Leg injury: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Simple treatment for a bruised foot at home

The most common injury is a bruised foot. This pathology is characterized by damage to the soft tissues around the bones, without a serious violation of their functions and structure. It is quite easy to get such an injury: it is enough to get a weak blow, fall or drop something on your leg and you can get bruised.

When a bruise occurs, as a rule, damage occurs to the superficial blood and lymphatic vessels passing in the foot. In addition, muscles, ligaments or tendons can be affected. Due to the fact that the human foot is one of the most functional structures in terms of movement, it is this part of the body that is most susceptible to injury. The most common causes of soft tissue injury include:

  • Hitting the foot with a hard object;
  • Impact on a hard surface;
  • Prolonged squeezing;
  • Fall and bad landing on the foot.

Children are a special risk group: leading an active lifestyle, young people are most often faced with provoking factors. Such an injury is classified depending on where the impact occurred:

  1. Injury of the toes. This injury also occurs against the background of ordinary causes;
  2. Injury to the tissues of the dorsal side and sole of the foot.


Signs of this injury are typical for others:

  • The appearance of pain in the damaged area. It occurs at the moment of injury and persists for a short time. Trying to move, the victim may complain that the patient is stepping on him. If you try to palpate the bruised surface, then the sensation of pain will intensify. The pain also intensifies against the background of pathological reflex muscle contraction;
  • Edema formation. This symptom appears a few minutes after a blow to the foot. The skin at the site of injury becomes blue. In addition, edema has a destructive effect: increasing in volume, the swelling compresses neighboring areas, causing a destructive effect;
  • Bruises of the foot are accompanied by a violation of the structure of the vessels: a bruise is formed. The volume of the hematoma depends on the degree of vascular damage;
  • The injury site heats up rapidly. This is due to the strong blood flow to the site of impact;
  • Restrictions in motor function;
  • By damaging the passing nerve fibers, the victim may experience numbness of part or the whole foot.

How to distinguish a fracture from a bruised foot

With a fracture and bruising of the foot, there are both common and distinctive signs. Common manifestations include:

  1. The appearance of pain at the time of injury;
  2. The formation of edema at the site of injury;
  3. The presence of hemorrhages.

Distinctive features of these injuries:

  • With a fracture, an external deformation of the bone is observed: it may be in an unnatural position for it. When bruised, the bones remain in place;
  • With a fracture, there is a crunch sound directly during the violation of the integrity of the bone. The bruise is not accompanied by sounds;
  • The fracture is followed by bony crepitus. This is especially heard during palpation of the affected tissues;
  • It is especially easy to distinguish if the fracture is open. In this case, there is a gross violation of the skin, with visible bone fragments and severe bleeding. A bruise is a closed soft tissue injury.

It is important to remember that a closed incomplete fracture of a bone can resemble a sprain. With poor symptoms, it is difficult to find out whether it is a fracture or a bruise.

First aid

Timely implementation of a number of measures for foot injury helps to alleviate the current clinical picture and in the future will provide short-term rehabilitation. First aid actions include:

  1. Call an ambulance;
  2. Give the victim peace. The injured limb must be placed in a position in which the person will feel the least pain;
  3. Ice wrapped in a cloth should be applied to the injury site. If the bruise occurred at home and there is no ice, apply a bottle of cold water, a piece of frozen meat or frozen vegetables to the leg. The action of cold temperature relieves pain and stops the development of edema;
  4. If the child has hurt his foot, and in children the threshold of pain sensitivity is lower, he should be given an anesthetic tablet;
  5. The foot must be fixed. An elastic band is suitable for this. It must be remembered that the fabric must not be overtightened. Such fixation will reduce the degree of development of edema;
  6. In order for the inflammatory fluid not to accumulate at the site of the bruise, it is necessary to give the leg an elevated position above the heart.

Despite the distinctive differences between a bruise and a fracture, it is important to diagnose the affected foot. A closed fracture may hide under the shadow of a severe bruise. In a hospital setting, the doctor will prescribe an examination, conduct a differential diagnosis, make a diagnosis and prescribe specific therapy.

Swollen foot: what to do

If the foot is actively swollen, this is normal and should not be frightened. The development of edema accompanies any injury. However, such a phenomenon can cause discomfort and partially disrupt the structure of neighboring tissues. For the first few hours to remove the tumor, the following actions should be taken:

  • Apply ice for 10-15 minutes;
  • Wrap a tight bandage around the foot.

