Until what age do dogs get a comprehensive vaccination. The Best Dog Vaccines

When and how to vaccinate puppies dogs? The question of the need for vaccinations for puppies worries many owners of four-legged friends. For some owners, a dog can live a full long life without any vaccinations, while for someone, a one-year-old puppy suddenly dies from an unknown disease. To understand if your dog needs vaccinations, we advise you to read this article. We have prepared for you the most complete calendar and vaccination schedule for puppies with detailed comments. In addition, we will talk about how to prepare a puppy for vaccination; what could be its consequences; what is possible and what is impossible after each of the prescribed vaccines.

The immunity of dogs, like other warm-blooded animals, is usually divided into two types: hereditary or passive (due to genetic factors) and acquired (active).

  • hereditary immunity is the most persistent, as it is formed in natural conditions and is transmitted from one generation to another. In turn, acquired immunity can be formed in a dog in two ways: as a result of a naturally transmitted disease, or as a result of artificial immunization - vaccination of an animal.
  • Acquired Due to vaccination in puppies, active immunity lasts for a period of 15 days to several years. Therefore, if you vaccinate your puppy in a timely manner, there will be no threats from infections to his health.

If circumstances permit, puppies under 8 weeks of age should be kept fully breastfed. Together with the mother's primary milk (colostrum), the puppy develops passive immunity. Depending on the circumstances, this immunity can provide protection for 4-18 weeks - this determines when the first puppy vaccinations can be given. Before the age of 8 weeks, vaccination is not recommended, since the puppy's own immune system is not yet fully formed. At the age of 8-12 weeks, a condition is observed in the puppy's body, the so-called "window of susceptibility", when the amount of maternal antigens in the blood drops sharply, and the puppy becomes extremely at risk of an infectious disease. This time is considered the most suitable for the first vaccination.

Sometimes dog owners are interested in the question of when exactly it is worth vaccinating a puppy: before or after the change of teeth. Since some types of vaccines can cause permanent tooth discoloration, it is a common practice among breeders to vaccinate puppies either before 3 months of age (before teeth change) or after 6 months of age (after complete tooth replacement). But here it must be remembered that in the first case, a young, fragile organism may not be ready for vaccinations. And the second option is dangerous with the risk of disease, since the peak of infection of puppies with such dangerous diseases as canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis usually occurs at the age of 4 months.

Vaccination table for puppies up to a year

Before the first vaccination, you should make sure that the puppy is completely healthy, as vaccinations can cause additional complications in a weakened animal. When visiting a veterinary clinic, the doctor should draw up an individual vaccination schedule based on the characteristics of your puppy. However, if there are no significant deviations in the development and health of the pet, you can follow the general rules for vaccinating puppies up to 1 year old. Below you will find a detailed table of vaccinations for puppies up to a year old with a schedule, names, dates and comments for each:

Age What vaccinations need to be done Comments
Age 3-4 weeks Grafting series PUPPY This is the puppy's first vaccination. They do it, as a rule, for 3-4 weeks of life. It is specially designed for a still fragile young puppy, but its use is justified only in emergency situations when the likelihood of infection is too high (for example, in the event of an epidemic in the kennel).
Age 8-10 weeks First vaccination against hepatitis, plague, parainfluenza, enteritis, leptospirosis After vaccination, you should refrain from walking and stay in quarantine for 10-14 days. After this period, the animal will form immunity resistance to the list of these diseases.
Age 11-13 weeks The second vaccination against hepatitis, plague, parainfluenza, enteritis, leptospirosis As a general rule, after vaccination, a quarantine of 10 to 14 days is recommended.
Age 11-13 weeks First rabies vaccination The rabies vaccination can be postponed until the puppy is 6 months of age, unless there are plans to meet other dogs in the near future. However, it should be remembered that on the territory of the Russian Federation, vaccination against rabies is mandatory.
Age 6-7 months Third vaccination against hepatitis, parainfluenza, enteritis, leptospirosis
Age 6-7 months Second rabies vaccination Annual vaccination is recommended. As a general rule, after vaccination, a quarantine of 10 to 14 days is recommended.
Age 12 months Fourth vaccination against hepatitis, parainfluenza, enteritis, leptospirosis As a general rule, after vaccination, quarantine for 2 weeks is recommended.

This is the most complete and most effective vaccination scheme for puppies up to a year old.

Vaccines for dogs: which is better?

Vaccines for dogs can be conditionally divided into two groups: inactivated (“dead” vaccines) and attenuated (“live” vaccines). Attenuated vaccines contain weakened modified live viruses, which, when they enter the puppy's body, begin to actively multiply and stimulate it to develop its own immunity. In fact, the puppy carries the disease in a very mild form. The advantage of this vaccine is that it is enough to introduce a very small number of viral cells, which subsequently themselves will reach the desired number. Immunity from a live vaccine develops much faster and lasts longer. One such vaccine is able to develop immunity within one week and maintain it for more than 3 years. What is the best vaccine for dogs?

With inactivated vaccines, the situation is slightly different. The number of virus cells for administration requires more, immunity is formed much more slowly, and the effect of the vaccine is limited to several months. To form stable immunity, at least two vaccinations with an inactivated vaccine with an interval of 3 weeks are needed.

The only exception is the inactivated rabies vaccine, which after the second application provides a strong immunity to the disease throughout the life of the dog.

What are the vaccines?

Different types of vaccines protect against various pathogens, and in order to accurately navigate from what exactly this or that drug is, they are labeled with specific symbols. Here is a brief overview of the main values:

  • L - Leptospirosis = canine leptospirosis
  • P - Parvovirus enteritis = canine parvovirus enteritis
  • D - Distemper = dog distemper
  • R - Rabies = dog rabies
  • L. jcterohaemorrhagiae, L. canicola, L. pomona, L. Grippotiphosa
  • H - Hepatitis infectiosa = Rubart's hepatitis
  • PI2-Parainfluenza + Bordetella bronchiceptica = canine parainfluenza

What diseases are protected from?

To date, veterinary medicine has stepped far forward, and is able to cure many ailments of our four-legged pets. But there is a list of diseases against which only vaccination is effective. Here is a sample list of such ailments:

  • Plague (or plague of carnivores);
  • Rabies;
  • Parainfluenza (as well as adenoviruses);
  • Leptospirosis;
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • parvovirus enteritis;

If the puppy is not vaccinated against these diseases in time, then, most likely, if infected with any of these pathogens, your dog will either die or become very seriously ill, which will cause enormous, sometimes irreparable harm to the body.

Monovalent vaccines

Also, vaccines are divided depending on their composition into monovalent and complex. Monovalent vaccines that build resistance to a specific disease in a puppy have a number of advantages.

