How to know thick blood or normal. Ways to identify the problem. What foods are not allowed with viscous blood

>thick blood

This information cannot be used for self-treatment!
Be sure to consult with a specialist!

What does blood viscosity depend on?

Increased blood viscosity is a medical term equivalent to the colloquial expression "thick blood". It is traditionally believed that blood clotting is associated with an increase in the level of prothrombin, a component of the blood coagulation system. This opinion exists due to the fact that doctors have found that such serious complications of cardiovascular diseases as heart attack and stroke often occur with an increased level of prothrombin. In fact, viscosity is determined by many factors.

Blood is made up of cells and plasma. It can become thicker with an increase in the number of cellular elements (erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes), with an increase in the concentration of plasma proteins, with a violation of the ratio between the plasma fluid and formed elements. Many diseases can lead to these disorders. The number of cells can increase with blood tumors, diseases of the liver and spleen, chronic lung diseases, endocrine disorders, helminthiasis, etc. An increase in the content of plasma proteins, primarily fibrinogen and albumin, can be observed with Waldenström's macroglobulinemia, multiple myeloma, systemic connective tissue diseases.

The causes of blood clotting can be dehydration, lack of vitamins, trace elements, enzymes, radiation, excessive accumulation of cholesterol and salts of various acids in the blood, deformation of red blood cells, damage to the walls of blood vessels, excessive consumption of sugar and other carbohydrates, smoking, alcohol and certain medications, infections .

Clinical manifestations of increased blood viscosity

There are no specific symptoms characteristic of an increase in blood viscosity. The patient may be disturbed by drowsiness, memory impairment, fatigue, headache, weakness, bleeding of mucous membranes, decreased vision and hearing, dizziness. All these signs indicate violations of the capillary blood flow that occur when the blood thickens. Thick blood moves through the vessels more slowly than normal. This makes the heart work with an additional load, the risk of blood clots increases, and the supply of oxygen to tissues worsens.

Basic diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of increased blood viscosity is based on laboratory data. Indicators of general and biochemical blood tests, the study of the coagulation system (coagulogram) allow us to draw a conclusion about the rheological properties of blood. There is a special device that determines the viscosity of blood. It's called a "viscometer". Due to their high cost, viscometers are still used mainly in research laboratories.

Principles of treatment

In order to return the blood to normal density, sometimes it is enough to adhere to the optimal drinking regimen and balance the diet. The amount of fluid you drink should be 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight per day. It is better to drink plain water, and not juice, compote, tea or coffee. It is advisable to limit the intake of animal fats, salt, carbohydrates. Blood-thinning foods include garlic, onions, ginger, almonds, cashews, beets, lemons, oranges, figs, raspberries, olive oil, sunflower seeds, cocoa, and chocolate. Depending on the test results, anticoagulants, plasmapheresis, intravenous laser blood irradiation, blood transfusion can be used to treat increased viscosity.

Fundamentals of Prevention

To prevent blood clotting, you must adhere to the above diet and drinking regimen. People with heart disease need to take aspirin and cholesterol-lowering drugs on a regular basis to prevent heart attacks and strokes. This should be done, of course, only as directed by a doctor.

Thick blood is the popular name for the phenomenon of increased blood viscosity. The main danger of pathology is an increased risk of thrombosis of large and small vessels and veins, and with late detection, the condition is fraught with rupture of these vessels.

What is thick blood and what is the norm for viscosity

Blood has two components: these are formed elements that regulate the density of blood, and plasma is a liquid component. The level of viscosity is characterized by an increase in the number of erythrocytes, prothrombin, fibrogen and other formed elements.

An increase in blood viscosity is also called hyperviscosity syndrome.

The norm of viscosity and hematocrit (the ratio of the amount of plasma to the number of formed elements) may vary depending on age and gender, the norm of hematocrit in men is 40-54%, in women - 37-47% (this is due to the physiology of the female body).

The very same blood viscosity (whole), depending on the concentration of the main formed elements, ranges from 4.0 to 5.5 (in relation to plasma, the indicator of which is taken as 1).

