 2: Determine if there is text on the slides, for whom is it intended?
Rule #2: A presentation is not a cheat sheet for a teacher.
Presentation slides aimed at preschool children should contain a minimum of text. You will say all the text yourself, and the slides should contain illustrations to increase the visibility of your lesson. The caption for the picture should be located outside its borders, and not on the image.
Teachers make changes to their presentations as needed.

Task 3: What is the background for the slides?
Too bright and active, containing many different elements, the background of the presentation. Such a background interferes with the perception of information from the slide, tires the audience, and does not carry any pedagogical value. The background of the slide does not match with the theme of the presentation.
Rule #3: The background image should not contain elements that are inconsistent with the content of the slide. It must be remembered that the use of ICT serves only for a variety of methods, techniques and forms of work of a teacher.
For this reason, the background for the slides must be chosen in a consistent color scheme. For the background, it is better to use pastel or cold colors (purple, blue, cyan, blue-green, green), red and white colors should be avoided.
Teachers make changes to their presentations as needed.

Task 4: What photos or drawings are selected on the slide, how many?
Not a good location, not a clear blurry photo, overlapping each other. Many images on one slide (four images or more) is a lot for preschoolers to perceive. It is unacceptable that they overlap each other, have a low resolution.
Rule #4: On one slide - one big picture. If the object is for comparison, then two, on which signs for comparison are well traced, objects in the same perspective, profile. The picture must be clear and of good quality.
Teachers make changes to their presentations as needed.

Task 5: Is there a list of references on the final slide?
Rule #5: Respecting the work of another person, it is necessary to make a slide indicating links to sources of information (books, websites).
Teachers make changes to their presentations as needed.

Senior teacher: Well, our chamomile has blossomed its petals with renewed vigor, all the conditions - the rules have benefited it. Thus, creative teachers who strive to keep up with the times need to study the possibilities of using and implementing new ICTs in their practical activities, see their place in these technologies, be a guide for the child into the world of new knowledge, and form the foundations of the information culture of his personality. It should be emphasized that any pedagogical innovations must be used competently, and the teacher must always be guided by the principle: “The main thing is not to harm!”
senior caregiver conducts a reflection of the event (teachers pass the bell to each other, expressing their opinion, impression of the workshop):
I take the bell
I'll tell you what I KNOW.
And I'll give you a smile.
Senior teacher: Dear colleagues, thank you all for your work. Believe in yourself and remember that only the walking one can master the road. Creative success to you.

Used materials:
G. V. Glushkova. The use of computer presentations in the educational process of a preschool organization. Analysis of typical mistakes, webinar of the publishing house "Education of a preschooler" dated 30.03.2017;
photos and fragments of training presentations from the Internet;
kindergarten presentations.

"ICT in the work of preschool educational institutions" - A multimedia way of presenting information. Use of multimedia presentations. The use of computer slide presentations in the learning process. Possibility of individualization of training. multimedia presentations. What is the need for information technology. Experts identify a number of requirements.

"Organization of educational activities in preschool educational institutions" - Ideal GCD. Occupation NOD. Types of GCD motivation. Principles of educational activity. Participation of all children. GCD criteria. Features of the organization of GCD. Features of the development of children. Innovative technologies. Conversation. Pupil. The main forms of educational activity. observation. New approaches to the organization of educational activities of preschool educational institutions.

"Development of preschool education" - Cooperation and interaction with parents. Preschool educational institution. Preschool education. Indicators of the specifics of the activities of preschool educational institutions of various types. A new approach to the organization of the pedagogical process. Changes in the forms and methods of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the families of pupils. Multifunctional, developing system.

"Innovations of preschool education" - Stages of project implementation. Working training programs. Project name. Innovations in preschool educational institutions. Method of projects in preschool educational institution. Innovative project for kindergarten. Magic astronomy. Innovation. Preschool education - traditions and innovations. Project work plan.

"Teaching technologies for preschoolers" - The role of an adult in the game. Classification of children's games. Mobile and sports games. Game technology. Technologies used by teachers. Person-oriented technologies. Technologies for maintaining and stimulating health. Information Technology. corrective technologies. Project types. Developing technologies.

"The role of preschool education" - Skills. Agreement. social infrastructure. Bilingual private kindergarten. Individual approach. Preschool education. The role of non-state DOs. Job growth. economic arguments. Accessibility problem. Investment and nursery.

There are 15 presentations in total in the topic

Tatiana Svetlichnaya
Use of multimedia presentations in preschool

In his work, widely using multimedia presentations

The theme of my concept Use of multimedia presentations in preschool.


Application multimedia presentations makes it possible to optimize the pedagogical process, increase the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical activities.


Systematize the assimilation of knowledge;

create motivation for learning;

To expand the vocabulary of children and their knowledge about the world around them;

To form a sound culture of speech;

develop memory, attention, thinking, creativity

multimedia presentations- a convenient and effective way of presenting information using computer programs. It combines dynamics, sound and image, i.e. those factors that can hold a child's attention for a long time

Compared to traditional forms of education preschoolers multimedia presentations have a number benefits:

1. Presentation preschoolers; forms a system of mental images in children.

Little why is interested in the mass of things: from morning to evening, questions seem to pour out of him. How to explain, to tell clearly and not to push away, not to extinguish children's curiosity and inquisitiveness of the mind? The adult is fundamentally different from baby: in order to understand something, it is enough for him to listen to an oral explanation, and developed verbal - logical thinking will do its job.