In the future, the swelling of the foot can be removed with the help of ointments and compresses. The next day, you can use warming compresses and products such as Fastum-gel or Finalgon. They also relieve pain.

Treatment at home

The use of the following folk remedies is effective:

  1. Mixing aloe and river sand. Proportions: 100 and 200 grams respectively. The substance is insisted during the day. It is necessary to smear 2-3 times a day;
  2. Vinegar. Two tablespoons of the liquid are mixed with one liter of water. In the resulting solution, the fabric is moistened and applied to the bruise;
  3. Warming and warming compresses from water, vodka and salt;
  4. Gently massage is recommended at home.

How long does it heal

The duration of the complete recovery of the injury depends on the location of the lesion, the type of injury and the extent of soft tissue damage. On average, a bruise heals in 2 weeks. With proper treatment - for a week.

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When soft tissues are damaged, but the integrity of the skin is not broken, a leg bruise occurs. Its appearance is always accompanied by rather acute pain and the formation of edema. In some cases, the bone is affected, a hematoma develops. First of all, you should stop the hemorrhage into the soft tissues as soon as possible with a cold compress, and start treating the injury the next day.

It is precisely because a leg injury does not lead to violations of the integrity of the skin, but causes severe pain, that it is often confused with more severe consequences. If the pain is not too much, you can sit or lie down for several hours, be sure to apply an ice compress to the bruised area, and this will be enough. But sometimes the pain is so strong that it is simply impossible to move. In such situations, you should immediately consult a doctor, since it is not possible to determine whether this is a fracture or without the help of an experienced specialist.

Within a couple of hours after the leg injury occurred, swelling occurs and edema forms. This is a completely normal reaction of tissues to such an impact. If the blow is strong enough, rupture of small vessels can occur, blood pooling under the skin and the formation of a hematoma. By its color (blooming brightness), experts quickly determine the duration of the injury. Often accompanied by small violations of the skin in the form of abrasions and scratches, which should be immediately washed and treated so as not to bring the infection inside. When on the leg, blood accumulates under the nail plate, which can subsequently lead to its exfoliation.

In no case should you stretch, knead, heat or rub a bruised leg. What to do when it appears? To begin with, provide the injured limb with complete rest, sit down or lie down, but do not stay on your feet and, moreover, do not continue to move. Cold will help reduce pain and prevent the formation of severe edema. Soak a towel in ice water, or better, wrap a piece of ice in a cloth and attach it to the bruised area. In order not to overdo it and not get frostbite in addition to the bruise, remove the ice compress from time to time, and then apply it again. A tight fixing bandage may be needed if there is a serious sprain. You can additionally take an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. In the event of severe pain, the victim must be immediately taken to the traumatology.

After a day or two, start taking warm baths and sign up for UHF. Such actions contribute to more rapid resorption of the hematoma. If there is a strong enough, a massage course will be useful. In the case of using pharmaceutical preparations, we stop our choice on NSAID ointments and gels. These include ketoprofen and ibuprofen, as well as some of their analogues, which are applied directly to a bruised foot.

What to do if there are open wounds and abrasions on the surface of the skin? Be sure to treat them with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, and then apply an anti-inflammatory ointment. In case of injuries, no less effective means of traditional medicine are successfully used. To get started, make the next plantain and take calendula in equal proportions (one tablespoon each) and pour boiling water (250 ml). Let it brew, take out all the vegetable cake, spread it on a clean cloth and apply it to the bruise. Fix with a bandage for several hours. A severe leg injury requires four to five such procedures.

For a complete cure, you will need an alcohol tincture based on walnut leaves, celandine and calendula. Rub your leg during the day at least five times, and apply a compress from this remedy at night. After three days the problem will disappear.

If the limb is swollen after a leg injury, what to do, the doctor or traditional healer will tell you. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to prevent this kind of injury, so you need to know how to recognize it. So, what to do with a leg injury?

First aid for leg injury

Every person passing by should be able to provide first aid to the victim in a similar situation. These actions will prevent the development of unpleasant consequences and significantly reduce pain.

The severity of the victim can be determined by his behavior. Bruises can be:

  • strong - the person begins to limp, the swelling is pronounced, the foot moves with difficulty;
  • moderate - pain is felt, a bruise or hematoma may appear;
  • weak - the symptoms are mild.

