General recommendations in nutrition for cardiovascular diseases. Diet for cardiovascular diseases: the most useful foods for the human "motor"

Nutrition in cardiovascular diseases is one of the main ways to treat them. With the right diet and a well-chosen diet, you can improve the functioning of the heart, normalize vascular tone, improve blood supply to the brain, and cleanse the vessels of atherosclerotic plaques.

Principles of preventive nutrition

To prevent the occurrence of pathologies of the circulatory system, strict diets are not needed. Sometimes it is enough to adjust the usual diet, including the “right” foods and eliminating or limiting the harmful ones, in order to prevent a vascular catastrophe.

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To reduce the risk of ailments of the circulatory system, it is enough for some people to normalize their weight, for which it is necessary to adhere to the daily calorie content that is correct for their rhythm of life, limit the content of table salt in food to 3 g and liquid to 2 liters.

Healthy people who care about the cardiovascular system, as well as those who have a burdened heredity, can follow the Mediterranean diet. It has a good anti-atherosclerotic effect, since it contains proteins, vitamins, vegetable fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids, micro and macro elements.

The main products that are welcomed in the diet of people who have chosen the Mediterranean diet to prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system in them are:

Adhering to the Mediterranean diet in order to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to correct the classic "Mediterranean" diet menu:

  • exclude legumes that are allowed in this diet;
  • replace butter with vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, linseed, sesame);
  • limit the use of hard cheeses and sweets, although they are allowed in the classic Mediterranean diet;
  • cereals, bread, vegetable oil, nuts, vegetables and fruits should be consumed daily;
  • meat, fish and dairy products should be eaten no more than three times a week.

Diet for hearts

In the early stages of ailments of the cardiovascular system, with the help of dietary nutrition, it is possible to cause a regression of the disease and achieve a complete restoration of functions, and at later stages, to stop their progression. Nutrition for cardiovascular diseases, even with maximum restrictions, should be varied. All substances necessary for the body, including vitamins and minerals, must be present in the daily menu of the patient.

Nutrition of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system should comply with the following basic principles:

Preference should be given to such methods of cooking:

  • cooking;
  • grilling or steaming;
  • extinguishing;
  • baking.

Types of therapeutic diets

Patients with cardiovascular diseases in acute stages and with significant circulatory disorders are recommended to adhere to special diets that comply with the principles of therapeutic nutrition. Such therapeutic diets are:

Diet for hypertensive patients

In the development of hypertension, an important role is played by an increase in the volume of blood in the bloodstream. The problem of fluid retention in the body can be solved by limiting salt intake and fluid intake. Therefore, the most effective for high blood pressure is the hyposodium diet.

One of the main principles of this diet is a sharp restriction of the intake of table salt in the body (up to 2 g per day). Table salt is a source of sodium ions that hold fluid. To achieve a reduction in the sodium content in food, it is necessary:

Important! The complete exclusion of table salt from the diet is also undesirable, since the opposite condition may develop - hypochloremia, which is dangerous for the kidneys.

To clean the VESSELS, prevent blood clots and get rid of CHOLESTEROL - our readers use a new natural drug recommended by Elena Malysheva. The composition of the drug includes blueberry juice, clover flowers, native garlic concentrate, stone oil, and wild garlic juice.

A decrease in the level of sodium in the blood entails an increased excretion of magnesium and potassium from the body.. In order to prevent a deficiency of these minerals, it is necessary to enrich the hypertensive food with products containing these trace elements (nuts, dried fruits, cereals, vegetables and fruits).

Along with limiting the use of table salt, hypertensive patients should limit their free fluid intake to 1.5 liters per day. This amount can be increased with good diuresis, excessive sweating, or exposure to a warm microclimate.

With an increased level of blood pressure (BP) in overweight people, it is necessary to further reduce the daily calorie menu. In addition, such patients are shown (1-2 times a week) fasting days:

Otherwise, the diet for hypertensive patients does not differ from any other therapeutic diet for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If blood pressure indicators in patients are slightly elevated, they can be advised to adhere to a fruit and vegetable diet. At high levels of blood pressure, patients can be prescribed a rice-compote diet (Kempner) for a short time. If signs of vascular atherosclerosis are detected in patients with arterial hypertension, they are prescribed an anti-atherosclerotic diet.

An approximate one-day menu for hypertension with a moderate increase in blood pressure (up to 160 mm Hg):

Many of our readers for CLEANING VESSELS and lowering the level of CHOLESTEROL in the body actively use the well-known method based on Amaranth seeds and juice, discovered by Elena Malysheva. We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with this method.