In pregnant women, the blood in the normal state is more liquid than in ordinary women.

In children, especially newborns, these norms differ sharply and are individual (determined by age, weight and general health). Blood viscosity is determined through analysis with a viscometer.


The symptomatic picture directly depends on the disease that caused the symptom. Symptoms may be short-term or chronic. So how does the body behave when the blood is thick? Are the symptoms different for women than for men? - No. Usually, pathology in both sexes is accompanied by such signs:

Often hyperviscosity syndrome may occur without significant symptoms. It can only be detected through laboratory tests.

Causes and treatment of thick blood in men and women

If the symptom of thick blood is observed for a long time, this can be a consequence of dangerous conditions: atherosclerosis, hypertension, bleeding, subdural and intracerebral bleeding.

The most dangerous pathology is the occurrence blood clot in the vessel and its further rupture due to pressurization. Often such cases lead to sudden death.

Too thick blood can appear due to certain diseases and conditions. Hyperviscose syndrome often appears when:

If any of the listed diagnoses is made, then all medical interventions are directed not only to blood thinning. Maximum efforts are made to treat the disease that caused the syndrome. Therefore, treatment is carried out in a complex manner.


How to treat thick blood? There is no specific medical treatment plan. To avoid and prevent blood thickening, atherosclerosis, cardiac ischemia, the patient can use aspirin or means containing it (magnecard, cardiomagnyl). They produce an antiaggregatory effect, that is, they thin the blood and are also a good prevention of a heart attack.

The causes of blood clots are many, as are the treatments for this condition. All therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating exactly the cause of the symptom, so most often doctors carry out:

  • correction of metabolic processes;
  • treatment of microtumors in hematopoietic tissues;
  • carry out procedures for resorption of blood clots, prescribe drugs that thin blood clots and conduct therapy to prevent thrombosis.

All procedures are carried out under medical supervision. The patient is under inpatient treatment.

Medical treatment

Medicines are also prescribed. Such complex therapy includes antigregants:

Also, patients may experience increased blood clotting. Such people are prescribed anticoagulants:

  • warfarin
  • Heparin;
  • Fragmin.

The drug is selected for each patient individually. With thick blood, all possible contraindications to the use of the drug in each patient must be taken into account. The action of an incorrectly selected drug can only aggravate the clinical picture.

Patients suffering from Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, multiple myeloma and other monoclonal gammopathy, anticoagulants are categorically contraindicated.

If the patient has increased blood viscosity and an increased predisposition to bleeding, he is prescribed a number of procedures. These include:

Therapeutic activities are most often carried out in the complex. The duration of treatment is determined by a specialist after a detailed examination.

Power adjustment

Often the blood begins to thicken and becomes dark due to improper and unbalanced nutrition. It always becomes thicker if the patient's diet is poor in amino acids, proteins and saturated fatty acids.

Some foods in the food system must be constantly in order for the blood to be maintained in the right consistency, others need adjustments and additional blood thinning. Blood thinning products:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • seaweed;
  • lean meats (beef and poultry);
  • eggs;
  • olive oil;
  • dairy;
  • linseed oil;
  • different vegetables and fruits.

With a pathology of increased viscosity, a person constantly needs to monitor his vitamin balance. Negatively affects the consistency of the blood lack vitamin E. Therefore, in your diet it is also worth including products that contain tocopherols and tocotrienols- green leafy vegetables, broccoli, butter, legumes.

Pay attention to products containing vitamins K and C. They increase the viscosity of the blood, they must be consumed clearly within the daily norm. These include:

There is no need to completely eliminate these foods from the diet. But their use must be treated responsibly and not overeat them until the pulse is lost.

Drinking regime

The lack of moisture in the body on the viscosity of the blood is reflected immediately. It is dehydration that is often the cause of hyperviscose syndrome. To avoid it, you need to consume your daily norm of water. It is 30 ml. per 1 kg. weight.


