Restoration of the gastric mucosa. Kissel from flax seeds. Increase digestive enzymes

- this is a collective name used to refer to disease processes occurring in one or more departments of the mentioned organ. Developing according to various reasons, this condition occurs equally often in people of both sexes and all ages. At the same time, due to the complexity of the disease, its treatment should be selected for each individual patient individually, and necessarily by specialists.

What causes inflammation in the large intestine? How does this disease manifest itself? Is it possible to diagnose such a disease on early stage and, most importantly, how and with what to treat it? For these and others no less important questions associated with inflammatory processes in the intestines, and our article will answer.

Inflammation is the death of mucosal cells.

Before answering this question, you need to understand how this painful process proceeds in general.

FROM medical point vision, any inflammation is the death of cells of the mucous membranes, accompanied by an abundant blood supply to the affected area.

This process is accompanied by inevitable disturbances in the work of the “injured” organ and, as a result, pain syndrome.

Of course, there may be other reasons for the violation. negative factors. Among them are:

  1. autoimmune diseases that entail spontaneous rejection of cells of the mucous membrane of the large intestine;
  2. genetic predisposition, in other words, inherited deficiency, provoking problems with the digestive tract;
  3. malnutrition, provoking chemical and mechanical damage mucous membranes of the organs involved in the digestive process (usually through the use of excessively spicy or fatty foods);
  4. atherosclerotic abnormalities, due to vasoconstriction, inevitably leading to disruption of the blood supply to the intestinal walls.

The following video will tell you about the symptoms and treatment of colitis:

Classification of diseases

Duodenitis is a disorder of the function of the duodenum.

Depending on the localization of the focus of inflammation, painful processes in the intestines are usually classified as follows:

  • . This term refers to inflammation. small intestine(both all at once, and any one of its separate departments).
  • . This name means a disorder of the function of the duodenum.
  • Mesadenitis. In such diseases, inflammation affects only those located in the intestines. The lymph nodes(the painful process itself, as a rule, is caused by an infection).
  • . This generalizing term is usually used to describe inflammatory processes, just in the large intestine. Moreover, both the entire organ and only its lower section can be affected. It is also customary to call colitis inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rest of the intestine.

Typical symptoms

Bloating is indicative of a lack digestive enzymes.

The symptoms that appear during inflammatory processes in the intestines can vary greatly depending on the localization of the problem.

However, some of characteristic manifestations similar ailments can be considered common.

It is on them that doctors rely when setting preliminary diagnosis"inflammation of the intestines". Among these specific features the following can be highlighted in particular:

  1. pains of a bursting or squeezing nature, it is usually not possible to determine the main source of which, as a rule, is not possible;
  2. nausea-vomiting syndrome, usually aggravated after eating and weakening after cleansing the stomach;
  3. and other symptoms that indicate a lack of digestive enzymes;
  4. unstable stool (from to diarrhea);
  5. anemia (anemia occurs as a result of iron deficiency, inevitable with intestinal damage);
  6. fever (a reaction typical of any inflammatory process).

How is intestinal inflammation diagnosed?

A blood test will determine the degree of development of inflammation.

In the case of inflammation of any of the sections of the intestine, laboratory diagnostics disease is a necessary step before prescribing treatment.

It is she who allows you to establish the focus of the disease process, and therefore - to identify its causes. Without such procedures, the development of an adequate strategy for the treatment of inflammation would simply be impossible.

What examinations will the patient have to undergo if bowel problems are suspected? Today, the following laboratory and instrumental methods diagnostics :

  • bacteriological examination feces (serves to detect the presence of pathogenic microbes in the body);
  • general (allows you to determine the number of active leukocytes in the body, and hence the degree of development of inflammation);
  • FEGDS, or video capsule endoscopy ( visual inspection intestines and stomach allows you to accurately identify the focus of inflammation and, moreover, to obtain the biomaterial necessary for further laboratory research e.g. biopsy);
  • coprogram (a more detailed study of feces is necessary to determine the lack of digestive enzymes).

Medical measures

Etiotropic therapy involves the systematic use of antibiotics.

After identifying the focus of the disease and making an accurate diagnosis, the doctor can develop an adequate strategy for treating inflammation in the intestines. Typically, such therapy is carried out in several stages, the essence of which is as follows:

With increased acidity, an infusion of chamomile will help.