Anti-atherosclerotic diet

The anti-atherosclerotic menu contains a normal amount of protein with a reduced amount of animal fats and simple carbohydrates, a reduced amount of salt, an increased amount of vegetable fats and sea fish fat, and dietary fiber. This diet is based on the following principles:

A large role in this diet is given to the fat of marine fish. Scientists have proven that the incidence and mortality from coronary heart disease among people who regularly eat fatty types of marine fish are significantly lower than those in whose diet it is absent. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that marine fish oil contains a large amount of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). They significantly reduce the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, reduce its viscosity and prevent thrombosis.

An approximate one-day menu for atherosclerosis may be as follows:

Therapeutic nutrition for myocardial infarction

This diet differs significantly from all other diets prescribed for patients with cardiovascular disease. The objectives of the post-infarction diet are:

The post-infarction diet provides for a gradual increase in food calories and enrichment of the diet with vitamins, minerals and lipotropic substances (methionine, choline, inositol, betaine).

Daily calorie intake in the early stages should be no more than 1500 kcal. Food for patients after acute myocardial infarction should be prepared by boiling, stewing or baking. In the acute period (7-8 days), food should be served to the patient in the form of puree. In this case, the food should not be hot. Salt, seasonings, sauces should be avoided. In the future, the patient's diet is gradually expanded, switching to less strict diets (depending on concomitant pathologies and the degree of circulatory failure).

Diet therapy is the primary means of non-drug treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases. It should be gentle, but complete. The most important thing is to adhere to the principles of therapeutic nutrition.

Do you still think that it is completely impossible to RESTORE blood vessels and ORGANISM!?

Have you ever tried to restore the functioning of the heart, brain or other organs after suffering pathologies and injuries? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you know firsthand what is:

  • Do you often experience discomfort in the head area (pain, dizziness)?
  • You may suddenly feel weak and tired...
  • constant pressure...
  • there is nothing to say about shortness of breath after the slightest physical exertion ...

Did you know that all these symptoms indicate an INCREASED level of CHOLESTEROL in your body? And all that is needed is to bring cholesterol back to normal. Now answer the question: does it suit you? Can ALL THESE SYMPTOMS be tolerated? And how much time have you already "leaked" for ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later the SITUATION WILL AGAIN.

That's right - it's time to start ending this problem! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with the head of the Institute of Cardiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia - Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich, in which he revealed the secret of TREATMENT of high cholesterol.

Therefore, today I, most likely, will surprise many. But what to do if science has made adjustments to the principles of nutrition in cardiovascular diseases. And they are...

Eliminate saturated fats. This is first of all. Now saturated fats are considered one of the most important risk factors in the occurrence of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease (CHD), because they increase the level of cholesterol in the blood and affect blood clotting, provoking thrombosis. Therefore, it is necessary to drastically limit foods with saturated fatty acids: fatty meat (lean is possible), meat products (sausages), milk and dairy products, hydrogenated fats (cooking fat, hard margarine, hydrofat, etc.), coconut and palm oils.

Many must have been surprised that milk made the list. But this is the truth - it is very high in saturated fat, and even more than in meat and poultry. But such products as sour cream, butter and cheese, modern science has rehabilitated. They can be eaten, but on condition that these products with a minimum fat content are used as food. An even greater amount of saturated fatty acids than in milk is found in sausages.

Eliminate trans fatty acids (TIFA). They, like saturated fats, are now considered one of the main provocateurs of atherosclerosis, as they disrupt fat metabolism in the body. Most of all TIFAs are found in cooking and confectionery fats and margarines. Someone will say, but we, they say, do not eat them. Then I'll ask a counter question: do you eat cookies, waffles, sweets, cakes, pastries, chips and other similar food made by our industry? All of these products have TIZhK.


foods with cholesterol. The WHO officially stated in its 2003 report that foods high in cholesterol are not definitively proven. risk factor for atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. Like this! This statement by WHO experts is confirmed by research: only 12% of cases of coronary artery disease are associated with excessive consumption of "cholesterol" products. Of course, this does not mean that you can overeat such products. But now there is no categorical ban on them. By the way, the WHO has also rehabilitated chicken eggs. The yolk contains not only cholesterol, but also its antagonist - phospholipids, so 1 egg per day can be eaten without fear.

Unsaturated fats (omega 3, omega 6). Their beneficial effect on reducing excess cholesterol and triglycerides (“bad” fats) has been proven, so it is useful to consume marine fish with a sufficient content of fish oil. But! This does not mean that you can overeat with sea fish, since it is useful "from atherosclerosis." An excess of any unsaturated acids also harms metabolic processes, contributes to the accumulation of harmful substances. Therefore, the dose is very important - 60 grams of fish per day will be beneficial. Or 2-3 times a week for 100 grams.

