Remedies for delirium tremens. Delirium tremens symptoms, consequences and how to treat delirium tremens. Who should be afraid of "squirrels"

The systematic abuse of alcoholic beverages is fraught with many negative consequences. So, delirium tremens is one of the most severe post-alcoholic phenomena that occurs after a long stay in a drunken state. Find out how to deal with this problem at home with the help of therapeutic and medications.

What is white fever

Representatives of medicine under this condition understand the syndrome of alcoholic delirium. Delirium tremens occurs in persons suffering from the second and third stages of dependence. The first symptoms of delirium appear 2-3 days after the withdrawal from a long binge. The pathogenesis of fever this moment has not been identified, but there is an established opinion that the syndrome occurs as a result of a violation of the connections between neurotransmitters of the central nervous system. Delirium tremens develops due to:

  • organic damage to brain structures;
  • prolonged drunken states;
  • consumption of low-quality alcoholic products;
  • dependent person has somatic pathologies(bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, stomach ulcers, hypertension).

Symptoms of delirium tremens

Delirium is a common form alcoholic psychosis. Clinically, the condition is characterized by tactile, visual, auditory hallucinations, hyperthermia, sleep disturbance. The first attack of fever is preceded by long drinking with the use of high doses of alcohol. The syndrome then develops after brief episodes of alcohol use. In 10% of cases, the development of psychosis is preceded by single or multiple convulsions. Other symptoms of delirium include:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • incoherent speech;
  • agitation of the psyche, anxiety;
  • increased pressure, increased heart rate;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • yellowing of the eyes.

Stages of delirium tremens

Alcoholic delirium syndrome progresses as it worsens mental state sick. The latter talks to invisible beings, gets frightened, shows excessive motor activity, goes into hysterics. In the future, these symptoms are joined restless sleep. The severity of clinical manifestations is determined by the stage of delirium.

First aid

The acute phase of fever can last 3-7 days. At the first attack of alcoholic delirium, a person should be given first aid. Remember, do not swear and shout at the patient. Try to calm him down horizontal position. If the alcohol addict is aggressive, securely tie his top and lower limbs. Then call ambulance. Before the arrival of medical personnel, try to perform the following algorithm of actions:

  • Put the patient to bed, remove objects with which he can injure himself.
  • Provide a person with a fever plentiful drink required level of coolness (cool shower or ice pack).
  • Give an alcohol addict sedatives(Dimedrol, Piracetam);
  • Reassure the patient with quiet conversations.

Treatment of delirium tremens

Therapy of the syndrome of alcoholic delirium is carried out in specialized medical institutions. When asked if delirium tremens can go away on its own, doctors answer with a categorical “no”. In most cases, the alcohol addict is placed in a psychiatric hospital, where he receives special treatment. Such measures are necessary so that a person during acute delirium does not harm himself or others. In a situation where it is not possible to seek medical help, treatment of delirium tremens at home is carried out using:

  • Normalization of night rest - involves the use of sleeping pills. Complete night rest is an important condition for a person's exit from the syndrome of alcoholic delirium.
  • Increasing the amount of fluid consumed - based on compliance drinking regime and forcing diuresis during the treatment of delirium.
  • Detoxification - withdrawal activities toxic substances(inducing vomiting, taking sorbents, enema).

Therapy according to the Popov method

Proper Treatment delirium is possible only under conditions psychiatric hospital or drug treatment clinic. Self-exit acute condition fever is extremely difficult. Drug therapy of alcoholic delirium should take place under the strict supervision of specialists. However, in the case where the provision of qualified assistance is impossible due to different reasons, it is allowed to use the technique of Dr. Popov. Answering how to treat delirium tremens at home using this method, doctors recommend giving the patient a mixture of the following components:

  1. distilled water (100 g);
  2. three tablets of Luminal/Phenobarbital
  3. 15-20 g of pure medical alcohol.