We are well aware that it is necessary to carry out prevention of cardiovascular diseases, strengthen the heart muscle, and very often we do not pay attention to the state of our blood. But the state of the entire cardiovascular system, and ultimately the health of the whole organism, largely depends on the state of the blood.

Blood- this is the main living environment, on the quality of which all processes occurring in organs and cells depend.

Blood consists of two parts: plasma (liquid part) and formed elements suspended in it (erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets).

The main function of blood is the transport function. It consists in the transfer by blood of respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide), hormones, minerals and many other substances to organs and tissues.

In case of violation of the quality of blood, primarily thickening, acidification, increased cholesterol, blood sugar, etc., its transport function is hindered, which leads to a violation of redox processes throughout the body, including in the heart, brain, liver, kidneys and etc. This is why it is so important to maintain blood quality within optimal homeostasis.

Causes of blood clotting

Very often, the main cause of thick blood is a lack of water in the body. If the body does not have enough water for its life, then it extracts it from the blood, which leads to a decrease in the mass of the liquid part of the blood and it becomes more viscous.

Diabetes, alcohol intake, smoking, hypothermia, and even stress can lead to thickening of the blood.

What does a person feel if he has thick blood?

Increased blood viscosity does not differ in any characteristic symptoms. Blood clotting is often accompanied by general weakness, drowsiness, headache, memory impairment, absent-mindedness, fatigue, depression. Many people develop dry mouth, high blood pressure. Venous nodules may appear on the legs, the limbs are constantly cold.

Such symptoms can appear in many other diseases, and we rarely associate our poor health with the presence of thick blood.

Sometimes there are no symptoms at all and hypercoagulability is detected by chance during blood tests. This is why annual checkups are so important.

How to confirm the fear that you have thick blood?

In order to determine whether you really have thick blood, you need to take the following tests: a complete blood count, a blood coagulation test and the duration of bleeding, a coagulogram, hematocrit (the sum of all blood elements - erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, in relation to the total blood volume ).

What is dangerous thick blood

Thick blood leads to a slowdown in blood flow, which leads to oxygen starvation and disruption of organ trophism. The most formidable consequence of an increase in blood viscosity is the formation of blood clots.

If you do not pay attention to the symptoms in time and do not eliminate the causes of blood clotting, then very unpleasant consequences can occur.

Thick blood can cause hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, heart attack and stroke.

More often, thick blood occurs, of course, in the elderly, but there is a tendency to increase the number of young and middle-aged people with this pathology. In men, increased blood viscosity is more common than in women. The risk of myocardial infarction is very high in young men with an increased number of red blood cells and hemoglobin, who do not pay attention to their health. But by eliminating the causes of blood clotting, they could avoid it.

What to do if you have thick blood

To solve the problem of thick blood, doctors usually prescribe Aspirin (1/4 tablet per day) and other drugs based on it (Aspirin-cardio, Cardiopyrin, Cardiomagnyl, ThromboASS), as well as Coumadin (Warfarin).

I want to tell you on the prevention of blood clots and the treatment of folk remedies.

Many people drink very little pure water, replacing it with tea, coffee, and sweet soda. An adult should drink 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day, of which at least 1 liter should be pure water. Even more in the heat. Teach your children to drink water. Natural water is a very powerful remedy against blood clotting and thrombosis. You can read more about the benefits of water.

Follow a diet for thick blood

If you have thick blood, you need to watch your diet. Eliminate fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, canned food and marinades from your diet. Sugar and any other sweets are not recommended.

Limit foods that thicken the blood. Here is their list: meat broths, fatty meats, sausages, aspic, bananas, mangoes, cabbage, cream, white bread, chokeberry, viburnum, lentils, grape juice, rose hips, buckwheat.

But don't worry, there are plenty of delicious foods that will help thin your blood.

Products that help thin the blood: garlic, beets, blueberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, apples, cherries, plums, lemon, orange, grapefruit, pomegranate, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, red bell pepper, artichoke, wheat germ, sea fish, cocoa, dark chocolate, seeds sunflower.