  • Firstly, when vaccinated with such a drug, the load on the immune system and the whole organism as a whole is reduced.
  • Secondly, the quality of the immune response is also improved, since viruses do not have to fight for habitat. For example, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis viruses will compete due to the fact that they will reproduce in the same place. And the canine distemper virus is generally the most aggressive and can suppress any other vaccine.
  • Thirdly, with the use of monovalent vaccines, the veterinarian can choose an individual immunization schedule that is right for your puppy. And among all the vaccines provided, you can choose the best one against each specific disease.
  • Fourth, the diluent for monovalent vaccines is usually self-selected, and in this case it is better to choose sterile water, when for complex vaccines it is usually the dry part of the vaccine that is diluted into the liquid.

Complex vaccines

Polyvalent or complex vaccines form immunity in a puppy to several diseases at the same time. These vaccines consist of a complex of antigens. They are much better tolerated by adult dogs, as they affect previously acquired immunity, and in a puppy they can cause a number of side effects. However, these vaccines have their advantage: a single injection can vaccinate a dog against several diseases at once, which will save you and your pet from further trips to the clinic and stress. At the moment, the quantitative limit has been reached in the composition of complex vaccines. Polyvalent vaccines should contain up to 6-7 varieties of virus strains as much as possible, since only in such a combination is an effective immune response of the whole organism guaranteed.

Thus, almost all vaccines have a prolonged action and form long-term active immunity in a puppy. At the moment, there is a huge selection of monovalent and complex vaccines of domestic production and their foreign analogues.

Domestic vaccines for dogs (table)


For what purpose? Price

Live vaccines Biovac (production: Biocenter).

  • "Biovac-D" - is used against the plague.
  • "Biovac-P" - against parvovirus enteritis.
  • "Biovac-L" - against leptospirosis.
  • "Biovac-PA" - against parvovirus enteritis and adenovirus infections.
  • "Biovac-DPA" - against plague, parvovirus enteritis, adenovirus, infectious hepatitis.
  • "Biovac-DPAL" - against plague, parvovirus enteritis, adenovirus, parvovirus enteritis and leptospirosis.
Dipentavak (production: Vetzverotsentr). This complex vaccine is used against parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis, adenovirus, and leptospirosis in dogs. 250r
Geksakanivak (production: Vetzverocentr). This complex vaccine consists of the liquid part of the vaccine against infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis and leptospirosis of dogs with the addition of the dry part of the live vaccine against canine distemper. 150-250r
Polivak-TM (production: NPO Narvak). Polyvalent vaccine against ringworm.
This complex vaccine contains eight types of inactivated strains of fungi such as Trichophyton and Microsporum.
Multikan (production: NPO Narvak). This complex vaccine is used to form the resistance of the dog's body to distemper, adenovirus infections, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis, leptospirosis and rabies.
Several varieties of the Multican vaccine are produced:
  • "Multikan-1" - against the plague;
  • "Multikan-2" - against parvovirus enteritis and adenovirus infections;
  • "Multikan-4" - against plague, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis, adenovirus infections;
  • "Multikan-6" - against plague, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis, adenovirus infections and leptospirosis;
  • "Multikan-7" - against plague, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis, adenovirus infections, and dermatomycosis;
  • "Multikan-8" - against plague, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis, adenovirus infections, leptospirosis and rabies.
Asterion (production: NPO Narvak). This complex vaccine prevents diseases such as plague, adenovirus infections, parvovirus enteritis, parainfluenza, dog leptospirosis.
Several varieties of the Asterion vaccine are produced:
  • "Asterion DHPPiL" - against plague, adenovirus infections, parvovirus enteritis, parainfluenza and leptospirosis in dogs;
  • "Asterion DHPPiLR" - against plague, adenovirus infections, parvovirus enteritis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis and rabies;
  • "Asterion DHPPiR" - against plague, adenovirus infections, parvovirus enteritis, parainfluenza and rabies;
  • "Asterion DP" - against plague and parvovirus enteritis.
Vladivak-CHPAG (manufactured by Bionit Group) This complex vaccine prevents diseases such as distemper, parvovirus enteritis, adenovirus infections and infectious hepatitis in dogs. 35-50r

Imported vaccines for dogs (table)

Name For what purpose? Price
Nobivak (manufactured by: Intervet International B.V., Holland).

Several varieties of the Nobivak vaccine are produced: Nobivac Puppy DP - against plague and parvovirus enteritis (the only vaccine designed specifically for the fragile body of a puppy 3-6 weeks of age);

  • Nobivac DH - against plague and hepatitis;
  • Nobivac DHP - against plague, hepatitis, parvovirus infection;
  • Nobivac DHPPi - against plague, hepatitis, parvovirus infection and parainfluenza;
  • Nobivac L - against leptospirosis;
  • Nobivac LR - against leptospirosis and rabies;
  • Nobivac Parvo-C - against parvovirus infection;
  • Nobivac Rabies - against rabies;

(Deciphering the designations: D - plague; H - hepatitis, adenovirus; P - parvovirus infection; Pi - parainfluenza; L - leptospirosis; R - rabies).

Gexadog (manufactured by: Merial (Merial S.A.S., France). Polyvalent vaccine against plague virus, adenovirus, parvovirus, leptospirosis and rabies. This vaccine forms active immunity in an animal within 14-18 days. It has good tolerance. It is recommended to revaccinate your dog annually. 450-550r
Eurican (manufactured by: Merial (Merial S.A.S., France). There are two types of vaccine Eurikan: Eurikan DHPPI2-L - against plague, adenovirus, parvovirus, parainfluenza type 2 and leptospirosis; Eurikan DHPPI2-LR - against plague, adenovirus, parvovirus, type 2 parainfluenza, leptospirosis and rabies. 350-500r
Rabisin (Production: Merial (Merial S.A.S., France). The monovalent vaccine, which is well tolerated, gives stable active immunity to the rabies virus for 12 months, annual revaccination is recommended, and is not compatible with other drugs. 100-150r
Primodog (Primodog) (production: Merial (Merial S.A.S., France). A monovalent vaccine that forms active immunity to canine parvovirus enteritis, it can be used together with two Merial vaccines: Eurican and Hexadog, the drug is not compatible with other vaccines, use is recommended from 8 weeks of age. 300-400r
Duramune (manufactured by: Fort Dodge Animal Health, Mexico) Fort Dodge Animal Health produces a wide range of Duramune monovalent and complex vaccines, the most popular of which are: Duramune Max 5-CvK / 4L - against plague, adenovirus, parvovirus (type CPV-2b), coronavirus infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis; Duramune Puppyshot Booster - against plague, adenovirus, parvovirus (type CPV-2b, type CPV-2a), coronavirus infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis; Duramune L - against leptospirosis. 300-500r
Vanguard (manufactured by: Pfizer, USA) Comprehensive vaccine against distemper, infectious hepatitis, respiratory disease caused by adenovirus type II (CAV-II), parainfluenza, canine parvovirus enteritis and leptospirosis. The manufacturer emphasizes that only dog ​​cell cultures are used in the development of the vaccine. It should be noted that an enhanced immune response of the body to the Vanguard vaccine is achieved due to the use of a rather aggressive strain of the Snyder Hill canine distemper virus. Therefore, this drug should be used with extreme caution. Cannot be used on pregnant dogs. 150-200r
Defensor 3 (Production: Pfizer, USA). Monovalent vaccine that forms active immunity to rabies in dogs. Can be used from the age of 1 year. Annual revaccination is recommended. 75-150r