These components are thoroughly mixed. A ready-made mixture for the treatment of delirium tremens at home is drunk by alcohol addicts at one time. In a situation where there is no Phenobarbital or Luminal (an antiepileptic drug from the barbiturate family), treatment of severe delirium tremens at home can be carried out medicines with a similar pharmacological effects on the body:


The phenomenon of alcoholic fever has been known to people for a long time. Alternative medicine offers many ways to relieve the symptoms of acute delirium at home. Remember, when symptoms of psychosis appear, the safest way out of this situation is to seek qualified medical help. In the first stages, the treatment of delirium tremens at home can be carried out as follows folk remedies:

  • Infusion bay leaf for the treatment of alcoholic delirium. Place a couple of crushed bay leaves and a few roots of lovage in a glass container, pour 100 ml of vodka. Composition insist 7-8 days. Filter the finished infusion and give to the patient, after dissolving 3-4 drops of the product in 50 ml of water. Take a remedy for delirium three times a day.

  • Infusion of wormwood and yarrow. Dry raw materials (25 g each) pour 100 ml of vodka and insist in glassware for 10-12 days. It is recommended to take the composition in 2 tsp. twice a day.
  • A decoction from the collection medicinal herbs. Take 20 g of yarrow, thyme, wormwood and pour the dry mixture with a glass of boiling water. Infuse the remedy for 1-2 hours, after which it is drunk at a time.
  • Infusion of hellebore from alcoholic delirium. Pour boiling water over dry grass and let it brew for 30 minutes. Ready infusion for the treatment of delirium drink ⅓ cup three times a day.


Alcoholism in our country occupies one of the most pressing and acute positions. Faces this problem every year great amount of people. Moreover, alcohol addiction concerns not only people of average age category, you have to get to know her closely already and young. In addition to the fact that these patients drink a lot and often, they periodically "get stuck" in binges, the exit from which takes place with painful consequences and extremely unpleasant symptoms.

One of the most common post-alcoholic conditions is delirium tremens syndrome. Or delirium tremens (squirrel), as they call it this pathology in the people. How to cope with such a manifestation, is it possible to treat delirium tremens at home? Let's look at this vital issue in more detail.

Delirium tremens, with some experience, can be treated at home

Not all alcohol addicts experience this condition. Delirium tremens visits individuals suffering II and III stage dependencies. The first symptoms usually appear 2-3 days after leaving a long drunken state. The syndrome of alcoholic delirium can develop for a number of the following reasons:

  1. After prolonged and severe drunken states.
  2. At organic lesion structures of the brain.
  3. If a person has consumed surrogate, low-quality alcohol.
  4. If the drinker has a number of somatic pathologies that differ bright signs. For example: neurodermatitis, bronchial asthma, gastrointestinal ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis, gastric colitis, hypertension.

Scientists have not yet identified a specific pathogenesis of alcoholic delirium. But there is an established opinion that the main culprit this syndrome there is a violation of the connections between the neurotransmitters of the central nervous system. With the simultaneous addition of severe intoxication of the body, this exacerbation occurs in a person.

What is alcoholic delirium

According to statistics, about 35-40% of people suffering from alcohol addiction regularly experience manifestations of delirium tremens.

Delirium tremens: symptoms, treatment at home

These signs should be known to relatives of an alcoholic who intend to cope with dangerous situation on their own. Initially, after the alcoholic stops drinking alcohol, the patient manifests a pronounced hangover syndrome. It is accompanied by the usual symptoms of this condition:

  • headache;
  • profuse vomiting;
  • severe nausea;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • weakness and lethargy.

Some time later, they join initial signs alcoholic delirium. At first, they are expressed in convulsive states and marked speech impairment. Nightmares also join, a person literally cannot sleep, constantly waking up from painful dreams.

Stages of alcoholic delirium

Gradually, other symptoms are connected to the sufferer. Such as:

  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • persistent tachycardia;
  • increased sweating;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • redness of the skin;
  • sensation inexplicable fear;
  • hallucinations (visual and auditory).

Alcoholic delirium progresses with the deterioration of the mental state of a person. sick in literally words cannot find their place. He shows excessive motor activity, talks with invisible entities, shudders, gets scared, falls into hysterics. The condition worsens due to the inability to sleep peacefully.

Hallucinations as a typical sign of delirium

The classics of delirium tremens are hallucinations. In an addict, they appear in almost all their glory, of all kinds. The effects differ in a particularly vivid manifestation, which is reflected in human behavior.


With the development of hallucinations of this type, the patient imagines such fears that frighten him in a normal state. The syndrome develops inherent horrors to incredible proportions. Suppose, if a person is distinguished by fear of spiders, with alcoholic delirium, he will see real arachnid monsters of enormous size.

