What is white fever? What are the types of "squirrels"? What are the signs of delirium tremens in women

1 year ago

Unfortunately, not everyone can resist the temptation of the green serpent. Alcoholism is dangerous disease, a dependency requiring mandatory treatment. After several days of continuous drinking under a degree, a person may develop delirium tremens. The symptoms and consequences of this pathology will be discussed in today's article.

"White and very hot"

Remember the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus"? That's where it went catchphrase- "white and very hot." Many people who watched this film remember that Shurik ended up in a psychiatric clinic due to excessive consumption of drinks containing alcohol.

Today we will discuss what kind of condition is delirium tremens, its symptoms and consequences, how long they live, treatment features and much more interesting things. By the way, in medical practice there is no such concept, it is considered common people. official medicine diagnosed with delirium tremens.

Psychosis on the background of hard drinking is manifested not only in inveterate alcoholics. Even a person who drank more than the established norm once, against the background of the progression of a mental disorder, delirium can be observed.

Among the reasons that provoke the appearance of delirium tremens include:

  • excessive abuse of drinks with a degree;
  • use of surrogate alcohol;
  • a history of mental disorder;
  • hard drinking;
  • infectious diseases;
  • traumatic brain injury varying degrees gravity, etc.

Today, there are three main forms of alcoholic delirium:

  • neurotic;
  • drug addict;
  • encephalopathic.

In the first stage, as a rule, delirium tremens does not appear. This pathology affects people who suffer from alcoholism of the second or third stage. As shows medical practice, delirium tremens, or rather, its symptoms, appears after cessation of use alcoholic beverages. There is a so-called withdrawal syndrome.

Clinical picture of pathology

Symptoms of delirium tremens after drinking are considered specific. But each person may have additional features, it all depends on the physiological and psycho-emotional characteristics, the duration of the binge, etc.

Important! At long-term use alcoholic beverages are addictive. This is a disease that requires a long and complex treatment sometimes in a hospital setting. Alcoholism adversely affects not only the nervous system, but also other internal organs.

Unfortunately, some people are familiar with delirium tremens firsthand. Symptoms, what to do and a number of other questions are of interest to them in the first place. If speak about clinical picture in general, against the background of refusing drinks containing alcohol, a person begins to panic, he is overcome by fears, perhaps hallucinations appear.

Important! In most cases, the first and, perhaps, main feature delirium tremens - hallucinations. For example, it seems to an alcoholic that he is surrounded by insects.

Delirium tremens is considered one of the varieties of psychosis. This condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • hallucinations;
  • aggressiveness;
  • excessive sweating;
  • tremor of the upper and lower extremities;
  • talkativeness;
  • sudden aversion to alcoholic beverages;
  • rave;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • chills;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • increased heart rate;
  • loss of appetite;
  • convulsive phenomena;
  • dehydration;
  • disorientation in space.

The first person to have hallucinations. It seems to an alcoholic that he is being pursued by insects, devils, non-existent animals, corpses, zombies, etc. Against this background, fears appear, he is trying to do something. Therein lies the danger. With the progression of the symptoms of delirium tremens, a person can harm himself. Psychosis is characterized by suicidal thoughts.

On a note! An alcoholic is a danger not only to himself, but also to others. With alcoholic delirium, clouding of the mind can be observed. Most domestic crimes are committed on this basis.

How to help the patient?

Perhaps not a single alcoholic in the world has recognized his addiction. Alcoholism is dangerous disease which must be treated. If systematically in large numbers drink drinks with a degree, this will primarily inhibit the functioning nervous system. Then pathological process will affect cardiovascular system, liver, digestive tract and musculoskeletal system.

Now you know what delirium tremens looks like. Its symptoms and treatment have their own specifics. If you happen to be next to a person who has been overtaken alcoholic psychosis call an ambulance without delay.

Trying to cure this pathology on your own without medical assistance Not recommended. This condition is best treated in a hospital. Profile doctors appoint medical preparations various groups, including:

  • multivitamin complexes;
  • psychotropic substances;
  • sedatives.