As can be seen from the table, a wide range of vaccines on the Russian market competes with imported analogues. There is only one general rule for choosing a vaccine: you need to carefully check the expiration date and storage conditions of the vaccine, as well as the conditions for its transportation (relevant for foreign vaccines). This is due to the fact that, depending on the type of vaccine, live antibodies can be used in it, which die under improper transportation conditions. However, consumers often have more confidence in foreign veterinary drugs, as their price is much higher, and, therefore, the quality should be better.

But not always the price should be a key factor in choosing a vaccine for a dog. For example, it is recommended to vaccinate puppies against canine distemper only with Russian-made vaccines (Vakchum, 668-KF or EPM). Many cases of distemper in dogs after vaccination with foreign drugs have been registered in the country.

In any case, before vaccination, it is imperative to discuss all the details with a qualified veterinarian, who should explain all the advantages and disadvantages of the available vaccines and adjust their administration based on disease statistics in a particular area.

How to prepare a puppy for vaccination?

As mentioned above, only a completely healthy puppy can be vaccinated. The vaccine is not a drug and cannot help an already sick animal.

To protect the mustache as much as possible from negative consequences after vaccination, you should follow a number of recommendations and prepare the puppy for vaccination:

  • Refrain from contact of the puppy with other animals within 14 days from the date of vaccination.
  • Puppy should be walked in a clean area around the house.
  • During the week before vaccination, it is recommended to measure the puppy's body temperature, monitor the condition of the mucous membranes and stool.
  • Vaccination is best done on an empty stomach, while drinking can be given to the puppy in sufficient quantities, but if the vaccination is planned for the evening, it is better to feed the puppy 3-4 hours before going to the veterinarian.
  • Trust vaccination only to a trusted specialist.
  • Choose your veterinary clinic carefully and try to get familiar with the list of vaccines your puppy needs in advance. If possible, invite an experienced veterinarian to your house, so you minimize stress for the puppy.

Always remember that the condition of a puppy during and after vaccination may worsen even if all recommendations are followed, since a trip to the veterinarian and the vaccination itself is a lot of stress for your pet. During and after the procedure, the puppy needs your care and protection much more than usual.


For 2-3 weeks or a little earlier, treat the puppy from helminths with the help of anthelmintic drugs. It should be remembered that deworming should be carried out before each subsequent vaccination. It is important to consult with a veterinarian about this beforehand!

What to look for after vaccination of a puppy?

  • isolate the puppy from other animals for 10-14 days;
  • ensure normal sleep;
  • provide adequate nutrition;
  • give enough water;
  • the puppy should be protected from drafts;
  • do not wash or bathe the puppy. The injection site should not be wetted for 3 days;
  • do not overwork the puppy, do not expose him to increased physical exertion;

It should be noted that any vaccination is an interference with the puppy's immune system., therefore, immediately after vaccination, the resistance of his body is greatly weakened. On the first day after vaccination, you may notice excessive drowsiness, lethargy, a slight increase in the puppy's body temperature (up to 39 ° C), sometimes vomiting is possible. But do not be very scared, as this is an absolutely normal reaction of the immune system to the entry of a foreign substance into the body. You should be wary only if the above symptoms do not stop and even intensify in the following days. In such a situation, you need to contact the veterinarian and consult about any deviations in the condition of the puppy.

Possible negative reactions

In rare cases, vaccinations in puppies can provoke an allergic reaction to the vaccine. Allergy symptoms in this case can be:

  • an increase in body temperature over 39 ° C;
  • repeated vomiting and diarrhea;
  • shortness of breath;
  • profuse salivation;
  • change in skin color;
  • pallor of mucous membranes;

In this situation, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. As a first aid, you can use any antihistamine for humans, after adjusting the dose with your doctor.

It is not uncommon for puppies to develop bumps at the injection site after vaccination. This unpleasant phenomenon can occur if the injection site was chosen incorrectly, or the drug was administered too quickly. You should not be afraid of this, since usually such a bump resolves on its own within a week or a month. To accelerate healing, it is recommended to use anticoagulant ointments that improve blood flow in the injection area. However, if the swelling begins to grow or bothers the puppy, you should contact your veterinarian, as an abscess may form, which will require surgical removal.

Restrictions on walking with a puppy before and after vaccination

Puppy vaccination activities impose certain restrictions on walks. Today we will analyze when and after what vaccination you can walk with a puppy, as well as what rules you need to consider.

Without vaccinations

Is it possible to walk with a puppy without vaccinations? In principle, it is not recommended to walk with a puppy before the first vaccination, since until the age of 6 weeks the puppy’s immune system is not yet fully formed, maternal antibodies in his body give only passive immunity, which cannot provide adequate protection against dangerous and aggressive potential diseases. Dogs are very curious animals, and this circumstance can lead to accidental infection of the puppy during a walk. Since most diseases in dogs are transmitted through secretions, the saliva or urine of a sick animal can get on the paws or nose of your puppy during a walk, which, with almost one hundred percent probability, will lead to infection.

After the first vaccination

Things are a little different with walks after the first vaccination. As mentioned above, long-term active immunity in a puppy is not formed immediately, but after some time has passed. Therefore, it is customary to vaccinate puppies in two stages, since the first vaccination creates the primary immune response of the body, and the second one strengthens and stabilizes it. So is it possible to walk after the first vaccination of a puppy?

At the first stage of vaccination, a certain amount of weakened pathogens is introduced into the puppy's body, forcing his immune system to fight the dangerous virus on its own and produce antibodies to this disease. Depending on the age of the dog and the type of vaccine, the process of developing immunity can take either 2-3 days or 2-3 weeks. In puppies, the formation of a primary immune response can last for at least two weeks. All this time, the fragile organism of the puppy is extremely susceptible to the risk of infection.

After the second vaccination

How long can a puppy go for a walk after the second vaccination? After the second (fixing) vaccination of the puppy takes place in 12-14 days, full walks can be started after 10 days. During this time, the puppy's immune system will fully adjust to protect against a particular disease.