Reducing pain and swelling

It is not difficult to treat a bruise of any degree. First aid for a leg injury should include a simple action. Before treating the consequences of an injury, something cold should be applied to the damaged area. Ideally, this is ice wrapped in cloth. It is used in all cases of bruising, for example, if you need to remove a bruise from the face or other part of the body. You need to keep such a compress for about 5 minutes, then it is recommended to take a break and apply a pressure bandage. It is needed in order to significantly reduce pain and discomfort when walking. It can also prevent the appearance of a tumor, so it is recommended to do it as early as possible. After applying the bandage, it is required to lay the patient down, and in such a way that the leg is located above the level of the heart. This is necessary in order to reduce the outflow of blood to the bruised area, which will prevent the appearance of a hematoma on the leg.


If there is damage on the skin, a severe bruise of the leg is noted, disinfecting therapy must necessarily occur. It is necessary to treat the bruised place with brilliant green, iodine, hydrogen peroxide or any other disinfectant. For example, iodine has the ability to reduce the inflammatory process, is able to relieve swelling, and can be used without open wounds. Therefore, in any case, it is recommended to make an iodine mesh in the bruised area.

Injury pain medications

If a person is not sure that the integrity of the bone has not been violated, it is recommended to immediately contact the emergency room for specialist advice and an X-ray examination. Only a doctor can say for sure whether there is no leg fracture or not, and advise how to remove the tumor.

With severe pain that does not go away for a long time, you can use special creams with novocaine (Troxevasin, Heparin ointment, Lyoton gel) or an analgesic. In some cases, physical therapy may be required. But before that, the injured person must consult a doctor so that he excludes a fracture and bruising of the bone. If you ignore the symptoms, try to endure them, you can wait for complications to appear. In this case, the injury can lead to serious consequences.

Folk remedies to relieve swelling

For a minor foot injury, home treatment may include several common methods to help the injury heal quickly. Antique remedies can significantly speed up the healing process, relieve pain, cope with swelling, swelling and hematoma. The most effective of them are:

  1. Compress with a bruise from chamomile and plantain. Mix 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour 100 g of vodka. Infuse the mixture for several hours in a cool dark place. It is not necessary to filter, you can apply applications and so on. It is enough to soak the gauze in the resulting tincture and place it on the bruised area for 30 minutes (it is advisable to fix the compress).
  2. Baths with plantain. 3 art. l. dry herbs pour 300 ml of water and heat over low heat. After 10 minutes, the broth can be removed, let it cool, strain and carry out foot baths. To do this, pour 200 ml of water and the resulting broth into a basin. Keep the bruised leg in the container for about 20 minutes. Swelling and swelling from the leg will go away.
  3. Compress with onions. Grate a small onion on a fine grater, put on the bruised area, hold for about 30 minutes, then remove. Onion juice has a significant, many effect, in particular, it copes well with inflammation.
  4. Aloe leaves. You can apply them to the affected area in their pure form, since this plant has antiseptic and healing properties.
  5. Complex compress with herbs. To prepare a decoction for application, you need 2-3 tbsp. l. Pour wormwood with water and heat for 10 minutes over low heat. Add aloe juice to the cooled broth in a ratio of 1: 2. Apply a compress to the bruised area, fix with a bandage and leave overnight. You can take it off in the morning, the puffiness will go away.

Oil massage will also help to quickly eliminate the bruise of the soft tissues of the leg. For him, you need to take fir oil (in its absence, absolutely any is suitable), rub it into the bruised place with massage movements. Next, put a gauze bandage on this part for the night. In the morning it will be possible to move the injured leg without pain.

There are also folk remedies that can be taken orally to cure a bruised leg at home. In particular, this applies to arnica tincture. You need to drink it twice a day for 30-40 drops. This remedy accelerates the healing process as a result of activation of the regenerative functions of the body, and will help remove the tumor.

Particularly relevant is the question of what to do with a severe injury to the child’s leg, especially if you are away from home at this time, for example, in nature. It is necessary to mix in equal proportions vegetable oil, vinegar and water (necessarily boiled). Moisten a rag in the resulting mixture and apply it to the bruised place, securing it with something (another rag or cellophane). A bruised leg in a child is a common phenomenon, so you need to be prepared for this, although children endure such an injury much more easily than adults.

