Treatment and causes of rapid ejaculation (ejaculation)? Causes and treatment of rapid ejaculation in men

Recently, alternative medicine has become increasingly popular among the population, so folk remedies for rapid ejaculation have found their place in it. Early ejaculation is a common sexual problem in our time, so there are special tips and folk remedies for rapid ejaculation in sufficient quantities.

The popular

For general education, any man should know how to get rid of premature ejaculation with the help of nature's recipes, as well as what is the best folk remedy for the quick completion of sexual intercourse.

How to treat rapid ejaculation with folk remedies

Before proceeding to describe examples of recipes, you need to clarify all the pros and cons that traditional methods of treatment have. So, folk remedies for rapid ejaculation are good because they are bestowed by nature itself, they usually consist only of natural or herbal ingredients that will have a beneficial effect not only on the main problem, but in general, on the whole body.

The fact that such an approach is safe and can have a beneficial effect on the body is undoubtedly wonderful, but there are some disadvantages. Firstly, if a man has hidden diseases in which early ejaculation is only a sign of this disease, then treatment with folk remedies may most likely be ineffective.

Treatment with folk remedies early ejaculation

There are recipes that were not compiled by our grandmothers, but by specialist phytotherapeutists who understand medicinal herbs from A to Z, and their methods of therapy can be very accurate and will solve the problem better than traditional medicine recipes. Treatment with folk remedies is not a bad option, but not all people trust such methods, but recommendations from the field of herbal medicine can be tried out.

Moreover, these plants will help not only dull the desire to finish quickly, but also help to relax the central nervous system, help fight stress, improve sleep and normalize emotional states. Thanks to these effects, you can:

  • It is necessary to mix mint, oregano and motherwort in equal proportions. Pour 15-20 grams of the mixture with a liter of boiling water. The mixture is covered with enamelware and infused for about half an hour. Then you need to strain the resulting mixture and you can drink 2 glasses a day for half a month every day.
  • Finely chopped wild rose is mixed with motherwort and three-leaf watch. A mixture of plants is poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled over low heat for half an hour, the broth must be stirred periodically. Then you need to cool the resulting mixture to room temperature and you can drink 50 g of the product per day, regardless of food intake.
  • Fresh rose hips, colza and angelica are mixed. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and poured with a glass of boiling water. You need to insist this mixture for about half an hour. Then it cools to room temperature and is drunk daily in a glass. You need to drink for a long time, at least two months in a row.

There is a so-called method of self-control

How to treat premature ejaculation at home

How to get rid of fast and early ejaculation at home, not including the intake of infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants? There are actually a considerable number of methods of this kind, and together they can also help in solving the problem, unless, of course, the problem is not of a medical nature. The ideal option is to combine two methods of folk and home therapy (taking medicinal herbs and self-control methods, getting rid of bad habits, normalizing the lifestyle and eliminating stress factors).

There is a so-called self-control technique, which includes several manipulations:

  1. A man should practice self-satisfaction on his own. First, masturbation is carried out with a dry hand, the purpose of which is to hold out for 15-20 minutes, and then you can finish. This procedure can be carried out daily, and if it works out, and the man stably keeps within the specified time, it means that there are improvements. Then it will be possible to switch to stimulation with lubricant or any other wet lubricant, and the goal will remain the same - to last and not cum for the first 15-20 minutes.
  2. Then you will need to go to the next stage - repeat the same manipulations, first without a lubricant, and then with it, but with the help of the sexual partner's hand. The set time interval remains the same - about 15-20 minutes. Repeat daily until stable.
  3. The final stage is to try to hold out and not finish during the previously indicated period of time already during the sexual intercourse itself.
  • Normalization of the mode of life, proper sleep and nutrition, avoidance of stressful situations and sudden emotional outbursts, do not go to bed too late, you also need to wake up early;
  • The lifestyle should be healthy, daily physical exercises at a moderate pace are welcome;
  • Sexual life should be stable and regular, the sexual partner should also be one;
  • Nutrition should be enriched with magnesium and zinc, as these 2 minerals are responsible for maintaining male potency and normal testosterone levels; an example of such food: nuts, seeds, seafood, meat food, eggs;
  • If the penis is too sensitive, it is advisable to use condoms.

If nothing helps at all, then you need to go to an andrologist or sexologist. They will conduct a detailed examination of the genitals, prescribe an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and tests for the delivery of sex hormones, thyroid hormones. You will also need to be checked for hidden sexual infections or inflammatory processes.