Medicinal plants have been successfully used to combat the symptoms of many serious illnesses. Inflammation in the intestines was no exception.

Today, remedies to relieve symptoms this disease can be found at any pharmacy. Let's list the most effective of them.

The foods that are commonly eaten have a direct impact on the health of each person. Majority pathological processes begin to develop in gastrointestinal tract. How to restore the gastric mucosa after gastritis, but not harm your health?

The stomach lining consists of several layers.

The inner surface of the organ is lined with epithelium (loose tissue). This layer protects the walls of the digestive organ from pepsins (enzymes contained in gastric juice). Enzymes break down protein molecules into small fragments (amino acids). Without an inner loose layer, pepsins will begin to destroy the walls of the stomach, like food.

The layer under the inner one is connective tissue. Between the fibers are glands that open directly into the cavity of the digestive organ. The function of these glands is to produce of hydrochloric acid.

The mucous membrane of the main digestive organ also includes glands and connective tissue.

Obviously, the thickness and integrity of the epithelium layer is important for the healthy functioning of the stomach.

When there is damage, thinning or inflammation of the mucous membrane (gastritis), the stomach ceases to cope with its functions. This process causes the following symptoms:

  • vomiting and nausea;
  • and belching;
  • burning sensation, which increases after eating.

Alcoholic drinks and some medicines (aspirin, etc.) irritate the mucous membrane and are able to “break through” the epithelial barrier.

At healthy people the inner layer usually recovers within a day. But if the body is weakened, there are infections or accompanying illnesses gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, then the situation is fundamentally changing. In the latter case, the epithelium layer recovers very slowly, erosions of the stomach appear, the inner layer becomes thinner over time, and in certain places disappears altogether.

Atrophic changes

If the situation described above occurs, then here we are talking about atrophy of the gastric mucosa. atrophy is serious illness, which may cause oncological process in the body.

Helicobacter bacterium can cause atrophy

Atrophy can be caused by the following factors:

  • nervous breakdowns;
  • lack of vitamin B in the body;
  • prolonged drug treatment, especially antibiotics;
  • unhealthy food intake and alcohol abuse;
  • sharp inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract and intestines: cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis, etc.

No Elimination annoying factor restore the gastric mucosa will not work. The digestive organ must "rest" and then recover.

The recovery process starts when taking dietary supplements and medications, but only a gastroenterologist can prescribe a course of treatment.


An effective method of examination is EGDS

Put accurate diagnosis and prescribe an effective drug treatment, the gastroenterologist can after a series of diagnostic examinations. The patient is diagnosed on the basis of a blood test (general and biochemistry), ultrasound, as well as gastroscopy, endoscopy, histology, etc.

Most effective method examinations are EGDS. The doctor examines the mucous membrane, checks the acidity of the stomach and the work of other organs of the digestive tract. With the help of EGDS, you can determine the degree of development of gastritis. The acidity of the mucous secretion is determined by testing.

The gastroenterologist performs a visual examination of the patient, writes down his complaints. The doctor can clearly determine the type of illness if the patient tells what exactly worries him. After a detailed analysis of complaints and a visual examination, the doctor prescribes treatment and a diet that will help relieve inflammation of the mucosa and restore the organ after gastritis.

Treatment with diet

A well-balanced diet helps to cure gastritis

A balanced, well-chosen diet helps prevent and cure gastritis. May irritate mucous membranes bad habits Therefore, the patient is advised to give up alcohol and smoking.

From daily menu it is desirable to exclude junk food. Minimize the consumption of vegetables, dishes from cabbage and mushrooms, as well as greens.

The list of dishes is determined by the doctor. Eat often, but in small portions.

Food should not be too cold or hot. The food should be dominated by fish, lean meats and plant foods.

And also from the menu you need to exclude foods that long time have been in the refrigerator. Fast food is strictly prohibited.

You can eat only those dishes that are prepared 3-4 hours before the meal, and only from quality products.

Preparations for the restoration of the gastric epithelium

Medications to restore the epithelium of the stomach belong to various pharmacological groups, but they have a similar principle of action: in order for the process of restoring the inner layer to start, it is necessary to improve the blood circulation of the walls of the stomach.

In addition, Tsimed provides beneficial effect on muscles and blood vessels. Accept medicinal product recommended 2 times a day. The course of treatment is a month.