How to avoid complications

It is not enough just to use medical or folk remedies for a bruised leg. You need to remember that she needs rest. Therefore, you should know the precautionary measures, the observance of which will prevent the occurrence of complications. These include the following:

  • it is not recommended to be too zealous with ice compresses (they can not only prevent the leg from swelling, but also cause hypothermia of the skin);
  • the pressure bandage should be such that the blood flow to the damaged area is reduced, but not completely stopped;
  • if the pain does not go away, you should definitely consult a doctor.

It must be remembered that it is not always possible to treat a leg injury on your own. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The modern rhythm of life has led to the fact that people have ceased to engage in physical self-development, in particular, maintaining the flexibility of the foot. That is why injury can also occur with minor injuries, for example, in the event of a fall from a small height or a blow to a blunt object. But each person can independently determine how serious the damage was.

Injury symptoms:

  • pain (necessarily strong);
  • hematoma (caused by the destruction of blood vessels in the area of ​​the damaged area);
  • swelling, swelling of the leg after a bruise.

In addition, motor function becomes limited. It is not only painful for a person to step on an injured leg, but even to move it.

The main symptom is pain that occurs immediately after the impact, but a person can feel it after the shock from the injury has passed. It subsides gradually, with time it completely disappears, but on condition that there was no fracture. After the pain, a bruise gradually appears, although if the blow was too strong, a hematoma may occur instantly. Swelling of the leg is considered the so-called side effect, a consequence of injury. It can increase during the first days after the impact. Cold compresses will help prevent this process.

If immediately after the injury was received, it was not possible to exclude the appearance of a hematoma, then over time it will pass by itself (at first the bruise has a red tint, then purple, after 4 days it is blue, a yellowish color is considered a sign of healing).

It is important to know that if the pain from a bruise intensifies, the temperature rises to 39 ° C, the condition worsens and a contusion appears, then you should immediately consult a doctor. If a leg injury occurs, only a specialist will tell you what to do.

A bruised leg is a very unpleasant injury. When it is received, soft tissues are damaged, but without changing the structure. Seek medical attention if you have a bruise so severe that you cannot walk. Most often this happens with injuries to the feet, knees and toes. In other cases, you can cope with the consequences of damage at home. The main thing is to properly provide first aid to the victim.

It's very easy to get a leg injury. With such an injury, you can observe:

  • severe pain at the site of injury, which prevents movement or reduces the range of motion;
  • swelling of the damaged area;
  • hematomas and hemarthrosis - accumulation of blood at the site of injury.

Signs of a bruise in all people manifest themselves in different ways. For example, someone cannot walk, but at the same time he does not form a hematoma. And in others, with severe bruises, the temperature rises.

Immediately after injury, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim:

If the pain has ceased to bother, and the swelling has not increased, you can continue treatment at home. If the situation worsens, it is necessary to consult a doctor to establish the severity of the injury and make sure that it is really a bruise, and not a fracture.

The doctor will determine what you need- surgical or conservative treatment. Surgery is necessary in the following cases:

  • suppuration of the bruise;
  • damage to nerve endings;
  • hemorrhage inside the joints;
  • rupture of ligaments due to injury.

If surgery is not needed, the doctor will allow you to be treated at home. He will prescribe you some medicines and advise you on certain folk remedies that will be an addition to the main treatment.

  • various painkillers (analgin, ibuprofen and nurofen);
  • various ointments;
  • compresses with drugs (heparin, dimexide and traumeel).

Ointments for leg injuries:

  • levomekol;
  • dolobene;
  • indovazin;
  • lyoton;

These remedies will help you get rid of discomfort and relieve swelling.

Treatment at home

At home, it is necessary to ensure rest for the injured leg, not to give an extra load. First of all, the treatment is aimed at relieving swelling, pain and reducing hematomas.

Foot injury

With a foot injury to remove a hematoma you can make the next one with salt and herbs.

  1. Take a teaspoon of salt, bay leaf and chamomile.
  2. Dissolve salt in water.
  3. Add chamomile and bay leaf to this solution, mix.
  4. Before going to bed, it is necessary to moisten a towel with this solution and tie it to the foot for the night.

There is another folk way that allows you to quickly get rid of the consequences of a bruised foot: apply a thick layer of wormwood juice to the injury site. Such a compress quickly disinfects and heals wounds, relieves pain, stops bleeding caused by injuries. To obtain juice, fresh wormwood must be very finely chopped with a knife or crushed until juice is obtained.

Shin bruise

Despite the fact that this injury is very unpleasant, it is very easy to diagnose and quickly passes - it is enough to save your leg from additional stress.

