Consequences, the effect of hypodynamia on the human body (sedentary sedentary lifestyle). Sedentary lifestyle and its consequences

AT modern world a sedentary lifestyle is quite common and is characterized by minimal and irregular physical activity. After all, the achievements of science and technology greatly simplify the life of a person, freeing him from physical activity. And this is not the best effect on general health a person, as he is forced to spend more and more time in a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle.

Today, it is not so often possible to observe actively moving children or teenagers; as a rule, they spend more and more time at the computer. Adult working people also understand rest as spending time watching TV, combining it with passive lying on the couch. As a result, a healthy mobile lifestyle is pushed into the background.

According to statistics, about 20% of the world's population suffers from the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. Most of them consider themselves quite active, because they are busy working all day, solving important tasks.

Everywhere you can notice stooped backs, spoiled vision, excess weight, lethargy of movements. There has been a significant increase in the number chronic diseases among young people, which previously affected mainly the elderly. These phenomena are the consequences of the sedentary lifestyle of today's man. Diseases are common musculoskeletal system- curvature of the spine, or scoliosis, and later osteochondrosis, which inevitably haunts a person with a sedentary lifestyle. Gradually appears, limitation motor ability spine, aching pain in the back, recurrent pain in the arms or legs.

The impact of a sedentary lifestyle on health:

Obesity. Overweight body is one of the most common consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. Flaw physical activity leads to a slowdown in metabolism and blood circulation, thereby reducing the number of calories burned, the excess of which is stored as fat. Obesity, in turn, is associated with increased risk development of various diseases, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, high level blood cholesterol, diabetes, certain types of cancer, gallbladder disease, and arthritis. Psychological disorders, such as depression and low self-esteem, can also show up if a person is concerned about their overweight and fat deposits.

Any muscle activity, on the contrary, is aimed at maintaining normal weight, since it burns calories, and the more intense it is, the more calories will burn.

Heart. One of the most serious consequences sedentary lifestyle is high risk development of cardiovascular disease, such as coronary artery disease or chronic hypertension. This, as a rule, occurs due to the lack of any sports activities, and therefore the heart does not receive the necessary blood supply. Also, under such conditions, fat-burning enzymes responsible for the destruction of triglycerides in the blood become inactive. As a result, on the walls blood vessels plaque forms, which impedes blood circulation and can cause atherosclerosis, and in serious cases and heart attack.

The result of the execution exercise is more effective work of cardio-vascular system, increased lipoproteins high density, or "good" cholesterol, and reducing unwanted triglycerides in the blood.

Muscles and bones. With a lack of physical activity, the muscles of the body become weak, which leads to a decrease in the ability to perform daily tasks. In addition sedentary image life is detrimental to posture and can lead to back problems over time as the muscles that support the spine also weaken.

Apart from regular workouts, great benefit for the back can provide massage cape Izhevsk. It will get rid of problems in the upper back and in the collar area. Pain in the muscles and tension recede after the first use of the massager. In addition, the cape has a warm-up function, which will add even more comfort and pleasure to the procedure.

Osteoporosis is another possible consequence sedentary lifestyle. The fact is that during a sitting position, the bones do not experience any difficulties in maintaining the body. Over time, this leads to loss of strength of the bones and they become more brittle. It also increases the chance of developing arthritis.

Regular exercise will help maintain healthy bones and joints, increase muscle strength and endurance, energize to achieve life goals.

Diabetes. Exercise allows the body to control blood sugar levels. The lack of activity leads to its increase, because the less you move, the less sugar used by the body. Enhanced Level blood sugar, in turn, stresses the pancreas, which affects the secretion of the hormone insulin, thereby increasing the likelihood of developing diabetes.

Crayfish. Some types of cancer, such as colon and breast cancer, are also common among people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

aging process. Telomeres, located at the ends of chromosomes and protecting them from any damage, become shorter as the body ages. It has been proven that with a sedentary lifestyle, telomeres shorten faster than with an active lifestyle, as a result, the aging process accelerates and age-related signs appear earlier.

Mental disorders. sedentary image life has a negative impact on mental health. Persons who do not receive any stress are more prone to depression and anxiety. Studies have shown that regular muscle activity can reduce stress and reduce the incidence of many diseases. mental disorders. Endorphins released during exercise naturally improve mood and help you feel happier and more relaxed. In addition, exercise affects the production of the hormone serotonin, an imbalanced level of which can lead to depression, affect memory and appetite. Moreover, the improvement appearance will help improve self-esteem and increase self-confidence.