The drug Regesol consists only of natural ingredients. The medicine restores the mucous membrane of the entire gastrointestinal tract, as well as oral cavity and DPK. The drug reduces the inflammatory process in gastritis, anesthetizes and has an antimicrobial effect. The treatment regimen is the same as that of Tsimed.

Venter is a medicine made from sucralfate. In the digestive organ, it breaks down into sulfuric salt and aluminum. Sulfur salt fixes the mucous secret in those places of the body where the epithelial layer is severely damaged or completely destroyed due to gastritis. Duration of protection - 6 hours. The course of treatment is 10 days.

The medicine is used to protect upper divisions Gastrointestinal tract from erosion, as well as for the treatment of exacerbation of ulcers.

Helps to restore the epithelium jelly made from flax seed with the addition of chicory.

Chicory for medicinal drink

To prepare a medicinal drink, you need a liter of water, 3 tbsp. spoons of flax seeds, a coffee spoon of chicory (condensed). Flax seeds should be poured into a mixer and pour a liter hot water. Beat for ten minutes and then add the chicory.

It is necessary to drink the drink in a warm form 30 minutes before meals from one to three times a day, you can add honey. Using medications or traditional medicine for restorative purposes, you can not only get rid of the irritating factor, but also start your own recovery processes in the body.

But before starting a course of gastritis treatment, you should definitely consult with a gastroenterologist.

On the human health render big influence Food. Many diseases begin in the digestive tract. How to restore the gastric mucosa? It is difficult to restore the microflora of the mucosa. Treatment should begin after the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Atrophy of the stomach and intestines is a disease dangerous human health, difficult to cure. AT chronic form the disease leads to the constant death of cellular tissue structures. Tissue dysfunction provokes an increase in hydrochloric acid.

Atrophy of the gastric mucosa occurs due to the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which enters the airborne droplets. It is fixed on the gastric surface and can live for a long time. AT favorable conditions rapid reproduction occurs pathogenic bacterium, the development of an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestinal section. If not treated painful manifestations, ulcers, erosion on epithelial cells appear.

The disease develops in violation of the mucous-tissue structure gastrointestinal system human body, due to malnutrition, the use of products that negatively affect the human body, leading to an increase in the amount of hydrochloric acid. With excessive abuse of such foods, inflammation develops in the tissues of problematic organs, leading to the further formation of ulcers, erosive zones.

The development of the inflammatory process occurs along with a decrease in immunity, affected by various viral infections. Mucosal destruction digestive tract arises from genetic reasons. An increased risk of developing similar disease in children whose parents suffer from gastrointestinal ailments. healthy eating, reference healthy lifestyle life, avoiding the use of alcoholic beverages, narcotic substances, smoking helps to restore the immune system.

Symptoms of the disease

With gastritis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, various symptoms appear:

  • nausea is felt, which indicates the development of inflammation;
  • unpleasant smell from the mouth;
  • stool unstable with mucus;
  • bitterness burps;
  • the appearance of a feeling that the stomach is bursting;
  • a feeling of bloating;
  • body weight decreases;
  • the person feels weak;
  • anemia develops.

More on the topic: Rumbling in the stomach after eating: what are the causes?

With the development of the disease, the human body as a whole becomes weak, which negatively affects the patient's well-being.

Diagnostic measures

After the patient has passed a series diagnostic procedures the doctor determines the degree of damage to the gastrointestinal tract, concomitant diseases that disturb the diagnosed. The diagnosis is made on the basis of a general and chemical blood test, endoscopic, x-ray, histological, gastroscopic examination, ultrasound.

EGDS is the most effective method of examination. The doctor examines exactly the gastric mucosa and receives general idea about the state of the gastrointestinal tract. It is impossible to determine the development of hyperemia of the gastrointestinal tract without a gastroscopic examination. If necessary, a special acid test is prescribed by a professional, which determines the acidity of the body.

Analysis of the patient's complaints, visual examination is carried out by a gastroenterologist. It is precisely determined with the disease if the patient tells what worries him. After examination qualified specialist drugs are prescribed to help treat and restore problematic organs.

Nutrition as a method of treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

correct, balanced diet helps to restore the gastric mucosa during the development of inflammation. Irritation is influenced by bad habits, the patient should quit smoking, use alcoholic drinks. With an increase in hyperemia of the tissues of the stomach and intestines, the patient must strictly follow the recommendations of the health worker.

Fatty, spicy, sour, salty, fried foods are excluded from the diet. Cabbage should be used with caution raw vegetables, greens, mushrooms.