Important! Against the backdrop of progression alcoholic delirium a person may have complicated symptoms in the form of swelling of the brain. This condition is unpredictable, develops rapidly and in some cases can cause death.

As soon as an alcoholic has an attack of delirium tremens, the following measures should be taken at home before the arrival of the psychiatric care team:

  • the patient must be laid down;
  • for security reasons, his hands and feet are bound;
  • all items that can injure the alcoholic or harm the people around him are removed;
  • the room should be cool;
  • put on the head cold compress.

Important! A person who has had an attack of alcoholic delirium should not be given any pharmacological preparations. If you do not know the specifics of a mental disorder, the patient can be harmed and aggravate the clinical picture.

A person who constantly consumes alcoholic beverages, in other words, goes into a binge, is at risk. If delirium tremens manifested itself once, then in the future, if the abuse of drinks with a degree continues, this mental disorder will overtake, and even with greater force.

Alcohol addiction often causes delirium tremens. The main thing in this case is to know what delirium tremens is, the symptoms, what to do when it appears. As a rule, it occurs in alcoholics after the next binge. This is a serious psychosis, which in medicine is called alcoholic delirium. Therefore, it is best to know how to avoid delirium tremens so as not to fight it when it already appears.

As a rule, delirium tremens affects those people who are in the second and third stages. alcohol addiction. A similar ailment manifests itself in most cases immediately after the disappearance of the hangover syndrome. The symptoms of delirium tremens after binge cannot be confused with anything else. They are expressed very clearly, which does not give rise to doubts about the development of the disease. When a person develops delirium tremens, what to do becomes the first question, since this condition can be extremely dangerous not only for the patient himself, but also for the people around him.

Acute psychosis affects the behavior of the patient. When delirium tremens occurs, a person suffers from hallucinations, becomes very aggressive, loses orientation in space and time, and cannot control himself. If you look at the behavior of an alcoholic during a period of delirium, you might think that he has completely lost his mind.

What to expect from delirium tremens?

Alcoholic delirium affects, first of all, the mental state of a person. The subconscious begins to release all the "monsters" that it previously kept locked up. It's about about the secret fears of a person with whom he has to fight during delirium tremens.

In the old days, most often, along with the “squirrel”, “devils” came to alcoholics, whom the patients drove in their subconscious. Previously, when various “horror stories” were not shown on TV every day, people had much less secret fears. Nowadays, alcoholics can be visited by maniacs, murderers, monsters, mythical animals. Sometimes delirium tremens manifests itself in the form of the arrival of ghosts trying to drag the patient into another world.

Trying to drive away the terrible pictures sent by the brain, a person begins to rush to everything around, swear, wave his arms. There were also cases when hallucinations caused the death of a person. For example, patients under the pressure of fear jumped out of windows or threw themselves under vehicles.

Hallucinations are in the form of a film broadcast by the human consciousness itself. An alcoholic can just stare at the wall, but at this time he will feel like he is at a concert or just watching an interesting life situation. If at this moment you ask a person where he is, the patient can accurately describe what is happening and the place of action.

Who should be afraid of "squirrels"?

As mentioned above, delirium tremens affects people suffering from drunkenness, who are in the second and third stages of alcoholism. At the same time, people with more than 5 years of alcoholism experience are most often subject to delirium tremens.

Symptoms of a mental disorder begin to appear after a person comes out of another binge, while during active use alcohol delirium tremens is not manifested.

Alcoholic delirium can occur in any patient, regardless of gender and age. AT this case the main role is played by the experience of alcoholism. Especially often, this problem affects those people who suffer from ailments associated with the central nervous system, as well as those who have suffered a serious traumatic brain injury. If a person has delirium tremens at least once, then the arrival of the next "squirrel" will not have to wait long. Delirium tremens can begin even when not too long-term use alcohol. In especially advanced cases when the psyche is in an extremely unstable state, it is enough for a person to drink continuously for only 3 days to cause delirium tremens.

