I damaged a red mole what to do. Signs of the degeneration of a mole into a cancerous tumor. How to avoid plucking moles

The skin is a vital organ of the human body, which is in direct contact with the harmful effects of the environment. Therefore, it is the skin that takes the first blow during any aggressive effects on the body. Moles that are located on the skin are often injured. For many, a torn mole causes panic, as there is an opinion that this will inevitably lead to skin cancer. Should I really be worried about this? What to do if you tore off a mole? You can get answers by reading this article.

A little about moles and the causes of injuries

Moles or nevi are benign formations that appear in the upper layers of the dermis. Most nevi are different shades of brown. This is due to the accumulation of melanin pigment in the epithelial cells from which moles are formed. This substance is synthesized under the influence of the pituitary hormone - melanotropin and sunlight. However, medicine has not fully understood why ordinary cells turn into melanocytes - the cells that make up nevi. However, there is no doubt that the following factors influence the number of moles:

  • a change in the hormonal background, which can be observed during puberty, pregnancy, when the level of hormones increases sharply;
  • ultraviolet irradiation. It has been proven that on the skin of people living in warm countries or spending a long time in the sun, the greatest number of moles is formed;
    hormone therapy can lead to an imbalance in the hormonal background, and at the same time, to the appearance of moles;
  • X-ray and radiation exposure can contribute to the process of migration of pigmented cells into the upper layers of the dermis.

Also, one should not forget about hereditary factors that determine not only skin color, but also its predisposition to the formation of moles.

On the human body, two main types of moles appear throughout life:

  • pigmented, which are brown in color and often merge with the skin;
  • vascular or - point formations that have a scarlet tint. There are also moles that are the most traumatic - these are convex, or hanging moles. With such nevi, you need to be very careful not to pick them up, rip them off.

Methods of injury

In the process of life, a child or an adult can injure a mole. This often happens under the following circumstances:

  • wearing too tight clothes, which leads to rubbing of moles, thereby causing microtrauma. You can tear off a mole in the process of dressing or undressing;
  • in the process of receiving water procedures, using a hard sponge for washing the body;
  • during depilation, since it is very easy to cut a convex or hanging mole with a razor;
  • children mainly injure birthmarks during active outdoor games, running, wrestling.

If, as a result of the above actions, an injury to the birthmark occurred, then a bruise may appear, a wound may form, and the epidermis around the birthmark may be injured. In such a case, the following actions must be taken.

Treatment of an injured formation

photo dermatoscopy of a mole

Treat the wound with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, which is most effective for treating epidermal lesions. If there is no such remedy at hand, you can use any other antiseptic: ethyl alcohol, Miramistin solution, 5% alcohol solution of iodine. These drugs do not treat the surface of the wound, but only its edges. For such purposes, you can use a cotton swab or a piece of bandage. After applying the product to the wound, you need to apply a gauze bandage consisting of 2-4 layers, fix it well with a plaster or bandage. This must be done to stop capillary bleeding. After 20-30 minutes, the bandage can be carefully removed.

If the child deliberately tore off the mole, then you need to do the same steps. However, it is better to prevent the occurrence of such a situation by explaining to your child that the mole on the body must be monitored so as not to injure it and not get to the doctor. In any case of damage to the neoplasm, it is necessary to contact a specialist - a dermatologist who will conduct a thorough examination and prescribe treatment.

Most moles are benign, not prone to rebirth. However, as a result of numerous damages to one formation, the process of development and division of cancer cells can start.

Signs of birthmark degeneration

Do not worry too much if a mole is injured. An unfavorable outcome is very unlikely, which can happen if the damaged mole was already at the initial stage of degeneration into malignant melanoma or carcinoma. In this case, as a result of injury, the process of metastasis can be triggered, which will lead to the development of the disease. To prevent this, you need to know the first signs of the development of the disease, namely:

  • when the size of the formation exceeds 1 cm in diameter;
  • asymmetry of the build-up, the presence of uneven edges, its vague form;
  • bleeding formation, which is observed for more than three weeks;
  • the formation of scales or crusts on the nevus, after exfoliation of which blood appears or a serous substance flows out;
  • color change to rich red, possibly with black blotches, color, glossy surface;
  • an increase in education that is observed over several months;
  • the dynamics of changes that occur with the nevus.