Moreover, all hypertrophied horror characters in this case will threaten the patient. In the imagination of the patient, monsters and terrible creatures will try to kill him, dismember him or inflict severe injury. This directly affects human behavior, especially considering that all hallucinations are particularly realistic.

One of the characteristic signs of delirium tremens is the presence of particularly vivid hallucinations.


Terrifying visual hallucinations become especially intolerable when auditory ones join them. Alcohol addict begins to hear different sounds produced by these monsters. Hissing, screeching, screaming, even threats uttered in human language. Being in this state, suffering from delirium tremens can become extremely dangerous for themselves and others.


And the development of hallucinations of the tactile type completes the already insane picture. A person really feels all the realism of seeming horror, because he seems to various kinds body touch. Crawling spiders, worms, insects. The patient, who is under the yoke of hallucinations, frightens those around him not only with his insane appearance, but also with attempts to remove non-existent creatures that supposedly bite him.

A distinctive feature is the behavior of the patient with delirium syndrome. Terrible visions, completely capturing consciousness, can make human twitch, run away, suddenly breaking away, beat others who seem to him monsters.

Against the background of delirium, many accidents occur when an alcoholic, under the power of hallucinations, jumps into the windows of high floors, inflicts fatal injuries with a knife, scissors, trying to pick out a monster that had penetrated under the skin. Suicidal attempts become frequent. When the unfortunate sees no other way out to get rid of a terrible state, except to commit suicide.

The syndrome of alcoholic delirium is characterized by a complete disorientation of a person in time and space. The victim does not understand where he is and who surrounds him. He is not aware of the time, does not recognize close people, is not able to name the date and the current year. But on the other hand, he can clearly remember his own name and surname. That is, the orientation self is saved.

Features of delirium tremens

Alcoholic delirium syndrome: questions / answers

Before considering how to treat delirium tremens at home, it would be useful to find out what exactly interests the relatives of an alcoholic in the first place. Narcologists have compiled the most common answers to questions asked by relatives of the patient.

How long is the dangerous period?

On average, alcoholic delirium can last with painful manifestations for several days (to be more precise, 3-5 days). Moreover, the symptoms of fever intensify in evening time becoming most acute at night. But in the morning and during the day, the signs of delirium fade and are not so clearly felt.

Is it possible to be treated at home?

At home, it is possible to help a person cope with dangerous and terrible symptoms only if the hallucinations in the patient are not so bright and distinct. Otherwise, immediate hospitalization and a competent withdrawal of a person from delirium are required.

But, if the patient is aware of the danger of his situation and begins to obey his relatives, accepting everything that is given to him, then there is every chance to cope with the fever with his own hands. You can do without the presence of a physician, dangerous aggressive drugs and hospital conditions.

Does fever lead to death?

According to medical statistics, the death of a person as a result of alcoholic delirium occurs in 10-12% of cases. But such sad consequences occur only when the necessary medical assistance is not provided.

Key questions asked by family members

How to care for a person in a state of delirium?

If your relative is alcoholic and you have all the signs of delirium tremens, the best thing to do is to seek help from a specialized medical team. After all, no one knows exactly how the syndrome will manifest itself. But, if you are confident in your own experience and strength, the patient should organize following conditions existence:

  1. Normalization of night rest. In this case good help sleeping pills will play. But powerful sedatives they will not let you go to the pharmacy without presenting a prescription. So in any case, you will have to consult a doctor. Complete night's rest important condition an early exit from a deadly state.
  2. Increase fluid intake. Change the patient's diet by including foods rich in vitamins and useful micro and macro elements. This will help to quickly cleanse the body of alcohol metabolites and maintain the work of the exhausted body at the proper level.
  3. Spend it all necessary measures to remove decay products from the body ethyl alcohol. This includes inducing artificial vomiting, enema, taking sorbents and other intended for this purpose. medications. Patients should increase their intake of infusions medicinal herbs and medicinal teas.

Help at home

So what should be done to successfully stop the developed delirium attack on your own? Of course, the ideal solution would be to place the patient in a specialized clinic.. Doctors will remove its symptoms in the very first hours of the manifestation of the syndrome by using pharmacological preparations and medical manipulations.

But not all alcoholics, especially being in a state of delirium, will voluntarily agree to go to the hospital. In this case, the entire burden falls on the shoulders of the household.