However, if the pain and swelling do not subside, a doctor's consultation is necessary, since a frequent injury to the lower leg is a fracture of the fibula, which has the same symptoms as a bruised leg.

Treatment for a bruised toe

At home, such an injury is very easy to cure. Immediately after the injury, something cold should be applied to the finger. Then you can proceed to the next steps.

knee injury

The principles of treatment for a bruised knee are the same as for the treatment of other parts of the leg. However, there is one folk remedy that will help cure this injury much faster. For treatment, do the following procedures:

  • on a leaf of white cabbage, make several cuts so that the juice goes;
  • tie a notched cabbage leaf to your injured knee;
  • change the compress every hour.

A compress with wormwood also helps well: a tablespoon of dry chopped wormwood should be mixed with a tablespoon of petroleum jelly, heated over low heat in the oven for 3-4 hours. The resulting ointment must be rubbed into the knee three times a day.

Bruised hip

Cottage cheese, onion juice or chopped onion can be applied to the site of injury for an hour up to 3-5 times a day.

In no case should you move your leg immediately after a bruise - this can only aggravate the situation. On the day of the injury, it is necessary to treat the wound and leave the injured leg at rest.

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Hematoma - a limited accumulation of blood, hemorrhage, which is formed when exposed to a traumatic factor.

Hematoma on the leg is formed when falling, twisting the legs, bruises, blows inflicted by a blunt heavy object.

Depending on the cause of the injury and the type of hematoma, treatment is carried out. Timely treatment helps to avoid complications.

In this article, you will learn how to treat a hematoma on the leg after a bruise.

Symptoms and classification

By localization, hematomas of the thigh, lower leg, foot, hemarthrosis of the knee and ankle joints are distinguished. According to the depth of the hematoma, they are divided into:

  • Subcutaneous;
  • soft tissues;
  • Intra-articular - hemarthrosis.

subcutaneous hematoma on the leg looks like a normal bruise. It usually occurs after an injury.

Initially, there is pain, swelling, redness (hyperemia) of the bruised area, then "cyanosis" of the bruised area.

After a few days, the swelling of the soft tissues becomes less, the “bruise” acquires a greenish tint (people say “blossoms”).

soft tissue hematoma can be formed when the particles of muscle fibers are torn. With a small injury, the blood permeates the soft tissues. On palpation (palpation) of the damaged area, soft tissue compaction will be observed.

When a significant area of ​​muscle tissue is ruptured, the ends of the torn muscle contract, a muscle defect is formed, which, on palpation, is felt as a void. Blood from ruptured vessels rushes into the formed defect. A hematoma forms. It is limited. On palpation, fluid movement (fluctuation) is felt.

With intraarticular hematoma(joint hemarthrosis) hemorrhage occurs in the joint cavity. The joint looks edematous, its contours are smoothed out. The joint becomes hot to the touch.

On palpation of the joint, a "float symptom" is determined - when pressing on the patella (a bone located above the patella), it drops, and when the hand is released, it "floats".

First aid for trauma

Seeking medical attention is a must. It is necessary in order to exclude a more serious pathology, for example, a fracture of the bones of the lower limb.

First aid should be provided as early as possible, even before the doctor arrives. It is necessary to create rest for the injured limb. To do this, lay the victim on a flat, hard surface.

The affected limb must be given an elevated position(put a roller, pillow or any other improvised means under it).

Then, an ice pack should be applied to the site of injury.

For this purpose, an ordinary plastic bottle of water, which has lain in the refrigerator for some time, is suitable.

Keep the cold for 15-30 minutes, then take a break for 1 hour, then you can apply the cold again. Cold with hematomas can be applied within 3 days after injury.

Treatment of a hematoma on the leg after a bruise

In the treatment, you can use traditional medicine and folk methods. Combine general and local treatment.

General treatment includes taking painkillers, vitamin therapy. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is especially indicated to strengthen the vascular wall, reduce capillary fragility.


Local treatment: rest of the affected limb, applying cold to the site of the hematoma during the first 3 days after the injury, fixing bandages.

Then, if necessary, add warming compresses, iodine mesh, physiotherapy treatments, ointments.

Fixing bandages are used when walking in order to relieve the damaged area as much as possible. To do this, use elastic bandages.

A good effect is given by compresses with dimexide, which reduce swelling, pain, and promote resorption of the hematoma.

It is necessary to apply dimexide diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. With good tolerance (no redness, no burning sensation at the site of contact with the skin), dimexide can be used at a dilution of 1:2.