After vaccination of an already adult dog

Regarding adult dogs, recommendations are rather conditional. Within a week after vaccination, you may well walk your pet on a leash without hypothermia and without giving him increased physical exertion. But even an adult dog should not be allowed to communicate with other animals within a week after vaccination.

Rules for walking a puppy after vaccination

In this regard, within 12-14 days after the first stage of puppy vaccination, quarantine must be observed. Walking is not completely prohibited, but a number of rules should be followed:

  • Find a quiet and safe place to walk your puppy.
  • Under no circumstances should your puppy be allowed to come into contact with other animals while walking.
  • It is advisable to constantly hold the puppy in your arms and not let it run on the ground.
  • You should not be outside for a long time, a 20-minute walk in the fresh air is enough.

You need to be especially careful in the autumn-winter period. Walking in frosty or rainy weather can lead to hypothermia. Therefore, choose warm and sunny days for walking. The best option would be short walks with a puppy on your site around a country house, but only if you are completely sure that the area around the house is clean and safe.

Dog walks are a source of inexhaustible pleasure. Dogs, by their nature, are explorers, you should not deprive them of such simple joys of life as walks, you only need to limit walking for a short time before and after vaccinations. And when your pet's immunity is fully strengthened, you can walk and play outdoors with him for as long as possible, your puppy will definitely appreciate it.

Summing up, it should be noted that before any vaccination, you should make sure that your pet is in full health and well-being. Be sure to monitor the appetite and behavior of the animal. Do not neglect the little things, because it can cost your puppy's life. And remember that no vaccine alone provides 100% protection against disease. Only your competent and responsible care in combination with a balanced diet and the necessary vaccinations will ensure a full and healthy life for the dog. The well-being of your pet depends only on you. Trust vaccination only to a trusted specialist and do not save on the health of your dog.

Do you have any questions? You can ask them to our site staff veterinarian in the comments box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

    The puppy died. Due to incorrect treatment in the clinic. In another, looking at our passport, they asked the question Why did we change the vaccine. The breeder injected Vanguard, we were revaccinated with Nobivak, assuring us that nothing would happen. Tell me, can this be the foundation for a breakthrough in immunity? Vaccinations were done according to the schedule, in a good clinic. The dog died at 5 months old. Answer please. We can't figure out what we did wrong.

    • Hello! Explain this point. Vanguard was pricked once or again, too, she was. Or at 2 months Vanguard was first injected, and Nobivak was introduced again at 2 months? If the second option, then yes - there is a jamb, immunity could not be developed, because. strains of pathogens in vaccines are different, which means that a full-fledged immune response could not be developed. We always leave the vaccine at home for repetition (we sign vials to inject the same vaccine from the same series to the animal and be calm). Please describe what and when they injected, if I misunderstood how the pet was vaccinated with different vaccines

      Yes, the second option, you understood correctly. Primary vanguard, then nobivak. But after all, when they put it on, we were assured that it was permissible, and now they are proving that it is even useful to change the vaccine. I did not find confirmation on the Internet that this is useful for a puppy. Please tell me what sources can be referred to in a conversation with this doctor. I want to poke their noses at a bug that could have killed my puppy.

      It is not right! You can't do that! In the instructions of the vaccine itself, it is written in black and white: The vaccine causes the formation of an immune response in dogs to the pathogens of distemper, infectious hepatitis, carnivorous parainfluenza, adenovirus infection, parvovirus enteritis and leptospirosis of dogs 21 days after repeated administration, lasting at least 12 months. Don't know how to talk to a doctor? Everything is simple! Take annotations on Vanguard and Nobivak and simply compare the strains of viruses that make up the vaccine! Then take the topic “immunology. The development of immunity after vaccination” and it becomes clear that immunity develops after REPEATED entry of the pathogen into the body. And what kind of re-entry can we talk about if the first time there was one type of virus, and the second time there were others. This is a clear violation of the vaccination scheme!

      Hello! Look at how much you expect. Maybe a budget option, then Multikan-4.6. Foreign Nobivak, Eurikan. A veterinary pharmacy or clinic may have its own assortment. Drive worms in advance. Be sure to have a passport for the animal and mark all veterinary treatments there

    Hello. We adopted a dog and she gave birth to a puppy. Two years ago there was enteritis in the house. How to get vaccinated correctly so as not to provoke the disease? The situation is complicated by the presence of two spots with alopecia on the abdomen. We're guessing fungus. The puppy is six weeks old. Thank you.

7 January 2015

Timely prevention helps to avoid the occurrence of epidemics and the wide spread of deadly diseases such as enteritis or plague. Vaccination against rabies is mandatory for all dogs and cats living in settlements, as this disease is dangerous for humans and other carnivores. Which vaccine is superior to the rest in terms of protection and which is better for dogs: this question is of interest to all owners of purebred animals.

What is vaccination

Vaccination is a procedure for artificially infecting an individual in order to develop immunity to a specific disease. It is known that once having been ill with plague, enteritis or another viral disease, a dog acquires resistance to the disease for a certain period of time and subsequent infection, if possible, then in a mild form, even in case of close contact with a sick animal.

Antibodies that are produced when a virus appears in the body react immediately during subsequent attacks, killing the pathogen. A vaccinated dog, even after close contact with a virus carrier, does not get sick; in rare cases, the disease proceeds secretly, without obvious clinical signs.

The best vaccines for dogs are designed to form stable immunity, the use of which allows you to create confident protection against viruses and avoid various side effects. Many professional breeders and nursery owners, after many years of growing healthy livestock, prefer foreign-made vaccines NOBIVAK RL, EURIKAN LR and RABIZIN.

Vaccine Nobivak for dogs

Nobivak is an imported vaccine manufactured in the Netherlands and has high efficiency and recognition by international veterinary experts. Permanent immunity in adult animals is developed within two weeks after vaccination and lasts for at least a year.

The manufacturer Intervet International produces a whole series of vaccines with the trade name Nobivak intended for dogs. It includes:

  • Nobivac Puppy DP is the best immunization for puppies. It protects against distemper and parvovirus enteritis in very young puppies, starting from 4-6 weeks. At this age, maternal antibodies transmitted with colostrum are still quite strong, therefore, for confident immunity, it is recommended to carry out two more vaccinations before the age of four months;
  • Nobivac DHPPi is the most commonly used vaccination for puppies from ten weeks of age and adult animals. It can be combined with the leptospirosis or rabies vaccine of the same name. Immunity is formed quickly and lasts a year.
  • Monovalent vaccines Nobivak r (rabies) and Nobivak L (leptospirosis), they are most often used in combination with a polyvalent vaccine. Since the rabies vaccination is mandatory for all dogs from the age of three months, it is quite possible to use it separately, before the show season or travel.
  • Nobivak KS protects against parainfluenza and bordetellosis, it is recommended from two weeks of age. Especially for dogs, the instruction provides for the intranasal route of administration.

