How to train your dog to live and sleep in a kennel. Dog life on a chain

Sometimes a dog does not want to settle in its own separate dwelling - a booth, but prefers to live on the same territory with the owners. But if the dog was brought in specifically to protect the local area, such a manifestation of character can become a real problem. How to accustom a dog to a booth - the topic of the article. We will find out for what reasons a dog may refuse to live in a booth, how to eliminate these reasons, how to re-educate a capricious pet.

Why a dog might not like a booth

We will analyze the main reasons why a dog may not like a new place of residence.


This is one of the main reasons. The sense of smell of a dog is developed much thinner than that of a person, and any strong-smelling trifle can bring discomfort to a calm existence.

Alien booth

If the dog got the booth by “inheritance”, the dog may try not to go into it at all. The strange smell is unpleasant for the dog, irritates her, so it is not surprising that the animal will avoid the booth.


Also a likely cause of failure. Especially if before that the dog had lived in a spacious house for some time. The booth may seem dull, cramped and uncomfortable at first. But this reason eliminates itself as soon as the animal gets used to the new place.

As you can see, there are enough possible reasons, and the listed ones are only the main ones: in each case, the dog can find several more reasons of its own for not going to live in a kennel. Therefore, each owner of the animal will have to find out the reason on their own.

How to equip a booth

In order for the dog to willingly agree to live in a booth, the latter must be equipped in the most comfortable way. The dwelling should be dry, spacious enough, clean and comfortable. Here are a few tips on how to properly set up a dog house.

First, ensure the tightness of the structure. It is important that the booth does not leak, so that its walls are not blown by the wind. Make sure that the roof is covered with slate or other roofing insulation, and that the wall planks fit snugly together. In such a house, the dog will feel comfortable in bad weather.

The dog hardly tolerates drafts, so it is necessary to get rid of all the cracks in the booth. The floor, walls and roof of the dog's dwelling must be airtight. It is desirable to make the walls of the booth double, and lay felt or foam between the layers of wood for insulation and insulation.

Make the entrance to the booth convenient: the dog should easily pass through it, but the hole should not be made too large either. Sand any protruding splinters so that the animal does not get hurt. In addition, it is desirable to provide the inlet with a small visor: then in the heat the dog will be able to hide in the shade from the sun, sticking his head out.

The entrance hole should be made taking into account the parameters of an adult dog of this breed, even if it is still a puppy. The manhole should be lower than the withers in height (slightly), and also slightly exceed the width of the shoulder turn of an adult dog.

The size of the booth itself should be such that when lying on the floor, the animal can stretch on the floor to its full height. The height of the building is taken from the following calculation: in a sitting position, the dog's head should lightly touch the ceiling of the booth with the crown or ears.

Materials and painting booth for a dog

Do not cover the dog house with strong-smelling coloring solutions: drying oil, varnishes, etc. In animals, the sense of smell is developed many times stronger than in humans, and the dog may flatly refuse to live in such a “fragrant” dwelling.

Pine is considered the best material for a booth - use this particular type of wood to make the dog house warm, comfortable and environmentally friendly. If you build a home according to all the requirements of convenience and comfort, the question - why the dog does not sleep in the booth - will definitely not be on the agenda.

It is recommended to cover the roof with roofing material: this insulating material will reliably protect the dog's home from bad weather and precipitation. You should not build a roof that is too steep: its slope should not exceed 10 cm. This recommendation is due to the fact that many dogs like to sit on the roof, so you should not deprive them of the opportunity for such entertainment. The roof is recommended to be made removable: this greatly facilitates the sanitary cleaning of the premises.

It is desirable to position the booth with an inlet to the house. Thus, the dog will be able to meet you every time you leave the house. Such an arrangement will allow the animal not to be very bored in the absence of the owner and communication.

Inside the building, it is better to cover the floor with straw: this is both practical, hygienic and environmentally friendly. It is recommended to throw a piece of dense tarpaulin on the straw for additional hydro- and thermal insulation, and on the tarpaulin - soft bedding, if you have already weaned the dog from marking. The inlet can also be covered with a tarp to better protect the dog from the weather. If it is cold outside, it is better to throw an old sheepskin coat on the floor, so that the animal is warmer.

The procedure for accustoming a dog to a booth

Consider the most important points that answer the question - how to teach a dog to sleep in a booth and live in it.