For blood thinning, products containing the amino acid taurine are recommended. Most taurine is found in seafood (fish, shellfish, shrimp, etc.). These products should be consumed at least 2-3 times a week. Please note that when cooked, the amount of taurine in food is significantly reduced. Therefore, to obtain the required dose, you should take high-quality dietary supplements with taurine.

Eat seaweed regularly. Dry seaweed can be ground in a coffee grinder and eaten instead of regular salt.

An additional source of Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids is flaxseed oil, which can be taken one tablespoon per day. Prostaglandins synthesized from these acids lower cholesterol levels and thin the blood. Olive oil (unrefined, cold pressed) has the same properties.

Walnut increases blood viscosity, but in combination with other herbs it is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, varicose veins, the consequences of a stroke, etc. The same applies to Japanese Sophora.

A large amount of salt increases the viscosity of the blood.

Physical activity

Don't forget about physical activity. To keep the circulatory system in a healthy state, you need to move. It can be running, swimming, fitness, dancing, yoga - any sports that you like.

Running is the easiest and most accessible of them. Many people think that you need to run in the morning, but this is not so. In the morning, blood viscosity is increased and it is not easy for the heart to push it through the vessels even without a load. It is better to run in the evenings, and in the morning you can do a light workout.

Give up smoking and alcohol

They significantly increase blood viscosity.

Attention! Diuretic, hormonal and contraceptive drugs, as well as Viagra - thicken the blood.

Medicinal herbs that thicken the blood

These herbs include: plantain, shepherd's purse, knotweed, tansy, valerian, horsetail, St. John's wort, burnet, corn stigma, nettle (fresh leaves). Herbs should be drunk in courses and in no case constantly.

Medicinal herbs that thin the blood

To thin the blood in folk medicine, the following are used: wormwood, chicory, lungwort, meadowsweet, evading peony, hawthorn, lemon balm, red clover, ginkgo biloba, Caucasian Dioscorea, willow bark, mulberry, acacia, sweet clover, horse chestnut (but only its peel, themselves chestnut fruits are very poisonous), aloe juice and Kalanchoe.

Traditional medicine recipes for thick blood

In folk medicine, there are many effective remedies that can replace Aspirin. I will share with you some of them.

1. Meadowsweet (meadowsweet).

1 st. pour a spoonful of meadowsweet with one glass of boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. Strain and drink like tea. A decoction of the meadowsweet is indicated for various problems with the blood and vascular system, tumors. It improves memory, cleanses blood vessels, and has a sedative effect. May replace aspirin.

2. Horse chestnut.

Crush the horse chestnuts with a hammer and collect the brown peel. Discard the fruits themselves (they are poisonous), and pour 50 g of the peel into 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place, then strain. Take 2 - 3 times a day, one teaspoon, mixed with ¼ cup of warm water. Drink on an empty stomach. You can eat no earlier than 30 minutes after taking the tincture.

3. Nutmeg.

Grind nutmeg. 100 g of nutmeg pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse for 2-3 weeks in a dark place, then strain. Drink 20 - 30 drops in ¼ cup of warm water, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

4. Garlic, honey and lemon.

1/3 can of finely minced garlic and 2/3 vodka. Bank of any size. We insist for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking every 2-3 days, then strain. Add honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice to the tincture in a ratio of 1:1:1. To stir thoroughly. Take one tablespoon 1 time per day at bedtime. Store in a dark cool place.

Biologically active additives (BAA)

  • Flavit - dihydroquercetin powder (obtained from Siberian larch and Dahurian larch wood). For prevention, take one capsule daily.
  • Dihydroquercetin - is made from the same raw materials. Take one tablet 1 time per day.
  • Kapilar - the raw material is the same. Reduces blood viscosity. Take 1 - 2 tablets 3 times a day.

For the prevention of blood clotting, these drugs are used in courses of 3 weeks. Break between courses 7 - 10 days.