Early ejaculation can be the result of an unstable emotional state and an unhealthy lifestyle. You can use both folk methods to solve the problem, and try to solve it yourself. If nothing helps, then you need to go to the doctor.

Do you have serious problems with POTENTITY?

Have you already tried many remedies and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't act radically. It is POSSIBLE to increase the potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

Folk remedies for rapid ejaculation for many centuries have been the only way to eliminate the problem of too short sexual intercourse. Only in the last decades, doctors have developed many new methods, both surgical and medical, but the tried and tested home remedies are not inferior to modern novelties.

Causes of rapid ejaculation

Why does rapid ejaculation occur, do alternative methods of treatment help get rid of this problem?

Before deciding to test one or another method of traditional medicine, you should first understand the causes of accelerated ejaculation. For each man, various stimuli can serve as a trigger, but in general, all causes can be divided into two main groups: organic (physical) and psychogenic (psychological).

The most common organic causes of accelerated ejaculation include:

  1. Inflammatory diseases in the genital area and abdominal cavity, including vesiculitis, etc.
  2. Neurological ailments such as diseases of the spine, damage to the pelvic bones, herniated discs, Parkinson's disease.
  3. Excessive sensitivity of the head of the penis.
  4. Too short frenulum of the penis.

The list of psychological factors is more extensive. Accelerated ejaculation can cause the following, having a psychogenic nature:

  1. Prolonged abstinence from intimacy, especially during early adolescence.
  2. Lack of experience in intimate relationships.
  3. Frequent masturbation and the development of a conditioned reflex to get quick pleasure from penis stimulation.
  4. The appearance of a sense of anxiety and the expectation of a repetition of the situation due to past unsuccessful intimate contacts, accompanied by early ejaculation.
  5. Irregular sexual life and the absence of a permanent partner.
  6. Wrong behavior of a woman who focuses on the presence of intimate problems in a man.

To identify the true cause of the appearance of this disorder, you should first consult a doctor, then undergo a complete examination of the body, and only after receiving the results, proceed to the choice of treatment method. Many questions appear.

Diagnosis may consist of an examination, an ultrasound scan of the genital organs, as well as the abdominal cavity. It is advisable to take tests to determine infectious diseases, as well as undergo an examination of other organs (spine, cardiovascular system).

It is quite possible that it will be possible to get by with folk remedies alone. But in the event that the cause of problems with ejaculation was the presence of any serious disease, you should first cure the underlying ailment, and only then proceed to the auxiliary use of the achievements of traditional medicine.

The best folk remedies for rapid ejaculation

Medicinal herbs are rightfully considered one of the most useful and harmless means of eliminating many diseases. The treatment of diseases and disorders of the male reproductive sphere is no exception.

What if rapid ejaculation? Folk methods are how effective in this case?

First of all, it must be taken into account that medicinal plants, unlike conventional tablets, act slowly, and the effect of them appears after a few weeks or even months.

Accelerated ejaculation is just such a state when there is no vital need to use potent drugs, with the exception of some cases. If the doctor does not insist on surgical intervention or urgent treatment of any disease that caused this problem, you can limit yourself to taking infusions or decoctions of medicinal herbs.

  1. Decoction of lovage root. The crushed root of this plant, taken in the amount of 1 tablespoon, is poured with a glass of boiling water and slowly boiled for about 20 minutes in a water bath. After this, the remedy is insisted for half an hour, then filtered. A man needs to drink a decoction of 1/3 cup, preferably three times a day.
  2. A mixture of hop cones and motherwort. For 1 part of the cones, you should take 3 parts of motherwort grass, brew the collection at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water. A man should take this infusion three times a day for half a cup. The course of treatment should not exceed one month.
  3. Periwinkle. One tablespoon of grass is poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes. Attention: this remedy is taken in a small amount: 10 drops per day, and for no more than three days.
  4. Hoof root. First, the root is crushed, 1/3 teaspoon of raw material is taken, then poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes. It is necessary to insist the remedy for half an hour, after which you can strain and take 1 tablespoon up to six times a day.

Each folk remedy in the form of an infusion (decoction) of one or more herbs should be taken separately, and not try to try all the recipes on yourself at the same time.

Basic rules for the use of medicinal herbs in the treatment of accelerated ejaculation

You should not rely on the alleged harmlessness of all plants used in the treatment of violations of the process of ejaculation. Any, even the safest herbal preparation, if used ineptly, can do harm instead of benefit.