Firstly, one should not show aggression in this difficult matter, try to forcefully drag a resisting dog into the booth, punish the animal for disobedience. It is better to think carefully about the reasons why the dog refuses to settle in the new "house".

The main reason for refusal is the long-term stay of the dog in the comfort and warmth of the house. Accustomed to being constantly among people, next to the hearth, food, soft dry bedding, the dog may categorically not want to settle alone in a cramped, far from comfortable booth. To solve the problem, in this case, accustom the dog to a new home gradually, smoothly.

At first, the dog should be placed in a separate house for a short time, gradually increasing this period. Thus, the dog will gradually get used to the home, and can easily adapt to a change of residence.

Important Points

It is strongly not recommended to close an animal that has not yet adapted in the dark. Perhaps the appearance of an intractable phobia, fear of the dark and loneliness, which can significantly complicate the whole future life of both the dog and its owner. It is also undesirable to immediately put a dog on a chain. Let the animal first get used to the booth, and accustoming to the chain is the next step.

Be sure to give your dog time to explore new territory. Let the dog run around in the yard more often, sniff everything, examine it. Train your dog in warm and dry weather. In bad weather, the dog will instinctively avoid being on the face, and it is unlikely that the training will come out of the idea.

But, although it is not recommended to accustom a dog to a booth in bad weather, however, a light rain can sometimes do a good job. If you let the dog out into the yard in such weather, in search of shelter, he himself can hide in his future home.

It is recommended that you place a few familiar and favorite toys in your new home. It is also better to use the bedding on which the dog lay in the house: the smell of familiar familiar things will help him quickly adapt to the new house. The feeder and drinker should be within reach of the building. It is advisable to place the "dining room" under a canopy so that the dog can have a peaceful lunch in rain and snow.

The first days of life in the booth

The dog for being in the booth for the first time must be encouraged. Let the animal learn that this behavior is desirable and be rewarded for the time spent in the new home. Thus, the dog will go into it with much greater willingness.

You should not leave the dog alone for a long time in the first days of "conclusion". If the animal has previously spent time with the owners in the house, being alone for a long time is traumatic for him. Prolonged whining should not be allowed - communicate with the animal, the dog should not feel unnecessary and abandoned. Do not tie the dog, hoping that in this way she will get used to it faster. He won’t get used to it, he can put up with hopelessness, but, most likely, he will whine.

It is necessary to accustom a dog gradually. The first time it is recommended to place the dog in the booth for no more than an hour. Carefully monitor the behavior and well-being of the pet all this time. If the dog responded quite adequately, the next day you can leave it for a couple of hours. Thus, gradually increase the residence time until the dog adapts completely. In the first days of training, the dog should spend the night only in the house.

Stock up on the animal’s favorite treats: delicious bones, fresh meat and hearty cereals, treat the dog when it has successfully transferred the next “portion” of accustoming to a new home. And in general, a dog in a difficult period of adaptation to the booth should not starve: a well-fed, contented dog is much more likely to go through the adaptation process than a hungry, weakened creature with weak immunity.

Reference: cynologists noticed that those dogs whose parents also lived in booths get used to the booth much faster and more willingly. If the animal's parents lived in the house, the process of accustoming it may be delayed.

To make the dog want to go to the booth of its own free will, some owners use the following trick: they wet the soil near the booth so that the animal wants to return to dryness and warmth as soon as possible. The main landmark pointing to the new house will be a bowl of food standing in a conspicuous place near the building.

Dog breeders also recommend placing a loudly ticking clock behind the booth so that the animal gets used to the new place better with familiar sounds. One of the recommended tricks is to place a plastic bottle with warm water in the booth - it is not clear why, but this item has a calming effect on the dog, helps to reconcile the animal with the surrounding reality.

Attention: living in a booth for dogs of guard and hunting breeds is much more preferable than in a house. Living in the fresh air in your own corner hardens the dog, strengthens his immunity. It has been noticed that the stay of an animal in a booth has a positive effect on its digestion processes, improves the quality of wool, and improves health in general.

How to train a puppy

If you need to accustom a small puppy to a booth, almost all of the above recommendations are suitable for this purpose. The booth for the puppy should already be sized for its adult state - it is categorically not recommended to change the old housing for a new one when the pet grows up. Also take care of the absence of cracks and leaks in the booth: it is important that the small guard pet is comfortable in his house.