Symptoms of the disease

After a person stops drinking, he begins to have the most usual signs hangover. As a rule, such a syndrome is accompanied by severe headache, vomiting, general weakness feeling nauseous and dehydrated. However, depending on the quantity and quality of alcohol consumed, other symptoms may be added. Sometimes during a hangover, a person notices convulsions, problems with the work of the heart and liver, and a violation in the functioning of the speech apparatus.

During the hangover period, the first symptoms of delirium tremens may begin. The mental state will get worse and worse. It all starts with a growing sense of anxiety that the patient cannot explain. The person feels like something bad is about to happen. He becomes very scared and loses sleep. The patient's hands begin to shake, the heartbeat quickens, the body temperature rises and the pressure jumps. It is worth adding hyperemia of the skin and redness of the eyes.

All this can be considered harbingers of delirium tremens. But the alcoholic delirium itself comes with the advent of nightmares. They occur during a short sleep, and then come during the wakefulness period. As a rule, hallucinations during delirium tremens occur at night. A person may at first hear non-existent steps, calls and noise. peripheral vision it is a mistake to mark a movement that is not actually there.

The first time the symptoms of delirium tremens may not be too pronounced. Over time, the situation will get worse. In this case, medical attention may be required.

Hallucinations can last up to 3 days. By this time, the psycho-emotional state of a person may be at the limit. Bright visual hallucinations will begin to appear more and more often, regardless of the time of day.

Video about the causes, symptoms of delirium tremens:

In addition to visual "monsters", the patient may have auditory and tactile hallucinations. For example, a person may start talking with non-existent interlocutors, or it will seem to him that insects are running around his body. Character similar symptoms is purely individual. Sometimes voices in the head of an alcoholic say things that are offensive to him, which causes rage. In this state, a person is very dangerous to others.

Help with alcoholic delirium

Delirium tremens, symptoms, treatment in almost every case are similar and require the help of a specialist in the field of psychiatry. Close people of an alcoholic should remember that this is a very serious illness. Often the symptoms of delirium tremens lead to lethal outcome. For this reason, if possible, with the appearance of delirium tremens, treatment is best done in a hospital.

Alcoholic delirium can lead to such dangerous symptoms like body temperature above 40ºС, dehydration, severe convulsions and spasms, an increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood, high pressure and even cerebral edema. A big problem is aggressive behavior person. It can be dangerous for the alcoholic and for those around him. This condition complicates the treatment of the patient.

As a rule, in order to provide medical assistance to a person with alcoholic delirium, he is sent to psychiatric hospital where they know how to cure this disease. Here they conduct an examination to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

It is immediately worth noting that if symptoms appear, treatment at home with folk remedies, most likely, will not bring the expected result. From home first aid kit the use of phenobarbitals, drugs such as Corvalol and Valocordin is acceptable. The patient can be given Relanium so that the person falls asleep and more easily endures a difficult period. But Haloperidol should be excluded in any case. This drug with alcoholic delirium, it can provoke cerebral edema, which will lead to death.

If aggression and hallucinations are too strong, then the person must be isolated from society. In this state, he can harm himself and other people, so it is best to seek help from a specialized medical institution. AT last resort It is possible to block the actions of an alcoholic at home. To do this, you can tie it to the bed.

To prevent dehydration, the patient needs to drink plenty of water. Best to use plain water with the addition of soda and salt. You need to monitor your body temperature. With a significant increase, rubdowns are performed and symptoms are treated. At the same time, with medicines you have to be extremely careful.

If during delirium tremens the patient has severe convulsions, increased sweating, severe chills and high blood pressure, this indicates critical condition organism. In this case, it is necessary urgent hospitalization and psychiatric care, as all this threatens with a fatal outcome.

Video report about delirium tremens:

If there is no way to get qualified medical care, it is necessary to euthanize the patient. This will help sleeping pills. Various medicines are allowed, but it is very important to exclude alcohol. If you mix sleeping pills with alcoholic beverages, such a cocktail can cause an alcoholic even more vivid symptoms illness.