Before you start drinking decoctions or infusions of medicinal herbs, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for taking them:

  • When preparing an infusion (decoction), the proportions should be strictly observed.
  • The raw materials used must be dry and clean, collected away from sources of contamination or purchased from a pharmacy.
  • Having started the course of treatment, you should take the infusions exactly according to the scheme, without missing the next dose, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the remedy.
  • The prepared infusion should not be stored for more than two days. It is better to prepare a new decoction or infusion every other day or even daily, the effectiveness of which will be higher than that of a stale remedy.
  • Each herbal collection should be taken in a course, that is, for a certain period of time (for example, one month), after which it is necessary to take a break of several months.

In the presence of excessive excitement and indecision, herbal remedies such as motherwort and valerian will help to cope with the problem. Ready-made infusions of these herbs or tablets based on them can be purchased at a pharmacy.

When treating a problem, how to treat early ejaculation, folk methods can be very useful. Many men note a significant improvement in well-being, a surge of strength and energy.

What to do if there is an urgent need to show yourself in the best possible way during intimacy, and the likelihood of early ejaculation during the upcoming sexual intercourse is very high? In the introduction, we have already mentioned the progress of medicine in this matter, created specifically for and to slow down the onset of ejaculation.

One such remedy is Stud 5000. An important advantage of this drug is that it is applied externally, and not by ingestion, so the effect on the body of the components of the drug is almost eliminated.

It is very convenient to use Stud 5000 lidocaine spray: just shake the bottle beforehand and spray it on the head of the penis two or three times. It is necessary to do this manipulation 10 minutes before sexual intercourse or a little earlier. It should be borne in mind that the effect of the spray lasts for 30-50 minutes.

In the event that a man is worried not only about possible early ejaculation, but also about the strength and stability of an erection during intimacy, it is advisable to pay attention to a complex drug -. Dapoxetine, which is one of the components of this remedy, significantly (approximately 4 times) prolongs sexual intercourse, and Sildenafil, which is the main active ingredient of the famous Viagra, greatly increases male strength, namely, it enhances erection and provides its necessary duration. Thus, after using this remedy, a man may not worry at all about the occurrence of any problems during intimacy.

The drug Dapoxetine with Sildenafil is sold under the name, which can be found in our pharmacy. This tool has a great effect on the male body. The advantage of its use was appreciated by many men, for whom Super P-force has become a real salvation in their personal lives.

Thanks to the use of the above drugs, the quality of intimate relationships is significantly increased, and the likelihood of any failures tends to zero. If you combine taking medicines with treatment using the achievements of traditional medicine, you can extend the period of active intimate life for a long time and increase satisfaction from communicating with your beloved woman.

Almost a third of all sexually mature men suffer from the fact of rapid ejaculation. The problem takes on catastrophic proportions, especially when you consider that not everyone is recognized in this pathology. True, only a doctor can diagnose such an unpleasant feature. As a rule, the man himself does not correctly assess his own condition. Sexual partners are also interested in correct, adequate and timely diagnosis, since sex plays an essential role within any couple. A real modern woman will help her boyfriend or husband not only voice the problem, but also support when contacting a specialist. The reasons for rapid ejaculation are different, and we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main ones. It will also be useful for men to learn about medication methods and folk remedies that help to cope with the problem.

They can be conditionally divided into two main groups. The first group includes physiological problems, and involves medical and surgical intervention by professional specialists. The second group is psychological causes that are not inferior in severity and impact on the male body. An examination at a medical center will help to establish the real cause. So, let's find out what are the causes of ejaculation.

The first group - physiological reasons

  • Firstly, it is the increased sensitivity of the penis as a whole, or its head. It can form due to past diseases - for example, phimosis and balanoposthitis. Sometimes this feature is congenital, but it is not considered a pathology, until you see a urologist;
  • Secondly, chronic vesiculitis (inflammation of the seminal vesicles). Sperm accumulates in the vesicles, and due to diseases or inflammation, the walls of the vesicles can become thinner. Often, at the same time as vesiculitis, prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) also develops. Needless to say, in this case, complex medical treatment will be needed;
  • Thirdly, any internal injuries of the body can be marked by the manifestation of rapid ejaculation. Spinal cord injuries, penis and pelvic injuries, inflammation and sexually transmitted diseases - there are many external and internal diseases;
  • Fourth, endocrine failures and disorders. Hormonal imbalance, and in particular insufficient testosterone production, is a common cause of rapid ejaculation;
  • Fifthly, an excess of alcohol in the blood;
  • Sixth, poisoning with toxins, including smoking;
  • The seventh cause of rapid ejaculation may be the unauthorized use of antibiotics, or inhibitors, without first consulting a doctor.