When accustoming a puppy to a booth, the recommendation to carry out this process gradually comes to the fore. You should not evoke negative emotions in an animal by locking it alone for a long time, forcibly chaining it, scolding it. All these moments can discourage the pet for a long time and even approach the “home”.

You should not be around the puppy all the time while he gets used to a new place. It is necessary not to leave the pet alone for a short time so that he gets used to an independent life: let the puppy run freely around the yard, climb around, sniff, inspect everything. Place a bowl with your favorite food near the building - this way the puppy will be much more likely to be tempted by an unattractive "house" at first.

Positively reinforce the puppy's kennel by demonstrating to him that this behavior is desirable and expected of him.

So, we learned how to train a dog to a booth. As you can see, the process is not the easiest, and sometimes also quite lengthy. It is necessary to show patience, endurance and perseverance, without falling into aggression: then sooner or later the dog will definitely get used to the booth, adapt perfectly, and will live safely in it, guarding the house.

This need most often arises among those dog owners who live in the private sector. For this purpose, they acquire representatives of guard or service breeds. Training for the protection of the territory for such dogs begins with accustoming to the booth, the chain. And you need to do it at an early age. How to put a dog on a chain? What do you need to know about learning? What mistakes should be avoided in the process? Let's answer these questions.

Why train a dog to chain

From the very beginning, the owner must understand why to accustom his pet to the chain. If the main task of the dog is to bark at strangers and scare them away, then it will probably be more humane to provide the yard with a video surveillance system with an alarm. And the dog, which will be very limited in its movements around the territory, will not be able to protect it properly. If your dog just sits on a short chain, it will not interfere with intruders who set themselves the goal of entering the house. Leaving the house unattended, do not count on a dog on a chain to protect it. Attackers often poison dogs sitting on a chain, doing their dirty deeds. And for such dogs, packs of stray dogs roaming free represent a danger. Therefore, in an attempt to drive away strangers, animals on chains sometimes suffocate with their own chains.

If your goal is to raise a real guard dog, then you will have to put a lot of effort into this. The dog must distinguish his own from strangers, obey commands implicitly. And in this case, there is no need to train the dog to sit on a chain all the time. It will be necessary to tie it only when guests come to you, other people who will be unpleasant to see a dog barking and running after them. And in order for your pupil to be calm about temporary imprisonment, he must be brought up correctly.

Rules for teaching a dog to a chain

It is worth mentioning that the ancestors of dogs were wild animals that lived freely. Therefore, the instinct, the craving for free movement is transmitted to these pets. It is for this reason that depriving a dog of freedom is a form of violence. And you need to act diplomatically in the process of accustoming to the chain. The first rule is consistency. First, the dog must sniff the area and get used to walking on it. The puppy you bought should be taught to such walks soon after purchase. Bring the dog to the booth, give the opportunity to sniff everything, you can try with your teeth. That is, at first the dog remembers the territory of the yard, gets acquainted with smells. They should become his family. He must also get used to the booth. During this habituation, you should always be with the dog nearby. The puppy will feel more confident this way. Then you have to put a bowl with the puppy's food to the booth, lay his rug inside. Let the dog lie down there in your presence, eat on the street. And only after getting used to the booth, the dog can be put on a chain. Please note that this fixture should not be too short. The chain should allow the dog to move freely. When tying an animal for the first time, you should talk to the dog, stroke it, call it by name. Let him first sit on the chain for 10-15 minutes. You are nearby, in his field of vision. Be sure to give your dog their favorite treat.

Increase the time your pet is on the leash the next day. But leave him alone, and hide yourself or leave. If he starts to bark a lot, then raise your voice and thus calm the dog. After 3-4 days, leave the dog on the chain for a few hours. But at the same time, there should be a bowl of food and water near it. And only after a week of accustoming to the chain, you can leave the dog there for the night.

Keep in mind that a tethered dog will be more aggressive. Therefore, try to keep him less in captivity and give him the opportunity to move freely.

Perhaps in the early days the dog will whine, howl, scratch. But do not give in to requests for pity and teach that the dog must obey the owner. After free movement, the dog should come to you at the command “to me” and calmly let you tie yourself back to the chain with a collar.