Popov's method

You can successfully remove the symptoms of delirium using the well-known method of Dr. Popov. This technique is also called "Popov's prescription". To do this, give the alcohol addict a mixture consisting of the following ingredients:

  • distilled water: 100 g;
  • Luminal (or Phenobarbital): 3 tablets;
  • pure medical alcohol (96%): 15-20 g.

All components are thoroughly mixed with each other and taken by the sufferer in one sitting. If it is not possible to get Phenobarbital, you can use similar preparations, for example:

  • Keppra;
  • Frisium;
  • Suxilel;
  • Difenin;
  • Tebantine;
  • Diuremide;
  • Valproate Orion.

Help from the People's Pharmacy

People have been dealing with delirium tremens for a long time. Therefore, many methods have been developed that our ancestors successfully used, curing a person from such a syndrome. True, these decoctions and infusions should be prepared in advance, for future use. The most effective methods include the following:

  1. Lavrushka infusion. Pour good vodka (100 ml) over a couple of crushed bay leaves and lovage roots. This mixture should be infused for 7-8 days. Then filter the mass and give it to the patient to drink (previously dissolve 3-4 drops of the resulting infusion in 50 ml of water).
  2. In the same way, a tincture of bitter wormwood and yarrow is prepared (for 100 ml of vodka, 25 g of dry raw materials). The mixture is infused for 10-12 days.
  3. A decoction of next collection: yarrow, thyme and wormwood (each ingredient 20 g). The mass is steamed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 1-2 hours. Accepted immediately.

By the way, our ancestors, in the case of a certain person being in a state of alcoholic delirium, gave the poor fellow food as much sour green apples as possible. According to them, this helped to stop the painful symptoms and alleviate the suffering of the patient.

And it is even better not to bring a person to a state of alcoholic delirium. And start fighting alcohol addiction even in the early stages of the disease. Well, in the event of the arrival of delirium tremens, nevertheless, the best and safest way out of this situation will be to contact the doctors and complete treatment alcohol addiction.

Alcoholic delirium, or as the people say "white tremens", "squirrel" is an acute post-alcoholic psychosis that occurs on the second or fourth day through the abolition of alcohol. As a rule, delirium tremens occurs in alcoholics in the second and third stages of addiction, less often it can occur in people who do not suffer from chronic alcoholism against the background of long-term use alcohol in large doses. Especially if the patient was at risk due to recent experiences infectious diseases. A typical one lasts two to five days on average. It can end critically, that is, abruptly, or gradually (lytically). After that, the person falls asleep, and can oversleep for several days.

Common clinical manifestations of alcoholic psychosis

The symptoms that can be observed in a person during an attack are very characteristic. And it is difficult to confuse them with something else. These are psychotic symptoms, motor, vegetative, somatic.

Common signs include the following:

  • tremor of limbs, fever body and arterial pressure, rapid pulse, excessive sweating.
  • Hyperexcitability, fussiness, chaotic movements can be observed.
  • Insomnia preceded by poor intermittent sleep, nightmares.
  • Disorientation in time and place.

The most characteristic psychotic symptoms are, of course, hallucinations. A person first has a visual deception of perception, after some time auditory and tactile illusions appear.

This condition has an extremely negative impact on human health. To get out of it, the patient needs medical care in the hospital. At home, getting rid of delirium tremens is extremely difficult. And only in mild forms, it can go away on its own.

Why is fever dangerous for a person?

The consequences of delirium tremens after hard drinking are negative. Alcoholic psychosis is very debilitating to the body, which is already greatly weakened due to prolonged use of alcohol and lack of adequate nutrition. The brain (intoxication or edema), liver, the cardiovascular system. If not provided on time needed help, death from brain collapse may occur, liver failure, pneumonia. Sometimes in an attack, the patient may commit suicide.

This condition is not only harmful to the patient. In a hallucinatory delirium, he may show aggression towards his relatives, thereby inflicting physical or psychological trauma on them.

What to do if there was an attack at home: first aid

If the attack occurred at home, you should immediately call an ambulance. But while she is waiting, the patient should be given the necessary assistance at home.

