The main differences between the German Shepherd and the East European. East European Shepherd What color is an East European Shepherd

The East European Shepherd Dog is an excellent friend, comrade and colleague: these are full-fledged members of the working team serving in the army and the police, and are also positioned as good guides. The endurance of this breed can be envied by many four-legged.


The first standard for the East European Shepherd Dog was adopted in 1964, followed by the second in 1976. At that time, the breed was considered a subspecies of the German Shepherd and was not listed as an independent one. Let's consider the characteristic in more detail.

Character of the East European Shepherd Dog. The breed is distinguished by a balanced temperament, but at the same time, it is characterized by distrust of strangers and a rather aggressive reaction to them.

What does an East European Shepherd look like?. The color of the dog is black or black with a mask on a light silver or fawn ground color.

The coat has a solid undercoat, the length of the outer hair is significantly lengthened in the transition to the back of the dog's body.

Description of the breed. The growth of the East European Shepherd is above average: in walking, the height of the cable is 66-76 centimeters, females - 62-72 centimeters.

The dog is built large - the length of the body is 10-17% more than the height from the withers, the back is strong and wide, the tail is saber-shaped, the paws are long, well mobile. The average weight of an individual is 35-60 kilograms.

Important! Today the breed is recognized as full-fledged by the International Union of Kennel Clubs and the International Kennel Union.

History of the breed

To serve in the armed forces of a large country with a different climate in its different parts, it was necessary to bring out a “universal soldier”.

So in the late 1930s, a breed of service dogs appeared - the East European Shepherd Dog (VEO). The relative on the basis of which this breed was bred is the German Shepherd.

Choosing a puppy

If, when choosing a shepherd dog, it is the East European breed that is the priority, you need to purchase a puppy only in a specialized nursery where you can be provided with a pedigree.

The cost of a purebred "Eastern" starts at $ 350. When choosing a breeder from whom you will take a puppy, please note that the prices of nurseries for this breed should not differ much.

Important! If you are offered a low price, be prepared to receive a non-purebred dog.


This breed, despite its large size, gets along well both in the apartment and in the courtyard of a private house. The dog's comfort condition is sufficient space and the presence of its own corner.

The ideal is spacious. The main thing is to immediately decide on the place of residence of your pet, since a dog accustomed to a house or apartment will have difficulty adjusting to a booth and an aviary.



Regular combing of wool makes it not only more well-groomed, but also healthy in appearance. It is also necessary from time to time to carry out treatment from and prevention.

Ears, eyes, teeth, claws

At least once every two weeks, dewax your dog's ears. If her eyes do not bother her, then simply wipe them with a damp cotton pad as needed.

Teeth also need to be cleaned from time to time, if this is not done, the dog's tartar is guaranteed.

Watch the length of the dog's claws - very long claws can become a source of various infections, and will also cause inconvenience to the dog. Shave them at least once a month to avoid the above problems.


You shouldn't bathe your entire dog more than twice a year. It is strongly recommended to carry out water procedures as needed, and then only partially. Combing is enough to clean the dog's hair.


It is very important to give your pet regular exercise. Obesity is the number one problem in all dog breeds. Daily running and jumping is the key to the health of the animal.

As an adult, a dog walk should last a total of about 5 hours. It is very important to play with the dog with retrieval items: balls, toys, sticks.


The basis of the shepherd's diet is protein products: eggs, meat and dairy. Periodically, include vegetables and herbs in the feeding of the East European Shepherd Dog.

Everything should be given raw, except river fish; also make sure that the dog always has fresh water. Feed the animal twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

Education and training

The East European Shepherd Dog is excellent. Already a puppy, she easily remembers her place, nickname and time of walks. The main thing is not to demand the impossible from the puppy and teach the commands gradually.

At the age of two months, they learn the command “Sit”, then “Lie down”, and soon “Stand”. From six months it is worth accustoming the dog to the commands "Fu!" and “Give,” which will help if the dog grabs an unknown object or food during a walk.

Did you know? If your dog wags its tail to the left while walking-it warns you of possible danger.