There should be nothing on the ground next to the dog that it could get tangled up on. Be more often in the first time of adaptation with your pupil. Walk with him and communicate, play and train. Let him know that you love him just the same and that he is not alone. As a rule, psi service and guard breeds quickly get used to the leash. Even yard terriers, with proper training, already after two weeks on the chain behave calmly and get used to it.

Someone gets a dog for the soul, and someone for protection. We have already written about. Today we would like to pay attention to the issue of keeping such dogs on a chain. Should a dog be put on a chain? Are such “chain” conditions of detention harmful to her health? And how to accustom an animal to limited freedom? We invite you to learn about all this right now ...

Can a dog be chained?

Our ancestors did not particularly think about the answer to this question. But after the appearance, beauty salons, and expensive accessories - the concept of "a dog on a chain" is no longer perceived so unambiguously. Some even think it's a form of animal abuse. Restriction of his freedom. Is it really? We propose to consider the arguments in favor of the pros and cons of keeping dogs on a chain.

Why you can't keep a dog on a chain

Some experts believe that once you put a dog on a chain, you can no longer count on friendly relations with it. The chain way of life negatively affects the behavior of the dog. She becomes vicious, aggressive and may rush for no reason. The limited ability to move leads to atrophy of muscle tissue, and this negatively affects the general health of the pet. As a result, you get a wild, embittered, sick dog who only wants to break free from the chain and run away from here.

Why you can keep a dog on a chain

If you take a dog to guard the territory of the site or house, the dog will do its job better if he sits on a chain. By the way, in this way you will save your flower beds and beds - they often become victims in the active process. The chain lifestyle disciplines the pet, it becomes more obedient. After all, this is a service guard dog, and its task is to guard. The main thing is not to forget about the dog on the chain, to feed it regularly, to exercise. In this case, the chain content of the animal will not become synonymous with poor content. On the contrary, your pet will be happy to serve you, as it will know that you care about him, love him.

Confirm the benefits of this option of keeping dogs and zoopsychologists. It is very important for the dog's consciousness that it has some business, a goal, a mission. In representatives of guard breeds, this instinct is very strong. And when the dog does not have the opportunity to realize it, she feels unhappy and useless. It is quite another thing when she, like a guard, does not sleep and guards your peace.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that

When to chain train your dog

Putting on a chain an adult animal that had never known it before and led a free lifestyle is a difficult task. There may even be psychological trauma in the pet. Therefore, it is better to decide right away when you get a puppy, whether you will keep him on a chain or not. If yes, then, from the first days of his appearance in your house, put him on a chain. On the contrary, at a young age he will quickly get used to the chain than when he grows up and the chain becomes an unpleasant discovery for him.

Be prepared for the fact that even a puppy will find it difficult to sit on a chain in the first days, he may whine, ask to be released. Here it is very important not to follow the dog's lead, not to falter and not let it off the chain. Endure these few days - discipline in the future will be guaranteed to you. And so that the puppy is not so lonely on the chain - come up to him more often, feed him sweets, put toys next to him, special safe ones that he can gnaw ...

How to train a dog near a chain

Some experts advise gradually accustoming a puppy or an adult dog to a chain, some are more categorical. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, but when choosing them, you should focus on the individual characteristics of your pet's character. In no case should you break the dog, he just needs to understand that the chain is his job, and since he loves you, he is pleased to work for you. So practice and be guided by the situation. You can immediately put the animal on a chain, from the first day of its appearance in your house, or you can gradually accustom it, arranging several "chain" hours a day, gradually increasing the time that the dog sits on the chain. The latter option is more suitable for training adult dogs and puppies who do not like the prospect of a chain life too much.

Features of keeping a dog on a chain

Despite the fact that the dog is sitting on a chain - it would seem that everything is clear with this, there are some features of this form of keeping. And now we will tell you about them.


Even a chained dog should be able to walk, of course, accompanied by you. At least once a day, you must unleash it, put it on and go for a walk with it. If the dog is well trained, obedient and knows the commands, and you walk in places where it can be released, give it the opportunity to run free. Believe me, sitting on a chain around the clock is really not easy. Therefore, the pet needs to stretch its paws well and let off steam, so that later it can calmly behave on the chain.

It is strictly forbidden to let the animal go for unauthorized walks without your supervision.

How to put a dog on a chain?

    From early childhood dogs. You can not chain an adult dog that has not seen a chain before.

    They put a puppy on a chain of a dog, and for him it will no longer be news in a month, another.