Hirudotherapy for blood clots

The most effective method of traditional medicine in the fight against increased blood viscosity is hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches). Leeches, injecting saliva containing many different enzymes (including hirudin), can significantly improve the properties of blood and reduce its viscosity.

Why does the blood thicken, what does it mean and how to recognize and treat the disease at home with medication and folk remedies.

With an increased level of hemoglobin in the test results, a person often comes to the conclusion that he has thick blood. This is not entirely true, different states are meant by viscosity. The norms depend on the age of the patient and his characteristics, so the density may change as they grow older, as well as under various pathological conditions of the body. When talking about thick blood, the following is meant:

  • the number of red blood cells is increased;
  • increased hemoglobin level;
  • the ratio between red blood and plasma is broken.

Thick blood during pregnancy is a common occurrence that almost every woman encounters. If the indicators are too far from the norm, it is necessary to carefully monitor the changes, as this can lead to miscarriage (miscarriage).

The treatment of such a condition usually does not cause difficulties, the therapist can easily give recommendations on changing diet and lifestyle, and if necessary, prescribe drugs to liquefy. During pregnancy, a gynecologist or therapist will tell you what to do if the blood is thick, given the position of the woman and her history. Most often, she is advised to inject a special drug for thinning during the entire period of pregnancy. When viscosity appears, a person often feels the symptoms of such a pathology, but does not attach importance to them. Attentive attitude to your body will allow you to normalize the indicators in time.

Causes and symptoms

There is no diagnosis of "thick blood", which means that the symptoms of such a phenomenon may indicate other malfunctions in the body. Despite this, there are some signs, the appearance of which is recommended to be tested. Symptoms of possible hypercoagulability (viscosity) are:

  • general weakness and constant desire to sleep;
  • cold hands and feet, regardless of air temperature;
  • dizziness and headache.

These signs are characteristic of a thousand diseases, and if we are talking about a woman carrying a child, the presence of such symptoms does not mean at all that thick blood will be detected during pregnancy. Expectant mothers feel this discomfort almost all the time.

In addition, there are additional signs that appear much less often:

  • change in skin condition - severe dryness, bluish tint, increased sensitivity to cold;
  • from the nervous system - depression, irritability, nervousness, anxiety and absent-mindedness;
  • slow bleeding from cuts, and the inability to bear a child (permanent miscarriages);
  • symptoms of varicose veins (their bulging, heaviness in the legs).

Not everyone has such symptoms, so if thick blood is suspected, the cause must be identified as early as possible, because the treatment depends on it. Pathology can be caused by many factors, the main ones are:

In men, the blood itself is more viscous than in women, due to the presence of male hormones - androgens. This suggests that they have a slightly higher risk of pathology. In older people, viscosity is almost always increased, this is considered a variant of the norm, as it is associated with age-related changes. In the younger generation, such an ailment is caused by some reason, often the use of poor-quality water and insufficiently good ecology.

How to thin thick blood

In no case should one ignore such a pathology as increased blood viscosity. It is necessary to take action if there are symptoms and the analysis showed that the person has thick blood. What to do in such a situation, the doctor will definitely tell you, since you should definitely find out the reason. Treatment can be prescribed with medications or folk remedies that have a thinning effect. As a rule, doctors advise to combine these methods, depending on the specific case.

The first thing to do if you have thick blood is to eat right. It is on this that the success of the fight against the disease depends to a large extent. Many products are able to normalize blood circulation and ensure the performance of all its functions. The most important thing in treatment is to drink enough fluids. With its lack, not a single medicinal and folk remedy can cope with viscosity and normalize the state of the body. In addition, you should include the following foods in your diet:

Regular use of these products will avoid aggravation of the situation and keep blood density under control.

Before looking for ways to thin the blood, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. This is very important, since the effectiveness of treatment depends on such a factor. You must adhere to the following rules:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • workout;
  • spend a lot of time walking in the fresh air;
  • relax both physically and mentally;
  • avoid stressful situations.

After fulfilling all the rules, you can proceed to specific actions aimed at normalizing blood viscosity.