Health and characteristic diseases

The East European Shepherd Dog is a very hardy breed and rarely suffers. How many years an animal will live depends largely on the genetics, care and health of the breed itself. The average life expectancy of a VEO is 12-14 years, but often it lives much longer.
This breed is characterized by the following diseases:

  • The first, and most common, is hip dysplasia. Its prevention should begin at the age of one;
  • a less common occurrence is gastric volvulus. It is very important to leave the dog alone after eating for at least an hour and a half, and to reduce all physical activity to zero;
  • joint diseases. The dog is like a kind of athlete - after a long period of mobility, there comes a time that is potentially dangerous for the bones.

Regular check-ups of the dog and proper care will save the animal from possible health complications. Also, do not forget about the importance of anthelmintic drugs.

Difference from German Shepherd

Between the old ancestors, the German and East European Shepherd, there are a number of differences:

  1. Dimensions. The VEO is much larger and taller than the German Shepherd.
  2. Back. The angle of inclination of the back of the VEO is not as large as that of the German one.
  3. Mobility. VEO is more impulsive and its movements resemble jerks.
  4. Color. The VEO has a lighter base coat color.
  5. Service. VEOs are more conservative in behavior than German ones.
  6. Temperament. VEO is calmer than easy-going German Shepherds.

Did you know? The dog from the film "Gaichi" (1938)-founder of the first German Shepherds of the East European type, Abrek.

The East European Shepherd can become your reliable friend and helper. But if you want to buy a dog of this particular breed, be sure to consider all its features.

Know that you will need a lot of strength and dedication when raising a pet, and always remember that we are responsible for those we have tamed.

In the first photo, a dog named Taif White Feng. Owner Natalia Polishchuk, Kyiv, Ukraine

Brief description of the breed East European Shepherd Dog

  • Other possible dog names: VEO, East European Shepherd.
  • Adult dog height: 63-75 cm.
  • The weight: 32-58 kg.
  • Characteristic color: black-and-white, gray, red, darkened "mask" on the muzzle.
  • Wool length: medium length, straight and stiff.
  • Lifespan: 12 years.
  • Breed advantages: bold, strong dog, a good protector. Easily gets along with other animals.
  • Breed Difficulties: once a dog has become aggressive, it is almost impossible to correct it.
  • What is the price: the price for an East European Shepherd is about $250.

The history of the origin of the East European Shepherd Dog

This breed appeared not so long ago - only in the thirties of the 20th century, on Russian territory. Initially, the breed was bred as a versatile working dog that would be able to serve in a variety of weather and climatic conditions.

The progenitors of this breed are. As a result of long-term selection and competent mixing with other breeds, the East European Shepherd Dog arose. The breed standard was formed by the seventies. To date, these dogs have already gained well-deserved popularity due to their many advantages.

East European Shepherds are doing great as service dogs. They were specially bred for police and military service. Many years of selection work have led to the appearance of a brave, loyal dog, which is still used to this day for guard and guard duty.

In addition, representatives of this breed can be wonderful companions and even rescuers. They are full of inner confidence and dignity, thanks to which they become not only excellent bodyguards, but also full members of the family.

The main feature of this dog is owner orientation. At any moment she is ready to give her life for him. She does not trust those around her, but, thanks to her strong nerves and balanced psyche, she treats them calmly and does not show aggression if this is not necessary. When a dangerous situation arises, the dog instantly takes an active defensive position.

The breed lends itself well to training, demonstrates obedience and willingness to obey the owner. She rarely shows independence. The dog is friendly to other pets, especially if they grew up together.

East European Shepherds have good character- they are devoted friends of man, they love children and are ready to play with them at any time. These dogs will never offend a child, even someone else's. The only condition for the formation of all these positive qualities is the correct upbringing from puppyhood.

Video review of the East European Shepherd breed

This video tells about the history of the origin of the East European Shepherd Dogs, about their temper, advantages and disadvantages. The plot reveals the basics of raising a dog of this breed, proper care and maintenance. Any dog ​​breeder will benefit from the information presented in this video review.

According to breeders and veterinarians, you can take a puppy of this breed not earlier than 1.5 months of age. By this time, puppies are no longer so dependent on their mother and can easily become attached to a new owner.

According to the rules, up to 45 days the dogs are tested - an examination for the presence of various defects and disqualifying signs. It is allowed to purchase an older puppy, but if he is already 5 months old, it will be quite difficult to accustom him to new habits.

