Violent cramps and numbness in tender toes. What needs to be done? Metabolic disorders

Unpleasant sensation spasm of the toes, occurring at any time, is familiar to everyone. It is especially unpleasant when the phenomenon occurs in the middle of the night. There are many reasons for the condition. Consider the main manifestations of toe cramps and how to eliminate them.

Spasms occur involuntarily, without the participation of consciousness and will. It is customary to distinguish between seizures by duration and localization. Seizures are:

  • Clonic, there are short-term contractions and relaxation of a narrow muscle group;
  • Tonic, a prolonged muscle spasm develops. The finger suddenly begins to harden, it is not possible to relax;
  • Mixed, an alternating tonic and clonic sign is distinguished;
  • Generalized, there is a dangerous tension of the entire skeletal muscles, often as a result of a serious illness, can be life-threatening;
  • Local, when a single group of muscles is immobilized. Such spasms are prone to generalization, especially with some dangerous diseases(for example, tetanus).

How do seizures happen?

Muscles are made up of cells that carry nerve impulses. Nerve impulses enter the muscle due to the presence of potassium, calcium and sodium. When a nerve impulse (which is similar in nature to an electrical charge) enters the muscle, it contracts. The reduction is possible due to the difference in electrical potentials.

If calcium enters the cell, the element forces it to contract. After the contraction is completed, a state of rest occurs. In this state, calcium is excreted from the cell, potassium and sodium enter inside (in healthy condition elements are located outside the cell, in the extracellular space). The penetration process is provided by magnesium. It turns out that an imbalance of the main ions happens, including toes.

What causes toe cramps

This includes hypothermia, wearing uncomfortable tight shoes either allocate serious reasons cramped fingers. Let's consider in more detail.

Vitamins and minerals necessary for proper blood circulation

In order for the blood in the toes to circulate normally, the body needs these substances:

These substances are closely related. Treatment with drugs containing components is required for sick people.

Toe cramps during pregnancy

Spasm of the toes and calf muscles in pregnant women occurs for obvious reasons:

  • An increase in the size of the uterus. main reason seizures at a later date. A woman should consult a doctor, cramps in late pregnancy are often dangerous.
  • Metabolic disease. Cramps of calves often occur as a result of a deficiency of magnesium, potassium, calcium in the body. During pregnancy, the need for trace elements increases significantly.
  • Edema. A pregnant woman needs to monitor her fluid and salt intake. Coffee is prohibited, the drink contributes to the violation of water metabolism and the appearance of seizures.
  • Wearing tight clothing causes involuntary muscle spasms.

Associated symptoms with leg cramps

With cramps of the toes, concomitant symptoms are possible: increased chilliness of the fingers, a feeling of tingling and numbness, tightening of the skin. The phenomenon is associated with a deterioration in blood circulation. Tingling and tightness of the skin, burning is possible with diseases:

  • Circulatory disorders;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Hemicrania (migraine);
  • Herniated disc;
  • Lack of vitamins (hypovitaminosis);
  • Chronic intoxication, including at night;
  • Tunnel syndrome (compression of the nerve in the narrow part of the legs);
  • Deforming damage to the joint and damage to the nerves, leading to convulsions;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Other diseases nervous system.

When accompanying symptoms should see a doctor. Similarly, if convulsions lead to a progressive deterioration in well-being. If fingers often go numb - there is a reason to urgently consult a doctor, a symptom of a herniated disc develops.

Usually, the doctor prescribes a series of studies to determine the state of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Radiography, magnetic resonance imaging are prescribed. If the studies do not show traces of the disease, you will need to contact an endocrinologist to check blood glucose. considered a sign of diabetes.

Why cramps appear at night

Nocturnal seizures occur from intense physical work and overvoltage. If a person has been wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes for a long time, or just been in an uncomfortable position for a long time. At a certain point, the muscles of the fingers contract strongly. People with flat feet belong to the group increased risk, muscles, including toes, tense during the working day.

A supercooled person has increased likelihood development of toe cramps. Cold causes reflex trembling of muscles, there is high probability cramping of the fingers, mostly at night.

Dangerous stressors. Relentless constant stress leads to fatigue of the muscles of the toes, they “backfire” with a painful and unpleasant cramp, and at night.

What to do if your fingers cramped

It is possible to help yourself if the fingers and foot are cramped, even at night. The main thing is not to panic with the pain that has gripped the leg.