The second group - psychological reasons

  • Fear of not satisfying a partner or being rejected at the beginning of sexual intercourse;
  • Stress arising from workload (or lack thereof);
  • overexcitation;
  • Non-standard or uncomfortable environment, or not well chosen place and time for intercourse;
  • The presence of children in a couple and the fear of being caught in sexual games.

We learned why a man ejaculates quickly. Let's move on to a discussion of treatment, and also learn several ways to stop ejaculation at the beginning of sexual contact.

Timely diagnosis

When contacting a specialist urologist, a man will have to undergo certain procedures and pass tests. First, the doctor conducts a superficial examination of the penis, and takes an anamnesis.

  • An ultrasound scan will definitely be prescribed to view the seminiferous tubules and assess the condition of the vesicles with seminal fluid;
  • Tests are prescribed to identify possible infections and inflammatory processes;
  • Tests are carried out to study the blood supply to the penis.

Tests are also performed to clarify the following common causes of the disease:

  • Lidocaine test - clarifies if the head of the penis has hypersensitivity. Lidocaine ointment is applied to the penis before sexual intercourse. If the time elapsed before ejaculation has increased, the test has been passed successfully and the cause has been established;
  • Test with antidepressants - in this case, before sexual intercourse, it is necessary to take drugs that affect the cerebral cortex and bring calm. With a positive effect, the answer to the question of why ejaculation occurs quickly lies in the psychological state of the man.
  • Urethroscopy and ultrasound will allow you to get an accurate picture of the state of the genitourinary system.

How to get rid of rapid ejaculation

After understanding the causes of rapid ejaculation, the doctor will advise the appropriate therapy. We list the most common methods of treatment.

Medical treatment

There are several types of drug therapy, namely:

  • Treatment of infectious diseases, as well as inflammatory processes leading to premature ejaculation;
  • Treatment of hypersensitivity of the head, with the help of anesthetic gels and certain doses of inhibitors;
  • Treatment with antidepressants;
  • Tramadol therapy is an analgesic used for severe pain, the side effect of which is the fight against hypersensitivity;
  • Surgical intervention, in the form of circumcision of the foreskin. A painful procedure, but bringing a stunning result, after a course of rehabilitation and recovery;
  • Introduction under the skin of the head of a certain amount of hyaluronic acid. The operation is similar to women's cosmetic procedures, it is absolutely safe and is performed under local anesthesia. The whole operation will take no more than half an hour. Hyaluron will create a kind of layer between the skin and nerve endings, muffling sensations during sexual contact.

Treatment with special drugs

  • Dapoxetine;
  • erectile;
  • Konegra;
  • Sealex;
  • Viagra, Levitra, Cialis (inhibitors).

The doctor, having determined why ejaculation occurs quickly, and, having excluded all possible diseases, can advise the following treatment options:

Control the process during intercourse

A man can:

  • Slow down the pace of intercourse;
  • Remove the penis from the partner's vagina, with great excitement;
  • Change positions in sex more often - this variety distracts a man and pleases a woman;
  • Ask the partner to press the active point between the anus and the scrotum (weakens the erection and sensations);
  • Use a condom with the maximum thickness of the rubber;
  • Apply a special breathing technique (holding the breath before the onset of peak spasms);
  • Get distracted during intercourse, mentally scrolling through situations that do not give pleasure (an upcoming meeting, communication with superiors, or other matters). Doctors do not advise to get involved in this practice, because the partner may not like it, and also lead to a showdown, adding stress.

All these methods are more related to self-healing, and will suit men with great willpower.

Treatment of premature ejaculation with folk remedies

It is quite possible to treat ejaculation with folk remedies. Decoctions of herbs, or special alcohol tinctures will help. What to do, how to properly maintain proportions, and how to treat fast ejaculation with folk remedies, read on.

Recipe #1

Combine calendula, wild rose (fruits), motherwort in equal parts, after grinding. Pour a couple of tablespoons with a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse overnight (on average for 6 hours). Consume before meals, a tablespoon for 30 or 60 days.

