Ministry of health of the Kirov region. How to relieve a heart attack at home

A number of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, aggravated by a paroxysmal condition, can be expressed by several diagnoses at once. A person predisposed to VVD diseases and experiencing, periodically, various neurological crises, can learn about such a turning point as a heart attack firsthand.

A special risk group for this factor is people who are prone to heart pain of unknown etiology, as well as: tachycardia, arrhythmic heart failure, angina pectoris.

For a relatively healthy person, who only occasionally encounters mild signs of discomfort in the sternum, sometimes a moderate degree of nervous shock or overwork is enough to lose consciousness in a severe attack.

The reasons

The heart attack itself proceeds with a fairly extensive symptomatology and does not always mean an instant reaction in the form of fainting, or a sharp, piercing pain. In time, the duration of an attack can take more than half an hour and this condition will be characterized by obsessive crowding, or shortness of breath, tachycardia, and jumps in blood pressure.

The causes of a heart attack in children and adults are always a cessation of the blood supply to the heart muscle. Physiological and neurological conditions, as well as various life situations, can contribute to this.

Explicit symptoms in cases with problems of the cardiovascular system, the phenomenon is extremely ambiguous. It can be manifested by a feeling of discomfort in the sternum or a mixed feeling of anxiety, concern. Or it may not reveal itself to anything for many years. Sad statistics list the facts when an outwardly healthy person of not advanced age suddenly died suddenly, struck down by a one-minute attack. And there are millions of examples of elderly "cores" living a long life with experience who have suffered any type of heart attack.

If the patient manages to feel and correctly recognize the early symptoms of a heart attack, then he usually has enough time to contact his doctor.

These symptoms are usually:

  • Lack of oxygen, the state of "fish on the shore" that occurs without any reason, at rest;
  • Pressure in sternum, sometimes shifting, shooting with pain in jaw, left arm and scapula;
  • Vestibular disturbance, staggering, disorientation;
  • Sudden feeling of fatigue, a desire to lie down, close your eyes;
  • in the evening;
  • A feeling of anxiety, fear of death that haunts the patient;
  • Increased sweating, accompanied by;
  • Loss of consciousness. Even a single event must necessarily be the reason for calling an ambulance;
  • Mild but long lasting nausea.

It is important to remember that the symptoms of a heart attack do not occur in isolation. For reliable certainty, at least three symptoms from the upper list are required, expressed more or less clearly.

This does not mean that a visit to the doctor should be postponed because the patient has not fully decided what is considered a symptom, and what is a state of general physical fatigue. Any concern regarding health should be expressed to a specialist and properly investigated.

In addition to the above signs, there are those that already speak directly about the approach of a heart attack:

  • Peculiar, resembling heartburn, baking pain in the upper abdomen;
  • Strong nocturnal snoring, sometimes ending in a fit of coughing;
  • Very often, osteochondrosis is taken as a prerequisite for a heart attack, so it is dangerous to self-medicate, mistaking one disease for another. A cardiologist will help determine the exact diagnosis.

First aid

First aid for a heart attack should be, first of all, urgent, since an acute condition can turn out to be a myocardial infarction:

  • The patient should not be disturbed by unnecessary questions - it is good if he has the strength to give his name and age and maintain a clear mind. It must be leaned against the wall in a half-sitting position, or laid down if it is in a faint. If a person is wearing restrictive clothing, all pressing, breath-breaking elements must be unfastened and removed;
  • This is followed by an immediate pulse measurement;
  • If the patient is prone to hypertension, a nitroglycerin tablet will help - it should be given as soon as it becomes obvious that the pressure is not lowered. In the absence of peptic ulcer, immediately after nitroglycerin, aspirin is given. It thins the blood and prevents the formation of thrombotic clots;
  • The next call to the ambulance station should begin with the words: “Heart attack!”, At the same time, the age of the patient and the address (or exact landmarks) of the place where the patient is located are quickly called;
  • If the patient complains of weakness, "brokenness", it is necessary to fix his position in such a way that the head is below the level of the legs;
  • When it happens at home, it is good to use a mustard plaster placed on the sternum. It will provoke blood flow;

It will be good if there is always someone next to the patient who will control his pulse. You can not miss the moment of disappearance of arterial pulsation, so as not to be late with the start of resuscitation.