It is easier when pain in the toes appears to stand on the floor, not forgetting to straighten up. Often the pain prevents the use of the limb. Other methods have been developed. The simplest is to embrace the spasmodic fingers, pulling them towards you, overcoming the pain. Soon the tension and spasm of the fingers will pass, the pain will recede. It is possible to make small movements in the form of rocking, helping to treat the spasm.

Let's say massage the calf muscle, releasing spasmodic muscles from pain. It is supposed to start from spasmodic toes to the knee. Reduce soreness by rubbing, patting and tingling in the calves. It is permissible to put a folded blanket under the knee so that it does not happen again.

Warming ointments and rubbing with vinegar will help. If the house is not apple cider vinegar A regular warm foot bath will help. Warm - universal remedy for treatment that helps to get rid of cramps in the toes, even recurring ones.

How to prevent the development of seizures

It is possible to prevent the development of muscle spasms. Complex measures are not required, everything you need is quite affordable at home. Would need:

  • Do simple exercises daily to strengthen muscles prone to spasms. Actions will ensure blood circulation and transportation nutrients and oxygen to distant parts of the musculoskeletal system. It is useful to run more often, walk on tiptoe, swim.
  • It is important to gradually increase the intensity of physical activity.
  • You have to eat right. In the diet, increase the amount of seafood, bananas, legumes, greens, cereals, dairy products.
  • If the specificity of the work is in prolonged sitting, it is prescribed to do gymnastics every half an hour - change position, get up, walk, stretch, ensuring normal blood circulation.
  • Shoes are carefully selected. If the shoe is tight when trying on, it will never become comfortable, you will have to refuse the purchase.

Simple tips will help you forget about cramps and keep your legs healthy. With your finger closed, try to pull the muscle. As a rule, the painful spasm passes.

Unfortunately, many people are familiar with the sensation of muscle spasm of the toes, often this painful, unpleasant feeling wakes up at night, catches by surprise during physical training or with contrasting temperature changes. Why does he cramp his toes, how serious is this enemy, how to quickly deal with painful sensations? The answers to these questions will be discussed below.

  • By paralyzing the fingers with cramps, the body gives signals that it lacks some nutrients;
  • Long stay in uncomfortable narrow shoes;
  • The cramp is a consequence of hypothermia;
  • When the bloodstream does not enough oxygen, blood circulation is disturbed, and this leads to a reduction in muscle fibers;
  • Sedentary sedentary image life;
  • Heavy power loads during sports;
  • flat feet;
  • stress;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Prolonged stay in one position can also disrupt the mechanism of blood circulation, causing spasm.

From the prerequisites listed above, it can be seen that seizures can be caused by both harmless phenomena and serious health problems. For example, they may indicate that there are inflammatory processes even though they are hidden from view. It is also a signal varicose veins veins, problems thyroid gland(this also includes diabetes), a neurological disease.

Micronutrient deficiency

magnesium deficiency

One of the most serious prerequisites that cause a reduction can be called a lack of micronutrients. For example, muscle contraction paralyzes parts of the body due to magnesium deficiency. It is magnesium that is necessary for the well-coordinated full-fledged work of muscles during contraction. Often, a lack of magnesium can be justified by an improperly balanced diet, but, on the other hand, the root of evil can be hidden much deeper, have much more serious reasons, because diseases can interfere with the normal absorption of the magnesium microelement.

How to understand that it is the lack of this microelement that leads to frequent acute pain from the contraction of fibers by cramps?

The fact that there is not enough magnesium, in addition to the paralyzing pain of the fingers, is evidenced by fast fatiguability back pain, depression, arterial pressure above normal, headaches, arthritis.

calcium deficiency

Calcium deficiency also provokes severe muscle tension. The first signals of a lack of "colleague and partner" magnesium are sharp deterioration skin conditions, brittle nails, split ends. Calcium also plays a role in dental health. emotional condition(signs of deficiency can be called irritability, fatigue). Conductor of calcium digestive tract is vitamin D, so its content needs to be checked too.

If you do not adjust the content of calcium and magnesium in time, you can get this serious consequence like a change biochemical composition blood.

iron deficiency

A direct participant in the saturation of blood with oxygen is the trace element iron, the lack of which causes convulsions. People who adhere low calorie diets or use sugar substitutes, glucose levels fall, which also provokes a painful contraction.