Vaccine Eurikan for dogs

The French company "Merial" produces a series of vaccines with the trade name "Eurican". Two species are actively used in the series, which are almost identical and differ only in the presence of the rabies component.

Eurikan DHPPI+2L can be used for dogs and immunization of puppies from eight weeks old, revaccination with a preparation containing a rabies vaccine is mandatory. For adult dogs vaccinated for the first time, revaccination is needed to acquire stable immunity, in the future, the vaccination is done once with an interval of twelve months.

Vaccination for puppies from three months and for dogs eurikan DHPPI+2LR protects animals from most deadly diseases: plague, enteritis, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza and rabies.


Rabizin or "Rabisin-R" for dogs is produced by the manufacturer of Eurican in France and is a fairly effective and harmless vaccine against a deadly disease. Rabizin can be used for puppies from the age of three months, adult dogs and even pregnant bitches. The drug does not have a teratogenic effect, forms a stable immunity in two weeks.

Rules for the use of vaccines

Any vaccine can cause an allergic reaction that can range from mild discomfort to anaphylactic shock. Dogs prone to allergic reactions are advised to undergo special training. All animals must be dewormed ten days before vaccination.

After vaccination, it is advisable not to overload the dog with training, to minimize various stressful situations. In the first two weeks, the animal's body is weakened, and with hypothermia or stress, the pet may get sick.

What, how, when, in what sequence and where to vaccinate dogs? How does the immunity mechanism work and how likely is it to be re-infected? What are monovalent and polyvalent vaccines and how to use both? Are there vaccines for all diseases? These questions remain the most acute and paramount for any dog ​​owner.

The question "Why are vaccinations necessary?" - absurd only at first glance. When vaccinating a dog, most owners do not even think about what is happening in the animal's body at that moment.

And a small miracle happens - the formation of active immunity, which will protect the dog's body from such major serious diseases as canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, adenovirus hepatitis, leptospirosis and rabies.

The puppy's immune system does not effectively protect the young body from the effects of dangerous infections. The same can be said about the immune system of an elderly or weakened dog. Vaccinations for dogs become a kind of stimulant that activates the formation of immunity. The more antibodies contained in the blood of an animal, the higher its immunity.

Vaccination may not always provide long-term protection for a puppy or adult dog. It is important what kind of drug you are going to vaccinate the animal

Vaccines are a set of weakened or killed viruses and bacteria. By themselves, they cannot cause disease, but the antigens they contain stimulate the body to produce antibodies in the process of fighting weakened viruses and bacteria.

It is known that the body of recovered animals is resistant to re-infection due to the development of active immunity against certain infections. The formation of active immunity is nothing more than the synthesis of specific lymphocytes and antibodies - the main cells of any living organism that protect it from harmful influences.

Once in the body of a previously vaccinated puppy or adult dog again, the virus is attacked by lymphocytes. Thanks to this, the active formation of antibodies begins, which destroy the threat, preventing it from spreading and harming the body.

Antibodies persist in the animal's body from several weeks to several years. As you can see, the spread is quite large. Their number depends on many factors - the age of the dog, its physical condition, the conditions in which it is located, and previous diseases.

All this must be taken into account when choosing a vaccination scheme. Therefore, contrary to expectations, vaccination is not always able to provide long-term protection for a puppy or adult dog. It is important what kind of drug you are going to vaccinate the animal. What preventive measures were taken before vaccination and how long ago did you generally vaccinate your dog.

The widespread belief that mongrels a priori have strong immunity, although they are not vaccinated, is nothing more than a myth.

The duration of immunity against specific diseases also matters. A simple example: to canine distemper and rabies, immunity lasts up to 3 years, while to leptospirosis - no more than one year.

In general, the question of how and with what to properly vaccinate your dog remains relevant to this day. Many schemes have been developed, each of which has the right to life. And there are many circumstances that you need to take into account when considering vaccinating your puppy or adult dog.

And one more thing: the widespread opinion that mongrels a priori have strong immunity, although they are not vaccinated, is nothing more than a myth:

  • Firstly, no one keeps statistics on the incidence of stray dogs and their mortality from certain diseases.
  • Secondly, stray dogs certainly have stronger immune systems, simply because, yes, it's "survival of the fittest" outside.

But, if we are talking about domestic dogs, whose owners are not ready to experiment on their survival, we cannot do without the topic of their proper vaccination.

Vaccination of dogs is a medical procedure when antigenic material is introduced into the body of an animal. The purpose of this procedure is to develop in the dog the immunity it needs, as a barrier against many diseases.

Types of vaccines

Before proceeding to consider the issue of vaccination, it is worth knowing what types of vaccines are and how they can differ from each other. So vaccines are divided into:

  • monovalent, used against one type of virus, disease;
  • polyvalent - the so-called complex vaccination, general, which is done from several diseases and viruses at once.

In addition, the composition of the vaccine itself can be created both using live bacteria and viruses, previously weakened in the laboratory, and from already dead pathogenic microflora. The composition of the vaccine created specifically from live cultures is considered the best - such a drug forms a stronger immunity in the dog, fixing it for a longer period of time.

List of the most common vaccines

The name of the vaccine will not say anything to an ordinary layman, but most often veterinarians use the following drugs:

  1. Asterion DHPPiL is a composition used to give the animal a strong immunity against plague and adenovirus infection, leptospirosis and parainfluenza, viral enteritis.
  2. Biovac - most often it is used as a prophylaxis against plague and the infectious nature of hepatitis, leptosperosis.
  3. Hexadog is a 6-valent vaccine composition used for vaccination against diseases such as plague and leptospirosis, rabies and adenoviruses, parvovisors.
  4. Hexakanivac is a vaccine composition used to form immunity against plague and the infectious nature of hepatitis, leptospirosis and parvovirus enteritis.
  5. Multican - the drug can be of several subspecies, is used for vaccination of dogs and the formation of immunity against diseases such as plague and adenovirus types of infections, enteritis.
  6. Nobivak is a fairly commonly used vaccine that makes it possible to make the animal's immunity able to withstand such diseases as plague and infectious nature hepatitis, parvovirus infection - enteritis.

List of diseases against which dogs are vaccinated

With regard to what vaccinations are given to dogs, most often animals are vaccinated, creating immunity against such diseases:

  1. Rabies - vaccination in this case of an animal is mandatory, since a dog can infect a person. Most of them end in death.
  2. Parvovirus enteritis is a contagious disease in which dehydration occurs, vomiting and diarrhea manifest themselves. For a puppy, this disease can be fatal.
  3. Plague - infection occurs by airborne droplets, is difficult to treat and a large percentage of dogs die.
  4. Parainfluenza - affects the respiratory system of the dog, manifesting itself as a cough and discharge from the nasal passages. The pathology itself is not fatal, but can provoke serious complications in the animal in the form of pneumonia.
  5. Leptospirosis is a dangerous pathology, has a severe form of the course, manifesting itself in the form of diarrhea and attacks of fever, abdominal pain. It can also affect a person - it is necessary to put the vaccine in this case.
  6. Coronavirus enteritis is a viral disease that manifests itself as general weakness and diarrhea, and can be transmitted to humans.