Proverb "Better to see once than hear a hundred times", first of all, about a small child. It is he, with his visual-figurative thinking, who understands only that it is possible to simultaneously consider, hear, act or evaluate the action of an object. That's why it's so important when learning preschooler apply to those channels for obtaining information that are open.

multimedia presentations allow presenting teaching and development material as a system of vivid reference images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic manner. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to store information not only in factographic, but also in associative form in the memory of children.

2. The computer allows you to simulate such life situations that are impossible or difficult to see in everyday life.

3. Opportunities multimedia presentations allow you to increase the amount of material offered for review. Many mothers note that this significantly increases the interest of children in knowledge, increases the level of cognitive abilities.

4. Usage new unusual methods of explanation and consolidation, especially in a playful way, increases the involuntary attention of children, helps to develop arbitrary.

5. Mastering children's multimedia presentations, preschool children are active. Due to the high dynamics, the material is effectively assimilated, memory is trained, vocabulary is actively replenished, imagination and creative abilities develop.


Practice has shown that, subject to systematic using multimedia presentations combined with traditional teaching methods, the performance of older children preschool age increases significantly.

The following positives speak about the effectiveness factors:

children better perceive the studied material due to the fact that presentation carries a figurative type of information, understandable preschoolers who cannot read and write;

pupils are more motivated to work in the classroom due to the attractiveness of the computer and multimedia effects. movement, sound, animation attract the attention of children for a long time;

the acquired knowledge remains in memory for a longer period and is easier to restore for practical application after a brief repetition;

presentations allow you to simulate such life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life (flight of a rocket or satellite, transformation of a chrysalis into a butterfly, etc.).

Computer technologies should be organically integrated into the teacher's work system, not replacing direct interpersonal communication with children, but only helping to solve the tasks.

multimedia tools are used me at different stages of the lesson. So, for example:

1. In the introductory part of the lesson, the students are explained the purpose and content of the subsequent work. At this stage, it is advisable to show a slide with an image indicating the topic of the lesson.

2. Motivational-cognitive activity forms interest preschooler in the perception of the information that will be told in the lesson.

When studying the general concepts of phenomena, laws, processes, my words are the main source of knowledge, and the image on the screen allows us to demonstrate their conditional scheme.

3. With the help of control, the degree of assimilation can be established material: heard in the lesson, learned when working with parents, in a practical lesson.

4. When studying new material, a visual image is a visual support that helps to most fully assimilate the material being presented.

5. Systematization and consolidation of the material. This is necessary for better memorization and clear structuring. To this end, at the end of the lesson, I make a review of the studied material, emphasizing the main points and their relationship. At the same time, the repetition of the material occurs with the demonstration of the most important visual aids on slides.

I also use presentations when holding parent meetings, round tables, psychological living rooms. Particularly interesting presentations at the final teachers' council, drawn up on projects, self-education.

"Good presentation- this is when you put slides on the child and he is absorbed in the viewing process. If the child enjoys watching presentation and asks to put it on again, I'm sure that he spent this time usefully!

Thank you for your attention!

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MKU "Information and Methodological Center"

Multimedia presentation is one of the forms
use of information and communication technologies in the educational process
preschool teacher

Rasskazovo, 2014


Director of the MKU "Information and Methodological Center" Nikacheva L.E.

Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work of the Municipal State Institution "Information and Methodological Center" Shukhvastova O.D.

Deputy head for educational and methodological work of the MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 of the general developmental type Zemtsova O.L.

For the development in children of a sustainable cognitive interest in learning, the teacher faces the task of making the educational process interesting, rich and entertaining. The material used should contain elements of the extraordinary, surprising, unexpected. Therefore, the use of multimedia presentations, with the inclusion of entertaining questions, games, colorful animated slides, will be great helpers in conducting GCD. These guidelines will help teachers develop multimedia presentations for use in the educational process, work with parents and broadcast their teaching experience.


  1. Multimedia presentations in teaching preschoolers
  2. Media competence of the teacher as a factor in the formation of media culture of preschoolers
  3. What should a modern preschooler know about?
  4. How to make a presentation for a speech?
  5. Guidelines for creating a presentation for direct educational activities (GCD)
  6. The use of multimedia technologies in working with children and parents
  7. Overview of the most popular and popular sites for teachers.



If today we teach as we taught yesterday,

We'll steal from our children tomorrow

John Dewey.