To make sure strong pain caused by muscle spasms are caused by a lack of trace elements, with frequent convulsions, it is worth taking a biochemical blood test to determine the level of magnesium, calcium and iron.

potassium deficiency

You should also remember the important role of potassium for the function of contraction of muscle fibers. A deficiency can be a sign of diabetes, bowel or kidney disease.

If a deficiency of these trace elements is detected, it is better, with the help of a medical consultation, to draw up a plan for taking vitamins and minerals, as well as adjust the diet. In addition, a visit to the doctor will explain the reasons why the levels of magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium may be reduced.

It is necessary to exclude or receive timely recommendations for the treatment of diseases such as diabetes, diseases of the digestive tract, diseases of the kidneys. However, a micronutrient content of less than required will lead to a deficiency in the content of all other micronutrients, since they are all interconnected.

Single causes of seizures

Single causes of muscle numbness:

Here, all actions to prevent the appearance of pain and discomfort are as simple as possible.

Uncomfortable shoes

Shoes need to be chosen correctly, taking into account individual characteristics feet, as well as a tendency to cramps. It is necessary to pay attention to natural materials, a comfortable shoe, the right fullness, and the right size.

Prolonged stay in one position

With a long pastime in one activity that excludes physical activity, you just need to change positions more often, move your toes, in order to avoid slowing down the circulation of the blood flow.

Power training

Strength training should be commensurate with physical fitness, it is imperative to replenish the training program with a warm-up - exercises oriented to warm up, stretch the muscles.

circulatory disorders

Those who suffer from impaired blood circulation should diversify their lives with daily exercise, you can run, jump, swim, walk on toes, in a word, restore muscle tone, accelerate blood flow.


Expectant mothers should come to terms with a cramp, it should disappear immediately after childbirth, recovery of the body.

Causes of frequent spasms:

  • gained weight,
  • an enlarged uterus, with its pressure, disrupts blood circulation,
  • swelling,
  • varicose veins.

The period of active growth in children

Seizures occur in children.

They are characteristic of the period active growth, but in addition, spasms can indicate specific problems, such as flat feet, vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Therefore, you should immediately get advice from a specialist (pediatrician or orthopedist), adjust the child’s nutrition according to the needs of the body, start performing a set of exercises to correct flat feet, and choose the right shoes.


Exist folk recipes treatment of muscle spasms.

And another option is to prepare a horseradish tincture, which will need to be used inside.

To prepare such a tincture, you need horseradish grated on a fine grater (200 gr.), Honey (500 gr.), Oil (500 gr.). Tincture drink three times a day chilled in the refrigerator for 1 tbsp. spoon.

Methods to quickly relieve pain from cramps

  • You need to massage the muscle, pat it, make every effort to help the fibers return to a relaxed state as quickly as possible, because muscle spasm is the result of strong tissue tension, and also the inability of the muscle to relax again.
  • You can pull your fingers with your toes towards you, hold in this position for a while. Even if the tissues relax quickly, the pain will persist for some time.
  • It is very dangerous to experience spasm while swimming in the sea or pool, especially when swimming at great depths, even if only the fingers are paralyzed, because with inaccurate movement, the spasm can cover the entire lower leg. The main thing is not to panic, roll over on your back, try to pull your leg with your toe towards you. If a person is prone to paralyzing sensations, then it is rational to have a pin with you, it can be pinned to a bathing suit.
  • If a sharp pain most often paralyzes at night, before going to bed should be done special exercises designed to relax the muscles light massage legs. Such exercises are aimed at unhurried.

Spasms are still not a disease, but a symptom. And in order to establish which disease they are a symptom of in each case, you just need to contact a phlebologist.

You can delay the moment of the appointment with the phlebologist, but only then to get to the therapist's appointment to get a referral for biochemical analysis blood. If a shortage of trace elements is detected, then the treatment will be prescribed by a therapist.

In addition, the therapist may advise you to contact another specialist, such as an orthopedist, endocrinologist or neurologist, in order to eliminate the cause of muscle fiber contractions, and not the symptom itself.

Surely everyone at least once had cramps in the fingers of the lower extremities. Having experienced it most unpleasant feeling, many are beginning to wonder why they cramp their toes and how to deal with it. The reasons for this unpleasant problem a lot and before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out what they are, only in this way, from spastic syndrome you can get rid of forever.

All muscle contractions occur involuntarily, for this a person does not make any effort. Convulsions in medical practice classified according to their localization and duration of the attack.