If you clearly know these signs, then the changes that occur with the mole can be noticed at the initial stage and treatment can be started on time.

What to do if a mole is torn off

  • laser therapy - the destruction of formation cells by laser beams;
  • cryodestruction - freezing the nevus with liquid nitrogen;
  • electrocoagulation - cauterization of a mole under the influence of an electric current;
  • radio wave surgery - removal of a nevus with a radio wave knife;
  • surgical removal of the neoplasm.

These procedures will help to quickly and painlessly get rid of a pigmented growth that is prone to injury. However, even later it is worth carefully monitoring the neoplasms that appear on the skin.

In order to prevent the development of malignant tumors, it is necessary to adhere to the following tips, namely:

  • wear comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement;
  • during depilation, showering, bathing, carefully use a razor, a sponge in places where formations rise above the skin;
  • do not remove moles on your own, do not get rid of them with the help of drugs or traditional medicine;
  • in the hot season, wear sunglasses, panama, clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • in case of suspicious signs, immediately contact an oncologist or dermatologist;
  • Get checked out by a dermatologist every year.

These simple tips will help you avoid possible problems.

Moles are formations that occur due to the accumulation of melanocytes, cells that produce the pigment melanin, on an area of ​​the skin. Moles are flat and convex. They occur on any part of the skin and even on the mucous membranes. Flat formations usually do not cause trouble, which cannot be said about convex growths. What will happen if you tear off a mole? What measures will help to avoid unpleasant consequences?


Moles are not inherently dangerous. They occur due to failures in the distribution of the top layer of skin cells. In medicine, age spots in the form of a tubercle are called nevi. Most often they are found on the face.

The reasons for their occurrence on the body:

  • Heredity - a mole in one part of the body can be transmitted by genes;
  • Excess production of melanin when a person spends a lot of time in the sun;
  • Hormonal disruptions - they cause not only the appearance of new formations, but also the disappearance of old ones;
  • stress;
  • Radiation;
  • Viral diseases;
  • Injuries.

Leading clinics in Israel

Why can't you rip off moles?

There are factors that affect the degeneration of a nevus into a malignant tumor - melanoma.

  1. Excessive exposure to the sun. Especially during hours of increased ultraviolet activity - from 10.00 to 16.00.
  2. Genetic predisposition to cancer.
  3. Repeated mechanical impact on the mole: contact with tight clothing, accidental tearing off. Also, damage occurs if it is torn off, scratched, picked off, torn, hurt when shaving. This happens when it is located in an inconvenient place.

As a result of damage to the mole, an infection can enter the affected area and cause an inflammatory process. In this case, the risk of degeneration of the formation into a cancerous tumor is high. If the damaged area is properly treated, the risk of deformation of benign cells is minimal.

What to do if you have damaged a mole to the blood?

Mechanical injury in the form of a scratched, torn off, torn mole widespread phenomenon. A typical situation - they knocked off a nevus and blood began to flow. If a mole is on the face, a man may accidentally shave it off. When there is a growth on the back, there is a high probability of hooking it through negligence or picking it open.

The main thing is not to panic if you have torn off a mole. Blood is just the body's reaction to a wound. Steps must be taken to stop it.

How to treat a torn mole?

To prevent the inflammatory process, the affected area is treated with an antiseptic. Suitable hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, manganese solution, alcohol. When using iodine and brilliant green, you should avoid getting them into the wound itself, apply along the edges. If pharmacy products are not at hand, for example, in the forest, you can use natural antiseptics. These include salt, soda, lemon, onion, garlic. From plants - plantain, chamomile, resin of coniferous trees.

First aid:

  1. Stop the blood. To do this, wet a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide, apply it to the affected area for 15-20 minutes. With severe bleeding, the tampon is periodically changed. If the bleeding does not stop, call an ambulance.
  2. When the blood stops flowing, seal the wound with a bactericidal plaster. If at home there is only an ordinary plaster, then first apply cotton wool soaked in an antiseptic.
  3. The torn area or the entire mole must be preserved in saline. Ordinary saline solution will do. This material will be required to examine the mole for the presence of cancer cells.
  4. After treating the affected area, see a doctor. If necessary, the specialist will prescribe treatment. In some cases, the remaining area of ​​the growth is removed.