Folk remedies

There are many folk recipes with which you can get rid of the density of blood. It should be remembered that their use must be agreed with the doctor, since in some cases, it is impossible to do without drugs at all. Folk methods include the following:

  1. Fresh juices. The vitamins and microelements contained in the composition have a beneficial effect on the coagulation system, thinning the blood.
  2. Apple vinegar. Regular intake of the solution, the preparation of which requires 2 tsp. vinegar added to a glass of warm water will allow you to quickly notice improvements. It is necessary to take this remedy in the morning, contraindications - diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  3. Linseed oil. Due to the large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, lipid metabolism is normalized, and blood viscosity is reduced. It is necessary to take oil daily strictly on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. in a day.

These funds will improve the condition of a person, but it will not always be possible to completely cope with the problem. With blood viscosity caused by any disease, it is necessary to take medications.


Taking medication to get rid of excessive blood density is especially important for women planning a baby. Such a pathology often leads to the fact that each pregnancy ends in a miscarriage, so you should take the doctor's recommendations very seriously. There are several types of drugs prescribed to combat the disease. All of them are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Anticoagulants. The action of these substances is aimed at reducing blood clotting, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots. Some drugs begin to act immediately after administration, and are necessary for emergency blood thinning, these include Heparin. Others are used for prevention and in cases where a smooth decrease in viscosity is necessary - Sinkumar, Warfarin and others.
  2. Antiplatelet agents. These medications are prescribed by a doctor to prevent platelets from sticking together and forming blood clots. These include Aspirin, Curantyl, Trental and others.

It is not recommended to self-prescribe medications for yourself, since the dosage and duration of treatment depends on the specific situation and diagnosis.

You can deal with thick blood, there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and remember that the lack of treatment can lead to negative consequences for the whole organism.

Drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, headaches, irritability, memory impairment, vision impairment - these are just a few signs of thick blood.

Viscous blood is a serious signal of the body about a health problem.

Blood can be called the "river of life" in our body, too important processes depend on it.

When it thickens, capillary blood flow slows down, as a result, stagnation occurs, oxygen starvation in tissues, all systems and organs suffer, the heart and brain have to work in emergency mode. High risk of thrombosis, strokes, heart attacks.

Increased blood density is called hyperviscosity syndrome, also hyperviscosity syndrome.


  • Transport is the most important, it is gas exchange, the transfer of nutrients, heat, hormones, etc.
  • Ensuring immune responses and homeostasis (stable internal balance).
  • Regulation of the intake of salts (electrolytes) and water into the body,
  • Creation of protective barriers on the way of alien bacteria and viruses, own defective cells.

The implementation of all these important tasks is due to the complex composition:

  • liquid extracellular part - plasma,
  • suspended formed elements (cell mass) - erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes;
  • enzymes, hormones, ions, other substances.

The density of blood is determined by the balance of plasma and cell mass, the liquid part should be larger so that blood can freely flow into the smallest vessels and capillaries.


Hyperviscose syndrome is understood as a number of changes in the rheological (fluid) properties of blood:

  • an increase in the density of blood in general and plasma,
  • increase in hematocrit (hematocrit number).

The hematocrit shows how much of the total blood volume is occupied by formed elements. If the balance shifts towards the cell mass, the blood thickens.

The hematocrit balance in the normal state of the blood is 4:6, where 4 is the uniform part, and 6 is the plasma.

Men have a higher hematocrit than women due to the presence of androgens (male hormones) that thicken the blood.

  • High hemoglobin, and specifically - the level of heme (jelly-containing part) and globin (protein).
  • Decreased elasticity and ability of erythrocytes to deform.

Due to the ability to deform, acquire various forms, erythrocytes penetrate microvessels, delivering oxygen to the tissues.

  • Increased fibrinogen synthesis.

Fibrinogen is a special protein responsible for blood clotting. Its increased content in the blood leads to the adhesion of red blood cells, the formation of blood clots (blood clots), and the development of thrombosis.