Squirrels. Their number is not reduced now. You can use it according to the physiological norm or even a little higher. That is 1.2 g per kilogram of body weight. Milk and dairy products are only low in fat (we have already talked about the reasons); fish can be oily, but not much; meat and poultry are also low in fat; eggs 4 times a week, but you can also 1 a day.

Carbohydrates. They need to be eaten a little more than normal, because with a cardiovascular diet, you need to reduce the amount of fat. However, not all carbohydrates are created equal. The so-called "fast carbohydrates" (sugar, jam, sweets, cakes, pastries, etc.) must be limited. It is necessary to consume no more than 40-50 g of sugar per day. It is preferable to eat foods rich in dietary fiber: grain bread, legumes, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts. Cereal cereals are also useful, especially if they are made from whole grains.

Vitamins and minerals. There was a version that they need to consume more. However, this has not been proven by experimental medicine. Now it is recommended to take them according to the norm, but not to allow hypovitaminosis. You need to eat vitamins and minerals with food, and WHO experts categorically do not recommend taking dietary supplements.


Do not overeat. A very important principle. Because a full stomach presses on the diaphragm, it can shift and make it difficult for the heart to work.

Don't drink too much. Excess fluid also creates additional stress on the heart and blood vessels.

Do not oversalt food. The risk factor for cardiovascular diseases due to the use of sodium salts has been proven! So salt should be limited.

Products with potassium salts. They are preferable in the diet, as they contribute to the removal of excess fluid and improve the functioning of the heart muscle. Include dried apricots, prunes, raisins, rose hips in your diet, as well as potatoes, pumpkins, and apricots are rich in potassium.

Products with magnesium salts. They have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, so include in the diet such foods: rye and wheat bread with bran, oatmeal, wheat, barley and buckwheat porridge, beets, carrots, lettuce, parsley, black currants, walnuts, almonds.

For a long time, scientists have proven the existence of a direct relationship between what and how a person eats and his diseases. Nutritionists have developed 15 dietary tables, on the basis of which an individual diet is selected. diet, depending on the disease. Exactly cardiovascular diseases ranked first in terms of mortality. Diseases such as cardiac ischemia , heart defects , and also it is necessary to treat continuously and comprehensively. Proper nutrition enhances the effectiveness of drugs, and can also prolong the life of patients. In addition, proper nutrition is the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, especially in the presence of risk factors. Risk factors for the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system include heredity, smoking, poor nutrition, age (after 40 years), high blood pressure, obesity, stress and a sedentary lifestyle.

Diet therapy for cardiovascular diseases is aimed at correcting metabolic disorders, unloading cardiac activity, as well as enhancing the effect of drugs. When prescribing therapeutic nutrition, the stage and course of the disease, the state of digestion, and the presence of concomitant diseases are taken into account.

The main principle of the diet for such diseases is fractional nutrition with frequent meals, restriction in the diet of fluids and sodium salts while enriching the diet with vitamins and potassium salts .

Diet number 10, as the main diet for cardiovascular diseases

When prescribing diet therapy for cardiovascular diseases, diets No. 10, 10a, 10c, 10i are used. In difficult cases, specialized diets can be used, such as potassium , hyposodium , fruit and vegetable and others.

With diseases of the cardiovascular system, with atherosclerosis, heart defects, hypertension, and also after myocardial infarction, diet No. 10 is prescribed. This diet contributes to the speedy restoration of impaired blood circulation, improves metabolism, and also favors the rapid removal of metabolic products from the body and stimulates the activity of the kidneys and liver.

The diet is characterized by limiting the intake of table salt (up to 5 mg), coarse fiber and fluids (up to 1.5 liters) and increasing the intake of foods containing calcium salts. These are dried apricots, dates, prunes, grapes, bananas, baked potatoes, broccoli, citrus fruits and cabbage. As well as products containing magnesium salts - buckwheat, oatmeal, bran, nuts. The main goal pursued by diet number 10 is to reduce the load on the heart during digestion.

Principles of nutrition while following diet No. 10:

  • food should be as varied as possible;
  • restriction of products that are a source of vegetable fiber;
  • an increase in the diet of products that contribute to the normalization of fat metabolism;
  • an increase in foods containing alkaline compounds (milk, cabbage, carrots, apples, lemons);
  • grade increase vitamins(groups A, B, PP, E, retinol, ascorbic acid), micro and macro elements in the diet (potassium, calcium, phosphorus);
  • frequent meals 5-6 times a day in small portions.

Diet No. 10 is complete, hyposodium, but the content of nutrients in it is reduced, as well as substances that excite the nervous system (strong coffee, tea, broths), the total calorie content is up to 2800 kcal. Food boiled, baked or steamed.