After transporting the patient to a cardiology center or local emergency hospital, an emergency examination is carried out for the etiology of the attack. An important role in the urgent diagnosis of an attack is played by the procedure of cardiac catheterization. Through a special catheter, a pigment substance is added to the blood, penetrating through the bloodstream into the arteries and venous branches. By the way the dye is distributed, the patency of the vessels and the work of the heart muscle are studied. Directly, the surgical plastic itself is indicated if it is found.

The unblocking of the artery occurs with the help of the same catheter, which is advanced along the artery up to the slagged area. Having reached the obstruction, the catheter tip expands, stretching the vessel and resuming blood circulation. After this procedure, the patency of the artery is sometimes fixed with a flexible prosthesis, a stent.

Installing a prosthesis is one of the most effective ways to treat artery obstruction. The only condition for the recovery of the patient, with a well-performed procedure, is its timeliness. To obtain the expected result, this period should not exceed forty-eight hours.

The next operational method of admitting blood to the heart muscle is - that is, the use of an additional path for blood circulation, bypassing the slagged area. Shunts are healthy vessels of the patient.

However, not in all cases, a heart attack is carried out through a surgical method of treatment. When a person is admitted to the hospital, there is a high percentage of probability that his disease has not yet reached that critical point at which prosthetics or shunts become a means of emergency. The same options have to be used in the absence of the possibility of conducting an operation, for example, far from regional centers.

Drug treatment for heart attacks is divided into several areas:

  • The introduction of thrombolytics, contributing to the softening of blood clots;
  • The use of beta-blockers, which reduce the heart rate;
  • The use of anticoagulants that prevent rapid;
  • Nitrates, which reduce cardiac stress.


A complete return to a full life after a heart attack is the main and main goal of the rehabilitation period that accompanies the entire treatment process. Cardiorehabilitation implies therapeutic, physiotherapeutic, as well as psycho-psychological measures to restore a person's all functions preceding an attack.

  • Immediately after the permission of the supervising doctor, the patient will be allowed to exercise according to his condition and the severity of the attack.
  • Usually, the primary exercises allowed to the patient include an independent attempt to sit on the bed and perform the simplest actions - lowering, raising, spreading legs at the knees;
  • A week later, the patient will already be allowed to walk along the bed, holding on to the support;
  • After another 5-7 days, the walk will increase to the distance of the perimeter of the ward.
  • Every day, the distance traveled will need to be increased under the supervision of a nurse, who periodically notes blood pressure and pulse rates.
  • A great help in rehabilitation activities is provided by the work of a psychologist, who supports the patient in each of his new achievements, inspires him to move forward dynamically, without periods of downtime.


Elementary rules of prevention to prevent the development of a heart attack:

  • Indicators: BP, blood cholesterol - should never be overlooked;
  • Habits such as smoking and taking even small doses of alcohol will slowly but surely lead back to the hospital ward - they should be completely eliminated from life;
  • A diet containing a large amount of raw and boiled vegetables, seeds, lean fish, fruits, natural vegetable oils is the first assistant in keeping all vital signs in an exemplary order;
  • From day to day, trying not to make passes, it is necessary to carry out the entire range of physical and therapeutic measures prescribed by the doctor. This includes taking all medications scheduled by the hour.

Signs of a heart attack are the appearance of pain in the chest area, which can radiate to the left arm, shoulder blade, hands, left half of the neck and lower jaw, to both arms, to the shoulders, upper abdomen. The pain can be pressing, squeezing, burning or bursting intense. If the pain is characterized as stabbing, cutting, aching, aggravated by a change in body position or breathing, then it is impossible to talk about making an accurate diagnosis of a heart attack. Often the pain can be accompanied by weakness, shortness of breath, severe sweating. The pain is felt for more than 5 minutes.

3. Give the patient aspirin and nitroglycerin. If there is a sharp weakness, sweating, shortness of breath or a sharp headache after taking nitroglycerin, the patient should be laid down, legs raised (on a pillow, roller, etc.), give 1 glass of water, and no longer take the medicine. When the pain disappears and the condition improves after taking the medicine, it is necessary to call a doctor and follow his instructions;

4. If the pain persists, then you still need to take nitroglycerin and call an ambulance. If 10 minutes after taking nitroglycerin for the second time, the pain does not subside, then you need to take it a third time.