Information and communication technologies are actively entering our lives and the education system, including preschool. Already today they are used in work with children and parents, in methodological work and management of a preschool institution. Informatization of preschool education is an objective and inevitable process. A new educational environment is being formed in kindergartens, high-tech information tools for teaching and developing preschoolers (video recorders, televisions, video cameras, multimedia computers, projectors, screens, touch interactive boards, etc.) appear. The production of developing and educational multimedia products for preschool children (computer games, electronic encyclopedias, cartoons, educational videos and programs, websites, etc.) is expanding. Attempts are being made to scientifically substantiate the possibilities of introducing information and communication technologies at the preschool level of education. There is a growing interest of teachers and preschool education specialists in these technologies and the possibilities of using them in their professional activities.
A modern child is surrounded by a rich media environment from birth. Electronic toys, game consoles, computers are taking an increasing place in the leisure activities of preschoolers, leaving a certain imprint on the formation of their psychophysical qualities and personality development.
More K.D. Ushinsky remarked: "Children's nature requires visibility." Now these are no longer diagrams, tables and pictures, but a game that is closer to children's nature, even if it is scientific and educational. Modern computer technologies provide great opportunities for the development of the educational process.

1.Multimedia presentations in teaching preschoolers

It is probably impossible to imagine the modern development of society and production without information and communication technologies. There is no doubt that every educated person should own a computer. The PC is quickly entering our child's life. Almost all parents, developing and teaching the baby, acquire computer programs. First there are cute "keyboard drums" for the little ones who like to drum on the keyboard, but do not yet know how to use the mouse, then - a huge variety of computer games.

The computer is a powerful tool for learning and self-development of the baby!

The ability of a computer to reproduce information simultaneously in the form of text, graphics, sound, speech, video, to memorize and process data with great speed allows specialists to create multimedia presentations, electronic children's books and encyclopedias for children.

What are the possibilities in teaching preschool children are fraught with multimedia presentations?

Unlike conventional teaching aids, media technologies significantly expand the opportunities for parents in the field of early development, contribute to the successful implementation of the intellectual and creative abilities of the child; allow not only to saturate it with a large amount of ready-made, strictly selected, appropriately organized knowledge, but also, which is very important in early childhood -learn to acquire new knowledge on their own!

“The presentation is an educational mini cartoon, it is an electronic sound book with beautiful pictures, it is an excellent tool for mothers to tell their child about the world around them the way she sees it herself, without leaving home and without flying to distant countries”Victoria Kuznetsova, author of

Compared to traditional forms of teaching preschoolers, multimedia presentations have a number of advantages:

  • The presentation carries a figurative type of information understandable to preschoolers; forms a system of mental images in children. The little little one is interested in a lot of things: from morning to evening, questions seem to pour out of him. How to explain, to tell clearly and not to push away, not to extinguish children's curiosity and inquisitiveness of the mind? An adult person is fundamentally different from a baby: in order to understand something, it is enough for him to listen to an oral explanation, and developed verbal and logical thinking will do its job. The saying “it is better to see once than hear a hundred times”, first of all, about a small child. It is he, with his visual-figurative thinking, who understands only thatyou can simultaneously consider, hear, act or evaluate the action of the object. That is why it is so important when teaching a preschooler to turn to those channels for obtaining information that are open.

Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of bright reference images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic manner. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to store information not only in factographic, but also in associative form in the memory of children.

  • The computer allows you to simulate such life situations that are impossible or difficult to see in everyday life. For example, how to show a child the process of launching a rocket or the technology of paper production?
  • The capabilities of the computer allow you to increase the amount of material offered for review. Many mothers note that this significantly increases the interest of children in knowledge, increases the level of cognitive abilities.
  • All parents notice how much children like to ask the same story over and over again, to read the same fairy tale “a hundred times”. But do not get annoyed: for preschoolers, the same program material should be repeated many times! The child can launch his favorite presentation himself, as many times as he wants, he can repeat the words after the author, learning them by heart; Surprise adults with the amount of knowledge gained on their own.
  • The use of new unusual methods of explanation and consolidation, especially in a playful way, increases the involuntary attention of children, helps to develop arbitrary.
  • Mastering children's electronic encyclopedias, preschoolers are active. Due to the high dynamics, the material is effectively assimilated, memory is trained, vocabulary is actively replenished, imagination and creative abilities develop.

2. Media competence of the teacher as a factor of formation
media culture of preschoolers

Modern children more freely than their teachers and parents navigate the information space - from electronic encyclopedias to the Internet. This is considered by educators as a true trend in the development of the information society. The task of the teacher of the information age is to develop the child's critical thinking, the ability to analyze and select personally significant information, to structure, generalize, use and meaningfully create their own media texts for the information environment, while forming the child's media culture. Media culture, on the one hand, in social terms, is a part of the general culture associated with the means of mass communication, and on the other hand, in personal terms, is part of the general culture of a person, according to A.V. Sharikov. The activity of each teacher, aimed at shaping the media culture of a modern child, should begin with the formation of his own media competence.

Media: satellite and digital TV, video, cinema, computer and cellular communications, the Internet, graphics, music, radio, etc., transform the media environment, have a significant impact on traditional types of culture, on the functioning of libraries, film studios, museums, theaters. Media culture, being a phenomenon of the era of globalization, affects the values ​​of society, the worldview of different socio-cultural groups, especially adolescents.

The process of formation of children's media culture consists of many components: the study of information technology and acquaintance with the masterpieces of world culture, the study of color and sound harmony, the laws of visual perception, the technology of creating a "screen image" and others.