What can you eat with diseases of the vessels and heart

For cardiovascular diseases, nutritionists recommend eating the following foods:

  • wheat bread, with bran, slightly dried, crackers from white and gray bread, lean biscuits;
  • vegetable, dairy and large soups with potatoes without salt, beetroot (half a serving - 250 g);
  • lean meats (rabbit, veal, lean beef), poultry (chicken, turkey), fish (perch, carp, cod, bream). Meat and fish dishes are consumed boiled or baked, in the form of aspic from boiled meat;
  • vegetable and butter - in the form of additives to ready-made meals, butter - no more than 10 g per day;
  • boiled, baked and raw vegetables, cereals cooked in water and milk, and pasta as a side dish;
  • as appetizers, you can prepare fresh vegetable salads, vinaigrettes, seafood salads with the addition of vegetable oil;
  • potatoes and cabbage - limited;
  • from dairy products, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, acidophilus are recommended; sour cream and cream - in dishes;
  • no more than 1-2 chicken eggs per day as additions to main dishes or in the form of a steam omelette;
  • any raw and baked fruits, berries, also dried fruits, dried apricots, prunes, raisins;
  • from drinks - weak coffee with milk, black and green tea, juices from fruits and berries, jelly, jelly.

What not to eat, according to diet number 10

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to limit the intake of table salt and liquids as much as possible (up to 5 glasses a day), as well as animal fats. Diet therapy for cardiovascular diseases does not recommend the use of meat and mushroom soups, broths, fried meat and fish, caviar, fatty pickles, legumes in the diet. Foods containing a lot are also excluded from the diet - liver, brains, kidneys, as well as any spicy and fatty foods, smoked meats, sausages, mushrooms, muffins, chocolate, cakes, spices, spicy seasonings. From vegetables it is not recommended to use onion, garlic, sorrel and radish. From drinks you can not drink strong coffee, cocoa, tea, carbonated drinks.

Sample menu for the day, according to diet number 10

Breakfast (8 am)- cottage cheese with sour cream, semolina or rice porridge with milk, bread with butter, tea with milk.

Lunch (13 hours)- grated vegetable soup, steamed meatballs in white sauce, crumbly rice porridge, baked apples or pearl barley soup with vegetables, boiled meat with carrot puree, tea.

Afternoon snack (16 hours)- scrambled eggs and apple-carrot puree, rosehip infusion.

Dinner (19 hours)- cottage cheese casserole made from buckwheat, vegetable cutlets with prunes, jelly or cottage cheese pudding, potatoes with boiled fish, jelly.

Late dinner (22 hours)- a glass of curdled milk or fruit juice, a biscuit.

Other Diets for Cardiovascular Diseases

Diet number 10a is prescribed for cardiovascular diseases with severe circulatory disorders. The total calorie content of the diet is up to 2000 kcal, the consumption of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fluids and fiber is reduced. Table salt is completely excluded. The menu consists of vegetarian soups, steamed meat and fish dishes, pureed vegetables, curdled milk and low-fat cottage cheese. Salty, fried and fatty foods, smoked meats, mushrooms are completely excluded from the diet.

The basis of nutrition the Carell diet dosed nutrition with skimmed milk is prescribed with a gradual increase in its amount (up to 2 liters per day). However, due to the inferiority of the diet, changes were later made to this diet.

scientists M.I. Pevzner a fruit and vegetable diet has been proposed for people with hypertension who are overweight. This diet has a reduced energy value, limited intake of sodium, fluids, with an increased intake of potassium. Any vegetables, fruits, and dishes from them are recommended - vinaigrettes, salads, mashed potatoes, juices, compotes.

With insufficient blood circulation, hypertension and edema, it is used, in which the energy value of the diet gradually increases, sodium intake is sharply limited, salt is excluded. The diet is enriched with potassium. Food is taken 6 times a day, the same foods are excluded from the diet as in diet No. 10, and, in addition to diet No. 10, foods rich in potassium are also recommended - dried fruits, apples, bananas, cabbage, rose hips, potatoes.

Rice compote diet (Kempner) is one of the varieties of the potassium diet. Its feature is a sharp decrease in the content of proteins and fats in the diet, as well as sodium. As part of this diet - rice porridge, cooked without salt, and compote. Rice porridge - 2 times a day, compote - 6 glasses a day. Due to inferiority, this diet can be used no longer than 3-4 days.

In case of insufficient blood circulation, against the background of atherosclerosis and hypertension, it is prescribed Yarotsky's diet. It contains fresh low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream. It has a pronounced diuretic effect, as well as a lipotropic effect.

magnesium diet helps to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol in the blood, increase urination, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is based on Diet #10 with an increase in magnesium-rich foods. These are mainly oatmeal, millet, buckwheat and vegetables, greens, beans, nuts.