    Do not immediately put on a chain for a long time. Better gradually, increasing dosequot ;.

    And do not forget to change the chain - the dog is growing!

    It is necessary to put a dog on a chain when it is a puppy, in the very early childhood. This way the dog will get used to it and everything will be fine. But it is already difficult to put an adult dog on a chain, the fact is that it can become excessively aggressive because of this, so it is important to understand that everything has its time.

    Why put her on a chain?

    Actually, a bad deed is simple. You buy a collar, a chain of the right size, hook the chain to something strong. Then take the dog, put on the collar and bring the collar to the chain. Connect the chain to the collar. Naturally, prepare and check all sorts of carbines on both sides in advance. All. It is advisable for the dog to put water, food, a booth in the form of a house.

    But keep in mind that a dog that did not sit on a chain before and grew up without this happiness will howl, trying to free himself. It may injure itself while doing so. Putting a thoroughbred dog on a chain is generally a rare stupidity, because in this way you lower all your money that you paid for it into ... On a chain, the entire value of the breed is immediately lost. On the chain, everyone is equal - that is a mongrel, that a shepherd dog, that alabai. There you have to bark ferociously and bark loudly. At my landlady, a small, shaggy dog, below my knee, did a great job with this. They were afraid to enter our yard.

    To accustom a dog to a chain, you also need to teenage age, five months. Later, it will be very difficult to teach her to live on a leash, she will be torn from the chain and howl at night. It should be noted that in any case, you can not keep the animal on a short leash, it must have a living space, and it must move. Therefore, if you plan to keep the dog on a leash, it is better if this chain is dressed on a thick wire and stretched around the perimeter. So the dog will be able to move normally. And if possible, it is better to build an aviary for the dog.

    Usually dogs are put on a chain while still puppies. Then it will be easier for her to get used to captivity. It is better to accustom to the chain gradually, put on a chain for several hours. She can become very aggressive.

    I would like to add to the previous answers that when keeping a dog on a chain, it is important to ensure that the feeding bowl and the water container are located in such a way that the dog cannot knock them over. Also, the containment area should not be located completely in the sun, since on a hot afternoon the animal will have nowhere to hide. A dog on a chain needs attention, it is advisable to talk to it more often, play with it, and regularly let it go for a walk. The chain should not be too heavy.

    this must be done at a young age, when the dog grows up, it will be very difficult to do this

The need to accustom a dog to a chain usually arises among residents of private houses, seeking in this way to ensure the safety of their property. However, by itself, a tied animal in the yard does not at all guarantee that no one will be able to enter your territory and take something valuable. Before you get a dog for protection, you need to carefully study this issue.

Why chain train your dog?

First of all, you must answer this main question. If the main task of the animal is to bark when strangers try to enter the house, then it would be more humane to install a video surveillance system with an alarm system. Being severely restricted in movement, the dog will still not be able to protect anyone, while it will become an extremely accessible object for those who want to offend him. It is strange to think that by leaving the house unattended, you can protect it with the help of such a prisoner. Any intruder will easily poison such a dog or harm it in some other way. In addition, packs of yard dogs, calmly roaming free, pose a great danger. It is not uncommon for watchdogs to jump over the fence in an attempt to escape from them and suffocate on their own chain. If you want to raise a real guard dog, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to make considerable efforts to train and maintain it, in order to end up with a smart dog who knows how to distinguish friends from strangers and unquestioningly obeys the owner’s commands. To accustom such a dog to permanent sitting on a chain not necessary. You will have to tie it only in certain cases, for example, when guests come to you who will be uncomfortable because of a big dog walking around freely. In order for a dog to calmly relate to temporary imprisonment, it must, first of all, be properly educated, and this is not a matter of one day.

Chain training a dog: basic rules

    First, don't rush. Increase the time of "bondage" gradually, while at first do not leave the dog. Show her that nothing terrible is happening: talk to your pet, play, praise, treat.

    The chain should not interfere with the movement of the dog. It is best if it is a long cable along which the animal can run freely.

    The dog must be able to hide from the weather, in other words, a reliable, dry and clean booth. In the cold season, make sure that the dog does not freeze.

    Put your dog's favorite toys in the kennel, and be sure to put a bowl of fresh water next to it.

All these rules are relevant more for young dogs. adult animal accustom to the chain extremely difficult, and rarely anyone succeeds without loss to the dog's psyche.

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