Each disease of dogs has its own vaccinations - in each individual case, the duration, the composition of the vaccine itself is prescribed by the doctor, after a preliminary examination of the animal. With the help of vaccinations, it is possible to neutralize many viruses and form immunity in an animal - if the vaccination is carried out correctly, the animal will be healthy, live for many years, delighting its owners.

Rules for vaccination

Mandatory vaccinations for dogs are carried out in accordance with the vaccination schedule, while it is worth remembering that they are given only to a healthy animal. If the dog is ill during the vaccination period, seems lethargic, has a fever, it should be rescheduled for another date.

Spring and summer is the most favorable period for vaccination, allowing the dog to develop immunity before the unfavorable autumn and winter months. But before vaccination, the dog must be wormed 2 weeks before the date of vaccination. At the same time, vaccinations for dogs should be done so that the gap between them is at least 3 weeks.

After vaccination, it is recommended to keep the animal in quarantine for 10-12 days - do not overwork with long walks and do not bathe, keep warm so that the dog does not get cold and does not catch a cold. The vaccination must have an unexpired expiration date and must be carried out by a veterinarian, taking into account the number and volume of the dosage, the dates and periods of its implementation.

If you have purchased a puppy for your home, you should know when to vaccinate, on what dates and at what intervals. The vaccination scheme provides that the first vaccination is given at the age of 2 months with a polio vaccine - immunity is formed in the animal for 10-12 days, during which you should not bathe the dog and walk it, protect it from hypothermia. During this period, the temperature may rise and general weakness can be noted - this is a normal reaction of the body. So that the formed immunity can stand in the dog throughout its life - at the age of 12 weeks, revaccination is carried out, the animal is re-vaccinated, and also rabies is vaccinated. After 2 weeks, the dog's immunity is formed, and the animal can already be safely walked on the street.

It is not necessary to vaccinate the animal during the period of teeth change - if you decide to vaccinate the animal before this date, then the dog is vaccinated at 10-12 weeks of age, and re-vaccination is carried out at the age of 14-16 weeks of age.

The third vaccine is given by veterinarians after a complete change of teeth in a dog - most often this is the age of 6-7 months. During this period, the animal is vaccinated against rabies. It is enough to remember that this is an approximate scheme for vaccinating a dog - in each case, the date of the conduct is set exclusively by the doctor, taking into account the condition of the animal, its development and formation.

In the year the dog is also vaccinated - the first routine vaccination is carried out during this period. Further - according to the following scheme:

  • complex vaccinations of adult dogs up to 8 years old are done annually against such diseases as parvovirus, adenovirus, distemper and leptospirosis, three vaccinations against rabies;
  • after 8 years of age, the dog is given injections of a polio vaccine, and from a disease such as rabies - annually.

And finally, it is worth noting that the dog should be re-vaccinated no later than a month before its intended mating. And for the period of bearing offspring - it is best to postpone vaccination until the birth of puppies, since the introduction of the vaccine can provoke the birth of defective offspring.

Do dogs need vaccinations?

Veterinarians unanimously claim that yes - certain pathologies and diseases from a dog can be transmitted from a dog to a person, while they can be deadly for him. So the plague can proceed without pronounced symptoms and in the absence of appropriate measures - the results can be fatal. Also dangerous is a disease such as rabies - the virus is dangerous for both dogs and humans, ending in some cases in the absence of prompt measures with a fatal outcome.

After vaccination

After vaccination with any vaccine, the animal's immunity will be greatly weakened - it is during this period of time that all its forces are aimed at fighting the introduced viruses and forming protective forces. This happens until a stable immunity is formed - for this period of time it is worth protecting the dog from possible infection.

The main thing is to comply with the quarantine period after vaccination, which is 2 weeks. It is forbidden to bathe and walk the animal, provide comfortable conditions for keeping and provide enhanced nutrition, which will alleviate the condition of the pet, form its immunity.

dog vaccination cost

With regard to how much a vaccination for a dog costs, prices will vary from manufacturer, domestic composition or imported, it is used from one disease or from several at once. Also, a lot depends on where the vaccine is given - whether you do it at a veterinary clinic, having arrived there with your pet, or calling a doctor at home.

So if vaccination is carried out with a domestic drug, such as Biovac, Multakan, with a doctor's visit to the house, the cost of vaccination will vary within 1000 - 1100 rubles. If vaccination is carried out using an imported composition, for example, Vanguard or Nobivak, Duramun, Eurikan are administered, while the doctor visits the client at home - the cost of vaccination can vary between 1400 - 1500 rubles.

When an animal is vaccinated against rabies or distemper in a clinic, regardless of the drug used, the cost of vaccination will be 400-600 rubles cheaper. At the same time, the above prices are based on the vaccination procedure in the capital, while in the regions the cost of such veterinary services is one third lower. All vaccinations made are entered into the veterinary passport, indicating the date and name of the vaccine - the cost of issuing a veterinary passport is about 150 rubles.

What is worth knowing about the vaccine itself?

On the modern market of veterinary drugs, there is a huge variety of formulations, both domestic and imported - they can be from one disease, i.e. monovaccines, and against several at once, complex compositions.

The vaccine itself can be both live - it is developed from live cultures of bacteria and microorganisms, previously weakened, as well as disinfected viruses. It is the vaccine with live but weakened cultures that is considered the most effective and effective - it is she who forms a stable immunity, stronger, longer lasting.

The cost of the vaccine itself directly depends on how many strains of viruses and bacteria it is used, its quality and manufacturer. In any case, when carrying out routine vaccination, it is worth looking at the expiration date of the composition and the conditions under which it is stored in the veterinary clinic - improper storage can cause the dog to die after being vaccinated with a poor-quality vaccine.


What vaccinations do dogs need?

Vaccinations for barking pets must be done - a responsible dog owner should not have any excuses from vaccination, because this is a guarantee that the animal will avoid many diseases! What vaccinations are given to dogs - knows the site sympaty.net.

When should a puppy be vaccinated for the first time?

As for the age at which a dog should be vaccinated for the first time in its life, there are slightly conflicting opinions. Sometimes it is recommended to administer the first vaccine in a puppy's life when he reaches six weeks of age (that is, at one and a half months) - this is the so-called "children's" complex vaccination for dogs.