When choosing an East European Shepherd puppy before you buy, you should pay attention not only to the availability of all necessary documents, but also to breed standards:

  • Head. It should be in proportion to the body, massive, wedge-shaped, with slightly rounded cheekbones. The skull is flat, with a small longitudinal groove. The forehead is somewhat rounded when viewed from above and from the front.
  • Muzzle. It has a wedge-shaped shape, gradually tapering towards the nose. The length of the muzzle should be equal to or slightly less than ½ the length of the head.
  • Lips. Tightly close to each other, dry, dark shade.
  • Teeth. Large size and scissor bite. The incisors are located on the same level.
  • Eyes. Dark in color, oval in shape, dry, tightly touching eyelids.
  • Ears. Erect, of medium length, set high. The shape of the ears is pointed, the tips are pushed up and forward.
  • Back. Broad, strong, slightly convex. The withers are well defined, the croup is rounded, wide, with a slight inclination towards the beginning of the tail.
  • Breast. Oval, medium width.
  • front paws parallel, straight. The hind legs are set slightly back. The shape of the paws is oval.
  • dog movements well balanced, free. When a shepherd dog trots, the croup and withers are in line.

Nicknames for the East European Shepherd

It is customary to name puppies of the same litter of this breed with the same letter. The nickname is chosen so that it emphasizes the features of the dog. This is a very serious dog and her nickname should be appropriate. Well suited nicknames such as: Arwen, Agate, Palmyra, Tokay, Buran, Versailles, Blizzard.

For males you should choose a nickname that will not be very long, but sonorous, for example: Kim, Asgard, Ruslan, Zeus, Boy, Pirate, Prime.

females East European Shepherds are much smarter and smarter than males. They are suitable for such nicknames as: Grace, Agatha, Jasper, Walda, Cora, Montana, Aurelia, Marcy, Tara.

Nicknames can be of a geographical or fantasy nature: Tasmania, Narnia, Astana, Tauriel. It is very important that the nickname was liked by all family members, and the dog itself.

East European Shepherds not picky in living conditions. They are able to live in open-air cages, and in a private house, and in an apartment. The only condition is that the dog must have its own place. It is recommended to lay down a bedding that will be soft and easy to clean. If you plan to keep a dog on the street, you must definitely build a booth with insulation for it.

food and water should be given in different bowls, and it is advisable to install the bowls on special tripods - this will save the dog from disturbing the exterior.

Shepherd hygiene needs to be given a lot of time: brush your teeth, give special rubber bones to gnaw, if necessary. It is recommended to wash the dog no more than once every six months. In the warm months, it is advisable to go with the dog to rivers or lakes, where she can swim and frolic to her heart's content.

What to feed an East European Shepherd

To keep your dog strong and healthy her diet should be balanced corresponding to the activity and . The basis of nutrition should be animal feed: chicken, duck, beef meat and cartilage, low-fat sea fish, eggs, milk. Food should be given only fresh and always raw.

In the diet of puppies must attend fermented milk products and calcined cottage cheese, as well as cereals, vegetables, herbs and vitamin supplements.

Feeding frequency depends on the age of the dog: up to 2 months - 6 times a day; 2-4 months - 5 times; 4-6 months - 4 times; 6-9 months - 3 times; 10 months and older - 2 times.

It is recommended to feed the dog strictly at the same time. The food should be served warm and thick in consistency. Immediately after eating, you can not take the dog for walks, she needs to rest for about 2 hours. Access to water the pet must be permanent.

Dogs of this breed require, and to deal with it recommended to a professional. East European Shepherd Dogs are a very serious breed and it is necessary to properly educate it from a very early age.

In doing so, certain regulations:

  • the puppy should not be allowed to do what was not allowed before;
  • scolding a dog is not recommended, you need to talk to it strictly, but without unnecessary emotions;
  • if the dog becomes stubborn, you need to repeat your demands to her again and again - over time, she will understand what the owner wants and that he must be obeyed;
  • we must not forget about the encouragement of the dog after the correct execution of the commands.

If the dog trained to protect the owner, before going for a walk, you must definitely put on a muzzle for her and walk with her on a leash. Any careless movement of the surrounding people can be perceived as a threat and provoke an aggressive reaction.