"Education throughout life" is one of the basic principles, without which a modern teacher cannot keep pace with the development of the global information community. The development of a teacher's media competence, the formation of his media culture is an integral factor influencing the formation of a student's media culture.

The development of media competence is based on a number of components. The first is the experience of using media materials. The second is the active application of media skills. The third is readiness for self-education. The well-known American media educator S.J. Baren gives the following classification of the skills necessary for the media competence of a person:

  • “the ability and willingness to make an effort to perceive, understand the content of the media text and filter out the “noise”;
  • understanding and respect for the power of influence of media texts;
  • the ability to distinguish between emotional and reasoned reactions to perception in order to act accordingly;
  • development of a competent assumption about the content of the media text;
  • knowledge of the conventions of genres and the ability to determine their synthesis;
  • the ability to think critically about media texts, no matter how influential their sources are;
  • knowledge of the specific language of various media and the ability to understand their impact, regardless of the complexity of media texts.

The structure of media competence, consisting of five blocks of required skills, was developed by the German teacher W. Weber: “Firstly, these are both forms of activity-oriented media analysis:

  • selecting and using what the media has to offer;
  • developing your own media product.

Second, in terms of content, both forms include knowledge and analytical skills related to:

  • creative possibilities on which various types of media are based;
  • preconditions for effective use of media;
  • economic, social, technical, political conditions that are associated with the production and distribution of media products.

He compiled a classification of indicators of media competence of an individual (media literacy of an individual, development of an individual in the field of media culture) taking into account the approaches of R. Kyuby, J. Potter and V. Weber, as well as based on six basic concepts of media education, identified as basic by leading British media educators: “agencies media" (study of the work, functions and goals of the creators of media texts), "categories of media" (study of typology - types and genres of media / media texts), "media technologies" (study of methods / technologies for creating media texts), "media languages" (study of media languages , that is, verbal, audiovisual, montage of media texts), "media representation" (study of ways of representing, rethinking reality in media texts, author's concepts, etc.), "media audience" (study of the typology of the audience, the typology of media perception).

This typology is rather conditional, one thing is certain: without a developed media perception and the ability to analyze and evaluate a media text, it is impossible to talk about a high level of media competence of a person. Neither knowledge of the facts of the history of media culture, nor the frequency of communication with the media, nor the practical skills to create media texts can by themselves make an individual media competent. A.V. Fedorov in a number of his articles provides a detailed classification of indicators of media competence.

The media competence of a teacher is multidimensional and requires a broad perspective based on a developed structure of knowledge. This is not a frozen category, it is theoretically possible to increase the degree of media competence throughout human life, perceiving, interpreting and analyzing cognitive, emotional, aesthetic and ethical media information. "Audiences that are at a higher level of media literacy have a higher level of understanding, management, and appreciation of the media world."

Media competence gives teachers an understanding of how media texts, which are part of everyday life, help to cognize the world around us, an information-rich environment, in various social variations, economic and political positions, how they can affect the level of children's media culture.

The teacher, immersed in an environment that increases his level of media competence, studies, analyzes, creates media texts on his own. Only in this way, having joined the world of media, he can contribute to the formation of the media culture of his pupil.

3. What should a modern preschooler know about?

Preschool educational standard is the requirement of time. It is important that every child who enters school has equal starting opportunities. Here is what a child should know in certain educational areas at all stages of preschool childhood. This is the so-called minimum. E-books and encyclopedias allow solving the tasks set by the program, which means systematically and purposefully preparing a child for school.

Educational games - presentations

Separately, I would like to talk about computer educational games that are made in the form of presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint.

  • Presenting information on a computer screen in a playful way is of great interest to children; movements, sound, animation attracts the attention of the child for a long time;
  • Problematic tasks, encouragement of the child with their correct solution by the computer itself are a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children;
  • The child himself regulates the pace and number of solved game learning tasks;
  • In the course of his activities at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence, that he can do a lot;
  • The computer is very "patient", never scolds the child for mistakes, but waits for him to correct them himself.
  • Game training programs teach a preschooler to independence, develop the skill of self-control.
  • Small children require a lot of parental help in completing tasks and step-by-step confirmation of their actions, and automated control takes over this function, freeing the mother.

Speaking about the use of a computer by children of preschool age, the question arises of maintaining health and vision. The question of "staying" at the computer is relevant. It is reasonable to make time limits for classes from a PC - 10-15 minutes. A normally developing child at this age should move 70-80% of his waking time!