But if puppies lived in very clean room conditions from birth, without walking on the street, and were born from an absolutely healthy dog, then they can be vaccinated immediately with an “adult” drug, at the age of two to three months. It is believed that until the age of two months, a healthy puppy is sufficiently protected by the maternal immunity transferred to it.

And 21 days after the first vaccination, the veterinarian will probably prescribe a revaccination - a second vaccination.

A special case is if you picked up a young dog on the street or took it from unreliable owners. Many people in such situations make the mistake of trying to vaccinate a new pet as soon as possible. But this should not be done right away, because it is possible that some vaccines have already been administered to the animal, and violating the desired vaccination schedule will create health problems for it. The right thing to do is to let the dog take an antibody test in veterinary medicine, which will show which diseases the immunity has already been formed from, and which ones are not. In addition, it is useful to examine the general state of health, since vaccines should not be administered to sick and weakened dogs.

What is the schedule for different vaccines?

As we said, for the first time a puppy should be vaccinated before three months. The second time in a life it needs to be vaccinated when the animal's teeth completely change from milk to permanent (an adult complex vaccine is also used). A one-time rabies vaccination is administered to puppies - in the future, rabies is revaccinated every year.

How often should a mature dog be vaccinated?

Throughout the life of the animal, a comprehensive vaccination of the dog should be done regularly - once a year. The composition of the "mix" vaccine includes vaccines against plague, parainfluenza, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis, rabies, adenovirus, infectious hepatitis and some other diseases.

The schedule should be made by a veterinarian, but the scheduled dates may shift slightly - for example, they do not vaccinate estrus, pregnant and lactating bitches, as well as sick animals. It is best if a comprehensive vaccination is administered either in the middle of winter, when dry frosty weather is usually unfavorable for the spread of viruses, or in the middle of summer, when the weather is also usually dry.

How to prepare an animal for vaccination?

How to properly vaccinate a dog is not the owner’s concern, but the veterinarian’s: you can’t inject anything on your own! All vaccinations for dogs by age must be entered in the veterinary passport and confirmed by the seal of the veterinarian - this is not only a bureaucratic formality, but also important information: who, when and what drugs were administered to the animal.

And carefully observe the behavior and appearance of your pet - any suspicion of ill health should be the reason for postponing the date of vaccination!

Normally, dogs have good tolerability of modern complex vaccines. However, some vaccines have some tolerable, very mild side effects that veterinarians should warn dog owners about. And if it seems to you that your dog did not take any type of vaccine very well, ask the veterinarian for the next vaccination to pick up a different drug.

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Vaccinations for dogs by age: when and what vaccines your dog needs

When you bring a puppy home, you know that now he depends on you for everything. Only in your power to give the little ball everything you need: food, a lot of attention, gentle training, safe toys, and also health. Of course, there is no way to ensure your pet is 100% healthy, but puppy vaccinations are a great start! Timely vaccination can protect your dog from a variety of life-threatening diseases. Do I need to mention that some vaccinations are required by law?

With the first, fattest and most useful milk, the puppy receives 98% of immunity. Antibodies obtained with colostrum reliably protect the newborn from infections for several weeks. A high level of antibodies circulating in the blood interferes with the action of the vaccine, vaccinations for puppies at such an early age are possible only in exceptional cases.

There is a period of time, from a few days to a few weeks, when maternal antibodies are already low enough to prevent disease, but still high enough for the vaccine to work. This dangerous moment is called the window of vulnerability - the puppy can get sick even if the first vaccination is done.

The duration of the vulnerability window is different in each litter. The age at which puppies will respond well to the vaccine and develop immunity ranges from 6 weeks to 18. Almost all researchers agree that vaccinations for puppies under one year old should be repeated three times, up to approximately 16 weeks. This schedule covers as wide a range of dogs as possible in order to keep the window of vulnerability as small as possible.

A vaccination protocol should be developed in conjunction with a veterinarian who will take into account all the nuances of your situation.

Depending on the risk of infection, the severity of the disease and the contagiousness for humans, vaccines are divided into two groups. Basic vaccines - vital for all dogs, are legally enshrined in the vast majority of countries, including Russia. Non-core vaccines are given on the recommendation of a veterinarian, taking into account the health and lifestyle of the dog, if the risk of infection is high in your area.

Essential Vaccines

  • Parvovirus enteritis (denoted P) is one of the most common viruses in the world. Attacks the gastrointestinal tract, leads to extreme dehydration, 80% of cases are fatal. The first vaccination is sometimes made against this virus.
  • Canine distemper (canine distemper, D), a potentially lethal virus, has been the leading cause of death in domestic animals in the past.
  • Rabies (R) is a deadly disease transmitted to humans through saliva from the bite of a sick animal. Rabies vaccination is mandatory worldwide.
  • Hepatitis (adenovirosis type 1, H) is a liver disease caused by a virus that is not associated with the human form of hepatitis. In the acute form of the disease, death can occur within a day.

Non-essential vaccines

  • Kennel cough - characterized by a loud, strong cough, up to vomiting. Like the human cold, it can be caused by different viruses. The most common are bordetellosis, adenovirus type 2, parainfluenza of dogs. Crowded puppies, drafts and low temperatures create favorable conditions for the development of the virus, in these conditions the veterinarian usually recommends to vaccinate the baby.
  • Borreliosis (Lyme disease) is transmitted by the bite of a tick. An infected dog begins to limp, the lymph nodes swell, and the temperature rises. The disease affects the heart, kidneys and joints. Vaccination is required in areas with a high risk of infection.
  • Leptospirosis (L) - can infect both dogs and humans. The bacterium affects the kidneys, liver, central nervous system. In Russia, vaccination against leptospirosis is mandatory.

After setting the date of vaccination, you should carefully monitor the pet. The puppy must be absolutely healthy for the immune system to respond properly to the vaccine. Loss of appetite, lethargy, coughing, discharge from the eyes or nose are warning signs that you should report to your veterinarian.

Puppy Vaccination Schedule

The long list of injections your pet needs is really intimidating. Fortunately, most vaccinations are given in one shot - the complex vaccine contains several antigens and the vaccination schedule does not look so intimidating. Rabies vaccination is a special case, it must be administered separately.

The first thing to know is that there is no single schedule for all dogs without exception. Some pets have little contact with other animals, others, for a number of reasons, are susceptible to infections from the outside (dogs in kennels and shelters, hunting breeds). To make a decision, it is necessary to take into account all the factors together with the veterinarian!

The table below clearly shows when exactly dogs are vaccinated by age.