What not to do with a heart attack

1. A person with a heart attack should not get up, walk, smoke, eat food until the permission of the doctor;

2. If there is intolerance to aspirin or it was taken already on that day, then it should not be taken. Also, aspirin should be excluded if peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is clearly exacerbated;

3. If the blood pressure is low, if there is a sharp weakness, sweating, as well as severe headache, dizziness, acute impairment of speech, vision or coordination of movements, then you can not take nitroglycerin.

Waiting for the ambulance

While you are waiting for the ambulance to arrive, provide first aid: make sure that the patient is sitting or lying down. Release the patient from tight clothing, do not leave him unattended until the doctors arrive.

It is more difficult to provide first aid for a heart attack if a person has lost consciousness. First of all, you need to check the pulse and breathing. To do this, you need to approach the cheek to the mouth and nose of the patient, feel his breath and at the same time you need to follow the movements of the chest. Try to feel the pulse on the carotid artery, which is located just under the jaw on the side of the neck.

If the person's heart has stopped and you can't feel their breathing, you should perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Performing an indirect body massage, even without skills, you can save a person's life. If CPR is not performed, then the chances of a person surviving a cardiac arrest decrease by 7-10% every minute. Thanks to chest compressions done in time, you can double or even triple the chances of resuming the work of the heart.

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Heart attack- a serious pathological condition caused by an acute shortage of blood supply to the heart muscle (associated with blockage by a thrombus and / or spasm, as a rule, in the area of ​​​​an atherosclerotic plaque of the artery that feeds the heart), as well as the development of ischemia and necrosis (death) of this muscle area.

Necrosis of the heart muscle is a myocardial infarction. In the first hour from the onset of an attack, the so-called sudden cardiac or coronary death may occur.

Currently, about a third of heart attacks occurring in people living in Europe are fatal. And this is not so little, because the number of heart attacks is estimated in hundreds of thousands of cases per year and is the main cause of death in civilized countries.

Most often, death from a heart attack occurs within the first two hours and is associated with the inability of the heart to maintain normal blood circulation in the body. If after a heart attack a person survived, then every day that moves the survivor of an attack away from this incident, the chances of restoring health increase.

The danger of a heart attack lies in the fact that people usually do not pay due attention to the pain and other symptoms that are characteristic of a heart attack, which is the main mistake leading to irreversible pathologies and death.

Therefore, it is necessary to know the basic heart attack symptoms, which may indicate heart attack.
One of the most frequent heart attack symptoms is prolonged pain, which is localized in the chest area. In this case, the patient has a feeling of unpleasant pressure in the chest, sometimes there is a feeling of heartburn.

Pain can occur in the left side of the body: in the arm to the forearm, in the shoulder blade, in the left side of the neck. It is also possible the appearance of pain in the hands, in the lower jaw, in the shoulder area, in the upper abdomen. The pain is prolonged and can be pressing, cutting, aching and burning in nature.

A characteristic symptom indicating a heart attack is shortness of breath, which manifests itself even with minimal activity, as well as at rest. This is due to the fact that the heart does not receive the necessary amount of blood for its normal functioning. In addition, a person may feel weakness, heart palpitations. He may be sweating.

You should pay attention to the work of the heart and if there is increased fatigue. At the same time, the feeling of fatigue does not go away for several days, weeks or even months. Accompanying a heart attack may be stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting. Most often, these symptoms are not associated with heart disease, but you should pay attention to them if they appear in a normal diet and are not associated with poor-quality food intake.
Sometimes there is a temporary loss of consciousness.

A heart attack may be preceded by an increased heart rate, which manifests itself as a fast and irregular pulse.

Precursors of a heart attack can be conditions such as anxiety, discomfort, insomnia.

However, chest pain is not always heart attack symptoms, since they are also characteristic of intercostal neuralgia. In order to accurately determine the disease, you need to pay attention to several points:

  1. Pain conditions. The pain characteristic of heart disease is usually associated with some kind of stress (physical or mental). While with neuralgia, pain can occur with a sharp turn of the body or for no reason at all.
  2. Pain relief conditions. Pain in a heart attack is relieved by taking nitroglycerin after a few minutes, while with neuralgia this drug is ineffective.
  3. The nature of the pain. With cardiac pathology, the pain is pressing, cutting, stabbing, aching. With neuralgia - paroxysmal, stabbing, encircling character; aggravated by movements of the trunk, during coughing, sneezing and deep breaths.