Spasmodic muscle contractions are:

  • Clonic type. They have a short duration between contraction and relaxation of muscle tissue.
  • local type. Such cramps are caused by the immobilization of a certain muscle group. But if they are a symptom of such an ailment as tetanus, then they affect the entire muscular apparatus in the body and lead to lethal outcome. In other cases, they are safe and pass quickly.
  • tonic type. Such spasms have a high duration, and it is impossible to relax the fingers during an attack, only after it stops them. motor function returns.
  • generalized type. This type of muscle spasm is very dangerous as it affects the entire body. skeletal muscles. It can be caused by serious diseases that threaten not only the loss of working capacity, but also death.
  • Mixed type. Such convulsions, in which tonic and clonic symptoms are combined.

The reasons

Muscle tissue consists of cells that serve as a kind of transmitters of nerve impulses that get there due to the presence in the body of elements such as sodium, potassium and calcium. When an impulse passes through the muscle, somewhat resembling an electric charge, the muscles contract. The contraction occurs due to the fact that the pulses have different electrical potentials or polarities.

If calcium compounds enter the muscle cell, they contract. This is followed by complete relaxation. Then calcium molecules are removed from the cells, and they are replaced by potassium and sodium compounds, accompanied by magnesium replenishment. The imbalance of these minerals answers the question of why it cramps toes and other muscle groups.

Severe hypothermia, uncomfortable shoes or accompanying illnesses lead to cramping of the toes.

The reasons for this annoying problem are:

  • Insufficient physical activity. Hypodynamia "suffers" the vast majority modern people, because most We spend our time in the office chair or on the sofa in front of the TV. It is for this reason that not only the foot, but also the fingers lower extremities slowly begin to atrophy. A spasm occurs not only because the legs are the most remote area from the heart, but also because there is no proper activity, which means that the blood flow is disturbed, and constant stagnation is obtained, leading to a loss of elasticity and elasticity of the muscles.
  • Staying in one position long time. Often being in one position, and even uncomfortable, many notice how the foot begins to go numb and cold at first, and then unpleasant spasms appear. All this is due to stagnation of blood and violations of its circulation.
  • Wrong metabolism. Violated metabolic processes can lead not only to the fact that the legs can reduce, but also to much more serious diseases.
  • Excessive physical activity. Strong overloads can also provoke the appearance of a spastic syndrome.
  • Uncomfortable and tight shoes. Do not take shoes a size smaller and think that they can be broken in. Cramped thumb- This is an indicator that the shoes are tight and do not need to be worn.
  • Heat . Hot water or fever bodies can lead to muscle spasms, which doctors refer to as a hyperthermic type.
  • Damage to the area of ​​the brain responsible for motor activity. Such a problem may arise as a result of poisoning toxic substances or due to meningitis.
  • lack of glucose. The lack of this component can cause toes to cramp, and muscle spasms appear in other parts of the body. This condition is very dangerous, because if the glucose in the body is not replenished, a fatal outcome can occur.

In pregnant women

What to do if you experience toe cramps during pregnancy. First you need to find out the cause, and only then begin treatment. The reasons may be as follows:

  • Enlarging uterus. It is she who can provoke the fact that a woman reduces her toes and her lower limbs go numb. If muscle spasms are observed on later dates, proper treatment is necessary otherwise complications may occur.
  • Disrupted metabolic processes. This can be caused by micronutrient deficiencies. During the bearing of a child, the body consumes them doubly, so the reserves must be replenished.
  • Puffiness. To avoid edema, and in the future convulsive syndrome, it is necessary to reduce the intake of liquid, caffeine and salt during pregnancy.
  • Wearing tight clothing also often causes muscle cramps.


To save the patient from seizures, the doctor first diagnoses and establishes the cause of the disease, and then prescribes treatment. To therapeutic agents include drugs that improve blood flow and a vitamin-microelement complex, the lack of which leads to spasms.

To improve the circulation process in the fingers of the lower extremities, it is necessary to replenish the body with the following substances:

  • potassium. Doctors take this element very important role. First, it is needed by the heart and blood vessels. Secondly, it promotes the propagation of nerve impulses along muscle fibers. Its deficiency can lead to heavy sweating as well as diseases excretory system in particular the kidneys. Also, its insufficient content in the body can indicate diabetes or problems with the intestines.
  • Magnesium. This element helps the muscle apparatus to contract and relax. Its deficiency can cause frequent use alcohol, intestinal and stomach problems, diabetes.
  • calcium. The lack of this element leads to fragility of bones and teeth, as well as common problems With musculoskeletal system. Calcium is mainly found in blood, muscles and bones. If it is not present enough in the body, then problems with the kidneys and thyroid gland will begin. If not assigned proper treatment and do not begin to make up for the lack of this element, heart failure and convulsive syndrome will develop.
  • Vitamin D. This vitamin allows calcium compounds to be absorbed in the body.