Pros and Cons of the East European Shepherd Dog Breed

Advantages. Dogs of this breed are loyal defenders and best friends. They lend themselves well to training, know how to get along with other animals and adore children. For decades, the qualities cultivated in them make excellent bodyguards and devoted "servants" from East European Shepherd Dogs.

To disadvantages These dogs can only be attributed to the fact that with improper upbringing, they will often show their character, obey poorly, and sometimes show aggression. In addition, the standards of this breed are extremely strict and improper care can spoil the appearance of the dog.

If you ask which dog will be the best in the service, then almost everyone will immediately say that these are shepherd dogs. Indeed, both the German and Eastern European breeds are famous for their courage, devotion, and precise execution of commands even on the battlefield. In peacetime, this dog is an excellent guard, loyal friend and obedient "servant".

Description of the breed

The dogs are quite large: the height of the male at the withers is 67-76 cm, females - 62-65 cm. The height of the dog should be less than the length of the body by only 14-15%. The weight of an adult is 36-45 kg for a female and 36-50 kg for a male.

It is important to note that the German Shepherd and the East European Shepherd are two various breed, although the eastern one originates from dogs imported from Germany. But the work done by Soviet cynologists and mating with other breeds gives the right to separate two different breeds.


Head proportional body, large, wedge-shaped when viewed from above. Wide rounded forehead, the transition from it to the muzzle is smooth, but clear. The indicator of the size of the muzzle and forehead is approximately the same, only a slight difference is possible, while the forehead is wider than the muzzle. Under the eyes is not a damp space filled. A hump on a flat bridge of the nose is allowed. The lips do not hang down, but close to the muzzle, they are dry and moderately thick. Black pigmentation of the gums and extreme lip line.

Teeth even, white, stand close to each other. According to the standards, the number of incisors and canines is 42 teeth. In the practice of breeding work, individuals with teeth removed for medical reasons are allowed. This is the only reason for the absence of teeth in an individual. Bite without gap, scissor bite.

The nose is a classic, rectangular shape, slightly protruding beyond the line of the lower jaw. Nostrils open, large in size.

Eyes - shape oval, have an oblique shape, in which the outer corner is raised up towards the ear. The eyelids hide the protein completely, they are dry and dense. Black pigmentation of the eyelid line that remains visible.

Ears - triangular regular shape. Allowed only erect, moderately wide, set high and not too large. The coat on the ears is moderate.

Body - body shape harmonious, slightly elongated, long back with strong withers and an oval neck. Bulging croup that is rounded towards the tail.

When standing, the height of the dog in the shoulder line is higher than the line of the croup. Muscular and strong chest with moderate breadth. The ribs are long, slightly sprung, and the depth of the chest is about half the height of the dog, measured at the withers.

Limbs - upper part muscular, and the lower one is strong sinewy, harmonious in shape. The forepaws, even in shape, are pressed to the chest with the elbows and parallel to each other. The angle of the shoulder blades should correspond to the indicator strictly in 45 degrees. In the stance, the hind legs are slightly set back. Any other position of the paws, except for strictly parallel, is considered a fault for the breed. The paws are strong with long fingers gathered into a ball. Fifth fingers are also recognized as a vice. Nails and pads are black.

The tail is long, reaching to the hocks or slightly longer, the shape is saber. The tail is carried down in a natural position or between the hind legs.

coat color

European breed wool type determined standards. An even outer pile of medium length should fit snugly to the body and be hard to the touch. The felted undercoat is also dense and may differ in color from the outer coat. At the withers, the hair is somewhat longer, but on the head, on the back of the ears and on the paws, it is much shorter. In the region of the riding breeches, the coat is also longer.

It is worth adding that the long-haired representatives of the East European Shepherd Dog are not standard, but belong to modern species. According to the standards of 1920, the classic breed has a semi-long coat.

Several allowable colors:

History of the breed

The history of the breed dates back to Soviet cynology, since the 1930s, the goal was to breed a guard dog to maintain order or perform security functions in places of detention. The German Shepherd gene pool became the basis, however, Soviet breeders had to not only get a dog with improved qualities. The number one task was to literally defend the honor of the country by presenting the perfect dog.

As a result, representatives of the Eastern European breed became larger their relatives, and the huge work carried out to select and mix the blood of the best has led to an increase in the versatility of shepherd dogs.