If the hematoma does not go away, consult a doctor to correct the treatment regimen.

Physiotherapy treatment:

  • Ultrasound;
  • electrophoresis;
  • Magnetotherapy.

With the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, surgical methods of treatment are used.

Ointments for bruises and hematomas on the leg

How to treat a severe leg injury with a hematoma? Apply ointments containing heparin: trombless, gel lioton, heparin ointment. They contribute to the resorption of hematomas.

It is advisable to use ointments that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation: troxevasin, troxerutin.

Anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effects for bruises have ointments: fastum-gel, ketonal, diclofenac, nimesil, voltaren emulgel, nurofen gel.

Balms Dikul, "Rescuer" created on the basis of unique recipes, have a multi-component composition, a wide range of therapeutic effects. These ointments are well suited for bruises and bruises on the leg.

Folk methods of treatment

A leaf of burdock, white cabbage, plantain can be applied to the site of the hematoma. For this purpose, freshly picked large leaves are used.

On the leaf of the plant, small notches are first made, applied to the site of the bruise, and then fixed with a bandage. After use, the sheet is thrown away, reuse is ineffective.

A good effect gives a compress with bodyaga. It is prepared in dilution with water in a ratio of 1:2. When using such a compress, the bruise quickly resolves.

This tool is also used for cosmetic purposes (for the rapid resorption of "bruises").

For the treatment of hematomas, semi-alcohol compresses using lilac flowers are also used.

Baths with saline solutions at room temperature reduce swelling, swelling. They can be applied several times a day for 15-30 minutes.

A good effect is the use of "honey cakes". Honey melted in a water bath is applied in the form of a cake on gauze or a tissue napkin and applied to the area of ​​injury.

Now you know how to treat a hematoma on the leg, but if the injury is serious, surgical treatment is possible.

Surgical treatments

With large hematoma sizes, conservative treatment is ineffective; surgical methods of treatment are resorted to.

Puncture removes the contents of the hematoma by puncture with a puncture needle and "suction" it with a syringe.

With intra-articular accumulation of fluid in the knee joint (hemarthrosis), about 60 ml of blood can be removed in this way.

If hemarthrosis of the knee joint is caused by an intra-articular fracture of the bones that make up the knee joint, surgical treatment is performed - patella suture, osteosynthesis (connection of bone fragments) using a metal structure.

After surgery or joint puncture, a plaster splint is applied to create immobility (immobilization of the joint). If necessary, after a few days, a repeated puncture of the joint is performed.

With soft tissue hematomas, it is possible to remove by puncture, as well as by incision and washing the wound from blood clots.

With significant damage to muscle tissue, tendons (for example, a complete rupture of the Achilles tendon along the posterior surface of the ankle joint), an operation (tendon suture) is performed to restore the anatomical integrity of the tendon or muscle. During the operation, the hematoma on the leg is removed.

If the cause of the formation was damage to large vessels, then during the operation the bleeding is stopped by applying special (ligature) sutures to the vessels.

After the operation is completed, a drain is inserted into the wound to ensure the outflow of blood.. This prevents the blood from pooling again.

Hematoma without external cause

Hematomas of the legs can form for no apparent reason - without injury or with a slight bruise. This is possible with various diseases of the blood and blood vessels.

With hemophilia, with minor bruises, hemarthrosis of the joints, soft tissue hematomas appear. This is due to a violation of the blood clotting process.

Soft tissue hematomas can also form due to varicose veins and increased vascular fragility due to various reasons (age-related changes, diabetes mellitus, vasculitis - inflammatory vascular disease).

For treatment, timely detection and treatment of the underlying disease is necessary.. Therefore, when a patient complains of a bruise for no apparent reason, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination and refer to the appropriate specialist.

Possible consequences of improper treatment

With the wrong treatment tactics, suppuration is possible. This happens if the hematoma is not opened in a timely manner. Blood coagulation occurs with the formation of clots, the addition of a secondary infection and suppuration.

There is an increase in temperature, redness of the skin over the area of ​​injury, arching pains join.

In this case, it is necessary to open the abscess, wash and apply a bandage with an antiseptic. In the future, dressings and antibiotic therapy will be required.

If rest is not observed, for example, after a puncture of the joint, repeated accumulation of blood in the joint is possible(hemarthrosis). For its treatment, it is necessary to re-puncture the joint.

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