With symptomatic arterial hypertension and hypertension, with vascular atherosclerosis, it is used hyposodium diet, which helps to improve kidney function, lower blood pressure and excitability of the central nervous system. The hyposodium diet reduced the amount of refined carbohydrates, limited the content of salt and liquid, and increased the amount of vitamins and cell membranes. Allowed vegetable and vegetarian soups, boiled and baked vegetables, lean meat and fish, cereals and pasta, dairy products, fruits.

Also, with diseases of the vessels and the heart, you can carry out 1-2 times a week fasting days. For example, it can be an apple fasting day, when 1.5 kg of baked and raw apples are consumed per day, cucumber (1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers without salt per day) or salad, when 300 g of salad is taken 5 times a day from vegetables or fruits, without salt, with sour cream or vegetable oil.

Features of nutrition in various types of cardiovascular diseases

Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease that affects the arteries. Various fat-like substances penetrate the walls of arteries ( cholesterol ), which leads to the formation of an atherosclerotic plaque, which, gradually increasing, narrows the lumen of the artery, making it difficult for blood circulation. The development of the disease is promoted by elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood due to malnutrition, smoking, and hypertension. Usually atherosclerosis develops at a young age, and does not manifest itself in any way. Gradually, the vessels lose their elasticity, plaques contribute to the narrowing of their gaps, as a result of which tissues and organs do not receive sufficient nutrients and oxygen. As a result, complications can occur - stroke, myocardial infarction and others. Unfortunately, the disease is very common, and the first heart attack ends in death in every third case.

To prevent the development of atherosclerosis, it is necessary to eat right, reducing the consumption of foods rich in cholesterol, as well as animal fats, and alcohol. Compliance with a diet for cardiovascular diseases can delay the development of the disease by normalizing the level of cholesterol in the blood. Thanks to the diet, your blood vessels will be “clean” and healthy for longer.

If you suffer from atherosclerosis, your food should be varied. Opt for poultry, fish, and legumes instead of meat. Servings of lean meat and poultry should not exceed 100 grams. in finished form. It is necessary to exclude smoked meats, bacon, sausages, sausages, chips, hamburgers from the diet. When cooking, use any vegetable oils (up to 2 tablespoons per day). Limit the use of the liver, brains, as well as confectionery, ice cream. Cook food in boiled and baked form, steamed. You can add salt during meals.

  • cereals and bread from wholemeal flour;
  • low-fat dairy products - 1% kefir, cottage cheese, unsweetened yogurt;
  • vegetables and fruits - at least 400 g per day, it is possible in salads with the addition of vegetable oil;
  • seafood rich in iodine;
  • dried fruits, walnuts, almonds;
  • from drinks it is recommended green tea, compotes, natural juices.

Cardiac ischemia- a disease caused by a decrease in blood supply to the heart muscle. This disease includes myocardial infarction, heart failure. The main cause of the disease is atherosclerosis. The diet for coronary heart disease is aimed at preventing the occurrence of atherosclerosis. If the disease is accompanied by shortness of breath and the appearance of edema, then salt is almost completely excluded from the diet, and fluid intake is limited to 800 ml per day.

In patients myocardial infarction When there is a necrosis of a portion of the muscular network of the heart, which occurs due to circulatory disorders, therapeutic nutrition helps to restore the functions of the heart. Also, proper nutrition prevents the development of complications, such as rhythm disturbances and an increase in the dead area of ​​the heart muscle. The diet is aimed at stabilizing the work of the intestines, normalizing metabolism and preventing the formation of blood clots. After an attack of the disease, the patients' appetite is reduced, and the attending physician prescribes nutrition, depending on the patient's condition. Salt is excluded from the diet, fluid intake is limited, food is divided into 8 doses. All food is prescribed in boiled, warm and liquid form. When the patient's condition improves, he is prescribed diet No. 10, and the Yarotsky diet can also be attributed.

main feature arterial hypertension is an increase in blood pressure. It is a very common disease, it affects more than 50% of people over 65 years of age. Patients with arterial hypertension are prescribed diet No. 10 with restriction of the intake of salt, liquid (up to 1.1 liters per day), products containing animal fats, as well as increased consumption of products containing potassium, magnesium salts. Nutrition for cardiovascular diseases should be complete and varied, but not high in calories. Food is taken in small portions, every 2-3 hours.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are very common, and most often cause disability and death, so it is much better to prevent their development through proper nutrition.

Many experts believe that there is a link between human disease and nutrition. Scientists have been developing and continue to develop special diets for a long time. Now about 15 tables have been created, which are prescribed for a particular disease. Diet for cardiovascular diseases should be given special attention, because mortality rates from these ailments are high.