Insomnia. A sedentary lifestyle can cause problems with sleep, because under such conditions the body may not feel the need for rest.

Regular exercise, on the contrary, helps to get rid of insomnia and improve the quality of sleep. However, you should avoid exercising right before bed, as the body will get too hot, which will not allow you to fall asleep quickly.

Financial expenses. Lack of activity and related health problems can also lead to financial losses. Cash outlays may be required to provide medical services(prevention, diagnosis and treatment) associated with emerging diseases, and include the cost of visiting a doctor, purchasing pharmaceuticals, rehabilitation services. In addition, there may be implicit costs associated with the loss of earnings due to the expenditure of working hours to eliminate the arisen medical problems and inability to perform work duties.

The benefits of physical activity

Research has shown that virtually all people can benefit from regular exercise, whether they are involved in intense exercise or moderate exercise. Regular physical activity benefits most (if not all) organ systems and therefore helps prevent wide range health problems:

Reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases;
- prevents high blood pressure;
- reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes;
- reduces the risk of colon and breast cancer;
- helps maintain a healthy weight;
- Helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints;
- reduces feelings of depression and anxiety, and promotes mental well-being.

Because regular exercise helps prevent disease and promote health, it can actually reduce health care costs.

Most often, laziness prevents us from going in for sports or taking a walk. Physical activity today is turning into a real feat. The world around is so mechanized that it is not necessary for a person to make efforts to achieve a result.

Meanwhile, doctors warn that a sedentary lifestyle can cause many serious illnesses.

Of course, this way of life is very comfortable, but at the same time, it is extremely dangerous for life. Scientists have found that a sedentary lifestyle negatively affects human health and increases the risk of developing deadly diseases.

What is the danger?

With a sedentary lifestyle, blood flow slows down, which negatively affects the quality and speed of oxygen delivery and nutrients. Chronic oxygen deficiency leads to inadequate functioning of organs, which is why people are overcome various ailments: atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, ischemic disease and others.

According to experts, when we sit, the load on the body increases greatly. Besides, few of us try to keep correct posture. Long stay in sitting position in the wrong position can lead to scoliosis.

Also, when a person longer time spends in a sitting position, there is stagnation of blood in the organs of the pelvic area, which increases the risk of developing hemorrhoids and constipation. Add to this an irregular and unhealthy diet - as a result, people are constantly accompanied unpleasant symptoms which significantly reduce the quality of life.

Do not forget about the problem excess weight. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the provocateurs of the accumulation of excess energy in our body and.

How to solve a problem?

To avoid negative impact that a sedentary lifestyle has on our body is very simple. The main thing is to overcome laziness and start moving more.

The simplest and at the same time effective method- . Daily hiking not only ensure proper blood circulation, but also solve the problem extra pounds, draw a healthy blush on the cheeks and give good mood, because during physical exertion, the hormone of happiness and joy is produced. Instead of swallowing handfuls of various medications, set aside some time in your busy schedule for walking. Depending on how you feel, a person should walk from 3 to 11 km a day. Alternatively, you can go swimming or skiing, but massage, contrary to mass delusion, will not help solve the problem. A visit to the gym and a health group under the guidance of an experienced instructor is also welcome, if there are no special contraindications for this. In general, a walk is an effective and, importantly, free medicine.

Of course the most the best option it would be regular, at least three times a week, visiting a fitness club with all the programs it offers, or doing some kind of sport. If employment and finances do not allow, then it is possible three times a week for one hour.

In addition to sports, we offer variety in your daily activities. You can, for example, refuse the elevator, get off public transport one or two stops before your own, after dinner, before going to bed, take a short walk.

In public transport, give way to those who really need it, while you yourself prefer to ride standing up. This will stretch the muscles and train vestibular apparatus. AT free time Get off the couch and go for a walk or bike ride.

In the event that this does not confuse colleagues sitting in the office, then sets of exercises can be performed during the day right at work. Standard approach, every 40-45 minutes. Perform a set of exercises for 5-7 minutes, this is the so-called. Such exercises will help delay the onset of fatigue, increase productivity and improve mood.

A sedentary lifestyle is the cause of many serious illnesses. But each of us is able to protect ourselves from ailments. The main thing is to stop being lazy.

Do sports, stick to proper nutrition and !