In addition to intercostal neuralgia, a number of other diseases have similar symptoms.
In the event of nausea and stomach pain, a heart attack can be confused with food poisoning, perforated stomach ulcers, and acute cholecystitis.

With right-sided pain, this pathology of the heart is similar to the symptoms of pneumonia or pleurisy. Unlike these diseases, a heart attack is almost always accompanied by symptoms such as weakness, a drop in blood pressure, and shortness of breath.

Symptoms of a heart attack are similar to acute pericarditis. The hallmark of pericarditis is chest murmurs that can be heard with a stethoscope. With pericarditis, pain appears along with fever, an increase in ESR, and leukocytosis. The pain subsides in the sitting position.

Heart attack symptoms similar to shingles. To distinguish this disease from the pathology of the heart, it is necessary to examine the places where pain appears. With shingles, vesicles appear in the area of ​​pain along the intercostal nerve. The diagnosis is clarified and the absence of changes in the work of the heart with the help of an ECG.

In determining the nature of the pathological process, the key role is played by the ECG and the determination of the composition of cardiac enzymes in the blood.

The use of the CARDIOVISOR increases the detection of abnormalities leading to a heart attack from 20 (with a conventional ECG) to 80 percent (with the CARDIOVISOR).

Classical electrocardiography has a number of disadvantages, such as low sensitivity and specificity in relation to some pathological processes in the heart. One of the modern ways aimed at eliminating the shortcomings of the classical method of studying the work of the heart is dispersion mapping of heart signals, which is implemented using the CARDIOVISOR device. When using the classic ECG recording, the teeth are analyzed, while the modern method of dispersion mapping is aimed at analyzing low-amplitude fluctuations, which can be used to judge impending pathologies of the myocardium long before the appearance of changes in the teeth. Therefore, using this modern method, it is possible to obtain information about the approaching disease at an earlier stage.

To the list of publications

A heart attack often happens when people are alone. If you know how to act when the symptoms of a heart attack come on, you can save your life. If you want more information, please read this article.


Part 1

Know the warning signs

    It is vital to know the most common symptoms. The most common symptoms of a heart attack are chest pain or discomfort, but there are other typical symptoms that you should be aware of as well.

    Please note that symptoms in women may differ from those in men. Although women often experience chest pain and other common symptoms of a heart attack, they are also more likely to complain of less common symptoms.

    If you have any symptoms, don't take it lightly, the price is your life. People often think that a heart attack happens instantly and unpredictably, but the truth is that a heart attack can last for an hour or even longer. A mild heart attack may not be noticed, but such cases are the most dangerous. Therefore, if you experience any of the symptoms described above for 5 minutes or longer, you should take action and seek medical attention.

    Part 2

    1. Call 911 immediately. The most important thing to do if you suspect you are having a heart attack is to call emergency medical help.

      • Always call 9-1-1 first before trying to contact anyone else. This is always the fastest way to get treatment, and even if you live in a location where an ambulance will have to travel a long time, the 9-1-1 dispatcher can provide you with all the information you need before the ambulance arrives to minimize the effects of an attack.
      • An ambulance can start treatment as soon as it arrives, which is another reason why it is better to call an ambulance than turn to a friend or relative for help.
    2. Think about who else you can contact so that this person comes immediately. If you have a trusted neighbor or relative who lives nearby, make another phone call and ask that person to come over.

      • You can only do this if the 9-1-1 dispatcher allows you to make another call, or if you have a second line, you can call while the dispatcher remains on the first line.
      • Do not ask someone to take you to the hospital unless the 9-1-1 dispatcher asks to do so. Wait for the arrival of the ambulance to get qualified help from paramedics.
    3. Take an aspirin. In the event of a heart attack, it is recommended to simply chew a standard regular aspirin tablet (325 mg) for 30 seconds,

      Do not try to drive in this state. You should not drive even if you are going to the hospital. If you begin to experience symptoms of a heart attack while you are driving, you should stop driving immediately.

      Keep calm. You may experience fear and panic, but remember that panicking can only make the problem worse. Relax as much as possible, try to keep your pulse steady and calm.

      Lie down. Lie on your back and lift your legs up. This will allow the diaphragm to open up and make you feel better so that you can breathe and thus oxygenate your blood.

      • You can put pillows or some other object under your feet. In addition, you can lie on the floor with your legs up on a sofa or chair.
    4. Take deep, even breaths. Even if you are used to taking short, quick breaths, try to take slow, deep breaths during a heart attack so you can oxygenate your blood and heart.