4. How to make a presentation for a speech?

All information that you want to use should be prepared for inclusion in special templates for presentations. Choose a topic for your presentation. Colors and styles are already selected, so you don't have to adjust background and font colors. Or, you can start with a blank slide and choose your own background colors, style, and font size. Choose a presentation template. Some presentation templates have a title at the top of the slide and one space for information in the middle. And some presentation templates have special effects for the first cover page, which has text on one side and pictures on the other. Add as many slides as you need. Your templates may vary from slide to slide. Print your information on presentation slides. Don't overdo it, not all information needs to be on the slides. You can give additional information verbally. Use bold dots (bullets) to convey your story and to break up long phrases. Complete your presentation with pictures. They will stimulate the children and keep their attention better. Find the right balance between text and pictures for each slide. You can only have slides in the form of images, and the material can be presented orally. Or you can combine text and pictures on a slide. Use multimedia tools such as video and audio wherever possible. PowerPoint multimedia tools are a sure way to grab attention and interest. If you are teaching animals about animals, for example, make a slide with a short video clip of real animals, or use sound recordings of monkeys and birds on some of the slides. Keep a clear font everywhere. Think about your age audience. To create presentations for a speech (for example, at the teacher's council), print in standard fonts, such as Times New Roman and Arial. Choose easy-to-read words and clear spellings. For example, a barely noticeable gray font on a white background will be difficult to read. Opt for font colors that create contrast with the background. Arrange the presentation slides in the correct order. You can organize them in PowerPoint. Review the presentation. Check how correctly you presented the information that you will convey to the audience. Make adjustments and make them to the presentation until it is exactly what you need. Practice presenting your oral presentation in conjunction with your PowerPoint slides. Decide whether you want to set a timer for changing slides or you will change slides yourself with a click of a computer mouse.

creating a presentation

To direct educational activity (GCD)

In order to create a presentation, it is necessary to formulate the theme and concept of the GCD; determine the place of presentation in the GCD.
If the presentation becomes the basis of the GCD, its "skeleton", then it is necessary to single out the stages, clearly building the logic of reasoning from goal setting to conclusion. In accordance with the stages of the lesson, we determine the content of the multimedia material (diagrams, tables, illustrations, audio and video fragments). And only after that we create slides, in accordance with the structure of the lesson, in the Power Point program.

For children of primary preschool age, it is more expedient to use 2-3 slides at the beginning of the GCD, as a game motivation, a problem situation, and at the end of the GCD for summing up. For children of older preschool age, more slides are used, but it should be remembered that the entire GCD should not be built on the presentation (game programs), other methodological techniques should prevail. For preschool children, exclude the text on the slides!

Basic techniques for creating and designing a presentation:

Create Slide → Constructor → Design Template → Choose the appropriate template

Slide View (right click) → Select "Background" → Click on "More Colors" → Select the desired color → OK → Click Apply" or "Apply to All" the desired color → OK → Click Apply" or "Apply to All"
* Red - increases the emotional background
* Yellow - reduces attention
* Gray - increased anxiety
* Brown color - affects pressure
* Purple color - they remember the material worse
* Black - do not use as a background

"Insert" → "Picture" → "From File" → Select the desired folder → "Open" → Select the desired image → "Insert"

Animation: Add a special video or sound effect to text or an object. For example, you can create text list items that fly into the page from the left one word at a time.

The use of animation is justified:
* if any process is explained;

* if you need a delay, for example, to display a hint or answer;
* if the inscriptions appear as the material is explained, etc.

* if we use game motivation for children (fantastic animated hero, one on the slide).

The first way: Select the object → Right-click on it → "Adjust Animation" → "Add Effect" → "Enter" or "Exit", etc. → Select the desired
The second way: "Slide Show" → "Animation Settings" → "Add Effect" → "Input" or others → Select the desired animation effect → Adjust the "Speed" and "Start" of the animation

"Insert" → "Movies and sound" → "Sound from file" → Select the desired folder → "Open" → Select the desired melody → OK → "Automatic" or "On Click"

"Insert" → "Movies and Sound" → "Movie from File" → Select the desired folder → "Open" → Select the desired video clip → OK → "Automatic" or "On Click"

Hyperlinks are implemented in Power Point in the form of buttons that can be used to navigate to other slides in a presentation, to another presentation, to a Word document, or to any Internet address. You can set a hyperlink to any text or object, including a shape, table, picture, or action button.

Select an object → Right-click on it → Select "Hyperlink" → Link to... (select one) → OK
It is necessary to provide a transition from one slide or file to any slide in the presentation. This can be done by creating a hyperlink. In order to go to a specific slide, after selecting the file name in the Address field, after the file name, enter the # sign and the slide number.
You can use the control buttons to move freely between slides within a presentation.
1. Select the slide where you want to place the button.

2. From the Slide Show menu, select Action Buttons, and then the desired button, such as Home, Previous, Next, Home, Back, or Return.

3. Click a slide. Draw the button.

4. Make sure the Go to hyperlink check box is selected. Click the arrow icon and select the desired link. Click the OK button.

Slide viewing is carried out in normal mode and in slide sorter mode, where you can see all the slides at the same time and change their order. Viewing the entire presentation occurs when you press the F5 button.

6. Use of multimedia technologies in work

with children and parents

Recently in Russia there has been a rapid development of new information technologies, which leaves a certain imprint on the development of the personality of a modern child. Information technologies penetrate deeper into a person's life, and information competence increasingly determines the level of his education.

The use of information technology in the educational process of preschool educational institutions is one of the new and urgent problems in domestic preschool pedagogy. The relevance of its solution is due to the urgent need to modernize the system of preschool education, improve its quality.