Dishes are determined by the doctor. It is necessary to eat often, fractionally, using not a large number of food.

Food should not be hot, cold, should prevail herbal products, lean meats, fish.

Medical solution to the problem

After the scheduled examination medical institution a variety of special medications are prescribed that restore the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to general health improvement person. The professional must select medications helping to eliminate the developing inflammatory process, restore damaged tissues of the mucous membrane.

When painful sensations appear, the medicines "No-Shpy", "Papaverine", "Gastrocelin", "Metacin" are prescribed. Often, with manifestations of gastritis, the normal peristalsis of the stomach and intestines is disturbed. The use of medications "Motilium", "Cerukal" is shown, thanks to them the functionality of the human body is stimulated, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is improved, digestive process, stool regulation. But these medications should be taken after consulting a specialist. A council of doctors prescribes medicines - a gastroenterologist, a therapist. Their decision should be strictly adhered to so that they do not come undesirable consequences for the human body.

More on the topic: Pyloric stenosis: narrowing of the pylorus

If enzymes are not produced enough, then they are prescribed to take medications to improve the condition of diseased organs. The problem is solved with the help of Pepsidil, Abomin.

Usually along with medicines prescribed vitamin and mineral complex means. If the patient follows the recommendations, then anemia will not develop, food will be better absorbed, and the patient will feel better, pain. Often a sick person is faced with the problem of insufficient amounts of vitamin B, the doctor prescribes to take a drug with its content.

If the level of acidity is increased, then the mucosa is irritated, and antacid medications are indicated - Almagel, Phosphalugel, Maalox, Rennie tablets. envelop problem areas eliminate inflammation. Medications must be prescribed by the attending physician, who determines recommendations on how to treat.

Rehabilitation measures after taking antibiotics

Antibiotics have negative impact on the state of the microflora of the gastrointestinal system. These medications kill bacteria. Doom pathogenic varieties happens along with beneficial microorganisms. This leads to the development of inflammation and irritation of the mucous-tissue area. To prevent disease, you should use the lungs, diet meals in a small amount. It helps to get rid of uncomfortable manifestations of doctors prescribed prebiotics, lactobacilli, which help to eliminate the disease quickly.

Folk recipes

Restoration of the stomach folk remedies recommended by a specialist along with the appointment of medications. In the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines, they have proven themselves well:

  • flax seeds;
  • juice of potatoes, cabbage;
  • celandine;
  • chamomile;
  • parsley;
  • St. John's wort;
  • yarrow;
  • Golden mustache;
  • plantain.

Sea buckthorn oil helps rapid healing received wounds, eliminates the development of bacteria. Drink it before bed pure form 1 st. l. Sea buckthorn oil is used in conjunction with oil squeezed from olives.

Plantain has long been used to eliminate unpleasant diseases. The plantain is crushed, 1 tbsp is taken. l. mixture, pour boiling water. Leave for a quarter of an hour. Drink until food intake. Symptoms of the disease are eliminated quickly. The plant has enveloping, wound healing, analgesic qualities.

Patients with gastric diseases ask gastroenterologists a lot of questions. Mucous epithelium internal cavity performs protective function from degradation by enzymes and acids. The question of how to restore the gastric mucosa after treatment is in the first place.

The process is quite complicated and takes a long time.

Changes in the microflora, violations of the integrity, structure and physiological performance of the walls of the organ occur as a result of various diseases, as well as after taking medicines and other negative factors, which leads to the formation of erosions, ulcers, severe complications possible bleeding, perforation, cancerous degeneration. Let's figure out how to restore the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Today the problem is quite relevant. The evidence of a violation after taking medications is not in doubt. Almost all antibacterial drugs administered by mouth have pronounced effect. They not only affect the work of the mucous gastrointestinal epithelium, but also completely destroy the beneficial flora. The result is the opposite result: a person cannot refuse antibiotics if, in laboratory analysis there is a bacterial infection.

Antibiotics violate defensive forces digestive organs. The main role in protection belongs to group of prostaglandins. It's physiological active ingredients relax and contract the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, regulate secretory function, without them it is impossible to work on the digestion of food.

After passing the antimicrobial course, prostaglandins lose their efficiency, while the following disorders occur in the body:

  • secretion of polysaccharides decreases, which are needed for the formation of mucus lining the stomach inside to reduce aggression gastric juice;
  • pathogenic microflora grows and multiplies;
  • the production of hydrochloric acid increases, which upsets the balance of acidity;
  • smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines inactively move food through the digestive tract.