It is worth noting an interesting feature of the East European Shepherd Dogs - in the presence of strength and speed of reaction, aggression with proper training, they, nevertheless, can easily learn to be sensitive and caring guides. Which only adds to the number of fans of this breed.

Sheepdogs in the Russo-Japanese Wars of 1904−1905 served as deliveries sanitary medical supplies and liaison.

The East European Shepherd Dog is unpretentious, can live both in an apartment and in a private house with a large plot. True, because of the large size, keeping a dog in the house is still preferable. She needs a spacious aviary with a warm kennel for a pet, it is recommended to let the dog into the house in severe frosts. Separately, we note that it is necessary to make a decision on the place of residence of the dog immediately, if the puppy was raised in the house, and then moved to the aviary, he will howl.

It is especially worth pointing out friendliness dogs, they are comfortable both in a large family and with a lonely person, even teenagers obey well, it is only important to build relationships with a pet.

The dog is shown physical activity, so even living in a house with an adjacent territory will not save you from walking. You need to walk at least once a day, adding loads and working out commands.



The average life expectancy of this breed is 13-16 years.

Typical diseases, according to Soviet dog guides, are the following ailments:

  • Torsion of the stomach is a typical pathology of service and simply active dogs with a wide sternum. During heavy physical exertion, an overlap of the intestinal loop or stomach occurs, due to an increase in the elasticity of the ligaments. The first symptoms are manifested in bloating and lead to the rapid development of the disease, which often ends in the death of the dog.
  • Arthritis - due to lagging bone tissue regeneration, which is a disease of the joints, has received this collective name.

And here is the list of diseases contemporary East European Shepherd is more extensive:

  • rickets;
  • dysplasia;
  • injuries of tendons, muscles and ligaments on the paws;
  • enteritis.


Shepherd care is classic and consists of combing the coat with a comb, combing out the undercoat during the molting period. Combing produces the effect of massage, which has a good effect on the general condition of the dog, so experts insist on the regularity of this procedure. Bathe your dog 2 to 5 times a year, more often only when necessary. The nails are trimmed as they grow about once every 3 weeks. It is important to examine the ears, eyes and teeth daily and clean them to prevent disease.

Periodically, you need to treat the dog's coat with flea preparations, especially in May - June. Do not forget about anthelmintic drugs. In case of serious symptoms or a sharp deterioration in health, it is imperative to contact a veterinarian.


Before describing the features of the training of a shepherd dog, it is worth talking a little about her character. The East European Shepherd is true and a brave dog with an exceptional mind. Therefore, dogs lend themselves well to training. If the owner cannot allocate time for raising a pet, then it is better to give it to a professional trainer in a nursery. In other cases, it is much better to educate and train the dog on your own.

There are no particular difficulties in training, you can watch relevant videos from kennels and conduct regular classes. It is important not only to teach the shepherd the basic commands, but also to educate her so that she does not spoil the furniture, does not jump on the owner or does not dirty her shoes.

Before you buy an East European Shepherd puppy, you should clearly define what the dog is for. There are three possible option:

The cost of puppies

The price of an East European Shepherd puppy with a pedigree starts from 15,000 rubles. You can buy 2-3 times cheaper without a pedigree.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to his behavior. If the kid is active, runs a lot, craves to play with others and bullies them, then, most likely, a brave and smart dog will grow out of him. But you should not take a lethargic, shy or passive puppy, no matter what its cost and others. external characteristics.

It is better to choose a puppy not in the market, where they are unlikely to provide a pedigree, but in kennels with a good reputation, specializing in the cultivation and training of dogs. In addition, in the kennel you can book puppies of a certain manufacturer.

Differences East European Shepherd from German:

  • the former have a larger physique;
  • the German breed has shown itself as a guard or a shepherd, but the Eastern European is a wonderful friend and sensitive companion;
  • the East European Shepherd, thanks to its developed intellect, is able to make decisions based on the situation, but the German is good in memorized manifestations;
  • the East European Shepherd Dog is immensely devoted to a person, they are ready to go under the bullets if there is a person who needs their help;
  • there are also clear differences in the characteristics of the description of the breed in the "Germans" and the East European Shepherd Dog.

A pet grown with love will become a wonderful friend and a true protector.

The East European Shepherd Dog is one of the breeds that were bred in the former Soviet Union - thus, cynologists wanted to give rescuers, military and law enforcement agencies worthy helpers.