Recipe #2

Prepare the next two infusions in the same way, but mix other herbs, namely:

  • Angelica, colza and two-leaved pubis;
  • Peppermint, oregano, motherwort and yarrow.

Recipe #3

Two parts of oregano and one part of calendula are poured with boiling water and infused for 4-6 hours. It is taken for two weeks in the morning and evening.

Recipe #4

Eat two cloves of garlic every day, which is great for this problem. True, doctors joke that this can save a man from sexual intercourse in general, especially if the young man is not married and does not have a permanent partner.

Recipe number 5

Lovage root is infused with alcohol, previously crushed in order to give as many useful enzymes as possible into the tincture. Such an alcohol mixture must be consumed daily, at lunchtime or in the evening.

Recipe #6

Combine hop cones and motherwort herb in equal proportions. Pour boiling water, wait until it is infused, and strain. Such an infusion must be drunk half a glass in the morning, for 30 days.


We talked about why a man considers rapid ejaculation a problem, and also shared a variety of treatment methods. The main thing is to be sure that everything is treatable and not to add psychological blocks to your own attitude.

How to cure early ejaculation at home can only be suggested by a specialist. Premature ejaculation depends on many pathological causes. Not every man can independently determine such causes and properly treat. The problem causes a lot of inconvenience. Some men don't talk about it. This is an erroneous action. It is necessary to consult a doctor. He will tell you how to quickly cure the pathology and identify the diagnosis.

How does ejaculation occur and what does it depend on

There is sexual arousal in men due to several organs and tissues. At first, a man experiences pleasant sensations that irritate the cerebral cortex. From it, a signal is transmitted to the lumbosacral region. From the department, the impulse goes to the nerve endings of the penis. When this occurs, the expansion of the blood vessels of the penis. Special cavities located in the body of the penis are filled with a large volume of blood. The man gets an erection. During sexual intercourse, testosterone is released into the blood. An increase in the level of this hormone entails the release of seminal fluid into the urethra. There is a release of sperm outside. This is how ejaculation occurs.

If the work of one of these organs is disturbed, a potency disorder occurs. The man notes the occurrence of early ejaculation. Many patients are interested in home treatments for this pathology. To choose the right drug, you need to know the reason that caused early ejaculation.

Factors leading to rapid ejaculation

There are several reasons that affect the change in the erectile function of a man. Early ejaculation can occur if there are factors such as:

Injuries to the penis can lead to disruption of the vascular and nervous systems. In case of violation of the work of the vessels, there is an excessive filling of the cavernous bodies of the penis. A man's sensitivity increases and early ejaculation occurs. It is impossible to prevent this disease at home. Therapy can only be carried out by a doctor.

In some men, this pathology occurs at birth. At puberty, the first excitation occurs. Many young people suffer from rapid ejaculation during adolescence. For this reason, many patients do not go to a specialist. After a few years, the process of ejaculation is normalized. In some patients, the pathology persists. The congenital form of the problem can be eliminated at home.

Often, early ejaculation appears against the background of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. Prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis and other pathologies are the cause of the problem. To find out what pathology affected the ejaculation, you need to undergo a medical diagnosis.

The foreskin of the penis contains a large number of nerve endings. If their number is more than normal, then the patient increases the sensitivity of the prepuce. Sexual intercourse with such a pathology proceeds quickly. Early ejaculation in this case is eliminated only by the surgical method. You can reduce the sensitivity with the help of some decoctions. But such assistance is not always effective.

Neurological diseases have a pathological effect on signal transmission from the brain. Some pathologies are accompanied by the transmission of an impulse that bypasses the sacral region. In this case, the release of sperm into the vas deferens occurs quickly. There is early ejaculation. Therapy must be carried out under the supervision of a neurologist. At home, you can use soothing decoctions.

For various reasons, hormonal failure can occur. A blood test reveals a high level of testosterone. The hormone affects the ejection of sperm into the urethra. Such patients have earlier ejaculation. The problem needs to be solved only with a doctor. Self-treatment of hormone levels is not recommended.

Many men have problems with ejaculation due to environmental irritants. Various stressful situations, prolonged depression lead to a decrease in potency and impaired ejaculation. In such patients, early ejaculation and rare sexual intercourse are noted. This form of the disease can be cured at home on its own.