The main diet for diseases of the heart and blood vessels

A properly prescribed diet for cardiovascular diseases can enhance the effect of drugs and even prolong life. A healthy table can serve as a preventive measure, especially if there are certain risks, such as:

  • the patient's age is over 40 years;
  • heredity;
  • tobacco use;
  • excessive doses of alcoholic beverages;
  • high blood pressure;
  • malnutrition;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes disease;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

A diet for heart disease can improve metabolism, reduce stress on the heart, and enhance the effects of medications.

Before the doctor prescribes any treatment table, the patient is fully examined. The stage of the disease, the condition of the intestines, as well as other ailments or disorders are revealed.

First of all, the patient must learn to eat fractionally and often, drink a minimum of liquid, and also exclude salt. Vitamins and potassium salts should be included in the diet for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Depending on the severity of the disease, patients are prescribed diets numbered 10, 10 A, 10 C, 10 I, as well as potassium, vegetable-fruit, hyposodium, etc.

Diet table number 10 is assigned:

  • with various heart defects;
  • with atherosclerosis;
  • after heart attacks;
  • with rheumatism.

Compliance with this diet will help restore blood circulation, metabolic processes, as well as improve liver and kidney function. The main principles of diet table number 10 include the following:

  1. The diet should be varied.
  2. The exclusion of vegetable fiber from it.
  3. The use of products that normalize fat metabolism.
  4. Fractional meals (5-6 times) in small portions.
  5. Mandatory use of products that contain alkaline compounds, vitamins, macro- and microelements.

A diet for cardiovascular diseases can be attributed to a complete diet. The main thing is that you can not eat foods that contain substances that stimulate the nervous system, such as strong teas, coffee or fatty broths. The daily calorie content is 2800 kcal. Food with a minimum salt content. It should be boiled, baked or steamed.

Allowed products for diseases of the heart and blood vessels

A fairly common question: "What can I eat with cardiovascular diseases?" The main products of nutritionists include the following:

  1. Bread made from wheat flour or bran (slightly dried), white or gray crackers, as well as a biscuit made from unbaked dough.
  2. Soups from vegetables, cereals or dairy with a minimum salt content.
  3. From meat it is better to choose rabbit, lean beef or veal. Poultry - turkey or chicken. From fish - bream, cod, pike perch or carp.
  4. Vegetables are eaten boiled, raw or baked.
  5. Cereal porridge.
  6. Macaroni as a side dish.
  7. Be sure to include fresh salads in the diet, as well as salads with seafood.
  8. You can eat cabbage and potatoes, but in very limited quantities.
  9. Dairy products.
  10. Chicken eggs, but no more than two pieces per day.
  11. Raw or processed fruits, dried fruits.
  12. Weakly brewed coffee with the addition of milk, weak tea, compotes, jelly or self-made juices.

Prohibited foods for cardiovascular diseases

There are a lot of contraindications for cardiovascular diseases. They are also found in food. For example, this applies to salinity, liquids and animal fats.

Prohibited foods for cardiovascular diseases include:

  • fatty meat broths;
  • fried foods;
  • salinity and conservation;
  • legumes;
  • liver;
  • sausages, smoked meats;
  • mushrooms;
  • sweet products;
  • confectionery and chocolate;
  • spicy food and condiments;
  • garlic;
  • radish;
  • sorrel;
  • strong coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • carbonated water.

Daily diet for diseases of the heart and blood vessels

The menu for cardiovascular diseases can be quite varied and satisfying. After a few days, the first improvements can be seen. And after a few weeks, the body will get used to proper nutrition.

If you stick to the therapeutic diet number 10, you can make such a menu for one day:

  1. Breakfast. Any milk porridge, a piece of bread with butter and tea with milk.
  2. Dinner. Vegetable soup, steamed chicken meatballs, boiled rice, baked apple, tea.
  3. afternoon tea. Milk omelette, apple and carrot salad, rosehip broth.
  4. Dinner. Cottage cheese or buckwheat casserole, any vegetable cutlets, jelly.
  5. Before going to bed, it is better to drink something from fermented milk products or juice.

Other diets for diseases of the heart and blood vessels

There are several more types of diets for diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  1. Diet 10 A. Used for problems with blood circulation. The daily number of calories is 2000. The consumption of liquids, fiber, fats, proteins and carbohydrates is minimized. The diet should include vegetable, fish or meat soups, fruit and vegetable purees, fermented milk products. It is worth excluding fatty, salty, smoked and fried foods, mushrooms.
  2. It is prescribed for hypertension with obvious edema. There is a complete rejection of salt and sodium. Food should be rich in potassium. The patient is prescribed
  3. Magnesium diet is prescribed for high blood pressure and cholesterol. It is a diuretic, fights various inflammations. Diet number 10 is taken as the basis, but with a greater predominance of foods containing magnesium.
  4. The hyposodium diet has a positive effect on the central nervous system, kidneys, and also stabilizes blood pressure. Here, the restrictions apply to salt, liquid, refined carbohydrates.
  5. The Kempner diet refers to potassium. It is necessary to sharply reduce the consumption of fats, proteins and sodium. It is allowed to eat unsalted rice porridge without milk - twice a day, drink 6 glasses of compote. But the duration of such a diet cannot exceed four days.