All of the above substances are interconnected, therefore, when treatment is prescribed, all these elements are present in it. It can be both medicines with their content, and balanced diet in which they are included.


Why fight a disease if it can be prevented? So that you are never bothered by spasms, you just need to follow these steps:

  • Every morning, perform a set of simple exercisesstrengthening the muscular apparatus. Thus, it is possible to establish blood flow and allow nutrients and oxygen to flow to the fingers and other parts of the lower extremities. Walk on toes more often and visit the pool.
  • Also remember that you can not overexert, the load must be increased gradually.
  • Eat right. The menu should include bananas, greens, legumes, fish, dairy products and cereals.
  • If your job involves constant sitting, try to do some exercise every thirty minutes or just walk around the office, for example, looking out the window. This way you will ensure blood flow to your fingers.
  • Shoes must be chosen very carefully. If she presses you, you should not think that you can carry her. Refuse to buy it, regardless of its beauty and presentability.

Considering these simple tips you can forget about muscle spasms and keep your lower limbs healthy.

It is called compressive sharp pain in the calf muscles or other muscles that appears suddenly. From the point of view of physiology, this is a spasm or a strong contraction of the muscle ( sometimes several muscles at once). In the event that convulsions are rare enough, this should not be very scary. But seizures can significantly reduce the quality of life, worsen night sleep. Convulsions can torment both children and the elderly, but the elderly suffer the most from this phenomenon. According to statistics, this unpleasant phenomenon observed in 80% of the inhabitants of our planet with different frequency. Convulsions can occur with acute pain.

Development mechanism

Each cell that makes up muscle fibers has an electrical charge. This is possible because inside the cells are covered with potassium ions, and outside with sodium. In order to maintain a balance between potassium and sodium, cells have special pumps. It is this charge that allows the cells to contract.
When exposed to nerve impulses, the charge of the cell weakens, then calcium ions enter it.
It is thanks to this substance that the cell performs its function. The muscle fiber cell contracts. Along with the penetration of calcium, sodium enters the cell and potassium is excreted. During the period when the cell is filled with calcium ions, it spasms.

Cell relaxation occurs when:

  • release of calcium using special pumps,
  • purification of the cell from sodium and the introduction of potassium into it by other types of pumps.
The pumps use about 40% of the energy produced by the cell.

The reasons

Leg cramps may be caused by the following factors:
  • inflammatory events,
  • hidden injuries,
  • thyroid disease,
  • neurological disorders,
  • too intense physical activity,
  • lack of magnesium or calcium,
  • vitamin deficiency D .
a lack of mineral salts in the body can be observed:
  • when taking a number of medications that interfere with the absorption of magnesium and calcium. These drugs include adsorbents: activated carbon, almagel, maalox. These drugs are prescribed for heartburn to prevent the destruction of the gastric mucosa from digestive juices. And drugs such as eufillin and insulin accelerate the evacuation of magnesium from tissues,
  • period of gestation. At that time female body requires a double dose of magnesium,
  • under stress, calcium is more quickly excreted from the body, which is required for the rapid relaxation of the muscles and the functioning of the nervous system,
  • when used a large number protein food calcium is less well absorbed
  • active work sweat glands. With sweat, a lot of mineral salts are excreted from the body. Cramps in the hot season are often associated with this very reason.

At night

Causes of nighttime leg cramps:
  • lack of mineral salts,
  • too intense or prolonged load on the muscles,
  • dysfunction of the central nervous system or other diseases.
These factors create conditions for the deterioration of blood flow in the limbs, which slows down during a night's sleep. Thus, the organism suffering from disorders experiences a double load, the muscles lack nutrients and they spasm.
Many people are afraid of night cramps. Indeed, it would be useful to visit a doctor, because spasms can be the result of many serious illnesses. First you should go to family doctor, which will determine more precisely: which specialist is needed in a particular case. No independent attempts to eliminate convulsions, which are a sign of the disease, will not bring success.
Traditional medicine recommends using a decoction of birch buds, leaves for baths for night cramps. walnut, black elder , chamomile , thyme , hawthorn .