  • A person should be put to bed, if necessary, you can even tie; this will help prevent injury to yourself or others.
  • You can apply ice to the forehead, if the body temperature is significantly elevated, give antipyretic tablets.
  • Give the patient to drink as much as possible, since delirium tremens is fraught with dehydration.
  • If necessary, stabilize blood pressure.
  • If possible, give sedatives or sleeping pills. If such drugs are not available, then sedatives can be given. herbal teas or fees.
  • A patient in an attack should not be left alone, you need to be close to him in order to constantly monitor his condition.
  • To get rid of hyperexcitation, you can try to establish trusting contact with the patient, talk quietly, show him your care and support.

If you see that an attack is starting, and you do not know what to do in such a case, you should immediately seek qualified help.

Diagnostics, drug therapy in a hospital

Self-treatment of alcoholic delirium at home is ineffective or ineffective at all for various reasons.

  • First, many drugs are not available commercially.
  • Secondly, without the necessary knowledge, certain drugs can cause more more harm health. At home, it is difficult to calm a patient in an attack of psychosis, and to help him get out of this state, it is difficult to normalize sleep, restore electrolyte balance, and prevent irreversible processes in the brain. No folk remedies can completely cure a fever and eliminate its consequences.
  • Thirdly, the treatment of delirium tremens is whole complex measures aimed at stopping her psychotic and somatic symptoms and for the restoration of the whole organism.

Treatment at home is possible if the patient is under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

Before the appointment of treatment, a diagnosis is made. it general examination and taking a patient history. On the basis of these data and depending on how and in what form the attack passes, appropriate treatment with medications is already prescribed.

The patient must stay in the ward intensive care narcological or psychiatric hospital under round-the-clock supervision.

Drug therapy should be primarily aimed at stopping the manifestations of psychosis, and helping to quickly get out of this state. accepted following methods and means:

  • Psychotropics and neuroleptics that help relieve arousal, muscle spasms and others mental symptoms.
  • Anticonvulsants and sedatives.
  • Therapy aimed at hydration and detoxification of the body; in this case, vitamins of groups B and C are prescribed in large doses, intravenous infusion of glucose, hemosorption, an isotonic solution can be prescribed.
  • Drugs that support the work of the heart and normalize metabolism.
  • Prevention of cerebral edema, which is quite often negative consequence delirium tremens, carried out using a solution of lasix.

Emergency treatment, helping to relieve the symptoms of an attack, on average lasts about a day. But if an atypical situation arises, the relief of psychosis can last up to 10 days.

After all symptoms are relieved, the patient needs qualified help aimed at restoring nervous system and the whole organism as a whole, as well as for treatment chronic alcoholism. If this is not done, an attack with high probability will happen again. Delirium tremens is completely curable if complete failure from alcohol.

Treatment and prevention of alcoholic psychosis at home

It is not always possible to get a fast and qualified medical care. Therefore, many are wondering how to treat delirium tremens if an attack happened at home. Treatment folk methods ineffective in this case. But it helps in first aid for alcoholic psychosis.

Under the supervision of a narcologist at home, you can:

  • stabilize body temperature;
  • organize a plentiful drink, droppers with vitamins and glucose;
  • drink the patient saline solutions to replenish electrolytes and other mineral elements;
  • provide antibiotic therapy with suspicion of pneumonia;
  • to stop mental symptoms and overcome insomnia with the help of powerful sedatives and hypnotics.

If you don’t have to wait for medical help, then you can help get out of this state using the method of Dr. Popov. To do this, you need to mix the following ingredients and give a person a drink in one go:

  • 2-3 sleeping pills (luminal, phenobarbital);
  • 10-15 g of medical alcohol;
  • 100 g of water.

At mild form delirium tremens for stopping and treating an attack are effective folk remedies that can be used at home:

  • tinctures from lovage root and bay leaf;
  • tinctures on herbs centaury and wormwood;
  • medicinal fees based on wormwood, centaury and thyme.

"How to avoid delirium tremens?" - this question is often asked by relatives of the patient. But this is impossible if the patient does not stop drinking alcohol in the future. Otherwise, relapses cannot be avoided. Only treatment for chronic alcoholism can prevent the next attack of delirium.

Alcoholic psychosis is a debilitating and life-threatening condition. But timely medical intervention or qualified home care will be able to overcome it without significant harm brain activity and health in general.