  1. Fish consumption. Fish oil has a positive effect on heart function.
  2. Inclusion in the diet of lean meat and poultry. It is better to use white meats.
  3. Mandatory consumption of fruits, vegetables, berries and cereals. They are rich in fiber.
  4. From dairy and sour-milk products, you need to choose only low-fat ones.
  5. Salt intake should be reduced.
  6. The diet should be filled with foods high in potassium.
  7. It is better to completely refuse flour and confectionery products.
  8. Avoid soft drinks.
  9. Fast food is strictly prohibited.
  10. As a salad dressing, unrefined sunflower oil is the best option.
  11. If you are overweight, you need to lose weight.
  12. It is worth getting rid of bad habits.
  13. Bowel control. If constipation occurs, increase the intake of foods rich in fiber.

Nutrition for various diseases of the heart and blood vessels

There are several types of cardiovascular diseases. Each of them requires a different approach:

Atherosclerosis. This chronic disease negatively affects the arteries. Cholesterol begins to accumulate in them and plaques form. They obstruct the flow of blood. This is facilitated by malnutrition, tobacco use, as well as high blood pressure. It is important to respond in time to all the negative manifestations of this disease, because every third heart attack ends in death.

Preventive measures include proper nutrition. If you follow a diet, you can stop the rapid development of the disease, because the vessels will remain clean and healthy.

With atherosclerosis, food can be varied. Fatty meat is replaced with poultry, fish or legumes. At one meal, the amount of these products should not exceed 100 g. Fast food, sausages and chips should be discarded. The same applies to the liver. Food is steamed or baked in the oven.

The main permitted products for atherosclerosis, doctors include:

  • dairy and dairy-free cereals;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • low-fat dairy and sour-milk products;
  • at least 400 g of vegetables and fruits per day;
  • fish and seafood;
  • dry fruits and nuts (almonds or walnuts);
  • green teas, compotes and natural juices.

With coronary heart disease, there is a severe decrease in blood flow to the heart. These include heart failure, heart attack, or angina pectoris.

The reason is the same atherosclerosis, so the diet will be aimed at its prevention. If the patient develops edema or shortness of breath, salt should be completely abandoned. The daily water intake is no more than 800 ml.

Eggplant caviar with vegetables

  • eggplant - 200 g;
  • medium head of onion;
  • puree from the pulp of one tomato;
  • a little sunflower oil;
  • greens;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. Wash vegetables.
  2. Bake eggplant in the oven, peel and chop.
  3. Finely chop the onion and lightly fry in oil, add tomato puree.
  4. Put the eggplant and simmer for half an hour.
  5. Before serving, add sugar and salt and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Vegetable borscht

Cooking Ingredients:

  • potatoes - 200 g;
  • cabbage - 150 g;
  • beets - 150 g;
  • medium head of onion
  • one small carrot;
  • a small parsley root;
  • the pulp of one tomato;
  • dill and parsley;
  • flour - 25 g;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • low-fat sour cream - 20 g;
  • liter of vegetable broth;
  • a teaspoon of sugar.


  1. Shred cabbage and put into boiling vegetable broth.
  2. Stew the grated beets and add to the cabbage.
  3. Cut the potatoes into cubes, dip into the broth, cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Saute chopped onions, parsley and carrots in butter. Add tomato puree, flour and leave on fire for another five minutes. Put in a saucepan.
  5. Season with sugar and leave to cook for another 10 minutes.
  6. It can be served at the table, and sour cream with herbs is used as a dressing.

Milk strawberry soup

Cooking Ingredients:

  • half a liter of milk;
  • strawberries - 150 g;
  • 20 g of sugar;
  • yolk of one egg;
  • potato starch - 15 g.

Cooking process:

  1. The yolk must be mixed with starch and sugar.
  2. Add 25 ml of milk to the mixture.
  3. Boil the rest of the milk and slowly pour into the egg mixture. Mix everything and pass through a sieve.
  4. Mash half of the berries into a puree and mix with the milk mixture. The rest will be needed for decoration, they are laid out on top of the dish before serving.

Carrot soup

Cooking Ingredients:

  • half a liter of milk;
  • half a kilo of carrots;
  • 100 g semolina;
  • one chicken egg;
  • 25 g butter;
  • liter of water;
  • a spoonful of sugar.