During pregnancy

Often, leg cramps appear along with toxicosis in the first trimester of gestation. Not only the calf muscles can contract, but also the muscles of the hands and face. A similar unpleasant phenomenon is observed during going to bed, and sometimes during daylight hours during daytime rest.

The cause of seizures is a change in the level of trace elements in the body future mother. For wellness it is important to maintain a balance between the molecules of minerals located inside the cells and in the intercellular space. If the balance is disturbed, many changes develop, including convulsions.

The body of the expectant mother requires more mineral salts than before. Moreover, many have vomiting with toxicosis. Mass comes out with vomit useful substances, and those that are in digestive enzymes produced by the body.
Some women lean on certain products, completely forgetting about the balance of the diet. The body is not getting what it needs.

Others, at the end of pregnancy, suffer from edema and try to prescribe diuretics on their own. Many are excreted in the urine necessary substances from the body.
Anemia is not uncommon during pregnancy. She also creates favorable conditions for convulsive muscle contractions.

If the pregnancy is multiple, convulsions may develop against the background of inferior vena cava syndrome. The syndrome is associated with the fact that in the supine position on the right side or on the back, the uterus compresses the inferior vena cava. thus slowing down the movement venous blood from the lower limbs. To prevent the development of this syndrome, it is necessary to sleep on the left side or on the back, lifting the left half of the buttocks with a small pillow. This will balance the weight of the uterus and reduce its effect on the inferior vena cava, which is located to the right of the spine.

Cramping of the toes

Cramps can reduce the toes with a long stay in uncomfortable shoes, with hypothermia. However, if the cramp occurs periodically, it is necessary to visit a therapist's consultation.
The most common cause of toe cramps is chronic venous insufficiency or lack of electrolyte salts in the body.
Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose the condition of the veins of the legs. Diagnostics includes ultrasound examination or doppler. Based on the results of the examination, the phlebologist will determine the treatment regimen.

If everything is in order with the veins, it is necessary to do a blood test for biochemistry, taking into account electrolytes ( sodium, potassium and calcium), as well as to determine the level of glucose in the blood.
In order for the results of the analysis to be reliable, you do not need to start taking any vitamin and mineral preparations.
Row reception medicines or biologically active additives (for example, to cleanse the body or lose weight) can cause a decrease in the amount of electrolytes in the blood, anemia and seizures.
And another reason that you can try to eliminate on your own is uncomfortable shoes or weight gain.

What to do?

  • In no case do not panic, no matter where the cramp seizes,
  • If you cramped your leg during your stay in a pond, you should stop moving your lower limbs and try to move your cramped leg with a healthy one. A pin prick also helps. Therefore, you can fasten a small safety pin to your swimsuit just in case,
  • At intense heat should be added to drinking water a little salt or drink mineral water with high content salts,
  • Stand up immediately and take off your shoes and socks. It's better if the floor is cold under you,
  • You can take it the other way around horizontal position and pull the toes of the affected leg towards you,
  • Rub well and pinch the affected muscle,
  • You can gently prick it with a pin,
  • If the pain is severe, a pain medication may help.

Alternative treatment

Keep in mind that leg cramps can be a symptom of some pretty serious medical conditions. Therefore, it is desirable to undergo treatment under the supervision of a specialist. For those who are absolutely sure that convulsions are a consequence of overstrain or lack of mineral salts in the body, the following recipes can be advised:

1. Calcium pantothenate, one tablet twice a day for one and a half weeks.
2. At night cramp you should get up - this will improve blood circulation and the pain will go away.
3. If the cramp has already passed, but the muscle still hurts, wrap the calf with an elastic bandage.
4. Three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, drink 100 ml of brewer's yeast for several months.
5. Take one tablet once a day after meals asparkama. The course of treatment is five days. Sometimes just one tablet is enough.
6. Massage the contracted muscle with mustard oil.
7. Treat feet twice a day lemon juice or rub with a slice of lemon, leave to dry and put on stockings. The duration of treatment is 14 days.
8. Treat the feet with nine percent vinegar.
9. Eat potatoes boiled in uniforms or baked with skins.
10. Brew two tablespoons of chamomile in 200 ml of boiling water, hold for 10 minutes after boiling, pass through a sieve and consume inside 50 ml three to four times a day on an empty stomach.
11. One dessert spoon of birch buds pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, pass through a sieve and drink a third of a glass in the morning, afternoon and evening on an empty stomach.

How to warn?