Not only antibiotics have this effect, but also some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as corticosteroid hormones.

Atrophy of the gastric mucosa: how to treat and restore?

For rehabilitation, which does not depend on the duration of the course, the following activities are carried out:

  • drugs are prescribed that have the effect of prostaglandins or their analogues;
  • are used reparants, they heal damaged areas;
  • tests are being carried out to detect Helicobacter pylori;
  • treatment is monitored fibrogastroscopy.

The acidity level is also determined, then corrected using medical supplies. Acidity is treated with antisecretory drugs, low - with the use of replacement therapy. When detecting Helicobacter, apply classical scheme for elimination.

Recovery from atrophy of the epithelium

At atrophic gastritis the nutrition of the epithelium is disturbed, the size of the organ decreases, functions slow down or stop. Slime layer becomes thinner, it becomes impossible to fully digest food, as well as:

How to restore the gastric mucosa with atrophic gastritis?

This pathology is treated only conservatively, there is no point in operating on anything, atrophic areas are located in foci different areas. Gastroenterologists consider the disease to be a precancerous condition, but before the cells degenerate into cancer, they can be returned to normal.

Conservative therapy used to treat chronic atrophic gastritis consists of three stages:

  1. Medication treatment.
  2. Proper diet.
  3. The use of folk remedies.

When there are minimal atrophic changes with small foci, the treatment of atrophic gastritis is not difficult. If a person seeks help late, a stage of diffuse atrophy occurs: in this case, it is possible to restore some areas and prevent the progression of the disease.

In order not to provoke ulcerative-erosive pathology, precautions should be taken, an overdose of funds has a detrimental effect and contributes to complications.

Drug therapy for mucosal atrophy

Treat focal atrophic gastritis or diffuse atrophy in the same way:

  1. Medications are used that activate the promotion food bolus from the stomach cavity to the intestinal canal. These drugs help in the fight against nausea.
  2. If acidity is noticeably reduced, products with natural gastric juice are used.
  3. Lowering the level of hydrochloric acid inhibits the synthesis of pancreatic enzymes - synthetic enzymes are used in tablets.

Since the digestion process is disturbed, the food lump is poorly digested, the body experiences a lack of vitamins and trace elements. Particularly noticeable is the decrease in folic acid and vitamin B12, therefore, hemoglobin decreases. To correct this state, use vitamin complexes , cyanocobalamin and folic acid as separate funds.

Drugs that restore the gastric mucosa

How to restore the gastric mucosa? To restore the mucosa for each patient, the gastroenterologist chooses medicines individually. The components of the drugs will speed up the regeneration processes, contribute to a better blood supply to the organ.

For regeneration appoint:

Additionally, they may be assigned the following drugs to restore the gastric mucosa:

  • Cymed- contains copper and zinc, is used when there is a deficiency of elements that are necessary to relieve inflammation. The main action is immunostrengthening;
  • Regesol- used as a dietary supplement for food, the drug is rich in multivitamins. Contains sea buckthorn, nettle, mint, licorice, plantain, calendula. The composition contains B1, B2, B6, PP, E, K, C, panthenolic acid, tocopherol, flavonoids and other components.
  • Venter- heals peptic ulcers, prevents the development peptic ulcer, protects the mucous membrane from the aggressive effects of HCl and pepsin.

These are the main drugs that restore the gastric mucosa.

Together with the drugs, the patient should follow a diet with the exception of fried, salty, spicy, fatty foods. You must completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Useful video

Restoration of the intestinal mucosa - long process requiring a lot of effort from the patient. How to help the body - find out with the help of this video.

Restoration of the gastric mucosa with folk remedies

Many people ask how to restore the intestinal mucosa with folk remedies, how to restore the gastric mucosa with folk remedies. Effectively regenerate the mucosal epithelium helps ethnoscience. use flaxseed decoction , potato juice , parsley root extract.

Has a curative effect ok from plantain leaves, which is used 20 minutes before meals several times a day, diluted in boiled water.

medicinal tea

The inner layer is well restored after use herbal tea. The collection can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently. Should take 10 g althea rhizomes, hypericum leaves, chamomile flowers.