  • Aggregation (reinforced gluing) of erythrocytes.

RBCs carry a negative charge and repel each other. With a shifted balance of acids and alkalis towards an acidic environment (acidification of the blood), erythrocytes lose their original polarity, and, instead of repulsion, they attract and stick to each other.

Cell clusters are formed, similar to coin columns or tiles, from 25-50 erythrocytes.

  • Increased production of paraproteins.

In pathological conditions, plasma cells intensively produce paraproteins - special proteins that report failures in the body to all organs so that they are rebuilt to the required mode.


The density of blood in healthy people is 1.050 -1.064 g / ml. This value is determined by the volume of cell mass, lipids, proteins in the blood.

The viscosity of blood is measured by a viscometer device that compares the speed of blood movement with respect to distilled water at the same temperature and volume.

The norm is the flow of blood 4-5 times slower than water.

The density of female blood is lower than male. Democritus is normal in women - 37-47%, in men 40 - 54%. This difference is due to different hormonal systems and physiology.


Blood viscosity is caused by many reasons. The most common:

Lack of enzymes(fermentopathy, sometimes congenital) - a pathology in which food enzymes are absent or insufficiently active, food is not completely broken down, the blood is contaminated with under-oxidized decay products, acidifies, red blood cells stick together, cells and tissues starve without oxygen.

Poor quality water: chlorinated, destructured, carbonated, polluted.

Due to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals (vitamin C, selenium, lecithin, zinc, calcium, magnesium, etc.), which supply the enzymes and hormones she needs.

This leads to a change in the chem. plasma composition, increase its viscosity. The liver bears an increased load when eating canned, smoked, meat, salty, sweet products. Living in areas of unfavorable ecology and working in hazardous industries also harm the liver.

Disrupted blood balance: more cell mass than plasma.

Dehydration: with insufficient water intake; strong physical exertion (during sweating, the blood thickens); poor digestibility of water; taking diuretics, drinks, herbs; diarrhea, vomiting.

Hyperfunction of the spleen, its excessive blood-destroying activity.

Doctors are concerned that the tendency to thicken the blood is observed not only in the elderly (this is a natural process), but also in the young.

By the way, 100 years ago, the blood of the younger generation was more liquid. This fact can be explained by a dirty environment and a huge amount of chemistry in food.

Heavy thick blood hardly fulfills its main transport role. Violation of the vital activity of the whole organism.


If you are not aware that your blood is thickening and circulating slowly, the following signs should alert you:


aching headache, dizziness with short loss of coordination, nausea, muscle weakness and general, fainting.

Sensitivity disorder in hands and feet: numbness, tingling, burning, goosebumps

Dry skin.
Blueness of the skin and mucous membranes.
Greater sensitivity to cold.
Drowsiness, sleep disorder.
Fast fatiguability.
Tingling in the region of the heart, shortness of breath, palpitations.
Protruding veins, heaviness and pain in the legs.
Always cold feet.
Increased pressure on the background of general weakness.
Depression, anxiety.
Decreased hearing, vision.
Lachrymation, burning in the eyes.
Noise in ears.
High hemoglobin.
Frequent yawning as a sign of lack of oxygen to the brain.
Sometimes constipation, bloating, gas formation.
Slow bleeding from cuts, wounds.
Repeated miscarriages.
The presence of one or more chronic diseases, such as chronic fatigue syndrome or irritable bowel syndrome, candidiasis.


Many causes lead to excessive thickening of the blood and restricted blood flow. They are divided into genetic and acquired.

genetic or hereditary the reasons are less common.

You are more likely to have a genetic cause for excessive blood clotting if you have:

  • Family members who have had blood clots.
  • Personal history of recurrent blood clots before age 40.
  • Personal history of unexplained miscarriages.

Acquired Causes thick blood lie in the presence of other diseases or pathological conditions:

Aging. With age, the blood thickens, hyperviscosity makes the vessels too stiff, less elastic and often calcified.

Smoking increases the risk of unwanted blood clots. Smokers have thicker blood than usual.