An analysis of the literature shows that a large number of both domestic and foreign studies are devoted to the study of this problem. The results of S.L. Novoselova, I. Pashelite, S. Papert Petcu, B. Hunter about the use of information technology in the work of preschool teachers convincingly prove the special role of the computer in the development, correction of the mental, personal development of children.

Scientists note that the use of information technology in the joint and independent activities of adults and children is one of the effective ways to correct existing problems in the mental, personal development of the child: they activate and restore higher mental functions, increase the motivation of activity, its regulation by the child. In addition, they are a means of ensuring the individualization of the upbringing and education of pupils.

Currently, one of the most dynamically developing and promising areas of information computer technology is multimedia technology. This term came to us from the English language (multimedia - from multi - a lot and media - environment)

Multimedia, as noted in the literature, is a complex of hardware and software that allows you to enter into a computer, process, store, transmit and display such types of data as text, graphics, animation, digitized still images: video, sound, speech.

What multimedia tools can be used in working with children and parents? This is a digital camera, video camera, voice recorder, projectors, computers, printer. Moreover, some types of this most complex technique can be used not only by teachers, but also under their guidance by preschoolers themselves.

The main goal of using multimedia technologies in the educational process is the transition from knowledge-based pedagogy to competence-based pedagogy.

Multimedia technologies are used both in work with children and with parents.

The range of information resources used by teachers in the educational process is very diverse today. First of all, these are computer developing programs for children. These include the "Soon to School" program. It contains a set of exciting game-tasks, which, combined with colorful illustrations, exciting stories, animation, contribute to the development of children's mental processes: speech, memory, imagination, thinking, expanding their horizons. The Country of Knowledge program is very popular among children and adults. It is intended not only for the joint work of teachers with children, but also for independent work of preschoolers on a computer. The program includes interactive educational games that describe the adventures of various characters with whom various events take place. The advantage of this program, in our opinion, is the fact that the games have different levels, so children can independently achieve different results in it. The games presented in this program do not require complex technical skills from preschoolers, in particular keyboard skills. By clicking the mouse, children move various objects on the screen. In addition, the program also provides a system of hints that allow the child to find the correct answer without the help of an adult. Thus, teachers have the opportunity to organize individual lessons for a child with a computer at a pace suitable for him, help children master practical ways of working with information.

However, it is important to note that not always available computer programs can be used in working with preschoolers. As a rule, various games and presentations that are publicly available on the Internet do not correspond in their content to didactic principles (primarily the principle of scientific character, taking into account the age characteristics of children), they are aimed at developing aggression, cruelty, and violence in children. Therefore, experts develop and actively use author's thematic multimedia presentations.Presentations allow you to immerse the child deeper in the subject of study, create the illusion of involvement, empathy with the object being studied. Children are happy to immerse themselves in the topic, tell at home about what they see on the screen.

Practice shows that creating presentations takes a lot of time, because you need to find the necessary illustrative material, think over its location, technical design. In search of information, educators come to the rescue of multimedia encyclopedias. In these discs, they use not only illustrations, videos, but also texts that have already been adapted for children's perception.

For several years, DOE multimedia tools and technologies have been used in project activities.

In the course of project activities using multimedia, we solve the following tasks: developing creative abilities, creating conditions for the social self-expression of children, familiarizing teachers and parents with computer technology, digital technology, teaching children photography skills, forming children's initial ideas about the professions of a journalist, correspondent, TV presenter .

Like any project activity, projects using multimedia have their own stages: teachers form a group of project participants of 4-5 people. As an example, I will cite the work of children and adults on the project “These funny insects”. At the beginning, together with the children, we develop the stages of the project implementation - planning activities, collecting information, then preparing a presentation, project presentation, reflection.

We consider the survey of children, parents and relatives to be an important step of the project. As a rule, we create conditions for older preschoolers to conduct a survey: How much do you know insects? Are they dangerous? What happens if they disappear?

The search for information begins with dictionaries and encyclopedias, from which the necessary information is extracted. Further on the Internet, with the help of adults, children find illustrations, photograph selected objects, and print out the most interesting ones. Enthusiastic parents and children shoot video reports, come up with riddles, quizzes. The use of entertaining game techniques "Games of journalists, photojournalists" expand children's ideas about professions. The collected materials are made into a presentation, photo albums with comments, photo and video reports. This activity helped many children to feel more confident in the peer group, to assert themselves. Children gained experience in research activities, including the ability to plan it.

7.Overview of the most popular and popular sites for teachers.

All sites are divided into several groups.

First group sites are electronic periodicals and electronic publications. This group includes sites of periodicals and publishing houses dedicated to the topic of preschool education and upbringing. These sites are well developed and filled with materials. Here are some examples of such sites:
1. Firstly, this is the magazine "Preschool education" the site contains the full content of the issues of the newspaper "Preschool education". And this is a wide range of educational, educational and developmental materials for parents and educators; development of didactic games.
2. "Tales for children" section of the electronic version of the magazine "Bonfire" dedicated to fairy tales. The site contains a complete collection of children's fairy tales: Russian folk, Swedish, classical fairy tales by Russian and foreign authors.
Second group sites - these are sites directly dedicated to the work of the educator and contain a lot of useful information and useful developments that the teacher can use in his work:
1. The site "Teacher's Portal" in the Preschool Education tab contains a large collection of ready-made presentations for Kindergarten teachers in various areas, GCD abstracts, holiday scenarios and much more.