Symptoms of rapid ejaculation

Early ejaculation is accompanied by additional signs. A man may notice additional symptoms such as:

  • Violation of the emptying of the bladder;
  • Pain during sexual contact;
  • Decreased volume of ejaculate;
  • Erectile dysfunction.

Many diseases of the urogenital area are accompanied by increased urge to release the bladder. Going to the toilet does not lead to the disappearance of the urge. The problem intensifies at night and leads to an increase in pathology. The symptom often indicates that a man has prostatitis, cystitis, or urethritis. Self-treatment in this case can only harm. You can reduce the manifestation of symptoms at home.

If early ejaculation is accompanied by pain, then a medical examination is necessary. The cause of such a symptom may be a pathogenic microorganism that has settled in the genitourinary system. Pain can be reduced with pain medications. The intervention of a specialist will help to completely eliminate the symptom.

Early ejaculation may be accompanied by a violation of potency and a decrease in the volume of ejaculate. Such changes entail severe damage to the genital organs. If these signs appear, you should contact a urologist.

Treatment of the problem

Therapy for early ejaculation is selected based on the disease. There are several types of treatment:

  1. Therapy with drugs;
  2. Excision of the foreskin;
  3. Home methods for eliminating pathology.

Medications must be selected with the attending physician. At home, it is allowed to take dietary supplements that help normalize ejaculation. In the pharmacy you can buy Impaza, Loveron, Lovelas, Sealex. These funds will not harm the body, will have a stimulating effect on the sexual function of men.

With a congenital form of early ejaculation, experts recommend using a decoction of oak bark. To prepare a drink, you need 50 g of finished raw materials and half a liter of hot water. The raw material is filled with water and placed on the stove. When the drink boils, the stove turns off. The finished product is wrapped and left for 40 minutes. Take the drink on an empty stomach in the morning. You can drink no more than half a glass at a time.

An infusion of thyme herb, red root and chamomile has proven itself well. All plants are taken in equal parts. The total weight of the composition is 100g. The mixture is poured with 500 ml of boiling water and infused overnight. Reception is carried out three times a day. A single serving is 100 ml.

Well prevents early ejaculation decoction of fresh rose hips. The drink is easy to prepare yourself at home. 500 g of fresh fruits are poured into a three-liter saucepan. The drink is brewed for one hour. It is taken before every meal. The volume is not limited.

With the appearance of early ejaculation, a man should consult a specialist. The doctor will determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe treatment. Home remedies can speed up recovery.

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common types of sexual dysfunction. According to statistics, 40% of the male population of our planet is more or less familiar with this intimate nuisance. Rapid ejaculation is a problem so piquant that the representatives of the stronger sex are in no hurry to go to the doctor, considering it too shameful. But if the problem is ignored for a long time, it can have serious consequences for a person. The inability to carry out a sexual intercourse that is normal in duration gives rise to psychological complexes in many men, makes them withdraw into themselves, deprives them of the opportunity to build full-fledged relationships with women and enjoy sex. At the same time, curing rapid ejaculation is quite easy, for this a man just needs to overcome his shame and make an appointment with an andrologist.

Causes of early ejaculation in the stronger sex

Usually, complaints of short ejaculation occur in young guys who have recently begun to live sexually. The act of copulation in many of them ends with the ejection of semen a few seconds after the introduction of a member into the partner's vagina. As most people gain sexual experience, this problem goes away on its own and does not require medical correction. However, there are not so few cases when mature and experienced men complain about premature ejaculation. Such sexual disorders require a mandatory visit to a doctor. The specialist will first determine the cause that caused sexual dysfunction, and only after that will prescribe to the patient a treatment aimed at eliminating it.

There are many reasons for rapid ejaculation. They are usually divided into physiological and psychological. Physiological reasons include:

  • hypersensitivity of the glans penis (it can be both congenital and caused by such ailments as balanoposthitis or phimosis);
  • diseases of the genitourinary tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • hormonal disorders.

In addition to physiological reasons, there are psychological reasons for rapid ejaculation. The consequence of male sexual imbalance can be:

  • poor relationship with a permanent partner, associated with frequent quarrels, jealousy, disagreements;
  • excessive emotional experiences, stress, depression;
  • fear of not meeting the expectations of a partner (usually this is due to previous failures with women).

In sex, consistency is very important. Often the cause of premature ejaculation is hidden in the absence of a regular sexual life in a man due to the lack of a permanent partner. As soon as a person manages to stabilize the intimate sphere of his life, this problem will cease to exist for him.