Alcohol abuse. Alcoholic beverages, being diuretics, bind and remove water from the body, thereby thickening the blood. The amount of water lost is four times the amount of alcohol consumed.

Overweight and obesity- serious risk factors for blood clotting.

Pregnancy. Women are more likely to develop blood clots when they are pregnant due to an increase in platelets and clotting factors. The uterus compresses the veins, slowing down blood flow, which can lead to blood clots.

men over 45 years have increased platelet synthesis.

Use of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.

Prolonged bed rest due to surgery, hospitalization or illness.

Lack of physical activity, especially among the population in large cities, long periods of motionless sitting in a car, plane, at the workplace.

Dehydration. A condition in which your body does not get enough water. This condition causes the blood vessels to constrict and the blood to clot, there is a risk of blood clots.

Heavy metals. For example, older silver dental implants may contain mercury, a heavy metal that causes blood to clot. Mercury can also be found in large amounts in marine predatory fish.

Lack of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

environmental toxins.


Stress affects the blood vessels, narrows them, the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline enter the blood in large quantities, thickening the blood.

A high level of cholesterol in the blood leads to its crystallization and deposition on the walls of blood vessels, which reduces their lumen, blood flow slows down.

Organ transplantation and implantable devices such as central venous catheters and dialysis shunts.

Surgical operations on blood vessels can damage the walls of blood vessels, which leads to the possibility of blood clots. In addition, catheters and shunts have an artificial surface that causes blood to clot.

Thermal and chemical burns.



* Diuretic, intensively remove fluid through the kidneys, the blood thickens.

*Pain medications such as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen).


* inflammatory processes lead to an increase in the concentration of fibrinogen, other proteins, and leukocytes in the blood. At the same time, cholesterol rises. All this negatively affects the density and fluidity of the blood. Therefore, with any inflammation, you should try to drink more water.

* The list of diseases that contribute to blood clotting is quite extensive:

disruption of the digestive tract due to toxic infection, pancreatitis, hypoxia (accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood), erythremia (increase in the number of red blood cells), polycythemia (increased red blood cells), adrenal dysfunction, antiphospholipid syndrome, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, heart failure, hypertension, myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, diabetes mellitus, ischemic stroke, leukemia, spleen disease, vasculitis, myeloma, cancer, HIV, thrombophilia, leg varicose veins.


Senile dementia, impotence, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke - not a complete list of diseases associated with impaired blood circulation. People are overcome by various diseases, but the cause of death is very often the same - viscous thrombosed blood.

Good blood quality is the main condition for health and active longevity. It is vital to exclude factors that cause blood clotting. Be sure to pay attention to your well-being.

Fatigue, absent-mindedness, drowsiness, memory loss, heaviness in the legs are possible signs of thick blood.

For the prevention of blood clots are widely used various folk remedies .

* Pour a tablespoon of chopped lemon balm leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour and a half. The resulting volume must be divided into three doses and consumed within a day.

* Dissolve four teaspoons of cinnamon in a glass of kefir. Consume before meals, but not on an empty stomach.

* Chestnut peel (50 g) pour 500 ml of vodka and leave to infuse for two weeks. The resulting remedy is taken 30 drops per day (dissolve in a glass of water). Full prophylactic course - 3 weeks.

* Foods that prevent blood clotting are tomatoes, cabbage, onions, garlic, horseradish.

* Thrombus formation is prevented by grapefruits, oranges, dried apricots, pomegranates, melons, as well as berries - blackcurrant, cranberry, rosehip, viburnum.

Folk remedies are effective as a prevention of thrombosis, or after a course of drug therapy. However, the use of folk remedies as the only method of treating blood clotting is unacceptable. This does not mean that they are not effective, just that the effect comes much later than with medication. Increased blood viscosity is a serious condition that needs to be treated quickly, under the supervision of a specialist. Therefore, the most effective is the combined use of basic pharmacological preparations and traditional medicine under the supervision of the attending physician.

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