  • choose your shoes carefully
  • reduce the amount of sugar and coffee in the diet,
  • walking or running less
  • use more food rich in calcium and magnesium
  • do leg exercises and massage not for varicose veins),
  • after a working day, do alternating cold and hot baths or dousing your feet. If there are varicose veins, the difference between temperatures should be less. It is very good to use a decoction of relaxing herbs instead of water: valerian, mint, horsetail,
  • going to bed is useful in socks made of pure wool.
You can normalize the level of minerals in the diet with the help of honey and lemon juice.

If there is not enough mineral salts in the body for a long time, one healthy eating may not be enough. But use any medications can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Commonly prescribed calcium supplements and vitamin D . You should know that after 6 pm the body absorbs magnesium worse, so it is preferable to drink magnesium preparations before lunch. And magnesium is better absorbed by those who are engaged in light exercise.
Medicines containing calcium and vitamin D on the contrary, it is preferable to drink closer to the night, at this time the bones “absorb” calcium faster.

Exercise to prevent cramps

This exercise is best done immediately after waking up.
1. Stand up and cross them, stand on the outer edges of the feet. Stand for ten seconds, become straight, then repeat the exercise.
2. Sit on a chair, curl your toes and hold the position for ten seconds. So much for relaxation and repeat.
3. Get on your feet and stretch on your toes. Fix the position and "fall" on the heels.
Each exercise should be repeated at least 5 times.

And these exercises are suitable for relaxing after a working day:
1. Sit on a stool, lift your legs and twist your feet.
2. Intensely tighten your fingers and immediately straighten them. Move them actively.
3. It is not quick to walk in place, stretching the toe of the raised leg.
4. Lean on the wall with two palms, move away from the back in small steps without moving the torso.

Before going to bed after foot bath this will help a lot:
1. Sitting on a chair, lean on the back and stretch your legs so that the lower leg and foot are in line, fix the position for five seconds, pull up your socks and fix the position for 5 seconds.
2. In the same position, change the position of the legs: either on the toes, or on the heels.
3. Stand near a chair and lean on its back, stand on the toe of one leg, lift the other and bend at the knee. Fix for five seconds, do a light squat and at the bottom point fix the position for five seconds too.

What to do if you cramp your leg?

With such a problem as cramps in the toes, almost every person met at least once. If the process begins at night, during sleep, then this is very unpleasant, because not everyone will understand what is happening when they wake up. To identify true reason appearance, you need to go to the doctor.

But it happens that health care is not available or the person himself does not want to "run around the clinics with such trifles." It is noteworthy that the appearance similar symptom may clearly indicate the presence of any disease, and if the toes are constantly cramping, then the visit to the medical facility should not be postponed.

How does this happen

Muscle tissue is made up of cells that carry nerve impulses. This "movement" is carried out freely if the body does not experience a deficiency of magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium. In fact, nerve impulse is an electrical charge that instructs the muscles to “contract” due to the potential difference.

When you get into the cell all the necessary chemical elements, no pathologies can arise: the muscles contract and go into a state of rest, according to the algorithm laid down by nature. If there is an imbalance of chemical elements, then this leads to the appearance of seizures.

Reduces toes - causes of cramps

lack of glucose

If a human body suffers from a deficiency of glucose, then this condition is considered to be dangerous to health and life. That is why it is necessary to respond promptly to the appearance of seizures, because sometimes life depends on the timely administration of glucose.

Deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements

A lack of vitamins A, D, group B, as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and iron leads to impaired functioning nerve fibers. The lack of these elements may arise due to long-term use medicines or malnutrition.

Too much protein

Fitness enthusiasts are at risk because protein-rich diets are not as healthy. Protein, along with coffee, tends to remove calcium from the body, due to the lack of which reduces not only the toes, but also the hands.

Alcohol intoxication or brain disease

A lot of incidents can happen to a person who has taken alcohol, because a poisoned ethyl alcohol the body reacts in the most unexpected way, for example, the appearance of cramps in the toes. A similar situation occurs when the brain is damaged by some viral or bacterial infections, meningitis is especially insidious. Brain tumors and circulatory disorders should also be attributed to this group, since all this causes damage to the motor area of ​​the brain.

Tight or uncomfortable shoes

Wearing boots and shoes, even half a size smaller than normal, also provokes seizures. Some people specifically buy slightly cramped shoes, motivating their decision as follows: they break in and fit. The legs cannot endure such an inconvenience for long, and in the end they will respond to such an attitude towards themselves with closed fingers.