A sedentary lifestyle seems to be a perfectly logical result of human development: the further civilization advances, the less the need for physical labor and more for intellectual labor. And intellectual labor in the overwhelming majority of cases is expressed precisely in sedentary work with documents, computer. Add to this the magnificently developed transport, which has deprived us of the need to walk for distances of more than half a kilometer, the typical entertainment of our era is watching movies and TV, computer games, books, Internet surfing - and we will get a sedentary lifestyle in all its glory. So, if this lifestyle is a direct consequence of increased comfort, why is it called unhealthy?

Contrary to our notions of comfort, human body not designed for long and static sitting and generally being in a sedentary state for a long time. On the contrary, our body is designed for a dynamic lifestyle - movement with breaks for rest and long night sleep. It is in this state of affairs that our body feels the best way: the heart works as it should, the muscles remain in good shape, the spine remains mobile, weight is maintained at the normal level, blood circulation correctly responds to all human needs and external changes. As soon as a person stops for a long time, freezes in one position, a comprehensive stagnation occurs in the body: muscles atrophy, the spine loses mobility, blood circulation slows down, weight accumulates. This is normal for the body, as it is natural reaction on the lack of load: if you don’t move for hours, then you don’t need flexibility in the spine, if you don’t spend calories, why not stock up on a surplus for a rainy day? This is what a sedentary lifestyle is dangerous for: it affects the entire body as a whole, and not in a positive way.

When Sedentary Lifestyle Is Dangerous

Check yourself: if several statements from the list are true for you, you are at risk - a group of people who, leading a sedentary lifestyle, are at risk of experiencing the consequences in their own skin in the form of relevant diseases and disorders:
At work, you spend at least 6-7 hours sitting.
You rarely interrupt, get up and get distracted from your work.
You travel by car or convenient public transport, with almost no walking.
Always prefer to take the elevator, ignoring the stairs.
Your rest is almost always passive - a sofa, TV, movies, surfing the Internet in the evenings, computer games, reading.
Your hobby or side activity also involves sitting.
You are not into fitness.

Another way to determine if you belong to a risk group is to try to mark how much time you spend in a sitting position during the day (including not only work, but also sitting on the couch, at dinner, at the home computer - all together). If it goes out for a total of 7 hours or more, you are at risk.

Negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is a risk factor for a number of serious diseases: in some cases it simply affects the development of the disease, accelerates negative trends, and in some cases it becomes the main cause. Disorders that may be based on a sedentary lifestyle:

Problems with the spine. The most common problems that arise with the spine due to a sedentary lifestyle: poor posture, chronic pain in the back, in the longer term - the development of osteochondrosis and other diseases. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the muscles that create muscular framework around the spine, with this lifestyle, they relax - and leave it without the required physiological support.

Hypodynamia and obesity. Low level motor activity- hypodynamia - one of the most noticeable markers modern look life. If you sit at a computer all day, then drive home by car and rest there in approximately the same position, your body will obviously lack movement. The most obvious (and noticeable) consequence of physical inactivity is obesity: if you are not starving, with such a low level of activity, excess calories are almost inevitable.

Muscular atrophy . Muscle mass is already lost over the years, and if you do not move and sit for hours in one position, the muscles slowly but surely atrophy. This process affects the whole body, on the one hand, making it more shapeless, on the other hand, depriving the muscular support not only of the spine, but of all organ groups. The longer you lead this lifestyle, the harder it will be for you to eventually get back in shape and build up. muscle mass. Often, muscle wasting is accompanied by an increase in body fat.

Circulatory disorders: thrombosis, varicose veins. Especially dangerous violation as a result of hypodynamia - deterioration of blood circulation. It can lead to mass negative consequences, including insufficient nutrition of tissues and organs with oxygen, and bad influence on immunity, metabolism, and diseases such as thrombosis and varicose veins veins.

Haemorrhoids. In the development of hemorrhoids, a sedentary lifestyle plays leading role- along with malnutrition(lack of fiber in the diet), since the main cause of this disease is blood stasis and the formation of venous nodes.

Sexual disorders. Stagnation of blood in the pelvic area - mandatory consequence a sedentary lifestyle is also guilty of a number of diseases of the genital area: this is especially true for men, for whom such a lifestyle is a risk factor for the development of impotence and prostatitis.

Nervous disorders . Lack of physical activity and chronic being in a crooked position cannot but affect nervous system. Frequent Consequence this lifestyle syndrome chronic fatigue. Also, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to suffer from insomnia and other sleep disorders, more prone to stress, including chronic.

What to do?