      Do not attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). For quite some time now, the media has propagated the myth that you could survive a heart attack if you coughed in a certain way at rest. Self-help for a heart attack with a cough is a dangerous myth for life and health.

    5. Do not eat or drink during this period. Of course, eating and drinking will probably be the last thing on your mind when you're having a heart attack, but just in case, it's good to say that you should avoid eating and drinking, even if you're thirsty or hungry. . Having something else in the body other than aspirin can make it difficult for paramedics to provide adequate treatment.

      • If necessary, you can drink some water to help the aspirin dissolve more quickly, but even this should be avoided if possible.

According to statistics, a heart attack (heart attack) is perhaps the most common cause of sudden death today. Most of us know real examples from the lives of friends who have had a heart attack. Many cases end in death. This can happen to anyone, especially after a person has crossed a certain age limit.

Alas, in the modern world, this age bar is reduced literally before our eyes. Therefore, it is extremely important to know the signs of a heart attack - after all, most often a heart attack does not happen suddenly, on its own, without previous characteristic symptoms.

What happens during a heart attack

Signs of a heart attack appear when one of the arteries that feed the myocardium ceases to function normally and deliver the required amount of blood. Thus, during a heart attack, a part of the heart is damaged, that is, a local area of ​​\u200b\u200bmuscle tissue suffers. If you do not take urgent measures, a fatal outcome is quite possible.

Statistics say that about half of deaths due to a heart attack comes from too late seeking medical help or the impossibility of its timely provision.

The pathological condition develops when the blood flow of the vessels leading to the heart is disturbed due to a sudden spasm or unexpected blockage by a blood clot or cholesterol. The reason for the death of a muscle area is a lack of oxygen.

As a result, death occurs due to the developed extensive damage to the heart muscle and complications that have arisen. If prompt action is taken, the patient can often be saved.

Who is at risk of a heart attack?

Heart attacks, the causes of which are quite diverse, can overtake anyone. However, certain factors increase the risk of a sudden heart attack. What exactly?

First, hereditary predisposition. Death from a heart attack in one of the relatives is a serious reason to think about your own health.

Second, diabetes. Its presence is a provoking factor for a whole bunch of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases.

Thirdly, high pressure, leading to overloads of blood vessels and the heart muscle itself.

And finally, age. The older the person, the higher the risk. From the age of 40, pay close attention to the heart.

To a heart attack - voluntarily!

Like it or not, heart attacks are very often observed, the causes of which we create with our own hands, without thinking about health. What are we talking about? What are these reasons?

Of course, in the first place are the well-known bad habits: drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking. Heavy smokers almost always have heart disease. Alcohol intoxication can exacerbate the situation. An acute heart attack can often occur against the backdrop of a deep hangover. There is nothing to even talk about drugs, cocaine is especially harmful to the heart.

The second is high cholesterol. Vessels clogged with cholesterol plaques experience colossal overloads, some of which goes to the heart muscle. Plus banal obesity. The organs of an obese person swollen with fat do not allow the heart to do its job. This cause of cardiac disorders is the most common.

Plus, chronic stress. It is the cause of a huge number of diseases, especially heart diseases.

How can it start

Here are the signs of a heart attack that should promptly call a doctor:

1. Pain (feeling of tightness, heaviness) in the chest area. This is the most typical sign of an impending heart attack. It may also cause burning or tingling sensations. If the mentioned symptoms do not go away after a short time, you need to urgently go to the hospital.

2. Perspiration, profuse sweating. In the summer, you can miss this symptom, but when it is observed in a cool room, this is an alarming sign.

3. Attacks of shortness of breath even with little exertion (walking, climbing several floors), especially in combination with chest pain. Symptoms may be aggravated by turning and sudden movements.

4. Numbness of the fingers, passing to the elbows and forearms.

5. Nausea, especially with dizziness. Although this symptom is characteristic of a number of ailments.

6. Violation of speech, which becomes slurred. Especially if the person is completely sober.

7. Loss of motor coordination. The body ceases to obey, mainly - arms, shoulders, neck. Combined with slurred speech, it looks like alcohol intoxication. And others may not rush to help such a person, which is very dangerous.

If you pay attention to the listed symptoms in time, you can save a person's life.

It's harder for women

Separate conversation about heart attacks in women. We are all accustomed to presenting the onset of such an ailment as sudden and pronounced. But in practice it is often different.