If you look at a photo of an East European Shepherd or meet a live dog, an association with a German breed immediately arises in the imagination - a similar physique, muzzle, color. In this case, you will not be mistaken - it was the Germans who were used as the starting step to breed the East European Shepherd Dog.

East European Shepherd dog standing

A bit of history

As mentioned above, the East European Shepherd Dog was created on the basis of the German breed, but it is still different from it. The difference lies in the stronger build of the body, the stability of the psyche and the balance of temperament, as well as the ability to more easily endure harsh winter conditions.

The appearance of the first German Shepherds is attributed to the beginning of the last century - they were used as service dogs and orderlies in the Russian-Japanese and World War I.

As a result, the high qualities of this breed were recognized, and since 1924, the breeding of a new species based on it began - it was planned that the newly bred breed would participate in border troops, search activities and rescue operations. And after the Great Patriotic War, the East European Shepherd Dog became one of the most common service breeds in the Soviet Union.

The East European Shepherd is one of the breeds that were bred in the former Soviet Union.

The breed was officially recognized by cynologists in 1964 - at the same time, a lot of discussion arose about the properties of the bred dogs. there were many dog ​​breeders who claimed that the "newbies" were inferior to the Germans in their characteristics.

At one time, some breeders tried to improve the breed by crossing new Germans with Eastern Europeans, but these attempts were essentially unsuccessful. The classic VEOs significantly surpassed the German breed in their characteristics, so additional crossings did not give anything.

In the 90s, after the Soviet Union ceased to exist, there was a certain crisis situation in this regard - after all, the East European Shepherd Dog is recognized only in Russia - they refuse to recognize it abroad. In this regard, there was a sharp drop in demand and a decrease in the number of people wishing to engage in this breed.

Today the situation looks somewhat better - inside the country, the East European Shepherd Dog has many connoisseurs who are ready to make every effort to give it the necessary conditions for further existence.

East European Shepherd Dog is recognized only in Russia

Description of the breed

Compared to the German breed, the East European Shepherd Dog has a slightly elongated body with well-developed bones. She has a strong athletic build with well developed muscles. On a large head, high-set erect ears, scissor bite.

Males of this breed are significantly larger than females. The height of a male at the withers is on average 66-76 cm, females - 62-72 cm, weight of a male is 35-60 kg, females - 30-50 kg.

Thick coarse coat with dense undercoat. Color is of the following types:

  • The black;
  • Black with tan marks;
  • Black-and-black with tan marks;

Males of this breed are significantly larger than females.
  • Zanary gray;
  • Zonered red.

It should be noted that East European Shepherd puppies grow up very quickly - at 2 months they weigh 8-13 kg, at 3 months - 13-18, and at 5 months - 23-28 kg. In a month, babies add 2 cm in height and 5 kg in weight.

Character and temperament

I would like to note right away that East European Shepherd Dogs have highly developed guard instincts - they are suspicious of strangers and are always on the alert. At the same time, such dogs have an extremely balanced character - they are self-confident, disposed towards the owner, obedient. Without a reason, such a dog does not attack - he needs good reasons or the owner's command for this.

Since the East European Shepherd was bred as a service breed, it has all the properties necessary for this. She is faithful, courageous and smart - these qualities of VEO are emphasized by all dog breeders.

I would immediately like to note that East European Shepherd Dogs have highly developed guard instincts.

At the same time, Eastern European dogs are extremely unpretentious to living conditions - they perfectly tolerate harsh winters, frosts, and snowfalls. Such a dog will completely cope with any difficult conditions and survive - the breeders took care of this.

Representatives of the VEO are distinguished by high intelligence, nobility and good learning ability - they lend themselves well to training and education. In addition, such a dog gets along well with children - he is able to become their friend and caring nanny, which can be found in many examples.

If there are other animals in the family, you can absolutely not worry about possible jealousy on the part of the East European Shepherd Dog - this simply does not happen. Such dogs do not want to waste time and energy on sorting out relationships and useless fights.

VEO representatives are highly intelligent

When deciding to get yourself a VEO, you must be aware that you need leadership skills to cope with the dog. You will have to spend a lot of time on his education, training and training. In addition, such dogs are not adapted for life in a city apartment - a country mansion can become an ideal place for them to live.