Herbs are laid in a glass container, pour a glass of boiling water. The collection must be heated in a water bath for 25-30 minutes. Then the mixture must be allowed to cool, strain, squeeze. The resulting broth is diluted with water and drunk half a cup 4 times before meals.

Kissel from flax seeds

To prepare a drink, you need deep dishes, or a blender with a large glass. Pours into container flax-seed 3 art. l., poured with boiling water in the amount of 1 liter, then the mixture is whipped for 10 minutes. At the end of whipping, add a little condensed chicory. Such jelly should be drunk warm 30 minutes before a meal, if desired, you can add honey.

Aloe drink

Home agave must be at least 3-5 years old. Only the lower leaves need to be cut. They are washed from dust, dirt, dried with a towel and placed in cling film. The bundle should be left on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

At the end of the term, the leaves are taken out of the film and the juice is squeezed out of them. Take a healing drink before every meal. To improve the taste of the juice, you can add a little honey.

Often, taking antibiotics leads to a violation of the condition of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, as this defense mechanisms these organs. The main place among them is occupied by the prostaglandin system. These are substances that are formed in the gastric mucosa from arachidonic acid. They have different effects on the human body, depending on which class they belong to. In this article, we will look at the problem in more detail.

In the stomach, due to the effect of prostaglandins, the following occurs:

  • the formation of mucopolysaccharides increases, forming mucus covering the stomach from the inside, and thereby reducing the aggressive effects of acidic gastric juice;
  • the formation of hydrochloric acid is reduced to the limit acceptable level, that is, the optimal balance of acidity of gastric juice is maintained;
  • prevent growth and reproduction pathogenic microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract.

But what if the mucous membrane was exposed to antibiotics that had Negative influence on her condition? It must be saved, as this can lead to the formation of erosion, and then ulcers with all the ensuing consequences (perforation, penetration, bleeding, etc.). The same situation is observed in atrophic gastritis, when the mucosa is initially thin.

Recovery after antibiotics

Rehabilitation, regardless of the duration of treatment, includes the following actions:

  • the appointment of drugs that are analogues of "useful" prostaglandins;
  • the use of reparants that improve healing processes (it is especially indicated in cases where there is already an ulcer);
  • determination of the acidity of gastric juice with its subsequent correction. For example, antisecretory drugs from the group of proton pump blockers are prescribed, but if it is reduced, then replacement therapy should be used.

In order to monitor the effectiveness of the measures taken, it is recommended to conduct a control fibrogastroduodenoscopy. It allows visualization of the mucosa using an endoscope inserted into the stomach. Laboratory tests are also shown in parallel, which make it possible to exclude infection with Helicobacter pylori. If a Helicobacter pylori infection is detected, then it is necessary to use standard scheme treatment.

With atrophic gastritis

Atrophic gastritis is characterized by the fact that the mucous membrane is initially thinned. This negatively affects the performance of all functions assigned to it. It's about about the following:

  • the formation of hydrochloric acid, which determines the acidity of gastric juice;
  • protection against mechanical damage;
  • the formation of a layer of mucus, consisting of mucopolysaccharides;
  • decreased motor function.

Therefore, it is necessary to restore the gastric mucosa. The main importance in this regard belongs to prostaglandin preparations, as well as to the restoration normal acidity. This is especially true, since only with the optimal content of hydrochloric acid is it possible to further normal structure mucous.

Therefore, it is required to prescribe gastric juice substitutes sold in pharmacies. However, here it is necessary to observe the golden mean, since in case of an overdose they have negative impact, leading to the formation of an erosive-ulcerative defect.

Preparations for the restoration of the gastric mucosa

Now consider the main groups of drugs and their representatives, which are most often used in gastroenterology to restore the mucosa:

  1. Prostaglandin E preparations (misoprostol, Cytotec and other brand names of the same drug);
  2. Reparants plant origin (sea ​​buckthorn oil, including in capsules, aloe and others);
  3. Reparants of animal origin (Solcoseryl and Actovegin);
  4. Antisecretory drugs (omeprazole, lansoprazole and others);
  5. Eubiotics and probiotics that normalize the species and quantitative composition beneficial microflora in the gastrointestinal tract (Bifiform, Lactobacterin and others).

Thus, the process of restoration of the gastric mucosa depends on the mechanism of its damage. Even if there are no clinical manifestations, it is necessary to carry out appropriate treatment, since complications can be very serious.

Video - rehabilitation after taking antibiotics

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