Treatment of delirium tremens lasts depending on the duration of its symptoms and the body's resistance. In some patients, the disease goes away already on the 3rd day, and there are those who have to “fight the monsters” for up to 1 month. After delirium tremens, when all symptoms have completely disappeared, the alcoholic should think about quitting forever. addiction. Otherwise, his psyche may be completely destroyed and the chances of its restoration will disappear forever.

Metal-alcoholic psychoses are severe mental disorders that appear after a long and frequent use alcoholic drinks. Typically, such manifestations are characteristic of people who are on final stages development of chronic alcoholism.

The most famous and common psychosis is, or alcoholic delirium. It manifests itself approximately on the second or third day after leaving. Signs characteristic of alcoholic delirium are various hallucinations that pose a threat to alcoholics.

Why does such a disease occur? How to identify the symptoms of approaching delirium tremens? Can delirium develop after a long spree with alcohol? These questions can be increasingly found on the web, which means that drinking people in modern world lots of. And relatives just need to know how to recognize the onset of the disease and what to do with the patient when it is diagnosed.

Causes of alcoholic delirium

Delirium tremens develops at the moment of a sharp refusal from alcoholic beverages. This comes from the fact that in chronic alcoholics it has long been merged into metabolic processes, and its lack causes acute disorder metabolism, which largely affects the brain.

Accordingly, this leads to pathological changes throughout the central nervous system, which not everyone can withstand absolutely healthy man. All this is reflected in mental health, causing mental disorders, one of which is delirium.

In addition, with prolonged use of alcohol, the body undergoes severe intoxication caused by acetaldehyde, the main metabolite of ethanol, which is a very strong toxin that destroys almost all internal organs and adversely affecting the peripheral nervous system and the brain.

In the most frequent cases, delirium tremens occurs during the withdrawal syndrome, as one of the manifestations of severe. But such a disease can also develop if a person for a long time did not drink alcohol at all, and then got drunk, as they say, "to hell with it." In any case, delirium tremens occurs exclusively in people who drink. If a person refuses to drink alcohol, then “squirrels” should not be afraid of him.

The main causes of the occurrence and development of delirium tremens:

  • abrupt rejection from alcohol after drinking;
  • drinking surrogates or cheap low-quality alcohol;
  • single use of large doses of alcoholic beverages;
  • long-term, developed with the constant use of alcohol in large quantities.

Who is prone to delirium tremens

An alcoholic delirium develops in the second or third stage of chronic alcoholism. Usually alcoholic "experience" in this case is five to seven years of continuous drinking. However, it is worth remembering that women can develop delirium tremens much earlier, approximately in the third or fourth year of alcohol abuse. Since they are more susceptible to the effects of alcohol and drink too much faster than men. However, in women, symptoms this disease most pronounced.

The drug "Alcobarrier"

Also, older alcoholics are more prone to delirium than younger representatives. According to statistics, this disease is typical for people over the age of forty.

Most prone to delirium tremens:

  • people with a history of traumatic brain injury or diseases of the central nervous system: arachnoiditis, encephalitis, meningitis;
  • persons suffering chronic alcoholism drinking alcohol for five years or more;
  • persons with chronic infectious diseases;
  • people who have already experienced a delirium attack once.

The main signs by which delirium tremens can be recognized are hallucinations. The patient's behavior changes significantly, consciousness is distorted. Gestures and facial expressions correspond to the visions that overcome the alcoholic. Attacks of delirium are always accompanied by complete disorientation in time and space, causeless intense fear and panic unmotivated aggression and increased arousal. Often such people talk loudly and incoherently to themselves, lose control of themselves and may even commit suicide.

Symptoms of this disease include:

  1. visual hallucinations. They often begin with illusions that arise on the verge of consciousness, becoming more and more clear and vivid over time. Usually patients see what once frightened them. In most cases, these are insects or small animals, snakes. It seems to many that they are stuck in a web or tangled in ropes and cannot get out. Ordinary interior items begin to move, speak, gradually change shape, turning into fantastic creatures. Devils or the dead are also often seen.
  2. Auditory hallucinations. Rustles, rustling, hissing snakes, slamming doors or windows, knocking - all this is quite clearly heard by a person who is in a fit of delirium tremens. But the most terrible thing is the voices that threaten, warn, scream in horror or beg for help. Often, when trying to get rid of auditory hallucinations patients make suicide attempts.
  3. Tactile hallucinations are most often expressed in touch. It always seems to the patient that something is crawling on him, someone is touching, biting, pinching or stroking.
  4. Gestures, facial expressions, movements - everything reflects the genuine horror that a person experiences in his personal nightmares. Feeling fear or disgust is clearly written on the face, movements resemble attempts to get out of non-existent shackles, the patient tries to brush aside and fight off the fantastic creatures attacking him.