2. Site "Preschooler". This site is very informative. These are ready-made presentations, a collection of poems, a collection of games, recommendations for needlework with preschoolers and much more.

3. Site "Mom"

4. Another site directly for Kindergarten teachers is the site "Doshkolonok" sections of the site: Abstracts of GCD, Consultations, Holidays, quizzes, entertainment, work with parents, Physical education in kindergarten, Master classes , Reports, teachers' councils, methodological associations in the preschool educational institution, Circle work in kindergarten, Experimental activities in the preschool educational institution and much, much more.

5. Site "Education of preschool children in kindergarten and family" sections of the site: Working with parents, Health work, Legal education, Playing activities, Parents of preschoolers, Books on preschool education, etc.

6. The site "Why" contains poems, stories, fairy tales for children, nursery rhymes, finger games, coloring books, audio fairy tales, online games for children and more.

7. Website "DEDsad" site for children and adults. Contains a large number of sliders, templates, pictures, coloring books, cartoons, tutorials, holiday scenarios, music for children and much more.

8. On the site "Festival of Pedagogical Ideas Open Lesson" in the section Working with preschoolers "contains a large selection of practical materials that will help the educator in practical activities.

9. Children's portal "Solnyshko" contains a large selection of materials for working with children. These are all kinds of crafts, coloring books, children's magazines, etc.

Third group of sitesare electronic albums.

An example of the most complete electronic album. "The Life and Work of Great Artists". Here you can find reproductions of any paintings by any authors. Full story about this picture and biography of the author. I would like to stop separately on the site "Professional competitions for teachers of preschool educational institutions" the site is designed for a wide audience and is intended unite teachers of preschool educational institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation into a single information network and competitive movement. The site has competitions for preschool teachers, psychologists, music directors, physical education teachers, methodologists, and even for children. The all-Russian project "School of the Digital Age" was developed in accordance with the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011-2015 and is aimed at developing the innovative potential of educational institutions: involving teachers in the digital educational space, increasing the efficiency of using modern educational technologies (including information -communication technologies) in professional activity - Social network of educators - site All-Russian Internet competition of pedagogical creativity (Professional competition of educators) - Site: Sites for teachers There are a lot of kindergartens, and all of them are designed to help organize the educational process. With their help, the teacher can diversify his activities, improve his competence, make the life of children in kindergarten more vivid and memorable. Thus, we can say with confidence that the computer is an effective technical tool with which you can significantly diversify the methodological work in preschool educational institutions.


Multimedia - is formed from Latin: "multi" - a lot and "media" - environment, carrier, means of communication - and it can be translated as "diverse environment".

In a narrow sense, multimedia in computer technologies is understood as working with streaming audio and video information, i.e. such a form of receiving, processing and transmitting information, when it comes in continuously, and we cannot cover it entirely.

multimedia product-combines two-dimensional and three-dimensional images, sound, music, animation, video, text and numerical information, etc.

Virtual reality-creation with the help of a computer and special devices (helmets, glasses, gloves and even suits) of a virtual (apparent) world in which a person “fits” and lives in this world according to its laws

information culture- this is a comprehension of the modern picture of the world, the widespread use of information flows and their analysis, the implementation of direct and feedback links with the aim of adapting them, adapting to the outside world, competent command of the languages ​​of communication with a computer, understanding its capabilities, place and role of a person in an intellectual environment.

"Presentation" - translated from English as "representation".

multimedia presentationsis a convenient and effective way of presenting information using computer programs. It combines dynamics, sound and image, i.e. those factors that hold the child's attention for the longest time.


  1. The use of information and communication technologies in the process of development and education of preschoolers. ;
  2. Relin G.S. Informatization of education. - M., 2005;
  3. Rusakova O.L. Informatics: development lessons. Materials for classes with preschoolers - Informatics, # 31, 2004.;
  4. Electronic newspaper "Interactive Education" (Issue No. 20, December 2008). Article "Information Technologies in Preschool Education" Anna Viktorovna Molokova, Ph.D.
  5. Barteneva T. P. The use of information and communication technologies in the process of development and education of preschoolers.
  6. 2. Ryabtseva O. V. The use of media technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.
  7. 3. Ilyushonok N.N. Analysis of the possibilities of interactive and computer technologies to improve the quality of education.

Anisimova Valentina Sergeevna MBDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 19 "Firefly" Gubkin, Belgorod Region

The development of information computer technologies imposes new requirements on the modern specialist of the 21st century. He is expected not only to have high professional skills, but also the ability to use modern teaching methods and pedagogical technologies that fundamentally change the educational environment, enriching and making it more active, reflective and transparent for the entire pedagogical community. It is impossible to imagine the modern development of society without information and communication technologies. The computer quickly enters the life of every child and becomes a good teacher's assistant when working with children. It's no secret that the material that is interesting to the child is well absorbed. The computer carries a figurative type of information that is closest and most understandable to preschoolers. Movement, sound, animation attract the attention of children for a long time. Children receive an emotional and cognitive charge that makes them want to consider, act, play, and return to this activity again.