If a mole is accidentally torn off by a child , first aid is provided in the same way. Only it is better to additionally wrap the patch with a bandage so that the child cannot peel it off. An important step is to explain to children that removing and combing moles is dangerous and that care should be taken with these areas of skin.

Even at an early age, melanoma can develop, so a visit to a specialist is not postponed.

Which doctor should I contact if I tore a mole?

Diagnosis of a damaged mole is carried out by specialists:

  • Dermatologist;
  • Surgeon;
  • Oncologist.

After examination and histological analysis, the doctor recommends special treatment or removal of the mole.

Visit the surgeon first. If necessary, he will send to other doctors.

Video - What moles are dangerous

Signs of the degeneration of a mole into a cancerous tumor

If the nevus has been torn off, the advice of doctors is to properly treat the wound and immediately visit a specialist. After healing occurs, periodically inspect the affected area.

Its degeneration into melanoma is noticed by some signs:

  1. The contours of the mole became fuzzy, blurry.
  2. A mole bleeds from time to time without any effect on it.
  3. The nevus was covered with a crust. At the same time, it itches and hurts.
  4. Hair grows from a mole.
  5. Growth and discoloration of the nevus. Light moles darken, dark ones brighten. In some cases, areas of a different shade appear on them.
  6. Changing the form of education.

If there are moles on the body that cause suspicion, they should be observed by a specialist, examined 1-2 times a year. The study of nevi provides for digital diagnostics of all formations on the body. The method allows you to accurately and quickly map hazardous areas.

Ways to remove a nevus:

  • Laser - no wound remains after the procedure;
  • Electricity;
  • Surgical intervention.

When there are moles on the body that are easy to injure, you should think about removing them. Of particular danger are large nevi - more than 10 cm in diameter. The probability of their degeneration into a malignant tumor is high.

Most often, growths are injured in areas:

  • Feet - when rubbed with shoes;
  • Head, neck, collar area - rubbing with clothes, damage with a comb, jewelry;
  • On the face - in men when shaving, in women when using a scrub, peeling;
  • Waist - squeezing the belt of a skirt, trousers;
  • Axillary area, groin.

The more often a mole is damaged, the higher the risk of melanoma.

Possible consequences mole removal

Excision of the growth does not cause cancer. Removing a dangerous mole is the prevention of skin cancer. But before removal, be sure to consult a specialist.

If the mole has not been damaged, there is no way to do a histological analysis during laser removal, because no material remains. Surgical removal allows you to collect material and give it for examination.

Rehabilitation after excision is fast.

Damage prevention

  1. Cut your nails promptly. Supervise your child's manicure. Most often, moles are accidentally scratched by children.
  2. Exclude tight clothing from the wardrobe if the nevus is squeezed.
  3. Choosing the right cosmetics When using scrub and peeling, avoid getting the composition on moles.
  4. Do not use a hard washcloth.
  5. Keep in mind that a mole burns along with the skin in the sun. To protect large nevi from exposure to sunlight, you need to cover them with clothes.

After injury to the mole, the wound heals as quickly as with other skin lesions. The main thing is to consult a doctor, do a histological analysis, remove the remnants of the growth, if they are dangerous. In this case, there will be no unpleasant consequences.

Moles (nevi) can look pretty and make a woman more spicy. Some people like them, while others dream of getting rid of them surgically as soon as possible. There is an opinion that damage to the nevus can lead to serious health problems, up to the development of cancer. Each person should know what will happen if a mole is picked off, what needs to be done first of all and in what cases it is fraught with complications.

Moles on the girl's face


On the body of each person there are nevi. They occur throughout life and are the result of a glut of skin cells with melanin, the substance responsible for pigmentation.

The nevi themselves are harmless, but you need to know what to do if they are damaged, how to stop the blood from a mole.

When the nevus has just formed, it is a small flat spot. Such a speck is absolutely harmless even in case of damage and nothing needs to be done with it. However, over time, the speck can grow and darken under the influence of hormones, so nevi often change during puberty. Sometimes moles are modified during the period of bearing a child by a woman.

Types of formations

A nevus can occur on any part of the body, including the eyes and mucous membranes. There are several types of moles that every person faces sooner or later:

  • flat nevus is a small dark spot:
  • angioma - small reddish nodules that occur at the exit site of blood vessels;
  • an elevated nevus looks like a flat mole, but has a convex shape;
  • birthmarks;
  • blue moles that occur at the site of venous vessels.