Being in a hallucinatory delirium, alcoholics can harm themselves and other people who are nearby. Often, in an attempt to escape from someone, they get hit by cars or jump out the windows. There are many cases when patients tried to commit suicide in order to get rid of obsessive visions.

Attacks usually begin in the late afternoon and worsen in dark time days. By morning, everything usually stops, but without proper treatment, after dark, the disease progresses again. On average, an attack of delirium tremens lasts about five days, during which the patient has practically no sleep.

If medical assistance is not provided in a timely manner, then an attack of delirium is delayed for two to three weeks, the disease passes into severe stage and often entails serious and severe consequences, up to and including death.

An attack of delirium tremens ends rather abruptly, hallucinations and nightmares simply disappear, and the patient falls into a saving restorative sleep, after which weakness, lethargy, depression and irritability are observed.

Signs of the onset of delirium tremens

Delirium tremens begins to progress in the dark. AT daytime her symptoms subside significantly. Harbingers of the onset of the disease are:

  • the appearance of an aversion to alcohol, a sharp refusal to drink alcohol;
  • increased arousal, turning into complete apathy;
  • anxiety, suspiciousness, restlessness, constant incoherent speech;
  • tremor of the limbs, muscles of the face and eyelids;
  • restless sleep, accompanied by nightmares, gradually turning into insomnia;
  • the appearance of visual and auditory hallucinations;
  • high fever, chills, headache, noise in ears;
  • loss of appetite, excessive sweating and palpitations.

These are the first clear signs beginning of delirium tremens. Subsequently, the attack intensifies, hallucinations become brighter and clearer. If any symptoms appear, seek immediate medical attention medical care to prevent possible negative consequences.

Self-treatment in such cases is contraindicated, as this may end badly. Therefore, it is urgent to call an ambulance and, if possible, provide first aid.

For this you should:

  • do not leave the patient unattended;
  • put to bed, if necessary, tie with improvised means;
  • apply a cold compress to the forehead, and if the patient's condition allows, give him a cold shower.

After that, you should patiently wait for medical help.

Delirium tremens is treated only in a hospital. The therapy includes several stages:

  • the use of psychotropic, sedative and hypnotic drugs: Diazepam, Haloperidol, Relanium, Nitrazepam;
  • introduction anticonvulsants: Carbamazepine and others;
  • infusion therapy to relieve symptoms of intoxication, as solutions for droppers are used: glucose, isotonic solution, Hemodez;
  • reception medicines to restore water and electrolyte balance in the body;
  • therapy concomitant diseases: cerebral edema, pathologies of the heart and liver.

Treatment is aimed at alleviating the patient's condition and preventing severe consequences. You can protect yourself from a new attack of delirium tremens only by permanently getting rid of a harmful and dangerous habit.

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alcobarrier". it natural remedy, which blocks the craving for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier launches regenerative processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug is proven clinical research at the Research Institute of Narcology.


Delirium tremens is a severe mental disorder in which there are significant changes in the patient's consciousness. He hears different voices, haunted by monstrous images. In addition to everything else, a series somatic symptoms in the form of chills elevated temperature and sweating, headache, heart palpitations and others. It is necessary to treat such a disease only in a hospital, and for the final deliverance and prevention of recurrent attacks, it is necessary to stop drinking forever.

Or alcoholic delirium, is an alcoholic psychosis that develops in people after they have quit drinking.