Almost every alcoholic has experienced such a condition as an attack of delirium tremens. And if the alcoholic himself does not remember at all and does not understand what is happening to him, then his relatives remember for a long time similar condition not a stranger to them. AT similar situation it is important not to get confused, to know what to do and act without delay. Alcoholic delirium belongs to the category of the strongest and most dangerous psychoses that cause many tragedies. So it's better to prevent given state, since the fight against it is quite complicated and lengthy.


Before giving advice on how and how to help if a person has delirium tremens or has obvious symptoms approaching attack, you need to know what a person experiences during this attack.

Alcoholic delirium usually affects people who are already in the second or third stage of alcohol addiction. It manifests itself immediately after a hangover, and it is so bright and characteristic that it is simply impossible to confuse its symptoms with anything else. Therefore, in the event of delirium tremens, there is no need to doubt the state of the alcoholic. The patient is tormented by symptoms quite typical for delirium:

  • hallucinations;
  • unmotivated aggression;
  • lack of space-time orientation;
  • impossibility of self-control;
  • serious sleep disorders;
  • behavior is like that of a madman.

When an alcohol addict begins to behave in this way, loved ones often get lost, do not know what to do and how to act. In a person, delirium tremens always begins after a pronounced hangover syndrome that precedes it. Then the alcohol addict, as it were, is covered by a wave causeless anxiety and inexplicable fear. Usually people in this state are trying to calm down and put to sleep, but here many are faced with a problem, because the patient in this state is disturbed by sleep disorders. When the patient falls asleep, he has terrible nightmares, sleep is restless and disturbing, often intermittent.

Persistent insomnia and hallucinations usually occur a few days after the hangover. Interestingly, the hallucinogenic visions that occur in patients are quite real in nature, they are vivid and mobile. Patients can see a bright web in front of them, various insects, snakes, devils, etc. Hallucinogenic pictures can be supplemented by auditory hallucinations. Often patients complain that they are offended, they are laughed at and called names.

To common symptoms fevers also include tactile hallucinations, when it seems to the alcoholic that spiders, cockroaches or mice are running over him, etc. The patient, being under the influence of alcoholic delirium, begins to argue with the hallucination, shakes off hallucinogenic insects, brushes off devils, etc.

To know for sure that a person has an alcoholic fever, and to act correctly, it is necessary to have an idea about the manifestations of delirium.

  • such patients are characterized by sudden changes in mood, they can abruptly fall into a rage or become good-natured.
  • usually attacks of delirium pester at night, and by dawn comes the apogee of fever.
  • then the patient noticeably feels better, he understands that he is sick and needs help and treatment, talks about nightmares.
  • but by the evening panic fears are escalating again, so loved ones need to be ready.
  • the patient begins to behave nervously, worries about something or becomes somehow lost.

These signs indicate the return of the attack. Usually, such conditions last for several days, while patients can not sleep at all all this time, or fall into a restless short sleep. This state is supplemented autonomic disorders like hyper sweating, flushing of the face and eyes, increased heart rate and pressure surges.

First aid and emergency

The first emergency aid, if a person has delirium tremens, consists in stopping the patient's hyperexcitation and eliminating such a factor as sleep disorder. Usually, the onset of normal, full sleep indicates that an attack of alcoholic fever is gradually beginning to recede. Since the patient's condition is regarded as rather serious, the patient needs to emergency assistance take the necessary measures, based on resuscitation principles. i.e. in 24 hours you need to "put the patient on his feet" and return him to normal condition. If during the day there is no positive dynamics and even a hint of an improvement in the condition, then delirium therapy is already carried out in a psychiatric clinic.

If a spouse, father (brother, etc.) has a similar condition, then your first action should be to call an ambulance. While the doctors are on their way, the following actions are necessary:

  1. Put the patient to bed, tie if necessary;
  2. Give him more water, because the body is experiencing severe dehydration;
  3. If the state of health worsens, it is recommended to put something cold on the forehead, or put the patient under a cold shower.
  4. The patient should not be left unattended.

Alcoholic fever - dangerous state requiring mandatory medical care. If the fever does not let go, then hospitalization is necessary, even if the patient resists. If you do nothing, then the outcome can become sad, up to the death of the patient. And if we consider that under the influence of a fever, the patient is not capable of self-control, then everyone around him is in danger.