With age, if a person has repeatedly torn off a mole, flat formations can lead to the appearance of a nevus with blurry edges.

Flat mole on the body

It should be remembered that changing the appearance of a mole or increasing its size is a serious reason to visit doctors. The doctor will examine you and decide on treatment. During treatment, all the advice of a specialist should be followed. Sometimes it may be necessary to remove a nevus in order to avoid its further development, because any disease is easier to prevent.

Women have more moles than men. The reason for this is the hormonal background of a woman.

Is damage dangerous?

You can damage or disrupt a nevus quite by accident. However, the main danger for a nevus is exposure to UV rays, under the influence of which a safe mole can be reborn and mutated. It is under the action of sunlight that a benign formation can mutate, as a result, the cells of the mole are converted into cancer cells.

Combing or tearing a nevus in some cases can cause the same consequences as the action of sunlight. The main risk group in this case are people:

  • with a weakened immune system;
  • predisposed to cancer;
  • adolescence;
  • living in hot climates.

If a person accidentally cuts a nevus, this is not a reason to panic. The danger is only that nevus, which has changed after damage. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Usually, after minor injuries, there is no change in the size or shape of the mole.

The reason for a visit to the doctor are such conditions after the failure of education, in which:

  • education bleeds;
  • itching occurs;
  • color or shape changes;
  • inflammation appears.

In this case, you do not need to apply the advice of traditional medicine, but you should immediately contact the clinic. If a person has torn off a mole or cut it once, in most cases it does not cause cancer. Damage to a mole will lead to the development of cancer only if cancer cells are already developing in the body. Then the mole will become a catalyst for the rapid development of the disease.

Melanoma is the cause of death of 2 people out of 2000, while every second person dies from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Examination of a mole by a specialist

Actions in case of damage

It often happens that shaving can cause a mole to come off, or a person accidentally cuts it. This does not cause serious consequences if everything necessary is done in time to protect the nevus from complications.

Sometimes, after a mole has come off, blood may bleed. This is normal if the mole is an angioma, which is based on a bundle of blood vessels. In this case, bleeding is also not a cause for concern and will not lead to the development of a serious consequence, the main thing is to know how to stop the bleeding from a mole. To do this, treat the surface with hydrogen peroxide in time. Then it is necessary to disinfect the surface of the damage. To do this, you can use alcohol or brilliant green.

If it is not possible to consult a doctor, you need to monitor the behavior of the mole. The cause of concern should be considered a change in appearance or the occurrence of unpleasant sensations. If the nevus after damage is no different from its original state, there is no reason to panic.

If the nevus is located in a place that clothes often press on, it is better to remove it.

Precautionary measures

Often the cause of damage to the formation is long nails in women, tight clothing, a rough washcloth and a towel. Nothing insures against the danger of accidentally opening a nevus, for example, in a dream, therefore, to minimize the risk of damage to the formation, long nails should be abandoned. The same goes for rough washcloths and towels. While swimming, you need to make sure that the place around the nevus is not injured. You should be careful while shaving so as not to accidentally cut off the nevus.

The main enemy of moles is the sun's rays. When in the sun, you should always use special sunscreen. In order to be healthy, you should stop sunbathing during the hours of maximum solar activity.

Damage. Video

You can judge how dangerous damage to a mole is by watching this video.

By themselves, nevi are not dangerous. Small precautions can help minimize the risk of damage to the formation. But accidental damage is not a reason to panic. If you have any doubts after accidental damage to the nevus, do not be lazy to consult a doctor.

Moles on a woman's body

It often happens that we injure moles. Rip off completely or slightly tear off the skin. It happens that the bleeding is strong enough, which, nevertheless, can be stopped. Here is a mole sealed with a band-aid and everything seems to be fine. Here we remember that in childhood, my mother told us: "Do not pick a mole - you can die from this." With an unpleasant feeling somewhere in the upper abdomen, we begin to search the Internet for the eternal answer to the question "What to do?". After half an hour or an hour, we understand that in a couple of days death from melanoma will come and it's time to look after a place in the cemetery ...

Is a mole injury really dangerous?

In RuNet, the danger of traumatizing moles is given unnecessary, in my opinion, importance. Is there any justification for this point of view? Certainly, but it seems to me that it is rather shaky.