It is observed in the second and subsequent stages of alcoholism. The manifestation of signs of delirium tremens in alcoholics can be noticed after the passage of a hangover syndrome. The symptoms of delirium tremens are pronounced and beyond doubt. The disease, which is popularly called "squirrels", looks like a very unpleasant effect to others.

These manifestations of acute psychosis in alcoholism are accompanied by distinct hallucinations, aggression, loss of orientation in time and space and self-control. From the outside it seems that the alcoholic has completely lost his mind.

How is delirium tremens

During an alcoholic delirium, all the fears that the consciousness of a sober person controls and does not release come out of the subconscious. If earlier during the squirrel, alcoholics chased the devils with which they were frightened in childhood, then modern alcoholic deliriums are accompanied by other fears originating from early years life and neuroses. After drunkenness, patients are visited by killers, sorcerers, insects, reptiles, mythical animals. These can be mysterious people who beckon somewhere and want to tell something. All these pictures pass in front of the alcoholic in real mode. He throws himself into the void, screams, may try to hit someone, swears, waves his arms. Maybe somewhere to run, to be saved. During delirium, cases are not uncommon when a person jumped out of the window of a multi-storey building and died at the same time. People in real mode watch pictures of visions on the wall, ceiling, see concerts, scenes from life and try to participate in them. A feature of their state is full awareness of where they are in reality. They can answer questions correctly.

Who can develop delirium tremens?

Most often, alcoholic delirium develops in people affected by alcoholism of the second or third stage and suffering from alcohol dependence for more than 5 years. Delirium tremens and its symptoms begin to develop not during the active intake of alcoholic beverages, but after the person has quit and began to move away from hard drinking. The risk group includes all persons, regardless of age and gender, who have had or have diseases of the central nervous system, craniocerebral injuries. If alcoholic delirium once manifested itself in the human psyche, this means that its further manifestations can begin with short-term intake of alcoholic beverages. Some people drink enough small quantities alcohol for 3-4 days to "catch a squirrel" a few days after stopping.

First, after the cessation of the use of doses of alcohol, begins hangover syndrome accompanied by headache, nausea, vomiting. There may be speech disorders, convulsions begin. At the same time, the first symptoms of delirium tremens appear on the part of the psyche. The patient develops inexplicable anxiety, bad premonitions of impending disaster, loss of sleep. Hand trembling can be noted excessive sweating, palpitations, fever and blood pressure, hyperemia skin, bloodshot eyes. The first symptoms of the onset of delirium tremens are nightmares. The onset of nightmares during a short sleep is delirium tremens, the symptoms of which develop while awake, often at night. Various auditory and visual hallucinations begin: calls, steps, slamming of doors are heard. There seems to be some movement on the periphery of vision. The disease manifests itself in the deterioration of the mental state, the diagnosis of which can be confirmed by a psychotherapist.

By the third day mental condition the patient, exhausted by these symptoms, begins to deteriorate. When delirium tremens comes, bright visual hallucinations begin to appear, which can visit the patient at any time of the day. At the same time, signs of delirium tremens continue to develop. The nature of hallucinations is individual and is associated with the person's perception of the surrounding dangers. Often these are tactile hallucinations, in which a person clearly feels something crawling over his body and begins to get rid of it. The patient can "hear" voices that call him to action. The words resounding in his head can be so offensive that they cause rage in a person and the desire to cope with the offenders. The patient looks completely inadequate. His mental state is unstable, there is an alternation of periods of aggression with complacency and fun. With a typical development of delirium, everything goes against the background total absence sleep. Relief can come if the patient is forcibly put to sleep by giving him sleeping pills.

When to Seek Medical Care

When there is an opportunity, then with the manifestations of delirium tremens, it is necessary to involve psychiatrists in the treatment of the patient. In a severe form of delirium tremens, which occurs in every tenth case of the manifestation of the disease, the disease can be fatal.

Symptoms of delirium tremens requiring medical intervention:

  • temperature increase up to 40 degrees;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • convulsions;
  • an increase in white blood cells;
  • increased aggressiveness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • cerebral edema.

When hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital, doctors confirm the diagnosis of "alcoholic delirium" and carry out symptomatic treatment.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of delirium tremens is powerless. With signs of delirium tremens, it is possible to use alcohol with phenobarbital (valocordin, corvalol), dissolving a vial of the drug in 100 grams of alcohol. You can give Relanium in large doses causing the patient to sleep. It is necessary to exclude haloperidol, because it often causes cerebral edema with subsequent death.

It is best to try to block the patient's actions at home by tying him to the bed so that he cannot harm himself. This is usually done in psychiatric hospitals. Drink water more often to prevent dehydration, adding a teaspoon to half a liter of water there. baking soda and salt. At high temperature carry out symptomatic treatment, water sponging, cold baths. With the manifestation of delirium tremens, a person may begin convulsions, sweating, chills, and increased pressure increase. This critical condition for the body can lead to death. With such symptoms, you should call an ambulance psychiatric care and hospitalize the patient.

If medical assistance is unrealistic, and in Russian Federation there are such places, it is necessary to make the patient sleep. For this, sleeping pills are used. When using diphenhydramine, it should not be mixed with alcoholic beverages, especially drink alcohol. Such a cocktail can cause even more deep lesions mentality in alcoholics. The time of passage of alcoholic delirium is from 2 days to three weeks. When stopping delirium tremens, the patient should think about the fact that it is necessary to fight alcohol addiction, because his psyche is on the verge of complete destruction.

Other types of delirium

Alcoholism is not always the cause of delirium. Sometimes it acute illness mentality develops in people who have nothing to do with alcohol. The diagnosis of delirium can be made due to drug, senile, infectious, traumatic lesions psyche. But him clinical manifestations no different from white alcoholic fever.

When the above symptoms appear in a person who does not drink alcohol, it immediately causes Ambulance to prevent death. In order not to mislead the doctor, tell him that the person does not drink alcohol. This will help you find true reason delirium and and deliver correct diagnosis by identifying the disease that gives such symptoms.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, that’s how he great person when not drinking

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not sold through pharmacy chain and Retail Stores to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    What only folk remedies I haven’t tried it, my father-in-law both drank and drinks

Greetings to all! Today I would like to touch on a topic that is very unpleasant for many. If a hangover is just a mild manifestation of alcoholism, then the symptoms of delirium tremens after drinking are a terrible thing.

Those who have ever encountered this inevitable manifestation of an acute form of alcoholism know how terrible and unforeseen this condition is. What is delirium tremens and how does it usually manifest itself?

White fever - what is it?

In general, "white tremens" is simply vernacular name, which in medicine has a clear term "delirium". Translated from Latin, it means "shaking gloom." In other words, a person in this state experiences acute psychosis and loss of reason.

Symptoms and manifestations of this terrible condition can be very different. But the reason is always the same - long-term abuse of alcoholic beverages.

That is, so that everyone understands, "delirious tremens" cannot appear only from the fact that you seriously did not calculate with the norm of alcohol the day before. In this case, you will simply be tormented by a severe hangover and poisoning. Delirium, on the other hand, manifests itself in alcoholics with experience, with prolonged drinking.

When does the "squirrel" come?

If you remember, in one of the articles, I said that alcoholism has 4 stages of development. So the "squirrel" (another popular name for this terrible disease) manifests itself most often at the 3rd stage of the disease.

That is, with the constant use of alcohol, a “squirrel” for men can already be expected in 6-7 years. The weaker sex gives up faster - after 2-3 years of constant drinking, acute alcoholic psychosis can occur.

What causes clouding of reason and terrible hallucinations? The fact is that with the systematic use of ethanol, brain cells gradually begin to break down.

An excess of toxins leads to oxygen starvation. And the liver, which serves as a powerful filter of toxins, is already so polluted and destroyed that it is simply not able to resist this poison. If a person has weak immunity and head injuries have been suffered in the past, the disease will develop even faster.

How does delirium tremens manifest itself?

Delirium usually occurs after the abrupt cessation of alcohol consumption. Films often show that an alcoholic, after drinking a fair amount of alcohol, suddenly begins to see fantastic images, he is visited by visions, etc. But this is a myth.