Many do not understand where and whom to call if a person has delirium tremens. It must be remembered forever that under the influence of alcoholic delirium, the patient is seriously dangerous to others and himself, so it must be sent to drug treatment which can be done without consent. Therefore, if there is a suspicion that an alcoholic has developed acute psychosis (delirious tremens), it is necessary to call an ambulance team, and, if necessary, the police. When the diagnosis is confirmed by the ambulance doctors, the patient will probably have to be forcibly delivered to drug treatment clinic.

An ambulance should be called immediately if the patient:

  • rose heat(39.5-40°C);
  • seizures began;
  • the pressure has risen;
  • dehydration has begun;
  • uncontrollable and unreasonable aggressiveness appeared.

The main thing is not to wait. Loss of time can turn dire consequences, since delirium tremens does not go away on its own. The obligatory help of specialists is necessary, therefore, the first action of persons whose relative shows all the signs of alcoholic delirium must necessarily call an ambulance. It is impossible to cure fever with herbs and infusions, this is a serious mental disorder, so specialists should deal with his therapy.

Treatment of delirium tremens

Tactile hallucinations are common symptoms of fever.

Since delirium tremens usually begins after binge, then in the narcological clinic the patient is diagnosed with alcohol withdrawal syndrome with delirium. Therapy begins with a high-dose application antipsychotic drugs. A restless patient can be fixed in a hospital bed, which is considered quite normal phenomena in psychiatry. Under the influence of a fever, the patient can harm himself or the medical staff, so such a measure is necessary.

  • the essence of the treatment of delirium is reduced to the impact on the psyche and physiological structures of the alcoholic, therefore, psychotropic drugs and drugs are used that remove toxic substances from the body poisoned by alcohol;
  • compositions are also introduced to restore the water-salt balance and normalize intraorganic activity;
  • alcoholism is very insidious, it has a detrimental effect on the state of the cardiovascular structures and the brain, kidneys and nervous system. Drugs to eliminate toxic components are prescribed for about a week, and then they look at the patient's condition;
  • the average stay in the hospital takes at least 21 days;
  • in the course of drug therapy, sleeping pills must be included, because delirium is formed partly against the background of insomnia, so the patient must be put to sleep, at least with medication. This practice helps the nervous system structures to recover after short span time;
  • during a three-week inpatient stay, the patient will be prescribed vitamin complexes and neuroleptic drugs;
  • carried out in parallel if necessary. complementary therapy associated pathological conditions.

The specialist, adequately calculating the dosage, selects the necessary types of drugs for the patient, whose action relieves alcohol addicts from hallucinations and protects against toxic poisoning sections of the brain. Such therapy can last for several weeks. There is no need to delude yourself if the patient feels fine during the day, since attacks of delirium usually occur at night. A positive sign is a long and deep sleep alcohol addict. When the course ends, and it must be completed in full, that is, the patient must spend at least 21 days in a narcological hospital, then some drugs are continued at home. Such prophylaxis will help to avoid the recurrence of delirium.

Many alcohol patients, even after treatment, have the consequences of delirium for life, such as memory impairment and reduced mental capabilities, speech disorders or periodically occurring epilepsy attacks, as well as chronic psychosis. by the most terrible consequence fever is death, therefore it is necessary to undergo treatment to the end, and in the future to ensure that the patient never drinks any alcohol, since even a glass of vodka can cause a relapse of an attack of alcoholic delirium.

Many are better known as delirium tremens. It is characterized by the fact that the alcoholic falls into a violent state, may lose consciousness, begins to experience hallucinations.

During delirium, there is a violation of speech, the patient begins to talk, the coordination of his movements is impaired. It is almost impossible to get out of such a state without complications; it is also impossible to treat fever at home. Professional help is needed. Proper treatment of alcoholic delirium is possible only in the conditions of a psychiatric department of a hospital or a special drug treatment clinic.

Delirium tremens - what does this disease characterize? These are the following signs:

  1. Before the attack itself, the craving for alcohol decreases, it may even disappear.
  2. There is a change of mood, excitement is abruptly replaced by calmness and detachment.
  3. A strong trembling of the arms and legs begins, it is difficult for the patient to keep his head in one position.
  4. Insomnia torments, the patient experiences a feeling of fear.
  5. Begin auditory hallucinations for example, the patient hears birdsong. The patient sees various visual images, bright spots.

fever symptoms

What to do with delirium tremens? It must be taken into account that the patient usually begins auditory and visual hallucinations. They may have different character, but one thing remains unchanged - the patient becomes dangerous both for himself and for others. It seems to him that everyone is attacking him, he makes attempts to retaliate.