Recent studies have shown that women are less likely to be diagnosed with heart attacks, the symptoms of which are often mild. Many women experience them without attaching much importance to the ailment.

All this is due to the fact that the signs of a heart attack in women are slightly different than in men. The inability to recognize them leads to the fact that the weak half of humanity more often suddenly dies "from the heart."

Heart attacks. Symptoms in women

The main "alarming bells" include the following violations of life:

Strong, unsettling fatigue;

Insomnia or sleep disturbances (even when tired). May be observed for a month or more before a heart attack;

Stressful state, agitation and extreme anxiety;

Nausea, indigestion, especially with a normal diet;

Difficulty breathing with normal exertion or climbing stairs;

Sweaty and clammy skin, flu-like weakness;

Pain in the face and neck, ears and jaws (unlike men, whose arms and shoulders are mostly numb. The pain can "drain" to the shoulders and arms, especially on the left, or feel like a stretch in the muscles of the back and neck).

How to help yourself?

If you notice unusual symptoms, do not wait, go to the doctor and get seriously examined. At the appointment, be sure to voice all possible risk factors - high blood pressure or cholesterol levels, smoking, the presence of relatives with heart disease.

Remember that during a heart attack, pain is usually localized behind the sternum, it can radiate to the left hand, arm to the forearm, shoulder blade, lower jaw, and even to the upper abdomen. Its character is strong compressive, breaking, burning or pressing, often with shortness of breath. Rarely in such cases, the pain is stabbing or cutting. Its duration is more than 5 minutes.

If there are signs

What to do in case of a heart attack? Of course, it is better if trouble catches you at home, and not on the street or in a deserted place.

Try to sit in a comfortable chair or lie on a bed with a high headboard. Open a window or vent for fresh air. Take (chew and swallow) an aspirin tablet (250 mg) followed by a nitroglycerin capsule or tablet (put under the tongue).

If after that there is a sharp weakness or headache, drink a glass of water and lie down with your feet on a cushion or pillow. Additional nitroglycerin is not required. With a positive effect (reduction or disappearance of pain), you can limit yourself to calling a doctor at home.

If there is no effect, take nitroglycerin again and call an ambulance as soon as possible. The third time nitroglycerin is taken if the pain does not go away within 10 minutes after the second dose.

What Not to Do

You can not take aspirin if you are intolerant to it or again on the same day if you have an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer or gastritis.

Nitroglycerin is contraindicated for low blood pressure, severe weakness and headache, dizziness, speech disorders, motor coordination or vision.

With an increased risk of a heart attack or coronary heart disease, you must know and be able to apply the rules of first aid, as well as always have nitroglycerin and aspirin with you.

When trouble overtook a loved one

If you see something wrong with one of your relatives or colleagues, try to help immediately. Knowing the classic symptoms of a heart attack, you can prevent the irreparable.

First of all, take things seriously. Perhaps the patient himself does not believe that something like this can happen to him, and refuses hospitalization. Women are especially inclined to underestimate the danger that threatens them, which catastrophically increases the sad statistics.

Remember that the timely call of the doctor is your main task in this case. No matter how the patient resists, your job is to assess the situation as quickly and competently as possible and take action.

Before the ambulance arrives, do the same with the patient - lay down, unfasten the belt and collar, provide oxygen, give a nitroglycerin tablet.

Make sure the patient does not get up or move. Try to calm and cheer up the person, as additional experiences only worsen the picture.

How to help yourself in case of an attack?

Helping with a heart attack in the absence of medicines and a phone at hand is not an easy task.

Try to buy valuable time and induce yourself to have a violent coughing fit, taking a deep chest breath each time. Inhale and cough about every two seconds. This should bring some relief before the medication is taken and the doctor arrives.

The effect of cough is based on improving blood circulation and supplying the heart muscle with oxygen.

Note to the heart

Medicines for the heart should always be at hand, even for those who do not yet record themselves in the "cores". A person with a supply of nitroglycerin or Valocordin is safer than a careless "big man" without any medicines. Keep your medicines at home and at work. If you don't need it yourself, help someone else.

A landline or mobile phone at hand is not a whim, but a necessity. Although it is not yet a fact that in the event of an acute attack you will have time to make a call.

When you're stressed, breathe deeply, don't drive, and take a sedative prescribed by your doctor.

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