Indeed, there are several studies of this issue, mainly conducted in the 60-80s of the last century. They show that 30-50% of patients in whom melanoma developed against the background of a nevus noted a single or repeated traumatization of the mole.

There are several arguments against these studies:

  1. That melanoma has developed after injury to a nevus does not necessarily mean that the two phenomena are related. Melanoma could develop both before traumatization and much later after other reasons.
  2. A meta-analysis from 2010 (summarizing data from 9 studies) showed that incisional biopsy does not affect the prognosis of melanoma. In other words, if a piece is cut off from melanoma (for diagnostic purposes), this is will not be reflected negatively on the patient's chances of living 5 years or more.
  3. Here the corrosive reader will say: “Aha! Still, incomplete removal (you can read “injury”) causes the development of melanoma!” No. Dysplastic nevus with severe dysplasia - in itself has a high chance of becoming a melanoma in the future. Relationship between incomplete removal and development of melanoma from such nevi not proven.

  4. My experience. Almost every day people write to me who have injured a mole and are now preparing to “die” because they have read the Internet. Almost any person who has a mole protruding above the skin has injured her at least once in her life. If trauma to a mole really were a risk factor, in our country with a population of 146,000,000, the diagnosis of melanoma would be made much more often than 8,000 times a year.

What to do if you rip off or cut off a mole?

  1. Treat the wound with a solution of any antiseptic, except for iodine. I can recommend chlorhexidine - it costs little money and is available in any pharmacy.
  2. If there is blood, attach a piece of cotton wool (better) gauze moistened with hydrogen peroxide to the wound.
  3. If the blood does not stop for a long time, firmly press the gauze or cotton wool with peroxide to the mole.
  4. After stopping the blood, you can fix the gauze on the mole with a patch.

What NOT to do if you hurt, rip off or cut off a mole?

Do not read dubious sources on the Internet that do not have an author. Such indiscriminate reading can lead to the development of neurosis. All questions that appear are better to ask the doctor, and not look for answers on your own.

What will happen to the mole next?

After trauma, as in any other place, the mole will hurt a little and turn slightly red - this is normal. Gradually, after 2-3 weeks, these phenomena should pass by themselves. The only situation in which a doctor's intervention may be required is suppuration of a mole after a severe injury. This means that if, after a few days, a viscous white (not yellow) liquid began to stand out from the site of injury, an examination by a surgeon is needed. After 1-2 days, a crust will appear at the site of the injury, which will fall off on its own in 1-2 weeks.

Do I need to run to the doctor? If yes, to which one?

It is necessary to appear to the oncologist, however, there is no need to "run". Immediately after trauma, inflammation (redness, swelling, pain) makes diagnosis difficult. In this regard, I recommend that you see a doctor 2-3 weeks after the injury, as soon as the inflammation has passed. This recommendation is not connected with the danger of turning a mole into melanoma, but with the fact that even BEFORE INJURY, your mole could already be malignant.

How to properly monitor a mole after an injury?

In order to objectively track the changes in the mole, after the inflammation subsides, you can take a photo of it against the background of the ruler and compare the original image with the subsequent ones. In order for the photo to be of high quality, and the comparison to be possible, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The photo must be taken with a camera, not a phone.
  2. The photo should not be a "selfie". In these photos, the mole is usually out of focus.
  3. A light source, or a camera flash, should be directed at the mole.

Do I need to urgently remove a mole after an injury?

The answer is simple and logically follows from all of the above - no. Removal with histology is necessary only if there are signs of melanoma during an internal examination of an injured mole. By itself, the traumatization of a mole, in my opinion, is not this sign.

Most people (up to 98%) have moles on their bodies. The medical term for pigmented formations on the skin of various areas resulting from the accumulation of melanocytes in certain places is nevi. They are different in shape, structure, color and size, they can be flat or rise above the surface of the body.

Pigmented areas when filling epithelial cells with pigments acquire a certain color: black, purple, red, copper, brown, brown, etc. The formation of nevi is possible on any part of the human body, including the mucous membrane, including in intimate places.

The mechanism of mole formation is not well understood by scientists. The objective reasons that provoke the appearance of new pigmented areas, discoloration and growth of old ones include:

  • heredity (moles are located in parents and children in the same places);
  • ultraviolet irradiation - the most common cause of a nevus due to increased production of melanin;
  • malfunctions of the hormonal system (puberty, pregnancy, menopause, serious illnesses, pathologies of the endocrine system, etc.); while moles can both appear and disappear;
  • negative environmental impact - radioactive or X-ray exposure;
  • viral pathologies;
  • skin injuries.