The dog of this breed is strongly attached to the owner - you can count on a devoted and sincere friendship on his part. Do not try to keep him on a chain - this can lead to serious problems with character and uncontrollability.

Raising a puppy is a necessary condition for a smart and faithful dog to grow out of it. If you find a common language with a dog and are not too lazy to train and educate it, there is no doubt that it will fully reveal the full potential inherent in nature. In this case, you will get a faithful assistant and friend who will not let you down even in the most difficult situations.

Raising a puppy is a necessary condition for a smart and faithful dog to grow out of it.

Learning to choose a puppy

Before choosing a puppy of an Eastern European breed, ask yourself why you need it - for home, for service, for protection, or to take medals at exhibitions. In the first case, you don’t have to worry about the pedigree - if you need a good friend, buy yourself a cute and cute East European Shepherd puppy, even if he doesn’t have well-deserved parents.

If you need a puppy in order to raise him as a champion or for the security and rescue service, you have to be more picky. Study his pedigree well - if the parents showed good results in the service sector, these skills are likely to be passed on to the baby.

To participate in exhibitions, you will need to seek advice from cynologists - they will help you choose well-deserved parents and show which of the puppies has a chance of becoming a celebrity.

Choosing an East European Shepherd Puppy

The lion's share of care for an Eastern European pet falls on the care of wool, ears, eyes and claws - no difficulties are expected here. As already mentioned, such dogs are unpretentious, so elementary procedures will be required from you.

Twice a week you will need to comb out his coat - when the dog sheds, do this more often. To do this, use the following tools:

  • Slicker;
  • Rubber brush.

If the dog moves a lot, his claws grind off by themselves - if this does not happen, take them off. Otherwise, they will begin to exfoliate and even bleed.

Dog slicker brush

An examination of his ears is very important - it helps to identify various diseases at an early stage. It is extremely important to start these routines for puppies at a very young age to give them time to get used to it. Otherwise, you may have problems if you approach a mature dog for the first time with a hygiene procedure.

Frequent washing of dogs is contraindicated - do it as needed. If you still decide to buy an East European Shepherd, use special protein-based shampoos and detergents.

In order for the dog to get used to the fact that you comb it out, examine it or cut its claws without any problems, start doing it in the form of a game. Then everything will happen naturally, of course, which will save the dog from stress and discomfort.

Metal comb for dogs

Feeding rules

Every dog ​​breeder knows that not only the dog's health, but also its exterior and even character depend on proper nutrition. Therefore, it is very important to feed the dog as recommended by experienced cynologists - on these issues you can first consult the breeder from whom you take the dog.

To begin with, the Eastern European dog is fed exactly the same type of food that he received from the breeder - this is done in order to alleviate, if possible, the stress caused by separation from his mother and moving to a new home.

After a month, you can gradually transfer the dog to a new type of food - while you need to carefully monitor his well-being. Any threatening symptoms - nausea, indigestion, vomiting, lethargy - are good reasons to return to the old type of food and consult a veterinarian.

Dry dog ​​food

According to the number of meals for the East European Shepherd, there are the following recommendations:

  • 6 times a day in one month;
  • 5 times a day for two months;
  • 4 times a day for three months;
  • 3 times a day for four months;
  • Twice a day for six months and beyond.

When reducing the number of feedings, do not forget to increase the portion size - this is necessary. Leave the bowl of food for 15 minutes - then remove it, even if there is uneaten food left on it.

There are two types of meals for Eastern Europeans:

  • Dry food is a ready-made mixture with a ready-made balance of all the necessary vitamins and minerals. For the owner, this approach is much easier - no need to puzzle over compiling a balanced menu.
  • Natural products - for a pet, this option is more interesting and varied. However, its owner is responsible for the correct composition of the diet - it must contain a full range of all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of the dog.

Whichever way you choose to feed, remember that the dog should always have a bowl of clean drinking water - do not forget to change its contents regularly. In order for the dog to have the correct posture, purchase bowls for food and water on tripods - this will allow the pet not to reach for food and ruin his spine.


University: Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine.
Release year: 2010.
Specialty: Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Medicine.


I have over 7 years experience in veterinary practice.

work experience

FSBI "All-Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization of Medicines for Animals and Feed"

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