Vaccination Schedule
AgeVaccineNoteVaccination after a year in accordance with legal requirements
5 weeksParvovirusPuppies at high risk of infection
~ 8 weeksplague of carnivores
Parainfluenza and bordetellosis
3 months and olderRabiesFirst rabies vaccination. Made separately from other vaccines
~ 12 weeksplague of carnivoresSecond vaccination. Combined vaccine
Parainfluenza and bordetellosis
Borreliosis (Lyme disease)Only at high risk of infection.
1 yearplague of carnivoresCombination vaccine recommended1 time per year
ParvovirusEvery 2-3 years, depending on the type of vaccine
Parainfluenza and bordetellosis1 time per year
Rabies 1 time per year
Leptospirosis 1 time per year. In an unfavorable area for morbidity - twice a year
Borreliosis (Lyme disease)Only at high risk of infection

Do not forget to enter the data on the vaccinations made in the puppy's veterinary passport!

Vaccination of dogs not only helps to keep the growth of viral epidemics, but also keeps tailed pets healthy. After all, how long a pet will live directly depends on whether he was vaccinated, because thanks to vaccinations, the number of diseases such as plague and viral enteritis has significantly decreased. For best effectiveness, you need to follow the vaccination schedule. When the immunization scheme is accurately completed, we can say that the pet has immunity, which can cope with dangerous infectious and viral diseases. In our article, we will cover the basic rules for vaccinating dogs and include such important information as a table with a detailed schedule of the vaccination period.

Every owner should know that vaccination of dogs is based on the vaccination schedule. However, there are situations in which vaccinations are not necessary:

  • Do not give injections to babies who are under 2 months old. When puppies are newborn, they are protected by maternal immunity, provided that the mother dog has been vaccinated. This protection is valid for no more than 6 weeks, then it weakens. Puppies do not need to be vaccinated before 8 weeks, because the level of maternal antibodies will decrease, and acquired immunity will not develop, and the pet will not be protected from infection.
  • Vaccination can be carried out only when the animal is healthy, even with a slight malaise, vaccination is not necessary.
  • When the dog is scheduled to mate. The vaccine should be given 3 months before it, because a later vaccination will provoke various defects in the offspring.
  • It is desirable that puppies be vaccinated before or after the teething period. Because some vaccines can darken the enamel of your teeth.
  • 2 weeks before vaccination, puppies need to do not only deworming, but also flea treatment.
  • If the pet has given a negative reaction to the primary vaccination or she suffers from allergies. Before the vaccine is given, she needs an injection of Suprastin or Tavegil, the drug can be given in tablets.
  • After the vaccine is given, some dogs may react with anaphylactic shock, and then urgent veterinary attention is needed. Therefore, it is desirable to stay near the clinic for half an hour after the administration of the drug, but you can not walk on the street. It is better to wait out this time not within the walls of the clinic, but in the car.

All vaccination marks must be put in the veterinary passport, as it is considered an important document for a dog and is needed when traveling abroad, when visiting an exhibition, traveling around the country.

If a puppy was picked up on the street, then there is no need to rush to vaccinate him, it is better to check him for the presence of antibodies to infections, maybe he has already been vaccinated.

Primary vaccination

Of great importance are vaccinations for puppies up to a year old, they are usually given when the baby is 2 months old. Below is a schedule of vaccinations for puppies in the first year of life. The first vaccine is important for the baby, it is considered the most difficult for him. Much attention must be paid to such an aspect as the health of the puppy. It is important that there is no contact with animals, before the first vaccine is given, you can not walk on the street. It is better to quarantine the dog, that is, do not walk, do not go to the baby in outerwear, it is important that neither other animals nor people approach the puppy. For 7 days it is necessary to give anthelmintic drugs, for 3 days it is important to monitor the well-being of the pet, its appetite, behavior, temperature. You can do the first vaccinations for dogs by age only if the condition of the pet does not cause concern.


The next 14 days are a difficult time. When a puppy has a weakened body, he may need the help of a veterinarian, you don’t need to leave him alone for a long time, you can’t walk with him. To strengthen immunity, after 2 weeks, the puppy is given a second vaccination with the same vaccine. Revaccination is usually better tolerated, and the puppy will be able to go outside after 3 days.

Vaccinations for adult dogs

It is necessary to vaccinate not only puppies, but also adult dogs, they also need protection against infections. The adult vaccination schedule recommends an injection every 12 months. It is necessary to vaccinate against rabies every year, and other types are allowed to be administered every 2-3 years, but this is subject to the absolute health of the dog. Often, rabies vaccination is included in a comprehensive vaccination.

When a dog reaches 8 years of age, mandatory vaccinations depend on its health. If the pet has chronic diseases, then you can refuse vaccination, as it can only aggravate the condition of the dog. However, the owner does not have the right to refuse rabies vaccination, as this is prohibited by law.

Vaccination table for puppies in their first year of life

The table below will help you find out what vaccinations are given to puppies:

Dog age What is vaccinated against Notes
1 monthGrafting series PUPPYDo as needed
8-10 weeksFrom plague, enteritis, hepatitis, parainfluenza, leptospirosisPrimary vaccination
11-13 weeksFrom plague, parainfluenza, hepatitis, enteritis, leptospirosisRevaccination
11-13 weeksFrom rabiesPrimary vaccination
6-7 monthsFrom plague, parainfluenza, plague, enteritis, hepatitis, leptospirosisRevaccination
6-7 monthsFrom rabies
1 yearFrom plague, parainfluenza, hepatitis, leptospirosis, enteritisRe-vaccination, then one year later

Exceptions to the rules

Sometimes the vaccination schedule can shift. As a rule, the following factors can influence this:

  • epidemiological situation in the region. The standard vaccination schedule may change based on dangerous outbreaks. In this case, puppies can begin to be vaccinated at the age of one month with special vaccines.
  • Forced early moving can also shift the schedule. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the following rule: the vaccination should be given no earlier than one month of age and no later than 10 days before the planned trip.
  • Particular attention should be paid to puppies raised without a mother, a very important factor is how many days the first vaccination was given. Since, on the one hand, they need to increase immunity, and on the other hand, try to carry out immunization in the most gentle mode. They can start vaccination at 6 weeks of age, and subsequently consolidate at 9 or 12 weeks.


Many owners are afraid not so much of the vaccine itself, but of the complication that it can give. At the moment, the complex vaccine administered to dogs is of high quality, and side effects are extremely rare, but their occurrence cannot be completely ruled out. The first post-vaccination day is considered the most difficult, and the dog needs to be given increased attention at this time. If the pet is apathetic and lethargic, refuses to eat, he has a slight rise in temperature, then there is nothing to worry about. Many are interested in how long these symptoms can persist. Everything should be over by the next day. If after a day there is no improvement, the dog has a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, salivation, convulsions, then you need to urgently contact a veterinarian.

As soon as the long-awaited dog appeared in the house, the owner needs to decide on the clinic, since she not only needs love, but also protection. The veterinarian will help you choose an individual vaccination schedule, on which not only life expectancy, but also health depends.

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