It often happens that a person has torn off a mole, blood is flowing, painful sensations are observed.

What to do if you tore off a mole?

First of all, don't panic.


  1. The damaged area is treated with an antiseptic solution, for example, hydrogen peroxide (3%) or an aqueous solution of calendula tincture (1: 1).
  2. Stop bleeding (if any) by pressing a cotton swab for a quarter of an hour, soaked in an antiseptic at hand.
  3. Lubricate with a solution of brilliant green.
  4. If necessary, seal with a breathable plaster (to prevent re-exposure from the outside).

It is undesirable to use iodine in this situation, since this drug causes burns to the skin.

If a nevus was torn off, rising above the surface of the skin, then it is advisable to take its remains to a surgeon for a histological examination, after wrapping it in a bandage soaked in saline. In other cases, visual observation of the state of the pigmented area after healing is required. This is necessary to detect the warning signs of rebirth.

It is strictly contraindicated to expose damaged moles to ultraviolet radiation. It is hardly possible to consider a beautiful tan as an equivalent price for the risk of a nevus degenerating into a cancerous tumor.

You should also protect the damaged area as much as possible from re-injury, for example, you should stop wearing tight synthetic clothing or shoes.

At the slightest sign of trouble, such as: growth of a mole, discoloration, constant bleeding, soreness, itching in the pigmentation area, inflammation, etc. you should visit a dermatologist and therapist. Only a specialist can accurately determine whether there are reasons for concern and refer you to the appropriate examinations.

What happens if you tear off a mole? – danger of damage

If the birthmark was not originally a malignant neoplasm, then its injury will not bring any negative consequences.

Damage to a mole mechanically can occur accidentally, such as a cut when shaving the face, underarms, groin or legs, an accidental scratch, rubbing against a seam of clothing, etc. Often, children, when actively playing with peers or pets, scratch existing nevi. There are no special prerequisites for panic in this case; any person faces such a situation at least once in his life.

In the case of a single injury to the nevus, a slight deformation of the pigmented area of ​​the epithelium occurs, pain is felt, as with any injury, sometimes blood flows, or ichor oozes. Next comes healing.

The danger of degeneration into a malignant neoplasm increases with repeated damage to the same mole. For example, if a nevus is located on the scalp or back of the head, scratching damage may be permanent. Or in the shoulder blade area of ​​a woman, when protruding pigmented areas are rubbed with bra straps.

  • In such situations, dermatologists recommend removing the mole in a medical facility.

Experienced oncologists warn of the risk of problems when attempting to remove birthmarks on their own using non-traditional methods, including: cutting, pulling with a thread, cauterization, cutting with a blade. The expediency of removing the nevus in each case is determined only by the doctor.

Dangerous moles - signs and types

Dangerous moles photo

The most dangerous are nevi protruding above the skin surface, large moles and pigmented areas constantly exposed to injury.

To prevent skin cancer (skin melanoma), it is advisable to show moles after damage to an oncologist or dermatologist. It is especially important to consult a specialist for inflammation, prolonged non-healing, or an increase in the pigmented area.

Signs of degeneration of a mole into melanoma:

  • the appearance of vague borders of the nevus;
  • the formation of irregularities at the edges;
  • bleeding even in the absence of mechanical influences;
  • hair growth, itching, crusting;
  • change in the color of the birthmark, including darkening, lightening, the formation of areas of a different color inside;
  • nevus growth;
  • birthmark tumor.

In any case, if moles on the body cause concern, you should consult a specialist.


Moles are often called benign neoplasms that grow on the surface of the epidermis and have an elongated shape. These growths have nothing to do with nevi and are caused by the human papillomavirus, which is localized in subcutaneous cells. When papillomas appear on the body, you should immediately visit a dermatologist, who, after examination, will establish the cause and prescribe adequate treatment.

Of the folk methods for removing papillomas, the most popular is celandine extract. When these products are applied to growths, papillomas gradually turn black and then fall off. However, you should not experiment with your own health and self-medicate.

Only a competent specialist can determine the need for the use of certain external means.

Be healthy and blessed!

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