The use of modern information and communication technologies in the educational process in a preschool educational institution is one of the newest and most urgent problems in modern preschool pedagogy.

Direct educational activity has a huge role in the educational process of the preschool educational institution, therefore it is very important to maintain a constant interest in children in it, to activate the cognitive activity of each child.

Currently, there are many traditional teaching methods that can be used in the educational process to enhance cognitive interest: viewing illustrations on the topic, conversations, teacher stories, observations, experimentation, etc. But there are also innovative teaching methods, one of which is the use in educational multimedia presentation process.

The role of information innovations in working with preschoolers is great. ICT helps to interest, activate children not only in cognitive, but also in speech terms. One of the main means of expanding children's ideas are multimedia presentations.

The presentation is a training mini-cartoon; electronic sound book with beautiful pictures; An excellent tool to tell your child about the world around you without leaving home and without flying to distant countries. The principle of children's electronic presentation - "having fun - learning!" The purpose of the presentation is visual support of the teacher's activities.

In our work, we have been using multimedia presentations for a relatively short time, but we have already identified many advantages of this technique: the use of such presentations stimulates the cognitive activity of preschoolers; characters, illustrations, tasks on the screen attract the attention of children, arouse the greatest interest and are stored in the memory of each pupil for a long time; presentations make it easier for children to learn difficult-to-perceive material.

We use multimedia presentations when conducting GCD on: familiarization with the outside world; the formation of lexical and grammatical categories and coherent speech; formation of the correct sound pronunciation.

Looking through the presentation, the child easily and unobtrusively gets acquainted with the diversity of the animal and plant world, begins to recognize the sights of the world, transport, professions, tools, etc.; remember information faster and better; imitates sounds, repeats words after the speaker, and therefore develops his speech; classifies the world around, combines different objects and things into one view or divides it into components; learns to compare picture and sound; models such life situations that cannot be or are difficult to see in everyday life.

Direct educational activity in kindergarten has its own specifics, it should be emotionally rich, bright, involving a lot of illustrative material, using sound and video recordings. In this we are helped by computer technology with its multimedia capabilities. We actively use developments in this area. The use of multimedia presentations makes it possible to make direct educational activities more interesting, emotional and memorable for children not only of older age, but also of other age groups.

Most of our presentations are built on the basis of a surprise moment: familiar cartoon characters come to the children and offer to go on a trip and learn a lot of new things.

Also, the use of multimedia is acceptable at different stages of acquaintance with the topic: at the stage of acquaintance with new material; at the stage of fixing the material covered; at the stage of knowledge control.

In the process of work, we developed educational and visual aids, united in a series called "Our land is our native Belogorye" . Along with speech, they also solve patriotic tasks within the framework of using the regional component. Using presentations, we conduct virtual tours of places that we cannot visit ("The capital of our country" , "Animals of the North" , "Space" and etc.).

The greatest interest in children is caused by tasks that are included in each presentation, and, as it were, sum it up. When fixing the material covered, the basis of the presentation is the tasks on the topic covered ("Find the Extra" , "Say one word" , "What is missing" and etc.) In the process of observation, we found that children perform tasks proposed on the screen with greater activity and interest than similar tasks in notebooks.

Most Liked Presentations ("My hometown" , "Victory Day" , "We read Pushkin's fairy tales" and others), children offer to show outside of class, which allows you to consolidate the material, and the knowledge gained remains in memory for a longer period.

While watching presentations, children get a lot of positive impressions. At home, they tell their parents about what they saw, together with them they look for additional information in encyclopedias, the Internet and share it in kindergarten. This creates an atmosphere of cooperation, the relationship of the teacher, parents and children. Thus, even at preschool age, children learn to acquire knowledge independently, increasing their cognitive activity, which will play an important role in further schooling.

The use of multimedia presentations in practice has shown that their systematic use in the educational process, in combination with traditional methods and techniques, increases the effectiveness of work to enhance cognitive interest in children. This is confirmed by the following factors: children perceive new material better; knowledge gained in the classroom is most vividly remembered by children due to the visual and sound accompaniment of presentations; children learn complex topics more easily ("Space" , "Solar system" and etc).

Thus, we can say that the use of multimedia presentations in a preschool institution makes it possible to make the educational process simple and interesting for children, and also helps to increase its effectiveness. The use of information computer technologies makes it possible to optimize the pedagogical process in a preschool institution, individualize the education of children and significantly increase the efficiency of educational work.

List of used literature.

  1. Gorvits Yu.M., Chainova L.D., Poddyakov N.N., Zvorygina E.V. and other New information technologies in preschool education. M.: LINKA-IIPESS, 2008
  2. Kukushkina O.I. Computer technology in the context of the profession: student education. Educator of the preschool educational institution - M., 2011. - No. 3.
  3. New pedagogical and information technologies in the system of preschool education. / Ed. Polat E.S. M.: Academy, 2009.
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