If you have the opportunity to radically change your lifestyle - do it, and if not, you will come to the aid of additional measures:
During the day, try to get up and move as often as possible; use any excuse to do so. You can set an alarm clock that every half hour will signal that it's time for you to warm up.
Let your lunch break be active: go to a distant dining room, take a walk, team up with colleagues for a collective warm-up (you can throw a ball or play table tennis).
Be sure to do fitness at least 2-3 times a week (at least 150 minutes a week in total, more is better).
Try to walk as often as possible, including climbing stairs.
Make your rest more active, after work, either move or relax for real - lie down in comfort and get distracted from any activity.
Include in your schedule a little swimming or massage, stretching training - any physical activity that has a beneficial effect on the tone of the body and spine.



1.1 Impact of sedentary lifestyle

on the state of health……………………………………………………………………………………..……..…….5

1.2 Research: “motor activity

Adolescents”………………………………………….………………………...................... .....................................eight


2.1. The effect of physical actions on organs and physiological systems organism ..................................................................................................................

2.2. The main types of human movements……………………………………………………………….14

Chapter 3 Influence on a person’s mental health of regular health-improving forms of physical education…………………………………………………..21

3.1 The effect of regular physical activity on the nervous system………………………..21

3.2 The influence of regular physical activity on the formation of the will…………………...21

3.3. The influence of regular physical activity on the development of self-confidence and self-confidence…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………22

3.4. How sport helps to evaluate yourself……………………………………………………………………….23

Chapter 4 The Importance of Physical Activity and physical education for a person

4.1. The role of physical culture in the XXI century…………………………………………………………………23

4.2. A healthy lifestyle of a student is the basis of a full life………………………...25

4.3. Consequences of insufficient motor activity……………………………………...26

4.4. Means of stimulating motor activity…………………………………………………………………………………………27

List of used literature………………………………………………………………...31


per century technical progress motor activity is reduced.

The peculiarity of modern life lies in the fact that hypodynamia is growing and turning into a social phenomenon. Hypodynamia, quite fashionable in recent times term. It means that a person begins to move less and generally work less with muscles. There are fewer and fewer reasons to make physical efforts. elevators, public transport, mechanization of production. The increase in physical inactivity is seen as one of the reasons for the increase in the frequency of obesity. It is also associated with inactivity that excess weight is more common among urban residents than among rural residents, and among workers mental labor more often than in persons engaged in physical labor.

Why does physical inactivity contribute to weight gain? Muscle is a very effective fat trap. 90 percent of all fat in the body is oxidized or burned in the muscles. In working muscles, fat oxidation is greatly enhanced.

A decrease in motor activity, first of all, causes a decrease in energy consumption, a slowdown in the breakdown and formation of energy-rich phosphorus compounds, and a decrease in phosphorylation of skeletal muscles.

In turn, this is accompanied by a decrease in gas exchange and a decrease in pulmonary ventilation and overall performance. The mass and volume of muscles decreases, the size of the heart decreases, pronounced dystrophic changes are observed in them.

A decrease in the volume of muscle activity leads to a decrease in the number of signals sent from the muscles to the CNS and vice versa. In the muscles, there is a change in the contractile apparatus and their tone, as well as a weakening of endurance.

Pedometers are a means of promoting physical activity as one of the important components healthy lifestyle life, in addition, they provide information about the level of activity and promote people's awareness of the need for it. Walking is one of the most good exercise to keep you active, and the pedometer always shows how active you have been during the day. To be healthy, a person must take a certain number of steps per day (girls - at least 12,000, boys - at least 15,000). We decided to use a pedometer to study the motor activity of students.

Physical inactivity in adolescence most often associated with the irrational daily routine of students and schoolchildren, overloading them with homework, extra classes leaving little time for walking outdoor games, sports.

In order to become strong, dexterous, hardy and efficient, it is necessary to regularly engage in physical labor, physical education and sports.

All this led to the choice of the topic of our work.

Objective: to investigate the mode of motor activity of first-year students of IMPE them. A.S. Griboyedov.

Object of study: motor activity of first-year students of IMPE them. AS. Griboyedov.

Subject of study : The use of pedometers to study the motor activity of first-year students of the Institute of A.S. Griboyedov.

Work tasks:

The study of literature on the topic.

Questioning of first-year students of the Faculty of Journalism and the Faculty of Law;

Data collection with the help of pedometers and timekeeping, data processing and summarizing, drawing up recommendations for organizing a mode of physical activity.

Research methods :

  1. Analysis of literary sources.
  2. Questioning.
  3. Timing.
  4. Experiment.
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