Delirium begins during a withdrawal hangover. This is a consequence of the so-called withdrawal, when the patient tries to stop drinking on his own or he is placed in a hospital for treatment. If the patient has previously had a "squirrel", then with each binge and withdrawal hangover, the likelihood of delirium increases.

How to understand that this is the same “squirrel” that all alcoholics are afraid of?

  • sharp noise in the ears;
  • causeless feeling of fear, anxiety;
  • panic;
  • auditory hallucinations;
  • visions;
  • convulsions;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • trembling in the hands;
  • severe nausea and vomiting;
  • nightmares;
  • sleep ragged and restless;
  • loss of appetite.

The number of symptoms can vary from person to person. Some even have a sharp aversion to alcohol, which has never before been seen with a person. But do not rejoice and think that this is some kind of deliverance from the disease. This is just one of the symptoms preceding a further serious condition.

What else is bad about fever, that with the appearance of hallucinations, feelings of fear, panic, etc. a person resorts to the means that are most familiar to him. Alcohol. That is, it turns out that this is a vicious circle. A binge begins, which flows into a new delirium tremens.

Hallucinations can be quite harmless, or they can be very clear and terrible. Very often, patients see a web in front of them, a lot of rodents, spiders, etc. Experts say that visions are associated with a person’s inner fears.

Often these visions are accompanied by auditory hallucinations. Many alcoholics in the delirium tremens stage feel threatened or bullied. This is what often causes aggression.

How to help a person who has delirium tremens?

What to do if close people show symptoms of delirium tremens after drinking? You must understand that the appearance of a “squirrel” is no longer the usual manifestation of hard drinking or a hangover. Proven home and pharmaceutical products is indispensable here.

We are dealing with acute form diseases. Part of the brain is affected, and therefore, powerful medications are needed that will stop the disease and gradually bring the alcoholic out of this difficult state.

Of course, the help of loved ones at this moment plays a primary role.

  • It is necessary to be close to the patient. This is a difficult and terrible condition. Some alcoholics during the "squirrels" may show aggression, so try to ensure that at this moment there are no children or animals at home. If you feel that the patient's condition is very aggressive, then it is better not to play it safe.
  • Remove all piercing and cutting objects - the patient's behavior is sometimes difficult to predict.
  • It is necessary to explain in a calm voice, in no case raising it, that everything is under control, you are nearby and any rustles, sounds, etc. it just seems to him.
  • You can give a small dose sedatives. Of course, it is forbidden to mix them with alcohol.
  • It is necessary to normalize sleep, because it is his disorder that most often causes sound hallucinations.
  • If the patient starts active actions(waving arms, running around the room, grabbing objects), it is necessary to stop it and, if possible, transfer it to a horizontal position.

  • Make a cool compress from a towel and put on your head. In this state, a cool shower can still help, but it is not always possible to calm the patient down in order to take him to the bathroom.

If we talk about more serious measures, then usually the patient is prescribed strong sedatives, which allow you to remove visions and normalize the mental state. The greatest exacerbation of a mental disorder and the appearance various forms hallucinations can be expected closer to the night.

If you do not have sedative medications at hand, or the patient's condition causes serious concern, then it is better to urgently call an ambulance. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced narcologist, as fever can recur at any time during withdrawal hangover.

Given that the "squirrel" is not always only accompanied mental disorder, the patient may be physically very ill. The temperature rises to 40 degrees, the whole body beats the strongest chills. In this case, regular antipyretic tablets should be given. Plentiful drink will also help to slightly reduce symptoms.

Of course, alcoholism is terrible disease, which poisons not only the life of the patient himself. The whole family and environment suffer from the fact that sometimes they are unable to help a loved one.

I want to recommend you an excellent online school healthy lifestyle life and nutrition . Experienced Specialists they will answer all questions regarding the state of withdrawal symptoms, teach you how to properly cleanse the body, etc. Sometimes it's worth taking the very first step that will put you on the right path!

To all my readers and subscribers, I wish good health and never face similar ailment! Share this article with your friends and those people who really need help now and don't forget to subscribe!

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