Arthritis and arthrosis

If strong pain and numbness of the toes are accompanied by cramps, then this is more than serious occasion to draw attention to the problem.

Too little or too much physical activity

If a person moves little, then all the muscles, including the toes, gradually atrophy. These parts of the body are at a considerable distance from the heart, therefore, they cannot boast of a good blood supply. Constant stagnation of blood, due to the lack of movement, leads to a gradual loss of elasticity and elasticity of the muscles. If a person constantly makes monotonous movements and keeps his legs in tension, then this can also cause finger cramps.

Other factors

Scroll additional occurrence cramps of the fingers of the lower extremities is quite extensive:

  • hypothermia
  • Increased body temperature
  • stress
  • flat feet
  • Varicose veins
  • Radiculitis
  • Excess weight
  • Injuries
  • Dehydration
  • Osteochondrosis

The role of potassium, calcium, magnesium

The musculoskeletal system will not be able to function normally without calcium, in addition, this element is part of the blood and muscles, and its deficiency causes various pathologies.

Prolonged hypocalcemia leads to tachycardia and seizures, and in order for calcium to be absorbed normally, it needs a sufficient amount of vitamin D. Potassium is responsible for the condition of cardio-vascular system, and the body always signals its deficiency by profuse sweating.

Magnesium allows muscles to relax and contract normally, its deficiency is experienced by people who abuse alcohol, as well as patients with diabetes mellitus and certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If the balance of these elements in the body is disturbed, then all necessary actions must be taken to restore it.

Toe cramps during pregnancy

Such a phenomenon is not uncommon, and in most cases the deficiency of the elements indicated above acts as a provocateur. The lack of macronutrients in the body is explained by the increased needs of the unborn child for them.

Toxicosis, which plagues pregnant women in the first trimester, also contributes. Smokers and coffee drinkers pregnant women suffer from finger cramps more often than those who do not smoke, and at least try to provide themselves with proper nutrition.

During pregnancy, a sharp decrease / increase in blood glucose levels should be avoided, which is why experts recommend eating fractionally. Severe anemia also leads to finger cramps, as well as varicose veins.

Cramps fingers in a child

Children's cramps are very dangerous, because the pain that unexpectedly fettered the toes often causes the child to fall and injure. As a rule, the parents of the baby are faced with such a phenomenon during the period of its intensive growth, although, this problem also applies to teenagers.

Why do children cramp their toes? It happens by different reasons, but the main ones are:

  • Flat feet.
  • Hypovitaminosis general.
  • Deficiency of calcium, potassium and magnesium.

Often, children complain that they only cramp thumbs legs, and parents should pay attention to this, because this is how diabetes mellitus can manifest itself. Although, sometimes it is enough to go to the store and buy new shoes for the child, because he has already grown out of the old ones, and they are too tight for him.

Brings fingers together - what to do? Seizure treatment

This problem is eliminated depending on the cause of its occurrence, which can only be identified by a competent specialist. But it happens like this: the toes are cramped, and the person does not know how to deal with it. You should not rely on heaven and wait for outside help, because you can do the following:

  1. Massage the foot, starting from the toes and ending with the heel. An attempt to relax the muscles can be successful.
  2. Perform the simplest exercise: take the foot by the fingers and pull it as close as possible to you. Sit in this position for a while.
  3. It is advisable to pin a pin on a bathing suit. If in the process of bathing it begins to reduce the toes, then with the tip of the product it is necessary to prick the part reduced by cramp.
  4. Night cramps are doubly unpleasant, so in order to avoid them, it is recommended to do a foot massage before going to bed.
  5. Rub your feet with freshly squeezed lemon juice and put on cotton socks. The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening for two weeks.
  6. Helps with cramps mustard oil with a warming effect. Problem area it is simply rubbed with it when "the process has already begun."

Doctors are sure that drug treatment can be avoided if a person reconsiders his diet and refuses smoking, excessive eating of sugar and abuse of alcoholic beverages.


If there are no pronounced pathologies in the body, then there may not be toe cramps, provided that the person follows a number of rules:

  1. Does not wear tight shoes.
  2. Does not expose the legs to strong physical exertion.
  3. Get regular foot massages.
  4. Eats properly and fully, without neglecting such foods as: spinach, nuts, cheese, avocados, bananas, potatoes, black bread, poultry meat, fish.
  5. Takes vitamin and mineral complexes.
  6. Takes care of your health and consults a doctor in a timely manner.
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