Eliminate the root cause of rapid ejaculation

Treatment of early ejaculation should be aimed at solving the problem that provoked it. Before curing rapid ejaculation, the doctor will ask the patient questions about his past and current diseases, ask about his intimate life, examine the penis and send the man for examination (tests, ureteroscopy, ultrasound of the genitals). Only after that, the specialist will be able to accurately name the cause that caused the sexual disorder in a man and choose the appropriate therapy for him or refer him to another specialist.

Very often, during examination, a person is diagnosed with a disease that has led to a weakening of sexual function (colliculitis, prostatitis, vesiculitis, spinal injuries, diabetes mellitus, and others). In this case, it is not the early ejaculation that needs to be treated, but the disease that provokes it. To do this, the patient is prescribed medications and procedures, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the disease (for example, if vesiculitis turned out to be the root cause of rapid ejaculation, the doctor prescribes to the patient the drugs used to treat this disease). Usually, after a full recovery, a person's sexual function normalizes.

Ejaculation and sensitivity of the head of the penis

If the cause of too rapid ejaculation is excessive sensitivity of the head of the penis, then circumcision of the foreskin will be the most effective method of solving the problem. Surgical intervention will make the head of the penis completely open, due to which its sensitivity will gradually decrease, and the man will be able to conduct longer sexual intercourse.

But not every representative of the strong half of humanity, in order to eliminate an intimate problem, will agree to substitute his penis under the surgeon's knife. If a person categorically does not agree to surgery, the doctor will recommend that he use agents (gels, ointments, sprays) before sex, the action of which is aimed at reducing the sensitivity of the head and, accordingly, prolonging the time of sexual intercourse.

A condom will help reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis, so this barrier contraceptive should not be neglected by people suffering from premature ejaculation. Today, you can find condoms on the market, on the inside of which a lubricant is applied with the addition of benzocaine, a local anesthetic drug. Thanks to this anesthetic, men with hypersensitivity of the penis head will be able to restrain the time of ejaculation and prolong sexual intercourse.

It is possible to increase the duration of sex with hypersensitivity of the penis without the help of circumcision and pharmacy products. If you massage the place between the man's anus and the scrotum for 1-2 minutes, you can make sexual contact with your partner longer. You can prolong the act by changing the pace directly in the process of copulation. As soon as a man feels that he is close to the finale, he needs to slow down his movements or completely remove the penis from the female vagina for a few seconds, and then enter the partner again and continue sexual intercourse.

To reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis, you can use a folk remedy based on oak bark. To prepare it, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of oak bark with a glass of water and boil over low heat for about 30 minutes. When the broth has cooled, it should be filtered and drunk 1/3 cup before bedtime. Oak bark helps to reduce the sensitivity of the head of the male genital organ and allows you to delay the time of ejaculation.

An operation to excise the foreskin is indicated not only for people with hypersensitivity of the head of the penis, but also for patients who have phimosis or balanoposthitis as a result of the examination. Medications do not eliminate these diseases, so circumcision is the only way out in this situation. Thanks to this simple operation, many men manage to extend the time of copulation by 3 times. The surgical procedure will not only increase the duration of sex, but will also be an excellent prevention of complications associated with infringement of the foreskin.

Pills from early ejaculation and the solution of psychological problems

Today in pharmacies you can buy drugs designed to delay the moment of ejaculation. Among them, the most famous are Levitra, Viagra, Generic Viagra. These drugs contribute to rapid sexual arousal and allow you to increase the duration of copulation several times. The listed drugs are well tolerated by the male body and, if the dosages are observed, will not cause any harm to health. Their action is aimed at increasing blood circulation in the penis and relaxing its muscles. Take pills to prolong sexual contact should be only on the recommendation of a doctor.

It should be borne in mind that such drugs do not eliminate the cause of sexual dysfunction, but only allow a man to delay the onset of orgasm.

Psychological problems can cause rapid ejaculation even in perfectly healthy representatives of the stronger sex. To cope with them, a man needs to consult a neurologist, psychotherapist or psychologist. In this case, antidepressants and sedatives prescribed by a qualified specialist will help to cope with dysfunction. And do not forget about increasing self-esteem and harmonizing relationships with a permanent sexual partner. The romance and tenderness of a man in relation to his chosen one, avoiding conflicts with her will help restore relationships and make the intimate life of a couple in love high-quality and unforgettable.

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