  1. Carrots need to be boiled, peeled and chopped on a fine grater.
  2. Bring water to a boil and slowly add semolina. Be sure to stir so that no lumps form. Cook cereals for no more than 10 minutes.
  3. Add carrots with sugar to the porridge, wait for the boil again.
  4. Beat the egg with milk and pour into the resulting puree soup.
  5. Divide between bowls and add oil before serving.

Cauliflower with sauce

Cooking Ingredients:

  • half a kilo of cauliflower;
  • 20 g breadcrumbs;
  • 25 g butter.


  1. Rinse the cauliflower well and cut into florets.
  2. Boil vegetables in salted water for a few minutes.
  3. Melt the butter in a water bath and add the croutons.
  4. Before serving, pour over the resulting mixture of cabbage.

As you can see, the diet for cardiovascular diseases can be quite diverse.

The diet for cardiovascular diseases should be different from the diet of healthy people. Proper nutrition in diseases of the heart and blood vessels is designed to enhance the effect of medications prescribed by a cardiologist and increase their effectiveness. What foods are harmful to the heart, and which, on the contrary, are useful, and what diet should be followed for heart disease, you will learn on this page.

The main requirements for nutrition in diseases of the vessels and heart are aimed at reducing the calorie content of food (with excess body weight), limiting animal fats, and preferring poultry, fish and seafood. It is also important to increase the consumption of low-fat dairy and sour-milk products; foods high in potassium and magnesium (dried apricots, beans, nuts, bran bread, etc.); products containing omega-3 fatty acids (mackerel, salmon, trout, salmon, etc.).

For cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to consume at least 400 g of vegetables and fruits per day. Food is best cooked, steamed and baked.

What foods are bad for the heart and blood vessels

Foods harmful to the heart are salt, spicy dishes, seasonings, sauces, pickles, marinades. It is necessary to limit the total amount of free fluid to 1.5 liters. Fatty meat and meat products are also harmful products for the sos and heart.

People with heart disease should avoid:

  • fried and smoked;
  • butter (replace with olive, vegetable);
  • fatty dairy products (sour cream, cream, fatty cottage cheese);
  • eggs (no more than 1-2 pieces per week);
  • sugar, sweets, confectionery;
  • salt up to 5 g per day;
  • sugary soft drinks due to their high calorie content.

Mediterranean diet for diseases of the heart and blood vessels

The best diet for heart disease is "Mediterranean": Long-term studies have shown that residents of 18 Mediterranean countries have a lower incidence of CVD, they are less likely to suffer from diabetes and cancer. Scientists believe that the reason for this is the cuisine that has developed here for a long time, based on the use of cereals, fish and seafood, vegetables, fruits and olive oil with moderate (1-2 glasses per day) consumption of dry red wine.

Rather, it is a food system that describes the type of food consumed on the coast, culinary traditions.

The basis of this diet for the heart and blood vessels includes 500 grams of vegetables (including legumes and legumes), fruits, cereals, nuts, a few tablespoons a day. Fish and seafood are consumed almost daily, dairy products are consumed less often - 3-4 times a week. Meat, including chicken, 1-2 times a week. The Mediterranean diet is not designed specifically for weight loss, it is not rigid. At the same time, it makes it possible to choose healthy foods that do not contain animal fats, simple, easily digestible sugars, which our daily menu is so rich in.

Following a diet with a sick heart, the intake of carbohydrates is provided by grains, as well as legumes. Foods in this group are rich in vitamins and minerals. Mediterranean cuisine contains all the simple carbohydrates necessary for the body: insoluble fiber - cellulose (from fruits and vegetables) and vegetable gluten (from cereals, algae and brown rice). An integral part of the Mediterranean diet is pasta made from durum wheat. Such pasta is not only low in calories, but also rich in complex carbohydrates, which ensures a stable blood glucose level. Dishes with a high content of carbohydrates must be seasoned with garlic, onions, fragrant herbs that slow down cell aging.

The Mediterranean diet is thus an ideal alternative to many modern diets and is such a rare combination of good and bad.

According to numerous studies, adherence to the Mediterranean cuisine leads to a significant reduction in overall mortality and mortality from cardiovascular diseases, as well as a decrease in the risk of arterial hypertension by 26%, heart attacks in people with a combination of hypertension and obesity - by 35%. In patients with coronary heart disease, following such a diet leads to a 40% reduction in the risk of myocardial infarction. Obviously, Mediterranean cuisine also helps to reduce "bad" blood cholesterol.

Nutrition is a very important part of our life, and the desire to eat well is not a human weakness. On the contrary, food should be tasty, varied, appetizing, and satisfying. In addition, she must be healthy! Many delicious and nutritious meals can be prepared according to healthy eating habits. And then you will get not only pleasure, but also keep your health.

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