If the question of how to treat delirium tremens is not resolved, then the patient can not only harm others, but also kill. In this state, he does not realize what he is doing.

Intoxication of the body with the products of the breakdown of alcohol causes damage to the nervous system, due to which there is a violation of movements, facial expressions, and speech. The movements become chaotic, the patient cannot move independently.

Delirium tremens, the symptoms of which are very characteristic, is often determined by behavior: the patient tries to commit suicide, he talks loudly and incoherently, often makes attempts to attack others. His facial expressions are also disturbed, grimaces are observed, caused by the fact that an attack begins to seem to the patient. The alcoholic believes that he is bitten, pinched, he begins to brush off an invisible enemy.

The state of disorientation is one of the main signs when the question of what a fever is is being decided. The patient at this time does not realize where he is, his coordination is severely impaired. Often at this time there is increased aggressiveness. If such a sign is characteristic, then you need to try to calm the patient as much as possible, not to disturb. After that, you should call a doctor.

Severe course of the disease

A severe form of alcoholic psychosis can have 2 stages:

How does the state change with a fever?

How is delirium tremens treated? You must first determine what changes in the body occur. The following is usually seen:

  1. Acidosis occurs, body temperature rises rapidly.
  2. When blood pressure rises, it causes palpitations, severe headaches.
  3. The level of nitrogen in the blood rises, the body becomes severely dehydrated.
  4. ESR rises, leukocytosis begins to be observed.
  5. The size of the liver increases feature jaundice, like yellowing of the whites of the eyes.
  6. The patient is constantly in bed or in a semi-lying state, when he can no longer move independently.
  7. The skin becomes pale, even white, hence the name - delirium tremens, although the face may turn very red.
  8. Sweating and chills alternate, and sweat has a characteristic "aroma", reminiscent of long unwashed feet.
  9. Limbs and muscles begin to tremble, many of this disease is also called shaking delirium.

In addition to these complications, delirium tremens can cause other diseases. This applies to infectious inflammatory processes, strong and serious injury due to falls. The patient ceases to control himself, suicide attempts are possible. , which is diagnosed during acute alcoholic psychosis, can be dangerous not only for the patient, but also for others. This condition requires urgent treatment.

Treatment under the supervision of a doctor

It is difficult to cure delirium tremens, it all depends on the degree of the disease, how much the patient is ready to part with this on his own. addiction. Intoxication will not bring any benefit here, since the alcoholic, after he feels much better, can immediately return to his old ways.

The duration of this state takes approximately 2-5 days, but in particular severe cases this can last up to 2-3 weeks, and this is already dangerous. It will be very difficult to answer the question of how to cure in this case. Such a problem is observed for the reason that prolonged drinking and a state of fever is accompanied by side diseases, infections, injuries, and so on. In addition, the state of acute psychosis only exacerbates the situation.

When delirium tremens is observed, for example, in a husband, it is impossible to feel sorry for an alcoholic in any case, it is required urgent hospitalization. The patient is placed in a specialized narcological clinic or in a psychiatric department. Carrying out ordinary intoxication at home is unacceptable. But the help of the resuscitation team can be very necessary, since often the patient is not aware of his own condition, and it can be extremely bad.

Treatment of delirium tremens requires timely. Assigned first drug therapy. Resuscitation measures are required when the form is severe and the life of the patient is at risk. If treatment is not started for a long time, then death may occur, with a severe form of fever, the organs of the body begin to gradually fail.

Delirium tremens being treated various methods, usually with timely measures recedes quickly. For a full recovery, you need to ensure complete rest, good sleep. Only deep and prolonged sleep, along with cleansing the body, can help bring the patient back to normal.

Treatment with folk remedies, as many mistakenly begin to act, is not used, at this stage only drug therapy is needed.

When the patient wakes up after an acute psychosis, he feels weak, lethargic, overwhelmed, general state depressed. The period that was occupied by delirium, the patient remembers poorly.

Only fragmentary memories can remain in the memory. I remember hallucinations, nightmares, but real events recovering is not so bright. What is needed is not so much therapy as soothing and strengthening drugs. At this stage, you can already use folk remedies, there are a lot of recipes, but before you start taking them, you need to consult with your doctor.

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